Interface IDataObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
IHierarchicalDataObject, IPTURL
All Known Implementing Classes:
ACommonOpenerURL, APTURL, CommonOpenerFriendlyURL, CommonOpenerOpenASURL, CommonOpenerOpenObjIDURL, FullURL, HashtableDataObject

public interface IDataObject

Data objects are used to store collections of variables in Tag memory so that they can be accessed automatically using attribute value replacement.

For instance, if an IDataObject is stored in memory (ATag.SetVariable or SetSharedVariable) under the key "links" and has data stored in it under the keys "url" and "name", it could be used as follows:

<pt:core.html pt:tag="a" href="$url" title="$name">
<pt:logic.value value="$"/>

Method Summary
 java.lang.String GetData(java.lang.String _strKey)
          Gets the data stored with a particular key.

Method Detail


java.lang.String GetData(java.lang.String _strKey)
Gets the data stored with a particular key.

_strKey - The key for the requested data
String The requested data

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