5 Testing and Troubleshooting

After you create the application, you must test the connector to ensure that it functions as expected.

This chapter discusses the following topics related to connector testing:

5.1 Testing the UNIX Connector

You can use the testing utility, supplied with the connector package, to identify the cause of problems associated with connecting to the target system and performing basic operations on the target system.

The test-utility directory of connector installation media contains the following files:

  • The example-config.groovy file is a sample configuration that can be used to set the connection properties of the target system and the connector.

  • The README file contains instructions to configure and run the testing utility.

  • The test-utility.jar file contains the class files used by the testing utility.


The testing utility does not support separate update and delete actions. You can update and delete a user while creating the user in the same operation.

To use the testing utility, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure JDK 1.6 is installed.
  2. Unzip the connector zip file.
  3. Locate and switch to the test-utility directory in the contents of the extracted zip file.

    The test-utility.jar and example-config.groovy files already exist in this directory.


    On a Microsoft Windows computer, the bundle package (org.identityconnectors.genericunix-1.0.0.jar) must be in a directory other than the test-utility directory.

  4. Copy the following JAR files to the test-utility directory:
    • connector-framework.jar

    • connector-framework-internal.jar

    • groovy-all.jar


    These are files are delivered as part of the OIM EAR application, and they are located in the oim.ear/APP-INF/lib directory.

    You must add these three JAR files to the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory to run the test utility.

    If you copy these JAR files into the test-utility directory, you can exclude these files in the Java command provided in Step 6.

  5. Update the example-config.groovy file to reflect your local settings.
  6. Run one of the following commands:

    On a UNIX computer:

    java -classpath ./test-utility.jar:./connector-framework.jar:./connector-framework-internal.jar:./groovy-all.jar:./test-utility.jar oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.Main example-config.groovy | tee test.log

    On a Microsoft Windows computer (assuming the current directory is c:\test-utility):

    java -classpath C:\test-utility\test-utility.jar;C:\test-utility\connector-framework.jar;C:\test-utility\connector-framework-internal.jar;C:\test-utility\groovy-all.jar;C:\test-utility\test-utility.jar; oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.Main example-config.groovy

5.2 Troubleshooting

You can troubleshoot the UNIX connector depending on the type of error you encounter.

The following sections list solutions to some commonly encountered errors of the following types:

5.2.1 Connection Errors

This table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Connection error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot establish a connection to the target system.

Returned Error Message:

UNIX connection exception

  • Ensure that the target system is running.

  • Ensure that Oracle Identity Manager is working (that is, the database is running).

  • Ensure that all the adapters have been compiled.

  • Examine the Oracle Identity Manager record (from the IT Resources form). Ensure that values for all the IT resource parameters have been correctly specified.

5.2.2 Create User Errors

This table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Create User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Governance cannot create a user.

Returned Error Message:

User already exists

A user with the assigned ID already exists in the target system.

5.2.3 Delete User Errors

This table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Delete User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Governance cannot delete a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist in target system

The specified user does not exist in the target system.

5.2.4 Edit User Errors

This table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Edit User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Governance cannot update a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist in target system

Review the log for more details.

5.2.5 TimeOut Errors

This table lists the solution to a commonly encountered TimeOut error.

Problem Description Solution

Connection timeout during connector operations, typically during reconciliation operations.

Returned Error Message:

Command timed out

Increase the value of the commandTimeout entry in the config lookup definition.

See Setting up the Lookup Definitions for Connector Configuration for more information.

Reconciliation fails with an error.

Returned Error Message:

org.identityconnectors.genericunix.common.GenericUnixUtil :getMatchedResponseInfo : Buffer:-> > > > >Password:

Change the value of the sudoPasswdExpectExpression entry in the Lookup.Unix.Configuration.Trusted lookup definition from Password: to password.

Note: The letter "P" must be in lowercase.