If you are using WebLogic and want to run the ACC in a dedicated VM (see Starting the ACC in a Dedicated VM in this guide), you must add the following tag to the config.xml file inside the <security-configuration> tag:


See your WebLogic documentation for information on the config.xml file.

To use XA data sources with WebLogic, add the following line to your <ATG9dir>/home/servers/servername/localconfig/GLOBAL.properties file:


In order to create scenarios in the ACC, you must add the <WLdir>/server/lib/wlclient.jar file to your class path. To do this, copy wlclient.jar into the /lib directory of your standalone ACC installation, then modify the bin/startClient.bat file to include wlclient.jar in the class path.

If you are planning to run SQLJMSAdmin on your WebLogic installation, you must change the session-timeout value in the SQLJMSAdmin webModule\WEB-INF\web.xml file from zero to a positive number. ATG recommends setting the timeout value to 30.

Controlling Page Recompilation on WebLogic

When you run ATG applications on WebLogic, WebLogic’s JSP container manages JSP compilation. If you are running WebLogic in development mode, modified pages are automatically recompiled when they are requested, ensuring that the .java files associated with the pages are up to date. To prevent performance degradation due to unnecessary page recompilation, when you run WebLogic 10 in production mode, page recompilation is automatically disabled (.jsp files should not change on a production environment, so in theory recompilation will never happen; but disabling recompilation ensures that it will not be triggered by a timestamp change).

Although recent WebLogic versions automatically disable page recompilation in production mode, you may want to manually disable recompilation if you are in a testing phase, but not yet running in production mode. Unnecessary recompilation may distort performance tests and slow down your quality assurance process.

To disable page recompilation, create a weblogic.xml file (or modify an existing one) in the WEB-INF directory of each web application you want to include in your EAR file. In the weblogic.xml file, set these two parameters to -1:

The following example illustrates disabling both of these checks in the weblogic.xml file:

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