Interface IDocumentFilter

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDocumentFilter
extends IFilter

Interface for filters used for querying Collaboration documents.

Method Summary
 DocumentFilterType getFilterType()
          Returns the type of document filter.
 DocumentQueryOrder[] getQueryOrders()
          Returns the DocumentQueryOrder that specifies the order in which the results will be returned.
 void setFilterType(DocumentFilterType filterType)
          Sets the type of document filter.
 void setQueryOrders(DocumentQueryOrder[] queryOrders)
          Sets the DocumentQueryOrder for the rows to return.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.remote.prc.collaboration.query.IFilter
getMaximumResults, isRestoreSecurity, setMaximumResults, setRestoreSecurity

Method Detail


public DocumentFilterType getFilterType()
Returns the type of document filter.

the type of document filter


public DocumentQueryOrder[] getQueryOrders()
Returns the DocumentQueryOrder that specifies the order in which the results will be returned.

queryField - a DocumentQueryOrder array describing how the returned results should be ordered


public void setFilterType(DocumentFilterType filterType)
Sets the type of document filter.

filterType - the type of document filter; cannot be null


public void setQueryOrders(DocumentQueryOrder[] queryOrders)
Sets the DocumentQueryOrder for the rows to return. The rows will be returned ordered as specified by the DocumentQueryOrder array.

queryOrders - a DocumentQueryOrder array describing how the returned results should be ordered; cannot be null or zero-length

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