This section describes the extensions we made to ATG Business Commerce and DPS for the Motorprise site. DPS performs the collection, storage, and retrieval of data specific to individual users of the Motorprise site. A profile is the data stored for an individual customer or organization based on information entered in the ACC or on actions by the company administrator or users on the Motorprise site. Collecting this data allows Web site developers, administrators, and business users the ability to show customers personalized products and content based on their profile information.

For Motorprise, we used personalization in a variety of ways to make a compelling B2B experience. DPS provides basic personalization capability, and ATG Business Commerce extends this functionality with B2B-specific properties. You can easily tailor this functionality to fit the needs of your Web application. Motorprise demonstrates several ways to extend this functionality.

Please refer to the Setting up a Profile Repository chapter in the ATG Personalization Programming Guide and the SQL Content Repositories chapter in the ATG Repository Guide for more detailed information about SQL Repository definitions.

DPS stores customer data in a repository, which consists of user and organization item types and other supporting item types. The default DPS repository contains item types with a set of properties that are needed by most personalized Web applications, such as name and address information. In ATG Business Commerce, additional properties are added to the user and organization item types to make possible many B2B features. On top of B2B Commerce additional properties have been added at Motorprise level as explained below.

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