Interface IProfileProvider

public interface IProfileProvider

An interface used to access user profile information from a remote profile service.

Method Summary
 IUser attachToUser(int UserID, java.lang.String LoginName, java.lang.String UniqueName, java.lang.String LastSignature)
          Gets an IUser object used to query for properties on the specified user.
 java.lang.String getGlobalSignature()
          Returns a global signature or last-modified date to the portal, used to determine whether the profile information for any users has changed.
 void initialize(java.lang.String[] PropertyList, ProfileInfo ProfileSourceInfo)
          Initializes the profile provider using the information configured in the portal by the administrator.
 void shutdown()
          Cleans up any resources used by the profile provider.

Method Detail


public void initialize(java.lang.String[] PropertyList,
                       ProfileInfo ProfileSourceInfo)
                throws ServiceException
Initializes the profile provider using the information configured in the portal by the administrator.

PropertyList - the list of properties the portal is requesting
ProfileSourceInfo - the data set in the SCI pages of the Profile Source. Note: All names in the NamedValues of ProfileSourceInfo will be uppercase.
ServiceException - if an error occurred


public java.lang.String getGlobalSignature()
                                    throws ServiceException
Returns a global signature or last-modified date to the portal, used to determine whether the profile information for any users has changed. There are no restrictions on the string used as the global signature.

the global signature
ServiceException - if an error occurred


public IUser attachToUser(int UserID,
                          java.lang.String LoginName,
                          java.lang.String UniqueName,
                          java.lang.String LastSignature)
                   throws ServiceException
Gets an IUser object used to query for properties on the specified user. Throws a NoSuchUserException if the given parameters do not match any user in the backend system.

UserID - the ID of the user
LoginName - the portal login name for the user
UniqueName - the unique name within this profile service
LastSignature - the portal's last known signature for this user.
an instance of the implementation of the IUser interface
NoSuchUserException - if the requested user does not exist
ServiceException - if an error occurred


public void shutdown()
              throws ServiceException
Cleans up any resources used by the profile provider.

ServiceException - if an error occurred.

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