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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface IInterfaceActionListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionListenerAbstract, ActionListenerComposer, SourceSetComputerAbstract, SourceSetComputerEraser, SourceSetComputerLazy, SourceSetComputerOneTable, SourceSetComputerRetainer

public interface IInterfaceActionListener

This is the interface for responding to the result of the various actions performed on ODI interface objects.


Method Summary
 void locationChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pOldExecutionLocation, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pNewExecutionLocation)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the location of an ODI interface child object.
 void locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface source data store.
 void lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Responds to the completion of the action of setting up an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).
 void lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, Join pJoin)
          Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).
 void objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of adding an ODI interface child object.
 void objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of modifying an ODI interface child object.
 void objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface child object.
 void objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          Responds to the completion of the action of renaming an ODI interface child object.
 void stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface staging area.
 void targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface target data store.
 void targetDataStoreReplaced()
          Responds to the completion of the action of replacing an ODI interface target data store.
 void textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, java.lang.String pOldString, java.lang.String pNewString)
          Responds to the completion of the action of changing the text of an ODI interface child object.
 void textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder)
          Responds to the completion of the action of enabling the text of an ODI interface child object.


Method Detail


void objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Responds to the completion of the action of adding an ODI interface child object.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface component that has been added


void objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface child object.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface component that has been removed


void objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Responds to the completion of the action of modifying an ODI interface child object.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface component that has been modified


void objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent,
                   java.lang.String pOriginalName,
                   java.lang.String pNewName)
Responds to the completion of the action of renaming an ODI interface child object.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface sub-component that has been renamed
pOriginalName - the original name of the interface sub-component
pNewName - the new name of the interface sub-component


void locationChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder,
                     OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pOldExecutionLocation,
                     OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pNewExecutionLocation)
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the location of an ODI interface child object.
pExecutableTextHolder - the executable text holder of the interface component whose location has changed
pOldExecutionLocation - the original location of the interface component
pNewExecutionLocation - the new location of the interface component


void locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore,
                     OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                     OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface source data store.
pSourceDataStore - the source data store whose physical schema has changed
pOldSchema - the original physical schema of the source data store
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the source data store


void stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                      OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface staging area.
pOldSchema - the original physical schema of the staging area
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the staging area


void targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                          OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface target data store.
pOldSchema - the original physical schema of the target data store
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the target data store


void targetDataStoreReplaced()
Responds to the completion of the action of replacing an ODI interface target data store.


void textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder,
                 java.lang.String pOldString,
                 java.lang.String pNewString)
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the text of an ODI interface child object.
pExecutableTextHolder - the text holder of the text that was changed
pOldString - the original text string
pNewString - the new text string


void textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder)
Responds to the completion of the action of enabling the text of an ODI interface child object.
pExecutableTextHolder - the text holder of the text that was enabled


void lookupAssembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore,
                     Join pJoin)
Responds to the completion of the action of setting up an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).
pSourceDataStore - the source data store for the lookup
pJoin - the join for the lookup


void lookupDisassembled(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore,
                        Join pJoin)
Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface source data store/join relationship (lookup).
pSourceDataStore - the source data store for the lookup
pJoin - the join for the lookup

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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