2 Installing Oracle Data Integrator

This chapter describes how to install and configure Oracle Data Integrator. Post-installation configuration parameters are also provided.

The following topics are covered:

2.1 Preparing to Install

Review the information in this section before you begin:

2.1.1 Review System Requirements and Certification

Before installing any Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) components, you should read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements. Both of these documents are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

The system requirements document covers information such as hardware and software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required system libraries, packages, or patches:



Though not expressly documented in the system requirements document, it is important to note that ODI is not supported on cluster installations.

The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operating systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products:



If you are installing the 32-bit version of the product, the system on which you are installing must also be a supported 32-bit system. Installing a 32-bit version of the product on a 64-bit system is not supported.

2.1.2 Understand Oracle Fusion Middleware Support of 64-bit JDK

If you are using a 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in your environment, ensure that all your Oracle Fusion Middleware components are using the 64-bit JVM. You cannot mix components using a 32-bit JVM with those using a 64-bit JVM.

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Certifications matrix for information on the platforms that support a 64-bit JDK:


If your Oracle Fusion Middleware components are running in a 64-bit JVM environment, ensure that WebLogic Server is installed with the 64-bit JDK. For 32-bit JVM support, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for information on how to configure your environment for 32-bit JVM support for your platform.

2.1.3 Install a Supported Database

For the latest information about supported databases, visit the following URL:


2.1.4 Create ODI Repositories with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU)

This section provides a brief overview of using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU). For more information, for detailed information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

Oracle Data Integrator stores information in a repository that is stored in a database schema. The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is able to create the schema and the repository in the database. RCU supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2, and supports the installation of a Master Repository and Work Repositories into a single schema.


The database user name should be DBA or SYSDBA when using RCU to create repositories.

If RCU is used with an Oracle database, this user must have SYSDBA privileges to create ODI Master and Work repositories.

You can also use ODI Studio to manually create repositories. See Appendix F, "Creating Repositories with Oracle Data Integrator Studio".


Due to the intensive communication that exists between ODI components and the repositories, Oracle recommends that you co-locate the repositories and the other ODI components on the same LAN, and not on remote sites.

Follow these instructions to create the schemas using RCU:

  1. Insert the RCU CD-ROM and start RCU from the bin directory:

    • On UNIX operating systems:

    • On Windows operating systems:


    You can also download a .zip file containing RCU from Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

  2. Provide the required information on each of the screens as described in "Repository Creation Utility Screens" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

  3. On the Select Components screen, select the components whose schemas you want to install. For Oracle Data Integrator, expand Oracle Data Integrator and select Master and Work Repository as shown in Figure 2-1. The Select Components screen is described in detail in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

    Figure 2-1 Repository Creation Utility Select Components Screen

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Repository Creation Utility Select Components Screen"

  4. On the Custom Variables screen, provide the following information as shown in Figure 2-2:

    Component Variable Description
    Master Repository ID A specific ID for the new Master Repository. Master Repository ID values must be between 0 and 899. Default value is 001.
    Supervisor Password Password of the supervisor user. You must confirm this password on the following line.
    Work Repository Type Specify how the Work Repository will be used:
    • Use Development (D) for creating a development repository. This type of repository allows management of design-time objects such as data models and projects (including interfaces, procedures, etc.) A development repository also includes the run-time objects (scenarios and sessions). This type of repository is suitable for development environments.

      D is the default work repository type.

    • Use Runtime (R) for creating an execution repository: This type of repository only includes run-time objects (scenarios, schedules and sessions). It allows launching and monitoring of data integration jobs in Operator Navigator. Such a repository cannot contain any design-time artifacts. Designer Navigator cannot be used with it. An execution repository is suitable for production environments.

    Work Repository ID A specific ID for the new Work Repository. Default value is 001.
    Work Repository Name A unique name for the Work Repository. Default is WORKREP.
    Work Repository Password Provide a password for the Work Repository.


    This version of Repository Creation Utility (RCU) does not perform extensive validation on the user entries of Repository ID and Repository Type.

    Master Repository ID values must be between 0 and 899 and Work Repository ID values must be between 0 and 899. Repository Type value must be either D (Development) or R (Runtime).

    When incorrect values are entered for either of these, RCU fails during the repository creation process with the following error:

    RCU-6135: Error while trying to execute Java action

    If you receive this error, go back to the Repository Creation Utility Custom Variables Screen and provide the correct values.

    Figure 2-2 Repository Creation Utility Custom Variables Screen

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Repository Creation Utility Custom Variables Screen"

  5. Click Next to continue through the remaining screens as described in "Repository Creation Utility Screens" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

2.1.5 Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home

The Oracle Data Integrator Java EE components require an Oracle WebLogic Server on your system. If you want to use Oracle Data Service Integrator in a Java EE deployment, you must install and configure the Oracle WebLogic server.

For information on installing the Oracle WebLogic Server, see "Preparing for Installation" and "Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

2.2 ODI Installation Instructions

This section contains information and instructions for installing Oracle Data Integrator:


If you are installing on a UNIX system for the first time, you may be asked to run the ORACLE_HOME/oracleRoot.sh script as root user to create all of the necessary installation directories.

2.2.1 Starting the Installer

The Oracle Universal Installer requires a Java Development Kit (JDK) which provides the Java run-time environment (JRE) and tools for compiling and debugging Java applications. You must specify the directory that contains the software for the Sun JDK if it is installed with your software.


If you installed Oracle WebLogic Server (Section 2.1.5, "Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home"), a JRE was installed on your system. You can use this location (the location of the JRE directory) to start the installer.

On UNIX operating systems, the default location for the JRE is MW_HOME/jdk16x, where MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory and jdk1.6_x is the complete filename of the installed JDK.

On Windows operating systems, the default location for the JRE is MW_HOME\jdk16x, where MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory and jdk1.6_x is the complete filename of the installed JDK.

On 64-bit platforms, the JRE location is the JAVA_HOME you used to install Oracle WebLogic Server.

For more information, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To start the installer, insert the CD-ROM and run the following command:

  • On UNIX operating systems:

    ./runInstaller -jdkLoc JDK_LOCATION
  • On Windows operating systems:

    setup.exe -jdkLoc JDK_LOCATION


The minimum JDK required for Oracle Data Integrator is JDK 1.6. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Certification documentation to see the JDKs supported for your system:

2.2.2 Installation Log Files

The installer writes logs files to the OraInventory/log directory (on UNIX operating systems) or Oracle_Inventory_Location\logs (on Windows operating systems) directory. On UNIX systems, if you do not know the location of your Oracle Inventory directory, you can find it in the oraInst.loc file in the following directories (default locations):

  • Linux: <ODI_HOME>/oraInst.loc

  • HP-UX and Solaris: <ODI_HOME>/oraInst.loc

  • Windows operating systems: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

2.2.3 Installation Types

The Oracle Data Integrator installer provides three installation options:

2.2.4 Installation Instructions for "Developer" Install Type

Follow the instructions in Table 2-1 to install and configure Oracle Data Integrator when the Developer Installation is selected.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, refer to Appendix A, "Oracle Data Integrator Installation Screens" or click Help to access the online help.

Table 2-1 Developer Installation Flow

No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen


Click Next to continue.


Select Installation Type Screen


Select Developer Installation.

By default, ODI Studio (with local agent) is selected. Oracle recommends that you also select the ODI SDK with the Developer Installation.

Click Next to continue.


Prerequisite Checks Screen


Click Next to continue.


Specify Installation Location Screen


Enter the absolute path for the Oracle home location (referred to later in this guide as ODI_HOME).

NOTE - The specified directory must be an empty directory or an existing Oracle Data Integrator home location.

Click Next to continue.


Repository Configuration Screen


Select whether you want to configure the Oracle Data Integrator Studio and the Standalone Agent with an existing Master and Work Repository pair.

NOTE - If you choose to Skip Repository Configuration, you will have to configure the Oracle Data Integrator Studio and Standalone Agent manually as described in Section 3.2.

Click Next to continue.


Master Repository Screens

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Specify the connection string to the database that hosts the Master Repository and the database user name and password

Click Next to continue.


Supervisor User Details Screen

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Specify the password for the ODI SUPERVISOR user.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Work Repository Details Screen

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Select an existing Work Repository from the list.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Security Updates Screen


Choose how you want to be notified about security issues:

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through E-mail, enter your E-mail address in the E-mail field.

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink), select the My Oracle Support option and enter your My Oracle Support Password.

  • If you do not want to be notified about security issues, leave all fields empty. You will see the following message: "My Oracle Support Username/E-mail address not specified". Click Yes to continue.


Installation Summary Screen


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Install to begin the installation.


Installation Progress Screen


Click Next to continue.


Configuration Progress Screen


Click Next to continue.


Installation Completed Screen


Click Save to save your configuration information to a file. This information includes port numbers, installation directories, URLs, and component names which you may need to access at a later time.

After saving your configuration information, click Finish to dismiss the installer.

2.2.5 Installation Instructions for "Standalone" Install Type

Follow the instructions in Table 2-2 to install and configure Oracle Data Integrator when the Standalone Installation is selected.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, refer to Appendix A, "Oracle Data Integrator Installation Screens" or click Help to access the online help.

Table 2-2 Standalone Agent Installation Flow

No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen


Click Next to continue.


Select Installation Type Screen


Select Standalone Installation.

This installs the ODI Standalone Agent and the command line scripts.

Click Next to continue.


Prerequisite Checks Screen


Click Next to continue.


Specify Installation Location Screen


Enter the absolute path for the Oracle home location (referred to later in this guide as ODI_HOME).

NOTE - The specified directory must be an empty directory or an existing Oracle Data Integrator home location.

Click Next to continue.


Repository Configuration Screen


Select whether you want to configure with a connection to existing Master and Work Repositories or skip the repository configuration.

NOTE - If you choose to Skip Repository Configuration, you can manually edit the odiparams configuration file to configure the repository connection once the installation is complete.

Click Next to continue.


Master Repository Screens

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Specify the connection string to your database and the database user name and password.

Click Next to continue.


Supervisor User Details Screen

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Specify the password for the ODI Supervisor user. The default user name is SUPERVISOR.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Work Repository Details Screen

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Select an existing Work Repository from the list.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Agent Details Screen

Only if Standalone Agent is selected on the Select Installation Type Screen and Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen.

Enter the Agent Name and Agent Port number. The name cannot be the same as another agent already declared in the topology.

NOTE - Agent Name can be 5 to 30 characters long, must begin with an alphabetic character, and may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).

Click Next to continue.


Specify Security Updates Screen


Choose how you want to be notified about security issues:

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through E-mail, enter your E-mail address in the E-mail field.

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink), select the My Oracle Support option and enter your My Oracle Support Password.

  • If you do not want to be notified about security issues, leave all fields empty. You will see the following message: "My Oracle Support Username/E-mail address not specified". Click Yes to continue.


Installation Summary Screen


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Install to begin the installation.


Installation Progress Screen


Click Next to continue.


Configuration Progress Screen

Only if Configure with existing Master and Work Repositories is selected on the Repository Configuration Screen

Click Next to continue.


Installation Completed Screen


Click Save to save your configuration information to a file. This information includes port numbers, installation directories, URLs, and component names which you may need to access at a later time.

After saving your configuration information, click Finish to dismiss the installer.

2.2.6 Installation Instructions for "Java EE" Install Type

Follow the instructions in Table 2-3 to install and configure Oracle Data Integrator when the Java EE Installation is selected.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, refer to Appendix A, "Oracle Data Integrator Installation Screens" or click Help to access the online help.

Table 2-3 Java EE Installation Flow

No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen


Click Next to continue.


Select Installation Type Screen


Select Java EE Installation.

This installation type includes the Java EE agent, Oracle Data Integrator Console, and Public Web Services.

Click Next to continue.


Prerequisite Checks Screen


Click Next to continue.


Specify Installation Location Screen


Specify the Middleware Home and Oracle home location (Oracle home is referred to later in this guide as ODI_HOME). The Oracle Data Integrator home location must be inside the Oracle Middleware Home directory and the WebLogic Server must already be installed in the same Oracle Middleware Home.

For more information about these directories, see "Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure and Concepts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

Click Next to continue.


Repository Configuration Screen


Select Skip Repository Configuration.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Security Updates Screen


Choose how you want to be notified about security issues:

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through E-mail, enter your E-mail address in the E-mail field.

  • If you want to be notified about security issues through My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink), select the My Oracle Support option and enter your My Oracle Support Password.

  • If you do not want to be notified about security issues, leave all fields empty. You will see the following message: "My Oracle Support Username/E-mail address not specified". Click Yes to continue.


Installation Summary Screen


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Install to begin the installation.


Installation Progress Screen


Click Next to continue.


Installation Completed Screen


Click Save to save your configuration information to a file. This information includes port numbers, installation directories, URLs, and component names which you may need to access at a later time.

After saving your configuration information, click Finish to dismiss the installer.