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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

Global Archiving Directives

archivemeta Directive: Controlling Whether Metadata Is Archived

archmax Directive: Controlling the Size of Archive Files

bufsize Directive: Setting the Archiver Buffer Size

drives Directive: Controlling the Number of Drives Used for Archiving

examine Directive: Controlling Archive Scans

interval Directive: Specifying an Archive Interval

logfile Directive: Specifying an Archiver Log File

notify Directive: Renaming the Event Notification Script

ovflmin Directive: Controlling Volume Overflow

Examples of Volume Overflow

scanlist_squash Directive: Controlling Scanlist Consolidation

setarchdone Directive: Controlling the Setting of the archdone Flag

wait Directive: Delaying Archiver Startup

File System Directives

fs Directive: Specifying the File System

Global Directives as File System Directives

Archive Copy Directives

-release Directive: Releasing Disk Space After Archiving

-norelease Directive: Delaying Disk Space Release

Using -release and -norelease Together

Setting the Archive Age

Unarchiving Automatically

Specifying More Than One Copy for Metadata

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Chapter 11

Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

This chapter provides details about the archive directives.