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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference

Class DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory

  extended by com.tangosol.util.Base
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurableCacheFactory, XmlConfigurable

public class DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory
extends Base
implements ConfigurableCacheFactory

DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches declared in a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file.

This class is designed to be easily extendable with a collection of factory methods allowing subclasses to customize it by overriding any subset of cache instantiation routines or even allowing addition of custom schemes.

There are various ways of using this factory:

   ConfigurableCacheFactory factory =
       new DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(sPath);
   ClassLoader loader  = getClass().getClassLoader();
   NamedCache cacheOne = factory.ensureCache("one", loader);
   NamedCache cacheTwo = factory.ensureCache("two", loader);

Using this approach allows an easy customization by extending the DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory and changing the instantiation line:

   ConfigurableCacheFactory factory = new CustomConfigurableCacheFactory();

Another option is using the static version of the "ensureCache" call:

   ClassLoader loader  = getClass().getClassLoader();
   NamedCache cacheOne = CacheFactory.getCache("one", loader);
   NamedCache cacheTwo = CacheFactory.getCache("two", loader);

which uses an instance of ConfigurableCacheFactory obtained by CacheFactory.getConfigurableCacheFactory().

Coherence 2.2
gg 2003.05.26
See Also:
CacheFactory.getCache(String, ClassLoader)

Nested Class Summary
static class DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo
          CacheInfo is a placeholder for cache attributes retrieved during parsing the corresponding cache mapping element.
 class DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.Manager
          BackingMapManager implementation that uses the configuration XML to create the required backing maps and provides client access to those maps.
protected  class DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.PartitionedBackingMapManager
          BackingMapManager implementation used by PartitionAwareBackingMap(s) to lazily configure the enclosing PABM based on the configration settings of the enclosed maps.


Field Summary
static String CACHE_NAME
          The name of the replaceable parameter representing the cache name.
static String CACHE_REF
          The name of the replaceable parameter representing a cache reference.
static String CLASS_LOADER
          The name of the replaceable parameter representing the class loader.
static String FILE_CFG_CACHE
          The default configuration file name.
protected  Set m_setManager
          A Set of BackingMapManager instances registered by this factory.
protected  ScopedReferenceStore m_store
          Store that holds cache references scoped by class loader and optionally, if configured, Subject.
static String MGR_CONTEXT
          The name of the replaceable parameter representing the backing map manager context.
static int SCHEME_CLASS
          The custom class scheme.
static int SCHEME_DISK
          Deprecated. As of Coherence 3.0, replaced by SCHEME_EXTERNAL and SCHEME_EXTERNAL_PAGED
          The distributed cache scheme.
          The external scheme.
          The paged-external scheme.
          The invocation service scheme.
static int SCHEME_LOCAL
          The local cache scheme.
static int SCHEME_NEAR
          The near cache scheme.
          The optimistic cache scheme.
          The overflow map scheme.
static int SCHEME_PROXY
          The proxy service scheme.
          The read write backing map scheme.
static String SCHEME_REF
          The name of the replaceable parameter representing a scheme reference.
          The remote cache scheme.
          The remote invocation scheme.
          The replicated cache scheme.
          The transactional cache scheme.
          The unknwown scheme type.
          The versioned backing map scheme.
          The versioned near cache scheme.


Constructor Summary
          Construct a default DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the default configuration file name.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(String sPath)
          Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified path to a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file or resource.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(String sPath, ClassLoader loader)
          Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified path to a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file or resource.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified configuration XML.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(XmlElement xmlConfig, ClassLoader loader)
          Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified configuration XML.


Method Summary
protected static void checkPermission(NamedCache cache)
          Check if the current user is allowed to "join" the cache.
static Map collectServiceSchemes(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          Collect a map keyed by service names with values of corresponding service schemes in the specified cache configuration.
protected static void collectServiceSchemes(XmlElement xmlScheme, XmlElement xmlConfig, HashMap mapService)
          Collect the service-schemes referenced by the specified scheme element in the cache configuration and update the specified mapping of service names to the associated service schemes.
 Map configureBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlScheme, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader, Map mapListeners)
          Configures a backing map according to the scheme.
 NamedCache configureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlScheme, ClassLoader loader)
          Ensures a cache for given scheme.
protected  void configureUnitCalculator(XmlElement xmlCache, ConfigurableCacheMap cache, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Configure a UnitCalculator for the specified ConfigurableCacheMap.
protected  double convertDouble(XmlValue xmlValue)
          Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to a double.
protected  int convertInt(XmlValue xmlValue)
          Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to an int.
protected  int convertInt(XmlValue xmlValue, int nDefault)
          Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to an int.
protected  long convertLong(XmlValue xmlValue)
          Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to a long.
 void destroyCache(NamedCache cache)
          Release and destroy this instance of NamedCache.
protected  NamedCache ensureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlScheme, ClassLoader loader)
          Obtain the NamedCache reference for the cache service defined by the specified scheme.
 NamedCache ensureCache(String sCacheName, ClassLoader loader)
          Ensure a cache for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
 Service ensureService(String sServiceName)
          Ensure a service for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
 Service ensureService(XmlElement xmlScheme)
          Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
protected  Service ensureServiceInternal(XmlElement xmlScheme)
          Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
protected  XmlElement findScheme(String sSchemeName)
          In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given scheme name.
protected static XmlElement findScheme(XmlElement xmlConfig, String sSchemeName)
          In the specified configuration XML, find a "scheme" element associated with the specified scheme name.
 DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo findSchemeMapping(String sCacheName)
          In the configuration XML find a "cache-mapping" element associated with a given cache name.
protected  XmlElement findServiceScheme(String sServiceName)
          In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given service name.
 XmlElement getConfig()
          Obtain the factory configuration XML.
protected  ClassLoader getConfigClassLoader()
          Return the class loader used to load the configuration for this factory.
protected  XmlElement getConfigUnsafe()
          Obtain a mutable reference to the factory configuration XML.
protected  void initializeBundler(AbstractBundler bundler, XmlElement xmlBundle)
          Initialize the specified bundler using the "bundle-config" element.
 Object instantiateAny(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlClass, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create an Object using "class-scheme" element.
protected  AsyncBinaryStore instantiateAsyncBinaryStore(BinaryStore store, int cbMaxAsync)
          Construct an AsyncBinaryStore using the specified parameters.
protected  AsyncBinaryStoreManager instantiateAsyncBinaryStoreManager(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr, int cbMaxAsync)
          Construct an AsyncBinaryStoreManager using the specified parameters.
protected  BackingMapManager instantiateBackingMapManager(int nSchemeType, XmlElement xmlScheme)
          Instantiate a BackingMapManager for a given scheme type.
protected  BinaryStoreManager instantiateBinaryStoreManager(XmlElement xmlConfig, ClassLoader loader, boolean fPaged)
          Create a BinaryStoreManager using the specified XML configuration.
protected  BundlingNamedCache instantiateBundlingNamedCache(NamedCache cache, XmlElement xmlBundling)
          Create a BundlingNamedCache using the "operation-bundling" element.
protected  Object instantiateCacheStore(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlStore, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a CacheLoader, CacheStore or BinaryEntryStore using the "cachestore-scheme" element.
protected  Map instantiateDiskBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlDisk, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Deprecated. As of Coherence 3.0, replaced by instantiateExternalBackingMap(,,, java.lang.ClassLoader) and instantiatePagedExternalBackingMap(,,, java.lang.ClassLoader)
protected  Map instantiateExternalBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlExternal, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a backing Map using the "external-scheme" element.
protected  Map instantiateLocalCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlLocal, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a backing Map using the "local-scheme" element.
protected  LocalCache instantiateLocalCache(int cUnits, int cExpiryMillis)
          Construct a LocalCache using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiateMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlClass, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a backing Map using the "class-scheme" element.
protected  MapListener instantiateMapListener(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlClass, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a MapListener using the using the "class-scheme" element.
protected  NearCache instantiateNearCache(Map mapFront, NamedCache mapBack, int nStrategy)
          Construct an NearCache using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiateOverflowBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlOverflow, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader, Map mapListeners)
          Create a backing Map using the "overflow-scheme" element.
protected  OverflowMap instantiateOverflowMap(ObservableMap mapFront, Map mapBack, boolean fExpiry)
          Construct an OverflowMap using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiatePagedExternalBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlPaged, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader)
          Create a backing Map using the "paged-external-scheme" element.
protected  ReadWriteBackingMap instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, ObservableMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, BinaryEntryStore storeBinary, boolean fReadOnly, int cWriteBehindSeconds, double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
          Construct a ReadWriteBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  ReadWriteBackingMap instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, ObservableMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, CacheLoader store, boolean fReadOnly, int cWriteBehindSeconds, double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
          Construct a ReadWriteBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlRWBM, BackingMapManagerContext context, Map mapListeners)
          Create a ReadWriteBackingMap using the "read-write-backing-map-scheme" element.
protected  ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap instantiateReadWriteSplittingBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, PartitionAwareBackingMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, BinaryEntryStore storeBinary, boolean fReadOnly, int cWriteBehindSeconds, double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
          Construct a ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap instantiateReadWriteSplittingBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, PartitionAwareBackingMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, CacheLoader store, boolean fReadOnly, int cWriteBehindSeconds, double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
          Construct a ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  SerializationCache instantiateSerializationCache(BinaryStore store, int cMax, boolean fBinaryMap)
          Construct an SerializationCache using the specified parameters.
protected  SerializationCache instantiateSerializationCache(BinaryStore store, int cMax, ClassLoader loader)
          Construct an SerializationCache using the specified parameters.
protected  SerializationMap instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store, boolean fBinaryMap)
          Construct an SerializationMap using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store, boolean fBinaryMap, ClassLoader loader, int cHighUnits, int cExpiryMillis, String sSubclass, XmlElement xmlInitParams)
          Instantiate a SerializationMap, SerializationCache, SimpleSerializationMap, or any sub-class thereof.
protected  SerializationMap instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store, ClassLoader loader)
          Construct an SerializationMap using the specified parameters.
protected  SerializationPagedCache instantiateSerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr, int cPages, int cPageSecs, boolean fBinaryMap, boolean fPassive)
          Construct an SerializationPagedCache using the specified parameters.
protected  SerializationPagedCache instantiateSerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr, int cPages, int cPageSecs, ClassLoader loader)
          Construct an SerializationPagedCache using the specified parameters.
protected  SimpleOverflowMap instantiateSimpleOverflowMap(ObservableMap mapFront, Map mapBack, Map mapMisses)
          Construct a SimpleOverflowMap using the specified parameters.
 Object instantiateSubclass(String sClass, Class clzSuper, ClassLoader loader, Object[] aoParam, XmlElement xmlParams)
          Construct an instance of the specified class using the specified parameters.
protected  VersionedBackingMap instantiateVersionedBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, ObservableMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, CacheLoader loader, NamedCache mapVersionTransient, NamedCache mapVersionPersist, boolean fManageTransient)
          Construct a VersionedBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  VersionedBackingMap instantiateVersionedBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context, ObservableMap mapInternal, Map mapMisses, CacheStore store, boolean fReadOnly, int cWriteBehindSeconds, double dflRefreshAheadFactor, NamedCache mapVersionTransient, NamedCache mapVersionPersist, boolean fManageTransient)
          Construct a VersionedBackingMap using the specified parameters.
protected  Map instantiateVersionedBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlVBM, BackingMapManagerContext context, Map mapListeners)
          Create a VersionedBackingMap using the "versioned-backing-map-scheme" element.
protected  VersionedNearCache instantiateVersionedNearCache(Map mapLocal, NamedCache mapDist, NamedCache mapVersion)
          Construct an VersionedNearCache using the specified parameters.
static boolean isPutAllOptimized(Map map)
          Determines whether or not the specified Map is optimized for a putAll() operation versus a regular put() operation.
protected  boolean isSerializerCompatible(Service serviceThis, Service serviceThat)
          Determines whether or not the serializers for the specified services are compatible.
static XmlDocument loadConfig(String sName)
          Load the configuration from a file or resource.
static XmlDocument loadConfig(String sName, ClassLoader loader)
          Load the configuration from a file or resource.
static XmlDocument loadConfigAsResource(String sResource, ClassLoader loader)
          Load the configuration as a resource.
static XmlDocument loadConfigFromFile(File file)
          Load the configuration from a file or directory.
protected  String popCacheContext()
          Pop cache context from a thread-local storage.
protected  void pushCacheContext(String sContext)
          Push cache context into a thread-local storage.
protected  void register(CacheService service, String sCacheName, String sContext, Map map)
          Register the specified cache with the cluster registry.
protected  void register(NamedCache cache, String sContext)
          Register the specified NamedCache with the cluster registry.
protected  void registerBackingMapManager(BackingMapManager mgr)
          Register the specified BackingMapManager as a "valid" one.
protected  void release(BinaryStore store)
          Release all resources assosiated with the specified binary store.
protected  void release(CacheLoader loader)
          Release all resources assosiated with the specified loader.
 void release(Map map, Map mapListeners)
          Release all resources assosiated with the specified backing map.
 void releaseCache(NamedCache cache)
          Release a cache and its associated resources.
protected  void releaseCache(NamedCache cache, boolean fDestroy)
          Release a cache managed by this factory, optionally destroying it.
protected  void reportConversionError(XmlValue xmlValue, String sType, String sDefault, RuntimeException e)
          Log a failed type conversion.
 XmlElement resolveBackingMapScheme(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, XmlElement xmlScheme)
          Traverse the specified scheme to find an enclosed "backing-map-scheme" or a scheme that could serve as such.
 XmlElement resolveScheme(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info)
          In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given cache and resolve it (recursively) using the "scheme-ref" elements.
protected  XmlElement resolveScheme(XmlElement xmlScheme, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, boolean fChild, boolean fRequired)
          Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element refered to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
protected static XmlElement resolveScheme(XmlElement xmlConfig, XmlElement xmlScheme, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, boolean fChild, boolean fRequired, boolean fApply)
          Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element referred to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
protected  void resolveSerializer(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          Resolve and inject service serializer elements based on defaults defined in the cache configuration.
protected  void resolveSocketProvider(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          /** Resolve and inject service socket-provider elements based on defaults defined in the cache configuration.
 void setConfig(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          Specify the factory configuration XML.
protected  void setConfigClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
          Set the class loader used to load the configuration for this factory.
 int translateSchemeType(String sScheme)
          Translate the scheme name into the scheme type.
static int translateStandardSchemeType(String sScheme)
          Translate the scheme name into the scheme type.
protected  void unregister(CacheService service, String sCacheName)
          Unregister all the managed objects theat belong to the specified cache from the cluster registry.
protected  void unregister(String sCacheName, String sContext)
          Unregister the caches for a given cache name and context from the cluster registry.
protected  void validateBackingMapManager(CacheService service)
          Ensures that the backing map manager of the specified service was configured by this (or equivalent) factory.
protected  void verifyMapListener(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info, Map map, XmlElement xmlScheme, BackingMapManagerContext context, ClassLoader loader, Map mapListeners)
          Check whether or not a MapListener has to be instantiated and added to a Map according to a scheme definition.


Field Detail


public static final String FILE_CFG_CACHE
The default configuration file name.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CACHE_NAME
The name of the replaceable parameter representing the cache name.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CLASS_LOADER
The name of the replaceable parameter representing the class loader.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MGR_CONTEXT
The name of the replaceable parameter representing the backing map manager context.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SCHEME_REF
The name of the replaceable parameter representing a scheme reference.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CACHE_REF
The name of the replaceable parameter representing a cache reference.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_UNKNOWN
The unknwown scheme type.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_REPLICATED
The replicated cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_OPTIMISTIC
The optimistic cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_DISTRIBUTED
The distributed cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_NEAR
The near cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_VERSIONED_NEAR
The versioned near cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_LOCAL
The local cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_OVERFLOW
The overflow map scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_DISK
Deprecated. As of Coherence 3.0, replaced by SCHEME_EXTERNAL and SCHEME_EXTERNAL_PAGED
The disk scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_EXTERNAL
The external scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_EXTERNAL_PAGED
The paged-external scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_CLASS
The custom class scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_READ_WRITE_BACKING
The read write backing map scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_VERSIONED_BACKING
The versioned backing map scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_INVOCATION
The invocation service scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_PROXY
The proxy service scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_REMOTE_CACHE
The remote cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_REMOTE_INVOCATION
The remote invocation scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCHEME_TRANSACTIONAL
The transactional cache scheme.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected ScopedReferenceStore m_store
Store that holds cache references scoped by class loader and optionally, if configured, Subject.


protected Set m_setManager
A Set of BackingMapManager instances registered by this factory. <p/> Note: we rely on the BackingMapManager classes *not* to override the hashCode() and equals() methods.

Constructor Detail


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory()
Construct a default DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the default configuration file name.


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(String sPath)
Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified path to a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file or resource.
sPath - the configuration resource name or file path


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(String sPath,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified path to a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file or resource.
sPath - the configuration resource name or file path
loader - (optional) ClassLoader that should be used to load the configration resource


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(XmlElement xmlConfig)
Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified configuration XML.
xmlConfig - the configuration XmlElement


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
Construct a DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory using the specified configuration XML.
xmlConfig - the configuration XmlElement
loader - (optional) ClassLoader that should be used to load the configration resource

Method Detail


public XmlElement getConfig()
Obtain the factory configuration XML.
Specified by:
getConfig in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
Specified by:
getConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
the configuration XML


protected XmlElement getConfigUnsafe()
Obtain a mutable reference to the factory configuration XML. <p/> Note: The caller may not modify the resulting XmlElement's in any way.
the configuration XML


public void setConfig(XmlElement xmlConfig)
Specify the factory configuration XML.
Specified by:
setConfig in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
Specified by:
setConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
xmlConfig - the configuration XML


public NamedCache ensureCache(String sCacheName,
                              ClassLoader loader)
Ensure a cache for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
Specified by:
ensureCache in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
sCacheName - the cache name
loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects in the cache
a NamedCache created according to the configuration XML


public void releaseCache(NamedCache cache)
Release a cache and its associated resources.

Releasing a cache makes it no longer usable, but does not affect the cache itself. In other words, all other references to the cache will still be valid, and the cache data is not affected by releasing the reference. Any attempt to use the released cache reference afterword will result in an exception.

Specified by:
releaseCache in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
cache - the cache to release


public void destroyCache(NamedCache cache)
Release and destroy this instance of NamedCache.

Warning: This method is used to completely destroy the specified cache across the cluster. All references in the entire cluster to this cache will be invalidated, the cached data will be cleared, and all internal and associated resources will be released.

Specified by:
destroyCache in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
cache - the cache to release


public Service ensureService(String sServiceName)
Ensure a service for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
Specified by:
ensureService in interface ConfigurableCacheFactory
sServiceName - the service name
a Service created according to the configuration XML


protected ClassLoader getConfigClassLoader()
Return the class loader used to load the configuration for this factory.
the class loader to use for loading the config


protected static void checkPermission(NamedCache cache)
Check if the current user is allowed to "join" the cache.
cache - the cache
SecurityException - if permission is denied


protected void setConfigClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
Set the class loader used to load the configuration for this factory.
loader - the class loader to use for loading the config


public static XmlDocument loadConfig(String sName)
Load the configuration from a file or resource.
sName - the name of file or resource.
the configuration XML


public static XmlDocument loadConfig(String sName,
                                     ClassLoader loader)
Load the configuration from a file or resource.
sName - the name of file or resource.
loader - (optional) ClassLoader that should be used to load the configration resource
the configuration XML


public static XmlDocument loadConfigAsResource(String sResource,
                                               ClassLoader loader)
Load the configuration as a resource.
sResource - the resource name
loader - (optional) ClassLoader that should be used to load the configration resource
the configuration XML


public static XmlDocument loadConfigFromFile(File file)
Load the configuration from a file or directory.
file - file or directory to load the configuration from
the configuration XML


public DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo findSchemeMapping(String sCacheName)
In the configuration XML find a "cache-mapping" element associated with a given cache name.
sCacheName - the value of the "cache-name" element to look for
a CacheInfo object associated with a given cache name


public XmlElement resolveScheme(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info)
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given cache and resolve it (recursively) using the "scheme-ref" elements. The returned XML is always a clone of the actual configuration and could be safely modified.
info - the cache info
a resolved "scheme" element associated with a given cache


protected XmlElement findScheme(String sSchemeName)
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given scheme name.
sSchemeName - the value of the "scheme-name" element to look for
a "scheme" element associated with a given scheme name


protected static XmlElement findScheme(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                       String sSchemeName)
In the specified configuration XML, find a "scheme" element associated with the specified scheme name.
xmlConfig - the xml configuration
sSchemeName - the value of the "scheme-name" element to look for
a "scheme" element associated with a given scheme name, or null if none is found


public static Map collectServiceSchemes(XmlElement xmlConfig)
Collect a map keyed by service names with values of corresponding service schemes in the specified cache configuration.
xmlConfig - the cache configuration
a map keyed by service names with values of service schemes


protected static void collectServiceSchemes(XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                            XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                            HashMap mapService)
Collect the service-schemes referenced by the specified scheme element in the cache configuration and update the specified mapping of service names to the associated service schemes.
xmlScheme - a scheme element
xmlConfig - the cache configuration
mapService - a map of service name to service scheme


protected XmlElement findServiceScheme(String sServiceName)
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given service name.
sServiceName - the value of the "service-name" element to look for
a "scheme" element associated with a given service name


protected static XmlElement resolveScheme(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                          XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                          DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                          boolean fChild,
                                          boolean fRequired,
                                          boolean fApply)
Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element referred to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
xmlConfig - the cache configuration xml
xmlScheme - a scheme element to resolve
info - the cache info (optional)
fChild - if true, the actual cache scheme is the only "xyz-scheme" child of the specified xmlScheme element; otherwise it's the xmlScheme element itself
fRequired - if true, the child scheme must be present; false otherwise
fApply - if true, apply the specified overrides and cache-specific attributes to the base scheme element; otherwise return a reference to the base scheme element
a "scheme" element referred to by the "scheme-ref" value; null if the child is missing and is not required


protected XmlElement resolveScheme(XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                   DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                   boolean fChild,
                                   boolean fRequired)
Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element refered to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
xmlScheme - a scheme element to resolve
info - the cache info (optional)
fChild - if true, the actual cache scheme is the only "xyz-scheme" child of the specified xmlScheme element; otherwise it's the xmlScheme element itself
fRequired - if true, the child scheme must be present; false otherwise
a "scheme" element associated with a given cache name; null if the child is missing and is not required


protected NamedCache ensureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                 XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                 ClassLoader loader)
Obtain the NamedCache reference for the cache service defined by the specified scheme.
info - the cache info
xmlScheme - the scheme element for the cache
loader - (optional) ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects in the cache
NamedCache instance


public Service ensureService(XmlElement xmlScheme)
Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
xmlScheme - the scheme
running Service corresponding to the scheme


protected Service ensureServiceInternal(XmlElement xmlScheme)
Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
xmlScheme - the scheme
running Service corresponding to the scheme


protected void resolveSerializer(XmlElement xmlConfig)
Resolve and inject service serializer elements based on defaults defined in the cache configuration.
xmlConfig - the configuration element to examine and modify


protected void resolveSocketProvider(XmlElement xmlConfig)
/** Resolve and inject service socket-provider elements based on defaults defined in the cache configuration.
xmlConfig - the configuration element to examine and modify


protected BackingMapManager instantiateBackingMapManager(int nSchemeType,
                                                         XmlElement xmlScheme)
Instantiate a BackingMapManager for a given scheme type. <p/> Note: we rely on the BackingMapManager implementations to have their equals() method test for object identity using the "==" operator (in other words not to override the hashCode() and equals() methods).
nSchemeType - the scheme type (one of the SCHEME-* constants)
xmlScheme - the scheme used to configure the corresponding service
a new BackingMapManager instance


protected void registerBackingMapManager(BackingMapManager mgr)
Register the specified BackingMapManager as a "valid" one. That registry is used to identify services configured and started by this factory and prevent accidental usage of (potentially incompatible) cache services with the same name created by other factories.
mgr - a BackingMapManager instance instantiated by this factory


protected void validateBackingMapManager(CacheService service)
Ensures that the backing map manager of the specified service was configured by this (or equivalent) factory. This validation is performed to prevent accidental usage of (potentially incompatible) cache services with the same name created by other factories.
service - the CacheService to validate


public NamedCache configureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                 XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                 ClassLoader loader)
Ensures a cache for given scheme.
info - the cache info
xmlScheme - the corresponding scheme
loader - ClassLoader that should be used to deserialize objects in the cache
a named cache created according to the description in the configuration


protected NearCache instantiateNearCache(Map mapFront,
                                         NamedCache mapBack,
                                         int nStrategy)
Construct an NearCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding NearCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected VersionedNearCache instantiateVersionedNearCache(Map mapLocal,
                                                           NamedCache mapDist,
                                                           NamedCache mapVersion)
Construct an VersionedNearCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding VersionedNearCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


public Map configureBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                               XmlElement xmlScheme,
                               BackingMapManagerContext context,
                               ClassLoader loader,
                               Map mapListeners)
Configures a backing map according to the scheme.
info - the cache info
xmlScheme - the scheme element for cache configuration
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references
a backing map configured according to the scheme


public XmlElement resolveBackingMapScheme(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                          XmlElement xmlScheme)
Traverse the specified scheme to find an enclosed "backing-map-scheme" or a scheme that could serve as such.
info - the cache info
xmlScheme - the scheme element for cache configuration
the resolved backing map scheme


protected void verifyMapListener(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                 Map map,
                                 XmlElement xmlScheme,
                                 BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                 ClassLoader loader,
                                 Map mapListeners)
Check whether or not a MapListener has to be instantiated and added to a Map according to a scheme definition.
info - the cache info
map - an ObservableMap to add a listener to
xmlScheme - the corresponding scheme
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - ClassLoader that should be used to instantiate a MapListener object
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references
IllegalArgumentException - if the listener is required, but the map does not implement ObservableMap interface or if the listener cannot be instanitated


protected Map instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                             XmlElement xmlRWBM,
                                             BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                             Map mapListeners)
Create a ReadWriteBackingMap using the "read-write-backing-map-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlRWBM - "read-write-backing-map-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references
a newly instantiated Map


protected ReadWriteBackingMap instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                             ObservableMap mapInternal,
                                                             Map mapMisses,
                                                             CacheLoader store,
                                                             boolean fReadOnly,
                                                             int cWriteBehindSeconds,
                                                             double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
Construct a ReadWriteBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding ReadWriteBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected ReadWriteBackingMap instantiateReadWriteBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                             ObservableMap mapInternal,
                                                             Map mapMisses,
                                                             BinaryEntryStore storeBinary,
                                                             boolean fReadOnly,
                                                             int cWriteBehindSeconds,
                                                             double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
Construct a ReadWriteBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding ReadWriteBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap instantiateReadWriteSplittingBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                                               PartitionAwareBackingMap mapInternal,
                                                                               Map mapMisses,
                                                                               CacheLoader store,
                                                                               boolean fReadOnly,
                                                                               int cWriteBehindSeconds,
                                                                               double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
Construct a ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap instantiateReadWriteSplittingBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                                               PartitionAwareBackingMap mapInternal,
                                                                               Map mapMisses,
                                                                               BinaryEntryStore storeBinary,
                                                                               boolean fReadOnly,
                                                                               int cWriteBehindSeconds,
                                                                               double dflRefreshAheadFactor)
Construct a ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding ReadWriteSplittingBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected Map instantiateVersionedBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                             XmlElement xmlVBM,
                                             BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                             Map mapListeners)
Create a VersionedBackingMap using the "versioned-backing-map-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlVBM - "versioned-backing-map-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references
a newly instantiated Map


protected VersionedBackingMap instantiateVersionedBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                             ObservableMap mapInternal,
                                                             Map mapMisses,
                                                             CacheStore store,
                                                             boolean fReadOnly,
                                                             int cWriteBehindSeconds,
                                                             double dflRefreshAheadFactor,
                                                             NamedCache mapVersionTransient,
                                                             NamedCache mapVersionPersist,
                                                             boolean fManageTransient)
Construct a VersionedBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding VersionedBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected VersionedBackingMap instantiateVersionedBackingMap(BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                             ObservableMap mapInternal,
                                                             Map mapMisses,
                                                             CacheLoader loader,
                                                             NamedCache mapVersionTransient,
                                                             NamedCache mapVersionPersist,
                                                             boolean fManageTransient)
Construct a VersionedBackingMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding VersionedBackingMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected Map instantiateLocalCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                    XmlElement xmlLocal,
                                    BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                    ClassLoader loader)
Create a backing Map using the "local-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlLocal - "local-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Map


protected void configureUnitCalculator(XmlElement xmlCache,
                                       ConfigurableCacheMap cache,
                                       DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                       BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
Configure a UnitCalculator for the specified ConfigurableCacheMap.
xmlCache - cache scheme that may contain a "unit-calculator" element
cache - the corresponding ConfigurableCacheMap
info - the cache info
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes


protected LocalCache instantiateLocalCache(int cUnits,
                                           int cExpiryMillis)
Construct a LocalCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding LocalCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.

cUnits - high watermar
cExpiryMillis - the expiry value
a newly instantiated LocalCache


protected Map instantiateOverflowBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                            XmlElement xmlOverflow,
                                            BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                            ClassLoader loader,
                                            Map mapListeners)
Create a backing Map using the "overflow-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlOverflow - "overflow-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references
a newly instantiated Map


protected OverflowMap instantiateOverflowMap(ObservableMap mapFront,
                                             Map mapBack,
                                             boolean fExpiry)
Construct an OverflowMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding OverflowMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SimpleOverflowMap instantiateSimpleOverflowMap(ObservableMap mapFront,
                                                         Map mapBack,
                                                         Map mapMisses)
Construct a SimpleOverflowMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SimpleOverflowMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected Map instantiateDiskBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                        XmlElement xmlDisk,
                                        BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                        ClassLoader loader)
Deprecated. As of Coherence 3.0, replaced by instantiateExternalBackingMap(,,, java.lang.ClassLoader) and instantiatePagedExternalBackingMap(,,, java.lang.ClassLoader)
Create a backing Map using the "disk-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlDisk - "disk-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Map


protected Map instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store,
                                          boolean fBinaryMap,
                                          ClassLoader loader,
                                          int cHighUnits,
                                          int cExpiryMillis,
                                          String sSubclass,
                                          XmlElement xmlInitParams)
Instantiate a SerializationMap, SerializationCache, SimpleSerializationMap, or any sub-class thereof.
store - a BinaryStore to use to write serialized data to
fBinaryMap - true if the only data written to the Map will already be in Binary form
loader - the ClassLoader to use (if not a Binary map)
cHighUnits - the max size in units for the serialization cache
cExpiryMillis - the expiry time in milliseconds for the cache
sSubclass - the sub-class name (or "")
xmlInitParams - the init params for the sub-class
a BinaryMap, SerializationMap, SerializationCache, SimpleSerializationMap, or a subclass thereof


protected Map instantiateExternalBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                            XmlElement xmlExternal,
                                            BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                            ClassLoader loader)
Create a backing Map using the "external-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlExternal - "external-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Map


protected Map instantiatePagedExternalBackingMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                                 XmlElement xmlPaged,
                                                 BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                                 ClassLoader loader)
Create a backing Map using the "paged-external-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlPaged - "paged-external-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Map


protected BinaryStoreManager instantiateBinaryStoreManager(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                                           ClassLoader loader,
                                                           boolean fPaged)
Create a BinaryStoreManager using the specified XML configuration. The given XML configuration must contain a valid child BinaryStoreManager element:
xmlConfig - the XmlElement that contains the configuration info for the BinaryStoreManager that will be instantiated
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
fPaged - flag indicating whether or not the returned BinaryStoreManager will be used by a SerializationPagedCache
a newly instantiated BinaryStoreManager created using the given XML configuration


protected AsyncBinaryStore instantiateAsyncBinaryStore(BinaryStore store,
                                                       int cbMaxAsync)
Construct an AsyncBinaryStore using the specified parameters.
store - the BinaryStore to make asynchronous
cbMaxAsync - the maximum amount of "async writes" data that will be queued
a new AsyncBinaryStore wrapping the passed BinaryStore


protected AsyncBinaryStoreManager instantiateAsyncBinaryStoreManager(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr,
                                                                     int cbMaxAsync)
Construct an AsyncBinaryStoreManager using the specified parameters.
storeMgr - the BinaryStoreManager to make asynchronous
cbMaxAsync - the maximum amount of "async writes" data that will be queued
a new AsyncBinaryStoreManager wrapping the passed BinaryStoreManager


protected SerializationPagedCache instantiateSerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr,
                                                                     int cPages,
                                                                     int cPageSecs,
                                                                     ClassLoader loader)
Construct an SerializationPagedCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationPagedCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SerializationPagedCache instantiateSerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storeMgr,
                                                                     int cPages,
                                                                     int cPageSecs,
                                                                     boolean fBinaryMap,
                                                                     boolean fPassive)
Construct an SerializationPagedCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationPagedCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SerializationCache instantiateSerializationCache(BinaryStore store,
                                                           int cMax,
                                                           ClassLoader loader)
Construct an SerializationCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SerializationCache instantiateSerializationCache(BinaryStore store,
                                                           int cMax,
                                                           boolean fBinaryMap)
Construct an SerializationCache using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationCache constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SerializationMap instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store,
                                                       ClassLoader loader)
Construct an SerializationMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected SerializationMap instantiateSerializationMap(BinaryStore store,
                                                       boolean fBinaryMap)
Construct an SerializationMap using the specified parameters.

This method exposes a corresponding SerializationMap constructor and is provided for the express purpose of allowing its override.


protected BundlingNamedCache instantiateBundlingNamedCache(NamedCache cache,
                                                           XmlElement xmlBundling)
Create a BundlingNamedCache using the "operation-bundling" element.
cache - the wrapped cache
xmlBundling - the "operation-bundling" element
a newly instantiated BundlingNamedCache


protected void initializeBundler(AbstractBundler bundler,
                                 XmlElement xmlBundle)
Initialize the specified bundler using the "bundle-config" element.
bundler - the bundler
xmlBundle - a "bundle-config" element


protected Map instantiateMap(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                             XmlElement xmlClass,
                             BackingMapManagerContext context,
                             ClassLoader loader)
Create a backing Map using the "class-scheme" element. This method is a thin wrapper around instantiateAny.
info - the cache info
xmlClass - "class-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Map


protected Object instantiateCacheStore(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                       XmlElement xmlStore,
                                       BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
Create a CacheLoader, CacheStore or BinaryEntryStore using the "cachestore-scheme" element.
info - the cache info
xmlStore - "cachestore-scheme" element for the store or loader
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated CacheLoader, CacheStore or BinaryEntryStore


protected MapListener instantiateMapListener(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                                             XmlElement xmlClass,
                                             BackingMapManagerContext context,
                                             ClassLoader loader)
Create a MapListener using the using the "class-scheme" element. If the value of any "param-value" element contains the literal "{cache-name}", replace it with the actual cache name.
info - the cache info
xmlClass - "class-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated MapListener


public Object instantiateAny(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo info,
                             XmlElement xmlClass,
                             BackingMapManagerContext context,
                             ClassLoader loader)
Create an Object using "class-scheme" element. <p/> If the value of any "param-value" element contains the literal "{cache-name}", replace it with the actual cache name.
If the value of "param-value" element is "{class-loader}" and "param-type" element is "java.lang.ClassLoader" replace it with the current ClassLoader object.
If the value of "param-value" element is "{manager-context}" and "param-type" element is "" replace it with the current BackingMapManagerContext object.
Finally, if the value of "param-type" is "{scheme-ref}" then the "param-value" should be a name of the scheme that will be used in place of the value.
info - the cache info
xmlClass - "class-scheme" element
context - BackingMapManagerContext to be used
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
a newly instantiated Object


public Object instantiateSubclass(String sClass,
                                  Class clzSuper,
                                  ClassLoader loader,
                                  Object[] aoParam,
                                  XmlElement xmlParams)
Construct an instance of the specified class using the specified parameters.
sClass - the class name
clzSuper - the super class of the newly instantiated class
loader - the ClassLoader to instantiate necessary classes
aoParam - the constructor paramters
xmlParams - the "init-params" XmlElement (optional)
a newly instantiated Object


public void release(Map map,
                    Map mapListeners)
Release all resources assosiated with the specified backing map.
map - the map being released
mapListeners - map of registered map listeners keyed by the corresponding map references


protected void release(CacheLoader loader)
Release all resources assosiated with the specified loader.
loader - the cache loader being released


protected void release(BinaryStore store)
Release all resources assosiated with the specified binary store.
store - the binary store being released


protected void releaseCache(NamedCache cache,
                            boolean fDestroy)
Release a cache managed by this factory, optionally destroying it.
cache - the cache to release
fDestroy - true to destroy the cache as well


public int translateSchemeType(String sScheme)
Translate the scheme name into the scheme type. Valid scheme types are any of the SCHEME_* constants.
sScheme - the scheme name
the scheme type


public static int translateStandardSchemeType(String sScheme)
Translate the scheme name into the scheme type. Valid scheme types are any of the SCHEME_* constants.
sScheme - the scheme name
the scheme type


public static boolean isPutAllOptimized(Map map)
Determines whether or not the specified Map is optimized for a putAll() operation versus a regular put() operation.
map - a Map instance to check
true if putAll should be preferred over put if the return value is not needed; false otherwise


protected boolean isSerializerCompatible(Service serviceThis,
                                         Service serviceThat)
Determines whether or not the serializers for the specified services are compatible. In other words, this method returns true iff object serialized with the first Serializer can be deserialized by the second and visa versa.
serviceThis - the first Service
serviceThat - the second Service
true iff the two Serializers are stream compatible


protected void register(NamedCache cache,
                        String sContext)
Register the specified NamedCache with the cluster registry.
cache - the NamedCache object to register
sContext - the cache context (tier)


protected void register(CacheService service,
                        String sCacheName,
                        String sContext,
                        Map map)
Register the specified cache with the cluster registry.
service - the CacheService that the cache belongs to
sCacheName - the cache name
sContext - the cache context (tier)
map - the cache object to register


protected void unregister(CacheService service,
                          String sCacheName)
Unregister all the managed objects theat belong to the specified cache from the cluster registry.
service - the CacheService that the cache belongs to
sCacheName - the cache name


protected void unregister(String sCacheName,
                          String sContext)
Unregister the caches for a given cache name and context from the cluster registry.
sCacheName - the cache name
sContext - the cache context (tier)


protected void pushCacheContext(String sContext)
Push cache context into a thread-local storage.
sContext - cache context (tag)


protected String popCacheContext()
Pop cache context from a thread-local storage.
the poped cache context


protected int convertInt(XmlValue xmlValue)
Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to an int. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
xmlValue - the element expected to contain an int value
the int value in the provided element, or 0 upon a conversion failure


protected int convertInt(XmlValue xmlValue,
                         int nDefault)
Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to an int. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
xmlValue - the element expected to contain an int value
nDefault - the value that will be returned if the element does not contain a value that can be converted to int
the int value in the provided element, or nDefault upon a conversion failure


protected long convertLong(XmlValue xmlValue)
Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to a long. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
xmlValue - the element expected to contain a long value
the long value in the provided element, or 0 upon a conversion failure


protected double convertDouble(XmlValue xmlValue)
Convert the value in the specified XmlValue to a double. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
xmlValue - the element expected to contain a double value
the double value in the provided element, or 0.0 upon a conversion failure


protected void reportConversionError(XmlValue xmlValue,
                                     String sType,
                                     String sDefault,
                                     RuntimeException e)
Log a failed type conversion.
xmlValue - element that contains the value that failed conversion
sType - type that conversion was attempted to
sDefault - default value that will be substituted
e - root cause of failed type conversion

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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