Class AddItemToOrder

  extended by atg.process.action.ActionImpl
      extended by atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddItemToOrder
extends ActionImpl

This action takes is responsible for creating a CommerceItem object from the passed product, sku, and quantity parameters and adding it to the first order that is in a state of INCOMPLETE.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
protected  ComponentName mOrderHolderComponent
          order holder component name
protected  OrderManager mOrderManager
          reference to the order manager object
protected  java.lang.String mPricingOperation
          repricing operation to use
protected  PricingTools mPricingTools
          reference to the pricing tools
protected  PromotionTools mPromotionTools
          reference to the PromotionTools
 java.lang.String PRICING_TOOLS_PATH
          Location of the PricingTools component.
static java.lang.String PRODUCT_PARAM
          Parameter for product id information
 java.lang.String PROMOTION_TOOLS_PATH
          Location of the PromotionTools component.
static java.lang.String QUANTITY_PARAM
          Parameter for quantity information
 java.lang.String SHOPPINGCART_PATH
          Location of the OrderHolder component, called the shopping cart.
static java.lang.String SITE_ID_PARAM
          Parameter for site id
static java.lang.String SKU_PARAM
          Parameter for sku id information
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addItem(java.lang.String pSkuId, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity, java.lang.String pSiteId, ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
          This method will actually perform the action of adding an item to an order.
 void configure(java.lang.Object pConfiguration)
          Configures the action using the given configuration object.
protected  void executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
          Executes this action in the given single process execution context.
 Order getOrderToAddItemTo(ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
          This method returns the order to which the CommerceItem should be added.
 void initialize(java.util.Map pParameters)
          Initializes the action with the given parameters.
Methods inherited from class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
execute, execute, getActionName, getParameterExpression, getParameterValue, storeOptionalParameter, storeRequiredMutableParameter, storeRequiredParameter, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


public java.lang.String SHOPPINGCART_PATH
Location of the OrderHolder component, called the shopping cart. By default this is: /atg/commerce/ShoppingCart


public java.lang.String PROMOTION_TOOLS_PATH
Location of the PromotionTools component. This is used to notify scenarios of added items. By default this is /atg/commerce/promotion/PromotionTools


public java.lang.String PRICING_TOOLS_PATH
Location of the PricingTools component. This is used to reprice the order after the item has been added.


public static final java.lang.String PRODUCT_PARAM
Parameter for product id information

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SKU_PARAM
Parameter for sku id information

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String QUANTITY_PARAM
Parameter for quantity information

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SITE_ID_PARAM
Parameter for site id

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected OrderManager mOrderManager
reference to the order manager object


protected PromotionTools mPromotionTools
reference to the PromotionTools


protected PricingTools mPricingTools
reference to the pricing tools


protected ComponentName mOrderHolderComponent
order holder component name


protected java.lang.String mPricingOperation
repricing operation to use

Constructor Detail


public AddItemToOrder()
Method Detail


public void configure(java.lang.Object pConfiguration)
               throws ProcessException
Configures the action using the given configuration object. The configuration object is typically a global Nucleus component which is configured with the information necessary for the action's operation.

Specified by:
configure in interface Action
configure in class ActionImpl
ProcessException - if the action could not be configured - for example, because some of the required properties are missing from the configuration


public void initialize(java.util.Map pParameters)
                throws ProcessException
Description copied from class: ActionImpl
Initializes the action with the given parameters. The keys in the parameter Map are the String parameter names; the values are the Expression objects representing parameter values.

This default implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Action
initialize in class ActionImpl
ProcessException - if the action could not be properly initialized - for example, if not all of the required parameters are present in the Map
See Also:


protected void executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
                      throws ProcessException
Description copied from class: ActionImpl
Executes this action in the given single process execution context. Called by both of the execute methods.

Specified by:
executeAction in class ActionImpl
ProcessException - if the action can not be executed


public Order getOrderToAddItemTo(ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
                          throws CommerceException,
This method returns the order to which the CommerceItem should be added. If a session exists the order holder component is resolved and the current order is used. Otherwise the order manager is called and the first order in the incomplete state is used.

pContext - - the process execution context at the time of this event


protected void addItem(java.lang.String pSkuId,
                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                       long pQuantity,
                       java.lang.String pSiteId,
                       ProcessExecutionContext pContext)
                throws CommerceException,
This method will actually perform the action of adding an item to an order. Additionally, if there is at least one shipping group defined in the order, then a relationship will be created between the first shipping group in the order and the commerce item. If no shipping groups exist in the order than the item will simply be added to the order without a relationship being created. The OrderManager.update call is made to save the information back to the order object. This method calls #see getOrderToAddItemTo to determine which order to use. It also calls the ordermanager to add the item to the order. In addition, PromotionTools.scenarioAddedItemToOrder will be called to send a scenario event announcing this action. If different behavior is desired when an item is being added to the order, this method should be overriden.

pSkuId - the sku id of the commerce item that will be created and added to the order
pProductId - product id of the commerce item that will be created and added
pQuantity - the quantity of the particular item to add
pContext - the context in which the action is occuring
pSiteId - the id of site order will be associated with
CommerceException - if an error occurs
RepositoryException - if an error occurs