Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization and Reconciliation

Table D-1 lists the scheduled jobs that you must configure for lookup field synchronization and reconciliation.

Table D-1 Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization and Reconciliation

Scheduled Task Description

Active Directory Group Lookup Recon

This scheduled task is used to synchronize the values of group lookup fields between Oracle Identity Manager and the target system. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization.

Active Directory Organization Lookup Recon

This scheduled task is used to synchronize the values of organization lookup fields between Oracle Identity Manager and the target system. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization.

Active Directory User Target Recon

This scheduled task is used to fetch user data during target resource reconciliation. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of User Records.

Active Directory User Target Delete Recon

This scheduled task is used to fetch data about deleted users during target resource reconciliation. During a reconciliation run, for each deleted user account on the target system, the AD User resource is revoked for the corresponding OIM User. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of Deleted User Records.

Active Directory Organization Recon

This scheduled task is used to reconcile data about organizations. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of Groups and Organizations.

Active Directory User Trusted Recon

This scheduled task is used to fetch user data during trusted source reconciliation. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of User Records.

Active Directory User Trusted Delete Recon

This scheduled task is used to fetch data about deleted users during trusted source reconciliation. During a reconciliation run, for each deleted target system account, the corresponding OIM User is deleted. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of Deleted User Records.

Active Directory Group Recon

This scheduled task is used to fetch data about groups during target resource reconciliation. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Jobs for Reconciliation of Groups and Organizations.

Active Directory Group Delete Recon

This scheduled task is used to reconcile data about deleted groups in the target resource (account management) mode of the connector. For information about this scheduled task and its attributes, see Scheduled Job for Reconciliation of Deleted Groups.