Interface IPTSCollabCollection

All Superinterfaces:
IPTSPlumtreeCollection, IPTSSearchableCollection

public interface IPTSCollabCollection
extends IPTSPlumtreeCollection

Factory methods for fields defined by Plumtree Collaboration Server, and queries that restrict to areas within Collab, such as projects.

Method Summary
 IPTSField ACL()
          Field containing the Collab Server ACL (access control list) for this result.
 IPTSQuery CollabServer()
          Query that restricts to all Collab projects and object types.
 IPTSQuery CollabServer(java.lang.String[] objTypes)
          Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within any Collab project.
 IPTSField IconAltTextID()
          Field containing an index into the portal string file ptmsgs_collabserverobjecttypes.xml with user-displayable alt-text for this result (for example, "Collaboration Server Task List").
 IPTSField ObjectTypeCode()
          Field containing a Collab-specific code for the object type.
 IPTSField ParentProjectID()
          Field containing the ID of the project that contains this item.
 IPTSField ParentProjectName()
          Field containing the name of the project that contains this item.
 IPTSField ParentProjectURLSuffix()
          Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's project home page.
 IPTSField PortletOrWSID()
          Field containing the ID of a portlet or web service that may be used to gateway clickthrough URLs (including IPTSPlumtreeCollection.URL) for this item.
 IPTSQuery Project(int projectID)
          Query that restricts to a specified Collab project.
 IPTSQuery Project(int projectID, java.lang.String[] objTypes)
          Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within a specified Collab project.
 IPTSQuery ProjectsForCommunity(int communityID)
          Query that restricts to Collab projects associated with a particular portal community.
 IPTSField PropertiesURLSuffix()
          Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's "properties" page.
 IPTSField URLPrefix()
          Field containing the URL prefix for Collaboration Server.
Methods inherited from interface
Application, CategorizableObjectType, Created, Description, Excerpt, IconURL, IconUUID, Language, LastModified, Name, ObjectType, TextContent, URL
Methods inherited from interface
IsBestBet, Rank, TextQueryDefault

Method Detail


Field containing the Collab Server ACL (access control list) for this result. Note that this does not correspond to the portal's numbering of usergroups and users. Type String; retrievable but not searchable.


IPTSField ParentProjectName()
Field containing the name of the project that contains this item. Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField ParentProjectID()
Field containing the ID of the project that contains this item. Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField ObjectTypeCode()
Field containing a Collab-specific code for the object type. This is most useful in the context of Collab-only queries.. see IPTSPlumtreeCollection.ObjectType for a more general notion of object type. Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField IconAltTextID()
Field containing an index into the portal string file ptmsgs_collabserverobjecttypes.xml with user-displayable alt-text for this result (for example, "Collaboration Server Task List"). Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField URLPrefix()
Field containing the URL prefix for Collaboration Server. Type String; retrievable but not searchable (will be the same for all Collab items).

To assemble a complete Collaboration Server URL, concatenate (portal gateway URL root, including field IPTSCollabCollection.PortletOrWSID()) + (field URLPrefix) + (field IPTSPlumtreeCollection.URL(), IPTSCollabCollection.PropertiesURLSuffix(), or IPTSCollabCollection.ProjectURLSuffix()).


IPTSField PortletOrWSID()
Field containing the ID of a portlet or web service that may be used to gateway clickthrough URLs (including IPTSPlumtreeCollection.URL) for this item. A positive number indicates a portlet ID; a negative number indicates a webservice ID (-1 times the number is the actual ID). See URLPrefix for information on assembling Collab URLs. Type String; retrievable but not searchable (will be the same for all Collab items).


IPTSField PropertiesURLSuffix()
Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's "properties" page. See URLPrefix for information on assembling Collab URLs. Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField ParentProjectURLSuffix()
Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's project home page. See URLPrefix for information on assembling Collab URLs. Type String; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSQuery CollabServer()
Query that restricts to all Collab projects and object types. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.


IPTSQuery CollabServer(java.lang.String[] objTypes)
Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within any Collab project. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.

objTypes - Types (from PTSConstants.TYPES_COLLAB_*) to search for.


IPTSQuery Project(int projectID)
Query that restricts to a specified Collab project. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.


IPTSQuery ProjectsForCommunity(int communityID)
Query that restricts to Collab projects associated with a particular portal community. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.


IPTSQuery Project(int projectID,
                  java.lang.String[] objTypes)
Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within a specified Collab project. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.

projectID - ID of project to search.
objTypes - Types (from PTSConstants.TYPES_COLLAB_*) to search for.