A P P E N D I X  C

Buttons and Icons At-a-Glance

This appendix provides quick references to the icons and buttons that display in the Sun StorageTek RAID Manager software. The appendix contains the following topics:

Enterprise View Icons

TABLE C-1 Enterprise View Icons



System with RAID HBA and directly attached disk drives or enclosures



Icons in the Physical Devices View

TABLE C-2 Physical Devices View Icons



Ready disk drive

Disk drive with free space

Disk drive with no free space

Failed disk drive

HBA battery

Healthy global or dedicated hot-spare

Hot-spare with error (see About the Hot-Spare Icons for more information)


Hot-spare being built into logical drive after disk drive failure

Hot-spare built into logical drive after disk drive failure


Enclosure Management Device

Enclosure Status Icons

TABLE C-3 Enclosure Status Icons





Enclosure fan(s) -- normal

Enclosure fan(s) -- error

Enclosure temperature -- normal

Enclosure temperature -- error

Enclosure Power -- normal

Enclosure Power -- error

Enclosure fan(s) -- warning



Enclosure temperature -- warning



Enclosure Power -- warning



Icons in the Logical Devices View

TABLE C-4 Logical Devices View Icons



Logical drive

Logical drive with healthy hot-spare

Logical drive being initialized

Logical drive being modified

Logical drive being rebuilt after disk drive failure

Array with available space

Array with no available space

Buttons in the Main Window

TABLE C-5 Main Window Buttons


Click to Do the Following

For More Information, See This Section

Add a remote system

Logging Into Remote Systems

Create a logical drive; open the Configuration wizard

Building a Storage Space

Silence the audible alarm

Silencing and Testing the Audible Alarm

Check status and other properties of a HBA, disk drive, or other component

Viewing Component Properties

View the full Event log

To View the Full List of Events

  • Configure the agent settings
  • Configure notification settings
  • Configure email notification settings
  • Check the status of scheduled tasks; monitor and modify scheduled tasks

Open the online Help

Getting Help

See a text description of your disk drives

Revealing More Disk Drive Information

See the size capacities of your disk drives

Revealing More Disk Drive Information

See the size capacities of your disk drives relative to each other

Revealing More Disk Drive Information

Create a global hot-spare

To Designate a Global Hot-Spare

Create a logical drive

Building a Storage Space

Delete a logical drive

Deleting a Logical Drive

Expand and collapse additional information about disk drives and logical drives

.Revealing More Disk Drive Information

Access logical drive-specific functions, such as deleting

Blinking a Component

Access channel-specific functions, such as rescanning

Blinking a Component

Access port-specific functions, such as blinking

.Blinking a Component

Access device-specific functions, such as initializing

Blinking a Component

Buttons in the Notification Manager

TABLE C-6 Notification Manager Buttons


Click to Do the Following

For More Information, See This Section

Add a system that will receive notifications generated by the Notification Manager

Setting Up Event Notifications

Update a system’s address, host name, or notification level

Modifying the Address, Host Name, or Notification Level of a System

Remove a system from the Notification List

Removing a System From the Notification List

Buttons in the Email Notification Manager

TABLE C-7 Email Notification Manager Buttons


Click to Do the Following

For More Information, See This Section

Add the email address of a user who will receive notifications generated by the Email Notification Manager

Setting Up Email Notifications

Update a recipient’s email address or notification level

To Modify Information About a Recipient

Remove a recipient from the Email Notification List

To Remove a Recipient From the Email List

Buttons in the Task Manager

TABLE C-8 Task Manager Buttons


Click to Do the Following

For More Information, See This Section

View the details of a scheduled task

Monitoring Tasks

Reschedule a task or change the description of the task in the Task List

.Modifying a Task

Delete a task that is no longer required

Deleting a Task