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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User Interface Customization Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 4 (

Part Number E14110-03
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7 Customizing Experience Definitions

Experience definitions allow you to tailor portal experiences for different groups of users. In a single portal implementation, you can create a distinct user experience for each audience. Using, experience definitions, you can specify which navigation and branding schemes, mandatory links, and default home pages (such as a My Page, a particular community page, or the Directory) to display to each set of users.

Experience definitions work well for organizations that have a variety of audiences or subsidiaries. In a large company, each major department within the organization might need a different view of the portal.

Experience definitions are configured and maintained through portal administration. After creating an experience definition, you must create experience rules to assign the experience definition to an audience. For details, see the sections that follow.

For instructions on creating experience definitions and configuring login page options, see the Administrator Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction and the portal online help.

Creating Experience Rules

An experience rule contains a list of conditions, all of which must be met for the rule to evaluate to true. When a rule evaluates to true, users are directed to the experience definition specified in the rule. Experience rules are ranked in order of priority; the first rule to evaluate to true is applied. For more detailed information on how experience rules are processed, see Chapter 11, "Experience Definition Control Flow".

For example, you could create an experience rule based on community memberships. The rule would include a condition of type "community" set to a specific community or communities, for example "Human Resources" and "Personnel." The following condition types are available by default:

You can also create your own condition types, explained in the next section.

An experience rule can have more than one type of condition, and each condition type can have more than one value. A rule will evaluate to true if all conditions are met. A condition will be considered met if any of the associated values are true. In other words, values within the same condition type are evaluated with an implicit Boolean OR between them, while values of different condition types are evaluated with an implicit Boolean AND between them.

For example, an experience rule with a community condition with values "Human Resources" and "Research" and an URL condition with the value "" would result in the following expression: (Community = Human Resources OR Personnel) AND (URL = Members of either the Human Resources or Personnel community who access the portal using will be redirected to the experience definition specified in the experience rule. Members of either community that use a different URL will not be redirected. Users who access the portal via who are not members of either community will not be redirected.

You can create multiple simple rules and combine them to form a complex expression. The portal evaluates rules in the order listed in the Experience Rules Manager and applies the first rule that evaluates to true.

Note: The ranking of experience rules is important. For example, you could create a rule that directs users in the Marketing group to the Marketing experience definition and another rule that directs users in the Research group to the Research experience definition. If some users are in both groups, you must determine which rule should be evaluated first. If you want users who belong to both groups to be directed to the Research experience definition, make sure the Research experience rule is above the Marketing experience rule.

For more information on the Experience Rules Manager, see the portal online help.

Creating a Custom Condition Type

If one of the standard condition types listed in the previous section does not meet your needs, you can create your own condition type. The portal dynamically discovers and loads all condition types, including custom condition types.

There are two kinds of condition types:

The sample code below illustrates how to create a condition type based on the user's browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer). You could use this new condition type to allow only users with Firefox to see the Directory.

The classes referenced below are in the com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition and com.plumtree.server.condition packages. For a full list of interfaces and methods, see the portal API documentation.

Step 1: Create a Class (A*ConditionType)

Extend either the ARegularConditionType or AGuestConditionType class (com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition), depending on whether you are creating a regular condition type or a guest condition type.

Step 2: Create a Condition Type ID

Use the GetTypeID (com.plumtree.server.condition) method to retrieve a unique ID for the condition type. All condition types must be uniquely identified, since the ID is used as a key for storing and retrieving information.


public int getTypeID()
return ConditionTypeConstants.CONDITIONTYPE_ID_BASE + 1; 


public virtual public override int GetTypeID() 
return ConditionTypeConstants.CONDITIONTYPE_ID_BASE + 1; 

Step 3: Implement the Compare Method

The Compare (com.plumtree.server.condition) method evaluates experience rules by comparing the values of condition types with the values for the current user. When the portal encounters a condition, it retrieves the appropriate condition type and calls this method to compare the value of the condition with the current value in the user's environment. The result of the comparison determines whether the condition has been met.

You can add debug messages to be displayed on the MyPage when troubleshooting (see Debugging below). Any exceptions caught from this method will be considered as a return value of "false" and will be discarded.

For this example, the Compare method compares the browser of the user to the value specified in the condition.


public boolean Compare(XPHashtable htUserEnvironment, IValue conditionValue, XPStringBuilder sbDebugText) <p class=Numbered style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: normal;"> 
   // Cast the value into a string type.
   String strUserAgent = (String) conditionValue.GetValue();
   BrowserType currentBrowser = (BrowserType) htUserEnvironment.GetElement(new
   if (strUserAgent.equals(currentBrowser.GetBrowserName())) 
     if (null != sbDebugText)  
        sbDebugText.Append("Condition on User Agent returns true because the User Agent: ")
        .Append(strUserAgent).Append("matches the one found in the user's environment: ")
      return true; 
   } else { 
      if(null != sbDebugText)  
              sbDebugText.Append("Condition on User Agent returning false because the User Agent: ") 
              .Append(strUserAgent).Append(" does not match the one found in the user's environment: ")
                 return false; 


public override bool Compare(XPHashtable htUserEnvironment, IValue conditionValue, XPStringBuilder sbDebugText) 
     if (conditionValue.GetType() != ValueTypeEnum.STRING || !htUserEnvironment.ContainsKey(GetTypeID())) 
        if (null != sbDebugText) 
          sbDebugText.Append("Condition on User Agent returning false because either the condition value is of the wrong type,").Append(" or the User Agent was not found in the user's environment<br>");
        return false; 
      // Cast the value to type: String 
      String strUserAgent = (String) conditionValue.GetValue(); 
      BrowserType currentBrowser = (BrowserType) 
      if (strUserAgent.Equals(currentBrowser.GetBrowserName())) 
        if (null != sbDebugText) 
          sbDebugText.Append("Condition on User Agent returning true because the User Agent: ")
.Append(strUserAgent).Append(" matches the one found in the user's environment: ")
        return true; 
      } else 
        if (null != sbDebugText) 
          sbDebugText.Append("Condition on User Agent returning false because the User Agent: ")
.Append(strUserAgent).Append(" does not match the one found in the user's environment: ")
        return false; 

Step 4: Retrieve Values

The GetCurrentValue (com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition.A*ConditionType) method retrieves the current value used in the Compare method and puts it in a hash table that keeps track of the user's environment.

The GetConditionValue method retrieves the data and converts it to the expected value type. You can use this method to validate your code, since any value that is not acceptable for the condition will cause an exception to be thrown.

In this example, the method retrieves the user's browser as a string, such as "Firefox" or "MSIE".


public void GetCurrentValue(XPLimitedRequest xpRequest, IPTSession guestReadOnlySession, XPHashtable htUserEnvironment) 
htUserEnvironment.PutElement(new Integer(GetTypeID()), new BrowserType(xpRequest.GetHeader("User-Agent")));
public Object GetConditionValue(int nRow, IPTGrowableSortedArrayWrapperRO saData) 
      Object result = saData.GetItem(nRow, GrowableListModel.EXPLIST_SORTEDARRAY_PROPID_INPUTTEXT);
          String browser = (String) result; 
    if (!browser.equals("MSIE") || !browser.equals("Netscape") || !browser.equals("Firefox") || !browser.equals("Mozilla") ||  !browser.equals("Safari"))    
            throw new ValidationFailedException(); 
     return result; 


public override void GetCurrentValue(XPLimitedRequest xpRequest, IPTSession guestReadOnlySession, XPHashtable htUserEnvironment)
htUserEnvironment.PutElement(GetTypeID(), new BrowserType(xpRequest.GetHeader("User-Agent")));
public override Object GetConditionValue(int nRow, 
IPTGrowableSortedArrayWrapperRO saData) 
      Object result = saData.GetItem(nRow, GrowableListModel.EXPLIST_SORTEDARRAY_PROPID_INPUTTEXT); 
      String browser = (String) result; 
      if (!browser.Equals("MSIE") || !browser.Equals("Netscape") || !browser.Equals("Firefox") || !browser.Equals("Mozilla") || !browser.Equals("Safari")) 
        throw new ValidationFailedException(); 
      return result; 

The AddItemToMyConditionsList (com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition.A*ConditionType) method adds values of conditions into a list. These stored values are later used by the Compare method.

By default, condition types use a GrowableList (com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.expandablelist.GrowableList), but any list structure that extends ExpandableList (com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.expandablelist) can be used.

This example uses the default GrowableList.


//This condition uses a GrowableList. It is called right before the Rules Editor is opened.
public void AddItemToMyConditionsList(Object objItem, ExpListModel myListModel, IPTSession ptSession)  
 GrowableListModel myGrowableListModel = (GrowableListModel) myListModel; 
 myGrowableListModel.AddRowsToList(new String[] {XPConvert.ToString(objItem)}); 


public override void AddItemToMyConditionsList(Object objItem, ExpListModel myListModel, IPTSession ptSession) 
      GrowableListModel myGrowableListModel = (GrowableListModel) myListModel; 
      myGrowableListModel.AddRowsToList(new String[]{XPConvert.ToString(objItem)}); 

Step 5: Register the Condition Type Class

Add your new condition type to ConditionTypes.xml (PT_HOME\settings\portal\dynamicloads\Plugins). The portal uses this file to dynamically discover all condition types.

The first four items listed are the standard condition types installed with the portal. Add your custom condition type to the end of the list. In the example below, the custom condition type created in the previous steps is added as ConditionTypeBrowser.

<interface name="com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.condition.AConditionType" />  
<interfaceassembly name="portaluiinfrastructure" />  
<class name="com.plumtree.portalpages.condition.conditiontypes.ConditionTypeURLDomain"/>  
<class name="com.plumtree.portalpages.condition.conditiontypes.ConditionTypeClientIPAddress"/>  
<class name="com.plumtree.portalpages.condition.conditiontypes.ConditionTypeCommunityID"/>  
<class name="com.plumtree.portalpages.condition.conditiontypes.ConditionTypeGroupID"/> 
<class name="com.plumtree.portalpages.condition.conditiontypes.ConditionTypeBrowser"/>

Step 6: Deploy Your Custom Code

Once you have coded the custom condition type, you must deploy your custom class for use by the portal. The process is different for Java and .NET.


  1. Place a copy of the new jar file in PT_HOME\ptportal\6.0\lib\java.

  2. Add the jar to your portal.war file in PT_HOME\portal\6.0\webapp. Always create a backup of your portal.war file before making any changes.

    1. Unzip the portal.war file.

    2. You will see the following directories: \conf, \META-INF and \WEB-INF. Place a copy of your jar file in \WEB-INF\lib.

    3. Rebuild the portal.war file by zipping up the \conf, \META-INF and \WEB-INF directories.


Place the new dll file in the following locations:

  • PT_HOME\ptportal\6.0\webapp\portal\web\bin

  • PT_HOME\ptportal\6.0\bin\assemblies.

Step 7: Restart the Portal

After you restart the portal, you should see the new condition type in the Experience Rules Manager.


You can configure the portal to display debugging messages to troubleshoot problems with your condition types and experience rules. Go to portal administration and click Select Utility | Portal Settings to open the User Settings Manager. Under Debug Mode, select Enable Experience Definition Rules Debug Mode to display experience rules debug messages on My Pages. Enabling this mode adds the option to display debug messages to users' My Account | Display Options | Advanced Settings page.