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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Class SourceSetComputerRetainer

  extended by
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
IInterfaceActionListener, ISourceSetComputer

public class SourceSetComputerRetainer
extends SourceSetComputerAbstract

An implementation of the source set computer which reuses source set objects whenever possible.

Constructor Summary
SourceSetComputerRetainer(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
          Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.


Method Summary
 void computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Computes the source sets in the interface, reuses existing source set objects when possible and updates the KM or creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
 void locationChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pOldExecutionLocation, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pNewExecutionLocation)
          Marks the data set for an executable text holder of an interface sub-component as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the location of that interface sub-component is changed.
 void locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
 void objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added.
 void objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified.
 void objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
          Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
 void objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent, java.lang.String pOriginalName, java.lang.String pNewName)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.
 void stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface staging area has changed.
 void targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
          Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.
 void textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, java.lang.String pOldString, java.lang.String pNewString)
          Marks data set of an executable text holder as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the text of the executable text holder has been modified.
 void textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder)
          Responds to the completion of the action of enabling the text of an ODI interface child object.


Methods inherited from class
addSourceSetListener, areSourceSetsDirty, lookupAssembled, lookupDisassembled, removeSourceSetListener, targetDataStoreReplaced


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public SourceSetComputerRetainer(OdiInterface pOdiInterface)
Creates a new instance of this source set computer for an ODI interface.
pOdiInterface - the interface object which this source set computer is for

Method Detail


public void computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet,
                              IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener,
                              IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener,
                              IActionHelper pActionHelper)
                       throws InexistentMappingException
Computes the source sets in the interface, reuses existing source set objects when possible and updates the KM or creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
pDataSet - the data set for which the source sets must be computed again
pActionListener - the action listener instance
pUndoListener - the undo listener instance
pActionHelper - the action helper instance


public void locationChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder,
                            OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pOldExecutionLocation,
                            OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pNewExecutionLocation)
Marks the data set for an executable text holder of an interface sub-component as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the location of that interface sub-component is changed.
pExecutableTextHolder - the executable text holder object of the interface sub-componentor whose location has been changed
pOldExecutionLocation - the old execution location
pNewExecutionLocation - the new execution location


public void locationChanged(SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore,
                            OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                            OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Marks the data set for a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of that source data store is changed.
pSourceDataStore - the source data store whose physical schema has been changed
pOldSchema - the old physical schema of the source data store
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the source data store


public void objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added. *
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface sub-component that has been added


public void objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified. *
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface sub-component that has been modified


public void objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent)
Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface sub-component that has been added


public void objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent pInterfaceSubComponent,
                          java.lang.String pOriginalName,
                          java.lang.String pNewName)
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.
pInterfaceSubComponent - the interface sub-component that has been modified
pOriginalName - the original name of the data set
pNewName - the new name of the data set


public void stagingAreaMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                             OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface staging area has changed.
pOldSchema - the old physical schema of the staging area
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the staging area


public void targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema pOldSchema,
                                 OdiPhysicalSchema pNewSchema)
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.
pOldSchema - the old physical schema of the target data store
pNewSchema - the new physical schema of the target data store


public void textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder,
                        java.lang.String pOldString,
                        java.lang.String pNewString)
Marks data set of an executable text holder as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the text of the executable text holder has been modified.
pExecutableTextHolder - the executable text holder whose text has been modified
pOldString - the old text
pNewString - the new text


public void textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder)
Description copied from interface: IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of enabling the text of an ODI interface child object.
pExecutableTextHolder - the text holder of the text that was enabled

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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