Interface IFilter

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDiscussionFilter, IDiscussionMessageFilter, IDocumentFilter, IDocumentFolderFilter, IProjectFilter, ITaskFilter, ITaskListFilter

public interface IFilter

Base interface for all object filters; represents data about a query being constructed. This interface is used to conveniently pass several pieces of data about a query into a method that performs a query. The following data may be specified:

  1. The maximum number of rows to return.
  2. The order-by fields for returned rows.
  3. The sort order of each order-by field.
Order-by fields and sort order are implemented via the setQueryOrders method in each derived type from IFilter, taking an array of the object-specific QueryOrder type, each QueryOrder instance in the array encapsulating a sort field and ascending/descending order. For example, IDiscussionMessageFilter takes an array of DiscussionMessageQueryOrder, each QueryOrder instance taking a DiscussionMessageAttribute sort field.

Method Summary
 int getMaximumResults()
          Returns the value set by setMaximumResults.
 boolean isRestoreSecurity()
          Returns true if security on returned objects should be applied to with respect to the user who performs a query.
 void setMaximumResults(int maximumResults)
          Sets the maximum results to return.
 void setRestoreSecurity(boolean restoreSecurity)
          Enables or disables the security filter on the result set of the query.

Method Detail


public int getMaximumResults()
Returns the value set by setMaximumResults.

the maximum number of rows to return as an int. The default value is to return all results.


public boolean isRestoreSecurity()
Returns true if security on returned objects should be applied to with respect to the user who performs a query. Returns false if all the objects that satisfy the query criteria should be returned regardless of security settings. The default value is false. This default mode, with no security information applied on the query, is more efficient.

Note: If this method returns true, the query will not return any of the objects that the querying user does not have appropriate access to.

true if the all security should be restored, otherwise false


public void setMaximumResults(int maximumResults)
Sets the maximum results to return. Using the default value or setting this value to zero will return all results.

maximumResults - the maximum number of rows to return; 0 means unlimited


public void setRestoreSecurity(boolean restoreSecurity)
Enables or disables the security filter on the result set of the query. Calling this method with true will enable security checking on each of the returned objects against the user who performs a query.

Note: If the querying user does not have appropriate permission to access the returned objects, the query result will not include those objects.

Not calling this method and calling this method with false will have the same effect on the query. An additional security filter will not be added, and all objects matching the query criteria will be returned. The default value is false, which is more efficient.

This method can be used in conjunction with isRestoreSecurity , which would indicate if the query has restoreSecurity enabled.

restoreSecurity - true if security should be restored, otherwise false. Default value is false if not set.

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