8 Using the Connector with an LDAPv3 Compliant Directory

This chapter describes the following information about using the connector with an LDAPv3 compliant directory server:


In this chapter, OpenLDAP server is used as an example of an LDAPv3 compliant target system. You will need to adapt the examples in this chapter to the LDAPv3 compliant directory server you are using.

8.1 Configuring Secure Communication

To provide secure communications to the LDAPv3 target system, configure SSL between Oracle Identity Manager, the Connector Server, and the LDAPv3 target system.

For more information, see Configuring SSL for the Connector.

8.2 Creating a New IT Resource Instance


As a prerequisite, OpenLDAP server (or the LDAPv3 compliant directory server you are using) must be installed and configured. The examples in this chapter use the baseDN as dc=example,dc=com and the administrator account as cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com.

When you install the connector, create a new IT Resource instance named OpenLDAP with the parameters described in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Parameters of the IT Resource for the OpenLDAP Server Target System

Parameter Description


OpenLDAP server hostname or IP address.


OpenLDAP server port.


Specifies whether communication with the target system must be secured using SSL.

Specify true or false, depending on how the OpenLDAP server is configured.

Configuration Lookup

Name of the lookup definition that stores configuration information used during reconciliation and provisioning.

Specify Lookup.LDAP.Configuration.


Base contexts for operations on the target system.

Sample value: "dc=example,dc=com"


Password you used during the OpenLDAP server setup.


Bind DN for performing operations on the OpenLDAP server target system.

Sample value: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

8.3 Configuring the Connector for OpenLDAP Server

This section describes these topics:

8.3.1 Main Configuration Lookup

The main configuration lookup Lookup.LDAP.Configuration contains the configuration parameters you need to change for an OpenLDAP server.

First, set entryUUID to uidAttribute in the Lookup.LDAP.Configuration lookup, because OpenLDAP uses entryUUID.


The Lookup.LDAP.Configuration contains many configuration properties that can change the behavior of the connector. See Lookup.LDAP.Configuration for more details on the configuration options. However, the most important configuration property is uidAttribute, which is explicitly mentioned in this section.

In order to make the provisioning work with the connector, configure the following lookup reconciliations, because these values are used in the provisioning forms: Organizational Unit (OU) Lookup Reconciliation

This Job finds all existing organizational units on target resource and reconciles them into the lookup configured in the Lookup Name job parameter (by default Lookup.LDAP.Organization).

The Code Key Attribute job parameter specifies which LDAP attribute will be used as the value in the lookup's Code Key. The default value dn doesn't need to be changed for OpenLDAP. Similarly, do not change the Decode Attribute job parameter, because the default value ou is sufficient.

Note that the Object Type job parameter is set to OU by default. The connector bundle translates this value to the organizationalUnit object class, so the organization units defined in OpenLDAP must have the organizationUnit object class assigned.

Therefore, you only need to set the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP.

By running the task, the connector bundle will search using an LDAP filter like (&(objectClass=top)(objectClass=organizationalUnit)), and the attributes dn and ou will be used respectively as the Code Key and Decode values in the Lookup.LDAP.Configuration lookup. Group Lookup Reconciliation

As in case of the previous lookup reconciliation job, the default parameters for this job should work sufficiently. Set the IT Resource Name parameter to OpenLDAP.

The (&(objectClass=top)(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)) LDAP filter will be used to find out all groups available on the OpenLDAP server.

8.3.2 User Provisioning

This section contains the following topics: About User Provisioning With OpenLDAP

The out-of-the-box configuration works sufficiently with OpenLDAP, and there is no need to change anything to make provisioning work.

When creating a new LDAP User resource object, Oracle Identity Manager uses the LDAP User process and triggers the Create User process task, which uses the adpLDAPCREATEOBJECT adapter.

The adapter calls the ICProvisioningManager#createObjectmethod, which is a common implementation for all ICF based connectors. The ICProvisioningManager finds and configures the ICF connector bundle, maps the form fields to ICF attributes based on the Lookup.LDAP.UM.ProvAttrMap lookup, and invokes the CreateApiOp#create ICF method. The connector bundle code takes care of actually creating the object in OpenLDAP.

Note that Lookup.LDAP.UM.ProvAttrMap contains the following entry:


Because you configured entryUUID to be used as the UID attribute, the Nsunique form field attribute (configured as not visible) will be updated with the entryUUID value by object creation. Similar mapping is present for all groups and organizational units, and this field is used in reconciliation matching rules.

Updating the resource object functions in a similar way. Note that LDAP User process has the UD_LDAP_USR Updated process task, which is triggered by making changes to multiple fields. Thus, all the changes are handled in one CreateApiOp#create operation invocation.

LDAP User provisioning has out-of-the-box support for two multivalued attributes Group and Role, which means the following two child tables are defined in the UD_LDAP_USR table:

  • UD_LDAP_GRP for groups

  • UD_LDAP_ROL for roles


The connector supports the notion of Role and Group, only if the target directory implements these features in the following standard way:

  • For role: A multivalued attribute is added in the User Object that represents the user's role.

  • For group: A multivalued attribute is added in the Group Object that represents the members of the group.

Because OpenLDAP doesn't support roles, only groups can be used.

If you need to add an LDAP attribute that is not supported out-of-the-box, follow the steps described in Extending the Functionality of the Connector. Using the Enable/Disable Feature with OpenLDAP

To use the enable/disable feature with OpenLDAP, perform the following steps in OpenLDAP:

  1. Ensure you have the following entries in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf:
    include         /etc/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
    modulepath /usr/lib64/openldap
    moduleload ppolicy.la
    overlay ppolicy
    ppolicy_default "cn=default,ou=Password 
  2. Restart OpenLDAP.

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/ldap restart

  3. Create new file named /tmp/policy.ldif with the following content and modify it as needed:
    # add default policy to DIT
    # attributes preceded with # indicate the defaults and
    # can be omitted
    # passwords must be reset every 30 days,
    # have a minimum length of 6 and users will
    # get a expiry warning starting 1 hour before
    # expiry, when the consecutive fail attempts exceed 5
    # the count will be locked and can only be reset by an
    # administrator, users do not need to supply the old
    # password when changing
    dn: cn=default,ou=Password Policies,dc=example,dc=com
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: person
    objectClass: pwdPolicy
    cn: default
    pwdMaxAge: 2592000
    #pwdExpireWarning: 3600
    #pwdInHistory: 0
    #pwdCheckQuality: 0
    pwdMaxFailure: 5
    pwdLockout: TRUE
    #pwdLockoutDuration: 0
    #pwdGraceAuthNLimit: 0
    #pwdFailureCountInterval: 0
    pwdMustChange: TRUE
    pwdMinLength: 6
    #pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
    pwdSafeModify: FALSE
    pwdAttribute: userPassword
    sn: default
  4. Import the policy to OpenLDAP. For example:
    ldapmodify -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -W -a -f /tmp/policy.ldif
  5. Set the following values in Lookup.LDAP.Configuration:


    Enabling or Disabling a user might be server specific. If you are using another LDAPv3 server, check how this feature is implemented for that server.

    The connector behavior can be configured using the configuration options enabledAttribute, enabledValue, disabledValue, enabledWhenNoAttribute, allowOtherValuesForEnabledAttribute, and enabledWhenOtherValue, which are mentioned in Step 5.

8.3.3 Group Provisioning

Group provisioning is done in Oracle Identity Manager by provisioning the LDAP Group resource object to the Oracle Identity Manager organization.

The connector uses groupOfUniqueNames as the object class for groups. OpenLDAP requires the uniqueMember attribute to be filled. Because the connector provides four attributes: container, cn, __NAME__, and __UID__ as configured in Lookup.LDAP.Group.ProvAttrMap, the group provisioning ends up with an exception stating:

object class 'groupOfUniqueNames' requires attribute 'uniqueMember'

To resolve this issue, do one of the following:

  • Update the groupOfUniqueNames object class schema in OpenLDAP so the uniqueAttribute is not required. However, this is not recommended by OpenLDAP.

  • Configure Oracle Identity Manager to provide the uniqueMember attribute value every time the group is created or updated by adding the following entry to Lookup.LDAP.Group.ProvAttrMap:

    uniqueMember: uniqueMember='cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com'

    This entry ensures that the admin user is member of every group provisioned by Oracle Identity Manager. Note that this might not be desirable for some deployments.

If you need to add an LDAP attribute that is not supported out-of-the-box, follow the steps described in Extending the Functionality of the Connector.

8.3.4 Organizational Unit (OU) Provisioning

Organizational unit provisioning is done in Oracle Identity Manager by provisioning the LDAP Organisation Unit resource object to the Oracle Identity Manager organization.

As already mentioned in Organizational Unit (OU) Lookup Reconciliation,, the connector uses the organizationalUnit object class for organizational unit provisioning. There is no need to change any configuration to make OpenLDAP OU provisioning work.

If you need to add an LDAP attribute that is not supported out-of-the-box, follow the steps described in Extending the Functionality of the Connector.

8.3.5 User Search Reconciliation

This section contains the following topics: About User Search Reconciliation

The out-of-the-box configuration works sufficiently with OpenLDAP, so just set OpenLDAP as the IT Resource Name. By default the modifyTimestamp attribute is configured as Incremental Recon Attribute, which works with OpenLDAP.

Note that Lookup.LDAP.UM.ReconAttrMap contains the following entry:

NsuniqueID: __UID__

Because entryUUID is configured as uidAttribute, the entryUUID value will be stored in the NsuniqueID field. This field is also used in the reconciliation matching rule.


Check if your LDAPv3 server supports modifyTimestamp. If modifyTimestamp is not supported, delete Incremental Recon Attribute, and the schedule job will always run full reconciliation.

If you need to add a custom attribute for reconciliation, see Adding Custom Fields for Target Resource Reconciliation. User Search Delete Reconciliation

This jobs works out-of-the-box too. The only thing that needs to be done is to set IT Resource Name to OpenLDAP. Trusted User Reconciliation

For trusted reconciliations, you must create a separate IT Resource, as follows:

  1. Create an OpenLDAP Trusted IT Resource of type LDAP.
  2. Set the same connection parameters as used in the OpenLDAP IT Resource.
  3. Set Lookup.LDAP.Configuration.Trusted as the Configuration Lookup parameter value.
  4. Set the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP Trusted to make this job work with OpenLDAP. Trusted User Delete Reconciliation

Setting the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP Trusted is sufficient to make this job work with OpenLDAP. Group Search Reconciliation

Setting the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP is sufficient to make this job work with OpenLDAP. Group Search Delete Reconciliation

Setting the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP is sufficient to make this job work with OpenLDAP. OU Search Reconciliation

Setting the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP is sufficient to make this job work with OpenLDAP. OU Search Delete Reconciliation

Setting the IT Resource Name job parameter to OpenLDAP is sufficient to make this job work with OpenLDAP. Unused Reconciliation Jobs

You cannot use the following reconciliation jobs with OpenLDAP, because OpenLDAP doesn't support changelog and roles:

  • Group Sync Reconciliation

  • Organizational Unit (OU) Sync Reconciliation

  • Role Lookup Reconciliation

  • Role Search Delete Reconciliation

  • Role Search Reconciliation

  • Role Sync Reconciliation

  • User Sync Reconciliation