Interface InsertableServlet

All Superinterfaces:
PipelineableServlet, javax.servlet.Servlet
All Known Implementing Classes:
CheckSessionExpiration, CommerceCommandServlet, CommerceProfileRequestServlet, InsertableServletImpl, JumpServlet, ProfilePropertyServlet, ProfileRequestServlet, PromotionServlet, SearchClickThroughServlet, SecurityDomainServlet, SessionEventTrigger, SetCurrentLocation, WACheckSessionExpiration, WASetCurrentLocation

public interface InsertableServlet
extends PipelineableServlet

An InsertableServlet is a PipelineableServlet that knows how to splice itself into an existing servlet pipeline at startup time. This capability is required because it is difficult to reliably use Nucleus configuration files to splice into a pipeline whose configuration cannot be completely determined when the configuration files are written.

An InsertableServlet should explicitly add itself into a pipeline when the service is started, using the the "insertAfterServlet" property to determine its location.

An InsertableServlet may have a nextServlet field; that is, it may be part of a pipeline itself. If so, it should insert itself into the pipeline after the "insertAfterServlet" servlet, and should place that servlet at the end of its own chain of servlets.

See Also:
PipelineableServlet, InsertableServletImpl

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Method Summary
 PipelineableServlet getInsertAfterServlet()
          Returns the Servlet in the pipeline after which this servlet should appear.
 void setInsertAfterServlet(PipelineableServlet pInsertAfter)
          Sets the Servlet after which this servlet should appear in the pipeline.
Methods inherited from interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet
getNextServlet, passRequest, setNextServlet
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.Servlet
destroy, getServletConfig, getServletInfo, init, service

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setInsertAfterServlet(PipelineableServlet pInsertAfter)
Sets the Servlet after which this servlet should appear in the pipeline.


PipelineableServlet getInsertAfterServlet()
Returns the Servlet in the pipeline after which this servlet should appear.