Interface IPTSSearchableCollection

All Known Subinterfaces:
IPTSCollabCollection, IPTSContentCollection, IPTSPlumtreeCollection, IPTSPortalCollection

public interface IPTSSearchableCollection

Interface that returns the most basic set of fields (IPTSField instances) necessary for the Plumtree search API to function. These fields, such as Rank, have more to do with the mechanics of querying and retrieving than with the actual content of searchable items.

For fields that are indexed by the actual Plumtree applications, see subinterfaces IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, IPTSContentCollection in package

Method Summary
 IPTSField IsBestBet()
          A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating whether the result achieved its rank because of a Best Bet.
 IPTSField Rank()
          A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating the rank of the item within the result set.
 IPTSField TextQueryDefault()
          A pseudofield, consisting of a weighted OR of the most commonly searched text fields.

Method Detail


IPTSField Rank()
A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating the rank of the item within the result set. Type int. Field values may be retrieved, but the field is not searchable.


IPTSField IsBestBet()
A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating whether the result achieved its rank because of a Best Bet. Type boolean. Field values may be retrieved, but the field is not searchable.


IPTSField TextQueryDefault()
A pseudofield, consisting of a weighted OR of the most commonly searched text fields. If you query against this field, items will match if the search query appears in any of the fields within the pseudofield.

The set of fields is usually IPTSPlumtreeCollection.Name, IPTSPlumtreeCollection.Description, and IPTSPlumtreeCollection.TextContent. An admins can change this set, and their weights, via the portal UI. Alternatively, the list of fields may be changed on-the-fly, for a single query request, by calling IPTSQueryRequest.setTextQueryDefaultFields.

Note that this field may not be retrieved as part of a query response; retrieve the underlying fields within the set individually.