3 Using the SAP SuccessFactors Connector

You can use the connector for performing reconciliation and provisioning operations after configuring it to meet your requirements.

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:


These sections provide both conceptual and procedural information about configuring the connector. It is recommended that you read the conceptual information before you perform the procedures.

3.1 Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization

Scheduled jobs for lookup field synchronization fetch the most recent values from specific fields in the target system to lookup definitions in Oracle Identity Manager. These lookup definitions are used as an input source for lookup fields in Oracle Identity Manager.

The following scheduled jobs are used for lookup fields synchronization:
  • SuccessFactors HR Lookup Reconciliation Scheduled Job

  • SuccessFactors JobLevel Lookup Reconciliation Scheduled Job

  • SuccessFactors Supervisor Lookup Reconciliation Scheduled Job

Values fetched by these scheduled jobs from the target system are populated in the Lookup.SuccessFactors.HR, Lookup.SuccessFactors.JobLevel and Lookup.SuccessFactors.Supervisor lookup definitions, respectively.

The attributes for all the scheduled jobs for lookup field synchronization are the same. Table 3-1 describes the attributes of the scheduled jobs. The procedure to configure scheduled jobs is described later in this guide.

Table 3-1 Attributes of the Scheduled Jobs for Lookup Field Synchronization

Attribute Description

Application Name

Name of the application you created for your target system. This value is the same as the value that you provided for the Application Name field while creating your target application.

Do not modify this value.

Lookup Name

Enter the name of the lookup definition in Oracle Identity Manager that must be populated with values fetched from the target system.

Object Type

Type of object you want to reconcile.

Sample value: HR

Code Key Attribute Name of the connector attribute that is used to populate the Code Key column of the lookup definition (specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).

Default value: __UID__

Decode Attribute Name of the connector attribute that is used to populate the Decode column of the lookup definition (specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).

Default value :__NAME__

3.2 Configuring Reconciliation for the SAP SuccessFactors Connector

You can configure the connector to specify the type of reconciliation and its schedule.

The following topics related to configuring reconciliation are discussed in this section:

3.2.1 Full and Incremental Reconciliation for the SAP SuccessFactors Connector

Full reconciliation involves reconciling all existing user records from the target system into Oracle Identity Manager.

After you deploy the connector, you must first perform full reconciliation. To perform a full reconciliation run, ensure that no value is specified for the Filter attribute of the scheduled job for reconciling users. If the target system contains more number of records than what it can return in a single response, then use the Flat File connector to perform full reconciliation. See Reconciling Large Number of Records.

3.2.2 Limited Reconciliation for the SAP SuccessFactors Connector

Limited or filtered reconciliation is the process of limiting the number of records being reconciled based on a set filter criteria.

By default, all target system records that are added or modified after the last reconciliation run are reconciled during the current reconciliation run. You can customize this process by specifying the subset of added or modified target system records that must be reconciled. You do this by creating filters for the reconciliation module.

You can perform limited reconciliation by creating filters for the reconciliation module. This connector provides a Filter Suffix attribute (a scheduled task attribute) that allows you to use any of the attributes of the target system to filter target system records. You specify a value for the Filter Suffix attribute while configuring the user reconciliation scheduled job.

Consider a filter suffix value: userId eq ‘JohnSmith’

In this example, the connector performs filter reconciliation and only reconciles the user information whose PersonID is JohnSmith


If the target system contains more number of records than what it can return in a single response, then use the Flat File connector to perform limited reconciliation. See Reconciling Large Number of Records.

3.2.3 Reconciling Large Number of Records

During a reconciliation run, if the target system contains more number of records than what it can return in a single response, then you must use the Flat File connector to fetch all the records into Oracle Identity Manager. The Flat File connector consumes information in a flat file, and generates connector metadata using the metadata generation utility.

To reconcile a large number of records from the target system into Oracle Identity Manager:
  1. Export all users in the target system to a flat file.
  2. Copy the flat file to a location that is accessible from Oracle Identity Manager.
  3. Create a schema file representing the structure of the flat file. See Creating a Schema File in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for Flat File.
  4. Install the Flat File connector. See Running the Connector Installer in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for Flat File.
  5. Configure the Flat File IT resource. See Configuring the IT Resource in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for Flat File.
  6. Configure and run the Flat File Accounts Loader scheduled job.
    While configuring this scheduled job, ensure that you set the value of the Target IT Resource Name attribute to SuccessFactors and Target Resource Object Name to SuccessFactors User.
    See Flat File Accounts Loader and IT_RES_NAME Flat File Accounts Loader in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for Flat File for information about the attributes of the Flat File Accounts Loader scheduled job.

3.2.4 Reconciliation Scheduled Jobs for the SAP SuccessFactors Connector

When you run the Connector Installer, reconciliation scheduled jobs are automatically created in Oracle Identity Manager. You must configure these scheduled jobs to suit your requirements by specifying values for its attributes.

The following scheduled jobs that you can configure for reconciliation are discussed in this section: SAP SuccessFactors User Reconciliation

You use the SuccessFactors Target Resource User Reconciliation scheduled job to reconcile user account data from the target system in the target resource (account management) mode of the connector.

Table 3-2 Attributes of the SuccessFactors User Reconciliation Scheduled Job

Attribute Description

Filter Suffix

Enter the search filter for fetching user records from the target system during a reconciliation run.

IT Resource Name

Enter the name of the IT resource for the target system installation from which you want to reconcile user records.

Default value: SuccessFactors

Object Type

This attribute holds the name of the object type for the reconciliation run.

Default value: User

Do not change the default value.

Resource Object Name

Name of the resource object against which reconciliation runs are performed.

Default value: SuccessFactors User

Do not change the default value.

Incremental Recon Attribute

The value in this attribute is used during incremental reconciliation to determine the newest (or recently updated) record reconciled from the target system.

Default value: lastModifiedDateTime

Note: Do not change the value of this attribute.

Latest Token

This attribute holds the value of the lastModifiedDateTime attribute of a domain controller that is used for reconciliation.

Note: The reconciliation engine automatically enters a value for this attribute. It is recommended not to change the value of this attribute.

If you manually specify a value for this attribute, then only user accounts whose lastModifiedDateTime value is greater than the Latest Token attribute value gets reconciled.

Scheduled Task Name

This attribute holds the name of the scheduled task.

Default value: SuccessFactors User Reconciliation SAP SuccessFactors Trusted User Reconciliation

You use the SuccessFactors Trusted User Reconciliation scheduled job to reconcile user account data in the trusted source (identity management) mode of the connector.

Table 3-3 Attributes of the SuccessFactors Trusted User Reconciliation Scheduled Job

Attribute Description

Filter Suffix

Enter the search filter for fetching user records from the target system during a reconciliation run.

IT Resource Name

Enter the name of the IT resource for the system installation from which you want to reconcile user records.

Default value: SuccessFactors

Object Type

This attribute holds the name of the object type for the reconciliation run.

Default value: User

Note: Do not change the default value.

Resource Object Name

This attribute holds the name of the resource object used for reconciliation.

Default value: SuccessFactors User Trusted

Note: Do not change the default value.

Incremental Recon Attribute

The value in this attribute is used during incremental reconciliation to determine the newest (or recently updated) record reconciled from the target system.

Default value: lastModifiedDateTime

Note: Do not change the value of this attribute.

Latest Token

This attribute holds the value of the lastModifiedDateTime attribute of a domain controller that is used for reconciliation.

Note: The reconciliation engine automatically enters a value for this attribute. It is recommended not to change the value of this attribute.

If you manually specify a value for this attribute, then only user accounts whose lastModifiedDateTime value is greater than the Latest Token attribute value gets reconciled.

Scheduled Task Name

This attribute holds the name of the scheduled task.

Default value: SuccessFactors Trusted User Reconciliation

3.3 Configuring Scheduled Jobs

Configure scheduled jobs to perform reconciliation runs that check for new information on your target system periodically and replicates the data in Oracle Identity Manager.

You can apply this procedure to configure the scheduled jobs for lookup field synchronization and reconciliation.
To configure a scheduled job:
  1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration.
  2. In the left pane, under System Management, click Scheduler.
  3. Search for and open the scheduled job as follows:
    1. In the Search field, enter the name of the scheduled job as the search criterion. Alternatively, you can click Advanced Search and specify the search criterion.
    2. In the search results table on the left pane, click the scheduled job in the Job Name column.
  4. On the Job Details tab, you can modify the parameters of the scheduled task:
    • Retries: Enter an integer value in this field. This number represents the number of times the scheduler tries to start the job before assigning the Stopped status to the job.
    • Schedule Type: Depending on the frequency at which you want the job to run, select the appropriate schedule type.


    See Creating Jobs in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Identity Manager for detailed information about schedule types.

    In addition to modifying the job details, you can enable or disable a job.

  5. On the Job Details tab, in the Parameters region, specify values for the attributes of the scheduled task.


    See Reconciliation Scheduled Jobs for the SAP SuccessFactors Connector for the list of scheduled tasks and their attributes.

  6. Click Apply to save the changes.


    You can use the Scheduler Status page in Identity System Administration to either start, stop, or reinitialize the scheduler.

3.4 Guidelines on Performing Provisioning Operations

These are the guidelines that you must apply while performing provisioning operations.

For a Create User Provisioning operation, you must specify a value for the User Name field along with the domain name. For example, jdoe@example.com. The User Name is a mandatory field, other mandatory fields are Business Unit, Company, Hire Date, Username, Event Reason, First Name, Last Name, Supervisor and Job Classification.

3.5 Performing Provisioning Operations

You create a new user in Oracle Identity Self Service by using the Create User page. You provision or request for accounts on the Accounts tab of the User Details page.

To perform provisioning operations in Oracle Identity Manager:
  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Self Service.
  2. Create a user. See Managing Users in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Manager for more information about creating a user.
  3. On the Account tab, click Request Accounts.
  4. In the Catalog page, search for and add to cart the application instance created in Creating an Application Instance, and then click Checkout.
  5. Specify value for fields in the application form and then click Ready to Submit.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. If you want to provision entitlements, then:
    1. On the Entitlements tab, click Request Entitlements.
    2. In the Catalog page, search for and add to cart the entitlement, and then click Checkout.
    3. Click Submit.

3.6 Uninstalling the Connector

Uninstalling the connector deletes all the account related data associated with resource objects of the connector.

If you want to uninstall the connector for any reason, see Uninstalling Connectors in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Identity Manager.