Class TagState

  extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.helper.TagState
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TagState
extends java.lang.Object
implements ITagState

This class manages variable storage and retrieval for tags. It allows you to get and set variables for various contexts (session, request, tag, etc...).

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CACHE_LIB
          The tag library used to store the cache map.
static java.lang.String CACHE_MAPENTRY_NAME
          Name of the cache map entry.
protected static java.lang.String COMBINED_KEY_SEPARATOR
          The separator between library and tag name in the combined key.
static java.lang.String HTTP_REQUEST_DATA_KEY
          This key is used to store HTTP request data collections on the session using the request as a key.
protected  IApplication m_Application
          The HTTP Application.
protected  ATag m_CurrentTag
          The current tag.
protected  XPHashtable m_HTTPRequestScopeData
          The HTTP Request Data container.
protected  int m_nTagStackTop
          The index into the top of the Tag Stack.
protected  ISessionManager m_PersistentSession
          The persistent sub-session.
protected  XPHashtable m_PortletRequestScopeData
          The Portlet Request Data container.
protected  ISessionManager m_Session
          The sub-session.
protected  XPHashtable m_TagScopeData
          The Tag Data container.
protected  XPArrayList m_TagStack
          The Tag Stack.
protected  XPArrayList m_TagVarStack
          The Tag Var Stack.
protected  boolean m_useParentTagScope
          Whether to use parent tag scope or tag scope inside current tag when setting variables
static java.lang.String SHARED_JS_COLLECTION
          This key is used to store an http request level HTMLElementCollection that contains all of the shared javascript for the tags in the HTTP request.
          This key is used to store an http request level Boolean that marks whether or not the current shared javascript collection for this HTTP request has been retrieved for displayed or not.
static java.lang.String SHARED_JS_VAR_LIST
          This key is used to store an http request level list that stores whether or not a particular class of tags has been displayed on the page yet.
          This static variable can be used to supply a pre-populated hashtable for the portlet request data.
Constructor Summary
TagState(IApplication _application, ISessionManager _session, ISessionManager _persistentSession, XPHashtable _httpRequestData)
          Creates a TagState object.
Method Summary
 boolean AddCacheEntry(java.lang.String cacheKey, java.lang.Object cacheValue, Scope scope, int duration)
          Add a cached tag data entry Cache entries are stored in the same scope as the other tag variables, but cache entries are prefixed with a special string.
protected  void CheckValidVariableName(java.lang.String _strVariableName)
          This method checks that the variable name does not contain any reserved characters (".").
 void EnterTag(ATag _currentTag)
          The tag container calls this method every time a new tag is displayed.
 void ExitTag()
          The tag container calls this method when a tag is finished displaying.
 java.lang.Object GetAnyVariable(java.lang.String _strKey)
          Gets a variable from memory from all scopes.
 IApplication GetApplication()
          Return the Application for use in storing data on the HTTP Application.
 java.lang.Object GetCacheEntryData(java.lang.String cacheKey, Scope scope)
          Get tag data entry from cache
static XPHashtable GetHTTPRequestData(AActivitySpace aSpace)
          This method extracts the HTTP request data from the Activity Space.
 ISessionManager GetPersistentSubSession()
          Returns the persistent subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session for use across multiple login/logout cycles.
static HTMLElementCollection GetSharedJavascriptCollection(AActivitySpace asOwner)
          This method gets the shared JavaScript collection for this HTTP request, and initializes it if it has not been initialized yet.
 java.lang.Object GetSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, Scope _scope)
          Gets a shared variable from memory in the appropriate scope.
 ISessionManager GetSubSession()
          Returns the subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session.
protected  java.lang.String GetTagName()
          Get the name of the current tag.
 java.lang.Object GetVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, Scope _scope)
          Gets a variable from memory in the appropriate scope.
protected  TagCacheEntry InternalGetCacheEntry(java.lang.String cacheKey, Scope scope)
          Gets cache entry from the cache map
protected  XPHashtable InternalGetCacheMap(Scope scope)
          Internal method to retrieve the Cache map object
 java.lang.Object InternalGetVariable(java.lang.String _strLibrary, java.lang.String _strKey, Scope _scope)
          Helper method to get variables in memory.
protected  void InternalRemoveVariable(java.lang.String _strCombinedKey, Scope _scope)
          This method removes a variable from the underlying collection.
protected  void InternalSetVariable(java.lang.String _strLibrary, java.lang.String _strKey, java.lang.Object _oValue, Scope _scope)
          Helper method to set variables in memory.
static void ResetPageRequestData(AActivitySpace _aSpace)
          This method is called at the end of every HTTP request to reset the page request data.
 void ResetPortletRequestData()
          The tag container calls this method to reset the portlet request data for each portlet on a page and to verify that the TagState is in the correct state after having finished displaying all of the tags in the current portlet request.
static void SetSharedJavascriptCollectionAsDisplayed(AActivitySpace asOwner)
          This method marks the shared JavaScript collection for this HTTP request as retrieved for display.
 void SetSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, java.lang.Object _oValue, Scope _scope, boolean bOwnerEditOnly)
          Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.
 void SetVariable(java.lang.String _strKey, java.lang.Object _oValue, Scope _scope)
          Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.
 void StoreInParentTagScope(boolean useParent)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CACHE_LIB
The tag library used to store the cache map. Use a non-existant tag lib to avoid conflicts with regular tag variables. Public so that it is accessible from unit tests

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CACHE_MAPENTRY_NAME
Name of the cache map entry. Public so that it is accessible from unit tests

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SHARED_JS_VAR_LIST
This key is used to store an http request level list that stores whether or not a particular class of tags has been displayed on the page yet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SHARED_JS_COLLECTION
This key is used to store an http request level HTMLElementCollection that contains all of the shared javascript for the tags in the HTTP request.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SHARED_JS_COLLECTION_DISPLAYED
This key is used to store an http request level Boolean that marks whether or not the current shared javascript collection for this HTTP request has been retrieved for displayed or not.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String COMBINED_KEY_SEPARATOR
The separator between library and tag name in the combined key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String HTTP_REQUEST_DATA_KEY
This key is used to store HTTP request data collections on the session using the request as a key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected XPArrayList m_TagStack
The Tag Stack. This keeps track of which Tags have been entered. It is a list of ATags.


protected XPArrayList m_TagVarStack
The Tag Var Stack. This keeps track of what Data has been stored by which tag in tag scope. It is a list of XPArrayLists.


protected int m_nTagStackTop
The index into the top of the Tag Stack.


protected XPHashtable m_TagScopeData
The Tag Data container. This cannot be re-used between portlet requests and must be reset.


protected XPHashtable m_PortletRequestScopeData
The Portlet Request Data container. This cannot be re-used between portlet requests and must be reset.


protected XPHashtable m_HTTPRequestScopeData
The HTTP Request Data container. This hashtable is stored in the session using the request as a key and is cached in the TagState object.


protected IApplication m_Application
The HTTP Application.


protected ISessionManager m_Session
The sub-session.


protected ISessionManager m_PersistentSession
The persistent sub-session.


protected ATag m_CurrentTag
The current tag.


protected boolean m_useParentTagScope
Whether to use parent tag scope or tag scope inside current tag when setting variables


public static XPHashtable TEST_PORTLET_REQUEST_DATA
This static variable can be used to supply a pre-populated hashtable for the portlet request data. This will be used during TagState construction only. This should only be used in unit tests and not in production code.

Constructor Detail


public TagState(IApplication _application,
                ISessionManager _session,
                ISessionManager _persistentSession,
                XPHashtable _httpRequestData)
Creates a TagState object. The TagState object contains portlet request specific data and must either be reset between requests or re-created.

_application - The HTTP Application
_session - The sub-session
_persistentSession - The persistent sub-session
Method Detail


public void SetVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                        java.lang.Object _oValue,
                        Scope _scope)
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable stored in Tag Scope can only be seen by children of the current tag and will be removed from memory when the tag is finished.

A variable stored in Portlet Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same portlet as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the portlet is finished displaying. Tags in other portlets on the same page will not be able to see the variable.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

Note: Displaying an HTMLElement in a tag and then caching it so that another tag can add more HTML to the original tag later is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be generated and stored for later use, as long as they are self-contained trees and used in a read only way. It is safest to make clones of a cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Specified by:
SetVariable in interface ITagState
See Also:
ITagState.SetVariable(String, Object, Scope)


public void SetSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                              java.lang.Object _oValue,
                              Scope _scope,
                              boolean bOwnerEditOnly)
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Sets a variable in memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable stored in Tag Scope can only be seen by children of the current tag and will be removed from memory when the tag is finished.

A variable stored in Portlet Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same portlet as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the portlet is finished displaying. Tags in other portlets on the same page will not be able to see the variable.

Shared variables (as opposed to standard variables) can be accessed by tags from any library. If bOwnerEditOnly is set to true when a shared variable is first stored, then any tag can read the variable, but only tags from the same library as the tag that originally stored the variable can edit it (and replace the value in memory).

Note: Displaying an HTMLElement in a tag and then caching it so that another tag can add more HTML to the original tag later is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be generated and stored for later use, as long as they are self-contained trees and used in a read only way. It is safest to make clones of a cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Specified by:
SetSharedVariable in interface ITagState
bOwnerEditOnly - True implies that only tags from the same tag library should be able to store the value for this tag. If this variable has already been saved, then the original bOwnerEditOnly value will be retained and this argument will be ignored.
See Also:
ITagState.SetSharedVariable(String, Object, Scope, boolean)


protected void CheckValidVariableName(java.lang.String _strVariableName)
This method checks that the variable name does not contain any reserved characters (".").

String - _strVariableName The variable name to be checked.
XPIllegalArgumentException - if the variable name contains illegal characters (".").


protected void InternalSetVariable(java.lang.String _strLibrary,
                                   java.lang.String _strKey,
                                   java.lang.Object _oValue,
                                   Scope _scope)
Helper method to set variables in memory.

_strLibrary - The current library. May be null.
_strKey - The key used to store the variable.
_oValue - The variable.
_scope - The scope used to store the variable.


protected void InternalRemoveVariable(java.lang.String _strCombinedKey,
                                      Scope _scope)
This method removes a variable from the underlying collection.

_strCombinedKey - The key used to access the variable.
_scope - The scope used to store the variable. Assumed to be non-null.


public java.lang.Object GetVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                                    Scope _scope)
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Gets a variable from memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Specified by:
GetVariable in interface ITagState
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
See Also:
ITagState.GetVariable(String, Scope)


public java.lang.Object GetSharedVariable(java.lang.String _strKey,
                                          Scope _scope)
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Gets a shared variable from memory in the appropriate scope.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Shared variables can be accessed by tags from any tag library (as opposed to standard variables, which can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library).

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Specified by:
GetSharedVariable in interface ITagState
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
See Also:
ITagState.GetSharedVariable(String, Scope)


public java.lang.Object GetAnyVariable(java.lang.String _strKey)
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Gets a variable from memory from all scopes.

The scope determines who can see this variable and how long it stays in memory.

For instance, a variable can only be retrieved from Tag Scope if a tag that includes the current tag added the variable to Tag Scope.

A variable can only be retrieved from Portlet Request Scope if another tag in the portlet stored the variable in memory.

Standard variables (as opposed to shared variables) can only be accessed by tags from the same tag library as the tag that originally stored the variable.

This method will first look for standard variables, and if not found will then look for shared variables.

Note: Retrieving an HTMLElement from memory that has already been displayed in another tag and then adding more HTML to the original tag is not supported. HTMLElement trees can be retrieved from memory and re-used, as long as they are not modified. The safest way to do this is to make a clone of the cached HTMLElement tree before trying to display it again to make sure there are no threading problems.

Specified by:
GetAnyVariable in interface ITagState
Object The requested data. Null if the variable has never been set.
See Also:
com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags.ITagState#GetAnyVariableFromAllScopes(String, Scope)


public java.lang.Object InternalGetVariable(java.lang.String _strLibrary,
                                            java.lang.String _strKey,
                                            Scope _scope)
Helper method to get variables in memory.

_strLibrary - The current library. May be null.
_strKey - The key used to store the variable.
_scope - The scope used to store the variable.
Object the requested variable (may be a SharedStateVariable object that needs to be processed before being returned to the tag.


public boolean AddCacheEntry(java.lang.String cacheKey,
                             java.lang.Object cacheValue,
                             Scope scope,
                             int duration)
Add a cached tag data entry Cache entries are stored in the same scope as the other tag variables, but cache entries are prefixed with a special string.

Specified by:
AddCacheEntry in interface ITagState
cacheKey -
cacheValue -
scope -
duration - number of minutes the cache entry is valid


public java.lang.Object GetCacheEntryData(java.lang.String cacheKey,
                                          Scope scope)
Get tag data entry from cache

Specified by:
GetCacheEntryData in interface ITagState
cacheKey -
scope - Scope.APPLICATION or Scope.Session
The cached entry or null if no entry was found or the entry expired.


protected XPHashtable InternalGetCacheMap(Scope scope)
Internal method to retrieve the Cache map object

scope -


protected TagCacheEntry InternalGetCacheEntry(java.lang.String cacheKey,
                                              Scope scope)
Gets cache entry from the cache map

cacheKey -
scope -


public IApplication GetApplication()
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Return the Application for use in storing data on the HTTP Application.

Most developers should use the Get/SetVariable methods instead.

Specified by:
GetApplication in interface ITagState
The application
See Also:


public ISessionManager GetSubSession()
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Returns the subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session.

This SubSession is cleared of all data on logout.

Most developers should use the Get/SetVariable methods instead.

Specified by:
GetSubSession in interface ITagState
ISessionManager The subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session.
See Also:


public ISessionManager GetPersistentSubSession()
Description copied from interface: ITagState
Returns the persistent subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session for use across multiple login/logout cycles.

This SubSession is not cleared of its data on user logout, so be sure not to cache anything on this session that could be considered a security risk if it was leaked to another user.

Most developers should use the normal subsession (GetSubSession()) for HTTP Session data storage, and the Get/SetVariable methods instead.

Specified by:
GetPersistentSubSession in interface ITagState
ISessionManager The persistent subsession that can be used to store data on the HTTP Session across multiple login/logout cycles.
See Also:


public void EnterTag(ATag _currentTag)
The tag container calls this method every time a new tag is displayed.


public void ExitTag()
The tag container calls this method when a tag is finished displaying. This will clean up data stored in the tag scope.


public static void ResetPageRequestData(AActivitySpace _aSpace)
This method is called at the end of every HTTP request to reset the page request data. This is a framework method and should not be called by tag developers.

ISessionManager - the current session manager.


public void ResetPortletRequestData()
The tag container calls this method to reset the portlet request data for each portlet on a page and to verify that the TagState is in the correct state after having finished displaying all of the tags in the current portlet request.


public static XPHashtable GetHTTPRequestData(AActivitySpace aSpace)
This method extracts the HTTP request data from the Activity Space.

aSpace - The current AActivitySpace.
the current HTTP Request data object.


public static HTMLElementCollection GetSharedJavascriptCollection(AActivitySpace asOwner)
This method gets the shared JavaScript collection for this HTTP request, and initializes it if it has not been initialized yet.

asOwner - The current Activity Space.
The shared JavaScript collection for this HTTP request.


public static void SetSharedJavascriptCollectionAsDisplayed(AActivitySpace asOwner)
This method marks the shared JavaScript collection for this HTTP request as retrieved for display.

asOwner - The current Activity Space.
XPException - if this method is called more than once in an HTTP request.


protected java.lang.String GetTagName()
Get the name of the current tag.

String the name of the current tag


public void StoreInParentTagScope(boolean useParent)
Specified by:
StoreInParentTagScope in interface ITagState

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