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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Interface IAutoMappingComputer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoMappingComputerColumnName, AutoMappingComputerLazy

public interface IAutoMappingComputer

Provides a way of automatically generate mapping texts when changes occur in the interface.
For instance, when a SourceDataStore is added to the interface, an automapping computer is called to generate an auto-mapping on a target column (for instance a 1 to 1 column mapping)


Method Summary
 void performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          This method is called when a change occurs on the interface so that we can generate the mapping on the corresponding column.
It is supposed to possibly generate an automapping on the column whose name is pTargetColumnName.
This should use actions to generate mappings, and if the TargetMappings need to be created, it should use the method pActionHelper.createTargetMapping() instead of creating a new TargetMapping().


Method Detail


void performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet,
                        java.lang.String pTargetColumnName,
                        SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore,
                        IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener,
                        IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener,
                        IActionHelper pActionHelper)
This method is called when a change occurs on the interface so that we can generate the mapping on the corresponding column.
It is supposed to possibly generate an automapping on the column whose name is pTargetColumnName.
This should use actions to generate mappings, and if the TargetMappings need to be created, it should use the method pActionHelper.createTargetMapping() instead of creating a new TargetMapping().
pDataSet - the DataSet in which we want to generate the mapping
pTargetColumnName - the column name for which we want to possibly generate a mapping
pSourceDataStore - an optional SourceDataStore, if not null then means that this SourceDataStore has just been added to the interface, if null all source datastores should be considered
pInterfaceActionListener - an action listener to be passed to actions
pInterfaceUndoListener - an undo listener to be passed to actions
pActionHelper - an action helper to execute actions

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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