Class InfoGeneratorService

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class InfoGeneratorService
extends GenericService

This service examines the product catalog and ensures that every category has a category-info object for each catalog it is contained in, that every product has a product-info for each catalog it is contained in, and that every sku has a sku-info for each catalog it is contained in.

This service will also ensure that the catalogs properties for categories, products, and skus are up to date.

You may limit this to specific catalogs by provide a Collection of catalog ids.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  RepositoryItem addCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem pCategory, RepositoryItem pCatalog, java.util.Map pCategoryInfos, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          Create a new category info object and add it to the map.
protected  RepositoryItem addProductInfo(RepositoryItem pProduct, RepositoryItem pCatalog, RepositoryItem pParentCategory, java.util.Map pProductInfos, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          Create a new product info object and add it to the map.
protected  RepositoryItem addSkuInfo(RepositoryItem pSku, RepositoryItem pCatalog, RepositoryItem pParentProduct, java.util.Map pSkuInfos, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          Create a new sku info object and add it to the map.
protected  RepositoryItem createCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem pCategory, RepositoryItem pCatalog, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          This method will create a new categoryInfo repository item.
protected  RepositoryItem createProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem pProduct, RepositoryItem pCatalog, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          This method will create a new productInfo repository item.
protected  RepositoryItem createSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem pSku, RepositoryItem pCatalog, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          This method will create a new skuInfo repository item.
 void generateCategoryInfoObjects()
          Iterate through all catalog and create the category-info objects
 void generateCategoryInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs.
 void generateCategoryInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository, java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs in the given repository.
 void generateInfoObjects()
          This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for all catalogs.
 void generateInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs.
 void generateInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository, java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs within the given repository.
 void generateProductInfoObjects()
          Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects
 void generateProductInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.
 void generateProductInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository, java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.
 void generateSkuInfoObjects()
          Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects
 void generateSkuInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.
 void generateSkuInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository, java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
          Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.
protected  RepositoryItem getBaseCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem pCategoryInfo, RepositoryItem pCategory, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a category info.
protected  RepositoryItem getBaseProductInfo(RepositoryItem pProductInfo, RepositoryItem pProduct, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a product info.
protected  RepositoryItem getBaseSkuInfo(RepositoryItem pSkuInfo, RepositoryItem pSku, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a sku info.
 CatalogProperties getCatalogProperties()
          A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
 java.lang.String[] getCatalogRepositories()
          Returns property catalogRepositories
 CustomCatalogTools getCatalogTools()
          Returns property catalogTools
 java.lang.String[] getCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy()
          The list of properties that are copied inside populateCategoryInfo from the info returned by getBaseCategoryInfo
 int getMaxItemsPerTransaction()
          Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
 java.lang.String[] getProductInfoPropertiesToCopy()
          The list of properties that are copied inside populateProductInfo from the info returned by getBaseProductInfo
 java.lang.String[] getSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy()
          The list of properties that are copied inside populateSkuInfo from the info returned by getBaseSkuInfo
 javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
          Returns property transactionManager
 boolean isAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems()
          If this is true, this class will attempt to populate any new info items with the information from another info.
 boolean isCheckForUnreferencedCategories()
          If true, an extra check is made for each category.
 boolean isDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems()
          If this is true, then an info that is no longer in an items map of catalog specific information will be removed from the repository The default is true.
protected  RepositoryItem populateCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem pCategoryInfo, RepositoryItem pCategory, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          Populate the given category info object.
protected  RepositoryItem populateProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem pProductInfo, RepositoryItem pProduct, RepositoryItem pParentCategory, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          Populate the given product info object.
protected  RepositoryItem populateSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem pSkuInfo, RepositoryItem pSku, RepositoryItem pParentProduct, RepositoryItem pCatalog)
          Populate the given sku info object.
protected  boolean removeInfoMapEntry(java.util.Map pInfoMap, java.lang.String pCatalogId, Repository pCatalogRepository)
          Remove the given key from the map.
 void setAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems(boolean pAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems)
 void setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties pCatalogProperties)
 void setCatalogRepositories(java.lang.String[] pCatalogRepositories)
          Sets property catalogRepositories
 void setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools pCatalogTools)
          Sets property catalogTools
 void setCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy)
 void setCheckForUnreferencedCategories(boolean pCheckForUnreferencedCategories)
 void setDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems(boolean pDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems)
 void setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int pMaxItemsPerTransaction)
          Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
 void setProductInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pProductInfoPropertiesToCopy)
 void setSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy)
 void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
          Sets property transactionManager
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Constructor Detail


public InfoGeneratorService()
Method Detail


public void setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties pCatalogProperties)


public CatalogProperties getCatalogProperties()
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names


public void setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools pCatalogTools)
Sets property catalogTools


public CustomCatalogTools getCatalogTools()
Returns property catalogTools


public void setCatalogRepositories(java.lang.String[] pCatalogRepositories)
Sets property catalogRepositories


public java.lang.String[] getCatalogRepositories()
Returns property catalogRepositories


public void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
Sets property transactionManager


public javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
Returns property transactionManager


public void setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int pMaxItemsPerTransaction)
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction


public int getMaxItemsPerTransaction()
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction


public void setCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy)


public java.lang.String[] getCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy()
The list of properties that are copied inside populateCategoryInfo from the info returned by getBaseCategoryInfo


public void setProductInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pProductInfoPropertiesToCopy)


public java.lang.String[] getProductInfoPropertiesToCopy()
The list of properties that are copied inside populateProductInfo from the info returned by getBaseProductInfo


public void setSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy(java.lang.String[] pSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy)


public java.lang.String[] getSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy()
The list of properties that are copied inside populateSkuInfo from the info returned by getBaseSkuInfo


public void setAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems(boolean pAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems)


public boolean isAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems()
If this is true, this class will attempt to populate any new info items with the information from another info. If this is true, it is important to run CatalogVerificationService The default is true.


public void setDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems(boolean pDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems)


public boolean isDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems()
If this is true, then an info that is no longer in an items map of catalog specific information will be removed from the repository The default is true.


public void setCheckForUnreferencedCategories(boolean pCheckForUnreferencedCategories)


public boolean isCheckForUnreferencedCategories()
If true, an extra check is made for each category. If the category is not actually referenced anywhere, it's 'catalog' property is set to null and the categoryInfos map is cleared. Setting this to true will slow things down. It should only be set to false if you are confident that all categories have an accurate 'catalog' property. The default is true.


public void generateInfoObjects()
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for all catalogs.


public void generateInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository,
                                java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs within the given repository.

pCatalogRepository - The repository to update
pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateCategoryInfoObjects()
Iterate through all catalog and create the category-info objects


public void generateCategoryInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateCategoryInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository,
                                        java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs in the given repository.

pCatalogRepository - The repository to update
pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateProductInfoObjects()
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects


public void generateProductInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateProductInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository,
                                       java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogRepository - The repository to update
pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateSkuInfoObjects()
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects


public void generateSkuInfoObjects(java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


public void generateSkuInfoObjects(Repository pCatalogRepository,
                                   java.util.Collection pCatalogIds)
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.

pCatalogRepository - The repository to update
pCatalogIds - a collection of catalog ids. The type of each id is String If this param is null, all catalogs are assumed


protected RepositoryItem addCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem pCategory,
                                         RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                         java.util.Map pCategoryInfos,
                                         Repository pCatalogRepository)
                                  throws RepositoryException
Create a new category info object and add it to the map. The new category info object will be populated using populateCategoryInfoItem

pCategory - The category that will contain the new info item
pCatalog - The catalog that will map to the new info item
pCategoryInfos - The map of category info items, that the new info item will be added to
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will store the new info item
the newly created category-info
See Also:
createCategoryInfoItem(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.Repository), #populatedCategoryInfoItem


protected RepositoryItem createCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem pCategory,
                                                RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                                Repository pCatalogRepository)
                                         throws RepositoryException
This method will create a new categoryInfo repository item. It assumes that the info item for the given catalog and category pair does not yet exist.

pCategory - The category that will contain the new info
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the new info
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will contain the new info


protected RepositoryItem populateCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem pCategoryInfo,
                                                  RepositoryItem pCategory,
                                                  RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                           throws RepositoryException
Populate the given category info object. This method attempts to be intelligent about what information is used to populate the info item. It will call getBaseCategoryInfo and use the returned item as the source of any information other than parentCategory. If getBaseCategoryInfo returns null, then copyInfoProperites is called. If attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is false, then nothing is populated and the category info object passed in is returned. If attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is true, it is important to run the CatalogVerificationService to ensure that the new info does not reference items outside of the correct catalog.

pCategoryInfo - The categoryInfo that will be updated
pCategory - The category that contains this info
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the info item
the newly created category-info
See Also:
getBaseCategoryInfo(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem)


protected RepositoryItem getBaseCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem pCategoryInfo,
                                             RepositoryItem pCategory,
                                             RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                      throws RepositoryException
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a category info. This implementation of the method just returns the first info that is not the same as pCategoryInfo. It assumes that this info is already populated.

pCategoryInfo - The info that will be populate based on what is returned by this method
pCategory - The category containing both info items
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to pCategoryInfo
Some categoryInfo that is not pCategoryInfo, or null if there isn't one


protected RepositoryItem addProductInfo(RepositoryItem pProduct,
                                        RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                        RepositoryItem pParentCategory,
                                        java.util.Map pProductInfos,
                                        Repository pCatalogRepository)
                                 throws RepositoryException
Create a new product info object and add it to the map. The new product info object will be populated using populateProductInfoItem

pProduct - The product that will contain the new info item
pCatalog - The catalog that will map to the new info item
pParentCategory - The new value for productInfo.parentCategory
pProductInfos - The map of product info items, that the new info item will be added to
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will store the new info item
the newly created product-info
See Also:
createProductInfoItem(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.Repository), #populatedProductInfoItem


protected RepositoryItem createProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem pProduct,
                                               RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                               Repository pCatalogRepository)
                                        throws RepositoryException
This method will create a new productInfo repository item. It assumes that the info item for the given catalog and product pair does not yet exist.

pProduct - The product that will contain the new info
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the new info
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will contain the new info


protected RepositoryItem populateProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem pProductInfo,
                                                 RepositoryItem pProduct,
                                                 RepositoryItem pParentCategory,
                                                 RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                          throws RepositoryException
Populate the given product info object. This method attempts to be intelligent about what information is used to populate the info item. It will call getBaseProductInfo and use the returned item as the source of any information other than parentCategory. If getBaseProductInfo returns null, then the only property that gets populated is parentCategory. If attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is false, then the only property that gets populated is parentCategory. If attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is true, it is important to run the CatalogVerificationService to ensure that the new info does not reference items outside of the correct catalog.

pProductInfo - The productInfo that will be updated
pProduct - The product that contains this info
pParentCategory - The new value for pProductInfo.parentCategory
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the info item
the newly created product-info
See Also:
getBaseProductInfo(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem)


protected RepositoryItem getBaseProductInfo(RepositoryItem pProductInfo,
                                            RepositoryItem pProduct,
                                            RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                     throws RepositoryException
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a product info. This implementation of the method just returns the first info that is not the same as pProductInfo. It assumes that this info is already populated.

pProductInfo - The info that will be populate based on what is returned by this method
pProduct - The product containing both info items
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to pProductInfo
Some productInfo that is not pProductInfo, or null if there isn't one


protected RepositoryItem addSkuInfo(RepositoryItem pSku,
                                    RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                    RepositoryItem pParentProduct,
                                    java.util.Map pSkuInfos,
                                    Repository pCatalogRepository)
                             throws RepositoryException
Create a new sku info object and add it to the map. The new sku info object will be populated using populateSkuInfoItem

pSku - The sku that will contain the new info item
pCatalog - The catalog that will map to the new info item
pParentCategory - The new value for skuInfo.parentCategory
pSkuInfos - The map of sku info items, that the new info item will be added to
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will store the new info item
the newly created sku-info
See Also:
createSkuInfoItem(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.Repository), #populatedSkuInfoItem


protected RepositoryItem createSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem pSku,
                                           RepositoryItem pCatalog,
                                           Repository pCatalogRepository)
                                    throws RepositoryException
This method will create a new skuInfo repository item. It assumes that the info item for the given catalog and sku pair does not yet exist.

pSku - The sku that will contain the new info
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the new info
pCatalogRepository - The repository that will contain the new info


protected RepositoryItem populateSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem pSkuInfo,
                                             RepositoryItem pSku,
                                             RepositoryItem pParentProduct,
                                             RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                      throws RepositoryException
Populate the given sku info object. This method attempts to be intelligent about what information is used to populate the info item. It will call getBaseSkuInfo and use the returned item as the source of any information other than parentCategory. If getBaseSkuInfo returns null or if attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is false, nothing gets populated. If attemptToPopulateNewInfoItems is true, it is important to run the CatalogVerificationService to ensure that the new info does not reference items outside of the correct catalog.

pSkuInfo - The skuInfo that will be updated
pSku - The sku that contains this info
pParentCategory - The new value for pSkuInfo.parentCategory
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to the info item
the newly created sku-info
See Also:
getBaseSkuInfo(atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem, atg.repository.RepositoryItem)


protected RepositoryItem getBaseSkuInfo(RepositoryItem pSkuInfo,
                                        RepositoryItem pSku,
                                        RepositoryItem pCatalog)
                                 throws RepositoryException
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a sku info. This implementation of the method just returns the first info that is not the same as pSkuInfo. It assumes that this info is already populated.

pSkuInfo - The info that will be populate based on what is returned by this method
pSku - The sku containing both info items
pCatalog - The catalog that maps to pSkuInfo
Some skuInfo that is not pSkuInfo, or null if there isn't one


protected boolean removeInfoMapEntry(java.util.Map pInfoMap,
                                     java.lang.String pCatalogId,
                                     Repository pCatalogRepository)
Remove the given key from the map. Optionally (according to deleteUnreferencedInfoItems remove the item from the repository. Return true if something was removed from the repository.