


advanced storage space, 1

agent, 1

simple storage space, 1

software, 1

actions menu, 1

agent actions, 1

alarm, 1, 2

email notifications, 1

notifications, 1

alarm actions, 1, 2, 3, 4

change logical device name, 1

clear logs on all controllers, 1

configure read cache, 1

configure write cache, 1

controller-level options, 1

create dedicated hot-spare drive, 1

delete dedicated hot-spare drive, 1

delete hot-spare drive, 1

delete logical device, 1

disable email notifications, 1

disable notifications, 1

disable task scheduler, 1

disk drive-level options, 1

email notification manager options, 1

enable (disable) background consistency check, 1

enclosure-level options, 1

expand or change logical device, 1, 2, 3, 4

initialize, 1

initialize all ready drives, 1

internal RAID branch-level options, 1

log in, 1

log out, 1

logical drive-level options, 1

notification manager options, 1

overview, 1, 2 - 3

remove dedicated hot-spare drive, 1

rescan, 1

save printable configuration, 1

save support archive, 1

send test event, 1

send test message, 1

set drive state to failed, 1

SMTP server settings, 1

system-level options, 1

task manager options, 1

update controller images, 1

verify, 1

verify with fix, 1

Adaptec Storage Manager

operating system support, 1

system requirements, 1

adapters. See controllers


administrator permissions, 1

advanced settings, 1, 2

advanced storage space, 1

Agent, 1

introduction, 1

agent, 1

alarm settings, 1

broadcast event alerts, 1

customizing, 1

event log, 1

port number, 1


Linux, 1

Solaris, 1

Windows, 1


changing settings, 1


disabling, 1

silencing, 1

testing, 1

disabling, 1

controller-level, 1

enclosure-level, 1

system-level, 1

duration, 1

enabling (system-level), 1


disabling, 1

silencing, 1

testing, 1

frequency, 1


disabling, 1

enabling, 1

silencing, 1

testing, 1


controller-level, 1

enclosure-level, 1

system-level, 1

archive file, 1

audible alarm. See alarm

automatic verification, 1


background consistency check, 1, 2

background verification, 1

base port number, 1

blinking components, 1

boards. See controllers

broadcasting event alerts, 1

build (initialize method), 1

building storage space, 1 - 2

custom configuration, 1

express configuration, 1

RAID Volumes, 1


main window, 1 - 2

notification manager, 1

rmail notification manager, 1

task manager, 1


cards. See controllers

clear (initialize method), 1


blinking, 1

identifying, 1

viewing properties, 1

configuration event detail window, 1

configure button, 1

configuring, 1

See also building storage space

continuing to grow storage space, 1


actions menu, 1

blinking, 1

disabling alarm, 1

identifying, 1

properties, 1

registering, 1

rescanning, 1

saving configurations, 1

support by operating system, 1

testing alarm, 1

copyback, 1

custom configuration, 1


daemon, 1

DAS. See internal RAID storage

dedicated hot-spares, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

removing, 1

deleting logical drives, 1

devices, 1

blinking, 1

direct-attached storage. See internal RAID storage

disabling alarm

enclosure-level, 1

system-level, 1

disk drive segments, 1

disk drives

actions menu, 1

available space, 1

blinking, 1

capacity, 1

conceptual graphic, 1

different sizes in same logical drive, 1

failed state, 1

failure recovery

multiple disk drives, 1

multiple logical drives, 1

RAID 0 logical drives, 1

with hot spare, 1

without hot-spare, 1

identifying, 1

initializing, 1

properties, 1

relative capacity, 1

replacing in logical drives, 1

segments in logical drives, 1

viewing logical drives, 1

viewing status, 1

within logical drives, 1

display groups, 1

adding systems, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

moving systems, 1

removing systems, 1

renaming display groups, 1

system status, 1

distributed spare drives, 1


email event detail window, 1

email list, 1

modifying users, 1

removing users, 1

sending test emails, 1

email log, 1

clearing, 1

email notification manager, 1 - 2

actions menu, 1

buttons, 1

clearing the email log, 1

disabling, 1

email list, 1

email log, 1

email notifications, 1

failed test emails, 1

modifying settings, 1

opening, 1

re-enabling, 1

test emails, 1

email notifications, 1

changing "from" address, 1

changing SMTP server, 1

email list, 1

email log, 1

failed test emails, 1

modifying users, 1

removing users, 1

sending test emails, 1

SMTP server settings, 1

email notifications tab, 1

enclosure view, 1


actions menu, 1

blinking, 1

disabling alarm, 1

identifying, 1

monitoring, 1

silencing alarm, 1

status icons, 1, 2

testing alarm, 1

enterprise view, 1

display options, 1

icons, 1

internal RAID vs external RAID branches, 1

sorting systems, 1

error (task status), 1

event alerts, 1

event log, 1

clearing, 1

event log (operating system), 1

event notifications, 1

adding systems, 1

event viewer, 1, 2

failed test events, 1

introduction, 1

logged notifications, 1

modifying systems, 1

notification list, 1

notification log, 1

removing systems, 1

sending test events, 1

sources of events, 1

event viewer, 1

event notifications, 1, 2

logged notification status, 1

logged notifications, 1

sources of events, 1

status icons, 1

events, 1

sources, 1

status icons, 1, 2

events button, 1

executed (task status), 1

executed* (task status), 1

expanding logical drives, 1

express configuration, 1

RAID levels, 1

external RAID storage, 1


failed disk drives

multiple disk drives, 1

multiple logical drives, 1

RAID 0 logical drives, 1

without hot-spare, 1

fans status icon, 1

FAQs, 1

formatting logical drives, 1

email notifications

"from" address, 1

full size capacity view, 1


getting started, 1

global hot-spares, 1

deleting, 1

guest permissions, 1


hard disk, hard disk drive, hard drive. See disk drive

HBAs. See controllers

help, 1

hot spares

distributed spare drives, 1

hot-spares, 1, 2 - ??

creating, 1

creating dedicated, 1

creating pool, 1

dedicated, defined, 1

deleting, 1

global, defined, 1

limitations, 1

removing, 1


icons, 1 - 2

enterprise view, 1

logical devices view, 1

physical devices view, 1

ICP Storage Manager

Agent, 1

operating system support, 1

system requirements, 1

identifying components, 1

initialize method, 1

initialize priority, 1

initializing disk drives, 1


Solaris OS, 1

VMWare OS, 1



Linux OS, 1

on the Solaris OS, 1

on the VMWare OS, 1

silent Windows OS, 1

software, 1

Windows OS, 1

installing software, 1 - 2

Linux, 1

Solaris, 1

VMWare, 1


silent installation, 1

internal RAID storage

actions menu, 1

actions menu introduction, 1

actions menu overview, 1 - 2

comparing to external RAID, 1


agent, 1

software, 1


JBODs. See enclosures

jobs. See tasks



controller support, 1

installing, 1

SNMP support, 1

starting software, 1

starting the agent, 1

Linux OS installation, 1

local systems, 1

log files, clearing, 1, 2

logged notifications. See event notifications

logging in

permission levels, 1

logging out, 1

logical devices view, 1

icons, 1

logical devices. See logical drives

logical drives, 1, 2 - 3

actions menu, 1

advanced settings, 1, 2

automatic verification, 1

available space on disk drives, 1

background consistency check, 1

background verification, 1


advanced, 1

basic, 1

changing background task priority, 1

stop building, 1

changing RAID levels, 1

custom configuration, 1

defined, 1

definition, 1

deleting, 1

different-sized disk drives, 1

disabling background consistency check, 1

disk drive segments, 1, 2

distributed spare drives, 1

enabling background consistency check, 1

expanding, 1

extending partitions, 1

fine-tuning, 1 - 2

formatting, 1

increasing capacity, 1

initialize method, 1

initialize priority, 1

manual verification, 1

maximum size, 1

mirrored data, 1

non-redundant, 1

options for creating, 1

parity, 1

partitioning, 1

RAID 1, 1

RAID 10, 1

RAID 1E, 1

RAID 5, 1

RAID 50, 1


RAID 6, 1

RAID 60, 1

RAID level, 1

RAID segments, 1

RAID Volumes, 1

read cache, 1

rebuilding, 1, 2

remove disk drive or segment, 1

renaming, 1

replace disk drive or segment, 1

replacing disk drives, 1

selecting disk drives, 1

selecting RAID levels, 1

setting the size, 1

size, 1

limitations, 1

stripe size, 1

striping data, 1

verifying, 1, 2

verifying and fixing, 1

verifying icon, 1

viewing disk drives, 1

viewing status, 1

write cache setting, 1


main window, 1

display options, 1

overview, 1

manual verification, 1

mirroring, 1


clearing event log, 1

component properties, 1

email notification manager, 1

email notifications, 1

event notifications, 1

full event log, 1

introduction, 1

notification manager, 1

status icons, 1, 2

tasks, 1


non-redundant logical drives, 1

notification event detail window, 1

notification list, 1

adding systems, 1

modifying systems, 1

removing systems, 1

sending test events, 1

notification log, 1

clearing, 1

status icons, 1

notification manager, 1 - ??

actions menu, 1

buttons, 1

clearing the log, 1

disabling, 1

event notifications, 1

failed test events, 1

notification list, 1

notification log, 1

opening, 1

re-enabling, 1

test events, 1

notifications, 1 - 2

email notifications, 1, 2

event alerts, 1

event notifications, 1

introduction, 1

notifications tab, 1


online help, 1

opening software

Linux, 1

Solaris, 1

opening the software

Windows, 1

operating system event log, 1

operating system support, 1


agent, 1

software, 1


parity, 1

partitioning logical drives, 1

partitions, 1

permission levels, 1

physical devices view, 1

icons, 1

pool hot-spares, 1

port number, 1

power status icon, 1

properties button, 1


quick (initialize method), 1



distributed spare drives, 1

mirrored data, 1

non-redundant logical drives, 1

parity, 1

RAID 0, 1

RAID 1, 1

RAID 10, 1

RAID 1E, 1

RAID 5, 1

RAID 50, 1


RAID 6, 1

stripe size, 1

RAID 60, 1

stripe size, 1

striping data, 1

RAID controller support, 1

RAID levels

changing, 1

custom configuration, 1

express configuration, 1

selecting, 1

RAID segments, 1

RAID Volumes, 1

RaidCfg.log file, 1

read cache, 1


rebuilding (defined), 1, 2

rebuilding logical drives, 1

recurring tasks, 1

Redundant Array of Independent Disks. See RAID

registering new controllers, 1

relative size capacity view, 1

remote systems, 1

logging in, 1

removing, 1

startup port number, 1

renaming logical drives, 1

rescanning controllers, 1

ROM update wizard, 1

running software

Linux, 1

Solaris, 1

Windows, 1


scheduled (task status), 1

scheduling tasks, 1

rescheduling, 1

supported tasks, 1

changing RAID level, 1

expanding logical drives, 1

modifying logical drives, 1

verifying, 1

verifying with fix, 1

See also tasks

segments, 1, 2

silencing alarm

controller-level, 1

enclosure-level, 1

system-level, 1

silent installation, 1

simple storage space, 1

size limitations for logical drives, 1

size of logical drives, 1

SMTP server settings, 1

SNMP support

Linux, 1

Windows, 1

software, 1

actions menu, 1

actions menu overview, 1 - 2

agent port number, 1

display options, 1, 2

icons, 1 - 2

installing, 1

Linux, 1

Solaris, 1

VMWare, 1

Windows silent installation, 1

logging into remote systems, 1

main window, 1

main window overview, 1

notification manager, 1

remote systems, 1

standard unit of measure, 1

task manager, 1

software versus agent, 1


installing software, 1

starting the agent, 1

starting the software, 1

Solaris OS

installing, 1

spares. See hot-spares

stand-alone application, 1

standard unit of measure, 1

starting software

agent only, 1

Linux, 1

Windows, 1

starting the software

Solaris, 1

startup port number, 1


components, 1

disk drives, 1, 2

display group systems, 1

enclosures, 1, 2, 3

event viewer, 1

event viewer icons, 1

notification log icons, 1

task events, 1

tasks, 1

view buttons, 1

status icons

enclosures, 1

event viewer, 1

notification log, 1

task manager, 1

storage space, xvi, 1

advanced, 1

continuing to grow, 1

examples, 1

growing with the software, 1

simple, 1

stripe size, 1

striping, 1

Sun StorageTek RAID Manager

Agent, 1, 2

introduction, 1

support archive file, 1

system groups.See display groups

system requirements, 1


actions menu, 1

enabling alarm, 1

local systems, 1

properties, 1

remote systems, 1

sorting in enterprise view, 1

testing alarm, 1


task event viewer, 1

task list, 1

Task Manager

scheduling tasks

task manager

actions menu, 1

buttons, 1

deleting tasks, 1

disabling, 1

missed start times, 1

modifying tasks, 1

monitoring tasks, 1

opening, 1

re-enabling, 1

supported tasks, 1

task event viewer, 1

task list, 1

Task Scheduler. See Task Manager


deleting, 1

event status, 1

getting started, 1

growing storage space, 1

missed start times, 1

modifying, 1

monitoring, 1

recurring, 1

scheduling, 1

status, 1

supported tasks, 1

tasks tab, 1

TCP/IP port number (default), 1

temperature status icon, 1

test events

email notifications, 1

event notifications, 1

failed email messages, 1

failed event notifications, 1

logged notifications, 1

testing alarm

controller-level, 1

enclosure-level, 1

system-level, 1

text description view, 1

tool bar buttons, 1 - 2


user permissions, 1, 2


verifying and fixing logical drives, 1

verifying logical drives, 1, 2

automatic verification, 1

background verification, 1

icon, 1

manual verification, 1

view buttons, 1


enclosures, 1

full size capacity, 1

relative size capacity, 1

text description, 1


installing software, 1

VMWare OS installation, 1



controller support, 1


silent installation, 1

installing software

silent installation, 1

SNMP support, 1

starting the agent, 1

starting the software, 1

Windows OS

installing, 1

write cache, 1

write-back, 1

write-through, 1