Class CommerceItemManager

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class CommerceItemManager
extends GenericService

This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Orders. This class holds all the business logic for manipulating an Order.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
protected static java.util.ResourceBundle sResourceBundle
          Resource Bundle
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a CommerceItemManager object.
Method Summary
 CommerceItem addAsSeparateItemToOrder(Order pOrder, CommerceItem pItem)
          Adds the given item to the given order.
 CommerceItem addAsSeparateSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem, SubSkuCommerceItem pSubItem)
          Adds the SubItem to the ConfigurableCommerceItem as a separate item.
 void addItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId, double pAmount)
          Adds the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
 void addItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pShippingGroupId, long pQuantity)
          Adds the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
 CommerceItem addItemToOrder(Order pOrder, CommerceItem pItem)
          Adds the given item to the given order.
 void addRemainingItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId)
          Adds any unassigned amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
 void addRemainingItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pShippingGroupId)
          Adds any unassigned quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
 CommerceItem addSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem, SubSkuCommerceItem pSubItem)
          Adds a sub item to a configurable commerce item
protected  void conditionallyEnforceProductSkuRelationship(java.lang.String pCatalogId, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef)
          If 'enforceProductSkuRelationship' is true, verify that the sku is actually one of the product's child skus.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity, ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, long pQuantity)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, long pQuantity, ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity, java.lang.String pCatalogKey)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType, java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, long pQuantity, ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType, java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, long pQuantity, java.lang.String pCatalogKey, ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType, java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.Object pCatalogRef, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProductRef, long pQuantity, java.lang.String pCatalogKey, java.lang.String pCatalogId, ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
 CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType, java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.String pProductId, long pQuantity)
          Creates a new CommerceItem object using the supplied CommerceItem type.
 void generateRangeForItem(CommerceItem pItem)
          For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range
 void generateRangesForOrder(Order pOrder)
          For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range
 java.util.List getAllCommerceItemRelationships(Order pOrder)
          Provides a List of all CommerceItemRelationships associated with the given Order.
 java.util.List getCommerceItemsFromPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup pPaymentGroup)
          Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given PaymentGroup.
 java.util.List getCommerceItemsFromShippingGroup(ShippingGroup pShippingGroup)
          Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given ShippingGroup.
 HandlingInstructionManager getHandlingInstructionManager()
          Returns property handlingInstructionManager
 OrderTools getOrderTools()
          Returns property orderTools
 PaymentGroupManager getPaymentGroupManager()
          Returns property paymentGroupManager
protected  java.lang.String getProductDisplayName(java.lang.Object pProduct)
          Return the display name of a product to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the product's display name could not be found.
 java.lang.String getProductDisplayNamePropertyName()
          Return the name of the product property that holds the display name for that product.
 java.lang.String getProductIdFromSkuId(java.lang.String pSKUId)
          Returns a Product ID for a given SKU, if one is found.
 java.util.Collection getProductSkus(java.lang.Object pProduct)
          Get a collection of SKU items from the specified product object
 java.lang.String getProductSkusPropertyName()
          Return the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product.
 java.lang.String getProfilesCatalogPropertyName()
          The name of the property in the profile that stores the catalog
 ShippingGroupManager getShippingGroupManager()
          Returns property shippingGroupManager
 java.lang.Object getSku(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId, java.lang.String pCatalogKey)
          Get the SKU object corresponding to the specified ID and (optional) catalog.
protected  java.lang.String getSkuDisplayName(java.lang.Object pSku)
          Return the display name of a sku to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the sku's display name could not be found.
 java.lang.String getSkuDisplayNamePropertyName()
          Return the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku.
 long getUnassignedQuantityForCommerceItem(CommerceItem pItem)
          This method returns the unassigned quantity for a CommerceItem.
 boolean isEnforceProductSkuRelationship()
          Return true if the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus.
protected  CommerceItem mergeOrdersCopyCommerceItem(Order pSrcOrder, Order pDstOrder, CommerceItem pItem)
          This method is used by OrderManager.mergeOrders to copy a commerce item from a source order to a destination order.
 boolean productContainsSku(java.lang.Object pProduct, java.lang.String pSkuId)
          Verify that a specified sku ID is an ID of a child sku of the specified product.
protected  boolean productContainsSku(java.lang.String pCatalogId, java.lang.String pProductId, java.lang.Object pProduct, java.lang.String pSkuId, java.lang.Object pSku)
          Verify that a specified sku is actually a child sku of the specified product during creation of a commerce item.
 void removeAllCommerceItemsFromOrder(Order pOrder)
          Removes all the CommerceItems and their Relationships from an Order.
 void removeAllRelationshipsFromCommerceItem(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId)
          Removes all the relationships from the CommerceItem with the given id in the given order.
 void removeAllSubItemsFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem)
          Removes all the SubItems from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.
 void removeItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId, double pAmount)
          Removes the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
 void removeItemFromOrder(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId)
          Removes the given item from the given order.
 void removeItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pShippingGroupId, long pQuantity)
          Removes the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.
 void removeRemainingItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId)
          Removes the "remaining" amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
 void removeRemainingItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pShippingGroupId)
          Removes the "remaining" quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.
 void removeSubItemFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem, java.lang.String pSubItemId)
          Removes the SubItem with the given id from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.
 void returnCommerceItem(Order pOrder, java.lang.String pCommerceItemId, java.lang.String pShippingGroupId, long pQuantity)
          Marks a CommerceItem as returned in an Order.
 java.lang.Object setCommerceItemSku(CommerceItem pCommerceItem, java.lang.String pSkuId)
          Change the SKU to which the commerce item refers.
 void setEnforceProductSkuRelationship(boolean pEnforceProductSkuRelationship)
          Specify whether the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus.
 void setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager pHandlingInstructionManager)
          Sets property handlingInstructionManager
 void setOrderTools(OrderTools pOrderTools)
          Sets property orderTools
 void setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager pPaymentGroupManager)
          Sets property paymentGroupManager
 void setProductDisplayNamePropertyName(java.lang.String pProductDisplayNamePropertyName)
          Specify the name of the product property that holds the display name for the product.
 void setProductSkusPropertyName(java.lang.String pProductSkusPropertyName)
          Specify the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product.
 void setProfilesCatalogPropertyName(java.lang.String pProfilesCatalogPropertyName)
 void setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager pShippingGroupManager)
          Sets property shippingGroupManager
 void setSkuDisplayNamePropertyName(java.lang.String pSkuDisplayNamePropertyName)
          Specify the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku.
protected  boolean shouldMergeItems(Order pOrder, CommerceItem pExistingItem, CommerceItem pNewItem)
          Determine whether or not should merge the quantity in one commerce item into the quantity in an already existing item, rather than adding the new item to the order as a separate line item.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


protected static java.util.ResourceBundle sResourceBundle
Resource Bundle

Constructor Detail


public CommerceItemManager()
Constructs a CommerceItemManager object.

Method Detail


public void setProfilesCatalogPropertyName(java.lang.String pProfilesCatalogPropertyName)


public java.lang.String getProfilesCatalogPropertyName()
The name of the property in the profile that stores the catalog


public void setProductSkusPropertyName(java.lang.String pProductSkusPropertyName)
Specify the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product. The default value is "childSKUs".


public java.lang.String getProductSkusPropertyName()
Return the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product.


public void setProductDisplayNamePropertyName(java.lang.String pProductDisplayNamePropertyName)
Specify the name of the product property that holds the display name for the product. The default value is "displayName".


public java.lang.String getProductDisplayNamePropertyName()
Return the name of the product property that holds the display name for that product.


public void setSkuDisplayNamePropertyName(java.lang.String pSkuDisplayNamePropertyName)
Specify the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku. The default value is "displayName".


public java.lang.String getSkuDisplayNamePropertyName()
Return the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku.


public boolean isEnforceProductSkuRelationship()
Return true if the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus. The default value is false, to preserve backward compatibility with pre-7.0 versions of the code.


public void setEnforceProductSkuRelationship(boolean pEnforceProductSkuRelationship)
Specify whether the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus. If true, createCommerceItem will throw a CommerceException if passed a product and sku that are not related to each other.


public OrderTools getOrderTools()
Returns property orderTools

returns property orderTools


public void setOrderTools(OrderTools pOrderTools)
Sets property orderTools

pOrderTools - the value to set for property orderTools


public ShippingGroupManager getShippingGroupManager()
Returns property shippingGroupManager

returns property shippingGroupManager


public void setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager pShippingGroupManager)
Sets property shippingGroupManager

pShippingGroupManager - the value to set for property shippingGroupManager


public PaymentGroupManager getPaymentGroupManager()
Returns property paymentGroupManager

returns property paymentGroupManager


public void setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager pPaymentGroupManager)
Sets property paymentGroupManager

pPaymentGroupManager - the value to set for property paymentGroupManager


public HandlingInstructionManager getHandlingInstructionManager()
Returns property handlingInstructionManager

returns property handlingInstructionManager


public void setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager pHandlingInstructionManager)
Sets property handlingInstructionManager

pHandlingInstructionManager - the value to set for property handlingInstructionManager


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       long pQuantity)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data and priceInfo objects using the default ItemPriceInfo class as defined in the OrderTools nucleus component.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       long pQuantity)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the supplied CommerceItem type. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data and priceInfo objects using the default ItemPriceInfo class as defined in the OrderTools nucleus component.

pItemType - the name that is mapped in the file to the class of the desired type to create
pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogKey)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data and priceInfo objects using the default ItemPriceInfo class as defined in the OrderTools nucleus component.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pCatalogKey - the catalog key reference (locale) for this CommerceItem
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       long pQuantity)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data and priceInfo objects using the default ItemPriceInfo class as defined in the OrderTools nucleus component.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                       long pQuantity)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data and priceInfo objects using the default ItemPriceInfo class as defined in the OrderTools nucleus component.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
pPriceInfo - the ItemPriceInfo object for this CommerceItem
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data.

pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
pPriceInfo - the ItemPriceInfo object for this CommerceItem
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data.

pItemType - the name that is mapped in the file to the class of the desired type to create
pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
pPriceInfo - the ItemPriceInfo object for this CommerceItem
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogKey,
                                       ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data.

pItemType - the name that is mapped in the file to the class of the desired type to create
pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogKey - the catalog key reference (locale) for this CommerceItem
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
pPriceInfo - the ItemPriceInfo object for this CommerceItem
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public CommerceItem createCommerceItem(java.lang.String pItemType,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                       java.lang.Object pCatalogRef,
                                       java.lang.String pProductId,
                                       java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                       long pQuantity,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogKey,
                                       java.lang.String pCatalogId,
                                       ItemPriceInfo pPriceInfo)
                                throws CommerceException
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType. Populates the CommerceItem with the supplied data.

pItemType - the name that is mapped in the file to the class of the desired type to create
pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pQuantity - the quantity that this CommerceItem should represent
pCatalogKey - the catalog key reference (locale) for this CommerceItem
pCatalogId - the id of the catalog repository item that this item is in
pPriceInfo - the ItemPriceInfo object for this CommerceItem
the CommerceItem which was created
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:


public java.lang.Object setCommerceItemSku(CommerceItem pCommerceItem,
                                           java.lang.String pSkuId)
                                    throws CommerceException
Change the SKU to which the commerce item refers. Calls conditionallyEnforceProductSkuRelationship with the new SKU.

pCommerceItem - the commerce item
pSkuId - the ID of the new
the new SKU object


public java.lang.Object getSku(java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                               java.lang.String pCatalogKey)
                        throws RepositoryException
Get the SKU object corresponding to the specified ID and (optional) catalog.

pCatalogRefId - the SKU ID
pCatalogKey - the catalog key or null
the SKU object or null


public CommerceItem addItemToOrder(Order pOrder,
                                   CommerceItem pItem)
                            throws CommerceException
Adds the given item to the given order. By default this method will check for a duplicate item in the order and if one is found, will add the quantity in pItem to the one which already exists in the Order. Otherwise it will add the given CommerceItem to the order.

pOrder - the Order to add the CommerceItem to
pItem - the CommerceItem to add to the Order
the CommerceItem which contains the item just added. If the item did not exist pItem is returned. If it did, then the item which already existed in the order is returned
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
CommerceException - thrown if a CommerceItem is added and a DuplicateCommerceItemException is caught. This is an internal error and will get thrown only if the id of the CommerceItem being added already exists in the order. This should not happen under normal circumstances.


protected void conditionallyEnforceProductSkuRelationship(java.lang.String pCatalogId,
                                                          java.lang.String pProductId,
                                                          java.lang.Object pProductRef,
                                                          java.lang.String pCatalogRefId,
                                                          java.lang.Object pCatalogRef)
                                                   throws CommerceException
If 'enforceProductSkuRelationship' is true, verify that the sku is actually one of the product's child skus. The actual SKU membership in product test is delegated to another method so subclasses can easily override the business logic if necessary.

pCatalogId - the id of the catalog repository item that this item is in
pProductId - the product id that this CommerceItem references
pProductRef - the product object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRefId - the id of the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
pCatalogRef - the catalog object reference that this CommerceItem represents
CommerceException - if enforceProductSkuRelationship is true and SKU is not valid for product


protected boolean shouldMergeItems(Order pOrder,
                                   CommerceItem pExistingItem,
                                   CommerceItem pNewItem)
Determine whether or not should merge the quantity in one commerce item into the quantity in an already existing item, rather than adding the new item to the order as a separate line item. By default we merge items if their product id's are equal. Subclasses can override this method to alter the logic used to decide when to merge two commerce items in an order.

pOrder - The order to which pNewItem is being added. This is not used by the default implementation but is provided in case subclasses need it to implement alternative item-merging logic.
pExistingItem - An item already in the cart
pNewItem - The item being added to the cart
true if pExistingItem and pNewItem should be merged in the cart


public CommerceItem addAsSeparateItemToOrder(Order pOrder,
                                             CommerceItem pItem)
                                      throws CommerceException
Adds the given item to the given order. This method forces the given CommerceItem to be added to the Order and does not look for one with the same catalogRefId. The result of calling this method is that two or more separate CommerceItems with the same catalogRefId will exist in the Order.

pOrder - the Order to add the CommerceItem to
pItem - the CommerceItem to add to the Order
the CommerceItem added to the Order, in this case it will be pItem
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
CommerceException - thrown if a CommerceItem is added and a DuplicateCommerceItemException is caught. This is an internal error and will get thrown only if the id of the CommerceItem being added already exists in the order. This should not happen under normal circumstances.


public void removeAllCommerceItemsFromOrder(Order pOrder)
                                     throws CommerceException
Removes all the CommerceItems and their Relationships from an Order.

pOrder - the Order which contains the CommerceItems to be removed
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ObjectRemovalException - thrown if a CommerceItem cannot be removed


public void removeItemFromOrder(Order pOrder,
                                java.lang.String pCommerceItemId)
                         throws CommerceException
Removes the given item from the given order. This method will also remove relationships and HandlingInstructions which reference the CommerceItem. Also if there is only one ShippingGroup, it will check for any HandlingInstructions in that ShippingGroup.

pOrder - the Order to remove the CommerceItem fom
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to remove from the Order
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ObjectRemovalException - thrown if the CommerceItem cannot be removed


public void removeAllRelationshipsFromCommerceItem(Order pOrder,
                                                   java.lang.String pCommerceItemId)
                                            throws CommerceException
Removes all the relationships from the CommerceItem with the given id in the given order. Also removes any HandlingInstructions which reference this CommerceItem.

pOrder - the Order which contains the CommerceItem to remove the relationships from
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
CommerceItemNotFoundException - if an item with the given id is not found in the given order
ObjectRemovalException - thrown if a relationship cannot be removed


public java.util.List getAllCommerceItemRelationships(Order pOrder)
                                               throws CommerceException
Provides a List of all CommerceItemRelationships associated with the given Order. This could include PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationships or ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships.

pOrder - the Order whose relationships are sought
a List of CommerceItemRelationships in the Order
InvalidParameterException - thrown if order parameter is null
See Also:
Relationship, CommerceItemRelationship, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship


public java.util.List getCommerceItemsFromShippingGroup(ShippingGroup pShippingGroup)
                                                 throws CommerceException
Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given ShippingGroup.

pShippingGroup - the ShippingGroup to retrieve the CommerceItems from
a List of CommerceItems which are in the given ShippingGroup
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null


public java.util.List getCommerceItemsFromPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup pPaymentGroup)
                                                throws CommerceException
Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given PaymentGroup.

pPaymentGroup - the PaymentGroup to retrieve the CommerceItems from
a List of CommerceItems which are in the given PaymentGroup
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null


public long getUnassignedQuantityForCommerceItem(CommerceItem pItem)
This method returns the unassigned quantity for a CommerceItem. If a CommerceItem contains a ShippingGroupRelationship with type ShippingRemaining, then the unassigned quantity will always be 0. To determine the remaining quantity call getRemainingQuantityForShippingGroup(CommerceItem). This method assumes that ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships have been created between the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup.

pItem - the CommerceItem we are checking
the unassigned quantity.
See Also:


public void addItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order pOrder,
                                        java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                        java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId,
                                        double pAmount)
                                 throws CommerceException
Adds the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the PaymentGroup with the given id. Underneath the surface, this method creates a PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship with type PAYMENTQUANTITY and sets the PaymentGroup, CommerceItem, and quantity properties in that Relationship to those given as parameters in this method. The id parameters are resolved to the actual objects.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to add
pPaymentGroupId - the id of the PaymentGroup which the CommerceItem will be added to
pAmount - the amount of the CommerceItem which will be added
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
InvalidTypeException - thrown if more than one REMAINING relationship type is added to a PaymentGroup or if an invalid type is set to the Relationship
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
See Also:


public void addRemainingItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order pOrder,
                                                 java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                                 java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId)
                                          throws CommerceException
Adds any unassigned amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id. Underneath the surface, this method creates a PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship with type PAYMENTAMOUNTREMAINING and sets the PaymentGroup and CommerceItem properties in that Relationship to those given as parameters in this method. The id parameters are resolved to the actual objects.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to add
pPaymentGroupId - the id of the PaymentGroup which the CommerceItem will be added to
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
InvalidTypeException - thrown if more than one REMAINING relationship type is added to a PaymentGroup or if an invalid type is set to the Relationship
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
See Also:


public void addItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order pOrder,
                                           java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                           java.lang.String pShippingGroupId,
                                           long pQuantity)
                                    throws CommerceException
Adds the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id. Underneath the surface, this method creates a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship with type SHIPPINGQUANTITY and sets the ShippingGroup, CommerceItem, and quantity properties in that Relationship to those given as parameters in this method. The id parameters are resolved to the actual objects.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to add
pShippingGroupId - the id of the ShippingGroup which the CommerceItem will be added to
pQuantity - the quantity of the CommerceItem which will be added
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
InvalidTypeException - thrown if more than one REMAINING relationship type is added to a PaymentGroup or if an invalid type is set to the Relationship
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
See Also:


public void addRemainingItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order pOrder,
                                                    java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                                    java.lang.String pShippingGroupId)
                                             throws CommerceException
Adds any unassigned quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id. Underneath the surface, this method creates a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship with type SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING and sets the ShippingGroup and CommerceItem properties in that Relationship to those given as parameters in this method. The id parameters are resolved to the actual objects.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to add
pShippingGroupId - the id of the ShippingGroup which the CommerceItem will be added to
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
InvalidTypeException - thrown if more than one REMAINING relationship type is added to a ShippingGroup or if an invalid type is set to the Relationship
ObjectCreationException - if the instantiation of an object fails
See Also:


public void removeItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order pOrder,
                                                java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                                java.lang.String pShippingGroupId,
                                                long pQuantity)
                                         throws CommerceException
Removes the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to to remove from the ShippingGroup
pShippingGroupId - the id of the ShippingGroup which the CommerceItem will be removed from
pQuantity - the quantity of the CommerceItem which will be removed
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the quantity fails


public void removeRemainingItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order pOrder,
                                                         java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                                         java.lang.String pShippingGroupId)
                                                  throws CommerceException
Removes the "remaining" quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and ShippingGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to to remove from the ShippingGroup
pShippingGroupId - the id of the ShippingGroup which the CommerceItem will be removed from
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ShippingGroupNotFoundException - if a ShippingGroup with the given id is not found in the given order
CommerceItemNotFoundException - if a CommerceItem with the given id is not found in the given order
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the object fails


public void removeItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order pOrder,
                                             java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                             java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId,
                                             double pAmount)
                                      throws CommerceException
Removes the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and PaymentGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem
pPaymentGroupId - the id of the PaymentGroup
pAmount - the amount to remove
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null or invalid
RelationshipNotFoundException - if the given relationship is not found in the PaymentGroup or CommerceItem
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the quantity fails


public void removeRemainingItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order pOrder,
                                                      java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                                                      java.lang.String pPaymentGroupId)
                                               throws CommerceException
Removes the "remaining" amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.

pOrder - the Order which the CommerceItem and PaymentGroup exist
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem
pPaymentGroupId - the id of the PaymentGroup
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
RelationshipNotFoundException - if the given relationship is not found in the PaymentGroup or CommerceItem
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the object fails


public CommerceItem addSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem,
                                                 SubSkuCommerceItem pSubItem)
                                          throws CommerceException
Adds a sub item to a configurable commerce item

pItem - the ConfigurableCommerceItem to add the sub item to
pSubItem - the SubSkuCommerceItem to add to the ConfigurableCommerceItem
the sub item that was added to the ConfigurableCommerceItem
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:
SubSkuCommerceItem, ConfigurableCommerceItem


public CommerceItem addAsSeparateSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem,
                                                           SubSkuCommerceItem pSubItem)
                                                    throws CommerceException
Adds the SubItem to the ConfigurableCommerceItem as a separate item.

pItem - the ConfigurableCommerceItem to add the sub item to
pSubItem - the SubSkuCommerceItem to add to the ConfigurableCommerceItem
the sub item that was added to the ConfigurableCommerceItem
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
See Also:
SubSkuCommerceItem, ConfigurableCommerceItem


public void removeSubItemFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem,
                                              java.lang.String pSubItemId)
                                       throws CommerceException
Removes the SubItem with the given id from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.

pItem - the ConfigurableCommerceItem to remove the sub item from
pSubItemId - the SubSkuCommerceItem id to remove from the ConfigurableCommerceItem
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the object fails
See Also:
SubSkuCommerceItem, ConfigurableCommerceItem


public void removeAllSubItemsFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem pItem)
                                           throws CommerceException
Removes all the SubItems from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.

pItem - the ConfigurableCommerceItem to remove the SubSkuCommerceItems from
InvalidParameterException - thrown if any of the parameters are null
ObjectRemovalException - if the removal of the object fails
See Also:
SubSkuCommerceItem, ConfigurableCommerceItem


public void returnCommerceItem(Order pOrder,
                               java.lang.String pCommerceItemId,
                               java.lang.String pShippingGroupId,
                               long pQuantity)
                        throws CommerceException
Marks a CommerceItem as returned in an Order. Marking it as returned sets the returnedQuantity in the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship to pQuantity. It also reduces the quantity in the CommerceItem and the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship by pQuantity.

pOrder - the Order which contains the CommerceItem to return
pCommerceItemId - the id of the CommerceItem to return
pShippingGroupId - the id of the ShippingGroup which contains the CommerceItem to return
pQuantity - the quantity of the CommerceItem to return. The quantity cannot be larger than the quantity in the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
CommerceException - if an exception occurs while returning a CommerceItem


public void generateRangesForOrder(Order pOrder)
                            throws CommerceException
For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range

pOrder - The order to calculate the ranges for


public void generateRangeForItem(CommerceItem pItem)
                          throws CommerceException
For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range

pOrder - The item to calculate the ranges for


protected CommerceItem mergeOrdersCopyCommerceItem(Order pSrcOrder,
                                                   Order pDstOrder,
                                                   CommerceItem pItem)
                                            throws CommerceException
This method is used by OrderManager.mergeOrders to copy a commerce item from a source order to a destination order. By default it copies the item's catalogRefId property and quantity, and the auxiliary data's catalogRef, productId, and productRef properties.

Applications that have extended CommerceItem to include additional data should subclass CommerceItemManager and override this method if any of that data must be preserved when merging orders.

pSrcOrder - The source order from which commerce items are being copied.
pDstOrder - The destination order to which commerce items are being copied.
pItem - The item currently being copied.
A new CommerceItem whose important properties have been set to the same values as in pItem.


protected java.lang.String getProductDisplayName(java.lang.Object pProduct)
Return the display name of a product to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the product's display name could not be found.


protected java.lang.String getSkuDisplayName(java.lang.Object pSku)
Return the display name of a sku to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the sku's display name could not be found.


public java.util.Collection getProductSkus(java.lang.Object pProduct)
                                    throws CommerceException
Get a collection of SKU items from the specified product object

pProduct - the product
a collection of SKU repository items or null


public boolean productContainsSku(java.lang.Object pProduct,
                                  java.lang.String pSkuId)
                           throws CommerceException
Verify that a specified sku ID is an ID of a child sku of the specified product.

pProduct - The product
pSkuId - The sku id to test
Return true if the specified SKU ID is represented by one of the product's skus. Return false if the sku is not one of the child skus, or its status cannnot be determined either because we cannot locate the child skus property of the product, or we cannot examine the resulting object type to see if it contains the target sku.
CommerceException - if unable to find or recognize the type of the product's child SKU property


protected boolean productContainsSku(java.lang.String pCatalogId,
                                     java.lang.String pProductId,
                                     java.lang.Object pProduct,
                                     java.lang.String pSkuId,
                                     java.lang.Object pSku)
Verify that a specified sku is actually a child sku of the specified product during creation of a commerce item. Many of the parameters passed in to this method are not required by the default implementation, but are provided so that subclasses can implement more complex forms of checking.

pCatalogId - The catalog id of the particular catalog from which a commerce item is being created. May be null if custom catalogs are not in use.
pProductId - The product id of the product being examined. May be null if no product id was supplied in the call to createCommerceItem.
pProduct - The product object corresponding to pProductId, which may be null if pProductId is null.
pSkuId - The sku id of the sku being examined. This value should never be null.
pSku - The sku object corresponding to pSkuId
Return true if the specified sku is one of the product's child skus, or of the product is null. Return false if the sku is not one of the child skus, or its status cannnot be determined either because we cannot locate the child skus property of the product, or we cannot examine the resulting object type to see if it contains the target sku.


public java.lang.String getProductIdFromSkuId(java.lang.String pSKUId)
Returns a Product ID for a given SKU, if one is found.

pSKUId - the sku to get a product for
pResponse - the servlet's response
javax.servlet.ServletException - if there was an error while executing the code - if there was an error with servlet io