Interface IPTURL

All Superinterfaces:
IDataObject, IHierarchicalDataObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
ACommonOpenerURL, APTURL, CommonOpenerFriendlyURL, CommonOpenerOpenASURL, CommonOpenerOpenObjIDURL, FullURL

public interface IPTURL
extends IHierarchicalDataObject

PTURL Interface

Method Summary
 void AddControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey, int nValue)
          Adds a integer parameter to the querystring on this URL.
 void AddControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey, java.lang.String strValue)
          Adds a string parameter to the querystring on this URL.
 void AddNonControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey, java.lang.String strValue)
          Adds a string parameter to the URL.
 java.lang.String GetFullURL()
          Returns the entire URL with http:// and server name E.g http://portalserver/portal/
 java.lang.String GetURI()
          Returns the URI, the part of the URL after sever name E.g /portal/
 void SetURLData(java.lang.String strKey, java.lang.String strValue)
          Sets URL data.
Methods inherited from interface
GetHierData, SetHierData
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


java.lang.String GetFullURL()
Returns the entire URL with http:// and server name E.g http://portalserver/portal/


java.lang.String GetURI()
Returns the URI, the part of the URL after sever name E.g /portal/


void SetURLData(java.lang.String strKey,
                java.lang.String strValue)
Sets URL data. Each type of URL supports different URL data.

strKey - Key of the URL data to set.
strValue - Value of the URL data.


void AddControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey,
                         java.lang.String strValue)
Adds a string parameter to the querystring on this URL. E.g. param=value

strKey - Name of the parameter.
strValue - Value of the parameter as a String.


void AddControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey,
                         int nValue)
Adds a integer parameter to the querystring on this URL. E.g. param=1

strKey - Name of the parameter.
nValue - Value of the parameter as an integer.


void AddNonControlParameter(java.lang.String strKey,
                            java.lang.String strValue)
Adds a string parameter to the URL. This parameter is not reflected in the URL itself but can be used to store arbitrary name/value combinations on the URL object for use in PT tags (i.e., a community link tag could contain a page name and id as well)

strKey - Name of the parameter.
strValue - Value of the parameter as a String.

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