Interface IUser

public interface IUser

An interface that allows the profile synchronization job to query the properties of a user profile in a remote system in order to update the user's profile in the portal.

Method Summary
 UserPropertyInfo getUserProperties()
          Gets a UserPropertyInfo object that represents the user information for the user.
 java.lang.String getUserSignature()
          Gets the current signature information for the user.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getUserSignature()
                                  throws ServiceException
Gets the current signature information for the user. This string is used to determine if the profile information for the specific user has changed. There are no restrictions on the string used as the signature.

the signature string
ServiceException - if an error occurred


public UserPropertyInfo getUserProperties()
                                   throws ServiceException
Gets a UserPropertyInfo object that represents the user information for the user. Note that when providing values for date properties, the value should be in the format MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss PM. For example, 10/25/04 12:53:30 PM.

a UserPropertyInfo object
ServiceException - if an error occurred

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