Class GenericService

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbandonedOrderEventListener, AbandonedOrderTools, AbandonmentActionConfiguration, AbstractInventoryManagerImpl, AbstractSequentialIdGenerator, ADCClientRequestData, ADCConfiguration, ADCEventMonitor, ADCPipelineProcessor, ADCRequestData, atg.commerce.util.AddressValidatorImpl, AgentAuditRecorder, AgentMessageSource, AgentMessagingTools, AgentSessionEndListener, AgentTools, BaseCommand, BaseCommandHandler, BatchEmailListener, BusinessProcessManager, BusinessProcessServices, C2CConfiguration, C2CSessionDataPropertyManager, C2CTokenGenerator, Cache, CachedCollectionFilter, CatalogCompletionService, CatalogMigration, CatalogServices, CatalogTools, ClaimableManager, ClaimableTools, ClientLockManager, ClosenessQualifierEvaluator, CollectorPropertyService, CommerceC2CSessionDataPropertyManager, CommerceItemManager, CommerceItemShippingInfoTools, CompareByProperties, ComparisonList, CompositeXMLHandlerFactory, ConfigStatePersister, atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryService, CookieManager, CopyInvoiceRequestProperties, CortexIntrospectorService, CostCenterContainerService, CostCenterManager, CreditCardTools, CurrentDate,, CyberCashConnection, CyberSourceAddressVerification, CyberSourceConnection, CyberSourceCreditCard, CyberSourceTax, atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessageSource, DataCollectorService, DataContentHandlerRegistry, DataSource, DBCopier, DefaultMetaPropertyValueFormatter, DeploymentManager, DeploymentServer, DiscountCalculatorService, DispatchLogger, DisplayLogger, DistributorSender, DOMWriterService, DummyCreditCardProcessor, DummyTaxProcessor, DynamicContentGroup, DynamicContentTargeter,, EmailLogger, EmptyFormHandler, EventQueue, ExpressionParser, ExternalRepositoryUpdate, FacetManager, FacetSearchTools, FacetTrailTools, FakeXADataSource, FileXMLHandlerFactory, FilterActionConfiguration, FormattingLogger, GearMessagePublisher, GenerateInvoiceMessage, GenericAccountInitializer, GenericContext, GenericConverter, GenericDataListenerService, GenericDimensionService, GenericHandler, GenericReference, GenericSecuredRepository, GenericSecuredResourceService, GenericVariableRankingProperty, GetService, GiftCertificateProcessorImpl, GiftlistManager, GiftlistTools, GroupAccessController, HandlingInstructionManager, HardgoodShipper, IndexingPropertyProvider, InfoGeneratorService, InitialService, IntegrationRepositoryTools, InventoryServices, InvoiceManager, InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl, InvoiceTools, iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher, ItemListPriceCalculator, ItemPriceCalculator, ItemPriceCalculator, ItemSalesPriceCalculator, ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator, ItemTieredPriceCalculator, JapaneseConverter, JTSQLTableLogger, LoaderImpl, LogPromotionInfoConfiguration, atg.nucleus.logging.LogRedirectingGenericService, MappingManager, MarkerConfiguration, MarkerMessageSource, MemorySampler, MessageContentProcessor, MetaPropertiesHelper, MetaPropertiesHelperRegistry, MetaPropertyValueFormatterRegistry, atg.repository.xml.ModifyService, MultiPropertyConcatenator, NoTaxCalculator, OrderManager, OrderMarkerManager, OrderMarkerServices, OrderMergeListenerImpl, OrderServices, OrderSubtotalCalculator, OrderTools, PayFlowProConnection, PaymentGroupContainerService, PaymentGroupManager, PaymentManager, atg.process.definition.PDLParser, PersistentCacheManager, PipelinedDataReporter, PipelineManager, PlaceList, PortalManager, PortletFormHandler, PriceListManager, PriceListPropertyProvider, PricingEngineService, PricingModelHolder, PricingModelProperties, ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer, ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers, ProcCreateCreditCardInfo, ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo, ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo, ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo, ProcDispatchOnOrderState, ProcDispatchOnProperty, ProcHandleModificationClassType, ProcPopulatePipelineParams, ProcProcessPaymentGroup, ProcPropertyRestriction, ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage, ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile, ProductInventoryCollector, Profile, ProfileMarkerServices, ProfileRequest, ProfileRequestTools, ProfileServices, ProfileSessionFailService, ProfileTools, ProjectPropertyAccessor, PromotionTools,, PropertyTools, PurchaseProcessHelper, Qualifier, QueueingLogger, RecurringDeploymentService, RefinementConfigurationGenerator, RefinementConfigurationPropertyManager, RefinementElementPropertyManager, atg.nucleus.RegisteredService, RemoveService, RepeatingRequestMonitor, RepositoryImpl, RepositoryMarkerManager, RepositoryProfileItemFinder, RepositoryServices, RepositoryUtils.Service, RepositoryXMLTools, RequestServerMonitor, ResourcePool, RuleAccessController, RuleEvaluator, RuleSetEvaluator, SampleToLogEvent, SaveCommerceC2CSessionData, SchedulableService, Scheduler, SearchConfigNameService, SearchConfigurationPropertyManager, SearchConfigurationRedirectProcessor, SearchConfigurationRequestProcessor, SearchContext, SearchContext, SearchDimensionManagerService, SearchMerchandisingConstants, SearchQueryCache, SearchTestingEnvironment, SearchTestingPropertyManager, SearchTestingService, SearchUpdateXMLGenerator, SecurityProviderService, SessionInfo, SetPaymentDueDate, ShippingCalculatorImpl, ShippingGroupContainerService, ShippingGroupManager, SimpleInvoiceMessageSink, SimpleSOAPClient, SKUInventoryCollector, Slot, SourceSinkTemplate, SQLTableLogger, StandardCollectorFactory, StandardSecurityPolicy, StoreCreditProcessorImpl, SubCatalogsGeneratorService, SwitchingDataSource, TableInfo, TargetingResults, TargetingServices, TargetingSourceMap, TaxProcessorTaxCalculator, TaxService, TaxWareCalculateTax, TaxWareVerifyZipInfo, TemplateEmailSender, TimedOperationService, TransactionLockFactory, UrlTemplate, UrlTemplateMapperImpl, UserCreditCardAuthorizer, UserDirectoryTools, UserDirectoryUserAuthority, UserFailService, UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer, UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer, UserLoginManager, UserStoreCreditAuthorizer, ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue, VariableRankingPropertyProvider, VersioningLayerTools, VersionManager, VMSystem, WebAppRegistry, WorkingContext.WorkingContextService, XAOnlyDataSource

public class GenericService
extends VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
implements NameContextBindingListener, ComponentNameResolver, NameContextElement, ServiceListener, Service, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, AdminableService

A GenericService is a basic implementation of the Service interfaces. Services written from scratch should extend this class to take advantage of all the facilities it provides:

A GenericService provides two methods that subclasses should override:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
static java.lang.String SERVICE_INFO_KEY
          Should be used as a key to retrieve the serviceInfo property from ResourceBundles
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new GenericService
Method Summary
 void addLogListener(LogListener pListener)
          Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
protected  javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
          Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
 void doStartService()
          This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
 void doStopService()
          This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
 java.lang.String getAbsoluteName()
          Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.
 javax.servlet.Servlet getAdminServlet()
          Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
protected  ApplicationLogging getLoggingForVlogging()
          Get the ApplicationLogging instance to use for vlog methods.
 int getLogListenerCount()
          Returns the number of log listeners
 LogListener[] getLogListeners()
          Returns the list of log listeners as an array property.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
 NameContext getNameContext()
          Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
 Nucleus getNucleus()
          Returns the Nucleus managing this Service
 NameContext getRoot()
          Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext
 Configuration getServiceConfiguration()
          Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.
 java.lang.String getServiceInfo()
          Returns the a descriptive string about this service
 boolean isLoggingDebug()
          This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingError()
          This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingInfo()
          This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingTrace()
          This method returns whether or not an trace log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingWarning()
          This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isRunning()
          Returns true if this Service is currently running.
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an error event with the specified message
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an info event with the specified message
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
 void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an trace event with the specified message
 void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an trace event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logTrace(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an trace event with the specified Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
 void nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent pEvent)
          This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.
 void nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent pEvent)
          This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.
 void removeLogListener(LogListener pListener)
          Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
 java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName)
          Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName, boolean pCreate)
          Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName)
          Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName, boolean pCreate)
          Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
 void sendLogEvent(LogEvent pLogEvent)
          Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
 void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingTrace(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not trace log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
 void setNucleus(Nucleus pNucleus)
          Sets the Nucleus managing this Service
 void setServiceInfo(java.lang.String pServiceInfo)
          Sets the a descriptive string about this service
 void startService(ServiceEvent pEvent)
          Starts the service running.
 void stopService()
          Stops the service.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_INFO_KEY
Should be used as a key to retrieve the serviceInfo property from ResourceBundles

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GenericService()
Constructs a new GenericService

Method Detail


public NameContext getRoot()
Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values. The Service should override this method to start any processes it requires.

ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public void doStopService()
                   throws ServiceException
This is called when a Service is required to shut down. The Service should respond by stopping any processes that it has started.

ServiceException - if the Service had a problem shutting down


public java.lang.String getServiceInfo()
Returns the a descriptive string about this service


public void setServiceInfo(java.lang.String pServiceInfo)
Sets the a descriptive string about this service


public void addLogListener(LogListener pListener)
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners

Specified by:
addLogListener in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender


public void removeLogListener(LogListener pListener)
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners

Specified by:
removeLogListener in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender


public LogListener[] getLogListeners()
Returns the list of log listeners as an array property.

Specified by:
getLogListeners in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender


public int getLogListenerCount()
Returns the number of log listeners

Specified by:
getLogListenerCount in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender


public void sendLogEvent(LogEvent pLogEvent)
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners


public java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName,
                                    boolean pCreate)
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.

pName - the name to be resolved
pCreate - flag indicating whether Nucleus should attempt to create the object if it does not already exist in the naming hierarchy.
the Object to which the name resolves, or null if the name could not be resolved. Any errors that occur are directed to listeners of the Nucleus.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName,
                                    boolean pCreate)
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent. This method should only be called on globally scoped components.

pName - the name to be resolved
pCreate - flag indicating whether Nucleus should attempt to create the object if it does not already exist in the naming hierarchy.
the Object to which the name resolves, or null if the name could not be resolved. Any errors that occur are directed to listeners of the Nucleus.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName)
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent. This will attempt to create the service for the specified name if it does not already exist. This method should only be called on globally scoped components.

Specified by:
resolveName in interface ComponentNameResolver
pName - the name to be resolved
the Object to which the name resolves, or null if the name could not be resolved. Any errors that occur are directed to listeners of the Nucleus.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName)
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent. This will attempt to create the service for the specified name if it does not already exist.

Specified by:
resolveName in interface NameResolver
pName - the name to be resolved
the Object to which the name resolves, or null if the name could not be resolved. Any errors that occur are directed to listeners of the Nucleus.


public java.lang.String getAbsoluteName()
Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.


public void nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent pEvent)
This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.

Specified by:
nameContextElementBound in interface NameContextBindingListener


public void nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent pEvent)
This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.

Specified by:
nameContextElementUnbound in interface NameContextBindingListener


public NameContext getNameContext()
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.

Specified by:
getNameContext in interface NameContextElement


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.

Specified by:
getName in interface NameContextElement


public void startService(ServiceEvent pEvent)
                  throws ServiceException
Starts the service running. This will be called after the service has been placed into the naming hierarchy, and all of its properties have been set.

Specified by:
startService in interface ServiceListener
pEvent - the ServiceEvent encapsulating information about the Service's environment and configuration
ServiceException - if an error occurred while attempting to start the service.


public void stopService()
                 throws ServiceException
Stops the service. This will be called when the Service is being shut down, either by explicit instructions from the administrator, or for various other reasons. A Service should clean up any resources it is using, but should be prepared to restart itself. When asked to restart, its properties may have changed.

Specified by:
stopService in interface ServiceListener
ServiceException - if an error occurred while attempting to stop the service.


public Nucleus getNucleus()
Returns the Nucleus managing this Service

Specified by:
getNucleus in interface Service


public void setNucleus(Nucleus pNucleus)
Sets the Nucleus managing this Service


public Configuration getServiceConfiguration()
Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.

Specified by:
getServiceConfiguration in interface Service


public boolean isRunning()
Returns true if this Service is currently running.

Specified by:
isRunning in interface Service


public boolean isLoggingInfo()
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if info log events should be logged
false if info log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingWarning()
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if warning log events should be logged
false if warning log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingError()
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if error log events should be logged
false if error log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingDebug()
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if debug log events should be logged
false if debug log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingTrace()
This method returns whether or not an trace log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingTrace in interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
isLoggingTrace in class VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
boolean true if trace log events should be logged
false if trace log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingTrace(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not trace log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingTrace in interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an info event with the specified message

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage,
                    java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an warning event with the specified message

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage,
                       java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an error event with the specified message

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an debug event with the specified message

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an trace event with the specified message

Specified by:
logTrace in interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging


public void logTrace(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an trace event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logTrace in interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging


public void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an trace event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logTrace in interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging


public javax.servlet.Servlet getAdminServlet()
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service. This will first check to see if the servlet is already created, and if not it will create it by calling createAdminServlet.

Specified by:
getAdminServlet in interface AdminableService
See Also:


protected javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service. By default, this creates a ServiceAdminServlet, but subclasses may create their own servlets.


protected ApplicationLogging getLoggingForVlogging()
Get the ApplicationLogging instance to use for vlog methods.

Specified by:
getLoggingForVlogging in class VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl