Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13945-05
Interface PKICredentialMapReaderMBean

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
PKICredentialMapEditorMBean, PKICredentialMapperMBean

public interface PKICredentialMapReaderMBean
extends ListerMBean

Provides a set of methods for reading a credential map that matches users and resources to aliases and their corresponding passwords that can then be used to retrieve key information or public certificate information from the configured keystores.

Method Summary
 Certificate getCertificate(String keystoreAlias)
          For a certificate entry this method will return the certificate corresponding to the alias.
 String getCurrentCredAction(String cursor)
          Gets an credential action from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String getCurrentCredential(String cursor)
          Gets the keystore alias from a credentials map that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String getCurrentInitiatorName(String cursor)
          Gets an username from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String getCurrentResourceId(String cursor)
          Gets the current resource id from a list that has been returned from the and listMappingsByPattern() method.
 String getKeystoreAlias(String resourceId, String userName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String credType)
          Gets the keystore alias that is mapped to a username for a particular resource and credential action.
 boolean isInitiatorUserName(String cursor)
          Returns whether the initiator name from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern()method is a user name or a group name.
 String[] listAllCertEntryAliases()
          Returns a list of all the public certificate aliases currently configured in the keystore.
 String[] listAllKeypairEntryAliases()
          Returns a list of all the key pair aliases that currently configured in the keystore.
 String listMappings(String resourceId, String credType)
          Gets a list of usernames, credential actions, keystore aliases and their passwords.
 String listMappingsByPattern(String resourceIdPattern, int maxToReturn, String credType)
          Gets a list of all the configured credential mappings.
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent

Method Detail


String getKeystoreAlias(String resourceId,
                        String userName,
                        boolean isInitiatorUserName,
                        String credAction,
                        String credType)
                        throws NotFoundException
Gets the keystore alias that is mapped to a username for a particular resource and credential action.

resourceId - - The resource id that is used to map user names to keystore alias and password. A resource object such as assigns IDs to external sources.
userName - - The username that is mapped to the alias and password.
isInitiatorUserName - - Set true if the initiator name passed in is the username. False otherwise.
credAction - - The credential action for which the mapping is created for.
credType - - The credential type.
The keystore Alias corresponding to the resourceId and username.
NotFoundException - - This exception is thrown if the keystore alias is not found.


String getCurrentInitiatorName(String cursor)
                               throws InvalidCursorException
Gets an username from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the username that corresponds to current location in the list.

cursor - - The cursor that has been returned from the listMappings method or the listMappingsByPattern.
Returns the username.


boolean isInitiatorUserName(String cursor)
                            throws InvalidCursorException
Returns whether the initiator name from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern()method is a user name or a group name. Method returns true if the username returned by the getCurrentInitiatorName is a user name. If the initiator name returned is a Group name this method returns false.

cursor - - The cursor that has been returned from the listMappings method or the listMappingsByPattern.


String getCurrentCredAction(String cursor)
                            throws InvalidCursorException
Gets an credential action from a list that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the credential action that corresponds to current location in the list.

cursor - - The cursor that has been returned from the listMappings method or the listMappingsByPattern.


String getCurrentCredential(String cursor)
                            throws InvalidCursorException
Gets the keystore alias from a credentials map that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the keystore alias that corresponds to current location in the list.

cursor - - The cursor that has been returned from the listMappings or the listMappingsByPattern method.


String listMappings(String resourceId,
                    String credType)
Gets a list of usernames, credential actions, keystore aliases and their passwords. Returns a cursor as a string. Use the getCurrentUserName(),getCurrentCredential(), getCurrentCredAction() methods to get the username, keystore alias and credential action for the current item in the list.

resourceId - - the resource id that the credential mappings are created for. A resource object such as assigns IDs to external sources.


String getCurrentResourceId(String cursor)
                            throws InvalidCursorException
Gets the current resource id from a list that has been returned from the and listMappingsByPattern() method. This method returns the resource id that corresponds to current location in the list.

cursor - - The cursor that has been returned from the listMappingsByPattern method.


String listMappingsByPattern(String resourceIdPattern,
                             int maxToReturn,
                             String credType)
Gets a list of all the configured credential mappings. Returns a cursor as a string. Use the getCurrentUserName(), getCurrentCredAction(), getCurrentResourceId(), getCurrentCredential() methods to get the username, credential action, resource id and keystore alias for the current item in the list.

resourceIdPattern - - the resource id pattern to filter the records to be returned. If you pass null or * the method will not filter and return all records.
maxToReturn - - The maximum number of records to return
credType - - The credential type


String[] listAllCertEntryAliases()
                                 throws NotFoundException
Returns a list of all the public certificate aliases currently configured in the keystore. Console can call this method to display a list of all possible certificate aliases.



String[] listAllKeypairEntryAliases()
                                    throws NotFoundException
Returns a list of all the key pair aliases that currently configured in the keystore. Console can call this method to display a list of all possible keypair aliases.



Certificate getCertificate(String keystoreAlias)
                           throws NotFoundException
For a certificate entry this method will return the certificate corresponding to the alias. For a keyentry it will return the first Certificate entry in a CertificateChain.

keystoreAlias - - The keystore alias.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.5)

Part Number E13945-05