A Layout Template manifest file enables you to define layouts for the area of your portal page that contains the gears. A layout definition can include:

A Layout Template uses a single-row HTML table structure to render gear region fragments, which are containers for gears. Each region is the content of a cell within the table.

The following example shows an abbreviated Layout Template manifest:



 <layout-template name="Layout 25-75 Template" version="1.0"
 author="ATG Portal Team">
 A layout that defines two columns, the left column
 reserves 25% of the screen, and the rest is used by the right
 <display-mode name="shared">
 <device-output name="html">/templates/layout/html/25_75.jsp
 <display-mode name="full">
 <device-output name="html">/templates/layout/html/full.jsp
 <region name="25_75_LEFT">
 <dimension name="width">narrow</dimensions>
 <dimension name="height">tall</dimensions>
 <region name="25_75_RIGHT">
 <dimension name="width">wide</dimensions>
 <dimension name="height">tall</dimensions>


For details about the tags and attributes you can use in a Layout Template manifest file, see Layout Template Manifest Elements in Appendix A, Portal Manifest Reference.

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