Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13945-05
Interface PKICredentialMapEditorMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ListerMBean, PKICredentialMapReaderMBean
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface PKICredentialMapEditorMBean
extends PKICredentialMapReaderMBean

Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing a credential map that matches users, resources and credential action to keystore aliases and the corresponding passwords.

Method Summary
 void removePKICredentialMapping(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String credType)
          Removes the mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.
 void setCertificateCredential(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String keystoreAlias)
          Creates a public certificate mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.
 void setKeypairCredential(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String keystoreAlias, char[] password)
          Creates a keypair mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias and the corresponding password.
Methods inherited from interface
getCertificate, getCurrentCredAction, getCurrentCredential, getCurrentInitiatorName, getCurrentResourceId, getKeystoreAlias, isInitiatorUserName, listAllCertEntryAliases, listAllKeypairEntryAliases, listMappings, listMappingsByPattern
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent

Method Detail


void setKeypairCredential(String resourceId,
                          String principalName,
                          boolean isInitiatorUserName,
                          String credAction,
                          String keystoreAlias,
                          char[] password)
                          throws CreateException
Creates a keypair mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias and the corresponding password.

resourceId - - The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias and password.
principalName - - The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName - - True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction - - The credential action.
keystoreAlias - - The keystore alias.
password - - The password for the keystore entry.
CreateException - - Exception thrown if the keystore alias does not point to a keypair entry or if the password supplied here is not correct.


void setCertificateCredential(String resourceId,
                              String principalName,
                              boolean isInitiatorUserName,
                              String credAction,
                              String keystoreAlias)
                              throws CreateException
Creates a public certificate mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.

resourceId - - The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias.
principalName - - The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName - - True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction - - The credential action.
keystoreAlias - - The keystore alias.
CreateException - - Exception thrown if the keystore alias does not point to a certificate entry.


void removePKICredentialMapping(String resourceId,
                                String principalName,
                                boolean isInitiatorUserName,
                                String credAction,
                                String credType)
                                throws NotFoundException
Removes the mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.

resourceId - - The resource for which the user name is mapped to the keystore alias and password.
principalName - - The principalName used in the credential mapping.
isInitiatorUserName - - True if the initiator name is a user name. False if it is a group.
credAction - - The credential action.
credType - - The credential type.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13945-05