The Helloworld Portlet is used to demonstrate how to construct a portlet that integrates with the ATG platform. The Helloworld Portlet demonstrates the use of ATG servlet beans, including form handlers. It displays a property value of one bean and provides a form input to alter the property value.

The Helloworld Portlet can be found in the ATG platform distribution at <ATG2007.3dir>/Portlet/helloworld. The helloworld module directory includes the following:

 HelloWorldPortlet-manifest.xml Portlet Deployment Descriptor File
 helloworld.war helloworld portlet application
 config/ helloworld configuration path
 lib/ helloworld Java classes
 META-INF/ ATG module manifest file
 src/ source code for HelloWorld servlet beans
 helloworld/ exploded HelloWorld portlet application
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