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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ReadOnlyException
oracle.javatools.buffer The TextBuffer package assists in the manipulation of in-memory text content, whether it is read-only text, or read-write text. 


Uses of ReadOnlyException in oracle.javatools.buffer


Methods in oracle.javatools.buffer that throw ReadOnlyException
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBuffer.append(char[] data)
          Appends the indicated data into the text buffer at the end of the buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.append(char[] data)
          Appends the indicated data into the text buffer at the end of the buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBufferDecorator.append(char[] data)
          Appends the indicated data into the text buffer at the end of the buffer.
protected  void AbstractTextBuffer.applyInsert(int offset, char[] data, int oldChangeId)
          Re-inserts the data based on stored undo information.
protected  void AbstractTextBuffer.applyRemove(int offset, char[] data, int oldChangeId)
          Re-removes the data based on stored undo information.
 void TextBuffer.beginEdit()
          Used to instruct to the text buffer to start a compound edit such that all the changes made between this point and when the endEdit() is called should be combined into a single UndoableEdit record.
 void AbstractTextBuffer.beginEdit()
          Used to instruct to the text buffer to start a compound edit such that all the changes made between this point and when the endEdit() is called should be combined into a single UndoableEdit record.
 void TextBufferDecorator.beginEdit()
          Used to instruct to the text buffer to start a compound edit such that all the changes made between this point and when the endEdit() is called should be combined into a single UndoableEdit record.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBuffer.insert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.insert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBufferDecorator.insert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBuffer.insert(int offset, reader)
          Inserts the data from a Reader instance into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.insert(int offset, reader)
          Inserts the data from a Reader instance into the text buffer at the given offset.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBufferDecorator.insert(int offset, reader)
          Inserts the data from a Reader instance into the text buffer at the given offset.
protected  javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.normalizedInsert(int offset, char[] data)
          Inserts the indicated data into the text buffer at the given offset, without performing EOL normalization.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBuffer.remove(int offset, int count)
          Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.remove(int offset, int count)
          Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBufferDecorator.remove(int offset, int count)
          Removes a range of data from the text buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBuffer.removeToEnd(int offset)
          Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit AbstractTextBuffer.removeToEnd(int offset)
          Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
 javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit TextBufferDecorator.removeToEnd(int offset)
          Removes data from the text buffer starting at the given offset to the end of the buffer.
 void TextBuffer.setEOLType(java.lang.String eolType)
          Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
 void AbstractTextBuffer.setEOLType(java.lang.String eolType)
          Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
 void TextBufferDecorator.setEOLType(java.lang.String eolType)
          Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
 boolean TextBuffer.tryWriteLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer in a non-blocking manner.
 boolean AbstractTextBuffer.tryWriteLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer in a non-blocking manner.
 boolean TextBufferDecorator.tryWriteLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer in a non-blocking manner.
 void TextBuffer.writeLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void AbstractTextBuffer.writeLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void TextBufferDecorator.writeLock()
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void TextBuffer.writeLock(boolean checkIfReadOnly)
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void AbstractTextBuffer.writeLock(boolean checkIfReadOnly)
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.
 void TextBufferDecorator.writeLock(boolean checkIfReadOnly)
          Attempts to acquire a write lock on this text buffer for the purposes of writing to the text buffer - this is a blocking call.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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