A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


abandon() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method will abandon the project so it can never be deployed
ABANDONED_ORDER_TOOLS_PATH - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
Location of the OrderRepository component.
AbandonedOrderEventListener - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This class determines if there is a transient order associated with an expired session that should be logged as an abandoned order.
AbandonedOrderEventListener() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Empty constructor.
AbandonedOrderFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This form handler is used to send abandonment JMS message from the admin site.
AbandonedOrderFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
AbandonedOrderMessageFactory - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This class contains methods used by several components of the Abandoned Shopping Carts feature.
AbandonedOrderMessageFactory() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
AbandonedOrderService - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This service identifies orders that are considered abandoned and lost.
AbandonedOrderService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
AbandonedOrderTools - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This class contains methods used by several components of the Abandoned Shopping Carts feature.
AbandonedOrderTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
AbandonmentActionConfiguration - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
Class used to store configuration for the ReanimatedAbandonedOrder, ConvertAbandonedOrder, and SetLastUpdated actions.
AbandonmentActionConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentActionConfiguration
AbandonmentDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This abstract class is used as the base class for three abandoned order-related droplets: SetLastUpdatedDroplet, ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet, and ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet.
AbandonmentDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
abortApply(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Tells the agent to abort the manifest application.
ABOUT - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
About Gear Mode
AbsoluteSchedule - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This implementation of Schedule represents a Schedule for an job that occurs once, at a specific time.
AbsoluteSchedule(String, Locale) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Attempts to parse the String parameter pValue into an absolute schedule.
AbsoluteSchedule(long) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Constructs a new AbsoluteSchedule for a job that will occur at the specified time.
AbstractInventoryManagerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This class is designed to be a convenient way of quickly implementing an inventory manager.
AbstractInventoryManagerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
AbstractSequentialIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
Base class for IdGenerator services that generate sequential ids.
AbstractSequentialIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Construct a generator
accept(Result, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Override this method to filter individual result/repository items.
accept(Result, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.SampleRepositoryItemCollectionFilter
Filter that rejects any search result that does not refer to a repository item
accept(HashMapMapVisitor) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Accept a visitor to this root node.
accept(Object, HashMapMapVisitor) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Accept visitors, recursively.
accept(VirtualFile, String) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFilenameFilter
Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list.
AcceptanceCity - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
AcceptanceCountry - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
AcceptanceState - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
AcceptanceZip - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
acceptChildren(HashMapMapVisitor) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Invoke accept( Object, HashMapMapVisitor ) on all value elements which are HashMapMap instances.
acceptConnection() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Accepts and returns one connection.
acceptConnections() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Repeatedly accepts connections and spins off handlers to handle those connections.
acceptSample(SampleEvent) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
This is called when a new SampleEvent is available
acceptSample(SampleEvent) - Method in interface atg.service.statistics.SampleListener
This is called when a new SampleEvent is available
acceptSample(SampleEvent) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleToLogEvent
If there are any log listeners then a SampleLogEvent is created from the given SampleEvent and sent to all the log listeners
ACCESS_RIGHT - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
ACCESS_RIGHTS - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
ACCESS_RIGHTS - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.TaskAccessRights
The array of all task access rights.
ACCESS_RIGHTS - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowAccessRights
The array of all workflow access rights.
accessAllowed(AccessAllowedEvent) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedListener
Called when an AccessAllowedEvent is fired.
AccessAllowedEvent - Class in atg.security
An AccessEvent indicating that access to a secured resource was allowed.
AccessAllowedEvent(SecurityDomain, Persona, String, AccessRight) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessAllowedEvent
AccessAllowedEvent - Class in atg.userprofiling
An event that gets fired when a user is allowed access to a page.
AccessAllowedEvent(String, Profile) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
Constructs a new AccessAllowedEvent.
AccessAllowedListener - Interface in atg.userprofiling
A listener that listens for AccessAllowedEvents.
AccessControlEntry - Class in atg.security
An immutable object that defines a set of access rights granted to a given persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object, with no access rights, for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object with the specified access right for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight, int) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object with the specified access right and flags for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object with the specified access right and negativity for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight[]) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object, with the specified access rights, for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight[], int) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object, with the specified access rights and associated flags, for the specified persona.
AccessControlEntry(Persona, AccessRight[], boolean) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Creates an access control entry object, with the specified access rights and negativity, for the specified persona.
AccessController - Interface in atg.userprofiling
This interface describes objects that perform access control on users, represented by Profile objects.
AccessControlList - Class in atg.security
A set of access rights that determine the accessibility of something to someone.
AccessControlList() - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates an empty access control list.
AccessControlList(AccessControlEntry[]) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates an access control list for a series of access control entries.
AccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates a copy of an access control list.
AccessControlList(AccessControlList, AccessControlList) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates a new access control list that merges two access control lists.
AccessControlList(AccessControlList[]) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates a new access control list that is the concatenation of a set of other access control lists.
AccessControlServlet - Class in atg.userprofiling
This pipeline servlet performs access control for a set of request URL paths, based on the Profile object associated with the request.
AccessControlServlet() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
accessDenied(AccessDeniedEvent) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedListener
Called when an AccessDeniedEvent is fired.
AccessDeniedEvent - Class in atg.security
An AccessEvent indicating that access to a secured resource was denied.
AccessDeniedEvent(SecurityDomain, Persona, String, AccessRight) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessDeniedEvent
AccessDeniedEvent - Class in atg.userprofiling
An event that gets fired when a user is denied access to a page.
AccessDeniedEvent(String, Profile, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Constructs a new AccessDeniedEvent.
AccessDeniedListener - Interface in atg.userprofiling
A listener that listens for AccessDeniedEvents.
AccessEvent - Class in atg.security
An event generated by a security domain whenever a resource access is attempted.
AccessEvent(SecurityDomain, Persona, String, AccessRight) - Constructor for class atg.security.AccessEvent
Creates a new resource access event.
ACCESSIBLE_ONLY - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
AccessRight - Interface in atg.security
An object that defines an access right to a resource.
Account - Interface in atg.security
An account, the persistent information associated with a Persona.
AccountComparator - Class in atg.security
Base class used for constructing sort comparators for account objects.
AccountComparator() - Constructor for class atg.security.AccountComparator
AccountExistsException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
AccountExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.AccountExistsException
AccountInitializer - Interface in atg.security
An interface used by an AccountManager to obtain standard account creation services.
AccountManager - Interface in atg.security
Interface to Account object management facilities.
AccountTypes - Interface in atg.security
Interface that defines the constants used for account typing.
acquireAssetLocks() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Acquires asset locks for all assets in the Project.
acquireGlobalAssetEditLock(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Acquire a lock to prevent any edits to version manager assets including checkouts and checkins.
acquireGlobalAssetEditLock(boolean, long) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Acquire a lock to prevent any edits to version manager assets including checkouts and checkins.
acquireInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Acquires locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
acquireInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Acquires locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
acquireInventoryLocks(List) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Acquires locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
acquireInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Acquires locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
acquireInventoryLocks(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
acquireInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
For each item in the list, call lock The locks are acquired in sorted order.
acquireLock() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
The method will attempt to acqure an exclusive write lock.
acquireReadLock(Serializable, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
acquireReadLock(Serializable, Object, long) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
acquireReadLock(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
acquireTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Attempt to acquire a local lock before creating a transaction that may modify the order, but only if useLocksAroundTransactions is set to true.
acquireTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. please use acquireTransactionLock(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest) instead
acquireTransactionLock(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Attempt to acquire a local lock before creating a transaction that may modify the order, but only if useLocksAroundTransactions is set to true.
acquireTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Attempt to acquire a local lock before creating a transaction that may modify the order, but only if useLocksAroundTransactions is set to true.
acquireTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Acquire a lock named lockName from clientLockManager
acquireTransactionLock(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Acquire a lock with the given name from clientLockManager
acquireWriteLock(Serializable, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
acquireWriteLock(Serializable, Object, long) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
acquireWriteLock(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
Action - Interface in atg.process.action
A process action.
Action - Interface in atg.scenario.action
Deprecated. This interface has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.action.Action
Action - Interface in atg.security
An interface provided by an object that wishes to perform an action under as an assumed User.
ACTION_CHANGE_CURRENT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
ACTION_CHANGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
ACTION_CLICK_FOLDER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
ACTION_SEARCH - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
ACTION_SORT_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
ActionConstants - Interface in atg.process.action
Action-related constants.
ActionConstants - Interface in atg.scenario.action
Deprecated. This interface has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.action.ActionConstants
ActionException - Exception in atg.process.action
An exception that can occur when executing a process Action, either on a single process instance, or on a batch of instances.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo) - Constructor for exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Constructs a new ActionException with the given FailedActionInfo, representing failure to execute an action for a single process instance.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo, int) - Constructor for exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Constructs a new ActionException with the given FailedActionInfo and error response.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo[]) - Constructor for exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Constructs a new ActionException with the given array of FailedActionInfo objects, each of which represents failure to execute an action for a single process instance.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo[], int) - Constructor for exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Constructs a new ActionException with the given array of FailedActionInfo objects and error response.
ActionException - Exception in atg.scenario.action
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.action.ActionException
ActionException(FailedActionInfo) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Constructs a new ActionException with the given FailedActionInfo, representing failure to execute an action for a single scenario instance.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo, int) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Constructs a new ActionException with the given FailedActionInfo and error response.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo[]) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Constructs a new ActionException with the given array of FailedActionInfo objects, each of which represents failure to execute an action for a single scenario instance.
ActionException(FailedActionInfo[], int) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Constructs a new ActionException with the given array of FailedActionInfo objects and error response.
ActionImpl - Class in atg.process.action
An abstract base class which can be used by most process action implementations.
ActionImpl() - Constructor for class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
ActionImpl - Class in atg.scenario.action
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.action.ActionImpl
ActionImpl() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to service an action
activateDeployment(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Tells each agent to activate the deployment.
ActivateScheduleOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method activates a schedule order by changing its state property from inactive to active.
ACTIVE_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_ACTIVATE_SWITCH_PREPARED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_APPLY_COMMITTED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_CANCEL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_GENERATION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
ACTIVE_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_ONLY - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
ACTIVE_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ACTIVE_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ActiveDirectoryAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager and user authority that works against an MS Active Directory
ActiveDirectoryAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
ACTIVITY_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
ActorAccessException - Exception in atg.workflow
An exception that can occur when attempting to execute a task on behalf of a user who isn't authorized to perform it.
ActorAccessException() - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.ActorAccessException
Constructs a new ActorAccessException based on failure of an ACL-based security check.
ActorAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.ActorAccessException
Constructs a new ActorAccessException with the given message, based on failure of an ACL-based security check.
ActorAccessException(String, DirectoryPrincipal) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.ActorAccessException
Constructs a new ActorAccessException with the given message, based on failure of an ownership-based security check.
add(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Add a product to the product comparison list, optionally specifying an associated category and sku.
ADD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is the modification type add, this means add a new object.
ADD - Static variable in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set operationMode to this to do an Add
add(File, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an add of the given path to the repository
add(File[], boolean[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that adds all items specified by the provided array of paths to the Repository.
add(boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that adds all items specified by the current monitored paths to the Repository.
add(File[], TypeMapping[], int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Adds the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
add(File[], TypeMapping[], Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Adds the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
add(File[], TypeMapper, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Adds the provided Files using data from the provided TypeMapper which must know how to return an appropriate TypeMapping from getMapping() given a File object.
add(File[], TypeMapper, Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Adds the provided Files using data from the provided TypeMapper which must know how to return an appropriate TypeMapping from getMapping() given a File object.
add(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Add an item to this slot with a default priority.
add(Object, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Add an item to this slot.
add(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Add an item to this slot with a default priority.
add(Object, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Add an item to this slot.
add(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Adds a given ACE from the ACL.
add(Persona, AccessRight, int) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Adds an access right if it does not already exist.
add(AccessControlEntry[], AccessControlEntry) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Adds a new access control entry to an access control list, returning the concatenated list.
ADD_ASSET_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
ADD_COLUMN_TAG - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
tag that indicates sum columns for doing updates.
ADD_COLUMN_TAG - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
tag that indicates sum columns for doing updates.
ADD_ITEM_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Constants for the names of methods that can be used as web services, used by the Web Services HTML Wizard for making repository services
ADD_MARKER_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the ruleid used between key and value parameters in the sceneario ui
ADD_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
ADD_METHOD columns are added to existing data when doing UPDATEs
ADD_SERVICE_OP_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
ADD_STAGE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the add business process marker action
ADD_STAGE_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the token that preceeds the stage name in add stage actions
ADD_TO_COLLECTION_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
ADD_TO_MAP_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
ADD_UPDATE_SOURCE_CONTEXT_LINE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
addAbandonedOrderToProfile(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method subtracts one from the abandonedOrderCount of the given profile.
addAccessAllowedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Adds a listener for access allowed events.
addAccessAllowedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Adds a listener for access allowed events.
addAccessAllowedListener(AccessAllowedListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Adds a listener to the list of "access allowed" listeners.
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Adds a new access control entry to this resource.
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Adds a new access control entry to this resource.
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Adds a new access control entry to this resource.
addAccessDeniedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Adds a listener for access denied events.
addAccessDeniedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Adds a listener for access denied events.
addAccessDeniedListener(AccessDeniedListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Adds a listener to the list of "access denied" listeners.
addAccessRight(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Adds a new access right to the security domain.
addAccount(Account) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Adds an account to the set of accounts.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletCustomizer
Adds an action listener to receive an event when this customizer is either completed or cancelled.
addActionURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Adds a new action/anchor to the list
addActiveContext(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Add a Context to the list of active contexts.
addActivePromotions(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Copy the active promotions from the guest user to the authenticated user
addAddActionDefaultKeyValueChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Adds an action key parameter sequence for the provided key value.
addAddressesFromMapProperties(RepositoryItem, String[], List) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method adds addresses from map properties to the all available address list.
addAdminInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Adds to the HTML Admin response any information specific to the the ResourcePool subclass.
addAdminInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Adds to the HTML Admin response any information specific to the the ResourcePool subclass.
addAffectedItemType(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
addAll(Collection) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Add multiple items to this slot with a default priority.
addAll(Collection, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Add an item to this slot.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Add multiple items to this slot with a default priority.
addAll(Collection, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Add an item to this slot.
addAllDates() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all dates to the schedule, so that the job will occur in every date of the month.
addAllDaysOfTheWeek() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all days of the week to the schedule, so that the job will occur in every day of the week.
addAllHours() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all hours to the schedule, so that the job will occur in every hour.
addAllMinutes() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all minutes to the schedule, so that the job will occur in every minute.
addAllMonths() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all months to the schedule, so that the job will occur in every month.
addAllOccurrencesInTheMonth() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds all occurrences of day of the week in the month to the schedule, so that the job will occur at every occurrence of day of the week in the month.
addAllPromotions(MutableRepositoryItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds all of the promotions in the collection to the user's activePromotion attribute value.
addAllPromotions(MutableRepositoryItem, Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds all of the promotions in the collection to the user's activePromotion attribute value.
addAllSkus(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Add entries to the comparison list for every sku associated with a given product.
addAmount(ICSClientRequest, ICSClientOffer, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the amount to authorize, debit, or credit from the credit card info into the CyberSource client offer, then add the offer to the request.
addAmountToCostCenter(int, CostCenterManager, B2BOrder, String, String, long, double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
The addAmountToCostCenter method switches on the RelationshipType of the CommerceIdentifierCostCenter to invoke the appropriate CostCenterManager function.
addAnchor(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
addAnchor(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
addAnyValueChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addArrayPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to an array property
addArrayPropertyValueAtIndex(String, String, String, String, Object, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to an array property at the specified index
addAsSeparateItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds the given item to the given order.
addAsSeparateItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addAsSeparateSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem, SubSkuCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds the SubItem to the ConfigurableCommerceItem as a separate item.
addAsset(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Adds an asset to this project
addAsset(AssetDescriptor) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Adds a new declared asset to this workflow description.
addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.
addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.
addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.
addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.
addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
addAuthorizationStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Adds an authorizationStatus to the CreditCard
addAuthorizationStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Adds an authorizationStatus to the CreditCard
addBasicFilters() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Add in the basic filter to the filterMap.
addBasicFormatters() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Add in the basic formatters to the formatterMap.
addBasicPropertyAccessors() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Add in the basic property accessors to the propertyAccessorMap.
addBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to addBatch
addBatch(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to addBatch
addBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to addBatch
addBatch(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to addBatch
addBatch(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to addBatch
addBillingAddress(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the billing address information from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request.
addBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Adds a business process marker to the order defined by the business process configuration.
addBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Adds a business process marker to the item defined by the business process configuration.
addBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Adds a business process marker to the item defined by the business process configuration.
addBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Adds a business process marker to the item defined by the business process configuration.
AddBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.droplet
This droplet can be used to add a business process marker with a specific business process name and stage.
AddBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.droplet.AddBusinessProcessStage
AddBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
Scenario action class for adding a business process marker.
AddBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.AddBusinessProcessStage
addBusinessProcessStageToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Adds a business process marker to an item.
addBusinessProcessStageToOrder(Order, String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Adds a business process marker to an order.
addCachedResolveTime(long) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
addCascadeDeleteProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
addCascadeInsertProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
addCascadeUpdateProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
addCatalogToCatalog(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to adding a catalog to another catalog's rootSubCatalogs.
addCatalogToCategory(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to adding a catalog to a category's subCatalogs.
addCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Map, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Create a new category info object and add it to the map.
addCategoryToCatalog(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to adding a category to a catalog's rootCategories.
addCategoryToCategory(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to adding a category to another category's fixedChildCategories.
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Adds a changedProperty
addChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
addChild(SecuredResource) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
addChild(OrganizationalEntity) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Add an organizational entity as a child of this organization.
addClosenessQualifiers(List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
addClosenessQualifierToPriceInfo(AmountInfo, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Adds the given closenessQualifier to the given priceInfo
addCollectionPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to a collection property i.e.
addColumn(ColumnDeclaration) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Adds a column declarations to the list of columns for the table.
addColumn(ColumnDeclaration) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Adds a column declarations to the list of columns for the table.
addColumnProperties(ColumnProperty[]) - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Adds a list of properties.
addColumnProperty(ColumnProperty) - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Adds a new ColumnProperty to the list of properties.
addCommerceIdentifierCostCenter(String, CommerceIdentifierCostCenter) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The addCommerceIdentifierCostCenter method adds the supplied CommerceIdentifierId and CommerceIdentifierCostCenter to the Map.
addCommerceIdentifierCostCenter(String, CommerceIdentifierCostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The addCommerceIdentifierCostCenter method adds the supplied CommerceIdentifierCostCenter by the supplied name.
addCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo(String, CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The addCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo method adds the supplied CommerceIdentifierId and CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo to the Map.
addCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo(String, CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The addCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo method adds the supplied CommerceIdentifierId and CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo to the Map.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Add the CommerceItem to the container.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Add the CommerceItem to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Add the CommerceItem to the container.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Add the CommerceItem to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container.
addCommerceItem(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the CommerceItem to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(B2BCommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container.
addCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the CommerceItemRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCommerceItemShippingInfo(String, CommerceItemShippingInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Add a CommerceItemInfo to the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
addCommerceItemShippingInfo(String, CommerceItemShippingInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Add a CommerceItemInfo to the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
addComponentListener(ComponentListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
add a ComponentListener -- delegated to ComponentRegistry which monitors component activations/deactivations.
addConditionKeyParamSequenceRule(String, SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Adds a key parameter sequence rule for a marker conditional.
addConditionValueChoiceRule(Collection, SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Creates a choice element that contains value param choices.
addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Adds one or more commerce items to the order (the shopping cart), using configurableItemTypeName as the default commerce item type.
addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. replaced by addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse)
addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Adds the given item to the order (the shopping cart).
addConfigurationFinder(ConfigurationFinder) - Method in class atg.nucleus.MultipleConfigurationFinder
Adds a ConfigurationFinder to the end of the list of ConfigurationFinders to be consulted.
addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
add a ConfigurationListener
addConfigurationName(String) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder.ConfigurationList
addConnectionPoolShutdownListener(ConnectionPoolShutdownListener) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Adds a new shutdown event listener.
addContactInfo(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the user's first and last name, phone number, and email address from the credit card info's billing address to the CyberSource client request.
addContent(Servlet) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Adds a Servlet to the content for this tag.
addContent(Tag) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Adds a Tag to the content for this tag.
addContent(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Adds a String to the content for this tag.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Uses the given HTTP response message to assign a new value to a browser-specific cookie.
addCookieToBuffer(Cookie) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a cookie to the CookieBuffer.
addCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CostCenter to the container.
addCostCenter(CostCenter, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CostCenter to the container at the given index.
addCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Add the CostCenter to the container.
addCostCenter(CostCenter, int) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Add the CostCenter to the container at the specified index.
addCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Add the CostCenter to the container.
addCostCenter(CostCenter, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Add the CostCenter to the container at the given index.
addCostCenter(String, CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The addCostCenter method adds the given CostCenter to the Map by the supplied name.
addCostCenter(String, CostCenter) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The addCostCenter method adds the supplied name and CostCenter to the Map.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container.
addCostCenterRelationship(CostCenterRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the CostCenterRelationship to the container at the given index.
addCostCenterToOrder(B2BOrder, CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given cost center to the given order.
addCostCenterToUsersList(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Adds the new cost center to the users profile.
addCreditCardError(PaymentGroup, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
This method handles adding authorization error messages to the pipeline result object.
addCreditCardInfo(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the credit card number and expiration date from the credit card info info the CyberSource client request.
addCreditCardToOrder(String, BasicCreditCardInfoImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Add the credit card to the order.
addCreditCardToUsersMap(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
addCreditCardToUsersMap(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Adds the new credit card to the users profile.
addCreditStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Adds a creditStatus to the CreditCard
addCreditStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Adds a creditStatus to the CreditCard
addCurrencyCode(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the currencyCode from the credit card info into the CyberSource client request.
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.security.ConsoleAccessLogger
Method called when an access event occurs.
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
addDataItem(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.datacollection.DataListener
Add the given data item to the aggregate
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Handle data items for which we listen
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Add a data item to the aggregate
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Add the given data item to the aggregate
addDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Add the given data item to the aggregate
addDataListener(DataCollector) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Adds a listener to the list of data listeners
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Adds a listener to the list of user event data listeners
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Adds a listener to the list of data listeners
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Adds a listener to the list of data listeners
addDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Adds a listener to the list of data listeners
addDataSourceShutdownListener(DataSourceShutdownListener) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Adds the given listener to the shutdown sender's list of listeners.
addDataToCreditCardInfo(Order, CreditCard, double, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs, GenericCreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
This method populates the CreditCardInfo object with data.
addDataToGiftCertificateInfo(Order, GiftCertificate, double, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs, GenericGiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
This method populates the GiftCertificateInfo object with data.
addDataToInvoiceRequestInfo(Order, InvoiceRequest, double, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs, GenericInvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
This method populates the InvoiceRequestInfo object with data.
addDataToStoreCreditInfo(Order, StoreCredit, double, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs, GenericStoreCreditInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
This method populates the StoreCreditInfo object with data.
addDate(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified day of the month to the schedule (1-31).
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in interface atg.servlet.AddHeaderHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and date-valued field.
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and date-valued field.
addDayOfTheWeek(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified day of the week to the schedule (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday)
addDebitStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Adds a debitStatus to the CreditCard
addDebitStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Adds a debitStatus to the CreditCard
addDeletedDocumentURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Add a deleted documnet URL to the list.
addDeploymentAgentSwitchableVFS(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Add a switchable VFS to the list of switchable VFSs configured for this agent.
addDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener) - Method in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventSender
Adds the listener.
addDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Adds the listener.
addDeploymentListener(DeploymentListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Allows for a component which implements the DeploymentListener interface to be notified as various events occur.
addDescription(String, String) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Stores a short description for this element under a given locale string.
addDirective(SortDirective) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Adds the specified SortDirective to the end of the list of sort directives.
addDirective(SortDirective, int) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Adds the specified SortDirective at the specified index in the list of sort directives.
addDisplayName(String, String) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Stores a display name for this element under a given locale string.
addDocumentLevelSpecifiers(OutputItemSpecifier, List) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Add the the document-level specifier(s) to pListFound.
addedRemoteItem(RepositoryItem, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Update the time for the add command.
addElement() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Notifies the Queue that the head of the queue has been filled in and added to the queue.
addEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The list of email listeners to whom this fulfiller will attempt delivery of the specific electronic good.
addEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Adds a listener to the list of email listeners
addEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
addEntry(Principal, AclEntry) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
addError(Object, Object) - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Adds an error object mapped to pKey.
addError(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Adds an error object mapped to aKey.
addErrorMessageToPipelineResult(PipelineResult, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
This method adds the given error message to the given PipelineResult object.
addErrorToPipelineResult(PaymentGroup, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
This method handles calling the appropriate method to place errors into the Pipeline Result object.
AddException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
General exception indicating that an error occured while trying to add an item to the repository via the AddService.
AddException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.AddException
Default constructor.
AddException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.AddException
Constructor which takes String input.
AddException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.AddException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
addExtendedInfo(ICSClientRequest, ICSClientOffer, CreditCardInfo, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy any additional information required from the credit card info into the CyberSource request or the CyberSource client offer.
addFailureMessage(String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
addFailureMessage(String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Set a form processing error message that should be visible to the user.
addFileForDelete(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for deletion from the destination
addFileForDeleteByFileString(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for deletion from the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addFileForDeleteByPath(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for deletion from the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addFileForDeleteByURI(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for deletion from the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addFileForUpdate(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for update to the destination
addFileForUpdateByFileString(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for update to the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addFileForUpdateByPath(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for update to the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addFileForUpdateByURI(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a file for update to the destination This method does not validate the existence of the file in the source VFS.
addForm(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Looks up the form defined by the id specified.
addForm(String, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Looks up the form defined by the id specified.
addFormatter(Class, PropertyValueFormatter) - Method in class atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatters
Adds a new PropertyValueFormatter to the list of formatters recognized by the admin UI.
addFormEventReceiver(FormEventReceiver) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
This method is called by the event receiver.
addFormException(DropletException) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of FormExceptions.
addFormException(Throwable) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Set the formExceptions property.
addFormException(DropletException) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Overrides the addFormException method to capture any exceptions added by the super classes.
addFormException(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Adds a form exception to the formhandler.
addFormException(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Adds a form exception to the formhandler.
addFormException(DropletException) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of FormExceptions.
addFormException(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of form exceptions.
addFormException(String, Throwable, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of form exceptions.
addFormException(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of form exceptions.
addFormException(String, Object[], Throwable, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of form exceptions.
addGear(GearDefinition, String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Creates and adds a gear to this community with the given required properties
addGearAlertParameter(AlertParameter) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Add the the parameter to the gear alert parameters property
addGearInstance(Gear) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Adds a gear instance to the community.
addGearInstanceParameter(GearParameter) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Add the the parameter to the gear instance parameters property
addGearUserParameter(GearParameter) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Add the the parameter to the gear user parameters property
addGeneratedDocumentURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Add a generated documnet URL to the list.
addGiftCertificateError(PaymentGroup, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
This method handles adding authorization error messages to the pipeline result object.
addGiftlistToProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Add the given giftlist to the given profile.
addGiftToOrder(RepositoryItem, Order, String, ShippingGroup, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Moves a quantity of giftlist items from a giftlist to an Order.
addGlobalLogListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
addGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Makes this account a member of a new group.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container at the given index.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container at the given index.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container.
addHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the HandlingInstruction to the container at the given index.
addHandlingInstructionToShippingGroup(Order, HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Adds the given HandlingInstruction to the ShippingGroup in the given Order.
addHandlingInstructionToShippingGroup(Order, HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
addHasConditionDefaultKeyValueChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHashedError(PipelineResult, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.AddHeaderHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and value.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and value.
AddHeaderHttpServletResponse - Interface in atg.servlet
An interface that extends the HttpServletResponse by defining methods that allow one to add multiple HTTP headers with the same name.
addHistory(String, String, String, Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This is a convenience method for adding a new history item to a process' list of histories.
addHistory(String, String, String, Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Adds a history element/note to this project
addHour(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified hour to the schedule (0-23, 0=midnight).
addHref(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Adds a new action/anchor to the list
addIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Add an id space to the id generator.
addIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Add an id space to the id generator.
addIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Add an id space to the id generator.
addIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Add an id space to the id generator.
addImport(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletImports
addIndent() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Add current level of indentation (whitespace) to output buffer
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in interface atg.servlet.AddHeaderHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and integer value.
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and integer value.
addInvoice(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Add the invoice represented by pInvoice to the invoice repository, and execute the pipeline chain whose name is specified by addInvoiceChainName
addInvoice(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Add a new invoice repository item to the repository.
addItem(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Insert an item into the repository, using the the specified property values.
addItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Adds the supplied item populated to the repository
addItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Adds the supplied item populated to the repository
addItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
addItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Adds the supplied item populated to the repository.
addItem(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Add an item to the end of the comparison list if and only if it was not already present in the list.
addItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Add the given item to the repository
addItem(String, String, long, ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
This method will actually perform the action of adding an item to an order.
addItem(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Adds a repository item according to the input message.
addItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
addItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Adds the supplied item populated to the repository.
addItem(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(InputStream) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(Reader) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(InputStream, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(Reader, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItem(Reader, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method adds an item to a particular repository.
addItemAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Use this to add a new RepositoryItemDescriptor.
addItemDescriptors(RepositoryItemDescriptor, Collection) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
This method determines if the RepositoryItemDescriptor has any subtypes (if its a RepositoryItemDescriptorContainer) and then adds all subtype item-descriptors and the item-descriptor passed to this method to the collection of item-descriptors passed to this method.
addItemDescToPropertyMap(Map, RepositoryItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method adds the RepositoryItemDescriptor and propertyName passed to it to the Map passed to it.
addItemForDelete(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding an item for deletion from the destination repository
addItemForDelete(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding an item for deletion from the destination repository
addItemForUpdate(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding an item for update to the destination repository
addItemForUpdate(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding an item for update to the destination repository
addItemOnCommit(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Insert an item into the repository, using the the specified property values.
addItemQuantityToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
addItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addItemToCart(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
AddItemToCartServlet - Class in atg.commerce.order
AddItemToCartServlet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty - Class in atg.commerce.order
AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty(String, String, long) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
addItemToGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Adds the given item to the selected giftlist
addItemToGiftlist(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Add the given giftlistItem to the given giftlist.
addItemToGiftlist(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Add the given giftlistItem to the giftlist
addItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Adds the given item to the order (the shopping cart).
addItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds the given item to the given order.
addItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addItemToOrder(String, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Adds the given product/sku to the order.
addItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Adds one or more commerce items to the order (the shopping cart), using commerceItemType as the default commerce item type.
addItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. replaced by addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse)
addItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Adds the given item to the order (the shopping cart).
AddItemToOrder - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This action takes is responsible for creating a CommerceItem object from the passed product, sku, and quantity parameters and adding it to the first order that is in a state of INCOMPLETE.
AddItemToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
addItemToProperty(RepositoryItem, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Based on whether the argument is of type Map or Collection, this method calls addToMap or addToCollection respectively.
addItemToShippingGroup(String, String, String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
The same as AddItemToOrder but the item is also added to the given shipping group.
addItemToShippingGroup(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Associate a commerce item with the shipping group specified by the shippingGroup property.
addItemToShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method adds a new item to the order and shippingGroup.
addItemToShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method adds a new item to the order and shippingGroup.
addKey(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Adds the specified property as one of the primary keys.
addKeyParamSequenceRule(String, SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Adds an action key parameter sequence for the provided key value.
addKeyParamSequenceRuleForCondition(String, SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Adds an action key parameter sequence for the provided key value.
addKeyValueChoicesForActionParam(ChoiceRule, Map, String, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addKeyValueChoicesForConditionParam(ChoiceRule, Map, String, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addListener(WebAppListener) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
addListPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to a List property.
addListPropertyValueAtIndex(String, String, String, String, Object, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to a List property at the specified index
addLiteralChoiceToken(String, ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
add a token expression for a literal value.
addLockOwnershipListener(LockOwnershipListener) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Adds a listener for lock ownership events.
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
addLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Adds a listener to the list of log listeners
addManualAdjustment(Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method adds the manual adjustment to the order.
addManualAdjustment(Order, RepositoryItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Adds an adjustment at a specific index in the List.
addManyToOneProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
addMapPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to a Map property
addMarkerItemToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Adds a marker item to a marked item.
addMarkerItemToOrder(Order, RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Adds a new marker item to the specified order.
AddMarkerToItem - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will add a marker item to a repository item.
AddMarkerToItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToItem
addMarkerToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
addMarkerToItem(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified item.
AddMarkerToItem - Class in atg.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for adding a marker to a repository item
AddMarkerToItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToItem
addMarkerToItemsCollection(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Adds a marker item to an item's collection of markers.
AddMarkerToOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet will add a marker to an order.
AddMarkerToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToOrder
addMarkerToOrder(Order, String, String, String, String, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified order.
addMarkerToOrder(Order, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Creates a new marker item using the provided property values and adds it to the specified order.
addMarkerToOrder(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
Adds a marker to an order
AddMarkerToOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for adding a marker to an Order.
AddMarkerToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToOrder
AddMarkerToProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
Scenario action class for adding a marker to a profile.
AddMarkerToProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.AddMarkerToProfile
AddMarkerToProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will add a marker item to a profile item.
AddMarkerToProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.AddMarkerToProfile
addMarkerToProfile(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
Adds a marker to a profile.
addMarkerValidator(String, MarkerValidator) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Adds a marker validator.
addMarkerValidator(String, MarkerValidator) - Method in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidatorContainer
Adds a marker validator.
addMarkerValidator(String, MarkerValidator) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Adds a marker validator.
addMerchantId(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the merchantId from the CyberSource connection into the client request.
addMinute(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified minute to the schedule (0-59).
addMissingCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method checks for CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo entry for each payment group.
addMonth(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified month to the schedule (0=January, 11=December)
addMoreParams(HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This helper method allows me to easily add more parameters before running the pipeline process.
addMulti(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Handles the updating of multi-value attributes pPropertyName with pPropertyValue
addMultipleItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Adds commerce items to the order (the shopping cart).
addMultipleItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. replaced by addConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse)
addMultiPropertyValues(String, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Adds a specific multi-valued property's values from the given source user to the given target user
addNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingEventSource
Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
addNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
addNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
addNameContextPreBindingListener(NameContextPreBindingListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
addNamedQuery(String, QueryDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Adds an entry to the named query map
addNamespaceDeclarations(StringBuffer, ItemDescToNSInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
addNamespaceDeclarations(Writer, ItemDescToNSInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds the namespace declarations for all the item descriptors present in the RepositoryItem passed.
addNewAsset(int, RepositoryWorkingVersionItem, String, String, Integer) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
This method is not for use by client code.
addNewFile(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new file to the deployment destination
addNewFileByFileString(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new file to the deployment destination.
addNewFileByPath(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new file to the deployment destination.
addNewFileByURI(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new file to the deployment destination.
addNewItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new item to the destination repository
addNewItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method for adding a new item to the destination repository
addNewItemToOrder(Order, String, String, long, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Adds the designated item to the given order.
addNewShippingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
A shipping address exists in the getShippingGroup(), but not in the Profile so it needs to be propogated there.
AddNoteFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Form Handler for adding a note to a project.
AddNoteFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
addNullChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addOccurrenceInTheMonth(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Adds the specified occurrence of day of the week in the month to the schedule (1=first, 4=fourth, LAST=last)
addOption(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Adds a deployment option to the map
addOptionPersisted(String, String, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Adds a deployment option to the map
addOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Adds the Order to the repository.
addOrderAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given amount of the Order's cost to the CostCenter with the given id.
addOrderAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Adds the given amount of the Order's cost to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addOrderIdToRelatedOrders(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the relatedOrders property
addOrderIdToRelatedOrders(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Adds an order id to the relatedOrders list
addOrderMergeListener(OrderMergeListener) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Add a listener to the set of event listeners that are notified when orders are merged.
addOrderRelationship(B2BOrderRelationship) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainer
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOrderRelationship(B2BOrderRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOrderRelationship(B2BOrderRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOrderRelationship(OrderRelationship) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainer
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOrderRelationship(OrderRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOrderRelationship(OrderRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Add the OrderRelationship to the container.
addOtherGiftlistToProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Adds other giftlist to the profileId and from the profile repository.
addOtherGiftlistToProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Adds a giftlist to a customer's otherGiftlist property.
addOutcome(OutcomeDescriptor) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Adds a new outcome to this task description.
addOwner(Principal, Principal) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
addParameterProcessor(ParameterProcessor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
addParameters(Call, Vector) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Add the supplied parameter list to the Call object.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the PaymentGroup to the container.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the PaymentGroup to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Add the PaymentGroup to the container.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Add the PaymentGroup to the container at the specified index.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Add the PaymentGroup to the container.
addPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Add the PaymentGroup to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroup(String, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The addPaymentGroup method adds the supplied payment name and PaymentGroup to the Map.
addPaymentGroup(String, PaymentGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The addPaymentGroup method adds the supplied payment name and PaymentGroup to the Map.
addPaymentGroupError(PaymentGroup, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
This method handles adding authorization error messages to the pipeline result object.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container.
addPaymentGroupRelationship(PaymentGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Add the PaymentGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addPaymentGroupToOrder(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
addPaymentGroupToOrder(Order, PaymentGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
addPaymentGroupToOrder(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Adds the given PaymentGroup to the given order.
addPaymentGroupToOrder(Order, PaymentGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Adds the given PaymentGroup to the given order in the specified location.
addPaymentId(ICSClientRequest, CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Copy the paymentId property from the CreditCardInfo into the client request.
addPermission(Permission) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
addPersistentIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Add an id space to the data store.
addPersistentIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Add an id space to the data store.
addPersistentIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Add id space to the data store.
addPersistentIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Add an id space to the data store.
addPersistentQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Adds a persistent query parameter which will be encoded in all subsequent calls to encodeURL.
addPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.User
Adds a new persona that has been granted to the user.
addPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Adds a portal to the collection of active portals.
addPostRequestProcessor(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, PostRequestProcessor, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Pipeline servlets that require actions to be performed after the completion of the request (usually to clean up some action performed before calling "passRequest") should not directly perform those actions after calling passRequest.
addPostStartupAction(PostStartupAction) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Add a start-up action to be performed after startup.
addPriceLevel(RepositoryItem, long, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
add a price level to the given complex price This could be intelligent and squeeze this into the list based on the quantity, but should probably leave that to the user, and just place it at the end.
addPriceLevel(RepositoryItem, Long, Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
add a price level to the given complex price This could be intelligent and squeeze this into the list based on the quantity, but should probably leave that to the user, and just place it at the end.
addPrincipalResolver(String, PrincipalResolver) - Static method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Adds a new identity resolver.
addProductInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Map, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Create a new product info object and add it to the map.
addProfileGiftlistAddress(RepositoryItem, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method adds a giftlift address to the customer's giftlist address property.
addProfileRepositoryAddress(RepositoryItem, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method adds a profile repository address to the customer's secondary addresses or address book.
addProfileToBean(RepositoryItem, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Find the user profile of the user who created an invoice and add it to an arbitrary Java Bean.
addProfileUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Adds a listener to the list of "profile update" listeners.
addProfileUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Adds a listener to the list of "profile update" listeners.
addPromotion(RepositoryItem, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
This method determines if the given promotion should qualify for use in determing pricing.
addPromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the promotion to the user's activePromotion attribute value.
addPromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the promotion to the user's activePromotion attribute value.
addPromotionToList(RepositoryItem, List, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Adds a new promotion to the list of pricing models.
addProperties(Property[]) - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Adds a list of properties.
addProperties(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Adds values from multi-valued properties from the guest user to the authenticated user
addPropertiesChangedListener(PropertiesChangedListener) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
These events are all sent and managed by the root of the type hierarchy since they may affect all item types in this class tree.
addPropertiesChangedListener(PropertiesChangedListener) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Adds a properties changed event listener from this item descriptor.
addPropertiesOnLogin(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Add the Array, Map, and Collection properties from the current anonymous user to the authenticated user.
addProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
If the property being added is "activePromotions", then use promotionTools to add it, otherwise call the super class.
addProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
If the property being added is "activePromotions", then use promotionTools to add it, otherwise call the super class.
addProperty(Property) - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Adds a new property to the list of properties.
addProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Add the given named property from the current anonymous user to the authenticated user.
addProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Add the given named property, of type Array, Map, and Collection, from the current anonymous user to the authenticated user.
addProperty(String, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Adds a specific multi-valued property's values from the given guest user to the given authenticated user
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Register a listener for the PropertyChange event.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Listen for parameter changes
addPropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Adds the given property descriptor to the internal table of known descriptors
addPropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Adds the given property descriptor to the internal table of known descriptors
addPropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Adds a property descriptor to the repository
addQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Adds a query event listener from this view.
addQueryParameter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Adds a query paremeter for the next request, using the TagNameEncoderService.
addQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Adds a query parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL
addRecipient(Message, Message.RecipientType, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Adds a recipient to the message.
addRecipients(Message, Message.RecipientType, String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Adds recipients to the message.
addReferencedItems(GSAItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Loops through all properties that have "cascade=update" set and adds the referenced items if they are not already there.
addRelationship(Relationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the Relationship to the container.
addRelationship(Relationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the Relationship to the container at the given index.
addRelationship(Relationship) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Add the Relationship to the container.
addRelationship(Relationship, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Add the Relationship to the container at the given index.
addRelationship(Relationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Add the Relationship to the container.
addRelationship(Relationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Add the Relationship to the container at the given index.
addRemainingItemAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addRemainingItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
addRemainingItemAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addRemainingItemQuantityToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds any unassigned quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addRemainingItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds any unassigned quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id to the ShippingGroup with the given id.
addRemainingItemQuantityToShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
addRemainingOrderAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the Order's cost to the CostCenter with the given id.
addRemainingOrderAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the Order's cost to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addRemainingShippingCostToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the ShippingGroup's cost with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addRemainingShippingCostToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
addRemainingShippingCostToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the ShippingGroup's cost with the given id to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addRemainingTaxAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the Order's tax to the CostCenter with the given id.
addRemainingTaxAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Adds any unassigned amount of the Order's tax to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addRemoveActionDefaultKeyValueChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Adds an action key parameter sequence for the provided key value.
addRepositoryItem(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds an item to the repository
addRepositoryItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds an item to the repository
addRequestEntry(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
Address - Class in atg.core.util
A class which represents an address.
Address() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.Address
Constructs an empty Address object.
addressRequiresPostalCode(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for postalCode property.
addressRequiresState(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Return true if the billing address in pInfo requires a non-null value for state property.
AddressVerificationInfo - Interface in atg.payment.avs
This class defines a address verification information which is passed to the AddressVerificationProcessor.
AddressVerificationItem - Interface in atg.payment.avs
This class is an interface of AVS information.
AddressVerificationProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.avs
This class defines an interface for address verification processing.
AddressVerificationStatus - Interface in atg.payment.avs
This interface defines an address verification transaction status.
AddressVerificationStatusImpl - Class in atg.payment.avs
This class defines address verification information which is generated by the AddressVerificationProcessor.
AddressVerificationStatusImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationStatusImpl
AddressVerificationStatusImpl(String, boolean, String, Date) - Constructor for class atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationStatusImpl
AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
An extension of the TaxProcessorTaxCalculator which optionally verifies the shipping address about to be taxed, the billing address about to be taxed, or both.
AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
addSampleListener(SampleListener) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Adds a listener to the list of listeners to be notified when a new sample is taken.
addScenarioExpression(SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addScenarioExpression(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addScenarioInstances(ScenarioManagerService, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Add the scenarioInstances property from the anonymous user to those of the authenticated user.
addScheduledJob(ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Adds the specified ScheduledJob to the Scheduler.
addSchemaLocations(StringBuffer, ItemDescToNSInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
addSchemaLocations(Writer, ItemDescToNSInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds the schema locations for all the item-descriptors present in the RepositoryItem passed.
AddService - Class in atg.repository.xml
This class will add an item represented by a given instance document to a particular repository.
AddService() - Constructor for class atg.repository.xml.AddService
addSetPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Adds a value to a Set property
addShippingAddressToOrder(String, ContactInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Add a shipping address to the order.
addShippingCostAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given amount of the ShippingGroup's cost with the given id to the CostCenter with the given id.
addShippingCostAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
addShippingCostAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Adds the given amount of the ShippingGroup's cost with the given id to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container.
addShippingGroup(B2BShippingGroup, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroup(String, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Add a ShippingGroup to the ShippingGroupMap, the key will be its ShippingGroupName
addShippingGroup(String, ShippingGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Add a ShippingGroup to the ShippingGroupMap, the key will be its ShippingGroupName
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Add the ShippingGroup to the container.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Add the ShippingGroup to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container.
addShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroup to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(B2BShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container.
addShippingGroupRelationship(ShippingGroupRelationship, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Add the ShippingGroupRelationship to the container at the given index.
addShippingGroupToMap(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Adds a shipping group to the map container.
addShippingGroupToMap(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
addShippingGroupToMap(ShippingGroup, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Adds a shipping groups to the shipping group map container
addShippingGroupToMap(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Adds a shipping group to the map container.
addShippingGroupToMap(ShippingGroup, ShippingGroupMapContainer, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
addShippingGroupToOrder(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
addShippingGroupToOrder(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Adds the given ShippingGroup to the given order.
addSkuInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Map, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Create a new sku info object and add it to the map.
addSlotInstances(RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Add the "slotInstances" property from the anonymous user to those of the authenticated user.
addSoftGoodToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
To add a soft good to the users order, the OrderManager first needs to create a shipping group named by the softGoodShippingGroupName property.
addSourceMapping(String, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Adds a new mapping between a source name and its Nucleus path.
addSpecialInstruction(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Add a new special instruction to this giftlist
addSpecialPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Adds the indicated persona to the special persona list.
addSpecialPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Adds the indicated persona to the special persona list.
addStringChoice(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addSubItemToConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem, SubSkuCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Adds a sub item to a configurable commerce item
addSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Adds a new sub-persona.
addSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Adds a new sub-persona.
addSubPersona(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Adds a new sub-persona.
addSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Adds a new sub-persona.
addSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Adds a new sub-persona.
addSuccessMessage(String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Set a form processing info message that should be visible to the user.
addSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Adds a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
addSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Adds a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
addSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Adds a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
addSwitchingDataSourceEventListener(SwitchingDataSourceEventListener) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
add a listener
addTable(Table) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Adds a new table onto the list.
addTableInvalidationListeners() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Adds any table event listeners that need to be registered for all of the tables in this this item descriptor.
addTag(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Adds a new tag to this form.
addTag(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
This version is to remain compatible with old compiled pages that needed to explictily tell us whether to use the Writer or OutputStream.
addTag(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String, int, String, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Adds a new tag to this form.
addTag(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String, int, String, TagConverter, Properties, boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Adds a new tag to this form.
addTag(String, String, String, String, int, String, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Adds a new tag to this form.
addTask(TaskDescriptor) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Adds a new task to this workflow description.
addTaskElementId(TaskDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Adds a new task element id to this workflow description, enabling the corresponding task to be looked up from that id.
addTaxAmountToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Adds the given amount of the Order's tax to the CostCenter with the given id.
addTaxAmountToPaymentGroup(Order, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Adds the given amount of the Order's tax to the PaymentGroup with the given id.
addTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Adds a listener to the list of TemplateEmailListeners.
addToCache(Class, Cortex) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Adds the specified mapping from class to Cortex, replacing any existing mapping for that class.
addToCollection(RepositoryItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method adds the newly created repository item to the Collection property of the updateRepositoryItem.
addToMap(RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method adds the newly created repository item to the Map property of the updateRepositoryItem.
addTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Adds the listener.
addToSalesLevel(long, double, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
addTransientItem(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Add transient item to Item Transaction State
addTransition(PipelineLink, int, PipelineLink) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Adds a transition from aFromLink to aToLink.
addTransition(PipelineLink, int, PipelineLink, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Adds a transition from aFromLink to aToLink.
addTypeDescriptorEntry(Object, GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Adds a new entry to the type descriptor table.
addUnCachedResolveTime(long) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
addUncheckedFormException(Throwable) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Adds a new exception to the list of FormExceptions.
addUniqueAddressToAddressList(Collection, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method iterates through list of addresses and if any same address found in the collection, this method ends the process and returns.
addUniqueParamsToURL(String, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Add any unique params to the URL.
addUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Adds the given update listener to the list of listeners we already know about
addURLParameter(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Adds a URL parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL
addUser(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns the RepositoryItem which represents the newly added user in the Profile Repository.
addUserToCommunity(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Adds a user to the community with the specified membership level.
addUserToOrganization(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method adds a user specified by a given user id to an organization specified by a given organization id
addValueChoiceRule(Collection, SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Creates a choice element that contains value param choices.
addValueParamIntroConstruct(ChoiceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addValueParamIntroConstruct(SequenceRule, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar, String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
addVersionListener(VersionListener) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
addView(RepositoryView) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Use this to add a new RepositoryView.
addWaitElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Adds a new wait state element id to this task description.
addXMLItem(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Adds or creates the given pItemAsXML, depending on the value of pPersist.
adjust(double, double, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Returns the input pAmount adjusted by the input pAdjuster in the manner specified by pDiscountType.
adjust(double, double, double, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator
Adjust the price of an item.
adjustAmount(double, double, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
adjustDetailedItemPriceInfos(List, double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method will modify the price of each given DetailedItemPriceInfo by the given unit adjustment.
adjustmentDetailedItemPriceInfo(DetailedItemPriceInfo, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
Sets the DetailedItemPriceInfo for its ItemPriceInfo.
adjustStatus(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Change the status of a claimable repository item so that its status reflects the appropriate status.
adjustStatus(RepositoryItem[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Change the status of a claimable repository item so that its status reflects the appropriate status.
AdminableService - Interface in atg.nucleus
If a service implements this method, then the service declares that it will provide a Servlet to use in examining the Servlet by the administrative UI.
AdminFormHandler - Class in atg.servlet.security
Base implementation of a Generic Form Handler done for Admin-like tasks
AdminFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Empty as all bean consructors usually are.
AdministrationMessage - Class in atg.portal.alert
This message bean extends the PortalMessage class for the purposes of adding properties common to all framework alerts messages.
AdministrationMessage() - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
AdministrationMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
AdministrationMessage(String, String, Date, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
AdminLoginFormHandler - Class in atg.servlet.security
AdminLoginFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Empty as all bean consructors usually are.
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
This method sends the business process event messages through the Business Process Manager's messageSource.
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
This method sends MarkerRemovedEventMessage, MarkerRemovedEventMessage and MarkerRemovedEventMessage messages through the Repository Marker Manager's MarkerMessageSource.
afterGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
Called after page rendering has complete for any form handlers whose beforeGet method was called.
afterGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
Called after the page containing this form has been rendered, but before the output stream is closed (unless it was closed explicitly by the page)

This method is suitable for releasing any resources obtained during the processing of the request, logging of the operation performed, etc.

afterGet(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterGet(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Override this method to set form handler's attributes into the context
afterSearch(ClientRequest, SearchContext, SearchSession, Results) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
This method is called just after a search has been executed and is intended to allow subclasses an opportunity to update the search session or modify the search results object.
afterSessionStart(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
This method is invoked immediately after a DocumentSubmitter session is closed.
afterSessionStart(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
This method is invoked immediately after a DocumentSubmitter session is started.
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Commit or roll back any transaction created in beforeSet, and release any lock that was acquired at the time.
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Called after any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
Called after all form arguments have been submitted, before the page is serviced (or rendered).
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
Called after all form arguments have been submitted, before the page is serviced (or rendered).
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Clear out the current request we are processing.
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
If the TransactionDemarcation is not null, then the transaction is ended.
afterSet(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterSet(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
afterSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
AgentDef - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class AgentDef ("Deployment Agent Definition")
AgentDefHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
agentException(int, Status, AgentRef) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Create an exception and update the deployment status based off the passed in agent information.
AgentRef - Class in atg.deployment.server
The server-side reference to a remote deployment agent.
AgentTransport - Interface in atg.deployment.server
An interface for server to agent transport implementations.
AlertConfigBean - Class in atg.portal.admin
AlertConfigBean() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
AliasedPersona - Class in atg.security
A persona that wraps another persona.
AliasedPersona(String, UserAuthority, Persona) - Constructor for class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Creates a new persona that is an alias for another persona.
ALIGN_BOTTOM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
ALIGN_MIDDLE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
ALIGN_TOP - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
ALL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
The possible "saveModes" for saving the PriceInfo objects: ALL - Saves all PriceInfo objects associated with the order.
ALL_NO_AUDIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
ALL_PROJECTS - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
ALL_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ALL_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
An array of all of the event type constants for this event.
ALL_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
An array of all of the event types for this event
ALL_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
An array of all of the event type constants for this event.
ALL_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
An array of all of the event type constants for this event.
allFalse(String, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method checks whether the values of a property are all false
allocateBackOrderableItem(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, long, List, String, ConfigurableCommerceItem, SubSkuCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
ALLOCATEELECTRONICGOOD - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
allocateElectronicGood(ElectronicFulfiller, Order, ElectronicShippingGroup, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
Allocates the ItemRelationship from the shipping group
allocateItemQuantityForConfigurableItem(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, long, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Allocates the given configurable item and sub items for the given quantity from the InventoryManager.
allocateItemQuantityFromInventory(Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, long, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
ALLOCATEITEMRELATIONSHIP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
allocatePreOrderableItem(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, long, List, String, ConfigurableCommerceItem, SubSkuCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
allocateShippingGroup(Order, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
ALLOCATESHIPPINGGROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
allocateShippingGroupItem(Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
allocateShippingGroupItem(HardgoodFulfiller, Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
Allocates the ItemRelationship from the shipping group
ALLOW_DUPLICATES - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The duplication mode for allowing duplicates when a new marker is added
ALLOW_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
allowAccess(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessController
Returns true if a user (represented by the specified Profile) should be allowed access, false if not.
allowAccess(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns true if a user (represented by the specified Profile) should be allowed access, false if not.
allowAccess(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns true if a user (represented by the specified Profile) should be allowed access, false if not.
allowAutoLogin(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Allows this user's session to auto-login via URL paramater.
ALLOWED - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
allowPeriodicIndexing() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to allow scheduled indexing.
allowRemoveNullsUpdate(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Can we persist changes to multi-properties when removing null values via the removeNullValues property
allowSendCookie(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Allows this user's session to send back a cookie.
AMERICANEXPRESS - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
AMOUNT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
AMOUNT_INCREASE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
AMOUNT_INCREASE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Integer representation of an Amount Increase adjustment
AMOUNT_INFO_IS_FINAL_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
AMOUNT_OFF - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
AMOUNT_OFF_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Integer representation of an Amount Off discount
AMOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
AMOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
AMOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
AMOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
AmountInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents price information about an object.
AmountInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
AMOUNTREMAINING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
AMOUNTREMAINING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
AMOUNTREMAINING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
AMOUNTREMAINING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
AncestorGeneratorService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
Available service functions: AGS_GENANCESTORS - generate ancestors (for products and skus)
AncestorGeneratorService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
AncestorGeneratorService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This CMSService performs the following service functions Available service functions: AGS_GENCATALOGS - generate catalog and catalogs (for catalogs, products and skus) AGS_GENPARENTCATS - generate parent categories (for products) AGS_GENANCESTORS - generate ancestors (for products and skus)
AncestorGeneratorService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
AnchorTag - Class in atg.droplet
AnchorTag() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
AnchorTag(String, DropletEventServlet) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
AnchorTag(String, DropletEventServlet, TagConverter, Properties) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
andFilters(Filter, Filter) - Static method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns a filter which is obtained by ANDing the two given filters.
andFilters(Filter[]) - Static method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns a filter which is obtained by ANDing the filters in the given array.
andFilters(Filter, Filter) - Static method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns a filter which is obtained by ANDing the two given filters.
andFilters(Filter[]) - Static method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns a filter which is obtained by ANDing the filters in the given array.
ANY_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountTypes
Account type that matches any account type when performing a query operation.
ANY_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The constant used in compareDefaultProperty and compareExtendedProperties to indicate the value can be any value.
anyItemOfType(Set, Set, Set) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return true if set of AssetVersion items (pItems) contains at least one instance of a repository item which is of any type, or any subtype, of the types specified in pItemTypes.
anyReferencesToItem(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Query whether any cross-references to a repository item exist within the repository that contains that item.
APP_SERVER_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
APP_STATE - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
APP_STATE_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
APP_STATE_STARTED - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
APP_STATE_STOPPED - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
APP_STATE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
append(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Appends the access control information from another access control list onto this one.
appendBaseToString(StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns readable string appending the contents of this Message with the parameter pBuf passed.
appendBaseToString(StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Returns readable string appending the contents of this Message with the parameter pBuf passed.
appendComplexElement(RepositoryItem, ItemMappingElement, StringBuffer, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
appendComplexElement(RepositoryItem, ItemMappingElement, Writer, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Method called to generate the appropriate representation of a repository item for a given repository item.
appendDate(Date, StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Format the specified date and append it the the specified buffer.
appendField(FormatField, Object, StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Append the specified field of the specified object to the string buffer, applying appropriate formatting.
appendField(FormatField, Object, StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryLogger
Append the specified field of the specified object to the string buffer, We expect items to be summary items.
appendProperties(StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Append any properties for debugging.
appendProperties(StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Append any properties for debugging.
appendRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem, String[], ItemMappingElement, StringBuffer, String, Map, String, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
appendRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem, String[], ItemMappingElement, Writer, String, Map, String, RepositoryItemDescriptor, ItemDescToNSInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Method called to generate the appropriate representation of a repository item for an instance document.
ApplicationLogging - Interface in atg.nucleus.logging
ApplicationLoggingImpl - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This is a straightforward implementation of ApplicationLogging that sends events to LogListeners.
ApplicationLoggingImpl() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Creates a new ApplicationLoggingImpl
ApplicationLoggingImpl(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Creates a new ApplicationLoggingImpl with the specified originator that will be applied to all logging messages.
ApplicationLoggingImpl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Creates a new ApplicationLoggingImpl with the specified originator that will be applied to all logging messages.
APPLY_PHASE_VALUE_ONE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
APPLY_PHASE_VALUE_TWO - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
applyAfterFormatting() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.ConcatFilter
Apply this filter after formatting.
applyAfterFormatting() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.UniqueFilter
Apply this filter before formatting, if possible.
applyAfterFormatting() - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyValuesFilter
Whether to apply summarizing after formatting/stringification.
applyChanges(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Saves all changed properties of this DynamicBeanState into a DynamicBean.
applyCommerceIdentifierCostCenter(CommerceIdentifierCostCenter, B2BOrder) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
applyCommerceIdentifierCostCenter will take the supplied cost center information and update the Order.
applyCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
applyCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo takes the supplied payment information and update the Order.
applyCommerceItemShippingInfo(CommerceItemShippingInfo, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
applyCommerceItemShippingInfo get the Relatonship type from the CommerceItemShippingInfo then invoke the business logic in CommerceItemManager to update the order.
applyCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
applyCostCenters iterates over the supplied CommerceIdentifierCostCenters for each of the CommerceIdentifiers.
applyDefaultCostCenter(B2BOrder) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
applyDefaultCostCenter will check to see if there is a defaultCostCenter.
applyDefaultPaymentGroup(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
applyDefaultPaymentGroup checks to see if there is a defaultPaymentGroup.
applyDefaultShippingGroup(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
applyDefaultShippingGroup checks to see if there is a defaultShippingGroup.
applyDirection(TableInfo.Column, String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set the sort direction for a property in the list of sort criteria.
applyManifest(String, boolean, Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Tells the agent to deploy the prepared manifest.
Note that this method will return before the deployment is finished.
applyOptions(RepositoryItem[], QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Apply the query options to the given array of items.
applyPaymentGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
applyPaymentGroups iterates over the supplied CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos for each of the CommerceIdentifiers.
applyRange(ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Takes a list of returned items and applies a range operation to them.
applyShippingGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
applyShippingGroups removes all non-gift ShippingGroups from the Order and then iterates over the supplied CommerceItemShippingInfos for each of the CommerceItems.
applyState(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Saves all properties (not only the changed ones) of this DynamicBeanState into a DynamicBean.
applyValueDictionary(Object, Dictionary, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Copy properties from the value dictionary or one of its descendents.
APPROVAL_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
APPROVAL_PASSED - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
APPROVAL_PIPELINE_RESULT - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
APPROVAL_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
ApprovalConstants - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
ApprovalException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing an approval operation.
ApprovalException() - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalException
Constructs a new ApprovalException.
ApprovalException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalException
Constructs a new ApprovalException with the given explanation.
ApprovalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalException
Constructs a new ApprovalException.
ApprovalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalException
Constructs a new ApprovalException with the given explanation.
ApprovalFormHandler - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This form handler is used in response to a request for an order approval.
ApprovalFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Creates a new ApprovalFormHandler instance.
ApprovalMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
ApprovalMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
ApprovalRequiredDroplet - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This droplet is used to load all the orders which require approval and whose authorized approver ids list contains the profile id contained in the approverid parameter.
ApprovalRequiredDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
ApprovalRequiredMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This class extends the CommerceMessageImpl class.
ApprovalRequiredMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
approve() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Approve the Membership request
APPROVED - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
APPROVED - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
APPROVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
ApprovedDroplet - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This droplet is used to load all the orders which have been approved and whose approver ids list contains the profile id contained in the approverid parameter.
ApprovedDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
approveDeployment(Target) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Flags the project as approved for deployment to the specified deployment target.
approveDeployment() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Flags the project as approved for deployment to all known deployment targets.
approveMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
approveMembershipRequest called by the handler to approve membership requests to a list of ids specified in property approvePrincipalIds
APPROVER_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
APPROVERID - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
APPROVERID - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
APPSERVER_CONFIG_NUCLEUS_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
APPSERVER_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
areAddressesEqual(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Compares two contactInfo repository items to determine if they are equal.
areAddressesEqual(Object, Object, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Compares two addresses to determine if they are equal.
areAllGroupsPendingRemove(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
areAllGroupsPendingRemove(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Check if all the groups in this object are PENDING_REMOVE
areAllGroupsRemoved(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
areAllGroupsRemoved(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Check if all the groups in this object are REMOVED
areInstances(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Determine whether the specified BeanInfo is a descendent of this object.
areInstances(GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Determine whether the specified item descriptor is a descendent of this object.
areInstances(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if all objects described by some DynamicBeanInfo are also described by this one.
areInstances(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if all objects described by some DynamicBeanInfo are also described by this one.
areInstances(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns true if all objects described by some DynamicBeanInfo are also described by this one.
areMarkerPropertiesEqual(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Compares the marker item property values to the parameter values.
areOrdersMergeable(Order, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Checks to see if we can merge these two orders.
areSearchValuesEmpty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Extends the base behavior to check the sku and price search values.
areSearchValuesEmpty() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Check to see if all search values are empty for enabled search types
areSearchValuesEmpty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
ARGS - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
ARRAY_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
arrayContains(int[], int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return true if the specified array of ints contains the target value.
ArrayDictionary - Class in atg.core.util
An ArrayDictionary is an implementation of Dictionary that stores its keys and values as arrays.
ArrayDictionary() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
Constructs a new ArrayDictionary
ArrayDictionary(Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
Constructs a new ArrayDictionary with the given lists of keys and values
ArrayElementParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This is a dynamic ParamDescriptor which allows you to define an output parameter whose type is an element of an array based input parameter.
ArrayElementParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
ArrayElementParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
Construct an ArrayElementParamDescriptor.
ArrayIncludesValue - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet takes an array and a value, and renders the "true" open parameter if the value is in the array, and the "false" open parameter otherwise.
ArrayIncludesValue() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
ArrayObjectTypeInfo - Class in atg.droplet
Represents a type of a component or property as an array of other types.
ArrayObjectTypeInfo(ObjectTypeInfo) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
Constructs an ArrayObjectTypeInfo give the ObjectTypeInfo that represents the type of an element of the array
ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This is a dynamic ParamDescriptor which allows you to define an output parameter whose type is an array of another bean.
ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
Construct an ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor.
ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This is a dynamic ParamDescriptor which allows you to define an output parameter whose type is an element of an array based input parameter.
ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
Construct an ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
ASCENDING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
ascending: Ascending SortByValue direction value
Asset - Interface in atg.versionmanager
Represents the items under control of the version management system.
assetInProject(VersionManagerURI) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the specified asset already exists in this project
AssetSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Search form handler for assets.
AssetSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
assetsUpToDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Checks for asset conflicts
AssetVersion - Interface in atg.versionmanager
An immutable wrapper for a specific version of an asset under version control.
assetVersionsToRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return a potentially empty or null list of repository items from the collection of AssetVersion objects.
ASSIGN_RELEASE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
ASSIGN_UNASSIGNED - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
assignConfigurableProperties(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
assignItemTaxAmounts(Order, TaxPriceInfo, TaxStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Assign each detail's tax for the given order.
assignItemTaxAmounts(ShippingGroup, TaxPriceInfo, OrderPriceInfo, OrderPriceInfo, TaxStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Assign each detail's tax for the given order.
assignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
assignPrincipal is called by the handlers to assign principals access to a community.
assignRelativeRoles(Organization, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method will assign relativeRoles to the user whose primary key is returned by the #getUserIdgetUserId method.
assignRole(DirectoryPrincipal, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Assigns a community relative role to the principal.
assignRole(Role) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Assign an existing assignable role to this OrganizationalEntity.
assignRolesToUser(Object[], Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method looks for an array of roles using the passed in pRoleIds parameter and assigns them to the user associated with the pUserIdassignRolesToUser(Collection, Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method looks for a collection of roles using the passed in pRoleIds parameter and assigns them to the user associated with the pUserIdassignSalePriceToDetails(List, double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method will assign the given sales price to each of the given details.
assignTaxProductCode(TaxableItem, ICSClientOffer) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
This method may be overidden by a subclass to set the product code for each offer.
assumeFalse(Filter) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Assumes that the given filter evaluates to FALSE, and tries to simplify this filter.
assumeFalse(Filter) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Assumes that the given filter evaluates to FALSE, and tries to simplify this filter.
assumeIdentityById(String) - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Loads the indicated user identity into the session.
assumeIdentityByLogin(String) - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Loads the indicated user identity into the session.
assumeSecurityIdentity(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Takes the given profile and makes the current Thread's User have the persona of this profile.
assumeSecurityIdentity(Profile, IdentityManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Takes the given profile and IdentityManager and makes the current Thread's User have the persona of this profile.
assumeTrue(Filter) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Assumes that the given filter evaluates to TRUE, and tries to simplify this filter.
assumeTrue(Filter) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Assumes that the given filter evaluates to TRUE, and tries to simplify this filter.
atg.adapter.gsa - package atg.adapter.gsa
atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator - package atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator
atg.adapter.gsa.query - package atg.adapter.gsa.query
atg.adapter.html - package atg.adapter.html
atg.adapter.integrations - package atg.adapter.integrations
atg.adapter.secure - package atg.adapter.secure
atg.adapter.xml - package atg.adapter.xml
atg.b2bcommerce.approval - package atg.b2bcommerce.approval
atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor - package atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
atg.b2bcommerce.invoice - package atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging - package atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging
atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline - package atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
atg.b2bcommerce.order - package atg.b2bcommerce.order
atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor - package atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase - package atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled - package atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest - package atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest
atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor - package atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor
atg.b2bcommerce.profile - package atg.b2bcommerce.profile
atg.b2bcommerce.states - package atg.b2bcommerce.states
atg.beans - package atg.beans
atg.commerce - package atg.commerce
atg.commerce.catalog - package atg.commerce.catalog
atg.commerce.catalog.comparison - package atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
atg.commerce.catalog.custom - package atg.commerce.catalog.custom
atg.commerce.claimable - package atg.commerce.claimable
atg.commerce.collections.filter - package atg.commerce.collections.filter
atg.commerce.dp - package atg.commerce.dp
atg.commerce.expression - package atg.commerce.expression
atg.commerce.fulfillment - package atg.commerce.fulfillment
atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor - package atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario - package atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus - package atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus
atg.commerce.gifts - package atg.commerce.gifts
atg.commerce.inventory - package atg.commerce.inventory
atg.commerce.markers - package atg.commerce.markers
atg.commerce.markers.bp - package atg.commerce.markers.bp
atg.commerce.markers.droplet - package atg.commerce.markers.droplet
atg.commerce.markers.scenario - package atg.commerce.markers.scenario
atg.commerce.messaging - package atg.commerce.messaging
atg.commerce.order - package atg.commerce.order
atg.commerce.order.abandoned - package atg.commerce.order.abandoned
atg.commerce.order.processor - package atg.commerce.order.processor
atg.commerce.order.purchase - package atg.commerce.order.purchase
atg.commerce.payment - package atg.commerce.payment
atg.commerce.payment.processor - package atg.commerce.payment.processor
atg.commerce.pricing - package atg.commerce.pricing
atg.commerce.pricing.definition - package atg.commerce.pricing.definition
atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists - package atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
atg.commerce.pricing.processor - package atg.commerce.pricing.processor
atg.commerce.profile - package atg.commerce.profile
atg.commerce.promotion - package atg.commerce.promotion
atg.commerce.states - package atg.commerce.states
atg.commerce.util - package atg.commerce.util
atg.core.exception - package atg.core.exception
atg.core.net - package atg.core.net
atg.core.util - package atg.core.util
atg.cortex - package atg.cortex
atg.deployment - package atg.deployment
atg.deployment.common - package atg.deployment.common
These packages make up the core publishing deployment API, through which the deployment topology is introspected and reinitialized, targets and agents are queried for status, and deployments are initiated, controlled, and monitored.
atg.deployment.common.event - package atg.deployment.common.event
These packages make up the core publishing deployment API, through which the deployment topology is introspected and reinitialized, targets and agents are queried for status, and deployments are initiated, controlled, and monitored.
atg.deployment.file - package atg.deployment.file
atg.deployment.repository - package atg.deployment.repository
atg.deployment.server - package atg.deployment.server
These packages make up the core publishing deployment API, through which the deployment topology is introspected and reinitialized, targets and agents are queried for status, and deployments are initiated, controlled, and monitored.
atg.deployment.server.messaging - package atg.deployment.server.messaging
atg.deployment.server.queue - package atg.deployment.server.queue
atg.distributor - package atg.distributor
atg.dms.patchbay - package atg.dms.patchbay
atg.dms.registry - package atg.dms.registry
atg.droplet - package atg.droplet
atg.droplet.sql - package atg.droplet.sql
atg.droplet.xml - package atg.droplet.xml
atg.dtm - package atg.dtm
atg.epub - package atg.epub
atg.epub.messaging - package atg.epub.messaging
atg.epub.project - package atg.epub.project
atg.epub.pws.taglib - package atg.epub.pws.taglib
Provides the implementation of the "PWS" tag library for ATG Content Administration (formerly known as Publishing).
atg.epub.search.indexing - package atg.epub.search.indexing
atg.epub.servlet - package atg.epub.servlet
atg.integrations - package atg.integrations
atg.integrations.cybercash - package atg.integrations.cybercash
atg.integrations.cybersource - package atg.integrations.cybersource
atg.integrations.taxware - package atg.integrations.taxware
atg.markers - package atg.markers
atg.markers.bp - package atg.markers.bp
atg.markers.bp.droplet - package atg.markers.bp.droplet
atg.markers.bp.scenario - package atg.markers.bp.scenario
atg.markers.droplet - package atg.markers.droplet
atg.markers.scenario - package atg.markers.scenario
atg.markers.userprofiling - package atg.markers.userprofiling
atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet - package atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
atg.naming - package atg.naming
atg.nucleus - package atg.nucleus
atg.nucleus.dms - package atg.nucleus.dms
atg.nucleus.logging - package atg.nucleus.logging
atg.nucleus.naming - package atg.nucleus.naming
atg.nucleus.servlet - package atg.nucleus.servlet
atg.payment - package atg.payment
atg.payment.avs - package atg.payment.avs
atg.payment.creditcard - package atg.payment.creditcard
atg.payment.giftcertificate - package atg.payment.giftcertificate
atg.payment.invoicerequest - package atg.payment.invoicerequest
atg.payment.storecredit - package atg.payment.storecredit
atg.payment.tax - package atg.payment.tax
atg.portal.admin - package atg.portal.admin
atg.portal.admin.exceptions - package atg.portal.admin.exceptions
atg.portal.admin.userdirectory - package atg.portal.admin.userdirectory
atg.portal.admin.userprofiling - package atg.portal.admin.userprofiling
atg.portal.alert - package atg.portal.alert
atg.portal.framework - package atg.portal.framework
atg.portal.servlet - package atg.portal.servlet
atg.portlet - package atg.portlet
atg.process - package atg.process
atg.process.action - package atg.process.action
atg.process.expression - package atg.process.expression
atg.process.filter - package atg.process.filter
atg.projects.b2bstore.approval - package atg.projects.b2bstore.approval
atg.projects.b2bstore.order - package atg.projects.b2bstore.order
atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists - package atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists
atg.projects.b2bstore.repository - package atg.projects.b2bstore.repository
atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario - package atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario
atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet - package atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet
atg.projects.b2bstore.soap - package atg.projects.b2bstore.soap
atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling - package atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling
atg.projects.b2cstore - package atg.projects.b2cstore
atg.reporting.datacollection - package atg.reporting.datacollection
atg.repository - package atg.repository
atg.repository.content - package atg.repository.content
atg.repository.databinding - package atg.repository.databinding
atg.repository.linked - package atg.repository.linked
atg.repository.loader - package atg.repository.loader
atg.repository.rql - package atg.repository.rql
atg.repository.search.indexing - package atg.repository.search.indexing
This package implements a system for indexing repository items by creating XHTML documents to represent those items.
atg.repository.search.indexing.filter - package atg.repository.search.indexing.filter
atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter - package atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter
atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier - package atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier
atg.repository.servlet - package atg.repository.servlet
atg.repository.xml - package atg.repository.xml
atg.rview - package atg.rview
atg.rview.definitionfile - package atg.rview.definitionfile
atg.scenario - package atg.scenario
atg.scenario.action - package atg.scenario.action
atg.scenario.dms - package atg.scenario.dms
atg.scenario.expression - package atg.scenario.expression
atg.scenario.filter - package atg.scenario.filter
atg.scenario.targeting - package atg.scenario.targeting
atg.scenario.userprofiling - package atg.scenario.userprofiling
atg.search.query.filters - package atg.search.query.filters
atg.search.query.formhandlers - package atg.search.query.formhandlers
atg.search.query.messages - package atg.search.query.messages
atg.search.routing - package atg.search.routing
atg.security - package atg.security
atg.security.proxy - package atg.security.proxy
atg.server.tcp - package atg.server.tcp
atg.service.cache - package atg.service.cache
atg.service.collections.filter.scenario - package atg.service.collections.filter.scenario
atg.service.datacollection - package atg.service.datacollection
atg.service.email - package atg.service.email
atg.service.email.examiner - package atg.service.email.examiner
atg.service.event - package atg.service.event
atg.service.filter - package atg.service.filter
atg.service.idgen - package atg.service.idgen
atg.service.jdbc - package atg.service.jdbc
atg.service.lockmanager - package atg.service.lockmanager
atg.service.perfmonitor - package atg.service.perfmonitor
atg.service.pipeline - package atg.service.pipeline
atg.service.pipeline.processor - package atg.service.pipeline.processor
atg.service.queue - package atg.service.queue
atg.service.resourcepool - package atg.service.resourcepool
atg.service.scheduler - package atg.service.scheduler
atg.service.statistics - package atg.service.statistics
atg.service.util - package atg.service.util
atg.service.webappregistry - package atg.service.webappregistry
atg.servlet - package atg.servlet
atg.servlet.exittracking - package atg.servlet.exittracking
atg.servlet.pagecompile - package atg.servlet.pagecompile
atg.servlet.pagefilter - package atg.servlet.pagefilter
atg.servlet.pipeline - package atg.servlet.pipeline
atg.servlet.security - package atg.servlet.security
atg.targeting - package atg.targeting
atg.userdirectory - package atg.userdirectory
atg.userdirectory.droplet - package atg.userdirectory.droplet
atg.userdirectory.repository - package atg.userdirectory.repository
atg.userprofiling - package atg.userprofiling
atg.userprofiling.dms - package atg.userprofiling.dms
atg.userprofiling.email - package atg.userprofiling.email
atg.versionmanager - package atg.versionmanager
atg.versionmanager.event - package atg.versionmanager.event
atg.versionmanager.exceptions - package atg.versionmanager.exceptions
atg.vfs - package atg.vfs
atg.websphere.wps.portlet - package atg.websphere.wps.portlet
atg.workflow - package atg.workflow
atg.workflow.servlet - package atg.workflow.servlet
atg.xml.service - package atg.xml.service
atg.xml.tools - package atg.xml.tools
ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
The name of the mailingId header.
ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME_TO_LOWER - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
The name of the mailingId header.
atMost(int, Object[]) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Return at most N items from an array.
ATTEMPTED_LOAD_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Attribute - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
Constants for common portal request, session and context attributes.
Attribute - Interface in atg.websphere.wps.portlet
Constants for common portal request, session and context attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The name used to store this request as an attribute of the underlying request
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. The name of the attribute in a ServletRequest that will hold a SessionRequest.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.CookiePipelineServlet
The name of the attribute holding the cookies
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
The name of the attribute holding the mime type
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.URLArgumentPipelineServlet
The name of the attribute holding the URL arguments Dictionary
ATTRIBUTE_PATH - Static variable in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
AttributeFactory - Interface in atg.servlet
This interface represents an object that is able to create attributes.
ATTRIBUTES_KEY - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
AUTH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.Authenticator
Returns true if the specified userid and password are an authentic combination, false if not.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Returns true if the specified userid and password are an authentic combination, false if not.
authenticateByPassword(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Authenticates a user with the identity and password that are provided.
AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
AuthenticationEvent - Class in atg.security
Event generated whenever an authentication is attempted by a user authority.
AuthenticationEvent(UserAuthority, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.security.AuthenticationEvent
AuthenticationFailedEvent - Class in atg.security
Event thrown when an a UserAuthority fails to authenticate a user.
AuthenticationFailedEvent(UserAuthority, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.security.AuthenticationFailedEvent
Creates an authentication failed event for the indicated user.
AuthenticationSucceededEvent - Class in atg.security
Event thrown when an a UserAuthority succeeds in authenticating a user.
AuthenticationSucceededEvent(UserAuthority, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.security.AuthenticationSucceededEvent
Creates an authentication succeeded event for the indicated user.
Authenticator - Interface in atg.servlet.pipeline
This interface describes objects that are able to authenticate userid/password combinations.
AuthorizationAddressVerificationStatus - Class in atg.payment.creditcard
This class defines an address verification(AVS) status, performed by a payment system when an authorization request is submitted.
AuthorizationAddressVerificationStatus() - Constructor for class atg.payment.creditcard.AuthorizationAddressVerificationStatus
authorize(InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Authorize the use of a invoice for payment.
authorize(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
Authorize the amount on the credit card
authorize(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
Authorize the gift certificate
authorize(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
The authorizaton of a gift certificate calls the authorizeClaimableGiftCerificate method in the ClaimableManager.
authorize(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method authorizes payment of the whole PaymentGroup.
authorize(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method performs three steps.
authorize(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method authorizes payment for the given PaymentGroups.
AUTHORIZE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerAction
Constant representing the "authorization" action.
authorize(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
The authorizaton of a store credit calls the authorizeClaimableStoreCredit method in the ClaimableManager.
authorize(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Authorize the amount on the credit card
authorize(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
authorize(CreditCardInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardProcessor
Authorize the amount on the credit card
authorize(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
Authorize the gift certificate
authorize(InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessor
Authorize the use of a invoice for payment.
authorize(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
Authorize the store credit
AUTHORIZE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
authorizeClaimableGiftCertificate(String, Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Deprecated. use authorizeClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) instead
authorizeClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will authorize a gift certificate for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
authorizeClaimableStoreCredit(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will authorize a store credit for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
authorizeCreditCard(Order, CreditCard, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based authorization instead of methods directly in this class
AUTHORIZED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
AUTHORIZED_PAYMENT_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order
The AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet DynamoServlet determines the payment types that a user is authorized to use.
AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Creates a new AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet instance.
authorizeGiftCertificate(Order, GiftCertificate, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based authorization instead of methods directly in this class
authorizePaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
Authorize billing against an InvoiceRequest payment group.
authorizePaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
Authorize billing against a CreditCard payment group.
authorizePaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
Authorize billing against a GiftCertificate payment group.
authorizePaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Method called to perform an authorization of a PaymentGroup.
authorizePaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
Authorize billing against a StoreCredit payment group.
authorizePaymentType(Profile) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer
The authorizePaymentType method authorizes a payment type for the given Profile.
authorizePaymentType(Profile) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserCreditCardAuthorizer
The authorizePaymentType method authorizes a credit card payment type for the given Profile.
authorizePaymentType(Profile) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer
The authorizePaymentType method authorizes a gift certificate payment type for the given Profile.
authorizePaymentType(Profile) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer
The authorizePaymentType method authorizes an invoice request payment type for the given Profile.
authorizePaymentType(Profile) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserStoreCreditAuthorizer
The authorizePaymentType method authorizes a store credit payment type for the given Profile.
authorizeStoreCredit(Order, StoreCredit, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based authorization instead of methods directly in this class
AUTO_LOGIN_FLAG - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
value: AutoLogin
The default name used to access the AllowAutoLogin flag.
AuxiliaryData - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which holds the AuxiliaryData for a CommerceItem.
AuxiliaryData() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
AuxiliaryData(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_BACKORDERABLE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value for an item's "backorderable" state.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_DERIVED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value specifying that the items availability status is derived.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_DISCONTINUED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value for an item's "discontinued" state.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_IN_STOCK - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value for an item's "in stock" state.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_OUT_OF_STOCK - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value for an item's "out of stock" state.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS_PREORDERABLE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Constant value for an item's "preorderable" state.
AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to display avalable shipping methods for a particular shipping group.
AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Constructs an instanceof AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
AverageOrderAction - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
This Action handles updating user profile with avg order amount whenever he places new order.
AverageOrderAction() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
AVG_ORDER_AMT - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction


B2BCommerceItem - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic CommerceItem to contain B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BCommerceItemImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic CommerceItemImpl to contain B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BCommerceItemImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
B2BCommerceItemRelationship - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship that is a B2BCommerceItem.
B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages B2BCommerceItemRelationship objects.
B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
A class which manages the containment of B2BCommerceItemRelationship objects.
B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl object.
B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.profile
This form handler is a subclass of the DCS CommerceProfileFormHandler to perform some operations that are specific to B2B Commerce.
B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
B2BCommerceProfileTools - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.profile
This set of utilities provide additional profile functionality as required by Dynamo Commerce Server (DCS).
B2BCommerceProfileTools() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Constructs an B2BCommerceProfileTools object.
B2BHardgoodShippingGroup - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class is an implementation of a HargoodShippingGroup.
B2BHardgoodShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
B2BOrder - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic Order to include B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BOrderImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic OrderImpl to include B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BOrderImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
B2BOrderLookup - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This servlet renders one or more order objects based on the input params.
B2BOrderLookup() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
B2BOrderManager - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
B2B specifc order manager functionlity
B2BOrderManager() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
B2BOrderRelationship - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a B2BOrder.
B2BOrderRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages B2BOrderRelationship objects.
B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
A class which manages the containment of B2BOrderRelationship objects.
B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a OrderRelationshipContainerImpl object.
B2BOrderStates - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.states
Order states for B2BCommerce
B2BOrderStates() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.states.B2BOrderStates
Constructs a B2BOrderStates object
B2BOrderTools - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class is a low level business layer class.
B2BOrderTools() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Constructs an OrderTools object.
B2BPipelineConstants - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This interface contains the Pipeline parameter constants.
B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
This processor loads the Relationship objects from the OrderRepository into the B2BOrder object.
B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
B2BPropertyManager - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling
Bean name: B2BPropertyManager.
B2BPropertyManager() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
B2BRelationshipTypes - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class contains the Relationship type constants for all the different types of relationships.
B2BRelationshipTypes() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
B2BRepositoryFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.repository
This form handler extends RepositoryFormHandler to provide automatic management of relationships between existing repository items and repository items that are created and removed by this form handler.
B2BRepositoryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
B2BShippingGroup - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic ShippingGroup to contain B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BShippingGroupImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic ShippingGroupImpl to contain B2B-specific data and methods.
B2BShippingGroupImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
B2BShippingGroupRelationship - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a B2BShippingGroup.
B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages B2BShippingGroupRelationship objects.
B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
A class which manages the containment of B2BShippingGroupRelationship objects.
B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl object.
B2BShoppingCartFormHandler - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Extends generic ShoppingCartFormHanlder to add B2B-specific data and methods Adds CostCenterManagement functionality
B2BShoppingCartFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class is designed to be configured as a session scoped component which stores configuration parameters for the ShoppingCartFormHandler.
B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Constructs an instanceof ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
B2CEmailFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This class handles sending an email to Pioneer Cycling's customer support group.
B2CEmailFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Constructs a B2CEmailFormHandler.
B2CProfileException - Exception in atg.projects.b2cstore
This class is used for error handling in Pioneer Cycling profile management area.
B2CProfileException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Constructs a B2CProfileException with both message and code
B2CProfileException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Constructs a B2CProfileException with only an error message; code is null
B2CProfileException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Constructs a B2CProfileException with only an error message; code and description are null
B2CProfileFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
Before creating the user, check whether the user has requested that her/his billing address be used as the shipping address.
B2CProfileFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof B2CProfileFormHandler
B2CSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This form handler extends the DCS SearchFormHandler by overriding the handleSearch method to fire a message to the scenario manager, and by adding a one-step simple search set/handler pair.
B2CSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof SearchFormHandler
BACK - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
BACK_ORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
BACK_ORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
backorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Backorder an item.
backorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Backorder an item.
backorder(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Backorder an item.
backorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Backorder an item.
backorder(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
backorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
decrement the item's backorder count, If the item is a bundle backorderBundle is called.
backorderBundle(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Backorders a bundle.
BAD_ACCOUNT_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
BAD_DETAILS_SPLIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BAD_DISCOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BAD_LIST_PARAMS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BAD_ORDER_IN_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
BAD_PASSWORD_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
BAD_RELATIONSHIP_QUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BAD_SHIPPING_GROUP_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
badTypeMsg(int, String, Object, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Get the error message to deliver when an operand has the wrong type.
BadValueException - Exception in atg.core.exception
An exception class indicating a BadValue error has occured.
BadValueException() - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.BadValueException
BadValueException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.BadValueException
Base16Encoder - Class in atg.security
Encodes a binary array as text using base 16 (hexadecimal).
Base16Encoder() - Constructor for class atg.security.Base16Encoder
Base64Encoder - Class in atg.security
Encodes a binary array as text using base 64.
Base64Encoder() - Constructor for class atg.security.Base64Encoder
BASE_PRICE_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
BASE_URL_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
The output property name which corresponds to the baseUrl of the document.
BaseCommand - Class in atg.integrations
Base Command class that specific implementations can extend.
BaseCommand() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
BaseCommandHandler - Class in atg.integrations
This class is the implementaion of CommandHandler interface that calls the nextCommandHandler if it is defined, or will executes the Command object passed if it is not..
BaseCommandHandler() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler
BaseDropletDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
BaseEnvironment - Interface in atg.portal.framework
A BaseEnvironment represents the context in which a portal request renders.
BaseSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This class provides the generic functionality for executing queries against the search server and retrieving results.
BaseSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
baseUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Determines the "real" user authority given one that might be a proxy.
BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This pipeline servlet implements Basic authentication.
BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Constructs a new BasicAuthenticaionPipelineServlet
BasicAuthenticator - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This implementation of Authenticator takes a single property, passwords.
BasicAuthenticator() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Constructs a new BasicAuthenticator
Batch - Interface in atg.repository.loader
A Batch represents a transactional unit of work performed by a Job.
BatchElement - Interface in atg.repository.loader
Super interface for Result and Error interfaces that defines a method for distinguishing instances of those interfaces without requiring an instanceof check.
BatchEmailListener - Class in atg.service.email
An EmailListener that batches up EmailEvent objects and periodically sends out corresponding pieces of email using an EmailMessageSender.
BatchEmailListener() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
BcpDBCopier - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A DB Copier for Sybase and Microsoft databases.
BcpDBCopier() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
BEAN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
BEAN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
BeanClassTyper - Class in atg.beans
This class is an implementation of DynamicBeanTyper that treats a java.lang.Class as a dynamic bean type, thus permitting a regular JavaBean to reveal its BeanInfo through the DynamicBeanInfo interface.
BeanClassTyper() - Constructor for class atg.beans.BeanClassTyper
BeanConfigurator - Class in atg.nucleus
A BeanConfigurator configures a bean from a Properties list of name/value String pairs.
BeanConfigurator() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Constructs a new blank BeanConfigurator
BeanObjectTypeInfo - Class in atg.droplet
Represents the type of a component or property as a DynamicBeanInfo with optional augmenting Class, and PropertyDescriptor information as well.
BeanObjectTypeInfo(Class, DynamicBeanInfo, DynamicPropertyDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
Constructs a BeanObjectTypeInfo from a class and a DynamicBeanInfo
BeanObjectTypeInfo(DynamicBeanInfo) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
Constructs a BeanObjectTypeInfo from a DynamicBeanInfo
BeanProperty - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet gets or sets a property in a bean.
BeanProperty() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
Constructs an instanceof BeanProperty
BeanPropertyBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the BeanProperty droplet.
BeanPropertyBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyBeanInfo
BeanPropertyMapper - Class in atg.beans
Implementation of DynamicPropertyMapper that works off of a bean's regular compile-time properties as discovered by introspection.
BeanPropertyMapper(Class) - Constructor for class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
BeanPropertyServlet - Class in atg.droplet
Deprecated. As of Dynamo 5.5, use BeanProperty instead. BeanProperty is identical in functionality to BeanPropertyServlet, but more correctly named, and provides a BeanInfo class for the DCC.
BeanPropertyServlet() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
Deprecated. Constructs an instanceof BeanPropertyServlet
BEANRESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
BEANRESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
BeanTyperParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This is a dynamic ParamDescriptor which allows you to define an output parameter whose type is the same as the type of a BeanTyper input parameter.
BeanTyperParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
BeanTyperParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
Construct an BeanTyperParamDescriptor.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
No-op implementation of beforeCompletion
beforeCompletion() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Dummy implementation of beforeCompletion
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Called before getX methods on this form are called.
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
Called before any attempts to get values of this bean by valueof or input tags.
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
Called when a form is rendered that references this bean.
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Before any form values are gotten, make sure we set any key values.
beforeGet(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeGet(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
Called when a form is rendered that references this bean.
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Calls super.beforeGet() and then enables the transactional form handler management features with setEnsureTransaction(true).
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Called when a form is rendered that references this bean.
beforeGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Calls parent beforeGet() then calls buildClientRequest(pRequest,pResponse) to create the appropriate ClientRequest object.
beforeRender(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
This method provides a final opportunity to modify the request and response before rendering.
beforeSearch(ClientRequest, SearchContext, SearchSession) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
This method is called just before a search is executed and is intended to allow subclasses an opportunity to make last minute changes to the request object or to update the search context.
beforeSessionEnd(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
This method is invoked immediately before a DocumentSubmitter session is closed.
beforeSessionEnd(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
This method is invoked immediately before a DocumentSubmitter session is closed.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Create a transaction if necessary at the beginning of the form submission process, optionally obtaining a local lock to prevent multiple forms from creating transactions that may modify the same order.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
Called when a form is submitted that references this bean before any set methods have been called, i.e.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
Called when a form is submitted that references this bean before any set methods have been called, i.e.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Before set process any form values, make sure our key columns are set from the mapping specified.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Creates a new TransactionDemarcation and then begins the transaction.
beforeSet(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeSet(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
beforeSet(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Called before any setX methods on this form are set when a form that modifies properties of this form handler is submitted.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Calls parent beforeSet() then calls buildClientRequest(pRequest,pResponse) to create the appropriate ClientRequest object.
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
beforeSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
begin() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Begins the deployment process.
begin(TransactionManager, int) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
This should be called at the beginning of a section of code to be demarcated by a transaction.
begin(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
This should be called at the beginning of a section of code to be demarcated by a transaction.
BEGIN_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_APPLY_COMMITTED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
BEGIN_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
beginPage(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should service a request/response for the begining of a page
beginSession(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
Begin a document submitter session.
beginSession(SessionConfig) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Start a search session.
beginSession() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
beginTransaction(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
BIG_STRING - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
BILLING_ADDR_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
BILLING_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Ship to address name.
BILLING_ADDRESS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BILLING_ADDRESS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
This is the name of the BasicCreditCardInfoImpl billing address property
BILLING_ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_PROBLEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
BillingAddrValidator - Interface in atg.commerce.order.processor
Object that implement this interface know how to validate a billing address of type atg.core.util.Address or any of its subclasses.
BillingAddrValidatorImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This class provides a default implementation of BillingAddrValidator.
BillingAddrValidatorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
BINARY - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
BinaryToTextEncoder - Interface in atg.security
An encoder that takes a binary array and turns it into a text string.
block(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Causes this thread to block.
BODY_KEY - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
BOGUS_DEFAULT_IS_STATIC_ON_IE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Is the default the same as the static value...
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"bool", ordinal 0
BPNAME_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
the parameter name for the business process name parameter
BPSTAGE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
the parameter name for the business process stage parameter
Branch - Interface in atg.versionmanager
Branches comprise of a set of versions, one for each asset included in the branch.
broadcastInvalidationCommand(String, CacheInvalidationCommand) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Queues the specified cache invalidation command to be broadcast to RelationalViewManagers registered with the given destination.
broadcastInvalidationCommands(String, CacheInvalidationCommand[]) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Queues the specified cache invalidation commands to be broadcast to RelationalViewManagers registered with the given destination.
BrowseFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <browse> tag, which also corresponds to the ClientCategoryRequest of the searchclient API.
BrowseFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
BrowseMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
A JMS message sent as notification of a Browse (ClientCategoryRequest) search execution.
BrowseMessage(ClientCategoryRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
Create a message from the request object
BrowserType - Class in atg.servlet
A class that defines a single browser type, like "java", "javascript", etc.
BrowserType() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.BrowserType
BrowserTyper - Class in atg.servlet
This service allows you to determine the capabilities of a particular browser.
BrowserTyper() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
buildClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
If there is no current ClientRequest object, delegate to the subclass the creation of this object.
Builder - Class in atg.adapter.gsa.query
A query builder that builds queries for a sepcific type of RepositoryItem.
Builder(GSAItemDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Construct a builder for the given item descriptor
Builder.GroupPropertyExpression - Class in atg.adapter.gsa.query
Used internally to mark a property expression which refers to a group.
buildEventChannel(String) - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Builds an event channel string for the given request path.
buildEventChannel() - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Builds an event channel for this event.
buildGroup(Repository, String, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Build a RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup from a rule specification.
buildItemMappingElement(Element, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method will build a single node in the mapping configuration tree.
buildPropertyMappingElement(Element, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method will build a single PropertyMappingElement object which reflects all of the information contained within the pPropertyElement parameter.
buildPropertyUpdatesForDictionary(RepositoryItem, Dictionary) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Builds a collection of PropertyUpdate objects that reflect the updates in the value dictionary.
buildPropertyUpdatesForRepositoryFormList(RepositoryItem, RepositoryFormList) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Builds a collection of PropertyUpdate objects for the updates in the RepositoryFormList.
buildPropertyUpdatesForRepositoryFormMap(RepositoryItem, RepositoryFormMap) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Builds a collection of PropertyUpdate objects for the updates in the RepositoryFormMap.
buildSimpleTag(String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Build a simple tag
buildSortDirectives(String[]) - Static method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Build sort directives
buildSortDirectives(String) - Static method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Build a SortDirectives object from a ...
buildTargeters(Repository, String, StringList, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Build an array of targeters from an array of rule specifications.
buildUpdateMessage(RepositoryItem, Dictionary, Vector, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Operation called to set up the event data to be fired in the postUpdateUser method.
buildUpdateMessage(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItemDescriptor, Dictionary, Vector, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Operation called to set up the event data to be fired in the postUpdateUser method.
buildUriForRepositoryItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Return a JNDI "atgrep:" URI given a repository name, an item descriptor, and a repository ID.
buildUriForRepositoryItem(Context, Repository, ConfigRepositoryItemChanged) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
buildXML(BaseSearchFormHandler, ClientRequest, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Build the constraints XML and return it as a string.
buildXML(BaseSearchFormHandler, ClientRequest, String) - Method in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLBuilder
Build the constraints XML and return it as a string.
BULK_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
BULK_PRICE_STRING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
Bulk load the specified indexing output config.
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig, Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
Bulk load the specified indexing output config, get top-level items using the specified query.
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig, Query, DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
Bulk load the specified indexing output config.
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Do a bulk load, using the query pQuery for the top-level repostory items.
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig, Query) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Do a bulk load, using the query pQuery.
bulkLoad(IndexingOutputConfig, Query, DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Do a bulk load, using the query pQuery.
bulkLoad() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Perform a bulk load (full index).
bulkLoad(DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Perform a bulk load (full index).
bulkLoad(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
bulk load
BulkLoader - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
Loader implementation that indexes all the configured repository items.
BulkLoaderImpl - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
Implements BulkLoader to load do a full load of repository.
BulkLoaderImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
bulkLoadWithRetry(IndexingOutputConfig, DocumentSubmitterSession, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
Attempt a bulk load, retrying if someone else is currently updating.
bulkLoadWithRetry(IndexingOutputConfig, DocumentSubmitterSession, int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Attempt a bulk load, retrying if someone else is currently updating.
bulkLoadWithRetry() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
BulkLoad and keep retrying if someone else has currently claimed the configuration.
bulkLoadWithRetry(DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
BulkLoad and keep retrying if someone else has currently claimed the configuration.
BUNDLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
This is the name of the feature descriptor attribute used to define the resource bundle name for the resources used to localize information found in this descriptor
BUSINESS_PROCESS_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConstants
The resource bundle name for user resources
BusinessProcessConfiguration - Class in atg.markers.bp
Business Process configuration class.
BusinessProcessConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
BusinessProcessConstants - Interface in atg.markers.bp
Constants file for the business process implementation.
BusinessProcessDroplet - Class in atg.markers.bp.droplet
This is the base class for a business process droplet.
BusinessProcessDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
BusinessProcessEventMessage - Class in atg.markers.bp
This class defines the base properties for a business process event message.
BusinessProcessEventMessage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Constructs a BusinessProcessEventMessage message
BusinessProcessEventSynchronization - Class in atg.markers.bp
This transaction synchronization class is used for sending business process event messages.
BusinessProcessEventSynchronization(BusinessProcessManager, BusinessProcessEventMessage, String) - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Constructs a new BusinessProcessEventSynchronization object.
BusinessProcessException - Exception in atg.markers.bp
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a business process operation.
BusinessProcessException() - Constructor for exception atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessException
Constructs a new BusinessProcessException.
BusinessProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessException
Constructs a new BusinessProcessException with the given explanation.
BusinessProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessException
Constructs a new BusinessProcessException.
BusinessProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessException
Constructs a new BusinessProcessException with the given explanation.
BusinessProcessExpressionFilter - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
Base scenario expression class business process filters.
BusinessProcessExpressionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessExpressionFilter
BusinessProcessManager - Class in atg.markers.bp
This class provides the public API for maintaining business process markers.
BusinessProcessManager() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
Configuration class used by business process marker actions and expressions.
BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration
BusinessProcessServices - Class in atg.markers.bp
This class provides the public API for maintaining business process markers with Web services.
BusinessProcessServices() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
BusinessProcessStageAction - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
Base class for implementing a business process scenario action.
BusinessProcessStageAction() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
buyItemFromGiftlist(String, String, Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Moves the given giftlistItem from the given giftlist to the shopping cart.
BY_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Sort comparator that will sort alphabetically by the account description.
BY_FIRST_NAME - Static variable in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Sort comparator that will sort alphabetically by the first name.
BY_LAST_NAME - Static variable in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Sort comparator that will sort alphabetically by the last name.
BYTE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
byteArrayToPropertyValue(byte[]) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Validator
Converts the specified byte array to a comma-separated list of values suitable for use in a property file.


Cache - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet caches the contents of its oparam named output.
Cache() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Cache
Cache - Class in atg.service.cache
This service is a general-purpose LRU cache.
Cache() - Constructor for class atg.service.cache.Cache
CACHE_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
CACHE_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
CACHE_MODE_DISABLED - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
CACHE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
CACHE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED_JMS - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
CACHE_MODE_LOCKED - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
CACHE_MODE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
CacheAdapter - Interface in atg.service.cache
Used in conjunction with the Cache class.
CacheBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Cache droplet.
CacheBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CacheBeanInfo
CachedInventoryInfo - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
Holds read-only inventory info about inventory objects (often SKUs)
CachedInventoryInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
CachedInventoryInfo(String, InventoryManager) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
Construct a new CachedInventoryInfo with the given inventory id
CachedInventoryInfo(String, InventoryManager, ApplicationLogging) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
Construct a new CachedInventoryInfo with the given inventory id
CachedInventoryInfo(long, long, long, long, long, long, int, Date) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
Construct a new CachedInventoryInfo with the given static information
CacheInfo - Class in atg.rview
Contains information about the runtime state of the caching system, and of each of the individual caches.
CacheInfo() - Constructor for class atg.rview.CacheInfo
CacheInfoEntry - Class in atg.rview
Contains information about the runtime state of one cache in the system.
CacheInfoEntry() - Constructor for class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
CacheInvalidationListener - Interface in atg.rview
This event listener outlines the calls that outside parties can use to cause the RelationalViews system to invalidate various caches.
cacheLocally(String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Cache the file to a local directory
cacheLocally(String, String, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Cache the file to a local directory
cacheLocally(String, String, ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Cache the ContentRepositoryItem to a local directory
CachingInventoryManager - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This class is configured with a datasource repository and a cache, and caches SKU items so that data may be fetched quickly and easily.
CachingInventoryManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
calculate(TaxRequestInfo, int) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
calculate(ZipRequest) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Verify a city/state/zipcode triplet when given a ZipRequest object.
CALCULATE_SIZE - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
calculateAllTax(TaxStatus[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
calculateAverage(Double, Double, Integer) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
Calculates the Average value of all order amounts of user.
calculateInternal(ZipRequest, StringBuffer) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Does all the stuff for verifying a zip that needs to be synchronized.
calculateItemPriceSummary(String, String, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
This method takes an sku Id, product Id, quantity, profile Id, and a locale, and prices the item based on the information given.
calculateOrderPrice(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
This method takes an order Id and a locale, prices the order, creates and returns an OrderPrice object based on the information in the priced order.
calculateOrderPriceSummary(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
This method takes an order Id and a locale, prices the order, creates and returns an OrderPriceSummary object based on the information in the priced order.
calculateOutputPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Calculate the various output properties.
calculateOutputPropertyNames(Boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Calculate the output property names.
calculatePrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Return a price for the given quantity of the product and sku.
calculatePrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, long, boolean, RepositoryItem, Locale, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Return a price for the given quantity of the product and sku
calculatePriceFromOrderItems(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
calculates a price from the sum of the order's item prices
calculateProcess(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
calculatePromotionsForOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method will return a map containing the count of promotions contained in the given order, and the total value of those promotions
calculateSalesTax(TaxRequest[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Actually calculate the sales tax.
calculateShippingGroupSubtotal(OrderPriceInfo, Order, ShippingGroup, Map, Map, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
This method calculates the subtotal of the shipping group.
calculateSignature(Object, String[], PrivateKey) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Validator
Calculates the signature determined by serializing the values of each of the named properties of the specified service, signing the resulting serialized byte array with the specified private key, then listing the resulting bytes as a comma-separated list suitable for use in a properties file.
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxProcessor
TaxProcessor implementation
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo, TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Given the input TaxRequestInfo object, modify the input pPriceQuote object to reflect the current tax.
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo, TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Given the input TaxRequestInfo object, modify the input pPriceQuote object to reflect the current tax.
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
calculateTax(TaxRequest[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Calculate the SalesTax (and a myriad of additiona tax information when given a TaxRequest object).
calculateTax(TaxRequest[], Set) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
calculateTax(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxProcessor
Calculate tax on the information specified in TaxRequestInfo
calculateTaxableAmount(CommerceItem, Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Calculates the taxable amount of an item.
calculateTaxableAmount(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Calculates the taxable amount of an relationship.
calculateTaxableAmountByAverage(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method does the same thing as calcualteTaxableAmount except the an average amount is used for the items rather than the actual amount.
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxProcessor
Calculate tax on the information specified in TaxRequestInfo.
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo, TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Given the input TaxRequestInfo object, modify the input pPriceQuote object to reflect the current tax.
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo, TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Given the input TaxRequestInfo object, modify the input pPriceQuote object to reflect the current tax.
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
calculateTaxByShipping(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxProcessor
Calculate tax on the information specified in TaxRequestInfo.
calculateTaxes(TaxRequestInfo, int, int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
calculateTaxInternal(TaxRequest[], StringBuffer) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Does all the stuff for calculating tax that needs to be synchronized.
CalendarSchedule - Class in atg.service.scheduler
A CalendarSchedule expresses a repeating job in terms of months, days, hours, and minutes.
CalendarSchedule() - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Constructs a blank new CalendarSchedue
CalendarSchedule(String) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Constructs a new CalendarSchedule parsed from the given String
CalendarSchedule(String, Locale) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Constructs a new CalendarSchedule parsed from the given String
CalendarScheduleProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class represents the schedule property in the scheduledOrder repository.
CalendarScheduleProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
callCalculate(String, StringBuffer, StringBuffer, boolean) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Do the dynamic call into the taxcommon class.
callCalculate(String, StringBuffer) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Calls the verify zipcode function.
callServlet(Servlet, String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Just invokes the servlet right now.
canCacheQuery(List) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
You might override this method to try and deal with a subtle synchronization issue.
cancel(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method should be called to cancel a deployment.
cancel() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to cancel
cancel() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to cancel
cancel() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to cancel
CANCEL_DEPLOYMENT_OUTCOME - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
cancelActiveContext(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Cancel the active context with the specified name.
cancelBulkLoad() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
cancel bulk load
cancelChainTransaction() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain if an error occurs during the execution of a pipeline chain.
cancelDeployment(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Tells the agent to cancel the deployment.
cancelIncrementalUpdate() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
cancel incremental update
cancelJob(JobId) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Allows a Job that has not yet started running to be removed from the queue.
cancelLinkTransaction(PipelineLink) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain if an error occurs during the execution of a pipeline chain.
cancelOperation(String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Cancels an operation
cancelOperation(String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Cancels an operation and supplies a parameter
cancelOperationInternal(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
The cancelOperation which does the work for the performance monitor.
cancelOrder(Order, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
This method calls the CancelOrderService.cancelOrder method.
CancelOrder - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
Deprecated. Use the atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler instead
CancelOrder() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
CancelOrder - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
Deprecated. Use the atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler instead
CancelOrder() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
CancelOrderFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CancelOrderFormHandler is used to cancel the user's current Order, which deletes the Order from the ShoppingCart.
CancelOrderFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Creates a new CancelOrderFormHandler instance.
cancelRemoveOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
cancelRemoveShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
cancelSession(DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
Cancel a session.
canClaimTask(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the given task is assignable and unowned, and whether the user associated with this view is permitted to claim the task.
canClientEncryptPasswords() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Tests to see whether we can allow clients to encrypt their passwords.
canFireTaskOutcome(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view is permitted to fire outcomes against the given task.
canGetValue(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.process.expression.Expression
Returns true if the expression can be resolved in the given process execution context, false otherwise.
canGetValue(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.scenario.expression.Expression
Deprecated. Returns true if the expression can be resolved in the given scenario execution context, false otherwise.
canonicalize() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Transforms the ACL into a set of ACEs where each ACE has only one access right.
canParse(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser.ScheduleFactoryImpl
If pString starts with mStartingTokecn the return true
canRead() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if the application can read from the specified file.
canReleaseTask(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the given task is assignable and owned by the user associated with this view, and whether the user is permitted to release the task.
canSetTaskAccessControlList(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view is permitted to change the task's access control list.
canSetTaskOwner(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the given task is assignable, and whether the user associated with this view is permitted to change the ownership of the task.
canSetTaskPriority(TaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view is permitted to change the priority of the task.
canStartWorkflow(String, String) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view is permitted to start the workflow with the given process and segment names.
CANT_SEND_ABANDONED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
CANTFINDPRODUCT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
canUserCancelOrder(Order, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Checks whether the order is created by the user in the request.
canWrite() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if the application can write to this file.
CARD_EXP_DATE_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_EXPIRED - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_INFO_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_LENGTH_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_NUMBER_DOESNT_MATCH_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_NUMBER_HAS_INVALID_CHARS - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_NUMBER_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARD_TYPE_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CARTEBLANCHE - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
CartModifierFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This formhandler is used to modify a ShoppingCart by adding items to it, deleting items from it, modifying the quantities of items in it, and preparing it for the checkout process.
CartModifierFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Value used to indicate case insensitive sort
CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
case insensitive: Case Insensitive SortByValue value
CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Value used to indicate case sensitive sort
CASE_SENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
case sensitive: Case Sensitive SortByValue value
CATALOG_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
CATALOG_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
CATALOG_KEY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
CATALOG_NOT_FOUND_IN_USER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
CATALOG_REF_ID - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
CatalogAlias - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
A user-defined property descriptor that will allow one property to act as an alias for another
CatalogAlias() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
Constructs a new CatalogAlias
CatalogCompletionService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This service performs incremental maintenance on the catalog system after changes have been made to the catalog structure in the UI.
CatalogCompletionService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
CATALOGID_FOR_NON_CUSTOM_CATALOGS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
CATALOGID_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
CatalogItemLookupDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This servlet looks for a RepositoryItem by its id from within a Repository.
CatalogItemLookupDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogItemLookupDroplet
catalogItemViewed(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
This method can be used to announce that a particular item was viewed by the current user.
CatalogLoopException - Exception in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
Represents an exception thrown when a category is added to two different catalogs.
CatalogLoopException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogLoopException
Constructs a new CatalogLoopException.
CatalogLoopException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogLoopException
Constructs a new CatalogLoopException with the given explanation.
CatalogLoopException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogLoopException
Constructs a new CatalogLoopException.
CatalogLoopException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogLoopException
Constructs a new CatalogLoopException with the given explanation.
CatalogMaintenanceService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This service extends the standard catalog maintenance to provide processing specific to custom catalogs.
CatalogMaintenanceService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
CatalogMapDerivation - Class in atg.commerce.dp
This class is specifically used for custom catalogs.
CatalogMapDerivation() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
CatalogMapPropertyDerivation - Class in atg.commerce.dp
This class is specifically used for custom catalogs.
CatalogMapPropertyDerivation() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
CatalogMigration - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This class is used to migrate the old product catalog data to the custom Catalog.
CatalogMigration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
CatalogMigrationService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This class migrates a standard system to a custom catalog system.
CatalogMigrationService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
CatalogNavHistory - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
A subclass of NavHistory that is to be used with the catalog or other hierarchical repository.
CatalogNavHistory() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory
CatalogPossibleValues - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This subclass of atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues will only include items that are contained in the current users catalog, in the list of possible values.
CatalogPossibleValues() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
CatalogProperties - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
CatalogProperties.java Created: Wed Feb 28 11:19:49 2001
CatalogProperties() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
CatalogSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
Does the same thing as atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler but it limits all searches to within the current catalog.
CatalogSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
CatalogServices - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
Contains API to access Product Catalog which supports either custom catalog or normal catalog.
CatalogServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
CatalogTools - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
This class represents a series of helper methods and properties that are used in the management of accessing the product catalog.
CatalogTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Constructs an instanceof CatalogTools
CATALOGTOOLS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
catalogTreeStep(Repository, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, boolean, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
This is a recursive method that traverses up the catalog tree, starting with a baseItem, and visiting all its parent categories and catalogs, compiling all the incrementally-computed properties
CatalogTypeInfo - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
This class represents type metadata relating to the product catalog, and is serializable.
CatalogTypeInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Constructs an instanceof CatalogTools
CatalogTypeInfo(Repository) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
CatalogUpdateService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This service batch-computes the properties that are usually maintained by CatalogCompletionService.
CatalogUpdateService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
CatalogVerificationService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This CMSService performs the following service functions
CatalogVerificationService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
CATCH - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
CategorizeFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <categorize> tag, which also corresponds to the ClientCategorizeRequest of the searchclient API.
CategorizeFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
CategorizeMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
A JMS message sent as notification of a Categorize (ClientCategorizeRequest) search execution.
CategorizeMessage(ClientCategorizeRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
Create a message from the request object
CATEGORY_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
CATEGORY_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
CATEGORY_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
CATEGORY_LINK_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
CATEGORY_MIGRATION_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
CATEGORY_MIGRATION_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
CATEGORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
CATEGORYINFO_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
categoryTreeStep(Repository, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, boolean, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
This is a recursive method that traverses up the catalog tree, starting with a baseItem, and visiting all its parent categories and catalogs, compiling all the incrementally-computed properties
CC_PAYMENT_GROUP_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
CCAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCORDERAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCORDERAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCORDERAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCORDERAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCQUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCQUANTITY_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCQUANTITYREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCQUANTITYREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCSHIPPINGAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCSHIPPINGAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCSHIPPINGAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCSHIPPINGAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCTAXAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCTAXAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCTAXAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CCTAXAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
CertificateParser - Interface in atg.security
This interface defines parse functions to be used to get certificates from a string or input stream.
CERTIFICATES_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the parsed X509 certificates
CertificateUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
Interface that provides certificate style authentication for a user authority.
chainExists(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
ChainTimeoutException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on a timeout waiting for a lock.
ChainTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ChainTimeoutException
Constructs a new ChainTimeoutException.
ChainTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ChainTimeoutException
Constructs a new ChainTimeoutException with the given explanation.
ChainTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ChainTimeoutException
Constructs a new ChainTimeoutException.
ChainTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ChainTimeoutException
Constructs a new ChainTimeoutException with the given explanation.
CHANGED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ChangedProperties - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which provides methods for determining what properties need to be saved to the repository.
changeItemState(String, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Integer) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Change the state of the given item to UNKNOWN
changeOrderState(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Changes the order state to be the state configured in the newOrderState property.
changeOrderStateDetail(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Changes the order state detail to be the string configured in the newStateDetail property.
changeOriginToScheduledOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
This method changes the originOfOrder property of an order to scheduledOrder.
changePassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Changes the users password.
changePassword(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Changes the password for the profile, if certain criteria are met: If requiring a confirmation password, then pNewPassword and pConfirmPassword must match.
checkAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for an item descriptor.
checkAccess(GenericSecuredRepositoryItem, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Checks to see if the specified access is allowed on an item and, if not, throws a RepositorySecurityException that wraps a PermissionDeniedException.
checkAccess(String, String, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Looks up a secured repository item and checks to see if the user has the indicated access right on it.
checkAccess(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Ensures that the user has the specified access right for this object.
checkAccess(Object, User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Utility method that works like hasAccess() but returns the different states of getAccess().
checkAndAddPromotions(Collection, Collection, Date, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Receives a collection of promotionStatus objects which are cycled through to determine which of these promotions has expired, and which should be added to the pricingModels used.
checkAndUpdate(Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
This function checks the profile for the catalogRefId, and updates the profile with catalogRefId if it doesn't contain the catalog
checkAuthenticationByPassword(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Performs an authentication test on a login name and password, but does not cause the assumption of the identity that is being authenticated if successful.
checkAuthenticationByPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Performs an authentication test on a login name and password, but does not cause the assumption of the identity that is being authenticated if successful.
checkAuthenticationByPassword(LoginUserAuthority, String, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Performs an authentication test on a login name and password, but does not cause the assumption of the identity that is being authenticated if successful.
checkConnectionIntegrity() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Checks to see if this connection has been closed, i.e.
checkDate(Date, String, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Checks that the date is within the required limits.
checkDuplicateDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Checks for duplicate Descriptions among the Saved orders in the OrderHolder.
checkDuplicateDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Checks for duplicate Descriptions among the Saved orders in OrderHolder componenet.
checkEndTransactionWithBatchState() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Returns true if transaction demarcations should be ended using the state of the Job's current Batch.
checkExpireDate(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Check whether the ClaimableItem is expired or not
checkForExpiredConfigurationClaims() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Look for expirations that have expired.
checkForInvalidRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
checkForListName(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
This method checks for validity of purchase list name.
checkFormError(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Check to see if there were errors during the submit operation.
checkFormError(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Check to see if there were errors during the submit operation.
checkFormError(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
checkFormError(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Check to see if there were errors during the submit operation.
checkFormError(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Make sure we have a Profile object, then check to see if there were errors during the submit operation.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
If the transaction is marked as rollback, then redirect to the FailureURL, otherwise allow the super-class behavior to perform.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
If the request coming in is for a new session (which would indicate that the session has expired or been failed over) AND is a form submission then we optionally redirect to a session expiration url.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
If NO form errors are found, redirect to the SuccessURL.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
If NO form errors are found, redirect to the SuccessURL.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
If the transaction is marked as rollback, then redirect to the FailureURL, otherwise allow the super-class behavior to perform.
checkFormRedirect(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
If NO form errors are found, redirect to the SuccessURL.
checkFormSuccess(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
If the form was successfully submitted, redirect after processing the form data if possible.
checkFormSuccess(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
If the form was successfully submitted, see if we should redirect after processing the form data.
checkForNullParameters(AmountInfo, RepositoryItem, Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Throws a PricingException if the pPriceInfo, pPricingModel, or pCommerceObject parameters are null.
checkForPersistentItem(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Check for the persistent item with the specified id from the database.
checkForRequiredParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method is used to verify that certain request parameters have been submitted in the form.
checkForRequiredProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Makes sure all the required repository item properties have values submitted in the form.
checkForRequiredProperties(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Makes sure all the required repository item properties have values submitted in the form.
checkForRequiredProperties(Repository, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
NOTE: This method has been ressurected for use in 5.0.
checkForRequiredProperties(RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Iterates over all the properties in the profile template and if any of them are flagged as required then we check to make sure there is an associated non-null property value in the RepositoryItem.
checkForSplitShippingGroup(Order, GenericAdd, Modification[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
Checks if the GenericAdd was the result of a split shipping group.
checkIfAllGroupsAreShipped(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Loop through all the shipping groups in an order, returning true if the state of all those groups is set to NO_PENDING_ACTION, otherwise return false
checkin(String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Checks in the assets in the workspace associated with this project
checkIn(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Though this class extends ResourcePool, it is not meant to be used as a ResourcePool is used.
checkIn(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Checks a resource into the pool.
checkIn(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Checks a resource into the pool.
CHECKIN - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
CHECKIN_AND_DEPLOY_OUTCOME - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
checkInAll(String, String) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Check-in all the checked-out working versions in the workspace.
checkInTag(TagWrapper[], int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Check in the tag at pIndex of pWrappers.
checkInternalIntegrity() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This checks the integrity of the cache manager's internal structures, especially the LRU list of entries.
checkIsExceptionFatal(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Returns true if the provided exception should terminate processing of a job.
checkIsSingleByteEncoding(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns false if the provided character encoding requires a reader/writer, true if it doesn't.
checkIsSingleByteEncodingIgnoringCase(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns false if the provided character encoding requires a reader/writer, true if it doesn't.
checkIsValidCharacterEncoding(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Determines whether the provided encoding is a valid and supported by the current VM.
checkOut(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Though this class extends ResourcePool, it is not meant to be used as a ResourcePool is used.
checkOut(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Adds to the ResourcePool's checkout() an additional validity check on the outbound object, in our case to make sure that the Connection is good and open.
checkOut(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Checks a resource out of the pool.
checkOut(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Checks a resource out of the pool.
CHECKOUT - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
checkOut(Asset) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Check-out an asset into this workspace.
checkOut(AssetVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Check-out a specific version into this workspace.
checkOut(VersionManagerURI) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Check-out a specific version into this workspace.
CHECKOUT_TAG - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
Tag supplied to the ResourcePools as an identifier for this service.
CHECKOUT_TAG - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
CHECKOUT_TAG - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
tag used to check out DocumentBuilder from the DocumentBuilder pool.
CHECKOUT_TAG - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Tag supplied to the ResourcePools as an identifier for this service.
checkOutInitTag(TagManager, TagWrapper[], int, String, PageContext, Tag) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Check out a TagWrapper from pTagManager, and set the pIndex element of the pWrappers array to the checked out TagWrapper.
checkOutTag(TagManager, TagWrapper[], int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Check out a TagWrapper from pTagManager, and set the pIndex element of the pWrappers array to the checked out TagWrapper.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.PasswordHasher2Adapter
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPassword(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Returns true if the login password matches the encrypted password.
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
checkPermission(Principal, Permission) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
checkProfile(CommerceItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
This function checks whether the given profile contains the catalogRefId of the commerce item.
checkPromotionExpiration(RepositoryItem, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Return true if the promotion has expired and should be removed from the user's collection of active promotions
checkPromotionExpiration(RepositoryItem, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Return true if the promotion or the promotionStatus has expired and should not be used in pricing.
checkPromotionsForCloseness(List, List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Check to see if the items qualify under any of the pricingModels' "closenessQualifiers".
checkPromotionsForCloseness(OrderPriceInfo, Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Check to see if the item qualifies under any of the pricingModels' "closenessQualifiers".
checkPromotionsForCloseness(ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Check to see if the shipping group qualifies under any of the pricingModels' "closenessQualifiers".
checkPromotionsForCloseness(TaxPriceInfo, Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Check to see if the order qualifies under any of the pricingModels' "closenessQualifiers".
checkPromotionType(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Checks to see if the type of the promotion is valid.
checkPromotionType(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Checks to see if the type of the promotion is valid.
checkPropertyAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for the specified property and, if not, throws a runtime security exception.
checkRequiresNewTransaction(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Returns true if the provided exception requires a new transaction in order for the job to reasonably continue.
checkRuntimeAccess(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Ensures that the user has the specified access right for this object.
checkSecurityRoles(Persona, String[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Check if a persona has one of a number of roles - by calling the hasRole() method.
CheckSessionExpiration - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet
This Servlet checks the session for expiration and if the session is expired it redirects to expirationURL.
CheckSessionExpiration() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
checkType(Order, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
This method finds whether order is split at item-level for cost centers or payment groups.
checkValidCategoryProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method checks whether a particular category property the user want to migrate is a valid property that is allowed to migrate.
checkValidProductProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method checks whether a particular product property the user want to migrate is a valid property that is allowed to migrate.
checkValidSkuProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method checks whether a particular sku property the user want to migrate is a valid property that is allowed to migrate.
ci(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Checks a resource into the pool.
CIPHER_SUITE_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the cipher suite
CIPI_MAP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CISI_MAP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
ClaimableException - Exception in atg.commerce.claimable
Exception that represents a general failure in the Claimable system.
ClaimableException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Constructs a new ClaimableException
ClaimableException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Constructs a new ClaimableException with the given explanation.
ClaimableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Constructs a new ClaimableException with the given explanation.
ClaimableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Constructs a new ClaimableException.
ClaimableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Constructs a new ClaimableException with the given explanation.
ClaimableManager - Class in atg.commerce.claimable
This class is intended to encapsulate all of the business logic needed to interact with the claimable repository.
ClaimableManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Empty Constructor
ClaimableTools - Class in atg.commerce.claimable
ClaimableTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Empty constructor.
claimAndIncrementGeneration(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Claim the current generation, increment the generation count, and return the number for the generation we just claimed.
claimCoupon(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will attempt to claim the given coupon for the given user.
claimCoupon(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Claim the coupon.
CLAIMED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
claimed option from the item property named by DEFAULT_STATUS_PROPERTY_NAME
claimGeneration(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Claim a generation for updating.
claimItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will claim an item from the repository.
claimItems(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Same as the claimItem method except can take an array argument.
claimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleClaimTask to actually claim the task.
claimTask(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Sets the owner of a workflow instance's task to the DirectoryPrincipal associated with this view.
CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
CLASS_SUFFIX_LEN - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.DB2DBCopier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder.GroupPropertyExpression
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.SolidDBCopier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.adapter.xml.XMLRepositoryService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoicePipelineException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.ItemWasModifiedException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.SimpleInvoiceMessageSink
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.PropertyTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BPipelineConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.DuplicateCostCenterException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.LocaleScheduledOrderActionEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.ScheduledOrderActionEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.states.B2BOrderStates
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.BeanClassTyper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanStateMapper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanTyper
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.beans.DynamicPropertyMapper
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogItemLookupDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogLoopException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringSearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MigrationException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MultipleCatalogException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.claimable.InsufficientFundsException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.claimable.InvalidParameterException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.CommerceException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.FirstWithAttribute
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.FirstWithLocale
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.expression.EvaluationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericRemove
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalOrderStateException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalShippingGroupStateException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModificationHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCancelRemoveOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreateElectronicGood
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreditOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractOrderId
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractShippingGroupIds
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFailOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishRemoveOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleElectronicSenderType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleItemRelationshipState
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleMessageType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationTargetType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleNewType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRelationshipState
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRetrievingOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupState
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadOrderRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLockMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformRelationshipModification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformShippingGroupModification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseBackOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchasePreOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderNotification
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSettleOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcUpdateOrderRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderTypePropertyEditor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupTypePropertyEditor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupTypePropertyEditor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistItemNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftObjectCreationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidDateException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftParameterException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftQuantityException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftTypeException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.inventory.MissingInventoryItemException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.SkuLinkComparator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarkerWithKey
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentActionConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdatedDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierComparator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateCommerceItemException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicatePaymentGroupException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateRelationshipException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateShippingGroupException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ElectronicShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Class version String
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidNameException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidParameterException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidTypeException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectCreationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectRemovalException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListenerImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentAddressContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreatePaymentGroupFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateShippingGroupFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.Relationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.RelationshipNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingAddressContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationship
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyAddressVerificationProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxProcessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerAction
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FixedPriceShippingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngine
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.NoTaxCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngine
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSchemePriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceRangeShippingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngine
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelType
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPriceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngine
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngine
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileRequestServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionXrefParser
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.util.ConcurrentUpdateDetector
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.core.exception.BadValueException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.core.exception.ContainableException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.core.exception.ItemAlreadyExistsException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.core.exception.LimitExceededException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.core.exception.TimeoutException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.Address
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.Enum
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.core.util.StringList
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.cortex.CortexBean
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.cortex.CortexFactory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.CortexGenerator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.cortex.CortexIntrospector
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.Property
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.Query
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.cortex.TypeInfoMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.IOTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.patchbay.JMSInitialContextFactory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSink
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageFamily
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageTyper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BaseDropletDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Cache
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CacheBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CompareBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComponentExistsBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ContentFolderView
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletCustomizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletImports
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletInvocation.Parameter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DynamicParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEachBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.EventSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEachBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Format
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormatBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormHashtable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsEmptyBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsNull
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsNullBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.ParamDescriptorResolver
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChangeBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.RangeBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Redirect
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.RedirectBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.DictionaryParameterResolver
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEach
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEachBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRange
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRangeBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Switch
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.SwitchBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEachBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRangeBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Tag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.TagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEachBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatchBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOMBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransformBeanInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.epub.project.InvalidAssetException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.integrations.Command
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.integrations.CommandHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.CommandInvocationException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.CommandResult
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.CommandTimeoutException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.InvalidInputException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareCriticalException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareMinorException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TrimData
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZip
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipAccess
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipInRecDef
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipOutRecDef
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.AddBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.HasBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.AddBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessExpressionFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.HasBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
class versioning info
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.ConfigurableMarkerValidator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarkerWithKey
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.HasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.markers.InvalidMarkerException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerAddedEventMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerDuplicateComparator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.markers.MarkerException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerRemovedEventMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidatorContainer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
class versioning info
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.AddMarkerToProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.AddMarkerToProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarkerWithKey
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
class versioning info
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingEventSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.naming.NameContextElement
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.naming.NameResolver
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.AdminableService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.GlobalScope
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.InitialService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoaders
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.LogListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.MultipleConfigurationFinder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameResolver
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameUnresolver
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatters
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.RequestScope
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.Service
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ServiceListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.servlet.HttpServletService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.SessionScope
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.Validateable
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.nucleus.ValidationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.Validator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ValueFormatter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationStatusImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.AuthorizationAddressVerificationStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.GenericCreditCardInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatusImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatusImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.CommunitySpawnException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.DuplicateRegionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidNameException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidTypeException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.ManifestFileException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingIdException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingItemDescriptorException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingParentException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingUrlException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectCreationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectDeleteException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectNotFoundException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectUpdateException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RegistrationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RemoveSharedGearException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.DeviceOutput
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Environment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum.GearHeightEnumEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum.GearWidthEnumEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.PersonalizedPage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.PortalObjectResolver
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.RegionDefinition
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum.RegionHeightEnumEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum.RegionWidthEnumEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Device
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletResponse
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.Action
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.Expression
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.process.ProcessException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserCreditCardAuthorizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserStoreCreditAuthorizer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistItemDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogging
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogging
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.ConcurrentUpdateException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.content.ContentQueryBuilder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.content.FolderItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.databinding.MappingException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.DisplayableItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.DuplicateIdException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.BatchElement
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Error
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorList
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Result
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.MutableRepositoryItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportQueryBuilder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.PropertiesChangedListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.Query
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryExpression
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.Repository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositorySorter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.RepositoryViewContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.rql.RqlExpression
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.ConcatFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.UniqueFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter.PropertyFormatterImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyFormatter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyValuesFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.LocalePropertyTypeEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.PropertyTypeEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredMutableRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredMutableRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepository
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryView
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.UnsupportedFeatureException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.AddException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.GetException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.MatchException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.MaxNumberItemsException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.RemoveException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.repository.xml.UpdateException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.Jdbc2rview
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalView
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.rview.RelationalViewException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.TypeInfoMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.Action
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.dms.SlotItemRequestMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.Expression
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.scenario.ScenarioException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot.SlotEntry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.filters.SampleRepositoryItemCollectionFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.FakeDocumentSetConstraint
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMapVisitor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.KeyValueSplitter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.ResultsFetchingProxy
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLBuilder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessageSource
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessAllowedEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlList
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessDeniedEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccessRight
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.Account
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AccountComparator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.AccountExistsException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountInitializer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountTypes
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.Action
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AuthenticationEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AuthenticationFailedEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.AuthenticationSucceededEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.Base16Encoder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.Base64Encoder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.BinaryToTextEncoder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.CertificateParser
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.CertificateUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ClientAccount
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ConsoleAccessLogger
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.DefaultGroupPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccessManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccount
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericDefaultGroupPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericGroupPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericLoginPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.GroupExistsException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.GroupPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.IdUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.ImplementationSecurityException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidAccessControlEntryException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidAccessRightException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidAttributeException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidPermissionException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidPersonaException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.InvalidResourceException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.LDAPAccountInitializer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.LDAPAuthenticationProxy
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccount
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.LoginPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.LoginUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.NoSuchAccountException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.NoSuchGroupException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.NoSuchUserException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.NullEncoder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.PasswordHasher2Adapter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.PermissionDeniedException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.Persona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.PrincipalUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.Privilege
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.proxy.InvalidSessionException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.ProxyUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.RemoteUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.RuntimeSecurityException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SaltFetcher
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SavedPersona
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SecurityContext
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SecurityDomainEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.SecurityException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SecurityProviderService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.SerializedUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.StandardAccessRightsMap
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.TooManyAccountsException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.security.UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.User
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.UserAuthenticator
CVS class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.security.UserAuthority2
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.UserAuthorityEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.UserFailService
class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.server.tcp.DisallowedConnectionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.cache.Cache
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterActionConfiguration
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterComponentChoiceExpression
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterExpressionGrammarExtension
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.datacollection.DataCollector
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.DataItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.datacollection.DataListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingConsoleLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryConsoleLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.DataContentHandlerRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.email.EmailException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.email.EmailListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.email.EmailMessageSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.event.EventChannelListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.filter.ItemFilter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.filter.ItemHistory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.TransientIdGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.Util
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.lockmanager.DeadlockException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.lockmanager.LockManagerException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.lockmanager.TimeExceededException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.perfmonitor.PerfStackMismatchException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.perfmonitor.Resetable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.ChainTimeoutException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.CopyChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateLinkException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.DisableChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.DuplicateChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.EnableChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.LockChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineInitializationException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManagerException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.RemoveChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.ReplaceChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.RunProcessException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.TransitionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.pipeline.UnlockChainException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.queue.EventQueueElement
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.queue.EventQueueGenerator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.RelativeSchedule
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedulable
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.SampleEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.statistics.SampleListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.statistics.SampleToLogEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.AddHeaderHttpServletResponse
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.AttributeFactory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingListener
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.MimeTyper
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pagefilter.PageFilterUtil
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.ParameterServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.PathTranslator
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.Authenticator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.CookiePipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineableServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.URLArgumentPipelineServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Class Version String
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Class Version String
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.ThreadUserBinderServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicProfileGroup
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.userdirectory.DirectoryModificationException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.RelativeRole
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.userdirectory.RoleNotAssignableException
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.User
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessController
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.ProfileRepositoryItem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.RepositoryUpdateEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.Branch
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.event.VersionListener
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.versionmanager.exceptions.VersionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.ManagedElement
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.Snapshot
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.SnapshotDiff
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionID
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.WorkingContext
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFilenameFilter
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.websphere.wps.portlet.Attribute
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.workflow.ActorAccessException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.workflow.MissingWorkflowDescriptionException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.TaskAccessRights
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowAccessRights
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowConstants
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in exception atg.workflow.WorkflowException
Class version string
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCache
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
ClassObjectTypeInfo - Class in atg.droplet
Represents the type of a component or property as Java class
ClassObjectTypeInfo(Class) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
cleanMemoryPerformanceData() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method resets the memory data from the PerformanceData objects in the mPerformanceHash table.
cleanPerformanceStructure() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method cleans out the mPerformanceHash table so that there are no PerformanceHashTables in it and no PerformanceData objects within that table.
cleanStackStructure() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method cleans out the mThreadStackHash table so that there are no Stack objects in it and no PerformanceStackData objects within that object.
cleanThreadStack(Thread) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method cleans out the Stack in the mThreadStackHash table for the given thread so there are no PerformanceStackData objects within that object.
cleanupDirectory() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Remove all files in directory.
cleanUpTags(TagWrapper[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Run through the pWrappers array, check-in any tags still in the list.
cleanUpTags(Tag[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Run through the pTags array, releasing any tags still in the list.
clear() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Remove all items from the comparison list.
clear() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Clears the instance as if it was just constructed
clear() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
clear() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
clear() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
clear() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Clear all items from the slot.
clear() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Clear all items from the slot.
clear() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Clears out all accounts.
clear() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
CLEAR_ACTIVITY_VALUE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
CLEAR_ALL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CLEAR_ALL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
CLEAR_PAYMENT_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CLEAR_PAYMENT_INFOS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CLEAR_PROJECT_VALUE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
CLEAR_SHIPPING_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
CLEAR_SHIPPING_INFOS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
CLEAR_TASK_VALUE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
CLEAR_WORKFLOW_VALUE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
clearAssetPlaceholder(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Clears any placeholder values that were held by assets being discarded
clearBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to clearBatch
clearBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to clearBatch
clearBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to clearBatch
clearCache() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method can be used to clear the cache that is maintained internally by this class.
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Clears the changedProperties List
clearChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Clears the changedProperties List
clearDeadEmailEvents() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Clears the current dead email queue
clearDeltas() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Clears the record of which properties were changed since this state was last initialized.
clearElementLock(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Clears the lock for the given component when it's no longer required.
clearEventChannelCache() - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Clears out the cache of event channel strings that have been built for the various paths.
clearHeadLink() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Clears the head link from this chain and essentially resets the chain to have no links or transitions in it.
clearIncludeAttributes(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Blindly clear out all the include attributes.
clearIterationState(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
clearParameters() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to clearParameters
clearParameters() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to clearParameters
clearPrevProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
clearProperties(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
This method sets all the properties calculated by this service in all catalog and category items to null
clearReferencesToItem(GSAId, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Loops through all properties manyToOneProperties.
clearSortStrings() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Clear the cached sort strings returned by getPrimarySortString and getSortString.
clearSuspendedProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
clearThreadUser() - Static method in class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
Unbinds any existing User object from the current thread.
clearValues() - Method in interface atg.service.queue.EventQueueElement
Clears the values of the element, so that the element no longer has pointers to any objects
clearWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to clearWarnings
clearWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to clearWarnings
clearWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to clearWarnings
clearWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to clearWarnings
ClickThroughMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
This is a JMS Message that holds information about the context in which a link was clicked.
ClickThroughMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Creates a new blank ClickThroughMessage
ClickThroughMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
ClickThroughMessage(String, String, String, String, String[], String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
ClientAccount - Class in atg.security
An Account object that wraps a RemoteAccount object.
ClientAccount(ClientAccountManager, RemoteAccount) - Constructor for class atg.security.ClientAccount
Wrap an Account object with an RMI accessibility layer.
ClientAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An AccountManager object that wraps an RMI-accessible AccountManager object to expose the standard AccountManager interface on the client side.
ClientAccountManager(RemoteAccountManager) - Constructor for class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Wraps a client-side AccountManager object around a RemoteAccountManager reference.
ClientLockManager - Class in atg.service.lockmanager
The client lock manager class exposes functionality that allows site-wide coordination of locks across a set of participating processes.
ClientLockManager() - Constructor for class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
ClientUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
A client-side object that wraps a remote user authority.
ClientUserAuthority(RemoteUserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Wraps a remote user authority with a client-side implementation that provides all the normal UserAuthority services.
ClientUserAuthority(String, RemoteUserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Wraps a remote user authority with a client-side implementation that provides all the normal UserAuthority services.
clone() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Override Object.clone() so that copies may be made.
clone() - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Clones a deployment data object
clone() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Returns a clone of this object.
clone() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Returns a clone of this object.
clone() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Cloneable by all...
clone() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
clone() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
clone() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Creates a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get a copy of this object
clone() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
cloneAssets(Project) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Checks out all the assets that are in the source project, into this project
cloneContactInfoItem(RepositoryItem, Map, Map, boolean, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Clones a contact info repository item.
cloneItem(RepositoryItem, boolean, Map, Map, MutableRepository, String) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Create a copy of a RepositoryItem in a repository without adding the item.
cloneItem(RepositoryItem, boolean, Map, MutableRepository, String) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Create a copy of a RepositoryItem in a repository without adding the item.
cloneOrder(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
This method clones an existing order.
cloneOrder(Order, RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
This method actually makes the current order as the cloned order and create an empty order as the current order.
cloneShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
cloneShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Duplicate the specified shipping group by creating a new instance of the same class and copying selected properties from the old shipping group to the new one.
close(GSATransaction, Connection) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Close a DB connection, logging any SQLExceptions.
close(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Closes the ResultSet logging any Throwables.
close(Statement) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Closes the Statement logging any Throwables.
close(Connection) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Close a DB connection, logging any SQLExceptions.
close(ResultSet, SQLStatement, Connection, GSATransaction) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Close DB objects, logging any SQLExceptions.
close(ResultSet, SQLStatement, Connection) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Close DB objects, logging any SQLExceptions.
close(SQLStatement) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Close an SQLStatement logging any SQLExceptions.
close() - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
The DeploymentServer allows for live reinitializations of the deployment topology, which picks up all changes to the topology XML file, including AgentTransport changes.
close() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Closes the log media cleanly (if applicable).
close() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Closes the log media cleanly (if applicable).
close() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Closes the log media cleanly (if applicable).
close() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to close
close() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to close
close() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to close
close() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to close
closeAllConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Close all the socket connections to every remote server
closeConnection(Transport) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailMessageSender
Closes the connection identified by the Transport object.
closeConnection(Transport) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Closes the connection identified by the Transport object.
closeConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Close all open connections.
CLOSEDSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates which are the states that correspond to closed states.
CLOSENESS_QUALIFIERS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ClosenessQualifierDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This droplet consolidates all of the different types of closenessQualifiers (item, order, shipping, tax) of the current order into a single List and returns it in an output parameter.
ClosenessQualifierDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ClosenessQualifierEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class serves as the base class for several specific types of ClosenessQualiferEvaluators: ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator, OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator, ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator, and TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator.
ClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
closeSocket() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Closes the socket and all streams
closeTaxWare() - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Close down taxware.
CLUSTER_ID - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
id of the cluster
clusterName() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns a unique identifier for this CA server or, if applicable, a uniquie identifier for the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
CMD_AUTH_CAPTURE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Authorize and charge a credit card.
CMD_AUTHORIZE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Authorize a credit card, does not charge.
CMD_AUTHORIZE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
CMD_CAPTURE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Charge a credit card that has been authorized.
CMD_CAPTURE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
CMD_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Check the local state of an order, this is only useful to see if/how a transaction completed.
CMD_RETRY - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Retry a transaction that is in the pending state, as indeicated in query.
CMD_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Return money to a card holder that has been charged.
CMD_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
CMD_VOID - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Void any transaction.
co(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
The internal resource checkout method.
Code(String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Get a code, given a name
CODE_AGENT_SIDE_COPY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
if this is an agent-side copy - automatically set
CODE_DEPLOY_ONLINE_ONLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
deploy online only (do not deploy to the offline switched data store)
CODE_DEPLOYMENT_START_TIME - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
the time the deployment started - automatically set
CODE_DISTRUST_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
distrust the listed file size
CODE_NO_CHECKSUM_AFTER_COPY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
no checksum after copy
CODE_NO_COPY_LIVE_TO_STAGING - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
no agent side copy
CODE_NO_FILE_SIZE_VERIFICATION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
no file size verification
CODE_NO_TIMESTAMP_VERIFICATION - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
no timestamp verification
CODE_NO_VERIFICATION_BY_CHECKSUM - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
no verification by checksum
CODE_PRESERVE_FILE_TIMESTAMPS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
preserve file timestamps
CODE_STRICT_FILE_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
strict file updates
CODE_STRICT_REPOSITORY_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
strict repository operations
CollectionFilterFetchingProxy - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
A results fetcher that uses a collection filter to filter search results on the client side.
CollectionFilterFetchingProxy() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
collectReferencedItemsForRemoval(GSAId, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Loops through all properties that have "cascade=delete" set and collects object for future removal.
ColorPalette - Interface in atg.portal.framework
An interface used to describe a color set.
ColorPaletteFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for registering new colors in the portal framework.
ColorPaletteFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof ColorPaletteFormHandler
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
ColumnDeclaration - Class in atg.cortex
This represents the declaration of a column, to be used as part of a TableDeclaration object.
ColumnDeclaration(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Constructs a new ColumnDeclaration
ColumnDeclaration(String, int, int) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Constructs a new ColumnDeclaration
ColumnDeclaration - Class in atg.rview
This represents the declaration of a column, to be used as part of a TableDeclaration object.
ColumnDeclaration(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Constructs a new ColumnDeclaration
ColumnDeclaration(String, int, int) - Constructor for class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Constructs a new ColumnDeclaration
columnHeading(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the column heading to use for a column with the specified name, to be displayed in the specified locale.
ColumnName - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: ColumnName.
ColumnName() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
ColumnName(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
ColumnProperty - Class in atg.cortex
This represents a pairing of a Property to a Column of a table.
ColumnProperty(Class, String, String, String, boolean, String, String, int) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Constructs a new ColumnProperty
ColumnProperty(Class, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Constructs a new ColumnProperty
ColumnProperty(Class, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Constructs a new read/write ColumnProperty
combineComponentNames(ComponentName, ComponentName) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Looks up a component name, or creates a new one by combining an absolute and a relative component name
combineDefinitionFiles(DefinitionFile[]) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Returns a new DefinitionFile containing the RelationalViewDefinitions and ResultSetProcessorDefinitions found in the given definition files.
Command - Interface in atg.integrations
Command is an interface for the actual end point in the generic RPC Framework that executes RPC.
COMMAND - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
CommandHandler - Interface in atg.integrations
A CommandHandler is an interface that allows an implementing class to either process a Command and input to the Command before it is executed, or after it is executed.
CommandInvocationException - Exception in atg.integrations
Base exception that is thrown by the execute() and executeCommand() methods of the Command and CommandHandler interface respectively.
CommandInvocationException() - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandInvocationException
Default constructor.
CommandInvocationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandInvocationException
Constructor which takes String input.
CommandInvocationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandInvocationException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
CommandInvocationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandInvocationException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
CommandResult - Class in atg.integrations
CommandResult is a transport independent representation of the results from a RPC call.
CommandResult() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.CommandResult
CommandTimeoutException - Exception in atg.integrations
Exception used to indicate time out during RPC command execution.
CommandTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandTimeoutException
Default constructor.
CommandTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandTimeoutException
Constructor which takes String input.
CommandTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandTimeoutException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
CommandTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.CommandTimeoutException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
COMMENT - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
COMMERCE_BUSINESS_PROCESS_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
The resource bundle name for user resources
COMMERCE_ITEM_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
COMMERCE_ITEMS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
COMMERCE_MESSAGE_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
CommerceBusinessProcessManager - Class in atg.commerce.markers.bp
This class extends BusinessProcessManager to provide processing for business process configurations that are an instance of atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
CommerceBusinessProcessManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
CommerceCommandServlet - Class in atg.commerce.order
CommerceCommandServlet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
CommerceException - Exception in atg.commerce
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a commerce operation.
CommerceException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.CommerceException
Constructs a new CommerceException.
CommerceException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.CommerceException
Constructs a new CommerceException with the given explanation.
CommerceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.CommerceException
Constructs a new CommerceException.
CommerceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.CommerceException
Constructs a new CommerceException with the given explanation.
CommerceIdentifier - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class which contains a Commerce Id for identification.
CommerceIdentifierComparator - Class in atg.commerce.order
Used to compare CommerceIdentifier objects by their id Created: Tue Mar 14 10:41:59 2000
CommerceIdentifierComparator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierComparator
CommerceIdentifierCostCenter - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
Bean name: CommerceIdentifierCostCenter.
CommerceIdentifierCostCenter() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Creates a new CommerceIdentifierCostCenter instance.
CommerceIdentifierCostCenter(CommerceIdentifier) - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Creates a new CommerceIdentifierCostCenter instance.
CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
The CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of CommerceIdentifiers [key] to CommerceIdentifierCostCenter Lists [value].
CommerceIdentifierImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
An abstract base class which provides the functionality for getting and setting a commerce Id.
CommerceIdentifierImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierImpl
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This helper object represents the association between a CommerceIdentifier and its payment information.
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Creates a new CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo instance.
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of CommerceIdentifiers [key] to CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo Lists [value].
CommerceItem - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by classes which represent a CommerceItem.
COMMERCEITEM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
CommerceItemContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages CommerceItem objects.
CommerceItemContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of CommerceItem objects.
CommerceItemContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Constructs a CommerceItemContainerImpl object.
CommerceItemContainerImpl(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Constructs a CommerceItemContainerImpl object.
COMMERCEITEMID - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
CommerceItemImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
An implementation of a class which represents a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
CommerceItemManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Orders.
CommerceItemManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Constructs a CommerceItemManager object.
COMMERCEITEMMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
CommerceItemNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CommerceItem cannot be found in a get or remove call.
CommerceItemNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new CommerceItemNotFoundException
CommerceItemNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new CommerceItemNotFoundException with the given explanation.
CommerceItemNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new CommerceItemNotFoundException.
CommerceItemNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new CommerceItemNotFoundException with the given explanation.
CommerceItemPaymentInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo whose CommerceIdentifier is a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemPaymentInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
Creates a new CommerceItemPaymentInfo instance.
CommerceItemRelationship - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship that is a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages CommerceItemRelationship objects.
CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of CommerceItemRelationship objects.
CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl object.
CommerceItemShippingInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This helper object represents the association between a CommerceItem and its shipping information.
CommerceItemShippingInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Creates a new CommerceItemShippingInfo instance.
CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of CommerceItems [key] to CommerceItemShippingInfo Lists [value].
CommerceItemStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This class will contain the various constants for Item states used in fulfillment.
CommerceItemStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
COMMERCEITEMSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
COMMERCEMESSAGE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
CommerceMessage - Interface in atg.commerce.messaging
This is the base interface for all the messages used in this system.
CommerceMessageImpl - Class in atg.commerce.messaging
This is an implementation of the CommerceMessage interface.
CommerceMessageImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Initializes the sessionId and parentSessionId properties of this message when this message is fired in context of HTTP request.
CommerceProfileFailService - Class in atg.commerce.profile
This service extends the @see atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService to send along the activePromotions property of the profile.
CommerceProfileFailService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
CommerceProfileFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.profile
This form handler is a subclass of the DPS ProfileFormHandler to perform some operations that are specific to Commerce.
CommerceProfileFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof CommerceProfileFormHandler
CommerceProfileRequestServlet - Class in atg.commerce.profile
This class is a subclass of the ProfileRequestServlet which performs any commerce specific actions when a user is auto-logged in.
CommerceProfileRequestServlet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileRequestServlet
CommerceProfileServices - Class in atg.commerce.profile
Commerce specific extensions to the ProfileServices.
CommerceProfileServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
CommerceProfileTools - Class in atg.commerce.profile
This set of utilities provide additional profile functionality as required by Dynamo Commerce Server (DCS).
CommerceProfileTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Constructs an CommerceProfileTools object.
CommercePropertyManager - Class in atg.commerce.profile
A service which keeps track of information about important properties for the Dynamo Personalization Server for Commerce Server.
CommercePropertyManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Constructs an instanceof CommercePropertyManager
commit() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Commits any operations performed by this Thread since the last commit or rollback, releasing any Connection resources, and committing any cache invalidations that have occurred as a result of the committed operations.
commit() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Commits any operations performed by this Thread since the last commit or rollback, releasing any Connection resources, and committing any cache invalidations that have occurred as a result of the committed operations.
commit() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to commit
commitOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
commitOrder commits the Order.
CommitOrderFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CommitOrderFormHandler is used to submit the Order for final confirmation.
CommitOrderFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Creates a new CommitOrderFormHandler instance.
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Commits the supplied transaction
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Commits the supplied transaction
commitTransaction() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
This method commits the current transaction (or rolls it back if you have called setRollbackTransaction(true) since the transaction started).
commitTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Commits the current transaction
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Commits the supplied transaction
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Commits the supplied transaction
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Commits the supplied transaction
commitTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Commits the current transaction
commitTransaction() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Commits the current transaction
Community - Interface in atg.portal.framework
A community is a collection of portal users and content.
COMMUNITY - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the community attribute.
COMMUNITY_LEVEL_PERSONALIZATION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for community level personalization
COMMUNITY_PAGES - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the community pages attribute.
CommunityFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for operating on Portal Application Framework communities.
CommunityFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
CommunityPrincipalFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This form handler provides convenient methods for 1.
CommunityPrincipalFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
CommunitySpawnException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while spawning a community from a community template
CommunitySpawnException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.CommunitySpawnException
Constructs an instanceof CommunitySpawnException
CommunitySpawnException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.CommunitySpawnException
construct exception with given explanation
CommunitySpawnException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.CommunitySpawnException
construct exception with source exception
CommunitySpawnException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.CommunitySpawnException
construct exception with message and source exception
COMP_GTE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
COMP_LTE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.SkuLinkComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator
Compare - Class in atg.droplet
The Compare servlet renders one of its oparms based on the relative values of the obj1 and obj2 input params.
Compare() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Compare
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag.UserFirstLastComparator
compare(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositorySorter
Compares two object values.
compare(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Compare two Strings in a locale-sensitive manner if we have a Collator, otherwise using String.compareTo().
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
CompareBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Compare droplet.
CompareBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CompareBeanInfo
CompareByProperties - Class in atg.markers
This class is a MarkerDuplicateComparator that compares two markers by type and property value.
CompareByProperties() - Constructor for class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
compareClosenessQualifiers(List, List, String, Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Checks to see if the closenessQualifiers in the pClosenessQualifiers1 parameter are contained in pClosenessQualifiers2.
compareDefaultPropertyValues(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Compares key, value and data to the values in the marker.
compareExtendedPropertyValues(RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method compares a marker item's extended property values to those in the extended properties map.
compareItem(ZipResultItem) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Returns an integer representing which fields differ.
compareItems(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Compare two repository items for equality, allowing for null values.
compareQualifiers(AmountInfo, AmountInfo, Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
CompareSkusFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
Deprecated. As of Dynamo 6, use ProductComparisonList and ProductListHander to create and manage product comparison lists.
CompareSkusFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Empty Constructor.
compareStrings(String, String) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Compares two strings in a case-independent manner.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Compare this descriptor to another object.
compareTo(GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Compare this item descriptor to another item descriptor.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Compare this descriptor to another object.
compareTo(GSAPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Compare this property descriptor to another property descriptor.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
The compareTo method allows Enum objects to be placed in ordered containers.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Compares this item to another Object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot.SlotEntry
compareTo(Sortable) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Compare to the specfied summary event.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Compares this ElementDescriptor with another ElementDescriptor.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Compares two TaskInfos using the default sorting criteria.
compareUserAuthorities(UserAuthority, UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Compares user authorities, returning true if they are effectively equivalent.
ComparisonList - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
ComparisonList maintains a list of items that the user might want to compare with each other, together with an associated set of sort directives to apply when displaying the items in the list.
ComparisonList() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
compileAllClosenessQualifiers(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
This method gets each of the four types of closenessQualifiers in the current order and compiles them into a single List.
compileItemClosenessQualifiers(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
Gets the closenessQualifiers from each item in the current order and compiles them into a single List
compileOrderClosenessQualifiers(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
Returns the closenessQualifiers in the OrderPriceInfo of the current order
compileShippingClosenessQualifiers(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
Gets the closenessQualifiers from each shipping group in the current order and compiles them into a single List.
compileTaxClosenessQualifiers(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
Returns the closenessQualifiers in the TaxPriceInfo of the current order
complete() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This method will complete a process by setting its completionDate, and status flag to completed
complete(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method will complete a project by setting its completionDate, editable flag to false, and status flag to completed
complete() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method will complete a project by setting its completionDate, editable flag to false, and status flag to completed
COMPLETE_PROJECTS - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
COMPLETED - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Completed status
completedFullIndex(String, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
completedIncrementalIndex(String, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
completedIndex(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
completeExtendedGrammar(ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
This method is called to extend the grammar specification.
COMPLEX_PRICE_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
COMPLEX_PRICE_LEVELS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
COMPLEX_PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
ComplexPriceDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
Given a complex price, returns the level information contained in it.
ComplexPriceDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PriceDroplet
ComplexScheduledOrderProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This abstract class represents a property in the scheduledOrder item descriptor.
ComplexScheduledOrderProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
ComplexTag - Class in atg.droplet
This class both serves as the base class for any tags that contain content and also can be used to dynamically render any HTML object.
ComplexTag() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
ComponentExists - Class in atg.droplet
The ComponentExists droplet conditionally renders one of its output parameters depending on whether or not a specified Nucleus path currently refers to a non-null object.
ComponentExists() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
ComponentExistsBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the ComponentExists droplet.
ComponentExistsBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ComponentExistsBeanInfo
ComponentName - Class in atg.nucleus.naming
ComponentNameContext - Interface in atg.nucleus.naming
A ComponentNameContext represents an interface for binding ComponentNames to Object "elements".
ComponentNameResolver - Interface in atg.nucleus.naming
ComponentNameUnresolver - Interface in atg.nucleus.naming
computeBalanceDue(double, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Compute the balance due on the invoice by looking at the payment group original amount, subtracting anything that's already been debited, and adding back in any credits applied to the payment group.
computeDefaultProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Compute a starting value default properties.
computeGroupSubtotal(long, int, double, double, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
Computes a shippinggroup subtotal based on the type of discount given.
computeGroupSubtotal(long, int, double, double, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
Computes a shippinggroup subtotal based on the type of discount given.
computePaymentDueDate(MutableRepositoryItem, InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Compute and return the payment due date for an invoice based on information in the invoice and the invoice request info object used to initialize the repository item.
computeRecursedRootSubCatalogs(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
method to compute the rootSubCatalog ancestor tree for a catalog
ConcatFilter - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.filter
Implement a filter that concatonates the values into a single value.
ConcatFilter() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.ConcatFilter
ConcurrentUpdateDetector - Class in atg.commerce.util
This class is intended to detect concurrent update attemps by checking exceptions to see if they are, or contain, ConcurrentUpdateExceptions (CUE) or InvalidVersionExceptions (IVE).
ConcurrentUpdateDetector() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.ConcurrentUpdateDetector
ConcurrentUpdateException - Exception in atg.repository
This exception is thrown when an update is made to an item using stale data.
ConcurrentUpdateException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.ConcurrentUpdateException
Constructs a new ConcurrentUpdateException.
ConcurrentUpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.ConcurrentUpdateException
Constructs a new ConcurrentUpdateException with the given explanation.
ConcurrentUpdateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.ConcurrentUpdateException
Constructs a new ConcurrentUpdateException.
ConcurrentUpdateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.ConcurrentUpdateException
Constructs a new ConcurrentUpdateException with the given explanation.
conditionallyEnforceProductSkuRelationship(String, String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
If 'enforceProductSkuRelationship' is true, verify that the sku is actually one of the product's child skus.
ConfigStatePersister - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
Handles persisting information about the state of the indexing configuration.
ConfigStatePersister() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
Class which represents the configuration state.
ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState(RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Create a config state from the corresponding property value.
ConfigStatePersister.IndexingReadLockedTransactionAction - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
An inner class to do a transaction with the CLAIMED read lock.
ConfigStatePersister.IndexingWriteLockedTransactionAction - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
An inner class to do a transaction with the CLAIMED write lock.
CONFIGURABLE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ConfigurableActionHandler - Class in atg.service.event
This handler takes an array of ConfigurableActions as a property.
ConfigurableActionHandler() - Constructor for class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Empty constructor.
ConfigurableCommerceItem - Class in atg.commerce.order
An implementation of a class which represents a ConfigurableCommerceItem.
ConfigurableCommerceItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A calculator which calculates the list price of a configurable item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
This calculator assumes the ItemListPriceCalculator has already run.
ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
ConfigurableMarkerValidator - Class in atg.markers
This marker validator validates the marker's value against a configured array of possible values.
ConfigurableMarkerValidator() - Constructor for class atg.markers.ConfigurableMarkerValidator
Configuration - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class is a convenience class which will contain the major configuration information for the fulfillment system.
Configuration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
Configuration - Interface in atg.nucleus
A Configuration is an object that knows how to create and configure a service in the nucleus hierarchy.
CONFIGURATION_SOURCE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
source side configuration
ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException - Exception in atg.repository.search.indexing
An indexing specific exception class.
ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException
Construct a new ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException with the specified message and cause.
ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException
Construct a new ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException with the cause.
ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException
Construct a new ConfigurationClaimedIndexingException with the specified message and cause.
configurationDeleted(ConfigurationEvent) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Called whenever a Nucleus component's configuration is deleted.
ConfigurationFinder - Interface in atg.nucleus
A ConfigurationFinder is an object that looks for a Configuration given a configuration name.
ConfigurationFinder.ConfigurationList - Interface in atg.nucleus
Inner interface that records a collection of configurations discovered by calling listConfigurations().
configurationUpdated(ConfigurationEvent) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Called whenever a Nucleus component's configuration is updated.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
The configuration object provides the reference to the RepositoryMarkerManager and also the default parameter values.
configure(String, Object) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
The configuration object provides the reference to the the RepositoryMarkerManager and also the default parameter values.
configure(Object) - Method in interface atg.process.action.Action
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Configures the action using the given configuration object.
configure(String, Object) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Configures this ExpressionFilter using the given configuration object.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
Configures the action using the given configuration object, of type SendObjectAsXMLConfiguration.
configure(Object) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
The configuration object provides the reference to the configurable filter parameters
configureBean(String, Object, Properties, Properties, NameResolver, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Configures the specified bean by walking through the given BeanInfo description.
configureBean(String, Object, ConfigurationState, NameResolver, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Configures the specified bean from the specified ConfigurationState
configureService(Object, NameResolver, ApplicationLogging) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Configures the service object
configureState(String, ConfigurationState, Properties, Properties, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Configures the specified ConfigurationState from the specified properties.
configureState(ConfigurationState) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Updates a ConfigurationState to reflect the state of a component as newly configured by this Configuration.
configureStateProperty(String, ConfigurationState, PropertyDescriptor, Properties, Properties, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Configures a state property by searching the Properties for the property's name and configuring the ConfigurationState appropriately.
CONFIRMPASSWORD_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Name of the confirmation password form parameter
CONFIRMPASSWORD_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Name of the confirmation password form parameter
confirmPasswordValue(String, String, RepositoryFormHandler, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Verifies the oldPassword if necesary and generates an exception if passwords don't match.
CONNECT_FILE_AGENT_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
IP address or name of machine for connecting to file transfer server
CONNECT_FILE_AGENT_PORT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
port on machine for connecting to file transfer server
CONNECT_FILE_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
client IP address or name of machine for connecting to file transfer server
CONNECT_FILE_CLIENT_PORT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
client port on machine for connecting to file transfer server
connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Invoked when the application calls close() on its representation of the connection.
connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Invoked when the application calls close() on its representation of the connection.
connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Invoked when a fatal connection error occurs, just before an SQLException is thrown to the application.
connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Invoked when a fatal connection error occurs, just before an SQLException is thrown to the application.
ConnectionStats - Interface in atg.service.resourcepool
This interface represents an object that is able to maintain statistics about JDBC connections, including the number of statements issued and number of result set rows read.
ConsoleAccessLogger - Class in atg.security
ConsoleAccessLogger() - Constructor for class atg.security.ConsoleAccessLogger
consolidateCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
consolidateCommerceIdentifierCostCenters consolidates CommerceIdentifierCostCenters by ensuring there is no redundant data.
consolidatePaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
consolidatePaymentInfos consolidates CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos by ensuring there is no redundant data.
consolidateShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
consolidateShippingInfos consolidates CommerceItemShippingInfos by ensuring there is no redundant data.
consolidateShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
consolidateShippingInfos consolidates CommerceItemShippingInfos by ensuring there is no redundant data.
constantQuery(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Utility routine for generating a query which always evaluates to true or false.
Constants - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This contains all of the non-public constants used by fulfillment including messsage strings read from the resource file.
Constants() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
Constants - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This contains all of the non-public constants used by the package, including messsage strings read from the resource file.
Constants() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
constructPaths() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Convert relativeExpirationPath and relativeExpirationURL to absolute values, taking into account the Web application's context root, and call the superclass methods to set the corresponding superclass properties.
consumePromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method moves a promotion from the user's activePromotions list to their usedPromotions list.
CONTACT_INFO_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
ContactInfo - Class in atg.core.util
A class which represents contact info.
ContactInfo() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Constructs an empty ContactInfo object.
ContainableException - Interface in atg.core.exception
An interface for exceptions which contain a source exception.
CONTAINER_ID_MISMATCH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ContainerException - Exception in atg.core.exception
An exception which contains a source exception.
ContainerException() - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Constructs a new ContainerException.
ContainerException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Constructs a new ContainerException with the given explanation.
ContainerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Constructs a new ContainerException.
ContainerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Constructs a new ContainerException with the given explanation.
contains(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return true if the product comparison list contains an entry for the given product id, category id, and sku id.
contains(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return true if the product comparison list contains any entry for the given product id and category id, regardless of that entry's sku.
contains(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return true if the product comparison list contains any entry for the given product id, regardless of that entry's category and sku.
CONTAINS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
CONTAINS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation CONTAINS.
contains(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
contains(Object) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Checks for the presence of the object with the specified key, without invoking the CacheAdapter.
contains(Object[]) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns false unless all specified keys refer to objects in the cache.
CONTAINS_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
containsDerivedSortProperties(SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Determines if any of the given sort directives refers to a derived property
containsHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns true if the response message header has a field with the specified name.
containsItem(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Return true if the comparison list contains the specified item.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
containsString(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether the string array pStrings contains the specified string pString.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
CONTENT - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Content Gear Mode
CONTENT_REPOSITORIES_PATH - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Path of ContentRepositories component which is used to retrive Repository corresponding to the repository name.
ContentDroplet - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet serves up the content of the ContentRepositoryItem from the specified ContentRepository and writes it out to the browser.
ContentDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
ContentFolderView - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet allows browsing of the specified content folder
ContentFolderView() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ContentFolderView
ContentPart - Class in atg.service.email
A data structure corresponding to a body part in a javax.mail.Message.
ContentPart() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Creates a new ContentPart object.
ContentPart(Object, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Creates a new ContentPart object with the given content and MIME type.
ContentQueryBuilder - Interface in atg.repository.content
Extension to the QueryBuilde interface to allow native support for folder containment queries.
ContentRepository - Interface in atg.repository.content
ContentRepositoryFolder - Interface in atg.repository.content
Defines an interface which describes a set of information on folders required by the Dynamo GUIs.
ContentRepositoryItem - Interface in atg.repository.content
A more specific RepositoryItem interface which adds extra required properties that are useful in manipulating and displaying documents.
ContentViewedLogEntry - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
ContentViewedLogEntry(Long, long, Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Constructs a ContentViewedLogEntry
ContentViewedLogEntry(Long, Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Constructs a ContentViewedLogEntry and time stamps it with the current time.
ContentViewedLogging - Interface in atg.reporting.datacollection
Defines methods that perform logging methods about a user viewing selected pieces of content
ContentViewedLoggingService - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
ContentViewedLoggingService() - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Constructs an instanceof ContentViewedLoggingService
Context - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
A context class used by the LoaderImpl and subclasses and passed to the various methods of PropertyAccessor.
Context() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
CONTEXT - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
CONTEXT_ATTR_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
CONTEXT_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
CONTEXT_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
The output property name which corresponds to the current context.
CONTEXT_PATHS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
CONTEXT_ROOT - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry
Notification that the servlet context is about to be shut down.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry
Notification that the web application is ready to process requests.
convert(byte[], String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String using the specified encoding.
convert(String, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String using the specified encoding.
convert(Dictionary, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
Converts all of the keys and values in the supplied dictionary to UNICODE Strings using the specified encoding.
convert(byte[], String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String using the specified encoding.
convert(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String using the specified encoding.
convert(Dictionary, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
Converts all of the keys and values in the supplied dictionary to UNICODE Strings using the specified encoding.
convert(byte[], String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String.
convert(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
Converts the byte array into a Java UNICODE String.
convert(Dictionary, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
Converts all of the keys and values in the supplied dictionary to UNICODE Strings.
convertAbandonedOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method sets the abandonment state of the given order to CONVERTED, sets the conversionDate property to the current system time, and sends an OrderConverted message if configured to do so.
ConvertAbandonedOrder - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This action checks to see if the current order is abandoned.
ConvertAbandonedOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This droplet takes one paramter, "orderId", and checks to see if that order is abandoned.
ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
Constructs an instanceof ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
convertAddressToStringArray(Address[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Takes an array of javax.mail.Address objects and converts it into a String array of email addresses.
convertBoolean(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
These methods perform the valueOf function after trimming whitespace
convertByte(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertCharacter(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
This method fills in the role of the valueOf method for the Character class.
convertClass(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertCurrency(Number, Locale, Locale) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Convert an amount of money between the default currency and the currency of a specified locale
Returns null if the locale does not have a configured exchange rate
convertCurrency(Number, Locale, boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Convert an amount of money between the default currency and the currency of a specified locale
Returns null if the locale does not have a configured exchange rate
convertDouble(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Converter - Interface in atg.servlet.pagecompile
Converts encoded text to UNICODE.
convertFloat(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertIds(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
With the given object convert it into a String array of ids.
convertIds(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
With the given object convert it into a String array of ids.
convertInteger(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertItemsToPrice(List, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Convert, as needed, each element of the list into a CommerceItem and then return the new list
convertItemsToPrice(RepositoryItem[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Convert each supplied RepositoryItem into a CommerceItem and return the new list
convertItemsToPrice(CommerceItem[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Return the array of CommerceItems as a list
convertLong(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToByte(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToDouble(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToFloat(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToInteger(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToLong(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertNumberToShort(Number) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
Convert the supplied credit card number to a string that is proper for displaying to the end user.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Converts the supplied Object value to a String value.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Converts the supplied Object value to a String value.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Converts the supplied Object value to a String value.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
Coverts a Number to a String using a number formatter pattern.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in interface atg.droplet.TagConverter
Converts the supplied Object value to a String value.
convertObjectToString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
convertPoint(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertPromoStatusToPromo(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
convertPropertyValue(String, Class, NameResolver) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Converts the specified value to the specified class.
convertReadToWrite(Serializable, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key.
convertReadToWrite(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key.
convertReturnValues(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Build the valueMap and retCodes objects from the values specified in pReturnValues.
convertReturnValues(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Build the valueMap and retCodes objects from the values specified in pReturnValues.
convertShort(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertStringToDictionary(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
For a given string value of the form:
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
This just ensures that if the property is required that it has been supplied.
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Converts the supplied String value to an Object value.
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Converts the supplied String value to an Object value.
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
Coverts a String which represents a number to a Number using a NumberFormatter.
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in interface atg.droplet.TagConverter
Converts the supplied String value to an Object value.
convertStringToObject(TagConverter, DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
This method converts Strings to Objects swallowing the conversion exception so that it can be used in a class constructor.
convertStringToObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
convertToNativeString(String, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method converts the unicode string supplied to a string encoded in the native encoding supplied.
convertToRollbackData() - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Converts a particular DeploymentData from a list of items modified in a deployment to a rollback for that deployment.
convertToRollbackData() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Converts a particular DeploymentData from a list of items modified in a deployment to a rollback for that deployment.
convertToRollbackData() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Converts a particular DeploymentData from a list of items modified in a deployment to a rollback for that deployment.
convertToUSD(float, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
This function is used to convert from non USD currency to USD currency.
convertUploadedFile(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
convertValueToString(DynamicPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Converts an Object value with an optional property descriptor to a string value, which gets returned.
CookieManager - Class in atg.userprofiling
CookieManager() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Constructs an instanceof CookieManager
CookiePipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
The CookiePipelineServlet extracts any cookies found in the request's headers and puts them into an attribute named ATTRIBUTE_NAME.
CookiePipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.CookiePipelineServlet
Constructs a new CookiePipelineServlet
cookieProfileIdValid(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns true if the supplied profile id is valid, based on the verification cookie.
COPIED_DURING_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
copy() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Copy from the source database to the destination database.
copy() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Return a deep copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns a copy of this TemplateEmailInfo.
copy() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns a copy of this TemplateEmailInfo.
copyAddress(RepositoryItem, Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderTools class
copyAddress(Address, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderTools class
copyAddress(Address, Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderTools class
copyAddress(RepositoryItem, Address) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method, given a ContactInfo iten descriptor and an atg.core.util.Address or atg.core.util.ContactInfo object, will copy the address information from the profile to the Address or ContactInfo object.
copyAddress(Address, RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method, given a Profile object and an atg.core.util.Address or atg.core.util.ContactInfo object, will copy the address information from the Address or ContactInfo object to the profile.
copyAddress(Address, Address) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method, given two atg.core.util.Address or atg.core.util.ContactInfo objects, will copy the address information from the source to the destination object.
copyAddressesToProfile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Copy all the addresses that currently exist in the Order's list of Shipping Groups to the Profile's list of secondary addresses.
copyBillingAddrToShippingAddr(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method obtains the default shipping and billing group from the order object.
copyChain(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Duplicates a chain and renames it.
CopyChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at the copying of a pipeline chain.
CopyChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CopyChainException
Constructs a new CopyChainException.
CopyChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CopyChainException
Constructs a new CopyChainException with the given explanation.
CopyChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CopyChainException
Constructs a new CopyChainException.
CopyChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CopyChainException
Constructs a new CopyChainException with the given explanation.
copyConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Copy property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
copyConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Copy property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
copyConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Copy property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
copyConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Copy property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
copyCreditCard(RepositoryItem, CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
copyCreditCard(CreditCard, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
copyCreditCard(RepositoryItem, CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Copying a credit card is a two step process.
copyCreditCard(CreditCard, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Copying a credit card is a two step process.
copyCreditCardToPaymentGroup(String, CreditCard, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
copyCreditCardToPaymentGroup(String, CreditCard, RepositoryItem, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Copy the credit card from the users profile to the payment group.
copyCreditCardToProfile(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
copyCreditCardToProfile(CreditCard, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
copyCreditCardToProfile(CreditCard, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Copy the credit card passed in the parameter pCreditCard to the profile passed in the parameter pProfile.
copyDetailProperties(DetailedItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
Copies the data from the given DetailedItemPriceInfo to this one.
copyExistingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Copies the address named by the property shipToAddressName to the primary shipping group in the order.
copyFeatureDescriptor(FeatureDescriptor) - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Clone a set of attributes from some other FeatureDescriptor
copyFrom(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set the values of this object from the specified id space.
copyFromOtherRepository(RepositoryImpl) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
This method copies all data from another similar repository.
copyHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Copy a handling object.
copyHandlingInstruction(HandlingInstruction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
copyInto(PipelineResult) - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Copies the data from one PipelineResult to another.
copyInto(PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Copies the data from pResult to this.
copyInvoiceRequestProperties(InvoiceRequestInfo, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Copy property values from an InvoiceRequestInfo object to an invoice repository item, using the mapping specified by invoiceRequestPropertyMap.
CopyInvoiceRequestProperties - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
Pipeline processor that copies invoice properties from an InvoiceRequestInfo object into an invoice repository item.
CopyInvoiceRequestProperties() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
copyProfileAddressToShippingGroupAddress(String, ShippingGroup, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
The address as specified by the pProfileAddressName is copied from the user's profile to the shippingGroup specified by pShippingGroup The profile address is obtained by using the @see #commerceProfileTools.
copyProperties(Object, Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.PropertyTools
Copy property values from one object to another, using a specified property mapping.
copyProperties(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Copies the properties named in pPropertiesToCopy from the pGuestUser to the pAuthenticatedUser
copyPropertiesOnLogin(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Copy the properties from the current session to the specied repository item.
copyPropertiesTo(CommerceIdentifierCostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
copyPropertiesTo(PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
copyPropertiesTo(B2BPropertyManager) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
copyPropertiesTo(ColumnName) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
copyPropertiesTo(DefinitionFile) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
copyPropertiesTo(FunctionDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
copyPropertiesTo(FunctionParameter) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
copyPropertiesTo(FunctionReturn) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
copyPropertiesTo(FunctionReturnRange) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
copyPropertiesTo(FunctionReturnRangeElement) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
copyPropertiesTo(RelationalViewDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
copyPropertiesTo(ResultSetProcessorDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
copyPropertiesTo(ResultSetProperty) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
copyPropertiesTo(ResultSetSwitch) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapJoin) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapProperty) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapRelationship) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapSwitch) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
copyPropertiesTo(RowmapTable) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
copyPropertiesTo(SubviewConstraint) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
copyPropertiesTo(SubviewDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
copyPropertiesTo(SubviewParameter) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
copyPropertiesTo(SwitchCase) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
copyPropertiesTo(TemplateEmailInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Copy known properties to pCopy.
copyPropertiesTo(TemplateEmailInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Copy known properties to pCopy.
copyRemoteProperties(MutableRepositoryItem, Object, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Copy all of the properties in the source object to the target repository item
copyShallowCreditCardProperties(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
copyShallowCreditCardProperties(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
The shallow properties of a credit card are copied.
copyShippingAddress(ShippingGroup, ShippingGroupImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Copy the address from one shipping group to another
copySpecialInstructions(ShippingGroup, ShippingGroupImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Copy the special instructions
copyTo(AgentDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(DeploymentLog) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(History) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(PendingDeployment) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(Process) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(ProcessTaskInfo) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(Project) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(ReadOnlyProject) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(TargetDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(TopologyDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(TransportDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Copies the property values of this instance to another instance of the same data type.
copyTo(EventQueueElement) - Method in interface atg.service.queue.EventQueueElement
Copies the values in this element to the specified element
correctRepositoryPath(ItemType) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
correct the repository path to reflect the path of the unversioned repository
Cortex - Class in atg.cortex
A Cortex is a subclass of Query in which some properties have been marked as "keys".
Cortex() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.Cortex
Creates and returns a new Cortex
CortexBean - Interface in atg.cortex
This is an interface that may be used to "mark" bean classes that are intended to be used with Cortex.
CortexFactory - Interface in atg.cortex
A CortexFactory is a class that can generate a Cortex.
CortexGenerator - Class in atg.cortex
This class is a utility that will generate a set of Cortex bean definitions from a schema definition properties file.
CortexIntrospector - Interface in atg.cortex
CortexIntrospector is the interface for obtaining the Cortex asssociated with a class.
CortexIntrospectorImpl - Class in atg.cortex
This class is an implementation of CortexIntrospector that uses the following rules to resolve classes to Cortex objects.
CortexIntrospectorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Constructs and returns a new CortexIntrospectorImpl
CortexIntrospectorService - Class in atg.cortex
CortexIntrospector is the interface for obtaining the Cortex asssociated with a class.
CortexIntrospectorService() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorService
Constructs a new CortexIntrospectorService
COST_CENTER - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BPipelineConstants
COST_CENTERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
CostCenter - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This interface represents all the information which designates a cost center.
COSTCENTER - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between a CommerceItem and a CostCenter.
CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
CostCenterContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages CostCenter objects.
CostCenterContainerImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
A class which manages the containment of CostCenter objects.
CostCenterContainerImpl(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Constructs a CostCenterContainerImpl object.
CostCenterContainerService - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
The CostCenterContainerService is a convenient session scoped component which implements both the CostCenterMapContainer and the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer interfaces.
CostCenterContainerService() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Creates a new CostCenterContainerService instance.
CostCenterDroplet - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
The CostCenterDroplet is a DynamoServlet that is used to initialize CostCenters and CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects for use by the CostCenterFormHandler.
CostCenterDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Creates a new CostCenterDroplet instance.
CostCenterFormHandler - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
The CostCenterFormHandler is used to associate CostCenters with the various Order pieces.
CostCenterFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Creates a new CostCenterFormHandler instance.
COSTCENTERID - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
CostCenterImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class is an implementation of a CostCenter.
CostCenterImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
COSTCENTERMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BPipelineConstants
CostCenterManager - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Cost Centers.
CostCenterManager() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Constructs an CostCenterManager object.
CostCenterMapContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase
The CostCenterMapContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of payment names [key] to CostCenters [value].
CostCenterNotFoundException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CostCenter cannot be found in a get or remove call.
CostCenterNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterNotFoundException
Constructs a new CostCenterNotFoundException
CostCenterNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterNotFoundException
Constructs a new CostCenterNotFoundException with the given explanation.
CostCenterNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterNotFoundException
Constructs a new CostCenterNotFoundException.
CostCenterNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterNotFoundException
Constructs a new CostCenterNotFoundException with the given explanation.
CostCenterOrderRelationship - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between an Order and a CostCenter.
CostCenterOrderRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
CostCenterRelationship - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a CostCenter.
CostCenterRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages CostCenterRelationship objects.
CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class manages the containment of CostCenterRelationship objects.
CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl object.
CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between a CostCenter and a ShippingGroup.
CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The number of orders in the result object
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
COUNT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
countByTarget(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
countByTargetSinceDate(String, Date) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
countContentShown(NameResolver, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Query how many times some repository item has been shown in this session.
countOfAllCompletedProcesses() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the count of the completed processes in the system
countOfAllCompletedProjects() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the count of all the completed projects in the system
countOfAllDeployments() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
countOfAllPendingDeployments(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfAllPendingDeployments(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfAllPendingDeploymentsForProjects(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfAllProcesses() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the count of processes in the system
countOfAllProjects() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the count of all the projects in the system
countOfAllTopologies() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
countOfCheckedInProjects() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the count of checked in projects in the system
countOfNonApprovedProjects() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
countOfProcessesByStatus(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the count of processes with the given status
countOfQueuedDeployments(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfQueuedDeployments(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfScheduledDeployments(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countOfScheduledDeployments(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
countProjectsByStatus(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the count of all projects with the given status
countryNeedsState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Determine whether a state is required based on the country by consulting the property countriesWithStates.
countryNeedsState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Determine whether a state is required based on the country by consulting the property countriesWithStates.
countTrueValues(boolean[], int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method counts the true value of a boolean array
COUPON - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
CouponDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This droplet is used to create coupon objects in the claimable repository.
CouponDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Empty Constructor
CouponFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This FormHandler is used to "claim" a promotion and then stick this promotion into the users current list of promotions.
CouponFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Empty Constructor
CREATE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDefHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDefHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.HistoryHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.HistoryHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDefHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDefHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
create() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDefHome
Returns a new instance.
create(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDefHome
Returns a new instance with the repository id set to the given id.
CREATE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to create a new sub-object of a compound object.
CREATE_ALL_PAYMENT_INFOS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
CREATE_ONE_INFO_PER_UNIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
createAbandonmentInfo(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates a new abandonmentInfo object for the given order.
createAbandonmentInfo(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method generates a new abandonmentInfo object for the given order.
createAbandonmentMessage(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates a generic order abandonment message.
createAbandonmentMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates a generic order abandonment message.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Creates a new account with a given set of attributes.
createAccounts(AccountManager, int) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
This creates any accounts of the given account type present in the source but missing in the target.
createAccounts(AccountManager, int) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAccountInitializer
This creates any accounts of the given account type present in the source but missing in the target.
createActionParamSequenceRule(String, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
createAddedEventMessage(String, String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a marker event message for add operations.
createAddedMarkerData(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new MarkerData object for the marker item that has been added by calling the generateMarkerData method.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorService
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Create the admininistration servlet.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Displays current client lock manager state.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Displays a table of the chains in the manager and their various states.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
createAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method checks to see if there is any existance of CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo for each CommerceIdentifier ( Order, CommerceItem, Shipping Group and Tax) and if there is any CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo exists for a CommerceIdentifier, then this method creates all possible combination of CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo for each CommerceIdentifier.
createAndQuery(Query[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the logical AND of several queries.
createAndQuery(Query[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing the logical AND of several queries.
createAndStartHandler() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Constructs and starts a new RequestServerHandler without any socket.
createAndStartHandlerIfNeeded(RequestServerHandler, int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Called when a RequestServerHandler changes state, either from being turned into a zombie or from see if a new handler should be started socket.
createAttributeValue() - Method in interface atg.servlet.AttributeFactory
Constructs the value of the attribute
createAuxiliaryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
creates an AuxiliaryData object which is to be used with this CommerceItem.
createBeanDescriptor(Class, String, String, ParamDescriptor[]) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
Creates the BeanInfo's BeanDescriptor.
createBeanDescriptor(Class, String, String, ParamDescriptor[], String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
Creates the BeanInfo's BeanDescriptor.
createBeanDescriptor(Class, String, String, ParamDescriptor[], String, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
Creates the BeanInfo's BeanDescriptor.
createBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
createBranch(VersionManagerURI, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a branch using the non-deleted assets in the given parent branch.
createBranch(String, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a branch with the given name, using the non-deleted assets in the given parent branch.
createBuffer(int, int, int) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Create the InputString buffer
createBuffer(int) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Create a string buffer already pre-filled to the appropriate size.
createBusinessProcessStageReachedEvent(RepositoryItem, Timestamp, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Creates an event object for the business process stage reached event.
createBytesMessage(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new BytesMessage intended for delivery through the specified output port.
createBytesMessage() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new BytesMessage intended for delivery through the "DEFAULT" output port.
createCatalog(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to the creation of a catalog.
createCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method creates a catalog repository item and sets its displayName property.
createCategoryInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method creates a categoryInfo repository item
createCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method will create a new categoryInfo repository item.
createChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Creates a new chain in the PipelineManager.
createChain(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Creates a new chain in the PipelineManager using the class whose name is in aChainClassName and a return type class whose name is in aReturnTypeClassName.
CreateChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating a pipeline chain.
CreateChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateChainException
Constructs a new CreateChainException.
CreateChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateChainException
Constructs a new CreateChainException with the given explanation.
CreateChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateChainException
Constructs a new CreateChainException.
CreateChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateChainException
Constructs a new CreateChainException with the given explanation.
createClaimableGiftCertificate() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Will create a gift certificate in the claimable repository.
createClaimableItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Create a new repository item in the claimable repository using the given item descriptor type and allowing the repository to generate a default repository id for the item.
createClaimableItem(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Create a new repository item in the claimable repository with the specified id, using the given item descriptor type.
createClaimableItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Create a new repository item in the claimable repository with the specified id, using the given item descriptor type.
createClaimablePromotion() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Will create a coupon in the claimable repository.
createClaimableStoreCredit() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Will create a store credit in the claimable repository.
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Called to create the subclass object of the client request
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Create the appropriate ClientRequest subtype for this query type, in this case ClientCategoryRequest.
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Create the appropriate ClientRequest subtype for this query type
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Creates and initializes the ClientRequest for this form handler, which is of type ClientQueryRequest.
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
Create the appropriate ClientRequest subtype for this query type
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Creates and initializes the ClientRequest for this form handler, which is of type ClientStructuredRequest.
createClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Create the appropriate ClientRequest subtype for this query type, in this case a ClientVicRequest object.
createCloneOrder(String, RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method creates a cloned order.
createColorPalette(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new color with the configuration item passed.
createCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
createCommerceItem(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the supplied CommerceItem type.
createCommerceItem(String, String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the OrderTools property defaultCommerceItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, String, Object, String, Object, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, String, Object, String, Object, long, String, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, String, Object, String, Object, long, String, String, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Creates a new CommerceItem object using the default CommerceItem type defined in the pItemType.
createCommerceItem(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, String, Object, String, Object, long, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, String, Object, String, Object, long, String, ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
With the given parameters create a new CommerceItem that will be added to the order.
createCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a CommerceItem whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createCommerceItem(int, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Create a commerce item and add it to the order.
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
With the given parameters create a new CommerceItem that will be used for pricing
createCommerceItem(String, Object, String, Object, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
With the given parameters create a new CommerceItem that will be used for pricing.
createCommerceItemShippingInfo(CommerceItem, String, Long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Creates a CommerceItemShippingInfo for the given item, relationship type, quantity and shipping group name.
createCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
createCommunity is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to create a community using the properties set by the form.
createCommunity(String, String, CommunityFolder) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Create a new Community with the given paramaters.
createCommunity(String, String, CommunityFolder, String, String, PageTemplate, Style, GearTitleTemplate, boolean, String, int) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Create a new Community with the parameters passed in.
createCommunity(String, String, CommunityFolder, String, String, PageTemplate, Style, GearTitleTemplate, boolean, String, int, Layout, ColorPalette) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Create a community with the given parameters
createCommunityRole(Community, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Creates a community-relative role.
createCommunityTemplate(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
create a community template using this community as the basis for the template
createComparisonQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Create a query representing a logical comparison between two expressions.
createComparisonQuery(Value, Value, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Create a query representing a logical comparison between two constant value expressions.
createComparisonQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing an equivalence relationship between two expressions.
createComplexPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Creates an empty complex price in the repository The complexPriceItemType is used.
createComplexPrice(List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Creates an empty complex price in the repository The complexPriceItemType is used.
createConditionParamSequenceRule(XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
createConfigState(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Create a configuration state from the specified repository item.
createConfigurableSubitems(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Create subitems for a base configurable commerce item.
createConfigurationFinder() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Creates and returns the MultipleConfigurationFinder that will be used to find configurations.
createConstantActionParamSequenceRule(String, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
createConstantConditionParamSequenceRule(XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
createConstantQueryExpression(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a QueryExpression for the supplied constant object
createConstantQueryExpression(Object) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryExpression for the supplied constant object
createContext() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Create a new context.
createCortex() - Method in interface atg.cortex.CortexFactory
Creates and returns a Cortex
createCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Returns a new instance of a CostCenter whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Creates a new CostCenter object using the default type specified in the OrderTools defaultCostCenterType property.
createCostCenter(String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Creates a new CostCenter object using the class mapped to the given name in pCostCenterType.
createCostCenter(RepositoryItem, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Creates a new cost center in the user's Profile under the costCenter attribute.
createCountQueryExpression(QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents the total number of elements for a collection for the given item.
createCountQueryExpression(QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents the total number of elements for a collection for the given item.
createCoupon(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Used to create the coupon.
createCreditCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
createCreditCard creates a new CreditCard.
CreateCreditCardFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CreateCreditCardFormHandler class is used to create a CreditCard PaymentGroup.
CreateCreditCardFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Creates a new CreateCreditCardFormHandler instance.
createCreditCardItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Creates a new credit card repository item for the given profile
createCurrentRequestAndResponse(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Create and initialize the current request and response.
CREATED_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
createDate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method creates a Timestamp date from the user inputs.
createDBPropertyEditor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
This is a property editor which always converts values to/from the database version of the property.
createDetailedItemPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns a new instance of the of the class defined through the detailedItemPriceInfoClass property.
createDetailedItemPriceInfo(DetailedItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns a new instance of the of the class defined through the detailedItemPriceInfoClass property.
createDirectSqlQuery(String, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[], RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[], Class[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
This is a variation of the SqlPassThroughQuery that can call stored procedures as well as execute straight sql.
createDirectSqlQuery(String, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[], RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[], Class[], boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
This is a variation of the SqlPassThroughQuery that can call stored procedures as well as execute straight sql.
createElectronicGood(Double, Double, String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
createElectronicGood(ElectronicFulfiller, Double, Double, String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreateElectronicGood
This method is used to create the electronic good that is being fulfilled.
createElement() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
createElement() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
createElement() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
createElement() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
createElement() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Constructs a new blank EventQueueElement.
createElementAtQueryExpression(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents an element in a collection of a property at a specified index.
createElementAtQueryExpression(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents an element in a collection of a property at a specified index.
createEmailMessageBody(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
createEmailMessageBody(ElectronicFulfiller, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
Creates the email message body that will be put into the email.
createEmailObject(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
createEmailObject(ElectronicFulfiller, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
This method will create an EmailEvent that corresponds to the message to send out.
createEmptyOutputDocumentContent() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Create a new, empty, OutputDocumentContent object.
createErrorPaymentStatus(int, PaymentGroup, double, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method creates a PaymentStatusImpl object and adds it to the appropriate status list within the given PaymentGroup.
createErrorStatus(double, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Create an instance of a PaymentStatus reflecting an unsuccessful transaction.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
This method creates the ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalMessage
This method creates the ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage
This method creates and populates an ApprovalRequireMessage object.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This method creates and returns the event to be sent by this processor.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
This method creates and populates a SubmitOrder object.
createEventToSend(Order, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
This method creates and populates a GiftPurchased object.
createEventToSend(Order, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
This method creates and populates a PromotionUsed object.
createEventToSend(Order, PricingAdjustment, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
This method creates and populates a PromotionUsed object.
createEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
This method creates and populates various Commerce event objects that represent messages which will be sent to the scenario engine.
createFilteredList(List, RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Create a new List which contains the subset of pRepositoryItems that belong to the group pRepositoryItemGroup
createFilteredList(Object[], RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Create a new Array which contains the subset of pRepositoryItems that belong to the group pRepositoryItemGroup
createFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
createFolder is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to create a folder using the properties set by the form.
createFolder(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new folder with the parameters passed.
createFormSubmissionMessage(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
createGearDefinition(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new gear definition with the configuration item passed.
createGearRole(Gear, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Creates a gear-relative role.
createGearTemplate(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new gear title template with the configuration item passed.
createGenericAddIdToValueModification(int, String, int, Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method creates a GenericAdd message and sets all the properties accordingly.
createGenericAddValueToIdModification(int, Serializable, int, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method creates a GenericAdd message and sets all the properties accordingly.
createGenericAddValueToValueModification(int, Serializable, int, Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method creates a GenericAdd message and sets all the properties accordingly.
createGenericHttpServletRequest(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Create a GenericHttpServletRequest.
createGenericRemoveModification(int, String, int, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method creates a GenericRemove message and sets all the properties accordingly.
createGenericUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method creates a GenericUpdate message and sets all the properties accordingly.
createGetCommandInput(String, String, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Create the input for the get command.
createGiftCertificatePaymentGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method will parse a string and attempt to create giftCertificatePaymentGroups out of the tokens of the string.
createGiftlist() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Creates a new giftlist.
createGiftlist(String, boolean, String, Date, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Creates a new giflist using @see GiftlistTools#createGiftlist and returns its id
createGiftlist(String, boolean, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Creates a new giflist @see GiftlistTools#createGiftlist and returns its id
createGiftlist() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Creates and returns a new instance of a Giftlist repository item.
createGiftlistItem(String, Object, String, Object, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Creates a new GiftlistItem object using the default GiftlistItem type defined in GiftlistTools.
createGiftlistItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Creates a new giftlist item in the repository and returns the item.
createGlobalRole(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Create an assignable global role in the directory in this RoleFolder.
createGroup(String, Repository, String, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
createGroupComparisonQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a comparison query where one operator is a constant and the other is a group.
createGroupConfiguration() - Static method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Return a configuration object describing a new, uninitialized instance of DynamicContentGroup.
createGroupConfiguration() - Static method in class atg.targeting.DynamicProfileGroup
Return a configuration object describing a new, uninitialized instance of DynamicProfileGroup.
createHandler(ThreadGroup, String, Socket) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Constructs a new RequestServerHandler.
createHandler(ThreadGroup, String, Socket) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Constructs a new RequestServerHandler.
createHandlingInstruction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Creates a new HandlingInstruction object using the type mapped to the defaultHandlingInstructionType property in OrderTools.
createHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Creates a new HandlingInstruction object using the type mapped to the type supplied in pHandlingInstructionType.
createHandlingInstruction(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Creates a new HandlingInstruction object of the default type and populates the HandlingInstruction with the supplied data.
createHandlingInstruction(String, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Creates a new HandlingInstruction object using the class mapped to the given name.
createHandlingInstruction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
createHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
createHandlingInstruction(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
createHandlingInstruction(String, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
createHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a HandlingInstruction whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createIdMarker(IdGenerator) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.Util
Factory method to create an id marker for the specified id generator.
createIdMatchingQuery(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Create a query which returns the items that have the supplied ids.
createIdMatchingQuery(CompositeKey[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Create a query which returns the items that have the supplied ids.
createIdMatchingQuery(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query which when executed will return all items with the given ids.
createIgnorePaymentStatus(int, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method creates a PaymentStatusImpl object and adds it to the appropriate status list within the given PaymentGroup.
createIncludesAllQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes all of the values in the second Collection-like object.
createIncludesAllQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes all of the values in the second Collection-like object.
createIncludesAnyQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes any of the values in the second Collection-like object.
createIncludesAnyQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes any of the values in the second Collection-like object.
createIncludesItemQuery(QueryExpression, Query) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection, Map, or array of repository items, has at least one item which matches the query provided.
createIncludesItemQuery(QueryExpression, Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
This query takes two parameters.
createIncludesQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes the supplied value.
createIncludesQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query that is matched if the property, which must evaluate to a Collection-like object, includes the supplied value.
createIndexOfQueryExpression(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents the numeric index location of the supplied object in the given collection
createIndexOfQueryExpression(QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryExpression which represents the numeric index location of the supplied object in the given collection
createInFoldersQuery(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a query which when executed would return all the pieces of content which are contained within the supplied folders.
createInFoldersQuery(CompositeKey[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a query which when executed would return all the pieces of content which are contained within the supplied folders.
createInFoldersQuery(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentQueryBuilder
Returns a query which when executed would return all the pieces of content which are contained within the supplied folders.
createInitialContext(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.JMSInitialContextFactory
Creates and returns the InitialContext that should be used to resolve JNDI names of ConnectionFactories and Destinations for a particular JMS Provider.
createInitialDetailedItemPriceInfos(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Create the initial DetailedItemPriceInfos with the given price This method will create one DetailedItemPriceInfo for each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order.
createInitialDetailedItemPriceInfos(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String, Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Create the initial DetailedItemPriceInfos with the given price for the given range This method will create one DetailedItemPriceInfo for each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order whose range falls within the given range.
createInitialOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Creates the initial order for the given user.
createInitialSubSkuDetailedPriceInfo(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String, Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Create the initial DetailedItemPriceInfos with the given price for the given range
createInputHeader() - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Create our input header.
createInputHeader() - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
createInputStringBuffer(int) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Create our static input string buffer to hold the input header + individual records.
createInputStringBuffer() - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Create our static input string buffer
createInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create a new invoice repository item and execute the pipeline chain whose name is specified by the property createInvoiceChainName.
createInvoice() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create a new invoice repository item whose invoice number is generated automatically and execute the pipeline chain whose name is specified by the property createInvoiceChainName.
createInvoice(String, InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create a new invoice repository item, initialize it from the supplied invoice request info, and add it to the repository.
createInvoice(InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create a new invoice repository item whose invoice number is generated automatically, initialize it from the supplied invoice request info, and add it to the repository.
createInvoice(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Create a new invoice repository item, optionally adding it to the invoice repository.
createInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Create a new invoice repository item.
createInvoiceMessage(RepositoryItem, String, MessageSourceContext, String, Properties, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Create a patchbay-compatible invoice message from a specified invoice repository item.
createInvoiceMessage(RepositoryItem, MessageSourceContext, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Create a patchbay-compatible invoice message from a specified invoice repository item using the default message bean class and the default invoice item to message bean property mapping.
createIsNullQuery(QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query that is matched if the property is null.
createIsNullQuery(QueryBuilder, PropertyQueryExpression, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Create a query to check if our derived property is null.
createIsNullQuery(QueryBuilder, PropertyQueryExpression, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Create a query to check if our derived property is null.
createIsNullQuery(QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query that is matched if the property is null (not defined).
createItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Returns a new item using an auto-generated unique id
createItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Returns a new item populated with the supplied id
createItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Returns a new item using an auto-generated unique id.
createItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Returns a new item populated with the supplied id.
createItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.xml.XMLRepositoryService
Returns a new item populated with the supplied id
createItem(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Returns a new item using an auto-generated unique id
createItem(String, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Returns a new item populated with the supplied id.
createItemUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
A convenience method which in the reference implementation will return a GenericuUpdate Modification object targeting items.
createLayoutTemplate(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new layout template with the configuration item passed.
createLink(String, PipelineProcessor, PipelineLink, int, ProcessorConfiguration) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Creates a PipelineLink object with the name aLinkId and the PipelineProcessor aProc.
CreateLinkException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating a pipeline link.
CreateLinkException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateLinkException
Constructs a new CreateLinkException.
CreateLinkException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateLinkException
Constructs a new CreateLinkException with the given explanation.
CreateLinkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateLinkException
Constructs a new CreateLinkException.
CreateLinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.CreateLinkException
Constructs a new CreateLinkException with the given explanation.
createListEntry(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Create a product comparison list Entry for the given category, product, and sku.
createListPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Create a price for the given product/sku pair with a list price and store it in the price list.
createLocalePropertyEditor(Locale) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns a new localized PropertyEditor instance that can edit this property.
createLocalePropertyEditor() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns a new localized PropertyEditor instance that can edit this property for the default Locale.
createLocationMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Return a Properties object suitable for use as the value of locationMap by prepending the web application's context root to each path in relativePathMap.
createManualAdjustmentItem(String, double, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Creates and returns a mutable, transient manual adjustment repository item of the specified type.
createMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
This method is a helper method which is used by the cloneOrder method.
createMapMessage(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new MapMessage intended for delivery through the specified output port.
createMapMessage() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new MapMessage intended for delivery through the "DEFAULT" output port.
createMarkerItem(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new transient marker item and sets the default and extended properties.
createMarkerQuery() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Creates a marker query object that qualifies markers based on the filter's requirements.
createMembershipRequest(Principal, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
create a membership request for this community
createMessage(String, String, Object[]) - Static method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns the resource string already formatted.
createMessage(Session, EmailTrackingTools) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Creates a new Message from the given EmailEvent's parameters (from, subject, recipients, body, etc.).
createMessage() - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new, empty Message object.
createMessage(Session) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new, empty Message object.
createMessage(String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From and Subject fields.
createMessage(String, String, Session) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From and Subject fields.
createMessage(String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From ReplyTo and Subject fields.
createMessage(String, String, String, Session) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From ReplyTo and Subject fields.
createMessage(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From, Subject, and To fields, and a body given by pTextContent.
createMessage(String, String, String, String, Session) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From, Subject, and To fields, and a body given by pTextContent.
createMessage(String, String, String, Object, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From, Subject, and To fields, and the given content.
createMessage(String, String, String, Object, String, Session) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new Message object with the given From, Subject, and To fields, and the given content.
createMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Creates and returns a Message object with the given email recipient and content.
createMessage(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Creates and returns a Message object with the given email recipient and content.
createMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Creates and returns a Message object with the given email recipient and content.
createMessage(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Creates and returns a Message object with the given email recipient and content.
createMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Given a TemplateEmailInfo and a specific recipient profile, renders the page specified by the TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL for that profile, and creates a Message with the resulting content.
createNamedQuery(String, Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Creates a Named Query.
createNamedQuery(String, Query) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Creates a named query.
createNewDefaultIdSpace() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Make sure the default id space exists, creating it if necessary.
createNewFile() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
create this virtual file
createNewInstance(ApplicationLogging) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Creates a new instance of the service object.
createNewShippingAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Creates a shipping address in the address book and return the id.
createNewTemplateOrder(String, RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method creates a template order from the existing order by cloning the existing order.
createNewUser(String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Creates a new user and loads it into the session-scoped Profile object.
createNewUser(String, String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Creates a new user and loads it into the Profile object.
createNotQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the logical NOT of a query
createNotQuery(Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing the logical NOT of a query
createObject() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
Constructs an object of a given type.
createObjectMessage(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new ObjectMessage intended for delivery through the specified output port.
createObjectMessage() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new ObjectMessage intended for delivery through the "DEFAULT" output port.
createOptionSet(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Return the named option set or null if no option set exists for the specified name.
createOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the default type specified in the OrderTools defaultOrderType property.
createOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the class mapped to the given name in pOrderType.
createOrder(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the class mapped to the given name in pOrderType.
createOrder(String, OrderPriceInfo, TaxPriceInfo, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the default type specified in the OrderTools defaultOrderType property.
createOrder(String, OrderPriceInfo, TaxPriceInfo, ShippingPriceInfo, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the class mapped to the given name in pOrderType and whose id will be that which is supplied in pOrderId.
createOrder(String, String, OrderPriceInfo, TaxPriceInfo, ShippingPriceInfo, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Order object using the class mapped to the given name in pOrderType.
createOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Creates a new order of the given type for the current user.
createOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of an Order whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of an Order whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType and whose id will be that which is supplied in pOrderId.
createOrder(String, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of an Order whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createOrder(String, String, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of an Order whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType and whose id will be that which is supplied in pOrderId.
createOrderAbandonedMessage(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates an OrderAbandoned JMS message.
createOrderConvertedMessage(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates an OrderConverted JMS message.
createOrderFixedAmountAdjustment(Order, double, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Creates a new fixed amount manual adjustment and adds it to the order.
createOrderForUser(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Creates a new order of the given type for the given user.
createOrderFromXML(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Converts the given XML document into a new order
createOrderLostMessage(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates an OrderLost JMS message.
createOrderLostMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates an OrderLost JMS message.
createOrderReanimatedMessage(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
This method creates an OrderReanimated JMS message.
createOrderUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
A convenience method which in the reference implementation will return a GenericUpdate Modification object targeting order objects.
createOrganization(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method is responsible for creating a new organization.
createOrganization(String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new Organization.
createOrganization(String, String, Organization) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new Organization.
CreateOrganizationFormHandler - Class in atg.userdirectory.droplet
This formhandler is used to create a new organization in the user directory.
CreateOrganizationFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
createOrQuery(Query[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the logical OR of several queries.
createOrQuery(Query[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing the logical OR of several queries.
createPage(String, String, String, int, boolean, boolean, PageFolder, Layout, ColorPalette) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Create a new non personalized page with the given values in the given community
createPageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Create a page in admin mode.
createPageTemplate(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new page template with the configuration item passed.
createPageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Create a page for a portal user when customizing a communtiy.
createParameter(Element) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
Create the Parameter that will be used to invoke the SOAP client.
createParameterComparisonQuery(Atom, Atom, Operator) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a comparison query where one or more expressions in the query is a ParameterExpression
createParameterPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, ParameterExpression, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a case-sensitive query representing a pattern matching operation.
createParameterQueryExpression() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a parameter QueryExpression, which is just a placeholder in a Query for a parameter to be determined at execution time When inserted into a query object the index of this expression could be changed at runtime, since it could be ANDed or ORed multiple times
createParameterQueryExpression() - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportQueryBuilder
Creates a ParameterQueryExpression with no initial value.
createParameterTextSearchQuery(PropertyExpression, ParameterExpression, String, Value) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the full text search query operation.
createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a case-sensitive query representing a pattern matching operation.
createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a case-sensitive query representing a pattern matching operation.
createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing a pattern matching operation.
createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing a pattern matching operation.
createPatternMatchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, int, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing a pattern matching operation.
createPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
createPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
createPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a PaymentGroup whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Creates a new PaymentGroup object using the type mapped to the defaultPaymentGroupType property in OrderTools.
createPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Creates a new PaymentGroup object using the type mapped to the defaultPaymentGroupType property in OrderTools.
CreatePaymentGroupFormHandler - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CreatePaymentGroupFormHandler interface is implemented by any form handler that creates PaymentGroups for immediate use by the PaymentGroupFormHandler framework.
createPayUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
A convenience method which in the reference implementation will return a GenericUpdate Modification object targeting payment groups
createPersonalizedCommunityForPrincipal(Community, Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
creates a PersonalizedCommunity
createPersonalizedPageForPrincipal(Page, Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
creates a PersonalizedPage for the given Principal using pSourcePage as its source.
createPipelineArgs(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create an instance of InvoicePipelineArgs containing a reference to this pipeline manager and to the specified repository item.
createPipelineArgs(RepositoryItem, InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Create an instance of InvoicePipelineArgs containing a reference to this pipeline manager, to a specified repository item, and to a specified InvoiceRequestInfo that should be used to initialize the repository item.
createPMDLBindings(List, RepositoryItem, Order, ShippingGroup, Locale, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Create the map of bindings that are used during evaluation of the any PMDL This will make the following bindings: Constants.ITEMS_BINDING_NAME -> pItems Constants.PROFILE_BINDING_NAME -> pProfile Constants.ORDER_BINDING_NAME -> pOrder Constants.SHIPPING_GROUP_BINDING_NAME -> pShippingGroup Constants.LOCALE_BINDING_NAME -> pLocale
createPrefixLogPrintStream(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Create the prefix log print stream.
createPrice(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
create a new price with the given pricing scheme The price isn't actually set
createPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Create a new price with the given pricing scheme.
createPriceChangedEvent(Order, RepositoryItem, CommerceIdentifier, AmountInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method will create a PriceChanged event and send it.
createPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns a new instance of the of the class defined through the priceInfoClass property.
createPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Creates a new price list in the priceListRepository The priceListItemType is used.
createPriceWithComplexPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, List, List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Create a price for the given product/sku pair with a complex price and store it in the price list.
createPricingCommerceItem(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Creates a temporary commerceItem object for pricing
createProcess(String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Creates a new persistent process by supplying a processName and workflowName
createProcessForImport(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Used by import tools for specialized process creation
createProcessInstanceQuery(QueryBuilder, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Creates a process instance query that qualifies the instances by the subject with a marker that matches the filter's requirements
createProcessInstanceQuery(QueryBuilder, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Creates a repository query which can be used to find all the individual process instances that satisfy the filter.
createProductIdCollection(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
This method creates a collection of product ids.
createProductInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method creates a productInfo repository item.
createProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method will create a new productInfo repository item.
createProfileItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method is called from createUser to create the MutableRepositoryItem to use in the creation of a user.
createProfileItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
This method is called from createUser to create the MutableRepositoryItem to use in the creation of a user.
createProfileQuery(QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Creates a repository query which can be used to find all the profiles that satisfy the filter.
createProfileRepositoryPrimaryAddress(RepositoryItem, String, Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Creates a new address in the user's Profile primary address book.
createProfileRepositorySecondaryAddress(RepositoryItem, String, Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Creates a new address in the user's Profile (under the secondaryAddresses attribute.
createProject(Process, String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
createProjectForImport(Process, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
createPromotionStatus(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Integer) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method creates a PromotionStatus repository item and returns it.
createPropertyDescriptorFromType(String) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Creates a new RepositoryPropertyDescriptor of a given type.
createPropertyEditor() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns a new PropertyEditor instance that can edit this property.
createPropertyName(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
createPropertyQueryExpression(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a property query expression for the supplied property name.
createPropertyQueryExpression(QueryExpression, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a property query expression for the named property of the supplied property query expression.
createPropertyQueryExpression(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns a property query expression for the supplied property name.
createPropertyQueryExpression(QueryExpression, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
If the repository supports sub-property queries, returns a property query expression for the named property of the supplied property query expression.
createPropertyUpdate(int, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Creates a property update object using the values provided.
createProxy(Remote) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Create a user session-based proxy for a Remote object, if the object is not already a proxy.
createProxy(Account) - Static method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Creates a session-based proxy to remotely access an Account.
createProxy(AccountManager) - Static method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Constructs a remote session-based proxy for an AccountManager
createProxy(UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
createQuery(int, boolean, boolean, QueryExpression, int, boolean, QueryExpression, QueryExpression, Query, QueryBuilder, PropertyQueryExpression, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Do the real work of implementing a query to find the correct map value.
createQuery(int, boolean, boolean, QueryExpression, int, boolean, QueryExpression, QueryExpression, Query, QueryBuilder, PropertyQueryExpression, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Do the real work of implementing a query to find the correct map value.
createQuery(int, boolean, boolean, QueryExpression, int, boolean, QueryExpression, QueryExpression, Query, QueryBuilder, PropertyQueryExpression, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Do the real work of creating a query.
createQueryCommandInput(Query, QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
This method will process the given Query and create the input that will be passed to the query command.
createQueryExpression(QueryBuilder, RepositoryView, Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlExpression
This uses the specified query builder to construct the query expression corresponding to this instance.
createQueryExpression(QueryBuilder, RepositoryView, Object[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlExpression
This uses the specified query builder to construct the query expression corresponding to this instance.
createRange() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
creates a Range object which is to be used with this Relationship.
createRecordDef() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
createRecordDef() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
Create the InputRecordDef.
createRecordDef() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Create out record definition
createRecordDef() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
createRecordDef() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Create our recordDef object.
createReferencedItems(GSAItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Loops through all properties that have "cascade=insert" set and creates any new items necessary.
createRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Creates a new Relationship object using the class type mapped to the type supplied in pShippingGroupType.
createRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Creates a new Relationship object using the class type mapped to the type supplied in pShippingGroupType.
createRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a Relationship whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createRelationshipUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
A convenience method which in the reference implementation will return a GenericuUpdate Modification object targeting items.
createRelativeRole(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Create an assignable relative role, which represents the fulfillment of some function relative to this principal.
createRelativeRoles(Organization, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method creates relative roles for a particular organization.
createRemoveCommandInput(String, String, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Create the input for the remove command.
createRemovedEventMessage(String, String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a marker event message for remove operations.
createRemovedMarkerData(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new MarkerData object for the marker item that has been removed by calling the generateMarkerData method.
createReplacedEventMessage(String, String, RepositoryItem, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a marker event message for replace operations.
createReplacedMarkerData(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Creates a new MarkerData object for the marker item that has been replaced by calling the generateMarkerData method.
createRepositoryItem(Object, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, MutableRepositoryItem, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Given a object, create a repository item out of it.
createRepositoryItems(Object, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, MutableRepositoryItem, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Given a object, create a repository item out of it.
createRepositoryValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Create an appropriate property value from the given remote value.
createRepriceParameterMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Creates the extra parameter map that is used when the order is repriced after form handler modifications to the order.
createRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long, long, long, Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Create a new TaxRequest, filling in Origin, Ship-From, Destination and POA information from our member variables.
createRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long, long, long, Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Create a new TaxRequest, filling in Destination and Point of Acceptance information from our member variables.
createRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long, long, long, Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
Create a new TaxRequest, filling in Destination and POA information from our member variables.
createRequest(DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, Dictionary, HttpSession, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Creates and returns a "fake" request with the path info specified by the given TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL.
createRequestAndSetCurrent(DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Create a request DynamoHttpServletRequest and set as the value of our currentRequest property.
createRequestObject() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
createResource() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns a DistributorSender instance connected to the remote servers
createResource(Object, Object, AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Creates a new SecuredResource object, with the specified key, for the specified object using the specified resource key.
createResource(Object, Object, AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Creates a new SecuredResource object, with the specified key, for the specified object using the specified resource key.
createResource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Creates a new XAConnection for use by the pool.
createResource() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Gets a JDBC Connection.
createResource() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Creates a new resource object for the pool.
createResource() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Creates an object for pooling.
createResourceAsUser(User, Object, Object, AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Creates a new SecuredResource object, with the specified key, for the specified object using the specified resource key, using the specified user ID.
createResourceAsUser(User, Object, Object, AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Creates a new SecuredResource object, with the specified key, for the specified object using the specified resource key, using the specified user ID.
createResponse() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Creates and returns a "fake" response.
createResponseObject() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
createRole(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Creates a role from a fully-qualified path name.
createRoleFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Create a new role folder within this RoleFolder.
createScenarioInstanceQuery(QueryBuilder, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Creates a repository query which can be used to find all the individual scenario instances that satisfy the filter.
createSchedule(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser.ScheduleFactoryImpl
returns the schedule parsed from pString, it will be of type mClass
createScheduledOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Create a Scheduled Order in the ScheduledOrder Repository
createScheduleFromUserInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method creates the Schedule object from the user inputs.
createScheduleFromUserInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method creates the Schedule object from the user inputs.
createScheduleFromUserInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method create the schedule object from the user inputs.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Create a JMS message to send to listeners to notify them of the search and search results
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientQueryRequest and associated response data.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientQueryRequest and associated response data.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientQueryRequest and associated response data.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientQueryRequest and associated response data.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientStructuredRequest and associated response data.
createSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Create the JMS message to represent a ClientQueryRequest and associated response data.
createSearchSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Create the SearchSession by first calling createSessionConfig() to obtain a configuration, then by calling ESSearchService.createSession()
createServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Create a ServerSocket used by the RequestServer.
createSession() - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Creates a new mail session.
createSession(Map, RequestResponseInitializer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Create a session for TemplateEmailRendering.
createSessionConfig(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Create and initialize SessionConfig object
createShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
createShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
createShippingGroup(String, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
createShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a ShippingGroup whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createShippingGroup(String, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns a new instance of a ShippingGroup whose class is mapped to the type supplied in pType.
createShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Creates a new ShippingGroup object using the type mapped to the defaultShippingGroupType property in OrderTools.
createShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Creates a new ShippingGroup object using the type mapped to the type supplied in pShippingGroupType.
createShippingGroup(String, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Creates a new ShippingGroup object using the type mapped to the type supplied in pShippingGroupType.
CreateShippingGroupFormHandler - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The CreateShippingGroupFormHandler interface is implemented by any form handler that creates ShippingGroups for immediate use by the ShippingGroupFormHandler framework.
createShipUpdateModification(String, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
A convenience method which in the reference implementation will return a GenericUpdate Modification object targeting shipping groups
createSizedMap(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Create an appropriately sized Map.
createSkuInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method creates a skuInfo repository item.
createSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method will create a new skuInfo repository item.
createSnapshot(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a new snapshot.
createSnapshot(VersionManagerURI, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a new snapshot using the assets on the given branch.
createSnapshot(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a new snapshot with the given name based on the current development line stored in the WorkingContext.
createSnapshot(String, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a snapshot using the non-deleted assets on the given branch.
createSnapshotDiff(Snapshot) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Snapshot
Compare the two Snapshots and return the differences
createSnapshotDiff(Snapshot, VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Snapshot
Create a diff using the supplied VersionContainerIncludeChecker to exclude certain containers from the diff.
createSortedArrayOfMarkers(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Create a sorted array of items in ascending order using the marker sort property name provided.
createSortedArrayOfMarkers(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Create a sorted array of items in ascending order using the marker sort property name provided.
createSpecificPaymentInfo(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
The createSpecificPaymentInfo method takes a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo and creates a new one whose subtype matches that of the original.
createSqlPassthroughQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Returns a query which when executed performs a query against the database with the specified SQL string, which overrides SQL string which would be used by the GSA to perform this query, or any query built using this query.
createStatement() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to createStatement
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to createStatement
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability.
createStreamMessage(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new StreamMessage intended for delivery through the specified output port.
createStreamMessage() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new StreamMessage intended for delivery through the "DEFAULT" output port.
createStyle(PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Creates a new style with the configuration item passed.
createSubject() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Creates a WorkflowTaskFormSubject object to be returned as the value of the subject property, by instantiating an object of the type specified via the subjectClassName property.
createSubjectQuery(QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Creates a subject query that qualifies the subjects with a marker that matches the filter's requirements.
createSubjectQuery(QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Creates a repository query which can be used to find all the subjects that satisfy the filter.
createSubSkuPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Create a price for the given product/sku/parentSku set with a list price and store it in the price list.
createSubSkuPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns a new instance of the class defined through the subSkuPriceInfoClass property.
createSubview(Dictionary, String, Object[], String, Object[], boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
This is the most general method for creating a subview at runtime (i.e., a subview that has not been predefined in the description file).
createSubview(Dictionary, String, Object[], String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
This is the same the general createSubview method, except that the value of the distinct flag is taken from the value of this RelationalView's distinct flag.
createSubview(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns a subview filtered by the given Dictionary.
createSuccessStatus(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Create an instance of a PaymentStatus reflecting a successful transaction.
createTable(Connection, TypeInfoMap) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Executes the CREATE TABLE statement needed to create this table with the specified column declarations.
createTable(Connection, TypeInfoMap) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Executes the CREATE TABLE statement needed to create this table with the specified column declarations.
createTables() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Creates the tables.
createTargeter(String, Repository, String, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
createTargeterConfiguration() - Static method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Return a configuration object describing a new, uninitialized instance of DynamicContentTargeter.
createTaxableItemForRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
create a TaxableItem for the input relationship and TaxRequestInfo.
createTaxableItemForRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, TaxRequestInfo, Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
create a TaxableItem for the input relationship and TaxRequestInfo.
createTaxableItemForRelationshipByAverage(CommerceItemRelationship, TaxRequestInfo, Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Deprecated. This method is superseded by TaxProcessorTaxCalculator.createTaxableItemForRelationship(CommerceItemRelationship, TaxRequestInfo) since the other four parameters are not actually used.
createTaxableItemForRelationshipByAverage(CommerceItemRelationship, TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
create a TaxableItem for the input relationship and TaxRequestInfo.
createTemplateEmailInfo(ElectronicFulfiller, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
Creates and returns the TemplateEmailInfo to use for sending email within this action.
createTemplateEmailSession() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Creates an HTTP session by making a loopback request.
createTextMessage(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new TextMessage intended for delivery through the specified output port.
createTextMessage() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
Creates and returns a new TextMessage intended for delivery through the "DEFAULT" output port.
createTextSearchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the full text search query operation.
createTextSearchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query representing the full text search query operation.
createTextSearchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing the full text search query operation.
createTextSearchQuery(QueryExpression, QueryExpression, QueryExpression) - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query representing the full text search query operation.
createTransientClaimableStoreCredit() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will create a transient store credit in the claimable repository.
createTransientItem() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Creates a new, empty repository item, does not add new item persistently to the repository.
createUnconstrainedQuery() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Creates a query which when executed returns all of the items in the repository, Nota Bene: This is a potentially very expensive operation.
createUnconstrainedQuery() - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Creates a query which when executed would return all the items available from this view.
createUser(String, String, Map) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new User.
createUser(String, String, boolean, Map) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new User.
createUser(String, String, Map, Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new User.
createUser(String, String, boolean, Map, Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Create a new User.
createUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method handles the creation of an individual user.
createUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
After creating the user, assign the roles and organizations set in this form handler.
createUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
By examing the values submitted in the form, a user is attempted to be created and then added persistently to the Profile Repository.
createUser(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Creates a persistent user using the profile values given in pProfileAsXML.
createUserListItemObject() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method acts as a factory method for creating the result object that will be used by this processor.
createUserMessage() - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns the resource string already formatted based on user locale.
createUserMessage(Locale) - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns the resource string already formatted based on given locale.
createValueDictionary() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Create the value dictionary.
CreateVersionManagerURITag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for generating a version manager uri string for repository or file assets
CreateVersionManagerURITag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Empty Constructor
CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI
createWorkspace(VersionManagerURI, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a workspace from another development line.
createWorkspace(String, Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Create a workspace based on a branch.
credit(InvoiceRequestInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Process refunds/credits on payments made by invoice.
credit(InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Process refunds/credits on payments made by invoice as a new order.
credit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card after debiting
credit(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card with as a new order
credit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
Credit the amount on the gift certificate after debiting.
credit(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
Credit the amount on the gift certificate without a previous debit.
credit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Credit the gift certificate identified with the parameter pGiftCertificateInfo.getGiftCertificateNumber() the amount returned by the getAmount call on the same giftCertificateInfo parameter.
credit(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Credit the gift certificate identified with the parameter pGiftCertificateInfo.getGiftCertificateNumber() the amount returned by the getAmount call on the same giftCertificateInfo parameter.
CREDIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
credit(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method credits payment of the whole PaymentGroup.
credit(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method performs three steps.
credit(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method credits payment for the given PaymentGroups.
CREDIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerAction
Constant representing the "credit" action.
credit(StoreCreditInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Credit the store credit identified with the parameter pStoreCreditInfo.getStoreCreditNumber() the amount returned by the getAmount call on the same storeCreditInfo parameter.
credit(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Credit the store credit identified with the parameter pStoreCreditInfo.getStoreCreditNumber() the amount returned by the getAmount call on the same StoreCreditInfo parameter.
credit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Credit after the capture (debit) was processed
credit(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Credit when no previous debit exists (a new order)
credit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
credit(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
credit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card after debiting.
credit(CreditCardInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardProcessor
Credit the amount on the credit card as a new order
credit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
Credit the amount on the gift certificate after debiting.
credit(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
Credit the amount on the gift certificate without a previous debit.
credit(InvoiceRequestInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessor
Process refunds/credits on payments made by invoice.
credit(InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessor
Process refunds/credits on payments made by invoice as a new order
credit(StoreCreditInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
Credit the amount on the store credit after debiting.
credit(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
Credit the amount on the store credit without a previous debit.
CREDIT_CARD_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
CREDIT_CARD_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
CREDIT_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
CreditCard - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of CreditCard payment information.
CreditCard() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
CreditCardInfo - Interface in atg.payment.creditcard
This class is an interface of CreditCard payment information.
CreditCardProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.creditcard
This class defines an interface for credit card processing over different CreditCard payment systems.
CreditCardStatus - Interface in atg.payment.creditcard
This class defines a credit card payment transaction status.
CreditCardStatusImpl - Class in atg.payment.creditcard
This class defines a credit card payment transaction status.
CreditCardStatusImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
CreditCardStatusImpl(String, double, boolean, String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
CreditCardTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
This TagConverter can take an obnject that represents the number of a credit card and mask out parts of that number.
CreditCardTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
Empty Constructor
CreditCardTools - Class in atg.payment.creditcard
This class contains methods which contain functionality useful in dealing with credit cards.
CreditCardTools() - Constructor for class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
CreditCardTypes - Interface in atg.payment.creditcard
This interface defines all the known credit card types.
CREDITCARDVERIFYFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
creditClaimableGiftCertificate(String, Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Deprecated. use creditClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) instead
creditClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will credit a gift certificate for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
creditClaimableStoreCredit(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will credit a store credit for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
creditCreditCard(Order, CreditCard, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based credit instead of methods directly in this class
creditCreditCard(CreditCardInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based debit instead of methods directly in this class
CREDITED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
creditGiftCertificate(Order, GiftCertificate, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based credit instead of methods directly in this class
creditGiftCertificate(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based credit instead of methods directly in this class
creditOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
creditPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
Credit an InvoiceRequest payment group.
creditPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
Credit a CreditCard payment group.
creditPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
Credit a GiftCertificate payment group.
creditPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Method called to perform a credit of a PaymentGroup.
creditPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
Credit a StoreCredit payment group.
creditStoreCredit(Order, StoreCredit, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based credit instead of methods directly in this class
creditStoreCredit(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based credit instead of methods directly in this class
criticalReset(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Does a "hard" reset of the target and the target agents.
CURRENCY_US_DOLLARS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
United States Dollars.
CurrencyConversionFormatter - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet can be used to convert and format a numeric amount, within a particular Locale, from a specific currency into a specific currency.
CurrencyConversionFormatter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Constructs an instanceof CurrencyConversionFormatter
CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the CurrencyConversionFormatter droplet.
CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo
CurrencyConversionTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
A tag converter which is used to parse, format currency amounts and to convert them between an default currency and a locale-specific currency.
CurrencyConversionTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Constructs an instance of CurrencyConversionTagConverter
CurrencyFormatter - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet can be used to format a numeric amount, within a particular Locale, into a specific currency.
CurrencyFormatter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Constructs an instanceof CurrencyFormatter
CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the CurrencyFormatter droplet.
CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo
CurrencyTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
A tag converter which is used to parse and format currency amounts.
CurrencyTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Constructs an instanceof CurrencyTagConverter
CURRENT_PROJECTS - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
CURRENT_SERVLET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
CurrentDate - Class in atg.service.util
This is a nucleus component that returns aspects of the current date (such as the year, date, month, etc.).
CurrentDate() - Constructor for class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
currentUser() - Static method in class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
Returns the User object associated with the current thread.
CurrentUser - Class in atg.servlet.security
This Servlet provides the current top level personae authenticated with the given UserAuthority.
CurrentUser() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
currentUser(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
Given a path and the handle to the current request, this static call will resolve the User instance and return it
CustomCatalogTools - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This class is an extension of atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools that modifies the behavior so it works with custom catalogs.
CustomCatalogTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
CustomCatalogTypeInfo - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This class represents type metadata relating to the product catalog, and is serializable.
CustomCatalogTypeInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Constructs an instanceof CatalogTools
CustomCatalogTypeInfo(Repository) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
CyberCashConnection - Class in atg.integrations.cybercash
This class manages the communications to a CyberCash payment server.
CyberCashConnection() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Constructs a null CyberCashConnection.
CyberCashException - Exception in atg.integrations.cybercash
This class manages the communications to a CyberSource AVS system
CyberCashException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashException
CyberCashStatus - Class in atg.integrations.cybercash
This class encapsulates a standard CyberCash response.
CyberCashStatus(Dictionary) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Constructs a CyberCashResponse with initial values.
CyberSourceAddressVerification - Class in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class manages the communications to a CyberSource AVS system
CyberSourceAddressVerification() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
Default constructor
CyberSourceConnection - Class in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class manages the communication to the CyberSource server.
CyberSourceConnection() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Default constructor for the CyberSource connection object.
CyberSourceCreditCard - Class in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class manages the communications to a CyberSource payment server.
CyberSourceCreditCard() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
CyberSourceException - Exception in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class manages the communications to a CyberSource AVS system
CyberSourceException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceException
CyberSourceStatus - Class in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class encapsulates a standard CyberSource system response.
CyberSourceStatus() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
CyberSourceStatus(ICSReply) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
A constructor that takes an ICSReply object
CyberSourceTax - Class in atg.integrations.cybersource
This class manages the communications to a CyberSource tax system
CyberSourceTax() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Default constructor
CYCLE_DOWN - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
CYCLE_DOWN_IF_PRIMARY - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
CYCLE_UP - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
CYCLE_UP_IF_PRIMARY - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
cycleDown(int) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the direction code that results from cycling pDirection from none -> descending -> ascending -> none.
cycleUp(int) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the direction code that results from cycling pDirection from none -> ascending -> descending -> none.


DAF_DROPLET_EVENT_SERVLET_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
DASMessage - Class in atg.nucleus.dms
DASMessage() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessage
Constructs a DAS message.
DATA_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the data parameter
DataCollector - Interface in atg.service.datacollection
DataCollectorQueue - Class in atg.service.datacollection
This is a queueing version of the interface atg.service.datacollection.DataCollector.
DataCollectorQueue() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
DataCollectorService - Class in atg.service.datacollection
DataCollectorService() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
DataContentHandlerRegistry - Class in atg.service.email
A service which serves as a registry of javax.activation.DataContentHandler implementations corresponding to particular MIME types.
DataContentHandlerRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.DataContentHandlerRegistry
DataItem - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A basic data item.
DataItem() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.DataItem
Construct an empty data item.
DataListener - Interface in atg.service.datacollection
An event listener that listens for data items.
DataListenerQueue - Class in atg.service.datacollection
This is a queueing version of the interface atg.service.datacollection.DataListener.
DataListenerQueue() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
DataSource - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Sample data source implementation.
DataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Construct a DataSource
dataSourceShutdown(DataSourceShutdownEvent) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Method called before a DataSource is stopped.
DATE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
DATE - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"date", ordinal 1
DateEditor - Class in atg.droplet
This class allows for the manipulation within a form of a java.util.Date property in another component.
DateEditor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Constructs a DateEditor object with all the fields set to the current time.
DateProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class represents the date(startDate,endDate) property in the scheduledOrder item descriptor.
DateProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
DateTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
Performs conversion to and from Date objects in jhtml tags.
DateTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
dateUtil - Variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
DB2DBCopier - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A DB copier for DB2 databases.
DB2DBCopier() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.DB2DBCopier
DBCopier - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
Service that copies a set of SQL tables from one RDBMS to another using the DB vendor's native bulk copy tools.
DBCopier() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Construct an empty DBCopier.
DBCopyFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This form handler uses a DBCopier to copy data from one database to another.
DBCopyFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
deactivateScheduleOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method deactivates a schedule order by changing its state property from active to inactive.
DeadlockException - Exception in atg.service.lockmanager
An exception indicating that a deadlock exception occurred.
DeadlockException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.DeadlockException
DeadlockException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.DeadlockException
debit(InvoiceRequestInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Process payment by invoice, calling on the InvoiceManager to generate an invoice repository item from the payment group.
debit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
Debit the amount on the credit card after authorization
debit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
Debit the amount on the gift certificate after authorization
debit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
We check to see if the PaymentStatus amount is greater that the amount indicated in the giftCertificateInfo.
DEBIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
debit(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method debits the entire amount of the pPaymentGroup.
debit(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method performs three steps.
debit(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method debits payment for the given PaymentGroups.
DEBIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerAction
Constant representing the "debit" action.
debit(StoreCreditInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
We check to see if the PaymentStatus amount is greater than the amount indicated in the storeCreditInfo.
debit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Capture the amount after the authorization was processed
debit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
debit(CreditCardInfo, CreditCardStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardProcessor
Debit the amount on the credit card after authorization
debit(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
Debit the amount on the gift certificate after authorization
debit(InvoiceRequestInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessor
Process payment by invoice.
debit(StoreCreditInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
Debit the amount on the store credit after authorization
DEBIT_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
debitClaimableGiftCertificate(String, Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Deprecated. use debitClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) instead
debitClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will debit a gift certificate for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
debitClaimableStoreCredit(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will debit a store credit for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
debitCreditCard(Order, CreditCard, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based debit instead of methods directly in this class
DEBITED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
debitGiftCertificate(Order, GiftCertificate, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based debit instead of methods directly in this class
debitPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
Debit an InvoiceRequest payment group.
debitPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
Debit a CreditCard payment group.
debitPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
Debit a GiftCertificate payment group.
debitPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Method called to perform a debit of a PaymentGroup.
debitPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
Debit a StoreCredit payment group.
debitStoreCredit(Order, StoreCredit, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Deprecated. use pipeline based debit instead of methods directly in this class
debug(String, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
DEBUG - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
debug(String, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Log a debug message it the debugLevel is greater than or equal to the specified level
DEBUG_MODE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
DEBUG_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
DebugLogEvent - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
A debug information log event.
DebugLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Constructs a DebugLogEvent with the given message.
DebugLogEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Constructs a DebugLogEvent with the given message and originator
DebugLogEvent(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Constructs a DebugLogEvent with the given message and throwable
DebugLogEvent(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Constructs a DebugLogEvent with the given message, originator and throwable
declineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
declineMembershipRequest is called by the handlers to decline membership requests for all the users whose ids are specified in declinePrincipalIds property of this form handler
decodeMapData(String, String, KeyValueSplitter) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Decode encoded key/value data from a string, return results in a map.
DECREASE_AUTH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
DECREASE_AUTH_AMT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerAction
Constant representing the "decreaseAuthorization" action.
decreaseAuthorization(CreditCardInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
Decreases the authorized amount for the credit card.
decreaseAuthorization(GiftCertificateInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
decreaseAuthorization(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
decreaseAuthorization(StoreCreditInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Decreases the authorized amount for the store credit identified with the parameter
decreaseAuthorization(CreditCardInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Decreases the authorized amount for the credit card.
decreaseAuthorization(CreditCardInfo, PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Decreases the authorized amount for the credit card.
decreaseAuthorizationForClaimableGiftCertificate(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Decreases the authorized amount for the gift certificate by the given amount
decreaseAuthorizationForClaimableStoreCredit(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Decreases the authorized amount for the store credit by the given amount
decreaseAuthorizationForPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
Method called to perform a decrease in authorization for a credit card.
decreaseAuthorizationForPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
Method called to perform a decrease in authorization for a gift certificate.
decreaseAuthorizationForPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Method called to perform a decrease in authorization for a payment group.
decreaseAuthorizationForPaymentGroup(PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
Method called to perform a decrease in authorization for a store credit.
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Decrease an item's backorder level by the specified amount.
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's backorder level by the specified amount.
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Decrease an item's backorder level by the specified amount.
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's backorder level by the specified amount.
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
decreaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
decrease the item's backorder level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
decreaseFreeMemory(double) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Increases the free memory by the given value
decreaseGiftlistItemQuantityPurchased(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Decreate the quantityPurchased for this giftlist item by the given quantity
decreaseGiftQuantityForItem(Order, ShippingGroup, CommerceItem, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Decreases the gift quantity for an item in a shipping group.
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Decrease an item's preorder level by the specified amount.
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's preorder level by the specified amount.
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Decrease an item's preorder level by the specified amount.
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's preorder level by the specified amount.
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
decreasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
decrease the item's preorder level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
decreaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Decrease an item's stock level by the specified amount.
decreaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's stock level by the specified amount.
decreaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Decrease an item's stock level by the specified amount.
decreaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Decrease an item's stock level by the specified amount.
decreaseStockLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
decreaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
decrease the item's stock level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
decrementSKULevel(MutableRepositoryItem, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Decrement the given level by the given amount.
deepCopy() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
deepCopy(Map) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
DEFAULT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
DEFAULT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Switch
DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_USERNAME - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
DEFAULT_BACKLOG - Static variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The default number of connections that get queued up to a "connect" system call.
DEFAULT_BILLING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
DEFAULT_CATALOG_ITEMS_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
DEFAULT_CATALOG_ITEMS_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
DEFAULT_CATALOG_ITEMS_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
DEFAULT_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
DEFAULT_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
DEFAULT_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
DEFAULT_CATALOG_REF_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_CATEGORY_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
The name of the item descriptor which represents the base definition of all categories
DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Default character encoding per SRV.4.9
DEFAULT_CLAIMABLE_ITEM_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Default name of the base claimable item descriptor.
DEFAULT_COMMERCE_ITEM_CATALOG_REF_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_CONTACT_INFO_CLASS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
DEFAULT_CREATE_PROFILE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This is the type of the profile that is created by the create operation.
DEFAULT_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
default format for Dates
DEFAULT_DIR - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Default direction value
DEFAULT_DISPATCH_SERVLET - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This attribute will contains the default servlet to be used to dispatch servlets from a request dispatcher.
DEFAULT_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
The default max size of all buffer transfers.
DEFAULT_FORMATTER_KEY - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
The key for the default formatter in IndexingOutputConfig.
DEFAULT_GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
DEFAULT_GROUP_DOESNT_EXIST - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
DEFAULT_IN_DOC_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The default input document parameter name for JHTML
DEFAULT_INCLUDE_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Whether or not properties should be included in the exported data model by default.
DEFAULT_INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
DEFAULT_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Is the default null?
DEFAULT_IS_STATIC - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Is the default the same as the static value
DEFAULT_LOG_DEBUG_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
DEFAULT_LOG_ERROR_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
DEFAULT_LOG_INFO_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
DEFAULT_LOG_WARNING_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
DEFAULT_LOGIN_PROFILE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This is the type of Profile, when performing a login operation.
DEFAULT_LOGOUT_PROFILE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This is the type of Profile that we revert to when the logout operation completes.
DEFAULT_MARKER_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The default name of the marker property
DEFAULT_MARKER_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The default name of the item descriptor which represents markers
DEFAULT_MARKER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The default name of the marker property
DEFAULT_MARKER_SORT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The default name of the marker property used for sorting
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
DEFAULT_MODIFY_ORDER_NOTIFICATION_PORT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_NON_SECURE_PORT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
DEFAULT_NUM_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
DEFAULT_NUM_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
DEFAULT_NUM_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
DEFAULT_ORDER_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_ORDER_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_OUT_DOC_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The default output document parameter name
DEFAULT_PARAMETER_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Default URL Parameter Delimiter
DEFAULT_PASS - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
DEFAULT_PAYMENT_GROUP_CREDIT_STATUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
DEFAULT_PRICINGMODELS_PATH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
The name of the item descriptor which represents the base definition of all products
DEFAULT_PROJECT_ACCESS_RIGHTS - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
DEFAULT_SHIP_ITEM_REL_ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_SHIP_ITEM_REL_SHIPPING_GROUP_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_SHIP_ITEM_REL_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_ORDER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_ORDER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_SHIP_ON_DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_SHIP_ON_DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_SUBMITTED_DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_SUBMITTED_DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_SUBMITTED_DATE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
DEFAULT_SHOPPINGCART_PATH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
DEFAULT_SITE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
DEFAULT_SKU_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
The name of the item descriptor which represents the base definition of all SKUs
DEFAULT_STATUS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Default name of the property of the item descriptor that signals the status of the claimable object.
DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_SEGMENT - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowConstants
Default segment name for a workflow process.
DEFAULT_XPATH_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
The default XPath expression to use when the select parameter is unset.
defaultCategory(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the default parent category for a given product.
DefaultErrorHandler - Class in atg.xml.tools
This class can be used to log and collect warnings and errors from SAX and TRAX.
DefaultErrorHandler(ApplicationLogging, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Create a DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultGroupPersona - Interface in atg.security
A tag interface that marks a persona as a "default group persona", a group to which the user belongs that should be used for setting default security attributes when an object is created.
defaultLocalLockManager(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Get the default local lock manager to use if localLockManager has not been set.
defaultLocalLockManager(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
defaultProps - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult
defaultSku(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the default sku for a given product.
defaultUserProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Get the default user profile to use if profile has not been set.
defaultUserProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Get the default user profile to use if profile has not been set.
DefinitionFile - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: DefinitionFile.
DefinitionFile() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
DefinitionFile(RelationalViewDefinition[], ResultSetProcessorDefinition[]) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
DefinitionFileHandler - Class in atg.rview
This class contains a set of static methods that allow relational view definition files to be manipulated programmatically (that is, without creating an actual text version of the definition file).
DefinitionFileHandler() - Constructor for class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
DEFUALT_SHIP_ITEM_REL_COMMERCE_ITEM_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEFUALT_SHIP_ITEM_REL_STATE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
DEL_ASSET_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
DELETE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
delete(Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Deletes all rows from the class' table.
delete(Object, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Deletes all rows from the class' tables whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified object.
delete(Object[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Deletes all rows from the class' table whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified objects.
delete(Dictionary, boolean, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Deletes all rows from the class' tables whose values match the specified selector.
delete(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Deletes the this deployment from the target's list of pending deployments.
delete() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This method will delete a process.
delete(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method will delete a project, its associated workflow, and associated workspace.
delete(int, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method will delete a project, its associated workflow, and associated workspace.
delete() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Deletes the page.
delete(File, boolean, long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the provided path from the Repository.
delete(File, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the provided path from the Repository.
delete(File[], boolean[], long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the provided array of paths from the Repository.
delete(File[], boolean[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the provided array of paths from the Repository.
delete(boolean, long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the current monitored paths from the Repository.
delete(boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that removes all items specified by the current monitored paths from the Repository.
DELETE - Static variable in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
delete() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Deletes all of the rows in the RelationalView.
DELETE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to delete a sub-object of a compound object.
delete() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Delete a workspace.
delete() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Deletes the file specified by this object.
DELETE_OP - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
DELETE_SOURCE_CONTEXT_LINE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
deleteBusinessProcessMarkers(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to delete all markers that match the input parameters.
deleteBusinessProcessMarkers(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to delete all markers that match the input parameters.
deleteCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
deleteCommunity is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to delete a community.
deleteCommunity(Community) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete the given community
deleteDocumentItem(RepositoryItem, Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Remove the specified repository item pItem from the index.
deleteDummyReferenceItems() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method is meant to be exposed in the admin server pages so a user can try to force delete all the dummy reference items.
deleteFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
deleteFolder is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to delete a folder.
deleteGearDefinition(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete a gear definition with the id passed.
deleteGearTemplate(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete a gear title template with the name passed.
deleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Override deleteItem method to check for references to the item being deleted by other repository items.
deleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Deletes the item given by the current repository id from the repository.
deleteItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Internal method to delete the items from the repository
deleteItemBasedBusinessProcessMarkers(String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to delete all markers that match the input parameters.
deleteItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Delete all items from the order whose id appears in the RemovalCommerceIds property.
deleteItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Delete all items from the order whose id appears in the RemovalCommerceIds property.
deleteItemsByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is responsible for deleting items from the order by shipping group commerce item relationship id.
deleteItemsByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is responsible for deleting items from the order by shipping group commerce item relationship id.
deleteItemsInIndTransaction(RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Removes the repository items with separate transaction for each item.
deleteJobs(JobId[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Deletes the jobs specified by the array of ID's.
deleteLayoutTemplate(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete a layout template with the name passed.
deleteManifest(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Deletes the manifest from the agent.
deleteManualAdjustment(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Deletes manual adjustments from the order's list of adjustments.
deleteMarkers(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Use this method to delete marker items.
deleteMarkers(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method will delete marker items with matching values.
deleteMembershipRequest(Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Remove the membership request made by the given Principal for the given community.
deleteOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Delete the order with the given id from the current or saved orders.
deleteOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is not used anymore, See CancelOrderService
deleteOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is not used anymore, See CancelOrderService
deleteOrderBasedBusinessProcessMarkers(String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to delete all markers that match the input parameters.
deleteOrganization(Organization) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given an Organization, delete it from this UserDirectory's repository.
deleteOwner(Principal, Principal) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
deletePage(Page) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Deletes a page
deletePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Deletes pages for a non personalized community.
deletePageTemplate(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete a page template with the name passed.
deletePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
deletePageUserMode is called by the handlers to delete a page.
deleteScheduledOrder(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Delete the Scheduled Order from the scheduled order Repository
deleteStyle(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Delete a style with the name passed.
deleteTemplateOrder(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method deletes the template order.
deleteTemporaryFile() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Deletes the temporary file held by this value.
deleteUser(User) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given a User, delete it from this UserDirectory's repository.
deleteUser(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Deletes a persistent user whose id matches pProfileId.
DELIVERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
deliverElectronicGood(Order, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
deliverElectronicGood(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
DENIED - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returned by getAccess() if access is explicitly denied by the access control list.
DENIED - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
deny() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Deny the Membership request
DENY - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Indicates that the rights in this ACE should be specifically denied.
DENY_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
depart(Object, Map) - Method in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMapVisitor
Called after a visit() to a map and any nested maps.
depart(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
On the way back up, after visiting any sub-tags.
depart(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
We've enjoyed our visit with this tag but now it's time to say goodbye.
dependsOn(GSAItemDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if we have a reference from one of our property descriptors to the item-descriptor supplied (which may be of a different GSA repository).
deploy(DeploymentData[], DeploymentOptions, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method starts a new deployment using the data specified in the pDataArray parameter.
deploy(DeploymentData[], DeploymentOptions) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method starts a new deployment using the data specified in the pDataArray parameter.
deploy(DeploymentData, DeploymentOptions, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Convenience method to pass in a single DeploymentData object to deploy
deploy(DeploymentData, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Convenience method to pass in a single DeploymentData object to deploy
deploy(String, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method is used to resume a previously failed or cancelled deployment.
deployInitial(boolean, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Deploys the initial state of the target.
Deployment - Class in atg.deployment.server
A stateful representation of a Deployment.
Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator - Class in atg.deployment.server
Annoying to sort Projects for merge, so here is a Comparator.
Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator
Deployment.VersionContainerIncludeCheckerImpl - Class in atg.deployment.server
Deployment.VersionContainerIncludeCheckerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.Deployment.VersionContainerIncludeCheckerImpl
DEPLOYMENT_APPLY_PHASE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DEPLOYMENT_DELETED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DEPLOYMENT_DELETED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS_OUTCOME - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
DeploymentData - Interface in atg.deployment
An interface for DeploymentData classes.
DeploymentEmailer - Class in atg.deployment.common.event
A deployment event listener that sends email out when a deployment succeeds or fails.
DeploymentEmailer() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Constructs the DeploymentEmailer with no special arguments.
deploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
DeploymentEventListener method called for event firing.
DeploymentEvent - Class in atg.deployment.common.event
A deployment event denoting the change in state of a deployment or a deployment agent.
DeploymentEvent(DeploymentEventSender, ApplicationLogging) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Constructs an uninitialized event.
deploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent) - Method in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventListener
Method called on a deployment event.
DeploymentEventListener - Interface in atg.deployment.common.event
A simple interface defining a listener of DeploymentEvents.
DeploymentEventSender - Interface in atg.deployment.common.event
A simple interface to allow both server and agent to implement a common way of sending deployment events to listeners.
deploymentExists(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method is used to determine if a deployment exists with the given id.
deploymentFailed(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Called by a deployment object to be sure that a local event goes out to listeners registered for deployment notifications.
DeploymentLog - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class DeploymentLog ("Deployment log")
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the DeploymentLog.deploymentMode property.
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the DeploymentLog.deploymentType property.
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType
DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType
DeploymentLogEnumStatus - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the DeploymentLog.status property.
DeploymentLogEnumStatus(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
DeploymentLogEnumStatus() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
DeploymentLogHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
DeploymentManager - Class in atg.deployment
Manages the deployment of repository items from a source repository to a target repository.
DeploymentManager() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Default Constructor
DeploymentMessage - Class in atg.deployment.server.messaging
This class represents a base JMS message class for deployment messages.
DeploymentMessage() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
Constructs an empty JMS message
DeploymentMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
Constructs a JMS message with the given arguments.
DeploymentOptions - Class in atg.deployment
This class is used to pass in deployment specific options for the deploy() method in the DeploymentManager.
DeploymentOptions() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Default Constructor
DeploymentProgress - Class in atg.deployment
This class is used to return information about a deployment in progress.
DeploymentProgress(RepositoryItem, String) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
DeploymentServer - Class in atg.deployment.server
The DeploymentServer is the starting point of the publishing deployment API and represents the core controller of all deployment operations.
DeploymentServer() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Empty Constructor.
DeploymentStatusMessage - Class in atg.deployment.server.messaging
This class represents a JMS message deployment status.
DeploymentStatusMessage(int, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
Constructs a JMS message with the given arguments.
deployPrevious(String, boolean, Calendar, String, int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Performs a "back deployment" to the Target returning it to the state when the given Project was deployed and checked-in.
deployPrevious(String, boolean, Calendar, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
See deployPrevious.
deployProcessForImport(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Used by import tools for process deployment
deployProjects(String[], boolean, Calendar, String, int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Deploys the specified Projects to this target.
deployProjects(String[], boolean, Calendar, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
See deployProjects.
deployRevert(String, boolean, Calendar, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Functions the same as deploy() except that revert() is called first and the result is deployed to the target.
deregisterIncomingClient(InvalidationRelayRequestHandler) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Notifies the relay that an incoming client has detached
DERIVATION_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
DERIVATION_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
deriveAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Derive the availabilityStatus based on the properties of the item Always derives the status, does not check the current value of availabilityStatus.
deriveBundleAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Derives the availability status for a bundle.
derivePropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Determine the specified derived property value.
derivePropertyValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Determine the specified derived property value.
derivePropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Determine the specified derived property value.
derivePropertyValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Determine the specified derived property value.
derivePropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
This method will return the inventory level associated with the passed in catalogRefId.
derivePropertyValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
This method is not supported.
DESC_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
DESCENDING - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
DESCENDING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
descending: Descending SortByValue direction value
DESCRIPTION_SEARCH_STRING_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
deserializePrivateKey(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Validator
Deserializes a private key from the specified string, which contains the serialized form of the key represented as hexadecimal digits.
deserializePublicKey(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Validator
Deserializes a public key from the specified string, which contains the serialized form of the key represented as hexadecimal digits.
destroy() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Called when the servlet is to be destroyed
destroy() - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Destroys the servlet and cleans up whatever resources are being held.
destroy() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being taken out of service
DESTROY - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to destroy an object.
destroy() - Method in class atg.security.User
Destroys a user object.
destroy() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being taken out of service
destroy() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the web container to indicate to a servlet that it is being taken out of service
destroy() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Called when the servlet is to be destroyed
destroy(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being taken out of service
destroyConcrete(PortletSettings) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being taken out of service
destroyResource(Object) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Closes the connections to the remove server
destroyResource(Object) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Destroys the once pooled resource.
destroyResource(Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Closes the JDBC Connection.
destroyResource(Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Destroys a resource object of this pool.
destroyResource(Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Destroys a resource object of this pool.
DESTRUCTIVE_RETRIEVAL - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
DETAILED_ITEM_PRICE_AMOUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
DETAILED_ITEM_PRICE_AMOUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
DETAILED_ITEM_PRICE_INFO_CLASS_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
DETAILED_ITEM_PRICE_ORDER_DISCOUNT_SHARE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
DETAILED_ITEM_PRICE_TAX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
DetailedItemPriceInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents a breakdown of a CommerceItem's price.
DetailedItemPriceInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
Constructs an empty DetailedItemPriceInfo
DetailedItemPriceInfo(DetailedItemPriceInfo) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
Constructs a new DetailedItemPriceInfo that inherits the change history of the input pDetailedItemPriceInfo.
DetailedItemPriceTools - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class provides various methods for manipulating DetailedItemPriceInfos.
DetailedItemPriceTools(PricingTools) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Constructs an instance of DetailedItemPriceTools
DetailedRemoveException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
Exception used to indicate errors occured while removing items from a repository.
DetailedRemoveException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Default constructor.
DetailedRemoveException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Constructor which takes String input.
DetailedRemoveException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
DetailedRemoveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
DETAILS_RANGES_VALID_FOR_TARGET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
determineDiscountNumber(DetailedItemPriceInfo, QualifiedItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
determines the quantity to be discounted in the given detailed item price info
determineShippingAddress(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Determines a shipping address based on a ShippingGroup
DEV_LINE - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
DEV_LINE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
DEV_LINE_UID - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
DevelopmentLine - Interface in atg.versionmanager
A DevelopmentLine is a set of versions, with one from each included asset.
DEVICE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the device attribute.
Device - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
Encapsulates information about the client device
DeviceOutput - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a device output
DEVLINE_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
DictionaryParameterResolver - Class in atg.droplet.sql
Implements read-only functionality to retrieve values from the request parameters of the supplied request from a Dictionary class.
DigestPasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
A password hasher that utilizes the java.security.MessageDigest mechanism for hashing passwords.
DigestPasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
DINERSCLUB - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
DIR_ASCENDING - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Value used to indicate the ascending sort direction
DIR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
dir: Direction attribute name of SortByValue tag
DIR_DESCENDING - Static variable in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Value used to indicate the descending sort direction
direction() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Get the direction code for this entry, but in a way that is not accessible as a Java bean getter since only the enclosing class should ever be dealing with integer direction codes, which exist only for efficiency of the implementation.
DirectoryModificationException - Exception in atg.userdirectory
An exception representing a failure to modify a UserDirectory, and which may contains a source exception.
DirectoryModificationException() - Constructor for exception atg.userdirectory.DirectoryModificationException
Constructs a new DirectoryModificationException.
DirectoryModificationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.userdirectory.DirectoryModificationException
Constructs a new DirectoryModificationException.
DirectoryModificationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.userdirectory.DirectoryModificationException
Constructs a new DirectoryModificationException.
DirectoryPrincipal - Interface in atg.userdirectory
A DirectoryPrincipal is a Principal that is managed by a UserDirectory.
disableAutoLogin(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Does not allow this user's session to auto-login via URL paramater.
disableChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Disables the given chain so that threads cannot execute it.
DisableChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at disabling a pipeline chain.
DisableChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DisableChainException
Constructs a new DisableChainException.
DisableChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DisableChainException
Constructs a new DisableChainException with the given explanation.
DisableChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DisableChainException
Constructs a new DisableChainException.
DisableChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DisableChainException
Constructs a new DisableChainException with the given explanation.
DISABLED - Static variable in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
DISABLED - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
DISABLED mode turns the performance monitor off
disableItemCache() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Disable the item cache.
disableQueryCache() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Disable the query cache.
disableSendCookie(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Does not allow this user's session to send back a cookie Binds Boolean.FALSE in the session to the key defined by the constant SEND_COOKIE_FLAG,
DisallowedConnectionException - Exception in atg.server.tcp
An exception indicating that a connection to the server was not allowed
DisallowedConnectionException() - Constructor for exception atg.server.tcp.DisallowedConnectionException
DisallowedConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.server.tcp.DisallowedConnectionException
DISCARD_ASSET_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
discardAsset(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Removes an asset from the project completely.
DISCONTINUED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
DISCONTINUED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
DiscountCalculatorService - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A GenericService version of a discount calculator.
DiscountCalculatorService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Constructs a new DiscountCalculatorService
DISCOVER - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
dispatchElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
dispatchElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
dispatchElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
dispatchElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
dispatchElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Dispatches a Queue element to be handled.
DispatcherPipelineableServlet - Interface in atg.servlet.pipeline
DispatcherPipelineServletImpl - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This will redirect a request to one of several servlets based on some dispatching attribute of the request.
DispatcherPipelineServletImpl() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Constructs a new DispatcherPipelineServlet
DispatchLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This log listener sorts LogEvents by type and sends them to respective log listeners.
DispatchLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Constructs a DispatchLogger.
DispatchPortlet - Class in atg.portlet
A portlet which dispatches to a resource
DispatchPortlet() - Constructor for class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Constructs an instanceof DispatchPortlet
DispatchPortlet - Class in atg.websphere.wps.portlet
A portlet which dispatches to a resource
DispatchPortlet() - Constructor for class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Constructs an instanceof DispatchPortlet
dispatchQueueElements() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
This will read and dispatch elements from the Queue in a loop until the service is stopped.
DISPLAY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
DisplayableItem - Interface in atg.repository
displayLicense(Nucleus) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Displays the license in an AWT frame, returns true if accepted, false if not.
DisplayLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This is the base class for loggers which write to standard i/o devices such as a file or screen.
DisplayLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
DisplayMode - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Object representing a display mode
DISPLAYMODE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the display mode attribute.
DisplaySkuProperties - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
This droplet is capable of returning a string which is the concatentation of all the displayable properties for a sku.
DisplaySkuProperties() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This action sends PromotionClosenessDisqualification events for all closenessQualifiers in an item that was removed from an order.
DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
distributeAmountAcrossDetails(List, double, double, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method will distribute pAmountToDistribute across all teh detailedItemPriceInfos for each relationship in pShipItemRels.
distributeAmountAcrossDetails(List, double, double, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method will distribute pAmountToDistribute across all teh detailedItemPriceInfos for each relationship in pShipItemRels.
DistributorConstants - Interface in atg.distributor
An interface which holds constant values to be used in the various distributor classes.
DistributorProcess - Class in atg.distributor
DistributorProcess() - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
DistributorPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.distributor
DistributorPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof DistributorPropertyDescriptor
DistributorPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof DistributorPropertyDescriptor
DistributorPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof DistributorPropertyDescriptor
DistributorReader - Class in atg.distributor
The DistributorReader is a thread process which handles the communication protocol from the DistributorReceiver.
DistributorReader(Socket, DistributorReceiver) - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Constructs an instanceof DistributorReader
DistributorSender - Class in atg.distributor
Client agent that pushes files to DistributorReceivers (servers).
DistributorSender() - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs an instanceof DistributorSender
DistributorSender(String[]) - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs an instanceof DistributorSender
DistributorSender(String[], int) - Constructor for class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs an instanceof DistributorSender
DO_NOT_CACHE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Cache
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToOrder
Adds a marker to the order.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
Removes the marker(s) from the order.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
Removes the marker(s) from the order.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
Called by MarkerAction executeAction to do the business process stage marker processing.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToItem
Adds a marker to the item.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
This method is called by the executeAction method.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
Removes all markers from the item.
doAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
Adds a marker to the item.
doActions(Object) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Peforms the configured actions on the event now.
doAddItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Add one or more items to the order (the shopping cart).
doAddProductList(ProductComparisonList, String[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add all of the products specified by productIDList to the product comparison list, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
doAddProductListAllSkus(ProductComparisonList, String[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add all of the skus for all of the products specified by pProductIds to the product comparison list, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
doAs(User, Action) - Static method in class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
Calls the run() method in a Runnable object, associating the given User object with the current thread.
doAs(Action) - Method in class atg.security.User
Performs the specified action as this user.
doBusinessProcessStageAction(ProcessExecutionContext, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.AddBusinessProcessStage
Adds a business process marker.
doBusinessProcessStageAction(ProcessExecutionContext, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
Called by doAction to perform the business process marker action processing.
doBusinessProcessStageAction(ProcessExecutionContext, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
Removes the business process markers.
doCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Creates a user that is present as the request parameter, XML_ITEM_PARAM
DOCUMENT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the document output parameter
DocumentCache - Class in atg.xml.service
A DocumentCache can be used to store W3C Document Object Model objects.
DocumentCache() - Constructor for class atg.xml.service.DocumentCache
DocumentCacheKey - Class in atg.xml.service
A DocumentCacheKey can be used to index DocumentCacheValue objects in a Cache.
DocumentCacheKey(RepositoryItem, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Construct a document cache key using an atg.repository.RepositoryItem and the XML content property to be transformed into a W3C Document Object Model object.
DocumentCacheKey(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Construct a document cache key.
DocumentCacheKey(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Construct a document cache key.
DocumentCacheValue - Class in atg.xml.service
A DocumentCacheValue is used to store an instance of an org.w3c.dom.Document in a DocumentCache.
DocumentCacheValue() - Constructor for class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
DocumentSubmitter - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
Interface for submitting content to the indexer.
doDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Default implementation of DELETE.
doDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Deletes a user that matches the id present as the request parameter, UPDATE_ID_PARAM.
doEndTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
doesEventQualify(Object) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Checks to see if the incoming object qualifies to be handled.
doesParameterExist(String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
tests if a parameter has been provided.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the web container to indicate that a filter should filter a request/response
doFilterChain(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the filter to indicate that a filter should process the remaining filter chain.
doFilterRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the filter to indicate that a filter should filter a request (before the filter chain is called).
doFilterRequest(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the web continer to indicate that a filter should filter a request/response
doFilterResponse(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the filter to indicate that a filter should filter a response (after the filter chain has been called).
doFilterResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
doGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Default implementation of GET.
doLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Logs in a user.
doLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called to logout a user.
DOMWriterService - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.soap
This is a simple service which will receive an org.w3c.dom.Element object and print out the DOM associated wth it.
DOMWriterService() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
DONE_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_CANCEL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
DONE_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
DONE_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
doneCreate(String, Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Notifies the agent of the affected item types for a particular deployment via a Map with a key of affected repository path names to a Set value of affected item types.
doPost(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Default implementation of POST.
doPropertySetAsText(Class, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Gets an appropriate PropertyEditor and uses it to convert the specified value to the specified class.
doPut(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Default implementation of PUT.
doScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method is a call-back method.
doScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Callback method for the SingletonSchedulableService.
doScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Callback method for the SingletonSchedulableService.
doScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Perform the scheduled task for this service.
doSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Performs the search operation and generates the result set.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToOrder
This method adds a marker to the order provided.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarker
This method tests the last marker on an order.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarkerWithKey
This method tests the last marker with a specific key for a matching value, data and extended properties.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasMarker
This method tests for a matching marker using the key, value and extendedProperties.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
This method will remove markers from the order provided.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
This method will remove markers from the order provided.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.AddBusinessProcessStage
This method adds a business process marker using the configured business process manager.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.HasBusinessProcessStage
This method tests for a marker with a specific business process name and stage.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
This method calls the BusinessProcessManager to test the last business process marker with a given business process name.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
This method removes the business process marker through the BusinessProcessManager.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.AddMarkerToItem
This method adds a new marker to the item provided.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarker
This method tests the last marker on an item and sets the output parameters on success.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarkerWithKey
This method tests the item's last marker with a specific key for a matching value, data and extended properties.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.HasMarker
This method tests for a marker on an item
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
This method is called by the service method to perform the droplet's processing.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
This method removes all markers from the item provided Sets the following output parameters on success.
doService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromItem
This method removes markers from the item provided.
doSetPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called to actually change the current user's password.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Start the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DB2DBCopier
Start the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Start the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.SolidDBCopier
Start the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
doStartService() - Method in class atg.adapter.xml.XMLRepositoryService
Initializes the internal data structures of the repository
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
This method establishes the PerformanceMonitor operation name for this fulfiller.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method is called as service startup.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
doStartService() validates that the default reanimated state exists in the list of reanimated states and that the default lost state exists in the list of lost states
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
doStartService() validates that AbandonedOrderTools holds a valid component
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Prepare this OrderManager for use by calling initializeDefaultPropertyValues
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Start the OrderTools component.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Perform one-time startup operations, including copying property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Perform one-time startup operations, including copying property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Perform one-time startup operations, including copying property settings from the optional PurchaseProcessConfiguration component.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method gets called by Nucleus when the component is first created.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Initialize the price ranges for the calculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Checks to see if property qualifierService is set
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
Overrides GenericService's doStartService method to check for null properties
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
GenericService override
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Loads the global promotions.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
For each pricing engine load the default pricing models
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
GenericService override
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionXrefParser
Called when this service starts
doStartService() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
Parse the list of initialization strings from strings into an array of Place objects and store them in places
doStartService() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
doStartService() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Performs any necessary initializations to start up service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Schedules the recurring deployment job
doStartService() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Attempt to open a connection to each of the configured servers
doStartService() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Initializes this services after it is created by Nucleus.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Initialize data structures when service is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
Initialize and start the service
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Initialize data structures when service is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Verify that the Cybersource connection is non-null
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Initialize the service
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Initialize data structures when service is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
doStartService() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Validates the configuration by calling validateConfiguration and adds this object to the MarkerValidatorContainer.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Builds a map of business process configuration components keyed by the business process names.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Verifies the business process manager property is configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called as service startup.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Perfrom any necessary initializations to startup service.
If a schedule is provided, then it is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Schedules the rotation
doStartService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
doStartService() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
doStartService() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
doStartService() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
This method will allow this service to register itself with a ServiceManager.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Loads the logging event type ids.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method will determine if the mapping files pointed to by this component should be parsed on start-up.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Start up the service...
doStartService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Start up the service, parsing the definition file, etc.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
The default implementation is to just start our scheduled job.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Sets up the clients
doStartService() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This initializes the manager by reading the description files and creating the internal structures needed to handle the RelationalViews and caches.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
doStartService() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
When this service starts up, we may want to punch in some new accounts.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Overwrites GenericService superclass
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
Pre load the cache on start-up
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityProviderService
start this service
doStartService() - Method in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
doStartService() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
If the server is enabled this will start the server running, and create the minimum number of clients.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Starts the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingConsoleLogger
Very simple.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryConsoleLogger
Very simple.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Perform any necessary initializations to startup service.
If a schedule is provided, then it is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Perform any necessary initializations to startup service.
If a schedule is provided, then it is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Perform any necessary initializations to startup service.
If a schedule is provided, then it is started.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Perform any necessary initializations to startup service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Start the service
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Things to do when the service starts up.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Start the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Things to do when the service starts up.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Calls the auto loader for the configuration file.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Initializes the service by creating the queue (if it hasn't already been created).
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Register the driver is a connectionPoolName has been specified
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
The default implementation is to just start our scheduled job.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
This will start the thread running
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
This will initialize the service
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
This will start the thread running
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Setup the schedule to periodically set the time
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Build the table column descriptors from the current table information and column headings.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Initialize the prefix-to-authenticator correspondence arrays, if needed, on initialization.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl
Splices this servlet or servlet chain into a servlet pipeline, immediately after the insertAfterServlet.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
doStartService() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Start this group service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Start this dynamic content targeting service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Resolve the global Dynamo transaction manager and assign it to the transactionManager property for use in the service method.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Resolve the global Dynamo transaction manager and assign it to the transactionManager property for use in the service method.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method ensures that the userDirectory property is set before any method calls are made
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Start the service - make sure we have ProfileTools
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Invokes the service method to initialize the object
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called when this service starts, after its properties have been set.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Starts the service.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Validate the configured values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartService() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Tag which creates a version manager URI string with the given inputs.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Tag which truncates or escapes a string
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Returns a Results object which contains the asset of the given URI.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
This tag returns the set of User objects which contains the users which can be assigned to the task of the given workflow descriptor.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Returns a Results object which contains all the projects with the given status.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
Sets the output page variable to the project with the id given in the projectId property.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets the page variable defined in the id/var property to a collection of TaskInfo objects.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
Sets the output id/var variable to a Results object which contains the names and counts of all and required unsupplied asset variables.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag
Returns a list of Result objects which represent configured versioned asset types for repositories and files.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
Finds all the workflow descriptors in the system.
doStartTag() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
Finds the process's workflow descriptor and sets it into the variable supplied in id/var.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
doStopService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Stops the schedule for updating the global promotions
doStopService() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
doStopService() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Performs tasks required to shut down service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Removes the recurring deployment job from the scheduler
doStopService() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Attempt to close all the connections to each of the servers
doStopService() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Un-initialize data structures when service is stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Performs tasks required to shutdown service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Unschedules the rotation
doStopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
doStopService() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
doStopService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The default implementation is to just stop our scheduled job.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
When doStopService is called, exit out of our update activity thread, if any.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
This will stop the server from running by shutting down the server socket.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Stops the service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Stop the service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Flush our data buffers before we are stopped
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Performs tasks required to shutdown service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Performs tasks required to shutdown service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Performs tasks required to shutdown service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Called when the service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Things to do when the service is stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Stops the scheduled service for reinitializing the PipelineManager
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
This will shut down the threads reading from the Queue.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Send a shutdown event and stop the service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is called when the service is to be stopped.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
The default implementation is to just stop our scheduled job.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
This will stop the scheduler thread
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
This will stop the scheduler thread
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Stops the schedule for
doStopService() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
doStopService() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Stop this group service.
doStopService() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Stop this dynamic content targeting service.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
DoubleFormat(double) - Static method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Formats a double number, for example 5.08908 will be formatted to 5.08
DoubleFormat(double) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
DoubleRangeShippingCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
An abstract shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on comparing a value from the ShippingGroup to a series of ranges.
DoubleRangeShippingCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Constructs an instanceof DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
doUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Updates the user that is present as the request parameter, XML_ITEM_PARAM.
doWithTransaction(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.IndexingReadLockedTransactionAction
DPS_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Full Product Version Identifier
DPS_VERSION_NUM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Version number for this product
DPSMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
DPSMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Constructs a DPS message.
DPSMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Construcs an instanceof DPSMessage
DPSMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Construcs an instanceof DPSMessage
DPSMessage(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Construcs an instanceof DPSMessage
DPSMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Constructs a DPS message with no profileId.
DROPLET_ANCHOR_QUALIFIER - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The prefix to use for Anchor IDs
DROPLET_ANCHOR_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the query argument that identifies the value for an anchor property
DROPLET_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the query argument to use for identifying Droplet page requests
DROPLET_BEAN_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
DROPLET_BEFORE_GET_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the request attribute for the vector of beforeGet objects that implement DropletFormHandler
DROPLET_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the request attribute for the droplet event servlet
DROPLET_EVENT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The prefix to use for identifying Droplet form arguments
DROPLET_EVENT_SERVLET_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
DROPLET_EXCEPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the request attribute for the Vector of DropletFormExceptions that occurred trying to deliver the events for this request.
DROPLET_PARAM_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The prefix to use for recognizing references to Droplet parameters
DROPLET_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The prefix(es) to use for recognizing references to Droplet properties
DROPLET_SESSION_CONF - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The session secret parameter name.
DROPLET_SUBMIT_VALUE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The prefix to use for identifying "submit values" rendered for this tag
DropletBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
A base class for all the droplet BeanInfo classes.
DropletBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
DropletConstants - Interface in atg.droplet
DropletCustomizer - Interface in atg.droplet
Interface implemented by an AWT Component that will customize a DropletInvocation to call some droplet.
DropletDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
Caches the information needed to make efficient reflection calls to Droplet handler methods.
DropletEventServlet - Class in atg.droplet
DropletEventServlet() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
DropletException - Exception in atg.droplet
Represents an exception within Droplet
DropletException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Constructs a new DropletException with the given explanation
DropletException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Constructs a new DropletException with the given explanation and root exception.
DropletException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Constructs a new DropletException with the given message and detailed message.
DropletException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Constructs a new DropletException with the given explanation, root exception, and the message code.
DropletFormException - Exception in atg.droplet
Represents an exception that might occur when delivering a droplet event.
DropletFormException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Constructs a new DropletFormException with the given explanation
DropletFormException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Constructs a new DropletFormException with the given explanation.
DropletFormException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Constructs a new DropletFormException with the given explanation and root exception.
DropletFormException(String, Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Constructs a new DropletFormException with the given explanation, root exception, path name to the property that caused the exception, and the messageCode for the exception.
DropletFormHandler - Interface in atg.droplet
DropletImports - Class in atg.droplet
DropletImports() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletImports
DropletInvocation - Interface in atg.droplet
Interface representing an invocation of some droplet, to be customized by a DropletCustomizer.
DropletInvocation.Parameter - Class in atg.droplet
Support class representing a droplet parameter.
DropletInvocation.Parameter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletInvocation.Parameter
DropletInvocation.Parameter(String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletInvocation.Parameter
DropletNames - Class in atg.droplet
DropletNames() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DropletNames
dropTable(Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Executes the DROP TABLE statement needed to remove the table with this TableDeclaration's name.
dropTable(Connection) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Executes the DROP TABLE statement needed to remove the table with this TableDeclaration's name.
dropTables() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Drops all of the tables
DummyAddressVerificationProcessor - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class is a dummy address verification processor.
DummyAddressVerificationProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.DummyAddressVerificationProcessor
DummyCreditCardProcessor - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class is a dummy credit card processor.
DummyCreditCardProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.DummyCreditCardProcessor
DummyGiftCertificateProcessor - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class is a dummy gift certificate processor.
DummyGiftCertificateProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
DummyTaxProcessor - Class in atg.commerce.payment
Placeholder tax processor for testing tax processing APIs.
DummyTaxProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxProcessor
DummyTaxStatus - Class in atg.commerce.payment
Dummy tax status for use only with a DummyTaxProcessor.
DummyTaxStatus() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
meant to be a debugging aid, will print current key/value pairs the mMap hashtable to the supplied PrintStream, a prime example of which is System.out
dump() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
dumpCaches() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Dump the caches for this item descriptor
dumpHashMapMap(Map, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
For debugging, dump the map of tag data using the form handler's logDebug()
dumpMap(String, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
For debugging, dump the contents of a map and print a string indicating what property of the request this map represents.
dumpRequestInfo(ClientRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Dump request information.
dumpRequestInfo(ClientRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Debugging method.
duplicateChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Duplicates a chain and its links and returns the new chain object.
DuplicateChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at making a copy of a pipeline chain.
DuplicateChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DuplicateChainException
Constructs a new DuplicateChainException.
DuplicateChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DuplicateChainException
Constructs a new DuplicateChainException with the given explanation.
DuplicateChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DuplicateChainException
Constructs a new DuplicateChainException.
DuplicateChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.DuplicateChainException
Constructs a new DuplicateChainException with the given explanation.
DuplicateCommerceItemException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CommerceItem which already exists in a CommerceItemContainer is added.
DuplicateCommerceItemException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateCommerceItemException
Constructs a new DuplicateCommerceItemException
DuplicateCommerceItemException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateCommerceItemException
Constructs a new DuplicateCommerceItemException with the given explanation.
DuplicateCommerceItemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateCommerceItemException
Constructs a new DuplicateCommerceItemException.
DuplicateCommerceItemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateCommerceItemException
Constructs a new DuplicateCommerceItemException with the given explanation.
DuplicateCostCenterException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CostCenter which already exists in an CostCenterContainer is added.
DuplicateCostCenterException() - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.DuplicateCostCenterException
Constructs a new DuplicateCostCenterException
DuplicateCostCenterException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.DuplicateCostCenterException
Constructs a new DuplicateCostCenterException with the given explanation.
DuplicateCostCenterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.DuplicateCostCenterException
Constructs a new DuplicateCostCenterException.
DuplicateCostCenterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.order.DuplicateCostCenterException
Constructs a new DuplicateCostCenterException with the given explanation.
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a HandlingInstruction which already exists in a HandlingInstructionContainer is added.
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
Constructs a new DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
Constructs a new DuplicateHandlingInstructionException with the given explanation.
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
Constructs a new DuplicateHandlingInstructionException.
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateHandlingInstructionException
Constructs a new DuplicateHandlingInstructionException with the given explanation.
DuplicateIdException - Exception in atg.repository
A RepositoryException that indicates an attempt was made to use a RepositoryItem id that is already in use.
DuplicateIdException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.DuplicateIdException
Construct a new exception for the given id
DuplicateIdException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.DuplicateIdException
Construct a new exception for the given item descriptor name and id.
DuplicatePaymentGroupException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a PaymentGroup which already exists in an PaymentGroupContainer is added.
DuplicatePaymentGroupException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicatePaymentGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicatePaymentGroupException
DuplicatePaymentGroupException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicatePaymentGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicatePaymentGroupException with the given explanation.
DuplicatePaymentGroupException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicatePaymentGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicatePaymentGroupException.
DuplicatePaymentGroupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicatePaymentGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicatePaymentGroupException with the given explanation.
DuplicateRegionException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while registering a layout template with duplicate region names.
DuplicateRegionException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.DuplicateRegionException
Constructs a new DuplicateRegionException
DuplicateRegionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.DuplicateRegionException
Constructs a new DuplicateRegionException with the given explanation.
DuplicateRegionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.DuplicateRegionException
Constructs a new DuplicateRegionException.
DuplicateRegionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.DuplicateRegionException
Constructs a new DuplicateRegionException with the given explanation.
DuplicateRelationshipException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a Relationship which already exists in a RelationshipContainer is added.
DuplicateRelationshipException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateRelationshipException
Constructs a new DuplicateRelationshipException
DuplicateRelationshipException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateRelationshipException
Constructs a new DuplicateRelationshipException with the given explanation.
DuplicateRelationshipException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateRelationshipException
Constructs a new DuplicateRelationshipException.
DuplicateRelationshipException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateRelationshipException
Constructs a new DuplicateRelationshipException with the given explanation.
DuplicateShippingGroupException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a ShippingGroup which already exists in a ShippingGroupContainer is added.
DuplicateShippingGroupException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateShippingGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicateShippingGroupException
DuplicateShippingGroupException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateShippingGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicateShippingGroupException with the given explanation.
DuplicateShippingGroupException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateShippingGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicateShippingGroupException.
DuplicateShippingGroupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.DuplicateShippingGroupException
Constructs a new DuplicateShippingGroupException with the given explanation.
DUPLICATION_MODE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the duplicationMode parameter
DynamicBeanDescriptor - Class in atg.beans
This class provides meta-information on a dynamic bean type, particularly for user interfaces that have to manipulate objects possessing DynamicTypes.
DynamicBeanDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeanDescriptor
Constructs a new DynamicBeanDescriptor.
DynamicBeanDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeanDescriptor
Constructs a new DynamicBeanDescriptor.
DynamicBeanDescriptor(BeanDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeanDescriptor
Constructs a DynamicBeanDescriptor instance based on a regular java.beans.BeanDescriptor.
DynamicBeanInfo - Interface in atg.beans
This interface is used to describe a set of dynamic properties that occur together and have consistent behavior and semantics, analogous to a Class.
DynamicBeans - Class in atg.beans
Generic support for dynamic beans: objects exhibiting a set of dynamic properties at runtime.
DynamicBeans() - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
DynamicBeanState - Class in atg.beans
A DynamicBeanState is used to package the state of a DynamicBean's properties and metadata in a serializable form, regardless of the serializability of the original DynamicBean.
DynamicBeanState(Object) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Construct a DynamicBeanState initialized from the given "source bean".
DynamicBeanStateMapper - Class in atg.beans
Implementation of DynamicPropertyMapper that can work with a DynamicBeanState.
DynamicBeanStateMapper() - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicBeanStateMapper
DynamicBeanTyper - Interface in atg.beans
This interface describes a DynamicBeanTyper: an object that can yield a DynamicBeanInfo from a dynamic bean type for one of whose Java class or interface the DynamicBeanTyper has registered.
DynamicContentGroup - Class in atg.targeting
This implementation of RepositoryItemGroup exists primarily for use with the Dynamo Personalization Control Center (aka PCC, the business user's interface to targeting in the Dynamo 4 personalization system).
DynamicContentGroup() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
DynamicContentTargeter - Class in atg.targeting
This implementation of Targeter exists primarily for use with the Dynamo Personalization Control Center (aka PCC, the business user's interface to targeting in the Dynamo 4 personalization system).
DynamicContentTargeter() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
DynamicParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This is an abstract class for ParamDescriptors that should be extended by the various ways to derive the type of a parameter dynamically.
DynamicParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DynamicParamDescriptor
DynamicParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.DynamicParamDescriptor
Construct an ArrayElementParamDescriptor.
DynamicProfileGroup - Class in atg.targeting
This class is a featureless subclass of DynamicContentGroup which only exists for the purpose of having a different BeanInfo icon.
DynamicProfileGroup() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.DynamicProfileGroup
DynamicPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.beans
This class is used to describe an individual dynamic property accessible via a DynamicPropertyMapper.
DynamicPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new DynamicPropertyDescriptor.
DynamicPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new DynamicPropertyDescriptor.
DynamicPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a DynamicPropertyDescriptor instance based on a regular java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.
DynamicPropertyDescriptor(DynamicPropertyDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a DynamicPropertyDescriptor instance based on an existing DynamicPropertyDescriptor.
DynamicPropertyMapper - Interface in atg.beans
This interface describes a DynamicPropertyMapper: an object that can get and set dynamic properties of dynamic beans belonging to Java classes or interfaces for which it has registered.
DYNAMO_CONTEXT_ROOT - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
DYNAMO_INITIAL_CONTEXT_POOL_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
DYNAMO_SESSION_MANAGER_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
DynamoHttpServletRequest - Class in atg.servlet
This is an HttpServletRequest implementation that wrappers another HttpServletRequest object providing an enhanced API for Dynamo programmers.
DynamoHttpServletRequest() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Constructs a new DynamoHttpServletRequest.
DynamoHttpServletResponse - Class in atg.servlet
This object implements an extended version of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.
DynamoHttpServletResponse() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Constructs a new wrapper javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse wrapper
DynamoHttpServletResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Constructs a new wrapper javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse wrapper
DynamoPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This servlet performs dynamo specific processing on the request and response object.
DynamoPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Constructs a new DynamoPipelineServlet
DynamoServlet - Class in atg.servlet
This is an HttpServlet implementation that is also a Nucleus service.
DynamoServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet


editCostCenter(RepositoryItem, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Changes the properties of a cost center in the user's Profile under the costCenter attribute.
ElectronicFulfiller - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This fulfiller is used to fulfill shipping groups that contain electronic goods.
ElectronicFulfiller() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
ELECTRONICGOOD - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ElectronicShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of a ElectronicShippingGroup.
ElectronicShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ElectronicShippingGroup
ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
ElementDescriptor - Class in atg.workflow
Description of some element of a workflow.
ElementDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Constructs an ElementDescriptor with the given logical name.
elements() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
EmailEvent - Class in atg.service.email
EmailEvent() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String[], String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String[], String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String, String, String, String[], Map) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(String, String[], String, String, String[], Map) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailEvent(Message) - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
EmailExaminer - Interface in atg.service.email.examiner
This interface provides methods for examining javax.mail.Message objects.
EmailException - Exception in atg.service.email
Indicates that an error occurred while sending email.
EmailException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.email.EmailException
EmailException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.email.EmailException
EmailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.email.EmailException
EmailFormHandler - Class in atg.service.email
This class allows an application to send an email using data entered by the user in an html form.
EmailFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Constructs an EmailFormHandler object.
EmailListener - Interface in atg.service.email
An interface that describes a mechanism for managing sending email events.
EmailListenerQueue - Class in atg.service.email
This is a queueing version of the interface atg.service.email.EmailListener.
EmailListenerQueue() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
EmailLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This log listener writes the logged events as an email message.
EmailLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Constructs an EmailLogger.
EmailMessageSender - Interface in atg.service.email
An interface for sending javax.mail.Message objects.
emailNotification(TemplateEmailEvent) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailListener
Called when a TemplateEmailEvent occurs.
EmailSender - Interface in atg.service.email
An interface that describes a mechanism for managing sending email events.
embed(String, Servlet, DynamoHttpServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
embed(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Embeds an html or jhtml file into the current request.
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The open parameter that indicates that there were no results
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlList
An empty access control list, useful as a default or error value for routines that need to return such a thing.
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
EMPTY_ACL - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlList
EMPTY_LIST - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
EMPTY_MAP - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
EMPTY_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the empty output parameter.
EMPTY_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the empty open parameter
EMPTY_SEARCH_VALUES_DISALLOW - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: cant combine these properties
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
EmptyFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet
EmptyFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
EmptyProcessor - Class in atg.service.pipeline.processor
This processor does nothing at all.
EmptyProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
enableChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Enables the given chain so that threads can execute it.
EnableChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at enabling a pipeline chain.
EnableChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.EnableChainException
Constructs a new EnableChainException.
EnableChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.EnableChainException
Constructs a new EnableChainException with the given explanation.
EnableChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.EnableChainException
Constructs a new EnableChainException.
EnableChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.EnableChainException
Constructs a new EnableChainException with the given explanation.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class atg.security.Base16Encoder
Returns a string representation of a series of bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class atg.security.Base64Encoder
Returns a string representation of a series of bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Method in interface atg.security.BinaryToTextEncoder
Returns a string representation of a series of bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class atg.security.NullEncoder
Returns a string representation of a series of bytes.
ENCODE_CONTEXT_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ENCODE_IF_NOT_THERE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ENCODE_NONE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
encodeArrayData(String[], String, String, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Translate an array into a string of encoded values using the specified delimiter and separator values.
encodeCollectionData(Collection, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Translate a collection into a string of encoded values using the specified delimiter and separator values.
encodeCompositeKey(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Encode an array of ID values to be used as a Repository ID
encodeCompositeKey(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Encode an array of ID values to be used as a Repository ID
encodeCompositeKey(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Encode an array of ID values to be used as a Repository ID
encodeGearURL(String, GearContext) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse
Encodes a gear url with specified gear context
encodeGearURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse
Encodes a return gear url, encoding session id and gear specific parameters
encodeHTMLFile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.pagefilter.PageFilterUtil
Takes the file name specified, parses it and encodes all URLs it found using the request.encodeURL method.
encodeMapData(Map, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Translate a map into a string of encoded key/value pairs using the specified delimiter and separator values
encodePortalURL(String, PortalContext) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletResponse
Encodes a portal url with specified portal context
encodePortalURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletResponse
Encodes a return portal url, encoding session id and portal specific parameters
encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Encodes the specified URL for use in the sendRedirect method or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged.
encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. This will return an "encoded" version of the specified URL for use in the "HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect" method.
encodeURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated parameters.
encodeURL(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
encodeURL(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
encodeUrl(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
encodeURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Encodes the specified URL by including the session ID in it, or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged.
encodeURL(String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. This will return an "encoded" version of the specified URL, by including the session ID in the URL.
encodeURL(String, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. This will return an "encoded" version of the specified URL, by including the session ID in the URL.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitable for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Hashes a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.PasswordHasher2Adapter
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Encrypts a password suitably for long-term storage.
encryptPassword(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Takes the cleartext password of the given profile, encrypts it, and resets it to the encrypted version
END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
end(boolean) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
This must be called at the end of a section of code demarcated by this TransactionDemarcation, preferably in a finally clause.
end() - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
This calls end with a rollback flag of false, meaning that it will commit the transaction unless it has been marked for rollback only.
endOperation() - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the end of the most recent operation in the code for which monitoring has been started, but not yet ended.
endOperation(String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the end of an operation in the code
endOperation(String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the end of an operation in the code and supplies a parameter
endOperation(String, String, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the end of an operation in the code and supplies a parameter.
endOperation(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Checks the given request to see if the OPERATION_END_PARAM is present and set to true
endOperationInternal(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
The endOperation which does the work for the performance monitor.
endOperationValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the value of the OPERATION_END_PARAM_NAME from the given request.
endPage(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should service a request/response for the end of a page
ENDRANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that indicates the end value of the current batch
endRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Clean up after the request once it has finished.
ENDS_WITH - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation ENDS_WITH.
endSession(DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
End a document submitter session.
endSession(String) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
This method doesn't do anything.
endSession() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
End the session...
EndSessionMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
A message signifying a session end.
EndSessionMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Creates a new blank EndSessionMessage
EndSessionMessage(RepositoryItem, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Creates a new EndSessionMessage with the given profile.
endTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
End the current transaction.
EndTransactionDroplet - Class in atg.dtm
The EndTransactionDroplet is used in a page to "manually" commit or rollback the current transaction.
EndTransactionDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
ensureContainers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Internal method to refresh the Commerce object list
ensureEquivalentUserAuthorities(UserAuthority, Persona) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Ensures that a persona has an equivalent user authority to the indicated authority.
ensureEquivalentUserAuthorities(UserAuthority, AccessControlList) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Ensures that all of the personae in an access control list have equivalent user authorities to the indicated user authority.
ensureList(Order, List, List, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
ensureNoIds(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
ensurePaymentGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
ensurePaymentGroup is used to ensure that the Order has a PaymentGroup of type CreditCard.
ensureShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
ensureShippingGroup is used to ensure that the Order has a ShippingGroup of type HardgoodShippingGroup.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
ensureTransaction() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
This method ensures that a transaction exists before returning.
entries() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
entrySet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
Enum - Class in atg.core.util
Base class for enumerated Objects.
Enum(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.core.util.Enum
The subclass constructor should be private.
ENUM - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"enum", ordinal 2
Enum.EnumEditor - Class in atg.core.util
Utility class to allow Enum objects to be used as properties of JavaBeans; the editor exposes tag values equal to the Enum values' logical names.
Enum.EnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.Enum.EnumEditor
Enum.LocaleEnumEditor - Class in atg.core.util
Utility class to allow Enum objects to be used as properties of JavaBeans; the editor exposes tag values obtained by looking up the Enum values' logical names in a ResourceBundle.
Enum.LocaleEnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
ENUM_PASS_ALL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
ENUM_PASS_LOCAL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
ENUM_PASS_NONE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
ENUM_PASS_POST - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
ENUM_PASS_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
ENUMERATED - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
ENUMERATED - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Environment - Interface in atg.portal.framework
An Environment represents the context in which a page renders.
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
ENVIRONMENT_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
EPubHomes - Class in atg.epub.project
This is the factory for obtaining pointers to this package's Home classes.
EPubHomes() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
EQUAL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Compare this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Two secured repository items are considered equal if they share the same item descriptor and ID.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Compare two Entries for equality, where equality is defined as both Entries having the same category, product, and sku.
EQUALS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
equals(Object) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns true if pOrder is the same as this Order.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns true if pOrder is the same as this Order.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one, meaning that they are both instances of OrderMergeEvent, and that they reflect the same source and destination orders and the same value for willDeleteSource.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Returns true if the current and saved orders are the equal
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Return true if this item's list of strings is the same as obj's list of strings
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Returns true if the given object is an ExpressionFilter with the same operator and operands.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Returns true if the given object is a ProcessElementInfo with the same property values.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns true if this RepositoryItemDescriptor and the supplied object (which should also be a RepositoryItemDescriptor) have the exact same set of properties (as defined by their name).
EQUALS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation ==
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Are these the same item?
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns true if the given SortDirective has the same property and sort direction as this one, and false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns true if the given SortDirectives has same number of elements as this one and each individual SortDirective object in the given SortDirectives equals (via its equals method) the corresponding SortDirective in this SortDirectives object.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Returns true if the given object is an ExpressionFilter with the same operator and operands.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
equals(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.AccessRight
Returns true if this access right is the same as another.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Returns true if both account objects have equivalent login, first name, last name, and description.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns true if this persona is equivalent to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Returns true if this access right is the same as another.
equals(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns true if this persona is equivalent to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns true if this persona is equivalent to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.Privilege
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns true if this persona is equivalent to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Determine if this object is equal to another.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Compare an object for equality with this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns true if the given object is an AbsoluteSchedule with the same job time as this schedule.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns true if the given object is a CalendarSchedule with all the same settings as this schedule.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns true if the given object is a PeriodicSchedule with the same settings as this schedule.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Equality test
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Determines equality with another OutcomeDescriptor.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Determines equality with another TaskDescriptor.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Determines equality with another WorkflowDescriptor, based on the equality of process and segment names.
equals(Object) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
DocumentCacheKey override of equals method
EQUALS_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
equalStrings(String, String) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Compares two strings for equivalence.
equalTransactions(Transaction, Transaction) - Static method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Compare two Transactions for equality.
ERR_ADD_BAD_STATE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
ERR_ADD_NULL_SPACE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
ERR_BAD_SPACE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
ERR_DUPLICATE_LIST_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
ERR_HWM_BAD_STATE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
ERR_HWM_FAIL - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
ERR_NO_MARSHAL_SERVICE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
ERR_NO_ORG_DESC - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_NO_ORG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_NO_PARENT_ORG_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_NO_SOAP_CLIENT - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
ERR_NO_USER_PKEY - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_NULL_DS - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
ERR_NULL_LIST_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
ERR_ORG_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_QUERY_TABLE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
ERR_READING_BOOTSTRAP_SPACES - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
ERR_RESERVE_BAD_STATE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
ERR_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
ERR_TOO_DENSE - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
ERR_UNABLE_ASSIGN_REL_ROLE - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_UNABLE_TO_ADD_ORG - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_UNABLE_TO_ASSIGN_ROLES - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LIST - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
ERR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ROLES - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
ERR_UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
The open parameter that indicates that there was an error
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The open parameter that indicates that there was an error
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR - Variable in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Register this class to handle parse exceptions during a mapping file.
Error - Interface in atg.repository.loader
A JavaBean interface that describes a failed file/repository item operation.
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
Parameter to this bean.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface method.
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
ERROR - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a recoverable SAX error.
error(TransformerException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a recoverable TrAX error.
ERROR_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_APPLY - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_APPLY_COMMITTED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_APPLY_COMMITTED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_CANCEL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_EVENT_INTERRUPT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_INSTALL - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_LOAD - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_LOAD_INCOMPLETE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_LOAD_MISSING - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_LOCK - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_MISSING_BILLING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_BILLING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_LOCK_MANAGER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_LOCK_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_SHIPPING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
ERROR_MISSING_TRANSACTION_MANAGER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
ERROR_MSG_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the errorMsg output parameter.
ERROR_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ERROR_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the error output parameter.
ERROR_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
ERROR_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_PREPARE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_RESPONSE_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
If an action error occurs, ignore it and continue with the process instance(s)
ERROR_RESPONSE_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
Deprecated. If an action error occurs, ignore it and continue with the scenario instance(s)
ERROR_RESPONSE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
If an action error occurs, respond in the default way, as specified in the action registry
ERROR_RESPONSE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
Deprecated. If an action error occurs, respond in the default way, as specified in the action registry
ERROR_RESPONSE_DELETE - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
If an action error occurs, delete the process instance(s)
ERROR_RESPONSE_DELETE - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
Deprecated. If an action error occurs, delete the scenario instance(s)
ERROR_RESPONSE_INSTANCE_DELETED - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
Used in the case where the process instance(s) (and possibly the subject) get deleted by the action; the process engine will abort execution immediately
ERROR_RESPONSE_RETRY - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
If an action error occurs, leave the process instance(s) in the old state
ERROR_SERVLET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
ERROR_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
ERROR_STOP - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_SWITCH - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_TRANSPORT_UNINSTANTIATED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ERROR_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.BatchElement
ErrorList - Interface in atg.repository.loader
A JavaBean interface that represents an aggregation of the Job's known Errors, collected from each completed Batch.
ErrorLogEvent - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
An error log event that can take a message, a Throwable, or both.
ErrorLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Constructs a ErrorLogEvent with the given message.
ErrorLogEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Constructs a ErrorLogEvent with the given message and originator
ErrorLogEvent(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Constructs a ErrorLogEvent with the given message and throwable
ErrorLogEvent(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Constructs a ErrorLogEvent with the given message, originator and throwable
ERRORMESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
The output parameter that includes the error message.
ERRORMESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
The output parameter that includes the error message.
ERRORMESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that includes the error message.
ErrorMessageForEach - Class in atg.droplet
The servlet takes a list of exceptions and renders the text of an error message for each exception, by translating the message and propertyName properties of the exception.
ErrorMessageForEach() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
ErrorMessageForEachBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the ErrorMessageForEach droplet.
ErrorMessageForEachBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEachBeanInfo
errorMsg(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and an array of message arguments.
errorMsg(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Get an error message string based on an error message resource key.
errorMsg(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and an array of message arguments.
errorMsg(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key.
errorMsg(String, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and a single message argument.
errorMsg(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and an array of message arguments.
errorMsg(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key.
errorMsg(String, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and a single message argument.
errorMsg(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Get a formatted error message string based on an error message resource key and an array of message arguments.
ErrorPolicy - Interface in atg.repository.loader
An ErrorPolicy defines the way in which a Job handles errors encountered when processing files for the Repository Loader.
ERRORS_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the errors outpu parameter
ERRORS_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the errors paramameter
escape(Object) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Append escaped string to buffer
escape(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Append escaped string to buffer
escapeAndAppendUrl(StringBuffer, char[]) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
URL encode the contents of a character array and append them to the provided StringBuffer.
escapeAndAppendUrlString(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
URL encode the contents of the String and append them to the provided StringBuffer.
escapeHtmlString(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns a string that is properly escaped for use either as an HTML attribute value or an HTML content section.
escapeHtmlString(String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns a string that is properly escaped for use either as an HTML attribute value or an HTML content section.
EscapeHTMLTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
This converter converts an Object value into a String using the toString method, then escapes special characters like < into the escaped equivalent.
EscapeHTMLTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
EscapeHTMLTextTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Support for HTML escaping and truncating text
EscapeHTMLTextTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Constructs an instanceof PagingEnvTag
EscapeHTMLTextTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
EscapeHTMLTextTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag.TEI
escapeUrlString(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Return the passed in String as a URL escaped String.
escapeUrlString(StringBuffer) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
escapeURLString(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return the passed in String as a URL encoded String.
EuroTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
A tag converter which will parse and format a currency amounts if and only if the user's locale indicates a country/language that supports the Euro.
EuroTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Constructs an instance of EuroTagConverter
evalDynamicDimensions(PropertyName, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Goes through the dimensions string and replaces the param: and property: values with their current values.
evalDynamicDimensions(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Goes through the dimensions string and replaces the param: and property: values with their current values.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
Evaluates this filter in the given process execution context.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.HasBusinessProcessStage
Called when evaluating the condition.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
Called when evaluating the condition.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
Evaluates this filter in the given process execution context.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Evaluates this filter in the given process execution context.
evaluate(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Evaluates this filter in the given scenario execution context.
evaluate(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Evaluates this filter in the given scenario execution context.
evaluateClosenessQualifier(AmountInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Evaluates the closenessQualifier contained within pPricingModel to see if the order qualifies.
evaluateClosenessQualifier(OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Determines if the given order meets the closenessQualifiers of a given pricingModel.
evaluateClosenessQualifier(ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Determines if the given shipping group meets the closenessQualifiers of a given pricingModel.
evaluateClosenessQualifier(TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Determines if the given order meets the closenessQualifiers of a given tax pricingModel.
evaluateQualifier(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
evaluates the qualifier of a cached PMDL rule.
evaluateRqlFilterParams() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Evaluates our current rql filter params and returns all evaluated values
evaluateRule(Rule, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
This method evaluates a Rule object an returns either true or false.
evaluateTarget(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
evaluates the target of a cached PMDL rule.
EvaluationException - Exception in atg.commerce.expression
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing an evaluation operation.
EvaluationException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.expression.EvaluationException
Constructs a new EvaluationException.
EvaluationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.expression.EvaluationException
Constructs a new EvaluationException with the given explanation.
EvaluationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.expression.EvaluationException
Constructs a new EvaluationException.
EvaluationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.expression.EvaluationException
Constructs a new EvaluationException with the given explanation.
EVENT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
EVENT_DATE - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
EVENT_INTERRUPT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
EVENT_OBJECT - Variable in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
The parameter containing the object to be sent in the JMS message
EVENT_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
EventChannelListener - Interface in atg.service.event
Basic methods required to make a handler.
EventException - Exception in atg.service.event
EventException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.event.EventException
Constructs a new EventException.
EventException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.event.EventException
Constructs a new EventException with the given explanation.
EventException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.event.EventException
Constructs a new EventException.
EventException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.event.EventException
Constructs a new EventException with the given explanation.
EventHandlerRegistry - Class in atg.service.event
Central mechanism by which handlers are registered to listen to specific event channels.
EventHandlerRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Empty constructor.
EVENTNAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
EventQueue - Class in atg.service.queue
This is the base class for objects that queue up method calls.
EventQueue() - Constructor for class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Constructs a new EventQueue
EventQueueElement - Interface in atg.service.queue
Represents one element in the EventQueue.
EventQueueGenerator - Class in atg.service.queue
This class is a standalone tool, that generates an EventQueue service for a particular event listener interface.
EventQueueGenerator(String, String, String, Class, PrintStream) - Constructor for class atg.service.queue.EventQueueGenerator
Constructs an EventQueueGenerator for the specified class, sending the event queue class definition to the specified PrintStream.
EventReceiver - Interface in atg.droplet
An EventReceiver is a tag that receives events from requests (either Anchor events or Form events).
EventSender - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This is a base class that should be extended by other processors that wish to send events from within a chain.
EventSender() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
An empty constructor.
EventSender - Class in atg.droplet
EventSender() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.EventSender
EventSender(ApplicationLogging, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.EventSender
EventSenderDroplet - Class in atg.dms.patchbay
This droplet was created to allow the user to send an object message by passing it in as a parameter: eventobject.
EventSenderDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
EveryonePersona - Class in atg.security
A special version of a persona that acts as if it has all other personae in the same user authority as sub-personae.
EveryonePersona() - Constructor for class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Creates an un-associated persona that applies to everyone in a user authority.
EveryonePersona(UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Creates a persona that applies to everyone in a user authority.
examineEmail(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
This is a generic method that can be used to examine a message in an implementation-specific manner and in a context that is meaningful to the developer implementing it.
examineEmail(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
This method examines the given message in some implementation specific manner.
examineEmail(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method examines the given message in some implementation specific manner.
EXCEPTION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
EXCLUDE_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
ExcludeItemsInCartFilter - Class in atg.commerce.collections.filter
This filter generates filtered results based on the products in the current order.
ExcludeItemsInCartFilter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
execCgi(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Executes the CGI command passed in with pPath.
execute(Object) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
Application code should call this method to execute a RPC call

This method will check to see if there is a CommandHandler configured on this component and if so, will call the executeCommand() on that particular CommandHandler.

execute(Object) - Method in interface atg.integrations.Command
Executes RPC Call at the configured back end system.
execute(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.process.action.Action
Executes the action in the given process execution context.
execute(ProcessExecutionContext[]) - Method in interface atg.process.action.Action
Executes the action in each of the given process execution contexts.
execute(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Executes the action in the given process execution context.
execute(ProcessExecutionContext[]) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Executes the action in each of the given process execution contexts.
execute(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.scenario.action.Action
Deprecated. Executes the action in the given scenario execution context.
execute(ScenarioExecutionContext[]) - Method in interface atg.scenario.action.Action
Deprecated. Executes the action in each of the given scenario execution contexts.
execute(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Executes the action in the given scenario execution context.
execute(ScenarioExecutionContext[]) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Executes the action in each of the given scenario execution contexts.
EXECUTE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to perform an action on an object.
execute(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to execute
execute() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to execute
execute(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that any auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to execute
execute() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to execute
execute(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that any auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to execute
execute(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that any auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
EXECUTE - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.TaskAccessRights
The ability to execute, claim, and release a task.
EXECUTE - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowAccessRights
The ability to execute a workflow.
EXECUTE_PREPARED_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
EXECUTE_PREPARED_UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
EXECUTE_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
EXECUTE_UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
This method executes the action by calling the convertAbandonedOrder method of AbandonedOrderTools.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
This method executes the action by calling the setLastUpdated method of AbandonedOrderTools.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
This method executes the action by calling the reanimateAbandonedOrder method of AbandonedOrderTools.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
This method executes the action by calling the setLastUpdated method of AbandonedOrderTools.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Ensures a transaction and calls the doAction method.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Executes this action in the given single process execution context.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
This method peforms the work for the action.
executeAction(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Executes this action in the given single scenario execution context.
executeAction(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
executeBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to executeBatch
executeBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to executeBatch
executeBatch() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to executeBatch
executeCommand(Command, Object) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler
Checks to see if nextCommandHandler is set.
executeCommand(Command, Object) - Method in interface atg.integrations.CommandHandler
Process the Command and input to the Command before or after invoking the NextCommandHandler.
executeCommand(Command, Map) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Executes the command with the inputMap passed.
executeCountQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute a query that returns the count of items that would be returned in the specifed query were executed.
executeCountQuery(Query, Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute a query that returns the count of items that would be returned in the specifed query were executed.
executeCountQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Executes a query that returns the number of items that would be returned by given query.
executeCountQuery(Query, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns the number of items found that satisfy it.
executeCountQuery(Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes a query that returns the number of items that would be returned by given query.
executeCountQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes a query that returns the number of items that would be returned by given query.
executeCountQuery(RepositoryView, Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Executes the query represented by this RqlStatement and returns the number of results in the result set.
executeDirectSqlQuery(DirectSqlQuery, int, int, SortDirectives, Object[], QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Executes a direct sql query, which can contain user-defined returned properties and query dependencies
executeErrorChain(ObjectMessage, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method is executed when a fatal error occurs.
EXECUTEFULFILLORDERFRAGMENT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
executeFunction(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Executes a predefined function, identified by name.
executeFunction(String, Object) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Executes a predefined function, identified by name.
executeFunction(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Executes a predefined function, identified by name.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, SortDirectives, Object[], QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute the specified query and return the results.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute the specified query and return the results.
executeQuery(Query, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, SortDirectives, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, int, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, SortDirectives, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, SortDirectives, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, QueryOptions, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.ParameterSupportView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, SortDirectives) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, SortDirectives) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, SortDirectives) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, QueryOptions) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(Query, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, beginning at the starting index element.
executeQuery(Query, int, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, int, int, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of matching RepositoryItems, which are contained within a total potential result set.
executeQuery(Query, QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Executes the given query and returns an array of the matching RepositoryItems (not ids)
executeQuery(RepositoryView, Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Executes the query represented by this RqlStatement, including the sorting, range and property hints clauses, and returns the results.
executeQuery(Repository, Query, RepositoryView, SortDirectives, int, int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Excecute a repository query
executeQuery(Repository, Query, String, SortDirectives, int, int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Excecute a repository query
executeQuery(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to executeQuery
executeQuery() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to executeQuery
executeQuery(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to executeQuery
executeQuery() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to executeQuery
executeQuery(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to executeQuery
executeQueryCommand(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Execute the given command using the given inputs
executeQueryUncached(RepositoryView, Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Executes the query represented by this RqlStatement, including the sorting, range and property hints clauses, and returns the results.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String, int) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String, int, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeRepositoryTargeter(String, int, int, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Executes the repository targeter that exists at pTargeterPath in the config layer, and returns the results as Repo2XML items.
executeSingleQuery(Clause, SortDirectives, int, int, Connection, Object[], GSATransaction, QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute a query and return the results.
executeSingleQuery(Clause, SortDirectives, int, int, Connection) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute a query and return the results.
executeSingleQuery(Clause, SortDirectives, int, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Execute a query and return the results.
executeSynchronizationsOnly() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Do an incremental update, but only run the synchronizations, do NOT process any queued updates.
executeUncachedQuery(Query, QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Query the item using the item descriptor
executeUncachedQuery(Query, QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Subclasses determine how query requests are actually satisfied
executeUncachedQuery(Query, QueryOptions, Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
This is a stub implementation so that the QueryCache doesn't have to deal with specific RepositoryView implementations when it calls executeUncachedQuery() with variables.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to executeUpdate
executeUpdate() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to executeUpdate
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver with the given flag about whether the auto-generated keys produced by this Statement object should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to executeUpdate
executeUpdate() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to executeUpdate
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver with the given flag about whether the auto-generated keys produced by this Statement object should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to executeUpdate
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver with the given flag about whether the auto-generated keys produced by this Statement object should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval.
EXECUTION_POLICY_COLLECTIVE - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
Action can be executed on a collective process instance
EXECUTION_POLICY_COLLECTIVE - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
Deprecated. Action can be executed on a collective scenario instance
EXECUTION_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in interface atg.process.action.ActionConstants
Action requires an individual process instance to execute
EXECUTION_POLICY_INDIVIDUAL - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.action.ActionConstants
Deprecated. Action requires an individual scenario instance to execute
EximEmailExaminer - Class in atg.service.email.examiner
This email examiner examines emails that are in Exim format
EximEmailExaminer() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
exists() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if this File exists.
ExitTrackingEvent - Class in atg.servlet.exittracking
An ExitTrackingEvent encapsulates information related to a redirect caused by exit tracking.
ExitTrackingEvent(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
Constructs a new ServiceEvent
ExitTrackingListener - Interface in atg.servlet.exittracking
An ExitTrackingListener is an object that can be notified when exit tracking occurs.
expireAuthorization(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyGiftCertificateProcessor
Expire a gift certificate authorization
expireAuthorization(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Expire a gift certificate authorization
expireAuthorization(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Expire a store credit authorization
expireAuthorization(GiftCertificateInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateProcessor
Expire a gift certificate authorization
expireAuthorization(StoreCreditInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditProcessor
Expire a store credit authorization
expireGiftCertificateAuthorization(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will expire a gift certificate authorization for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
expireGiftCertificateAuthorization(Order, GiftCertificate, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method expires authorization for a given gift certificate PaymentGroup for the amount that is passed in.
expireProfileCookies(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sends cookie out on the request to expire any existing profile cookies
expireProfileCookies(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Expire any cookies associated with the given profile
expirePromotion(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Called if checkPromotionExpiration determines that a promotion has expired and should no longer be active.
expirePromotion(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method will remove the passed in promotion from the Profile.
expireStoreCreditAuthorization(String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method will expire a store credit authorization for the amount identified by the parameter pAmount.
expireStoreCreditAuthorization(Order, StoreCredit, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method expires authorization for a given StoreCredit PaymentGroup for the amount that is passed in.
exportAsRemoteService() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
export this IndexingOutputConfig as a remote service that can be accessed via the RmiServer
ExpressCheckoutFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The ExpressCheckoutFormHAndler is used to expedite the checking out of an Order.
ExpressCheckoutFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Expression - Interface in atg.process.expression
A non-mutable expression.
Expression - Interface in atg.scenario.expression
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.expression.Expression
ExpressionFilter - Class in atg.process.filter
A filter which is satisfied if applying its operator to its operands (which are Expression objects) yields true.
ExpressionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
ExpressionFilter - Class in atg.scenario.filter
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
ExpressionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
ExpressionParser - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This class parses an expression and generates the Rule tree.
ExpressionParser() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
externalIdWasUpdated(IntegrationRepository, RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Send a scenario message of type IntegrationExternalIdChange when the external id is set for the first time.
ExternalRepositoryUpdate - Class in atg.integrations
This class processes messages sent by external systems when synchronized objects are updated or added.
ExternalRepositoryUpdate() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
EXTRA_PARAM_QUALIFIERSERVICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
The name used for specifying a qualifier service through the extra parameters map passed into the pricing operation.
EXTRA_PARAMETERS_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the map of extra pricing parameters out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
extractId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns the user id for a profile from the given request.
extractProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Attempts to extract the profile id out of the cookies
extractSalt(String) - Static method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Given a password encrypted with encryptPassword, extracts the salt which was used to encrypt it.
extractShippingGroupIds(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Returns a list of shipping group ids from a given list of shipping groups.


FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
FAILED_APPROVAL - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
FAILED_APPROVAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
FailedActionInfo - Class in atg.process.action
Contains information about a failed action, pertaining to a single process execution context.
FailedActionInfo(ProcessExecutionContext) - Constructor for class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given process execution context.
FailedActionInfo(ProcessExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given process execution context and error message.
FailedActionInfo(ProcessExecutionContext, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given process execution context and exception.
FailedActionInfo - Class in atg.scenario.action
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
FailedActionInfo(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Constructor for class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given scenario execution context.
FailedActionInfo(ScenarioExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given scenario execution context and error message.
FailedActionInfo(ScenarioExecutionContext, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Constructs a new FailedActionInfo with the given scenario execution context and exception.
FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
FAILURE - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
FAILURE - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
FAILURE - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
FAILURE - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Code to return if we were unable to serialize the DOM/Element object to the output stream.
FAILURE_FLAG - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
FAILURE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the failure open parameter
FAILURE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the failure open parameter
FAILURE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the failure paramameter
FakeDocumentSetConstraint - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
A simple class to trick various search API methods into taking a DocumentSetConstraint object.
FakeDocumentSetConstraint(String) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.FakeDocumentSetConstraint
Create a FakeDocumentSetConstraint
FakeXADataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
A "fake" XADataSource implemented on top of the old JDBC 1.0 architecture or a non-XA DataSource.
FakeXADataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Constructs an uninitialized JDBCConnectionPool.
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsNull
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Filter which represents false
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Filter which represents false
FALSE - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
FALSE_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the false output parameter.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Register this class to handle parse exceptions during a mapping file.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface method.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a non-recoverable SAX error.
fatalError(TransformerException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a non-recoverable TrAX error.
FEATURE_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyBeanInfo
FEATURE_COMPONENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
FEATURE_COMPONENT_CATEGORY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
fetch(BaseSearchFormHandler, ClientRequest, SearchSession) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Fetch results
fetch(BaseSearchFormHandler, ClientRequest, SearchSession) - Method in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.ResultsFetchingProxy
Fetch results
fetchNextServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
FILE_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Schema file name of item-descriptor contains repositoryname, item-descriptor name, and mapping file name& property names if exist.
FILE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
FILECHECK_CMD - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
FileDeploymentData - Class in atg.deployment.file
FileDeploymentData is used to generate a list of files for deployment.
FileDeploymentData(VirtualFileSystem, FileDeploymentDestination) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
FileDeploymentData(VirtualFileSystem, FileDeploymentDestination, String) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
FileDeploymentDestination - Class in atg.deployment.file
Object that holds information on the destination server instance for File Deployments
FileDeploymentDestination() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
FileDeploymentDestination(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
FileDeploymentDestination(String) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
This constructor takes an IP address:port string.
FileFinderPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This pipeline servlet will set the pathTranslated by appending the pathInfo to the document root (set as a property).
FileFinderPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Constructs a new FileFinderPipelineServlet
FileIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
PersistentIdGenerator that stores IdSpaces in a flat file as a serialized Map.
FileIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
fileLastMod(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Finds the file on disk and returns it's last modification date/time formatted according to the DATE_FORMAT request attribute.
FileLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This log listener writes the logged events directly out to the configured log file.
FileLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Constructs a FileLogger.
FilePropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository
This is a simple read-only property descriptor which takes a path name and converts this to a java.io.File object.
FilePropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new FilePropertyDescriptor
FilePropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new FilePropertyDescriptor for a particular property.
FilePropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new RepositoryPropertyDescriptor with the given property name, property type, and short description.
FileServlet - Class in atg.servlet
A FileServlet handles requests by reading the file specified by "PathTranslated" and sending that file back to the requestor.
FileServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Constructs a new blank FileServlet
fileSize(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Finds the file on disk and returns it's size in bytes in a string formatted according to the SIZE_FORMAT request attribute.
FileSystemManager - Interface in atg.repository.loader
The FileSystemManager defines a very high level API for triggering content loading from the file system into an ATG Repository.
FileSystemMonitor - Interface in atg.repository.loader
The FileSystemMonitor offers convenience methods that allow customers more control over the component's loading criteria.
FileSystemWebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
FileSystemWebAppRegistry is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
FileSystemWebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
Filter - Class in atg.process.filter
An abstract base class for all process filters.
Filter() - Constructor for class atg.process.filter.Filter
Construct a new Filter.
filter(String, ValueAndSecurity[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.ConcatFilter
Filter the specified values.
filter(String, ValueAndSecurity[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.UniqueFilter
Filter the specified values.
filter(String, ValueAndSecurity[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyValuesFilter
Summarize the specified values.
Filter - Class in atg.scenario.filter
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.filter.Filter
Filter() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
filter(NameResolver, Object[]) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Filter an array of items to remove any that have reached their impression limit.
FILTER_BAD_EVAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FILTER_NO_LOGGER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FILTER_NO_OPERANDS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FILTER_NO_PMDL_CACHE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FILTER_OPERAND_NOT_CONSTANT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FILTER_OPERAND_NOT_STRING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FilterActionConfiguration - Class in atg.service.collections.filter.scenario
Configuration class used by collection filter scenario actions and expressions.
FilterActionConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterActionConfiguration
filterCollectionByCatalog(RepositoryItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
FilterComponentChoiceExpression - Class in atg.service.collections.filter.scenario
This component choice expression is for collection filters.
FilterComponentChoiceExpression() - Constructor for class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterComponentChoiceExpression
FilteredCommerceItem - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents a CommerceItem that's currently participating in a rules evaluation in the Qualifier.
FilteredCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Constructs an instanceof PricingCommerceItem
FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class describes a DynamicPropertyMapper for FilteredCommerceItems.
FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper
FilterExpressionGrammarExtension - Class in atg.service.collections.filter.scenario
Scenario Editor grammar extension for filter actions.
FilterExpressionGrammarExtension() - Constructor for class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterExpressionGrammarExtension
FilterFormHandler - Class in atg.targeting
This form handler takes a repository, repository view name, and SGML targeting rule and generates a RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup that can be used to filter items in the repository that match the rule.
FilterFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
FilteringCatalogPossibleValues - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This subclass of atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues will only include items that are contained in the current users catalog, in the list of possible values.
FilteringCatalogPossibleValues() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
FilteringSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
Overrides the custom catalog search form handler when in development mode to filter items by catalogs in post query processing
FilteringSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringSearchFormHandler
filterItems(RepositoryItem[], AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Filters out any repository items returned from a query that the user should not be able to access in the indicated mode.
filterItems(BaseSearchFormHandler, Results, List, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Apply filter to specified unfiltered items.
filterItems(Object[], NameResolver) - Method in interface atg.service.filter.ItemFilter
Return result of filtering pItems, possibly using contextual information obtained from pResolver
filterItemsForQualifier(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map, Map, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Filtering routine to remove quantities of the given items so that "iterator" rules can be accurately evaluated.
filterItemsForTarget(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map, Map, Map, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Filtering routine to remove quantities of the given items so that iterator rules can be accurately evaluated.
filterMutableItems(MutableRepositoryItem[], AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Filters out any repository items returned from a query that the user should not be able to access in the indicated mode.
filterProducts(RepositoryItem[], String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Verifies the pProducts repository items checking whether they belong to the catalog specified by pCatalogId.
filterShippingForTarget(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Filtering routine that checks if the given shipping group is allowed to receive the given discount (pPricingModel).
FilterSlot - Class in atg.service.collections.filter.scenario
This scenario action provides the ability to filter slot contents.
FilterSlot() - Constructor for class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
filterWorkflow(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
finalize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Destroys all resources in the pool regardless of whether or not they are checked out and uninitializes the pool.
FINALLY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
find(VirtualFile, VirtualFilenameFilter, DevelopmentLine) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order, which are accepted by the given filter.
find(VirtualFile, DevelopmentLine) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order.
findAdjustedPrice(DetailedItemPriceInfo, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Calls the DiscountCalculatorService's adjust method to determine the new price for the input pDetailedItemPriceInfo.
findAdjustedPrice(DetailedItemPriceInfo, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator
Override the findAdjustedPrice to enable us to provide different parameters to the adjust() method of this function.
findAllDeployments(int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
findAllPendingDeployments(String[], int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findAllPendingDeployments(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findAllPendingDeploymentsForProjects(String[], int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findAllProcesses(int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns all the processes in the system
findAllProjects(int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the projects in the system
findAllTopologies(int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
findAndClaimCoupon(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Claims a coupon and returns it.
findBusinessProcessNames() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
findBusinessProcessStages(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
findByDeploymentStatus(String, Integer, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findByDisplayName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the process(es) with the given name
findByEmail(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given email address, null if no such items are found.
findByEmail(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given email address, null if no such items are found.
findByEmail(String, String, Repository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given email address, null if no such items are found.
findById(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
findById(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findById(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the process with the given id
findById(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the project with the given id
findById(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
findByLogin(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the RepositoryItem which represents the profile with the given login and password, null if it's not found.
findByLogin(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the RepositoryItem which represents the profile with the given login and password, null if it's not found.
findByLogin(String, String, String, Repository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the RepositoryItem which represents the profile with the given login and password, null if it's not found.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given first and last names, null if no such items are found.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given first and last names, null if no such items are found.
findByName(String, String, String, Repository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns all RepositoryItems which represent profiles with the given first and last names, null if no such items are found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDefHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.HistoryHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDefHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByPrimaryKey(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDefHome
Returns the instance with the given primary key, throws ObjectNotFoundException if the instance is not found.
findByProcess(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
findByProcessAndSegment(String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
findByTarget(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
findByTargetSinceDate(String, Date, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
findCatalog(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Finds the catalog in the alternateCatalogs that is identified by catalogKey.
findCatalogItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the catalog It is important not to confuse this with the "findCatalog" method.
findCatalogItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the catalog
findCatalogItems(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the catalog
findCatalogItems(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the catalog
findCategories(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategories(String[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategories(String[], String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategories(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategory(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategory(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCategory(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category The item is only returned if it is in the current users catalog
findCategory(String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category The item is only returned if it is in the current users catalog
findCategory(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category The item is only returned if it is in the current users catalog
findCategory(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the category
findCheckedInMergedToTarget(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findCheckedInPriorToInclusive(Timestamp, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the checked in projects
findCheckedInProjects(int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the checked in projects
findChildFolders(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Finds the subfolders for a given VirtualFile.
findCommerceItem(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. This method should no longer be used. Instead call Order.findCommerceItemsByCatalogRefId(String)
findCommerceItemProductId(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
This method returns the product id associated with a commerce item.
findComparator(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the MarkerDuplicateComparator from the MarkerDuplicateComparators map using the pComparatorKey.
findConfiguration(String, boolean, String, ApplicationLogging) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
Finds and returns the configuration for the specified name.
findConfiguration(String, boolean, String, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.MultipleConfigurationFinder
Finds and returns the configuration for the specified name.
findCountOfMergedToTarget(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findCurrentDeployment(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findCurrentOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
returns the shopping cart's current order
findDependencyCandidates(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findDuplicates(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Finds duplicate markers on the item.
findEditableProjectsSort(boolean, int, int, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the editable projects, sorted by the specified properties
findFirstDeploymentInQueue(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findGlobalPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Return the set of global promotions for this pricing engine
findInvoicesByInvoiceNumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Search the repository for invoices having a particular invoice number.
findInvoicesByPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Search the repository for invoices having a particular property value.
findInvoicesByPropertyValue(String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Search the repository for invoices having two particular property values.
findInvoicesByPropertyValue(Map) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Search the repository for invoices having a set of particular property values.
findItem() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Finds the repository item to be used for the business process.
findItem() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
Finds the repository item to be used by the business process.
findItemBasedProcessConfiguration(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Finds an item based business process configuration component using the business process name
findLastDeploymentInQueue(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findLastMarkerOnItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker in the marker collection.
findMarkerValidator(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Locates a marker validator component in the marker validator service map.
findMarkerValidator(String) - Method in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidatorContainer
Locates a marker validator by key.
findMarkerValidator(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Locates a marker validator component in the marker validator service map.
findMarkerValidator(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Locates a marker validator component in the marker validator service map.
findMatchingMarkers(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the markers from the order that match the values provided.
findMatchingMarkers(Order, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the markers from the order that match the values provided.
findMatchingMarkers(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the markers from the item that match the values provided.
findMatchingMarkers(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the markers from the item that match the values provided.
findMatchingMarkers(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the markers from the item that match the values provided.
findMatchingString(String[], String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method searches a String in a String array.
findMergedToTarget(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findNestedQuery(CompoundQuery, Class) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
findNonApprovedProjects() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
findOpenApprovedOrMergedToTarget(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findOpenMergedToTarget(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Finds the current order using the nucleus specified by the shoppginCartPath property.
findOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Finds the order to be used for the business process.
findOrderBasedProcessConfiguration(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Finds an order based business process configuration component using the business process name
findOrderToLoad(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the index of the order that should be used as the primary order for this user.
findOrganizationByPrimaryKey(Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given a Organization's primary key, locate a corresponding Organization in the directory.
findOrphanedForTarget(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
findParentFolders(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Finds the parents of a given folder (inluding current folder) The list is in reverse tree order (i.e.
findPrimary() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
findProcessByPreviousProjectId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Return the process whose previousProjectId collection contains pProjectId
findProcessByProjectId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Return the process whose projectId is specified in pProjectId
findProcessesByStatus(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the processes which match the given status
findProcessesByStatusSort(String, int, int, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Returns the processes which match the given status, sorted by the properties in the pSortProperties argument
findProcessStartTime(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
This method determines the time an order started a business process.
findProcessStartTime(RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
This method determines the time an item started a business process.
findProduct(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProduct(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProduct(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProduct(String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProduct(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProduct(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[], String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProducts(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the product
findProjectByDeploymentSnapshot(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns a project in the given snapshot
findProjectByWorkspaceId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns the project with the given workspace id
findProjectByWorkspaceName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns a project with the given workspace name
findProjectsByStatus(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the projects with the given status
findProjectsByStatusSort(String, int, int, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
Returns all the projects with the given status, sorted by the specified properties
findQualifyingItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Produces a collection of QualifiedItem objects, each of which contains a CommerceItem and a number of times that CommerceItem qualified for the discount described by the pPricingModel parameter.
findQualifyingItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
determines which items, if any, should receive a discount based on the given running environment.
findQualifyingObjectNoTargetEvaluation(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
This method is used by both findQualifyingOrder and findQualifyingShipping since they both use the same logic.
findQualifyingOrder(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
determines whether an order should receive a discount based on the given running environment.
findQualifyingShipping(List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, OrderPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, ShippingPriceInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
determines whether a ShippingGroup should receive a discount based on the given running environment.
findQueuedDeployments(String[], int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findQueuedDeployments(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findRoleByPrimaryKey(Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given a Role's primary key, locate a corresponding Role in the directory.
findScheduledDeployments(String[], int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findScheduledDeployments(String, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findScheduledDeploymentsAfterTime(String, Timestamp, int, int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
findScheduledJob(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the ScheduledJob associated with the given id, or null if there is none.
findSKU(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKU(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKU(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKU(String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKU(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKU(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given id return an object which represents the sku
findSKUs(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findSKUs(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findSKUs(String[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findSKUs(String[], String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findSKUs(String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findSKUs(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
With the given ids return an array of objects which represent the skus
findStageSequenceNumber(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Using the stage names defined by the business process configuration, determines the positioning of the given stage name.
findSurrogate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
findUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Checks the supplied login and password and attempts to find a profile which matches the supplied values.
findUser(String, String, Repository, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns the user profile or null if the user could not be found with the given login and password.
findUserByLogin(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given a User's primary key, locate a corresponding User in the directory.
findUserByPrimaryKey(Object) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given a User's primary key, locate a corresponding User in the directory.
findValidKeys() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
findValidKeys() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
The method exposes the keys used to map MarkerValidators.
findValidValuesForKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
findValidValuesForKey(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This returns the valid values for the given markerKey.
findVersionContainer(Repository) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
This method will return the repository version container given a repository.
FINISHED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
finishOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
finishRemovingOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
finishRemovingShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
fireAccessAllowedEvent(User, SecuredResource, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Fires off an event when an access has been allowed.
fireAccessDeniedEvent(User, SecuredResource, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Fires off an event when an access has been denied.
fireAccessEvent(User, SecuredResource, AccessRight, boolean) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Fires an allow or deny access event.
fireAuthenticationFailedEvent(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Fires an "authentication failed" event.
fireAuthenticationSucceededEvent(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Fires an "authentication succeeded" event.
fireConfigurationDeleted(ConfigurationEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
fire a ConfigurationEvent deletion
fireConfigurationUpdated(ConfigurationEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
fire a ConfigurationEvent update
fireDeploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent) - Method in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventSender
Fires the given deployment event to the configured listeners.
fireDeploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Fires the given deployment event to the configured listeners.
fireOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleFireOutcome to actually fire the task outcome.
firePromotionClosenessMessage(String, Order, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Constructs and sends a PromotionClosenessMessage of the given JMS type (PromotionClosenessQualification or PromotionClosenessDisqualification)
firePromotionClosenessMessage(String, Order, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
Constructs and sends a PromotionClosenessDisqualification
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Fire a PropertyChange event to all registered listeners.
fireSearchEvent(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
Invoke the parent handleSearch, then fire a message to the scenario manager informing it of this most recent search.
fireSearchMessage(SearchMessage) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessageSource
Fire a search message
fireShutdownEvent() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sends a ConnectionPoolShutdownEvent to all listeners.
fireTaskOutcome(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Fires a particular outcome of some task for an existing workflow instance on behalf of this view's user.
fireTopologyChangedEvent() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Fires the given ToplogyChangeEvent to the configured listeners.
fireVersionEvent(VersionEvent) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
fireViewItemEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, RepositoryItem, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Sends a View Content event to its listeners.
fireViewItemEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object, RepositoryItem, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Sends a View Content event to its listeners.
FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Form Handler for firing an outcome on a task in a workflow.
FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
FIRST_APPLY_STAGE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
FirstWithAttribute - Class in atg.commerce.dp
Deprecated. As of ATG 6.0, replaced by FirstWithAttribute
FirstWithAttribute() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.dp.FirstWithAttribute
FirstWithLocale - Class in atg.commerce.dp
Deprecated. As of ATG 6.0, replaced by FirstWithLocale
FirstWithLocale() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.dp.FirstWithLocale
FIXED_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
FIXED_PRICE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Integer representation of a Fixed Price discount
FixedPriceShippingCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A shipping calculator that sets the shipping amount to a fixed price.
FixedPriceShippingCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.FixedPriceShippingCalculator
Constructs an instanceof FixedPriceShippingCalculator
flattenPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Flatten up the generated file name to make sure it is suitable to be used as a real File and for use in a URL.
FLOAT - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
FLOAT - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"float", ordinal 3
flush() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Flushes the log media (if applicable).
flush() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Flush all entries from the queue.
flush() - Method in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Flush cached persona information.
flush() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Flushes all entries from the cache, leaving it empty.
flush() - Method in interface atg.service.datacollection.DataCollector
Flush data buffers
flush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
flush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Perform complete flush operation.
flush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Flush out any data we may have.
flush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Flush our data buffer by writing all of the data to the SQL table and resetting our internal state accordingly.
flush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Flush our data buffer by writing all of the data to the SQL table and resetting our internal state accordingly.
flushBeforeInclude(JspWriter) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
If the given JspWriter is a BodyContent this method will call writeOut on that BodyContent and all of its enclosing BodyContents.
Finally when a non BodyContent JspWriter is encountered that JspWriter will be flushed with flush().
flushBeforeInclude(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method should be invoked before an RequestDispatcher.include if one does not have access to PageContext (such as in a servlet).
flushBuffer() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client.
flushCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Invalidate all the entries in the cache.
flushCache(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Invalidates the cache entries for the given ids.
flushCache() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Forces cache to flush the data.
flushListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Flush each of our listeners that are data collectors.
flushLogEventQueue() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sends all the queued LogEvents and sends them as one email message
flushQueue() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Flush the queue.
FolderFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for operating on the current the Portal Application Framework folders.
FolderFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
FolderItem - Interface in atg.repository.content
Describes items which can be contained by folders
For - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet renders its output parameter howMany times.
For() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.For
ForBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the For droplet.
ForBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ForBeanInfo
FORCE_SIZE_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
forceProfileCookies(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Forces the response to contain new profile cookies.
ForEach - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet renders its output parameter for each element in its array parameter.
ForEach() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ForEach
ForEachBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the ForEach droplet.
ForEachBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ForEachBeanInfo
ForEachItemInCatalog - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This is exactly the same as the ForEach droplet except only items that are in the current users catalog.
ForEachItemInCatalog() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
FOREIGN_REPOSITORY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
If your property descriptor refers to an item in another repository, it can find the name of that repository by looking for a feature descriptor attribute with this name.
ForgotPasswordHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This class provides a form handler for handling requests related to forgot password functionality.
ForgotPasswordHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
FORM_EVENTS_SENT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
FORM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
format(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Utility for formatting predefined messages using our respository's resource bundle
format(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Utility for formatting messages with no arguments
format(String, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
format(String, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
format(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Utility for formatting predefined messages using our respository's resource bundle.
format(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Utility for formatting messages with no arguments.
format(String, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
format(String, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
format(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Return a String message specific for the given locale.
format(String, Object, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Format a single parameter into a message for a given locale
format(String, Object[], Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Format a set of parameters into a message for a given locale
format(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Return a String message specific for the given locale.
format(String, Object, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Format a single parameter into a message for a given locale
format(String, Object[], Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Format a set of parameters into a message for a given locale
Format - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet uses java.text.MessageFormat to set a message string parameter that can be used when the output parameter is rendered.
Format() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Format
format(String, String, PropertyTypeEnum, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter.PropertyFormatterImpl
Format the specified text or meta property value.
format(String, Object[]) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Utility for formatting predefined messages using the current resource bundle.
format(String) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Utility for formatting messages with no arguments
format(String, Object) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Utility for formatting messages with a single argument
format(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Utility for formatting messages with two arguments
FORMAT_STRING_INTRODUCER - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
character that introduces format strings
FORMAT_STRING_INTRODUCER - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
character that introduces format strings
FORMAT_VARIABLE_INTRODUCER - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
character that indicates the field is a "special" field
FORMAT_VARIABLE_INTRODUCER - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
character that indicates the field is a "special" field
formatAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Format all values of map as XML tag attributes, return result in string buffer.
FormatBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Format droplet.
FormatBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.FormatBeanInfo
formatCreditCard(Object, Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
Format and return the credit card object so that it is suitable for display to the end user.
formatCurrency(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Return the currency formatted in the given Locale as a String.
formatCurrency(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Return the currency formatted in the given Locale as a String.
formatCurrency(Object, Locale) - Static method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Return the supplied currency formatted in the given Locale as a String.
formatCurrency(Object, Locale) - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Return the supplied currency formatted in the given Locale as a String.
FormatField - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A FormatField represents a single field in a line of formatted text.
FormatField() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Construct an empty FormatField
FormatFieldEditor - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Turns a FormatField into a String and vice versa.
FormatFieldEditor() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
FormatFieldPropertyValueParser - Class in atg.service.datacollection
PropertyValueParser for a format field.
FormatFieldPropertyValueParser() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
Construct an empty FormatFieldParser
formatLongObject(Object, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Formats the specified object, turning it into the "long form" String representation of its value.
formatLongPropertyValue(Object, HttpServletRequest, PropertyValueFormatter) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatter
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "long form" of the value.
formatLongPropertyValue(Object, HttpServletRequest, PropertyValueFormatter) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "long form" of the value.
formatLongValue() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ValueFormatter
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "long form" of the value.
formatMeta(String, String, PropertyTypeEnum, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter.PropertyFormatterImpl
Format the specified meta property value.
formatMeta(String, String, PropertyTypeEnum, Object) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyFormatter
Format the specified meta property value.
formatMultiValueUpdateString(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Creates a formatted string that denotes an item within a multi-valued property(collection, map or object []).
formatObject(Object, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Formats the specified object, turning it into a String representation of its value.
formatPropertyValue(Object, HttpServletRequest, PropertyValueFormatter) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatter
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "short form" of the value.
formatPropertyValue(Object, HttpServletRequest, PropertyValueFormatter) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "short form" of the value.
formatServiceLink(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Returns the opening "href" tag that will lead back to the specified absolute service name
formatServiceName(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
formatServiceName(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Returns the specified service name in a manner that is usable as a link, by adding the servlet path and appending a "/" if necessary.
formatServiceName(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Returns the specified service name in a manner that is usable as a link, by adding the servlet path and appending a "/" if necessary.
formattedDate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, long, TimeZone) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Formats the given date according to the timefmt set by the SSI config command.
formatText(String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter.PropertyFormatterImpl
Format the specified text property value.
formatText(String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.PropertyFormatter
Format the specified text property value.
FormattingConsoleLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
FormattingLogger that writes items to System.out
FormattingConsoleLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingConsoleLogger
FormattingFileLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A FormattingLogger that logs items to the named file.
FormattingFileLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
FormattingLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Base class for data collection loggers that emit plain text output.
FormattingLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
FormattingSummaryConsoleLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
FormattingSummaryLogger that writes items to System.out
FormattingSummaryConsoleLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryConsoleLogger
FormattingSummaryFileLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A FormattingSummaryLogger that logs items to the named file.
FormattingSummaryFileLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
FormattingSummaryLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Formats summary items and prints them to output stream.
FormattingSummaryLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryLogger
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with no arguments using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with one argument using the Locale of the user
formatUserMessage(String, Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Utility method to format a message with two arguments using our resource bundle.
formatValue() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ValueFormatter
Formats the specified value into a String, using the "short form" of the value.
FormEventReceiver - Class in atg.droplet
This class implements the EventReceiving functionality for input, select, and textarea tags.
FormHashtable - Class in atg.droplet
FormHashtable() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.FormHashtable
FormLoginPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.security
The FormLoginPipelineServlet implements form logins as defined by Servlet 2.2.
FormLoginPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
FormLoginSession - Class in atg.servlet.security
The FormLoginSession stores information about whether an attempt is being made to log in to a form.
FormLoginSession() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
FormSubmissionMessage - Class in atg.nucleus.dms
This JMS Message will be sent by DAS when a form is submitted.
FormSubmissionMessage() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
FormSubmissionMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Constructs an instance of ProfileUpdateMessage
FormTag - Class in atg.droplet
This class implements functionality of an HTML form tag.
FormTag(String, DropletEventServlet) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.FormTag
FormTag(String, DropletEventServlet, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.FormTag
FormTag() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.FormTag
FrameworkMessage - Class in atg.portal.alert
This message bean extends the PortalMessage class for the purposes of adding properties common to all framework alerts messages.
FrameworkMessage() - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
FrameworkMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
FrameworkMessage(String, String, Date, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
FROM_SNAPSHOT_ID - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
fromString(String) - Static method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Returns an access right with the given name, reusing rights with the same name.
FULFILLER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
FULFILLER_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
FulfillerNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This exception is thrown when an attempt to modify the order is made and the current state doesn't support this modification.
FulfillerNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerNotFoundException
Construct a new FulfillerNotFoundException
FulfillerNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerNotFoundException
Constructs a new FulfillerNotFoundException with the given explanation.
FulfillerNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerNotFoundException
Constructs a new FulfillerNotFoundException.
FulfillerNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerNotFoundException
Constructs a new FulfillerNotFoundException with the given explanation.
FulfillerSystem - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
FulfillerSystem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
FulfillOrderFragment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This message identifies a subset of the contained order that the recipient is responsible for processing.
FulfillOrderFragment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
FULL - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
Full Display Mode
FULL_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
FullShoppingCartFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order
The FullShoppingCartFormHandler extends the functionality of the @see ShoppingCartFormHandler by giving the additional functionality of handling multiple payment method (GiftCertificates and Credit Cards), multiple location ship to addresses, express checkout and adding an item to a person's gift list.
FullShoppingCartFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Empty Constructor
FUNCTION - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyBeanInfo
FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo
FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo
FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT_CATEGORY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
FunctionDefinition - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: FunctionDefinition.
FunctionDefinition() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
FunctionDefinition(String, FunctionParameter[], String, boolean, FunctionReturn) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
FunctionDefinition(String, FunctionParameter[], String, boolean, FunctionReturn, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
FunctionParameter - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: FunctionParameter.
FunctionParameter() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
FunctionParameter(Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
FunctionReturn - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: FunctionReturn.
FunctionReturn() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
FunctionReturn(boolean, Class[], FunctionReturnRange) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
FunctionReturnRange - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: FunctionReturnRange.
FunctionReturnRange() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
FunctionReturnRange(FunctionReturnRangeElement, FunctionReturnRangeElement) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
FunctionReturnRangeElement - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: FunctionReturnRangeElement.
FunctionReturnRangeElement() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
FunctionReturnRangeElement(boolean, String, int) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement


gc() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Calls Runtime.gc().
GC_PAYMENT_GROUP_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Gear - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Gears are the building blocks for portals.
GEAR - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the gear attribute.
GearConfigFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.framework
The GearConfigFormHandler is intended for use with instanceConfig, installConfig, initialConfig, and userConfig gear pages.
GearConfigFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
GearContext - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
An interface used to store gear context data.
GearContextImpl - Class in atg.portal.servlet
Implementation of a GearContext
GearContextImpl(PortalContext) - Constructor for class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Constructs an instanceof GearContextImpl
GearContextImpl(GearContext) - Constructor for class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Constructs an instanceof GearContextImpl
GearContextImpl(Portal, Community, Page, DisplayMode, Gear, GearMode) - Constructor for class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Constructs an instanceof GearContextImpl
GearDefinition - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a gear definition
GearDefinitionFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for registering new gear definitions in the portal framework.
GearDefinitionFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof GearDefinitionFormHandler
GearEnvironment - Interface in atg.portal.framework
A GearEnvironment represents the context in which a gear renders.
GearHeightEnum - Class in atg.portal.framework
Enumerations for gear heights
GearHeightEnum.GearHeightEnumEditor - Class in atg.portal.framework
GearHeightEnum.GearHeightEnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum.GearHeightEnumEditor
GearMessage - Class in atg.portal.alert
This message bean extends the PortalMessage class for the purposes of adding properties common to all Gear alerts messages.
GearMessage() - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
GearMessage(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
GearMessage(String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
GearMessage(GearEnvironment, String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
GearMessage(Environment, String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
GearMessagePublisher - Class in atg.portal.alert
This class' purpose is to take care of all JMS initialization and to write the JMS messages, to the appropriate destination.
GearMessagePublisher() - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
GearMode - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Object representing a gear mode
GEARMODE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the gear attribute.
GearParameter - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents an gear parameter
GEARSERVLETREQUEST - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the gear servlet request attribute.
GearServletRequest - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
The gear request object encapsulates all information from a portal for a gear to render.
GEARSERVLETRESPONSE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the gear servlet response attribute.
GearServletResponse - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
The gear response object encapsulates all information destined to a portal
GearTemplateFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for registering new gear templates in the portal framework.
GearTemplateFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof GearTemplateFormHandler
GearTitleBarDefinition - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a Gears Titlebar Definition
GearTitleBarMode - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Object representing a titlebar mode
GEARTITLEBARMODE_CONTENT - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Content Titlebar Mode
GEARTITLEBARMODE_POSTCONTENT - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Post Titlebar Mode
GEARTITLEBARMODE_PRECONTENT - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Pre Titlebar Mode
GearWidthEnum - Class in atg.portal.framework
Enumerations for gear widths
GearWidthEnum.GearWidthEnumEditor - Class in atg.portal.framework
GearWidthEnum.GearWidthEnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum.GearWidthEnumEditor
GENERATE_VALUES_BY_TYPE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: failed to generate possible values for a property
GENERATE_VALUES_BY_TYPE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: failed to generate possible values for a property
generateAbandonedQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the query to identify abandoned orders.
generateAbandonmentInfoQueryForAbandonedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the part of the abandoned order query that deals with whether or not the order has abandonmentInfo already, and if it does what abandonment states are considered valid to identify an order as abandoned or lost.
generateAbandonmentInfoQueryForLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the part of the lost order query that deals with whether or not the order has abandonmentInfo already, and if it does what abandonment states are considered valid to identify an order as abandoned or lost.
generateAddMessage() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by createAddedEventMessage to instantiate an object of type MarkerAddedEventMessage.
generateAdvancedSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents an advanced search based on selected property values.
generateAdvancedSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents an advanced search based on selected property values.
generateAdvancedSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents an advanced search based on selected property values.
generateAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories and products in all specified product catalogs.
generateAncestors(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories and products in all specified product catalogs.
generateAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories and products in all specified product catalogs.
generateAncestors(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories and products in all specified product catalogs.
generateAncestors(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories and products in all specified product catalogs in the specified repository.
generateAncestorsForCategory(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Recursive subroutine for topLevelGenerateAncestorsForCategory
generateCacheDirectoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the name of the directory which should be used to cache the supplied file in the remote server.
generateCacheDirectoryPath(File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the name of the directory which should be used to cache the supplied file in the remote server.
generateCacheDirectoryPath(ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the name of the directory which should be used to cache the supplied file in the remote server.
generateCatalogAndCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the catalog and catalogs property for all categories, products and skus in all product catalog repositories and all catalogs.
generateCatalogAndCatalogs(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the catalog and catalogs property for all categories, products and skus in all product catalog repositories and all catalogs.
generateCatalogAndCatalogsForCategories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalog and catalogs property for all categories in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCatalogAndCatalogsForCategories(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalog and catalogs property for all categories in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCatalogParentCategoriesForProducts() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the parent category for catalogs.
generateCatalogParentCategoriesForProducts(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the parent category for catalogs.
generateCatalogsForProducts() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalogs property for all products in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCatalogsForProducts(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalogs property for all products in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCatalogsForSkus() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalogs property for all skus in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCatalogsForSkus(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the catalogs property for all skus in the specified repository and catalogs.
generateCategoryAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in all specified product catalogs.
generateCategoryAncestors(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in all specified product catalogs.
generateCategoryAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in all product catalogs.
generateCategoryAncestors(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in all specified product catalogs.
generateCategoryAncestors(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in all specified product catalogs in the specified repository.
generateCategoryAncestorsForCurrentCatalog(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all categories in the current product catalog.
generateCategoryInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through all catalog and create the category-info objects
generateCategoryInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs.
generateCategoryInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the category-info objects, for the given catalogs in the given repository.
generateCategorysSubCategories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Update each categorys list of categories from sub catalogs The following properties will be updated:
generateCategorysSubCategories(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Update each categories subCatalogsChildCategories property for all categories in the given repository.
generateContextKey(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Generates a context key for this filter.
generateContextKey(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
This filter does not produce a context key.
generateContextKey(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Generates a context key for this filter.
generateContextKey(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Generates a context key
generateCroppedStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
generateDateQuery(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the part of the abandoned/lost order query that deals with how long the order has been idle.
generateDependencyCaches() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Generated caches that are useful in calculating one workspace's dependency on another workspace.
generateDropSQL(OutputSQLContext, DatabaseTableInfo) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate SQL to drop tables for this item descriptor
generateEmailQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Deprecated. As of DPS 5.5, this method has been moved to RepositoryProfileItemFinder. If you call this method, you should change your code to instead call getProfileItemFinder().generateEmailQuery. If you override this method in this class, you should instead override the RepositoryProfileItemFinder component's method.
generateEmailQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the Query which will be executed to find the profiles with the given email address.
generateEmptyMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to return an empty map.
generateEmptySet() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to return an empty set.
generateEmptySet(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
This method generates an empty set.
generateErrorMessage(String, Locale, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
generateFileName(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs a file name which can be used through distribution.
generateFileName(File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs a file name which can be used through distribution.
generateFileName(ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Constructs a file name which can be used through distribution.
generateFilteredCollection(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Generates a filtered collection based on the products in the current order.
generateFilteredCollection(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Generates a filtered collection based on Inventory availabilty.
generateFilteredCollection(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Generates a filtered collection based on the registered home state of the user and the price of each product in the collection.
generateFilteredCollection(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Called by the filterCollection method to generate the filtered collection.
generateGSAId(CompositeKey) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate a GSAId based on another composite key
generateGSAId(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate a GSAId based on a single ID value
generateGSAId(Object[], boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate a GSAId based on an array of values
generateGSAId(Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate a GSAId based on an array of values
generateHierarchicalSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Build a query which represents a hierarchical search, that is, a constraint to look only in a designated item, its child items, and so on, in effect, to all descendants of the designated item.
generateHierarchicalSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Build a query which represents a hierarchical search, that is, a constraint to look only in a designated item, its child items, and so on, in effect, to all descendants of the designated item.
generateId() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Generates a new id and returns it.
generateIdChecksum(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns a checksum of the given Id which can be used to determine if the profile id cookie has been tampered with
generateInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for all catalogs.
generateInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs.
generateInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method generates info objects for all categories, products, and skus, for the given catalogs within the given repository.
GenerateInvoiceMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
Pipeline processor that can generate an InvoiceMessage using virtually any class as the underlying dynamo message bean.
GenerateInvoiceMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
generateKeyPair(int) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
Generates a new public/private key pair usable for DSA signing.
generateKeyPair() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
Generates a new public/private key pair with a default strength of 1024.
generateKeywordSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents a keyword search.
generateKeywordSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents a keyword search.
generateLoginQuery(String, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Deprecated. As of DPS 5.5, this method has been moved to RepositoryProfileItemFinder. If you call this method, you should change your code to instead call getProfileItemFinder().generateLoginQuery. If you override this method in this class, you should instead override the RepositoryProfileItemFinder component's method.
generateLoginQuery(String, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the Query which will be executed to find the profile with the given login and password.
generateLongId() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Generate a long id in the default name space
generateLongId(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Generate a long id in the specified name space.
generateLongId() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Generate a long id in the default name space.
generateLongId(String) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Generate a long id in the specified name space.
generateLostQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the query to identify lost orders.
generateManifest(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Builds a full deployment manifest for the specified previously deployed Project.
generateMarkerData() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method instantiates an object of the type MarkerData.
generateMarkerExtendedPropertyQuery(QueryBuilder, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by getItemsWithMarker and deleteMarkers.
generateMarkerQualifyingAndedQuery(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method will create a query object for the marker item which qualifies markers by the key, value, data and extended properties.
generateMergeRequest(ClientRequest, List) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Generates merge request
generateMergeRequest2(SearchRequest, List) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Generates merge request
generateMinimumAmountQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the part of the abandoned/lost order query that deals with the minimum amount an order must be for to identify the order as abandoned or lost.
generateNameQuery(String, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Deprecated. As of DPS 5.5, this method has been moved to RepositoryProfileItemFinder. If you call this method, you should change your code to instead call getProfileItemFinder().generateNameQuery. If you override this method in this class, you should instead override the RepositoryProfileItemFinder component's method.
generateNameQuery(String, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the Query which will be executed to find the profiles with the given first and last names.
generateNameSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents a name search query.
generateNewPasswordForProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Creates a randomly generated password for the profile.
generateNewPasswordTemplateParams(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Generates the parameters map that's used to send the new password email.
generateOrderStatesQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates the part of the abandoned/lost order query that deals with what order states are considered possible for abandonment.
generatePassword(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns the "password string" which should be used to represent the user's password, as returned by the encryptPassword() function of the current PasswordHasher.
generatePassword(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns the "password string" which should be used to represent the user's password, as returned by the encryptPassword() function of the current PasswordHasher.
generatePasswordHash(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns a hash representation of the password as returned by the encryptPassword() function of the current PasswordHasher.
generatePriceQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
generate subquery using RQL
generateProductAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in all specified product catalogs.
generateProductAncestors(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in all specified product catalogs.
generateProductAncestors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in all product catalogs.
generateProductAncestors(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in all specified product catalogs.
generateProductAncestors(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in all specified product catalogs in the specified repository.
generateProductAncestorsForCurrentCatalog(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the ancestorCategories property for all products in the current product catalog.
generateProductInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects
generateProductInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.
generateProductInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the product-info objects, for the given catalogs.
generatePropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
generate property path takes a string and creates full path to property.
generatePropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns a Nucleus property path which can be used in a DropletFormException
generatePropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns a Nucleus property path which can be used in a DropletFormException
generatePropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Returns a Nucleus property path which can be used in a DropletFormException
generatePropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns a Nucleus property path which can be used in a DropletFormException
generatePublishedSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Generates a published search query to verify that lists are both public and published.
generateQuery(String[], String, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Generates Query to execute.
generateRangeForItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range
generateRangesForOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
For each ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship in the order, update the Range
generateRemoveMessage() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by createRemovedEventMessage to instantiate an object of type MarkerRemovedEventMessage.
generateReplaceMessage() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by createReplacedEventMessage to instantiate an object of type MarkerReplacedEventMessage.
generateResourceTag(ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
generateResultSet(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringSearchFormHandler
override of generateResultSet that calls the super methods, but then filters out items based on catalog
generateResultSet(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
For the supplied item type return a sub-result set that will combined into the total result set.
generateResultSet(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
For the supplied item type return a collection of ==sub-result set that will combined into the total result set.
generateResultSet(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
For the supplied item type return a collection of ==sub-result set that will combined into the total result set.
generateSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
Return the query that should be executed on the Repository View.
generateSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Return the query that should be executed on the Repository View.
generateSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Return the query that should be executed on the Repository View.
generateSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
generateSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return the query that should be executed on the Repository View.
generateSearchQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return the query that should be executed on the Repository View.
generateSearchValues(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
generateSearchValues is used by the advanced searching feature.
generateSearchValues(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
generateSearchValues is used by the advanced searching feature.
generateSearchValues(String, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Used by the advanced searching feature.
generateSearchValues(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Used by the advanced searching feature.
generateSingleKeywordQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query for the given property name against the set of supplied keywords.
generateSingleKeywordQuery(Repository, String, QueryBuilder, String, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Parses pKeywordInput and converts into RQL statement where each keyword value is used to create a CONTAINS clause.
generateSkuInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects
generateSkuInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.
generateSkuInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Iterate through the catalog and create the sku-info objects, for the given catalogs.
generateSkuQuery(String, QueryBuilder, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Generates a search for child skus of the product
generateSQL(OutputSQLContext, DatabaseTableInfo) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate SQL for this item descriptor
generateSQL(OutputSQLContext, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate SQL for this item descriptor
generateStringId() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Generate a String id in the default name space.
generateStringId(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Generate a string id in the specified name space.
generateStringId() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Generate a String id in the default name space.
generateStringId(String) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Generate a string id in the specified name space.
generateStringRepresentation(boolean[], int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
represents the array as a string object to be embeded in the scheduleString.
generateSubCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the subCatalogs property for all catalogs in all specified product catalogs.
generateSubCatalogs(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the subCatalogs property for all catalogs in the specified product catalog repository.
generateSubCatalogs(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Generate and update the values of the subCatalogs property for all catalogs in the specified product catalog repository.
generateTextSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents a text search query.
generateTextSearchQuery(String, QueryBuilder, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a query which represents a text search query.
generateUniqueNickname(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method generates the unique nickname.
generateURI(String, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
For the given platform specific directory and filename generate a URI which describes the relative path of where the file should exist once it has been distributed
GENERIC_SESSION_MANAGER_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
GenericAccessManager - Class in atg.security
Methods which determine if access should be allowed or denied.
GenericAccessManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccessManager
GenericAccessRight - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of an access right object.
GenericAccessRight(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
GenericAccessRight(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
GenericAccount - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of the Account interface.
GenericAccount(AccountManager, String, int) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccount
Creates an account object for an account with the given name.
GenericAccount(AccountManager, String, int, Map) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccount
Creates an account object for an account with the given name and attributes.
GenericAccountInitializer - Class in atg.security
A service that copies accounts between two account managers.
GenericAccountInitializer() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
GenericAccountManager - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of an account manager/user authority.
GenericAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
GenericAccountManager(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
GenericAdd - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class is used to add a target specified by id or value to a container specified by id or value.
GenericAdd() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
GenericAddressVerificationInfo - Class in atg.payment.avs
This is an implementation of the AddressVerificationInfo interface.
GenericAddressVerificationInfo() - Constructor for class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
GenericContext - Class in atg.nucleus
A GenericContext is a subclass of GenericService that also implements NameContext and NameContextBindingEventSource.
GenericContext() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Constructs a new GenericContext
GenericConverter - Class in atg.servlet.pagecompile
Converts raw text data into UNICODE strings.
GenericConverter() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
Empty constructor.
GenericCreditCardInfo - Class in atg.payment.creditcard
This class is an implementation of CreditCardInfo.
GenericCreditCardInfo() - Constructor for class atg.payment.creditcard.GenericCreditCardInfo
GenericDataListenerService - Class in atg.service.datacollection
GenericDataListenerService() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Constructs an instanceof GenericDataListenerService
GenericDefaultGroupPersona - Class in atg.security
Implements a generic persona that is marked as a default group persona.
GenericDefaultGroupPersona(String, UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericDefaultGroupPersona
Creates a new persona with a given name and user authority.
GenericEvent - Class in atg.service.event
GenericEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
Constructs a generic event with the default, generic type.
GenericEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
Constructs a generic event of the given type.
GenericFilterService - Class in atg.servlet
Filter implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
GenericFilterService() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Constructs an instanceof GenericFilterService
GenericFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet
This form handler performs basic error checking operations.
GenericFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
GenericGiftCertificateInfo - Class in atg.payment.giftcertificate
This class is an implementation of GiftCertificateInfo.
GenericGiftCertificateInfo() - Constructor for class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
GenericGroupPersona - Class in atg.security
Implements a generic persona that is marked as a group persona.
GenericGroupPersona(String, UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericGroupPersona
Creates a new persona with a given name and user authority.
GenericHandler - Class in atg.service.event
GenericHandler() - Constructor for class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Empty constructor.
GenericInvoiceRequestInfo - Class in atg.payment.invoicerequest
This class provides a default implementation of InvoiceRequestInfo.
GenericInvoiceRequestInfo() - Constructor for class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
GenericLoginPersona - Class in atg.security
Implements a generic persona that is marked as a login persona.
GenericLoginPersona(String, UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericLoginPersona
Creates a new persona with a given name and user authority.
GenericPersona - Class in atg.security
Implements a generic persona, which is an identity used to grant access control rights within a security domain.
GenericPersona(String, UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericPersona
Creates a new persona with a given name and user authority.
GenericPersona(Account) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericPersona
Creates a new persona given an Account object.
GenericPortletService - Class in atg.portlet
Portlet implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
GenericPortletService() - Constructor for class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Constructs an instanceof GenericPortletService
GenericPortletService - Class in atg.websphere.wps.portlet
Portlet implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
GenericPortletService() - Constructor for class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Constructs an instanceof GenericPortletService
GenericProxyUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
An implementation of a generic ProxyUserAuthority object.
GenericProxyUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
GenericProxyUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
GenericReference - Class in atg.nucleus
When this service is started it will resolve the component through the componentPath property and bind that new object into the name of this service.
GenericReference() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Constructs an instanceof GenericReference
GenericRemove - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class is used to remove an object specified by id from a container specified by id.
GenericRemove() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericRemove
GenericRMIService - Class in atg.nucleus
This is a combination of GenericService and UnicastRemoteObject, thereby serving as a convenient base for objects that will be exported by the RMIServer.
GenericRMIService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Constructs a new GenericRMIService
GenericSecuredMutableContentItem - Class in atg.adapter.secure
A class which can be used to wrap a GSAContentItem because it implements all appropriate interfaces (FolderItem, ContentRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem)
GenericSecuredMutableContentItem(GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredMutableContentItem(GenericSecuredMutableRepository, ContentRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository - Class in atg.adapter.secure
A subclass of GenericSecureMutableRepository which implements the ContentRepository API.
GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem - Class in atg.adapter.secure
A class which can be used to wrap a GSAFolder because it implements all appropriate interfaces (FolderItem, ContentRepositoryFolder, MutableRepositoryItem)
GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem(GenericSecuredMutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredMutableRepository - Class in atg.adapter.secure
An implementation of SecureMutableRepository that wraps a normal MutableRepository, using properties of its items to store access control information as formatted strings.
GenericSecuredMutableRepository() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem - Class in atg.adapter.secure
A class which wraps a repository item to add security features.
GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem(GenericSecuredMutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredObject - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of the SecuredObject interface.
GenericSecuredObject() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
GenericSecuredRepository - Class in atg.adapter.secure
An implementation of SecureRepository that wraps a normal Repository, using properties of its items to store access control information as formatted strings.
GenericSecuredRepository() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Creates a secured repository that can be used to wrap a normal repository.
GenericSecuredRepository(Repository, SecurityConfiguration) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Creates a secured repository that wraps a normal repository.
GenericSecuredRepositoryItem - Class in atg.adapter.secure
A class which wraps a repository item to add security features.
GenericSecuredRepositoryItem(GenericSecuredRepository, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Wraps a repository item with a secured repository item.
GenericSecuredResource - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of the SecuredResource interface.
GenericSecuredResource(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
GenericSecuredResourceService - Class in atg.security
A generic implementation of the SecuredResource interface as a service.
GenericSecuredResourceService() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
GenericSecuredResourceService(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
GenericSecuredResourceService(String, SecuredResource[]) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
GenericSecurityDomain - Class in atg.security
A typical implementation of most of the security domain interface, useful for writing other security domains.
GenericSecurityDomain() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
GenericService - Class in atg.nucleus
A GenericService is a basic implementation of the Service interfaces.
GenericService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Constructs a new GenericService
GenericServletService - Class in atg.servlet
Servlet implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
GenericServletService() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Constructs an instanceof GenericServletService
GenericStoreCreditInfo - Class in atg.payment.storecredit
This class is an implementation of StoreCreditInfo.
GenericStoreCreditInfo() - Constructor for class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
GenericSummarizer - Class in atg.service.datacollection
This is a data collector that summarizes data items into summary items which in turn can be queued or summarized further.
GenericSummarizer() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
GenericUpdate - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class holds the information that describes a property on an object and its current and new value.
GenericUpdate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
GenericUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
This implements a user authority that does nothing -- it's just a handle.
GenericUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
GenericUserAuthority(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
GeographicValidator - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This component stores a set of abbreviations, a set of names, and a map of the relationship between one and the other.
GeographicValidator() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Constructs an empty Geographic Validator
get(Object) - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
get(Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DictionaryParameterResolver
get(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
Return the value associated with pKey.
get(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
get(Object) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Get the value associated with the specified key.
get(String) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
Generic impl of a get command for this cache
get(Object) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Searches the cache for the object with the specified key.
get(Object[]) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Searches the cache for the objects with the specified keys.
get(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
get(DocumentCacheKey) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCache
Get a document from the cache, note this will parse the document if it does not already exist in the cache.
GET_ITEM_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
GET_MAP_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
GET_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
GET_SERVICE_OP_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
getAbandonableOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonedOrderItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonedOrderLogRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getAbandonedOrderOrderIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonedOrderProfileIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates and executes the query for abandoned orders, and returns an array of order repository items representing the orders identified as abandoned.
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
The AbandonedOrderTools helper component
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentActionConfiguration
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
getAbandonedOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getAbandonmentCountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonmentDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonmentInfo(RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method gets the abandonmentInfo item associated with the given order.
getAbandonmentInfoItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonmentInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbandonmentInfoQueryForAbandonedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateAbandonmentInfoQueryForAbandonedOrders, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getAbandonmentInfoQueryForLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateAbandonmentInfoQueryForLostOrders, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getAbandonmentState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
The abandonment state of the orders in the orderIdList
getAbandonmentState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getAbandonmentStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getAbsoluteElementName(NameContextElement, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns what would be the absolute name of the specified element if it were contained by the specified element.
getAbsoluteFilePath() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Return the absoluteFilePath property of this key.
getAbsoluteName() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.
getAbsoluteName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.
getAbsoluteName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.
getAbsoluteName(NameContextElement) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the absolute name of the specified NameContextElement.
getAbsoluteName() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the absolute name of this service, using Nucleus to get the absolute name.
getAbsolutePath(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletImports
First takes the path name and maps it against any imports that are in effect.
getAbsolutePath() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the absolute pathname of the file represented by this object.
getAbsoluteURL() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Return the absoluteURL property of this key.
getAcceptorPriorityDelta() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Gets the acceptor thread priority delta.
getAccess(AccessControlList, Object, Persona, AccessRight, boolean) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returns the access state specified within by the ACL, which is usually a subset of the effective ACL of the specified SecuredObject, for the indicated Persona.
getAccess(AccessControlList, Object, Persona, AccessRight, boolean) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the access state specified within by the ACL, which is usually a subset of the effective ACL of the specified SecuredObject, for the indicated Persona.
getAccessAllowedListenerCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the number of "access allowed" listeners.
getAccessAllowedListeners() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the array of "access allowed" listeners.
getAccessControlEntries() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns the raw access control entries in the list.
getAccessController(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the AccessController which should be used to perform access control for the given path.
getAccessControllers() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the AccessControllers used to control access to paths.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Retrieves the access control list associated with this object.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Returns the access control list associated with this resource.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Returns the access control list associated with this resource.
getAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Retrieves the access control list associated with this object.
getAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Returns the access control list associated with this resource.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the default access control list which specifies who is permitted to act on this task.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns this task's access control list.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the access control list which specifies who is permitted to act on this workflow.
getAccessCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of times the caches were accessed
getAccessCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of times the cache was accessed
getAccessCount() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the total number of accesses
getAccessDeniedListenerCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the number of "access denied" listeners.
getAccessDeniedListeners() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the array of "access denied" listeners.
getAccessDeniedTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities access denied template
getAccessDeniedURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to "access denied" notification page.
getAccessibleAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The list of deployment agents that were last known to be accessible.
getAccessLevel() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property Access
getAccessLevel() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property AccessLevel
getAccessLevel() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Access Level
getAccessLevel() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
getAccessLevel() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the access level of the page
getAccessorForPropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the appropriate property accessor for the specified property path.
getAccessRight() - Method in class atg.security.AccessEvent
Returns the access right that was requested.
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns the set of access rights granted this role.
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Does actual lookup of sub-persona information.
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns the access rights associated with the principal
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns a list of all possible access rights in this domain.
getAccessRights() - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns the access rights associated with the principal
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Does actual lookup of sub-persona information.
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Access rights not supported by RepositoryApplicationPersona
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Returns a list of access rights that are appropriate for the object.
getAccessRights() - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns a list of all possible access rights in this domain.
getAccessRights() - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns true if this user has the indicated access right, either actual or implied.
getAccessRights() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all AccessRights that are associated with this principal
getAccessRights() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all AccessRights that are associated with this role
getAccessRightsMap() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Returns a mapping of access rights by name.
getAccessRightsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getAccessSessionImmediately() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Returns the flag indicating if the session should be accessed immediately when the request runs through this pipeline element.
getAccessType() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getAccount(String) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount() - Method in class atg.security.GenericPersona
Returns the account that is associated with this persona.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Overwrites super class
getAccount(String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Retrieves the account object for the account with the given name.
getAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Version of getAccount() that loads the database if necessary
getAccountFile() - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Returns the name of an XML file from which to obtain user information.
getAccountInitializer() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the account initializer that will set up our standard accounts, if any.
getAccountInitializer() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the account initializer that will set up our standard accounts, if any.
getAccountItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item corresponding to the specified account name, or null if it doesn't exist.
getAccountItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item corresponding to the specified account name, or null if it doesn't exist.
getAccountIterator() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns an iterator for all accounts.
getAccountLdapDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns the attribute name for privs within LDAP directory
getAccountManager() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Returns the account manager associated with this account.
getAccountManager() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Returns the account manager associated with this account.
getAccountManager() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the account manager associated with this account.
getAccountManager() - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher
Returns the AccountManager.
getAccountManager() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAuthenticationProxy
Returns proxying to this guy
getAccountManager() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Returns the account manager associated with this account.
getAccountName() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountName() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountName() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountName() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Returns the name of the account.
getAccountNameProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the repository item property used to store the name of the account.
getAccountQueryLimit() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the maximum number of accounts that will be returned by listAccounts() or listMatchingAccounts() before throwing TooManyAccountsException.
getAccountType() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Returns the account type.
getAccountType() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Returns the account type.
getAccountType() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the account type.
getAccountType() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Returns the account type.
getAccountType() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Returns the account type.
getAccountType() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Returns the account type.
getAccountTypeProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the account type information.
getAccumulateServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
getAcl() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property acl ("Runtime access control list")
getAcquireAssetLocksOnCheckin() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getAction() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
returns the property Action
getAction() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property action.
getAction() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the action being performed from the argument dictionary.
getAction() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getAction() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getAction() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property action ("Action")
getAction() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property Action
getACTION_CHANGE_CURRENT_DIRECTORY() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getACTION_CHANGE_TYPE() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getACTION_CLICK_FOLDER() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getACTION_SEARCH() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getACTION_SORT_ORDER() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getActionMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
returns a java.util.Properties object of the action to servlet map for Commerce command classes.
getActionName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
Returns the name of the action.
getActionName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
Returns the name of the action.
getActionName() - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Returns the default name of the action.
getActionName() - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Returns the name of the action.
getActionNote() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
getActionParams() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property actionParams ("Action parameters")
getActionQueue() - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The event queue to pass actions into.
getActions() - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The set of actions to perform on an event.
getActionType() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property actionType ("Action type")
getActionType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getActionURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Returns the actionsURL
getActionURL() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getActivateVFSOrder() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase.
getActive() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Retrieve the active flag, which indicates if this component can send messages.
getActive() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Active"
getActive() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getActive() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property active
getActiveContextStatuses() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get an array of ContextStatuses...
getActiveHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the number of handlers currently handling requests.
getActiveHandlers() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Returns an array of the currently registered Handlers.
getActivePromotionPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
The profile's property name for active promotions.
getActivePromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
getActivePromotionsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Property of the profile to which we add new promotions
getActiveQuery() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getActiveTasks(TaskQueryOptions) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns TaskInfos for all the active tasks associated with all workflow subjects.
getActiveTasks(String, TaskQueryOptions) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns TaskInfos for all the active tasks associated with the given workflow subject.
getActiveTasks(TaskQueryOptions, AccessRight, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Returns TaskInfos for all the active tasks associated with all workflow subjects, that can be acted upon by the view.
getActiveTasks(String, TaskQueryOptions, AccessRight, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Returns TaskInfos for all the active tasks associated with the given workflow subject, that can be acted upon by the view.
getActiveWorkspaces() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Find active (not checked in) workspaces.
getActivity() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property activity ("Activity")
getActivityInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getActor() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property actor ("Actor")
getActualShipDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the actualShipDate.
getActualShipDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns property actualShipDate.
getADD_ASSET_ACTION() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getAddCostCenterDescription() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property AddCostCenterDescription
getAddCostCenterErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property AddCostCenterErrorURL
getAddCostCenterIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property AddCostCenterIdentifier
getAddCostCenterSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property AddCostCenterSuccessURL
getAdded() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.SnapshotDiff
Returns the AssetVersions that have been added between the original snapshot and the new one.
getAddedMarkerEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Returns property AddedMarkerEvents
getAddErrorToResultOnTrueEval() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property AddErrorToResultOnTrueEval
getAddGiftItemToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property AddGiftItemToOrderErrorURL
getAddGiftItemToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property AddGiftItemToOrderSuccessURL
getAddHandlerPool() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
Maintain a pool of ContentHandlers that will be used to process an instance document.
getAddInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when a new invoice is added to the repository.
getAddItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the number of elements to allocate in the items array
getAddItemEventPipeline() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
The name of the pipeline used to send the ScenarioAddedItemToOrder event Defaults to PipelineConstants.SENDSCENARIOEVENT
getAddItemInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the name of the class to be used for elements in the items array
getAddItemToGiftlistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToGiftlistErrorURL
getAddItemToGiftlistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToGiftlistSuccessURL
getAddItemToOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderChainId
getAddItemToOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderChainId
getAddItemToOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property AddItemToOrderChainId
getAddItemToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderErrorURL
getAddItemToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderErrorURL
getAddItemToOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is added to the order
getAddItemToOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is added to the order
getAddItemToOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is added to the order
getAddItemToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderSuccessURL
getAddItemToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property AddItemToOrderSuccessURL
getAddItemToPurchaselistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getAddItemToPurchaselistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getAdditionalConnectionProperties() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property additionalConnectionProperties.
getAdditionalConnectionProperties() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Set of properties that should be used to create new connections.
getAdditionalConstraints() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns any additional, possibly database-dependent constraints for the column.
getAdditionalConstraints() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns any additional, possibly database-dependent constraints for the column.
getAdditionalOptionSets() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Set list of non-default option sets that should be available in the session.
getAdditionalProjectAcls() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getAdditionalRequestDetails(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Get some additional request details.
getAddMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
getAddMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getAddMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic add marker key/values
getAddMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
getAddMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getAddMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
getAddMessageJMSType() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the JMS Message type used when sending marked added messages.
getAddMultipleItemsToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property AddMultipleItemsToOrderErrorURL
getAddMultipleItemsToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property AddMultipleItemsToOrderSuccessURL
getAddMultiPropertyName(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Get the multi-value Property Name to use in a handleAddMulti call.
getAddMultiPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Get the multi-value Property Value to use in a handleAddMulti call.
getAddProductErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL if errors occur while adding products to the list.
getAddProductSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL for successfully adding products to the list.
getAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Return the address repository item for the given address id
getAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns an address bean to be used when modifying an address for a shipping or a billing group
getAddress1() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the address1
getAddress1() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the address1
getAddress1() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the address1
getAddress1() - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Returns the billingAddress
getAddress1() - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Returns the address1
getAddress2() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the address2
getAddress2() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the address2
getAddress2() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the address2
getAddress2() - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Returns the ShippingAddress
getAddress2() - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Returns the address2
getAddress3() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the address3
getAddress3() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the address3
getAddress3() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the address3
getAddressCityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressCityPropertyName property.
getAddressCompanyNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Returns the addressCompanyNamePropertyName
getAddressCountryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressCountryPropertyName property.
getAddressCountyPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressCountyPropertyName property.
getAddresses() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property addresses
getAddressesToCopy() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Get the array of addresses to copy.
getAddressFaxNumberPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressFaxNumberPropertyName property.
getAddressFirstNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressFirstNamePropertyName property.
getAddressFromRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method creates an address object and sets the property values to values in the repository item passed in.
getAddressJobTitlePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressJobTitlePropertyName property.
getAddressLastNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressLastNamePropertyName property.
getAddressLineOnePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressLineOnePropertyName property.
getAddressLineThreePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressLineThreePropertyName property.
getAddressLineTwoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressLineTwoPropertyName property.
getAddressMiddleNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressMiddleNamePropertyName property.
getAddressNameForIndex(int) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
getAddressNameForIndex(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
getAddressOwnerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressOwnerIdPropertyName property.
getAddressPhoneNumberPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressPhoneNumberPropertyName property.
getAddressPostalCodePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressPostalCodePropertyName property.
getAddressPrefixPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressPrefixPropertyName property.
getAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property addressProperties, naming the properties in a secondary address record.
getAddressPropertyList() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
If the address property list is null, the initializeAddressPropertyList method is called to create a list from the appropriate property manager class.
getAddressStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressStatePropertyName property.
getAddressSuffixPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the addressSuffixPropertyName property.
getAddressVerificationItem(int) - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Returns an individual item in the shopping cart
getAddressVerificationItem(int) - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Returns an individual item in the shopping cart
getAddressVerificationItems() - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Returns items in the shopping cart
getAddressVerificationItems() - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Returns the addressVerificationItems
getAddressVerificationProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Returns the addressVerificationProcessor
getAddService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
The AddService used by createOrderFromXML to convert xml strings to orders
getAddService() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The service that adds a new repository item given an xml document
getAddService() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Returns the AddService nucleus component
getAddService() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
If no items are selected for an update, and this component is instructed to add the item when no items are matched, the addItem method will be called on this configured AddService.
getAddSoftGoodToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Return the addSoftGoodToOrderErrorURL property.
getAddSoftGoodToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Return the addSoftGoodToOrderSuccessURL property.
getAddToCompareListErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Returns property AddToCompareListErrorURL.
getAddToCompareListSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Returns property AddToCompareListSuccessURL.
getAdjustedValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Stub method that can be overridden to adjust a property value before writing to the XML (e.g., mask a credit card number)
getAdjuster() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Adjuster
getAdjustment() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
The unit price adjustment
getAdjustmentDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Get property AdjustmentDescription
getAdjustmentPricingModels(AmountInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Gets the pricingModels from the priceInfo's "adjustments" property These are the promotions the order has qualified for, and should not be evaluated for closeness
getAdjustments() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
A list of PricingAdjustment objects which record an audit trail of changes that have happened to the amount in this AmountInfo
getAdjustmentsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the adjustmentsProperty
getAdjustmentsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the adjustmentsProperty
getAdminServerPrefix() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getAdminServlet() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.AdminableService
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
getAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
getAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
getAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
getAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Returns the Servlet that will handle requests directed at this service.
getAdminServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the Servlet that will handle admin requests directed at this service.
getAdvancedSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names to search
getAdvancedSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
getAdvancedSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
getAdvancedSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
getAdvancedSearchPropertyRanges() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyRanges
getAdvancedSearchPropertyRanges() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyRanges
getAdvancedSearchPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyValues
getAdvancedSearchPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AdvancedSearchPropertyValues
getAffectedItemTypes() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
getAffectedItemTypes() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A Map with a key of affected repository path to a Set value of affected item types
getAgentDefHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for AgentDef instances.
getAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
The list of all deployment agents that make up the target.
getAgents() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property agents ("Agent Definitions")
getAgentStatuses() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
A convenience method that queries and returns the status of each agent in the target.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Returns the name of the digestifying algorithm used by this password hasher.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Returns the name of the digestifying algorithm used by this password hasher.
getAlign() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the align attribute
getAllAncestorCategories(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
getAllAssetVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Find the complete set of asset versions for this development line.
getAllAssetVersions(int) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getAllAssetVersions(VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getAllAssetVersions(int, VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getAllAssetVersionsCount() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getAllAvailableAddresses(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method constructs a consolidated collection of addresses that are associated with the current customer profile.
getAllBillingAddresses(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method constructs a consolidated collection of all billing addresses that are associated with the current customer profile.
getAllClusterStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Wrapper call to the AgentTransport for this agent.
getAllClusterStatus() - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Returns a Collection of all the ClusterStatus objects that exist for this Agent.
getAllColumns() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The getAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method returns one List of all CommerceIdentifierCostCenters in the entire Map.
getAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The getAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method returns all the CommerceIdentifierCostCenters in this container.
getAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The getAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method returns one List of all CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos in the entire Map.
getAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The getAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method returns one List of all CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos in the entire Map.
getAllCommerceItemRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Provides a List of all CommerceItemRelationships associated with the given Order.
getAllCommerceItemRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
getAllCommerceItemShippingInfos() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Get the List of all the CommerceItemShippingInfos from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap
getAllCommerceItemShippingInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Get the List of all the CommerceItemShippingInfos from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap
getAllDates() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all dates of the month to the schedule will occur in.
getAllDaysOfTheWeek() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all days of the the week the schedule will occur in the zero'th entry can be ignored as counting starts at 1
getAllElements() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns all elements in this Cache.
getAllFileTypes() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Return all the available file types for the VFS.
getAllHardgoodCommerceItemShippingInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Get the List of all the CommerceItemShippingInfos for hardgoods from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
getAllHours() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all hours the schedule will occur in
getAllKeys() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns all elements in this Cache.
getAllKeysOrdered(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.
getAllLines() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set of all branches, baselines, workspaces.
getAllMarkersFromItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given item.
getAllMarkersFromItem(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given item.
getAllMarkersFromItem(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given item.
getAllMarkersFromItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given item.
getAllMarkersFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given Order.
getAllMarkersFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns a copy of the current marker collection from the given Order.
getAllMinutes() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all minutes schedule will occur in
getAllMonths() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all months to the schedule will occur in
getAllOccurencesInTheMonth() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
gets all occurences in the month the schedule will occur in the zero'th entry can be ignored as counting starts at 1
getAllOrderRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Provides a List of all OrderRelationships associated with the given Order.
getAllOutputItemSpecifiers(List, OutputItemSpecifier) - Static method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Recursively build list of all OutputItemSpecifier objects
getAllOutputPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get both the text and meta output property names.
getAllowApplets() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getAllowCheckoutIfApproversNotDefined() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Returns the allowCheckoutIfApproversNotDefined
getAllowDuplicates() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns flag controlling whether duplicates are allowed or not
getAllowed() - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Returns the list of allowed identities.
getAllowedClasses() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The object that determines which classes may or may not be used in Nucleus.
getAllowedClassNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getAllowedClassNamesSignature() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getAllowedConnection() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the AllowedConnection property.
getAllowedCount() - Method in exception atg.security.TooManyAccountsException
Returns the number of accounts that the account manager would have allowed, or zero if it is unspecified.
getAllowEmptyOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Return the allowEmptyOrders property.
getAllowEmptySearch() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AllowEmptySearch
getAllowFileRepositoryItems() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
getAllowGroups() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Returns the array of "allow" group names.
getAllowGroups() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns the array of "allow" group names.
getAllowLayoutChanges() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property fixed
getAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.
getAllowMultiple() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property AllowMultiple
getAllowMultipleProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Property name of the 'allowMultiple' property in the promotion
getAllowPartialShipmentDefault() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The default value for all shipping groups.
getAllowRefine() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AllowRefine
getAllowReloadableComponents() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getAllowWildcards() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AllowWildcards
getAllowWildcards() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AllowWildcards
getAllParentVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Gets a set of all prior versions of this asset back to the original.
getAllPaymentGroupRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
getAllPaymentGroupRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Provides a List of all PaymentGroupRelationships associated with the given Order.
getAllPrices(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This will execute a query within a single priceList for all prices directly attached to this pricelist.
getAllProcessNames() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the names of all processes known to this process manager, null if no processes are registered.
getAllProcessNames(int) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the names of all processes with the given status (RUNNING or DISABLED) known to this process manager, null if no processes with the given status are registered.
getAllPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property AllPromotions
getAllRootCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in catalog that holds the all root categories (including those from root sub catalogs
getAllShippingAddresses(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method constructs a consolidated collection of all shipping addresses that are associated with the current customer profile.
getAllShippingGroupRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
getAllShippingGroupRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Provides a List of all ShippingGroupRelationships associated with the given Order.
getAllSubtypeItemDescriptors(RepositoryItemDescriptorContainer) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Returns a collection of item-descriptors that are subtypes of the item-descriptor passed to this method.
getAllTablesExist() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Returns true if all specified tables exist
getAllTasks(String, TaskQueryOptions) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns TaskInfos for all the tasks associated with the given workflow subject, including inactive and completed tasks.
getAllTasks(String, TaskQueryOptions, AccessRight, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Returns TaskInfos for all the tasks associated with the given workflow subject, that can be acted upon by the view, including inactive and completed tasks.
getAllTypes() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getAllUnsuppliedAssetCount() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
getAllUnsuppliedAssetNames() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
getAllVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Returns all versions for this asset.
getAlreadyApprovedReturnValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Returns property alreadyApprovedReturnValue
getAlternateCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property AlternateCatalogs
getAlternateFormParams(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Returns the actual objects that will be used as arguments when invoking form handler methods.
getAlternateFormParamTypes(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Returns the types of any alternate form parameters.
getAlternateRepositories() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property AlternateRepositories
getAlternateUserPricingModelHolderPaths() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns property AlternateUserPricingModelHolderPaths
getAltTemplateURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Get the alternative text template URL
getAlwaysPruneAfterRendering() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Get prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationship
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the amount that this Relationship represents.
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
returns the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationship
Returns the amount that this Relationship represents.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the Amount property.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the amount that this Relationship represents.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The price of the items added
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The price of the items added
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The price of the items removed
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationship
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
returns the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
returns the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationship
Returns the amount that this Relationship represents.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the amount that this relationship represents
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the Amount property.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is not used for this relationship class and therefore should not be called.
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the amount that this Relationship represents.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property Amount
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the payment amount from the argument dictionary.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
the raw number about which this AmountInfo stores interpretive information
getAmount(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Returns the amount which should be used as the price for this shipping group
getAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FixedPriceShippingCalculator
The fixed price that every ShippingGroup processes by this calculator receives
getAmount(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FixedPriceShippingCalculator
Returns the amount which should be used as the price for this shipping group
getAmount(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Return the amount which should be used for the pricing of this shipping group The default implementation just returns the subtotal of the shipping group, or zero if the subtotal cannot be found
getAmount(ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
getAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateInfo
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
The amount that was submitted for the transaction
getAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
Returns property amount, this property represents the amount that the transaction represents.
getAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditInfo
Returns the amount
getAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Returns the total amount for the quantity of items purchased
getAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Get property Amount
getAmountAuthorized() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the amountAuthorized
getAmountAuthorized() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns property amountAuthorized.
getAmountByAverage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
returns the property amountByAverage.
getAmountCredited() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the amountCredited property.
getAmountCredited() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns property amountCredited.
getAmountDebited() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the amountDebited property.
getAmountDebited() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns property amountDebited.
getAmountRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
getAmountRemainingType is used to return the amount remaining relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier type.
getAmountRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
getAmountRemainingType is used to return the amount remaining relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being a CommerceItem.
getAmountRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
getAmountRemainingType is used to return the amount remaining relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being the Order.
getAmountRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
getAmountRemainingType is used to return the amount remaining relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being a ShippingGroup.
getAmountRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
getAmountRemainingType is used to return the amount remaining relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being the Order and representing its tax.
getAmountToDiscount(DetailedItemPriceInfo, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
This will return the amount that will eventually be discounted.
getAmountToDiscount(OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
This will return the amount that will eventually be discounted.
getAmountToDiscount(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
This will return the amount that will eventually be discounted.
getAmountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
getAmountType is used to return the amount relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier type.
getAmountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemPaymentInfo
getAmountType is used to return the amount relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being a CommerceItem.
getAmountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
getAmountType is used to return the amount relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being the Order.
getAmountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
getAmountType is used to return the amount relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being a ShippingGroup.
getAmountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
getAmountType is used to return the amount relationship type String based on the CommerceIdentifier being the Order and representing its tax.
getAmPm() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns "AM" or "PM" depending on time.
getAncestorCatalogsAndSelfPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the AncestorCatalogsAndSelf property for those items with an AncestorCatalogsAndSelf property
getAncestorCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
getAncestorCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Returns property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
getAncestorCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
getAncestorCount() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Return the number of parents/ancestors.
getAncestorFolderIds() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns an array of ids for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorFolderIds() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of ids for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorFolderIds() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.FolderItem
Returns an array of ids for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorFolderPaths() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns an array of paths for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorFolderPaths() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of paths for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorFolderPaths() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.FolderItem
Returns an array of paths for all folders which are parents of this item.
getAncestorGeneratorService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
This service will generate the ancestorCategories for categories and products
getAncestorId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AncestorId
getAncestorId() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property AncestorId
getAncestorOrganizations() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Get all the ancestor organizations that ultimately contain this OrganizationalEntity in a recursive sense.
getAncestorOrganizationsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getAncestorPriceLists(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Given a price list, this method will return all the ancestor price lists.
getAncestorPropertyName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ancestorPropertyName
getAncestorPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ancestorPropertyName
getAncestors(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
This method gets the parentCateogory property of the repository item passed in, and gets the parentCategory's parentCategory and so forth until there is no more parent.
getAncestors(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method gets the parentCategory property of the repository item passed in, and gets the parentCategory's parentCategory and so forth until there is no more parent.
getAncestors(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method gets the parentCategory property of the repository item passed in, and gets the parentCategory's parentCategory and so forth until there is no more parent.
getAnonymousUserName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the string to use for the anonymous user.
getANY_VALUE() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the token string that indicates a property value can be anything.
getAppendedText() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
getApplicationLogging() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Returns the optional component handling logging functions
getApplicationNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getApplicationPrefix() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the Dynamo application prefix.
getApplicationPrefix() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the Dynamo application prefix.
getApplicationURLs() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getApplyCostCentersErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the ApplyCostCentersErrorURL property.
getApplyCostCentersSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the ApplyCostCentersSuccessURL property.
getApplyPaymentGroupsErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyPaymentGroupsErrorURL property.
getApplyPaymentGroupsSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyPaymentGroupsSuccessURL property.
getApplyShippingGroupsErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyShippingGroupsErrorURL property.
getApplyShippingGroupsSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyShippingGroupsSuccessURL property.
getApplyTransactionBatchSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.
getAppropriateSalesTaxService(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Returns the TaxService appropriate for the request.
getApprovalCheckRequiredPropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
Return the approvalCheckRequiredPropertyName property.
getApprovalPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns property approvalPipelineManager
getApprovalPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Returns property approvalPipelineManager
getApprovalStatus() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Returns property approvalStatus
getApprovalSystemMessages() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Returns the approvalSystemMessages
getApprovalSystemMessages() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns property approvalSystemMessages
getApproveDeclineFlags() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getApproveDeclinePrincipalIds() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getApprovedOrderCount(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
This method creates and executes the query that returns the count of all the orders for approval by the approver whose id is in pApproverId.
getApprovedOrders(String, int, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
This method creates and executes the query that returns the orders for approval by the approver whose id is in pApproverId.
getApprovedOrderState() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the approvedOrderState property.
getApprovedOrderState() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Returns property approvedOrderState
getApprovedStatus() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
Returns property approvedStatus
getApproveOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the approveOrderErrorURL property.
getApproveOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the approveOrderSuccessURL property.
getApprovePrincipalIds() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getApproverIds() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Returns the approverIds
getApproverIds() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns property approverIds
getApproverIdsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns the approverIdsPropertyName
getApproverMessage() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns property approverMessage
getApproverMessages() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Returns the approverMessages
getApproverMessages() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns property approverMessages
getApproversPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Returns property approversPropertyName
getAppServerConfig() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getAppServerConnectRetryTime() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Gets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property
getAppServerType() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Return the app server type.
getAppState() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, List, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, List, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
Returns the Vector of exceptions to display.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, List, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, Vector, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEach
Returns the enumeration from the SQLQuery that contains the elements in the result set
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRange
Returns the enumeration from the SQLQuery that contains the elements in the result set
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, Vector, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, Vector, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
Gets the array-like value (e.g., array, Vector, Enumeration) to be used by this droplet from the request.
getArray(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getArray
getArray(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC ARRAY parameter as an Array object in the Java programming language.
getArrayConfigurationProperty(String, String, String, String, Class, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Treats the specified value as a comma-separated list of values, which are assigned to an array whose components are of the type specified by the class (which must be an array type).
getArrayFromMultiRepoItems(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Return an array of RepositoryItems representing the repository items the come from the property pItem.
getArrayParamName() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
getArrayValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property arrayValue
getAsset() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.Results
getAsset() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getAsset() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Versions are associated with an asset.
getAsset(VersionManagerURI) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Look-up a asset by id, but only if it exists in this development line.
getAsset() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
getAsset(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look-up an asset by URI.
getAsset(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up an asset that matches a given repository item.
getAsset(RepositoryVirtualFile) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up an asset that matches a given virtual file.
getAssetAction() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Used by handlePerformAssetAction handler to decide which of handleAddAssets or handleDiscardAssets methods to invoke
getAssetByName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns an AssetDescriptor for a declared asset in this workflow with the given logical name, or null if no such AssetDescriptor exists.
getAssetDestinations() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Get the list of repository/VFS paths affected by this deployment
getAssetEditor() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
This form handler edits its own assets
getAssetInfo() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getAssetInfoFromRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getAssetInfoPath() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getAssetResolver() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getAssets() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property assets ("Assets")
getAssets() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getAssets() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
The set of assets that this development line contains.
getAssets(int) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getAssets(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the set of assets under control of this version manager which belong to the given development line.
getAssets(VersionManagerURI, int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getAssets() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the List of assets declared in this workflow.
getAssetsChanged() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Returns the assets changed by this Workspace.
getAssetsChanged(int) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
getAssetsChanged(VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
GetAssetTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining an asset given a URI string or a working version given a URI and a workspace name.
GetAssetTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Empty Constructor
GetAssetTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output for this tag
GetAssetTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetAssetTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.TEI
getAssetTypeName(int) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getAssetURI() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Get the asset URI.
getAssetVersion(Asset) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Gets the version of the given asset that is the head for this development line.
getAssetVersion(VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the version of the asset for the given development line.
getAssetVersion(Asset, VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an asset version corresponding to the named asset for the specified line.
getAssetVersion(Asset, DevelopmentLine) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an asset version corresponding to the named asset for the specified line.
getAssetVersion(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an AssetVersion corresponding to the named Asset for the development line specified by the current thread.
getAssetVersion(Asset) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an AssetVersion corresponding to the named Asset for the development line specified by the current thread.
getAssetVersion() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Get the asset version of this URI.
getAssignableFunctionNames() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Lists the relativeRoles that should be assigned to a particular user.
GetAssignableUsersTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for returning a set of users that can be assigned to a workflow task.
GetAssignableUsersTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
Empty Constructor
GetAssignableUsersTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetAssignableUsersTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag.TEI
GetAssignableUsersTag.UserFirstLastComparator - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
getAssignedRoles() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Get the set of assignable roles which are explicitly assigned to this principal.
getAssignee() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
Returns the assignee for the assignTask handler.
getAssigneeOrganizations() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Organizations to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned.
getAssigneeOrganizationsSortOnName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Organizations to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned, sorted on the name of the organization, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getAssignees() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all OrganizationalEntities to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned.
getAssigneeUsers() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Users to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned.
getAssigneeUsersSortOnEmailAddress(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Users to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned, sorted on the emailAddress of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getAssigneeUsersSortOnFirstName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Users to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned, sorted on the firstName of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getAssigneeUsersSortOnLastName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Users to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned, sorted on the lastName of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getAssigneeUsersSortOnLogin(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all Users to which this assignable role is explicitly assigned, sorted on the login of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getAsText() - Method in class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
getAsText() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
Get the current value as a String.
getAsText() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor
getAsText() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor
getAsText() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
getAsText() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
Get the property value as a human editable String
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Returns the value of the specified attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns an the value of an attribute in the ServletContext.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get an attribute by name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Retrieves the value of a named attribute of the persona's account.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Retrieves the value of a named attribute of the persona's account.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Retrieves the value of a named attribute of the persona's account.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Retrieves the value of a named attribute of the persona's account.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Retrieves the string value of a given attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Retrieves the value of a named attribute of the persona's account.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getAttribute
getAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getAttribute
getAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Return an attribute of this file system
getAttributeNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available within this servlet context.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns an Enumeration containing the names of the attributes available to this request.
getAttributeResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the name of the resource bundle used for translating attribute names to resource names.
getAttributeResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the resource bundle used for translating attribute names to resource names.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Returns the Attributes dictionary for this tag.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Get the attributes set in the form's mapping
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get a read-only representation of the attributes map.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Get the attribute map.
getAttributes() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Retrieves a mapping of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Retrieves a mapping of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Retrieves a mapping of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAttributes() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Retrieves a dictionary of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Retrieves a dictionary of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Retrieves a mapping of all defined attributes and their values from the account.
getAuthenticateHeaderValue() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns the header value for the authentication header
getAuthenticator() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns the authenticator used to verify id/password combinations
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the author of the color palette
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the author of the gear
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the author
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the author
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the author
getAuthor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the author
getAuthorizationChainName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Obtain a pipeline chain that can authorize the pPaymentGroup.
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatus
Authorization expiration date returned by some payment systems
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatus
Returns the authorization expiration date
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatusImpl
Returns the authorization expiration date
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatus
Returns the authorization expiration date
getAuthorizationExpiration() - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatusImpl
Returns the authorization expiration date
getAuthorizationStatus() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the authorizationStatus
getAuthorizationStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the authorizationStatus
getAuthorizationStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns the authorizationStatusProperty name.
getAuthorizationStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the authorizationStatusProperty
getAuthorizedApproverIds() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Returns the authorizedApproverIds
getAuthorizedApproverIds() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns property authorizedApproverIds
getAuthorizedApproverIdsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property authorizedApproverIdsPropertyName
getAuthorizedPaymentTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Return the AuthorizedPaymentTypes property.
getAuthType() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getAuthType
getAutoCommit() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the flag indicating if the created Connections will be set with autoCommit on.
getAutoCommit() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getAutoCommit
getAutoCreate() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get property autoCreate
getAutoCreate() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Get property autoCreate
getAutoLogin(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Gets the auto-login property of the given profile.
getAutoLoginPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property AutoLoginPropertyName
getAutoLookup() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getAutoRedirect() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
If set to true then the form handler will check the search results for a redirect URL and if found redirect to it.
getAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.
getAuxiliaryData() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
returns the AuxiliaryData.
getAuxiliaryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the AuxiliaryData.
getAuxiliaryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
returns the AuxiliaryData.
getAuxiliaryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
returns the AuxiliaryData.
getAvailabilityDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory availability date for this item.
getAvailabilityDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The availabilityDate for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getAvailabilityDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The availabilityDate for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getAvailabilityDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property AvailabilityDatePropertyName
getAvailabilityStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory availability status code for this item.
getAvailabilityStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The availabilityStatus for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getAvailabilityStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The availabilityStatus for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getAvailabilityStatusBackorderableValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of BACKORDERABLE
getAvailabilityStatusDerivedValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of DERIVED
getAvailabilityStatusDiscontinuedValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of DISCONTINUED
getAvailabilityStatusInStockValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of IN_STOCK
getAvailabilityStatusMessage(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Return a String message that should correspond to the supplied code.
getAvailabilityStatusMsg() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory availability status message for this item.
getAvailabilityStatusMsg() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The string associated with the availabilityStatus for the inventory item with id inventoryId 1000 constant InventoryManager.AVAILABILITY_STATUS_IN_STOCK -> INSTOCK 1001 constant InventoryManager.AVAILABILITY_STATUS_OUT_OF_STOCK -> OUTOFSTOCK 1002 constant InventoryManager.AVAILABILITY_STATUS_PREORDERABLE -> PREORDERABLE 1003 constant InventoryManager.AVAILABILITY_STATUS_BACKORDERABLE -> BACKORDERABLE 1005 constant InventoryManager.AVAILABILITY_STATUS_DISCONTINUED -> DISCONTINUED
getAvailabilityStatusMsg(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
Return a String message that should correspond to the supplied code.
getAvailabilityStatusOutOfStockValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of OUT_OF_STOCK
getAvailabilityStatusPreorderableValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The integer value for the availabilityStatus of PREORDERABLE
getAvailabilityStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property AvailabilityStatusPropertyName
getAvailableMethods(List, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Get shipping methods available to deliver the shipping group.
getAvailableMethods(List, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
Get shipping methods available to deliver the shipping group.
getAvailableMethods(List, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingCalculator
Get shipping methods available to deliver the shipping group
getAvailableMethods(ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngine
Get shipping methods available to deliver the shipping group
getAvailableMethods(ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Get shipping methods available to deliver the shipping group.
getAverageExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property averageExecutionTime
getAverageItemPrice(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method will return the average price for a given commerce item.
getAverageMemoryRequired() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property averageMemoryRequired
getAverageRequestHandlingTime() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Returns the average amount of time spent handling each request, in milliseconds.
getAverageResourceCreationTime() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the average time in milli-seconds required to successfully create a resource for the pool.
getAvsCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getAvsCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getAvsCode() - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatus
Address Verification Result returned from authorization
getAvsCode() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
Returns the avsCode
getAvsDescriptiveResult() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getAvsDescriptiveResult() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getAvsDescriptiveResult() - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatus
A full descriptive address verification result message
getAvsDescriptiveResult() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
Returns the avsDescriptiveResult
getAvsDescriptiveValue(String) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.AuthorizationAddressVerificationStatus
getB2BCommerceItem() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CommerceItem reference.
getB2BCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CommerceItem reference.
getBacklog() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the backlog that will be set to the server socket.
getBackorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory backorder level for this item.
getBackorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The backorderLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getBackorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The backorderLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getBackorderLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property BackorderLevelPropertyName
getBackorderThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The backorderThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getBackorderThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The backorderThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getBackorderThresholdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property BackorderThresholdPropertyName
getBadPasswordDelay() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Get property BadPasswordDelay
getBadPasswordDelay() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property badPasswordDelay DEFAULT: 1000 (1 second)
getBalanceDue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getBalanceDue() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the balance due on this invoice request.
getBalanceDue() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the balance due on this invoice.
getBalanceDuePropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's balance due.
getBaseCatalogItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Returns property BaseCatalogItemType
getBaseCatalogItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Returns property BaseCatalogItemType
getBaseCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a category info.
getBaseCategoryItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property BaseCategoryItemType
getBaseCategoryItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property BaseCategoryItemType
getBaseCNs() - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Returns Base CN for where the users live
getBaseDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getBaseDirectory() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the current base directory or null if it is not set
getBaseMediaItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property baseMediaItemType
getBasePriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in priceList that contains the basePriceList
getBaseProductInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a product info.
getBaseProductItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property BaseProductItemType
getBaseProductItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property BaseProductItemType
getBasePromotionItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns property BasePromotionItemType
getBaseSkuInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
This method is used to provide a source of information when populating a sku info.
getBaseSKUItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property BaseSKUItemType
getBaseSKUItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property BaseSKUItemType
getBaseURI() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Get a base URI from a cache key.
getBatchElements() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Returns a List of BatchElement objects (Errors and Results) in the Batch or null if the Batch is empty.
getBatchEmailPeriodicService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Get the batch email periodic service.
getBatchExecutionId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Get the batch execution ID.
getBatchItemCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property BatchItemCount
getBatchNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The subset of ids in catalogRefIds
getBatchSize() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
catalogRefIds will contain this many ids.
getBatchSize() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property batchSize
getBatchSize() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Get the size of each batch...
getBatchSizeColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property BatchSizeColumn
getBcc() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the sender (Bcc:) field.
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Returns the class of the bean whose property is mapped to the specified column.
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the bean class referenced by the properties.
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the Class of the bean used to represent the rows handled by this RelationalView.
getBeanClass() - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Returns the Class of the bean used to represent the rows returned by this ResultSetProcessor.
getBeanClasses() - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the list of bean classes referenced by the properties
getBeanConfigurator() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the BeanConfigurator that should be used to configure a bean from Properties.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns the DynamicBeanDescriptor for this DynamicBeanInfo.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns the DynamicBeanDescriptor for this DynamicBeanInfo.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.CacheBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.CompareBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ComponentExistsBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEachBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ForBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEachBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormatBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.IsEmptyBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.IsNullBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChangeBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.RangeBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.RedirectBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEachBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRangeBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.SwitchBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEachBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRangeBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEachBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatchBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOMBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransformBeanInfo
Returns the BeanDescriptor for this bean, which will in turn contain ParamDescriptors for the droplet.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the DynamicBeanDescriptor for this DynamicBeanInfo.
getBeanHomes() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
Returns an EPubHomes object which will return the bean representations of the Home instances when get<ObjectType>Home() is called.
getBeanInfo(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Gets a DynamicBeanInfo that describes the given dynamic bean.
getBeanInfo(Object) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Returns a DynamicBeanInfo describing a particular dynamic bean instance.
getBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo for this state's source bean, resolving the bean info first, if necessary.
getBeanInfo(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanStateMapper
Gets a DynamicBeanInfo that describes the given dynamic bean.
getBeanInfo(Object) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicPropertyMapper
Gets a DynamicBeanInfo that describes the given dynamic bean.
getBeanInfo(String, Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo associated with a JMS message type and optional message object class.
getBeanInfo(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper
Gets a DynamicBeanInfo that describes the given dynamic bean.
getBeanInfo() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo of the message bean type
getBeanInfo(String, Class) - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageTyper
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo associated with a JMS message type and optional message object class.
getBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
getBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
Returns the BeanInfo for this object.
getBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
getBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
getBeanInfo(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.ParamDescriptorResolver
Resolves the name of a nucleus component path specified and returns the class of the object referenced
getBeanInfoFromType(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanClassTyper
Create a DynamicBeanInfo for some Class.
getBeanInfoFromType(Object) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Given a dynamic bean type for some set of dynamic beans, yield a DynamicBeanInfo describing that type.
getBeanInfoFromType(Object) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanTyper
Given an object that can provide information on a set of dynamic beans, convert to a DynamicBeanInfo containing that information.
getBeanInfoFromType(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.ParamDescriptorResolver
Given the path to a bean that is a "dynamic bean type" (i.e.
getBeanNameToItemDescriptorMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the beanNameToItemDescriptorMap
getBeanPath() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
getBeanTyper(Class) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Gets a dynamic beanTyper for the specified class.
getBeanTyperParamName() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
getBeanTyperParamName() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
getBeginTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property beginTime ("Deployment begin")
getBeginTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
System milliseconds when the deployment began (or began again).
getBeginUsable() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property BeginUsable
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getBigDecimal
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC NUMERIC parameter as a java.math.BigDecimal object with as many digits to the right of the decimal point as the value contains.
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Get the billing address used when paying by invoice.
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Returns the billing address to use for this invoice.
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the billingAddress
getBillingAddress() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentAddressContainer
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the billing address to which this invoice should be sent
getBillingAddress() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the billing address to which this invoice should be sent
getBillingAddress() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Returns the billing address of the purchaser
getBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Get property BillingAddress
getBillingAddressId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the repository id of the repository item that specifies which billing address to use when paying by invoice.
getBillingAddressItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The item descriptor type for the billing address property
getBillingAddressMapProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
getBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Returns the billingAddressPropertyName
getBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The name of the profile property that setDefaultBillingAddress modifies.
getBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the billingAddressPropertyName property.
getBillingAddressValidator() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
getBillingAddressValidator() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
getBilllingAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
getBillZipOptionChoice() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
gets the index for the currently chosen billing zip option.
getBillZipOptionCount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns the count of possible string options.
getBillZipOptions() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns the string array describing the current billing zip options.
getBindingResources() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the bindingResources
getBlob(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getBlob
getBlob(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BLOB parameter as a Blob object in the Java programming language.
getBlocking() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.
getBody() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the message body.
getBody() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property body.
getBodyTagData() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access a String containing the attributes used in the html body tag for this color palette.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getBoolean
getBoolean(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIT parameter as a boolean in the Java programming language.
getBooleanRequestAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get a request attribute value as a Boolean
getBooleanValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property booleanValue
getBoolRequestAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get a request attribute value as an int
getBouncedEmailAddress(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the email address of the bounced recipient from the given javax.mail.Message.
getBouncedEmailAddress(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
This method gets the email address from a presumed bounced email in sendmail format.
getBouncedEmailAddress(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method gets the email address from a presumed bounced email in sendmail format.
getBouncedEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
getBouncedEmailAddress() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the BouncedEmailAddress property
getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the enhanced status code from the given bounced email.
getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error.
getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the enhanced status code from the given content, if any exists.
getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error.
getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error.
getBouncedErrorMessage(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the error message from the given bounced email.
getBouncedErrorMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
getBouncedErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the error message for the given bounced email content It is assumed that the error message is after a triple dot in the same line that the reply code is present on.
getBouncedErrorMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
getBouncedErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
getBouncedErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the BouncedErrorMessage property
getBouncedIndicatorEndIndex(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method gets the ending index of the bounced indicator For this implementation, it is expected that there are 7 chars in the bounced indicator, and this the end index is 7 chars after the start
getBouncedIndicatorStartIndex(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
This method takes the given string of email content and looks for the pattern that indicates that this email is bounced.
getBouncedReplyCode(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
getBouncedReplyCode(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
getBouncedReplyCode(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the reply code present in the given email content It's assumed that the reply code is present after the "]: " string in the given content
getBouncedReplyCode(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
getBouncedReplyCode(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
getBouncedReplyCode() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the BouncedReplyCode property
getBouncedStatusCode() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the BouncedStatusCode property
getBranch(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look-up a branch by its id.
getBranchByID(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up the branch with the given unique ID in this version manager.
getBranchByName(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up the branch with the given name in this version manager.
getBranches() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an unmodifiable set of all branches.
getBranchesByParent(Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Find all child branches given a parent branch.
getBranchName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property branchName ("Versioning branch Name")
getBrowserTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the BrowserTyper
getBrowserTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the BrowserTyper property
getBrowserTypes() - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Returns the value of the BrowserTypes property
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get property BufferSize
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property BufferSize
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the actual buffer size used for the response.
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getBufferSize() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns the number of items to target for in each iteration.
getBuilder() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get our query builder as the right type.
getBulkLoader() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the bulk loader used to bulk (full) index.
getBulkLoadWithRetryMinutes() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the number of minutes to keep trying bulkLoadWithRetry.
getBulkSchedule() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property bulkschedule.
getBulkScheduleConsiderIndexedMinutes() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the number of minutes to consider content already indexed for a scheduled bulk load.
getBulkScheduler() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property bulkscheduler.
getBundle(String) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Returns the requested ResourceBundle.
getBundle(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Returns the requested ResourceBundle for the specified Locale.
getBundle() - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get the resource bundle for this class to use.
getBundledIds(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the list of catalog ref ids contained in the bundle.
getBundleLinks(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the List of bundle links for the given id.
getBundleLinks(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the List of bundle links for the given id.
getBundleLinksPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The name of the property bundleLinks
getBusinessProcessConfigurations() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
getBusinessProcessEvent() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Returns BusinessProcessEvent that will be sent.
getBusinessProcessEventType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Returns the JMS Message type used when sending the event message
getBusinessProcessManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Returns property BusinessProcessManager
getBusinessProcessManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
getBusinessProcessManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Returns the Business Process Manager used for all business process api calls.
getBusinessProcessManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration
Returns the Business Process Manager
getBusinessProcessName() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Returns the name of the business process
getBusinessProcessName() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Returns the business process name associated with the event.
getBusinessProcessName(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Returns the business process name parameter value from the request.
getBusinessProcessName(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessExpressionFilter
Returns the BusinessProcessName parameter.
getBusinessProcessNameToConfiguration() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
This map is updated by doStartService.
getBusinessProcessStage() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Returns the business process stage that was reached
getBusinessProcessStage(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Returns the business process stage parameter value from the request
getBusinessProcessStage(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessExpressionFilter
Returns the BusinessProcessStage parameter.
getBusinessProcessStageSequence() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Returns the sequence number of the business process stage that was reached
getByte(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getByte
getByte(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TINYINT parameter as a byte in the Java programming language.
getBytes(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getBytes
getBytes(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BINARY or VARBINARY parameter as an array of byte values in the Java programming language.
getBytesUsed() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of bytes currently held by cache entries.
getBytesUsed() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of bytes currently held by cache entries.
getCache() - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Returns the cache mapping Class to Cortex
getCache() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Get property cache
getCache() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns cache to store account and privilege groupings
getCacheAdapter() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
getCacheAdapter() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Get the CacheAdapter property.
getCachedContent(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Returns the cached content for the given request.
getCachedItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get an item from the cache, by id.
getCachedItemIds() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get list of item ids from cache
getCachedPropertyValue(Context, RepositoryItem, String, PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get a property value.
getCacheElement(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Gets the object to be stored in the cache with the given key.
getCacheElement(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
getCacheElement(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
Gets the element to be stored in the cache with the given key.
getCacheElements(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Returns the array of elements corresponding to the given array of keys, in the same order as the keys in the input array.
getCacheElements(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
getCacheElements(Object[]) - Method in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
Returns the array of elements corresponding to the given array of keys.
getCacheElementSize(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Determines the approximate size in bytes of the given cache element.
getCacheElementSize(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
getCacheElementSize(Object, Object) - Method in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
Returns the approximate size in bytes of the given cache element.
getCacheInfo() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Returns a CacheInfo describing the runtime state of the internal caches.
getCacheInfo() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns a CacheInfo describing the runtime state of the internal caches.
getCacheInfoEntries() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the list of cache info entries representing the state of each individual cache.
getCacheInvalidationCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of times a cache was entirely invalidated
getCacheInvalidationCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of times the cache was entirely invalidated
getCacheInvalidationListener(String) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Returns the CacheInvalidationListener registered with the given name, or null if none is registered with that name.
getCacheKey() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Get the cache key
getCacheKey(BaseSearchFormHandler, Results, List) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Return a string that uniquely identifies the unfiltered collection.
getCacheKeyProperties() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
The names of properties used to make up the cache key
getCacheKeySize(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Determines the approximate size in bytes of the given cache key.
getCacheKeySize(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
getCacheKeySize(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
Returns the approximate size in bytes of the given cache key.
getCacheLifetime() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the lifetime of cached persona information.
getCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns property CacheMode
getCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getCacheNullItems() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getCacheQueries() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
getCacheReferencesById() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getCacheReloadFrequency() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns How frequently the cahce should be reloaded (in minutes)
getCacheResults() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Do we cache results when looking up SecuredResources?
getCacheResults() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Do we cache results when looking up AccessControllers?
getCacheScheduler() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns the scheduler for cache reload
getCacheService() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getCacheSize() - Method in class atg.droplet.Format
Return the number of format strings to cache.
getCacheSize() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getCacheSwitchLoadQueries() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property cacheSwitchLoadQueries
getCacheTimeout() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getCacheTimeout() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the length of time, in seconds, an account object remains valid in the cache.
getCachingInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Returns property CachingInventoryManager
getCalculateTaxByShipping() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should calculate tax on a per-shippingGroup basis.
getCalculator(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Return the pricing calculator that should be used for the given promotion.
getCallObject() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
This method returns a Call object.
getCancelled() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Cancelled"
getCancelOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the cancelOrderErrorURL property.
getCancelOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the CancelOrderErrorURL property.
getCancelOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property cancelOrderErrorURL
getCancelOrderService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
The Nucleus service used to cancel orders
getCancelOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the cancelOrderSuccessURL property.
getCancelOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the CancelOrderSuccessURL property.
getCancelOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property cancelOrderSuccessURL
getCancelURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getCancelUrl() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getCanonicalPath() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the canonical form of this File object's pathname.
getCapacity() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be held by cache entries.
getCardCodesMap() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
getCardLengthsMap() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
getCardPrefixesMap() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
getCardProperties() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property cardProperties, naming the properties in a credit card entry.
getCardPropertyList() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
If the CardPropertyList is null, the initializeCardPropertyList method is called to create a list from the appropriate property manager class.
getCardTypesMap() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
getCardVerficationNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the card verification number for this credit card.
getCascadeDelete() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getCascadeDeleteOrder() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property cascadeDeleteOrder This property controls when cascade delete operations are performed.
getCascadeDeleteProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getCascadeInsert() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getCascadeInsertProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getCascadesDelete() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getCascadesSelect() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getCascadeUpdate() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getCascadeUpdateProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getCaseClass() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
getCases() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
getCases() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
getCaseValue() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
getCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property Catalog
getCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Get the catalog for the current user.
getCatalog() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getCatalog
getCatalogBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Returns property CatalogBeanInfos
getCatalogBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Returns property CatalogBeanInfos
getCatalogCreationDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property catalogCreationDatePropertyName
getCatalogDisplayName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property catalogDisplayName
getCatalogDisplayName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The property catalogDisplayName
getCatalogDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property catalogDisplayNamePropertyName
getCatalogDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The property catalogDisplayNamePropertyName
getCatalogFolderDisplayName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The property catalogFolderDisplayName
getCatalogFolderDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The property catalogFolderDisplayNamePropertyName
getCatalogFolderItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for catalog folders
getCatalogId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the catalogId
getCatalogId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the catalogId
getCatalogId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogId
getCatalogId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogId
getCatalogIdsToUpdate() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
The list of catalogs ids that will be updated the next time this service runs
getCatalogItemFromProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves the catalog item from the user repository item in the current session.
getCatalogItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for catalogs
getCatalogItemsCatalogProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
The name of the property for each catalog item that contains the list of catalogs containing that item This defaults to "catalogs"
getCatalogItemsCatalogProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
The name of the property for each catalog item that contains the list of catalogs containing that item
getCatalogItemsCatalogProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
The name of the property for each catalog item that contains the list of catalogs containing that item This defaults to "catalogs"
getCatalogItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a catalog
getCatalogItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Returns property CatalogItemTypes
getCatalogItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Returns property CatalogItemTypes
getCatalogKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property CatalogKey
getCatalogKey() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the catalogKey
getCatalogKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the catalogKey
getCatalogKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the catalog key from the Locale.
getCatalogKey(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Get a string that will be used to identify the catalog to use when obtaining a catalogRef and productRef for the creation of a commerce item.
getCatalogKey(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Get a string that will be used to identify the catalog to use when obtaining a catalogRef and productRef for the creation of a commerce item.
getCatalogKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogKey
getCatalogKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogKey
getCatalogLastModifiedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property catalogLastModifiedDatePropertyName
getCatalogMaintenanceService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
Returns property catalogMaintenanceService
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
A class that stores the names of various items and properties in the repository
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
A helper class that holds commonly accessed reposority property and item names
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property catalogPropertyName
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
The name of the profile property pointing to the catalog This defaults to "catalog"
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the "catalog" property in the category
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
The name of the profile property pointing to the catalog
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
The name of the profile property pointing to the catalog This defaults to "catalog"
getCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the name of the profile property for storing the assigned catalog
getCatalogRef(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This gets a CatalogRef object for a given item.
getCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
returns the catalog reference which this CommerceItem represents
getCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The catalogRef that is associated with the item.
getCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The catalogRef that is associated with the item.
getCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The catalogRef that is associated with the item.
getCatalogRefDisplayNameProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
The property of a catalog ref item that is the display name
getCatalogRefDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the property of the catalog ref (sku) to get the items display name
getCatalogRefId(List, RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Given a list of PropertyExpressionPropertyExpression objects, return the catalogRefId.
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCatalogRefId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the catalogRefId
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the catalogRefId
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogRefId
getCatalogRefId(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the id of the supplied catalogRef (aka sku) object
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property CatalogRefId
getCatalogRefId() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Returns the item's SKU
getCatalogRefId() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Get property CatalogRefId
getCatalogRefIdMatchQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property CatalogRefIdMatchQuery
getCatalogRefIdParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCatalogRefIdProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Catalog Ref Id property on a giftlist item
getCatalogRefIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property CatalogRefIdPropertyName
getCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property catalogRefIds.
getCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
This is an array of catalog ref ids returned from the catalogRepository.
getCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property CatalogRefIds
getCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property CatalogRefIds
getCatalogRefItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the RepositoryItem which represents the catalog ref (aka SKU)
getCatalogRefItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property CatalogRefItemType
getCatalogRefRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property CatalogRefRepository
getCatalogRepositories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property catalogRepositories
getCatalogRepositories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Returns property catalogRepositories
getCatalogRepositories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Returns property catalogRepositories
getCatalogRepositories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Returns property catalogRepositories
getCatalogRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Returns property catalogRepository
getCatalogRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
Returns property catalogRepository
getCatalogRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
This is the repository where product catalog items are stored.
getCatalogRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property CatalogRepositoryName
getCatalogRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding catalog items
getCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property catalogs
getCatalogsContainingThisCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method will return all the catalogs that contain the given catalog as a sub catalog.
getCatalogServiceLockName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property CatalogServiceLockName
getCatalogServiceLockTimeOut() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Get the maximum time we wait for a lock, in milliseconds.
getCatalogServices() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Returns the CatalogServices
getCatalogServices() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the CatalogServices
getCatalogsForRepository(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
returns an array of catalog items for the given repository.
getCatalogsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the property in category, product, or sku that contains the list of catalogs that have the item in it The default is "catalogs"
getCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in category, product, and sku that hold the list of catalogs
getCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
The name of the property in categories, products, and skus that holds the list of catalogs that the item appears in.
getCatalogsRelatedProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in product-info for related products
getCatalogsReplacementProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in sku-info for replacement products
getCatalogsThatIncludeCatalogInRootSubCatalogs(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
returns an array of catalog items that have the given catalog in their rootSubCatalogs property
getCatalogsWithCategoryAsRoot(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Get the catalogs whose rootCategories contains this category
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory
Returns the property catalogTools which is a reference to a DCS component that takes care of many common catalog related tasks.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns Catalog Tools to access Product Catalog
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the CatalogTools object to use when looking up products, categories and skus.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
Returns property catalogTools.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Returns property catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property catalogTools.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Returns the CatalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Returns the CatalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the CatalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The tools for getting items out of the catalog
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property catalogTools.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns property catalogTools.
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property CatalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the catalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property CatalogTools
getCatalogTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The CatalogTools used to retrieve skus and products
getCatalogVerificationService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
This class will verify that catalog only refers to items within the catalog
getCatalogViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property catalogViewName
getCategoriesContainingThisCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Generate the immediate categories that can navigate to this catalog.
getCategoriesContainingThisCategorysCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Generate the immediate categories that can navigate to this category's catalog There are two ways this can happen 1.
getCategoriesInCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Get categories whose catalog property equals the given catalog
getCategoriesWithCatalogAsSubCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
returns an array of categories items that have the given catalog in their subCatalogs property
getCategoriesWithIndirectPathToCatalog(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
gets categories that contain the catalog as a subCatalog, or any of the rootSubCatalogs as a subCatalog.
getCategoriesWithIndirectPathToCategory(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
gets categories that contain the current category's catalog as a subCatalog, or any of the rootSubCatalogs as a subCatalog.
getCategory() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the category for this comparison list entry.
getCategoryBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property CategoryBeanInfos
getCategoryBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property CategoryBeanInfos
getCategoryID() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
getCategoryInfoItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for category info objects
getCategoryInfoItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a categoryInfo
getCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
The list of properties that are copied inside populateCategoryInfo from the info returned by getBaseCategoryInfo
getCategoryInfoRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding category-info items
getCategoryInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in category for the map of category-info objects
getCategoryItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property categoryItemName
getCategoryItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Returns property categoryItemName
getCategoryItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a category
getCategoryItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property CategoryItemTypes
getCategoryItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property CategoryItemTypes
getCategoryLink() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the HTML that links to the category page for this comparison list entry.
getCategoryLinkFormat() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the format of the HTML generated for a link to a category page.
getCategoryMigratableProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property categoryMigratableProperties
getCategoryMigrationItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a categoryMigration item
getCategoryMigrationItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The name of the item-descriptor used for a categoryMigration item
getCategoryMigrationProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method retrieves all the properties in the categoryMigration item-descriptor.
getCategoryRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding category items
getCategoryRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding category items
getCategorysCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the propery in the category object that refers to its catalog
getCategorysInfoMapProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the map property in category that maps catalogs to categoryInfos The default is "categoryInfos"
getCategorysSubCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in category that holds the sub catalogs
getCategoryStack() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property useShortTransactions
getCategoryViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property categoryViewName
getCatInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property catInfosPropertyName
getCc() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the sender (Cc:) field.
getCc3ConfigFile() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Gets configuration file name.
getCertificateParser() - Method in interface atg.security.CertificateUserAuthority
Returns the CertificateParser object
getChainContexts() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Expose our chain contexts using a hidden, expert method.
getChainLockWaitTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
getChainName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method provides a mechanism by which to obtain a PipelineChain name from a given payment group.
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
getChainToRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns the chainToRun
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
getChainToRunMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
getChangeAddressNicknameErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property changeAddressNicknameErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error updating an address nickname.
getChangeAddressNicknameSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property changeAddressNicknameSuccessURL, used to redirect user when an address nickname is successfully updated.
getChangeAmount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the changeAmount property
getChanged() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.SnapshotDiff
Returns the AssetVersions that have been changed between the original snapshot and the new one.
getChangedAssetURIs() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Returns the set of version manager URIs of assets changed by this Workspace.
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the changedProperties
getChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Gets the ChangedProperties property
getChangedProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The name of the property that is changing for SKU.
getChangePasswordErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getChangePasswordSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getChangePercentage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the changePercentage property
getChangeSign() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the changeSign property
getChannelListeners(String) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Returns any handlers registered to listen to the given channel.
getChannels() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
List of channels this handler listens to at startup.
getChannelsForHandler(EventChannelListener) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Returns a String array of the event channels currently being listened to by the specified handler.
getChannelsForHandler(String) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Returns a String array of the event channels currently being listened to by the specified handler.
getChannelSubTopics(String) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Returns any sub-topics of the give channel.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the character encoding used for writing text to the body of this response.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns the character set encoding for the input of this request.
getCharSet() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the character set.
getCharSet() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default charSet
getCharValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property charValue
getChecked() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the checked attribute
getCheckedInAssets() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property checkedInAssets ("Checked in assets")
getCheckFileNameCase() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not we check the case of property file names against the canonical case used by the OS.
getCheckForDeadlocks() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getCheckForReadOnlyProperties() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Returns whether or not the form handler should throw an exception when updating item properties and read only properties are in the value dictionary.
getCheckForReadOnlyProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Returns whether or not the form handler should throw an exception when updating item properties and read only properties are in the value dictionary.
getCheckForReadOnlyProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns whether or not the form handler should throw an exception when updating item properties and read only properties are in the value dictionary.
getCheckForRequiredParameters() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns property CheckForRequiredParameters
getCheckForRequiredProperties() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Gets whether or not the form handler should check that all the required properties are present during the create/update operations.
getCheckForRequiredProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Gets whether or not the form handler should check that all the required properties are present during the create/update operations.
getCheckForRequiredProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns whether or not the form handler should check that all the required properties are present during the create/update operations.
getCheckForRequiredProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getCheckForRequiredPropertiesAfterUpdate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getCheckForSerFiles() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not we check for .ser files when instantiating beans.
getCheckForValidSession() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getCheckForValidSession() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
getCheckinDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property checkinDate ("Checkin date")
getCheckInTime() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Workspaces have a check-in time
getCheckoutBlockTime() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout.
getCheckoutCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns property checkoutCount.
getCheckOutTag() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns the tag passed in upon check-out used to identify who has checked out this object.
getChecksum() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
get the checksum for the file
getCheckZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
getChild(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Returns the child resource with the given name.
getChild(String) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get a child file of this file with a given name.
getChild(VirtualPath) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get a child file of this file with a given relative path.
getChildCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property childCategoriesPropertyName
getChildCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Returns property childCategoriesPropertyName
getChildContentIds() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of document ids which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
getChildContentIds() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
Returns an array of document ids which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
getChildContentPaths() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of document names which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
getChildContentPaths() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
Returns an array of document names which can be used to access the pieces of content in the folder.
getChildFolderIds() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of ids which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
getChildFolderIds() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
Returns an array of ids which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
getChildFolderPaths() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Returns an array of folder names which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
getChildFolderPaths() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
Returns an array of folder names which access all the folders which are children of this folder.
getChildFolders() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property ChildFolders
getChildItemsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The ChildItems property name
getChildLines() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
A development line can have derived (child) lines.
getChildOrganizations() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all sub-organizations that are immediately contained in this organization.
getChildOrganizationsSortOnName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all sub-organizations immediately contained in this organization, sorted on the name of the organization, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getChildProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property childProductsPropertyName
getChildProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Returns property childProductsPropertyName
getChildren() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Returns an enumeration of the resource's children, or null if there are no children.
getChildren() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users and sub-organizations that are immediately contained in this organization.
getChildSkusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The property in product that holds the child skus
getChildSKUsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ChildSKUsPropertyName which is the name of the childSKUs property in the product item descriptor
getChildUsers() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users immediately contained in this organization.
getChildUsersSortOnEmailAddress(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users immediately contained in this organization, sorted on the emailAddress of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getChildUsersSortOnFirstName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users immediately contained in this organization, sorted on the firstName of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getChildUsersSortOnLastName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users immediately contained in this organization, sorted on the lastName of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getChildUsersSortOnLogin(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Get all users immediately contained in this organization, sorted on the login of the user, with index control of the result set returned as a collection.
getChosenIndex() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Get the chosen index.
getCitiesVary() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if city varies amoung the result items.
getCity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getCity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the city
getCity() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
getCityLimitsVary() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if city limits vary amoung the result items.
getCityName() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getCityName() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the city name.
getCityTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property CityTax
getCityTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Get the city tax
getCityTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getCityTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getCityTax() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
The city tax amount
getCityTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the city tax amount as an int.
getCityTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the city tax basis amount as an int.
getCityTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the city tax rate as an int..
getClaimableItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the repository item from the claimable repository whose id is equal to pId.
getClaimableItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the claimableItemDescriptorName property.
getClaimableItems(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the matching RepositoryItems
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Return the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Returns the claimableManager
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Returns the claimableManager
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the ClaimableManager is used in determining the user's GiftCertificates.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property ClaimableManager
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Get the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Get the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Return the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the ClaimableManager property.
getClaimableRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the claimableRepository property.
getClaimableTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Return the claimableTools property.
getClaimableTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the ClaimableTools property.
getClaimableTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property ClaimableTools
getClaimableTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the ClaimableTools property.
getClaimCouponErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the claimCouponErrorURL property.
getClaimCouponSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the claimCouponSuccessURL property.
getClaimedConfigStateItems() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Return the configuration items claimed by some server.
getClaimedGeneration() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the claimed generation.
getClaimedGeneration() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the change generation claimed by the current indexing update task.
getClaimedGenerationPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the claimed generation property name.
getClaimPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns property ClaimPropertyName
getClaimTaskErrorURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task was not claimed successfully.
getClaimTaskSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task was claimed successfully.
getClassFromEnum(PropertyTypeEnum) - Static method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
getClassInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
getClassInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
getClassLoader() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the global class loader for all Nuclei.
getClassModificationTime(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
If the specified class was loaded by this ClassLoader, this returns the last modified time of the class file at the time the class was loaded.
getClassProperties(Class) - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the list of Property objects that are associated with the specified class, specified property, or null if there are no columns mapped to that property.
getCleanupDirectory() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property cleanupDirectory
getClearDeadEmailSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns the Schedule for clearing the Dead Email Queue.
getClearListErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL if errors occur while clearing the comparison list.
getClearListSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL for successfully clearing the comparison list.
getClearOldMessages() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
Returns property clearOldMessages
getClearQueryURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ClearQueryURL
getClearQueryURL() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the optional URL to redirect to when handleClearQuery() is invoked
getClearValuesOnCreate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
getClearValuesOnCreate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getClearValuesOnDelete() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
getClearValuesOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getClearValuesOnUpdate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
getClearValuesOnUpdate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getClickedFolder() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property ClickedFolder
getClickThroughProfileIdParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getClickThroughReferrerParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getClickThroughSourceParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getClientCategorizeRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Convenience method for this class to avoid massive casting
getClientCategoryRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Convenience method for this class to avoid massive casting
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The ClientLockManager is used to ensure that only one thread/message is processing a given order at any given time.
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The ClientLockManager is used to ensure that only one thread/message is processing a given order at any given time.
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The ClientLockManager is used to obtain locks on orders being modified as a results of a message.
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
The obtaining and releasing of locks on an item during writes is handled by the client lock manager.
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Deprecated. locks are no longer used
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
The ClientLockManager that actually provides the locks
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The client lock manager...
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Get the ClientLockManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
getClientLockManager() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getClientQueryRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Convenience method to get ClientRequest cast to actual type for this request.
getClientReconnectTime() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
getClientRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the client request object from the search context.
getClientRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Get the client request from the most recent search.
getClientRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Get the request as the base type request
getClientSimilarDocsRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
Convenience method for this class to avoid massive casting
getClientStructuredRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
A convenience method to get the request object as the specific type for this request
getClientVicRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Convenience method for this class to avoid massive casting
getClob(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getClob
getClob(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CLOB parameter as a Clob object in the Java programming language.
getClock() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Return the "clock" component used to generate timestamps
getClosedStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
gets the property closedStates.
getClosenessQualificationMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
getClosenessQualifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
getClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
getClosenessQualifierItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Returns a the name of the closenessQualifier item descriptor
getClosenessQualifiers() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
A list of closenessQualifiers that this order/item satisfies.
getClosenessQualifiers() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property ClosenessQualifiers
getCloseOrphanedConnections() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Whether to close orphaned connections at the end of a transaction.
getCloseSocketWhenStopped() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?
getClusterID() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
getClusterID() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
getClusterName() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
getClusterNameService() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getClusterStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList.Place
getCode() - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property errorCode
getCollator() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Get property collator
getCollectionElement() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property collectionElement
getCollectionValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property collectionValue
getColor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access a color property
getColorPalette() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property colorPalette
getColorPalette() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the color palette of the page
getColorPaletteById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a color palette by its unique ID.
getColorPaletteSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of colors available to the user.
getColorPaletteSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of colors available to the user sorted based on the given comparator.
getColumn(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns the ColumnDeclaration at the specified index
getColumn(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns the ColumnDeclaration for the given name, or null if none found.
getColumn() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
getColumn() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getColumn() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
getColumn(int) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns the ColumnDeclaration at the specified index
getColumn(String) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns the ColumnDeclaration for the given name, or null if none found.
getColumnCount() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property ColumnCount
getColumnCount() - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns the number of columns added to the table
getColumnCount() - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns the number of columns added to the table
getColumnFromProperty(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Returns the ColumnProperty corresponding to the specified property, or null if not found.
getColumnHeadings() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the mapping from column names in the columns dictionary to localized display names for each column.
getColumnName() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the name of the column within the table.
getColumnName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Returns property ColumnName
getColumnNameFromProperty(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Returns the full column name corresponding to the specified property, or null if not found.
getColumnNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property ColumnNames
getColumnProperties() - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the list of ColumnProperties as an array
getColumnProperty(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the ColumnProperty at the given index
getColumnPropertyCount() - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the number of ColumnProperty objects in the list
getColumns() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getCommand() - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
This is the Command object the droplet tries to execute with the given input.
getCommandHandler() - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
The CommandHandler that will be called by this RPC Client to handle the execution of a Command.
getCommandHandler() - Method in interface atg.integrations.Command
Returns CommandHandler property to do pre/post processing of RPC call.
getCommandName(Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Get the name of the command.
getCommandOutput() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property commandOutput
getCommandResultObject(CommandResult) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Get result from the CommandResult.
getComment() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getComment() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Workspaces have a comment.
getComments() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property comments.
getCommentsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Comments property on a giftlist
getCommerceCommandParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
getCommerceIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the CommerceIdentifier property.
getCommerceIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the CommerceIdentifier property.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer property.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer property.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The getCommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap method returns the Map of CommerceIdentifiers to CommerceIdentifierCostCenter Lists.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Return the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap property.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The getCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method returns the List of CommerceIdentifierCostCenters corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
getCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The getCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method returns the List of CommerceIdentifierCostCenters corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer property.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer property.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap method returns the Map of CommerceIdentifiers to CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo Lists.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Return the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap property.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method returns the List of CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method returns the List of CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
getCommerceIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the list of CommerceIds to be operated on.
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
getCommerceItem(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Returns the CommerceItem whose id is pCommerceItemId.
getCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Returns the CommerceItem whose id is pCommerceItemId.
getCommerceItem() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CommerceItem reference.
getCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns the CommerceItem whose id is pCommerceItemId.
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The recently added item
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The recently added item
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The recently removed item
getCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the CommerceItem whose id is pCommerceItemId.
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CommerceItem reference.
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the CommerceItem property.
getCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CommerceItem reference.
getCommerceItemCatalogRefIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the catalog ref id property in a CommerceItem
getCommerceItemClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the commerceItemClassType
getCommerceItemClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the commerceItemClassType
getCommerceItemClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the commerceItemClassType
getCommerceItemClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the commerceItemClassType
getCommerceItemCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Returns the number of CommerceItems in the container.
getCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItems in the container.
getCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns the number of CommerceItems in the container.
getCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItems in the container.
getCommerceItemId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCommerceItemId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Returns the commerceItemId
getCommerceItemId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the commerceItemId
getCommerceItemIdParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCommerceItemIdToEdit() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property CommerceItemIdToEdit.
getCommerceItemItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the commerceItemItemDescriptorName
getCommerceItemManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCommerceItemManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property commerceItemManager
getCommerceItemManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the CommerceItemManager property.
getCommerceItemManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns property commerceItemManager
getCommerceItemManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Manager class used to manipulate commerce items
getCommerceItemOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the commerceItemOrderPropertyName
getCommerceItemProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the commerceItemProperty name.
getCommerceItemProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the commerceItemProperty name.
getCommerceItemPropertyMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the CommerceItemRelationship whose id is pCommerceItemRelationshipId.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the number of CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships.
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships.
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships
getCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItemRelationships
getCommerceItems() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Returns a List of CommerceItems
getCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItems.
getCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns a List of CommerceItems
getCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItems
getCommerceItemsByCatalogRefId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Returns a List of CommerceItems whose catalogRefId is pCatalogRefId.
getCommerceItemsByCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItems whose catalogRefId is pCatalogRefId.
getCommerceItemsByCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns a List of CommerceItems whose catalogRefId is pCatalogRefId.
getCommerceItemsByCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of CommerceItems whose catalogRefId is pCatalogRefId.
getCommerceItemsFromPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given PaymentGroup.
getCommerceItemsFromPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
getCommerceItemsFromShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns a List of all the CommerceItems within the given ShippingGroup.
getCommerceItemsFromShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
getCommerceItemShippingInfoContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer property.
getCommerceItemShippingInfoContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer property.
getCommerceItemShippingInfoMap() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Get the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap which holds the Map of CommerceItems [key] to CommerceItemShippingInfo Lists [value]
getCommerceItemShippingInfoMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Return the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap property.
getCommerceItemShippingInfos(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Get the List of CommerceItemShippingInfos based on the CommerceItemId as the key to the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap
getCommerceItemShippingInfos(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Get the List of CommerceItemShippingInfos based on the CommerceItemId as the key to the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap
getCommerceItemsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Returns the commerceItemsProperty name.
getCommerceItemsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the commerceItemsProperty
getCommerceItemStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The object containing all the states of a commerce item
getCommerceItemStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The object containing all the states of a commerce item
getCommerceItemStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The object containing all the states of an item
getCommerceItemStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The object containing all the states of an item
getCommerceItemToEdit() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return a reference to the commerce item to edit that lives in the users order.
getCommerceItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the default item type for added commerce items
getCommerceItemTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for Item classes.
getCommerceProfileTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property CommerceProfileTools
getCommerceProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the CommerceProfileTools property.
getCommerceProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the CommerceProfileTools property.
getCommerceProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property CommerceProfileTools
getCommercePropertyManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the CommercePropertyManager property.
getCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times commit() has been called
getCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times commit() has been called
getCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times commit() has been called
getCommitOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Returns property CommitOrderErrorURL
getCommitOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Returns property CommitOrderSuccessURL
getCommodityCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
getCommodityServiceCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getCommonCompletionCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
getCommonFormError() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns true if an error common to all users occurred while processing the form.
getCommonFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns the array of common exceptions that occurred.
getCommunity() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property Community
getCommunity() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Community
getCommunity() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Community for this request.
getCommunity() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
getCommunity(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
Returns the Community associated with the indicated request, if any.
getCommunity() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalContext
Access property community
getCommunity() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Access property community
getCommunityById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a community object by its unique ID.
getCommunityFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Community Folder with the Id passed, if applicable, otherwise null.
getCommunityFolderById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a community folder object by its unique ID.
getCommunityFolderSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of community folder objects that the user can see.
getCommunityFolderSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of community folder objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getCommunityId() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Id
getCommunityId() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property communityId
getCommunityId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the community item id
getCommunityIdRequestParameter() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getCommunityName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the transient community name property.
getCommunityName(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the transient community name property based on a locale.
getCommunityPath() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the path of the community in the community folder tree
getCommunityRoleManager() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the relative role manager for community relative roles.
getCommunitySet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of community objects that the user can see.
getCommunitySet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of community objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getCommunityURI(Community) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the URI which can be used to navigate to the supplied Community.
getCommunityURI(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the supplied Community.
getCommunityURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community uri
getCompany() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getCompanyId() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Get CompanyId for whom the taxes will be calculated.
getCompanyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the companyName
getCompanyName() - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Returns the companyName
getComparatorKey(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the key used to lookup the MarkerDuplicateComparator in the MarkerDuplicateComparators map.
getCompareAddressPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns the CompareAddressPropertyNames
getCompareSkusErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method returns property CompareSkusErrorURL.
getCompareSkusSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Returns property CompareSkusSuccessURL.
getCompatiblePersona(Persona, UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
This attempts to find a persona that is compatible with the indicated user authority.
getCompatiblePersonae(Persona[], UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
This performs a getCompatiblePersona() call on an array of personae.
getCompleteAccessControlList(Persona, SecurityConfiguration) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns an access control list containing all of the access rights specified in the security configuration.
getCompleted() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Completed"
getCompleted() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Completed"
getCompletedBatch(int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the completed Batch object at the index provided or null if no Batch object exists in the job at that index.
getCompletedBatchCount() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the number of completed batches that have been run for the job, not including any that may still be running.
getCompletedDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the completedDate.
getCompletedDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the completedDate
getCompletedTime() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Gets the completedDate as a long.
getCompletedTime() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property completedTime
getCompletePath(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletImports
Takes a partially specified property path and completes it to a normalized form for this component.
getCompletionCodeDsc() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
getCompletionDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property completionDate ("Completion date")
getCompletionDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property completionDate ("Completion date")
getCompletionDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Getter for property completionDate ("Completion date")
getComplexPrice(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Get the repository item for the complex price with the given id
getComplexPriceItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the item-descriptor useb for complex prices
getComplexPriceLevelsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in complex price that stores the list of levels
getComplexPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the ComplexPrice
getComplexPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the complex price
getComplexScheduledOrderMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property ComplexScheduledOrderMap It iterates through all the elements in ComplexScheduledOrderProperties, instantiates a complexScheduledOrderProperty object for each complex property based on its class name.
getComplexScheduledOrderProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property ComplexScheduledOrderProperties
getComplexScheduledOrderPropertyValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
This method returns the value of the property that this class represents from the scheduled order repository.
getComplexScheduledOrderPropertyValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method returns the schedule object of the scheduled Order.
getComponentInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
getComponentInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
getComponentInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
getComponentInfo() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
getComponentItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getComponentList() - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterComponentChoiceExpression
Get the list of ComponentTreeObjects that are to be presented as choices.
getComponentLockManager() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Get the component lock manager.
getComponentName(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
getComponentName() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
getComponentName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the componentName portion of the URI.
getComponentName(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Looks up a component name, or creates a new one.
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Return the path name of the component
getComponentPath(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
getComponentPath() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Return the path name of the component
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Return the path name of the component
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property ComponentPath
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getComponentPath() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Returns property ComponentPath
getComponentPathWithKeyValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
The path to the RepositoryMarkerManager that will provide the keys and values.
getComponentPathWithKeyValues() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getComponentPathWithKeyValues() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the path to the component used for obtaining the validated keys and values.
getComponentPathWithKeyValues() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
The path to the RepositoryMarkerManager that will provide the keys and values.
getComponentPropertyBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
If this is a multi-valued property, this method returns the DynamicBeanInfo for an element of the property.
getComponentPropertyBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Overrides the getPropertyBeanInfo from the super type.
getComponentPropertyType() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getComponentPropertyType() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
getComponentResourceBundleName() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Get property componentResourceBundleName
getComponentResourceBundleName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Get property componentResourceBundleName
getComponents() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
Get an array of components and property names, in the format: "/path/Component.propertyName,/path/Component2.propertyName"
getComputedCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the "computedCatalog" property in the category
getComputedCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the "computedCatalogs" property in the category
getConcatenatedPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
Get the concatenated property values
getConfigItemSubSkuMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property configItemSubSkuMap
getConfigPath() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getConfigPath(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the config path for a specified server name
getConfigPath() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the configuration path.
getConfigPathNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The current configpath, separated into individual config path entries.
getConfigPathPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getConfigStateItemsByUniqueServerId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Return the repository items that are owned by the specified server Id.
getConfigStatePersister() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Get the configuration state persister.
getConfigStatePersister() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get the configuration state persister.
getConfigStateProperty(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getConfigurableItemListPrice(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Get the list price of the parent item
getConfigurableItemPrice(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Get the current working price of the parent item
getConfigurableItemTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the configurableItemTypeName
getConfigurableItemTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the configurableItemTypeName
getConfigurableProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getConfigurablePropertiesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property ConfigurablePropertiesPropertyName
getConfigurablePropertyParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getConfigurableSkuItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Returns property Configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property Configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Returns property Configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property Configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getConfiguration() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Returns the configuration
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Returns the BusinessProcessConfiguration component for the given business process name
getConfigurationCacheEntry(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Gets the cached Configuration object
getConfigurationCacheEntry(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Gets the cached Configuration object
getConfigurationCheckMilliseconds() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getConfigurationCompileCommand() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the command used to compile java configurations
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the configuration template used to configure the repository.
getConfigurationFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the configurationFileSystem
getConfigurationFileSystems() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Return the ConfigurationFileSystems object for this Nucleus
getConfigurationFinder() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the ConfigurationFinder that should be used to obtain the Configuration for a given configuration name.
getConfigurationListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the list of configuration listeners as an array property.
getConfigurationLock() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Get a ConfigurationLock for this NameContext.
getConfigurationOptionSkuPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property ConfigurationOptionSkuPropertyName
getConfigurationOptionsPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property configurationOptionsPricePropertyName
getConfigurationOptionsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property ConfigurationOptionsPropertyName
getConfigurations(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Return a dictionary of Configurations that exist within some potential NameContext.
getConfigurations(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Return a dictionary of Configurations that exist within some potential NameContext.
getConfigurationUpdater(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the ConfigurationUpdater that should be used to update a ConfigurationState in the named file system.
getConfirmationMessage() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getConnection(GSATransaction) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get a DB connection to use.
getConnection() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Returns property Connection
getConnection() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Obtains the JDBC connection that is being used by the current Thread.
getConnection() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns a Connection that a RelationalViewImpl can use.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This method is unsupported in this implementation.
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction.
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the default username and password.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns a Connection that is participating in the current Transaction using the given username and password.
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getConnection
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getConnection
getConnection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getConnection
getConnectionAcceptor() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
Get the connectionFactoryName
getConnectionPool() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns the length of time in milliseconds that this connection will wait for a connection to its remote target.
getConnectionURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getConnectionURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getConnectRetryInterval() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get property ConnectRetryInterval
getConnectRetryInterval() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property ConnectRetryInterval
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getConstraints() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getContactInfoItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the contactInfoItemDescriptorName property.
getContactInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Get property ContactInfoPropertyName
getContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the Container property.
getContainer() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.BatchElement
Returns the Batch containing this BatchElement.
getContainerId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
This is the id of the container for the modification.
getContainerType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
This is the type of the container specified by the container id
getContainerValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
This is the container within which an object of getTargetType should be added.
getContantInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The class type for creating new ContactInfos This is used when creating a new BasicCreditCardInfoImpl.billingAddress for example
getContent() - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Returns the value of Content property.
getContent() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the item's content.
getContent() - Method in class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Returns the content.
getContentByKey(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns an InputStream to the named content piece
getContentByKey(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem
Returns an InputStream to the named content piece
getContentCharset(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the content charset with the default if it is not set
getContentCharset(String, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the content type used for reading this data.
getContentChecksumProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getContentGroupItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the ContentGroupItemType property
getContentHistory(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the content history object associated with this targeter in a given name context.
getContentHistoryContext() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the correct context in which to record content history information
getContentHistoryPath() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the path to use when looking up the content history object
getContentId() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Returns property ContentId
getContentItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Obtain the content item descriptor
getContentItemNameProperty() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property ContentItemNameProperty
getContentItemNameProperty() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property ContentItemNameProperty
getContentKeys() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns an array of available content
getContentKeys() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem
Returns an array of available content
getContentLastModified(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns the time when the content was last modified.
getContentLastModified(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem
Returns the time when the content was last modified.
getContentLength(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Returns the size in bytes of the particular rendition.
getContentLength(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem
Returns the size in bytes of the particular rendition.
getContentLength() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getContentLength
getContentLengthProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getContentNameProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getContentNameProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Get the contentNameProperty.
getContentParagraphTagName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the name of the XML/HTML tag in which the content's paragraphs should be enclosed.
getContentPathProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getContentPathProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Get the contentPathProperty.
getContentPathQuery(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns a query to retrieve an item for a path.
getContentProcessor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the MessageContentProcessor object used to process the message text and set the content of the email message.
getContentProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getContentPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the property name of the item's "content" property.
getContentRootPathProvider() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns the ContentRootPathProvider component that determines the base path of content items living on the filesystem.
getContentRootPathProvider() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns the ContentRootPathProvider component that determines the base path of content items living on the filesystem.
getContentType() - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Returns property ContentType
getContentType() - Method in class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Returns the MIME type of the content.
getContentType() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Gets the content type for this response.
getContentType() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getContentType
getContentType() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns the content type of the uploaded file, as determined by the browser that uploaded the file.
getContentType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
Returns the MIME type that should be assigned to the message content.
getContentTypeSet() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
getContext() - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
Contextual information that can be passed.
getContext() - Method in interface atg.integrations.Command
Returns Hook for extra parameters
getContext() - Method in class atg.integrations.CommandResult
Returns hook for extra parameters
getContext(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns a ServletContext object that corresponds to a specified URL on the server.
getContext(Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Returns the GenericContext for the given Key.
getContext(Object, int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Returns the GenericContext for the given Key and id
getContext() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property Context
getContext() - Method in class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Returns the process execution context for which the action failed.
getContext() - Method in class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Returns the scenario execution context for which the action failed.
getContext() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Get the current context
getContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property Context
getContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property Context
getContext() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property Context
getContextOp() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getContextPath() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Access the portal context path
getContextPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
getContextPathPrefix() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs.
getContextRoot() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getContextRootMap() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
Gets the mContextRootMap property
getConversionDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getConvertedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getConvertedOrderAmountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getConvertedOrderItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getConverter() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getConverter() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
The converter to apply to any set accesses to this value
getConverter() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getConverterArgs() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getConverterArgs() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
The arguments for the converter
getConverterArgs() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getCookieHashKey() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property CookieHashKey
getCookieManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property CookieManager
getCookieManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property CookieManager
getCookieParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the HTTP Cookies sent by the browser.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
getCookieParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the nth Cookie parameter matching the given key and index.
getCookieParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the number of Cookie parameters that have the same key.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
getCookieParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Cookie parameter names.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
getCookieParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an array of Strings of all the Cookie parameter values for the given name.
Causes the cookie headers to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getCookies() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Gets the array of cookies found in this request.
getCookies() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Gets the array of cookies found in this request.
getCopyBillingAddrToShippingAddr() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
If this is true then the billing address is copied to the shipping address
getCortex(Class) - Method in interface atg.cortex.CortexIntrospector
Returns the Cortex associated with the given class.
getCortex(Class) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Returns the Cortex associated with the given class.
getCortex(Class) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorService
Returns the Cortex associated with the given class.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns the CostCenter whose id is pCostCenterId.
getCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property CostCenter
getCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the CostCenter reference.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Returns the CostCenter whose id is pCostCenterId.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Returns the CostCenter whose id is pCostCenterId.
getCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the CostCenter reference.
getCostCenter() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationship
Returns the CostCenter reference.
getCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the CostCenter
getCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs
Return the cost center being validated.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The getCostCenter method returns the CostCenter with the supplied name.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
getCostCenter gets the CostCenter with the given name from the CostCenterMapContainer.
getCostCenter(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The getCostCenter method returns the CostCenter corresponding to the supplied name.
getCostCenterByIdentifier(List, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
This method will return a CostCenter whose identifier is pIdentifier.
getCostCenterByIdentifier(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Retrieves cost center by identifier and profile.
getCostCenterClassType() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Returns the CostCenterClassType
getCostCenterClassType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the CostCenterClassType
getCostCenterCommerceItemRelationship(B2BOrder, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given CommerceItem and CostCenter.
getCostCenterCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns the number of CostCenters in the container.
getCostCenterCount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Returns the number of CostCenters in the container.
getCostCenterCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Returns the number of CostCenters in the container.
getCostCenterId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CostCenterId property.
getCostCenterItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Returns the costCenterItemDescriptorName
getCostCenterManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
Returns the costCenterManager property which is a component that is useful for many order management functions.
getCostCenterManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property CostCenterManager
getCostCenterManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property CostCenterManager
getCostCenterManager() - Static method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
getCostCenterManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the CostCenterManager property.
getCostCenterManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CostCenterManager property.
getCostCenterMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Return the CostCenterMap property.
getCostCenterMap() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The getCostCenterMap method returns the Map of named CostCenters.
getCostCenterMapContainer() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the CostCenterMapContainer property.
getCostCenterMapContainer() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CostCenterMapContainer property.
getCostCenterName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the CostCenterName property.
getCostCenterOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Returns the costCenterOrderPropertyName
getCostCenterOrderRelationship(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given Order and CostCenter.
getCostCenterProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the costCenterProperty name.
getCostCenterProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the costCenterProperty name.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the CostCenterRelationship whose id is pCostCenterRelationshipId.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of CostCenterRelationships in the container.
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships
getCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of CostCenterRelationships.
getCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Returns a List of CostCenters
getCostCenters() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Returns a List of CostCenters
getCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Returns a List of CostCenters.
getCostCenterShippingGroupRelationship(B2BOrder, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given ShippingGroup and CostCenter.
getCostCentersProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Returns the CostCentersProperty name.
getCostCentersPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the CostCentersPropertyName property.
getCostCenterTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for CostCenter classes.
getCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Returns property Count
getCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns the count of users being created by this form handler
getCountiesVary() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if county names vary amoung the result items.
getCountOfAllAssets() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the count of total number of assets under this version manager's control.
getCountOfAllAssetVersions() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the count of total number of asset versions under this version manager's control.
getCountOfChildLines() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
The number of development lines derived from this one.
getCountOfDeployedProjects() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Gets the count of projects merged to this target.
getCountOfPendingDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Find the count of pending deployments for all the targets
getCountOfPendingDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Find the count of pending(Queued and Scheduled) deployments for this targets.
getCountOfPendingDeploymentsForProjects(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the cound of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.
getCountOfQueuedDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Find the count of queued deployments for all the targets
getCountOfQueuedDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Find the count of queued deployments for this targets
getCountOfScheduledDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Find the count of scheduled deployments for all the targets
getCountOfScheduledDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Find the count of pending deployments for this targets
getCountriesWithStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Return the list of countries for which a state or province is required to have a valid shipping address.
getCountriesWithStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Return the list of countries for which a state or province is required to have a valid shipping address.
getCountry() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getCountry() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the country
getCountry() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
getCountryTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property CountryTax
getCountryTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Get the country tax
getCountryTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getCountryTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getCountryTax() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
The country tax amount
getCountryTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the country tax amount.
getCountryTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the country tax basis amount.
getCountryTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the country tax rate.
getCounty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getCounty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the county
getCounty() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
getCountyCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getCountyCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the county code.
getCountyName() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getCountyName() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the county name.
getCountyTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property CountyTax
getCountyTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Get the county tax
getCountyTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getCountyTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getCountyTax() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
The county tax amount
getCountyTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the county tax amount.
getCountyTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the county tax basis amount.
getCountyTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the county tax rate.
getCouponClaimCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the couponClaimCode property.
getCouponItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the CouponItemDescriptorName property.
getCREATE_PARAMS() - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
SQL data type from java.sql.Types
getCreateAddressErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property CreateAddressErrorURL
getCreateAddressSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property CreateAddressSuccessURL
getCreateCardErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property createCardErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error adding a new credit card.
getCreateCardSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property createCardSuccessURL, used to redirect user if a new credit card was successfully added.
getCreateDate() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker creation date
getCreatedByOrderId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the createdByOrderId
getCreatedByOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property createdByOrderId
getCreateDefaultCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Returns property createDefaultCostCenter
getCreateDefaultPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property createDefaultPaymentGroup
getCreateDefaultShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property createDefaultShippingGroup
getCreatedInWorkspace() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Versions have a workspace that created them containing comment, user agent, creation time.
getCreateDirContexts() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Returns true if the resource pool objects should be of type InitialDirContext, false if InitialContext.
getCreateErrorURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a failed item creation.
getCreateErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getCreateGiftlistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property CreateGiftlistErrorURL
getCreateGiftlistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property CreateGiftlistSuccessURL
getCreateIndexesLast() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Get property createIndexesLast
getCreateInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started this deployment.
getCreateInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is created.
getCreateLocalProfiles() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns property createLocalProfiles.
getCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Get property createManifestTransactionBatchSize.
getCreateMessagesBatchSize() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
getCreateMonitoredContexts() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Returns true if the resource pool InitialContext (or InitialDirContext) objects should be wrapped in MonitoredContext (or MonitoredDirContext) objects, false otherwise.
getCreateOrganizationErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
URL to redirect to on error.
getCreateOrganizationSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
URL to redirect to on success.
getCreateProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getCreateProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property createProfileType DEFAULT: user
getCreatePurchaselistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getCreatePurchaselistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getCreateSourceTemplates() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getCreateSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Returns the SQL that will be used to implement the create tables operation
getCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times createStatement() has been called
getCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times createStatement() has been called
getCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times createStatement() has been called
getCreateSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a successful item creation.
getCreateSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getCreateTableStatement(Connection, TypeInfoMap) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns the CREATE TABLE statement that would be used to create this table.
getCreateTableStatement(Connection, TypeInfoMap) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns the CREATE TABLE statement that would be used to create this table.
getCreationAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the access control list fragment that may be added to any child of this container when it is created or inserted.
getCreationAccessControlList(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returns the access control list that should be applied to a new object when it is created.
getCreationAccessControlList(SecuredContainer[]) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the access control list created by concatenating all of the creation access control lists of the specified containers.
getCreationAccessControlList(Object) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the access control list that should be applied to a new object when it is created.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the creationDate.
getCreationDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the creationDate
getCreationDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property CreationDate
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property creationDate ("Creation date")
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property creationDate ("Creation date")
getCreationDate() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the Date the alert was created.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the creation date of the color palette
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the creation date of the community
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the creation date of the gear
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the creation date of the titlebar
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the creation date of the layout
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Access the creation date
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the creation date of the page
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the creation date
getCreationDate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the creation date
getCreationFilter() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Set the creation filter used, if any.
getCreationOwner(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Determines the owner that should be applied to a new object when it is created.
getCreationOwner(Object) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Determines the owner that should be applied to a new object when it is created.
getCreationOwnerAccessControlList(Persona, SecuredContainer[]) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the access control list appropriate for the creator of the object, constructed from the creation access control list templates of all of its containers, using the specified persona as the owner.
getCreationOwnerAccessControlListTemplate() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to the owner of a new object.
getCreationRightsAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns the name of the attribute that is used to determine the default access rights to assign to a resource for a given persona when createResource() is called.
getCreationStackTrace() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getCreationSubPersonaAccessControlListTemplate() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to any applicable sub-personae of the owner of a new object.
getCreationSubPersonaeAccessControlList(Persona[], SecuredContainer[]) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the access control list appropriate for all of the sub-personae of the object, constructed from the creation access control list templates of all of its containers.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Gets the creationDate as a long.
getCreationTime() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property creationTime
getCreationTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property creationTime ("Creation time")
getCreationTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property creationTime ("Creation time")
getCreationTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property creationTime ("Creation time")
getCreationTimeLimit() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds.
getCreator() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property creator ("Creator")
getCreator() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property creator ("Creator")
getCreator() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property creator ("Creator")
getCreditCard() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns credit card bean to use for modifying of billing groups
getCreditCard() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns credit card bean to use for modifying of billing groups
getCreditCard() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the CreditCard property.
getCreditCardAuthorizedProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserCreditCardAuthorizer
Return the CreditCardAuthorizedProperty property.
getCreditCardBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardBillingAddressPropertyName property.
getCreditCardById(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Given an id for credit card to retrieve, grab it out of the users Profile object and return this as a RepositoryItem.
getCreditCardByNickname(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Retrieves credit card by nickname and profile.
getCreditCardExpirationMonthPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardExpirationMonthPropertyName property.
getCreditCardExpirationYearPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardExpirationYearPropertyName property.
getCreditCardInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
Factory method to create a new CreditCardInfo object.
getCreditCardInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
Return the class to instantiate when creating a new CreditCardInfo object.
getCreditCardItemDescriptorBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardItemDescriptorBillingAddressPropertyName property.
getCreditCardItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the creditCardItemDescriptorName property.
getCreditCardItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The item descriptor type for the credit card property
getCreditCardName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the CreditCardName property.
getCreditCardNicknamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardNicknamePropertyName property.
getCreditCardNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the creditCardNumber
getCreditCardNumberPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardNumberPropertyName property.
getCreditCardPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the CreditCardPaymentGroups property.
getCreditCardPaymentTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the CreditCardPaymentTypeName property.
getCreditCardProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Returns the creditCardProcessor
getCreditCardProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the creditCardProperties property.
getCreditCardProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the creditCardProperties property.
getCreditCardPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The name of the profile property that setDefaultCreditCard modifies.
getCreditCardPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the creditCardPropertyName property.
getCreditCardStatusDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the creditCardStatusDescName
getCreditCardTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Returns property creditCardTools
getCreditCardType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the creditCardType
getCreditCardType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the credit card payment group type.
getCreditCardType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the CreditCardType property.
getCreditCardTypePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the CreditCardTypePropertyName property.
getCreditCardVerificationNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Many credit cards have a card verification number printed, not embossed, on the card.
getCreditChainName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Obtain a pipeline chain that can credit the pPaymentGroup.
getCreditStatus() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the creditStatus
getCreditStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the creditStatus
getCreditStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns the creditStatusProperty name.
getCreditStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the creditStatusProperty
getCreditTransaction() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getCsCon() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
getCsCon() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
getCsCon() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
getCsConfigFile() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Get the path to the ICSClient.props file used to configure communication with the CyberSource payment system.
getCSSURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access a url to a cascading style sheet
getCurrency(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Returns the currency value from the request.
getCurrencyCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getCurrencyCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getCurrencyCode() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
returns the currencyCode
getCurrencyCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the currencyCode
getCurrencyCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
the currency code for the price that this AmountInfo represents
getCurrencyCode(CommerceItem, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Return the currency code that should be used in the context of this pricing request
getCurrencyCode(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Return the currency code that should be used in the context of this pricing request
getCurrencyCode(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Return the currency code that should be used in the context of this pricing request
getCurrencyCode(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Return the currency code which should be used for the given locale.
getCurrencyCode(ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Return the currency code that should be used in the context of this pricing request
getCurrencyCode(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Return the currency code that should be used in the context of this pricing request
getCurrencyCode() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Returns the currency code
getCurrencyCode() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Get property CurrencyCode
getCurrencyFormat(Locale) - Static method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Return a NumberFormat object which can be used to format currency based on the given Locale
getCurrencyFormat(Locale) - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Return a NumberFormat object which can be used to format currency as an amount in euros.
getCurrencyLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getCurrencySymbol(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the currency symbol for the given locale
getCurrencySymbol(Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the currency symbol for the given locale
getCurrencyTargetLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getCurrent(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns the current Order (aka shopping cart), optionally loading or creating an order if the current order is null.
getCurrent() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns the current Order (aka shopping cart).
getCurrent() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Returns the current order from the OrderHolder, if the order is not empty.
getCurrentAssetVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Find the complete set of current versions for this development line.
getCurrentAssetVersions(int) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getCurrentAssetVersions(VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getCurrentAssetVersions(int, VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getCurrentAssetVersions(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the set of current head versions of all assets in the given development line.
getCurrentAssetVersions(VersionManagerURI, int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getCurrentAssetVersionsCount() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
The count of current versions in this layer.
getCurrentBaseURL() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The current base URL.
getCurrentCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
Get the current catalog from the profile
getCurrentCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
Get the current catalog
getCurrentCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Get the catalog from the thread if specified as a thread local variable.
getCurrentCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
Get the current catalog from the profile
getCurrentContextPath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current context path...
getCurrentContextPath(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current context path...
getCurrentCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CurrentCostCenter property.
getCurrentDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get the data source currently being used: all DataSource APIs are passed through to the currentDataSource
getCurrentDataSourceName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property currentDataSourceName
getCurrentDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
The current deployment for this Target.
getCurrentDevelopmentLine() - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.WorkingContext
Get the current line for the this thread.
getCurrentDocumentLocale() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the locale for the current document.
getCurrentDynamoRequest(PortletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
getCurrentDynamoRequest(PortletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getCurrentDynamoResponse(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
getCurrentDynamoResponse(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getCurrentFile() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property CurrentFile
getCurrentFormLoginSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Return the current FormLoginSession object.
getCurrentGenerationForConfig(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the current generation for the specified configuration.
getCurrentItem() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Get the repository item that this form is operating on.
getCurrentItems() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
getCurrentList() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the CurrentList property.
getCurrentList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the CurrentList property.
getCurrentList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the CurrentList property.
getCurrentLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method gets the current Locale
getCurrentOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Return the id of the current users current order from the shopping cart.
getCurrentPathInfo(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current path info...
getCurrentPathInfo(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current path info...
getCurrentPathTranslated(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current path translated...
getCurrentPathTranslated(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current path translated...
getCurrentPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the CurrentPaymentGroup property.
getCurrentPriceDetails() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
currentPriceDetails is a list of DetailedItemPriceInfos that constitute a breakdown of the price represented by this object.
getCurrentPriceDetailsForRange(Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
Get the details for a specific range.
getCurrentPriceDetailsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the currentPriceDetailsProperty
getCurrentPriceDetailsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the currentPriceDetailsProperty
getCurrentPriceDetailsSorted() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
currentPriceDetailsSorted is the same list returned by currentPriceDetails but is sorted by range.
getCurrentProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the profile of the current thread's user
getCurrentProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
get the profile id of the current user
getCurrentProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
get the profile id of the current user
getCurrentProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
get the profile id of the current user
getCurrentProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
getCurrentProfileId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the profileId of the current thread's user
getCurrentQueryString(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current query string...
getCurrentQueryString(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current query string...
getCurrentRequest() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the request associated with the current thread, null if there is no such request.
getCurrentRequest() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Get the request associated with the session.
getCurrentRequestStartTime() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the time at which the request began processing
getCurrentRequestURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current request URI...
getCurrentResponse() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the response associated with the current thread, null if there is no such response.
getCurrentResponse() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Get the response associated with the session.
getCurrentResultPageNum() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property CurrentResultPageNum
getCurrentServletContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current requests ServletContext.
getCurrentServletContextName(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current requests ServletContextName.
getCurrentServletPath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current serlvet path...
getCurrentServletPath(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current serlvet path...
getCurrentShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the CurrentShippingGroup property.
getCurrentShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Gets the shopping cart of the current thread's user
getCurrentStack() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Get the current stack trace for debugging
getCurrentStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Wrapper call to AgentTransport.getStatus() for this agent.
getCurrentStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the current status of this Target regardless of the current cluster.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property CurrentTime, computed each time it is called.
getCurrentTimeMillis() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property CurrentTimeMillis, computed each time it is called
getCurrentTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property currentTransaction
getCurrentTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property currentTransaction
getCurrentURL() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Return the URL for the current document being generated.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Calculates the current users.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Determines the current user.
getCurrentUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Return the current User object.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Get the object representing the user currently being added
getCurrentUserProfile() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the profile associated with the current thread, null if there is no such profile.
getCurrentValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
The current value of the property that this threshold applies to
getCustomerServiceEmailAddress() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Returns property customerServiceEmailAddress
getCustomLogicTree() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Returns the custom logic tree xml string
getData(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
Returns the data parameter.
getData(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
Returns the data parameter.
getData(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the data parameter value from the request
getData() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker data
getData(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the data parameter.
getData(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the data parameter.
getData(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
Returns the data parameter.
getDATA_TYPE() - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
SQL data type from java.sql.Types
getDATA_TYPE() - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
SQL data type from java.sql.Types
getDatabase() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property database.
getDatabase() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the db name.
getDatabaseName(Connection) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Returns the canonical name for the database that we're using
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfoMap
getDataBuffer() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property DataBuffer
getDataContentHandlerMap() - Method in class atg.service.email.DataContentHandlerRegistry
Returns the mapping between MIME types and class names of javax.activation.DataContentHandler implementations.
getDataDirectory() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.
getDataFile() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Get property dataFile.
getDataFileSuffix() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property dataFileSuffix
getDataFromUploadedFile(boolean, UploadedFile, int, String, String, String, String, String, ContentPropertyItemDescriptor, String, String, FileValidator) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getDataItem() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property DataItem
getDataItemCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property DataItemCount
getDataItemCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property DataItemCount
getDataItemThreshold() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property DataItemThreshold
getDataItemThreshold() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property DataItemThreshold
getDataItemThreshold() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property DataItemThreshold
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Returns the number of data listeners
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Return the number of DataListeners
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns the number of data listeners
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the number of data listeners
getDataListenerCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns the number of data listeners
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Returns the list of data listeners as an array property
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
returns the list of user event data listeners as an array property
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns the list of data listeners as an array property
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the list of data listeners as an array property
getDataListeners() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns the list of data listeners as an array property
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property DataSource
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property DataSource
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property dataSource.
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property dataSource.
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property dataSource.
getDataSource() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns property DataSource
getDataSourceJNDIEnvironment() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
getDataSourceJNDIEnvironment() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
getDataSourceJNDIEnvironment() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
getDataSourceJNDIName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIName.
getDataSourceJNDIName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIName.
getDataSourceJNDIName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property dataSourceJNDIName.
getDataSources() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property dataSources, which is map of data source names to DataSource services.
getDataStoreNames() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
getDataStores() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
getDataTypeByClass(Class) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Return the type value for a given class.
getDataTypeByName(String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Return the type value for a given name.
getDataTypeClass(int) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getDataTypeName(int) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getDataTypeNameFromClass(Class) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getDataTypes() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property date.
getDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
The date the event occurred
getDate() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns the date expressed by all the integer component fields.
getDate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDate(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getDate
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getDate
getDate(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object.
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct the date.
getDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the day of the month (1-31)
getDateAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the day of the month as a java.util.Date
getDateCreated() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Date that the development line was created.
getDateHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getDateHeader
getDatePropertyPathName() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns the absolute path name of the Date property.
getDateQueryForAbandonedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateDateQuery, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getDateQueryForLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateDateQuery, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getDateQueryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getDateRangeQuery(Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getDateRangeQuery(Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Given two dates, contructs a query contrained by the range of these dates
getDates() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
The dates of a month
getDates() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property dates
getDateTimeStamp() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property DateTimeStamp
getDateTimeStamp() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataItem
Returns property DateTimeStamp
getDay() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property Day.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the day of the week (1-7)
getDayOfWeekInMonth() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns which occurrence (1 - 5) of the weekday in the month.
getDayOfWeekName() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the name of the day of the week ("Sunday", "Monday", etc.)
getDaysContactFatigue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
getDb2SQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getDBCopier() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
This is the class that actually performs the copy.
getDBErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getDBErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getDBWriteMethod() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Returns property DBWriteMethod
getDBWriteMethod() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Returns property DBWriteMethod
getDeadEmailCount() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Gets the number of dead letters (letters that couldn't be sent due to errors)
getDeadEmailDictionary() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns a Dictionary object with each row consisting of an undelivered EmailEvent and its corresponding EmailException
getDeadEmailEvents() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns an Enumeration of undelivered EmailEvent objects
getDeadEmailExceptions() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns an Enumeration of EmailExceptions that belong to undelivered EmailEvents
getDebitChainName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Obtain a pipeline chain that can debit the pPaymentGroup.
getDebitStatus() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the debitStatus
getDebitStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the debitStatus
getDebitStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns the debitStatusProperty name.
getDebitStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the debitStatusProperty
getDebugConnections() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
getDebugLevel() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Get property debugLevel
getDebugOrderRepositoryItemUpdateTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets whether or not warning debug stack trace should be generated.
getDebugSearchConfigName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
getDecimalFormatSymbols(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale
getDecimalFormatSymbols(Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale
getDeclinePrincipalIds() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getDecreaseAuthorizationChainName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Obtain a pipeline chain that can decrease the authroization amount on the pPaymentGroup.
getDefault() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getDefault() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
getDefault() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getDefaultAbandonedState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getDefaultAccessor() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Return the default property.
getDefaultAcl(User) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Utility method for creating the access control list that should be used by default when a resource for the indicated user.
getDefaultAddressType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
returns the defaultAddressType
getDefaultBackorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The default value if the backorder level of an item is not defined
getDefaultBcc() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default sender (Bcc:) field.
getDefaultBillingAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Get the billingAddressPropertyName from the profile
getDefaultBillingAddress(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Get the default Billing address repository item by getting property name from the property manager.
getDefaultBillingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the DefaultBillingAddressPropertyName property.
getDefaultBillingAddrName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Deprecated. use getDefaultBillingAddrName(Locale) instead
getDefaultBillingAddrName(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the defaultBillingAddrName property for a given profile.
getDefaultBody() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the default message body, that should be prepended to all emails
getDefaultBody() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default message body, that should be prepended to all emails
getDefaultBusinessProcessName() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Returns the default business process name for the droplet.
getDefaultCacheCheckSeconds() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
getDefaultCarrier() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
getDefaultCc() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default sender (Cc:) field.
getDefaultCommerceItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultCommerceItemType
getDefaultConfigurableItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getDefaultConfigurationUpdater(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns a ConfigurationUpdater that will update a component in the default file system for updates, or a given file system, whichever is the more specific.
getDefaultContentType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Get the default content type (probably "text/html").
getDefaultConvertedState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getDefaultCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The getDefaultCostCenterName method returns the default CostCenter based on the CostCenterMapContainer's default CostCenter name.
getDefaultCostCenterName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Return the DefaultCostCenterName property.
getDefaultCostCenterName() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The getDefaultCostCenterName method retrieves the name of the default CostCenter.
getDefaultCostCenterPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the DefaultCostCenterPropertyName property.
getDefaultCostCenterType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Returns the defaultCostCenterType
getDefaultCreditCard(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Get the creditCardPropertyName from the profile
getDefaultCreditCard(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Get the default credit card repository item by getting property name from the property manager.
getDefaultCreditCardID() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
getDefaultCreditCardPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the DefaultCreditCardPropertyName property.
getDefaultCreditCardPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the defaultCreditCardPropertyName property.
getDefaultDestination() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Returns A Default Destination URI to redirect people to when they submit a form and there is no current login session.
getDefaultDestinations() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Returns the list of destinations to which log events should be sent if they do not match any of the specified classes.
getDefaultDirection() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set the default sort direction for items when a sort direction is not specified explicitly.
getDefaultDuplicationMode() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the default duplication mode
getDefaultDuplicationMode() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default duplication mode.
getDefaultDuplicationMode() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the default duplication mode
getDefaultElementValue(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getDefaultExtraHeaders() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the default list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
getDefaultExtraHeaders() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
getDefaultFileExtension() - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Get property defaultFileExtension
getDefaultFormatter() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the default formatter used to format property values.
getDefaultFrom() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the default sender (From:) field.
getDefaultFrom() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default sender (From:) field.
getDefaultFromAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Return the DefaultFromAddress property.
getDefaultFulfiller() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This is the default fulfiller.
getDefaultGiftlistItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns the defaultGiftlistItemType
getDefaultGiftlistType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns the defaultGiftlistType.
getDefaultGroupAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the default attributes that are assigned to login accounts when they are created.
getDefaultHandlingInstructionType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultHandlingInstructionType
getDefaultHistory(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory
This method returns the list of ancestors of the given item.
getDefaultHistory(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
Use this method to return the navhistory to display if there is no actual history in the user's session.
getDefaultIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Get property DefaultIdGenerator
getDefaultIdSpace() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get property DefaultIdSpace
getDefaultIdSpace() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Get property DefaultIdSpace
getDefaultIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get property DefaultIdSpaceName
getDefaultInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Returns property DefaultInventoryManager
getDefaultInvoiceMessageClass() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the class that createInvoiceMessage will use as the default "Dynamo message bean" type.
getDefaultInvoiceMessageMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the mapping of properties from repository item to Dynamo message bean that createInvoiceMessage will use by default.
getDefaultItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property DefaultItemDescriptor.
getDefaultItemPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultItemPriceInfoClass
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Retrieve the default Locale
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
the default locale for which inventory should be retrieved
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the default locale for commerce opertations.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property DefaultLocale
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the default locale for which available shipping methods should be retrieved
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property DefaultLocale
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the server's locale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property DefaultLocale.
getDefaultLocaleKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
getDefaultLoginAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the default attributes that are assigned to login accounts when they are created.
getDefaultLoginGroups() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the set of groups that are assigned to a new login account.
getDefaultLoginGroups() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the set of groups that are assigned to a new login account.
getDefaultLostState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getDefaultMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id
getDefaultMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id.
getDefaultMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id.
getDefaultMarkerDuplicateComparator() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default marker duplicate comparator.
getDefaultMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the default marker item type used when creating new markers
getDefaultMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default marker item type used when creating new markers.
getDefaultMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the default marker item type used when creating new markers
getDefaultMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the default property name for storing markers on an item
getDefaultMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default property name for storing markers on an item.
getDefaultMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the default property name for storing markers on an item
getDefaultMarkerSortPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default property name for sorting markers.
getDefaultMergeBufferSize() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getDefaultMessageBody() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Return the DefaultMessageBody property.
getDefaultNonSecurePort() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getDefaultNumOrders() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
The default number of orders returned with each call.
getDefaultNumOrders() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
The default number of orders returned with each call.
getDefaultNumOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The default number of orders returned with each call.
getDefaultOrderByDirection() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the defaultOrderByDirection, true = ascending, false = descending, default is true
getDefaultOrderByProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the defaultOrderByProperty
getDefaultOrderPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultOrderPriceInfoClass
getDefaultOrderType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultOrderType
getDefaultPage() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the default community page
getDefaultPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
getDefaultPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The getDefaultPaymentGroupName method returns the default PaymentGroup based on the PaymentGroupMapContainer's default PaymentGroup name.
getDefaultPaymentGroupAddressType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultPaymentGroupAddressType
getDefaultPaymentGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Retrieves the first payment group id from the order.
getDefaultPaymentGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Return the DefaultPaymentGroupName property.
getDefaultPaymentGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the DefaultPaymentGroupName property.
getDefaultPaymentGroupName() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The getDefaultPaymentGroupName method retrieves the name of the default PaymentGroup.
getDefaultPaymentGroupType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultPaymentGroupType
getDefaultPortal() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Returns the default portal instance.
getDefaultPreorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The default value if the preorder level of an item is not defined
getDefaultPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The default price list
getDefaultPriceListId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The id of the default price list
getDefaultPrimarySortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the default primary sort string for this table.
getDefaultPrivilegeAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the default attributes that are assigned to login accounts when they are created.
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The default profile repository view that is used in retrieving profiles.
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The default profile repository view that is used in retrieving profiles.
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The default profile repository view that is used in retrieving profiles.
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns the defaultProfileType.
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultProfileType
getDefaultProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property DefaultProfileType
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property defaultProperties
getDefaultPropertyAccessor() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the default property accessor.
getDefaultPropertyQuery(QueryBuilder, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method creates the query object for comparing a value of a marker property to the provided value.
getDefaultPublicId() - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Default PublicId to use in log messages.
getDefaultQuery(Repository, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Access the default query of the repository servlet
getDefaultQuery(RepositoryView) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Access the default query of the repository servlet
getDefaultReanimatedState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getDefaultRecipients() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the default list of Recipients that should receive email
getDefaultRecipients() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default list of Recipients that should receive email
getDefaultRegion() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getDefaultRequestTimeout() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
Returns the default timeout for a request entry.
getDefaultReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Get the default value to return if the order's state is not found in the lookup table.
getDefaultReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Get the default value to return if propertyName's value is not found in the lookup table.
getDefaultSaveMode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
The saveMode to be used for orders that do not have a corresponding entry in orderStateSaveModes
getDefaultSecurePort() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getDefaultSession() - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Gets the default mail session using without using and Authenticator.
getDefaultShippingAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Get the shippingAddressPropertyName from the profile
getDefaultShippingAddress(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Get the default shipping address repository item by getting property name from the property manager.
getDefaultShippingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the DefaultShippingAddressPropertyName property.
getDefaultShippingAddrName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Deprecated. use getDefaultShippingAddrName(Locale) instead
getDefaultShippingAddrName(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the defaultShippingAddrName property.
getDefaultShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
The getDefaultShippingGroupName method returns the default ShippingGroup based on the ShippingGroupMapContainer's default ShippingGroup name.
getDefaultShippingGroupAddressType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultShippingGroupAddressType
getDefaultShippingGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Retrieves the first shipping group id from the order.
getDefaultShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Get the default ShippingGroupName for the user's default ShippingGroup
getDefaultShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the DefaultShippingGroupName property.
getDefaultShippingGroupName() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Get the default ShippingGroupName for the user's default ShippingGroup
getDefaultShippingGroupType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the defaultShippingGroupType
getDefaultShippingMethodPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the DefaultShippingMethodPropertyName property.
getDefaultShippingMethodPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the defaultShippingMethodPropertyName property.
getDefaultShippingPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultShippingPriceInfoClass
getDefaultSortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the default sort string for this table.
getDefaultSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getDefaultStockLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The default value if the stock level of an item is not defined
getDefaultStyleIndex() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getDefaultSubject() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Return the DefaultSubject property.
getDefaultSubject() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the default subject field.
getDefaultSubject() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the default subject field.
getDefaultSystemId() - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
The default SystemId to use in log messages.
getDefaultTaxPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property defaultTaxPriceInfoClass
getDefaultTemplateEmailInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The default information used for templated email.
getDefaultTextSearchProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property defaultTextSearchProperties
getDefaultUncachedItemQueries() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
The default value of the parameter
getDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns property DefaultValue
getDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get the default XML value to return from buildXML
getDefaultValues() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
getDefaultValuesAsList() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
getDefaultValueString() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getDefaultView(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Access the default view of a repository
getDefaultViewName() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the name of the "default" or "root" RepositoryView
getDefaultViewName() - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns the name of the "default" or "root" RepositoryView
getDefaultViewName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the name of the "default" or "root" RepositoryView
getDefaultViewName(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Access the default view name of a repository
getDefinitionFile() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The indexing output definition file.
getDefinitionFile() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Returns the DefinitionFile that defines all of the RelationalViews and ResultSetProcessors used by the RelationalViewManager.
getDefinitionFile() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the DefinitionFile that defines all of the RelationalViews and ResultSetProcessors used by the RelationalViewManager.
getDefinitionFile() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Returns the definitionFile
getDEL_ASSET_ACTION() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getDelayOnSendRetry() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
The number of milliseconds to wait when trying to send a message before the DMS system tells us it is ok.
getDeleted() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.SnapshotDiff
Returns the AssetVersions that have been deleted between the original snapshot and the new one.
getDeletedAssetVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Get all the deleted versions for this layer.
getDeletedAssetVersions(int) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getDeletedAssetVersions(VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getDeletedAssetVersions(int, VersionContainerIncludeChecker) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getDeletedAssetVersionsCount() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
getDeleteDataFileName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property deleteDataFileName
getDeletedSkus() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
getDeletedSkus() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
getDeleteErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getDeleteErrorURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a failed item deletion.
getDeleteErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getDeleteGiftlistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property DeleteGiftlistErrorURL
getDeleteGiftlistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property DeleteGiftlistSuccessURL
getDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is deleted from the order
getDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is deleted from the order
getDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when an item is deleted from the order
getDeletePurchaselistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getDeletePurchaselistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getDeleteStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the DeleteStates property.
getDeleteSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getDeleteSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a successful item deletion.
getDeleteSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getDelimitedProjectIds() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property delimitedProjectIds ("Delimited project IDs")
getDelimiter() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property delimiter ("Delimiter")
getDelimiter() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
Get the delimiter to use when concatenating component property values.
getDeliveryInfo(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the repository item that represents an invoice's delivery information.
getDeliveryInfoForUpdate(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return a mutable version of the repository item that represents an invoice's delivery information.
getDeliveryInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's delivery information.
getDelta() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the difference in value between this sample and the previous sample.
getDeltaRate() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the rate of change of the value between this sample and the previous sample, expressed as change/sec.
getDeltaTime() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the difference in time between this sample and the previous sample.
getDenied() - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Returns the list of allowed identities.
getDeniedAccessURL(Profile) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.AccessController
Returns a URL the user should be redirected to if allowAccess returns false.
getDeniedAccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns the default URL to redirect to if access is denied.
getDeniedAccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns the URL to go to when access is denied.
getDeniedAccessURL(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns a URL the user should be redirected to if allowAccess returns false.
getDeniedAccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns the URL to go to when access is denied.
getDeniedAccessURL(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns a URL the user should be redirected to if allowAccess returns false.
getDenyGroups() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Returns the array of "deny" group names.
getDenyGroups() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns the array of "deny" group names.
getDependencies(Query) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Generate query dependency list for this query used for query invalidation.
getDependencies(Query) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Generate query dependency list for this query used for query invalidation.
getDependentTables() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the list of table names upon which this cache depends.
getDeployed() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Deployed"
getDeployedApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
Get the value of DeployedApps.
getDeployedProjects(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Gets the list of projects merged to this target.
getDeployedSnapshot() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The current deployed snapshot of the target or agent.
getDeployedSnapshotCreationTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the creation time (as a Long ) of the last deployed snapshot.
getDeployedSnapshotTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
System milliseconds when the deployed snapshot was last set by a deployment.
getDeploymentAgentInactiveDataStore() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The name of the inative datastore if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
getDeploymentAgentLocalPort() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The local port used in the FileDeploymentServer for DAF file deployments.
getDeploymentAgentSwitchableVFS() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns a Collection of VFSs configured for switch deployments on this agent.
getDeploymentApprovalTimes() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property deploymentApprovalTimes ("Deployment approval times")
getDeploymentBeginTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the deployment was first started.
getDeploymentBeginTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
System milliseconds when the deployment was first started.
getDeploymentBeginTimestampAsDate() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Date when the deployment was first started.
getDeploymentByID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the ID'd deployment.
getDeploymentCreateInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started the deployment.
getDeploymentCreateInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started the deployment.
getDeploymentCurrentDataStore() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The current data store if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
getDeploymentDeleteInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what deleted the deployment.
getDeploymentDeleteInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what deleted the deployment.
getDeploymentEventListeners() - Method in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventSender
Returns an array of the list of DeploymentEventListeners.
getDeploymentEventListeners() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns an array of the list of DeploymentEventListener.
getDeploymentFulfiller() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Get property deploymentFulfiller
getDeploymentID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The ID of the current deployment, if there is a current deployment.
getDeploymentID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Current deployment identifier.
getDeploymentID() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
A generated identifier to distinguish this deployment from others.
getDeploymentId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property deploymentId ("Deployment Id")
getDeploymentLastBeginTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the deployment was last started.
getDeploymentLastBeginTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
System milliseconds when the deployment was last started.
getDeploymentLastBeginTimestampAsDate() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Date when the deployment was last started.
getDeploymentLastExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running since it was last started.
getDeploymentLastExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running since it was last started.
getDeploymentListeners() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getDeploymentLiveDataStore() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The live data store at the beginning of this deployment if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
getDeploymentLogHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for DeploymentLog instances.
getDeploymentManifestID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Manifest ID of the manifest currently being deployed.
getDeploymentMode() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The deployment mode, either Constants.MODE_ONLINE or Constants.MODE_SWITCH.
getDeploymentMode() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The deployment mode, either Constants.MODE_ONLINE or Constants.MODE_SWITCH.
getDeploymentMode() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property deploymentMode
getDeploymentPercentageComplete(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Convenience method to get the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.
getDeploymentPollSleepTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.
getDeploymentProgress(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Returns an object which contains information about the progress of a deployment.
getDeploymentProgress() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.
getDeploymentProjectIDs() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The project IDs being deployed to the target or agent.
getDeploymentProjectIDs() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The project IDs being deployed to the target or agent.
getDeploymentQueueManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Get the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
getDeploymentReporter() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Returns a DeploymentReporter object that can be used to interrogate a deployment about succeeded and failed items.
getDeploymentRepository() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getDeploymentRollbackInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier for who or what called rollback on the deployment.
getDeploymentRollbackManifestID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Manifest ID of the rollback manifest for this deployment.
getDeploymentServer() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Name of the deployment server performing the current deployment.
getDeploymentServer() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Name of the deployment server performing the current deployment.
getDeploymentServer() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getDeploymentServer() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the DeploymentServer
getDeploymentServerName() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getDeploymentsForProject(Project) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Project in the list of project IDs being deployed.
getDeploymentsForProjects(Project[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Projects in the list of project IDs being deployed.
getDeploymentSnapshot() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The snapshot being deployed to the target or agent.
getDeploymentSnapshot() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Return the deployment snapshot.
getDeploymentSnapshotCreationTimes() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property deploymentSnapshotCreationTimes ("Deployment target snapshot creation times")
getDeploymentSnapshots() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property deploymentSnapshots ("Deployment target snapshots")
getDeploymentStatuses() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property deploymentStatuses ("Deployment target statuses")
getDeploymentStopInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what stopped/interrupted the deployment.
getDeploymentStopInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what stopped/interrupted the deployment.
getDeploymentStrictFileOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
getDeploymentStrictFileOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getDeploymentStrictRepoOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
getDeploymentStrictRepoOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.
getDeploymentTotalExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running.
getDeploymentTotalExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running.
getDeploymentType() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The deployment type, either Constants.TYPE_INCREMENTAL or Constants.TYPE_FULL.
getDeploymentType() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The deployment type, either Constants.TYPE_INCREMENTAL or Constants.TYPE_FULL.
getDeploymentType() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property deploymentType ("Deployment Type")
getDeploymentWorkspaces() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property deploymentWorkspaces ("deploymentTargetWorkspaces")
getDeployTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The scheduled time this deployment should begin.
getDeployTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property deployTime ("Deploy time")
getDerivedCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the "derivedCatalog" property in the category
getDescendantPriceLists(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Given a price list, this method will return all the descendant price lists.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property description.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Return the Description property.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the Description property.
getDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
A brief description of this target, any old information that is desired.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns verbal description of the message for a GUI
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property description ("Description")
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property description ("Description")
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property description ("Description")
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property description ("Description")
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property description ("Description")
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Returns a short description of the service object.
getDescription() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property Description
getDescription() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Description
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Returns the description of the palette in the language of the given locale
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the localized form of the community description, returning a default if one is not available.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Gets the localized description of this gear, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Gets the localized description of this gear definition, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
The description of the parameter
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the description of the titlebar
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the description of the layout
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Gets the localized description of this gear, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the description of the page template
getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the description of the style
getDescription() - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property description
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.security.AccessRight
Returns a description of the access right suitable for display to a user.
getDescription(Account) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Returns the description of the account, if applicable.
getDescription() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Returns a description of the access right suitable for display to a user.
getDescription() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get this targeter's description
getDescription() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Return a short textual description of this principal.
getDescription() - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns the default short description.
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns the short description of this element for the given Locale.
getDescriptionAt(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns the description for the item at index idx.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the group or privilege account attribute that describes the account in human-readable terms.
getDescriptionFiles() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getDescriptionForItem(ZipResultItem) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Generates the string used to describe a given item.
getDescriptionProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Description property on a giftlist
getDescriptionProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the description of a group or privilege.
getDescriptionResourceFiles() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getDescriptionResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
Return the resource key prefix for descriptions Currenty this returns resourcePrefix + "DESC"
getDescriptions() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns the array of descriptions.
getDescriptor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Return the RepositoryItemDescriptor that describes the profiles that this formHandler edits.
getDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Return a descriptor of this file system
getDestination() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property destination
getDestination() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
getDestination() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Returns The destination URI which caused this form login session to take place
getDestinationFileSystemPath() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
getDestinationMap() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Mapping from source VFS destination to target VFS destination.
getDestinationMap() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property destinationMap
getDestinationOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Return the destination order for the merge operation.
getDestinationPassword() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The password to use when copying to destinationServer
getDestinationPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
getDestinationRepository() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
getDestinations() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Get a Map of destination repository path or host:port names, keyed by the source repository or VFS nucleus path.
getDestinations() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property destinations ("Destination repositories and VFSs for this Target server")
getDestinationScenarioPathInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Get property DestinationScenarioPathInfo
getDestinationServer() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The name of the server to copy to
getDestinationUser() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The username to use when copying to destinationServer
getDetailedItemPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The class that is used for detailed item price infos.
getDetailedItemPriceInfoDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the detailedItemPriceInfoDescName
getDetailedItemPriceInfoProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties
getDetailedItemPriceInfoProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties
getDetailedItemPriceTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The class for providing various methods for manipulating DetailedItemPriceInfos
getDetailedUnitPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
the price for a quantity of one of this DetailedItemPriceInfo Note: property is read - only.
getDetailsItemPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties This is the property of DetailedItemPriceInfo that points to the ItemPriceInfo
getDetailsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
The name of the property in the DetailedItemPriceInfo that gets returned.
getDetailsRangeProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
The list of properties from the DetailedItemPriceInfo's Range property that are stored in the details repository item
getDetailsRangeProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
The list of properties from the DetailedItemPriceInfo's Range property that are stored in the details repository item
getDetailsRangesValidForTarget() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
map of DetailedItemPriceInfos to the number of each details that is available for discounting basic on the exclusion rules defined by various properties in Qualifier
getDetailsToReceiveDiscountShare(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
This will return the price details in an item price info that will be marked as receiving a share of the order discount.
getDevelopmentLine() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Returns the development line that owns this asset version.
getDevelopmentLine() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
The DevelopmentLine for the operation.
getDevelopmentLineItems() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
getDevelopmentLines(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return the development lines to load.
getDevice() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the requested client device
getDeviceOutput(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
getDeviceOutputs() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
getDevLineIndexInfo() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
getDictionaryValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property DictionaryValue
getDifferentPriceList(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Get the price list from the extra parameters.
getDimensions() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
Retrieve the dimensions of this parameter name.
getDimensions() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Retrieve the dimensions of this parameter name.
getDirectAncestorCatalogsAndSelfPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the DirectAncestorCatalogsAndSelf property for those items with an DirectAncestorCatalogsAndSelf property
getDirective(int) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns the sort directive at the specified index.
getDirectory() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property directory
getDirectoryListingsServedCount() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the number of directory listings served by this
getDirectoryPrincipal(Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Converts a security Principal into a user directory DirectoryPrincipal.
getDirectoryPrincipal() - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Returns the DirectoryPrincipal corresponding to this view's user.
getDisableExitTracking() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getDISCARD_ASSET_ACTION() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getDiscount() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
The amount of the discount given by this promotion
getDiscountAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getDiscountPrice() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDiscountType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Returns the int discount type for the string discount type provided.
getDiscountType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property DiscountType
getDispatcherServiceMap() - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineableServlet
Returns the map from one item to another destination servlet.
getDispatcherServiceMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Returns the map from dispatching attribute to destination servlet.
getDispatcherServiceMapNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
getDispatchingAttribute(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineableServlet
Returns the attribute that should be used to determine if the request should be dispatched to another servlet.
getDispatchingAttribute(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Returns the dispatching attribute of the request, this is the String attribute that is used to determine if the request should be dispatched to another servlet.
getDispatchingAttribute(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet
Returns the Mime Type of the request, this is the String attribute that is used to determine if the request should be dispatched to another servlet.
getDispatchingAttribute(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
Returns the dispatching attribute of the request, this is the String attribute that is used to determine if the request should be dispatched to another servlet.
getDisplayableSkuAttributesProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
Return the name of the property in the product from which Sku properties for display are obtained.
getDisplayMode() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Environment
Access the display mode of the environment
getDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
getDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Access a named display mode from the titlebar mode
getDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access a named display mode from the layout
getDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access a named display mode from the page tempate
getDisplayMode() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalContext
Access property display mode
getDisplayMode() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Access property display mode
getDisplayModeById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a display mode by its unique ID.
getDisplayModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
getDisplayModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Access all display modes
getDisplayModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access all display modes
getDisplayModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access all display modes
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Returns the potentially localized display name of the property.
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property DisplayName
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList.Place
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns display name used to represent the message in a GUI
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property displayName ("Name")
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property displayName ("Name")
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property displayName ("Name")
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Getter for property displayName ("Name")
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property displayName ("Name")
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property displayName
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property displayName
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.security.AccessRight
Returns the human-readable name of the access right.
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Returns the human-readable name of the access right.
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
getDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.ManagedElement
Returns the user-visible name of this element.
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Returns property DisplayName
getDisplayName() - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns the default display name.
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns the display name of this element for the given Locale.
getDisplayNameForAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Returns the display name that should be associated with an attribute.
getDisplayNameForAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the display name that should be associated with an attribute.
getDisplayNameForAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the display name that should be associated with an attribute.
getDisplayNameForAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Returns the display name that should be associated with an attribute.
getDisplayNameProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store displayName property on a giftlist
getDisplayNameProperty(Repository, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Repository items that implement 'getItemDisplayNameProperty()' ought to do so via an interface.
getDisplayNameResource() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
getDisplayNamesForAttributes() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Returns a mapping of attribute names to display names that can be used in an attribute editor.
getDisplayNamesForAttributes() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Returns a mapping of attribute names to display names that can be used in an attribute editor.
getDisplaySortString() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Get a sort key String for a case-insensitive sort by display name.
getDistinct() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getDistinctSpecified() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentFolderView
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The event distributor.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistributor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
getDistrictTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property DistrictTax
getDistrictTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Gets the district/territory tax
getDistrictTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getDistrictTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getDistrictTax() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
The district/territory tax amount
getDocContextId() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the <viewInContext><docContextID> tag body
getDocContextId() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the <docContextId> property value
getDocProps() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
A set of values for the docProps attribute.
getDocRootServicePrefix() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getDocRootServicePrefix() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the property that specifies the path to find services in the nucleus component hierarchy that are in the doc root.
getDocument() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Get the document property.
getDocumentBuilderPool() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns Pool of DocumentBuilder resource to parse the XML document.
getDocumentCache() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The DocumentCache used by this component.
getDocumentCache() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The DocumentCache used by this component.
getDocumentLevelOutputProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the list of output properties that will be added to the document-level item.
getDocumentLevelSpecifiers() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Return the document-level specifiers.
getDocumentNumber() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
getDocumentObject(InputStream) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Utility method which will return the inputstream as a Document object to us.
getDocumentRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the repository id of the repository item that corresponds to the document.
getDocumentRoot() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property DocumentRoot
getDocumentRoot() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property DocumentRoot
getDocumentRoot() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the document root
getDocumentRoot() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the first entry in the document root path.
getDocumentRootCachePath() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property DocumentRootCachePath
getDocumentRootCachePath() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property DocumentRootCachePath
getDocumentRootContextPath() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Get the context path to prepend to generated URI's that refer to files in the document root.
getDocumentRootContextPath() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Get the context path to prepend to generated URI's that refer to files in the document root.
getDocumentRootPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the document root from which path references will be resolved.
getDocumentSets() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the <documentSets> tag contents as DocumentSetConstraint object.
getDocumentSetsBuilder() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the optional XMLBuilder object.
getDocumentsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get the number of documents per transaction.
getDocumentSubmitter() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the document submitter, used to submit documents to the indexing engine.
getDocumentSubmitterSession() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the document submitter session.
getDoExitTracking() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
getDoNotCacheQuery() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
getDouble(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getDouble
getDouble(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DOUBLE parameter as a double in the Java programming language.
getDoubleValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property doubleValue
getDoubleValue() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the value of the property as a double, if the property is of a numeric type.
getDPSMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
This component is used to send ViewItem events
getDriver() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property driver.
getDriver() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the class name of the JDBC driver used.
getDropletDescriptor(Class, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the property descriptor for the specified class and property name.
getDropletDescriptor(Class, Class, Class, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the property descriptor for the specified class and property name.
getDropletEventServlet() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the DropletEventServlet, extracting it from Dynamo through JNDI.
getDropSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Returns the SQL that will be used to implement the dropTables operation
getDSSProfilePropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Get the name of the JMS message property where Dynamo Scenario Server expects to find a reference to the user profile.
getDstCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDstCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDstGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDstProvince() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDstZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getDummyMode() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns whether this component is in dummy mode, i.e.
getDumpFileName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Get property DumpFileName.
getDuplicationMode() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
getDuplicationMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns either the duplicationMode parameter value or the defaultDuplicationMode
getDuplicationMode(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by other internal methods that require a duplicationMode.
getDuplicationMode(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the duplcationMode.
getDuplicationMode(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the duplcationMode.
getDynamoHandlerPrefixes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
getDynamoInitSessionURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Get the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
getDynamoInitSessionURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
getDynamoRequest(ServletContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get's the DynamoHttpServletRequest, creating it if necessary.
getDynamoRequest(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Retrieves the DynamoHttpServletRequest from the given regular ServletRequest.
getDynamoResponse(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the DynamoHttpServletResponse associated with the current request
getEarliestAcceptableDate() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property EarliestAcceptableDate
getEdit() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Edit"
getEditAddress() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property editAddress, naming the address to be edited in the edit_secondary_address.jhtml page.
getEditCostCenterDescription() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property EditCostCenterDescription
getEditCostCenterErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property EditCostCenterErrorURL
getEditCostCenterIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property EditCostCenterIdentifier
getEditCostCenterSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property EditCostCenterSuccessURL
getEditItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property EditItem.
getEditItemErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property EditItemErrorURL
getEditItemSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property EditItemSuccessURL
getEditMapsAsLists() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Gets the property EditMapsAsLists.
getEditMapsAsLists() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Gets the property EditMapsAsLists.
getEditMapsAsLists() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Gets the property EditMapsAsLists.
getEditRunning() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "EditRunning"
getEditValue() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
getEffectiveAccessControlList(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Determines the effective access control list for the indicated object, which is a combination of the object's access control list and any access control lists of its containers.
getEffectiveAccessControlList(Object) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Determines the effective access control list for the indicated object, which is a combination of the object's access control list and any access control lists of its containers.
getEffectivePrincipals() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get a collection of all the effective principals in the directory with which this principal is implicitly associated.
getElectronicShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns a list of all electronic groups that contain commerce items.
getElectronicShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns all the electronic shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getElement(String) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
getElement() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
getElement(String) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
getElement(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
getElement(ComponentName) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameContext
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
getElement(EventQueueElement) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Reads one element from the queue, copies the element to the specified element, and clears the element.
getElementId() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Returns the element id as it appears in the process definition.
getElementInfos() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the array of ProcessElementInfo objects, which together indicate the instance's location in the process.
getElementInfos() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Returns the array of ProcessElementInfo objects, which together indicate the instance's location in the process.
getElementLock(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Get a ConfigurationLock for the given element name in this NameContext.
getElements() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorList
Returns a List of Error objects
getElements() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns a List of Result objects
getElementsAdded() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the elements added property
getElementsRemoved() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the elements removed property
getElementStatus() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Returns the element status, one of WAITING or COMPLETED.
getElementType() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.BatchElement
Returns the type of this element, BatchElement.Result or BatchElement.Error
getEmail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the email
getEmail() - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Returns the email
getEmailAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ElectronicShippingGroup
Returns the emailAddress
getEmailAddress() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the email address of this user.
getEmailAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the property name of the email address in the profile.
getEmailAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property EmailAddressPropertyName.
getEmailEncodingMap() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Gets the mEmailEncodingMap property
getEmailer() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getEmailHandlerHostName() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the SMTP host used to send email.
getEmailHandlerPort() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the SMTP port used to send email.
getEmailInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Returns the TemplateEmailInfo describing the email message.
getEmailLinkedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the email property in the linked repository, null if the email property only exists in the profile repository.
getEmailListenerCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the number of email listeners
getEmailListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
getEmailListeners() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Return the lis of email listeners that will attempt delivery.
getEmailListeners() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
getEmailMessage() - Method in exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Returns the email Message object whose recipient field could not be set because of the invalid email address.
getEmailMessageSender() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns the EmailMessageSender used to send email.
getEmailMessageSender() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.
getEmailPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the email property to use in the login query.
getEmailPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the email property to use in the email query, looking it up in the PropertyManager.
getEmailSenderAddress() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getEmailSenderService() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property emailSenderService.
getEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the option value for invalid email status in the profile.
getEmailStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the property name of the email status in the profile.
getEmailStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property EmailStatusPropertyName.
getEmailStatusValidOptionValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the option value for valid email status in the profile.
getEmptyAddressPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns the emptyAddressPropertyNames
getEmptyProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Retrieve the enabled flag, which indicates if this component can send messages, as long as the active flag is also true.
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Returns property Enabled
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the Enabled property.
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
getEnabled() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Is authentication enabled?
getEnableDefaultDestination() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Enables the use of a the default destination URI for the case when there is no current login session.
getEnableLinks() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getEncodeContextPathMode() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the EncodeContextPathMode property.
getEncodeContextPathMode() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the EncodeContextPathMode property.
getEncodedPathAndItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getEncodedPathAndItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Get the value set as the encoded repository component path name and item descriptor name
getEncodedTypes() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
getEncodeParameters() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the EncodeParameters
getEncodeServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the EncodeServletPath property.
getEncodeServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the EncodeServletPath property.
getEncodeURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the flag that indicates whether or not this request is currently encoding URLs
getEncoding() - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Returns the name of the encoding scheme used to convert the encrypted password into a string.
getEncoding() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Returns the name of the encoding scheme used to convert the encrypted password into a string.
getEncodingStyleURI() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
The encoding style that should be set on the Call object.
getEncodingTyper() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
getEncodingTyper() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.
getEncryptedPassword(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Returns the encrypted password associated with the given login name.
getEncryptPasswords() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Returns true if source account passwords should be encrypted using the destination account manager's password hasher.
getEncType() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getEndCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns the property EndCount.
getEndDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property EndDate
getEndDate() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the Date the alert should stop being published
getEndIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns the property EndIndex.
getEndingIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Returns property EndingIndex
getEndingIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Returns property EndingIndex
getEndTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property endTime ("Deployment end")
getEndUsable() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property EndUsable
getEnforceMemoryAsynchronously() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getEnforceMemoryMaximumRemove() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getEnforceMemorySchedule() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getEntriesForPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns the access control entries that apply to a particular user.
getEntryCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of entries in the cache.
getEntryCount() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns the number of entries currently in this slot
getEntryIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the list of entry id's that specify which entries are to be removed from the product comparison list when calling handleRemoveEntries.
getEntryInvalidationCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of times a cache entry was invalidated
getEntryInvalidationCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of times a cache entry was invalidated
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.LocaleScheduledOrderActionEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.ScheduledOrderActionEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.EnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum.GearHeightEnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum.GearWidthEnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum.RegionHeightEnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum.RegionWidthEnumEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.LocalePropertyTypeEditor
getEnumClass() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.PropertyTypeEditor
getEnumClassInfo(Class) - Static method in class atg.core.util.Enum
getEnumFromInt(int) - Static method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
Get an enumeration from the string.
getEnumFromString(String) - Static method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
Get an enumeration from the string.
getEnumResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
getEnvironment() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getError() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Error"
getError() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Error"
getError(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Returns the object associated with pKey.
getError(Object) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Returns the object associated with aKey.
getErrorActiveHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
getErrorCausedByException() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The Exception that caused the error state, if an Exception did so.
getErrorCausedByException() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Exception that caused the error state, if an Exception did so.
getErrorCode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns an error code if this item descriptor is not valid.
getErrorCode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Do some error checking on this property descriptor.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
The key that was used to get the message in the exception.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Returns a the coded message for this error.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Get property errorCode.
getErrorCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Gets property errorCode.
getErrorCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns the error code associated with the ZipResult.
getErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
getErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
getErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
getErrorHandler() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Return an object responsible for handling form errors
getErrorHandler() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Return an object responsible for handling form errors
getErrorHandler() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
getErrorHandler() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Get the SAX ErrorHandler that is used to handle parsing errors produced for this key.
getErrorKeys() - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Returns an array of key objects which exist in the PipelineResultable.
getErrorKeys() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Returns an array of key objects which exist in the PipelineResult.
getErrorList() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns an aggregate ErrorList or null if 1) the Job is not in a COMPLETE or FAILED state, 2) the Job is RUNNING but has not completed processing its first batch, or 3) the Job contains no Errors.
getErrorListSize() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the number of elements in the ErrorList property.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property errorMessage
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
If there is an error, it will be reported here.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
If there is an error, this will contain its description.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property ErrorMessage
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A textual description of what caused the error status, if the state is an error state.
getErrorMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A textual description of what caused the error status, if the status is an error state.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A textual description of what caused the error status, if the status is an error state.
getErrorMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A textual description of what caused the error status, if the status is an error state.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Deprecated. This method is not thread safe. Inspect the AddressVerificationInfo for error messages
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Gets the error message associated with the zip result.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
A message describing the transaction failure
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
A message describing the transaction failure
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Returns the error message, if any.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Returns the error message, if any.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Returns the error message generated while trying to send the email, or null if the email was sent successfully.
getErrorMsgResourceArguments() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Resource string arguments used to fill in and create the error message.
getErrorMsgResourceArguments() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Resource string arguments used to fill in and create the error message.
getErrorMsgResourceKey() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The resource look-up key for the error message.
getErrorMsgResourceKey() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The resource look-up key for the error message.
getErrorOnNullProductRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Returns property ErrorOnNullProductRef
getErrorPage() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the errorPage
getErrorParams() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property errorParams ("Error parameters")
getErrorPipelineIdForMessage(ObjectMessage, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method is used to obtain the error pipeline chain that should be executed if the execution for a given incoming message fails.
getErrorRedirect() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Returns URL to which the user will be re-directed if an error has occured
getErrorResourcesCheckedOutCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
getErrorResponse() - Method in exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Returns the desired error response.
getErrorResponse() - Method in exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Returns the desired error response.
getErrorReturnCode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
Return the value that the pipeline processor should return to the pipeline chain in case of error.
getErrorReturnCode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Return the value that the pipeline processor should return to the pipeline chain in case of error.
getErrorReturnCode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Return the value that the pipeline processor should return to the pipeline chain in case of error.
getErrors() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Returns a List of the Errors that occurred in the Batch or null if there were no Errors.
getErrors() - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Returns an array of error objects which exist in the PipelineResultable.
getErrors() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Returns an array of error objects which exist in the PipelineResult.
getErrorsMap() - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Returns Map of error messages to the exception messages.
getErrorURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Returns The URI of the error page to handle errors with the form authorization
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
where to go on error
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
where to go on error
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ErrorURL
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the optional url to redirect to when an error is encountered in handleSearch()
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the value of the property ErrorURL.
getErrorURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Returns the errorURL property
getErrorZombieHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
getEscapedText() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
getEuroSymbol(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Returns the symbol to use when formatting a price in Euros.
getEuroSymbol(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Returns the symbol to use when formatting a price in Euros.
getEventChannelCacheSize() - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Returns the size of the event channel string cache.
getEventClass() - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The event class that this handler should listen for.
getEventCount() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
The number of events that have been sent to this event topic.
getEventDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns eventDate property.
getEventDate() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
Get property EventDate
getEventDateProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store eventDate property on a giftlist
getEventFlags() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getEventName() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns the eventName.
getEventNameProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store eventName property on a giftlist
getEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns eventType property.
getEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Deprecated. Subclasses of this (such as ProcSendScenarioEvent) may dynamically determine the type of event. meaning getEventType may not be thread safe (since the type is set in "createEventToSend" and and checked when calling "sendObjectMessage"). Use the getEventType method that takes an Object as a parameter instead.
getEventType(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This will return the event type defined on the class (same behavior as calling getEventType().
getEventType(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
If this object is a ScenarioEvent or CommerceMessage, then that message's type is returned.
getEventType() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
The type of the event, this should be set to such things as: atg.commerce.order.Order if that is what is being sent.
getEventType() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Returns property EventType
getEventType() - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The type of the event class that this handler should listen for.
getEventType() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
Returns the code for the type of change that occurred.
getEventTypeId(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns the id of the given named user event type
getEventTypeProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store eventType property on a giftlist
getEventTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
eventType is an enumerated property in the giftlist repository.
getEventTypes() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns the list of the known user event types available for logging
getEveryItemOutputProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the list of output properties that will be added to every repository item.
getException() - Method in class atg.process.action.FailedActionInfo
Returns the associated exception, if any.
getException() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Error
Returns an exception which may contain one or more root exceptions
GetException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
Exception used to indicate errors while generating XML Instance documents from Repository Items.
GetException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.GetException
Default constructor.
GetException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.GetException
Constructor which takes String input.
GetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.GetException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
GetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.GetException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
getException() - Method in class atg.scenario.action.FailedActionInfo
Deprecated. Returns the associated exception, if any.
getExchangeRates() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Returns property exchangeRates, and, as a side-effect, initializes it if it has not already been initialized.
getExchangeRates() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Returns property exchangeRates, and, as a side-effect, initializes it if it has not already been initialized.
getExcludeAssetDestinations() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Specific asset destinations this agent is not to deploy.
getExcludeAssetDestinations() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property excludeAssetDestinations ("Exclude Asset Destinations")
getExcludedItemDescriptors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
The list of item descriptors that we do not want to check...
getExcludedItemDescriptors() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
The list of item descriptors that we do not want to check...
getExcludedOrderProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ExcludedOrderProperties
getExcludedOrderPropertiesMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ExcludedOrderPropertiesMap
getExcludedProperties() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the ContextRoot
getExcludedPropertiesSet() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getExcludedThreads() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property excludedThreads
getExcludeQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Return query text from any <structquery><statement> which uses the "negative" op attribute.
getExcludeServers() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property excludeServers
getExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
getExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
getExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
getExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
getExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
getExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
getExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
getExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
getExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
getExitTrackingHandler() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the exit tracking handler
getExitTrackingHandler() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the exit tracking handler
getExitTrackingParameterName() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the parameter name which holds the URL to redirect to as part of the exit tracking process.
getExpiration() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Get the Expiration property
getExpirationDate() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the Date the alert should be removed from the repository.
getExpirationDayOfMonth() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the expirationDayOfMonth
getExpirationMonth() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the expirationMonth
getExpirationURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
Returns Expiration URl
getExpirationYear() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns the expirationYear
getExpiredPasswordService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the ExpiredPasswordService component
getExpirePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the ExpirePropertyName property.
getExpireSessionOnLogout() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getExportCommand() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property exportCommand
getExposedRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the exposed repository.
getExpressCheckoutErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
The URL to go to if Express Checkout fails
getExpressCheckoutErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the ExpressCheckoutErrorURL property.
getExpressCheckoutSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
The URL to go to if Express Checkout is successful
getExpressCheckoutSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the ExpressCheckoutSuccessURL property.
getExpression() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property expression
getExpressionParser() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property ExpressionParser
getExpressionType() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property expressionType
getExtendedProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
This method can be extended to provide the extended property map.
getExtendedProperties(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Called by the evaluate method to return the extendedProperties map that is passed to the hasMarker method call.
getExtendedProperties(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
This method is called by the evaluate method to return the extendedProperties map.
getExternalIdFromResult(Object, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Get the id for the external data.
getExternalIdProperty() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The name of the repository item's external ID property
getExtractDefaultValuesFromItem() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Returns whether or not property values should be extracted from a repository item if they do not have values specified in the form.
getExtractDefaultValuesFromItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Returns whether or not property values should be extracted from a repository item if they do not have values specified in the form.
getExtractDefaultValuesFromItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns whether or not property values should be extracted from a repository item if they do not have values specified in the form.
getExtraDispatcherServiceMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Returns the map from dispatching attribute to destination servlet.
getExtraHeaders() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
getExtraParams(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Intended to be used to extract a map of extra parameters for passing in to ItemPricingEngines for their use in pricing the input item.
getExtraParams(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
Intended to be used to build a map of extra parameters for passing in to ItemPricingEngines for their use in pricing the input item.
getFacetSearchResponse() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
This will convert the Results object into a FacetSearchResponse object.
getFacetSearchService() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
getFailedActionInfos() - Method in exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Returns the array of FailedActionInfo objects, each of which represents failure to execute an action for a single process instance.
getFailedActionInfos() - Method in exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Returns the array of FailedActionInfo objects, each of which represents failure to execute an action for a single scenario instance.
getFailedIds() - Method in exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Returns the failedIds
getFailedOverSecurityStatus() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
getFailedToInitialize() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Return whether the service failed to initialize
getFailoverRecoveryPricingOperation() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property FailoverRecoveryPricingOperation
getFailureMessageProcessor() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns the form message processor used for notifying the user about failures.
getFailureMessages() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getFailureRedirect() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns URL to which the user will be re-directed if the Login or Logout commands failed
getFailureReturnCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
The return code that's used when the executed chain throws an exception.
getFailureReturnValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Returns property failureReturnValue
getFailureReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Returns property failureReturnValue
getFailureReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns property failureReturnValue
getFailureTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getFailureURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property FailureURL
getFailureURL() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns property FailureURL
getFailureUrl() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getFallbackEncoding() - Method in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
getFallbackEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
getFallbackEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
getFaxNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the faxNumber
getFaxNumber() - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Returns the faxNumber
getFetchDirection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchDirection
getFetchDirection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchDirection
getFetchDirection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchDirection
getFetchFactor() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
When using paging, the page size is is multiplied by this value in order to request more results than are required by the page size, since it is expected that some items will be filtered out.
getFetchSize(int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Return the page size adjusted by the fetch factor.
getFetchSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchSize
getFetchSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchSize
getFetchSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getFetchSize
getFieldDelimiter() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Returns property FieldDelimiter
getFile(String) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Get a VirtualFile for some path.
getFile(VirtualPath) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Get a VirtualFile at some VirtualPath
getFileAttributesCache() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Return the file attributes cache
getFileCache() - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Returns the FileCache that will be used by this
getFileDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get the VirtualFileDescriptor for this object
getFileElements() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns an immutable Collection of File objects comprising the Job.
getFileElementsSize() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the number of File objects comprising the Job.
getFileEncodingTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
getFileId() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getFileName() - Method in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
Returns the name of the file into which the account information will be serialized.
getFilename() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns the file name of the uploaded file.
getFileNotFoundCount() - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Returns the number of files not found by this
getFileNotFoundCount() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the number of files not found by this
getFilePath() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getFileSize() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns the size of the uploaded file, in bytes.
getFileSystem() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get the file system used by this VirtualFile
getFillFromTemplate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns true if we should try to extract email information from the <meta> tags in the template.
getFilter() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
getFilter(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
Returns the filter parameter.
getFilterActionConfiguration() - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
getFilterConfig() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property FilterConfig
getFilterForQualifierDiscountedByAnyDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the qualifier's pricing environment those items already discounted by any discount Id
getFilterForQualifierDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the qualifier's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
getFilterForQualifierNegativePrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items whose price is negative
getFilterForQualifierOnSale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items that were on sale
getFilterForQualifierZeroPrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items whose price is zero
getFilterForTargetActedAsQualifierForAnyDiscount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items who have acted as a target for any promotion
getFilterForTargetDiscountedByAnyDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the target's pricing environment those items already discounted by any discount Id
getFilterForTargetDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the target's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
getFilterForTargetNegativePrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is negative
getFilterForTargetOnSale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items that were on sale
getFilterForTargetPricesLessThanOrEqualToPromotionPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is already less or equal to the price it will be given by a "fixed price" promotion
getFilterForTargetZeroPrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is zero
getFilterMap() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the filter map.
getFilterQuery() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property filterQuery
getFinalGearArrangement() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getFinalLogListener() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Returns the underlying LogListener to which queued log events are being written to.
getFinalRegionOrder() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getFireOutcomeErrorURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task outcome was not fired successfully.
getFireOutcomeSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task outcome was fired successfully.
getFireWorkflowOutcome() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
getFirstDescendantPriceLists(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Given a price list, this method will return all the first level of descendant price lists.
getFirstName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the firstName
getFirstName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the firstName
getFirstName() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the firstName
getFirstName(Account) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Returns the first name of the account owner, if applicable.
getFirstName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the first name of this user.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the first name of the owner of a login account.
getFirstNameLinkedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the first name property in the linked repository, null if the first name property only exists in the profile repository.
getFirstNameProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the first name of a login account holder.
getFirstNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property FirstNamePropertyName.
getFirstNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the first name property to use in the login query.
getFirstNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the first name property to use in the name query, looking it up in the PropertyManager.
getFirstNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroup(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns the first non-gift hardgood shipping group from the order
getFirstNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroupWithRels() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns the first non-gift hardgood shipping group with relationships from the order
getFirstNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroupWithRels(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns the first non-gift hardgood shipping group with relationships from the order
getFirstScheduledRun(String, long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is invoked by the preCreateItem method to get the first time when the scheduled order should be processed.
getFirstZipCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the first zip code.
getFixed() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property fixed
getFixedRelatedCatsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property fixedRelatedCatsPropertyName
getFixedRelatedPrdsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property fixedRelatedPrdsPropertyName
getFixRequestURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getFixServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getFixTrailingSlashes() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getFloat(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getFloat
getFloat(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC FLOAT parameter as a float in the Java programming language.
getFloatValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property floatValue
getFolder(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a folder by it's id
getFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a folder by it's id
getFolder() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
getFolder() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getFolderById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a folder object.
getFolderByPath(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a folder based on the supplied path.
getFolderByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a folder based on the supplied path.
getFolderId() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Return the id of this folder.
getFolderId() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryFolder
Return the id of this folder.
getFolderIdProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getFolderIdProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Get the folderIdPropertyName.
getFolderItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Returns property FolderItemDescriptor.
getFolderName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
getFolderPath() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property FolderPath
getFolders(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a set of folders with the given ids
getFolders(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a set of folders with the given ids
getFoldersByPath(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a set of folders based on the supplied paths.
getFoldersByPath(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a set of folders based on the supplied paths.
getFolderURL() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
getForceCreation() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Returns true if all accounts should be created even if there are already accounts in the account manager.
getForgotPasswordErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
getForgotPasswordSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
getFormat(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Return a MessageFormat from the resource bundle, for the given locale
getFormat(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Return a MessageFormat from the resource bundle, for the given locale
getFormat() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Returns property Format
getFormatFields() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Returns property FormatFields
getFormatMap() - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Returns property formatMap, and, as a side-effect, initializes it if it has not already been initialized.
getFormatter(Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatters
Returns the PropertyValueFormatter for the given value.
getFormatterMap() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the formatter map.
getFormData() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
getFormError() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns true if an error occurred while processing the form.
getFormError() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
getFormEventProperties() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Return the names of the form event servers.
getFormEventSenderNames() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Return the names of the form event servers.
getFormEventsSent() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns the array of exceptions that occurred for display in the page
getFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Return the formExceptions property.
getFormHandler() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
returns the property FormHandler
getFormHandler() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get the form handler invoking buildXML()
getFormHandler() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Returns the parent WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
getFormInfo() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
getFormLoginSessionPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Returns The name in the nucleus hierarchy to look for a FormLoginSession
getFormMessages() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns a list of localized messages.
getFormName() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getFormName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Gets the formName property
getFormURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Returns The URI of the login form
getFormURI() - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Returns the URI of a form which can be used in the UI to solicit outcome-specific data, prior to firing this outcome.
getFormURI() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the URI of a form which can be used in the UI to solicit workflow-specific data, prior to creating this workflow.
getFrameRule() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
Generate a rule to filter on frame type.
getFrameType() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
getFreeMemory() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Returns property FreeMemory
getFreeMemory() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Returns property freeMemory
getFreight() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getFrom() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the sender (From:) field.
getFromAddress() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The email address deployment notifications should claim to be from.
getFromManager() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Returns the account manager that will be used as the source of the account data.
getFulfillerForItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method returns the fulfiller for a given CommerceItem.
getFulfillerForShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Return the fulfiller for the given shipping group.
getFulfillerName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This is the name of this fulfiller.
getFulfillerPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Maps the fulfiller name to the port on which it should be sent.
getFulfillerPortNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The FulfillerPortNameMap is a Properties object that maps fulfiller names to the port name that messages designated for the fulfiller should use.
getFulfillerPortNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This mapping defines what ports that messages designated for certain fulfillers should use.
getFulfillersForShippingGroups(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method returns a HashMap whose key is the fulfiller and the value is a List of the ShippingGroups.
getFulfillerShippingGroupClassHashMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
getFulfillerShippingGroupClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
This mapping defines which shipping group classes can be fulfilled by each fulfiller.
getFulfillerShippingGroupClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This mapping defines which shipping group classes can be fulfilled by each fulfiller.
getFulfillmentPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The pipeline manager is used to execute the pipeline fulfillment execution
getFulfillmentPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The PipelineManager used by this fulfillment class to access pipeline processing.
getFull() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType
Returns the instance representing the String value "Full"
getFullColumnName() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the full name of the column, as {table name}.{column name}.
getFullNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Gets the fullNamePropertyName property.
getFullyQualifiedRoleName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getFunctionDefinitions() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
getFunctionName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RelativeRole
Return the logical name of the function whose fulfillment this relative role represents.
getFunctionNames() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
The list of fucntion names.
getGcOnSample() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns true if a gc should be performed during each sampling interval, before the memory information is displayed, false otherwise.
getGear() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Gear for this request.
getGear(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
Returns the Gear associated with the indicated request, if any.
getGear() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearContext
Access property gear
getGear() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Returns property Gear
getGearAlertParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access a named gear alert parameter
getGearAlertParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access a named gear alert parameter
getGearAlertParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the default value of the named gear alert parameter
getGearAlertParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the default value of the named gear alert parameter
getGearAlertParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the names of the gear instance parameters
getGearAlertParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the names of the gear alert parameters
getGearAlertParameters() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access all the gear alert parameters
getGearAlertPref() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
getGearArrangementListSeperator() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getGearBackgroundColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the gear background color
getGearById(Community, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear object by its unique ID within the indicated community.
getGearById(Page, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear object by its unique ID within the indicated page.
getGearById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear by its unique ID.
getGearDefIdRequestParameter() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getGearDefinition() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the gear definition
getGearDefinition() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the gear definition
getGearDefinitionById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear definition by its unique ID.
getGearDefinitionByNameAndAuthor(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear definition by name.
getGearDefinitionByPortletGUID(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear definition by its Portlet Standard GUID.
getGearDefinitionFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Gear Definition Folder with the Id passed, if applicable, otherwise null.
getGearDefinitionFolderById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear definition folder by its unique ID.
getGearDefinitionFolderIds() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mGearDefinitionFolder
getGearDefinitionFolders() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mGearDefinitionFolder
getGearDefinitionFolders() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getGearDefinitionFolderSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's allowed gear definition folders as java.util.Set
getGearDefinitionFolderSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns the gear definition folders assigned for use by communities in this folder sorted based on the given comparator.
getGearDefinitionFolderSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gear definition folder objects that the user can see.
getGearDefinitionFolderSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gear definitions objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getGearDefinitionId(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves an Id of a gear definition by name and author
getGearDefinitionId(String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves an Id of a gear definition by name, author and version
getGearDefinitionSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gear definition objects that the user can see.
getGearDefinitionSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gear definition objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getGearEnvironment(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
sets up the gear environment.
getGearId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the gear item id
getGearIdRequestParameter() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getGearInstanceDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the default value of the named gear instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access a named gear instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access a named gear instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Get the value of a named instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the default value of the named gear instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the default value of the named gear instance parameter
getGearInstanceParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the names of the gear instance parameters
getGearInstanceParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the names of the gear instance parameters
getGearInstanceParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the names of the gear definition instance parameters
getGearInstanceParameters() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access all the gear instance parameters
getGearInstanceParameters() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the name/value pairs of the gear instance parameters
getGearMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access a named gear mode from the gear definition
getGearMode() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Get the gear mode property
getGearMode() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the name of the gear mode
getGearMode() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearContext
Access property gear mode
getGearMode() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Returns property GearMode
getGearModeById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear mode by its unique ID.
getGearModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access all gear modes
getGearName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the transient gear name property for the default locale.
getGearName(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the transient gear name property based on a locale.
getGearParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Get the value of a named parameter
getGearParameterById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a gear parameter by its unique ID.
getGearParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Access the names of the gear definition parameters
getGearRoleManager() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns the role manager for this gear definition.
getGears() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Gears
getGears() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getGears() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
getGearServletRequest() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse
Access the gear servlet request
getGearSession(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Returns the current GearSession associated with this request or if there is no current session and create is true returns a new session
getGearSession() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Returns the current GearSession associated with this request or if there is no current session returns a new session.
getGearSessionId() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest
Obtain the gear session id
getGearSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the gears in the community
getGearSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the gears in the community sorted based on the given comparator if pComparator is null gears are returned unsorted.
getGearSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Returns the set of gears found on this page.
getGearSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gears that the user can make use of.
getGearSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of page folder objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getGearSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access all the gears of the region as a list of gear objects
getGearsShared() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the gears shared by this community or its source community if the community is personalized.
getGearsShared(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the gears shared by this community or its source community if the community is personalized.
getGearTextColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the gear text color
getGearTitleBackgroundColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Acess the gear title background color
getGearTitleBarDefinition() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Gear TitleBar Definition
getGearTitleBarMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access a named titlebar mode from the titlebar
getGearTitleBarModes() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access all titlebar modes
getGearTitleTemplate() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mGearTitleTemplate
getGearTitleTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Gear Title Template
getGearTitleTemplateById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrives a gear title template by its unique ID.
getGearTitleTemplateSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of gear title objects that the user can see.
getGearTitleTemplateSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
getGearTitleTextColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the gear title text color
getGearUserDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the default value of the named gear user parameter
getGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access a named gear instance parameter
getGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access a named gear user parameter
getGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Get the value of a named user parameter
getGearUserParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the default value of the named gear instance parameter
getGearUserParameterDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the default value of the named gear user parameter
getGearUserParameterDefaultValues(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
getGearUserParameterDefaultValues(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getGearUserParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the names of the gear instance parameters
getGearUserParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access the names of the gear user parameters
getGearUserParameterNames() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the names of the gear definition user parameters
getGearUserParameters() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Access all the gear user parameters
getGearUserParameters() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the name/value pairs of the gear user parameters
getGearUserParameterValues(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
getGeneralCompletionCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the general completion code.
getGeneralCompletionCodeDescription() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the general completion code description.
getGeneralFailureURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property generalFailureURL.
getGeneralFailureURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns A Generic bean to store a failure URL into
getGeneralSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property generalSuccessURL.
getGeneralSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns A Geneneric bean to store a success URL into
getGenerateClass() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
getGenerateClass() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object.
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object.
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object.
getGeneratedPasswordPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Get the generated password property name.
getGenerateInvoiceCCName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return a magic string that, when used as the selectedCreditCardName, indicates to this shopping cart form handler that the user wants to pay by invoice instead of by credit card.
getGenerateRequestLocales() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
getGenerateRequestLocales() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
getGeneration() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the current generation.
getGeneration() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns content generation mode
getGenerationForConfig(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the generation for the specified config.
getGenerationPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getGenericSessionManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the GEOCODE.
getGetMethod() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
getGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
getGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
getGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
getGetRepositoryIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property GetRepositoryIdErrorURL
getGetRepositoryIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property GetRepositoryIdSuccessURL
getGetService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns GetService component to render XML data from Repository Items.
getGetService() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
The tool used to convert orders to xml in getOrderAsXML
getGetService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
The tool used to convert orders to xml in getOrderAsXML
getGetService() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
The tool used to convert promotions to xml in getPromotionsAsXML
getGetService() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
The tool used to convert orders to xml in getOrderAsXML
getGiftActionBuyProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property giftActionBuyProperty.
getGiftActionRemoveProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property giftActionRemoveProperty.
getGiftCertificate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns gift certificate bean to use for modifying of billing grps
getGiftCertificate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns gift certificate bean to use for modifying of billing grps
getGiftCertificateAmountAuthorizedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property giftCertificateAmountAuthorizedPropertyName
getGiftCertificateAmountProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The name of the property in the sku to be used for the gift certificate amount.
getGiftCertificateAmountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificateAmountPropertyName property.
getGiftCertificateAmountRemainingPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificateAmountRemainingPropertyName property.
getGiftCertificateAuthorizedProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer
Return the GiftCertificateAuthorizedProperty property.
getGiftCertificateClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The PaymentGroupClassType of gift certificates.
getGiftCertificateEmailTemplate() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The url to the email template used for gift certificate emails.
getGiftCertificateInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
Factory method to create a new GiftCertificateInfo object.
getGiftCertificateInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
Return the class to instantiate when creating a new GiftCertificateInfo object.
getGiftCertificateItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificateItemDescriptorName property.
getGiftCertificateLastUsedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificateLastUsedPropertyName property.
getGiftCertificateNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
Returns the giftCertificateNumber
getGiftCertificateNumber() - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Returns the GiftCertificateNumber
getGiftCertificateNumber() - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateInfo
Returns the GiftCertificateNumber
getGiftCertificateNumbers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the giftCertificateNumbers property.
getGiftCertificateParamName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the gift certificate Defaults to "giftCertificate"
getGiftCertificatePaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the giftCertificatePaymentGroups property.
getGiftCertificatePaymentTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the giftCertificatePaymentTypeName property.
getGiftCertificateProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Returns the GiftCertificateProcessor
getGiftCertificateProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the giftCertificateProperties property.
getGiftCertificatePurchaseDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificatePurchaseDatePropertyName property.
getGiftCertificatePurchaserIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the giftCertificatePurchaserIdPropertyName property.
getGiftCertificatesForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Returns a List of gift certificate repository items which belong to the user with the profile id in pProfileId.
getGiftCertificatesForProfile(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Returns a List of gift certificate repository items which belong to the user with the profile id in pProfileId.
getGiftCertificateStatusDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the giftCertificateStatusDescName
getGiftHandlingForShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns the gift handling instructions for a given item in a given shipping group
getGiftitem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Gets the giftitem from the repository with the id passed.
getGiftitem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns a repository item giftitem with the id passed in.
getGiftItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store repository item descriptor name for gifts
getGiftlist(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Gets the giftlist from the repository with the id passed.
getGiftlist(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns a repository item giftlist with the id passed in.
getGiftlistActionAddProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Returns property giftlistActionAddProperty.
getGiftlistActionRemoveProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Returns property giftlistActionRemoveProperty.
getGiftlistAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the giftlistAddressPropertyName property.
getGiftlistComments(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the comments of this giftlist
getGiftlistDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the description of this giftlist
getGiftlistEventDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the eventDate of this giftlist
getGiftlistEventName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the eventName of this giftlist
getGiftlistEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the eventType of this giftlist
getGiftlistId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property giftlistId.
getGiftlistId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
The id of the giftlist that this item was seen in
getGiftlistId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
The giftlist that an item was added from
getGiftlistId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
The giftlist that an item was added from
getGiftlistItemCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the catalogRefId of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItemDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the description of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store repository item descriptor name for giftlists
getGiftlistItemDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the displayName of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItemId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
The id of the giftlist item being handled
getGiftlistItemId(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the giftlistItemId if the sku is in the giftlist, null otherwise
getGiftlistItemId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
The giftlist item being added
getGiftlistItemId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
The giftlist item being added
getGiftlistItemProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the productId of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItemQuantityDesired(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the quantityDesired of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItemQuantityPurchased(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the quantityPurchased of this giftlist item
getGiftlistItems(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Get the list of giftlist items from the giftlist
getGiftlistItems(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Return the collection of giftlist items in the given giftlist
getGiftlistItemsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property of the profile to which we add new giftlist items
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property giftlistManager.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Returns property giftlistManager.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property giftlistManager.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the giftlistManager
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
All Giftlist manipulations are done with this.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
All Giftlist manipulations are done with this.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
The giftlist manager
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the GiftlistManager property.
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
The giftlist manager
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
The giftlist that an item was added from
getGiftlistManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
The giftlist that an item was added from
getGiftlistOwner(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the owner of this giftlist
getGiftlistRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property giftlistRepository.
getGiftlistRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Returns property giftlistRepository.
getGiftlistRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property GiftlistRepository
getGiftlistRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns property giftlistRepository.
getGiftlistRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property GiftlistRepository
getGiftlists(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns a collection of the giftlists owned by the given profile
getGiftlistShippingAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the shippingAddress of this giftlist
getGiftlistTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns property giftlistTools.
getGiftQuantity(Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns the quantity of a CommerceItem that should be treated as a gift.
getGiftQuantityForShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns the gift quanity for a items relationship to a shipping group.
getGiftShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns a list of all shipping groups that contain gifts.
getGiftShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns a list of all shipping groups that contain gifts.
getGiftShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns a list of all shipping groups that contain gifts.
getGiveToAnonymousProfiles() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property GiveToAnonymousProfiles
getGiveToAnonymousProfilesProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Property name of the 'giveToAnonymousProfiles' property in the promotion
getGlobal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Returns property Global
getGlobalAssetEditLockName() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
The name of the global lock name that must be used for aquiring locks when all edits to asset including checkins must be prevented.
getGlobalAssetEditLockTimeout() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the maximum time we wait for a global checkin write lock, in milliseconds.
getGlobalComponentCache() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getGlobalNucleus() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns a reference to the global Nucleus for the current web application.
getGlobalPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property GlobalPromotions
getGlobalPromotionsQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property GlobalPromotionsQuery
getGlobalPromotionsSchedulableDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property GlobalPromotionsSchedulableDate
getGlobalSession(boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the global, parent session.
getGlobalWorkflowView() - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns a global WorkflowView which is not associated with any User or Persona.
getGroup() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getGroupBy() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property GroupBy
getGroupContainer() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the group registry.
getGroupContainer() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property GroupContainer
getGroupCount() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns the count of members of this group
getGroupCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of entry groups in the cache, where each group comprises entries that have a common key prefix.
getGroupCount() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the count of members of this group.
getGroupDefinition() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
getGroupDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the repository item descriptor used for managing group and privilege accounts.
getGroupEntryCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the total number of entries in all of the entry groups.
getGroupingSize() - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
getGroupLdapDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns the attribute name for groups within LDAP directory
getGroupMembers() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns all the members of this group
getGroupMembers() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the members of this group.
getGroupName() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns the name of the group
getGroupName() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the name of this group
getGroupProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getGroupProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the group properties for this repository.
getGroupPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns a list of all of the property names allowed to login accounts by the account manager.
getGroupQuery() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns the query which returns the members of this group.
getGroupQuery() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Return the group query object.
getGroupRegistry() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns the RepositoryGroupContainer used to resolve group names.
getGroups() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Returns an enumeration of the groups that this account is a member of.
getGroups() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Returns a set of of the groups that this account is a member of.
getGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the set of groups that an account is a member of.
getGSAPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get a property descriptor as the right type
getGSARepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get our repository as the right type.
getGSARepositoryView() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get our repository as the right type.
getGSATransaction() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Gets the current GSATransaction.
getHandleColumn() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property handleColumn
getHandledRequestCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Returns the total number of requests that have been handled
getHandleForm() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
getHandleMethod() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
getHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests.
getHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The number of unique registered handlers.
getHandlerName() - Method in interface atg.service.event.EventChannelListener
Returns the name of the handler.
getHandlerName() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Returns the name of the handler.
getHandlerOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property HandlerOrderId
getHandlerParameterName() - Method in class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
getHandlerPath() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The Nucleus (or property path) where handlers are configured.
getHandlerTypes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
getHandlerURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
getHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Returns the HandlingInstruction whose id is pHandlingInstructionId.
getHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Returns the HandlingInstruction whose id is pHandlingInstructionId.
getHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the HandlingInstruction whose id is pHandlingInstructionId.
getHandlingInstructionClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Returns the handlingInstructionClassType
getHandlingInstructionClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the handlingInstructionClassType
getHandlingInstructionCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Returns the number of HandlingInstructions in the container.
getHandlingInstructionCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Returns the number of HandlingInstructions in the container.
getHandlingInstructionCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the number of HandlingInstructions in the container.
getHandlingInstructionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns property handlingInstructionManager
getHandlingInstructionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property handlingInstructionManager
getHandlingInstructionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
The HandlingInstruction manager
getHandlingInstructionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns property handlingInstructionManager
getHandlingInstructions() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Returns a List of HandlingInstructions
getHandlingInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Returns a List of HandlingInstructions.
getHandlingInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns a List of HandlingInstructions
getHandlingInstructionsForCommerceItem(ShippingGroup, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Return a list of handlingInstructions for the given commerce item, if it exists.
getHandlingInstructionsForCommerceItem(ShippingGroup, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
getHandlingInstructionsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns the handlingInstructionsProperty name.
getHandlingMethod() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Returns the handlingMethod
getHandlingMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns property handlingMethod
getHandlingRequest() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the flag indicating if this is currently handling a request
getHandlingTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for HandlingInstruction classes.
getHardgoodFulfiller() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
The fulfiller object that this class handles modifications for
getHardgoodFulfiller() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The fulfiller that this thread will be shipping groups for.
getHardgoodFulfiller() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingDroplet
getHardgoodShipper() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The hardgood shipper is a schedulable service that simulates the periodic shipment of shipping groups.
getHardgoodShipper() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
getHardgoodShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns hardgood shipping group bean
getHardgoodShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns hardgood shipping group bean
getHardgoodShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns all the hardgood shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getHasAutoDeploy() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Returns true if the value of property autoDeploy is null.
getHasCacheReferencesById() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getHasCheckedIn() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the value of property checkedIn is null.
getHasClients() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Returns true if there are any clients to send invalidations to.
getHasEditable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the value of property editable is null.
getHasEditable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Returns true if the value of property editable is null.
getHasFlagAgents() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Returns true if the value of property flagAgents is null.
getHasFolders() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property HasFolders
getHasForceFull() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the value of property forceFull is null.
getHasHalted() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Returns true if the value of property halted is null.
getHasLastMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasLastMarker key/values
getHasLastMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasLastMarker key/values
getHasLastMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasLastMarker key/values
getHasLastMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasLastMarker key/values
getHasLastMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getHasLastMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyRuleId() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasMarker and hasLastMarkerWithKey key/values
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getHasLastMarkerWithKeyValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
getHasLocked() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the value of property locked is null.
getHasMarkerOperatorMap() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Get the Map of operator names for the hasMarker expressions performed by the ItemHasMarker base class.
getHasMarkerOperatorToPerform(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
This method is called by the evaluate method to determine the operator name.
getHasMarkerOperatorToPerform(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
This method is called by the evaluate method to determine the operator name.
getHasMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
getHasMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getHasMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic hasMarker key/values
getHasMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
getHasMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getHasMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
getHasPrimary() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Returns true if the value of property primary is null.
getHasPriority() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Returns true if the value of property priority is null.
getHasStatus() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the value of property status is null.
getHasStrictFileOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Returns true if the value of property strictFileOps is null.
getHasStrictFileOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the value of property strictFileOps is null.
getHasStrictRepoOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Returns true if the value of property strictRepoOps is null.
getHasStrictRepoOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the value of property strictRepoOps is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHasVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Returns true if the value of property version is null.
getHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getHeader
getHeaderNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getHeaderNames
getHeaders() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns a Dictionary of the headers that have been set so far.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of objects.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of String objects.
getHeading() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the display name (column heading) for this column entry.
getHeadLink() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Returns the first link in the PipelineChain.
getHeight() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access the hight of the region
getHeight() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.RegionDefinition
Access the height of the region definition
getHelper() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the purchase process helper.
getHexEncode() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Get property hexEncode
getHiddenWebApps() - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Get the value of HiddenWebApps.
getHide() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getHierarchicalCategoryId() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property HierarchicalCategoryId
getHigh() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
getHighBound() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
the high end of the range
getHighlightBackgroundColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the highlight background color
getHighlightTextColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the highlight text color
getHistory() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property history ("History")
getHistory() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property history ("History")
getHistoryHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for History instances.
getHistoryResources() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the historyResources
getHitCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of accesses that were cache hits
getHitCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of accesses that were cache hits
getHitCount() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the number of cache hits
getHitRatio() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the number of cache hits / total number of cache accesses
getHoldability() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Retrieves the current holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object.
getHomePage() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the homePage
getHostAddr() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
IP of the destination address
getHostAddr() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the host address of the server
getHostHeader(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return the host header.
getHostName() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the hostname of the server
getHour() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the hour of the day (0-23)
getHourAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the hour of the day as a java.util.Date
getHours() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property Hours.
getHoursContactFatigue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
getHrChar() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the char used by the HTML to text converter when constructing a horizontal rule (an <hr> tag).
getHref() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getHrefList() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Returns the hrefList
getIcon(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
Gets an image that may be used to visually represent this bean (in the toolbar, on a form, etc).
getICSClient() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Return the ICSClient object for this connection, creating it if necessary.
getICSClientOffer() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Create and return a new ICSClientOffer
getICSClientRequest() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Create and return a new ICSClientRequest object for the ICSClient used by this connection.
getId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property Id
getId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property Id
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get an id that uniquely identifies this particular list entry.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
The id of this message
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
getId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
This method returns the id of this message in an unspecified format.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
This method returns the id of this message in an unspecified format.
getId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifier
Returns the commerce id.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierImpl
Returns the commerce object id.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
This is the Id of this message.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
This is the Id of this message.
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property Id
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The id of this message
getId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property Id
getId() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Unique id of this deployment agent.
getID() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
The repository ID of this Target.
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property id ("Agent ID")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property id ("Log id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property id ("History id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property id ("Deployment Id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property id ("Process id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property id ("Task information id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property id ("Project id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Getter for property id ("Project id")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property id ("Target ID")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Getter for property id ("Topology ID")
getId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Getter for property id ("Transport ID")
getId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getId() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property Id
getId() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property id
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the id of the color palette
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the id of the community
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the id of the gear
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the id of the titlebar
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the id of the layout
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Access the id of the membership request
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the id of the page
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the id
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the ID of the portal.
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access the id of the region
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.RegionDefinition
Access the id of the region definition
getId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the id of the style
getID() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
The unique, immutable identifier of this Job
getId() - Method in exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Get property id
getId() - Method in class atg.security.AuthenticationEvent
Returns the ID of the user.
getId() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Returns the chainId.
getId() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the linkId.
getId() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getID() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Returns the unique ID of this development line.
getIdConfirmedProperty() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The name of the repository item's "external ID is valid" property
getIdentifier() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Returns the identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DebugLogEvent
Returns the String identifier for this type of log event.
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ErrorLogEvent
Returns the String identifier for this type of log event.
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Returns the String identifier for this type of log event.
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property Identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Returns the String identifier for this type of log event.
getIdentifier() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Returns the String identifier for this type of log event.
getIdentityManager(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Returns the IdentityManager object that can be used to perform various authentication jobs.
getIdentityManagerPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Returns the identity manager used for authentication and user identity lookup.
getIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Get property idGenerator
getIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the id generated used to generate unique invoice numbers.
getIdGetters() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property idGetter
getIdleDaysUntilAbandoned() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getIdleDaysUntilLost() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getIdPartIndices() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property IdPartIndex.
getIdProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property idProperty
getIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
The name of the id property for categories, products, and skus
getIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the property in items with an id property.
getIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the id property for those items with an id property
getIdQueryDependency(Query, GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get dependency for id query
getIdSeparator() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property IdSpearator
getIdSpace(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get a copy of the named id space from the generator.
getIdSpace(String) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Get a copy of the named id space from the generator.
getIdSpaceNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property idSpaceNames
getIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get a copy of all the spaces defined in the generator.
getIdSpaces() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Get a copy of all the spaces defined in the generator.
getIdsPerBatch() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property idsPerBatch
getIdsPerBatchColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Get property idsPerBatchColumn
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.TEI
getIdType(TagData) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.TEI
getIdTypes() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property idTypes
getIgnorableContentTags() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Gets the list of tag names which should have their content ignored
getIgnoreAVS() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Query whether or not to add the ignore_avs field in the ICSClientRequest
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
getIgnoreCaseInPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Returns true if the case should be ignored when the path info is compared to an access controlled path, false otherwise.
getIgnoreContactFatigue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Whether when sending this mailing we should ignore contact fatigue
getIgnoreItemsNotInInventory() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Returns property IgnoreItemsNotInInventory
getIgnoreStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the IgnoreStates property.
getIgnoreTransactionsWithZeroAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Returns property ignoreTransactionsWithZeroAmount
getIllegalIdCharacters() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getImage(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access an image property
getImageRequestValue(BaseDropletDescriptor, DynamoHttpServletRequest, int, boolean, String, EventReceiver, Object[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.EventSender
getImpliedAccessControlList(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Determines the access control list fragment that is implied by any containers that the object may be a member of.
getImpliedAccessControlList(Object) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Determines the access control list fragment that is implied by any containers that the object may be a member of.
getImportCommand() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property importCommand
getImpressionLimit() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item
getInaccessibleAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The deployment agents in this target that are currently inaccessible.
getInactiveCommunityURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the inactive community page
getInactiveTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities inactive template
getIncludeAccUsers() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
getIncludeAssetDestinations() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Specific asset destinations this agent is to deploy.
getIncludeAssetDestinations() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property includeAssetDestinations ("Include Asset Destinations")
getIncludeInventoryStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Returns the array of possible inventory states that mean a sku is considered available.
getIncludeNestedOperations() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property includeNestedOperations
getIncremental() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType
Returns the instance representing the String value "Incremental"
getIncrementalItemQueue() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Get the incremental item queue component, needed here to clear out incremental updates after a bulkLoad.
getIncrementalLoader() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to enable to incremental loader at startup.
getIncrementalLoader() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Get the incremental loader to use.
getIncrementalLoaders() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
getIncrementalUpdateMinutes() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The number of minutes between incremental updates.
getIndent() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
getIndentWidth() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the indentation width used by the HTML to text converter.
getIndexFiles() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the list of files to be searched in order when a request is sent referring to a directory.
getIndexFilesServedCount() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the number of index files served by this
getIndexForAddressName(String) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Get the index for the specified address name.
getIndexForAddressName(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns the array index for the address with the given name.
getIndexingOutputConfig() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the indexing output config for which this context was create.
getIndexingOutputConfigurationPath() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Return the absolute Nucleus path for the indexing output configuration.
getIndexingSynchronizations() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the array of indexing synchronizations.
getIndirectAncestorCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the IndirectAncestorCatalogs property for those items with an IndirectAncestorCatalogs property
getIndividualQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns property individualQuantity
getInfoForDataSource(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Gets an informational String for the dataSource identified by the given pName.
getInformixSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getInheritableAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the access control list fragment that may be added to any child of this container when access checking is performed on an object.
getInitBranchName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property initBranchName ("The name of versioning branch from which to initialize this target")
getInitialCapacity() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Returns the initial capacity of the queue as expressed as the number of elements.
getInitialContextPool() - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Get the JNDI initial context pool
getInitialContextPool() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
getInitialDataSourceName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property initialDataSourceName
getInitialIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Get property initialIdSpaces
getInitializeCostCenterIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Returns the cost center identifier that was created by initializeCostCenters and assigned as the cost center name to all the CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects when they were first initialized.
getInitialized() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Return true if this connection has been initialized and is ready for use.
getInitializeInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when initializing an invoice repository item from an InvoiceRequestInfo object.
getInitializingSQL() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property initializingSQL.
getInitializingSQL() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property initializingSQL.
getInitializingSQL() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the array of SQL commands that are executed upon a Connection being created
getInitialPerformanceDataPoolSize() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property initialPerformanceDataPoolSize
getInitialPromotions(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Helper method that returns a List of promotions for given a Profile.
getInitialServiceName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the name of the initial service to start
getInitialServices() - Method in class atg.nucleus.InitialService
Returns the list of initial services
getInitialStackDataPoolSize() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property initialStackDataPoolSize
getInitialStackPoolSize() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property initialStackPoolSize
getInitialVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Returns the first version of the asset that was imported or checked in.
getInitialVersion(Branch) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Returns the first version of an asset on a given branch.
getInitKeyColumnMap() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
GenericContext does not have any mechanism for specifying init params.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
GenericContext does not have any mechanism for specifying init params.
getInitSessionURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
getInitSessionURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
getInput() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Get the value for the <input> tag (query) or null
getInput() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Get the value for the input tag (query) or null
getInput() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
Get the value for the input tag (query) or null
getInput() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the <viewInContext><input> tag's value
getInput() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the input value
getInputFile() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns the uploaded file object (if there is one).
getInputParameterMap(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Returs the input parameters configured for this droplet.
getInputParameters() - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
This property indicates the map property to pass as the input to the Command execution.
getInputParameters(Command, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Returns the input parameters Map to pass to Command.
getInputParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Gets the QueryParameters for a serviced request
getInputParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Gets the RepositoryParameters for a serviced request
getInputStream() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getInputStream
getInputStream() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns an InputStream that gives access to the contents of the uploaded file.
getInputStream() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get an input stream for this file.
getInputString(Reader) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
getInsertableServlets() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Get the string array of insertable pipeline servlets.
getInsertAfterServlet() - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServlet
Returns the Servlet in the pipeline after which this servlet should appear.
getInsertAfterServlet() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl
Returns the Servlet in the pipeline after which this servlet should appear.
getInsertAllowed() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getInsertErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getInsertSQL() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the SQL clause that will be used for this column in an INSERT statement.
getInsertSql() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getInsertSQL() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property InsertSQL
getInsertSQL() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property InsertSQL
getInsertSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Get property InsertSQL.
getInsertSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property InsertSQL.
getInsertSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getInstallBufferSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.
getInstance() - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
getInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property instructions.
getInstructionsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Instructions property on a giftlist
getInt(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getInt
getInt(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC INTEGER parameter as an int in the Java programming language.
getIntegerRequestAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get a request attribute value as an Integer
getIntegrationData() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
The repository that stores the command information for remote integration data
getInterceptErrors() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getInternationalCurrencySymbol(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the currency code for the given locale
getInternationalCurrencySymbol(Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the currency code for the given locale
getInterruptCaller() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Who is interrupting this event, if it is interrupted.
getInterruptReason() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Why this event is being interrupted, if it is being interrupted.
getIntHeader(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getIntHeader
getIntParameter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, int) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
Returns the int value of the given parameter, or the default value if not defined.
getIntRequestAttribute(String, int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get a request attribute value as an int
getIntResource(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
Returns an integer resource value
getIntResource(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
Returns an integer resource value
getIntResource(String) - Static method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
Get an Integer Resource
getIntValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property intValue
getIntValue() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
Get an integer (ordinal) value.
getInvalidationRelay() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getInvalidQuantityCancelsAdd() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Determine if the FormHandler should treat invalid quantities as errors when adding multiple items to an order in a single form submission.
getInvalidRecipientAddress() - Method in exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Returns the invalid recipient address.
getInvalidSenderExceptionTags() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
getInventory(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
This method will return a SimpleInventoryInfo object for each of the given skus.
getInventoryCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Returns property InventoryCache
getInventoryEventPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The port to which all inventory scenario events are sent.
getInventoryId() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The id of the inventory item having each of these properties.
getInventoryId() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The id of the inventory item having each of these properties.
getInventoryId() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
The id of the InventoryId whose threshold has been reached.
getInventoryInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the InventoryData object for this comparison list entry.
getInventoryItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the RepositoryItem which represents the inventory information
getInventoryItemForUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the MutableRepositoryItem which represents the inventory information
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the InventoryManager object to use when fetching inventory availability information for items in the product comparison list.
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Returns the InventoryMananager
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Return the inventoryManager property.
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The InventoryManager that is notified when inventory is updated
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The InventoryManager is used to allocate items for shipment.
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
The InventoryManager that is notified when inventory is updated
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The inventory manager used to retrieve each of these properties
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Return the InventoryManager that is used to query for the availability of a particular item.
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Returns property InventoryManager
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The inventory manager that will be notified of update inventory
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The inventory manager used to retrieve each of these properties
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
Returns InventoryManager component to query against
getInventoryManager(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Returns an InventoryManager, localized if the localeKey parameter was passed as a parameter to the servlet bean and a map of InventoryManagers has been defined.
getInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the InventoryManager
getInventoryManagers() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Returns property InventoryManagers
getInventoryName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
The displayable name of this inventory manager.
getInventoryName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
A displayable name for thie inventory manager.
getInventoryName() - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
The displayable name of this inventory manager.
getInventoryName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
The displayable name of this inventory manager.
getInventoryName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
getInventoryName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
A displayable name for this inventory manager.
getInventoryRowLockProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The name of the property of inventory that is used to grab a row lock
getInventoryRowLockSQL() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The sql command that is used to grab the row lock
getInventoryStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Get the inventory status that is being checked for
getInventoryStatus(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
This method will return an inventory status message for each of the given skus.
getInvocationText() - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Returns the HTML representation of this invocation.
getInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Get the invoice with the specified repository id.
getInvoice() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Retrieve the invoice object being operated on, using its well-known name as the lookup key in the dictionary.
getInvoiceForUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Get a mutable version of the invoice with the specified repository id.
getInvoiceItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the repository item descriptor name for the invoice item type.
getInvoiceManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Retrieve the invoice manager from this object, using its well-known name as the lookup key in the dictionary.
getInvoiceManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Get the InvoiceManager to use when generating invoices
getInvoiceNumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getInvoiceNumberIdSpace() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the id generator namespace used to generate unique invoice numbers.
getInvoiceNumberPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's invoice number.
getInvoiceRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the repository being used to store and retrieve invoices.
getInvoiceRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getInvoiceRequestAuthorizedProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer
Return the InvoiceRequestAuthorizedProperty property.
getInvoiceRequestInfo() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Retrieve the InvoiceRequestInfo from which this invoice object is to be initialized, if the current pipeline chain is the initialize invoice chain.
getInvoiceRequestInfo() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Factory method to create a new InvoiceRequestInfo object.
getInvoiceRequestInfoClass() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Return the class to instantiate when creating a new InvoiceRequestInfo object.
getInvoiceRequestProcessor() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
Get the invoice request processor that will actually be used to authorize, debit, and credit invoice request payment groups.
getInvoiceRequestPropertyMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the map describing the association between properties of an InvoiceRequestInfo object and properties of an invoice repository item.
getInvoiceRequestValidationMode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Queries the mode to use for validating an invoice request.
getInvoicesForInvoiceNumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return all of the invoices having the given invoice number.
getInvoiceTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Get the invoice tools component this InvoiceManager uses to access the invoice repository.
getInvoiceTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Get the InvoiceTools component used to generate message objects.
getIsCheckedOut() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns whether or not this object is still checked out.
getIsDateSet() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Gets property IsDateSet
getIsNewAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property IsNewAddress
getIsolationLevel() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getIsPublic() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property isPublic
getIsPublished() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns the IsPublished flag
getIsValid() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns whether or not this object is valid for use.
getItem(GSAId, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the item of our type with the specified id
getItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
getItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns an item in the Repository with the given id.
getItem(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Return the item at the specified index in the comparison list.
getItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
return the gift.
getItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
Get the CommerceItem which qualified.
getItem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.Results
getItem() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the item param from the request.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.AddMarkerToProfile
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarker
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarkerWithKey
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasMarker
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
Returns the current session profile item.
getItem() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
getItem(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Deprecated. this method is replaced by Repository.getItem(String,String). If the second argument, i.e. the descriptor name is unknown, then use getItem(String,Repository.getDefaultViewName()).
getItem(String, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns an item in the Repository with the given id
getItem(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns an item in the Repository with the given id
getItem(Principal) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given a principal that is backed by a persistent repository item in the directory, return the item.
getItem(RoleFolder) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given a RoleFolder that is backed by a persistent repository item in the directory, return the item.
getItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItem(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItemAddedToOrderEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ItemAddedToOrderEventType
getItemAsXML(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item.
getItemAsXML(RepositoryItem, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemAsXML(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemAsXML(RepositoryItem, String[], String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemAsXML(Writer, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item.
getItemAsXML(Writer, RepositoryItem, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemAsXML(Writer, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemAsXML(Writer, RepositoryItem, String[], String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generates XML Instance Document from Repository Item
getItemByPath(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getItemByPath(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a document based on the supplied path.
getItemByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a document based on the supplied path.
getItemCache() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the cache to use.
getItemCacheSize() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getItemCacheTimeout() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getItemDesc() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns a RepositoryItemDescriptor accessed with the given name.
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Get property itemDescriptor.
getItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns a RepositoryItemDescriptor accessed with the given name.
getItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the RepositoryItemDescriptor property, which describes the known properties for the item
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResultType
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType
getItemDescriptor(Element) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method returns the item-descriptor that is referred to by the top-level item-descriptor mapping element.
getItemDescriptor(Repository, Element) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method will retrieve the item-descriptor that is specified on the element passed to this method that is defined in the repository passed to this method.
getItemDescriptor(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns a RepositoryItemDescriptor accessed with the given name.
getItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns a RepositoryItemDescriptor accessed with the name of the given descriptor.
getItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns a RepositoryItemDescriptor accessed with the given name.
getItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
getItemDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Returns the RepositoryItemDescriptor property, which describes the known properties for the item
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the RepositoryItemDescriptor property, which describes the known properties for the item.
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Get property ItemDescriptor
getItemDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Returns the RepositoryItemDescriptor property, which describes the known properties for all the items in the view
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the item descriptor used for storage.
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property ItemDescriptor
getItemDescriptor() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Return the item descriptor for the top-level item or null
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Return the item descriptor for the top-level item or null
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the repository item descriptor used by this form handler.
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Gets the view name
getItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the RepositoryItemDescriptor property, which describes the known properties for the item
getItemDescriptorForCommerceItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Return the item descriptor used for a specified commerce item type.
getItemDescriptorForOrderType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Return the item descriptor used for a specified order type.
getItemDescriptorForPaymentType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Return the item descriptor used for a specified payment group type.
getItemDescriptorForShippingType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Return the item descriptor used for a specified shipping group type.
getItemDescriptorImpl() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the item descriptor implementation class without throwing an exception and to avoid casting on every method call.
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property ItemDescriptorName
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns property ItemDescriptorName
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Result
Returns the descriptor name of the processed item.
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Get property itemDescriptorName
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Returns the name of the RepositoryItemDescriptor
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the name of the repository item descriptor used by this form handler (e.g., to create/add items to the repository).
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Returns Name of the ItemDescriptor of the item to be removed.
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
getItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Get the value of itemDescriptorName.
getItemDescriptorNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns an array of the names of all child item descriptors.
getItemDescriptorNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns an array of the names of the known RepositoryItemDescriptors.
getItemDescriptorNames() - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns an array of the names of the known RepositoryItemDescriptors.
getItemDescriptorNames() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns an array of the names of the known RepositoryItemDescriptors.
getItemDescriptors() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the set of all configured item descriptors
getItemDescriptorsToInclude(RepositoryItemDescriptor, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method determines for a given RepositoryItemDescriptor and ItemMappingElement pair, what RepositoryItemDescriptors will be included in the data model.
getItemDescriptorToBeanNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the itemDescriptorToBeanNameMap
getItemDescToNSInfo(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Populates ItemDescToNSInfo from RepositoryItemDescriptor
getItemDescToNSInfo(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Populates ItemDescToNSInfo from RepositoryItemDescriptor and mapping file name
getItemDisplayName() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
The name of this item which can be used in a UI.
getItemDisplayName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getItemDisplayName() - Method in interface atg.repository.DisplayableItem
The name of this item which can be used in a UI.
getItemDisplayName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
getItemDisplayName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
The name of this item which can be used in a UI.
getItemDisplayNameProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Gets the property ItemDisplayNameProperty.
getItemDisplayNameProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
getItemExpireTimeout() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getItemExtension() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the item's file extension, if any.
getItemFolder() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the item's folder in the repository.
getItemForConfig(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get or create the repository item for the specified configuration.
getItemForUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
If one wants write access to an item it should be retrieved through this method
getItemForUpdate(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
If one wants write access to an item it should be retrieved through this method
getItemForUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
getItemForUpdate(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
If one wants write access to an item it should be retrieved through this method.
getItemForUpdate(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Deprecated. this method is replaced by MutableRepository.getItemForUpdate(String,String). If the second argument, i.e. the descriptor name, is unknown then use getItemForUpdate(String,Repository.getDefaultViewName()).
getItemForUpdate(String, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
If one wants write access to an item it should be retrieved through this method.
getItemForUpdate(Principal) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given a principal that is backed by a persistent repository item in the directory, return a mutable repository item that can be used to update this principal.
getItemFromEmail(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItemFromEmail(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItemFulfillerMap(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Given an order and a shipping group will generate a HashMap where the keys are the fulfillers an the values are the List of item ids which belong to that fulfiller.
getItemId() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getItemId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getItemId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the item id param from the request
getItemIds() - Method in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventory
The list of inventory item ids that have increased inventory.
getItemIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
The list of inventory item ids that have increased inventory
getItemIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property itemIds.
getItemIds() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns the array of items ids contained in the batch.
getItemListIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Get the the property of a RepositoryItem that contains a list of RepositoryItems that will be checked for availability.
getItemMappingElement(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method obtains the Mapping elements represented by the namesapceURI.
getItemMappingElement(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, RepositoryItemDescriptor, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will obtain an ItemMappingElement that describes how the RepositoryItemDescriptor associated with the RepositoryPropertyDescriptor should be mapped.
getItemName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the item's name.
getItemNameIsAccountName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns true if the account name can be used to retrieve items from the repository directly, or false if a query must be used.
getItemPath() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentItem
Return the path of this item, represented as a "relative path" from a "document root."
getItemPath() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableFolderItem
Return the path of this item, represented as a "relative path" from a "document root."
getItemPath() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.FolderItem
Return the path of this item, represented as a "relative path" from a "document root."
getItemPathWordSeparator() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the string to replace spaces with in the item's path.
getItemPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
the ItemPriceInfo to which this detailed info belongs
getItemPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the itemPriceInfoProperty
getItemPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the itemPriceInfoProperty
getItemPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property ItemPricingEngine
getItemPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property ItemPricingEngine
getItemPricingEngineService() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ItemPricingEngineService
getItemPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property ItemPricingModels
getItemPromotions(CommerceItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the CommerceItem.
getItemPromotions(CommerceItem, Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the CommerceItem.
getItemProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
If the repositoryId property is set, returns the value of the corresponding item's property.
getItemRemovedFromOrderEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns the JMS message name for the item removed from order message.
getItemRemovedFromOrderEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ItemRemovedFromOrderEventType
getItems(Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns the items for the collection of ids supplied (including any transient items).
getItems(Collection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the items of our type with the specified ids.
getItems(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
getItems(String[], String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the items with the given ids.
getItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Get the list of items being compared.
getItems(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get a product comparison list entry given its uid.
getItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns items array of property holders for add operations
getItems(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
getItems(String[], String) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns the items with the given ids
getItems(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the items in the Repository with the given ids.
getItems(String[], String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the items in the Repository with the given ids.
getItems() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach.RQLQueryReturnData
getItems(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns an list of RepositoryItems which represents profiles found for the first and last names entered.
getItems(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns an list of RepositoryItems which represents profiles found for the first and last names entered.
getItemsByPath(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns a set of document based on the supplied paths.
getItemsByPath(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns a set of document based on the supplied paths.
getItemsForUpdate(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method
getItemsForUpdate(String[], String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method
getItemsForUpdate(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method.
getItemsForUpdate(String[], String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method.
getItemsForUpdate(String[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method
getItemsForUpdate(String[], String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
If one wants write access to a set of items they should be retrieved through this method.
getItemsFromEmail(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItemsFromEmail(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns a RepositoryItem which represents a profile.
getItemsOrderDiscountShare(Order, CommerceItem, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Get a particular items order discount share.
getItemsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Items property on a giftlist
getItemsToPrice(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Return the list of CommerceItems to price (pricing has not occured yet).
getItemsToReceiveDiscountShare(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
This will return the items in an order that will be marked as receiving a share of the order discount.
getItemsWithMarker(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method queries for marked items in the repository that have markers with a matching key, value and data values.
getItemsWithMarker(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method queries for marked items in the repository that have markers whose key, value and data match the provided parameter values.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToItem
This method is called by the doAction method to return the RepositoryItem that's used in the RepositoryMarkerManager addMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the hasMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the removeMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the removeMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.AddMarkerToProfile
This method extension returns the subject(profile) of the scenario execution context.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the hasMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the removeMarker API calls.
getItemToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
This method is called by the evaluate method to provide the RepositoryItem that's used in the removeMarker API calls.
getItemType(String, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Return the item descriptor name that stores the integration date for the given item
getItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property ItemType
getItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property ItemType
getItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getItemType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getItemTypeParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ItemTypes
getItemTypes() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ItemTypes
getIterationProducer() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the iteration producer.
getIterationUniqueParams() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the iteration unique parameters...
getIterator() - Static method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
Get an Iterator to iterate over all ScheduledOrderAction objects.
getJavaConfigurationClassLoader(VirtualFile, String, long) - Method in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoaders
Returns a JavaConfigurationClassLoader corresponding to the given directory.
getJavaConfigurationClassLoaders() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the object used to obtain class loaders for configuration directories.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor
getJaxbUnmarshaller() - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoader
The jaxb unmarshaller used by IndexingOutputConfigs.
getJaxbUnmarshaller() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
The jaxb unmarshaller used by IndexingOutputConfigs.
getJBossJspClasspath() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getJBossJspClasspath(ServletContext) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getJDBCColumnLengths() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property JDBCColumnLengths These are the lengths of character or numeric columns as reported by JDBC.
getJDBCConnection() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getJDBCConnectionPool() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property JDBCConnectionPool
getJDBCPrimaryKeyNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property JDBCPrimaryKeyNames These are the names of the primary key associated with the column(s) in which this property is stored.
getJDBCType() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
If the JDBC type is known, this contains the JDBC type
getJdbcType() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
getJdbcType() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getJDBCTypeByName(String) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Return the jdbc type value for a given name.
getJDBCTypeName(int) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getJDBCTypeName(int) - Static method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the name of the JDBC type corresponding to the type specified from java.sql.Types
getJDBCTypeName(int) - Static method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the name of the JDBC type corresponding to the type specified from java.sql.Types
getJDBCTypes() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property JDBCTypes
getJDBCTypesKnown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property JDBCTypesKnown
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
getJMSType() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns the JMSType identifying this message type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Get the JMS type
getJMSType() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the JMS type
getJNDI() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.TransportDefEnumTransportType
Returns the instance representing the String value "JNDI"
getJNDIContext() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the JNDIContext
getJNDIEnvironment() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Returns a JNDI environment which can be used to construct an instance of InitialContext (or InitialDirContext).
getJndiName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Getter for property jndiName ("JNDI Name")
getJob() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorList
Returns the Job containing this object
getJob(JobId) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Returns the Job matching the provided JobID.
getJob() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns the Job containing this object
getJobCount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the total number of jobs waiting to occur or to be scheduled.
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Get property jobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property jobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property JobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property JobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property JobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property JobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property JobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Get property jobDescription
getJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the description of the job
getJobId() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the id of the job
getJobName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Get property jobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property jobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property JobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property JobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property JobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property JobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property JobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Get property jobName
getJobName() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the name of the job
getJobOccurrenceCount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the number jobs that have occurred.
getJobs() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Returns a Collection of all the current Jobs.
getJobTitle() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the jobTitle
getJobTitle() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the jobTitle
getJobTitle() - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Returns the jobTitle
getJoins() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getJoinType() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
getJspClasspath(ServletContext) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
If we are on a 3PAS returns the classpath used by that appserver for compiling jsp pages.
getKey(String, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Get the composite key for the given item
getKey(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Returns the name of the property acting as the key at the specified index.
getKey(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the key parameter value from the request
getKey() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker key
getKey(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the key parameter.
getKey(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the key parameter.
getKey(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
Returns the key parameter.
getKeyColumns() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Returns the list of columns used as keys to determine what row to edit.
getKeyCount() - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Returns the number of keys
getKeyForMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyForMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyForMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyForMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyForMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyForMessage(String, CommerceMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractOrderId
This method will return the key to be used for locking out other messages with the same key while a thread is handling this message.
getKeyFromCatalog(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Get the key into the map for the given catalog The key is just the id.
getKeyProperties() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the list of property names that make up the keys for the cache entries.
getKeys() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
getKeys() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the keys of all the entries in the cache.
getKeys() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Returns List of keys sorted by length
getKeysAndRepositoryIds() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
getKeysAndValues() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
getKeyValueMapFromComponent(ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
This method is called by completeExtendedGrammar to return the key/value map from the component.
getKeywordInput() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordInput
getKeywordInput() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordInput
getKeywordInputSeparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordInputSeparator
getKeywords() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Keywords.
getKeywords() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Keywords
getKeywords() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Keywords
getKeywordSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names for text search
getKeywordSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names for text search
getKeywordsPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property KeywordsPropertyNames which is the set of property names to search
getLargeImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access a url to the large image for the Gear
getLargeImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getLargeImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the large image URL
getLargeImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the large image URL
getLargeImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the large image URL
getLast() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns the last completed Order.
getLastActionDate() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property lastActionDate ("Last action date")
getLastActionDate() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the Timestamp date of the last action upon this task.
getLastActivity() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the last activity time.
getLastActivityPersistedTime() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the time at which lastActivity time was persisted.
getLastActivityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getLastActor() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the DirectoryPrincipal for the last user to act on this task, or null if the task has not been acted on.
getLastActorName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property lastActorName ("Last actor")
getLastActorName() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the unique atg.security.Persona name of the last user to act upon this task, or null if the task has not been acted on.
getLastAuthorizationStatus(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method returns the last PaymentStatus object in the authorizationStatus list of the given PaymentGroup
getLastCompletedStage() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getLastConnectTime() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property LastConnectTime
getLastDates() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
The last dates in a month
getLastDebitStatus(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method returns the last PaymentStatus object in the debitStatus list of the given PaymentGroup
getLastDelayAmount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getLastDelayEndTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getLastDelayStartTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getLastDeployedClusterID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getLastDeployedProject() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the Project that was last successfully deployed to this target.
getLastEmailedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile.
getLastEmailedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Get the last email property name.
getLastError() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
getLastFullIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the last full index time.
getLastFullIndexPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getLastFullIndexTime(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the last full index time.
getLastIncrementalIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the last incremental index.
getLastIncrementalIndexPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getLastIncrementalIndexTime(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the last incremental index time.
getLastJobTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the last time the job was run, or 0 if the job has not yet been run.
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the last modified date of the color palette
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the last modified date of the community
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the last modified date of the gear
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the last modified date of the titlebar
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the last modified date of the layout
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the last modified date of the page
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the last modified date
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the last modified date
getLastModified() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the time that the file represented by this File object was last modified.
getLastModified(PortletRequest) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns the time the time of the response object was last modified.
getLastModified() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Get the LastModified property
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the lastModifiedDate.
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the lastModifiedDate
getLastModifiedDateProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store LastModifiedDate property on a giftlist
getLastModifiedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Returns property lastModifiedDatePropertyName
getLastModifiedDateRepositoryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Returns property lastModifiedDateRepositoryPropertyName
getLastModifiedProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getLastModifiedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's last modified date and time.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Gets the lastModifiedDate as a long.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property lastModifiedTime
getLastModifiedUpdateProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getLastName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the lastName
getLastName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the lastName
getLastName() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the lastName
getLastName(Account) - Static method in class atg.security.AccountComparator
Returns the last name of the account holder, if applicable.
getLastName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the last name of this user.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the last name of the owner of a login account.
getLastNameLinkedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the last name property in the linked repository, null if the last name property only exists in the profile repository.
getLastNameProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the last name of a login account holder.
getLastNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property LastNamePropertyName.
getLastNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the last name property to use in the login query.
getLastNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the last name property to use in the name query, looking it up in the PropertyManager.
getLastOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the last order that was committed.
getLastOutcomeElementId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property lastOutcomeElementId ("Last outcome")
getLastOutcomeElementId() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the process element id of the last outcome for this task.
getLastPasswordUpdatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the repository item property name used for storing the last password update date.
getLastPasswordUpdatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Get the last password update property name.
getLastProject() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Returns the project which was used in this process prior to the current one
getLastRun() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The last time this service ran
getLastScanned() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Returns the value of the lastScanned property representing the time that the implementing instance most recently executed a scan of the configured filesystems.
getLastSeed() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property LastSeed
getLastUpdatedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getLaterVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Get the set of successor versions.
getLatestAcceptableDate() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property LatestAcceptableDate.
getLayout() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the page layout
getLayoutById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a layout by its unique ID.
getLayoutSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of layouts that the user can make use of.
getLayoutSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
getLayoutTemplate() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property layoutTemplate
getLdapGroups() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns List of groups defined in the LDAP repository
getLdapPrivileges() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns List of privileges defined in the LDAP repository
getLeftColumns() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
getLeftSide() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
Returns property leftSide
getLength() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns the number of access control entries in the list.
getLength() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the length of the file represented by this File object.
getLength() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Get the Length property
getLevelPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price levels for storing the price
getLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
The name of the property that this threshold applies to.
getLevelsPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
The name of the property in the price level that contains the level's price.
getLevelsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
The name of the complexPrice property that holds the list of price levels.
getLicenseChecklist() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Get the license checklist.
getLicenseFailureException() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getLiChar() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the char used by the HTML to text converter when displaying list elements inside a <ul> tag.
getLine(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up any development line (branch, baseline, workspace).
getLineByID(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up the development line using the unique identifier returned from getID().
getLineByName(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up the development line with the given name in this version manager.
getLineTerminator() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Returns property LineTerminator
getLineWidth() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the line width used by the HTML to text converter.
getLinkById(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Given a LinkId this method will search for it in a chain.
getLinkedConfigurationProperty(String, String, String, Class, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Obtains a property value where the value is of the form "serviceName.propertyName".
getLinkedItemProperty() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the property in the profile repository which points to the item in the linked repository.
getLinkedProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the profile type in the linked repository corresponding to the given profile repository's profile type.
getLinkedProfileTypeMap() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the mapping between profile repository's profile types and the corresponding linked repository's profile types.
getLinkedRepository() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the linked repository.
getLinkEncoding() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getLinkPropertyLocal() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the property used as the link property in the profile repository.
getLinkPropertyRemote() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the property used as the link property in the linked repository.
getLinksDictionary() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the set of properties/dictionary of HTTP links which correspond to some content.
getList() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns a list of the files in the directory specified by this File object.
getListId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the ListId property.
getListId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the ListId property.
getListId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ListId property.
getListName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getListPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
listPrice is the base price, before any modifications.
getListPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the property name used to store the list price on the sku
getListPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
the name of the property for the ListPrice
getListPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the ListPrice
getListPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the list price
getLiteralCurrentPathTranslated(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the current path translated...
getLiveDataStore() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Returns the 'live' data store.
getLiveDataStoreName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Returns the identifier of the 'live' data store.
getLiveDatastores() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Live datastore name of each switchable datastore defined in mSwitchablePaths.
getLoader() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The loader that created this Context.
getLoadInitialIdSpacesAtStartup() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Get property loadInitialIdSpacesAtStartup.
getLoadInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is loaded from the repository.
getLoadItemBatchSize() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property loadItemBatchSize
getLoadOrdersOnAutoLogin() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileRequestServlet
Returns property loadOrdersOnAutoLogin
getLoadProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Returns the loadProperties
getLocalAddr() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
getLocalAddress() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLocalCacheDirectory(String, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the directory which should be used to cache the supplied file.
getLocalCacheDirectory(String, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the directory which should be used to cache the supplied file.
getLocalCacheDirectory(String, ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return the directory which should be used to cache the supplied ContentRepositoryItem.
getLocalDeploymentPhaseCompletePollingInterval() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Get the locale to use for user-visible error messages.
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the locale to use for user-visible error messages.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the Locale from the current request, the RequestLocale, or the VM.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Return the locale to use for user-visible error messages.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the Locale property.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns property mLocale
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Returns either the Locale from the Request object (if it isn't NULL), or the Locale from the JVM.
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Get the locale to use for user-visible error messages.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the locale assigned to the response.
getLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns the preferred Locale that the client will accept content in, based purely on the Accept-Language header.
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
getLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Returns either the Locale from the Request object (if it isn't NULL), or the Locale from the JVM.
getLocaleMappedAltTemplateURLs() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Gets a Dictionary of URLs of a jhtml files which should serve as templates for generating the alternative message text.
getLocaleMappedTemplateURLs() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns a Dictionary of URLs of a jhtml files which should serve as templates for generating the message text.
getLocalePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the property name of the locale in the profile.
getLocalePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getLocales() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns an Enumeration of Locale objects indicating, in decreasing order starting with the preferred locale, the locales that are acceptable to the client.
getLocaleService() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property LocaleService
getLocaleService() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property localeService
getLocaleToCharsetMapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the LocaleToCharsetMapper property
getLocaleToCharsetMapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the LocaleToCharsetMapper
getLocalHost() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Returns the InetAddress of this host
getLocalItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the item from profile repository corresponding to the given item from the linked repository, null if the local item can't be obtained.
getLocalizingInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Return the LocalizingInventoryManager property.
getLocalLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
getLocalLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
getLocalLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Return the lock manager to use if useLocksAroundTransactions is true in OrderModifierFormHandler and its subclasses.
getLocalLockManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Return the lock manager to use if useLocksAroundTransactions is true.
getLocalName() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
getLocalParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Get the parameter associated with the current parameter frame ( the one associated with the current droplet, or the top-level if there is no droplet).
getLocalParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getLocalPort() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the port this server is listening on.
getLocalPort() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLocalPort() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
getLocalRequestDispatcher(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns a request dispatcher for pPath in the curent web-app.
getLocation() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Gets property location.
getLocation() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getLocationMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
Returns Location Map.
getLocationProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
Returns name of the location property
getLockManager() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getLockManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getLockName() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
The name of the lock being used
getLockName() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Get the name of the global write lock that identifies this service.
getLockOwnerTable() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLockOwnerTableSize() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Returns the number of lock owners we are currently storing in the table.
getLockServerAddress() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLockServerPort() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLockTimeout() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getLockTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLockTimeOut() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Get the maximum time we wait for a lock, in milliseconds.
getLog() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
Error messages are logged here.
getLog() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Error messages are logged here.
getLog() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getLog() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the Log property
getLogArchivePath() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Returns the path used to store rotated log archives
getLogEventThreshold() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Returns the number of LogEvents that should be queued before an email is sent
getLogFailedAuthentications() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Retturns true if informational log messages will be emitted whenever authentication for the request fails, false if no logging will be performed.
getLogFileDir() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property LogFileDir
getLogFileDir() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property LogFileDir
getLogFileExtension() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property LogFileExtension
getLogFileExtension() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property LogFileExtension
getLogFileName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Returns the name of the log file.
getLogFileName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property LogFileName
getLogFileName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property LogFileName
getLogFilePath() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Returns the complete path to the log file (filename not included).
getLogger() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Get a logger to use for derived property related errors and debug messages.
getLogger() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Logger to use if logging messages
getLogger() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
The component to use for logging
getLogger() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
The component to use for logging
getLogger() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Return logger
getLogger() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
getLogger() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
getLogging() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Returns the logging
getLoggingDebugOnProcessors() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Returns true if loggingDebug is true for the processors, false otherwise
getLoggingEnabled() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
getLoggingForVlogging() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Get the ApplicationLogging instance to use for vlog methods.
getLoggingIdentifer() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Deprecated. Use the correctly spelled loggingIdentifier property
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
Return the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Return the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
Return the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
Return the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier.
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
the ID that this class uses to identify itself in logs
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
the ID that this class uses to identify itself in logs
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Returns property LoggingIdentifier
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
getLoggingIdentifier() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getLoggingInfoStatusCount() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get how often to print out count/progress status information.
getLogin() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the login name of this user.
getLogin(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Gets the login of the given profile.
getLoginContext() - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Returns The environment to use when logging in a user
getLoginDecoder() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns the LoginDecoder used to decode the user and password values before connecting to the database
getLoginDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the repository item descriptor used for managing login accounts.
getLoginErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLoginLinkedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the login property in the linked repository, null if the login property only exists in the profile repository.
getLoginLoggingEventTypeName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property LoginLoggingEventTypeName
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Returns a password hasher instance useful for performing a login.
getLoginPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets a password hasher for logging in
getLoginProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLoginProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property loginProfileType DEFAULT: user
getLoginPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property LoginPropertyName.
getLoginPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the login property to use in the login query.
getLoginPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the login property to use in the login query, looking it up in the PropertyManager.
getLoginPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns a list of all of the property names allowed to login accounts by the account manager.
getLoginRedirect() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns URL to which the user gets re-directed upon successfull authentication
getLoginSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLoginTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities login template
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is not used.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property loginTimeout.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property loginTimeout.
getLoginURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the login page and redirect back to the current page.
getLoginURI(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the login page boolean indicates whether to append successURL
getLoginUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Returns The login User Authority to be used when handling this form login
getLoginUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property UserAuthority
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the number of log listeners
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the number of log listeners
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Returns the number of log listeners
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the number of log listeners
getLogListenerCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the number of log listeners
getLogListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the list of log listeners as an array property.
getLogListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the list of log listeners as an array property.
getLogListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Return an array representing the list of LogListeners.
getLogListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
getLogListeners() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the list of log listeners as an array property.
getLogoutErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLogoutLoggingEventTypeName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property LogoutLoggingEventTypeName
getLogoutProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLogoutProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property logoutProfileType DEFAULT: user
getLogoutRedirect() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns URL to which the user gets re-directed upon successful Logout
getLogoutSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getLogoutTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities logout template
getLogoutURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the logout page.
getLogResourceNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getLogStream() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
return LogStream
getLogSuccessfulAuthentications() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns true if informational log messages will be emitted whenever a user is authenticated, false if no logging will be performed.
getLogTime() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property logTime ("Deployment log time")
getLogWarningWhenUnavailable() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getLogWriter() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
getLogWriter() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
getLogWriter() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get the log writer for this data source.
getLogWriter() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
getLong(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getLong
getLong(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIGINT parameter as a long in the Java programming language.
getLongValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property longValue
getLookupErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getLookupKey(Locale) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Obtain the string to use as a look-up key to determine the exchange rate.
getLookupKey(Locale) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Obtain the string to use as a look-up key to determine the exchange rate.
getLookUpOrderIdFromMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The value indicates if the order id is to be retrieved from the commerce message
getLookUpOrderIdFromOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The value indicates if the order id is to be retrieved from the order object sent in the commerce message when mLookUpOrderIdFromMessage=true and the CommerceMessage.orderId property is null.
getLookupSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getLoopbackRequestsEnabled() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.
getLoopbackRequestsEnabled() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.
getLostAbandonmentStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getLostDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method generates and executes the query for lost orders, and returns an array of order repository items representing the orders identified as lost.
getLostRequestScopeSchedule() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
getLostThreadTimeout() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Returns the number of milliseconds to wait before failing the deployment after the main Deployment has found that there are no more worker threads, but there are still assets remaining to be deployed.
getLow() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
getLowBound() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
the low end of the range
getLowerBound() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The smallest value for propertyName contained in catalogRefIds
getMailingId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns the id for this mailing.
getMailingName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the MailingName field for the email.
getMainBranch() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the main branch for this VersionManager.
getMainVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Convenience method to get current version on main.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the major version of the Java Servlet API that this Web server supports.
getMakeDefault() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property fixed
getManifestFile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Returns property manifestFile.
getManifestFile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property manifestFile.
getManifestFile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Returns property manifestFile.
getManifestFile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Returns property manifestFile.
getManifestFile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Returns property manifestFile.
getManifestFileParser() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Returns property ManifestFileParser
getManifestFileParser() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property ManifestFileParser
getManifestFileParser() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Returns property ManifestFileParser
getManifestFileParser() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Returns property ManifestFileParser
getManifestFileParser() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Returns property ManifestFileParser
getManifestManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.
getManualAdjustments() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns a list of manualAdjustment repository items for this order.
getManualAdjustments() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a list of manualAdjustment repository items for this order.
getManualAdjustmentTotal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getManualPricingAdjustment() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
The manual pricing adjustment that caused this price adjustment
getManufacturerRule() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
Optionally generate a rule to filter on manufacturer
getManufacturers() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
getManyToOneIdProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getManyToOneMultiProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getManyToOneProperties() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Returns property map
getMapForCurrentFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return a Map that represents the current frame of the param stack.
getMapKeyValueSeparator() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
The String used as a key/value separator in map data
getMapKeyValueSeparator() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Gets the property MapKeyValueSeparator.
getMapKeyValueSeparator() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Gets the property MapKeyValueSeparator.
getMappedBeanName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the bean name mapped to the repository item name.
getMappedItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the repository item name mapped to the bean name.
getMappedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Returns the repository property name mapped to the bean property name.
getMappedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Returns the repository property name mapped to the bean property name.
getMapping(String) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method will retrieve a parsed tree of mapping file information for a given mapping file.
getMappingFile() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The mapping file that should be used for the input
getMappingFile(Repository, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets a mapping file for a particular repository:itemDescriptorName combination
getMappingFileDirectories() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
A set of directories can be specified that mapping files will be obtained from.
getMappingFileDirectory() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager

This property has been deprecated, the mappingFileDirectories property should be used instead since it allows the user to specify multiple directories.

getMappingFileExtension() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
The extension that is expected to be on mapping files.
getMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
The name of the mapping file that describes the XML format for getPromotionsAsXML
getMappingFileNames() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Rturns a list of the mapping files that this component points to.
getMappingInputStream(String) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method returns the input stream that is associated with the specified mapping file.
getMappingManager() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property MappingManager
getMappingManager() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Get property MappingManager
getMappingManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property mappingManager DEFAULT: null
getMapPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Gets a map property value from a repository item specified by the required arguments
getMapValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property mapValue
getMapValueOrNull(Map, Object) - Static method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Return a Map value in the map for the specified key or null.
getMarginOfError() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Returns the marginOfError
getMarginOfError() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Returns the marginOfError
getMarginOfError() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Returns the marginOfError
getMarkedItemId() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
getMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
This extension will return the default marked item type of the configured OrderMarkerManager if the property is not already configured.
getMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
getMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
This extension will return the default marked item type of the configured RepositoryMarkerManager if the property is not already configured.
getMarkedItemType(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns either the markedItemType parameter value or the defaultMarkedItemType
getMarkedItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
getMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by other internal methods that require a markedItemType.
getMarkedItemType(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the markedItemType.
getMarkedItemType(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the markedItemType.
getMarkerAddedData() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerAddedEventMessage
getMarkerAddedData() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
getMarkerCollectionFromItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Util method for returning the marker collection from an item.
getMarkerConfiguration() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
getMarkerConfiguration() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
getMarkerCount() - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Returns the number of markers for deployment
getMarkerCount() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Returns the number of markers for deployment
getMarkerCount() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Returns the number of markers for deployment
getMarkerDuplicateComparators() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the map of MarkerDuplicateComparator components.
getMarkerEventProfileId(String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called to return the profile id that will be associated with a marker event.
getMarkerEventProfileId(String, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
This method extension will return the markedItemId if the markedItemType is the same as the defaultMarkedItemType.
getMarkerItemId() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker item id
getMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
getMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
This extension returns the default item type for profile business process markers if the property is not already configured.
getMarkerItemType(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns either the markerItemType parameter value or the defaultMarkerItemType
getMarkerItemType() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker item type
getMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by other internal methods that require a markerItemType.
getMarkerItemType(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the markerItemType.
getMarkerItemType(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the markerItemType.
getMarkerManager(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns either the markerManager param value or the configured RepositoryMarkerManager.
getMarkerMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
The name of the mapping file used when converting markers to xml
getMarkerMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
The name of the mapping file used when converting markers to xml
getMarkerMessageSource() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Returns the message source that sends marker JMS messages.
getMarkerMessageSource() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the message source that sends marker JMS messages.
getMarkerPollingInterval() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
getMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
This extension returns the default property name for profile business process markers if the property is not already configured.
getMarkerPropertyName(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns either the markerPropertyName parameter value or the defaultMarkerPropertyName
getMarkerPropertyName() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The property name on the marked item that references the marker
getMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by other internal methods that require a markerPropertyName.
getMarkerPropertyName(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the markerPropertyName.
getMarkerPropertyName(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the markerPropertyName.
getMarkerPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Returns the order property names that contain markers
getMarkerRemovedData() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerRemovedEventMessage
getMarkerReplacedData() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
getMarkerSortPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by other internal methods that require a markerSortPropertyName.
getMarkerValidatorContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Gets the MarkerValidator that contains this marker validator.
getMarkerValidatorContainer() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Returns the MarkerValidatorContainer associated with this Business Process.
getMarkerValidatorContainer() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Gets the MarkerValidator that contains this marker validator.
getMarkerValidators() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the map of MarkerValidator Components.
getMarshalService() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
This service is used to marshal the supplied object parameter into an XML document.
getMaskChar() - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
getMatchingObject() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
Get property MatchingObject
getMatchProperties() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The name of the properties used to locate a repository item if externalId didn't work
getMatchProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Returns Properties to match in item descriptor
getMax() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.
getMaxAuthenticationWait() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property maxAuthenticationWait DEFAULT: 30000 (30 seconds)
getMaxBatchSize() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns the maximum number of EmailEvents that will be batched before a send is performed.
getMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread.
getMaxConcurrentThreads() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property maxConcurrentThreads.
getMaxCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns the max count of users that can be created by this form handler
getMaxCountOfZipAddresses() - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Maximum number of addressed to verify
getMaxCountOfZipAddresses() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns the maxinumber of addressed to check.
getMaxFailureCount() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getMaxFailuresAllowedForCommitting() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The maximum number of failures allowed when committing a document submitter session.
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxFieldSize
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxFieldSize
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxFieldSize
getMaxFree() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time.
getMaxIdleAge() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property maxIdleAge.
getMaximumArchiveCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Returns the maximum number of archived files that will be kept for this file.
getMaximumCacheEntries() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the maximum number of elements in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
getMaximumCacheSize() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the maximum memory size of the cache.
getMaximumEntryLifetime() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getMaximumEntryLifetime() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
getMaximumEntrySize() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
getMaximumExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property maximumExecutionTime
getMaximumMemoryRequired() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property maximumMemoryRequired
getMaximumRetriesPerRowLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
getMaxIncrementalChangesPerGeneration() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The maximum number of repository item changes to queue up in a single generation.
getMaxItemsPerEvent() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction
getMaxItemsPerTransaction() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns property maxItemsPerTransaction Default value is 1000.
getMaxLength() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the maxlength attribute
getMaxLength() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
getMaxLengthContentName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Returns property MaxLengthContentName
getMaxLengthContentName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Returns property MaxLengthContentName
getMaxLinesInStackTrace() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
getMaxPendingCreations() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool.
getMaxRenderSize() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns maximum render size.
getMaxResourceAge() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxResourceAge.
getMaxResourcesPerThread() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property maxResourcesPerThread.
getMaxResultsPerPage() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property maxResultsPerPage
getMaxRowCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property maxRowCount
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxRows
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxRows
getMaxRows() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getMaxRows
getMaxSelectedItems() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Returns Maximum number of items that can be removed with the given search criteria from the repository
getMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property maxSimultaneousResourcesOut.
getMaxTextOrImageSize() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Get property maxTextOrImageSize
getMaxThreads() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
getMaxUncachedRequestDurationMs() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a search request can take before it will be cached.
getMaxZombieHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state.
getMayHaveSubmitValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getMedia() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Media
getMemberAsDBValue() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Returns property the value of the property member as a useable value in a database.
getMemberAsDBValue() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Returns property the value of the property member as a useable value in a database.
getMembers() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
If this Account is a group, return the names of the members of the group.
getMembers() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
If this Account is a group, return the names of the members of the group.
getMembers() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all users and organizations that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getMembershipRequest() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mMembershipRequest
getMembershipRequestSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
get set of membership requests
getMemTotalNumberOfExecutions() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property memTotalNumberOfExecutions
getMerchantId() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Get the CyberSource merchant ID to use with this connection.
getMerchantIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Get the name of the property from the ICSClient.props file that specifies the MerchantId to use.
getMergeOptimizationThresholdCount() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Threshold number of assets in the source workspace when a merge operation starts using the optimized version of the operation.
getMessage(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method gets the resource from the input resource name
getMessage(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method gets the resource from the input resource name and its arguments
getMessage() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getMessage() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
getMessage() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property Message
getMessage() - Method in exception atg.process.action.ActionException
getMessage() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the JMS message bean which prompted the process segment execution to start or resume.
getMessage() - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property errorMessage
getMessage() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Error
Returns a high level message describing the error
getMessage() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns the JMS message bean which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume.
getMessage() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the Message to be sent.
getMessage(Session) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the Message to be sent.
getMessage(Session, EmailTrackingTools) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the Message to be sent.
getMessage() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Returns property Message
getMessage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the message property
getMessage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Returns the Message constructed to send the email.
getMessageAttachments() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns any files that should be attached to the email.
getMessageBcc() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the Bcc field for the email.
getMessageBeanClass() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Return the class to use for the dynamo message bean carrying the ObjectMessage data.
getMessageBeanPropertyMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Get the mapping table that controls mapping of property values from repository items to dynamo message beans.
getMessageCc() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageCc property
getMessageCc() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the CC field for the email.
getMessageCode() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property messageCode ("Message code")
getMessageContext() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns type of context in which the message is originated
getMessageFactory() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getMessageFamilies() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageFamily
Returns the message families contained within this message family.
getMessageFamilies() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageRegistry
Returns the set of "top-level" message families known to the registry.
getMessageFamilyName() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageFamily
Returns the name of the MessageFamily.
getMessageFrom() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageFrom property
getMessageFrom() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the From field for the email.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The generator for IDs for all messages sent from fulfillment
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdGenerator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The service that generates Ids for all messages.
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The name of the idspace to get all commerce message ids from.
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageIdSpaceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The name of the idspace to get our message ids from
getMessageLocale() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the locale to use when looking up display names for each column.
getMessagePort() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
The port that the scenario messages will be sent on
getMessagePort() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Return the JMS port for which messages will be generated.
getMessagePort() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getMessageRecipients() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageRecipients property
getMessageReplyTo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageReplyTo property
getMessageReplyTo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the ReplyTo field for the email.
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
The component that has been configured through patchbay to send messages.
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns Message Sender to send scenario Events
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the MessageSender property.
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
getMessageSender() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the message sender
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the message source for Publishing
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The class responsible for publishing messages.
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Returns property messageSource
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property messageSource
getMessageSource() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property messageSource
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Gets the messageSourceContext for this MessageSource.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
Return the message source context for this source.
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
getMessageSourceContext() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
Return the messageSourceName property.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalMessage
Return the messageSourceName property.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage
Return the messageSourceName property.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
The string used as the source of messages.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
The string used as the source of messages.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This defines the string that the source property of messages will be set to.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
This defines the string that the source property of messages will be set to.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
This defines the string that the source property of messages will be set to.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
This defines the string that the source property of messages will be set to.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
This defines the string that the source property of messages will be set to.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Gets the name used by this class when it acts as a message source so that it's messages can be identified.
getMessageSourceName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Gets the name used by this class when it acts as a message source so that it's messages can be identified.
getMessageSourcePath() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns the path to the DSS Message Source
getMessageSubject() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageSubject property
getMessageSubject() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the Subject field for the email.
getMessageTable() - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
getMessageTo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the messageTo property
getMessageTo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the To field for the email.
getMessageType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Return the JMS message type string to apply to generated messages.
getMessageType(String) - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageRegistry
Returns the MessageType corrsponding to the specified message type name, or null if there is no such message type.
getMessageType() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getMessageType() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the JMS messsage type of this message bean.
getMessageType() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the JMS type of the message which prompted the process segment execution to start or resume.
getMessageType() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns the JMS type of the message which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume.
getMessageTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
A mapping of message types to port names.
getMessageTypes() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageFamily
Returns the message types which are contained within this message family.
getMessageTypesToPorts() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
getMessageTypeToChainNameMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Return the MessageTypeToChainNameMap property.
getMessageTypeToErrorChainNameMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Return the MessageTypeToErrorChainNameMap property.
getMessagingSource() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getMetaData() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getMetaData
getMetaData() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getMetaData
getMetaData() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getMetaData
getMetaDataCatalogName() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Get the catalog name
getMetaDataCatalogName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get the catalog name
getMetaDataCatalogName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get the catalog name
getMetaDataSchemaPattern() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Get the schema name pattern.
getMetaDataSchemaPattern() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get the schema name
getMetaDataSchemaPattern() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get the schema name
getMetaOutputPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get both the meta output property names.
getMetaPropertyValue(Context, RepositoryItem, String, PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get the meta property value.
getMetaSecurityConstraint(Context, RepositoryItem, String, PropertyTypeEnum, Object, SecurityConstraints) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get the security constraint for the specified meta property.
getMethod() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getMethod() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getMethod
getMethodName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
The method name that is set on the Call object.
getMethods() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Return the methods property.
getMiddleName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the middleName
getMiddleName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the middleName
getMiddleName() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the middleName
getMiddleNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property MiddleNamePropertyName.
getMigrateIndexPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property migrateIndexPropertyName
getMigrateStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The property migrateStatusPropertyName
getMigrationRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
getMillisecondDelayBeforeLockRetry() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
getMimeType(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the mime type of the specified file or null if the mime type is not recognized.
getMimeType() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.Device
Access the preferred mime-type of the client
getMimeType() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the mimetype of this particular request file
getMimeType(String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.MimeTyper
Returns the MIME type for the specified file name, or null if the MIME type cannot be determined.
getMimeType(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Returns the mime type of the given request
getMimeType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor.UrlAndMimeType
Return the mime type from the last time the URL was rendered.
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
Getter for property mMimeTyper.
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the mime type mapping object.
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Returns property MimeTyper
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the MimeTyper property
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Returns the MimeTyper property
getMimeTyper() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Returns the MimeTyper used to determine the mime type of a request.
getMimeTypes() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.Device
Access the mime-types accepted by this client
getMin() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the minimum number of objects to have pooled at start-up.
getMinCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns the minumum count of users that can be created by this form handler
getMineOnly() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getMinimumAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Returns the minimum amount an order can be valued for it to be logged.
getMinimumAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getMinimumAmountQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateMinimumAmountQuery, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getMinimumErrorReportInterval() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get property MinimumErrorReportInterval
getMinimumErrorReportInterval() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property MinimumErrorReportInterval
getMinimumExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property minimumExecutionTime
getMinimumMemoryRequired() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property minimumMemoryRequired
getMinorVersion() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the minor version of the Servlet API that this Web server supports.
getMinReconnectInterval() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property MinReconnectInterval, the minimum interval between connect retries in msec (default 120000 msec)
getMinReconnectInterval() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property MinReconnectInterval, the minimum interval between connect retries in msec (default 120000 msec)
getMinScore() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property MinScore
getMinScore() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property MinScore
getMinute() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the minute of the hour (0-59)
getMinuteAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the minute of the hour as a java.util.Date
getMinutes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property Minutes
getMissCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfo
Returns the number of accesses that were cache misses
getMissCount() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the number of accesses that were cache misses
getMode() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The mode to be used when deploying this manifest, either MODE_ONLINE or MODE_SWITCH.
getMode() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property mode
getModificationHandler() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The ModificationHandler handles all processing associated with ModifyOrderNotification and ModifyOrder messages that are received by HardgoodFulfiller.
getModificationHandler() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
The ModificationHandler that will be used to deal with all ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotification messages.
getModificationId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This returns the id of this modification.
getModifications() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
This method returns an array of modifications to be performed on the specified order.
getModifications() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method returns an array of modifications that have been processed.
getModificationStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
The status of this modification.
getModificationStatusText() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
Additional text that may qualify the status code.
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
This is a read-only property in this implementation.
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericRemove
This is a read-only property in this implementation.
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This method returns the type of modification that is to be performed.
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
This is a read-only property in this implementation.
getModificationType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
This is a read-only property in this implementation.
getModifiedProperties() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
getModifyOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
The id of the message this is a response to, null if this is not a response.
getModifyOrderNotificationPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
ModifyOrderNotificationPort is the port through which all ModifyOrderNotification messages are sent.
getModifyOrderNotificationPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The port on which the ModifyOrderNotification messages will be sent.
getModifyOrderPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
ModifyOrderPort is the port through which all ModifyOrder messages are sent.
getModifyOrderPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The port on which the ModifyOrder messages will be sent.
getModifyOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when the order is updated
getModifyOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when the order is updated
getModifyOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when the order is updated
getModifyOrderSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
The id of the message this is a response to, null if this is not a response.
getModifyPort() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Returns Port name for sending modify order messages
getModifyPort() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Returns Port name for sending modify order messages
getMonitoredBounceReplyCodes() - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the reply codes that indicate an email is bounced
getMonitoredBounceReplyCodes() - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Gets the MonitoredReplyCodes property
getMonitoredBounceReplyCodes() - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Gets the MonitoredReplyCodes property
getMonitoredConnection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
getMonitoredConnection() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
getMonitoredOutputConfigByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
Return the output configuration by path.
getMonitoredOutputConfigs() - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
Return the monitored output configs.
getMonitorSchedule() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the Schedule used to check for invalid sessions
getMonitorThreadMethod() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the Thread Method for the ServerMonitor's scheduled task.
getMonth() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property month.
getMonth() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property Month.
getMonth() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the month as an integer (1-12)
getMonthName() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the name of the month ("January", "February", etc.)
getMonths() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
The months of the year
getMonths() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property months
getMoreResults() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getMoreResults
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions specified by the given flag, and returns true if the next result is a ResultSet object.
getMoreResults() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getMoreResults
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions specified by the given flag, and returns true if the next result is a ResultSet object.
getMoreResults() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getMoreResults
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions specified by the given flag, and returns true if the next result is a ResultSet object.
getMOVE_ASSET_ACTION() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getMoveAssetsProjectId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getMoveItemsFromCartErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property MoveItemsFromCartErrorURL
getMoveItemsFromCartSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property MoveItemsFromCartSuccessURL
getMoveToConfirmationChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToConfirmationChainId
getMoveToConfirmationChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property MoveToConfirmationChainId
getMoveToConfirmationErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToConfirmationErrorURL
getMoveToConfirmationSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToConfirmationSuccessURL
getMoveToErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property MoveToErrorURL
getMoveToMode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property MoveToMode
getMoveToNewShippingAddressErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToNewShippingAddressErrorURL
getMoveToNewShippingAddressSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToNewShippingAddressSuccessURL
getMoveToOrderCommitErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToOrderCommitErrorURL
getMoveToOrderCommitSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToOrderCommitSuccessURL
getMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL property.
getMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL property.
getMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL property.
getMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL property.
getMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
getMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
getMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
getMoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL
getMoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL
getMoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL
getMoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property MoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL
getMoveToSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property MoveToSuccessURL
getMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle and pre-pends the resource ID string to the message.
getMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle, Object[]) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle and pre-pends the resource ID string to the message.
getMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle, Object) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle and pre-pends the resource ID string to the message.
getMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle, Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle and pre-pends the resource ID string to the message.
getMsgResource(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages.
getMsgResource(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages and substituting the value of a specified argument for the {0} placeholder in the message text.
getMssqlSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getMTAName() - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Gets the name of the MTA that this examiner is valid for For example, if this returns the value "sendmail", then the user can assume that this examiner will correctly get information from bounced emails in a sendmail-based format
getMutable(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.PropertyTools
Return a mutable version of the specified repository item.
getMutableItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Gets the mutable form of the given repository item, assuming that there is one.
getMutableRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
This method gets a mutable version of the repository item provided.
getMutableRepositoryItem(MutableRepository, String, String) - Static method in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
This method gets a mutable repository item based on the repository, item id and item type provided.
getMutableRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Get a mutable version of the repository item provided.
getMutableRepositoryItem(MutableRepository, String, String) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Get a mutable repository item based on the repository, item ID and item type provided.
getName() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the name of the column
getName() - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns the name of the table
getName() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Name of this deployment agent.
getName() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
The name given this target.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Since anchor's only have a single property value, we don't need to have unique names for them.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
Returns the name of this converter.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Returns the unique name for the TagConverter.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Returns the unique name for the TagConverter.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Returns the unique name for the TagConverter.
getName() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Get the name of the parameter that identifies this event as occuring
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
getName() - Method in interface atg.droplet.TagConverter
Returns the unique name for the TagConverter.
getName() - Method in class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
getName() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent
Returns the name to which the element was bound or unbound.
getName() - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextElement
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
getName() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
getName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
getName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
getName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Get the String representation of this ComponentName
getName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Return the full name of this component
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mName
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property mName
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Gets the name of the palette in the language of the given locale
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the localized form of the community name, returning a default if one is not available.
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DeviceOutput
Access the name of the device output
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
Access the name of the display mode
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Gets the localized name of this gear, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Gets the localized name of this gear definition, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Access the name of the gear mode
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
The name of the parameter
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the name of the titlebar
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Access the name of the titlebar mode
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the name of the layout
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Gets the localized name of this gear, returning a default string if the locale is not recognized.
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Gets the name of the page template in the language of the given locale
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the name of the portal.
getName(Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the name of the portal for the given locale, if possible.
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access the name of the region
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.RegionDefinition
Access the name of the region definition
getName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the name of the style
getName() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.CacheInfoEntry
Returns the name of the cache
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the name of the column
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the name by which this element is know within its enclosing NameContext.
getName() - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns the name of the table
getName() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
getName() - Method in interface atg.security.AccessRight
Returns a machine-readable name of the access right, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns the machine-readable name of the persona, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns the machine-readable name of the persona, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Returns a machine-readable name of the access right, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Returns the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Returns the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns the machine-readable name of the persona, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns a machine-readable name of the access right, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns the machine-readable name of the persona, useful for persisting the object.
getName() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Returns the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the name for this column entry.
getName() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getName() - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Returns the value of the name property
getName() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
getName() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.ManagedElement
Gets the unqualified name of the element.
getName() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the name of the file represented by this object.
getName() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property Name
getName() - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns the logical name of this element.
getNameColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property NameColumn
getNameContext() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent
Returns the NameContext to which the element was bound
getNameContext() - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextElement
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
getNameContext() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
getNameContext() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
getNameContext() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
getNameContext() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the NameContext into which this element has been bound, or null if the element is not bound in a NameContext.
getNameContextBindingListeners() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns property NameContextBindingListeners
getNameContextBindingListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the list of NameContextBindingListeners
getNameContextPreBindingListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the list of NameContextBindingListeners
getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
GenericContext does not have any mechanism for specifying named servlets in the Servlet 2.2 sense.
getNamedQuery(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Gets the Repository Query object associated with the given name.
getNamedQuery(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Gets the Repository Query corresponding to the given name
getNamedQueryNames() - Method in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Gets the names of all the current named queries that this RepositoryView is aware of, if any
getNamedQueryNames() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Returns the names of all the named queries known by this view
getNameRequestThreads() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
getNameResolver(NameContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Gets a name resolver that is scoped to the session.
getNameResolver(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns a ComponentNameResolver corresponding to the source map, if it has been specified; otherwise, returns the ComponentNameResolver which uses the passed in request for resolution.
getNameResolver() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns a ComponentNameResolver corresponding to the source map, if it has been specified; otherwise, returns a global ComponentNameResolver.
getNameResolver() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Returns a ComponentNameResolver which can be used to resolve names which have been added to the source map.
getNameResolver(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Returns a ComponentNameResolver which can be used to resolve names which have been added to the source map.
getNameResolver(ComponentNameResolver) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Returns a ComponentNameResolver which can be used to resolve names which have been added to the source map.
getNameResolver(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Returns a NameResolver which can be used to resolve names which have been added to the source map.
getNameResolver(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns a NameResolver which can be used to resolve names of components in the access control rules.
getNamesAndStages() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Builds a map of the business process names and their possible stages.
getNameSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property NameSearchPropertyNames
getNameSearchType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Return the name search type
getNameUnresolver() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the NameUnresolver associated with this Nucleus' global scope.
getNameURIPart() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getNameWithoutDimensions() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
If the name has dimensions this returns the name without dimensions
getNavCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
getNavHistory() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
getNavHistoryPath() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
Returns property NavHistoryPath
getNeedsSeparateUserInfo() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property needsSeparateUserInfo.
getNeedsSeparateUserInfo() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the flag that indicates whether this driver needs to use the special getConnection(url, user, password) form of the connection call.
getNestedTagPattern() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Return a pattern that matches the 'tagname' of nested tags.
getNewAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property newAddress.
getNewAddressErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property newAddressErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error creating an address.
getNewAddressName() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property NewAddressName.
getNewAddressSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property newAddressSuccessURL, used to redirect user after successfully creating an address.
getNewBaseDirectory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, ServletContext, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return the new directory for the specified URL, if it differs from the current base directory.
getNewCreditCardErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the NewCreditCardErrorURL property.
getNewCreditCardSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the NewCreditCardSuccessURL property.
getNewHandlerRequestCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the number of handlers which have been requested, but have not yet started.
getNewId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get a id suitable for creating items of this type.
getNewOrderState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Return the newOrderState property.
getNewOwnerName() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the unique Persona name of the new task owner which should be set, or null if the task's ownership should be cleared.
getNewPasswordParam() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
getNewPaymentGroupName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This utility method gets the payment group name or nickname for the payment group that is passed in.
getNewPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The previous price of the order
getNewPriority() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the new task priority which should be set.
getNewProfileType() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property NewProfileType
getNewQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The new quantity of the item
getNewSessionLoggingEventTypeName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property NewSessionLoggingEventTypeName
getNewShippingAddressName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property NewShippingAddressName
getNewShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
The newly created shipping group
getNewShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Returns a new name for a shipping group
getNewShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Returns a new name for a shipping group
getNewShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Deprecated. - This method is moved to ShippingGroupMapContainerService
getNewState() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The new state that caused this event to fire.
getNewStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Returns property newStateDetail
getNewStateTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the new state was set.
getNewValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
This is the new value of the property returned by getPropertyName
getNewValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The value to set changedProperty for SKU to
getNewValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the newValue property
getNewValues() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Gets the newValues property
getNext() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property next ("Next deplolyment job in line")
getNextBatchMailing(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Return the next batch mailing to process.
getNextBatchNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
One more than batchNumber
getNextCommandHandler() - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler
Returns Next Command Handler to invoke in the command invocation chain.
getNextCommandHandler() - Method in interface atg.integrations.CommandHandler
Returns Next CommandHandler in the command invocation chain to invoke.
getNextDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
The name of the data source to switch to.
getNextDataSource() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property nextDataSource, which is the data source that will become the currentDataSource when #performSwitch() is called
getNextDataSourceName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property nextDataSourceName
getNextDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
getNextDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
A convenience method that returns the next logical deployment to run.
getNextHour() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
getNextIncrementalGeneration() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get the next incremental generation.
getNextIncrementalGenerationPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getNextInvoiceNumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return a unique invoice number.
getNextJobTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns the next time that the job Scheduled by this will take place.
getNextJobTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns the next time that the job Scheduled by this will take place, or -1 if the job's next time could not be calculated.
getNextJobTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns the next time that the job Scheduled by this will take place.
getNextJobTime(long) - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
Returns the next time that the job Scheduled by this will take place.
getNextJobTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Return the next job time, calculated from the last job time.
getNextLink(int) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the PipelineLink object mapped to aRetCode.
getNextLinks(int[]) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns an array of PipelineLink objects that are mapped to the given return codes.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Returns the next unique Id for commerce messages.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns the next unique Id for commerce messages.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
Uses the id generator to get the next message id.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
Uses the id generator to get the next message id.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Uses the id generator to get the next message id.
getNextMessageId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns the next unique Id for commerce messages.
getNextMinute() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
getNextScheduledRun(MutableRepositoryItem, long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method calculates the next schedule run time for the Scheduled Order.
getNextSecond() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
getNextServlet() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getNextServlet() - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet
Returns the next Servlet in the pipeline, null if this is the end of the pipeline.
getNextServlet() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Returns the next Servlet in the pipeline, null if this is the end of the pipeline.
getNextSetOfMarkers(int, int) - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Returns some set of markers, starting at pCurrentIndex, of a number up to pBatchsize.
getNextSetOfMarkers(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Returns some set of markers, starting at pCurrentIndex, of a number up to pBatchsize.
getNextSetOfMarkers(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Returns some set of markers, starting at pCurrentIndex, of a number up to pBatchsize.
getNextSortDirection(TableInfo.Column, String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the direction that results from applying the requested directionType transformation (ascending, descending, none, toggle, cycle_up, cycle_down) to the specified Column.
getNextTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the time of the next task to be executed, or midnight tomorrow morning, whichever comes first.
getNextTimeFormatted() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getNextTransactionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
This method generates a transactionId by returning a the System time in milliseconds.
getNextTransactionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
This method generates a transactionId by returning a the System time in milliseconds.
getNodeTypeName(Node) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
getNoNexus() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
getNonFatalCompletionCodes() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Get the list of non-fatal general completion codes.
getNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroupCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns the number of non-gift hardgood shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroupCount(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns the number of non-gift hardgood shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns the non-gift hardgood shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns the non-gift hardgood shipping groups with commerce item relationships
getNonModifiablePaymentGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
This method determines whether the payment group is in a condusive to editing state
getNonModifiablePaymentGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
getNonModifiableShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method determines whether the shipping group is in a condusive to editing state
getNonModifiableShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
getNonSecureHost() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getNonSecurePort() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getNonSecureProtocol() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the non-taxable items that appear in that shipping group
getNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns property nonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property nonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getNoOfMembershipRequests() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getNoPageEventMimeTypes() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Returns property noPageEventMimeTypes
getNoTablesExist() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Returns true if none of the specified tables exist
getNote() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
getNotes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns property notes
getNotYetApprovedReturnValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Returns property notYetApprovedReturnValue
getNSInfoForItems(RepositoryItemDescriptor, ItemMappingElement, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method determines for a given item-descriptor and optional ItemMappingElement what item-descriptors can be directly referenced by the pItemDescriptor parameter.
getNSItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the namespace URI corresponding to item-descriptor passed.
getNSItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the namespace URI corresponding to item-descriptor and mapping file passed.
getNSItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the namespace URI corresponding to item-descriptor, mapping file and property name passed.
getNSPrefix(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, RepositoryItemDescriptor, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will determine the correct namespace prefix to use for the item-descriptor that is pointed to by the property represented by the pPropertyDesc parameter.
getNSPrefixForItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the prefix to use for the name space in xml schema, it will be xml encoded item-descriptor name.
getNSPrefixForItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the prefix to use for the name space in xml schema, it will be xml encoded mapping file name and item-descriptor name.
getNthAncestor(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Return the Nth ancestor.
getNthAncestorItemAndSpecifier(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Return the Nth ancestor ItemAndSpecifier.
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the Nucleus managing this Service
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the Nucleus managing this Service
getNucleus() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Service
Returns the Nucleus managing this Service
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent
Returns the Nucleus managing the Service
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the Nucleus managing this Service
getNucleus() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the Nucleus
getNucleusComponentParamMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Returns property nucleusComponentParamMap
getNucleusRegistry() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the Nucleus registry used to hold per web app nuclei.
getNullItems() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the cache to use.
getNullObjectReplacement() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property NullObjectReplacement
getNullParameterObject() - Static method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the parameter Object that represents a null value when placed into a parameter dictionary.
getNumAppServerConnectAttempts() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Gets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property
getNumberFormat(Locale) - Static method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
getNumberOfRecords() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
getNumCacheEntries() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the number of entries currently in the cache
getNumCharsUnmasked() - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
getNumCheckedOutResources() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the number of resources checked out.
getNumClickThroughEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getNumCompressedEventsSent() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
getNumDirectives() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns the number of sort directives.
getNumElements() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Returns the number of BatchElement objects (Errors and Results) in the Batch.
getNumEndSessionEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property NumEndSessionEvents
getNumEventsSent() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
getNumFailures() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The number of failures.
getNumFreeResources() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the number of free resources in the pool.
getNumLoginEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property NumLoginEvents
getNumLogoutEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property NumLogoutEvents
getNumNewSessionEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property NumNewSessionEvents
getNumNewValues() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getNumPageViewedEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Returns property NumPageViewedEvents
getNumReferrerEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property NumReferrerEvents
getNumRegisterEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property NumRegisterEvents
getNumRulesets() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Return the number of rulesets used by this targeter
getNumSavedRequestScopes() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Read-only property which returns the number of request scopes that we are currently holding onto for pending redirects.
getNumSuccesses() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The number of successes.
getNumTotalResources() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the number of total resources in the pool.
getObject() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getObject() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityContext
Returns the object that is the subject of the access control request, if any.
getObject() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
Returns an object from the pool to the caller.
getObject(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getObject
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getObject
getObject(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a parameter as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Returns an object representing the value of OUT parameter i and uses map for the custom mapping of the parameter value.
getObjectAsXML(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
This method will obtain the XML representation of the supplied object.
getObjectMsgToPipelineParamMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Return the ObjectMsgToPipelineParamMap property.
getObjectParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the parameter with the given name.
getObjectParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the parameter with the given name.
getObjectURLParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index as an object.
getObjectValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property objectValue
getOldAssetURI() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
getOldParamBehavior() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getOldPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The previous price of the order
getOldPropertyValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the value of this property not including any changes made by this transaction.
getOldQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The quantity of the item before the change
getOldState() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The old state before this event was fired.
getOldValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the oldValue property
getOldValues() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Gets the oldValues property
getOneStepSearch() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Returns property oneStepSearch
getOneUsePerOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
the name of the pricingModel's 'oneUsePerOrder' property (Shipping discounts only)
getOnline() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode
Returns the instance representing the String value "Online"
getOnSalePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property OnSalePropertyName
getOnSalePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
Returns property OnSalePropertyName
getOpenOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
A list of order states that determine whether an item can be removed from the order.
getOpenStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
gets the property openStates.
getOperands() - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Returns the operands.
getOperands() - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Returns the operands.
getOperation() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Returns property operation
getOperationMode() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
This identifies how this component behaves.
getOperationType() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Error
The operation that was being attempted when the error occurred or null if the operation was unknown or is not relevant.
getOperationType() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Result
The type of operation that was performed.
getOperator() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
Returns property operator
getOperator() - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Returns the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Returns the operator.
getOpitonSetName() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Get the option set name used in the search or null if the default option set was used.
getOption(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Returns a deployment option
getOptions() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Returns the entire options map
getOptionSet() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the option set in use for this request.
getOptionSetName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the option set name to use for this query, or null to use the default option set for this query type.
getOracleSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Returns property order
getOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
Returns property order
getOrder() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationship
Returns the B2BOrder reference.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the order
getOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Overriding getOrder to use the getOrderFromId property Return the Order property.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Overriding getOrder to use the getOrderFromId property Return the Order property.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
The order that has just completed.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
The order that has just completed.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
The order that has just completed.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property Order, if the shoppingCart property is not null, then return the current order of the shopping cart order holder
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property Order, if the shoppingCart property is not null, then return the current order of the shopping cart order holder
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
return the order in which the gift was purchased.
getOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Returns property Order, if the shoppingCart property is not null, then return the current order of the shopping cart order holder
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Always returns null.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The order that the item was added to
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The order that the item quantity was changed in
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The order that the item was remoevd from
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property Order
getOrder() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationship
Returns the Order reference.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the order
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Return the order whose payment or shipping group is being validated.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the Order property.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the Order property.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the Order property.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property Order, if the shoppingCart property is not null, then return the current order of the shopping cart order holder
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the current Order from the argument dictionary.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The order that has just completed.
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
getOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
getOrder() - Method in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardInfo
Returns the Order
getOrder() - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.GenericCreditCardInfo
Returns property order
getOrder() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the order being paid for with this invoice
getOrder() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the order being paid for with this invoice
getOrder() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Return an Order object
getOrder() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Return an Order object
getOrderAbandonedMessageType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
getOrderAmountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getOrderApprovedChainId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns property orderApprovedChainId
getOrderAsXML() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This method returns the XML representation of the order.
getOrderAsXML() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
This method returns the XML representation of the order.
getOrderAsXML() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method returns the XML representation of the order.
getOrderAsXML() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
This method returns the XML representation of the order.
getOrderAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Returns the given order as an xml string using the GetService.
getOrderAsXML(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Returns the given order as an xml string using the GetService.
getOrderBy() - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
getOrderBy() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getOrderByProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property orderByProperty
getOrderByProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property orderByProperty
getOrderCanceller() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
getOrderCanceller() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
getOrderClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the orderClassType
getOrderClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the orderClassType
getOrderCommerceItemsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the orderCommerceItemsPropertyName
getOrderConvertedMessageType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
getOrderCostCentersPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Returns the orderCostCentersPropertyName
getOrderCountForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the count of orders for the passed in profile id.
getOrderCountForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns the count of orders for the passed in profile id.
getOrderCountForProfileInState(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the count of orders whose state matches the pStates list for the given profile id.
getOrderCountForProfileInState(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns the count of orders whose state matches the pStates list for the given profile id.
getOrderCountToBeApproved(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
This method creates and executes the query that returns the total count of orders for approval by the approver whose id is in pApproverId.
getOrderDiscountShare() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
The amount from all order discounts that apply to this item (and effect the taxable amount)
getOrderDiscountShare() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
The amount from all order discounts that apply to this item (and effect the taxable amount)
getOrderFixedAmountAdjustmentType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the OrderFixedAmountAdjustmentType
getOrderForCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the order that the given CommerceItem is in.
getOrderForCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Returns the order that the given CostCenter is in.
getOrderForPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the order that the given PaymentGroup is in.
getOrderForRelationship(Relationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the order that the given Relationship is in.
getOrderForShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the order that the given ShippingGroup is in.
getOrderFromId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the Order with the given id.
getOrderFulfiller() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
getOrderFulfillmentTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
OrderFulfillmentTools is a convenience class that provides many utilities for managing the fulfillment process.
getOrderFulfillmentTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The OrderFulfillmentTools class is used to perform various tasks, such as splitting shipping groups, determining which ports messages should be sent on for fulfillers and many others.
getOrderFulfillmentTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
getOrderFulfillmentTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
getOrderHolder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the OrderHolder component for the current session.
getOrderHolderPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the Nucleus path of the OrderHolder (shipping cart) component.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the orderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the OrderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the OrderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This method returns the id of the order that the modification pertain to.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
This method returns the id of the order that the modification pertain to.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method returns the id of the order that the modifications pertain to.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
The id of the order containing the updated shipping groups.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
This method returns the id of the order that the modification pertain to.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Return the OrderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the OrderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the OrderId property.
getOrderId() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Returns the order id.
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Get property OrderId
getOrderId() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property orderId
getOrderIdFromMessage(FulfillOrderFragment) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This is called only for the FulfillOrderFragment messages
getOrderIdFromMessage(FulfillOrderFragment) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This is called only for the FulfillOrderFragment messages
getOrderIdFromMessage(SubmitOrder) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This is called only for the submitOrder messages
getOrderIdList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
A list of preordered ids.
getOrderIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's order id.
getOrderIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderIdsForCostCenter(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the order ids for the given cost center.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the order ids for the given profile id starting at pStartIndex.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id in the given state.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the order ids for the given profile id in the given state starting at pStartIndex
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id in any of the given states.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the order ids for the given profile id in any of the given states starting at pStartIndex/
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id in the given state optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the order ids for the given profile id in the given state optionally ordered by the given property, starting at pStartIndex.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the order ids for the given profile id in any of the given states optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrderIdsForProfile(String, int, int, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the order ids for the given profile id in any of the given states optionally ordered by the given property, starting at pStartIndex.
getOrderIdsForProfileWithinDateRange(String, Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsForProfileWithinDateRange(String, Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns a List of orders that were submitted within the given range of dates and owned by a given user
getOrderIdString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
A space delimited string of sku ids
getOrderIdsWithinDateRange(Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrderIdsWithinDateRange(Date, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns a List of orders that were submitted within the given range of dates
getOrderIdToCancel() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the orderIdToCancel property.
getOrderIdToCancel() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Return the OrderIdToCancel property.
getOrdering() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns content ordering mode
getOrderItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property OrderItemDescriptor
getOrderItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property OrderItemDescriptorName
getOrderItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the OrderItemDescriptorName
getOrderItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Returns the orderItemDescriptorName name.
getOrderItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the orderItemDescriptorName property.
getOrderItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderLimitPropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
Return the orderLimitPropertyName property.
getOrderLookupService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The service that is actually used to find the desired orders
getOrderLookupService() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
The service that is actually used to find the desired orders
getOrderLostMessageType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the orderManager property.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the OrderManager property.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The OrderManager manages access to all Orders.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The OrderManager used by this fulfillment class to access order information.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The OrderManager used by this fulfillment class to access order information.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The order manager controls access to the order and all objects within an order.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
OrderManager is used to verify the orders existence before sending the message.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property orderManager.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns property orderManager.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Returns the Order Manager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Returns the orderManager property which is a component that is useful for many order management functions.
getOrderManager() - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns property orderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
The OrderManager class that is used to manipulate order objects
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
The class responsible for managing changes to orders
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Return the order manager that invoked the current pipeline chain.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the OrderManager property.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Returns the orderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
order manager to consult for various order-related functions
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
The order manager is used to find the relationships for a given range.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Manager class used to manipulate commerce items
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Return the OrderManager property.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Get property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Return the OrderManager property.
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property OrderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property orderManager
getOrderManager() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property orderManager
getOrderMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Returns the OrderMarkerManager to use for the business process.
getOrderMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Returns the order marker manager used by the droplet
getOrderMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
The OrderMarkerManager class that is used to manage orders.
getOrderMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
Returns the order marker manager
getOrderOwnerProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Returns the orderOwnerProfile
getOrderPaymentGroupsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the orderPaymentGroupsPropertyName
getOrderPriceInfoDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property orderPriceInfoDescName
getOrderPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the orderPriceInfoProperty
getOrderPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the orderPriceInfoProperty
getOrderPriceInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property OrderPricingEngine
getOrderPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property OrderPricingEngine
getOrderPricingEngineService() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property OrderPricingEngineService
getOrderPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property OrderPricingModels
getOrderPromotions(Order, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the order.
getOrderPromotions(Order, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method retrieves all the promotions in an order and adds them to their respective collection.
getOrderPromotions(Order, Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the order.
getOrderPromotions(Order, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method retrieves all the promotions in an order and adds them to their respective collection.
getOrderProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the orderProperty name.
getOrderProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the orderProperty name.
getOrderPropertyDescName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Returns property orderPropertyDescName
getOrderPropertyDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Returns property orderPropertyDescName
getOrderPropertyDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Returns property orderPropertyDescName
getOrderPropertyDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Returns property orderPropertyDescName
getOrderPropertyDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Returns property orderPropertyDescName
getOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderQueries() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property orderQueries
getOrderQueryForProfile(String, int[], RepositoryView) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns the RQL query that can be executed to get the orders for the given profile in the given states
getOrderReanimatedMessageType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
getOrderRejectedChainId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns property orderRejectedChainId
getOrderRelationship() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainer
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationship() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainer
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the OrderRelationship.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the number of OrderRelationships in the container.
getOrderRelationshipsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the orderRelationshipsPropertyName
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns property orderRepository
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property orderRepository
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property orderRepository
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property OrderRepository
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the orderRepository
getOrderRepositoryItemName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property OrderRepositoryItemName
getOrderRepositoryItemName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property OrderRepositoryItemName
getOrderRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Returns the Repository Marker Manager for orders
getOrderSavedEventType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property OrderSavedEventType
getOrderServices() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
The OrderServices class that is used to manage order markers.
getOrdersForCostCenter(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns all the orders for the given cost center id.
getOrdersForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfile(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfile(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id.
getOrdersForProfile(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the orders for the given profile id, starting with the order at position pStartIndex
getOrdersForProfile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrdersForProfile(String, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the orders for the given profile id, starting with the order at position pStartIndex.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the OrderQueries class
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id in the given state.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the orders for the given profile id in the given state, starting at the order with index pStartIndex
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id in the given state optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the orders for the given profile id in the given state optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id in any of the given states.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns pNumOrders of the orders for the given profile id in any of the given states starting at index pStartIndex
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id in any of the given states optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrdersForProfileInState(String, int, int, int[], String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns all the orders for the given profile id in any of the given states optionally ordered by the given property.
getOrderShippingGroupsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the orderShippingGroupsPropertyName
getOrderStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property orderStatePropertyName
getOrderStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the state property in the order
getOrderStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the state property in the order
getOrderStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getOrderStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Return the orderStatePropertyName property.
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the orderStates property.
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The object containing all the states of an order
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The object containing all the states of an order
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The class containing state information for orders
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The object containing all the states of an order
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The object containing all the states of an order
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The class containing state information for orders
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property OrderStates
getOrderStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Return the orderStates property.
getOrderStateSaveModes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Mapping of order states to the "saveMode" that indicates the level of pricing information that should be saved for an order in that state.
getOrderStatesQuery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
If the property is null, generate the query by calling generateOrderStatesQuery, otherwise return the query stored in the property.
getOrderStatesRequiringApproval() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property orderStatesRequiringApproval
getOrderStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Returns the status of the given order
getOrdersToBeApproved(String, int, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
This method creates and executes the query that returns the orders for approval by the approver whose id is in pApproverId.
getOrderToAddItemTo(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
This method returns the order to which the CommerceItem should be added.
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Returns the OrderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns property orderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Returns property orderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the OrderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Returns property orderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Returns property orderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns property orderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property OrderTools
getOrderTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The order tools from which to get the default itemPriceInfo class
getOrderToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToOrder
This method is called by the doAction method to return the Order that's used in the addMarker API calls.
getOrderToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
This method is called by the doAction method to return the Order that's used in the order marker manager API calls.
getOrderToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
This method is called by the doAction method to return the Order that's used in the order marker manager API calls.
getOrderToUse(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
This method is called by the doAction method to return the Order that's used in the order marker manager API calls.
getOrderType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns the type of order to create when we need to construct a new shopping cart order.
getOrderTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for Order classes.
getOrderVersionPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property orderVersionPropertyName
getOrdinal() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
getOrganization() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property organization
getOrganization() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Return the organization property.
getOrganizationByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Find an Organization by its path.
getOrganizationDescription() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
The description of the organization that is going to be created
getOrganizationId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Gets the organizationId property
getOrganizationId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Gets the organizationId property
getOrganizationIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
getOrganizationItems() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
getOrganizationMembersSortOnName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all organizations that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getOrganizationName() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
The name of the organization that is going to be created
getOrganizationNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
getOrganizationPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getOrganizations(int, int) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Returns a Collection of Organizations from the Portal Repository.
getOrganizations() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Returns a Collection of all Organizations from the Portal Repository.
getOrganizations() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property organizations
getOrgnCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getOrgnCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getOrgnGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getOrgnProvince() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getOrgnZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getOriginalId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Get the original message id as it came from the orignal source described above.
getOriginalId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Get the original message id as it came from the orignal source described above.
getOriginalItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Returns the item descriptor that we're wrapping.
getOriginalItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the item descriptor that we're wrapping.
getOriginalRequestURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Environment
Access the URI of the original request
getOriginalShippingAddressName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property OriginalShippingAddressName
getOriginalSource() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
This is the orignal source of data for this message.
getOriginalSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
This is the orignal source of data for this message.
getOriginalSubject() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the originalSubject property
getOriginalUserId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
This method returns the id of the end user whose action initiated this request.
getOriginalUserId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
This method returns the id of the end user whose action initiated this request.
getOriginalValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
This is the original value of the property returned by getPropertyName
getOriginatingRequest() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property OriginatingRequest
getOriginator() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property Originator
getOriginCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get OriginCity used for tax calculations.
getOriginCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginCity used for tax calculations.
getOriginCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get OriginCountry used for tax calculations.
getOriginCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginCountry used for tax calculations.
getOriginGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginZip used for tax calculations.
getOriginOfOrder() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the OriginOfOrder property
getOriginOfOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the originOfOrder
getOriginState() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get OriginState used for tax calculations.
getOriginState() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginState used for tax calculations.
getOriginZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get OriginZip used for tax calculations.
getOriginZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginZip used for tax calculations.
getOrWaitForPersistentItem(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
This method is the main access point for getting a persistent version of the item.
getOtherGiftlistsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property of the profile to which we add other people's giftlists a a customer finds.
getOutboundOrderMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
The name of the mapping file used when converting orders to xml
getOutcomeByElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns an OutcomeDescriptor for an outcome of this task with the given element id, or null if no such OutcomeDescriptor exists.
getOutcomeByName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns an OutcomeDescriptor for an outcome of this task with the given logical name, or null if no such OutcomeDescriptor exists.
getOutcomeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the List of OucomeDescriptor objects which describe all the possible outcomes of the task.
getOutcomeElementId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
getOutcomeElementId() - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Returns the process element id of the outcome element in the workflow, as it appears in the workflow definition file.
getOutcomeElementId() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the id of the workflow element corresponding to the outcome which should be fired.
getOutcomes() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the List of outcomes for this workflow.
getOutputBufferSize() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Returns Size of the Buffer to use while writing the XML Instance document.
getOutputDocumentContent() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the output document content object.
getOutputItemSpecifier() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The output item specifier created from the specified definitionFile.
getOutputMethod() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
The output method that gets set on the transformer.
getOutputProperties(Boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the specified output properties from all the elements of the hierarchy.
getOutputStream() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
The outputstream that the Document/Element should be rendered to.
getOutputStream() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns an output stream for writing response data.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Get an output stream for this file.
getOutsideCityLimits() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
The possible return values of this method are..
getOverloadedMaxHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the overloadedMaxHandlerCount property.
getOverloadedMinHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the overloadedMinHandlerCount property.
getOverloadedStopMilliseconds() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the overloadedStopMilliseconds property.
getOwner() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Retrieves the owner of the object, if any.
getOwner() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the owner of the secured container.
getOwner() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Retrieves the owner of the object, if any.
getOwner() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the DirectoryPrincipal for the owner of this task, or null if it is unowned.
getOwnerId() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the ownerId
getOwnerName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property ownerName ("Owner")
getOwnerName() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the unique atg.security.Persona name of the owner of this task, or null if it is unowned.
getOwnerPrincipal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PersonalizedPage
Access the owner of this PersonalizedPage
getOwnerProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Owner property on a giftlist
getOwningThread() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns property owningThread.
getOwningUser() - Method in exception atg.workflow.ActorAccessException
Returns the DirectoryPrincipal whose ownership of some object forbids access, or null if access was prevented by an ACL-based security check.
getPage() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Page
getPage() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Page for this request.
getPage() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
getPage(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
Returns the Page associated with the indicated request, if any.
getPage() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalContext
Access property page
getPage() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Access property page
getPageActionLinkColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the page action link color
getPageBackgroundColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the page background color
getPageBackgroundImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Returns the URL to the page background image
getPageById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a page object by its unique ID.
getPageCache() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property PageCache
getPagedQuery(RepositoryView, RepositoryItemGroup, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Get the batched query.
getPagedQueryOptions(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Get the query options for paged queries.
getPagedQuerySize() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Get query page size for the top-level query, if any.
getPageEventTrigger() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Returns property PageEventTrigger
getPageFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the Page Folder with the Id passed, if applicable, otherwise null.
getPageFolderById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a pageFolder by its unique ID.
getPageFolderSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of page folder objects that the user can see.
getPageFolderSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of page folder objects that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getPageId() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Id
getPageLinkColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the page link color
getPageMode() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
getPageNumber() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Returns 1 based page number (adds 1 to query's pageNum attribute)
getPages() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the set of accessible pages associated with this environment.
getPages() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
getPageSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns a set of pages contained in this community.
getPageSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns a set of pages contained in this community sorted using the comparator.
getPageSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of pages that the user can see.
getPageSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of pages that the user can see.
getPageTemplate() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mPageTemplate
getPageTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Page Template
getPageTemplateById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a page template by its unique ID.
getPageTemplateSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of page templates that the user can see.
getPageTemplateSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of page templates that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getPageTextColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the page text color
getPageURI(Page) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the supplied Page.
getPageURI(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the supplied Page.
getPageURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
getPageVisitedLinkColor() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access thepage visited link color
getParamClass() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Returns property ParamClass
getParamDelimiter(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the Parameter Delimiter for a request.
getParamDescriptors() - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Get the set of ParamDescriptors associated with this invocation
getParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Gets the string value of a parameter.
getParameter() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
getParameter() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
getParameter() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
getParameter() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Returns property parameter
getParameter(ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name.
getParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name.
getParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Return the specified parameters defined for this servlet
getParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getParameter
getParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.ParameterServlet
Return the specified parameters defined for this servlet
getParameterDelimiter() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the parameterDelimiter property
getParameterExpression(String) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Returns the given parameter Expression.
getParameterExpression(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Returns the given parameter Expression.
getParameterHandler() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the ParameterHandler
getParameterHandler() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Returns the ParameterHandler
getParameterMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request.
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters.
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters.
getParameterName(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Looks up a ParameterName, or creates a new one using this string and adds it to the hashtable of parameter names.
getParameterName() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
getParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an enumeration of strings representing the parameter names for this request.
getParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getParameterNames
getParameterNamesInStack() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This method iterates through the mParameterStack and returns an enumeration of all of the parameter names which are defined in the current scope, i.e.
getParameterProcessors() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
getParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getParameters() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getParameters() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Return any parameters defined for this servlet
getParameters() - Method in interface atg.servlet.ParameterServlet
Return any parameters defined for this servlet
getParameterValue(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Returns the parameter value for the given parameter name.
getParameterValue(String, ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Evaluates the given parameter Expression in the given context, and returns the value.
getParameterValue(String, ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Evaluates the given parameter Expression in the given context, and returns the value.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the values of the specified parameter for the request as an array of strings, or null if the named parameter does not exist.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getParameterValues
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
Returns the type of the parameter by first getting the type of the input parameter.
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
Returns the type of the parameter by first getting the type of a bean that is specified in the nucleus hierarchy.
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
Returns the type of the parameter by first getting the type of the input parameter.
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
Returns the type of the parameter by first getting the type of the input parameter.
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.DynamicParamDescriptor
Returns an ObjectTypeInfo that describes the type of this parameter.
getParamInfo(ParamDescriptorResolver) - Method in class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
Returns the type of the parameter as the type of some input parameter.
getParamInfo(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.ParamDescriptorResolver
Returns the Class for the named parameter, if one is defined, null otherwise.
getParamInfoFromType(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.ParamDescriptorResolver
Given a param name whose value should be a "dynamic bean type", return the ObjectTypeInfo that this bean typer describes.
getParamMapForTopFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return a Map representing the parameters in the current frame of the droplet parameter stack.
getParamName() - Method in class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
getParamNames() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Returns a space delimited list of the names of the gear params that will be set in this form
getParamType() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
choices are instance (default) or user
getParent() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
A convenience method to getting your parent accessor.
getParent() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Get the parent HashMapMap or null if there is no parent
getParent() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the parent part of the pathname of this File object, or null if the name has no parent part.
getParentBranch() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Returns the branch that was used as the parent when creating this development line.
getParentCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in product-info that points to the parent
getParentCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Get the categories whose childCategories contains this category
getParentCategoriesForCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the ParentCategoriesForCatalog property for those items with an ParentCategoriesForCatalog property
getParentCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the ParentCategories property for those items with an ParentCategories property
getParentCategoryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Return the parentCategoryPropertyName property.
getParentCategoryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property parentCategoryPropertyName
getParentCategoryPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in product-info that points to the parent
getParentCommunity() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property mParentCommunity
getParentCommunity() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the parent community
getParentCommunity() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the parent community
getParentDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property ParentDescriptor
getParentFile() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the VirtualFile representing the parent directory of this VirtualFile object, or null if this is the root file of the VirtualFileSystem.
getParentFolder() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mParentFolder
getParentFolder() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Returns property ParentFolder.
getParentFolder() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property ParentFolder
getParentFolder() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property mParentFolder
getParentFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's parent folder
getParentFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the parent folder of this page
getParentFolder() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get the parent RoleFolder of this Role, if it belongs to one.
getParentFolder() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Get the parent RoleFolder of this Role, if it belongs to one.
getParentFolders() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property ParentFolders
getParentFolders() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property ParentFolder
getParentItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
This method is in the RepositoryItemDescriptorContainer interface for accessing this information.
getParentItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Return the parent item descriptor, if any.
getParentLine() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.DevelopmentLine
Returns the development that was used as the parent when creating this development line.
getParentName() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns the parent resource pool's name.
getParentOrganization() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Get the immediate parent organization which contains this OrganizationalEntity.
getParentOrganizationId() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
The id of the organization that will act as the parent for the newly created organization.
getParentOrganizationPropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
getParentProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the ParentProducts property for those items with an ParentProducts property
getParentSessionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns the parent session id.
getParentSessionId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Returns the parent session id.
getParentSessionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Returns the parent session id.
getParentSessionId() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
Get property ParentSessionId
getParentSessionId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the parent session id.
getParentSessionId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Get property ParentSessionId
getParentSkuId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
getParentSkuIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the sku id
getParentTag(HashMapMap) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Look up the HashMapMap hierarchy for the parent tag
getParentVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Get the version immediately before this one.
getParserOptions() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Returns a ParserOptions object.
getParserOptionsBuilder() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the optional parser options builder object.
getPartialShipPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The name of the property that is used in the shipping groups specialInstructions to denote whether partial groups should ship
getPartialShipPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The profile's attribute name which represents a Boolean object containing the information on whether the profile allows for partial shipments or not.
getPartSeparator() - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getPassword() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns the value of the password property directly from the Repository
getPassword() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the password used to authenticate on the SMTP server.
getPassword() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property password.
getPassword() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the password for the user name.
getPassword() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns Password passed through from the HTML form
getPassword() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the password of this user.
getPassword(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Gets the password of the given profile.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the name of hte attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns the name of hte attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordAttribute() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the attribute that contains the password for a login account.
getPasswordGenerator() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
getPasswordHashAlgorithm() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the algorithm for the password hasher used by the profile property manager
getPasswordHasher() - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns the password hasher that should be used to encrypt the password attribute of an account.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns the password hasher that should be used to encrypt the password attribute of an account.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns the password hasher that should be used to manage password encryption.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in interface atg.security.LoginUserAuthority
Returns the password hasher object used to encrypt password text to whatever format is required by login().
getPasswordHasher() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns the password hasher that should be used to encrypt the password attribute of an account.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns the password hasher that should be used to encrypt the password attribute of an account.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the password hasher that this account manager will use to obfuscate passwords in the repository.
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns the password hasher object used to encrypt password text to whatever format is required by login().
getPasswordHasher() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns the current password hasher that's used to encrypt passwords.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Returns the hash key that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Returns the hash key (if any) that was used for hashing the password for login.
getPasswordHashKey() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets a hashkey for a password.
getPasswordLinkedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the password property in the linked repository, null if the password property only exists in the profile repository.
getPasswordProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository item property used for storing the password for a login account.
getPasswordPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property PasswordPropertyName.
getPasswordPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the password property to use in the login query.
getPasswordPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the name of the password property to use in the login query, looking it up in the PropertyManager.
getPasswordRuleChecker() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
getPasswords() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Returns the mapping from user id to password
getPath() - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Returns property Path
getPath(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Returns property Path
getPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
getPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
getPath() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the pathname of the file represented by this object.
getPath() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Returns property Path
getPathAuthenticatorMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Gets the path authenticator map.
getPathDims() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Return the name of the property for the component
getPathDims() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Return the dimensions for each entry in the path.
getPathDims() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Return the name of the property for the component
getPathForDataSource(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Gets the absolute name of the dataSource identified by the given pName.
getPathInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getPathInfo
getPathName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
getPathNames() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Return the name of the property for the component
getPathNames(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
getPathNames() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Return the array of path names that reference the properties
getPathNames() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Return the name of the property for the component
getPathSeparator() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns the String which represents the path seperator for the path names of the items in the repository
getPathSeparator() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns the String which represents the path seperator for the path names of the items in the repository
getPathTranslated() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getPathTranslated
getPatterns() - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Returns the value of the patterns property
getPaymentDiscountDays() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPaymentDiscountDays() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the "discount days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentDiscountDays() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "discount days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentDiscountDays() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "discount days" component of this invoice's payment terms
getPaymentDiscountPercent() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPaymentDiscountPercent() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the "discount percentage" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentDiscountPercent() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "discount percentage" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentDiscountPercent() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "discount percentage" component of this invoice's payment terms
getPaymentDueDate() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPaymentDueDate() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the date on which payment is nominally due.
getPaymentDueDate() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the date on which payment is nominally due.
getPaymentDueDate() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the date on which payment is nominally due.
getPaymentDueDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment due date.
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the PaymentGroup whose id is pPaymentGroupId.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns payment group bean to use for modifiing payment groups
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the PaymentGroup reference.
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Returns the PaymentGroup whose id is pPaymentGroupId.
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Returns the PaymentGroup whose id is pPaymentGroupId.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the PaymentGroup reference.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationship
Returns the PaymentGroup reference.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the paymentGroup
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs
Return the payment group being validated.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property PaymentGroup
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Returns property PaymentGroup
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The getPaymentGroup method returns the PaymentGroup corresponding to the supplied payment name.
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
getPaymentGroup gets the PaymentGroup with the given name from the PaymentGroupMapContainer.
getPaymentGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The getPaymentGroup method returns the PaymentGroup corresponding to the supplied payment name.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property PaymentGroup
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the current PaymentGroup from the argument dictionary.
getPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the payment group from which this InvoiceRequestInfo was created
getPaymentGroup() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the payment group from which this InvoiceRequestInfo was created
getPaymentGroupBillingAddressClassNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property paymentGroupBillingAddressClassNameMap
getPaymentGroupClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the paymentGroupClassType
getPaymentGroupClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the paymentGroupClassType
getPaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given CommerceItem and PaymentGroup.
getPaymentGroupCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroups in the container.
getPaymentGroupCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Returns the number of PaymentGroups in the container.
getPaymentGroupCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroups in the container.
getPaymentGroupCreditStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The name of the property in PaymentGroups for CreditStatus
getPaymentGroupId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPaymentGroupId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the PaymentGroupId property.
getPaymentGroupIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment group id.
getPaymentGroupIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
This property identifies which payment groups that need to be resent to the fulfillers.
getPaymentGroupInitializers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the PaymentGroupInitializers property.
getPaymentGroupItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the paymentGroupItemDescriptorName
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property PaymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns property paymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property paymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the PaymentGroupManager property.
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the PaymentGroupManager property.
getPaymentGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns property paymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Return the PaymentGroupMap property.
getPaymentGroupMap() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The getPaymentGroupMap method returns the Map of payment names to PaymentGroups.
getPaymentGroupMapContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the PaymentGroupMapContainer property.
getPaymentGroupMapContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the PaymentGroupMapContainer property.
getPaymentGroupName(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method iterates throug the payment groups and finds the matching payment group and its name.
getPaymentGroupOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the paymentGroupOrderPropertyName
getPaymentGroupOrderRelationship(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupOrderRelationship(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given Order and PaymentGroup.
getPaymentGroupProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the paymentGroupProperty name.
getPaymentGroupProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the paymentGroupProperty name.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is pPaymentGroupRelationshipId.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the number of PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships.
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns a List of PaymentGroupRelationships
getPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
The payment group that just modified.
getPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroups
getPaymentGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Returns a List of PaymentGroups
getPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Returns a List of PaymentGroups.
getPaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
getPaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given ShippingGroup and PaymentGroup.
getPaymentGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Returns the paymentGroupsProperty name.
getPaymentGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns the paymentGroupsProperty name.
getPaymentGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The object containing all the states of an payment group
getPaymentGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The object containing all the states of an payment group
getPaymentGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The object containing all the states of an payment group
getPaymentGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The object containing all the states of an payment group
getPaymentGroupToChainNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Return the PaymentGroupToChainNameMap property.
getPaymentGroupTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the PaymentGroupTypes property.
getPaymentId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Returns property paymentId
getPaymentId() - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationInfo
Returns the payment id
getPaymentId() - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Returns the paymentId
getPaymentInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the generic payment information from the argument dictionary.
getPaymentManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The PaymentManager is used to debit or credit paymentgroups.
getPaymentManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Returns the paymentManager
getPaymentManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the current PaymentManager from the argument dictionary.
getPaymentMethod() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the paymentMethod
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the paymentMethod
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the PaymentMethod property.
getPaymentNetDays() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPaymentNetDays() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the "net days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentNetDays() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "net days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentNetDays() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the "net days" component of this invoice's payment terms
getPaymentStatus() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Get the result status of the current operation from the argument dictionary.
getPaymentStatusDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns property paymentStatusDescName
getPaymentStatusDescriptorName(PaymentStatus, OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
getPaymentTerms(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the repository item that represents an invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentTermsForUpdate(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return a mutable version of the repository item that represents an invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentTermsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment terms.
getPaymentTypeAuthorizers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Return the PaymentTypeAuthorizers property.
getPaymentTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for PaymentGroup classes.
getPendingDeploymentHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for PendingDeployment instances.
getPendingDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the list of pending Deployments as an array which contains queued deployments for each target first (since they cannot be ordered based on any criteria) followed by scheduled deployments for all targets ordered by schedule of execution.
getPendingDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the list of pending Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution.
getPendingDeploymentsForProject(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns an array of pending deployments for the project with specified project ID.
getPendingDeploymentsForProjects(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns an array of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.
getPendingElement(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Get a pending element for this registry.
getPercentage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is not used for this relationship class and therefore should not be called.
getPerformanceHash() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property performanceHash
getPerformanceMonitor() - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns the global PerformanceMonitor object
getPerformanceMonitorOpName() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getPerformanceTotals() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Returns property totals
getPerformDefaultSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getPeriod() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns the defined period (in msec) between jobs.
getPermanentAttribute(AttributeFactory) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
This returns a permanent attribute value corresponding to the given key.
getPermissions(Principal) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
getPersistent() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Returns flag indicating if this RepositoryItemSlot is persistent or not.
getPersistentHomes() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
Returns an EPubHomes object which will return the persistent representations of the Home instances when get<ObjectType>Home() is called.
getPersistentItem(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Load the persistent item with the specified id from the database.
getPersistentItems(List, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Load the specified items from the DB into the passed in Map, optionally caching the items using a normal GSA transaction.
getPersistentItems(List, Map, Connection, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Load the specified items from the DB into the passed in Map, optionally caching the items.
getPersona() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns the Persona granted this set of access rights.
getPersona() - Method in class atg.security.AccessEvent
Returns the root persona of the user that attempted access.
getPersona() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns the persona that we're an alias for.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Returns the persona associated with a particular user ID.
getPersona() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the Persona object that corresponds to this account.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns a persona for a give id.
getPersona(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteUserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Creates a persona object for the account.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given login name.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
getPersona(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Version of getPersona() that loads the database if necessary.
getPersona(String, Class, String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the persona for the named principal in the named directory.
getPersona(UserDirectory, Principal) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
getPersona(Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns a persona for the given ID object.
getPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns a list of personae that are referred to by the ACL.
getPersonae(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Given a set of persona IDs, return the set of personae they refer to.
getPersonae(Object[]) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteUserAuthority
Returns a set of personae from a set of IDs.
getPersonae(int) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteUserAuthority
Returns all personae of a given type if the remote user authority also implements the AccountManager interface.
getPersonae(Object[]) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
Returns a set of personae from a set of IDs.
getPersonae(int) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
Returns all personae of a given type if the remote user authority also implements the AccountManager interface.
getPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns the set of personae granted to the user by various authorities.
getPersonae(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns the set of personae granted to the user that were granted by the indicated authority.
getPersonaForPrincipal(Principal) - Method in interface atg.security.PrincipalUserAuthority
Given a Principal, return the Persona that represents it.
getPersonaForPrincipal(Principal) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Given a user directory principal, return its persona.
getPersonalGiftlistsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property of the profile to which we add new giftlists
getPersonalization() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property Personalization
getPersonalizedCommunityById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Deprecated. use getCommunityById
getPersonalizedCommunityForPrincipal(Community, Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves the personalized version of a community for the given principal, or null if none exists.
getPersonalizedCommunitySet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
get all the personalized communities tha have this community as the source community
getPersonalizedPageById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Deprecated. use getPageById
getPersonalizedPageForPrincipal(Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Retrieves the personalized version of this page for the given principal, or null if none exists.
getPersonalizedPageForPrincipal(Page, Principal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves the personalized version of a page for the given principal, or null if none exists.
getPersonalizedPageSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Returns the set of personalized pages that have this page as the source page.
getPersonaName() - Method in class atg.security.SavedPersona
getPersonaPrefix() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getPhaseCompletePollingInterval() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the phoneNumber
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Returns the phoneNumber
getPipeDelimitedAssetURIList() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getPipelineIdForMessage(ObjectMessage, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method is used to obtain the pipeline chain that should be executed for a given incoming message.
getPipelineKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Get the lookup key that will identify the target object in the pipeline arguments map.
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the pipeline manager this InvoiceManager uses to run pipeline chains.
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Retrieve the PipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Get the pipeline manager used to generate ItemRemovedFromOrder messages
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the pipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property PipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the pipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns the PipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property PipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property PipelineManager
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Return the PipelineManager property.
getPipelineManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
The PipelineManager is used to run the pipeline process that sends scenario events
getPipelineParamsForMessage(ObjectMessage, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method is responsible for populating a Map with the appropriate information on what data should be passed to a pipline chain.
getPipelineResult() - Method in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoicePipelineException
Get the PipelineResult object whose errors triggered this exception.
getPipelineResultErrorMessageKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property pipelineResultErrorMessageKey
getPlaceForCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
Get the place object that corresponds to the input place code.
getPlaceholderName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getPlaces() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
Get the list of Place objects managed by this object.
getPMDLCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Get property PMDLCache
getPMDLRule() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property PMDLRule
getPOACity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPOACountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPOAGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPOAProvince() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPOAZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPointOfTitlePassage() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPollQuery() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property PollQuery.
getPONumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPONumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Get the purchase order number associated with payment for the current order.
getPONumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Return the purchase order number for this invoice, obtained by looking at the PONumber property of the underlying repository item.
getPONumber() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the purchase order number associated with this invoice
getPONumber() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the purchase order number associated with this invoice
getPONumberPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the name of the property used to store an invoice's purchase order number.
getPoolLocation() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns the location of this resource in the pool.
getPoolTransURL() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the JDBC URL that can be used to access this pool transactionally through the JDBC DriverManager.
getPoolURL() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the JDBC URL that can be used to access this pool through the JDBC DriverManager.
getPort() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
port of the destination address
getPort() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the port this server is listening on.
getPortal() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns the Portal object to use for retrieval and manipulation of portal assets.
getPortal() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns the Portal object to use for retrieval and manipulation of portal assets.
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Access the Portal associated with the current request
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns the portal that this community is a part of.
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns the portal that this gear is associated with.
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns the portal that this gear definition is associated with.
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Returns the portal that this page is associated with.
getPortal() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
getPortal(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
Returns the Portal associated with the indicated request, if any.
getPortal() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalContext
Access property portal
getPortal() - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Access property portal
getPortalAdministratorRole() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the user directory Role for the portal administrator.
getPortalAdministratorSecurityPrincipal() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the security principal for the portal administrator.
getPortalById(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Retrieves the portal with the indicated ID, if any.
getPortalContextPath() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the portal context path
getPortalInstances() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Returns an array of portal instances managed by this portal manager.
getPortalManager() - Static method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Looks up the portal manager instance.
getPortalObjectResolver() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Retrieves the portal object resolver that is used to translate an HTTP request into the portal objects it refers to.
getPortalPathInfo() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the portal path info path
getPortalQueryString() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the portal query string
getPortalRepositoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
getPortalRepositoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
getPortalRepositoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
getPortalRepositoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
getPortalRepositoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
getPortalRequestURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the portal context path
getPortalServletPath() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access the portal servlet path
getPortalServletRequest() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletResponse
Access the portal servlet request
getPortalSet() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Retrieves the root-level Portal objects that the user can see.
getPortletConfig() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property PortletConfig
getPortletConfig() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property PortletConfig
getPortletContext() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property PortletContext
getPortletContext() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property PortletContext
getPortletGUID() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns the Portlet's GUID, if this is a JSR168 portlet.
getPortName() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
The name of the PortName to send messages out of.
getPortName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
The port on which this message is sent.
getPortName() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
The port on which this message is sent.
getPortName() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
getPortRegistry() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.
getPosition() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property Position
getPossibleValues() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Gets the array of possible marker values.
getPossibleValues() - Method in class atg.markers.ConfigurableMarkerValidator
Gets the array of possible marker values.
getPostAcceptedMessage() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getPostalCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getPostalCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the postalCode
getPostalCode() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
getPostalCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getPostCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Returns property PostCalculators
getPostCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Returns property PostCalculators
getPostCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Gets the PricingCalculators which are run after any discounts are applied
getPostCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Gets the PricingCalculators which are run after any discounts are applied
getPostDeclinedMessage() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getPostParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Post data, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getPostParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the nth Post parameter matching the given key and index.
getPostParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the number of Post parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getPostParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Post parameter names.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getPostParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an array of Strings of all the Post parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getPotentialPaymentTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Return the PotentialPaymentTypes property.
getPrdInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property prdInfosPropertyName
getPrecachedPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Returns property PrecachedPropertyNames
getPreCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Returns property PreCalculators
getPreCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Returns property PreCalculators
getPreCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Gets the PricingCalculators which are run before any discounts are applied
getPreCalculators() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Gets the PricingCalculators which are run before any discounts are applied
getPreConfiguredWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
getPrefAnswerConstr() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the <prefAnswerConstr> tag contents as a DocumeentSetConstraint.
getPrefAnswerConstrBuilder() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the XMLBuilder for the the <prefAnswerConstr> tag.
getPreferredDeliveryMode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPreferredDeliveryMode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the preferred delivery mode (email, postal mail, fax, etc) for this invoice.
getPreferredDeliveryMode() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the preferred delivery mode (email, postal mail, fax, etc) for this invoice.
getPreferredDeliveryMode() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the preferred delivery mode (email, postal mail, fax, etc) for this invoice
getPreferredFormat() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getPreferredFormat() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Get the preferred delivery format (text, HTML, XML DTD specification, etc.
getPreferredFormat() - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Get the preferred delivery format (text, HTML, XML DTD specification, etc.
getPreferredFormat() - Method in interface atg.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestInfo
Get the preferred delivery format (text, HTML, etc) for this invoice
getPreferredHeight() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the preferred height of the gear
getPreferredHeight() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getPreferredWidth() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the preferred width of the gear
getPreferredWidth() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getPrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the prefix
getPrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the prefix
getPrefix() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the prefix
getPrefix() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property Prefix
getPrefixColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property PrefixColumn
getPrefixLogStream() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
return PrefixLogStream
getPreloadedAssetsChanged(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Returns the items checked in with this Workspace.
getPreMessage() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getPreorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory preorder level for this item.
getPreorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The preorderLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getPreorderLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The preorderLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getPreorderLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property PreorderLevelPropertyName
getPreorderThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The preorderThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getPreorderThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The preorderThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getPreorderThresholdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property PreorderThresholdPropertyName
getPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times prepareCall() has been called
getPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times prepareCall() has been called
getPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times prepareCall() has been called
getPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
getPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
getPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
getPresentationOrdinal() - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Returns an integer that can be used to sort ElementDescriptors for presentation.
getPreviewGearArrangement() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getPreviewLayout() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getPreviewProjectParameter() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the previewProjectParameter
getPreviewRegDefSize() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
getPrevious() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property previous ("Previous deployment in line")
getPreviousBatchNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
One less than batchNumber
getPreviousNPasswordArrayPropertyName() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the name of the repository item property name used for storing the previous N password array
getPreviousNPasswordManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
getPreviousPasswordsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Get the previous passwords property name.
getPreviousProjectIds() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property previousProjectIds ("Previous project ids")
getPreviousState() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The previous state of this status.
getPrevProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Price which is the price to search for
getPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the threshold price
getPrice(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Return the price that should be used in pricing.
getPrice(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getPrice() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getPriceAdmin(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This method is similar to LookForPrice except that it will continue to look in the base price list if the price is not found.
getPriceCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This object caches price objects
getPriceCategory() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
getPriceChangeType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The type of price change that occurred.
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the ItemPriceInfo object for this comparison list entry.
getPriceInfo() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
returns the CommerceItemPriceInfo object.
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the CommerceItemPriceInfo object.
getPriceInfo() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the OrderPriceInfo for the order
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the OrderPriceInfo for the order
getPriceInfo() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
returns the ShippingPriceInfo object.
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns the ShippingPriceInfo object.
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property PriceInfo
getPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property PriceInfo
getPriceInfoAmountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property PriceInfoClass
getPriceInfoCurrencyCodePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getPriceInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getPriceInfoPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getPriceInfoRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the priceInfoRepositoryItem
getPriceInfoRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the priceInfoRepositoryItem
getPriceInfoRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the priceInfoRepositoryItem
getPriceItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the item-descriptor used for prices
getPriceLevelItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the item-descriptor used for price levels
getPriceLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PriceLevel
getPriceLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PriceLevel
getPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the price list identified by the priceListId
getPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
The priceList used to calculate this order price
getPriceList(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price list from the profile.
getPriceList(RepositoryItem, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price list from the profile.
getPriceList(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Get the price list with the given id from the repository The priceListItemType is used as the item-descriptor name
getPriceListId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property PriceListId
getPriceListId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
getPriceListIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in priceList that contains the Id of the priceList.
getPriceListItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the item-descriptor used for price lists
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the Price List Manager
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
The PriceListManager used to obtain the price
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Returns property priceListManager
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns the reference to the PriceListManager which handles the operations of the PriceList
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
getPriceListManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
The PriceListManager used to obtain the price
getPriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that refers to the priceList
getPriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return name of the profile property for storing the assigned price list
getPriceListRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The repository that contains all the price lists
getPriceLists() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Get all the price lists.
getPriceListViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the view in the priceListRepository to use when searching for a price list
getPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PricePropertyName
getPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns the name of the property of the catalogRef property of CommerceItem which contains the price
getPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the price of each price level
getPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the price of each price level
getPriceQuotes(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Returns a list of PriceInfo objects associated with the given commerce items.
getPriceRelation() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PriceRelation
getPriceRule() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
Optionally generate Price Category rule Price Category:
getPriceSelectionType() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
getPriceSource(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Return the object which should be used as the source for pricing.
getPriceViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the view in the priceListRepository to use when searching for a price
getPricingAdjustmentDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the pricingAdjustmentDescName
getPricingAdjustmentProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the pricingAdjustmentProperties
getPricingAdjustmentProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the pricingAdjustmentProperties
getPricingCalculatorService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property PricingCalculatorService
getPricingModel() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
The pricing model that caused this price adjustment
getPricingModelComparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
getPricingModelComparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property PricingModelComparator
getPricingModelHolderPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the Nucleus path of the PricingModelHolder component.
getPricingModelPriorityProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
Get property PricingModelPriorityProperty
getPricingModelProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
getPricingModelProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Get property PricingModelProperties
getPricingModelProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns a bean that contains properties for a PricingModel
getPricingModelProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Returns a bean that contains properties for a PricingModel
getPricingModelProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns a bean that contains properties for a PricingModel
getPricingModelRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Returns the repository that holds the pricing model information.
getPricingModels(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Get the collection of pricing models to use for determing what shipping methods are availble.
getPricingModels(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the collection of pricing models to use for pricing.
getPricingModels(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Returns a List of pricing models (e.g.
getPricingModels(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Returns a List of pricing models (e.g.
getPricingModels(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngine
Returns a Collection of pricing models (e.g.
getPricingModels(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Returns a List of pricing models (e.g.
getPricingModels(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Returns a List of pricing models (e.g.
getPricingOperation() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the PricingOperation property.
getPricingParameters() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This returns the map that will be passed into pricingTools.performPricingOperation as the pExtraParameters.
getPricingQualifierService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
Returns the qualifier service that is used to price promotions during the pricing operation.
getPricingScheme(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Return the pricing scheme in the Price RepositoryItem
getPricingSchemeNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns the key/Value pair for the allowed scheme names and its corresponding Calculator
getPricingSchemePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PricingScheme
getPricingSchemePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the pricing scheme
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property PricingTools
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the PricingTools object to use when fetching the ItemPriceInfo for each item in the product comparison list.
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
The PricingTools class is used to round intermediate values
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
PricingTools class used for rounding
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
PricingTools is used to round amounts during comparisons.
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
The PricingTools object
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with price generation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property PricingTools
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
pricing tools for help in generating prices
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with calculating prices
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
the PricingTools service to consult for pricing help
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
the PricingTools object which performs the pricing operations
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Returns property PricingTools
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
The PricingTools used to obtain the price
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
pricing tools to help in calculating prices
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with generating prices
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with generating prices
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the PricingTools object which helps this calculator calculate tax'
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property pricingTools
getPricingTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Return the PricingTools component
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get the primary key of a principal which can be used to retrieve that principals from the directory.
getPrimaryPersona(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns the primary persona for the user in a given user authority.
getPrimarySortColumn() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the primary sort column for the table, or null if no columns are being sorted.
getPrimarySortString() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Get a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for the first entry in the list of sort criteria.
getPrimarySortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for the first entry in the list of sort criteria.
getPrimaryTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getPrincipal() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
getPrincipal(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
getPrincipalAssets() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Asset types which this agent is responsible for deploying.
getPrincipalAssets() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property principalAssets ("Principal Assets")
getPrincipalForItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Given a persistent item in the repository used by this directory, return a Principal corresponding to that persistent item.
getPrincipalForPersona(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.PrincipalUserAuthority
Given a persona, return the Principal that it represents.
getPrincipalForPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the Principal from the user directory that was used to create the Persona.
getPrincipalIds() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getPrincipalType() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getPrintStackTrace() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
getPrintStream() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Returns PrintStream.
getPriorInput(int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the prior input value at the specified index.
getPriorInputList() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get a list of prior input values.
getPriority() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Priority
getPriority() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getPriority() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property priority ("Priority")
getPriority() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the default priority for this task.
getPriority() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns this task's priority.
getProcess() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property process ("Process id")
getProcess() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the project whose id is specified in the projectId property
getProcessAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the author of the given process.
getProcessCreationTime(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the creation time of the given process.
getProcessData() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This method will get process data for a process in the right context.
getProcessDataRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the ProcessDataRepository
getProcessHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for Process instances.
getProcessHome() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the persistent ProcessHome object
getProcessHome() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getProcessId() - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
getProcessId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getProcessId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
getProcessId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
getProcessId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getProcessIndexFiles() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the flag that indicates whether we should we try to process index files on already translated paths.
getProcessInstance() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the process instance going through the process segment.
getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the repository id of the process instance.
getProcessInstanceInfos(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the existing process instances, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstanceInfos(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the process instances for the given process segment, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstanceInfos(ProcessWaitState[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the process instances which are waiting at any of the given wait states, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstanceInfos(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the individual process instances associated with a given subject, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstanceInfos(String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the individual process instances associated with the given subject and the given process segment, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstanceInfos(String, ProcessWaitState[]) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns all the individual process instances associated with the given subject which are waiting at any of the given wait states, as a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.
getProcessInstances(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Performs the process instance query, and returns a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects which satisfy the given criteria.
getProcessLastModifiedBy(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the user who last modified the given process.
getProcessManager() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Returns the ProcessManager which will be used to find workflow instances.
getProcessManager() - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns the ProcessManager instance that manages process execution for all the workflows associated with this WorkflowManager.
getProcessModificationTime(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the modification time of the given process.
getProcessName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property processName ("Process name")
getProcessName() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the process name.
getProcessName() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Returns the process name.
getProcessName() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the name of the workflow process that the task belongs to.
getProcessName() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Returns the name of the workflow process for which task information should be returned.
getProcessName() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the name of the workflow process.
getProcessor() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the PipelineProcessor object which the link represents.
getProcessorClass() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the classname associated with our processor.
getProcessOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ProcessOrderChainId
getProcessorMode() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the processor mode for the link.
getProcessorRetCodes() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Gets the retCodes defined by our processor.
getProcessPropertyNames(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns an array of PropertyNames that setValueDictionaryByParameters should process.
getProcessResources() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the processResources
getProcessSize() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
getProcessStartTime() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Gets the time the process was started.
getProcessStatus(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns the status of the given process, to the best of this process manager's knowledge.
getProcessTaskInfoHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for ProcessTaskInfo instances.
getProcessTaskInfoHome() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the persistent ProcessTaskInfoHome object
getProcessTasks() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
getProcessWorkflow() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.Results
getProduct() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the product for this comparison list entry.
getProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
This method obtains the Product object from the DynamoHttpServletResponse object.
getProduct() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The product that is associated with the item.
getProduct() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
The product that is associated with the item.
getProduct() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The product that is associated with the item.
getProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the product which encompasses the items to be priced.
getProductBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property ProductBeanInfos
getProductBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property ProductBeanInfos
getProductCompareList() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method returns the list of Products the user wants to compare against.
getProductDisplayName(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return the display name of a product to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the product's display name could not be found.
getProductDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return the name of the product property that holds the display name for that product.
getProductId(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
we do not want to assume that the skus all come from the same product so we will maintain a sku to product mapping a naming convention is used to look up a product id in the request given a skuid.
getProductID() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property productId.
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Returns the productId
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property ProductId
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property ProductId
getProductId(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the product id of the supplied product object
getProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
getProductId() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Returns the item's name
getProductId() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Get property ProductId
getProductIdFromSkuId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns a Product ID for a given SKU, if one is found.
getProductIDList() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the repository ids of the products to add to the comparison list when calling addProductList or addProductListAllSkus
getProductIdParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getProductIdProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Product Id property on a gift item
getProductIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the product id
getProductIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns productIds
getProductInfoItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for product info objects
getProductInfoItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a productInfo
getProductInfoPropertiesToCopy() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
The list of properties that are copied inside populateProductInfo from the info returned by getBaseProductInfo
getProductInfoRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding product-info items
getProductInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in product for the map of product-info objects
getProductItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property productItemName
getProductItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Returns property productItemName
getProductItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a product
getProductItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property ProductItemTypes
getProductItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property ProductItemTypes
getProductLink() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the HTML that links to the product page for this comparison list entry.
getProductLinkFormat() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the format of the HTML generated for a link to a product page.
getProductList() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Get the default ProductComparisonList examined by this droplet.
getProductList() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the default ProductComparisonList managed by this form handler.
getProductMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns Name of the mapping file to be used to generate Product XML
getProductMigratableProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property productMigratableProperties
getProductMigrationItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a productMigration item
getProductMigrationProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method retrieves all the properties in the productMigration item-descriptor.
getProductPrice(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price repository item for the given product id in the given priceList.
getProductPrices(String, List, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return all the prices where the sku id is null, and the product id is in the given list, for the given priceList.
getProductPrices(String, List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return all the prices where the sku id is null, and the product id is in the given list, for the given priceList.
getProductRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Returns the productRef
getProductRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding product items
getProductRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding product items
getProductsCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method will return a list of the categories that the given product appears in.
getProductsInfoMapProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the map property in product that maps catalogs to productInfos The default is "productInfos"
getProductSKUPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns property name of the SKU items in product item-descriptor
getProductSkus(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Get a collection of SKU items from the specified product object
getProductSkusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product.
getProductSkusXML(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves product repository item as specified by pProductId and returns the SKU items in the product in XML format.
getProductSkusXML(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves product repository item as specified by pProductId and returns the SKU items in the product in XML format.
getProductToCompare() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Gets the productId of the Product to add to Compare List.
getProductViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property productViewName
getProductXMLByDescription(String, String[], String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves the product whose properties as specified by pSearchPropertyNames or getSearchPropertyNames() contains pSearchString.
getProductXMLByDescription(String, String[], String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves the product whose properties as specified by pSearchPropertyNames or getSearchPropertyNames() contains pSearchString.
getProductXMLById(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves the Product item in XML form as speicfied by the pProductId.
getProductXMLById(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Retrieves the Product item in XML form as speicfied by the pProductId.
getProductXMLByRQL(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Parses the pRQLQuery and executes the RqlStatement to retrieve the product items.
getProductXMLByRQL(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Parses the pRQLQuery and executes the RqlStatement to retrieve the product items.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Returns property profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
Returns property profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the Profile property.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
returns the property Profile
getProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Get the Profile information from the Scheduled Order
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogItemLookupDroplet
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Get the Profile for the current session
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
The profile of the user owning the objects referred to by this event.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Returns property profile.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property Profile
getProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Return the profile with the specified Id.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
return the profile of the recipient
getProfile(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Gets the session-scoped profile from the given request
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the Profile component for the current session.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the Profile property.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the Profile property.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the Profile property.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property Profile
getProfile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
get the profile of the user requesting the shipping information
getProfile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the profile of the user requesting the price information
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The profile of the user owning the objects referred to by this event.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property Profile
getProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Gets the profile repository item with the given id
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the Profile property.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
The profile that the promotion will be added to.
getProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Gets the profile repository item with the given id
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Returns the profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Return the current user profile.
getProfile() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property profile ("User")
getProfile() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getProfile() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
getProfile() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Returns property profile
getProfile() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. replaced by ProcessExecutionContext.getSubject().
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
Returns the Profile representing the user who was allowed access.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Returns the Profile representing the user who was denied access.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Returns the profile associated with the session.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Returns the value of the property Profile.
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the value of the property Profile.
getProfile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns a Profile object for the user if one already exists.
getProfile(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the profile using the given profile id
getProfile(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the profile using the given profile id, and applies the given mapping file to the returned Repo2Xml string
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Returns property Profile
getProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
getProfileAddress(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Given a nickname for an address to retrieve, grab it out of the users Profile object and return this as a RepositoryItem.
getProfileAddressById(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Given an id for an address to retrieve, grab it out of the users Profile object and return this as a RepositoryItem.
getProfileAddresses(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns a map of all addresses by id that the user has in their address book.
getProfileAddressNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the profileAddressNames property.
getProfileAddressNames(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns a list of all the names that the user has in their address book.
getProfileCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the property in the profile that stores the current users catalog.
getProfileCookieComment() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ProfileCookieComment
getProfileCookieDomain() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ProfileCookieDomain
getProfileCookieMaxAge() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ProfileCookieMaxAge
getProfileCookiePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ProfileCookiePath
getProfileDisplayName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
Get the profile display name
getProfileDisplayName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
Get the profile display name
getProfileDisplayName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the profile display name
getProfileEventTrigger() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property ProfileEventTrigger
getProfileForOrder(ElectronicFulfiller, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
Uses the profile repository to get the profile RepositoryItem for the profileId in the order.
getProfileForOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the user profile of the user who placed a given order.
getProfileForOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the user profile of the user who placed the order with id pOrderId.
getProfileGroupItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the profileGroupItemType property
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns the profile id of the user associated with the request when this message is sent in the context of an HTTP request.
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
Returns profileId from the Profile property.
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
Returns profileId from the Profile property.
getProfileId(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Gets the profile id for the current request's session-scoped profile
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the RepositoryId of the profile which this Order belongs to.
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the RepositoryId of the profile which this Order belongs to.
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Returns property ProfileId
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Returns profileId from the Profile property.
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in interface atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateInfo
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditInfo
Returns the profileId
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
Get the profile item id
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
Get the profile item id
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Get the profile item id
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Returns property ProfileId
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns the profile id from the tracking data if it exists
getProfileId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Gets the profile id associated with the email.
getProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets the profile id of the person with the given login
getProfileIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getProfileIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the ProfileIdPropertyName property.
getProfileItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Get the profile repository item for the given user If the given id is null, returns the current user
getProfileItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getProfileItemDescName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Return the profileItemDescName property.
getProfileItemFinder() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property PropertyManager
getProfileItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Returns the name of the user item descriptor in the profile repository.
getProfileItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getProfileItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
getProfileItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the Nucleus path of the Profile component.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the user's profile in the nucleus namespace
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the profilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property profilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Gets the Nucleus path of the Profile object.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property ProfilePath
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property profilePath DEFAULT: /atg/userprofiling/Profile
getProfilePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
getProfilePriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
The name of the property in the profile that stores the price list.
getProfilePriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
The name of the property in the profile that stores the price list.
getProfilePriceListPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
The name of the property in the profile that has the price list we should look in.
getProfileProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
The profile properties to inspect for pricing models
getProfilePropertyNames() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Returns the profile property names that contain markers
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The profile repository used to retrieve profile information.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The profile repository used to retrieve profile information.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The profile repository used to retrieve profile information.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Returns property profileRepository.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Returns the repository in which user profiles are stored.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the profileRepository
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the ProfileRepository property.
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Return the editable profile repository
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the profileRepository
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property ProfileRepository
getProfileRepository() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the profile repository.
getProfileRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Constructs and configures a ProfileRequest
getProfileRequestPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property ProfileRequestPath
getProfileRequestProcessors() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property profileRequestProcessors
getProfileRequestTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property ProfileRequestTools
getProfilesCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
The name of the property in the Profile that stores the user's catalog.
getProfilesCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
The name of the property in the profile that stores the catalog
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Return the ProfileTools property.
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Convenience methods for managing profiles
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns ProfileTools to retrieve the profile item.
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property profileTools.
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns property profileTools.
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property ProfileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns the profileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
Returns property ProfileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
property profileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the profileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns property ProfileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property ProfileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property profileTools DEFAULT: null
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Returns property ProfileTools
getProfileTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the profile tools.
getProfileType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Retrieve the Profile Type
getProfileType() - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. If this filter has profile-related conditions any of which assume a particular profile type, returns that type.
getProfileUpdateEvent() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Returns the value of the property ProfileUpdateEvent.
getProfileUpdateEvent() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the value of the property ProfileUpdateEvent.
getProfileUpdateTrigger() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Returns the ProfileUpdateTrigger property
getProfileUpdateTrigger() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the ProfileUpdateTrigger property
getProgressUpdatePollSleepTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.
getProject() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property project ("Current project")
getProject() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the project whose id is specified in the projectId property
getProjectAccessRights() - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get the list of the names of access rights required for access to the project.
getProjectCacheSize() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getProjectContext(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getProjectDependencies(String, Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
getProjectHistorySize() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the ProjectHistorySize
getProjectHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for Project instances.
getProjectHome() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the persistent ProjectHome object
getProjectId() - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
getProjectId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
getProjectId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getProjectIDs() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The list of project IDs being deployed to the target.
getProjectIDs(Project[]) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
conver array of projects to array of project IDs
getProjectIDs() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property projectIDs ("Project IDs")
getProjectIds() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
getProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getProjectPropertyValue(Context, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Read a property value from the project object.
getProjectResources() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the projectResources
getProjects() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag.Results
getProjectSize() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
GetProjectsTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for returning all the projects with the given status.
GetProjectsTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Empty Constructor
GetProjectsTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output for the GetProjectsTag.
GetProjectsTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetProjectsTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag.TEI
getProjectsToDeploy(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Returns the list of projects to deploy.
GetProjectTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for returning a project
GetProjectTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
Empty Constructor
GetProjectTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetProjectTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag.TEI
getProjectTasks() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
getProjectWorkflow() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.Results
getPromoStatusDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the descriptor name for the promoStatus descriptor
getPromoStatusExpirationDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get the promoStatusExpirationDate property
getPromoStatusNumUsesProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promoStatus num_uses property name
getPromoStatusProfileIdProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promoStatus profile id property name
getPromoStatusPromoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promoStatus promo property name
getPromotion(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Obtains a promotion for a given promoId by using PromotionTools.
getPromotion() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Returns the promotion
getPromotionClosenessDisqualificationJMSType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
getPromotionClosenessQualificationJMSType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
getPromotionCount(Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the number of times a promotion appears in the order.
getPromotionCountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getPromotionGrantedMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Gets property MessageSender.
getPromotionItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
getPromotionItemDescriptorNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
These are the names of the valid promotion item descriptors
getPromotionItemDescriptors() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns the promotion item descriptors
getPromotionItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property PromotionItemTypes
getPromotionParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
This is the name of the request parameter than contains the promotion.
getPromotionPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the PromotionPropertyName property.
getPromotionRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
getPromotionRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
This is the repository that contains the promotions
getPromotionRevokedMessageSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Gets property PromotionRevokedMessageSender.
getPromotions(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
getPromotions(String[], PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
With the given set of ids find the corresponding promotions
getPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns property Promotions
getPromotions(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method will look up the given profile and return all of the available promotions for that user.
getPromotions(String[], PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
With the given set of ids find the corresponding promotions
getPromotionsAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method will look up the given profile, and for each available promotion, will return an xml representation of it using the GetService and the mappingFileName.
getPromotionsRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
The repository which contains the promotions
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Return the PromotionTools property.
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Returns the promotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Returns the promotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
Returns the promotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property PromotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property PromotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property PromotionTools
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
The promotion management utility
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Return the PromotionTools property.
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the PromotionTools property.
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
getPromotionTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
This is a helper class for manipulating promotions
getPromotionUpsellTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
getPromotionUpsellTools() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
getPromotionValuePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
getProperties() - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the list of properties as an array
getProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
getProperties() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
getProperties() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getProperties() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getProperties get all the properties for this app
getPropertiesChangedListeners() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the list of properties changed listeners that are registered on this item descriptor.
getPropertiesToAddOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Get property PropertiesToAddOnLogin
getPropertiesToAddOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property propertiesToAddOnLogin DEFAULT: null
getPropertiesToCompare() - Method in class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
Returns the the property names to compare
getPropertiesToCopyOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Get property PropertiesToCopyOnLogin
getPropertiesToCopyOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property propertiesToCopyOnLogin DEFAULT: null
getProperty(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the Property at the given index
getProperty(String, String, String, String, Class, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Converts the specified value to the specified class.
getProperty() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
getProperty() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
getProperty() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getProperty() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getProperty() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
getProperty() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the <viewInContext><property> tag's body
getProperty() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the <property> tag's value
getProperty() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the property used to sort on this column
getProperty(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getProperty get the value of the given property named by pName
getPropertyAccessControlList(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the item-specific access control list for the indicated property.
getPropertyAccessControlList(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the item-specific access control list for the indicated property.
getPropertyAccessControlList(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
Returns the access control list for a property in this repository item.
getPropertyAccessorMap() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get propertyAccessorMap...
getPropertyAccessRights(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
Returns the set of access rights that can be assigned to a property in this repository item.
getPropertyBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Get a DynamicBeanInfo describing the type of this property.
getPropertyBeanInfo() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Overrides the getPropertyBeanInfo from the super type.
getPropertyConfigurationErrorString(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String, CollectingLoggingSupport) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Return a string to represent property configuration errors.
getPropertyCount() - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the number of Property objects in the list
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Get a PropertyDescriptor for some property, in a case-insensitive matter.
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns the PropertyDescriptor for the specified property
getPropertyDescriptor(Object, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Returns the named property descriptor for the supplied object
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Returns the DynamicPropertyDescriptor for the specified property.
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns the PropertyDescriptor for the specified property
getPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Returns the PropertyDescriptor corresponding to the property
getPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
getPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
getPropertyDescriptor(Class, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Returns the property descriptor for the given property of the given class, or null if none is found.
getPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the DynamicPropertyDescriptor for the specified property
getPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns the DynamicPropertyDescriptors for this DynamicBeanInfo.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns the DynamicPropertyDescriptors for this DynamicBeanInfo.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the all PropertyDescriptors
getPropertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Returns the propertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap
getPropertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Returns the propertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap list
getPropertyEditorClass() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
The optional class of this property's PropertyEditor implementation.
getPropertyElementNameSeparator() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns Separator Character to use in XML Schema & instance document to separate property name from itemDescriptor name
getPropertyExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns the propertyExceptions property.
getPropertyExceptions() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Returns the propertyExceptions property.
getPropertyExpression() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Get property propertyExpression
getPropertyHints() - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
getPropertyHtmlStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyHtmlStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyHtmlStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, PropertyName, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
getPropertyManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the PropertyManager property.
getPropertyManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the PropertyManager property.
getPropertyManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property PropertyManager
getPropertyManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns property PropertyManager
getPropertyManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Returns the property manager.
getPropertyMapper(Class) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Gets a property mapper for the specified class.
getPropertyMappingElement(ItemMappingElement, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will determine if there is a PropertyMappingElement on the ItemMappingElement parameter whose name corresponds to the name of the RepositoryPropertyDescriptor parameter passed to this method.
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
This is the name of the property that should be changed.
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
This is the property of each catalog item in catalogRepository that is bounded by lowerBound and upperBound.
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Set the name of the property whose value will determine the next processor invoked.
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Returns property PropertyName
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Returns the name of the property to which this column descriptor corresponds.
getPropertyName() - Method in exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Returns the name of the property that generated this exception
getPropertyName(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
getPropertyName(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
getPropertyName(ItemMappingElement, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Decodes the Property Name from xml Identifier
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the name of the property from which the sample was taken
getPropertyName() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Get the PropertyName property
getPropertyNameForItem(String, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method is associated with the getPropertyNameForXML() method.
getPropertyNameForKeysAndValues() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
Should return the property name that contains the map of keys and values.
getPropertyNameForKeysAndValues() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the property name that contains the map of keys and values.
getPropertyNameForXML(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will obtain the name for a property of an item-descriptor.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns the list of the names of the known properties
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns the list of the names of the known properties
getPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Returns the list of known property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns the list of the names of the known properties
getPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the list of the names of the known properties
getPropertyNamesForItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Returns an array of String containing the property names for a given repository item.
getPropertyNameTable() - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
getPropertyOrigin(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Determine from where the specified property value is derived, if applicable.
getPropertyOrigin(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Determine from where the specified property value is derived, if applicable.
getPropertyOrigin(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Determine from where the specified property value is derived, if applicable.
getPropertyParameterPrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getPropertyPath() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Return the complete path name of the property
getPropertyPath() - Method in exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
Returns the path name of the property that generated this exception
getPropertyPath() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Return the complete path name of the property
getPropertyPath() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Return the complete path name of the property
getPropertyPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Gets the propertyPath property
getPropertyPathsForForm(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Get the property paths fo the specified form.
getPropertySecuredObject(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the secured object that controls this property.
getPropertySecuredObject(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the secured object that controls this property.
getPropertyStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, PropertyName, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyStringValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, PropertyName) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the string property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyToClassTable() - Method in class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Returns the table mapping property number to class number.
getPropertyToColumnMap() - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Returns the Dictionary mapping property name to ColumnProperty.
getPropertyToDerive() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
getPropertyTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
getPropertyType() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
The Java type info for the property.
getPropertyType() - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Returns the type of the property
getPropertyType() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
getPropertyType() - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
getPropertyType() - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns the property type.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
This method is called to retrieve a read-only value for this property.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the property of the given name
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns a property value, if the property is not defined in the underlying item-descriptor null is returned.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns a property value, if the property is not defined in the underlying item-descriptor null is returned.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method gets the value of a property from the value Dictionary.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Gets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Returns the dynamic property value for the specified object using the a DynamicPropertyMapper objects.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Retrieves a property value of this state.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanStateMapper
Gets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicPropertyMapper
Gets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
This method is called to retrieve a read-only value for this property.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
From the parameter pItem, obtain a list of RepositoryItems.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Returns a propertyValue
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(Order, Object, String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Introspects the given object for the property and returns its value.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns a property value
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Just in case the filtered commerce item has properties we don't explicitly provide here, this method can be used.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper
Gets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Returns the mime-type based on the file extension.
getPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, PropertyName) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, PropertyName, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
This method is called to retrieve a read-only value for this property.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Returns the members of the group configured
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns the value of the underlying property.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Returns the mime-type based on the file extension.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Returns the first non-empty property value, from the list of property names
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Returns the property of the given name
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the property of the given name.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
This method is typically overridden by sub-classes.
getPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
This method is called to retrieve a read-only value for this property.
getPropertyValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Gets a property value from a repository item specified by the required arguments
getPropertyValue(ServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the object property value for the specified component and the specified path.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the property of the given name
getPropertyValueCache(Context) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get a map of cached project property values for the current development line.
getPropertyValueFormatters() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the table mapping property class to property value formatter
getPropertyValueParser(Class) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
FIX THIS: This method is included for backward-compatibility with atg.repository that looks for implementations of PropertyValueParser.
getPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValues
getPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValues
getPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValuesByType.
getPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValuesByType
getPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValuesByType.
getPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PropertyValuesByType.
getProtocol() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getProtocol
getProvinceTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the province(state) tax amount.
getProvinceTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the province(state) tax basis amount.
getProvinceTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the province(state) tax rate.
getProxyUserAuthorities() - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Returns the set of proxy user authorities associated with this user authority.
getPublicMethod(Method) - Static method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Returns a publicly-accessible version of the given method, by searching for a public declaring class.
getPublicProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Public property on a giftlist
getPublishedProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store Published property on a giftlist
getPublishedSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property PublishedSearchPropertyNames
getPublisher() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
getPublishingConfiguration() - Static method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getPublishingFileRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the publishingFileRepository
getPublishingFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the publishingFileSystem
getPublishingRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the publishingRepository
getPublishingRepositoryServiceName() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.
getPurchaseListId() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getPurchaseProcessHelper() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property purchaseProcessHelper
getPurchaserParamName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the purchaser Defaults to "purchaser"
getPurgeCacheSeconds() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
getQualifiedTableName() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
A convenience method to set and retrieve the qualified table name: tablePrefix+tableName.
getQualifiedTableName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
A convenience method to set and retrieve the qualified table name.
getQualifierService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
getQualifierService() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Get property QualifierService
getQualifyingDetailsMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
a map of DetailedItemPriceInfo objects to the number of times that details qualified
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the quantity that this Relationship represents.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the Quantity property.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property Quantity
getQuantity(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Retrieve the quanity that should be used for the given item
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getQuantity() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
returns the number of CommerceItems which this CommerceItem object represents.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the number of CommerceItems which this CommerceItem object represents.
getQuantity() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the quantity that this Relationship represents.
getQuantity() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Returns the quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
The quantity of the item being removed
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
The quantity of the item being removed
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property Quantity
getQuantity(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Retrieve the quanity that should be used for the given item.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the quantity that this Relationship represents.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property Quantity
getQuantity(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Retrieve the quanity that should be used for the given catalog reference id or commerce item id.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the Quantity property.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the Quantity property.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the quantity that this Relationship represents.
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
Get property Quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
how many of a commerceitem this object represents
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property Quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property Quantity
getQuantity(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Get the quantity of a particular item that are being shipped by this this shipping group.
getQuantity() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Returns the number of the item's units
getQuantity() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Get property Quantity
getQuantityAdjusted() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Get property QuantityAdjusted
getQuantityAsQualifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
the portion of this DetailedItemPriceInfo that has acted as a qualifier.
getQuantityAsQualifier() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
quantityAsQualifier is the quantity of the CommerceItem that acted as a qualifier to any discount.
getQuantityAsQualifierDetails() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
map of DetailedItemPriceInfo objects to Range objects which state which units of the details have acted as a qualifier for something
getQuantityDesiredProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store QuantityDesired property on a giftlist
getQuantityDiscounted() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
quantityDiscounted is the quantity of the CommerceItem that was discounted in any way.
getQuantityParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getQuantityParamName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the quantity Defaults to "quantity"
getQuantityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
The name of the property in the price level that contains the quantity.
getQuantityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the quantity of each price level
getQuantityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the quantity of each price level
getQuantityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price levels for the quantity
getQuantityPurchasedProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store QuantityPurchased property on a giftlist
getQuantityRemainingType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
getQuantityRemainingType is used to return the quantity remaining relationship type String.
getQuantityString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getQuantityToMove() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property QuantityToMove
getQuantityType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
getQuantityType is used to return the quantity relationship type String.
getQuery() - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
getQuery() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Returns property Query
getQuery() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getQueryBuilder() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Returns a QueryBuilder to use for creating Query objects
getQueryBuilder() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Returns a QueryBuilder to use for creating Query objects
getQueryBuilder() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Returns a QueryBuilder to use for creating Query objects
getQueryCacheSize() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
getQueryDescriptor(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Gets the QueryDescriptor object associated with the given name which contains information about the named query.
getQueryDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Gets the QueryDescriptor object associated with the given name.
getQueryExpireTimeout() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
getQueryListeners() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Returns the list of query listeners that are registered on this view.
getQueryMode() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
Get the query mode string.
getQueryMode() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Return the query mode
getQueryMode() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
Return the query mode
getQueryName(Query) - Method in interface atg.repository.NamedQueryView
Gets the name associated with the given Query, if any
getQueryName(Query) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Gets the name associated with the given Query, if any
getQueryOperation() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder.GroupPropertyExpression
getQueryOperation() - Method in interface atg.repository.Query
Returns a textual representation of the type of query operation the class performs.
getQueryOperation() - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryExpression
Returns a textual representation of the type of query operation the class performs.
getQueryOptions() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property QueryOptions
getQueryParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Query String, or null if the key is not found.
getQueryParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the nth Query parameter matching the given key and index.
getQueryParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the number of Query parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getQueryParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Query parameter names.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getQueryParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an array of Strings of all the Query parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getQueryRepresentation() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder.GroupPropertyExpression
getQueryRepresentation() - Method in interface atg.repository.Query
Returns a human readable representation of the query operation
getQueryRepresentation() - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryExpression
Returns a human readable representation of the query operation
getQueryString() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getQueryString
getQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
Return the query text.
getQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
Get the query text used in the search
getQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Return the query text.
getQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
Return the query text.
getQueryText() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Return query text from any <structquery><statement> which does not use the "negative" op attribute.
getQueryText(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Get a concatenation of queryText from each StructuredStatement.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getQueryTimeout
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getQueryTimeout
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getQueryTimeout
getQuestion() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the value of the <query><question> tag
getQueueActions() - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Whether or not to queue event actions or do them immediately.
getQueuedDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the list of QUEUED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution for all the targets know to this DeploymentServer.
getQueuedDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the list of QUEUED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution.
getQueuedEventCount() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Returns the total number of events that were added to the queue
getQueueHead() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Returns a pointer to the next element in the queue that will be written.
getQueueing() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Returns whether queueing on or off.
getQueueMaxNormalSize() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Returns the queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to run at its normal priority and becomes active.
getQueueMinActiveSize() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Returns the queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to be active.
getQueueSize() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Returns the number of events currently in the queue waiting to be sent to their desintations.
getRange() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
The specific commerce items that this relationship reflects.
getRange() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
The range of items priced using this detail
getRange() - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
getRange(int, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Return a list of objects to be rendered.
getRange(int, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Return a list of objects to be rendered.
getRangeClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
The type of the Range class to be created in the DetailedItemPriceInfo
getRangeClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The class used when creating range objects.
getRangeComparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
The object that is used to compare ranges
getRangeComparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The object that is used to compare ranges
getRangeComparisonValue(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
getRangeComparisonValue(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Return the value which should be used as a comparison between the range values
getRangeComparisonValue(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceRangeShippingCalculator
getRangeComparisonValue(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceRangeShippingCalculator
Return the value which should be used as a comparison between the range values
getRangeComparisonValue(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
getRangeComparisonValue(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Return the value which should be used as a comparison between the range values
getRangeComparisonValue(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
getRangeComparisonValue(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Get the value that will be used in the range comparison.
getRangePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
The name of the Range property in the DetailedItemPriceInfo
getRanges() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Price ranges and shipping costs associated with those ranges.
getRawShipping() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPriceInfo
gets the raw shipping price
getRawSubtotal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getRawtotalByAverage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
returns the property rawTotalByAverage.
getRawTotalPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
rawTotalPrice is the original amount of the item before any discounts or sales
getReadableDailyScheduleString(Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable daily schedule String.
getReadableDaysOfTheWeek(boolean[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable day of the week String.
getReadableMonthlyScheduleString(Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable monthly schedule String.
getReadableOccurancesOfTheMonth(boolean[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
Deprecated. because of misspelling
getReadableOccurrencesOfTheMonth(boolean[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable occurrence of the month String.
getReadableScheduleString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable schedule String.
getReadableScheduleString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable schedule String.
getReadableScheduleString(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method translates the schedule object into a human readable string.
getReadableStringList(boolean[], String[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method translates a boolean array to a String.
getReadableWeeklyScheduleString(Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method returns a human-readable weekly schedule String.
getReader() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns an input stream for reading the request body.
getReadOnly() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
getReadOnly() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property readOnly.
getReadOnly() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the flag indicating if the created Connections will be set with readOnly on.
getReadOnlyProjectHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for ReadOnlyProject instances.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property ReadTimeout (default 30000 msec)
getReadTimeout() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property ReadTimeout (default 30000 msec)
getReadTimeout() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Gets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input.
getRealm() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns the realm that will be displayed to the user in the authentication request.
getRealm() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Returns the name of the realm to be displayed to the user for this authenticator.
getRealPath(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the file system path for the PathInfo specified.
getRealPath(ServletContext, String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
Return the path to the input resource pUrl.
getRealPath(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getRealPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getRealPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRealPath
getRealPath(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.PathTranslator
getRealPath(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
This implements the PathTranslator method.
getReanimateableAbandonmentStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getReanimatedAbandonmentStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getReanimationDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
getReceivedDate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the receivedDate property
getReceiveEmailPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile.
getReceiveEmailPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns property ReceiveEmailPropertyName.
getRecipient() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the recipient that should receive email
getRecipient() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property recipient.
getRecipient() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Returns the recipient profile object.
getRecipientEmailParamName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The name of the parameter passed into the email template for the email address of the recipient.
getRecipientList() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the list of recipients that should receive email
getReconfigurationData() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns property reconfigurationData
getRedirectURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Returns URL to which the user will be redirected if the user isn't authenticated yet
getRedirectURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Returns the URL that the user was redirected to after access was denied.
getRef() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Override getRef() method so that ref property will not be serialized to UI client.
getRef(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getRef
getRef(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC REF(<structured-type>) parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language.
getReference() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Returns property Reference
getReferenceCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getReferencedAssetURIs() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Returns the set of URIs that assets changed in this URI reference.
getReferenceWorkingVersions(RepositoryItem, Workspace) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Given a RepositoryItem, return a list of reference repository in the Workspace.
getRefreshCurrentGenerationMsecs() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The number of seconds before cached information about the current generation for a configuration is considered stale.
getRefreshInventoryErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the destination URL if an error occurs refreshing inventory data in the comparison list.
getRefreshInventorySuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the destination URL for successfully refreshing inventory data in the comparison list.
getRegion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Access the region which the gear is rendering
getRegion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access a named region
getRegionById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a region by its unique ID.
getRegionDefinition(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access a named region definition
getRegionDefinition() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access the region definition for this region
getRegionDefinitionById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a region definition by its unique ID.
getRegionDefinitions() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
getRegionDefinitionSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the region definitions
getRegionMap() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Returns a map of regions on the page, indexed by name.
getRegions() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property mRegions
getRegions() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
getRegionSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves the set of regions known to the system.
getRegionSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a set of regions that the user can see sorted based on the comparator given.
getRegisterRequestComponents() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Will the Nucleus NameUnresolver register request scoped components?
getRegisterSessionComponents() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Will the Nucleus NameUnresolver register session scoped components?
getRegistrationDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getRegistrationLoggingEventTypeName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property RegistrationLoggingEventTypeName
getRegistrationSuccessURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used as the successURL for the registration page
getRegistrationTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities registration template
getRegistrationURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the registration page.
getRegistryService() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the registryService
getRegularCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Returns property RegularCount
getRegularCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Returns property RegularCount
getReinitializeOnChainExec() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Returns property reinitializeOnChainExec.
getReinitializeTime() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
The number of milliseconds that are allowed to pass before the pricing models are reinitialized
getRejectedOrderState() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the rejectedOrderState property.
getRejectOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the rejectOrderErrorURL property.
getRejectOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the rejectOrderSuccessURL property.
getRelatedCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The property in category that holds the related categories
getRelatedCatGroupPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property relatedCatGroupPropertyName
getRelatedOrders() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the relatedOrders property
getRelatedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property relatedOrders
getRelatedPrdGroupPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property relatedPrdGroupPropertyName
getRelatedProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The property in product that holds the related products
getRelationalView() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getRelationalView(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Returns the RelationalView with the given name, or null if there is no such RelationalView.
getRelationalView(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the RelationalView with the given name, or null if there is no such RelationalView.
getRelationalViewDefinition() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the RelationalViewDefinition that defines this RelationalView and all of its subviews (i.e., subviews of this RelationalView will return the same RelationalViewDefinition).
getRelationalViewDefinitions() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
getRelationalViewManager() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the RelationalViewManager that produced this RelationalView.
getRelationalViewManager() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
getRelationalViewManager() - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Returns the RelationalViewManager that produced this RelationalView.
getRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the Relationship whose id is pRelationshipId.
getRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Returns the Relationship whose id is pRelationshipId.
getRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the Relationship whose id is pRelationshipId.
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Relationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the relationshipClassType
getRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the RelationshipCount property.
getRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of Relationships in the container.
getRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Returns the number of Relationships in the container.
getRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of Relationships in the container.
getRelationshipItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the relationshipItemDescriptorName
getRelationshipOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the relationshipOrderPropertyName
getRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of Relationships
getRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Returns a List of Relationships
getRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of Relationships.
getRelationships() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getRelationshipsProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the relationshipsProperty name.
getRelationshipsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the relationshipsProperty name.
getRelationshipsSubtotal(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method will return the sum of the amounts of all the DetailedItemPriceInfos that refer to an item in any of these relationship.
getRelationshipsToAssignTaxTo(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Returns the list of ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships that should be assigned tax.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the RelationshipType property.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the RelationshipType property.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the RelationshipType property.
getRelationshipType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Relationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the Relationship type as a String.
getRelationshipTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for Relationship classes.
getRelativeExpiration() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get the relativeExpiration property
getRelativeExpirationPath() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Return the root, relative to the web application's context path, of the URL's that should be checked for session expiration.
getRelativeExpirationURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Return the URL, relative to the web application's context path, that we should redirect to if an expired session is seen.
getRelativePathMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Specify the mapping from URL's to virtual locations within the store.
getRelativePathPrefix() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getRelativeRole(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Given the name of a logical function, obtain the corresponding role representing that function performed relative to this principal if it exists, otherwise return null.
getRelativeRoles() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Obtain a set of roles that may be assumed relative to this principal.
getRelayRegisterName() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getReleaseTaskErrorURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task was not released successfully.
getReleaseTaskSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task was released successfully.
getRelQuestSettings() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
A map of values for the relQuestSettings attribute.
getRemainingAmountForCostCenter(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Calculate the "amount remaining" for a given item.
getRemainingQuantityForCostCenter(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Calculate the "quantity remaining" for a given item.
getRemainingQuantityForShippingGroup(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
getRemainingQuantityForShippingGroup(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Calculate the "quantity remaining" for a given item.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRemoteAddr
getRemoteHost() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRemoteHost
getRemoteHosts() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getRemotePort() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
getRemotePorts() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getRemoteRelayHosts() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
getRemoteRelayPorts() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
getRemoteRMIPorts() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getRemoteServerCache() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property RemoteServerCache
getRemoteServerCache() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property RemoteServerCache
getRemoteUser() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRemoteUser
getRemoteUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Extract the remote user authority that we are encapsulating.
getRemovalCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemovalCatalogRefIds
getRemovalCatalogRefIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemovalCatalogRefIds
getRemovalCommerceIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemovalCommerceIds
getRemovalCommerceIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemovalCommerceIds
getRemovalRelationshipIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the removalRelationshipIds property.
getRemovalRelationshipIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the removalRelationshipIds property.
getRemoveAddress() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property removeAddress, naming the address to be removed by handleRemoveAddress().
getRemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL
getRemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL
getRemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL
getRemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL
getRemoveCard() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property removeCard, naming the address to be removed by handleRemoveCard().
getRemoveCardErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property removeCardErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error removing a credit card.
getRemoveCardSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property removeCardSuccessURL, used to redirect user in a credit card is successfully removed.
getRemoveCategoryErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL if errors occur while removing categories from the list.
getRemoveCategorySuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL for successfully removing categories from the list.
getRemoveCostCenterErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property RemoveCostCenterErrorURL
getRemoveCostCenterIdentifier() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property RemoveCostCenterIdentifier
getRemoveCostCenterSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property RemoveCostCenterSuccessURL
getRemovedItemIds() - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Returns Ids of the items that have been removed
getRemovedMarkerEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Returns property RemovedMarkerEvents
getRemovedProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Value of the Repository id of the product item representing a removed product item.
getRemovedSkuId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Value of the repository id of the sku item representing a removed sku item from the database.
getRemoveErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property RemoveErrorURL
getRemoveGiftitemIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property RemoveGiftitemIds.
getRemoveInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is removed from the repository.
getRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
getRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
getRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
getRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
getRemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL
getRemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL
getRemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property RemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL
getRemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL
getRemoveMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
getRemoveMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getRemoveMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Should return the grammar rule id for the dynamic remove marker key/values
getRemoveMarkerRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
getRemoveMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
getRemoveMarkerValueIntroTextRuleId() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
getRemoveMessageJMSType() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the JMS Message type used when sending marked removed messages.
getRemoveMessagesFromPipelineResult() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
Returns property removeMessagesFromPipelineResult
getRemoveNullValues() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getRemoveProductErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL if errors occur while removing products from the list.
getRemoveProductSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL for successfully removing products from the list.
getRemoveReferencesToDeletedItems() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
getRemoveSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property RemoveSuccessURL
getRenderAsynchronously() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getRenderingTimeout() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getRenderParamDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Returns property RenderParamDescriptors
getRepeatingRequestMonitor() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the RepeatingRequestMonitor property.
getReplaceATagWithHrefAttribute() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Flag to indicate if we should replace all <a> tag contents with the tags href attribute (if available)
getReplacedMarkerEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Returns property ReplacedMarkerEvents
getReplacementPrdsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property replacementPrdsPropertyName
getReplacementProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The property in sku that holds the replacement products
getReplaceMessageJMSType() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the JMS Message type used when sending marked replaced messages.
getReportDropletExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Gets the ReportDropletExceptions property.
getReportFileNotFound() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Gets the flag that tells whether or not we report file not found errors.
getReportingBounced() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns a string representation of the bounced property, for reporting purposes only
getReportingBouncedAsBoolean() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns a Boolean representation of the bounced property, for reporting purposes only
getReportingBouncedEmailAddressDomain() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the ReportingBouncedEmailAddressDomain property
getReportingChangeAmount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a Double representation of the changeAmount property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingChangedProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the changedProperties property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingChangePercentage() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a Double representation of the changePercentage property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingChangeSign() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the changeSign property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingElementsAdded() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the elementsAdded property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingElementsRemoved() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the elementsRemoved property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingMessageCc() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
getReportingMessageTo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
getReportingNewValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the newValue property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingNewValues() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the newValues property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingOldValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the oldValue property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingOldValues() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Returns a String representation of the oldValues property, for reporting purposes only.
getReportingReceivedDate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns a java.lang.Long of the time represented by the current receivedDate property, for use in the reporting engine
getReportingSoftBounced() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns a string representation of the softBounced property, for reporting purposes only
getReportingSoftBouncedAsBoolean() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns a Boolean representation of the softBounced property, for reporting purposes only
getReportingSourceNames() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Returns a comma-separated string of each of the source names set for this message.
getRepositories() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Repositories
getRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property Repository.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Get property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the repository that we're wrapping.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the Repository which contains this item
getRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Gets the Repository the Products/SKUs are in.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Returns property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the repository used by the marker manager .
getRepository() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
Returns Order Repository
getRepository(Element) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Given an element, try to extract the path to a Nucleus repository component.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
getRepository() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Returns the Repository which contains this item
getRepository() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Returns the repository for this item descriptor.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the Repository which contains this item
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Get property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The repository to store items.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Optional override of definition file repository specification.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Get the respository
getRepository() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Returns the repository this objects operates on.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Returns the repository this objects operates on.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the repository this form handler operates over.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Returns property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters
Returns property Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
getRepository() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getRepository() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the repository that this account manager is using for persistance.
getRepository() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getRepository() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the repository for which a group is being defined
getRepository() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the repository from which to select items
getRepository() - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Gets the Repository
getRepository() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the Repository which contains this item
getRepository() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the metadata repository
getRepository(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Return the repository component configured with the given version manager and which was used to create this uri.
getRepositoryDisplayName() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Get property repositoryDisplayName
getRepositoryDisplayName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Get property repositoryDisplayName
getRepositoryDisplayNameResource() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Get property repositoryDisplayNameResource
getRepositoryDisplayNameResource() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Get property repositoryDisplayNameResource
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the unique id associated with this object in the repository.
getRepositoryId() - Method in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.ItemWasModifiedException
Return the repository id of the item that was modified unexpectedly.
getRepositoryId() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Result
Returns the repository id of the processed item.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
getRepositoryId() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Returns the unique id associated with this object in the repository.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the unique id associated with this object in the repository.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
getRepositoryId() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Returns the repository id of the item being manipulated.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Returns the repository id of the item being manipulated.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the repository id of the item being manipulated.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the unique profile id
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the RepositoryId from the current Profile property
getRepositoryID() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Return the repository ID of the asset that this URI points to.
getRepositoryIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Decodes XML-compatible identifier into repository property identifier This method calls the decodeFromXML() method.
getRepositoryIdPropertyDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return the string name of the repository id.
getRepositoryIds() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getRepositoryIds() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Returns the list of repository id's being updated
getRepositoryImpl() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
getRepositoryImpl() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Returns the repository item that this object refers to.
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem(MutableRepository, CommerceIdentifier, OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Returns a RepositoryItem reference which refers to the CommerceIdentifier object which is supplied in pCommerceIdentifier.
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the repositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
Returns the underlying repository item
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Returns the deployment data repository item
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Returns the deployment data repository item
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.Results
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getRepositoryItem(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Gets a repository item in XML format with the given id and item descriptor from the given repository
getRepositoryItem(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Gets a repository item in XML format with the given id and item descriptor from the given repository
getRepositoryItem() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
The current repository item or null if no current item exists
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
The current repository item or null if no current item exists
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the repository item (if any) to edit from this form handler This is retrieved based on the repository, itemDescriptorName, and repositoryId properties;
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
getRepositoryItem(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Get a repository item from the Result object.
getRepositoryItem() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Get the underlying RepositoryItem
getRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Get the RepositoryItem property
getRepositoryItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Get the repository item-descriptor that corresponds to the namespace URI of pNamespaceURI.
getRepositoryItemDescriptor(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Return the item descriptor type that this URI points to.
getRepositoryItemEditor() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Return an implementaion of RepositoryItemEditor
getRepositoryItemEditor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Return an implementaion of RepositoryItemEditor
getRepositoryItemEditor() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Get the repository item editor
getRepositoryItemFromXML(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets a RepositoryItem object from the given XML representation The item is matched based on the id property in the XML file
getRepositoryItemFromXML(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Gets a RepositoryItem object from the given XML representation The item is matched based on the id property in the XML file
getRepositoryItemGroup() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Optional override for definition file repository-item-group component setting.
getRepositoryItemGroup() - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Gets the RepositoryItemGroup
getRepositoryItemId(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves an Id of a portal object
getRepositoryItemList() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
getRepositoryItemList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
getRepositoryItemList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
getRepositoryItemList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
getRepositoryItemList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
getRepositoryItemQuery(RepositoryItemDescriptor, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
Get the query that is used by getRepositoryItems By default, this gets the items whose catalogItemsCatalogProperty includes the current catalog.
getRepositoryItemQuery(RepositoryItemDescriptor, QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Get the query that is used by getRepositoryItems By default, this is just an unconstrained query
getRepositoryItems(MutableRepository, List, List, OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Returns a List of RepositoryItem references which refer to the CommerceIdentifier objects which are supplied in pCommerceIdentifierList.
getRepositoryItems(MutableRepository, Map, Map, OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Returns a Map of RepositoryItem references which refer to the CommerceIdentifier objects which are supplied in pCommerceIdentifierList.
getRepositoryItems(MutableRepository, Set, Set, OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Returns a Set of RepositoryItem references which refer to the CommerceIdentifier objects which are supplied in pCommerceIdentifierList.
getRepositoryItems(MutableRepository, Object[], OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Returns an array of RepositoryItem references which refer to the CommerceIdentifier objects which are supplied in pCommerceIdentifierArray.
getRepositoryItems(RepositoryItemDescriptor, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Get repository items
getRepositoryItems(InputSource, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will select RepositoryItems based upon information from the pDocument parameter and the pMatchValues parameter.
getRepositoryItems(Document, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will select RepositoryItems based upon information from the pDocument parameter and the pMatchValues parameter.
getRepositoryItems(Document, String[], ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Retrieves the Repository items from Document object.
getRepositoryItemsFromXML(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Parses the XML string and retrieves the Repository items corresponding to the XML.
getRepositoryItemsFromXML(InputSource, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Parses the XML string and retrieves the Repository items corresponding to the XML.
getRepositoryKey() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the repository lookup key that is used to select an alternate catalog repository.
getRepositoryKey(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Retrieve the key to the catalog repository.
getRepositoryKeyParamName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property repositoryKeyParamName
getRepositoryMappings() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getRepositoryMappings() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Returns the repository mapping
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Returns the RepositoryMarkerManager for the business process
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
This extension returns the nucleus component /atg/markers/userprofiling/ProfileMarkerManager if the property is not already configured.
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the marker manager used by the droplet
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Returns property RepositoryMarkerManager
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the repository marker manager
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the cofigured RepositoryMarkerManager.
getRepositoryMarkerManager() - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
The RepositoryMarkerManager class that is used to manage repository markers.
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the name of this Repository
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
getRepositoryName() - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns the name of this Repository
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns the name of this Repository
getRepositoryName() - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Returns Repository name of the item
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
getRepositoryName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getRepositoryNameInVersionManager(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Given a nucleus path, return the name of the repository as configured in the VersionManager (for use in a VersionManagerURI).
getRepositoryParam(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Gets the Repository param for a serviced request
getRepositoryPath() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
getRepositoryPathName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
getRepositoryPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns the RepositoryPropertyDescriptor for the specified property.
getRepositoryPropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns the RepositoryPropertyDescriptor for the specified property.
getRepositoryRegistryService() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Returns property RepositoryRegistryService
getRepositoryUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
References the userDirectory that will be used to create and manipulate organizations.
getRepositoryValues(String, String, String, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
Get repository values for either enumerated types or for linked property values
getRepositoryValues(String, String, String, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Get repository values for either enumerated types or for linked property values, use the configured repository
getRepositoryValues(Repository, String, String, boolean, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Get repository values for either enumerated types or for linked property values, using the specified repository
getRepositoryView() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Gets the repository view for this query builder
getRepositoryView(Repository, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns the repository view for the repository
getRepositoryView() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Get property RepositoryView
getRepositoryView() - Method in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Returns the repository view that this query builder was created from.
getRepositoryView() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Returns the default repository view for this item descriptor.
getRepositoryView(Repository, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Access a view of a repository
getRepositoryView() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
getRepositoryView() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the repositoryView named by repositoryViewName
getRepositoryView() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the repositoryView from which to select items
getRepositoryView(Repository, String) - Static method in class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
Gets a named view from a repository, traversing a subview hierarchy if necessary.
getRepositoryViewImpl() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Get property RepositoryViewImpl
getRepositoryViewName() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns the name of the repository view that this group was defined for.
getRepositoryViewName() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the name of the repository view for which a group is being defined
getRepositoryViewName() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the name of the repository view from which to select items
getRepositoryXMLTools() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The tools class for dealing with xml files
getRepositoryXMLTools() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Returns Tools class.
getRepositoryXMLTools() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Returns RepositoryXMLTools.
getRepricedObject() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The commerce object whose price changed (either an order, a shipping group, or a commerce item).
getRepriceOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed by the reprice order handler method.
getRepriceOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed by the reprice order handler method.
getRepriceOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property RepriceOrderChainId
getRepriceOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the RepriceOrderChainId property.
getRepriceOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RepriceOrderChainId
getRepriceOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property RepriceOrderChainId
getRepriceOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the RepriceOrderErrorURL property.
getRepriceOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RepriceOrderErrorURL
getRepriceOrderPricingOp() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns the pricing operation that should be performed when the order(s) is priced after login.
getRepriceOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the RepriceOrderSuccessURL property.
getRepriceOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property RepriceOrderSuccessURL
getRequest() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Access the request which initialized the environment
getRequest() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the current HTTP request, null if the process segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
getRequest() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns the current HTTP request, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Return the request object used to generate this query
getRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns the request embedded by this request.
getRequest(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Returns a request that you can use to resolve names, create sessions etc.
getRequest() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
getRequest() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
getRequestAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get a request attribute associated with specified attribute name.
getRequestAttributes() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Return the request attribute map
getRequestClass() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getRequestCount() - Method in exception atg.security.TooManyAccountsException
Returns the number of accounts that the request would have returned, or zero if it is unknown or unspecified.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the named path.
getRequestDispatcher(PortalContext) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Access a RequestDispatcher
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
getRequestDispatcher(ServletContext, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path and in the given servlet context.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
getRequestDispatcher(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns a request dispatcher for pPath in the curent web-app.
getRequestedId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns the object used in the attempt to request a profile.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Gets the session id specified with this request.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns the session id specified by this request, or null if the request did not specify a session id.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Gets the session id specified with this request.
getRequestEmailSubject() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getRequestEntries() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
Returns the Map of request entries.
getRequestForComparison() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns a reference to this.
getRequestHandlers() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns an array of the RequestHandler objects running in the server.
getRequestId() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Returns property RequestId
getRequestId(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogging
Returns the request id associated with this request.
getRequestId(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Returns the request id associated with this request.
getRequestLastActivityTime() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the last time activity occurred on this request
getRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the request locale
getRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getRequestLocalePath() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
getRequestLocalePath() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
getRequestLocalePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.
getRequestLocalePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property RequestLocalePath DEFAULT: /atg/dynamo/servlet/RequestLocale
getRequestPageName(DynamoHttpServletRequest, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getRequestScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getRequestScopeExpirationMilliseconds() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
getRequestScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the RequestScopeManager
getRequestScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Returns the RequestScopeManager
getRequestServer() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the RequestServer this handler was created from
getRequestServers() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the list of request server that are being monitored.
getRequestServerSocket() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
getRequestSetupServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
getRequestSetupServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
getRequestSource() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns an identifier signifying where the request for a profile originated from.
getRequestStartTime() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Returns the current time if statistics are being kept, 0 if not
getRequestToken() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getRequestType() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Access the requestType of the membership request
getRequestURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Overrides MutableHttpServletRequest to check whether we are returning requestURI according to the specification or whether we returning Dynamo's "old style" requestURI, which included query args.
getRequestURI() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRequestURI
getRequestURI(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return the Dynamo specific ReuestURI, this can be different from pReq.getRequestURI() in the case of running with a different app server.
getRequestURI(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the requestURI that will be returned when the server requests the URL.
getRequestURI(HttpServletRequest, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the requestURI that will be returned when the server requests the URL
getRequestURI(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the requestURI that will be returned when the server requests the URL.
getRequestURI(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Get the requestURI that will be returned when the server requests the URL
getRequestURIFromPathInfo(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the given path prepended with the contextPath and servletPath (if they are set)
getRequestURIHasQueryString() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getRequestURIWithQueryString() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the first line of the HTTP request.
getRequestURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request.
getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Given a potentially relative URL of the form "/xxx" or "../xxx", this returns the absolute URL you'd use to request this page (i.e.
getRequestValue(BaseDropletDescriptor, DynamoHttpServletRequest, int, boolean, String, EventReceiver, Object[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.EventSender
getRequiredAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property requiredAddressProperties, naming the properties considered mandatory when creating a secondary address record.
getRequiredBillingAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the properties of a billing address which are required to not be null
getRequiredEveryItemOutputProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get an array of required output properties for every indexed item.
getRequiredExtendedProperties() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Returns the default array of extended property names that are required when creating a new marker.
getRequiredFields() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the list of required property names.
getRequiredShippingAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the properties of a shipping address which are required to not be null
getRequiredUnsuppliedAssetCount() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
getRequiredUnsuppliedAssetNames() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
getRequireIdOnCreate() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns true if a repository id must be specified when new items are created, false otherwise.
getRequiresSessionConfirmation() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Whether this form requires session confirmation.
getRequiresSessionConfirmation() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Whether this form requires session confirmation.
getRequisitionNotUsedValue() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Get the value to return if an order does not contain requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
getRequisitionNumber() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
getRequisitionNumber() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Return the requisition info associated with this payment group
getRequisitionNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Return the requisition info associated with this payment group
getRequisitionUsedPipelineMessage() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Get the string to use as the error object if requisitionUsedAddsPipelineError is true and the order contains requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
getRequisitionUsedValue() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Set the value to return if an order does contain requisition numbers associated with any of its payment groups.
getResetErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property ResetErrorURL
getResetSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property ResetSuccessURL
getResource(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the specified resource string
getResource(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
Returns the specified resource string with the substituted args
getResource(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
//------------------------------------- /** Returns the specified resource string
getResource(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Returns the specified resource string with the substituted args
getResource(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the resource that is mapped to a specified path.
getResource(Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns the resource with the given key, or null if it's not a known resource.
getResource() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns the resource.
getResource(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getResource(Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Returns the resource with the given key, or null if it's not a known resource.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the resource located at the named path as an InputStream object.
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Override the getResourceBundle method which is used to localize values for this property descriptor.
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Returns the resource bundle for this feature descriptor
getResourceBundle(Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Returns a ResourceBundle specific for the given locale
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns the error message ResourceBundle
getResourceBundle(Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Returns a ResourceBundle specific for the given locale
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the error message ResourceBundle
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
The ResourceBundle to use with this AdminServlet.
getResourceBundle() - Static method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns our resource bundle.
getResourceBundle() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Override the getResourceBundle method which is used to localize values for this property descriptor.
getResourceBundleName() - Static method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Return the name of the resource bundle to use for this class.
getResourceBundleName() - Static method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Return the name of the resource bundle to use for this class.
getResourceBundleName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns the name of the error message ResourceBundle
getResourceBundleName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the name of the error message ResourceBundle
getResourceBundleName() - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns property resourceBundleName.
getResourceBundleName() - Static method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the name of the resource bundle to use for this class.
getResourceBundleName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns the bundle name used by this resource bundle
getResourceBundleName() - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get name of resource bundle.
getResourceClassName() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns the class name of the pooled resource.
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states The default is "atg.commerce.states.StateResource"
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states
getResourceFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
The name of the resource file to use for the states
getResourceKey() - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns property resourceKey.
getResourceName() - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
getResourceName() - Method in class atg.security.AccessEvent
Returns the secured resource to which access was attempted.
getResourceObject() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getResourceParameters() - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Returns property resourceParameters.
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
SERVLET_2_3_UNIMPLEMENTED Stub for a new method in Servlet 2.3 spec.
getResourcePoolPaths() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
getResourcePools() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the list of resource pools.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
Return the resource key prefix
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
Return the resource key prefix To allow for different objects to have the same states translated in different ways, this prefix will be prepended to any keys.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
Return the resource key prefix
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
Return the resource key prefix
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
Return the resource key prefix
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
Return the resource key prefix
getResources(Locale) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
getResources(Locale) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
getResources(Locale) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns a locale-specific version of the resources for this class
getResources(Locale) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
getResources() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Returns an enumeration of SecuredResource objects that are managed by the security domain.
getResourceString(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method returns a resource string by combining the given prefix with the given key and looking it up in a file using the current locale if prefix="ORDER" and key="SUBMITTED" then the resource key that is used is "ORDER.SUBMITTED" If the key is not found, then pKey is returned.
getResourceString(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Loads the resource bundle, if not already loaded, and returns the requested resource string.
getResourceString(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Loads the resource bundle, if not already loaded, and returns the requested resource string with any args inserted.
getResourceType() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Returns the type of the resource that backs up this AssetVersion.
getResponse() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the current HTTP response, null if the process segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
getResponse() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns the current HTTP response, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
getResponse() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getResponse() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the HttpServletResponse property
getResponseClass() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getResponseNumberSettings() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
A map of values for the responseNumberSettings attribute
getResponsibleAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Deployment agents in this target that have deployment responsibilities.
getRestartRequestThread() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Gets the mRestartRequestThread property
getRestorableOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property RestorableOrders
getRestorableSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Gets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID, indicates the need to restore a session.
getRestoreErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property RestoreErrorURL
getRestoreSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property RestoreSuccessURL
getResult() - Method in class atg.integrations.CommandResult
Returns the resulting value
getResultCount() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Return the number of results.
getResultItemAt(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns the ZipResultItem at the specified index.
getResultItemCount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns a count of the result items.
getResultList() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns an aggregate ResultList or null if 1) the Job is not in a COMPLETE or FAILED state, 2) the Job is RUNNING but has not completed processing its first batch, or 3) the Job contains no Results (because it failed entirely or because the Job has been configured to record only Errors.) The order of results is the order in which the source files were processed.
getResultListSize() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the number of elements in the ResultList property.
getResultPageCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns the number of results pages which is calculated as the resultSetSize / maxResultsPerPage + 1 if any remainder exists.
getResults() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Returns a List of Results or null if there were no Results.
getResults() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Return the Results object.
getResults() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Get the most recent results object or null
getResults() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Return the results object.
getResults(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns targeting results as an Enumeration.
getResults() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns targeting results as an Enumeration.
getResultSet() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSet
getResultSet() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSet
getResultSet() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSet
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetConcurrency
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetConcurrency
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetConcurrency
getResultSetGetters() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property resultSetGetter.
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the result set holdability for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Retrieves the result set holdability for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Retrieves the result set holdability for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getResultSetProcessor() - Static method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
getResultSetProcessor(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Returns the ResultSetProcessor with the given name, or null if there is no such ResultSetProcessor.
getResultSetProcessor(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the ResultSetProcessor with the given name, or null if there is no such ResultSetProcessor.
getResultSetProcessorDefinitions() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
getResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
getResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
getResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
getResultSetSize() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ResultSetSize
getResultSetType() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetType
getResultSetType() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetType
getResultSetType() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getResultSetType
getResultsFetcher() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the results fetcher.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
The return codes that this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
The return codes that this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
Specifies the return codes from this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
Specifies the return codes from this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
The return codes that this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
Return all possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Return all possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Return all possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Return the possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed successfully 2 - The processor failed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed 2 - The processor failed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCancelRemoveOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreateElectronicGood
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreditOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractOrderId
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractShippingGroupIds
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFailOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishRemoveOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishShippingGroup
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleElectronicSenderType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor to deliver electronically by template sender 2 - The processor to deliver electronically by email listener
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleItemRelationshipState
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor to purchase in stock items 2 - The processor to purchase pre-ordered items 3 - The processor to purchase back-ordered items
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleMessageType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The call to handle SubmitOrder message chain 2 - The call to handle ModifyOrder message chain 3 - The call to handle ModifyOrderNotification message chain 4 - The call to handle any other message type
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed 2 - The modification is not supported
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationTargetType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The order targeted modification 2 - The shipping groups targeted modification 3 - The item targeted modification 4 - The relationship modification 5 - The modification is not supported
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor calls to the add operation 2 - The processor calls to the remove operation 3 - The processor calls to the update operation 4 - The processor calls to the unsupported operation
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleNewType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRelationshipState
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The remove relationship processor
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRetrievingOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor to retrieve order by its object 2 - The processor to retrieve order by its id
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupState
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The order remove completion processor 2 - The order completion processor 3 - The order failure processor 4 - The shipping of a shipping group processor 5 - The unsupported modification processor
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadOrderRepository
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLockMessage
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformRelationshipModification
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformShippingGroupModification
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseBackOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseItem
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchasePreOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderNotification
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSettleOrder
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed 2 - The processor failed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcUpdateOrderRepository
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor executed successfully 2 - The processor failed to execute properly
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
The return codes that this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Get the list of return values this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Get the list of return values this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - Order object saved successfully 2 - Order object save failed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Returns the set of valid return codes for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Returns the valid return codes 1 - The processor completed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
Return the possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
Return the possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
Return the possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
The possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Returns the valid return codes 1 - Order priced successfully 2 - Order pricing failed
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Return an array of possible return values for this processor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
The return codes that this processor can return.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns an array of return codes that are mapped in the PipelineLink.
getRetCodes() - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
Returns an array of all the return codes that could be returned by this PipelineProcessor.
getRetCodes() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
Get the list of return values this processor can return.
getRetrieval() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns content retrieval mode
getRetryConnectionCount() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
getReturn() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getReturn() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the ClientVicRequest's returnType request attribute value as a string
getReturn() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the return property of the request
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the returnedQuantity
getReturnFailureOnPropertyNotFound() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Returns property ReturnFailureOnPropertyNotFound
getReturnRange() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
getReturnsRowmap() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
getReturnTypes() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
getReturnValue() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
Get the return value that this processor always returns.
getReturnValueForFalseEvaluation() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property returnValueForFalseEvaluation
getReturnValueForTrueEvaluation() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property returnValueForTrueEvaluation
getReturnValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Return the mapping between values of propertyName and return values from runProcess.
getReturnValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Return the mapping between values of propertyName and return values from runProcess.
getReuseFullDeploymentManifests() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.
getREVERT_ASSET_ACTION() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getRevertOptimizationThresholdCount() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Threshold number of assets in the source workspace when a Branch.revertToWorkspace() operation starts using the optimized version of the operation.
getRightColumns() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
getRightSide() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
Returns property rightSide
getRMI() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.TransportDefEnumTransportType
Returns the instance representing the String value "RMI"
getRmiServer() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.
getRmiServer() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
get RmiServer
getRmiURI() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Getter for property rmiURI ("RMI URI")
getRole(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns the user directory Role associated with the supplied community relative role name.
getRole(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the Role associated with the supplied name
getRole(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Given the folder-relative pathname of a role, obtain the corresponding global role within this folder if it exists, otherwise return null.
getRoleByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given the folder path of a global role, obtain the corresponding Role.
getRoleFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Given the folder-relative pathname of a child folder, obtain the corresponding child folder if it exists, otherwise return null.
getRoleFolderByPath(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Given the folder path of a global role, obtain the corresponding Role.
getRoleFolders() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Obtain the set of child RoleFolders of this folder.
getRoleIds() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Gets the roleIds property
getRoleIds() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Gets the roleIds property
getRoles(int, int) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Returns a Collection of Roles from the Portal Repository.
getRoles() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Returns a Collection of all Roles from the Portal Repository.
getRoles() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property roles
getRoles() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Returns The roles that the user must be in for the specified user authority for the form login to have been successful
getRoles() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Obtain a set of global roles in this folder.
getRoles() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Get the set of all roles in the directory, both global and relative.
getRolesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getRolesSortByName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Get the set of all roles in the directory, both global and relative, sorted on the name of the role, with index control of the result set returned.
getRolesSortOnName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Obtain a set of global roles in this folder, sorted on the name of the role, with index control of the roles returned.
getRolesWithRights(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get a list of security role names with appropriate rights to access this project.
getRoleUpdateMethod() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Gets the roleUpdateMethod property
getRoleViewRoleNameProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns the number of times rollback() has been called
getRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns the number of times rollback() has been called
getRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the number of times rollback() has been called
getRoot() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext
getRoot() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext
getRoot() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext
getRoot() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Searches up the tree until it finds the root NameContext
getRootCategoriesForCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Return the list of all root categories for a catalog (including all root categories of the rootSubCatalogs
getRootCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in catalog that holds the root categories
getRootCatsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property rootCatsPropertyName
getRootCause() - Method in exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Returns the root exception that caused this exception
getRootCause() - Method in exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Returns the root exception that caused this exception
getRootCause() - Method in exception atg.service.email.EmailException
Returns the root exception that caused this exception.
getRootCause() - Method in exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Returns the root exception.
getRootCause() - Method in exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Returns the root exception.
getRootCommunityFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the root folder of the community folder tree.
getRootDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getRootFile(VirtualFileSystem) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
getRootFolder() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Returns the folder which points toward the "root folder."
getRootFolder() - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Returns the folder which points toward the "root folder."
getRootFolderName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property RootFolderName
getRootGearDefinitionFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the root folder of the gear definition folder tree.
getRootOrganization() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Return an Organization that acts as the root of the organizational hierarchy.
getRootPageFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns the root page folder for this community.
getRootPageFolder() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the root folder of the page folder tree.
getRootPath() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Returns the file object of the root path being monitored
getRootPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property rootPropertyName
getRootPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The Property rootPropertyName
getRootRoleFolder() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
Get the root RoleFolder in a hierarchy of RoleFolders that contain all global roles.
getRootSubCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in catalog that holds the root sub catalogs
getRoundingDecimalPlaces() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
number of decimal places to which prices should be rounded
getRoutingSystemService() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getRowmap(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the Rowmap with the given name, or null if there is no such Rowmap.
getRowmapDefinition() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
getRPCRouterServlet() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Return the RPCRouterServlet property.
getRqlFilterParameters() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property rqlFilterParameters
getRqlFilterString() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property rqlFilterString
getRule() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property rule
getRuleEvaluator() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property RuleEvaluator
getRuleExpression() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Returns property ruleExpression
getRuleRepresentation() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
Generate the SGML Targeting rule to be used in the filter
getRuleRepresentation() - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Gets the SGML rule
getRules() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the rules used to define this group.
getRulesets() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter
getRuleSetService() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Returns the RuleSetService containing the rules to be evaluated.
getRuleSetService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns the RuleSetService containing access control rules.
getRuleStrings() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Get the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
getRuleStrings() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
getRunCount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the number of times the job has been run
getRunning() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Running"
getRunningHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the total number of handlers, including those that are currently handling connections, and those that are waiting for connections.
getRunningSearchEngineForPartition(SearchEnvironment, PhysicalPartition) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getRuntimeAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns this task's runtime access control list.
getRuntimeAclString() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the String representation of this task's runtime access control list.
getRVFSURI(String, String, String, String, Integer) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
This is the preferend method of creating a file asset URI.
getSaleComplexPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
getSalePrice(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
getSalePrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
salePrice is the sale price before any modifications It is a unit price.
getSalePricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns property salePricePropertyName
getSalePricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
getSalesComplexPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the SalesComplexPrice
getSalesPricePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the SalesPrice
getSalt(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher
Given a login name, extracts the salt which should be used to encrypt the associated password.
getSalt(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher
Returns the salt for the given login.
getSalt(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Given a login name, extracts the salt which should be used to encrypt the associated password.
getSalt(String) - Method in interface atg.security.SaltFetcher
Returns the salt for the given login.
getSaltFetcher() - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher
Returns the SaltFetcher.
getSample(int) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleEvent
Returns the Sample at the specified index
getSample() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Returns property Sample
getSample(Sampler.SampleSource, Sample) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Obtains a sample from the given source
getSampleCount() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Returns the number of samples in the list
getSampleCount() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleEvent
Returns the number of samples in the list
getSampleListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Returns the number of sample listeners
getSampleListeners() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Returns an array of the sample listeners
getSampleListSize() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Returns the maximum number of samples that will be stored
getSampleSources() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Returns the list of {service}.{property} values to be included in every sample.
getSamplingSchedule() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the Schedule used to sample request/session/memory/JDBC connection information.
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveAllProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the saveAllProperties
getSaveChangedPropertiesOnly() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Returns the saveChangedPropertiesOnly flag
getSaved() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns a collection of Order objects which are the user's saved list of shopping carts.
getSaved() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Returns the saved list of orders from the OrderHolder, if the saved list is not empty.
getSavedPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.UserFailService
Retrieves the User object persona information as a list of SavedPersona objects.
getSavedProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Returns the savedProperties list
getSavedRequestScope(Object, int, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Returns the saved request scope, while also removing it from the saved store.
getSaveGiftlistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property SaveGiftlistErrorURL
getSaveGiftlistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property SaveGiftlistSuccessURL
getSaveOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Return the SaveOrderErrorURL property.
getSaveOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the SaveOrderErrorURL property.
getSaveOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Return the SaveOrderSuccessURL property.
getSaveOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the getSaveOrderSuccessURL property.
getSavePriceInfosInIncompleteOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property savePriceInfosInIncompleteOrders
getSavePurchaselistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getSavePurchaselistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getSaveRequestScopeOnRedirect() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
getScenarioEventPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The port to which all scenario events will be sent.
getScenarioEventPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
The name of the port to send pricing events to
getScenarioInstance() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns the scenario instance going through the scenario segment.
getScenarioInstancesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Returns the name of the profile's "scenarioInstances" property.
getScenarioItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the ScenarioItemType property
getScenarioManager() - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Returns the ScenarioManagerService.
getScenarioPathInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Get property ScenarioPathInfo
getScenarioPathInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Get property ScenarioPathInfo
getSchedulable() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the Schedulable object that will be notified of this job.
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The schedule for this service
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Returns the Schedule that is used to schedule rotations
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property Schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property Schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property Schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property Schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property Schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Returns the schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Get property schedule
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the Schedule for this job
getSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Returns the Schedule on which this sampler will run.
getScheduledDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the list of SCHEDULED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution.
getScheduledDeployments(int, int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the list of SCHEDULED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution.
getScheduledJobCount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the number of ScheduledJobs waiting to occur.
getScheduledOrder() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
returns the property ScheduledOrder
getScheduledOrderItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property ScheduledOrderItemDescriptor
getScheduledOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
returns the property ScheduledOrderPropertyName
getScheduledOrderRepository() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property ScheduledOrderRepository
getScheduledOrderTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
returns the property scheduledOrderTools
getScheduledOrderTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property ScheduledOrderTools
getScheduledOrderTools() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property ScheduledOrderTools
getScheduleOrderPort() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ScheduleOrderPort
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The scheduler for this service.
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Get property scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Returns the Scheduler that is used to schedule rotations
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Returns the Scheduler used to run the expiration and swapping checks.
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the Scheduler used to run the expiration and swapping checks.
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property Scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns the Scheduler responsible for scheduling batch sends.
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Returns the scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Get property scheduler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Returns the Scheduler that will run this sampler
getScheduler() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Returns property Scheduler
getSchemaFileName(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns the filename to be used to store the xml schema corresponding to the item-descriptor.
getSchemaFileName(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns the filename to be used to store the xml schema corresponding to the item-descriptor and mapping file name.
getSchemaFileName(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns the filename to be used to store the xml schema corresponding to the item-descriptor and mapping file name.
getSchemaFileName(String) - Static method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
getSchemaManager() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Returns Schema Manager
getScheme() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getScheme
getScope() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Returns the "scope" into which the newly created component should be placed.
getScrambleKey() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the Scramble Key property
getScrambleKey() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns the Scramble Key property, used for the "secret key" to weakly encrypt the Dynamo URL Arguments
getSearchAllManufacturers() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
getSearchConfigAttributeName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Get search config attribute name.
getSearchConfigAttributeName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get search config attribute name.
getSearchConfigName(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Get the search config name.
getSearchConfigName(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the search config name from service.
getSearchConfigNameService() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Get nucleus service that return search config name.
getSearchConfigNameService() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get nucleus service that return search config name.
getSearchContext() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the session scoped search context
getSearchEnvironmentTargets() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getSearchErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
getSearchEventSender() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Returns property searchEventSender
getSearchFor() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getSearchInput() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchInput
getSearchInput() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchInput
getSearchMessageSource() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the message source for this component.
getSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns Names of the properties to search for getProductXMLByDescription
getSearchResults() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchResults
getSearchResults() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchResults
getSearchResults() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchResults
getSearchResultsByItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchResultsByItemType
getSearchResultsByItemType() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchResultsByItemType
getSearchService() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the ESSearchService, the interface to the search service
getSearchSession() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Return the search session from the search context or null if one does not yet exist.
getSearchSession() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Get the search session used to track user in ATG Search
getSearchStrategyService() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getSearchString() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchMessage
Get property searchString.
getSearchStringFormat() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchStringFormat
getSearchStringFormat() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchStringFormat
getSearchStringFormat() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SearchStringFormat
getSearchSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
getSecCityTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary city tax amount as an int.
getSecCityTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary city tax basis amount as an int.
getSecCityTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary city tax rate as an int.
getSecCountyTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary county tax amount.
getSecCountyTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary county tax basis amount.
getSecCountyTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary county tax rate.
getSecond() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the second of the minute (0-59)
getSecondaryAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the secondaryAddressPropertyName property.
getSecondaryOrganizations() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.User
Get the secondary parent organizations which contain this User.
getSecondaryOrganizationsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecondAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the second of the minute as a java.util.Date
getSeconds() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property Seconds
getSecondsUntilExpiration() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Returns property secondsUntilExpiration
getSecondsUntilExpiration() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Returns property secondsUntilExpiration
getSecondZipCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the second zip code.
getSecProvinceTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary province(state) tax amount.
getSecProvinceTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary province(state) tax basis amount.
getSecProvinceTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the secondary province(state) tax rate.
getSecuredObjectDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Returns the descriptor for the secured object.
getSecuredPublishingRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the securedPublishingRepository
getSecuredResources() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Returns A list of resources protected by this SecurityDomain
getSecureHost() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getSecurePort() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getSecureProtocol() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
getSecureProtocolName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityConfiguration() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the security configuration information for the repository.
getSecurityConfiguration() - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepository
Returns the security configuration information for the repository.
getSecurityContext() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns the security system context information appropriate to this object.
getSecurityContext() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the security system context information appropriate to this object.
getSecurityContext() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Returns the security system context information appropriate to this object.
getSecurityDomain() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the component security domain used by Nucleus.
getSecurityDomain() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityDomainEvent
Returns the security domain that generated the event.
getSecurityDomainDescription() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns the description of the security domain.
getSecurityDomainDescription() - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns the description of the security domain.
getSecurityDomainName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns the name of the security domain.
getSecurityDomainName() - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns the name of the security domain.
getSecurityDomains() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Returns List of security domains with which this servlet must authenticated
getSecurityException() - Method in exception atg.security.RuntimeSecurityException
Returns the security exception that caused this runtime security exception.
getSecurityPolicy() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the security policy used for the repository.
getSecurityPolicy() - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepository
Returns the security policy used for the repository.
getSecurityPolicy() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Returns the security policy that is in effect in this configuration.
getSecurityPrincipal(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns the principal associated with the supplied community relative role name.
getSecurityPrincipal(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the principal associated with the supplied name
getSecurityPrincipal(DirectoryPrincipal) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Converts a DirectoryPrincipal (any of the identity objects returned by the UserDirectory) into a security Principal.
getSecurityProviders() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityProviderService
get SecurityProviders
getSecurityStatus(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Gets the security status of the given profile, if there is such a property
getSecurityStatusAnonymous() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusBasicAuth() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusCertificate() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusCookie() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusSecureLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSecurityStatusUrl() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
getSeed() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property Seed
getSeedColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property SeedColumn
getSegmentItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the SegmentItemType property
getSegmentName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property segmentName ("Segment name")
getSegmentName() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the segment name.
getSegmentName() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Returns the segment name.
getSegmentName() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the name of the workflow process segment that the task belongs to.
getSegmentName() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Returns the name of the workflow process segment for which task information should be returned.
getSegmentName() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the name of the workflow process segment.
getSelectAllowed() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getSelectedCreditCardName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the SelectedCreditCardName property.
getSelectedIndex1() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method returns the index of the first item the user wants to compare.
getSelectedIndex2() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Returns the index of the second item the user wants to compare.
getSelectSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Get property SelectSQL.
getSelectSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property SelectSQL.
getSelectStatement() - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the "SELECT {columns} FROM {tables}" statement corresponding to the tables and columns referenced by the PropertyColumns added to this Query.
getSellerRegistrationNumber() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
getSellerRegNumber() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
getSendAsHtml() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the property indicating whether message content should be sent as HTML.
getSendAsText() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the property indicating whether message content should be sent as plain text.
getSendCheckinEvents() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getSendCheckoutEvents() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getSendD4StyleEvents() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getSender() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property sender.
getSendErrorURL() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property sendErrorURL
getSendMessages() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
getSendSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Returns the Schedule for perfoming batch sends.
getSendSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property sendSuccessURL.
getSendUserEmail() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
getSequenceNum() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
The sequence number is incremented each time a connection is broken or reestablished to a lock server.
getServer() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property server.
getServer() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the db server name.
getServerAliveMessageResponseWaitTime() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getServerDownIterationDetectionCount() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getServerId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Returns the unique id to be used for tagging events in this server
getServerInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the string identifying the server.
getServerList() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property ServerList, the list of host:port combinations that this client should connect to.
getServerList() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property ServerList, the list of host:port combinations that this client should connect to.
getServerName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
getServerName() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getServerName
getServerNameService() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getServerNameService() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Service that provides a name for this server instance.
getServerPort() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getServerPort
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns property ServerSocketFactory
getService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent
Returns the service being started or stopped
GetService - Class in atg.repository.xml
This class is used to get an XML instance document from a repository.
GetService() - Constructor for class atg.repository.xml.GetService
getServiceClass() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Returns the class to which the service object belongs.
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Service
Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent
Returns the Configuration that created the Service
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the Configuration that was used to create this Service, null if there was none.
getServiceId() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Return the ServiceId property.
getServiceInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns the a descriptive string about this service
getServiceInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns the a descriptive string about this service
getServiceInfo() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns the a descriptive string about this service
getServiceInstance() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Get a new TransactionLockService with all the default settings..
getServiceInstance(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Get a new TransactionLockService but instead of using the default transactionLockName, use the given lock name.
getServiceInstance(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Get a new TransactionLockService with all the default settings.
getServiceInstance(String, ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Get a new TransactionLockService but instead of using the default transactionLockName, use the given lock name.
getServiceMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Returns property serviceMap
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
getServiceName() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Returns the name of the service that will be created by this configuration
getServiceName() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the name of the service from which the sample was taken
getServlet(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns a servlet with the specified name.
getServletConfig() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the configuration for this Servlet
getServletConfig() - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Returns the configuration for this servlet.
getServletConfig() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property ServletConfig
getServletConfig() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Returns the configuration for this Servlet
getServletContext() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the context for this servlet (if any)
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns the ServletContext of the Portal Framework.
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the servletContext of the color palette
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the servlet context of the gear
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the servlet context
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the servlet context
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the servlet context
getServletContext() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the servletContext
getServletContext() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
getServletContext get all the properties for this app
getServletContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Returns this servlet's ServletContext
getServletContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property ServletContext
getServletContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property ServletContext
getServletContextName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
SERVLET_2_3_UNIMPLEMENTED Stub for a new method in Servlet 2.3 spec.
getServletInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the information string for this servlet
getServletInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Returns the information string for this servlet
getServletInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Access servlet info
getServletInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Returns the information string for this servlet
getServletNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the list of servlet names as an Enumeration.
getServletPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getServletPath
getServletPathPrefix() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
getServletPaths() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Returns the list of possible servlet paths
getServlets() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the servlets defined in this context
getSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Gets the current valid session associated with this request, if create is false or, if necessary, creates a new session for the request, if create is true.
getSession() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one.
getSession() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns the Session associated with this request.
getSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Gets the current valid session associated with this request, if create is false or, if necessary, creates a new session for the request, if create is true.
getSession() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one.
getSession() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
getSession() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
getSessionBasedSearchRequest() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set to true to save search request in the SearchContext component, false otherwise.
getSessionBasedSearchResults() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set to true to save search Results object in SearchContext object, false otherwise.
getSessionConfigLanguage() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the value used to initialize the SessionConfig's language property.
getSessionConfirmationNumber() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Get the session confirmation number.
getSessionExpirationLoggingEventTypeName() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property SessionExpirationLoggingEventTypeName
getSessionExpirationPath() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
Returns Path of directory to check for session expiration
getSessionExpirationURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the SessionExpirationURL property.
getSessionExpirationURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
The URL to go to if the session has expired
getSessionExpiredRedirectURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Returns URL to which the user will be redirected if the session has expired
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns the current session id associated with the request when this message is sent in the context of an HTTP request.
getSessionId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Returns the current session id associated with the request when this message is sent in the context of an HTTP request.
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Returns the current session id associated with the request when this message is sent in the context of an HTTP request.
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The session id associated with the event
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Returns property SessionId
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Gets the SessionId property
getSessionId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Get the session id for the current session.
getSessionIdAddress() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Returns the IP address that will be stamped into generated session id's
getSessionIdPort() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Returns the IP address that will be stamped into generated session id's
getSessionManager() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Returns the SessionManager, used to determine the number of sessions during sampling.
getSessionManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Returns the SessionManager
getSessionManager() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the session manager for the current installation.
In DAF this returns a GenericSessionManager in Dynamo it returns a SessionManager
getSessionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the session manager.
getSessionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the session manager.
getSessionManagerPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The component name and path for the SessionManager.
getSessionNameContext() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return the session name context.
getSessionNameContext(DynamoHttpServletRequest, HttpSession, Nucleus) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the NameContext associated with a given session.
getSessionRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionRequest(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getSessionRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Returns the SessionRequest
getSessionURLName() - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
The name for the session id.
getSetCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Returns property SetCount
getSetCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Returns property SetCount
getSetCurrentRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getSetMethod() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
getSetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the SetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
getSetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the SetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
getSetOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Return the setOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
getSetOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the setOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
getSetOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderChainId
getSetOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderChainId
getSetOrderChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property SetOrderChainId
getSetOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderErrorURL
getSetOrderErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderErrorURL
getSetOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderSuccessURL
getSetOrderSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property SetOrderSuccessURL
getSetProductListErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL when errors occur calling setProductList or setProductListAllSkus.
getSetProductListSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get destination URL when successfully calling setProductList or setProductListAllSkus.
getSetTaskOwnerErrorURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task owner was not set successfully.
getSetTaskOwnerSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task owner was set successfully.
getSetTaskPriorityErrorURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task priority was not set successfully.
getSetTaskPrioritySuccessURL() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to if the task priority was set successfully.
getSetType() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The kind of change to make.
getSetupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequests() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns true if we should look for/setup loopback requests made by the template email system.
getSeverity() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getShallowCreditCardPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the shallowCreditCardPropertyNames property.
getSharedViewStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property sharedViewStates
getShellRestart() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Does this nucleus support the restart operation? (i.e.
getShipFromCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get ShipFromCity used for tax calculations.
getShipFromCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get ShipFromCity used for tax calculations.
getShipFromCity() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getShipFromCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get ShipFromCountry used for tax calculations.
getShipFromCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getShipFromCountry() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Get ShipFromCountry used for tax calculations.
getShipFromGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get OriginZip used for tax calculations.
getShipFromGeoCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getShipFromProvince() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getShipFromState() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get ShipFromState used for tax calculations.
getShipFromState() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get ShipFromState used for tax calculations.
getShipFromZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Get ShipFromZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
getShipFromZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Get ShipFromZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
getShipFromZip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
getShipItemRelationshipStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The object containing all the states of an shipping group
getShipItemRelationshipStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The object containing all the states of a shipping group / commerce item relationship
getShipItemRelationshipStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The object containing all the states of an shipping group
getShipItemRelationshipStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The object containing all the states of a shipping group / item relationship
getShipItemRelCommerceItemPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the commerce item property name in a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
getShipItemRelOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the order property in a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
getShipItemRelPriceTotal(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sum the amount for all the details that refer to a specific relationship If the range of the relationship is null, 0.0 is returned.
getShipItemRels() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
The shipping group commerce item relationships that just modified.
getShipItemRelsForRange(List, Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Return the relationships whose range fall within the given range
getShipItemRelShippingGroupPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the shipping group property in a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
getShipItemRelStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the state property in a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
getShipItemRelViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the view in the order repository for ShipItemRels.
getShipOnDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the shipOnDate.
getShipOnDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the shipOnDate.
getShipping() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getShippingAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
Returns the shippingAddress
getShippingAddress() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingAddressContainer
getShippingAddress() - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationItem
Returns the item's shipping address
getShippingAddress() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Returns the shipping address of the purchaser
getShippingAddress() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Get property ShippingAddress
getShippingAddressId() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property shippingAddressId.
getShippingAddressItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The item descriptor type for the shipping address property
getShippingAddressMapProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
getShippingAddressProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
getShippingAddressProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store the id of hte shipping address property on a giftlist
getShippingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The name of the profile property that setDefaultShippingAddress modifies
getShippingAddressPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Return the shippingAddressPropertyName property.
getShippingAddressValidator() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
getShippingAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Returns the shipping and handling cost amount for the order Some states might impose taxes on the shipping amount
getShippingAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Get property ShippingAmount
getShippingDestination(int) - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Return a single shipping destination
getShippingDestination(int) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Return a single shipping destination
getShippingDestinations() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Returns the array of shipping destinations for the order
getShippingDestinations() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Returns the array of shipping destinations for the order
getShippingGroup() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the ShippingGroup reference.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the ShippingGroup reference.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
The shipping group that was just modified.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property ShippingGroup.
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the ShippingGroup whose id is pShippingGroupId.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns shipping group bean to use for modifying the shipping groups
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the ShippingGroup reference.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs
Return the shipping group being validated.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property ShippingGroup.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Returns property ShippingGroup.
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Get a ShippingGroup based on its ShippingGroupName
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
getShippingGroup gets the ShippingGroup with the given name from the ShippingGroupMapContainer.
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Get a ShippingGroup based on its ShippingGroupName
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the ShippingGroup reference.
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Returns the ShippingGroup whose id is pShippingGroupId.
getShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Returns the ShippingGroup whose id is pShippingGroupId.
getShippingGroup() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the ShippingGroup reference.
getShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShippingGroup.
getShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Get the shipping group from which we should determine the available shipping methods
getShippingGroupByDescription(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupByDescription(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method will return a ShippingGroup whose description is pDescription.
getShippingGroupClassType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the ShippingGroupClassType
getShippingGroupClassType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupClassType
getShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns the relationship object which exists between the given CommerceItem and ShippingGroup.
getShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship(CommerceItem, DetailedItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Return a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship based on the commerceItem and a DetailedItemPriceInfo.
getShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Get a list of all the shippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships that are contained within a particular order.
getShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Get a list of all the shippingGroupCommerceItemRelationships that are contained within a particular order.
getShippingGroupCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroups in the container.
getShippingGroupCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Returns the number of ShippingGroups in the container.
getShippingGroupCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroups in the container.
getShippingGroupId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getShippingGroupId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Returns the shippingGroupId
getShippingGroupId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the shippingGroupId
getShippingGroupId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ShippingGroupId property.
getShippingGroupIdList() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
A list of shipping group ids.
getShippingGroupIdParameter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getShippingGroupIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This property identifies which shipping groups the recipient is responsible for fulfilling.
getShippingGroupIds() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
This property identifies which shipping groups that need to be resent to the fulfillers.
getShippingGroupIdString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
A space delimited string of shipping group ids.
getShippingGroupInitializers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ShippingGroupInitializers property.
getShippingGroupInitializers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ShippingGroupInitializers property.
getShippingGroupItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the shippingGroupItemDescriptorName
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Returns property shippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Returns property shippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property shippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the ShippingGroupManager property.
getShippingGroupManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ShippingGroupManager property.
getShippingGroupMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Return the ShippingGroupMap property.
getShippingGroupMap() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Get a ShippingGroupMap which manages the user's ShippingGroup
getShippingGroupMapContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the ShippingGroupMapContainer property.
getShippingGroupMapContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ShippingGroupMapContainer property.
getShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the ShippingGroupName property.
getShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Returns the name that the shipping group is mapped to in the map.
getShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Returns the name that the shipping group is mapped to in the map.
getShippingGroupName(ShippingGroup, ShippingGroupMapContainer, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
getShippingGroupNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Get all the user's ShippingGroupNames
getShippingGroupNames() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Get all the user's ShippingGroupNames
getShippingGroupOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the order property in the shipping group
getShippingGroupOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the order property in the shipping group
getShippingGroupOrderPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns the shippingGroupOrderPropertyName
getShippingGroupProperty() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the shippingGroupProperty name.
getShippingGroupProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Returns the shippingGroupProperty name.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is pShippingGroupRelationshipId.
getShippingGroupRelationshipContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationshipCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns the number of ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships.
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships.
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns a List of ShippingGroupRelationships
getShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroups
getShippingGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Returns a List of ShippingGroups
getShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Returns a List of ShippingGroups.
getShippingGroupShipOnDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the property in ShippingGroups that specifies when a shipping group should be shipped.
getShippingGroupShipOnDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the property in ShippingGroups that specifies when a shipping group should be shipped.
getShippingGroupShippingAddressClassNameMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Returns property shippingGroupShippingAddressClassNameMap
getShippingGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Returns the shippingGroupsProperty name.
getShippingGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the shippingGroupsProperty
getShippingGroupsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Returns the shippingGroupsProperty name.
getShippingGroupStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the state property for ShippingGroups
getShippingGroupStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the state property for ShippingGroups
getShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The object containing all the states of a shipping group
getShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
The object containing all the states of a shipping group
getShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
The object containing all the states of an shipping group
getShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
The object containing all the states of an shipping group
getShippingGroupStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The object containing all the states of an shipping group
getShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
The name of the submitted date property in the shipping group
getShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the property for ShippingGroups that says when it was submitted.
getShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the property for ShippingGroups that says when it was submitted.
getShippingGroupTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ShippingGroupTypes property.
getShippingGroupViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The name of the view in the order repository for shipping groups.
getShippingGroupViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
The name of the view in the order repository for shipping groups.
getShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the items that appear in that shipping group
getShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns property shippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property ShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getShippingItemsTaxPriceInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains the tax price information for only the items that appear in that shipping group
getShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns property shippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty
getShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property ShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty
getShippingMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the ShippingMethod property.
getShippingMethod() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the shippingMethod
getShippingMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the shippingMethod
getShippingMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Returns property ShippingMethod
getShippingPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the shippingPriceInfoProperty
getShippingPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the shippingPriceInfoProperty
getShippingPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the shipping pricing engine to consult for available shipping methods
getShippingPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property ShippingPricingEngine
getShippingPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property ShippingPricingEngine
getShippingPricingEngineService() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ShippingPricingEngineService
getShippingPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property ShippingPricingModels
getShippingPromotions(ShippingGroup, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the ShippingGroup.
getShippingPromotions(ShippingGroup, Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the ShippingGroup.
getShippingTypeClassMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
returns a java.util.Properties object of the type to classname map for ShippingGroup classes.
getShipToAddressName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Get the name of the address to ship the goods to
getShipToDoneErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToDoneErrorURL
getShipToDoneSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToDoneSuccessURL
getShipToMultipleDoneErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToMultipleDoneErrorURL
getShipToMultipleDoneSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToMultipleDoneSuccessURL
getShipToMultipleErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToMultipleErrorURL
getShipToMultipleSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShipToMultipleSuccessURL
getShipToZipOptionChoice() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
gets the index for the currently chosen ship-to zip option.
getShipToZipOptionCount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
getShipToZipOptions() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns the string array describing the current billing zip options.
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property ShoppingCart
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Returns property ShoppingCartPath
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Returns property ShoppingCartPath
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Returns property ShoppingCartPath
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
Returns the nucleus path to the shopping cart.
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
The full name of the ShoppingCart component for every request.
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The nucleus path to the session scoped shopping cart (of type OrderHolder)
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property ShoppingCartPath
getShoppingCartPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
getShort(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getShort
getShort(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC SMALLINT parameter as a short in the Java programming language.
getShortDayOfWeekName() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the shortened name of the day of the week ("Sun", "Mon", etc.)
getShortDescription() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Returns the potentially localized short description
getShortDescriptionResource() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
getShortMonthName() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the shortened name of the month ("Jan", "Feb", etc.)
getShortValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property shortValue
getShouldCache() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getShouldCoverErrorsWithCache() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getShouldListDirectory() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the flag indicating whether a directory should be listed in response to a directory reference in which no index files can be found.
getShuttingDown() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the flag indicating if this is currently shutting down
getSimpleSOAPClient() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
This is the SOAP client that will be used to send the XML document out via a SOAP call.
getSingleCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the SingleCostCenter property.
getSingleKeywordSearchOperator(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Return a keyword search operator based on the state of ignoreCase for non-multi items.
getSingleUpdatableItem(RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method extracts a single MutableRepositoryItem from the array of RepositoryItems passed to it.
getSiteDefaultOptionSet(ClientRequest, SearchSession) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the default option set for this client request.
getSiteHttpServerName() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Returns the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
getSiteHttpServerName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
getSiteHttpServerName() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
getSiteHttpServerPort() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getSiteHttpServerPort() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
getSiteHttpServerPort() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
getSiteName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the site name.
getSiteName() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Get the site name
getSize() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the size of the column
getSize() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the size attribute
getSize() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag.Results
getSize() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
getSize() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.Results
getSize() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorList
Returns number of Errors in this list
getSize() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns number of Results in this list
getSize() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach.RQLQueryReturnData
getSize() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the size of the column
getSkip() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getSkip(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getSkipDynamoFormHandlerParam() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
getSkipTargetIds() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Get SkipTargetIds.
getSku() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Get the SKU for this comparison list entry.
getSku(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
This method obtains the Sku object from the DynamoHttpServletRequest object.
getSku() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Sku
getSKU() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The id of the sku whose inventory is changing
getSku(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Get the SKU object corresponding to the specified ID and (optional) catalog.
getSKUBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property SKUBeanInfos
getSKUBeanInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property SKUBeanInfos
getSkuCompareList() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method returns the list of SKUs the user wants to compare against.
getSkuDisplayName(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return the display name of a sku to use when constructing user visible error messages about it, or a string indicating that the sku's display name could not be found.
getSkuDisplayNamePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku.
getSkuID() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
getSkuId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
getSkuIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
The name of the property in price that identifies the sku id
getSkuInfoItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for sku info objects
getSkuInfoItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a skuInfo
getSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
The list of properties that are copied inside populateSkuInfo from the info returned by getBaseSkuInfo
getSkuInfoRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding sku-info items
getSkuInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property skuInfosPropertyName
getSkuInfosPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in sku for the map of sku-info objects
getSkuItemName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The item type for skus
getSkuItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for a sku
getSKUItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property SKUItemTypes
getSKUItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Returns property SKUItemTypes
getSkuLinkItemPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
the name of the item property in a sku link.
getSkuLinkQuantityPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The name of the quantity property in a sku link
getSKUMappingFileName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns Name of the mapping file to be used to generate SKU XML
getSkuMigratableProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property skuMigratableProperties
getSkuMigrationItemType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The name of the item-descriptor used for SkuMigration
getSkuMigrationProperties() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method retrieves all the properties in the skuMigration item-descriptor.
getSkuPrice(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price repository item for the given sku id in the given priceList.
getSkuPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price repository item for the given product id and sku id in the given priceList.
getSkuPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return the price repository item for the given product id, sku id, and parent sku id in the given priceList.
getSkuPrices(String, List, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return all the prices where the sku id is in the given list.
getSkuPrices(String, List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Return all the prices where the sku id is in the given list.
getSkuPropertyValues(RepositoryItem, List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
This method is actually responsible for obtaining the values and concatenating the string together that will be rendered on output.
getSkuRepositoryView(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Helper method to get the RepositoryView for finding sku items
getSkusInfoMapProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the map property in sku that maps catalogs to skuInfos The default is "skuInfos"
getSkuViewName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The Property skuViewName
getSlot(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
Returns the slot parameter.
getSlotInstancesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Returns the name of the profile's "slotInstances" property.
getSlotItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the slotItemType property
getSlotName() - Method in class atg.scenario.dms.SlotItemRequestMessage
Name of slot requesting content.
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Return the URL to a small image of the color palette
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access a url to the small image for the Gear
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the small image URL
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the small image URL
getSmallImageURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the small image URL
getSMTPEmailSender() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The SMTPEmailSender service to send emails through.
getSnapshot(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look-up a snapshot by its id.
getSnapshotByID(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up a snapshot using the unique ID returned from getID().
getSnapshotByName(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look up a Snapshot of the given name in this version manager.
getSnapshotName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property snapshotName ("Initial snapshot name")
getSnapshots() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an unmodifiable set of all snapshots.
getSnapshotsByParent(Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Find all child snapshots given a parent branch.
getSOAPActionURI() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Used by the Call.invoke() method.
getSOAPParameterName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
Return the value of SOAPConstants.SOAP_PARAMETER_NAME This defaults to xmlDocument
getSOAPServerURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
The URL that this SOAP client should make a request to.
getSoftGoodRecipientEmailAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Return the SoftGoodRecipientEmailAddress property.
getSoftGoodShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property SoftGoodShippingGroupName
getSoftGoodShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Return the softGoodShippingGroupName property.
getSolidSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getSortAscending() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property sortAscending
getSortAscending() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property sortAscending
getSortBy() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property SortBy
getSortBy() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Get the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.
getSortColumns() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the list of columns that are being sorted.
getSortDirection() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns the sort direction.
getSortDirection() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the direction string for this entry, which will be "ascending", "descending", or "none".
getSortDirectives() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Returns property SortDirectives
getSortDirectives() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Returns property SortDirectives
getSortedAbbreviations() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Returns property sortedAbbreviations
getSortedArray(DynamoServlet, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
This method needs to be static because it is used by the Range, Table, etc.
getSortedNames() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Returns property sortedNames
getSorter() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Returns the Comparator to use when sorting tasks.
getSortIndex() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the relative index for this column.
getSortOrdersByProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property SortOrdersByProperty
getSortPosition() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return the relative position for this entry.
getSortProperties() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
getSortProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns the name of the property to sort by.
getSortString() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Get a sort key String for a case-insensitive sort by feature name.
getSortString() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Get a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for all entries in the list of sort criteria.
getSortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Return a string of the form [+/-]propertyName
getSortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for all entries in the list of sort criteria.
getSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property source
getSource() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
This method returns an arbitrary string that identifies the source of the the message.
getSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
This method returns an arbitrary string that identifies the source of the the message.
getSource() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getSource() - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Returns property Source
getSourceException() - Method in interface atg.core.exception.ContainableException
Returns property SourceException
getSourceException() - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Returns property SourceException
getSourceException() - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Returns property SourceException
getSourceExceptions() - Method in exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Returns property SourceExceptions
getSourceFileSystem() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
getSourceHostName() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the hostname from which the email is coming from
getSourceId() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the source id of this message bean.
getSourceId() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the source id of the page
getSourceMap() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Returns the TargetingSourceMap to use when evaluating rules.
getSourceMap() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns the source map used by the targeter.
getSourceMap() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Gets the map of source names to their Nucleus paths.
getSourceMap() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Returns the TargetingSourceMap used to resolve component names in rules.
getSourceName() - Method in class atg.security.AuthenticationEvent
Returns the name of the authentication attempt source, if any.
getSourceName() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the source name of the job
getSourceNameDelimiter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getSourceNames() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
getSourceOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Return the source order for the merge operation.
getSourcePage() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PersonalizedPage
Access the source of the personalized page
getSourcePassword() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The password to use when copying from sourceServer
getSourcePath() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Error
Returns the path of the File (if any) that was being processed when this error occurred
getSourcePath() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Result
Returns the path of the File that was processed.
getSourcePath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
getSourcePaths() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns the array of file paths from which the items are derived.
getSourceRepository() - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
getSources() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Configuration
Returns an array of ConfigurationSources that contributed information to this ConfigurationState.
getSourceScenarioPathInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Get property SourceScenarioPathInfo
getSourceServer() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The name of the server to copy from.
getSourceType() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the source type of this message bean.
getSourceUser() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The username to use when copying from sourceServer
getSpecialInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the specialInstructions of this giftlist
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property specialInstructions.
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the specialInstructions
getSpecialInstructionsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property to store SpecialInstructions property on a giftlist
getSpecialPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Returns the special personae supported by this user authority.
getSpecialPersonae() - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority2
Returns the special personae supported by this user authority.
getSpecialPersonae() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the special personae supported by this user authority.
getSpecifiedIdPropertyValue() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Return the id property value if it has been specified explicitly, otherwise return null.
getSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the SpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupErrorURL property.
getSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the SpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupSuccessURL property.
getSpecifyDefaultShippingGroupErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the SpecifyDefaultShippingGroupErrorURL property.
getSpecifyDefaultShippingGroupSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the SpecifyDefaultShippingGroupSuccessURL property.
getSpellCheckActive() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the spellCheckActive
getSpellCheckEnableLearn() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the spellCheckEnableLearn
getSpellCheckPropEditHtmlEdit() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the spellCheckPropEditHtmlEdit
getSpellCheckPropEditStringEdit() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the spellCheckPropEditStringEdit
getSplitAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the SplitAmount property.
getSplitAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the SplitAmount property.
getSplitCostCenterName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the SplitCostCenterName property.
getSplitCostCentersErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the SplitCostCentersErrorURL property.
getSplitCostCentersSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the SplitCostCentersSuccessURL property.
getSplitPaymentInfosErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the SplitPaymentInfosErrorURL property.
getSplitPaymentInfosSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the SplitPaymentInfosSuccessURL property.
getSplitPaymentMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the SplitPaymentMethod property.
getSplitQuantity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Return the SplitQuantity property.
getSplitQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Return the SplitQuantity property.
getSplitQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the SplitQuantity property.
getSplitQueries() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property splitQueries If true repository queries are split into pieces for SQL generation as needed for correctness.
getSplitShippingGroupName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Return the SplitShippingGroupName property.
getSplitShippingInfosErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the SplitShippingInfosErrorURL property.
getSplitShippingInfosSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the SplitShippingInfosSuccessURL property.
getSplitValueIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The split value index.
getSQL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Returns the SQL File for the specified database.
getSql() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getSQLColumnMappings() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property SQLColumnMappings
getSQLColumnMappings() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property SQLColumnMappings
getSQLColumnSizes() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property SQLColumnSizes
getSqlCommand() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property sqlCommand
getStackCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
How many .'s were at the beginning of this component name
getStackTrace() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the stack trace of an exception as a string.
getStageNames() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Gets the array of possible business process stage names.
getStageReachedJMSType() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Returns the JMS Message type used when sending stage reached messages.
getStagingDataStore() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Returns the 'staging' data store.
getStagingDataStoreName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Returns the identifier of the 'staging' data store.
getStartCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns the property startCount.
getStartDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property StartDate
getStartDate() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Get the Date that the alert should be published.
getStartIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns the property startIndex.
getStartingIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Returns property StartingIndex.
getStartingIndex() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Returns property StartingIndex
getStartingWith() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getStartTime() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Time in millis at which this nucleus was created.
getStartTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Returns property startTime
getStartupAttempts() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The number of startup attempts to make.
getStartupFailureSleepTime() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.
getState(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Get the state as Integer for this item.
getState() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the home state that applies to this filter
getState() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the state
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the CommerceItem state.
getState() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the state
getState() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the order state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
returns the Order state.
getState() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
returns the PaymentGroup state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
returns the PaymentGroup state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the state
getState() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
returns the ShippingGroup state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
returns the ShippingGroupRelationship state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns the ShippingGroup state.
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property State
getState() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property State
getState() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
getState() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The numeric state code indicating the status.
getState() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Wrapper call to the AgentTransport for this agent.
getState() - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Returns the "short" status of the agent, specifically just the state code used to identify the agent's current state.
getState() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getStateAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the CommerceItem state as a String.
getStateAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
getStateAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
returns the PaymentGroup state as a String.
getStateAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
returns the Relationship state as a String.
getStateAsString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns the ShippingGroup state as a String.
getStateAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the CommerceItem state as a user resource
getStateAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
returns the Order state as a user resource
getStateAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
returns the PaymentGroup state as a user resource
getStateAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
returns the ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship state as a user resource
getStateAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns the ShippingGroup state as a user resource
getStateAsUserResource(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method returns a resourced value for the given state.
getStateAsUserResource(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method returns a resourced value for the given state.
getStateAsUserResource(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method returns a resourced value for the given state.
getStateAsUserResource(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method returns a resourced value for the given state.
getStateCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getStateCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return the state code.
getStateDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description.
getStateDescription(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description.
getStateDescriptionAsUserResource(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description from a resource file.
getStateDescriptionAsUserResource(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description from a resource file
getStateDescriptionAsUserResource(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description from a resource file.
getStateDescriptionAsUserResource(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states description from a resource file
getStateDescriptionMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
stateDescriptionMap is the mapping between a state name and a description string
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the stateDetail
getStateDetail() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Returns the stateDetail
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
returns the CommerceItem state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Returns the stateDetail
getStateDetail() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the order state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
returns the Order state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
returns the PaymentGroup state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
returns the PaymentGroup state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
returns the ShippingGroup state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the stateDetail
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns the ShippingGroup state details.
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Returns property StateDetail
getStateDetail() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Returns property StateDetail
getStateDetailAsUserResource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
returns the Order state detail as a user resource
getStateFromString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method takes a states string value and returns the int value
getStateId() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the id of the process state machine state this process instance is currently in.
getStatement(int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Get a StructuredStatement at specified index, if one does not yet exist, create it and return it.
getStatements(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Get StructuredStatement objects from query request.
getStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The name of the property in the catalog that tracks the status of differnent catalog maintenance services.
getStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Returns the property name used to get the user's home state
getStatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property statePropertyName
getStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
Returns the universe of states in question
getStatesList() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Returns property StatesList
getStateString(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states string value.
getStateString() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns the integer state code as a character string identifier.
getStateStringMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
stateStringMap is the mapping between a state name and a string
getStatesVary() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if state codes vary amoung the result items.
getStateTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property StateTax
getStateTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Get the state/province tax
getStateTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getStateTax() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getStateTax() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxStatus
The state/province tax amount
getStateTimestamp() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Timestamp the state of this status was last changed.
getStateTimestampAsDate() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Timestamp the state of this status was last changed.
getStateValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
This method gets the requested states value.
getStateValueMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
stateValueMap is the mapping between a state name and an integer
getStats() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Wrapper call to AgentTransport.getStatus(clusterID) for this agent.
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Returns the full status of the agent.
getStatus(String) - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Returns the status of the agent for the specifiec clusterID.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The current status of the deployment.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
getStatus() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns the status of this Target.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
The result of DBCopier.copy
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property status ("Status")
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property status ("Status")
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property status ("Status")
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property status ("Status")
getStatus() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
getStatus() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getStatus() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Gets property status.
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
The current status of the Job.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the status for this context.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the status code sent through this response object.
getStatus() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns an identifier signifying the status the profile for this request.
getStatus() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Gets the status of the asset (one of STATUS_ADDED, STATUS_DELETED, STATUS_MODIFIED)
getStatusCode() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
getStatusCodeMessage(int) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
This method returns an error string which maps to the supplied status code.
getStatusCodeMessage(int, Locale) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
This method returns an error string which maps to the supplied status code.
getStatusDescriptorName(PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Return the item descriptor name which refers to the object type.
getStatusDetail() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property statusDetail ("Status detail")
getStatusDetail() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property statusDetail ("Status detail")
getStatusForUpdate() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns the Deployment's reference to Status so that it can be updated outside of this class.
getStatusPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the statusPropertyName property.
getStockLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Return the inventory stock level for this item.
getStockLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The stockLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getStockLevel() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The stockLevel for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getStockLevelPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property StockLevelPropertyName
getStockThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
The stockThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getStockThreshold() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
The stockThreshold for the inventory item with id inventoryId
getStockThresholdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Returns property StockThresholdPropertyName
getStopHandlingMilliseconds() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the stopHandlingMilliseconds property.
getStopInitiator() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
A generic identifier for who or what stopped the deployment.
getStopProcessingOnError() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Get whether processOrder will return false if an exception occurs.
getStoreCreditAmountAuthorizedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditAmountAuthorizedPropertyName
getStoreCreditAmountPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditAmountPropertyName
getStoreCreditAmountRemainingPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditAmountRemainingPropertyName
getStoreCreditAuthorizedProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserStoreCreditAuthorizer
Return the StoreCreditAuthorizedProperty property.
getStoreCreditExpirationDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditExpirationDatePropertyName
getStoreCreditInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
Factory method to create a new StoreCreditInfo object.
getStoreCreditInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
Return the class to instantiate when creating a new StoreCreditInfo object.
getStoreCreditIssueDatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditIssueDatePropertyName
getStoreCreditItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditItemDescriptorName
getStoreCreditLastUsedPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditLastUsedPropertyName
getStoreCreditNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
Returns the storeCreditNumber.
getStoreCreditNumber() - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Returns the StoreCreditNumber
getStoreCreditNumber() - Method in interface atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditInfo
Returns the StoreCreditNumber
getStoreCreditOwnerIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property storeCreditOwnerIdPropertyName
getStoreCreditProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Returns property StoreCreditProcessor
getStoreCreditsForProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Returns a List of store credit repository items which belong to the user with the profile id in pProfileId.
getStoreCreditsForProfile(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Returns a List of store credit repository items which belong to the user with the profile id in pProfileId.
getStoreCreditStatusDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Returns the storeCreditStatusDescName
getStoreTransientItems() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getStoreTransientItemsOnCommit() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getStrategyType() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
getStrictAuthorization() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Returns property strictAuthorization This is true by default.
getStrictFileOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property strictFileOps ("Strict repository update operations")
getStrictFileOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property strictFileOps ("Strict repository update operations")
getStrictRepoOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property strictRepoOps ("Strict file update operations")
getStrictRepoOps() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property strictRepoOps ("Strict file update operations")
getString(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Return a String message specific for the given locale
getString(String, Locale) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
Return a String message specific for the given locale
getString(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getString
getString(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language.
getStringArrayRequestAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Return a request attribute value, identified by the specified key, as a String array
getStringBuffer() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Get the string buffer into which all the XML is written
getStringResource(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
Reads the string with the given key from the resource file.
getStringResource(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
getStringResource(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
This method acts as a utility method to obtain a given resource for a particular key.
getStringResource(String) - Static method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
Get a string resource for a given String.
getStringResource(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method acts as a utility method to obtain a given resource for a particular key.
getStringResource(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Obtains a string resource for the given key.
getStrings() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
Get the list of initialization strings provided to this object.
getStrings() - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Fetch the array of Strings.
getStringState(Integer, IntegrationRepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Takes an Integer representing the State of the repository item as input, and generates the corresponding String value for the state.
getStringValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Returns property stringValue
getStringValueOrNull(Map, Object) - Static method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Return a String value in the map for the specified key or null.
getStringValueProperty(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Return the value of a property from the values Dictionary as a String
getStructuredStatements() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Return an array of structured statements
getStyle() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mStyle
getStyle() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the style for the community
getStyleById(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves a style by its unique ID.
getStyleSet() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves the set of styles known to the system.
getStyleSet(Comparator) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Retrieves the set of styles known to the system sorted based on the comparator given.
getStylesheetCache() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The StylesheetCache used by this component.
getSubCatalogsChildCategoriesPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in the category that stores the list of root categories from all the sub catalogs
getSubCatalogsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
The name of the property in catalog that holds the sub catalogs
getSubItemPropertyValue(Context, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Sub item property accessor.
getSubject() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getSubject() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns the subject going through the process segment, null if the segment is not being executed in the context of an individual subject.
getSubject() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Returns the subject field.
getSubject() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property subject.
getSubject() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the WorkflowTaskFormSubject item which can be used to access and modify properties of the workflow subject specified via the subjectId property.
getSubject() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the AssetDescriptor object which describes this task's subject, null if the task has no subject.
getSubjectClassName() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the name of the class to use when instantiating the object to be returned by the subject property.
getSubjectId() - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
getSubjectId() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns the repository id of the subject this process instance is associated with.
getSubjectId() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the repository id of the workflow subject corresponding to the task instance.
getSubjectId() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the repository id of the workflow subject associated with this task.
getSubjectRepository() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the MutableRepository used to store workflow subjects.
getSubjectType() - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
If this filter has subject-related conditions any of which assume a particular subject type, returns that type.
getSubjectType() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the name of the item descriptor describing workflow subjects.
getSubmitOrderJMSType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Returns the JMS type of the SubmitOrder event.
getSubmitShipping() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Get whether shipping cost from the order will be submitted to taxware as freight
getSubmitted() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getSubmittedDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the submittedDate.
getSubmittedDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the submittedDate
getSubmittedDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Returns the submittedDate
getSubmittedDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the submittedDate
getSubmittedDate() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Returns the submittedDate.
getSubmittedDate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the submittedDate
getSubmittedTime() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Gets the submittedDate as a long.
getSubmittedTime() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property submittedTime
getSubmitValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getSubmitValue() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
getSubmitValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
getSubNames() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
Get the sub names for this component.
getSubNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Get the sub names of the component.
getSubNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Get the sub names for this component.
getSubPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns a list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
getSubPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns a list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
getSubPersonae() - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns a list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
getSubPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns a list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
getSubPersonae() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns a list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
getSubPropertyDescriptor(Object, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Like getPropertyDescriptor, but takes a hierarchy property name of the form code>propertyName1.subPropertyName2.subSubPropertyName3... If any of the intermediate property values is null, a NullPointerException is thrown.
getSubPropertyValue(Object, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Like getPropertyValue, but takes a hierarchy property name of the form propertyName1.subPropertyName2.subSubPropertyName3... If any of the intermediate property values is null, null is returned.
getSubSkuPrice(CommerceItem, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Get the current price for the given subsku
getSubSkuPriceInfoClass() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property PriceInfoClass
getSubstituteDeletedProductId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
This property specifies the id of the product that will represent all deleted products.
getSubstituteDeletedSkuId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
This property specifies the id of the sku that will represent all deleted skus.
getSubTotal(Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceRangeShippingCalculator
Return the sub total of all the items in the shipping group.
getSubtotalPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
getSubType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
The specific modification
getSubType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
The specific modification
getSubType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
The specific modification
getSubTypeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSubTypeProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSubTypeValue() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSubTypeValues() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSubTypeValueString() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSubview() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getSubview(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns a pre-defined subview identified by name.
getSubview(String, Object) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns a pre-defined subview identified by name.
getSubview(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns a pre-defined subview identified by name.
getSubviewDefinitions() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
getSubviewParameters() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
getSubviews() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getSuccessful() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Successful"
getSuccessMessageProcessor() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns the form message processor used for notifying the user about successes.
getSuccessReturnValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Returns property successReturnValue
getSuccessReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Returns property successReturnValue
getSuccessReturnValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Returns property successReturnValue
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property SuccessURL
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
Where to go on success
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
Where to go on success
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns property SuccessURL
getSuccessUrl() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property SuccessURL
getSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the optional url to redirect to on a successful search.
getSuffix() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Returns the suffix
getSuffix() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Returns the suffix
getSuffix() - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Returns the suffix
getSuffix() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property Suffix
getSuffixColumn() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property SuffixColumn
getSummaryCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property SummaryCount
getSummaryFromTime() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property SummaryFromTime
getSummaryFromTimeMillis() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property SummaryFromTimeMillis
getSummaryToTime() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property SummaryToTime
getSummaryToTimeMillis() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Returns property SummaryToTimeMillis
getSuperAdminRole() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the SuperAdminRole
getSuperTypeDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getSupportsEveryone() - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
If true, this user authority supports the "EVERYONE" special persona.
getSupportsEveryone() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
If true, this user authority supports the "EVERYONE" special persona.
getSurrogateFor() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property surrogateFor ("Agent for which this agent acts as a surrogate")
getSurrogateFor() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property surrogateFor ("Target for which this target acts as a surrogate")
getSuspended() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
Returns the instance representing the String value "Suspended"
getSuspendedProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getSwitch() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode
Returns the instance representing the String value "Switch"
getSwitch() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
getSwitch() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getSwitchablePaths() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Array of Nucleus component paths on this agent that implement Switchable.
getSwitchingDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
This is the data source being controlled by this form handler.
getSwitchingDataSourceEventListenerCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
get the # of listeners
getSwitchingDataSourceEventListeners() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
get a copy of listeners
getSwitchingDataSourceName() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get property switchingDataSourceName
getSybaseSQL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getSynchronized() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getSystemNucleus() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
getTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property Table
getTable() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
getTableColumns() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
getTableColumns() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the array of objects that represent the columns in the table.
getTableInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
getTableName() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the name of the table containing this column.
getTableName() - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the table name referenced by the property columns.
getTableName() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getTableName() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
getTableName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property TableName
getTableName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property TableName
getTableName() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property TableName
getTableNames() - Method in class atg.cortex.Query
Returns the list of tables referenced by the columns added to the Query.
getTablePrefix() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Returns property TablePrefix
getTablePrefix() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property TablePrefix
getTablePrefix() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Returns property TablePrefix
getTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Get property tables
getTables() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getTables() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getTables() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
getTableStatus(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Go through the list of tables names that we were supplied with.
getTableVariable() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
getTag(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Returns the list of TagAttributeDescriptors which are used by this converter.
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Returns the list of TagAttributeDescriptors which are used by this converter.
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.EscapeHTMLTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Returns the list of TagAttributeDescriptors which are used by this converter.
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in interface atg.droplet.TagConverter
Returns the list of TagAttributeDescriptors which are used by this converter.
getTagAttributeDescriptors() - Method in class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
getTagConverterByAttribute(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
Returns the TagConverter registered for a specific attribute name.
getTagConverterByName(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
Returns the TagConverter for a specified set of attributes.
getTagManager(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getTagManager(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String, int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getTagName() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
getTagName() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
getTagName() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
getTagName() - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Returns the name of this tag or null if no name has been specified.
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.TEI
getTagName() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get the name of the constraints tag passed to buildXML()
getTagName(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
getTagNameEncoderService() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Gets the TagNameEncoderService.
getTags() - Method in class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
If the property value must be one of a set of known tagged values, then this method should return an array of the tags.
getTags() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.EnumEditor
getTags() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
getTags() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get the map used to store tag creation/value data
getTarget() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The logical target associated with the event, either a deployment target or an individual target agent.
getTarget() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The logical target of the status, either a deployment target or a local agent.
getTarget() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The target receiving the deployment.
getTargetByID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the ID'd target.
getTargetByName(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns the named target.
getTargetDefHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for TargetDef instances.
getTargeter() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Returns the targeter to use for the targeting operation.
getTargeter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
getTargeterItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the TargeterItemType property
getTargetId() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
This is the id of the target being modified
getTargetId() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
getTargetID() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property targetID ("Target ID")
getTargetingSourceMap() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Get property TargetingSourceMap
getTargetName() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Getter for property targetName
getTargetName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
get TargetName
getTargetObjectURI() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
The targetObjectURI that is set on the Call object.
getTargetPrincipal() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RelativeRole
Return the principal to which this relative role pertains.
getTargets() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns an array of the deployment targets defined in the deployment topology.
getTargets() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Getter for property targets ("Definition of Targets associated with this topology")
getTargetSnapshot() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Return the target snapshot.
getTargetSnapshotID() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
getTargetSnapshotID() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Return the target snapshot ID.
getTargetType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
This is the type of the target specified by the target id
getTargetValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
This is the object that should be added to the container.
getTask() - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Returns the TaskDescriptor for the task to which this outcome belongs.
getTaskByElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns a TaskDescriptor for a task in this workflow with the given element id, or null if no such TaskDescriptor exists.
getTaskByName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns a TaskDescriptor for a task in this workflow with the given logical name, or null if no such TaskDescriptor exists.
getTaskDescriptor() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
getTaskDescriptor() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the TaskDescriptor object which describes the task.
getTaskDescriptor() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns the TaskDescriptor for this task.
getTaskElementId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property taskElementId ("Task element id")
getTaskElementId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getTaskElementId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
getTaskElementId() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
getTaskElementId() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the id of the workflow element corresponding to the task.
getTaskElementId() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the process element id of the task element in the workflow, as it appears in the workflow definition file.
getTaskElementIds() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Returns the process element ids of the task elements in the workflow for which task information should be returned.
getTaskInfo() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the TaskInfo object corresponding to the task instance.
getTaskInfos() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property taskInfos ("Task information")
getTaskInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getTasks() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.Results
getTasks(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Performs the task query, and returns a Collection of TaskInfo objects which satisfy the given criteria.
getTasks() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns the List of tasks for this workflow, in presentation order.
GetTasksTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining a list of tasks from the workflow engine.
GetTasksTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Empty Constructor
GetTasksTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output for this tag
GetTasksTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetTasksTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag.TEI
getTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
The amount of tax paid for this item
getTax() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getTaxableItem(int) - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Return a single item which was purchased.
getTaxableItem(int) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Returns an individual item in the shopping cart
getTaxableItemAmount() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Returns the total taxable amount for all the items, excluding the shipping.
getTaxableItemAmount() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Get property TaxableItemAmount
getTaxableItems() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestination
Returns the items that were purchased All items will be represented as TaxableItem objects.
getTaxableItems() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Get property TaxableItems
getTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the taxable items that appear in that shipping group
getTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns property TaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property TaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
getTaxCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
getTaxPriceInfo() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the taxPriceInfo
getTaxPriceInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the taxPriceInfo
getTaxPriceInfoDescName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns property taxPriceInfoDescName
getTaxPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Returns the taxPriceInfoProperty
getTaxPriceInfoProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Returns the taxPriceInfoProperty
getTaxPriceInfoRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the taxPriceInfoRepositoryItem
getTaxPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property TaxPricingEngine
getTaxPricingEngine() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Returns property TaxPricingEngine
getTaxPricingEngineService() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property TaxPricingEngineService
getTaxPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Returns property TaxPricingModels
getTaxProcessor() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Get property TaxProcessor
getTaxPromotions(Order, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the tax calculation.
getTaxPromotions(Order, Collection, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the promotions used in the tax calculation.
getTaxSelParm() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
getTaxService() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Get the TaxService used to generate the TaxRequest.
getTaxStatus() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxableItem
Return a status code which represents the tax status of the item
getTaxStatus() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Returns property TaxStatus
getTaxStatusProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Returns property TaxStatusProperty
getTemplateEmailBatchPersister() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Get the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data.
getTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set the template email batch server perisister...
getTemplateEmailInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
getTemplateEmailListenerCount() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the number of TemplateEmailListeners.
getTemplateEmailListeners() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the array of TemplateEmailListener objects.
getTemplateEmailPersister() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.
getTemplateEmailSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
The TemplateEmailSender to use for sending email to a single recipient.
getTemplateEmailSender() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
getTemplateInvoker() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
getTemplateOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Get the template order from the Scheduled Order
getTemplateParameters() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns the Map of parameter names and values to set when rendering the jhtml template.
getTemplateRendererServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
getTemplateRendererServlet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Returns the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
getTemplateRoles() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Get all template roles associated with this role.
getTemplateURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns the URL of a jhtml file which should serve as a template for generating the message text.
getTemplateURL(TemplateEmailInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the template URL of the given TemplateEmailInfo, prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.
getTemplateURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the given template URL prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.
getTerritoryTaxAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the territory tax amount.
getTerritoryTaxBasisAmount() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the territory tax basis amount.
getTerritoryTaxRate() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Return the territory tax rate.
getTestMode() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns whether this component is in test mode, i.e.
getTestPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getText() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
getTextActiveZones() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the text active zones.
getTextIndexTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property textIndexTable
getTextInput() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property TextInput
getTextInput() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property TextInput
getTextOutputPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get both the text output property names.
getTextPropertyValue(Context, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get the text property value.
getTextSearchPropertyName() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getTextSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Returns property TextSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names for text search
getTextSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property TextSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names for text search
getTextSearchPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property TextSearchPropertyNames which is the set of property names for text search
getTextSecurityConstraint(Context, RepositoryItem, String, Object, SecurityConstraints) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Get the security constraint for the specified text property.
getThreadBatchSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getThreadCount() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Returns the number Threads that will be reading and dispatching from the queue.
getThreadMethod() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get property threadMethod
getThreadMethod() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Get property threadMethod
getThreadMethod() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the threading method used for the job.
getThreadSpawnInterval() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getThreadStackHash() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property threadStackHash
getThresholdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
The property name of the threshold that has been reached.
getThresholdValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
The value of the threshold
getThrowable() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property Throwable
getThrowable() - Method in exception atg.security.ImplementationSecurityException
Returns the throwable that caused this exception.
getThrowVerificationException() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should throw a descriptive exception upon address verification failure.
getTime() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getTime(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getTime
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getTime
getTime(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object.
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct the time.
getTime() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the time in milliseconds
getTimeAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getTimeAsDate() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the time in milliseconds as a java.util.Date.
getTimeAsTimestamp() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getTimeAsTimestamp() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the time in milliseconds as a java.sql.Timestamp.
getTimeCheckedOut() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns the time in milliseconds this object was checked out of the resource pool.
getTimeCreated() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the timestamp when the Job was created.
getTimeCreated() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Returns property timeCreated.
getTimeoutCount() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the number of times entries were invalidated because they were out-of-date.
getTimeoutLockIntervalSecs() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getTimeOutMsecs() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the number of milliseconds of inactivity before a claimed index is considered timed out.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Getter for property timestamp ("Timestamp")
getTimeStamp() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property TimeStamp
getTimestamp() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityDomainEvent
Returns the timestamp at which the event occurred.
getTimestamp() - Method in class atg.security.UserAuthorityEvent
Returns the timestamp at which this event occurred.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataItem
Returns property TimeStamp
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getTimestamp
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getTimestamp
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct the Timestamp object.
getTimestamp() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the time at which the sample was taken
getTimeStamp() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
The time at when the content in the repository was last modified.
getTimestampDateFormat() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property TimestampDateFormat
getTimestampDateFormat() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property TimestampDateFormat
getTimeStarted() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the time when the Job started processing or 0 if the Job has not been started.
getTimeStopped() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
Returns the time when the Job finished processing or 0 if the Job has not started running or has not yet finished.
getTimeUntilExpire() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get the TimeUntilExpire property
getToAddress() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The email address to send deployment notifications to.
getTokenSeperator() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns property TokenSeperator
getTopicName() - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
Get the topicName
getTopLevelItemRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Return the repository that corresponds to the top-level "item" element in the definition file.
getTopologyChangeEventListeners() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Returns an array of the list of TopologyChangeEventListener.
getTopologyDefHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for TopologyDef instances.
getTopologyDefinitionFile() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
getTopologyManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.
getTopologyManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Get TopologyManager.
getTopologyVersion() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The version of the topology that this server last initialized with.
getTotal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
getTotalAdjustment() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
The total price adjustment
getTotalCommerceItemCount() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Returns the number of individual CommerceItems in the container.
getTotalCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Returns the number of individual CommerceItems in the container.
getTotalCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Returns the number of individual CommerceItems in the container.
getTotalCommerceItemCount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the number of individual CommerceItems in the container.
getTotalExecutionTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property totalExecutionTime
getTotalItemCount() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Returns property TotalItemCount
getTotalItemCount() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Returns property TotalItemCount
getTotalItemCount() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property TotalItemCount
getTotalItemCount() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Returns property TotalItemCount
getTotalMemory() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Returns property TotalMemory
getTotalMemoryRequired() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property totalMemoryRequired
getTotalNumberOfExecutions() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Returns property totalNumberOfExecutions
getTotalRequestHandlingTime() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Returns the total amount of time spent handling requests, in milliseconds.
getTotalTaxAmount(TaxResult) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
getTotalWork() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
getTrackingData() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Gets the NV pair data to associate with the out-bound email.
getTrackingData() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the TrackingData property
getTrackingData() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Returns the tracking data to associate with the email.
getTrackingNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
Returns the trackingNumber
getTrackState() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
A boolean value that the user can specify whether to track the state of catalog maintenance service
getTransaction() - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Get the Transaction that is associated with this TransactionDemarcation;
getTransaction() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getTransactional() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Returns the flag indicating if the job should be running in its own transaction context.
getTransactionBatchSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Returns property TransactionDemarcation.
getTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Returns property TransactionDemarcation.
getTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the transaction demaraction for this form handler
getTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Gets a new TransactionDemarcation.
getTransactionId() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property TransactionId
getTransactionId() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getTransactionId() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getTransactionId() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getTransactionId() - Method in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
A unique transaction Id returned from the payment system
getTransactionId() - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
A unique transaction Id returned from the payment system
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getTransactionIsolation
getTransactionLockFactory() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
The transactionLockFactory is used to get the locks if useLocksArountTransactions is true
getTransactionLockFactory() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
The factory used to get the service that is used to get and release locks before modifying the order
getTransactionLockName() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Generate the lock name to use when acquiring and releasing locks in acquireTransactionLock and releaseTransactionLock.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the transaction manager to use for repository interaction.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the TransactionManager property.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Returns property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the transaction manager used by this InvoiceManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Returns property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Returns property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
The TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
The transaction manager is is used to begin and end all transactions used during fulfillment.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
Transaction Manager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Returns property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Transaction Manager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Return the TransactionManager property.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
The service used to manage all transactions
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Component that controls management of the transactions
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the TransactionManager property.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Transaction manager to use for various operations.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Returns the transaction manager for the repository that we are using
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Returns the transaction manager for all transactional processing
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the transaction manager used by the droplet
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Transaction Manager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Returns the transaction manager used by the scenario element
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Get property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the transaction manager used to manager transactions.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property TransactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the transaction manager for the repository that we are using
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Returns Transaction Manger
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Returns the TransactionManager used to persist RepositoryItemSlots.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns the transaction manager that should be used for managing repository transactions.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Get property TransactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property transactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property transactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Returns property TransactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Returns property TransactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Returns the TransactionManager.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Get property transactionManager
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns the transaction manager for the repository that we are using
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property transactionManager DEFAULT: null
getTransactionManager() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the transaction manager.
getTransactionMode() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Returns the default transaction mode of the chain.
getTransactionMode() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Returns the transaction mode for this PipelineLink.
getTransactionsEnabled() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
getTransactionsEnabled() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getTransactionSize() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
The number of transactions to batch together during the agent's apply phase.
getTransactionSize() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get property TransactionSize
getTransactionSize() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property TransactionSize
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property TransactionSuccess
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
Indicates if the transaction succeeded or failed
getTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
indicates if the transaction succeeded or failed
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Get property TransactionTimestamp
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in interface atg.payment.PaymentStatus
Date when the transaction is initiated
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
Date when the transaction is initiated
getTransactionType() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Return the TransactionType property.
getTransactionType() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
getTransAttribute() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getTransAttributeCode() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getTransferId() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns the ID of the data transfer as used by the DataTransferAdapter.
getTransientItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getTransientItems() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getTransientRepositoryItem() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Get the transient item.
getTransitionValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Given a value for the property specified by propertyName, find the corresponding return value from returnValues, choosing the default value if the property value was not listed in the lookup table.
getTransitionValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Given a value for the property specified by propertyName, find the corresponding return value from returnValues, choosing the default value if the property value was not listed in the lookup table.
getTransitoryInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Get the transitory info.
getTransport() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property transport ("Transport Definition")
getTransportDefHome() - Method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
Returns an instance of the Home for TransportDef instances.
getTransportType() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Returns the transport type used by this agent, the same type used in the XML topology definition file.
getTransportType() - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Returns the transport type, the same type used in the XML topology definition file.
getTransportType() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Getter for property transportType ("Transport Type")
getTransportURI() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
getTrimmed() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
getTrimProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Get the Set of the names of properties to trim.
getTrimProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns property TrimProperties
getTrimProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns property TrimProperties
getType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
Return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
return the TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
return the TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
The JMS type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
The JMS type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Returns the JMS type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
The JMS type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
return the TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
Returns the type of this event.
getType() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
returns the type of the message.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
return the TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
the type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
the type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
the type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
The JMS type of this event.
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Type
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
getType() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
return the JMS message TYPE of the message
getType() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the type of the column taken from java.sql.Types
getType() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The deployment type represented by this manifest, either TYPE_FULL or TYPE_INCREMENTAL.
getType() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Returns the type
getType() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the type attribute
getType() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property type ("Deployment Type")
getType() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
getType() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns the type of the column taken from java.sql.Types
getType() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
getType() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
getType() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns the type of ACE.
getType() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Returns property Type
getType() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Returns property Type
getType() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
getType() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Gets the type of this URI.
getTYPE_NAME() - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
Type name
getTYPE_NAME() - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
Type name
getTypeDescriptorMap() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getTypeDescriptorMapKey(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Converts a raw type value which is stored in the database for a sub-type-property, to a type object, which is used as the key in the typeDescriptorMap.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Return a serializable instance of CatalogTypeInfo that summarizes metadata usable in a client context
getTypeInfo(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfoMap
Returns the TypeInfo associated with the given JDBC type, or null if the database does not support that JDBC type.
getTypeInfo(int) - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfoMap
Returns the TypeInfo associated with the given JDBC type, or null if the database does not support that JDBC type.
getTypeInfoList(Connection) - Static method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
Returns a list of the TypeInfo objects for a database through the specified Connection.
getTypeInfoList(Connection) - Static method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
Returns a list of the TypeInfo objects for a database through the specified Connection.
getTypeMap() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getTypeMap
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name of this type for use in the data-type attribute
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Returns the type of property descriptor that this class defines.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name this type uses in the XML file.
getTypeName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name used for this type in the property descriptor.
getTypePropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Return the typePropertyName property.
getTypes() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
getTypeSQL(DatabaseTableInfo, int, int) - Static method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns the name of this type for use in the data-type attribute
getUidForFailover() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Returns the user id of the profile.
getUIPropertyEditor() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns a cached localized PropertyEditor instance for this DynamicPropertyDescriptor.
getUnassignedAmountForCommerceItem(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
This method returns the unassigned amount for a CommerceItem.
getUnassignedQuantityForCommerceItem(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
This method returns the unassigned quantity for a CommerceItem.
getUnassignedQuantityForCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
This method returns the unassigned quantity for a CommerceItem.
getUnassignedQuantityForCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
getUnauthorizedMessage() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns the HTML message that will be displayed to the user if authentication fails.
getUncachedInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Returns property UncachedInventoryManager
getUncachedInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Get property UncachedInventoryManager
getUncachedItems() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
getUncachedPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
According to the value of ignoreProductFirst calls the various getPrice methods until a price is found or all the methods have been tried.
getUncachedProductPrices(String, List, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This will execute a query within a single priceList for product prices.
getUncachedRelationalView() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns a RelationalView that is identical to this RelationalView, except that all of its select calls bypass the caches and go directly to the database.
getUncachedSkuPrices(String, List, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This will execute a query within a single priceList for sku prices.
getUncheckedFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns the array of unchecked exceptions that occurred for display in the page
getUnclaimedConfigStateItems() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Return the configuration items claimed by some server.
getUnclaimedConfigStates() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Get the generation for the specified config.
getUnique() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getUniqueAddressNickname(Object, Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method returns a unique shipping address nickname.
getUniqueCatalogRefIds(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
For the given order, return a list of all the catalog ref ids in the order.
getUniqueCreditCardNickname(Object, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method returns a unique credit card nickname.
getUniqueCreditCardNickname(Object, Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method returns a unique credit card nickname.
getUniqueIdPropertyLocal() - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns the property to use as the local unique id.
getUniqueIdPropertyRemote() - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns the property to use as the remote unique id.
getUniqueNickname(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method returns a unique name from profile and a collection of names.
getUniqueNicknameSeparator() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
getUniqueServerId() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
Get unique server id...
getUniqueServerId() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
This is a uniq id for each dyanmo server.
getUniqueServerIdPropertyName() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
getUniqueShippingAddressNickname(Object, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method returns a unique shipping address nickname.
getUnitOfTimeIndex(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns the index into the units of time arrays for the specified unit of time.
getUnitOfTimeIndex(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.RelativeSchedule
Returns the index into the units of time arrays for the specified unit of time.
getUnitPrice(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return an ItemPriceInfo object representing the unit price of the product and sku represented by pColumn; return null if the column has no sku information.
getUnlimited() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
getUnlockAllAssetsOptimizationThresholdCount() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Number of asset locks in a workspace when optimized SQL should be used for better performance to release asset locks.
getUnmodifiableDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
getUnmodifiableDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns property UnmodifiableDefaultValue
getUnowned() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getUnscheduledJobCount() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the number of UnscheduledJobs waiting to occur.
getUnscheduledJobs() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
getUnsuppliedAssetDescriptors() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results
GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining the names and counts of all and required asset placeholders in the workflow for the given project.
GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
Empty Constructor
GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output from this tag.
GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag.TEI
getUnversionedRepositoryPath() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
get UnversionedRepositoryPath
getUpdatableItem() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Get a mutable version of the repository item whose id updateRepositoryId and whose type is updateItemDescriptorName.
getUpdatableProperty() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Get the property of the update repository item that is to be updated when a new repository item is created.
getUpdateActivityTimeMillis() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get the number of milliseconds to wait between updates to lastActivity time.
getUpdateAddressErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property updateAddressErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error updating an address.
getUpdateAddressSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property updateAddressSuccessURL, used to redirect user when an address is successfully updated.
getUpdateAllowed() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database.
getUpdateCache() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Set the updateCache property
getUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getUpdateCount
getUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getUpdateCount
getUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getUpdateCount
getUpdatedCommerceMessage(ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
getUpdatedItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
getUpdatedItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
getUpdatedItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
getUpdatedItem() - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.RepositoryUpdateEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
getUpdatedItem() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
getUpdatedItemIdList() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
A list of preordered ids.
getUpdatedItemIdString() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
A space delimited string of sku ids
getUpdateErrorURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getUpdateErrorURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a failed item update.
getUpdateErrorURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getUpdateEventListeners() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property UpdateEventListeners DEFAULT: null
getUpdateGiftlistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property UpdateGiftlistErrorURL
getUpdateGiftlistItemsErrorURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property UpdateGiftlistItemsErrorURL
getUpdateGiftlistItemsSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property UpdateGiftlistItemsSuccessURL
getUpdateGiftlistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property UpdateGiftlistSuccessURL
getUpdateHandlerPool() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Maintain a pool of ContentHandlers that will be used to process an instance document.
getUpdateInventoryPort() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
The port to which all UpdateInventory messages are sent.
getUpdateInvoiceChainName() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Return the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is saved to the repository.
getUpdateItemDescriptorName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the item descriptor name for the item specified by updateRepositoryId.
getUpdateJobDescription() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Returns property UpdateJobDescription
getUpdateJobName() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Returns property UpdateJobName
getUpdateKey() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the key that identifies the map entry to modify, in cases where updatePropertyName specifies a map-valued property.
getUpdateLastActivityTimeInSeparateThread() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to update last activity time in a separate thread.
getUpdateMethod() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Returns property UpdateMethod
getUpdateMode() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
How often to update the profile email statuses...
getUpdateProfileTemplate() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the communities update profile template
getUpdateProfileURI() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns a URI which can be used to navigate to the update profile page.
getUpdatePropertyName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the property of the update item to modify when this form handler creates or deletes a repository item.
getUpdatePurchaselistErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getUpdatePurchaselistItemsErrorURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getUpdatePurchaselistItemsSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getUpdatePurchaselistSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
getUpdateRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the repository id of a "container" or "parent" item that may be updated automatically whenever a repository item is created or deleted by this form handler.
getUpdateRepositoryId() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getUpdateSchedule() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Returns property UpdateSchedule
getUpdateSchedule() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Returns property UpdateSchedule
getUpdateSchedule() - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Returns property UpdateSchedule
getUpdateService() - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
The service that updates a repository item given an xml document
getUpdateSQL() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the SQL clause that will be used for this column in an UPDATE statement.
getUpdateSql() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
getUpdateSQL() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Returns property UpdateSQL
getUpdateSQL() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Returns property UpdateSQL
getUpdateSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Get property UpdateSQL.
getUpdateSQL() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property UpdateSQL.
getUpdateSubjectOnSubmit() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns true if the workflow subject should be updated when submit methods are executed, false otherwise.
getUpdateSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getUpdateSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the URL to redirect to upon a successful item update.
getUpdateSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getUpperBound() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
The largest value for propertyName contained in catalogRefIds
getUpsell() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Upsell
getUpsellActionPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
getUpsellProductsPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
getURI() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property URI
geturi() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
getURI() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.ManagedElement
Returns the unique ID for this element
getURI() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Returns the URI for this version manager instance.
getURI(String, VersionManager) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Creates a VersionManagerAPI from a string.
getURI(int, String) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Creates a VersionManagerAPI from a string, passing one of DEV_LINE, REPOSITORY_ITEM or VIRTUAL_FILE to indicate what the URI type is.
getURI(int, VersionManagerURI, String) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Creates a VersionManagerAPI from a string, passing one of DEV_LINE, REPOSITORY_ITEM or VIRTUAL_FILE to indicate what the URI type is.
getURI(String, String, String, String, Integer) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getURI(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getUriForRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Return a JNDI "atgrep:" URI given a repository item.
getUriForRepositoryItem(Context, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get a URI for the specified item
getURIPart(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Returns the part of the URI at the given index, parsing using the rules for the given type of URI.
getURIString() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Returns the URI as a String.
getUrl() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mUrl
getUrl() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property mUrl
getURL() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DeviceOutput
Access the URL
getUrl() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
getUrl() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the <viewInContext><url> tag's body
getUrl() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the URL request value
getURL() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property URL.
getURL() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the JDBC URL.
getURL(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATALINK parameter as a java.net.URL object.
getURL(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATALINK parameter as a java.net.URL object.
getUrl(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getUrl(WebApp) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
Returns the URL to the page which was accessed.
getURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Returns the URL of the page which the user attempted to access.
getURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor.UrlAndMimeType
The URL for the template.
getURLArgs(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.URLArgumentPipelineServlet
Returns the URL arguments Dictionary
getURLName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the url of the community
getURLName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Access the URL of the page
getURLParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from Dynamo's special scrambled URL Parameter string, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the URL Parameter string to be parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getURLParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index.
getURLParameterCount(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the number of URL parameters that have the same key.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getURLParameterNames() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the URL parameter names.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getURLParameterString() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the URL Parameter String property string
getURLParameterValues(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an array of Strings of all the Dynamo's special scrambled URL parameter values for the given name.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
getURLSessionIdSpecifier() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the URL Session ID Specifier
getUseAgentErrorMsgResourceKey() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Set this to true during an agent exception and the CA server will use the agent error message resource key and resource arguments when reporting the deployment error.
getUseCache() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Get the useCache property
getUseCacheForDelete() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property useCacheForDelete
getUseCallableStatement() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
getUseCallableStatement() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseCascadeConstraints() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Get property useCascadeConstraints
getUseDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
getUseDataSource() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
getUseDataSource() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUsedCapacity() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the ratio of cache entries to maximum cache entries.
getUseDirectPathForExport() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Get property useDirectPathForExport
getUsedLongIds() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get property usedLongIds
getUsedMemory() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the amount of memory taken up by the entries in the cache (includes keys).
getUsedMemoryCapacity() - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns the ratio of memory size to maximum memory size
getUsedPromotionsProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Property of the profile to which we add consumed promotions
getUseExternalTransactionManager() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the true if we are using the external app server Transaction Manager
getUseIdForPath() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getUseJavaConfigurationFinder() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not we use the JavaConfigurationFinder to check for .java or .class files which will, when compiled and instantiated, serve as a component instance.
getUseLockServer() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getUseNativeMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Get property useNativeMode
getUsePathInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
getUseProductCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
getUser() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Access the user of the membership request
getUser() - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Returns the current User.
getUser() - Method in class atg.security.UserFailService
Returns the User object for this session
getUser() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property user.
getUser() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the db user name.
getUser() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Workspaces have a creator.
getUserAgent() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.Device
Access the user agent of the client
getUserAuthenticator() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF
getUserAuthenticator() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Returns A user authenticator to be used when running in DAF
getUserAuthorities() - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns the list of UserAuthorities associated with this User
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Returns the UserAuthority
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the user authority used for ACL resolution in Nucleus.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns the authority that manages this persona.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns the authority that manages this persona.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns the user authority that will be used for constructing a Persona object for this account.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Returns the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns the user authority for this domain.
getUserAuthority() - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Returns the user authority that is used for authenticating a user and/or determining their identity.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Returns the user authority for identities that are valid for registered users.
getUserAuthority() - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns the authority that manages this persona.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns the authority that manages this persona.
getUserAuthority() - Method in interface atg.security.ProxyUserAuthority
Returns the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Returns the user authority for identities that are valid for registered users.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns the authority that manages this persona.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Returns the user authority for converting an account name to a persona that may be used in an access control list.
getUserAuthority() - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns the user authority for this domain.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
Returns the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.security.UserAuthorityEvent
Returns the user authority that generated the event.
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns UserAuthority that authenticates the user
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Returns User Authority with which the user must be authenticated
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Returns UserAuthority with which the resolved User variable should be resolved
getUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Returns User Authority that consult the validity of the user
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteUserAuthority
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in class atg.security.RemoteUserAuthorityImpl
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in class atg.security.SavedPersona
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserAuthorityName() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the name of the user authority.
getUserCatalogPropertyName() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Returns Name of catalog property name in Profile repository item
getUserComponentName() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.ThreadUserBinderServlet
Returns the name of the User object in the request session.
getUserData() - Method in interface atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo
Returns an object of type Object
getUserData() - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Return a userData object
getUserDirectories() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Returns the set of user directories that this user authority works with.
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the userDirectory
getUserDirectory() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns the user directory that can be used for managing user identities, organizations, and roles.
getUserDirectory() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
Gets the userDirectory property
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
Gets the userDirectory property
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
Gets the userDirectory property
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
Gets the userDirectory property
getUserDirectory() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
Gets the userDirectory property
getUserDirectory(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Given a persona, returns the user directory from which it was derived.
getUserDirectoryName() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
getUserDirectoryName(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Given a persona, returns the name of the user directory from the user directory service map.
getUserDirectoryTools() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property organizations
getUserDirectoryTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
getUserDirectoryTools() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Gets the userDirectoryTools property
getUserDirectoryUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the userDirectoryUserAuthority
getUserDirectoryUserAuthority() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Returns the UserDirectoryUserAuthority which will be used to resolve directory principals.
getUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
flag to determine whether to ask for inventory using the locale in the Request object before falling back on the default locale
getUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
flag to determine whether to ask for available shipping methods using the locale in the Request object before falling back on the default locale
getUseRequestNameResolver() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Returns property useRequestNameResolver
getUseRequiredTransactionMode() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Get property useRequiredTransactionMode.
getUserEventTypes() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Returns property UserEventTypes
getUserId() - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
This method returns the id of the most recent end user who acted on this message, if there was one.
getUserId() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
This method returns the id of the most recent end user who acted on this message, if there was one.
getUserId() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
The user who will get assigned relativeRoles if the assignRelativeRoles property is set to true.
getUserInputField(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
Get the user input value based on the input field name
getUserInputFieldNames() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
returns the property UserInputFieldNames.
getUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
returns the property UserInputFields
getUserListItemClass() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Get the name of the class to be used for the users array
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Get the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages, if one has been set explicitly.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Get the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages, if one has been set explicitly.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Return the UserLocale property.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Get a users locale by trying to get it from the request object.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Obtain the users locale by examining the request object first and then getting the default Locale object.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Return the userLocale property.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return the preferred Locale for user-vislble error messages.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Get the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages, if one has been set explicitly.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the locale to use when looking up localized messages that will be shown to the user.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the locale to use when looking up localized messages that will be shown to the user.
getUserLocale() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the locale to use when looking up localized messages that will be shown to the user.
getUserLocale() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Return the userLocale property.
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Returns the Locale for the user given the request
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns the Locale for the user given the request
getUserLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the locale associated with the request.
getUserLoginManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Returns A UserLoginManager
getUserLoginManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns the value of the property UserLoginManager, used to manage authentication.
getUserLoginManager() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns the value of the property LoginUserAuthority.
getUserManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns Manages the login in process
getUserManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Returns User Manager to get the top level Persona from
getUserManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Returns User Manager to get the top level Persona from
getUserManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Returns authentication manager
getUserMembersSortOnEmailAddress(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all users that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getUserMembersSortOnFirstName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all users that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getUserMembersSortOnLastName(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all users that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getUserMembersSortOnLogin(int, int, int) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Get all users that are "members" of this principal, viewing the effective-principal relationship from the end opposite to that taken by getEffectivePrincipals().
getUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages.
getUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages.
getUserMessage(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages.
getUserMessage(String, Object[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Return a message from a resource file, taking into account the locale used for user-visible messages.
getUserMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle without prepending the resource ID string to the message.
getUserMsgResource(String, String, ResourceBundle, Object[]) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Fetches the message resource from the given bundle without prepending the resource ID string to the message.
getUsername() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getUsername() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Returns the user name used to authenticate on the SMTP server.
getUsername() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Returns Username passed through from the HTML form
getUsername() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Returns The login name to render
getUserOnly() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getUserOnly() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
getUserOnlyPromotions(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
getUserPath() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Returns The path in the Nucleus hierarchy which stores the User object
getUserPersonae(SecurityConfiguration) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns the list of personae that apply to the current user.
getUserPricingModelHolderPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns property UserPricingModelHolderPath
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Gets the PricingModelHolder component for the current session.
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property UserPricingModels
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns property UserPricingModels
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Returns property UserPricingModels
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property UserPricingModels
getUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Gets the PricingModelHolder of the current thread's user
getUserPricingModelsPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
The path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
getUserPricingModelsPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
getUserPricingModelsPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property UserPricingModelsPath
getUserPricingModelsPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
The nucleus path to the session scoped user pricing models (of type PricingModelHolder)
getUserPricingModelsPath() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property UserPricingModelsPath
getUserPrincipal(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthenticator
Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Overrides getUserPrincipal in MutableHttpServletRequest.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user.
getUserProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Return the user profile of the user who created the order that was paid for with the specified invoice.
getUserProfile() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the user profile repository item or null.
getUserProfile() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Return the user profile for the user issuing this query
getUsers() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Allocates if necessary and Returns the list of user profiles being created by this form handler
getUsersCostCenterList(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Retrieves list of cost centers for a given profile.
getUsersCreditCardMap(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Retrieves map of credit cards for a given profile.
getUsersLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Returns either the Locale from the Request object (if it isn't NULL), or the Locale from the JVM.
getUserStateString(Locale) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns the integer state code as a character string identifier which can be shown to the end user.
getUserStateString() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns the integer state code as a character string identifier which can be shown to the end user.
getUserTransaction() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getUserTransactionURL() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the URL used to retrieve UserTransaction objects.
getUserType() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Returns property userType
getUserView() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getUserViewLoginProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getUserViewPasswordProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getUserViewRolesProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
getUses() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Uses
getUseSetAsciiStream() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseSetBinaryStream() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseSetCharacterStream() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseSetObject() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseSetUnicodeStream() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getUseShortMessage() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Whether to send a short, pager-sized message or a longer, more verbose message.
getUsesProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Returns the usesProperty
getUseTruncateTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Get property useTruncateTable
getUseTruncateTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Get property useTruncateTable
getUseUnixStyleDir() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DB2DBCopier
true means that directories use \, false means that they use /
getUseVerazip() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Get whether or not to attempt to use VeraZip.
getUseWorkspaceInSession() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
getUtilityItemType() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the utilityItemType property
getValid() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Returns the value of the read-only valid property.
getValidArray(Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Takes a collection of repository items and returns a list of those items in the current catalog.
getValidateAddress1() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateAddress1
getValidateAddress1() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateAddress1
getValidateCity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateCity
getValidateCity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateCity
getValidateCostCenterChain() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Get the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual cost center.
getValidateCostCentersChainId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the ValidateCostCentersChainId property.
getValidateCountry() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateCountry flag
getValidateCountry() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateCountry flag
getValidateCounty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateCounty
getValidateCounty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateCounty
getValidatedKeysAndValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
getValidatedKeysAndValues() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Generates a map of the validate keys and their possible values.
getValidateEmail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateEmail flag
getValidateEmail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Query whether or not to validate email addresses
getValidateEmail() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateEmail flag
getValidateFaxNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateFaxNumber flag
getValidateFaxNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validateFaxNumber flag
getValidateFirstName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateFirstName
getValidateFirstName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateFirstName
getValidateLastName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateLastName
getValidateLastName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateLastName
getValidatePaymentGroupChain() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Get the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual payment group.
getValidatePaymentGroupsChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the ValidatePaymentGroupsChainId property.
getValidatePhoneNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validatePhoneNumber flag
getValidatePhoneNumber() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns the validatePhoneNumber flag
getValidatePostalCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validatePostalCode
getValidatePostalCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validatePostalCode
getValidateShippingGroupChain() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Get the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual shipping group.
getValidateShippingGroupsChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Return the validateShippingGroupsChainId property.
getValidateShippingGroupsChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ValidateShippingGroupsChainId property.
getValidateShippingGroupsChainId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Return the validateShippingGroupsChainId property.
getValidateState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateState
getValidateState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Returns property validateState
getValidCouponItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
The list of acceptable item types for promotions when claiming a coupon.
getValidCouponItemTypes() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
The list of acceptable item types for promotions when claiming a coupon.
getValidDictionary(Dictionary, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
getValidEnumartion(Enumeration, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Deprecated. this method is replaced by ForEachItemInCatalog.getValidEnumeration(Enumeration,DynamoHttpServletRequest).
getValidEnumeration(Enumeration, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
getValidIterator(Iterator, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Creates a new Iterator that references only the items in the user's catalog.
getValidKeysOrdered(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.
getValidList(Collection, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Takes a collection of repository items and returns a list of those items in the current catalog.
getValidMap(Map, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
getValidMapEntries(Map.Entry[], DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
Takes a collection of repository items and returns a list of those items in the current catalog.
getValidOperator(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Get the operator specified, by the code.
getValidOrderProcessingStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property validOrderProcessingStates
getValidProcessOrderErrorStates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns property validProcessOrderErrorStates.
getValidValuesForKey(String) - Method in class atg.markers.ConfigurableMarkerValidator
getValidValuesForKey(String) - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
This method should return the possible marker values for the the provided marker key.
getValue(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Retrieve a named attribute with this feature.
getValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
getValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Returns property Value
getValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Gets the value to be used by this droplet from the request.
getValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletInvocation.Parameter
getValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Returns the value of the value attribute
getValue() - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Returns a dictionary of values that represent the state of the current row in the database.
getValue(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Gets a single property value from the values dictionary of the raw data from the CyberCash server.
getValue(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
Gets a single property value from the values dictionary of the raw data from the CyberSource server.
getValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Returns the value parameter value from the request
getValue() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker value
getValue(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Returns the value parameter.
getValue(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Returns the value parameter.
getValue(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.process.expression.Expression
Resolves the expression in the given process execution context, and returns the resulting value.
getValue(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Get the value associated with a named attribute.
getValue() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Returns a dictionary that stores the pending property values associated with an operation on the repository item (e.g.
getValue() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Returns a dictionary that stores the pending property values associated with an operation on the repository item (e.g.
getValue() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns a dictionary that stores the pending property values associated with an operation on the repository item (e.g.
getValue(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Retrieves the real value we should use for this item.
getValue() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
getValue(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in interface atg.scenario.expression.Expression
Deprecated. Resolves the expression in the given scenario execution context, and returns the resulting value.
getValue() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Get the <viewInContext><value> tag's body
getValue() - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Get the <value> tag's value
getValue() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns the value of the property
getValue() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getValueArray(Object, Object[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
getValueArray(Object, Object[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
getValueArray(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
getValueArray(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
getValueFromArrayString(Class, Class, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method take a string pStrValue and converts it to an object of type pClass returning the converted object.
getValueFromObject(Class, Class, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method take an Object pOldValue and converts it to an object of type pClass returning the converted object.
getValueFromObjectArray(Class, Class, Object[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method take an array of Objects pOldValue and converts it to an object of type pClass returning the converted object.
getValueFromString(Class, Class, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method take a string pStrValue and converts it to an object of type pClass returning the converted object.
getValueFromStringArray(Class, Class, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This method take an array of strings pStrValue and converts it to an object of type pClass returning the converted object.
getValueMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Get the mapping from order states to Integer return codes.
getValueMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Get the mapping from property values to Integer return codes.
getValueMap() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
getValueProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns the value of a property from the value Dictionary.
getValueProperty(Dictionary, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Returns the value of a property from the given value Dictionary.
getValueProperty(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Return the value of a property from the values Dictionary
getValues() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Gets property values.
getValues() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
Gets property values.
getValues() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
getValues() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
getValueType() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Returns the type of values contained by the slot - namely, the RepositoryItem class.
getValueType() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Returns the type of values contained by the slot, null if the slot is allowed to contain values of any type.
getVariable() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
getVariantProducers() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the array of variant producers.
getVerbose() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns property verbose
getVerifyDefinitionFiles() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
getVerifyErrorURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property VerifyErrorURL
getVerifyPasswordSuccessURL() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
getVerifySuccessURL() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Returns property VerifySuccessURL
getVerifyZipInfo() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
getVersion() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns property version
getVersion() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Get property Version
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Getter for property version ("Version")
getVersion() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Access the version of the color palette
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Access the version of the gear
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Access the version
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Access the version
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Access the version of the page template
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Access the version
getVersion(DevelopmentLine) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Gets the latest version of this asset in the given development line.
getVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Look-up a version by local revision id.
getVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Returns the version
getVersionAsInt() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionID
getVersionAsString() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionID
Returns the version part of the version id
getVersionContainerIncludesChecker() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
getVersionCount() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Get the number of versions in the history.
getVersionDescriptorWrapper() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property versionDescriptorWrapper
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining a list of all versioned asset types, including file types.
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag
Empty Constructor
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.FileSystemResult - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Result class for file systems
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.FileSystemResult(ContentRepositoryVFSService) - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.FileSystemResult
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResult - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Result class for repository items
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResult(Repository) - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResult
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResultType - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
ResultType object representing a repository versioned asset type
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResultType(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResultType
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
A return object which represents a versioned component and its available asset types.
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
ResultType object which represents a versioned asset type
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.TEI
getVersionedRepositories() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getVersionedRepositoriesOnlySet() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the VersionRepositories that are used by this VersionManager, without the ones that are also exposed as VFSes.
getVersionedRepositoriesSet() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the set of all VersionRepositories that are managed by this VersionManager.
getVersionedRepository(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the versioned repository of the given name.
getVersionedRepositoryPath() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
get VersionedRepositoryPath
getVersionedVirtualFileSystem(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the versioned virtual file system of the given name.
getVersionedVirtualFileSystemPath(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the versioned virtual file system nucleus path of the given name.
getVersionedVirtualFileSystems() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getVersionedVirtualFileSystemsSet() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the VersionedVirtualFileSystems that are used by this VersionManager
getVersionID() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getVersioningLayerTools() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getVersionlessURI() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the versionManager
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Returns the versionManager
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
The version manager that emitted this event.
getVersionManager() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.ManagedElement
Managed element has a version manager
getVersionManager() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
getVersionManagerName() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getVersionManagerName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getVersionProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
getVersionRenamed(AssetVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Snapshot
Check a version of a file asset has a different name then the version of the asset in this snapshot.
getVersionSeparator() - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
getVersionService() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
getVFSContextRoot() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the VFSContextRoot
getVFSFromComponentPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
getVFSName() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
get the application specific name for the vfs that this virtual file lives in.
getVFSName() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Get the name of this file system.
getVFSNameByItemDescriptor(String, String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the Version Manager's name for a versioned VFS that is backed by a particular repository and item type
getVFSNameInVersionManager(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Given a nucleus path of a VFS, return the name of a VFS as configured in the VersionManager
getVFSURI(String, String, String, Integer) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Deprecated. use getRVFSURI() instead.
getView(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns a RepositoryView accessed with the given name.
getView(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
getView() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Return the index to the current asset view as a string.
getView(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns a RepositoryView accessed with the given name.
getView(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns a RepositoryView accessed with the name of the given descriptor.
getView(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns a RepositoryView accessed with the given name.
getView(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
getView(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryViewContainer
Returns a RepositoryView accessed with the given view name.
getView(Class) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.repository.RepositoryUserDirectory
Return the RepositoryView whose items are used by this directory to store all principals of a given principal type.
getViewName() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryView
Returns the name of the RepositoryView
getViewName() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Get property ViewName
getViewName() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters
Returns property ViewName
getViewNameParam(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Gets the Repository view for a serviced request
getViewNames() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns an array of the names of all contained top-level views
getViewNames() - Method in interface atg.repository.Repository
Returns an array of the names of all contained top-level views
getViewNames() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Returns an array of the names of all contained top-level views
getViewNames() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryViewContainer
Returns an array of the names of all contained views
getVirtualDirectoryMap() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Gets the virtual directory map.
getVirtualFile() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getVirtualFile() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.Results
getVirtualFile() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Gets the VirtualFile that backs this resource.
getVirtualFilePath() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
getVirtualFileSystem() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Gets the VirtualFileSystem that this resource is drawn from
getVirtualFileSystem(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Return the virtual file system component configured with the given version manager and which was used to create this uri if this is a repository for a VirtualFile asset.
getVirtualFileSystems() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property VirtualFileSystems
getVirtualPath() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the pathname of the file represented by this object as a VirtualPath object.
getVVFSVersionedRepositories() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the VersionRepositories that are exposed as VVFSes.
getWaitElementIds() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the List of wait state element ids accumulated for this task description.
getWaitForConnectionMillis() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
getWaitForRequestHandlersToStop() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Gets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()
getWaitingForClient() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns true if we are in the middle of writing data to the client.
getWaitingHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the number of handlers waiting for new requests.
getWaitState() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the ProcessWaitState corresponding to this task.
getWarnActiveHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the number of active handler threads that when exceeded generate a warning.
getWarnHandlingMilliseconds() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the number of milliseconds for which a handler thread has been idle that should generate a warning.
getWarningAboutImproperScopeAccess() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Gets the flag indicating whether the warning is wanted.
getWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to getWarnings
getWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to getWarnings
getWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to getWarnings
getWarnings() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to getWarnings
getWarnIntervalSecs() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
getWarnMemoryPercentage() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the warnMemoryPercentage property.
getWarnZombieHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets the number of zombie handler threads that when exceeded generate a warning.
getWebApp() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppEvent
getWebAppByContextRoot(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getWebAppByName(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getWebAppByProperty(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
getWebAppContext(String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
Get the web app context root given the web app name
getWebAppContextAndPathFromSrc(String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
Return the context root and path from a string formatted as WebAppName:/path/in/app.
getWebAppContextFromSrc(String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
Returns the web app context root given a string of the format WebAppName:/path/in/app
getWebAppContextRegistry() - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
static accessor for the WebAppContextRegistry
getWebApplication() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request (if any).
getWebApplicationName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Return the name by this web applicaiton is known to the web application registry.
getWebApplicationName() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Return the name by this web applicaiton is known to the web application registry.
getWebAppRegistries() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
Get the value of WebAppRegistries.
getWebAppRegistry() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Return the Dynamo Web Application Registry that knows about the web application whose URL's we are checking for session expiration.
getWebAppRegistry() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Return the Dynamo Web Application Registry that knows about the web application whose URL's we are mapping to locations.
getWebAppRegistry() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Get property WebAppRegistry
getWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
getWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
getWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
getWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
getWebApps() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Get the Map of currently deployed web applications
getWebFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the webFileSystem
getWeblogicJspClasspath() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getWebPools() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return the WebPools object associated with this request.
getWebPools() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Return the WebPools object associated with this request.
getWebSphereJspClasspath() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getWebsphereServerName() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the name of the Websphere AE server this method was invoked in.
Returns null if the name cannot be determined, or if the current application server is not Websphere AE.
getWeekOfMonth() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the week of the month (1-5).
getWeight(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Responsible for getting the weight associated with an instance of a commerce item.
getWeightedProps() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the builder for the <weightedProps> constraints tag.
getWeightedProps() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Get the <weightedProps> tag contents as a DocumentSetConstraint object.
getWeightedPropsXMLBuilder() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Get the optional builder for the <weightedProps> constraints tag.
getWeightedPropsXMLBuilder() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Get optional <weightedProps> XMLBuilder object.
getWeightProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Return the weightProperty property.
getWeightTotal(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Calculate the total weight of the items being shipped to the specified ShippingGroup.
getWhere() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
getWidth() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Access the width of the region
getWidth() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.RegionDefinition
Access the width of the region definition
getWindowScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
getWindowScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the WindowScopeManager
getWindowScopeManager() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Returns the WindowScopeManager
getWindowSession() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
getWirelessEnabled() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Returns property wirelessEnabled
getWirelessPage() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Returns property mWirelessPage
getWirelessPage() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Wireless Enabled Page
getWishlistId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the id of the customer's wishlist
getWishlistProperty() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Property of the profile to which we add new wishlist
getWorkCompleted() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
getWorkflow() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property workflow ("Workflow")
getWorkflow() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property workflow ("Workflow")
getWorkflow() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the WorkflowDescriptor for the workflow that contains this task.
getWorkflowDefinitions() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.Results
GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining a list of workflow definitions from the workflow manager.
GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
Empty constructor
GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output.
GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag.TEI
getWorkflowDescriptor() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.Results
getWorkflowDescriptor(String, String) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns a WorkflowDescriptor which describes the workflow, its tasks, and their outcomes, given the workflow's process and segment names.
GetWorkflowDescriptorTag - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Tag for obtaining a workflow descriptor object for a given workflow.
GetWorkflowDescriptorTag() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
Empty constructor
GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.Results - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
Results class for returning output for the GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.
GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.TEI - Class in atg.epub.pws.taglib
TagExtraInfo class to handle var/id processing.
GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.TEI() - Constructor for class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag.TEI
getWorkflowId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property workflowId ("Workflow id")
getWorkflowId() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property workflowId ("Workflow id")
getWorkflowId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
getWorkflowId() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
getWorkflowInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
getWorkflowInstances() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property workflowInstances ("Workflow instances")
getWorkflowManager() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowManager
getWorkflowManager() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Returns the WorkflowManager which provides access to workflow information.
getWorkflowManager() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the WorkflowManager which provides access to the workflow system.
getWorkflowManager() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Returns the WorkflowManager which will be used to find tasks.
getWorkflowManagerPath() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowManagerPath
getWorkflowProcessManager() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowProcessManager
getWorkflowProcessManagerPath() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowProcessManagerPath
getWorkflowSubjectAccess() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowSubjectAccess component
getWorkflowSubjectAccessPath() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the workflowSubjectAccessPath
getWorkflowType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
getWorkflowView() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
getWorkflowView() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
getWorkflowView() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Returns the WorkflowView on behalf of which the task is to be manipulated.
getWorkflowView(User) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns a WorkflowView which exposes the features of the workflow system from the point of view of the given User.
getWorkflowView(Persona) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowManager
Returns a read-only WorkflowView which exposes the features of the workflow system from the point of view of the given Persona, which can represent an individual, role, group, or organization.
getWorkflowViewPath() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Returns the WorkflowViewPath
getWorkflowViewPath() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Returns the Nucleus path of the WorkflowView which will be used to find tasks accessible to the current user.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the current request's working directory, which always ends in "/"
getWorkingVersion() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag.Results
getWorkingVersion(Workspace) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Get the checked-out working version for the given workspace.
getWorkingVersion(VersionManagerURI) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Get the checked-out working version for the given workspace.
getWorkingVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Returns the existing working version if this asset version is already checked out.
getWorkingVersion(Asset) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Get the currently checked-out working version for an asset in this workspace.
getWorkingVersion(AssetVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
getWorkingVersion(VersionManagerURI) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
getWorkingVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Get the current checked-out working versions for all development lines.
getWorkingVersions() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Get all the currently checked-out working versions for this workspace.
getWorkspace() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property workspace ("Workspace")
getWorkspace(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Look-up a workspace by its id.
getWorkspace() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Working versions exist within a workspace, which is a development line supporting check-outs.
getWorkspaceByID(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the workspace matching the given unique id, which was retrieved using getID()
getWorkspaceByName(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Gets the workspace matching the given name from this version manager.
getWorkspaceMergeTransactionBatchSize() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
For large merges this is the batch size refferred to when performing batched merges.
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
getWorkspaceOptimizationThresholdAssetCount() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
When to kick the optimized version of operations to prevent aggressive memory usage or large iterations on repository items when doing those operations.
getWorkspaceProject(Context, String) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Return true if named workspace has an associated publishing project.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get an unmodifiable set of current workspaces.
getWorkspacesByParent(Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Find all child workspaces given a parent branch.
getWrapped() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Returns the original statement that this MonitoredCallableStatement is monitoring.
getWrapped() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
getWrapped() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Returns the original statement that this MonitoredPreparedStatement is monitoring.
getWrapped() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Returns the original statement that this MonitoredStatement is monitoring.
getWrappedItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
getWrappedItem() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
getWrappedItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
getWrappedXML(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get XML request wrapped with optional wrappingXML.
getWrapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request.
getWrapper() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the ServletResponseWrapper wrapping this request.
getWrappingXML() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Get the wrapping XML.
getWriter() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns the print writer for writing text response data
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property WriteTimeout (default 30000 msec)
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property WriteTimeout (default 30000 msec)
getWritingAudit() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Returns whether we are writing this transaction to the TaxWare audit file.
getWrittenEventCount() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Returns the number of log events written.
getXAConnection() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns a fake XAConnection wrapping a Connection from the underlying JDBC driver.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns a fake XAConnection wrapping a Connection from the underlying JDBC driver using the supplied username and password.
getXmlAddService() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property XmlAddService
getXmlAddService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property XmlAddService DEFAULT: null
getXmlEncoding() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Returns the name of the encoding type to be used for the actual XML file.
getXmlGetService() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property XmlGetService
getXmlGetService() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Get property XmlGetService
getXmlGetService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property xmlGetService DEFAULT: null
getXMLIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs XML-compatible identifier corresponding to the string passed This method calls the encodeToXML() method.
getXMLItem(RepositoryItem, Repository, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Transforms the given repository item into XML, possibly using a mapping file to cull properties
getXmlMimeTypes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Returns the array of Strings of XML mime types.
getXMLPropertyElementName(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, ItemMappingElement, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Get the element name to be used in the xml representation of the properties.
getXMLSchemaManager() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
The XMLSchemaManager is used to maintain mapping files and XML Schema files.
getXMLSchemaNSURI() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Return the value to use for the XMLSchema namespace URI.
getXmlTemplateMap() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The XMLTemplateMap used by this component.
getXMLToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Returns the tools factory that creates an XML parser for this user authority.
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
Get the XMLToolsFactory used by this component.
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The XMLToolsFactory used by this component.
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The XMLToolsFactory used by this component.
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Returns property XmlToolsFactory
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Returns property XmlToolsFactory
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Returns property XmlToolsFactory
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Returns property XmlToolsFactory
getXmlToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Returns property XmlToolsFactory
getXMLToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Returns the tools factory that creates an XML parser for this user authority.
getXMLToolsFactory() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Get property XMLToolsFactory
getXMLTypeAttributes(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
This returns XML type attributes for a given Java type.
getXmlUpdateService() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property XmlUpdateService
getXmlUpdateService() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property xmlUpdateService DEFAULT: null
getXrefItemValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionConverter
Takes a given promotion id and returns the name of the promotion
getYear() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property year.
getYear() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns the property Year.
getYear() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns the date as an integer (e.g., 1998)
getYears() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
The years
getYears() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property years
getYenSymbol(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Returns the symbol to use when formatting a price in Yen.
getZipCode() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
getZipErrorString() - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Get the current zip error string.
getZipErrorString() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Sets the current zip error string.
getZipRequestForAddress(int) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Create a ZipRequest for the specified address (the address to be verified).
getZipRequestForAddress(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Get the request for the specified address object.
getZipResultAt(int) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Get the zip result at the specified index.
getZipResultAt(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Get the ZipResult object.
getZipResultItemForAddrName(VeraZipable, String) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipAccess
getZipResultItemForAddrName gets the chosen ZipResultItem for the address associated with pName (probably VeraZipable.SHIP_TO_ADDRESS_NAME or VeraZipable.BILL_TO_ADDRESS_NAME).
getZipsVary() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if FirstZipCode varies amoung the result items.
getZombie() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Returns the flag indicating if this thread has been killed.
getZombieHandlerCount() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns the number of handlers which have been killed, but have not yet handled the ThreadDeath.
GIFT_CERTIFICATE_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Name of template email parameter containing the gift certificate bean
GIFT_CERTIFICATE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
GiftCertificate - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of GiftCertificate payment information.
GiftCertificate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
GiftCertificateInfo - Interface in atg.payment.giftcertificate
This class is an interface of GiftCertificate payment information.
GIFTCERTIFICATENUMBERCLAIMEXCEPTION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
GIFTCERTIFICATENUMBERNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
GiftCertificateProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.giftcertificate
This class defines an interface for gift certificate processing.
GiftCertificateProcessorImpl - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class performs the actual functions of authorizing, debiting and crediting a giftcertificate.
GiftCertificateProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
GiftCertificateStatus - Interface in atg.payment.giftcertificate
This interface defines a gift certificate payment transaction status.
GiftCertificateStatusImpl - Class in atg.payment.giftcertificate
This class defines a gift certificate payment transaction status.
GiftCertificateStatusImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatusImpl
GiftCertificateStatusImpl(String, double, boolean, String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatusImpl
GiftitemDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This servlet looks up an item in a giftlist.
GiftitemDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
GiftlistDateUtil - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This object provides additional date functionality for giftlists.
GiftlistDateUtil() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Constructs an instanceof GiftlistDateUtil
GiftlistDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This servlet either adds or removes the specified giftlist to or from the optional param "profile".
GiftlistDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
GiftlistFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This class provides convenient form handling methods for operating on the current customer's giftlists.
GiftlistFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof GiftlistFormHandler
GiftlistHandlingInstruction - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
Designates an item in an order as being a gift from someones giftlist.
GiftlistHandlingInstruction() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
Constructs an instanceof GiftlistHandlingInstruction
GiftlistItemNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a GiftlistItem cannot be found in a get or remove call.
GiftlistItemNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new GiftlistItemNotFoundException
GiftlistItemNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new GiftlistItemNotFoundException with the given explanation.
GiftlistItemNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new GiftlistItemNotFoundException.
GiftlistItemNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistItemNotFoundException
Constructs a new GiftlistItemNotFoundException with the given explanation.
GiftlistManager - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This class is the business layer object for the management of giftlist and giftitem object manipulation.
GiftlistManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Constructs a GiftlistManager object.
GiftlistTools - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This class provides the low level functionality for giftlist and gift item creation/manipulation.
GiftlistTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Constructs a GiftlistTools object.
GiftlistUserMessage - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This class encapsulates messages, configurable string constants and message formatting conventions.
GiftlistUserMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
GiftObjectCreationException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when the construction of a commerce object fails.
GiftObjectCreationException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftObjectCreationException
Constructs a new GiftObjectCreationException
GiftObjectCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftObjectCreationException
Constructs a new GiftObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
GiftObjectCreationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftObjectCreationException
Constructs a new GiftObjectCreationException.
GiftObjectCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.GiftObjectCreationException
Constructs a new GiftObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
GiftPurchased - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This message will be sent to the Dynamo Scenario Server when a gift is purchased off someone's giftlist.
GiftPurchased() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
GiftShippingGroupDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This servlet bean accepts a shipping group as in input parameter and checks for gifts (gifthandlinginstructions) in the shipping group.
GiftShippingGroupDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupDroplet
GiftShippingGroupsDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This servlet builds a collection of all shipping groups in the order which contain a gift or gifts.
GiftShippingGroupsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
giveUpOwnership(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Call this method when it is no longer to your advantage for your process to maintain ownership of the locks for this key.
GLOBAL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
GLOBAL_SCOPE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
GlobalScope - Interface in atg.nucleus
This interface is a "marker" for Java configuration files that are to be global-scoped.
GRANT - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Indicates that the right that is to be granted.
GRANTED - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returned by getAccess() if access is granted by the access control list.
grantPromotion(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the given promotion to the user's "activePromotions" list.
grantPromotion(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the given promotion to the user's "activePromotions" list.
grantPromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the given promotion to the user's "activePromotions" list.
grantPromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Adds the given promotion to the user's "activePromotions" list.
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation >
GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation >=
GREATERTHAN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
GROUP_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountTypes
Account type that matches group accounts when performing a query operation.
GroupAccessController - Class in atg.userprofiling
This implementation of AccessController performs group-based access control.
GroupAccessController() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
GroupExistsException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
GroupExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.GroupExistsException
GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository
GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
GroupPersona - Interface in atg.security
A tag interface that marks a persona as a "group persona", indicating that it identifies a user group rather than a specific user.
GSAID - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
GSAInvalidatorService - Class in atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator
This class is a RMI service that waits for requests from outside clients, and issues JMS invalidation events via Patchbay.
GSAInvalidatorService() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
GenericRMIService constructors must be able to throw RemoteExceptions.
GSAItemDescriptor - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
An ItemDescriptor which defines a kind of item in a GSARepository.
GSAItemDescriptor(GSARepository) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Creates a new item descriptor for the specified GSARepository.
GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult(GSAId) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult
GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult(GSAId, Map) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult
GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList(GSAItem, ItemTransactionState, Object[]) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList
GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef(GSAPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef
GSAPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
GSA property definition.
GSAPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Empty constructor
GUEST_ROLE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for guest role


haltQueue() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Halts handling of pending deployments on this target.
HANDLE_CREATE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant for the handleCreate method.
HANDLE_CREATE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
HANDLE_CREATE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
ParameterName for the String HANDLE_CREATE
HANDLE_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant to indicate that the handle method failed
HANDLE_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant for the handleLogin method.
HANDLE_LOGIN_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
HANDLE_LOGIN_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
ParameterName for the String HANDLE_LOGIN
HANDLE_OBJECT_ONE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
HANDLE_OBJECT_TWO - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
HANDLE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant to indicate that the handle method was successful
HANDLE_TYPE_ONE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
HANDLE_TYPE_TWO - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
handleActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service to service an action
handleAddAssets(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to add an asset to a project.
handleAddAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to add an asset to a project.
handleAddConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is used to add configurable items to the order.
handleAddConfigurableItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is used to add items to the order.
handleAddCostCenter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Adds a cost center to the user's profile
handleAddGiftItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
The same as @see ShoppingCartFormHandler#handleAddItemToOrder with the added affect of adding handling to the shipping group
handleAddItemToGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
handleAddItemToGiftlist is called when the user hits the submit button on a product page to add an item to the giftlist.
handleAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
handleAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is used to add items to the order.
handleAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is used to add items to the order.
handleAddItemToPurchaselist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
handleAddItemToPurchaseList is called when the user hits the submit button on a product page to add an item to the purchase list.
handleAddMulti(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Handles the updating of multi-value attributes
handleAddMultipleItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is used to add items to the order.
handleAddNote(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
Handle method to manage portlet requests.
handleAddNote(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
Handle method to add a note to a project.
handleAddProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add the product specified by productID to the product comparison list, applying the optional category and sku information in categoryID and skuID.
handleAddProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add all skus the product specified by productID to the product comparison list, applying the optional category information in categoryID.
handleAddProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add all of the products specified by productIDList to the product comparison list, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
handleAddProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Add all of the skus for all of the products specified by productIDList to the product comparison list, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
handleAddSoftGoodToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Does all processing needed to add a soft good to a users order.
handleAddToCompareList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is called when the user adds a Product (and all associated SKUs) to the Compare Lists.
handleApplyCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
handleApplyCostCenters is used when the user has supplied the cost center information for this order, and is ready to proceed with the next checkout phase.
handleApplyPaymentGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
handleApplyPaymentGroups is used when the user has supplied the payment information for this order, and is ready to proceed with the next checkout phase.
handleApplyShippingGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
handleApplyShippingGroups is used when the user has supplied the Shipping information for this order, and is ready to proceed with the next checkout phase.
handleApproveDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Called to approve or decline membership requests all the membership requests for users whose ids are specified in approvePrincipalIds is approved while those in declinePrincipalIds are declined.
handleApproveMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Called to approve membership requests membership requests for all the users whose id is specified in approvePrincipalIds will be approved.
handleApproveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
handleArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Method handleArrayType.
handleAssignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Called to assign a principal to a community.
handleAssignTask(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
handleAssignTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
Handle method to claim a workflow task for the current user.
handleAutoRedirect(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Results, boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Method to handle a redirect url in the search results.
handleBeginPage(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should handle a request/response for the page.
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Reset the form handler by setting productID, categoryID, and skuID to null.
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
This method redirects to the value of the cancelURL property, if that property is set to a non-null value.
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Resets the current list of users in the users to initialize them to null to clear out the form data that hasn't been submitted yet.
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Clears out the form data found in value that hasn't been submitted yet.
handleCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
This method redirects to the value of the cancelURL property, if that property is set to a non-null value.
handleCancelCurrentOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
The handleCancelCurrentOrder method cancels the ShoppingCart's current order.
handleCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
handleCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
The handleCancelOrder method cancels the Order specified by the OrderIdToCancel property.
handleCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. handleSubmit
handleChangeAddressNickname(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Changes the key in the secondaryAddresses map for the given address.
handleChangeCurrentDirectory(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to update form elements when current directory is changed
handleChangeCurrentDirectory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to update form elements when current directory is changed
handleChangeInventory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
This method will update the changedProperty of the inventory item with catalogRefId of SKU by newValue.
handleChangePassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
A special form handler user to update a user's password profile attribute.
handleChangeType(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to update form elements when type is changed
handleChangeType(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to update form elements when type is changed
handleChangeView(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Called when user changes view or current item.
handleCheckForExpiredSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Check to see if the user's session has expired and redirect to sessionExpirationURL if so.
handleClaimCoupon(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Method that is invoked to claim a coupon.
handleClaimTask(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
handleClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
Handle method to claim a workflow task for the current user.
handleClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Claims the task identified by the processName, segmentName, subjectId, and taskElementId properties, on behalf of the WorkflowView associated with this form.
handleClaimUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Checks to see if the current editor can claim the requested article.
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Resets the current list of users in the users to initialize them to null to clear out the form data that hasn't been submitted yet.
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Clears out the form data found in value that hasn't been submitted yet.
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Clears the values of roleIds and organizationId
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Clears the roleIds, organizationId properties and roleUpdateMethod
handleClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Resets the current form data contained in value that hasn't been submitted yet.
handleClearList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Clear the product comparison list and redirect to clearListSuccessURL on success.
handleClearQuery(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Called if user requests stored query be cleared.
handleClearQuery(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Handle clear query
handleClickFolder(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to update form elements when a folder is clicked
handleClickFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle method to
handleCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for collection properties.
handleCollectValues(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
This method is intended for collecting the values from the form into the value map.
handleCommitOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
This method is used to submit the current order.
handleCompareSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is called when the user goes to compare 2 selected SKUs with each other.
handleComplexArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleComplexArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Handle appending the representation of an array to the instance document.
handleComplexCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleComplexCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for items of complex type in collection properties.
handleComplexMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleComplexMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, ItemMappingElement, String, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for items of complex type in map properties.
handleComplexType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleComplexType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for item-descriptor property type.
handleConfirm(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Take the values from the value property and set them into the gear environment user or instance parameters.
handleContextChange(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
handleCopy(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
Uses the DBCopier to copy the source database to the destination.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to create a new schedule order.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
This form handler moves the current order into the saved order collection.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Called when the admin selects create to create a new color palette.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Called when the user submits the form using the Create button to create a community.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Called when the user submits the form using the Create button to create a single folder.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Called when the admin selects create to create a new gear definition.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Called when the admin selects create to create a new gear template.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Called when the admin selects create to create a new page template.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Called when the admin selects create to create a new style palette.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Takes the current set of property values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, creates a new repository item, sets these property values in the new item, and adds the item persistently to the repository.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
This overrides the ProfileFormHandler.handleCreate method in order to redirect if a scenario RedirectRequest action has been executed
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Takes the current list of users in the users and for each one, replicates the set of common property values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, creates a new repository item, sets these property values in the new item, and adds the item persistently to the repository.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Takes the current set of values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, creates a new profile, sets these values in the new profile and set the RepositoryId property.
handleCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Syncronize on the current Profile.
handleCreateAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Handles creating a new address object in the user's secondary address property.
handleCreateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects create to create a new giftlist.
handleCreateNewCreditCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Creates a new credit card using the entries entered in the editValue map by the credit_card.jhtml page
handleCreateOrganization(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method is responsible for creating a new organization.
handleCreatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Called to handle creating a page in portal admin mode.
handleCreatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Called to handle creating a page in user personalization mode.
handleCreatePurchaselist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects create to create a new purchase list.
handleCreateTables(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Creates the tables specified by executing the SQL specified
handleCreateTransient(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
handleCurrentResultPageNum(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Called when user is iterating through pages of results.
handleDailyMode(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method sets the properties of the schedule object if the schedule mode is Daily.
handleDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Called to decline membership requests.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to delete an existing schedule order.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
The handler method takes the order id as specified in the handlerOrderId property and deletes that order through invoking the deleteOrder method.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Called when the administrator selects yes in delete confirmation page to delete an item from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Called to handle deleting a community.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Called to handle deleting a folder.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Called when the administrator selects yes in delete confirmation page to delete an item from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Called when the administrator selects yes in delete confirmation gear to delete an item from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Called when the administrator selects yes in delete confirmation page to delete an item from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Called when the administrator selects yes in delete confirmation page to delete an item from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Deletes the item specified by the repositoryId property from the repository.
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
This overrides the ProfileFormHandler.handleDelete method in order to redirect if a scenario RedirectRequest action has been executed
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Takes the current list of ids in the repositoryIds and for each one, deletes the existing repository item
handleDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Handles the removal of a user from the Profile Repository based on the profile id as defined by the repositoryId property
handleDeleteAll(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
This handler will delete all the shopping carts (current and saved)
handleDeleteGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Called when the customer pushes delete giftlist.
handleDeletePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Called to handle deleting a page which is in a non personalized community i.e admin created pages.
handleDeletePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
This method can be used for deleting pages created by a portal user in his/her personalized community.
handleDeletePurchaselist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Called when the customer pushes delete giftlist.
handleDiscardAssets(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to add a note to a project.
handleDiscardAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to add a note to a project.
handleDispatchError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
This is called when an exception is thrown while dispatching from the queue.
handleDoFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
handleDropTables(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Drops each of the tables specified by the TableNames property
handleEditAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Copy the named seconary address into the editValue map, allowing the user to edit them in the edit_secondary_address.jhtml page.
handleEditCostCenter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Adds a cost center to the user's profile
handleEditItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method handles the push of the EDIT button for a particular Commerce Item.
handleEndPage(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should handle a request/response for the page.
handleErrorCondition(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Exception) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
handleExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
handleExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
handleExpressCheckout is used to commit the Order after creating a CreditCard PaymentGroup and a HardgoodShippingGroup.
handleFireOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Fires the task outcome identified by the processName, segmentName, subjectId, and outcomeElementId properties, on behalf of the WorkflowView associated with this form.
handleFireWorkflowOutcome(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
Handle method to manage portlet requests.
handleFireWorkflowOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
Handle method to fire the specified workflow outcome element.
handleForgotPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Takes a login or email property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, finds the profile associated, generates a new password, updates the profile, and sends an email to the user.
handleFormException(DropletFormException, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
This is called if an exception occurred when getting or setting the values of the form.
handleFormException(DropletFormException, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
This is called if an exception occurred when getting or setting the values of the form.
handleFormException(DropletFormException, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Called when an exception occurs while processing form submissions
handleFormException(DropletFormException, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
handleFulfillOrderFragment(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type FulfillOrderFragment.
handleFulfillOrderFragment(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type FulfillOrderFragment.
handleFulfillOrderFragment(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
HANDLEHARDGOODIDTARGETMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
handleIdTargetModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, IdTargetModification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleIdTargetModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, IdTargetModification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
HANDLEIDTARGETMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
handleIdTargetModification(String, FulfillerSystem, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
Handles a modification of the IdTargetModification class type from both the ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotification messages
handleInitializeDefaultValues(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
handleInsert(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
handleInvocationException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Handle an invocation exception.
handleItemModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleItemModification(String, Modification) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleItemModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleJspTagIOException(IOException) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Utility method to attempt to "do the right thing" when encountering an IOException inside a JSP Tag, whose methods cannot throw IOException, so much throw some kind of JspException.
handleJspTagIOException(String, IOException) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Utility method to attempt to "do the right thing" when encountering an IOException inside a JSP Tag, whose methods cannot throw IOException, so much throw some kind of JspException.
handleLogin(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
This overrides the ProfileFormHandler.handleLogin method in order to redirect if a scenario RedirectRequest action has been executed
handleLogin(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
on submit, takes the username and password tries to authenticate using appropriate UserAuthority
handleLogin(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
By examing the values submitted in the form, looks for a user with the supplied login and password values.
handleLogin(PortletRequest) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service to indicate to a portlet that a session is being created
handleLoginError(FormLoginSession, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Handle a form login error.
handleLogout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
This overrides the ProfileFormHandler.handleLogout method in order to redirect if a scenario RedirectRequest action has been executed
handleLogout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
on submit logs the user out of the admin UserAuthority
handleLogout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Changes the type of the current profile to logoutProfileType.
handleLogout(PortletSession) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service to indicate to a portlet that a session is being destroyed
handleLookup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
handleMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, ItemMappingElement, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for map properties.
handleMessage(String, String, InvoiceMessage) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.SimpleInvoiceMessageSink
Handle a single InvoiceMessage.
handleMessage(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This is called to handle a newly received message.
handleMessage(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
This is called to handle a newly received message.
handleMessage(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This is called to handle a newly received message.
handleMessage(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This is called to handle a newly received message.
handleMessage(DeploymentMessage) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method handles processing the DeploymentMessage object which was delivered as part of a JMS message.
handleModifyOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder.
handleModifyOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder.
handleModifyOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder.
handleModifyOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleModifyOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrder.
handleModifyOrderNotification(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification.
handleModifyOrderNotification(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification.
handleModifyOrderNotification(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification.
handleModifyOrderNotification(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleModifyOrderNotification(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
This method is called to handle all messages of type ModifyOrderNotification.
handleMonthlyMode(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method sets the properties of the schedule object if the schedule mode is Monthly.
handleMoveAssets(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to move assets to another project
handleMoveAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to move assets to another project
handleMoveItemsFromCart(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
handleMoveItemsFromCart is called when the user hits the submit button on the move items from cart page.
handleMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called when the user is moving to the order confirmation page.
handleMoveToNewShippingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method handles the moving of a commerce item from one shipping group to another in a user's order.
handleMoveToOrderCommit(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is used to submit the order.
handleMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is called when the user wants to starts the CHECKOUT process for an order.
handleMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is called when the user wants to starts the CHECKOUT process for an order.
handleMoveToPurchaseInfoByCommerceId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is called when the user wants to starts the CHECKOUT process for an order.
handleMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is called when the user wants to starts the CHECKOUT process for an order.
handleMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is called when the user wants to starts the CHECKOUT process for an order.
handleMoveToURL(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to move to the next input screen
handleNewAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Creates a new shipping address using the entries entered in the editValue map by the new_shipping_address.jhtml page.
handleNewCreditCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
handleNewCreditCard is used to create a new CreditCard.
handleNewMessageType(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
This method is called to handle all messages other than the other handle methods.
handleNewMessageType(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleObjectMessage(ObjectMessage, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
make a call to the appropriate method to handle the type of message that we have.
handleOneStepSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Performs a one-step search, using the value in setOneStepSearch to perform a search using handleSearch.
handleOrderModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleOrderModification(String, Modification) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleOrderModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
HANDLEORDERPENDSHIPMAP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
HANDLEORDERWAITSHIPMAP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
handleOtherEventToSend(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
This method is used to deal with other event type.
handleParamNames(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
initialize the default values of the values map property by getting the parameter values out of the gear environment
handlePayGroupUpdateModification(String, FulfillerSystem, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
Handles a modification of the PaymentGroupUpdate type from the ModifyOrderNotification message
handlePaymentGroupModification(String, Modification, List, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handlePaymentGroupUpdateModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, PaymentGroupUpdate, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
HANDLEPAYMENTGROUPUPDATEMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
handlePerformAction(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle the type of action
handlePerformAction(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Handle the type of action specified in actionType
handlePerformAssetAction(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle the type of action specified in actionType
handlePerformAssetAction(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle the type of action specified in actionType
handlePipelineError(Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Add a pipeline error to the list of form exceptions.
handlePipelineError(Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Add a pipeline error to the list of form exceptions.
handlePipelineError(Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Add a pipeline error to the list of form exceptions.
handlePrepareForSwitch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
Switching a data source is a two step process.
handlePreviewLayout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Updates the arrangement of gears after a layout change in the previewGearArrangement property
handleProcessAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service to process an action request
handlerCleanup() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Called before this handler exits.
handleRefreshInventoryData(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Refresh all of the inventory data in the the product comparison list and redirect to refreshInventorySuccessURL, if set.
handleRejectOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
handleRelationshipModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleRelationshipModification(String, Modification, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleRelationshipModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleReleaseTask(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
handleReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
Handle method to claim a workflow task for the current user.
handleReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Releases the task identified by the processName, segmentName, subjectId, and taskElementId properties, on behalf of the WorkflowView associated with this form.
handleRemove(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to deactivate an existing schedule order.
handleRemoveAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
This handler deletes a secondary address named in the removeAddress property.
handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is meant to be used on a page where a user wants to both remove an item from the order as well as add an item to an order.
handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is meant to be used on a page where a user wants to both remove an item from the order as well as add an item to an order.
handleRemoveCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Delete a specified credit card for the current user.
handleRemoveCategory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Remove the all entries for the category specified by categoryID from the product comparison list.
handleRemoveCostCenter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Adds a cost center to the user's profile
handleRemoveEntries(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Remove list entries whose ids are specified in entryIds.
handleRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
handleRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This will make calls to the preRemoveItemFromOrder method and then will call the deleteItems method.
handleRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This will make calls to the preRemoveItemFromOrder method and then will call the deleteItems method.
handleRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is similiar to the handleRemoveItemFromOrder method, except that it removes items from the order via ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship object Ids.
handleRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is similiar to the handleRemoveItemFromOrder method, except that it removes items from the order via ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship object Ids.
handleRemoveModification(FulfillerSystem, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCancelRemoveOrder
handleRemoveProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Remove the product specified by productID from the product comparison list, applying the optional category and sku information in categoryID and skuID.
handleRemoveProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Remove the all entries for the product specified by productID from the product comparison list.
handleRender(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Called by the portlet service to indicate that a portlet should handle a render request.
handleRender(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service to indicate that a portlet should handle a render request.
handleRepositoryId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to review or update a particular schedule order.
handleRepriceOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Reprice the order.
handleRequest(Socket) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
This is the method that actually handles the request from the specified socket.
handleReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to all the form values so that this form handler is back to its original state
handleReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
This resets the state of the form handler component, clearing out the values of any properties and setting the state to STATE_NOTSET.
handleReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Reset this session scoped formhandler
handleReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Reset this formhandler.
handleReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Reset this formhandler.
handleReset(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method handles the reset data button on the performance monitor page.
handleResetFormExceptions(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Clears out all form exceptions
handleResetFormMessages(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
handleRestore(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to activate an existing schedule order.
handleRevertAsset(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to revert an asset
handleRevertAsset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Handle method to revert an asset to a given version
handleSaveGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects save giftlist.
handleSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
This method is used to save the user's order based on the provided String description, or absent this description based on the user's Locale representing the date and time.
handleSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is used to save order.
handleSavePurchaselist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects save purchaselist.
handleSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
For each each item type in that repository, call generateSearchResultSet to generate a subResultSet for that item type based on query parameters.
handleSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
For each item type specified in itemTypes, call generateSearchResultSet to generate a subResultSet for that item type based on query parameters.
handleSearch(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
append wildcards based on our dumbed down settings
handleSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Invoke the parent handleSearch, then fire a message to the scenario manager informing it of this most recent search.
handleSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
For each each item type in that repository, call generateSearchResultSet to generate a subResultSet for that item type based on query parameters.
handleSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Handle search request.
handleSelectDefaultAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Copy the contents of a secondary address (identified in the editValue map by the entry defaultAddressNickname) to the default shipping address.
handleSendAbandonmentMessages(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
This handle method will send an OrderAbandoned message of the type specified in the abandonmentState property.
handleSendEmail(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
This method is typically associated with the form's submit button.
handleService(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the servlet to indicate that a servlet should handle a request/response.
handleService(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should handle a request/response.
handleService(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should handle a request/response.
handleSetExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Enable or disable express checkout If disabling, clear the default credit card in the user's profile so that that credit card may be safely deleted.
handleSetExpressCheckoutPreferences(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Set values used for express checkout
handleSetLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
set the user locale to the locale property of this form handler.
handleSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
handleSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method handles all of the work necessary to save an Order.
handleSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method handles all of the work necessary to save an Order.
handleSetOrderByCommerceId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is responsible for adjusting the quantities of commerce items that exist in a users shopping cart.
handleSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is responsible for adjusting the quantities of commerce items that exist in a users shopping cart.
handleSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is responsible for adjusting the quantities of commerce items that exist in a users shopping cart.
handleSetProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the product comparison list to the products specified by productIDList, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
handleSetProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the product comparison list to contain all skus for all products specified by productIDList, applying the optional category information in categoryID and the default sku for each product, if any.
handleSetTaskOwner(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the owner of the task identified by the processName, segmentName, subjectId, and taskElementId properties, on behalf of the WorkflowView associated with this form.
handleSetTaskPriority(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the priority of the task identified by the processName, segmentName, subjectId, and taskElementId properties, on behalf of the WorkflowView associated with this form.
HANDLESHIPGROUPUPDATEMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
handleShipGroupUpdateModification(String, FulfillerSystem, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
Handles a modification of the ShippingGroupUpdate type from the ModifyOrderNotification message
handleShipItemRelModification(String, Modification, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleShippingGroupModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleShippingGroupModification(String, Modification, Modification[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleShippingGroupModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleShippingGroupUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
Create a ModifyOrderNotification message containing one ShippingGroupUpdate modification.
handleShippingGroupUpdateModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, ShippingGroupUpdate, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleShippingGroupUpdateModification(ModifyOrderNotification, Order, ShippingGroupUpdate, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
handleShipToDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after the user has finished inputting their shipping information.
handleShipToMultiple(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called when the user selects to ship their items to multiple locations.
handleShipToMultipleDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after a user is done specifying the addresses that they want to move their commerce items to.
handleShowOrders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
handleSimpleArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleSimpleArrayType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Generate the XML representation of the property value represented by the pPropertyDesc on the pItem parameter.
handleSimpleCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleSimpleCollectionType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for items of simple type in collection properties.
handleSimpleMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for items of simple type in map properties.
handleSimpleMapType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds xml representation for items of simple type in map properties.
handleSimpleType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, StringBuffer, String, ItemMappingElement, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Deprecated. We are no longer using StringBuffer to store intermediate XML Instance document, we are using Writer instead. So this method which writes into StringBuffer pInstanceDoc has been deprecated.
handleSimpleType(RepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Writer, String, ItemMappingElement, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Adds simple property to the xml instance doc.
handleSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
handleSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup is used to let the user specify a default PaymentGroup to use for payment.
handleSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
handleSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup is used to let the user specify a default ShippingGroup to use.
handleSplitCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
handleSplitCostCenters is used when the user is ready to split a particular CommerceIdentifierCostCenter by quantity.
handleSplitPaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
handleSplitPaymentInfos is used when the user is ready to split a particular CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo by amount.
handleSplitShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
handleSplitShippingInfos is used when the user is ready to split a particular CommerceItemShippingInfo by quantity.
handleSubmit(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Handles the submit transaction of a form.
handleSubmit(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
For each item type generate a query and then execute it.
handleSubmitAction(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
handleSubmitAction(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
A handler method that delegates to other handler methods base on the value of the 'actionType' property.
handleSubmitOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleSubmitOrder(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type SubmitOrder.
handleSwitch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
The handler method takes the order id as specified in the handlerOrderId property and makes that the current order through invoking the switchCurrentOrder method.
handleSwitchDataSource(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
This handler method performs the second step in the switch process: the switch.
handleUnassignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Called to revoke a principal's access to a community.
handleUncheckedFormException(Throwable, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletFormHandler
This is called if an unchecked exception occurred when getting or setting the values of the form.
handleUncheckedFormException(Throwable, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
This is called if an unchecked exception occurred when getting or setting the values of the form.
handleUncheckedFormException(Throwable, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Called when an unchecked exception occurs while processing form submissions
handleUncheckedFormException(Throwable, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to update an existing schedule order.
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Called to handle updating a community.
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Takes the current set of property values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, modifies the item described by the repositoryId property with these values.
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
This overrides the ProfileFormHandler.handleUpdate method in order to redirect if a scenario RedirectRequest action has been executed
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Takes the current list of ids in the repositoryIds and for each one, updates the set of property values found in the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, updates the existing repository item, sets these property values.
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Takes the current set of values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, modifies the profile described by the RepositoryId property with these values.
handleUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Takes the current set of values set as members of the value property and, if there were no errors in submitting the form, modifies the profile described by the RepositoryId property with these values.
handleUpdate() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Handle an update.
handleUpdateAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Update the secondary address as modified by the user.
handleUpdateAddressAndMakeDefault(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Update the secondary address as modified by the user, and copy its contents to the default shipping address.
handleUpdateColorAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Called to update the color palette of a page
handleUpdateColorUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Called to update the color palette of a personalized page a personalized page will be created if one does not exist.
handleUpdateGearDefinitionFolders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Called to handle updating a community.
handleUpdateGearsAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Update the list of gears available to an admin created page.
handleUpdateGearsUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Called to update the gears available to a page
handleUpdateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects update giftlist.
handleUpdateGiftlistItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
This handle method updates items in the current giftlist either increasing or decreasing quantity desired or if checked, removing the item from the giftlist
handleUpdateInventory(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method is called to handle all messages of type UpdateInventory.
handleUpdateInventory(String, ObjectMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
handleUpdateInventory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
This handle method will call inventoryManager.inventoryWasUpdated with the ids contained in updatedItemIdList
handleUpdateLayoutAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Called to update the layout of to a page in admin mode
handleUpdateLayoutUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Called to update the layout of to a personalized page.
handleUpdatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Called to update a page by portal admin or community leader.
handleUpdatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Update a personalized or user created page.
handleUpdatePurchaselist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Called when the customer selects update purchaselist.
handleValue(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object, Object, Object, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
copy the value into the correct property
handleValueDictionaryByParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Calls setValueDitionaryByParameters to update the property value with the values set in pRequests parameters.
handleVerify(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called when the user wants to review the whole schedule order and verifies the varoius inputs.
handleVerifyPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Compares the value of testPassword to the profile's password and redirects to the successUrl on success and gives messages on failure.
handleWeeklyMode(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method sets the properties of the schedule object if the schedule mode is Weekly.
HandlingInstruction - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by classes which represent a HandlingInstruction.
HandlingInstructionContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages HandlingInstructions.
HandlingInstructionContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of HandlingInstruction objects.
HandlingInstructionContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Constructs a HandlingInstructionContainerImpl object.
HandlingInstructionImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
An implementation of a class which represents a Handling object.
HandlingInstructionImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
HandlingInstructionManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating HandlingInstructions.
HandlingInstructionManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Constructs a HandlingInstructionManager object.
HANDLINGINSTRUCTIONMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a HandlingInstruction cannot be found in a get or remove call.
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
Constructs a new HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
Constructs a new HandlingInstructionNotFoundException with the given explanation.
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
Constructs a new HandlingInstructionNotFoundException.
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionNotFoundException
Constructs a new HandlingInstructionNotFoundException with the given explanation.
HARDGOOD_SHIPPER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
HardgoodFulfiller - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class is responsible for fulfilling order fragments.
HardgoodFulfiller() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
The HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler deals with the ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotifications messages received by the HardgoodFulfiller.
HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
HardgoodShipper - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class is a scheduled service that finds all shipping groups that are PENDING_SHIPMENT and calls the fulfillers shippingGroupHasShipped method.
HardgoodShipper() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
HARDGOODSHIPPER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
HardgoodShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of a HargoodShippingGroup.
HardgoodShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
HAS_MARKER_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the ruleid used between key and value parameters in the sceneario ui for has marker expression
HAS_NEXT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
HAS_NEXT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
HAS_PREV - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
HAS_PREV - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
HAS_STAGE_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the token that preceeds the stage name in has stage expressions
hasAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for an item descriptor.
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right.
hasAccess(BaseEnvironment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the current user has the indicated access to this community.
hasAccess(BaseEnvironment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns true if the current user has the specified access to the page.
hasAccess(BaseEnvironment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Returns true if the current user has the specified access to the page.
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns true if the current user has the indicated access to this community.
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right.
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right.
hasAccess(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Determines if the current user has the specified access right for this object.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Returns true if the indicated user has the desired access to this resource.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Returns true if the indicated user has the desired access to this resource.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight, Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Checks the access permissions on a resource for the indicated user.
hasAccess(AccessRight, Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Returns true if the current user has the indicated access right for the indicated resource.
hasAccess(Object, User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Returns true if a user may perform a particular operation on an object.
hasAccess(Object, User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Returns true if a user may perform a particular operation on an object.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Returns true if the indicated user has the desired access to this resource.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Checks the access permissions on a resource for the indicated user.
hasAccess(AccessRight, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Returns true if the current user has the indicated access right for the indicated resource.
hasAccess(Object, User, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returns true if a user may perform a particular operation on an object.
hasAccess(Object, User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
Returns true if the user may perform a particular operation on an object.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Checks the access permissions on a resource for the indicated user.
hasAccess(User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Returns true if the indicated user has the desired access to this resource.
hasAccessRight(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns true if the indicated access right is one of those in this access control entry object.
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns true if the access control entry object has the specified access right for the specified role.
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight, int) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns true if the access control entry object has the specified access right for the specified role if this ACE is the same type as specified.
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight, AccessControlEntry[]) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Determines whether or not a user has a particular right within an access control list.
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight, AccessControlEntry[]) - Static method in class atg.security.GenericAccessManager
Determines whether or not a user has a particular right within an access control list.
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right
hasAccessRight(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right
hasAccessRight(AccessRight, DirectoryPrincipal) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right within the given principal
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight, DirectoryPrincipal) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right within the given principal
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right
hasAccessRight(User, AccessRight, DirectoryPrincipal) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Determines if the given user has the given access right within the given organization
hasAccessRight(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns true if this user has the indicated access right, either actual or implied.
hasAccessRights(AccessRight[]) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Returns true if the indicated access rights are included in those of this access control entry object.
hasAccessToTask(TaskInfo, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view has a particular access right to the given workflow task.
hasAccessToWorkflow(String, String, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Determines whether the user associated with this view has a particular access right to the given workflow.
hasActionURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Returns true if the attribute with the specified name exists, false if not.
hasAlternateFormParamTypes(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Checks the given request object for altername form parameter attributes.
hasAlternateHandlerTypes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Returns true if altername parameters for handleXXX methods have been specified.
hasAnyGroupShipped(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Loop through all the shipping groups in an order, returning false if the state of one of those groups is set to NO_PENDING_ACTION, otherwise return true
hasAssignedRole(Role) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Determine whether a given assignable role is explicitly assigned to this principal.
hasBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to test for a business process marker.
hasBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to test for a business process marker.
hasBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to test for a business process marker.
hasBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Use this method to test for a business process marker.
HasBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.droplet
This droplet can be used to determine if a business process stage has been reached.
HasBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.droplet.HasBusinessProcessStage
HasBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
This scenario action can be used to determine if a business process stage has been reached.
HasBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.HasBusinessProcessStage
hasChild(OrganizationalEntity) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Determine whether an organization has some entity as an immediate child.
hasCompositeKey() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Determine if this item type has a composite ID.
hasCompositeKey() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Determine if this item type has a composite ID.
hasCompositeKey() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Determine if this item type has a composite ID.
hasDeletedDocumentURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Return whether the document URL has already been deleted .
hasDeploymentResponsibilities() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Returns whether or not this Agent has deployment responsibilities.
hasDeviceOutput(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
hasDifferentCase() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns whether the case for the file on the file system is different than the case of the name used to obtain the file.
hasDimensions() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
Does this parameter name have array dimensions (delimmitted by "[" and "]")?
hasDimensions() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Does this parameter name have array dimensions (delimmitted by "[" and "]")?
hasDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
hasDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarMode
Returns true is this titlebar mode has a particuar display mode
hasDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Returns true if this layout has a particuar display mode
hasDisplayMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Returns true if this page tempalte has a particuar display mode
hasDuplicates(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Checks for a duplicate marker on the item.
hasErrors() - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Returns true if at least one error object exists, false otherwise.
hasErrors() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Returns true if at least one error object exists, false otherwise.
hasFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Return true if there are any formExceptions, otherwise return false
HasFunction - Class in atg.userdirectory.droplet
This droplet is used to query whether or not a user has a particular function associated with them.
HasFunction() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
hasGearAlertParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns true if the gear has a named alert parameter
hasGearAlertParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns true if the gear definition has a named alert parameter
hasGearFolder(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the community has the folder in gearFolders property
hasGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns true if the gear has a named instance parameter
hasGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns true if the gear definition has a named instance parameter
hasGearInstanceParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Test if gear has a named gear instance parameter
hasGearMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns true if this gear definition has a named gear mode
hasGearTitleBarMode(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearTitleBarDefinition
Returns true is this titlebar has a particuar titlebar mode
hasGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns true if the gear has a named instance parameter
hasGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns true if the gear definition has a named user parameter
hasGearUserParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Test if gear has a named gear user parameter
hasGeneratedDocumentURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Return whether the document URL has already been generated .
hashCode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get a hashcode for this object
hashCode() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns the hash code for our repository id.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
hashCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Override the default hashCode method to return the hashCode of the id.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Constructs a hashcode that is unique for non-equivalent instances of this class.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
hashCode() - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
hashCode() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
hashCode() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
hashCode() - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Computes the hash code for this ProcessElementInfo.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
hashCode() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
hashCode() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
hashCode() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Make sure that the hashCode's match the equals method.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Get an integer hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Return an integer hash code for this object
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
hashCode() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
hashCode() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
hashCode() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Access rights with the same name hash equivalently.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns the hash code of the persona's name.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.security.Privilege
All privileges hash to the same value.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Get hashcode for this object
hashCode() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get the hash code for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
hashCode() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Computes the hash code for this OutcomeDescriptor.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Computes the hash code for this TaskDescriptor.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Computes the hash code for this WorkflowDescriptor.
hashCode() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
DocumentCacheKey override of the hashcode method.
HashMapMap - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
An implementation of a HashMap which by default returns another HashMapMap for any key that has not already been set to some value.
HashMapMap() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Create a instance of this class
HashMapMapVisitor - Interface in atg.search.query.formhandlers
An interface to be implemented by classes that traverse nested HashMapMaps.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.PasswordHasher2
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String) - Method in class atg.security.PasswordHasher2Adapter
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hashPasswordForLogin(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Performs the appropriate hashing function for a login process.
hasHref(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Returns true if the href is exists, false if not.
HASLAST_MARKER_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the ruleid used between key and value parameters in the sceneario ui for haslast marker expression
HASLAST_STAGE_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the token that preceeds the stage name in has last stage expressions
hasLastMarker(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
This checks the order's last marker for a a matching key, value and data.
HasLastMarker - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This droplet tests the last marker of an item for match based on the provided key, value, data and extendedProperties.
HasLastMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarker
hasLastMarker(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
This checks the profiles's last marker for a a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
hasLastMarkerWithKey(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
This method checks the orders's last marker with a given key for a matching value, and data.
HasLastMarkerWithKey - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This droplet tests the last marker with a specific key, for match based on the value, data and extendedProperties.
HasLastMarkerWithKey() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.HasLastMarkerWithKey
hasLastMarkerWithKey(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
This method checks the profile's last marker with a given key for a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
HASLASTMARKERWITHKEY_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the ruleid used between key and value parameters of the hasLastMarkerWithKey expression
HASLASTSTAGE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the has last business process marker conditional
hasLaterVersion(AssetVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Test if the given version is a newer version of this asset.
hasListener(SwitchingDataSourceEventListener) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Determine if the specified object is in our listener list
hasMarker(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method determines if the Order contains a marker with the specified property values.
hasMarker(Order, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method determines if the Order contains a marker with the specified property values.
hasMarker(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
HasMarker - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This droplet tests for a matching marker using the key, value and extendedProperties.
HasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.HasMarker
hasMarker(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method determines if a marked item contains a marker with the specified property values.
hasMarker(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method determines if a marked item contains a marker with the specified property values.
hasMarker(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
hasMarker(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method determines if a marked item contains a marker with the specified property values.
hasMarker(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
hasMember(Principal) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal
Determine whether a principal has a particular principal as one of its members, that is, is an effective principal associated with that entity.
hasMode(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
True if the Gear has a given gear mode for the given display mode
hasMode(String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
True if the Gear has a given gear mode for the given display mode and the given deviceOutput
hasNamedAccessRight(AccessRight[], String) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Check the array of access rights for an access right matching the specified name.
hasNamedAccessRights(AccessRight[], String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Check the array of access rights names against the array of access rights, return true if all named access rights are matched with an AccessRight.
hasOrderSettled(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This returns true if every payment group in the order has settled.
hasParentVersion(AssetVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Check to see if the given AssetVersion is an earlier version of this asset.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns true if this persona matches or encompasses the indicated persona.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns true if this persona matches or encompasses the indicated persona.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns true if this persona matches or encompasses the indicated persona.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns true if this persona matches or encompasses the indicated persona.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns true if this persona matches or encompasses the indicated persona.
hasPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns true if this user has the indicated persona, either actual or implied.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if this DynamicBeanInfo supports the given property
hasProperty(String) - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if this DynamicBeanInfo supports the given property
hasProperty(Order, Object, String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Introspects the given object for the property and returns true if the property exists and false otherwise.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns true if the Repository supports the given property
hasProperty(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns true if the supplied profile supports the named property.
hasProperty(String, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Returns true if the supplied repository item descriptor supports the named property.
hasPropertyAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for the specified property.
hasPropertyAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItem
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for the specified property.
hasPropertyAccess(String, AccessRight) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
Checks to see if the current user has the indicated access right for the specified property.
hasPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns true if the specified property path name has a value for the specified request.
hasPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, PropertyName) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns true if the specified property path name has a value for the specified request.
hasReadLock(String, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Whether the specified owner current owns the read lock for the specified key.
hasRegionDefinition(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Returns true if this layout has a particular region definition
hasRequestScope() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns true if this request has had a request scope created for it yet.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the user has the named community relative role.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Returns true if the user has the indicated gear role.
hasRole(String) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns true if this persona is or has a sub-persona with the given name.
hasRole(String) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Returns true if this persona is or has a sub-persona with the given name.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Returns true if this persona is or has a sub-persona with the given name.
hasRole(String) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns true if this persona is or has a sub-persona with the given name.
hasRole(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Returns true if this persona contains a role with the specified role name.
hasRole(RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Determine if the specified user's item has the specified role name.
hasRole(String, UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns true if the user has the given role within the given UserAuthority (security technology domain).
hasRoleViewRoleNameProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns true if RoleViewRoleNameProperty is specified, false if it is null or empty String
HASSTAGE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the has business process marker conditional
hasSubNames() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
Does this component name have subnames (delimmitted by ".")?
hasSubNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Does this component name have subnames (delimmitted by "/")?
hasSubNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
Does this component name have subnames (delimmitted by ".")?
hasTimedOut(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Whether the lastActivity property on pItem is longer ago than timeOutMsecs.
hasTimedOut(long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Whether the last activity time is considered timed out.
hasTransactionDemarcation() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
HASUNAVAILABLEITEMS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
hasUncheckedFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns true if an error occurred while processing the form.
hasUniqueName() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns true if this is the only gear definition with this name
hasUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.User
Returns true if the indicated user authority is managing personae for this user.
hasUserView() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns true if UserView is specified, false if it is null or empty String
hasUserViewLoginProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns true if UserViewLoginProperty is specified, false if it is null or empty String
hasUserViewPasswordProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns true if UserViewPasswordProperty is specified, false if it is null or empty String
hasUserViewRolesProperty() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Returns true if UserViewRolesProperty is specified, false if it is null or empty String
hasValue(Map, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Return true if map contains a value associated with the specified key.
hasVersionListeners() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
hasWriteLock(String, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Whether the specified owner current owns the write lock for the specified key.
haveId(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Returns true if the given id is within the supplied id array
haveItemsToShip(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Return true if there are any items in the shipping group to price.
HeadPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This servlet acts as the head of the servlet pipeline.
HeadPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Constructs a HeadPipelineServlet
HELP - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Help Gear Mode
hex2Char(char, char) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Takes two ASCII characters, x and y, which represent a two-digit hexadecimal number (%xy), and returns the unsigned byte value in the range 0-255.
HIGH_BOUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
HIGH_BOUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
History - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class History
HISTORY_CHECKIN_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_COMMENT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_CREATE_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_REJECT_FOR_DEPLOYMENT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_RENOUNCE_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_SYSTEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HISTORY_WORKFLOW_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
HistoryHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
HOST_SERVLET_CONTEXT_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
HOW_MANY_OLD - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
HOWMANY_VALUE_ALL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
HOWMANY_VALUE_ATLEAST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
HOWMANY_VALUE_ATMOST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
HOWMANY_VALUE_EXACTLY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
HtmlContentProcessor - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
A MessageContentProcessor which takes in HTML content and converts it into plain text.
HtmlContentProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
HttpServletService - Class in atg.nucleus.servlet
A subclass of ServletService that hands Http Request/Responses to a special implementation of the service() method.
HttpServletService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.servlet.HttpServletService
Constructs a new HttpServletService
HttpSessionRequest - Interface in atg.servlet


IBM_MANAGED_SERVER_CLASS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
id - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.DirectSqlResult
ID_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
ID_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Name of the ID form parameter
ID_SPACE - Static variable in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
IdContainerModification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class holds the id of a container that is part of a modification that requires both a target and a container
IdContainerModification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
identifyMissingExtendedProperties(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method identifies the properties that are missing from the extendedProperties map using the configured requiredExtendedProperties array.
identityHasAccess(User) - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Checks to see whether or not an identity is granted access.
IdentityManager - Interface in atg.security
An interface for providing identity management features.
IdentityParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
A DynamicParamDescriptor that assumes the same type as the named parameter
IdentityParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
IdentityParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
Construct an ArrayElementParamDescriptor.
IdentitySecurityPolicy - Class in atg.security
An extension of the standard security policy that allows or denies access by specific identities in addition to a normal ACL.
IdentitySecurityPolicy() - Constructor for class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
idForPath(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns the string id of the item derived from the provided file path.
IdGenerator - Interface in atg.service.idgen
Facility that generates ids as both Strings and longs.
IdGeneratorException - Exception in atg.service.idgen
An exception created by an id generator.
IdGeneratorException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorException
Construct an IdGeneratorException
IdGeneratorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorException
Construct an IdGeneratorException
IdGeneratorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorException
Construct an IdGeneratorException
IDLE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
IDLE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
idMatch(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Return true if pId is considered a match for pItem.
ids - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList
IdSpace - Class in atg.service.idgen
IdSpace defines the scope of a set of ids and how they are generated.
IdSpace() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Empty constructor
IdSpace(String, long) - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Construct an id space with the specfied name and seed.
IdSpace(String, long, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Construct an id space with the name, seed, prefix, and suffix set.
IdSpace(String, long, int, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Construct an id space with all the user properties set.
IdSpace(String, long, long, int, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Construct an id space with all the properties and fields set.
IdTargetModification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class holds the information that describes an object to be modified by it's id and type.
IdTargetModification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
IDTARGETMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
IdUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
Interface that provides id style authentication, where only the user ID has to be specified, for a user authority.
ILLEGAL_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Integer representation of an illegal discount type.
IllegalOrderStateException - Exception in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This exception is thrown when an attempt to modify the order is made and the current state doesn't support this modification.
IllegalOrderStateException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalOrderStateException
Construct a new IllegalOrderStateException
IllegalOrderStateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalOrderStateException
Constructs a new IllegalOrderStateException with the given explanation.
IllegalOrderStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalOrderStateException
Constructs a new IllegalOrderStateException.
IllegalOrderStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalOrderStateException
Constructs a new IllegalOrderStateException with the given explanation.
IllegalShippingGroupStateException - Exception in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This exception is thrown when an attempt to modify a ShipppingGroup is made and the current state doesn't support this modification.
IllegalShippingGroupStateException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalShippingGroupStateException
Construct a new IllegalShippingGroupStateException
IllegalShippingGroupStateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalShippingGroupStateException
Constructs a new IllegalShippingGroupStateException with the given explanation.
IllegalShippingGroupStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalShippingGroupStateException
Constructs a new IllegalShippingGroupStateException.
IllegalShippingGroupStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.IllegalShippingGroupStateException
Constructs a new IllegalShippingGroupStateException with the given explanation.
ImplementationSecurityException - Exception in atg.security
A security exception that wraps some kind of Throwable that occured within an implementation of a security system element.
ImplementationSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.security.ImplementationSecurityException
Wraps a throwable with a security exception.
ImplementationSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.security.ImplementationSecurityException
Wraps a throwable with a security exception, including additional textual information.
implies(Filter) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns true if this filter implies the given filter - that is, if this filter evaluates to TRUE, the given filter must also evaluate to TRUE.
implies(Filter) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns true if this filter implies the given filter - that is, if this filter evaluates to TRUE, the given filter must also evaluate to TRUE.
IMPORT_ASSETS_TASK - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
importedRemoteItem(RepositoryItem, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Update the cache entry for this item.
IMPORTS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
importTopologyFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Imports target definitons from the topology definition XML file given as an input stream Only "new" targets will be imported, that is if a target definition found in the XML file conflicts in name with a target definition found in the topology (surrogate or primary) then the definition is not imported.
IN_DOC_NAME_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the parameter used to configure the document
IN_URL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
inAllowGroup(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns true if the specified profile is a member of one of the allowGroups.
InboundEmailMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
This is a JMS Message representing an inbound email message that was received by the POP3Service class.
InboundEmailMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
InboundEmailMessage(Message, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Constructs an instance of InboundEmailMessage
InboundEmailMessage(Message, boolean, EmailExaminer) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Constructs an instance of InboundEmailMessage
InboundEmailMessage(String, String, String, String[], String[], String, Date, boolean, Message) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Constructs an instance of InboundEmailMessage
INCLUDE_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Name of the property that controls whether or not a property should be included in a particular data model.
INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the context path of an include
INCLUDE_PATH_INFO_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the path info of an include
INCLUDE_PATH_TRANSLATED_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the path translated of an include
INCLUDE_QUERY_STRING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the query string of an include
INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the request uri of an include
INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the servlet path of an include
INCOMPLETE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
INCOMPLETE_STATUSES - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Increase an item's backorder level by the specified number.
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Increase an item's backorder level by the specified number.
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Increase an item's backorder level by the specified number.
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Increase an item's backorder level by the specified number.
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
increaseBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
increase the item's backorder level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
increaseGiftlistItemQuantityDesired(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Increase the quantityDesired for this giftlist item by the given quantity
increaseGiftlistItemQuantityPurchased(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Increase the quantityPurchased for this giftlist item by the given quantity
increaseGiftQuantityForItem(Order, ShippingGroup, CommerceItem, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Increases the gift quantity for an item in a shipping group.
increasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Increase an item's preorder level by the specified number.
increasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Increase an item's preorder level by the specified number.
increasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Increase an item's preorder level by the specified number.
increasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Increase an item's preorder level by the specified number.
increasePreorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
increasePreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
increase the item's preorder level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
increaseStartTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Increases start time by the given value
increaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Increase an item's stock level by the specified number.
increaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Increase an item's stock level by the specified number.
increaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Increase an item's stock level by the specified number.
increaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Increase an item's stock level by the specified number.
increaseStockLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
increaseStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
increase the item's stock level by pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
increaseTotalExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Increases the totalExecutionTime by the amount in pTime.
increaseTotalExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Increases the totalExecutionTime in the global PerformanceData object by the amount in pTime.
increaseTotalMemoryRequired(double) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Increases the totalMemoryRequired by the amount in pMemory.
increaseTotalMemoryRequired(double) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Increases the totalMemoryRequired in the global PerformanceData object by the amount in pMemory.
IncrementalLoader - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
Interface for incremental loading.
incrementallyLoad() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Start the incremental loading functionality.
incrementCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times commit() has been called
incrementCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times commit() has been called
incrementCommitCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times commit() has been called
incrementCommitCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times commit() has been called
incrementCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called
incrementCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called
incrementCreateStatementCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called
incrementCreateStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times createStatement() has been called
incrementErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
incrementErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
incrementErrorCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
incrementErrorCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times a SQLException resulted from calls.
incrementExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
incrementExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
incrementExecuteCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
incrementExecuteCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times Statement.execute() has been called
incrementExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
incrementExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
incrementExecuteQueryCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
incrementExecuteQueryCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times Statement.executeQuery() has been called
incrementExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
incrementExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
incrementExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
incrementExecuteUpdateCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times Statement.executeUpdate() has been called
incrementFailures() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Increment the number of failures.
incrementGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
incrementGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
incrementGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
incrementGetMoreResultsCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times Statement.getMoreResults() has been called
incrementNavCount() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
incrementPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called
incrementPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called
incrementPrepareCallCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called
incrementPrepareCallCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times prepareCall() has been called
incrementPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
incrementPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
incrementPrepareStatementCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
incrementPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times prepareStatement() has been called
incrementResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
incrementResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
incrementResultSetRowCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
incrementResultSetRowCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times ResultSet.next() has been called
incrementRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Increments the number of times rollback() has been called
incrementRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Increments the number of times rollback() has been called
incrementRollbackCount() - Method in interface atg.service.resourcepool.ConnectionStats
Increments the number of times rollback() has been called
incrementRollbackCount() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Increments the number of times rollback() has been called
incrementSuccesses() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Increment the number of successes.
indent() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Indent one level
inDenyGroup(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns true if the specified profile is a member of one of the denyGroups.
INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
indexedItem(Context, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Notification that specific item has been used to build an indexed document.
INDEXING_MODE_FULL - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
Constant for full mode.
INDEXING_MODE_INCREMENTAL - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.DocumentSubmitter
Constant for incremental mode.
IndexingConstants - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
Constants used by the this package.
IndexingException - Exception in atg.repository.search.indexing
An indexing specific exception class.
IndexingException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingException
Construct a new IndexingException with the specified message and cause.
IndexingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingException
Construct a new IndexingException with the cause.
IndexingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingException
Construct a new IndexingException with the specified message and cause.
IndexingOutputConfig - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
Specifies output options, the most important of which is the XML files that define which properties are emitted for indexing.
IndexingOutputConfig() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
IndexingPeriodicService - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
The indexing periodic service.
IndexingPeriodicService() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
indexOf(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Return the index of the specified item in the comparison list, or -1 if the item does not appear in the list.
INFO - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"info", ordinal 7
INFO_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
InfoGeneratorService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This service examines the product catalog and ensures that every category has a category-info object for each catalog it is contained in, that every product has a product-info for each catalog it is contained in, and that every sku has a sku-info for each catalog it is contained in.
InfoGeneratorService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
InfoLogEvent - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
An information log event.
InfoLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Constructs a InfoLogEvent with the given message.
InfoLogEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Constructs a InfoLogEvent with the given message and originator
InfoLogEvent(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Constructs a InfoLogEvent with the given message and throwable
InfoLogEvent(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.InfoLogEvent
Constructs a InfoLogEvent with the given message, originator and throwable
inInclude(ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Whether we are current within a RequestDispatcher.include()
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Initializes the servlet.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Initializes this Servlet with the specified configuration
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Initializes the servlet.
init(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being placed into service.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being placed into server.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the web container to indicate to a servlet that it is being placed into service.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Initializes this Servlet with the specified configuration
init(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being placed into service.
INIT_BASED_ON_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
INIT_BASED_ON_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
INIT_ITEM_PAYMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
INIT_ORDER_PAYMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
INIT_PAYMENT_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
INIT_SHIPPING_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
INIT_SHIPPING_INFOS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
INIT_SHIPPING_PAYMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
INIT_TAX_PAYMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
initBounceProperties(EmailExaminer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
This method initializes all of the bounced email properties for this message, if the email is indeed bounced.
initConcrete(PortletSettings) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that it is being placed into service.
initContext(Context, IndexingOutputConfig, int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Initialize the context, using the specified parameter values.
initCreationFilter() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Instantiates a new creation filter from the atg.nucleus.Nucleus.creationFilterClass property.
initFrom(InventoryInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Copy property values from an InventoryInfo object into this object.
initFromMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Utility method for extracting information out of a javax.mail.Message and populating this object's properties with it
INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
INITIAL_ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Used as the element id of the implicit initial element
INITIAL_REQUEST_SIZE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
A guess at how big a request buffer needs to be, reduces StringBuffers resizings, hopefully.
INITIALCONFIG - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Initial Configuration Gear Mode
initialize(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
initialize(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToOrder
Verifies required parameters are provided.
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
called by Scenario Manager to initialize the expression
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
Verifies required parameters are provided.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
Verifies required parameters are provided
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
initialize() - Static method in class atg.epub.project.EPubHomes
This must be called before any of the home or instance objects in this package may be used, or before an instance of this class can be obtained from the Homes.getHomes(java.lang.String) method.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
verifies required parameters are provided
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.AddMarkerToItem
verifies required parameters are provided
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
called by Scenario Manager to initialize the expression
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
Called by scenario manager to initialize the action
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
Initializes this ExpressionFilter, given its operator and operands.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in interface atg.process.action.Action
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Initializes this ExpressionFilter, given its operator and operands.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Initializes this ExpressionFilter given its operator and operands.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
The initialize method is used to initialize this Scenario action before first time use.
initialize(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Invoked each time getPropertyValue is called.
initialize(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Invoked each time getPropertyValue is called.
initialize(File[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Initializes the RelationalViewManagerImpl from the specified list of Files.
initialize(String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Initializes the RelationalViewManagerImpl from the specified list of resource file names.
initialize(DefinitionFile) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Initializes the RelationalViewManagerImpl from the specified DefinitionFile, which should be parsed from a description file or created "by hand".
initialize(InputStream) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Initializes the RelationalViewManagerImpl by reading the description file from the given InputStream.
initialize(Map) - Method in interface atg.scenario.action.Action
Deprecated. Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Initializes the action with the given parameters.
initialize(String, Expression[]) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Initializes this ExpressionFilter, given its operator and operands.
initialize(Map) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
Called by scenario manager to initialize the action
initialize() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Initialize the generator.
initialize() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Initialize the id generator mgkmgk: need to override this as we do not want a transaction manager may need to factor the initialize in our parent...bleh
initialize() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Initialize the generator, preparing it to generate ids.
initialize() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Initialize the generator.
initializeAccounts(AccountManager) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountInitializer
Sets up accounts in the indicated account manager.
initializeAccounts(AccountManager) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Sets up accounts in the indicated account manager.
initializeAccounts(AccountManager) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAccountInitializer
Sets up accounts in the indicated account manager.
initializeAddressPropertyList() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
This method initializes the list of properties that are used for the Address information.
initializeAgents() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Runs through the list of agent statuses and tries once again to initialize any uninitialized agent transports.
initializeAgents(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Runs through the list of agent statuses and tries once again to initialize any uninitialized agent transports.
initializeAllConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Attempts to close any open connections, then rebuilds and reconnects to the hosts defined in the serverList property.
initializeAllPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload all promotions
initializeAmPmInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the AMPM input.
initializeBasedOnOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeBasedOnOrder method creates CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects that reflect the current payment information in the order.
initializeBasedOnOrder(Profile, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
initializeBasedOnOrder creates a CommerceItemShippingInfo for each of the Order's non-gift CommerceItems, and then adds these to the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer.
initializeCardPropertyList() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
This method initializes the list of properties that are used for the Credit card information.
initializeClaimableGiftCertificate(RepositoryItem, Double, Double, String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Deprecated. use initializeClaimableGiftCertificate(RepositoryItem, double, double, String, Date) instead
initializeClaimableGiftCertificate(RepositoryItem, double, double, String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This will initialize a gift certificates values to be the parameters passed in.
initializeClaimablePromotion(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This will initialize a claimable promotion (coupon) by setting the promotion property of the coupon to be the parameter pPromotion.
initializeClaimableStoreCredit(RepositoryItem, double, double, String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This will initialize store credit values to be the parameters passed in.
initializeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
initializeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters creates CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects for the Order, the Order's CommerceItems, and the Order's ShippingGroups.
initializeCommerceIdentifierPayment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method initializes payment infos for preferred commerce identifies such as Order, CommerceItem,ShippingGroup or Tax.
initializeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method initializes CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo with the information available from order's relationship objects.
initializeCommerceItemShippingInfos(Profile, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
initializeCommerceItemShippingInfos creates a CommerceItemShippingInfo for each of the Order's non-gift CommerceItems, and then adds these to the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer.
initializeConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Attempts to establish connections to each server defined by serverList.
initializeConversionMap() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Constructs a Map of locale names to currency exchange rates, based on the entries in a ResourceBundle
initializeConversionMap() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Constructs a Map of locale names to currency exchange rates, based on the entries in a ResourceBundle
initializeCostCenters(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
initializeCostCenters uses the CostCenterManager to create the user's CostCenters based on the Profile properties given by getCostCentersPropertyName and getDefaultCostCenterPropertyName.
initializeCreditCard(CreditCard, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
initializeCreditCard(CreditCard, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Initializes a CreditCard object to contain the given data.
initializeDayInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the date input.
initializeDefaultPropertyValues() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Initialize any properites whose default values should be computed at runtime before this component is first used.
initializeElectronicShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
This method will initialize an electronic shipping group.
initializeFieldDefs() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.InputHeaderRecordDef
initializeFieldDefs() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipInRecDef
Initialize our field definitions.
initializeFieldDefs() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipOutRecDef
Initialize our array of field definitions.
initializeFormatMap() - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Find all available euro-compatible locales, and construct a Map that associates their language/country with the number format for formatting amounts of money as an amount in Euros.
initializeFrom(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Initialize this DynamicBeanState from the given "source bean".
initializeFromServiceEvent(ServiceEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Initialize this component from a service event.
initializeGiftCertificate(GiftCertificate, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
initializeGiftCertificate(GiftCertificate, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Initializes a GiftCertificate object to contain the given data.
initializeHandlerTypes() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
initializeHourInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the hour input.
initializeIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Initialize the id spaces from the data store.
initializeIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Initialize the id spaces from the data store.
initializeIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Initialize the id spaces.
initializeIfNecessary() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Do the initialization in initializeConversionMap on a just-in-time basis.
initializeIfNecessary() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Do the initialization in initializeConversionMap on a just-in-time basis.
initializeIfNecessary() - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Do the initialization in initializeFormatMap on a just-in-time basis.
initializeItemCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The initializeItemCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for each CommerceItem in the Order, and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
initializeItemPayment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeItemPayment method creates a CommerceItemPaymentInfo for each CommerceItem in the Order.
initializeItemPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload the pricing models for pricing items
initializeMinuteInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the minute input.
initializeModeInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the MODE input.
initializeMonthInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the month input.
initializeNewProfile(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Initializes the Profile object by extracting the correct information out of the ProfileRequest
initializeOrderCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The initializeItemCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for the Order, and adds it to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
initializeOrderIdInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the templateOrderId input.
initializeOrderInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the order input.
initializeOrderPayment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeOrderPayment method creates an OrderPaymentInfo, which is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo used for Order payment information.
initializeOrderPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload the pricing models for pricing the order (e.g.
initializePaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
initializePaymentInfos creates CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects for the Order, the Order's CommerceItems, the Order's ShippingGroups, and the tax.
initializePricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload the all pricing models
initializePricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Initialize the set of pricing models/promotions that a user currently holds while having an active session.
initializePricingModels(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Initialize the set of pricing models/promotions that a user currently holds while having an active session.
initializeProcess(Process, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
This method creates a process.
initializeProcessWithGlobalWorkflow(Process, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
Same as initializeProcess() except that it does not require a valid session to be bound to create the process
initializeProfile(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Initializes the Profile.
initializeProfileFromRequest(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Initializes the Profile object by extracting the correct information out of the ProfileRequest
initializeProject(Process, Project, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
initializeProjectWithGlobalWorkflow(Process, Project, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
initializeProjectWithoutWorkflow(Process, Project) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
initializeRanges() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
With the given array of price range configurations (format: low:high:price) parse the values into their double format for use in calculating shipping costs
initializeRelationship(B2BOrder, CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a CostCenter and a CommerceItem.
initializeRelationship(B2BOrder, CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a CostCenter and a ShippingGroup.
initializeRelationship(B2BOrder, CostCenterOrderRelationship, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a CostCenter and an Order.
initializeRelationship(Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a ShippingGroup and a CommerceItem.
initializeRelationship(Order, PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a PaymentGroup and a CommerceItem.
initializeRelationship(Order, PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a PaymentGroup and a ShippingGroup.
initializeRelationship(Order, PaymentGroupOrderRelationship, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
This method initializes the Relationship to contain a PaymentGroup and an Order.
initializeRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Initializes the request to contain any recipient-specific information.
initializeRequestParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The initializeRequestParameters method gathers the necessary input parameters and uses them to adjust initialization requirements.
initializeRequestParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeRequestParameters method gathers the necessary input parameters and uses them to adjust initialization requirements.
initializeRequestParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
The initializeRequestParameters method gathers the necessary input parameters and uses them to adjust initialization requirements.
initializeResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Initializes the response to contain any recipient-specific information.
initializeSecondInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the second input.
initializeShippingCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The initializeItemCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for each ShippingGroup in the Order, and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
initializeShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
This method initializes the shipping group that was created by the OrderManager for us.
initializeShippingPayment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeShippingPayment method creates a ShippingGroupPaymentInfo for each ShippingGroup in the Order.
initializeShippingPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload the pricing models for determining shipping costs
initializeStoreCredit(StoreCredit, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Initializes a StoreCredit object to contain the given data.
initializeSubject(WorkflowTaskFormSubject) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Initializes the given WorkflowTaskFormSubject object.
initializeTaxCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The initializeItemCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for the tax, and adds it to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
initializeTaxPayment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
The initializeTaxPayment method creates a TaxPaymentInfo, which is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo used for tax payment information.
initializeTaxPricingModels() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Reload the pricing models for calculating tax
initializeTransport() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
If the transport failed to start up properly more attempts can be made until the transport starts.
initializeUserCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
initializeUserCostCenters is used to add the user's CostCenters to the CostCenterMapContainer.
initializeUserInputField(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method initializes the user input values for a particular user input.
initializeUserInputField(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for a particular user input.
initializeUserInputField(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method initializes the user input values for a particular user input.
initializeUserInputField(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method initializes the user input values for a particular user input.
initializeUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method initializes all the user inputs.
initializeUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
This method initializes all the user input fields that this property represents
initializeUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes all the user inputs.
initializeUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method initializes all the user inputs.
initializeUserInputFields() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method initializes all the user inputs.
initializeUserPaymentMethods(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Profile) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
initializeUserPaymentMethods is used to add the user's payment methods to the PaymentGroupMapContainer.
initializeUserShippingMethods(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Profile) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
initializeUserShippingMethods is used to add the user's shipping methods to the ShippingGroupMapContainer.
initializeYearInputField() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method initializes the user input values for the year input.
InitialService - Class in atg.nucleus
This service is used to initialize all of Nucleus.
InitialService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.InitialService
Constructs a blank new InitialService
initPathNames(EventReceiver) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
This is a utility method used by the EventReceiver classes to compute the list of path names and list of dimensions for their current PropertyPath.
initProfileAfterAutoLogin(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileRequestServlet
Load any shopping carts for the given user after they have gone through auto-login.
initProfileAfterAutoLogin(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Initialize the profile after an auto-login operation has occured.
initRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter
Invoke initializeRequest, passing throught the original arguments.
initResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter
Invoke initializeResponse, passing throught the original arguments.
initSlotFromRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Initialize this persistent RepositoryItemSlot from the RepositoryItem of type 'profileSlot' contained in the profile Repository.
initSources() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Initializes the array of sources to be sampled from the SampleSources property
initTag(Tag, Tag[], int, PageContext, Tag) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Initialize pTag by setting the pageContext and parentTag.
initUnitOfTimeValues(ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Initialize the arrays holding the units of time and their conversion factors.
initUnitOfTimeValues(ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.RelativeSchedule
Initialize the arrays holding the units of time and their conversion factors.
initUserAfterAutoLogin(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Initialize the User object after an auto-login operation has occured, populating the User object with appropriate persona.
initUsers() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Allocates the list of user profiles being created by this form handler
INPUT_ITEMS - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
INPUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the input input parameter
INPUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the input paramameter
INPUT_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
INPUT_PARAMTER_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
InputTag - Class in atg.droplet
This class is used to define an InputTag that is generated dynamically from Java code.
InputTag() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.InputTag
Constructor sets all required attributes
insert(Object, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Inserts a new row into the class' tables.
insert(Object[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Inserts a new set of rows into the class' tables.
insert(Object, String[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Inserts a new row into the class' tables.
insert(Object[], String[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Inserts a new set of rows into the class' tables.
insert(Dictionary, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Inserts a new set row into the class' table, using only the property names and values specified in the given Dictionary.
INSERT - Static variable in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
insert(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Inserts a row into the RelationalView.
insert(Object, String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Inserts a row into the RelationalView.
insert(Object[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Inserts several rows into the RelationalView.
insert(Object[], String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Inserts several rows into the RelationalView.
insert(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Inserts a row into the RelationalView.
InsertableServlet - Interface in atg.servlet.pipeline
An InsertableServlet is a PipelineableServlet that knows how to splice itself into an existing servlet pipeline at startup time.
InsertableServletImpl - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
An InsertableServletImpl is an implementation of an InsertableServlet that splices itself into a servlet pipeline in doStartService.
InsertableServletImpl() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl
insertStyle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Insert any style/css tags...
INSTALLCONFIG - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Install Configuration Gear Mode
installManifest(String, Manifest) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Transfers the given manifest to the remote deployment agent.
INSTANCECONFIG - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Instance Configuration Gear Mode
INSTANCES - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
instantiatePipelineLink(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
This method should be overridden by subclasses.
InsufficientFundsException - Exception in atg.commerce.claimable
Exception to indicate that there were insufficient funds to perform a certain action.
InsufficientFundsException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InsufficientFundsException
Constructs a new InsufficientFundsException
InsufficientFundsException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InsufficientFundsException
Constructs a new InsufficientFundsException with the given explanation.
InsufficientFundsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InsufficientFundsException
Constructs a new InsufficientFundsException.
InsufficientFundsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InsufficientFundsException
Constructs a new InsufficientFundsException with the given explanation.
INT - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
INTEGER - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"integer", ordinal 4
INTEGRATION_DATA_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
IntegrationRepositoryTools - Class in atg.adapter.integrations
This class implements a few common functions.
IntegrationRepositoryTools() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
IntegrationRepositoryView - Class in atg.adapter.integrations
A repository view for querying an integrations repository.
IntegrationRepositoryView() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
interrupt(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Deployment events get sent on every state change during deployment.
INVALID_ABANDONMENT_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
INVALID_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
INVALID_CLOSENESS_QUALIFIER_EVALUATOR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
INVALID_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
INVALID_DELIVERY_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
INVALID_GIFTCERT_ID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
INVALID_INITIAL_GIFTCERTIFICATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
INVALID_INITIAL_PROMOTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
INVALID_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: item specified doesn't exist in repository
INVALID_KEYWORD_SEARCH_STRING - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: syntax problem in keyword search string
INVALID_KEYWORD_SEARCH_STRING - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: syntax problem in keyword search string
INVALID_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
INVALID_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
INVALID_ORDER_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
INVALID_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: invalid price
INVALID_PRODUCT_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
INVALID_PRODUCTID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
INVALID_PRODUCTID_OR_CATALOGID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
INVALID_PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
INVALID_PROFILE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
INVALID_PROP_COMBINATION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: cant combine these properties
INVALID_PROP_COMBINATION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: cant combine these properties
INVALID_QUALIFIER_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
INVALID_REMOTEADDR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
bug 75571, if we enable VerifyRemoteAddr, we need to set this attribute to true if the remote address is invalid.
INVALID_SEARCH_PROPERTY_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: searched property names don't exist in item
INVALID_SEARCH_PROPERTY_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: searched property names don't exist in item
INVALID_SHIP_ITEM_REL_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
INVALID_SHIPPING_GROUP_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
INVALID_SKU_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
INVALID_STORECREDIT_ID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
INVALID_SUBSKU - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
INVALID_TARGET_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
InvalidAccessControlEntryException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when an improper access control entry is supplied to a security domain.
InvalidAccessControlEntryException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidAccessControlEntryException
InvalidAccessControlEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidAccessControlEntryException
InvalidAccessRightException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to use an access right that is not supported by a security domain.
InvalidAccessRightException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidAccessRightException
InvalidAccessRightException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidAccessRightException
INVALIDADDRESS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
InvalidAssetException - Exception in atg.epub.project
This exception indicates that an invalid asset was supplied to an operation.
InvalidAssetException() - Constructor for exception atg.epub.project.InvalidAssetException
Constructs a new InvalidAssetException.
InvalidAssetException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.project.InvalidAssetException
Constructs a new InvalidAssetException with the given explanation.
InvalidAssetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.project.InvalidAssetException
Constructs a new InvalidAssetException.
InvalidAssetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.project.InvalidAssetException
Constructs a new InvalidAssetException with the given explanation.
invalidate(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Invalidator interface remote method which receives invalidate events from RMI clients, and emits a JMS Message containing a GSAInvalidationMessage object.
invalidate(MultiTypeInvalidationMessage) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Invalidator interface remote method which receives a MultiTypeInvalidationMessage from local or RMI clients, and emits a JMS Message containing a this MultiTypeInvalidationMessage object.
invalidate() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Invalidates the cache of owner and access control information.
invalidate() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Invalidates locally cached values.
invalidate(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Invalidates a named account's cache.
invalidate() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Invalidates the account cache.
invalidate(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Invalidates an account in the account cache.
invalidate() - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Causes invalidation of any cached identity information (eg roles) of the current user, if appropriate.
invalidate() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
invalidates the cache
INVALIDATE_ALL_CACHES - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
INVALIDATE_CACHE - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
INVALIDATE_CACHE_ENTRIES - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
INVALIDATE_CACHE_ENTRY - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
INVALIDATE_CACHES_BY_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
invalidateAllCaches() - Method in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
This invalidates all of the caches in the system.
invalidateAllCaches() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This invalidates all of the caches in the system.
invalidateAllPersonae() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Invalidates all cached persona information produced by this directory.
invalidateAllResources() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Runs through the list of all resources (in or out of the pool) and flags them as invalid.
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
INVALIDATECACHE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(ItemDescriptorImpl, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
This method invalidates the item from the cache if invalidateCache is true
invalidateCache(String) - Method in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
Invalidates all of the entries in the cache with the specified name.
invalidateCache(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Invalidates all of the entries in the cache with the specified name.
invalidateCachedItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Invalidates any cached properties we may have for this item.
invalidateCacheEntries(String, Object[][]) - Method in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
Invalidates multiple entries in the specified cache.
invalidateCacheEntries(String, Object[][]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Invalidates multiple entries in the specified cache.
invalidateCacheEntry(String, Object[]) - Method in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
Invalidates an entry in the specified cache.
invalidateCacheEntry(String, Object[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Invalidates an entry in the specified cache.
invalidateCaches() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Invalidates both the item and query caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateCaches(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Invalidates both the item and query caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateCaches() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Invalidates both the item and query caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateCaches(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Invalidates both the item and query caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateCaches() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Invalidates all caches in this repository.
invalidateCaches(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Invalidates all caches in this repository and if global is true, it sends an invalidation event to all servers.
invalidateCaches() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Invalidate any caches that depend on the relational view.
invalidateCachesByTableName(String) - Method in interface atg.rview.CacheInvalidationListener
This invalidates all of the caches whose entries depend on the specified table.
invalidateCachesByTableName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This invalidates all of the caches whose entries depend on the specified table.
invalidateItem(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
For the case of distributed-cache mode operation, this is used to notify other subscribers that they may need to flush this item from their caches
invalidateItemCache() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Invalidates the item caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateItemCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Invalidates both the item and query caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateItemCache() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Invalidates the item caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateItemCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Invalidates the item caches for this item descriptor.
invalidateOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Invalidates the order so on the next access the order will be refreshed from the item descriptors.
invalidatePersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Invalidates the cached persona information, forcing a re-verification of the existance of the persona as well as its internal cache information.
invalidateQueryCache() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Removes all entries from the query cache
invalidateSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
invalidateSession(HttpServletRequest, HttpSession) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
On DAF this method makes sure that the "parent" session gets invalided when you attempt to invalide a child session.
invalidateSessionNameContext(HttpSession) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
invalidateSessionNameContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpSession) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Flags the main SessionNameContext as invalid.
InvalidationRelay - Class in atg.rview
The InvalidationRelay is used to broadcast cache invalidations from one RelationalViewManager to other RelationalViewManagers, thereby allowing them to keep their caches in sync.
InvalidationRelay() - Constructor for class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
INVALIDATOR_JMSTYPE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
System property defining the JMS Type & port of the messages sent for cache invalidation
INVALIDATOR_PORT - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
InvalidAttributeException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
InvalidAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidAttributeException
INVALIDBILLINGEMAIL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
INVALIDBILLINGFAXNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
INVALIDBILLINGPHONENUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
InvalidDateException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid date is entered for a giftlist.
InvalidDateException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidDateException
Constructs a new InvalidDateException
InvalidDateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidDateException
Constructs a new InvalidDateException with the given explanation.
InvalidDateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidDateException
Constructs a new InvalidDateException.
InvalidDateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidDateException
Constructs a new InvalidDateException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftParameterException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid argument is passed into a method call.
InvalidGiftParameterException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftParameterException
InvalidGiftParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftParameterException.
InvalidGiftParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftQuantityException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid argument is passed into a method call.
InvalidGiftQuantityException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftQuantityException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftQuantityException
InvalidGiftQuantityException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftQuantityException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftQuantityException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftQuantityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftQuantityException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftQuantityException.
InvalidGiftQuantityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftQuantityException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftQuantityException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftTypeException - Exception in atg.commerce.gifts
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a non-existent relationship type is set in a relationship object.
InvalidGiftTypeException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftTypeException
InvalidGiftTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidGiftTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftTypeException.
InvalidGiftTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.gifts.InvalidGiftTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidGiftTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidInputException - Exception in atg.integrations
Exception used to indicate invalid input to a RPC command execution.
InvalidInputException() - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.InvalidInputException
Default constructor.
InvalidInputException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.InvalidInputException
Constructor which takes String input.
InvalidInputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.InvalidInputException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
InvalidInputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.InvalidInputException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
InvalidMarkerException - Exception in atg.markers
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a marker operation.
InvalidMarkerException() - Constructor for exception atg.markers.InvalidMarkerException
Constructs a new MarkerException.
InvalidMarkerException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.InvalidMarkerException
Constructs a new InvalidMarkerException with the given explanation.
InvalidMarkerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.InvalidMarkerException
Constructs a new InvalidMarkerException.
InvalidMarkerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.InvalidMarkerException
Constructs a new InvalidMarkerException with the given explanation.
InvalidNameException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a non-existent name is used in a create call.
InvalidNameException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException
InvalidNameException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException with the given explanation.
InvalidNameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException.
InvalidNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException with the given explanation.
InvalidNameException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered registering or updating a portal object with an invalid name.
InvalidNameException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException
InvalidNameException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException with the given explanation.
InvalidNameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException.
InvalidNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidNameException
Constructs a new InvalidNameException with the given explanation.
InvalidParameterException - Exception in atg.commerce.claimable
InvalidParameterException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException
InvalidParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException.
InvalidParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.claimable.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidParameterException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid argument is passed into a method call.
InvalidParameterException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException
InvalidParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidParameterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException.
InvalidParameterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidParameterException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterException with the given explanation.
InvalidPermissionException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when an improper permission is supplied to a security domain.
InvalidPermissionException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidPermissionException
InvalidPermissionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidPermissionException
InvalidPersonaException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when a persona is used improperly (e.g. with the wrong user authority).
InvalidPersonaException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidPersonaException
InvalidPersonaException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidPersonaException
InvalidRecipientAddressException - Exception in atg.userprofiling.email
A subclass of TemplateEmailException that occurs when an email Message is being constructed for a particular recipient, and the recipient's email address turns out to be invalid.
InvalidRecipientAddressException(String, Message) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Constructs a new InvalidRecipientAddressException with the given explanation and email Message object.
InvalidRecipientAddressException(String, String, Message) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Constructs a new InvalidRecipientAddressException with the given explanation, invalid recipient address, and email Message object.
InvalidRecipientAddressException(String, String, Message, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.InvalidRecipientAddressException
Constructs a new InvalidRecipientAddressException with the given explanation, invalid recipient address, email Message object, and root exception.
InvalidResourceException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when a resource name supplied to a security domain is not valid for the domain.
InvalidResourceException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidResourceException
InvalidResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.InvalidResourceException
InvalidSessionException - Exception in atg.security.proxy
Exception which is thrown when a UserSessionProxy receives an invocation whose calling context references an unknown session key.
InvalidSessionException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.proxy.InvalidSessionException
InvalidSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.proxy.InvalidSessionException
INVALIDSHIPPINGEMAIL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
INVALIDSHIPPINGFAXNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
InvalidShippingGroupTypeException - Exception in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This exception is thrown when an attempt to modify the order is made and the current state doesn't support this modification.
InvalidShippingGroupTypeException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
Construct a new InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
InvalidShippingGroupTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidShippingGroupTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidShippingGroupTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidShippingGroupTypeException.
InvalidShippingGroupTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.fulfillment.InvalidShippingGroupTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidShippingGroupTypeException with the given explanation.
INVALIDSHIPPINGPHONENUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
InvalidTypeException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a non-existent relationship type is set in a relationship object.
InvalidTypeException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException
InvalidTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException.
InvalidTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidTypeException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered registering or updating a portal object with an invalid type.
InvalidTypeException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException
InvalidTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException.
InvalidTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new InvalidTypeException with the given explanation.
InvalidVersionException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when attempting to save an order which is out of date with the one that is stored in the repository.
InvalidVersionException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException
Constructs a new InvalidVersionException
InvalidVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException
Constructs a new InvalidVersionException with the given explanation.
InvalidVersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException
Constructs a new InvalidVersionException.
InvalidVersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.InvalidVersionException
Constructs a new InvalidVersionException with the given explanation.
invariantOperandWasNullMsg(int, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Get the error message to deliver if we cannot compute the value of an operand that is supposed to be invariant in the initialize() method.
invariantValueNotAvailableMsg(int, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
Get the error message to deliver if we cannot compute the value of an operand that is supposed to be invariant in the initialize() method.
INVENTORY_ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
INVENTORY_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
INVENTORY_STATUS_FAIL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Signifies a failed method call.
INVENTORY_STATUS_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
INVENTORY_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SUPPLY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Signifies that the procedure failed because the inventory system is out of the item(s)
INVENTORY_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Signifies that the procedure failed because the item wasn't found
INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Signifies a successful method call.
InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
In the most general case, this property descriptor can take a RepositoryItem and extract out of it a list of RepositoryItems.
InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor property descriptor with the given name
InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor property descriptor with the given name, property type and short description.
InventoryCacheAdapter - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
An implementation of the CacheAdapter that caches RepositoryItems for the purpose of reading their properties quickly.
InventoryCacheAdapter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
InventoryDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This Dynamo Servlet Bean is an interface into the Inventory management services.
InventoryDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Constructs an instanceof InventoryDroplet
InventoryException - Exception in atg.commerce.inventory
This is a generic exception which describes something going wrong during an Inventory call.
InventoryException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryException
Constructs a new InventoryException.
InventoryException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryException
Constructs a new InventoryException with the given explanation.
InventoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryException
Constructs a new InventoryException.
InventoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryException
Constructs a new InventoryException with the given explanation.
InventoryFilter - Class in atg.commerce.collections.filter
This filter will filter products in the collection based on their inventory availability.
InventoryFilter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
InventoryFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This form handler can be used for three things: Display a subset of inventory items Change a property value for an inventory item Tell the InventoryManager that the inventory has been updated. It contains properties (both arrays of strings) for items that were backordered but are now in stock, and for items that were preordered but are now in stock.
InventoryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
InventoryInfo - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This class can be used to retrieve inventory information for a given sku on demand.
InventoryInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
InventoryInfo(String, InventoryManager) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Construct a new InventoryInfo with the given inventory id
InventoryInfo(String, InventoryManager, ApplicationLogging) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Construct a new InventoryInfo with the given inventory id
InventoryLevelDerivation - Class in atg.commerce.dp
This derivation method is used to obtain inventory information for a specified catalogRefId.
InventoryLevelDerivation() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Set the name, display name and short description properties.
InventoryManager - Interface in atg.commerce.inventory
This interface describes an inventory manager.
INVENTORYMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
InventoryServices - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
Helper methods to access and enhance InventoryManager services.
InventoryServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
InventoryThresholdReached - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This class is an event that gets thrown when some threshold in the inventory has been reached.
InventoryThresholdReached() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
INVENTORYUPDATES - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
inventoryWasUpdated(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Informs the inventory manager that the given ids are now available.
inventoryWasUpdated(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Informs the inventory manager that the given ids are now available.
inventoryWasUpdated(List) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Informs the inventory manager that the given ids are now available.
inventoryWasUpdated(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Informs the inventory manager that the given ids are now available.
inventoryWasUpdated(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
inventoryWasUpdated(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Send an UpdateInventory message out the UpdateInventoryPort.
invertBeanToItemMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Invert the key/value pairs in pBeanToItemMap and return a new Properties object containing the inverted map.
INVOICE_ITEM - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineConstants
INVOICE_MANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineConstants
INVOICE_REQUEST_INFO - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineConstants
InvoiceException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
InvoiceException represents any exception generated by the invoice manager or related classes.
InvoiceException() - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceException
Construct an empty InvoiceException.
InvoiceException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceException
Construct an InvoiceException with the specified error message.
InvoiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceException
Construct an InvoiceException that wraps the specified source exception.
InvoiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceException
Construct an InvoiceException with the specified error message that wraps the specified source exception.
InvoiceManager - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
InvoiceManager manages creation, loading, saving, and removing items in the InvoiceRepository.
InvoiceManager() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
InvoiceMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging
Data carried by the InvoiceManager's JMS messages.
InvoiceMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
InvoicePipelineArgs - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
InvoicePipelineArgs provides a dictionary for storing arguments to the invoice pipeline and includes convenience methods for looking up well-known names within that dictionary.
InvoicePipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Create a new empty instance of InvoicePipelineArgs.
InvoicePipelineArgs(InvoiceManager, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Create a new instance of InvoicePipelineArgs, storing the specified invoice manager and repository item under well-known keys in the dictionary.
InvoicePipelineArgs(InvoiceManager, RepositoryItem, InvoiceRequestInfo) - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.InvoicePipelineArgs
Create a new instance of InvoicePipelineArgs, storing the specified invoice manager, repository item, and invoice request info used for initialization under well-known keys in the dictionary.
InvoicePipelineConstants - Interface in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
Specifies well-known names for storing and retrieving objects in the invoice pipeline argument dictionary.
InvoicePipelineException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
InvoicePipelineException may be thrown whenever an error occurs running a pipeline chain from the invoice subsystem.
InvoicePipelineException(PipelineResult) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoicePipelineException
Construct an InvoicePipelineException with a specified PipelineResult object.
InvoicePipelineException(String, PipelineResult) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoicePipelineException
Construct an InvoicePipelineException with a given PipelineResult object and error message.
InvoiceRequest - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest
This payment method represents the information needed to produce an invoice for use in billing a customer for all or part of an order.
InvoiceRequest() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Default constructor
InvoiceRequestInfo - Interface in atg.payment.invoicerequest
This interface encapsulates the information required by the invoice request payment method, which is used when a purchase is to be paid for by generating an invoice relative to a customer-supplied purchase order.
InvoiceRequestProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.invoicerequest
This interface defines a generic payment processor for billing by invoice.
InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest
A payment processor for billing by invoice whose debit method calls on an InvoiceManager to generate a repository item representing the invoice and emit JMS messages notifying any interested listeners of invoice creation and update.
InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
InvoiceTools - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
A low-level interface to the Invoice repository, encapsulating most repository operations inside higher level API's.
InvoiceTools() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Invoke - Class in atg.droplet
The Invoke servlet invokes a named method for a particular object and arguements.
Invoke() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Invoke
Constructs an instanceof Invoke
invoke(Vector) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
This is the expected method that will be called to send a Vector of atg.apache.soap.Parameter objects via a SOAP request.
INVOKE_FORM_HANDLER - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
invokeDropletAfterGets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Invokes the afterGet methods for formhandlers that implement DropletFormHandler
invokeNoFlushInclude(RequestDispatcher, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Invoke an include which attempts NOT to flush.
invokeObjectAfterGets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Invokes the afterGet methods for formhandlers that implement ObjectFormHandler
invokeProcessorAction(PaymentManagerAction, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Method which can distribute a particular chain invocation to the correct method to invoke.
invokeRPC(Object) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
Abstract method.
invokeRPC(Object) - Method in interface atg.integrations.Command
Actual method that executes the RPC Call at the back end system.
IOTools - Class in atg.distributor
IOTools() - Constructor for class atg.distributor.IOTools
Constructs an instanceof IOTools
iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager and user authority that works against an iPlanet's Directory
iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager
iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
A subclass of iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher which obtains user accounts from an AccountManager via an iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher.
iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher
iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher - Class in atg.security
An object used to fetch an SSHA salt for a given login.
iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher() - Constructor for class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher
iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
A password hasher which implements the SSHA (salted SHA) algorithm as implemented by the iPlanet Directory Server.
iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
isAbsolute() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
Does the name start with a /.
isAbsolute() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if the file represented by this File object is an absolute pathname.
isAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
Returns true if the path name is an absolute path (i.e.
isAcceptAllValues() - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Boolean property for determining if all marker values are valid.
isAccessBeforeStart() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
isAccessible() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Whether or not this target is currently accessible.
isActionTaken() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns true if this task has been acted upon, false otherwise.
isActive() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Whether or not the listener should send email notifications.
isActive() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns true if this task is currently active, false otherwise.
isAddAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Returns property AddAmount
isAdded() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
An added working version is one whose underlying asset does not exist in the parent development line.
isAddingDebuggingHeaders() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether we are adding debugging headers identifying host and thread.
isAddingMailingIdHeader() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to add the mailing id header.
isAddItemTypeToPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This property controls whether or not elements in an instance document that correspond to a property of a Repository Item should have the item-descriptor name appended to the property name.
isAddProfileToMessageBean() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Query whether to automatically try to add the user profile to the dynamo message bean.
isAddressEmpty(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Determines if the given repository address is empty.
isAddToContainer() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the AddToContainer property.
isAddToDefaultShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
isAddWhenNoMatchedItems() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
If not items are matched for an update, then this compoent can decide to add the items to the repository.
isAdminPipeline() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Returns flag determining whether this component is part of the admin pipeline or not.
isAdvancedSearchPropertyRangesEmpty() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
test if adv search property ranges null or empty
isAdvancedSearchPropertyRangesEmpty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
test if adv search property ranges null or empty
isAdvancedSearchPropertyValuesEmpty() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
test if adv search property values are null or empty
isAdvancedSearchPropertyValuesEmpty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
test if adv search property values are null or empty
isAfterGetsClaimed() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
isAllowAutoLogin(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns true if the session associated with this request is allowed to auto-login
isAllowEncryptedPasswords() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property AllowEncryptedPasswords DEFAULT: true
isAllowingMultipleSubmitsPerURL() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Whether to allow multiple submits per document URL.
isAllowLayoutChanges() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
True if the page accepts layout changes
isAllowMembershipRequest() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True if the community allows membership request
isAllowMembershipRequestString() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True if the community allows membership request
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
This class cannot send messages if this is false.
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This class cannot send messages if this is false.
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This class cannot send messages if this is false.
isAllowMessageSending() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
This class cannot send messages if this is false.
isAllowPartialShipmentDefault() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This property is consulted when the shipping group's special instructions doesn't have a field indicating whether a shipping group should be split on partial shipment.
isAllowPaymentGroupsWithZeroAmount() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
This Flag is added to support backward compatibiity.
isAllowPersonalizedCommunities() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True if the community is allowed to be personalized
isAllowPersonalizedPages() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True if the community allows personalized pages
isAllowRemoveOrderWithPendingShipment() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
A ModifyOrder request, requesting that an order be removed should be processed even if there exists a shipping group that is in a PENDING_SHIPMENT state.
isAlwaysAcquireWriteLock() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Whether to always acquire a write lock from the lock manager.
isAlwaysTranslate() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Returns the flag indicating if this should always translate files, even if the request comes in with a pathTranslated.
isAlwaysValidate() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Boolean property that determines if all markers must be validated.
isAmountByAverageAccurate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the property amountByAverageAccurate.
isAmountIsFinal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
If this flag is true, this amount info should never be changed.
isAmountTooHigh(double, double, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method will add pAmountSoFar and pNewAmount.
isAnsiJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isAnyElectronicShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns true if the order has at least one electronic shipping group with commerce item relationships.
isAnyElectronicShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns true if the order has at least one electronic shipping group with commerce item relationships
isAnyFrame() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
isAnyGroupPendingShipment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Loop through all the shipping groups in an order, returning false if the state of one of those groups is set to PENDING_SHIPMENT, otherwise return true
isAnyHardgoodShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns true if the order has at least one hargood shipping group with commerce item relationships.
isAnyHardgoodShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns true if the order has at least one hargood shipping group with commerce item relationships.
isAnyNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Determines if there are any non-gift hardgood shipping groups with relationships
isAnyNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Determines if there are any non-gift hardgood shipping groups with relationships
isAnyPaymentInfoExistsInContainter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This method checks to see if there is any payment infos.
isAnyShippingInfoExistsInContainter() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
This method checks to see if there is any shipping infos in the container.
isAppendRelativeSchemaLocation() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Should the directory name be appended to the XML Schema file name that is written out in the generated XML.
isAppendXMLTypeAttributes() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Should ATG XML schema extension attributes appended to RepositoryItem xml tag.
isApplyDefaultPaymentGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyDefaultPaymentGroup property.
isApplyDefaultShippingGroup() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Return the ApplyDefaultShippingGroup property.
isApplyGlobalPricingModels() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ApplyGlobalPricingModels
isApplyUserPricingModels() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property ApplyUserPricingModels
isArchiveCompressed() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Returns the flag indicating if the archive files are compressed when rotated.
isArray() - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayObjectTypeInfo
isArray() - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanObjectTypeInfo
isArray() - Method in class atg.droplet.ClassObjectTypeInfo
isArray() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
isAscendingOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property AscendingOrder
isAssignable() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Determine whether this Role may be explicitly assigned to a User using assignRole().
isAssignable() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns the flag indicating whether this task can be assigned and/or claimed.
isAssignableFrom(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Determine if properties of this type can be assigned values from objects of the specified property descriptor.
isAssignCatalogInCommerceItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
If this is true, then newly created commerce items will have the 'catalogId' property automatically populated with the catalog for the current user The default is false.
isAssignedTo(OrganizationalEntity) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Determine whether an role is explicitly assigned to some OrganizationalEntity.
isAssignNewCreditCardAsDefault() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
isAssignRelativeRoles() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Indicates whether or not relativeRoles should be assigned to the user specified by the userId property.
isAssociativeFakeXA() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property associativeFakeXA.
isAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
If this is true, this class will attempt to populate any new info items with the information from another info.
isAutoCommitInitialization() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property AutoCommitInitialization
isAutoCreate() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Test property autoCreate
isAutoCreate() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Test property autoCreate
isAutoDeploy() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Getter for property autoDeploy ("Auto-deploy")
isAutoInitListeners() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Whether to automatically initialize the log listeners with the list from the Global Nucleus.
isAutoLoginSecurityStatus(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Returns true if the given security status indicates an auto login
isAutomatic() - Method in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
Returns property Automatic
isAutomaticallyUseDefaultPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
If this is true, and the profiles price list is null, then the default price list is automatically used The default is true
isAutoMembershipRequest() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True is membership requests is automatic
isAvailable() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
isBatched() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns true if this email is batched/distributed.
isBatchFailed() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.Batch
Returns the state of the transaction with which this Batch completed.
isBatchIfPossible() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Get whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).
isBeanProperty(String) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Use this method in a subclass to determine whether or not the specified property name is a regular bean property (i.e.
isBlank(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Return true if the string specified by pStr is null, an empty string, or consists entirely of whitespace.
isBlank(String) - Static method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Return true if pStr is null, the empty string, or consists entirely of whitespace where whitespace is defined by the String.trim method.
isBlocking() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Get property Blocking
isBlocking() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Get property Blocking
isBounced() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the bounced property
isBouncedEmail(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Checks the passed in javax.mail.Message object for indications that it has been bounced.
isBouncedEmail(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Determines whether the passed in message was bounced by an exim MTA.
isBouncedEmail(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Determines whether the passed in message was bounced by a sendmail MTA.
isBouncedEmail(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Determines whether the passed in message was bounced by a sendmail MTA.
isBroadcastAdminRegisterEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastAdminRegisterEvents
isBroadcastExpiredSessionEvents() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Returns property BroadcastExpiredSessionEvents
isBroadcastExpiredSessionEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastExpiredSessionEvents
isBroadcastLoginEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastLoginEvents
isBroadcastLogoutEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastLogoutEvents
isBroadcastNewSessionEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastNewSessionEvents
isBroadcastPageViewedEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Returns property BroadcastPageViewedEvents
isBroadcastReferrerEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastReferrerEvents
isBroadcastRegisterEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Returns property BroadcastRegisterEvents
isBrowserType(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Returns true if this user agent is a member of the type specified
isBrowserType(BrowserType, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Returns true if the user agent matches the browser type.
isBrowserType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns true if the browser supports the given feature
isBuildProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property BuildProfile
isBulkLoad() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Whether we are currently doing a full/bulk load.
isBundle(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Checks to see if the given id refers to a bundle.
isBypassRecipientVerification() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email.
isCacheable() - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns true if the result of evaluating this filter should be cached, false otherwise.
isCacheable() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Cacheable
isCachedNull(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isCacheLocally() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property CacheLocally.
isCacheLocally() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property CacheLocally.
isCacheSwitchLoadQueries() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Test property cacheSwitchLoadQueries
isCachingEnabled(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
If this returns false, then the droplet should proceed as if no caching is involved at all.
isCachingGlobalComponents() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns true if this Nucleus is caching global components.
isCategoryReferenced(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method will check if the given category is included in any catalogs 'rootCategories' list or in any categories 'childCategories' list.
isChanged() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Returns the isChanged flag
isChanged() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Returns the isChanged flag
isCheckedIn() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property checkedIn ("Checked in")
isCheckedIn() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Returns true if the workspace has had all of its contents checked in.
isCheckedOut() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
A version may have been checked-out into one or more workspaces.
isCheckForChangedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Determine if the FormHandler should check for changes in quantities of commerce items.
isCheckForChangedQuantity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Determine if the FormHandler should checked for changes in quantities of commerce items.
isCheckForFault() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
If this component is configured to look for faults in the Response object, then the processFaultsprocessFaults method will be invoked.
isCheckForReturnValue() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
If this component is configured to look for a response from the server in the Response object, then the processFaultsprocessReturnValue method will be invoked.
isCheckForUnreferencedCategories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
If true, an extra check is made for each category.
isChildCommunityFolder(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
checks if the community folder is a child of the parent folder object
isChildGearDefinitionFolder(String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
checks if the gear definition folder is a child of the parent folder object
isCircularReference(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Checks whether the RepositoryItem is already parsed.
isClassLoaded(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
Returns true if the specified class has already been loaded from the directory, false if not.
isCleanupDirectory() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Test property cleanupDirectory
isClearAll() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the ClearAll property.
isClearAll() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the ClearAll property.
isClearAll() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ClearAll property.
isClearCostCenterContainer() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the ClearCostCenterContainer property.
isClearCostCenterMap() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the ClearCostCenterMap property.
isClearDefunctReferences() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
This is a flag which, if true indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment.
isClearPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the ClearPaymentGroups property.
isClearPaymentInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the ClearPaymentInfos property.
isClearShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ClearShippingGroups property.
isClearShippingInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the ClearShippingInfos property.
isClearValueOnSet() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns value of ClearValueOnSet property
isClosed() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to isClosed
isCollectDeadEmail() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
isCollectionOrMap() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
isCommitOnPrepare() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Returns property commitOnPrepare.
isCommitOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the CommitOrder property.
isCommitted() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns a boolean indicating if the response has been committed.
isCompareValueInCopyPropertiesOnLogin() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Gets the CompareValueInCopyPropertiesOnLogin property
isCompatibilityMode() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Return the value of the CompatibilityMode property.
isComplete() - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletCustomizer
Returns true if the customization completed successfully.
isComposite() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property Composite.
isComputeSubCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Returns property computeSubCatalogs
isComputeSubCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Returns property computeSubCatalogs
isComputeSubCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Returns property computeSubCatalogs
isConcurrentUpdate(Throwable) - Static method in class atg.commerce.util.ConcurrentUpdateDetector
Checks to see if the exception is an instance of ConcurrentUpdateException, InvalidVersionException, or a ContainerException which contains a CUE or IVE.
isConfirmOldPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Returns property ConfirmPassword
isConfirmOldPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns property ConfirmPassword
isConfirmPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Returns property ConfirmPassword
isConfirmPassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns property ConfirmPassword
isConsolidateShippingInfosBeforeApply() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
isConstant(Class) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Returns true if a property of the given class is a constant value, false if the property points to another service.
isContainsCCOrderRel() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the ContainsCCOrderRel property.
isContent() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isContentShown(NameResolver, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Query whether some repository item has been shown in this session.
isCopyToProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Return the CopyToProfile property.
isCostCenterInOrder(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
isCostCenterInOrder is used to determine if the CostCenter is already in the Order.
isCostCenterRequired() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Query whether all items must be assigned a cost center, or whether cost centers are optional.
isCreateAllPaymentInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
isCreateCacheDirectories() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property CreateCacheDirectories
isCreateCacheDirectories() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property CreateCacheDirectories
isCreated(Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Returns true if there is a table with the same name as this TableDeclaration.
isCreated(Connection) - Method in class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Returns true if there is a table with the same name as this TableDeclaration.
isCreateIndexesLast() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Test property createIndexesLast
isCreateNewUser() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns property CreateNewUser
isCreateOneInfoPerUnit() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
isCreateRelativeRoles() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Indicates whether or not relativeRoles should be created for a particular organization/function combination.
isCreateSGRelationshipsOnMerge() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Return the createSGRelationshipsOnMerge property.
isCreateTransientItems() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Gets property CreateTransientItems.
isCreateTransientItems() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Gets property CreateTransientItems.
isCreateTransientItems() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Returns property CreateTransientItems.
isCreditCardEmpty(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. this method has been moved to CommerceProfileTools
isCreditCardEmpty(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Checks to see if a CreditCard object is empty.
isCropOwnerString() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Returns property CropOwnerString
isCropStackTrace() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Returns property CropStackTrace
isCurrentEmpty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns true if the current order is null or has no commerce items
isCurrentExists() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Return true if the current order even exists.
isCurrentTransactionRolledBack(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
Returns true if the current transaction is marked for rollback.
isCurrentTransient() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Return true if the current order is null or transient
isDB2JoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isDebugActiveQuery() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property debugActiveQuery.
isDebugComponentLocking() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether to attempt to debug component locking.
isDefaultCostCenter() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Returns property DefaultCostCenter
isDefaultItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Test property DefaultItemDescriptor
isDefaultProperty() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Test property defaultProperty
isDeferForwardsAndRedirects() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Get whether to defer forwards and redirects until after form handling has completed, or to execute forwards and redirects imediately.
isDeferForwardsAndRedirects() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Get whether to defer forwards and redirects until after form handling has completed, or to execute forwards and redirects imediately.
isDelayedRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns the isDelayedRequest property
isDeleted(DevelopmentLine) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Has this asset has been deleted in the given code line?
isDeleted() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Test if this version of the asset has been marked as deleted.
isDeleteLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isDeleteManifests() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal.
isDeleteState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is not used anymore, See CancelOrderService
isDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
If this is true, then an info that is no longer in an items map of catalog specific information will be removed from the repository The default is true.
isDenyAnonymousUsers() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Returns whether or not anonymous users are denied access
isDenyAnonymousUsers() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Gets the denyAnonymousUsers property
isDeployable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Whether or not this target is capable of being deployed to.
isDeploymentCommitted() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not this deployment has proceeded past the committed point of no return.
isDeploymentFirstPass() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Identifier indicating whether the currently running deployment is on its first or second pass in a switch configured deployment.
isDeploymentRevert() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Returns property deploymentRevert.
isDeploymentRevert() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns property deploymentRevert.
isDeploymentRollback() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not the deployment has been flagged for rollback.
isDeploymentRollback() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the deployment has been flagged for rollback.
isDeploymentRunning(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Returns true if the currently executing deployment's id is pDeploymentId.
isDeploymentScheduled() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not this deployment was kicked off automatically from a schedule.
isDeploymentSwitched() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not this deployment has switched yet, if it is a switch deployment.
isDeploymentTargetSwitched() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the target deployment datasources have been switched yet, if this is a switch configured deployment.
isDerived() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Test property derived
isDirectory() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a directory.
isDisabledCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode equals CACHE_MODE_DISABLED, else false
isDiscounted() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
Test property Discounted
isDistributedCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode equals CACHE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED, else false
isDistributedJMSCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode equals CACHE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED_JMS, else false
isDoAdvancedSearch() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoAdvancedSearch
isDoAdvancedSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoAdvancedSearch
isDoAdvancedSearch() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoAdvancedSearch
isDocumentInDevLine() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
isDoHierarchicalSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoHierarchicalSearch
isDoHierarchicalSearch() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoHierarchicalSearch
isDoKeywordSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoKeywordSearch
isDoKeywordSearch() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoKeywordSearch
isDoNameSearch() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoNameSearch
isDoPublishedSearch() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoPublishedSearch
isDoTextSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoTextSearch
isDoTextSearch() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property DoTextSearch
isDuplicateAddressNickName(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Determines if the nickname is already in the profile's address map.
isDuplicateCreditCardNickname(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Determines if the nickname is already in the profile's credit card map.
isDuplicateMarker(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
This method determines if the two markers are duplicates of each other.
isDuplicateMarker(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.markers.MarkerDuplicateComparator
This method determines if the two markers are duplicates of each other.
isDuplicateMarker(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, MarkerDuplicateComparator) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method calls the appropriate comparator component to determine if the two markers are duplicates of each other.
isDuplicateNickname(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Determines if the nickname is already in the collection.
isDynamicBean(Class) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Returns true if the class specified has a DynamicPropertyMapper registered for it.
isDynamoJ2EEServer() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method can be used to determine whether or not you are running on a dynamo J2EE server.
isDynamoPipeline() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
isDynamoPipeline() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
isEchoDocumentsToStdout() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to echo documents to stdout.
isEditable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property editable ("Editable")
isEditable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Getter for property editable ("Editable")
isEditMode() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
isEditOnlyMode() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns true if this server is in editOnly mode, false otherwise.
isElementBound(String) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Returns true if the name has an element bound to it, false if not.
isElementBound(String) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns true if the name has and element bound to it, false if not.
isElementBound(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns true if the name has an element bound to it, false if not.
isElementBound(ComponentName) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameContext
Returns true if the name has an element bound to it, false if not.
isElementSimpleType(String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method determines if the XML element represented by the pNamespaceURI and pLocalName parameters is a "simple" type.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns true if both the current and the collection of saved orders is empty
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
isEmpty() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
IsEmpty - Class in atg.droplet
The IsEmpty droplet conditionally servlet renders one of its parameters based on the value of its value parameter.
IsEmpty() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
Constructs an instanceof IsEmpty
isEmpty() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
isEmpty() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns true if there are no sort directives.
isEmpty() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
IsEmptyBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the IsEmpty droplet.
IsEmptyBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IsEmptyBeanInfo
isEnable() - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
isEnableContentNameTruncation() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Returns property EnableContentNameTruncation
isEnableContentNameTruncation() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Returns property EnableContentNameTruncation
isEnableCountQuery() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property enableCountQuery
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Query whether sending messages from this process is enabled or disabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Query whether this processor is enabled or disabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Returns property enabled, which indicates if this service should compute any properties.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
Returns property Enabled
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
If enabled is true, then this servlet is "active" in that it will look for a PROMO parameter to add to the current profile.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
If this is false, then acquireTransactionLock and releaseTransactionLock are both no-ops
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Boolean flag for optionally disabling a business process.
isEnabled() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the community is enabled
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Return whether this service is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Returns true if the initializer is enabled, false if not.
isEnabled() - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Returns whether the perf monitor is enabled or not
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Whether or not this pool is still considered active.
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Returns Is this servlet enabled inside of the pipline?
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Is access control enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Returns Is this servlet enabled inside of the pipline?
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Is access control enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Is access control enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Is access control enabled?
isEnabledAsTemplateMailServer() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
isEnabledString() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the community is enabled
isEnableIncrementalLoading() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to enabled incremental loading.
isEnablePerformanceMonitor() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
isEnableProtectivePurge() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
isEnablePurge() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isEnableReportData() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
isEnableScheduledBulkLoading() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether scheduled bulk loading is enabled.
isEnableSecurity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property enableSecurity
isEnableSecurity() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property enableSecurity
isEnableSecurity() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
gets the property enableSecurity.
isEnableSecurity() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. returns the property enableSecurity
isEnableSecurityStatus() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
isEnableSending() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
If true the messages will be sent otherwise nothing is sent.
isEnableSQLbatch() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property EnableSQLbatch
isEnableTruncation() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property EnableTruncation
isEnableWorkspaceDependencyCache() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get property m_enableWorkspaceDependencyCache If file system cache for dependency check should be enabled.
isEncodeLinkURLs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Query whether to encode URLs on links created using productLinkFormat and categoryLinkFormat.
isEncodeRepositoryIdAsAttr() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This property controls where repositoryId properties appear.
isEnforceProductSkuRelationship() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Return true if the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus.
isEnforceSessionConfirmation() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Whether to enforce session confirmation number matching.
isEnlistBeforeGet() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property enlistBeforeGet.
isEnlistBeforeGet() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Returns property enlistBeforeGet.
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property EnsureTransaction
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property EnsureTransaction
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Returns property EnsureTransaction, if false then no transaction management is performed
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Returns property EnsureTransaction, if false then no transaction management is performed
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property EnsureTransaction
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Returns property EnsureTransaction
isEnsureTransaction() - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Returns property EnsureTransaction
isEquivalentCharset(String, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns true if the two charsets are *effectively* equivalent.
isEscapeURI() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property EscapeURI
isEscapeURI() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property EscapeURI
isExactlyPromotionLoopThrough() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
If true, Exactly promotion will try to loop through all items in collecion.
isExcludedThread(Thread) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method determines if the given thread is in the excludedThreads list.
isExpandByDefault() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Returns property expandByDefault
isExpert() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
isExpert() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns true if this message type should be hidden from non-expert users in a GUI.
isExpertAdmin() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.
isExpired() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Returns whether or not this cache value has expired.
isExpiredValueStillGood(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Return whether the expired value is still good.
isExpireProfileCookiesOnLogout() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ExpireProfileCookiesOnLogout
isExpireSessionOnLogout() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property expireSessionOnLogout DEFAULT: true
isExplicitlySaved() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns true if the order was explicitly marked for saving.
isExplicitlySaved() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns true if the order was explicitly marked for saving.
isExplicitPath(String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletNames
Returns true if the path name is explicitly defined (i.e.
isExtractDefaultValuesFromProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns property ExtractDefaultValuesFromProfile.
isExtractProfileFromBasicAuthentication() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property ExtractProfileFromBasicAuthentication
isExtractProfileFromCookieParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property ExtractProfileFromCookieParameter
isExtractProfileFromPostParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property ExtractProfileFromPostParameter
isExtractProfileFromQueryParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property ExtractProfileFromQueryParameter
isExtractProfileFromURLParameter() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns property ExtractProfileFromURLParameter
isFile() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a "normal" file.
isFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.FileSystemResult
isFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResult
isFileSystem() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
isFilteredComponent(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not the specified component name was previously filtered.
isFilterForQualifierDiscountedByAnyDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForQualifierDiscountedByAnyDiscountId
isFilterForQualifierDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForQualifierDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId
isFilterForQualifierNegativePrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForQualifierNegativePrices
isFilterForQualifierOnSale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForQualifierOnSale
isFilterForQualifierZeroPrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForQualifierZeroPrices
isFilterForTargetActedAsQualifierForAnyDiscount() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetActedAsQualifierForAnyDiscount
isFilterForTargetDiscountedByAnyDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetDiscountedByAnyDiscountId
isFilterForTargetDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId
isFilterForTargetNegativePrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetNegativePrices
isFilterForTargetOnSale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetOnSale
isFilterForTargetPricesLessThanOrEqualToPromotionPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetPricesLessThanOrEqualToPromotionPrice
isFilterForTargetZeroPrices() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Test property FilterForTargetZeroPrices
isFilterOutDollarOutputPropertyNames() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to filter out properties containing "$" from the various "outputPropertyName" properties.
isFirePromotionGrantedEvent() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Gets property FirePromotionGrantedEvent
isFirePromotionRevokedEvent() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Gets property FirePromotionRevokedEvent
isFirstTime() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
isFixed() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
True if the page is fixed
isFixed() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
True if the region is fixed
isFlagAgents() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property flagAgents ("If the agents should be simply flagged on target initialization ?")
isFlatten() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property Flatten
isFlatten() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property Flatten
isFolder() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isForceFull() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Whether or not this deployment will force a full deployment, rather than let the deployment go incrementally if possible.
isForceFull() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Whether to force a full deployment.
isForceFull() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Getter for property forceFull ("Force full deployment")
isFormSecurity() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Gets the FormSecurity property.
isFormSubmission(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
If it is a form submission then return true.
isFormSubmission(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
If it is a form submission then return true.
isFormSubmition(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
isGCAfterStartup() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns the flag indicating if Nucleus should perform a GC after starting up.
isGenerateEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events for this business process.
isGenerateEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events.
isGenerateEvents() - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events.
isGenerateLoginEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property GenerateLoginEvents DEFAULT: true
isGenerateLogoutEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property GenerateLogoutEvents DEFAULT: true
isGenerateNickname() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
isGeneratePassword() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns the passwordGenerator to be used by this form handler
isGeneratePriceChangedEvents() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
If this is true, whenever an order gets repriced and the price is different, a PriceChanged event will be sent
isGenerateProfileUpdateEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Get property GenerateProfileUpdateEvents
isGenerateProfileUpdateEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Get property GenerateProfileUpdateEvents
isGenerateRegisterEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Get property GenerateRegisterEvents
isGenerateRegisterEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property GenerateRegisterEvents DEFAULT: true
isGenerateUpdateEvents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property GenerateUpdateEvents DEFAULT: true
isGeneratingMonitoredConnections() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Returns the flag indicating whether or not this is generating monitored connections.
isGenericJ2EEServer() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return true if we are running on a Tomcat servlet container.
isGetDefaultItem() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property GetDefaultItem
isGetOrderFromId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the GetOrderFromId property.
isGetOrderFromId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Return the GetOrderFromId property.
isGiftCertificateEmpty(GiftCertificate) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Checks to see if a GiftCertificate object is empty.
isGiftlistPublic(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the public property of this giftlist
isGiftlistPublished(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Return the published property of this giftlist
isGiftShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Returns true if a shipping group has gift handling instructions
isGlobalAuthorization() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Return the GlobalAuthorization property.
isGroupMember(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemGroup
Returns true if the supplied item is a member of this group
isGroupMember(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Return true if pItem is a member of this group.
isGSAId() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
isGuest() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns true if the current user is a guest
isGuest(Environment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
isGuest() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the current user is a guest, member, community leader, or portal administrator.
isHalted() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Whether or not this target's deployment queue is halted.
isHalted() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Getter for property halted ("If this target is not accepting deployment jobs ?")
IsHardGoodsDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order
Take as an object parameter an Order.
IsHardGoodsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
Empty Constructor
isHeadOfLine(DevelopmentLine) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
Returns true if this version of the asset is the current head version on the given development line.
isHexEncode() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Test property hexEncode
isHidden() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
isHidden() - Method in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returns true if this message type should generally be hidden in a GUI.
isHiddenWebApp(String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
isIdEqualsPath() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property IdEqualsPath property.
isIdProperty() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
isIgnoreEmptyShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
If this is true, then empty shipping groups are given a price of zero.
isIgnoreNullValue() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns property IgnoreNullValue
isIgnoreProductFirst() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This property controls the order that is used when looking for a price.
isIgnoreShippingMethod() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Returns property IgnoreShippingMethod
isIgnoreState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is not used anymore, See CancelOrderService
isImage() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
isImage() - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Is this handler expecting an image expecting .x and .y args?
isImage() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
isImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Get property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup
isImpressionLimitPerTargeter() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Query whether impression limits are per-targeter or global.
isIncludeEmailInErrors() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Returns true if includeEmailInErrors is true.
isIncludeProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method determines whether or not a single property should be included in an exported data model or not.
isIncludeSubFolders() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Returns property IncludeSubFolders
isIncludeSubFolders() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property IncludeSubFolders
isIncrementallyDeployable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Whether or not this target is capable of receiving an incremental deployment or if a full deployment is necessary.
IsIndent() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
If this value is set to true, then the OutputKeys.INDENT property on the transformer will be set to true.
isIndentXMLOutput() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Returns Indicates whether to indent the xml instance document or not.
isIndividual() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
Returns true if this context corresponds to an individual subject going through the process segment, false if it corresponds to a "collective" process instance which operates on behalf of all subjects.
isIndividual() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns true if the process instance is individual, false if collective.
isIndividual() - Method in interface atg.scenario.ScenarioExecutionContext
Deprecated. Returns true if this context corresponds to an individual user going through the scenario segment, false if it corresponds to a "collective" scenario instance which operates on behalf of all individual users.
isInDocument() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Whether we are in a document.
isInformixJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isInherited() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
isInitBasedOnOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitBasedOnOrder property.
isInitBasedOnOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the InitBasedOnOrder property.
isInitCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the InitCostCenters property.
isInitializationSource() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns whether or not this Target is currently being used as an initialization source for another Target.
isInitialized() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns true if this object is initialized.
isInitializing() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns whether or not this Target is currently initializing due to a Topology change.
isInitItemCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the InitItemCostCenters property.
isInitItemPayment() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitItemPayment property.
isInitOrderCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the InitOrderCostCenters property.
isInitOrderPayment() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitOrderPayment property.
isInitPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitPaymentGroups property.
isInitShippingCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the InitShippingCostCenters property.
isInitShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the InitShippingGroups property.
isInitShippingInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Return the InitShippingInfos property.
isInitShippingPayment() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitShippingPayment property.
isInitTaxCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the InitTaxCostCenters property.
isInitTaxPayment() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Return the InitTaxPayment property.
isInstance(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
If this item is from the GSA we then check the inheritance tree to see if the object is an instanceof of this item descriptor
isInstance(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isInstance(Object) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if the given object belongs to the set of dynamic beans described by this DynamicBeanInfo.
isInstance(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
Returns true if the given object belongs to the set of dynamic beans described by this DynamicBeanInfo.
isInstance(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Returns true if the given object belongs to the set of dynamic beans described by this DynamicBeanInfo.
isInstanceOfBeanType(Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Determines if a dynamic bean is an instance of a dynamic bean type.
isInTemplatePage() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
isInternallyWritable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
isInterruptable() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not the new state causing this event can be interrupted.
isInterrupted() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not this event has been interrupted.
isInvalidateAllOnConnect() - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
isItemDescriptorValidForProperty(RepositoryItemDescriptor, String, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method determines if the item-descriptor which was specified in the mapping file refers to an item-descriptor type that is valid for the target property on the item-descriptor defined in the repository.
isItemInPriceList(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Determines if a product/sku can be priced using a specific price list.
isItemOfTypeInSet(Set, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return true of item descriptor is of a type, or subtype of a type, in the set of types.
isJBoss() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return true if we are running on a Tomcat servlet container.
isJDBCColumnLengthsKnown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the column length information for the columns of this property has been gathered already.
isJDBCPrimaryKey() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Get property JDBCPrimaryKey These are the names of the primary key associated with the column(s) in which this property is stored.
isJDBCPrimaryKeyNamesKnown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the column length information for the columns of this property has been gathered already.
isJDBCTypeKnown() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the flag indicating if the JDBC type of the column is known (i.e., was specified in the constructor)
isJDBCTypesKnown() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Test property JDBCTypesKnown
isJSR168() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Returns whether this gear is a JSR168 Portlet.
isKeepingResponseXml() - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
isKeepingStatistics() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Returns the flag indicating whether this should be keeping statistics or not.
isLeader() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns true if the current user is a leader
isLeader(Environment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
isLeader() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the user is a community leader or the portal administrator.
isLeaveAbandonmentInfoForDeletedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isLive(DevelopmentLine) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Returns true for everything except WorkingVersions since this type of version does not automatically change when other users check in new head revisions.
isLoadCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the LoadCostCenters property.
isLoadDTD() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
A flag which will control whether the parser will load the DTD or not.
isLocal() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Returns property Local
isLocalItemInvalid(String, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Check if the local item is still valid.
isLocallyLocked(Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Gives the status of a lock on a particular key for this process.
isLocked() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Getter for property locked ("Locked")
isLocked() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Has this asset has been locked for deployment?
isLocked() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Are all assets in this workspace locked
isLockedCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode equals CACHE_MODE_LOCKED, else false
isLogDebugStacktrace() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Returns property logDebugStacktrace.
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns true if the current user has logged in.
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Returns true of the user is properly logged in, false otherwise.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Check logging debug status
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Determine the current state of debug logging
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingDebug
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the repository we are part of is logging debug statements.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property LoggingDebug
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property LoggingDebug
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingDebug
isLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Returns true if debug logging is enabled.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the loggingError property from our repository.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Check logging error status
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Determine the current state of error logging
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingError
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property LoggingError
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property LoggingError
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingError
isLoggingError() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Returns true if error logging is enabled.
isLoggingFileDebug() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Determine the current state of info logging
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingInfo
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property LoggingInfo
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property LoggingInfo
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingInfo
isLoggingInfo() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Returns true if info logging is enabled.
isLoggingItemDebug() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isLoggingPropertyDebug() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isLoggingSQLDebug() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLDebug() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLDebug() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLError() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLError() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLError() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLInfo() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLInfo() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLInfo() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLWarning() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLWarning() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingSQLWarning() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast for MonitoredConnections.
isLoggingThreadDebug() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isLoggingTrace() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isLoggingTrace() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This method returns whether or not an trace log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingTrace() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
This method returns whether or not an trace log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get the loggingWarning property from our repository.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Check logging warning status
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Determine the current state of warning logging
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingWarning
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Returns property LoggingWarning
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Returns property LoggingWarning
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Returns property LoggingWarning
isLoggingWarning() - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Returns true if warning logging is enabled.
isLogMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Return the logMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError property.
isLogMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Return the logMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError property.
isManageThreadPriorities() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
isMapSub() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
isMember() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns true if the current user is a member
isMember(Environment) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
isMember() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Returns true if the user is a member, community leader, or portal administrator.
isMember() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Returns property Member
isMember() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Returns property Member
isMemberOfCacheEnabled() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
sets flag denoting whether the cache is enabled or not
isMergeOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Return the mergeOrders property.
isMessageSourceStarted() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
isMinimizeDateConstruction() - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Returns property MinimizeDateConstruction
isMissingParameters(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
This method will determine if there are any missing parameters passed to this droplet.
isModified() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Has this bean been modified?
isMultipleHardgoodShippingGroupsWithRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns true if the order has more than one hardgood shipping group with commerce item relationships
isMultipleHardgoodShippingGroupsWithRelationships(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns true if the order has more than one hardgood shipping group with commerce item relationships
isMultipleNonGiftHardgoodItems(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Determines if the total quantity of all non-gift hardgood items is more than one.
isMultipleNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns true if the order has more than one non-gift hardgood shipping group with commerce item relationships
isMultipleNonGiftHardgoodShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Returns true if the order has more than one non-gift hardgood shipping group with commerce item relationships
isMultiValued() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Convenience method for retrieving multi valued status.
isMultiValued() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if this property represents a multi-valued property.
isMultiValued() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Convenience method for retrieving multi valued status.
isMutable() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Is this repository mutable?
isNegative() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
isNegativeAmountException() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Get property negativeAmountException.
isNested(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Identify tags that can contain nested tags.
isNewCreditCards() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Check to see if there have been any new credit payment groups added to the List of creditCardPaymentGroups.
isNewGiftCertificates() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Check to see if there have been any new gift certificate payment groups added to the List of giftCertificatePaymentGroups.
isNewSession() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns true if this request the first request for the Session.
isNoIncludedPages() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
isNoneJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isNoPriceIsError() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
If this is true, and the price list is null or there is not price in the price list, then an error is thrown.
isNoPriceIsError() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
If this is true, and the price list is null or there is not price in the price list, then an error is thrown.
isNoRedirectedPages() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
isNotNull() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the NOT NULL constraint was added to the column.
isNotNull() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the NOT NULL constraint was added to the column.
isNull() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the NULL constraint was added to the column.
IsNull - Class in atg.droplet
The IsNull droplet conditionally servlet renders one of its parameters based on the value of its value parameter.
IsNull() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IsNull
Constructs an instanceof IsNull
isNull() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the NULL constraint was added to the column.
isNullAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Query whether an Address object is null or empty.
isNullAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Query whether an Address object is null or empty.
IsNullBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the IsNull droplet.
IsNullBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.IsNullBeanInfo
isNullCatalogMeansNoResults() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
If this is true, and the profile's catalog is null, no results will be returned.
isNullCatalogMeansNoResults() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
If this is true, and the profile's catalog is null, no results will be returned.
isNullCatalogMeansNoResults() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
If this is true, and the profile's catalog is null, no results will be returned.
isNullCreditCard(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Query whether a CreditCard object is null or empty.
isNullPropertyValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Checks whether the property of RepositoryItem is null or not.
isNullValueValid() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Override to make null an invalid stage for a bp marker.
isNullValueValid() - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Boolean property for determining if a marker value of null is valid.
isNumber(String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Check to see if this is a number
isOmitNullProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Should properties that have a null property be written out.
isOnlyNonDocumentItems() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get the onlyNonDocumentItems entry to true.
isOnPubServer() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
get OnPubServer
isOnSale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
Returns true if the price info reflects a sale.
isOptional() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Returns property Optional
isOptional() - Method in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
Returns property Optional
isOracleJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isOrderFinished(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method returns false if there is any work left to be done on any of the objects within an order.
isOrderRelationshipExists(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Determines if a relationship exists between a specified paymentGroup and the specified order object.
isOrderSettleable(Order, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method is called to determine whether the shipping group should be settled at this time or not.
isOrderState(Order, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Determines if an order is in one of the provided states
isOrderStateValidForProcessing(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
This method returns true if pState is a valid state for processing.
isOrgDescriptionRequired() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Indicates whether or not an organization description is required or not.
isOrgNameRequired() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Indicates whether or not an organization name is required.
isOutOfMemoryDetected() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Was an out of memory exception detected?
isOutOfStockIsError() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
If this is true, an OUT_OF_STOCK item is considered an error resulting in the ShippingGroup being set to PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION.
isOutput() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletInvocation.Parameter
isOutsideCityLimits() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Deprecated. This method is deprecated use getOutsideCityLimits() The possible values of this field have been extended to include another field, 2, which indicates location is at police jurisdication. But since this method assumes that the field contains only two values, this method has been modified to return false even if the location is at police jurisdication to provide backward compatibility. To use this field use the method getOutsideCityLimits() which gives the accurate result.
isOverrideFormHandlerRedirect() - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Gets the OverrideFormHandlerRedirect property
isOwner(Principal) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
isPageFilterEnabled(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns true if DAF requests are being handled by a servlet 2.3 filter and funneled through the dafpipline.
isParentOfURI(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Returns true if the given URI belongs to the same namespace as this URI.
isParentOrgRequired() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Indicats whether or not a parentOrg is required in order to create a new organization.
isParseMappingsOnStartup() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Whether or not the mapping files that this component points to should be parsed on start-up.
isParsingCertificates() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This property controls whether or not this servlet will attempt to parse X509 certificates.
isPayByInvoice() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Return true if we should pay for this order by generating an invoice.
isPaymentGroupEmpty(Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method knows about two types of payment methods: CreditCards and GiftCertificates.
isPaymentGroupInOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
isPaymentGroupInOrder is used to determine if the PaymentGroup is already in the Order.
isPaymentGroupInOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is moved to PaymentGroupManager
isPaymentGroupNeeded() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the PaymentGroupNeeded property.
isPaymentGroupUsed(Order, PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
This returns true if this is the only payment group in the order, or if this payment group is not empty.
isPerformanceMonitorEnabled() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
isPerformCategoryVerification() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Deprecated. - category verification is always part of catalog verification
isPerformInfoVerification() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
If true, the CatalogVerificationService will execute by default.
isPersistAfterLogout() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
isPersistEmails() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
If true, emails will be persisted.
isPersistEmails() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Returns boolean indicating whether the email is persisted before it is sent.
isPersistent() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Test property persistent.
isPersistentAnonymousProfiles() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
isPersistOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property PersistOrders
isPersistOrdersForAnonymousUsers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns the persistOrdersForAnonymousUsers
isPersonalizedCommunity() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
True if the community a personalized community
isPersonalizedPage() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
True if the page is a personalized page
isPM() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns true if the time is PM.
isPortalAdministrator() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns true if the current user is a portal administrator
isPortalAdministrator() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Returns true if the curren tuser is the portal administrator.
isPre61() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns property Pre61
isPre61() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Returns property pre61
isPrefixEachLine() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
isPrefixEachMessage() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
isPreloadInventoryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Query whether to load inventory data for each entry in the product comparison list when that entry is created, or to leave the inventory information empty until a call is made to refreshInventoryData.
isPrepared() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property Prepared
isPrettyPrint() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Get whether the XHTML should be pretty printed (that is, indented).
isPreviouslySubmitted() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property previouslySubmitted.
isPreviousRequestEntry(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
isPriceFromCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns property PriceFromCatalogRef.
isPrimary() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Getter for property primary ("Is primary topology ?")
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the PRIMARY KEY constraint was added to the column.
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the PRIMARY KEY constraint was added to the column.
isPrimarySortColumn(TableInfo.Column) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return true if the specified Column is currently the primary sort column.
isPrimitive() - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Returns true if the type of the property is a primitive
isProcessEditorServer() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Returns true if this server is the process editor server, false otherwise.
isProduct(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
determines if the object provided is a product repository item
isProfileCookieSecure() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property ProfileCookieSecure
isPropagateFlush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Get property PropagateFlush
isPropertyLoggingDebug() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to turn on logging debug for invidual property values.
isPropertyMappingElement(String, ItemMappingElement) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method determines if there is a property mapping element whose name is the same as the name passed in as the pPropertyName.
isPruneInvalidInfoReferences() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
If true, references inside an info object (category-info, product-info, or sku-info) that refer to catalog elements that are not contained in the catalog relevant to the given info, will be removed Default value is true
isPurgeDeploymentData() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Determine whether the specified property can be used in a query.
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Determine whether the specified property can be used in a query.
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Because this property derives its value from a InventoryManager service, it is impossible to query on it.
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Return the property queryable
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Queryable
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Returns property Queryable
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Queryable
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Queryable
isQueryable() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Queryable
isQueryTotal() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
True if the total order count should be retrieved when any order lookup is done.
isQueryTotal() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
True if the total order count should be retrieved when any order lookup is done.
isQueryTotal() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
isReadable() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Readable
isReadable() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnProperty
Returns the flag indicating if this column can only be read
isReadOnly() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns true if this ACL has been marked as read-only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns flag denoting whether this account manager may create accounts
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Returns true if this Persona has been marked as read-only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to isReadOnly
isReadOnly() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Returns property ReadOnly
isReadOnlyParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
isReady() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Check to see if this processor is ready to generate messages.
isRecordResultsForJob() - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Returns whether jobs will record information about successfully processed files as well as errors.
isRegisterAtStartup() - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Returns property RegisterAtStartup
isRegisteredUser() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.BaseEnvironment
Returns true if the current user is a registered user.
isRegisteredUser(User) - Method in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Checks to see if the indicated user is a registered (logged-in) user.
isRelative(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Returns true if the URL is relative
isRemovable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns true if Target.removeDeployment() can be called for this deployment.
isRemoveClickThroughURIArguments() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
isRemoved() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns true if the wrapped item has been removed
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Returns true if the underlying object has been removed.
isRemoved() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns true if this item has been removed.
isRemoveItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Gets property removeItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart.
isRemoveItemFromPurchaseListOnMoveToCart() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistManager
Deprecated. use GiftlistManager.isRemoveItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart
isRemoveItemsWithDeletedProducts() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
If true then the commerceitem is removed from the order if the product has been removed from the database.
isRemoveURIArguments() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Returns property RemoveURIArguments
isRenderable() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Returns true if this parameter is renderable
isRepeating() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns true if this is a repeating job, false if this is a one-shot job.
isRepeating() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns true if this is a repeating job, false if this is a one-shot job.
isRepeating() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns true if this is a repeating job, false if this is a one-shot job.
isRepeating() - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
Returns true if this is a repeating job, false if this is a one-shot job.
isRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.FileSystemResult
isRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.RepositoryResult
isRepository() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
isRepositoryIdMatchCriteria(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Determines if there is an entry in the pMatchProperties parameter that equals the repositoryId string.
isRepriceAfterFailoverRecovery() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns property RepriceAfterFailoverRecovery
isRepriceOnClone() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
returns the property RepriceOnClone
isRepriceOrderOnLogin() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property RepriceOrderOnLogin
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie.
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns true if the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie.
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie.
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as part of the URL.
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns true if the session id specified by the request for this session came in as part of the URL.
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as part of the URL.
isRequestedSessionIdInvalid() - Method in interface atg.servlet.HttpSessionRequest
Deprecated. Returns true if this request specified a session id for an invalid session.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is valid in the current session context.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is valid in the current session context.
isRequestInvalid() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns true if the request for a profile was invalid.
isRequestLogging() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Get the loggingEnabled property of the client request.
isRequired() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Required
isRequired() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag.TEI
isRequired() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
Returns true if this parameter is required
isRequireMapKeys() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Indicates if the form should require keys for all entries in Map properties.
isRequireMapKeys() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Indicates if the form should require keys for all entries in Map properties.
isRequireMapKeys() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Indicates if the form should require keys for all entries in Map properties.
isRequirePriceValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns property RequirePriceValue
isRequisitionUsedAddsPipelineError() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Query whether to add an error object to the pipeline result if an order contains requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
isReservedCommunityURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Check if the given URL is the same as one of the reserverd community URLs
isResponseComplete() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns true if we know that a complete response has already been sent.
isRestorableForm() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
isRestorableForm() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
isResumable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns true if resume() can be called on this deployment.
isResume() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns true if this is a resumed deployment.
isReturnEmptyResults() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Query whether findCategories, findProducts, and findSkus should return empty results if none of the target ids appears in the user's catalog, or whether they should return the complete set of products or categories for the id's in question.
isReuseThread() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
If true the thread within which the scheduled job runs will be reused each time the HardgoodShipper runs.
isReverseDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
isRevertDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Whether or not this is a deployment reverting a project off of a target.
isRevertedOrCheckedIn() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Test if the working version has been released.
isRightInPersonae(Persona[], AccessRight, DirectoryPrincipal, UserDirectoryUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
isRollbackable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns true if rollback() can be called on this deployment.
isRollbackOnError() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
Query whether failure of this processor is considered a fatal error.
isRollbackOnError() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Query whether failure to deliver a message is considered a fatal error.
isRollbackOnError() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Query whether failure of this processor is considered a fatal error.
isRollbackTransaction() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Returns property RollbackTransaction.
isRollbackTransaction() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Returns property RollbackTransaction.
isRollbackTransactionOnUnhandledException() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Gets the value of the isRollbackTransactionOnUnhandledException property.
isRunning() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Returns true if this Service is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Returns true if this Service is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Service
Returns true if this Service is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Returns true if this Service is currently running.
isSavedEmpty() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns true if the collection of saved orders is null or empty
isSaveDetailsOrderDiscountShare() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
If this is true, update itemPriceInfo.orderDiscountShare
isSaveEmptyOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
isSaveItemsOrderDiscountShare() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
If this is true, update itemPriceInfo.orderDiscountShare
isSearchByCostCenterId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
gets the property searchByCostCenterId.
isSearchByOrderId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
gets the property searchByOrderId.
isSearchByUserId() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
gets the property searchByUserId.
isSecure() - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS
isSelectLastModifiedOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
isSendCookie(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Returns the value of the profile's autoLogin property
isSendCookie(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns true if the session associated with this request is allowed to send a cookie
isSendCookie(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns true is the profile wants cookies sent
isSendEmailInSeparateThread() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Returns boolean indicating whether the email is sent in a separate thread.
isSendEventOnAddItem() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
If this is true, then the ScenarioAddedItemToCart event will be sent If this is false, then the ScenarioAddedItemToCart event will not be sent.
isSendEventsWithNoProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
It is possible for some orders to have a null profile (if the user was anonymous).
isSendEventsWithNoProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
It is possible for some orders to have a null profile (if the user was anonymous).
isSendItemRemovedMessages() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Query whether to send ItemRemovedFromOrder messages when moving items from the shopping cart to a gift list or wish list.
isSendLoginEventForNewPersistentAnonymousProfiles() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
isSendOrderAbandonedMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isSendOrderConvertedMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isSendOrderLostMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isSendOrderReanimatedMessage() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
isSendProfileCookies() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Returns property SendProfileCookies
isSendPromotionClosenessMessages() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
isSeparateEmailThread() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
If true, email will be send through a separate email thread.
isSerializableClass(Class) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Determine if a property value should be serialized as-is.
isSetAutoCommit() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Returns property SetAutoCommit
isSettingDefaultValues() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
if true, then we are setting default values of the gear definition parameters
isSettingUserParams() - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
convenience method to determine if we are setting user params or instance params
isSettleOnFirstShipment() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This property determines whether the order should be settled on the first shipment of a shipping group in the order or after the last shipment of the shipping groups.
isSetValidEmailStatus() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.
isShared() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
True if the gear may be shared
isShippingGroupEmpty(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Return true if the given shipping group is null or empty
isShippingGroupInOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is moved to ShippingGroupManager.
isShippingGroupInOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
isShippingGroupInOrder is used to determine if the ShippingGroup is already in the Order.
isShippingGroupNeeded() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Return the ShippingGroupNeeded property.
isShippingGroupSingleFulfiller(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method checks how many fulfillers that the items within the given shipping group are fulfilled by.
isShippingSubtotalUsesAverageItemPrice() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
If true, a shipping groups subtotal is calculated by multiplying each item prices' average by the quantity in the given shipping group.
isShipToBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Returns property shipToBillingAddress, indicating that the billing address should be copied to the shipping address.
isShowTitleBars() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
True if the gear should display its titlebar
isSimpleCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode equals CACHE_MODE_SIMPLE, else false
isSimpleType(Class) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Helper to identify "atomic" properties.
isSingleNucleus() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns true if there is only a single nucleus in the JVM.
isSingletonRelationship(ShippingGroup, CommerceItem, Order, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method will determine if the relationship between a given shippingGroup and commerceItem is singleton.
isSizeDeclared() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true is a size was declared for the column
isSizeDeclared() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true is a size was declared for the column
isSkipNullObject() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Returns property SkipNullObject
isSkipUndeployableRepositories() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Test property skipUndeployableRepositories.
isSoftBounced() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Gets the softBounced property
isSortAscending() - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Returns property SortAscending
isSortCaseSensitive() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns true if the sort is case sensitive.
isSortRepositoryItemSets() - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Indicates if the form should display Sets of RepositoryItems sorted according to their display names.
isSortRepositoryItemSets() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Indicates if the form should display Sets of RepositoryItems sorted according to their display names.
isSortRepositoryItemSets() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Indicates if the form should display Sets of RepositoryItems sorted according to their display names.
isStarted() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
isStateActive() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns true if the state denotes the beginning of a phase of deployment, including the beginning of a stop or the beginning of a deployment lock.
isStateDone() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns true if the state denotes the ending of a phase of deployment, including the ending of a stop and an over-all deployment completion.
isStateError() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns true if the state code is an error code.
isStateInterruptable() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns true if the state is interruptable by a deployment event.
isStop() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns the deployment stop flag.
isStoppable() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Returns true if stop() can be called on this deployment.
isStopping() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
isStrictFileOperations() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isStrictFileOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isStrictRepoOps() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
isStrictRepositoryOperations() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isStringEmpty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
isSubstituteRemovedProduct() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
The property is checked to validate whether a CommerceItem that contains a product which has since been removed from the repository should be substituted with another product that represented the deleted product.
isSubstituteRemovedSku() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
The property is checked to validate whether a CommerceItem that contains a sku which has since been removed from the repository should be substituted with another sku that represents the deleted sku..
isSubTypeOfItemDesc(RepositoryItemDescriptor, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Static method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Returns whether pItemDesc is a subtype (or equal to) pSuper.
isSuccessfulServerStartup() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
get SuccessfulServerStartup
isSuperTypeDistributedCacheMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Returns true if property cacheMode of the superTypeDescriptor equals CACHE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED, else false
isSuppressTimestamp() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Returns True if each message should only be prefixed with an originator name.
isSwitchable() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the target or agent is configured for switch deployments.
isSybaseJoinStyle() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
isTagAttribute(TagConverter, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
Returns true if this is an attribute (either required or optional) for this converter.
isTaxable(CommerceItem, ItemPriceInfo, OrderPriceInfo, Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Determines whether a CommerceItem is taxable.
isTerse() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Whether to use a terse TersePrintStreamLogger.
isThrowExceptionOnError() - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Return whether to throw exceptions on errors.
isThrowExceptionOnInventoryException() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Return the throwExceptionOnInventoryException property.
isThrowVerificationException() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Test property ThrowVerificationException
isTimestampLogFileName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Returns property TimestampLogFileName
isTimestampLogFileName() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Returns property TimestampLogFileName
isToLowerCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToLowerCaseKeywords
isToLowerCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToLowerCaseKeywords
isToLowerCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToLowerCaseKeywords
isToUpperCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToUpperCaseKeywords
isToUpperCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToUpperCaseKeywords
isToUpperCaseKeywords() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property ToUpperCaseKeywords
isTransactional() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Returns property Transactional
isTransactional() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Returns property Transactional
isTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
isTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
isTransactionCreated() - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Return whether we created a transaction.
isTransactionMarkedAsRollBack() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns true if the transaction associated with the current thread is marked for rollback.
isTransactionMarkedAsRollBack() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns true if the transaction associated with the current thread is marked for rollback.
isTransactionMarkedAsRollBack() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns true if the transaction associated with the current thread is marked for rollback.
isTransactionMarkedAsRollback() - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Returns true if the transaction associated with the current thread is marked for rollback.
isTransactionPerDocument() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to wrap all repository calls within a document in a transaction.
isTransactionSuccess() - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Test property TransactionSuccess
isTransient() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Returns true if this item has been created with createItem, but not yet added to the repository with addItem.
isTransient() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Returns the transient flag.
isTransient() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Returns the transient property
isTransient() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Return true if form handler is working with transient item
isTransient() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Gets the transient state of the user profile when the event was created.
isTransient() - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Returns true if this item has been created with createItem, but not yet added to the repository with addItem.
isTransient() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Is this item in the repository yet?
isTransient() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns true if the profile is backed by an "anonymous" non-persistent profile which cannot be reloaded on subsequent sessions.
isTransientCacheData() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
If true, then all cache data is transient.
isTreatNullOrderStateAsModifiable() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Specify whether orders whose order state is null should be considered modifiable or non-modifiable.
isTrimProperty(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormData
Tests whether pProperty should be trimmed or not
isTrimProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Tests whether pProperty should be trimmed or not
isTrimProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Tests whether pProperty should be trimmed or not
isTrimProperty(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Tests whether pProperty should be trimmed or not
isTypeOfItemDesc(RepositoryItemDescriptor, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Returns whether pItemDesc is a subtype (or equal to) pSuper.
isTypeOfItemDesc(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Returns whether pItem is of the same type, or a subtype, of pSuper
isUncachedItemsSet() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Returns true if the UncachedItems was explicitly set on this QueryOptions.
isUnique() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the UNIQUE constraint was added to the column.
isUnique() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Returns true if the UNIQUE constraint was added to the column.
isUniqueRequestEntry(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
The isUniqueRequestEntry method attempts ro register a request entry by the supplied name.
isUniqueRequestEntry(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
The isUniqueRequestEntry method attempts to register a request entry by the supplied name and for the supplied timeout.
isUpcaseGetAndPut() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
isUpdateInventoryOnCancelOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
If this is true, then cancel an order whose inventory has already been allocated will result in a call to InventoryManager.inventoryWasUpdated This defaults to true
isUpdateInventoryOnCancelOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
If this is true, then cancel an order whose inventory has already been allocated will result in a call to InventoryManager.inventoryWasUpdated This defaults to true
isUpdateTransactionWarningForNotMethodCalled() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get property updateTransactionWarningForNotMethodCalled if true ItemTransactionState will monitor whether a specific method is called when items belong to this ItemDescriptor get updated.
isUpsellable(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Returns the value of the "upsell" property of the pricingModel
isUpToDate() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Check to see if a resolve() is needed before this version can be checked in.
isUpToDate() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Check to see if a resolve() is needed before the versions can be checked in.
isUseAmount() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Return the useAmount property.
isUseAssetUri() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
isUseBasePriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
If this is true, then the basePriceList will automatically be searched if the requested price is not found in the current price list.
isUseCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Returns property UseCache
isUseCache() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
If this is true, then the priceCache is used
isUseCacheForDelete() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Test property useCacheForDelete
isUseCatalogRef() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Returns property UseCatalogRef.
isUseContextPath() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Get property UseContextPath
isUseDafDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
isUseDefaultCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Returns property useDefaultCatalog
isUseDefaultInventoryManager() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Returns property useDefaultInventoryManager
isUseDefaultLocaleIfNotSpecified() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Whether to use the default locale if one is not specified
isUseDefaultMappings() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Get property UseDefaultMappings
isUseDefaultMappings() - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Get property UseDefaultMappings DEFAULT: true
isUseDefaultMappings() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property UseDefaultMappings DEFAULT: true
isUseDefaultPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
If true and ProfilePriceListPropertyName is null, then the value of PriceListManager.automaticallyUseDefaultPriceList determines if the default price list is used.
isUseDefaultPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
If true and ProfilePriceListPropertyName is null, then the value of PriceListManager.automaticallyUseDefaultPriceList determines if the default price list is used.
isUseDefaultPriceList() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
If the price list we need is null, this specifies whether or not to use the default price list.
isUseDefaultRepository() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property UseDefaultRepository
isUseDirectPathForExport() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Test property useDirectPathForExport
isUseDistributedDeployment() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
isUseForwards() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Get whether to use forwards rather then redirects
isUseForwards() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Get whether to use forwards rather then redirects
isUseIncludesForKeywordQueryOnMultiProperties() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property useIncludesForKeywordQueryOnMultiProperties
isUseLocalizedResourceStrings() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
If this is true, then availability status messages are localized.
isUseLocksAroundTransactions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
isUseLocksAroundTransactions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
isUseLocksAroundTransactions() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Inquire whether to use a local lock manager to obtain a lock before starting transactions, and to release the lock after committing transactions.
isUseNativeMode() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Test property useNativeMode
isUseOptimizedReplicationForMerge() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get property m_useOptimizedReplicationForMerge Set to false if optimized merging should never be used, even when there are more assets in the source workspace than the mergeOptimizationThreshold count set on this component.
isUseOptimizedReplicationForRevert() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get property m_useOptimizedReplicationForRevert Set to false if optimized merging should never be used, even when there are more assets in the source workspace than the revertOptimizationThresholdCount count set on this component.
isUseParams() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Returns property UseParams
isUsePathInfo() - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Returns the kind of path getting
isUserCreated() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
If the page is create by a user as opposed to an admin/leader.
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Return the useRequestLocale property.
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Test property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
When set, allows the RequestLocale to be used by getLocale().
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Test property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Return the useRequestLocale property.
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseRequestLocale() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Returns property UseRequestLocale
isUseResourcedStateDescriptions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
If this is true, then the state descriptions are pulled from a resource file
isUserHasFunction(Collection, String, Organization) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
This method determines if the user has the function specified.
isUserInRole(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthenticator
Returns a boolean indicating whether the authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role".
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Overrides isUserInRole in MutableHttpServletRequest.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
isUseServerSocketFactory() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Returns property UseServerSocketFactory
isUseSkuOnly() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
This property controls whether or not a price is searched for using the sku only.
isUseSmartProjectDependencyCheck() - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
isUseTemplateEmailSender() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
If true, is the templateEmailSender, otherwise just use the EmailListener default is true
isUseTruncateTable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Test property useTruncateTable
isUsingAmPm() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property UsingAmPm.
isUsingLdapProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Gets the UsingLdapProfile property
isUsingLDAPProfile() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Get property usingLDAPProfile DEFAULT: false
isUsingURLRewriting(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method returns true if this request is using URL rewriting.
isUsingZeroBasedMonth() - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Returns property UsingZeroBasedMonth.
isValid() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Checks to see that the URI is not missing any parts.
isValidate() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Will XML validation be used when parsing the document?
isValidateCreditCard() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
isValidateOrderXMLOnCreate() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
If this is true, the xml passed to createOrderFromXML will be validated against the schema The default value is false
isValidateShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Returns property ValidateShippingGroups.
isValidCardNumberLength(String, String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Check the length of a credit card number against it's card type.
isValidCardType(String, String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Check a credit card number against it's card type.
isValidCredentials(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Determines if the given login and cleartext password represent a valid pair of credentials for a user, according to a configured IdentityManager.
isValidCredentials(String, String, IdentityManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Determines if the given login and cleartext password represent a valid pair of credentials for a user.
isValidCredentialsEncrypted(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
This method validates the given credentials, assuming that the given password has been encrypted according to the profile password hasher algorithm, and further encrypted using the given pHashKey.
isValidFormatField(FormatField) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Is the specified format field valid for this logger?
isValidFormatVariable(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Determine if the specified name is the name of a valid format variable.
isValidFormatVariable(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryLogger
Determine if the specified name is the name of a valid format variable.
isValidKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
isValidKey(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
isValidMarker(RepositoryMarkerManager, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidator
This method determines if a marker is considered valid.
isValidMarker(RepositoryMarkerManager, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
This method determines if a marker is considered valid.
isValidSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Returns true if this is a valid session for processing the form.
isValidSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Returns true if this is a valid session for processing the form.
isValidValue(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the given property value is a valid value for this property, false otherwise.
isValidValue(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the given property value is a valid value for this property, false otherwise.
isValidValueForKey(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
isValidValueForKey(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
isValidValueForKey(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Determines if the value is valid for the key
isVerifyAddresses() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Test property VerifyAddresses
isVerifyBasicAuthentication() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Returns property VerifyBasicAuthentication
isVerifyBillingAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Test property VerifyBillingAddress
isVerifyCachedItems() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns if true, after retrieving items from cache will verify against the repository.
isVerifyCategoryInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. verifyCategoryInfo is always executed as part of verifying categories.
isVerifyShippingAddress() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Test property VerifyShippingAddress
isVersionable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if this property should be checked for versioning.
isVersionable() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
isVersionableSet() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if someone explicitly specified a value for the versionable property.
isVirtualFileSystemSearch() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Returns property VirtualFileSystemSearch
isVVFSRepository(RepositoryVersionContainer) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Does this repository back a VVFS
isWaitingAtState(ProcessWaitState) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns true if this process instance is waiting at the given ProcessWaitState, false otherwise.
isWarningAboutImproperScopeAccess() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Gets the flag indicating whether the warning is wanted.
isWarnOnDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Query whether or not to log a warning when returning defaultReturnValue for a property value that was not found in the lookup table.
isWarnOnDefaultValue() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Query whether or not to log a warning when returning defaultReturnValue for a property value that was not found in the lookup table.
isWarnOnInvalidRelatedItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
If this is true, then a warning will be printed when ever a category has a related category that is not in the same catalog, a product has a related product that is not in the same catalog or a sku has a replacement product that is not in the same catalog.
isWarnOnNestedCheckouts() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns property warnOnNestedCheckouts.
isWarnOnNullOrderState() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Query whether to issue a warning if asked to oeprate on an order whose order state is null.
isWarnOnSessionConfirmationFailure() - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Whether to warn on session confirmation failure.
isWebLogic() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return true if we are running on WebLogic.
isWebSphere() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Return true if we are running on WebSphere.
isWillDeleteSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Query whether or not the source order will be deleted after the merge.
isWirelessEnabled() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
isWritable() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
isWritable() - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Writable
isWritable() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
isWritable() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Return the property writable
isWritable() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Writable.
isWritable() - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Returns property Writable.
isWritable() - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Writable.
isWritable() - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Returns property Writable.
isWriterUsed() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Returns true if the print writer has been set or used in this request
isXMLMimeType(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
isZipError() - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Return true if the is a zip code error currently on the order.
isZipError() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Returns true if there is currently a zip order.
item - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList
ITEM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelType
ITEM - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
ITEM_ALLOCATE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_BACKORDER_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ITEM_DESC_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Name of the attribute property that indicates the name of the item-desc
ITEM_DESC_TAG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Identifier for the item-descriptor tag that appears in a mapping file
ITEM_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
ITEM_DISCONTINUED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_DISCOUNT_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ITEM_ID_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the itemId parameter
ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
ITEM_NOT_LIST_PRICED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ITEM_OUT_OF_STOCK - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the item parameter
ITEM_PREORDER_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_PRICE_MISMATCH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_FAILED_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_IN_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_BACKORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_DELIVERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_DISCONTINUED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_OUT_OF_STOCK - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_PENDING_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_PENDING_SUBITEM_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_PREORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_STATE_REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_RIGHTS - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Set of access rights that apply to a generic secured repository item.
ITEM_RIGHTS_MAP - Static variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
Map of access rights for generic secured repository items.
ITEM_STATE_PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_STATE_REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_STATE_SUBITEM_PENDING_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ItemAddedToOrder - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is a message object which is sent when an item is added to an Order.
ItemAddedToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
ItemAlreadyExistsException - Exception in atg.core.exception
An exception class which can be used when an element "already exists," but is asked to be created.
ItemAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ItemAlreadyExistsException
ItemAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.ItemAlreadyExistsException
ItemAndSpecifierStack - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
A class that manages a stack of item and specifiers.
ItemAndSpecifierStack() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
ItemBasedProcessConfiguration - Class in atg.markers.bp
This class can be extended to create a business process configuration that is based on a repository item.
ItemBasedProcessConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to item promotions.
ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator
ItemDescriptorImpl - Class in atg.repository
A simple implementation of RepositoryItemDescriptor which supports adding and removing DynamicPropertyDescriptors.
ItemDescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Constructs an instanceof ItemDescriptorImpl
ItemDescriptorImpl(Repository) - Constructor for class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Constructs an instanceof ItemDescriptorImpl for a given repository.
ItemDiscountCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Calculates the new price for an item or items based on a given pricing model.
ItemDiscountCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This calculator knows how to adjust the amount of a discount by factor N, where N is the adjuster amount as defined in a PricingModel.
ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.ItemDiscountMultiplierCalculator
Empty Constructor
ItemFilter - Interface in atg.service.filter
Interface for performing an item filtering operation.
itemHasBusinessProcessStage(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to test for a business process marker.
ItemHasMarker - Class in atg.markers.scenario
This abstract class can be extended to create marker test expressions for any type of repository item.
ItemHasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
ItemHistory - Interface in atg.service.filter
Interface for performing an item filtering operation.
ItemListPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A calculator which determines the list price of an item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ItemListPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
ItemListPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
A calculator which determines the list price of an item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ItemListPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
ItemLookupDroplet - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This servlet looks for a RepositoryItem by its id from within a Repository.
ItemLookupDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
ItemPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Superclass for all CommerceItem calculators.
ItemPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
ItemPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
This class can either price a single commerce item or price a list of commerce items.
ItemPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
ItemPriceInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Contains information about a CommerceItem's price.
ItemPriceInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
ItemPricingCalculator - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
An ItemPricingCalculator modifies the price of a CommerceItem.
ItemPricingDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
An abstract class which is used as the foundation for pricing items and displaying the results to the user.
ItemPricingDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Constructs an instanceof ItemPricingDroplet
ItemPricingEngine - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for CommerceItem objects.
ItemPricingEngineImpl - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
An ItemPricingEngine implementation which computes the price for an order.
ItemPricingEngineImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
ItemQuantityChanged - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is a message object which is sent when an item's quantity is changed in an Order.
ItemQuantityChanged() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
ItemRemovedFromOrder - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is a message object which specifies that an item has been removed from an order.
ItemRemovedFromOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
ITEMS_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ItemSalePriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A calculator which determines the sale price of an item and discounts the itemPriceInfo to that amount, while at the same time maintaining the audit trail of the ItemPriceInfo.
ItemSalePriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
ItemSalesPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
A calculator that sets the sales price for a commerce item.
ItemSalesPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
A calculator which determines the sales tiered price of an item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
ItemSchemePriceCalculator - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
ItemSchemePriceCalculator is the calculator that prices the item based on its pricing scheme.
ItemsSplitbyType - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
This servlet takes order and type parameter and returns whether the type is split at the item level instead of order level.
ItemsSplitbyType() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
ItemTieredPriceCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
A calculator which determines the tiered price of an item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ItemTieredPriceCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
ItemWasModifiedException - Exception in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
A subclass of InvoiceException representing a ConcurrentUpdateException in the repository.
ItemWasModifiedException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.ItemWasModifiedException
Create an ItemWasModifiedException referring to a particular repository item.
ItemWasModifiedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.ItemWasModifiedException
Create an ItemWasModifiedException referring to a particular repository item and source exception.
iterator(Class) - Static method in class atg.core.util.Enum
iterator() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
iterator() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList


JapaneseConverter - Class in atg.servlet.pagecompile
Converts Japanese encoded text to UNICODE.
JapaneseConverter() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
Empty constructor.
JAVA_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
JAVA_SUFFIX_LEN - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
JavaConfigurationClassLoader - Class in atg.nucleus
This implementation of ClassLoader is tied to a particular directory and is meant load classes that do not specify a package.
JavaConfigurationClassLoader(VirtualFile) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
Constructs a new JavaConfigurationClassLoader
JavaConfigurationClassLoaders - Class in atg.nucleus
This maintains a table mapping each directory to the JavaConfigurationClassLoader appropriate to that directory.
JavaConfigurationClassLoaders() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoaders
Constructs a new blank JavaConfigurationClassLoaders
jaxbParseFile() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Parse the definition and return the jaxb generated item type.
JCB - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
Jdbc2rview - Class in atg.rview
This utility reads the metadata from a JDBC connection and produces a RelationalViews Definition File and Beans Definition File that represents a "first-cut" representation of the data model.
JDBCConnectionPool - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
Deprecated. use atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
JDBCConnectionPool() - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Constructs an uninitialized JDBCConnectionPool.
JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
Deprecated. A utility class which builds a separate logging interface for SQL logging to have access to.
JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging(JDBCConnectionPool) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
JHTML_EXTENSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.BrowseMessage
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.CategorizeMessage
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
JMSInitialContextFactory - Interface in atg.dms.patchbay
In JMS, Topic/QueueConnectionFactories and Destinations (Topics and Queues) are obtained by resolving JNDI names.
JNDI_PATH_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
JNDI_PATH_REQUEST - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
JNDI_PATH_RESPONSE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
JNDIInitialContextPool - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
A pool of JNDI InitialContext objects.
JNDIInitialContextPool() - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Job - Interface in atg.repository.loader
Represents a logical but not transactional unit of work managed by the LoaderManager.
JOB_REGISTRY_PATH - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
jobOccursAtTime(Date) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns true if the given time is one of the times that the job Scheduled by this may take place.
JOIN_STYLE_ANSI - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_DB2 - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_INFORMIX - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_MICROSOFT - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_NONE - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_ORACLE - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JOIN_STYLE_SYBASE - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
JSP_EXTENSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
JTSQLTableLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A DataCollector that logs items to an SQL table.
JTSQLTableLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Construct an JTSQLTableLogger
JTSQLTableSummaryLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
JTSQLTableSummary logger that logs summary events
JTSQLTableSummaryLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger


KEY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
KEY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
KEY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
KEY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
KEY_AVS_CODE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the avs status code
KEY_CASH_AMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the amount of money to apply this transaction to.
KEY_CC_ACT_CODE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the credit card action code.
KEY_CC_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the address on the credit card, everything not city, state, zip, country, or name.
KEY_CC_AMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The amount to apply to the transaction, be it authorize,return...
KEY_CC_AUTH_CODE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the credit card authorization code.
KEY_CC_CITY - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the city on the credit card billing address.
KEY_CC_COUNTRY - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the country on the credit card billing address.
KEY_CC_EXPIRE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the credit card expiration date, MM/YY.
KEY_CC_NAME - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the name on the credit card billing address.
KEY_CC_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the credit card number.
KEY_CC_STATE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the state on the credit card billing address.
KEY_CC_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the credit card type.
KEY_CC_ZIP - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the zip on the credit card billing address.
KEY_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
KEY_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for error code.
KEY_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for error message.
KEY_ERROR_MSG_PROC - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for our processing error message.
KEY_LOCATION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for raw error location data.
KEY_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the order id that the command is applied to.
KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the key parameter
KEY_REF_CODE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the Retrieval reference number.
KEY_SIZE_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The attribute name used to store the size of the key
KEY_STATUS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for raw status data.
KEY_TOTAL - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
KEY_TRANS_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the type of transaction.
KEY_TRANSACTION_ID - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
The key for the transaction id from the CyberCash gateway.
KEY_VALUE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the property used to get the validated keys and values
KeyGenerator - Class in atg.nucleus
This class contains utility methods for generating public and private keys for DSA signing.
KeyGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
keys() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
keySet() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
KeyValueSplitter - Interface in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This interface is used by the decodeMapData for clients to provide a way to split the encoded key and value pairs.
killHandler() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Kills this thread.


LAST - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Represents the last occurrence of day of the week in the month
LAST_IMPORT_TIME - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
LAST_STRING - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
The string corresponding to the LAST value
lastModified() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the time that the file represented by this File object was last modified.
Layout - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a layout
LDAPAccountInitializer - Class in atg.security
A service which aids initial account management for LDAP-based account repositories
LDAPAccountInitializer() - Constructor for class atg.security.LDAPAccountInitializer
LDAPAuthenticationProxy - Class in atg.security
proxy to auth ldap users
LDAPAuthenticationProxy() - Constructor for class atg.security.LDAPAuthenticationProxy
LDAPRepositoryAccount - Class in atg.security
An Account object that is persisted by a LDAP Repository.
LDAPRepositoryAccount(RepositoryAccountManager, RepositoryItem, int) - Constructor for class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccount
Creates a new repository account object with a specific type.
LDAPRepositoryAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager and user authority that works against an LDAPRepository
LDAPRepositoryAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache - Class in atg.security
The cache of security permissions associated with this account manager
LEADER_ROLE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for leader role
length() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns the length of the file represented by this File object.
LESS_THAN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation <
LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation <=
LESSTHAN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
LEVEL_PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
LimitExceededException - Exception in atg.core.exception
An exception class indicating that some imposed limit has been exceeded by the current operation.
LimitExceededException() - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.LimitExceededException
LimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.LimitExceededException
limitSize(String, int) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessage
Limits the size of a given String value to the given number of characters.
LIST - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
LIST - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to list the contents of a compound object.
list() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns a list of the files in the directory specified by this File object.
list(VirtualFilenameFilter) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns a list of the files in the directory specified by this File that satisfy the specified filter.
list(String) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Returns a list of the files in the directory specified by this File that are of the given type.
LIST_ID - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
LIST_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
LIST_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
LIST_PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
LIST_PRICE_STRING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
listAccounts(int) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Lists all Accounts of specified type
listAccounts(int) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Returns an iterator of accounts with a particular set of types.
listAttributeNames() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Set an attribute of this file system
listConfigurations(String, ConfigurationFinder.ConfigurationList) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
Finds and returns a list of configurable objects that could be found by this ConfigurationFinder within some naming context in the configuration namespace.
listConfigurations(String, ConfigurationFinder.ConfigurationList) - Method in class atg.nucleus.MultipleConfigurationFinder
Finds and returns a list of configurable objects that could be found by this ConfigurationFinder within some naming context in the configuration namespace.
listDefaultAccounts(int) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAccountInitializer
Lists stock accounts of given type
listElement(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the element bound to the specified name.
listElementNames() - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Returns the list of element names as an Enumeration
listElementNames() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns the list of element names as an Enumeration
listElementNames() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the list of element names as an Enumeration
listElements() - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Returns the list of bound elements as an Enumeration
listElements() - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Returns the list of bound elements as an Enumeration
listElements() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Returns the list of bound elements as an Enumeration
listGroupAccounts() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns an iterator containing all Login Accounts
listGroupAndPrivilegeAccounts() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns an iterator containing all Login Accounts
listGroups() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Returns an enumeration of the groups that this account is a member of.
listGroups() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Returns an iterator of the groups that this account is a member of.
listGroups() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Returns an iterator of the groups that this account is a member of.
listGroups() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccount
Returns an enumeration of the groups that this account is a member of.
listGroups() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Returns an enumeration of the groups that this account is a member of.
listGroupsFor(String) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
listGroupsFor(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listLoginAccounts() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns an iterator containing all Login Accounts
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMatchingAccounts(String, int) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Lists accounts that match a given expression.
listMembers() - Method in interface atg.security.Account
If this Account is a group, return the names of the members of the group.
listMembers() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
If this Account is a group, return the names of the members of the group.
listMembers() - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
If this Account is a group, this will return the names of the members of the group.
listMembers() - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
If this Account is a group, return the names of the members of the group.
listMembersForAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
listPrivilegeAccounts() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Returns an iterator containing all Login Accounts
listQueuedElements() - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Creates and returns a new array containing references to all the elements in the Queue, in the order that they were inserted.
listUpdatedSince(long, File, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Returns a collection of the files specified by the provided path which have been modified after the provided timestamp.
load() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
loads the cache
loadCatalogRef(CommerceItemContainer, CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
Loads the class by first checking the cache, then if the object doesn't have a package, this checks the directory, then passes the call to the embedded loader.
loadClass(String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Load a class using Nucleus' own class loader.
loadCommerceItems(Order, CommerceItemContainer, List, OrderManager, OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Deprecated. use loadCommerceItems(Order, CommerceItemContainer, List, OrderManager, OrderTools, Boolean)
loadCommerceItems(Order, CommerceItemContainer, List, OrderManager, OrderTools, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
This method is the one that actually goes through the work of building commerce item objects out of the data in the order repository.
loadContext(AssetFormContext) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Load context information
loadDetailedItemPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a List of DetailedItemPriceInfo objects into an AmountInfo.
loadDetailedRange(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Load the range from the repository item into the DetailedItemPriceInfo's Range property See the detailsRangeProperties for a list of properties that are copied
LoaderImpl - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing
The base class for the bulk loader and the incremental loader.
LoaderImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
LoaderManager - Interface in atg.repository.loader
The LoaderManager API provides a set of overloaded methods for performing the fixed operations on sets of Files and methods for processing XML formatted manifest files (that describe operations and other parameters on a per file basis.) It also provides methods for managing the Job objects it creates to process files.
loadGlobalPromotions() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Find and load the global promotions.
loadInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Load the invoice identified by the given repository id and execute the pipeline chain whose name is specified by loadInvoiceChainName.
loadInvoiceForUpdate(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Load a mutable version of the invoice identified by the given repository id and execute the pipeline chain whose name is specified by loadInvoiceChainName.
loadItemCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The loadItemCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for each CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship in the Order, and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
LOADITEMPRICEINFO - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
loadItemPriceInfo(Order, CommerceIdentifier, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads an ItemPriceInfo object of a CommerceItem.
loadIteration(IndexingOutputConfig, Context, Query, DocumentSubmitterSession, RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
loadManifest(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Loads the specified manifest into the agent for the deployment operation.
loadMemberOfCache() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
pre-configures Key/Value pairs acct -> list of groups the acct is a member of
loadNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the loadSubtotalPriceInfos method.
loadOrder(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
loadOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method will return the Order from the order repository with the given id.
loadOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method will return the Order from the order repository with the given id.
loadOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
loadOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Loads the order from the repository.
LOADORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
loadOrderCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The loadShippingCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for each CostCenterOrderRelationship in the Order, and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
LOADORDERPRICEINFO - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
loadOrderPriceInfo(Order, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads the OrderPriceInfo object of an order.
loadPagedIteration(IndexingOutputConfig, Context, Query, DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Perform a page iteration over the set of top-level repository items.
loadPersonae(int) - Method in class atg.security.ClientUserAuthority
Forces the cache to be loaded with all personae of accounts of the specified type.
loadPricingAdjustments(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a List of PricingAdjustment objects into an AmountInfo.
loadProductRef(CommerceItemContainer, CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
loadProfile(B2BOrder) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Loads the profile for the given order
LoadProperties - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This abstract class stores a list of properties to be loaded for a bean.
LoadProperties() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
loadServlet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String, String, Properties) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Loads the servlet with the specified, name, code, codebase and arguments.
loadShippingCostCenters(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The loadShippingCostCenters method creates a CommerceIdentifierCostCenter for each CostCenterShippingGroup in the Order, and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer.
loadShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the loadSubtotalPriceInfos method.
loadShippingItemsTaxPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a Map of shippingItemsTaxPriceInfos objects into an AmountInfo.
LOADSHIPPINGPRICEINFO - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
loadShippingPriceInfo(Order, CommerceIdentifier, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a ShippingPriceInfo object of a ShippingGroup See the loadProperties for a list of properties that are copied
loadShoppingCarts(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method finds all the shopping carts for the user and places them into the session-scope OrderHolder component.
loadShoppingCartsWithLock(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method finds all the shopping carts for the user and places them into the session-scope OrderHolder component.
loadStatusProperties(Order, MutableRepositoryItem, String[], OrderManager, OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
This method loads the given list of properties from the repository item into a PaymentStatus object.
loadSubSkuPriceInfo(Order, CommerceIdentifier, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method iterates thru the subskus of a configurable sku, and then loads the priceinfos of a subskus.
loadSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, String, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a Map of (shipping group -> price info) objects into an AmountInfo.
loadTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the loadSubtotalPriceInfos method.
LOADTAXPRICEINFO - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
loadTaxPriceInfo(Order, MutableRepositoryItem, OrderManager, Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads the TaxPriceInfo object of an order.
loadUserShoppingCartForLogin(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
When an auto-login operation occurs, we attempt to find any old shopping carts from previous sessions.
loadUserShoppingCartForLogin(RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
When an auto-login operation occurs, we attempt to find any old shopping carts from previous sessions.
loadUserShoppingCartForLogin(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, PricingModelHolder, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
When a login operation occurs, we attempt to find any old shopping carts from previous sessions.
LOC_BANK - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed at the bank.
LOC_CYBERCASH_SERVER - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed at the CyberCash gateway server.
LOC_LOCAL_SERVER - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed at the local payment server.
LOC_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Unknown location, this occurs there is no error.
LOCALE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
LOCALE_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
LOCALE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Name of the locale parameter
LOCALE_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the locale out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
LOCALE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Request parameter that identifies the desired locale for user messages.
LOCALE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
localFlush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Flush data.
localFlush() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Flush summarized data to our listeners
localizeDirectoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
LocalizingInventoryDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This Dynamo Servlet Bean is an interface into the Inventory management services.
LocalizingInventoryDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Constructs an instanceof LocalizingInventoryDroplet
LocalizingInventoryManager - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This class implements InventoryManager for the purpose of localizing inventory.
LocalizingInventoryManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
locallyCached(File, long, long) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Returns true if the supplied cache file already exists, and if the size and last modified fields match.
locateUserFromEmail(String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given email.
locateUserFromEmail(String, Profile, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given email.
locateUserFromId(String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A profile is attempted to be loaded by their user id.
locateUserFromId(String, Profile, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A profile is attempted to be loaded by their user id.
locateUserFromLogin(String, String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given login and password.
locateUserFromLogin(String, String, Profile, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given login and password.
locateUserFromLogin(String, Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given login.
locateUserFromLogin(String, Profile, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
A query is built to look for users with the given login.
lock(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
To allow multiple instance of Dynamo to simultaneously edit inventory items, we need to make sure the repository item we load is current.
LOCK_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
LOCK_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
lockAllAssets() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Lock all assets in this workspace for deployment
lockChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Locks a chain for editing.
LockChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at locking a pipeline chain.
LockChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.LockChainException
Constructs a new LockChainException.
LockChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.LockChainException
Constructs a new LockChainException with the given explanation.
LockChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.LockChainException
Constructs a new LockChainException.
LockChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.LockChainException
Constructs a new LockChainException with the given explanation.
lockedBy() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Asset
Get the workspace that has this asset locked.
lockedBy(VersionManagerURI) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Get the workspace that has asset locked, if it is locked.
LockManagerException - Exception in atg.service.lockmanager
This exception is thrown when a lock fails to be acquired or released.
LockManagerException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.LockManagerException
Constructs a new LockManagerException
LockManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.LockManagerException
Constructs a new LockManagerException with the given explanation.
LockManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.LockManagerException
Constructs a new LockManagerException.
LockManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.LockManagerException
Constructs a new LockManagerException with the given explanation.
log(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Logs this message using regular nucleus logging facilities for this context
log(Exception, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Writes the stacktrace and the given log message to the "informational" messages for this servlet.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Logs this message using regular nucleus logging facilities for this context
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an event with the specified message and Throwable
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an event with the specified message and Throwable
logContentViewed(Long, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a piece of content was viewed
logContentViewed(Long, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a piece of content was viewed
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log a debug message through our repository.
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log a debug exception through our repository.
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Log a debug message
logDebug(String, int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Log a debug message
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message
logDebug(Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
logDebug(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
logDebug(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Logs a debug message by passing it to the WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
logEndSession(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a session was expired
logEndSession(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a session was expired
logError(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an error message through our repository.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an error message through our repository including and exception
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an exception through our repository
logError(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Log a error message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Log a error message
logError(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Logs an error message.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Logs an error message with an accompanying exception.
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Logs an exception.
logError(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logError(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logError(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logError(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logError(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified message
logError(Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
logError(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Logs an error message by passing it to the WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
logErrorForException(Throwable, ApplicationLogging, boolean) - Static method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Use log error to log the exception, following the cain of container exceptions.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Writes the given log event out to the log file.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Writes the given log event out to the log stream.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sends the given log event out via email
LogEvent - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
A basic log event.
LogEvent(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Constructs a LogEvent with the given message.
LogEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Constructs a LogEvent with the given message and originator
LogEvent(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Constructs a LogEvent with the given message and throwable
LogEvent(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Constructs a LogEvent with the given message, originator and throwable
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.LogListener
Logs the given log event.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Logs the given log event.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Log an event.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Log an event.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Log an event.
logEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Log an event.
logGetItem(String, boolean, GSAItem, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Logs information from a getItem call
LoggingQueue - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This is a simple thread that contains a GovernorQueue.
LoggingQueue(LogListener, int, int) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Constructs a LoggingQueue.
login() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Authenticate this session to permit further operations requiring a knowledge of the user's identity.
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Makes sure that the user supplied the right username/password pair
login(User, Certificate) - Method in interface atg.security.CertificateUserAuthority
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager
Makes sure that the user supplied the right username/password pair
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAuthenticationProxy
Proxying the login
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.security.LoginUserAuthority
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
login(User, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
login(PortletRequest) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that a session is being created
LOGIN_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountTypes
Account type that matches user login accounts when performing a query operation.
LOGIN_DISABLED_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
loginCurrentUser(String, String, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, LoginUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Log in the current user object with a specific LoginUserAuthority.
loginCurrentUser(Certificate, DynamoHttpServletRequest, CertificateUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Log in the current user object with a specific CertificateUserAuthority.
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified message
logInfo(Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
logInfo(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
logInfo(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Logs an info message by passing it to the WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
LoginPersona - Interface in atg.security
A tag interface that marks a persona as a "login persona", indicating that it identifies a user login.
loginUser(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Attempts to login a user using the given login and password.
loginUser(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Attempts to login a user using the given login and password.
LoginUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
Interface that provides name/password (login) style authentication for a user authority.
LogListener - Interface in atg.nucleus.logging
This simple logging interface contains a single method, logEvent(), which may do different things depending on the implementing class.
LogListenerQueue - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This is a queueing version of the interface atg.nucleus.logging.LogListener.
LogListenerQueue() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
logLogin(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a user logged into the system
logLogin(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a user logged into the system
logLogout(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a user logged out of the system
logLogout(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a user logged out of the system
logNewSession(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a new session was created
logNewSession(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a new session was created
logout() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
logout() - Method in interface atg.security.IdentityManager
Clears the user identity, effectively logging them out.
logout(PortletSession) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that a session is being destroyed
LOGOUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
value: DPSLogout
A parameter with this name will come in on the request directly after a logout..
logoutUser() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Logs out the current user.
LogPromotionInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This action logs the number of promotions and total value of promotions for an order.
LogPromotionInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
LogPromotionInfoConfiguration - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
Class used to store configuration for the LogPromotionInfo scenario action.
LogPromotionInfoConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
logRegistration(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogging
Generates a log entry indicating that a new user registered
logRegistration(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Generates a log entry indicating that a new user registered
logRequest(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogging
Generates a log entry about a request
logRequest(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Generates a log entry about a request
logTrace(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logTrace(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logTrace(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logTrace(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an trace event with the specified message
logTrace(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an trace event with the specified Throwable
logTrace(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an trace event with the specified message and Throwable
logTrace(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an trace event with the specified message
logTrace(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an trace event with the specified Throwable
logTrace(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an trace event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an warning message through our repository.
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an warning message through our repository including and exception
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Log an exception through our repository
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Log a warning message
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message
logWarning(Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
logWarning(String, Throwable) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
logWarning(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Logs a warning message by passing it to the WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
LONG - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
lookForPrice(RepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Build the query that searches the priceList for the price.
lookup(Class, int) - Static method in class atg.core.util.Enum
lookup(int) - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
lookup(Class, String) - Static method in class atg.core.util.Enum
lookup(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
lookup(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
lookup(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.servlet.PortalServletRequest
Retrieves the named object from the requests context
lookup(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Retreives the named object
lookup(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Retreives the named object
lookup(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Retreives the named object
lookup(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Retreives the named object
lookupInInitialContext(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Do a lookup using a generic InitialContext...
lookUpProfile() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Retrieves the profile corresponding to the profileId of this message.
lookupUsers(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Lookup an array of users from the given login or email.
lookupUsingPool(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Lookup the name using the pool, if possible.
LOW_BOUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
LOW_BOUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship


m_bOpen - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Whether TaxWare's files are open or not.
m_bOpen - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
whether TaxWare's files are open or not
m_flagsVary - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
A bit verctor representing the fields which vary accross return items.
m_idxChosen - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
The index of the chosen ZipResultItem.
m_iErrorCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Error code returned by request
m_inputHeader - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Input header re-used for each request.
m_inputHeader - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Input header re-used for each request
m_methodCalculateTax - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Method for calculating tax.
m_methodCalculateTax - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
method for calculating tax
m_recordDef - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
m_recordDef - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
Holds the RecordDef.
m_recordDef - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Hold our record definition.
m_recordDef - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
m_recordDef - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Holds the pointer to our static RecordDef object.
m_rgobjArgs - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Argument array.
m_rgobjArgs - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
argument array
m_rgResultItems - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Our array of zip result items
m_strbufInput - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
StringBuffer re-used for each request.
m_strbufInput - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
StringBuffer re-used for each request
m_strErrorMessage - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Error string returned by request
mAbandonedOrderLogRepository - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the AbandonedOrderLogRepository component
mAbandonedOrderLogRepository - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the AbandonedOrderLogRepository component
mAbandonedOrderTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
the AbandonedOrderTools component
mAbandonedOrderTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the AbandonedOrderTools component
mAbandonedOrderTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
the AbandonedOrderTools component
mAbandonedOrderTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
the AbandonedOrderTools component
mAcceptAllValues - Variable in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
mAcl - Variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
The access control list assigned to the object.
mActivePromotionPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
mActivePromotions - Variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
The Profile's active promotios
mAddedMarkerEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
mAddMessageJMSType - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mAddToDefaultShippingGroup - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
MAGIC_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Test method for convertReturnValues and getTransitionValue.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.commerce.util.ConcurrentUpdateDetector
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.cortex.CortexGenerator
Usage: CortexGenerator {propertiesFile} {outputDirectory}
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Debugging and testing main() call.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
The command line allows one to perform a unit test, send and delete files on the remote system.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Run some simple tests
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Run some simple tests
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
Dump out input fields.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
Dump out field definitions
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Run some simple tests
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
Perform some basic tests.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Dump out our fielddefs.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
Runs the main key generator.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Runs the Nucleus
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
This reads an RQL statement from an input file, the prints the RQL statement back out again.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.rview.Jdbc2rview
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAPasswordHasher
Main test routine.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Simple command-line interface for deriving MD5 hashed passwords.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Main for unit testing (ok to comment out for production)
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.idgen.TransientIdGenerator
Main routine for debugging and unit testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueueGenerator
Runs the generator
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Testing method
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
Test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
main(String[]) - Static method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Print out the version of DPS
makeCreditCardDefault(Profile, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Make the credit card identified by pCreditCardID default in the given profile.
makeLink(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Expand the format string for a product or category, substituting in the name, repository id, and template url.
makeLink(String, RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Expand the format string for a product or category, substituting in the name, repository id, and template url.
makeNewClassLoader() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Instantiates a new development class loader and sets it as the global class loader for Nucleus, if a class path has been specified for it.
makeOrderShipGroupHashMap(HardgoodFulfiller, RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
Takes an array of repository items that correspond to shipItemRel repository items.
makePrimarySortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Create a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for the first entry in the list of sort criteria.
makeSortString() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Create a string suitable for use with the sortProperties parameter of droplets like ForEach, representing the sort direction and property name for all entries in the list of sort criteria.
makeURIAbsolute(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Make a relative path an absolute URI (no host or protocol).
makeURIAbsolute(String, HttpServletRequest, int, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Make a relative path an absolute URI (no host or protocol).
makeURIAbsoluteURL(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Make a relative path an absolute URI (no host or protocol).
makeURIAbsoluteURL(String, HttpServletRequest, int, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Make a relative path an absolute URI (no host or protocol).
mAllHardgoodCommerceItemShippingInfos - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
mAllowCleanupRequest - Variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Set to false to prevent request cleanup code from being called.
mAllowedConnection - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Set to a regular expression pattern of ip addresses allowed to connect
mAllowedConnectionMatcher - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The regular expression matcher for ip addresses
mAllowReloadableComponents - Variable in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
mAlwaysValidate - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mAmounts - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
contains the shipping amounts for each range in ranges
ManagedElement - Interface in atg.versionmanager
A base interface for all objects under control of a version manager.
managedItemChanged(VersionEvent) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.event.VersionListener
Get a notification of an operation on a version manager.
MANDATORY - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
MANIFEST_DELETE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
ManifestFileException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while processing a manifest file for a portal object during registration.
ManifestFileException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.ManifestFileException
Constructs a new ManifestFileException
ManifestFileException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.ManifestFileException
Constructs a new ManifestFileException with the given explanation.
ManifestFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.ManifestFileException
Constructs a new ManifestFileException.
ManifestFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.ManifestFileException
Constructs a new ManifestFileException with the given explanation.
MAP - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
MAP - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
A map of all the standard access rights.
MAP_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
mapDestinations(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Maps any destinations that change name from the source-side name to the target-side name.
mapDestinations(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Maps any destinations that change name from the source-side name to the target-side name
mapDestinations(List) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Maps any destinations that change name from the source-side name to the target-side name
MappingException - Exception in atg.repository.databinding
Base error that indicates a general exception occured while processing a mapping file.
MappingException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.databinding.MappingException
Default constructor.
MappingException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.databinding.MappingException
Constructor which takes String input.
MappingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.databinding.MappingException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
MappingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.databinding.MappingException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
MappingManager - Class in atg.repository.databinding
This class maintains a pointer to a directory that contains mapping files that live on a virtual file system.
MappingManager() - Constructor for class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
MapRPCDroplet - Class in atg.integrations
This Servlet executes the RPC Command and renders its output paramter.
MapRPCDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
MapXMLBuilder - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This class supports building arbitrarily complex constraints tags in JSP via form handler input tags.
MapXMLBuilder() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
markAsFinal() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
This method will mark this AmountInfo as final.
markAsFinal(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
This method will mark this AmountInfo as final.
markAsLocallyCached(File, long, long) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Indicate to the connection that the specified "key" of content has been distributed remotely.
markAsRemotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, long, long) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Indicate to the connection that the specified "key" of content has been distributed remotely.
markAsRemotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Indicate to the connection that the specified "key" of content has been distributed remotely.
markAsRemotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Indicate to the connection that the specified "key" of content has been distributed remotely.
MARKED_ITEM_TYPE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the markedItemType parameter
MARKER_ADD_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
MARKER_ADD_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
the rule id for add marker to profile action
MARKER_COUNT - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the markerCount output parameter.
MARKER_CREATIONDATE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the CREATIONDATE property
MARKER_DATA_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the DATA property
MARKER_DUPLICATIONMODE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the duplicationMode property
MARKER_ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the marker output parameter.
MARKER_EXTPROPS_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the extendedProperties parameter
MARKER_HASLASTMARKER_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
MARKER_HASLASTMARKER_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
the rule id for profile has last marker and has last marker condition
MARKER_HASLASTMARKERWITHKEY_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
MARKER_HASLASTMARKERWITHKEY_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
the rule id for profile has last marker with key condition
MARKER_HASMARKER_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
MARKER_HASMARKER_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
the rule id for profile has marker and has last marker condition
MARKER_ITEM_TYPE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the markerItemType parameter
MARKER_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the KEY property
MARKER_MANAGER_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the markerManager parameter
MARKER_OWNER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the OWNER property - used in set configurations
MARKER_PROPERTY_NAME_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the markerPropertyName parameter
MARKER_REMOVE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
MARKER_REMOVE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
the rule id for remove marker from profile action
MARKER_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The resource bundle name for user resources
MARKER_VALUE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The name for the VALUE property
MarkerAction - Class in atg.markers.scenario
This abstract class can be extended to implement marker actions.
MarkerAction() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
MarkerAddedEventMessage - Class in atg.markers
This class defines the base properties for a marker added event.
MarkerAddedEventMessage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerAddedEventMessage
Constructs a MarkerMessage message
MarkerConfiguration - Class in atg.markers.scenario
Configuration class used by scenario marker actions and expressions.
MarkerConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
MarkerConstants - Interface in atg.markers
Constants file for the marker feature implementation.
MarkerData - Class in atg.markers
This class is a holder of Marker property values for use in Marker events.
MarkerData() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerData
Constructs a MarkerData message
MarkerDroplet - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This is the base class for marker droplets.
MarkerDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
MarkerDuplicateComparator - Interface in atg.markers
This interface defines the contract for a class that determines if two markers are duplicates of each other.
MarkerEventMessage - Class in atg.markers
This class defines the base properties for a marker event.
MarkerEventMessage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
Constructs a MarkerMessage message
MarkerEventSynchronization - Class in atg.markers
This transaction synchronization class can be used to send marker event messages after markers are successfully added and or removed.
MarkerEventSynchronization(RepositoryMarkerManager, List, List, List) - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Constructs a new MarkerEventSyncronization object.
MarkerException - Exception in atg.markers
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a marker operation.
MarkerException() - Constructor for exception atg.markers.MarkerException
Constructs a new MarkerException.
MarkerException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.MarkerException
Constructs a new MarkerException with the given explanation.
MarkerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.MarkerException
Constructs a new MarkerException.
MarkerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.markers.MarkerException
Constructs a new MarkerException with the given explanation.
MarkerExpressionFilter - Class in atg.markers.scenario
This abstract class can be implemented to create a marker expression filter.
MarkerExpressionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
MarkerMessageSource - Class in atg.markers
A patch bay message source responsible for sending Marker events.
MarkerMessageSource() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
MarkerRemovedEventMessage - Class in atg.markers
This class defines the base properties for a marker removed event.
MarkerRemovedEventMessage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerRemovedEventMessage
Constructs a MarkerRemovedEventMessage message
MarkerReplacedEventMessage - Class in atg.markers
This class defines the base properties for a marker replaced event.
MarkerReplacedEventMessage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
Constructs a MarkerReplacedEventMessage message
MARKERS_ELEMENT - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the markers output parameter.
MarkerUtils - Class in atg.markers
MarkerUtils() - Constructor for class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
MarkerValidator - Interface in atg.markers
This interface defines a marker validator.
MarkerValidatorContainer - Interface in atg.markers
This interface defines the contract for class that contains MarkerValidators mapped by string keys.
markFreeMemory() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Gets the freeMemory size
markItemAsRemoved(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Marks this item as being removed in this transaction.
markItemAsRemoved(GSAId, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Marks this item as being removed in this transaction.
markObjectVisited(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
if a RepositoryItem is parsed for the first time, then it added to the map for future reference
markStartTime() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Sets the start time of this operation.
markTransactionForRollback() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Returns true if the transaction has been marked for rollback, false if unable to access the transaction.
MASTERCARD - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
MATCH_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the match input parameter
MATCHED_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the matched output parameter
matchesCityStateZip(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if the value stored in this ZipResult matches the specifiers in the ZipRequest passed in.
matchesCityStateZip(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResultItem
Return true if pass in City, StateCode and ZIP match the contents of the result item.
matchesPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns true if the specified value matches the value of the property specified in pPropertyPath.
matchesPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns true if the specified value matches the value of the property specified in pPropertyPath.
matchesPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, PropertyName, String, boolean, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Returns true if the specified value matches the value of the property specified in pPropertyName.
matchesRequest(ZipRequest) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Returns true if the value stored in this ZipResult matches the specifiers in the ZipRequest passed in.
MatchException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
Exception used to indicate errors while retrieving Repository Items from XML instance document.
MatchException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MatchException
Default constructor.
MatchException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MatchException
Constructor which takes String input.
MatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MatchException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
MatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MatchException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
MatchingObject - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.definition
An element of a collection that matched
MatchingObject(Object, long) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
matchLastMarker(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the order's last marker only if it has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarker(Order, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the order's last marker only if it has a matching key, value and data.
matchLastMarker(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the item's last marker only if it has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarker(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the item's last marker only if it has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarker(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the item's last marker only if it has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarker(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the item's last marker only if it has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(Order, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key, only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchLastMarkerWithKey(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method returns the last marker with a given key only if it has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStageOnItem(RepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
matchMostRecentBusinessProcessStageOnOrder(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to match the most recent marker for a business process.
mAuxiliaryData - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
MAX_DENSITY - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
maximum density for obfuscated id generators
MAX_RETRIES_FOR_FILE_ACCESS - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
The maximum number of times to retry opening a file
MAX_VALUE_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Special value which represents the maximum value in a number set.
MAXIMUM_RECORD_SIZE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
MaxNumberItemsException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
Exception used to indicate number of items that can be removed/updated has reached the maximum limit configured on the Component.
MaxNumberItemsException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MaxNumberItemsException
Default constructor.
MaxNumberItemsException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MaxNumberItemsException
Constructor which takes String input.
MaxNumberItemsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MaxNumberItemsException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
MaxNumberItemsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.MaxNumberItemsException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
mBacklog - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The backlog, or 0 if default
mBadPasswordDelay - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
the number of milliseconds to delay after a bad password is submitted.
mBaseHandlerClass - Static variable in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The base class for all registered handlers must be GenericHandler.
mBillingAddress - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
mBlocking - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Whether or not the pool is to block on check outs.
mBounced - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Whether or not this email was bounced
mBouncedEmailAddress - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The email address of the bounced recipient
mBouncedErrorMessage - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The error message of the bounced email
mBouncedReplyCode - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The reply code of the bounced email
mBouncedStatusCode - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The status code of the bounced email
mBusinessProcessConfiguration - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the array of business process configurations
mBusinessProcessEvent - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
mBusinessProcessEventType - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
mBusinessProcessManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
mBusinessProcessManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
mBusinessProcessManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
the parameter name for the data parameter
mBusinessProcessManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration
Sets the Business Process Manager
mBusinessProcessName - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mBusinessProcessName - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
mBusinessProcessNameToConfiguration - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
mBusinessProcessStage - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
mBusinessProcessStageSequence - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
mCache - Variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
currently active query cache
mCacheInvalidationListeners - Variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
mCalculatedAllRecipients - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Whether or not we've already attempted to calculate the total number of recipients.
mCardVerficationNumber - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
mCatalogRefId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
mCatalogRefId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCatalogRefIdParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCatalogServices - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
mCatalogServices - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mCatalogTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
mCatalogTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
mCatalogTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
mCatalogTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mCatalogTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCc3ConfigFile - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Configuration file containing name=value pair info
mChangeAmount - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mChangedProperties - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
mChangePasswordErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mChangePasswordSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mChangePercentage - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mChangeSign - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mChannels - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
List of channels this handler listens to at startup.
mCheckForRequiredParameters - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCheckForRequiredProperties - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCheckForRequiredPropertiesAfterUpdate - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCheckoutBlockTime - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Maximum time in milli-seconds to block.
mCheckOutTag - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
The tag identifying who checked out this object.
mCheckZip - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
Used to check the zip code for the shipping address
mClearValuesOnCreate - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
mClearValuesOnLogin - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
mClearValuesOnUpdate - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
mClient - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
mCollectionOrMap - Variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
mColumns - Variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
mColumns is a list of Column objects in the order they were defined by tableInfo
mCommerceCommandParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
mCommerceItemContainer - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mCommerceItemId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCommerceItemIdParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCommerceItemManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCommerceItemPropertyMap - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mCommodityCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
mCompanyId - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
mCompareValueInCopyPropertiesOnLogin - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Property indicating whether to compare property values in copyPropertiesOnLogin method
mComparisonType - Variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
mConfigurableProperties - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mConfigurablePropertyParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mConfigurableSkuItemDescriptor - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mConfirmOldPassword - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mConfirmPassword - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mConsolidateShippingInfosBeforeApply - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
mContactInfoPropertyName - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
mContentHistoryPath - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Nucleus component path that points to ContentHistory object
mContext - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mConvertedDatePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the ConvertedDate property name
mConvertedDatePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the ConvertedDate property name
mConvertedOrderAmountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the amount property of the convertedOrder item
mConvertedOrderAmountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the amount property of the convertedOrder item
mConvertedOrderItemName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the ConvertedOrder item descriptor name
mConvertedOrderItemName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the ConvertedOrder item descriptor name
mCostCenterContainer - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
mCostCenterManager - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
mCostCenterRelationshipContainer - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
mCreateDate - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
mCreateErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCreateProfileType - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCreateSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mCreatingResources - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
List of slots currently being filled.
mCreationTimeLimit - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Resource creation time limit in milli-seconds for a healthy pool.
mCsCon - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
CyberSourceConnection module that is resposible for communication with the cybersource payment system
mCsCon - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
mCsCon - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
CyberSourceConnection module that contains the merchant related data
mCsConfigFile - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
MD5PasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
Implementation of a PasswordHasher using MD5 encryption algorithm with a randomized initial state.
MD5PasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Construct a new MD5PasswordHasher with a randomized initial state.
MD5PasswordHasher(Long) - Constructor for class atg.security.MD5PasswordHasher
Construct a new MD5PasswordHasher with the given initial state.
mData - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
mDatabase - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The db name.
mDataListeners - Variable in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
user event data listener list
mDate - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
The time as a Date when the event was fired.
mDebugging - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
mDefaultBusinessProcessName - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
mDefaultConfigurableItemType - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mDefaultDestinations - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
The default listeners for events that do not match any classes
mDefaultDuplicationMode - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDefaultDuplicationMode - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mDefaultMarkedItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDefaultMarkedItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mDefaultMarkerDuplicateComparator - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDefaultMarkerItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDefaultMarkerItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mDefaultMarkerPropertyName - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDefaultMarkerPropertyName - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mDefaultMarkerSortPropertyName - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mDeleteErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mDeleteSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mDescription - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Description of this targeter's behavior for use in a GUI
mDescriptor - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
The secured object descriptor that this item is configured with.
mDestinationOrder - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
mDistributor - Variable in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The event distributor.
mDocumentNumber - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
mDocumentSubmitterTL - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
mDriver - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The class name of the JDBC driver to load.
mDuplicationMode - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mElectronicShippingGroups - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
mElementsAdded - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mElementsRemoved - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
MEMBER_ROLE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for memeber role
MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_ALLOW - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for allow membership request
MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_AUTO - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for auto membership request
MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_DISALLOW - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for disallow membership request
MembershipRequest - Interface in atg.portal.framework
An interface used to describe a membership request.
MEMORY - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
MEMORY mode runs the performance monitor with stack tracking, operation timestamping, and memory tracking on
MemorySampler - Class in atg.service.statistics
A MemorySampler obtains samples from a Sampler and stores them in memory for display through the administrative UI.
MemorySampler() - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Constructs a blank new MemorySampler
mEnabled - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mEnabled - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
If false, prevent this server from starting up
merge(ParamDescriptor[], ParamDescriptor[]) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
Merges two ParamDescriptor arrays into a new array.
merge(WebApp) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
merge(Workspace) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Branch
Generate a workspace that contains changes merged from a workspace on another branch.
mergeBeanInfo(DynamicBeanInfo[]) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Given a set of DynamicBeanInfos returns a new DynamicBeanInfo which describes the combined information of all the bean infos
mergeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(CommerceIdentifierCostCenter, CommerceIdentifierCostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
mergeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters merges 2 CommerceIdentifierCostCenters into one by combining their amounts and quantities.
mergeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
mergeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos merges 2 CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos into one by combining their amounts and quantities.
mergeCommerceItemShippingInfos(CommerceItemShippingInfo, CommerceItemShippingInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
mergeCommerceItemShippingInfos merges 2 CommerceItemShippingInfos into one by combining their quantities.
mergeCommerceItemShippingInfos(CommerceItemShippingInfo, CommerceItemShippingInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
mergeCommerceItemShippingInfos merges 2 CommerceItemShippingInfos into one by combining their quantities.
MergedWebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
This is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
MergedWebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
mergeIntoArray(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mergeIntoList(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mergeIntoMap(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mergeIntoSet(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mergeItemInputForAdd(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Construct or fill in default values in an items array containing input values for the methods involved in adding items to orders.
mergeMaps(Map, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Merge override map entries with base entries.
mergeOrders(Order, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
This method merges the CommerceItems and ShippingGroups from pSrcOrder to pDestOrder.
mergeOrders(Order, Order, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
This method merges the CommerceItems and optionally ShippingGroups from pSrcOrder to pDestOrder.
mergeOrdersCopyCommerceItem(Order, Order, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
This method is used by OrderManager.mergeOrders to copy a commerce item from a source order to a destination order.
mergeOrdersCopyElectronicShippingGroup(Order, Order, ElectronicShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method is used by mergeOrdersCopyShippingGroup to copy an electronic shipping group from a source order to a destination order.
mergeOrdersCopyHardgoodShippingGroup(Order, Order, HardgoodShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method is used by mergeOrdersCopyShippingGroup to copy a hardgood shipping group from a source order to a destination order.
mergeOrdersCopyShippingGroup(Order, Order, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method is used by OrderManager.mergeOrders to copy a shipping group from a source order to a destination order.
mergePaymentGroupsToOrder(List, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Check two lists of payment groups: giftCertificatePaymentGroups and creditCardPaymentGroups.
mergeValueDictionaries(Dictionary, Dictionary, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Merges the common value dictionary into one item-specific value dictionary.
mergeValueDictionaries(Dictionary, Dictionary, RepositoryFormHandler, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Merges the common value dictionary into the user-specific value dictionary.
mErrorMessage - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
mErrors - Variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
MESSAGE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
MESSAGE_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
MESSAGE_MAPPER_ERROR - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
MESSAGE_TYPE_INCORRECT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
MessageContentProcessor - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
A service which processes the content of an email message in some application-specific way, and stuffs the resulting content into the passed in javax.mail.Message object.
MessageContentProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
MessageContentProcessor.UrlAndMimeType - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
Holds the URL and the last mime type of the template.
MessageFamily - Interface in atg.dms.registry
A MessageFamily represents a group of message types, and may itself contain MessageFamilies.
MessageForwardFilter - Class in atg.commerce.messaging
The MessageForwardFilter can be used to take messages from one message source and forward it to one or more message sinks.
MessageForwardFilter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
MessagePipelineMapper - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval
This class executes a Pipeline chain upon receipt of a JMS message.
MessagePipelineMapper() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Creates a new MessagePipelineMapper instance.
MessageRegistry - Interface in atg.dms.registry
The MessageRegistry describes all of the Dynamo Messages that are recognized by the Dynamo Messaging System.
MessageSender - Class in atg.commerce.messaging
This class is a generci MessageSender.
MessageSender() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
MessageSink - Interface in atg.dms.patchbay
This is the interface that must be implemented by components in the patch bay configured as message sinks or message filters.
MessageSource - Interface in atg.dms.patchbay
This is the interface that must be implemented by components in the patch bay configured as message sources or message filters.
MessageSourceContext - Interface in atg.dms.patchbay
This is the interface that MessageSource implementations use to generate and send messages.
MessageType - Interface in atg.dms.registry
A MessageType represents a single mapping from a JMSType to a message bean type.
MessageTyper - Interface in atg.dms.registry
A MessageTyper's purpose is to determine a DynamicBeanInfo for a JMSType.
METHOD - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
METHOD - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
METHOD_GET - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Values for the setMethod property
METHOD_POST - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
mEventCount - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Number of events received by this handler.
mExchangeRates - Variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
mExchangeRates - Variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
mExpireSessionOnLogout - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mExtractDefaultValuesFromProfile - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mFailedToInitialize - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
mFileURIsToAdd - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFileURIsToAddSet - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFileURIsToDelete - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFileURIsToDeleteSet - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFileURIsToUpdate - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFileURIsToUpdateSet - Variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
mFilterActionConfiguration - Variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
The FilterActionConfiguration reference
mFilterConfig - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mFinalLogListener - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
The underlying LogListener.
mFormExceptions - Variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
mFormId - Variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
A unique string name to use for identifying this form
mFormName - Variable in class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Property: formName
mFreeResources - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The pool of free objects.
mGenerateEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mGenerateEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
mGenerateEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mGenerateInvoiceCCName - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
mGetService - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
mGetService - Variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
mGlobalPromotions - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
mGroup - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
The RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup that implements group logic
mHandlerCount - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The number of handlers
mHandlerPath - Variable in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The Nucleus (or property path) where handlers are configured.
mHashCode - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
mHashCode - Variable in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
cached hash code
mHasMarkerOperatorMap - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mHealthy - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Whether or not the pool is active.
mHighRanges - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
contains the maximum value of each range in ranges
mHostAddr - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The host address of the server
mHostName - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The hostname of the server
mIgnoreAVS - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
migrateCatalog() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
migrateCategoryInfoRelatedProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method moves a particular category property from the category repository item to the categoryInfo repository item.
migrateCategoryProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method sets the rootCategory property of the Catalog, the Catalogs and categoryInfos property of the category.
migrateProductInfoRelatedProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method moves a particular product property from the product repository item to the productInfo repository item.
migrateProductProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method sets the Catalogs and productInfos property of the product.
migrateSkuInfoRelatedProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method moves a particular sku property from the sku repository item to the skuInfo repository item.
migrateSkuProperty(String, RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method sets the Catalogs and skuInfos property of the sku.
MigrationException - Exception in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
Represents an exception thrown during catalog migration.
MigrationException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MigrationException
Constructs a new MigrationException.
MigrationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MigrationException
Constructs a new MigrationException with the given explanation.
MigrationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MigrationException
Constructs a new MigrationException.
MigrationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MigrationException
Constructs a new MigrationException with the given explanation.
MimeMessageUtils - Class in atg.service.email
A set of static utility methods for creating and filling in javax.mail.Message objects.
MimeMessageUtils() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This will redirect a request to one of several servlets based on the mime-type of the request.
MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet
Constructs a new MimeTypeDispatcherPipelineServlet
MimeTyper - Interface in atg.servlet
Objects implementing this interface know how to obtain the MIME type of a file name.
MimeTyperPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This pipeline servlet will add an attribute factory for the attribute MimeTyperPipelineServlet.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.
MimeTyperPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Constructs a new MimeTyperPipelineServlet
MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository
MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
mImpressionLimit - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
How many times can this targeter show each time in a session?
mImpressionLimitPerTargeter - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Are impression limits local to this targeter, or global?
mIncludeInventoryStates - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Sets the array of possible inventory states that mean a sku is considered available.
mInitializeCostCenterIdentifier - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
mInitialized - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mInitStrings - Variable in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
mInvalidated - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mInventoryManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
mIsCheckedOut - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Indicates whether or not this object is currently checked out.
MISSING_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
MISSING_SHIPPING_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
MISSING_SPLITTYPE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
MISSINGBILLINGADDRESS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGCITY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGCOUNTRY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGCOUNTY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGEMAIL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGFAXNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGFIRSTNAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGLASTNAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGPHONENUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGPOSTALCODE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGBILLINGSTATE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGCREDITCARDNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGCREDITCARDTYPE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGEXPIRATIONMONTH - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGEXPIRATIONYEAR - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGGIFTCERTIFICATENUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MissingIdException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered with a missing item id while registering or updating a portal object in portal administration.
MissingIdException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingIdException
Constructs a new MissingIdException
MissingIdException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingIdException
Constructs a new MissingIdException with the given explanation.
MissingIdException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingIdException
Constructs a new MissingIdException.
MissingIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingIdException
Constructs a new MissingIdException with the given explanation.
MissingInventoryItemException - Exception in atg.commerce.inventory
This exception gets thrown if there is no inventory information for some given sku.
MissingInventoryItemException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.MissingInventoryItemException
Constructs a new MissingInventoryItemException.
MissingInventoryItemException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.MissingInventoryItemException
Constructs a new MissingInventoryItemException with the given explanation.
MissingInventoryItemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.MissingInventoryItemException
Constructs a new MissingInventoryItemException.
MissingInventoryItemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.inventory.MissingInventoryItemException
Constructs a new MissingInventoryItemException with the given explanation.
MissingItemDescriptorException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered with a missing item descriptor while registering or updating a portal object in portal administration.
MissingItemDescriptorException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingItemDescriptorException
Constructs a new MissingItemDescriptorException
MissingItemDescriptorException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingItemDescriptorException
Constructs a new MissingItemDescriptorException with the given explanation.
MissingItemDescriptorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingItemDescriptorException
Constructs a new MissingItemDescriptorException.
MissingItemDescriptorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingItemDescriptorException
Constructs a new MissingItemDescriptorException with the given explanation.
MissingParentException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while registering or updating a portal object where the parent object or folder cannot be identified.
MissingParentException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingParentException
Constructs a new MissingParentException
MissingParentException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingParentException
Constructs a new MissingParentException with the given explanation.
MissingParentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingParentException
Constructs a new MissingParentException.
MissingParentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingParentException
Constructs a new MissingParentException with the given explanation.
MISSINGSHIPPINGADDRESS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGCITY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGCOUNTRY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGCOUNTY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGEMAIL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGFAXNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGFIRSTNAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGLASTNAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGPHONENUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGPOSTALCODE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSHIPPINGSTATE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MISSINGSTORECREDITNUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
MissingUrlException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while creating a new community folder without a Url.
MissingUrlException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingUrlException
Constructs a new MissingUrlException
MissingUrlException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingUrlException
Constructs a new MissingUrlException with the given explanation.
MissingUrlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingUrlException
Constructs a new MissingUrlException.
MissingUrlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.MissingUrlException
Constructs a new MissingUrlException with the given explanation.
MissingWorkflowDescriptionException - Exception in atg.workflow
An exception that occurs when a workflow description cannot be found.
MissingWorkflowDescriptionException() - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.MissingWorkflowDescriptionException
Constructs a new MissingWorkflowDescriptionException.
MissingWorkflowDescriptionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.MissingWorkflowDescriptionException
Constructs a new MissingWorkflowDescriptionException with the given message.
mIsValid - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Indicates whether or not this object is valid for use.
mItem - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
The repository item that manages the backing store for this object.
mItemCache - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
A cache of secured repository items indexed by the repository item.
mItemType - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mItemTypeParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mJMSType - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
the JMS type of the PromotionClosenessDisqualification message
mJobId - Variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
the jobId of our scheduled task
mJobId - Variable in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
the jobId of our scheduled task
mkdir() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Creates a directory whose pathname is specified by this File object.
mkdirs() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Creates a directory whose pathname is specified by this File object, including any necessary parent directories.
mLastCatalogKey - Variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Member variable where prepareRepositories stores the last catalog key it saw.
mLastValidationFailureReason - Variable in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
mListener - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
The listener queued events are written to.
mListPricePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mLocalPort - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
This is the actual port we are listening on.
mLogEventClasses - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
The list of log event class names to sort by.
mLogFileName - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
The name of the log file.
mLogFilePath - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
The file path to the log file (filename not included).
mLoggingDebug - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
mLoggingDebug - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mLoggingDebug - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
mLoggingError - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
mLoggingError - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mLoggingError - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
mLoggingInfo - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mLoggingWarning - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mLoginErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLoginProfileType - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLoginSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLogoutErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLogoutProfileType - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLogoutSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mLostThreadTimeout - Variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
mLowRanges - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
containsthe minimum value of each range in ranges
mManageThreadPriorities - Variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
mManualAdjustmentTotal - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
mMapSub - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Convenience method for retrieving mapsub property status.
mMarkedItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mMarkerAddedData - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerAddedEventMessage
mMarkerAddedData - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
mMarkerConfiguration - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
The MarkerConfiguration reference
mMarkerConfiguration - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
The MarkerConfiguration reference
mMarkerDuplicateComparators - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mMarkerItemId - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
mMarkerItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mMarkerItemType - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
mMarkerMappingFileName - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
mMarkerMappingFileName - Variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
mMarkerMessageSource - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
mMarkerMessageSource - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mMarkerPropertyName - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mMarkerRemovedData - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerRemovedEventMessage
mMarkerReplacedData - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
mMarkerValidatorContainer - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mMarkerValidators - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mMax - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum number of objects to pool.
mMaxFree - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum number of free pooled objects at a time.
mMaxItemsPerTransaction - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mMaxNormalSize - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
The queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to run at its normal priority and becomes active.
mMaxPendingCreations - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Concurrent creation attempts allowed for a healthy pool.
mMaxStartupAttempts - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Maximum startup attempts.
mMerge - Variable in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mMessage - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The JavaMail Message object that represents the entire email
mMessageCc - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
An array of email address that this email was copied to
mMessageFrom - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The email address of the email sender
mMessageRecipients - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
A combination of all the address specified in the "To" and the "Cc" headers
mMessageReplyTo - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The email address that any replies should be sent to
mMessageSender - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
the MessageSender
mMessageSubject - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The subject of the email
mMessageTo - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
An array of email addresses that this email was sent to
mMin - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The minimum number of objects to pool.
mMinActiveSize - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
The queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to be active.
mModifyOrderNotificationPort - Variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
mModifyOrderPort - Variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
mMutableItem - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
The mutable version of the repository item that manages the backing store for this object, or null if the item is immutable.
mMutableItemCache - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
A cache of secured repository items indexed by the repository item.
mName - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mNavHistoryPath - Variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
mNewValue - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mNewValues - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
mNoNexus - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
No Nexus field specifies states/provinces excluded from tax responsibilities (the list is delimited by comma: NY,NJ,MA)
mNonFatalCompCodes - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
mNucleus - Variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
The Nucleus controlling the system
mNullValueValid - Variable in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
MODE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
Modification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This is the base class for all forms of modifications that can be applied to an Order through the ModifyOrder message and all results returned with the ModifyOrderNotification.
Modification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
MODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
modificationFailed(Modification, List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Sets the status of the given modification to Modification.STATUS_FAILED then adds it to the given list.
ModificationHandler - Interface in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class performs all work associated with ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotification messages.
MODIFICATIONLIST - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
MODIFICATIONNOTSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
modificationSucceeded(Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Sets the status of the given modification to Modification.STATUS_SUCCESS then addes it to the given list.
modifyCommerceItemsProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Map, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is invoked from the modifyOrder*() methods in order to allow subclasses an opportunity to implement additional processing after the quantity of items in the order has been changed.
ModifyOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This message is issued to request modification to an order that has already been submitted via the SubmitOrder message.
ModifyOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
modifyOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Modify the order (accessed from the order property) based on the changes in the request.
modifyOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Modify the order (accessed from the order property) based on the changes in the request.
modifyOrderByCommerceId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Modify the order (accessed from the order property) based on the changes in the request.
modifyOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method causes the contents of a users order to be adjusted by quantity.
modifyOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method causes the contents of a users order to be adjusted by quantity.
ModifyOrderNotification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This interface corresponds to the ModifyOrderNotification message.
ModifyOrderNotification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
modifyOrderPostReprice(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Map, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
modifyRequest(AddressVerificationInfo, TaxRequest) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Modifies the request before submitting it to TaxWare.
modifyRequest(AddressVerificationInfo, ZipRequest, boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Modifies the request before submitting it to TaxWare.
modifyValue(ProcessExecutionContext, int, Object) - Method in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
Modifies the data pointed to by the expression, using the given process execution context to resolve the pointer.
modifyValue(ScenarioExecutionContext, int, Object) - Method in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
Deprecated. Modifies the data pointed to by the expression, using the given scenario execution context to resolve the pointer.
mOldValue - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mOldValues - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
monitor(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
Monitor repositories for the specified item descriptor.
MonitoredCallableStatement - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
This class is a wrapper for java.sql.CallableStatement.
MonitoredCallableStatement(CallableStatement, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.CallableStatement wrapper
MonitoredConnection - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
This class is a wrapper for java.sql.Connection.
MonitoredConnection(Connection, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.Connection wrapper
MonitoredConnection(Connection, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.Connection wrapper
MonitoredDataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
A DataSource that pools connections that participate in Java Transactions.
MonitoredDataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Constructs an uninitialized MonitoredDataSource.
MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging - Class in atg.service.jdbc
A utility class which builds a separate logging interface for SQL logging to have access to.
MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging(MonitoredDataSource) - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
MonitoredPreparedStatement - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
This class is a wrapper for java.sql.PreparedStatement.
MonitoredPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.PreparedStatement wrapper
MonitoredPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.PreparedStatement wrapper
MonitoredStatement - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
This class is a wrapper for java.sql.Statement.
MonitoredStatement(Statement, ApplicationLogging, ConnectionStats, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Constructs a new wrapper java.sql.Statement wrapper
MONTH_MSECS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
The month can't be represented by milliseconds since different months has different lengths Need special treatment
MONTH_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
monthInt(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Returns the 0-11 java.util.Date month value for a given month (English)
mOrderAmountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the amount property of the priceInfo item
mOrderAmountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the amount property of the priceInfo item
mOrderHolderComponent - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
order holder component name
mOrderManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
mOrderManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mOrderManager - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
mOrderManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
reference to the order manager object
mOrderMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
mOrderMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Sets the order marker manager used by the droplet
mOrderMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
mOrderMergeListeners - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
mOrderPriceInfoPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
mOrderRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
mOrderServices - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
mOriginalSubject - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The original subject of the email, disregarding the standard "Re:" String that accompanies replies
mOriginCity - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mOriginCity - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mOriginCountry - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mOriginCountry - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mOriginGeoCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mOriginState - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mOriginState - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mOriginZip - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mOriginZip - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
MOSTRECENTBPSTAGE_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the ruleid used between key and value parameters of the mostRecentBusinessProcessStage expression
MostRecentBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.droplet
This droplet can be used to determine if the most recent marker for a business process has a particular stage.
MostRecentBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.droplet.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
MostRecentBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
This scenario action can be used to determine if the most recent marker for a business process has a particular stage.
MostRecentBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
MOSTRECENTSTAGE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the most recent business process marker conditional
move(Workspace) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Move this WorkingVersion to a new Workspace.
MOVE_ASSET_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
moveCommerceItemsToNewShippingGroup(String, String, String, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method moves commerce items from one shipping group to another.
moveItemBetweenShippingGroups(String, String, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Move the given quantity of the commerce item from one shipping group into another.
moveItemsFromCart(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
this method moves selected items in itemIds from shopping cart to giftlist.
moveItemToCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
This method moves an item from one CostCenter to another.
moveItemToCostCenter(B2BOrder, B2BCommerceItem, long, CostCenter, CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
This method moves an item from one CostCenter to another.
moveItemToShippingGroup(Order, String, long, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method moves an item from one ShippingGroup to another.
moveItemToShippingGroup(Order, CommerceItem, long, ShippingGroup, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method moves an item from one ShippingGroup to another.
mOwner - Variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
The owner of record for the object.
mParameters - Variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
Any parameters defined for this servlet
mParentName - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
The parent resource pool's name.
mPassword - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The db user password.
mPasswordGenerator - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
mPasswordRuleChecker - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
mPathNameProperty - Variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Values of these attributes for this particular property
mPathPrefix - Variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
mPaymentGroupContainer - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mPaymentGroupRelationshipContainer - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mPercentage - Variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
mPercentageType - Variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
mPlaces - Variable in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
mPolicy - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
The security policy that is applicable for this secured item.
mPool - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The pool of checked in objects.
mPoolLocation - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
The location of this resource in the pool.
mPort - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The port this will use to listen for connections
mPortRegistry - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
The PortRegistry to whom this will report its port usage
mPreviousNPasswordManager - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
mPrice - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mPriceInfoAmountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
mPriceInfoCurrencyCodePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
mPriceInfoPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the priceInfo property name of the order item
mPriceInfoPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the priceInfo property name of the order item
mPricingQualifierService - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
mPricingTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mPrimarySortString - Variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
mProcess - Variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
mProcessStartTime - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
mProductId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
mProductId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mProductIdParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the user's profile in the nucleus namespace
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
mProfilePath - Variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
mProfileTools - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mProject - Variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
mPromotionCountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the PromotionCount property name
mPromotionCountPropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the PromotionCount property name
mPromotionItemDescriptor - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
mPromotionParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
mPromotions - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
mPromotions - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
mPromotionTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the PromotionTools component
mPromotionTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the PromotionTools component
mPromotionTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
reference to the PromotionTools service
mPromotionTools - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
reference to the PromotionTools service
mPromotionToolsComponent - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
promotion tools component name
mPromotionValuePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
the PromotionValue property name
mPromotionValuePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
the PromotionValue property name
mPropertiesToAddOnLogin - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Array, Map, and Collection properties to add from anonymous profiles to persistent profiles on login
mPropertiesToCompare - Variable in class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
mPropertiesToCopyOnLogin - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
properties to copy from anonymous profiles to persistent profiles on login
mPropertyDescriptors - Variable in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
An Array of all the DynamicPropertyDescriptors
mPropertyDescriptorTable - Variable in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Table of all the DynamicPropertyDescriptors hashed by property name
mPropertyNames - Variable in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
An Array of all the property names
mPropertyObjects - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepositoryItem
A mapping of the property name to SecuredRepositoryObjects, which control access to property security.
mPropertyParameterPrefix - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mPropertyPath - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
mQuantity - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
mQuantity - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mQuantityParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mQuantityString - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mQueue - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
The actual queue.
mQueue - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
The logging queue.
mQueueing - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Whether or not log events should be queued.
mQueueMaxNormalSize - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
The queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to run at its normal priority and becomes active.
mQueueMinActiveSize - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
The queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to be active.
mReadTimeout - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block while reading input.
mReceivedDate - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The date that this email was received
mRelationshipContainer - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mRemovedMarkerEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
mRemoveDuplicates - Variable in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
mRemoveMessageJMSType - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mReplacedMarkerEvents - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
mReplaceMessageJMSType - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mReportingBouncedEmailAddressDomain - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The email address domain of the bounced recipient
mRepository - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
The repository we're wrapping.
mRepository - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
The secured repository that we're a part of.
mRepository - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mRepository - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
The repository from which to select items
mRepository - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
The repository from which to select items
mRepositoryId - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mRepositoryItem - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
mRepositoryItem - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
mRepositoryItem - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
mRepositoryItem - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
mRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
mRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
mRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
mRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mRepositoryMarkerManager - Variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
mRepositoryViewName - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
The name of the repository view from which to select items
mRepositoryViewName - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
The name of the repository view from which to select items
mRequest - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
The current request.
mRequest - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
The current request.
mRequestedId - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Returns the object used in the attempt to request a profile.
mRequestSource - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
An identifier signifying where the request for a profile originated from.
mRequiredExtendedProperties - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mResolvedService - Variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
The service as returned from Nucleus' resolveName method
mResource - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
The resource.
mResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
mResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
mResourceClassName - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The class name of the object being pooled.
mResultSetGetters - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes.
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Returns the set of valid return codes for this processor.
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Returns the valid return codes.
mRetCodes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Returns the set of valid return codes for this processor.
mRules - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Definitions of the ruleset that defines this group
mRulesets - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Definitions of all the rulesets used by this targeter
mRuleStrings - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Array of strings representing an anglicized version of the rules
mRuleStrings - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Array of strings representing an anglicized version of the rules
mSearchErrorURL - Variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
mSearchSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
msecToString(long, Locale) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Return a quantity in milliseconds as a parseable English phrase
mSecurityConfiguration - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
The security configuration of the repository.
mSecurityContext - Variable in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
The security context for the object.
mSecurityStatusFailoverEnabled - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
The restored value of the profile id
mSeed - Variable in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
seed to use for calculating ids in some sequence
mSellerRegistrationNumber - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mSellerRegNumber - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
mServer - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
The RequestServer that this belongs to
mServer - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The db server name.
mService - Variable in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
The Service for whom this interface is operating
mServletContext - Variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
mServletPaths - Variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
The list of possible servlet paths
msg - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
msg - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
A message object used to format localized error messages.
msg - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
MSG_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_AMBIGUOUS_INPUT_FOR_ADD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_COMMIT_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
MSG_CONCURRENT_UPDATE_ATTEMPT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_DUPLICATE_ORDER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
MSG_DUPLICATE_ORDER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_EMPTY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_ERR_CREATING_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_ERR_DELETING_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_ERR_SENDING_EMAIL - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
MSG_ERR_UPDATING_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_ERROR_ADDING_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_ADDING_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_ADDING_TO_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_ADDING_TO_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_ADDING_TO_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_CANCELLING_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_DELETING_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_EDIT_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_LOADING_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVE_TO_CONFIRMATION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVE_TO_ORDER_COMMIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVE_TO_PAYMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVE_TO_PURCHASE_INFO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVE_TO_PURCHASE_INFO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_MOVING_ITEM_TO_NEW_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_NO_SUCH_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REMOVING_FROM_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REMOVING_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REMOVING_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REMOVING_RROM_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REMOVING_RROM_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_REPRICE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_SAVING_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_SENDING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ADD_CC - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_UPDATE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_UPDATE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_UPDATE_SHIPPINGGROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
MSG_ERROR_UPDATING_GIFTLIST_ITEMS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
MSG_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
MSG_GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
MSG_GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
MSG_GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
MSG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_AUTH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_AUTH_FOR_DEBIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_CRED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_EXP_AMT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_SC_AUTH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_SC_AUTH_FOR_DEBIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_SC_CRED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_SC_EXP_AMT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INSUFFICIENT_SC_FUNDS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_INVALID_ADD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_INVALID_EVENT_DATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_GIFTLIST_QUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_INVALID_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_PASSWORD - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_INVALID_PAYMENT_SPLIT_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
MSG_INVALID_QUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_QUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_RECIPIENT_EMAIL - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_SENDER_EMAIL - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_INVALID_SHIPPING_SPLIT_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
MSG_MISSING_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_MISSING_PASSWORD - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_MISSING_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_MISSING_PROFILE_TOOLS - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_NO_B2B_PARAM_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
MSG_NO_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_NO_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
MSG_NO_DEFAULT_SHIPPING_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
MSG_NO_EMAIL_ADDR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
MSG_NO_EMAIL_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_NO_GIFTLIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
MSG_NO_GIFTLIST_TO_MODIFY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_NO_ITEM_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_NO_ITEM_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_ITEMS_TO_ADD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_NO_ITEMS_TO_ADD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_ITEMS_TO_ADD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_NEW_ADDRESS_ENTERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_NO_NICKNAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_NO_ORDER_TO_MODIFY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_ORDER_TO_MODIFY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_PARAM_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
MSG_NO_PERMISSION_FOR_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
MSG_NO_PERMISSION_FOR_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
MSG_NO_PERMISSION_FOR_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
MSG_NO_PERMISSION_FOR_USERS_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
MSG_NO_RECIPIENT_EMAIL - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_NO_SENDER_EMAIL - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
MSG_NO_SKU_WITH_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_NO_SKU_WITH_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_NO_SUCH_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
MSG_NO_SUCH_PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
MSG_NO_SUCH_PROFILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_NO_TYPE_CONVERTER - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_NOT_GIFTLIST_OWNER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
MSG_NULL_ORDER_HOLDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
MSG_ORDER_ALREADY_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
MSG_ORDER_ALREADY_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
MSG_ORDER_ALREADY_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_ORDER_EMPTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
MSG_ORDER_NOT_CURRENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_ORDER_NOT_CURRENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
MSG_PASSWORD_SAME_AS_OLD_PASSWORD - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_PERMISSION_DEFINED_PASSWORD_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_QUANTITY_LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALTO_ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
MSG_QUANTITY_LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALTO_ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
MSG_QUANTITY_LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALTO_ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_QUANTITY_LESSTHAN_ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_READ_ONLY_PROFILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_REPRICE_ORDER_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
MSG_TYPE_CONVERSION_ERR - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_UNABLE_TO_ADD_ITEM_TO_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_APPROVE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_CLAIM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
MSG_UNABLE_TO_COPY_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_COPY_ADDRESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_COPY_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SG - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_GET_UPDATEABLE_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_INIT_SG - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
MSG_UNABLE_TO_REJECT_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
MSG_UNSUPPORTED_RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
MSG_UNSUPPORTED_RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
MSG_UPDATE_ORDER_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
MSG_UPDATEABLE_CONTENT_ITEM_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
MSG_UPDATEABLE_ITEM_CONFIG_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
MSG_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
MSG_USER_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_USER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CANCEL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
MSG_WARNING_PROFILE_TOOLS - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mShipFromCity - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mShipFromCity - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mShipFromCountry - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mShipFromCountry - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
mShipFromGeoCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mShipFromState - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mShipFromState - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mShipFromZip - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
mShipFromZip - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mShippingGroupContainer - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
mShippingGroupId - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mShippingGroupIdParameter - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mShippingGroupManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
mShoppingCartPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
mShoppingCartPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
mShoppingCartPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
mShoppingCartPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
mShuttingDown - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Flag if we are in the process of shutting down
mSingleParameterExpression - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
A single instance of a ParameterExpression that will be used as a placeholder for parameters in a query
mSocket - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
The Socket this should use, if a one-shot handler
mSoftBounced - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Whether or not this email was soft bounced
mSortBy - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
The criteria used to sort results in this targeter
mSortColumns - Variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
mSortColumns is list that contains the same Column objects as mColumns, but listed in the order in which the columns are sorted.
mSortDirectives - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
The SortDirectives object that corresponds to mSortBy
mSortListeners - Variable in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
The list of respective log listeners to dispatch to.
mSortString - Variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
mSourceMap - Variable in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
The map of source names to their Nucleus paths
mSourceOrder - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
mSources - Variable in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
The sample sources
mSpaces - Variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
currently defined id spaces
mStageNames - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
mStageReachedJMSType - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
mStartupSleepTime - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Time in millis to sleep between startup attempts.
mState - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mStatePropertyName - Variable in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
mStatus - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
An identifier signifying the status of the profile for this request.
mStopProcessingOnError - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Stop processing on tax calculation error? Defaults to true.
mSubmitShipping - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Whether or not to submit shipping cost to TaxWare as freight.
mSwapEventListeners - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
A List of EventListeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
mSyncPath - Variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
If not null, the path name of a component to synchronize on before delivering form arguments
mTargeters - Variable in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
The set of RuleBasedRepositoryTargeters to use for targeting
mTaxCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
mTaxSelParm - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
mTaxService - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Reference to the sales tax service.
mTime - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
The time in milliseconds when the event was fired.
mTimeCheckedOut - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
The time in milliseconds when this object was checked out.
mTimestamp - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
The time as a Timestamp when the event was fired
mTrackingData - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
The tracking data contained in the email
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
The transaction manager to use for transactions while we do repository work.
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
mTransactionManager - Variable in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
mTransactionType - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
mTransient - Variable in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
mTrimProperties - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mType - Variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
The type of this event.
mUidForFailover - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
The restored value of the profile id
MULTIPLE_ITEM_TYPES_DISALLOW - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: cant search multiple item types with navigation
MultipleCatalogException - Exception in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
Represents an exception thrown when a category is added to two different catalogs.
MultipleCatalogException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MultipleCatalogException
Constructs a new MultipleCatalogException.
MultipleCatalogException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MultipleCatalogException
Constructs a new MultipleCatalogException with the given explanation.
MultipleCatalogException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MultipleCatalogException
Constructs a new MultipleCatalogException.
MultipleCatalogException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.catalog.custom.MultipleCatalogException
Constructs a new MultipleCatalogException with the given explanation.
MultipleConfigurationFinder - Class in atg.nucleus
A MultipleConfigurationFinder contains other ConfigurationFinders, which are called in then order they were added to search for a configuration.
MultipleConfigurationFinder() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.MultipleConfigurationFinder
Constructs a new MultipleConfigurationFinder
MULTIPLEFULFILLERS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
MultiProfileAddFormHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This is a form handler for creating one or more user profiles with a single submit request.
MultiProfileAddFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
MultiProfileForm - Class in atg.userprofiling
This is the base class for a form handler for updating one or more user profiles with a single request.
MultiProfileForm() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This is a form handler for updating one or more user profiles with a single request.
MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
MultiPropertyConcatenator - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
A class that concatenates values from two or more properties of nucleus components.
MultiPropertyConcatenator() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
MultiUserAddFormHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This FormHandler will take care of setting user directory properties for new users.
MultiUserAddFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
MultiUserUpdateFormHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This is an extension of MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler that handles the updating of UserDirectory profile properties.
MultiUserUpdateFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
mUnusedPoolSlots - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The list of unused spaces in the pool.
mUpdateErrorURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mUpdateSuccessURL - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mURL - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The JDBC URL string.
mUseProductCode - Variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
This property defines a pre-taxableItem request rather than a pre-shipping group request
mUser - Variable in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. The db user to login as.
mUserLoginManager - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
This is the UserLoginManager used throughout the application to manage authentication.
mUserPricingModelHolderPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
mUserPricingModelsPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
The path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
mUserPricingModelsPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
mUserPricingModelsPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
mUserPricingModelsPath - Variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
mUseVerazip - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Whether or not to attempt to use VeraZip.
mUsingLdapProfile - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Property indicating whether this form handler is acting on an LDAP profile.
mustKnowFirstTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
If true, then the first time getNextJobTime is called it will be called with -1.
mustKnowFirstTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
If true, then the first time getNextJobTime is called it will be called with -1.
mustKnowFirstTime() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
If true, then the first time getNextJobTime is called it will be called with -1.
mustKnowFirstTime() - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
If true, then the first time getNextJobTime is called it will be called with -1.
MutableExpression - Interface in atg.process.expression
An Expression that can be modified.
MutableExpression - Interface in atg.scenario.expression
Deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
MutableHttpServletRequest - Class in atg.servlet
This class is a wrapper around an HttpServletRequest that allows fields of the normally immutable request to be set.
MutableHttpServletRequest() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Constructs a new MutableHttpServletRequest
MutableHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Constructs a new MutableHttpServletRequest
MutableRepository - Interface in atg.repository
MutableRepositoryItem - Interface in atg.repository
RepositoryItem that can be updated.
mValidateShippingGroups - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
mValue - Variable in class atg.markers.MarkerData
mValue - Variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
mVerifiedSaveModes - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
mVerifyZipInfo - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
mWaitingForClient - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Flag set to true if we are in the middle of waiting for the client.
mWebAppRequestScope - Variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The RequestScope for the local (web app) Nucleus
mWebAppWindowScope - Variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
mWillDeleteSource - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
mWritingAudit - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Whether or not to write this transaction to the TaxWare audit file.
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Name of the resource
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
MY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
mZipIndexArray - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
The index into the array associated with the zip result.
mZipResultArray - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
The zip result returned from verazip.
mZombie - Variable in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Flag showing if this server has been killed


NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Name(String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Get a name, given a code
NAME - Static variable in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
The attribute property that indicates the property for the item-descriptor
NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_BEGINS_WITH - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_CONTAINS - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
NAME_SPACE - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
constant representing namespace prefix.
NAME_SPACE_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
String representing separator for elements in namespace.
NameContext - Interface in atg.naming
A NameContext represents an interface for binding String names to Object "elements".
NameContextBindingEvent - Class in atg.naming
A NameContextBindingEvent encapsulates the notification that an element has been bound or unbound from a NameContext.
NameContextBindingEvent(String, Object, NameContext) - Constructor for class atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent
Constructs a new NameContextBindingEvent
NameContextBindingEventSource - Interface in atg.naming
This is an extension of NameContext that allows Listeners to be notified when elements are bound or unbound from the NameContext.
NameContextBindingListener - Interface in atg.naming
A NameContextBindingListener is an object that can be notified of bind/unbind events from a NameContext.
NameContextElement - Interface in atg.naming
A NameContextElement is an interface that may be implemented by objects that will be bound into a NameContext.
nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingListener
This is called to notify the listener that an element was bound into the NameContext.
nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.
nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.
nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.
nameContextElementBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This is called to notify this context that it is being bound into a NameContext.
nameContextElementPreBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Dummy implementation to satisfy interface requirement.
nameContextElementPreBound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Called when a new session is created.
nameContextElementPreUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Called just before a session is destroyed.
nameContextElementPreUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Called just before a session is destroyed.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingListener
This is called to notify the listener that an element was unbound from the NameContext.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This is called to notify this context that it is being unbound from a NameContext.
nameContextElementUnbound(NameContextBindingEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Called just after a session is removed from its name context.
NameContextImpl - Class in atg.naming
This is a straightforward implementation of NameContext.
NameContextImpl() - Constructor for class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Constructs a new NameContextImpl
NamedQueryView - Interface in atg.repository
This is a RepositoryView add-on that provides methods to allow the creation of Named Queries
NameResolver - Interface in atg.naming
A NameResolver represents an object that implements the name resolution strategies specific to some naming system.
NARROW - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum
Narrow Gear Width
NARROW - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum
Narrow region width
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to nativeSQL
NAV_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
NAV_COUNT - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
NavHistory - Class in atg.repository.servlet
When you are walking in the woods, experts recommend carrying a loaf of bread and throwing down bread crumbs everywhere you walk so that when you would like to return, you can follow a trail of breadcrumbs to your home.
NavHistory() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
NavHistoryCollector - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This droplet is what you would use to throw down a trail of breadcrumbs that will show the user the way that he has navigated your site to arrive at the page he is on.
NavHistoryCollector() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
NavHistoryItem - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This simple bean is used by RepositoryNavigator and NavHistory to contain those occasional site locations that do not correspond to a repository item.
NavHistoryItem(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
navigate(Object, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
This method uses navAction to decide how to place pItem on the NavHistory property and then does it.
needsEvents() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Returns true if the form has no stuff in it.
needsIncrementalUpdate(ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState, IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Whether the specified configuration needs an incremental update based on the last update indexed times.
needsRounding(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method determines whether the input number needs to be rounded based on the value of the roundingDecimalPlaces property.
negate() - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns a filter which is obtained by negating this filter.
negate() - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns a filter which is obtained by negating this filter.
NEGATIVE_ADJUSTMENTS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NEGATIVE_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NESTED_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
NEVER - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
NEW - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
NEW_ASSET - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
newAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Hook that allows subclasses to override the type of account that we create.
newAccount(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
Override standard account creation method with one that creates slightly smarter account objects.
newItemMappingElement() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Creates a new ItemMappingElement object.
newPropertyMappingElement() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method creates a new PropertyMappingElement.
NEXT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
NEXT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
NEXT_HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
NEXT_HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
NEXT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
NEXT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
NEXTINDEX - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that indicates the first index of the next batch
nextQueuedUpdateActivity() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Return the next queued item for an update activity.
nextTransactionId() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Generate a unique transaction id.
NO_ACCESS_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Indicates the absence of an access controller in the path cache
NO_ACES - Static variable in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
An empty array of access control entries.
NO_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
NO_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
NO_DEBIT_STATUS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
NO_DUPLICATES - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The duplication mode to prevent a new marker from being added if a duplicate marker already exists
NO_FLUSH_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Attribute where we stash our NoFlushHttpServletResponse during a DSP PageTag.
NO_GIFTCERTIFICATE_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
NO_INPUT_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_INVENTORY_MANAGER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
NO_ITEMS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_LICENSE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
NO_LICENSE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_MAX_NUMBER - Static variable in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Indicates that no pMaxNumber has been specified
NO_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
default type is NO_METHOD for regular columns
NO_MODIFICATIONS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
NO_OP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
NO_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_PASSWORD_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
NO_PENDING_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
NO_PENDING_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
NO_PERSONALIZATION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for no personalization
NO_POSITION - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
NO_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum
No Preference Gear Height
NO_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum
No preference Gear Width
NO_PRICE_INFO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_PRICE_SOURCE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_PRICING_MODEL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_PROPERTY_NAMES_FOR_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: no property names specified for searched item
NO_PROPERTY_NAMES_FOR_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: no property names specified for searched item
NO_ROUTER_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
NO_SERVICE_MANAGER_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
NO_SG_TO_INIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
NO_SHIPPING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NO_START_INDEX - Static variable in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Indicates that no pStartIndex has been specified
NO_XML_PARSE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NODE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
The name of the node input parameter
NODE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the node input parameter
NodeForEach - Class in atg.droplet.xml
Select a set of DOM nodes using a pattern and iterate over them.
NodeForEach() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
NodeForEachBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.xml
BeanInfo for the NodeForEach droplet.
NodeForEachBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEachBeanInfo
NodeMatch - Class in atg.droplet.xml
Select the next DOM node that matches a pattern.
NodeMatch() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
NodeMatchBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.xml
BeanInfo for the NodeMatch droplet.
NodeMatchBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatchBeanInfo
NoInventoryManager - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This implementation of the InventoryManager interface is intented to be merely a placeholder.
NoInventoryManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
NON_SECURE_URL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
nonClearingSetRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Don't clear values no matter what clearValueOnSet says
NONCOMPARABLE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
NONE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
NONE - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
NONE - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
NoNexus - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
NORMAL - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
NORMAL mode runs the performance monitor with only stack tracking on
NoSuchAccountException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when attempting to add a Group that already exists.
NoSuchAccountException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.NoSuchAccountException
NoSuchGroupException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when a security operation fails because the indicated group does not exist.
NoSuchGroupException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.NoSuchGroupException
NoSuchUserException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when a security operation fails because the indicated user does not exist.
NoSuchUserException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.NoSuchUserException
NOT_CONTAINS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation NOT_CONTAINS.
NOT_ENDS_WITH - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation NOT_ENDS_WITH.
NOT_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
NOT_EQUALS - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Comparison Relation !=
NOT_STARTS_WITH - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation NOT_STARTS_WITH.
NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
NOT_YET_APPROVED - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
NoTaxCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Creates a new TaxPriceInfo that specifies no tax.
NoTaxCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.NoTaxCalculator
Constructs an instanceof NoTaxCalculator
NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository
A property descriptor to be used with a Repository that returns the first object that is not empty or the merged collection of all non-empty values.
NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Constructs an instanceof NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
notifyAddedObject(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Notifies pElement that it has just been added to this name context with the name pName.
notifyDeploymentListeners(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Notifies the deployment listeners of some event
notifyHandledRequest(long) - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
This records the fact that a request was handled.
notifyRemovedObject(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Notifies pElement that it has been removed from this name context.
Nucleus - Class in atg.nucleus
A Nucleus serves two purposes: it is the root of a NameContext hierarchy, and it implements the policies for resolving names in the hierarchy.
Nucleus(String, String, LogListener) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Constructs a new Nucleus.
Nucleus(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Constructs a new Nucleus.
Nucleus.ValidationRunner - Class in atg.nucleus
Nucleus.ValidationRunner(Nucleus) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.Nucleus.ValidationRunner
NUCLEUS_NAME - Variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
NULL_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NULL_OBJECT - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
NULL_PARAM_FOR_SHIPPING_FILTER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NULL_PRODUCTID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
NULL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
NULL_RQL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
NULL_SENTINEL - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
NULL_SENTINEL - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Object to be used to reprosent null property values.
NULL_SKU_AND_PRODUCT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
NullableTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
This converter allows a property value to be set to null by returning the special SET_TO_NULL value for an empty String.
NullableTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.NullableTagConverter
NullEncoder - Class in atg.security
Returns a string constructed out of a binary array, without modification.
NullEncoder() - Constructor for class atg.security.NullEncoder
nullOrEmptyString(String) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
A helper function which checks to see if a string is null or empty.
NullPasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
A password hasher that doesn't do anything.
NullPasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.NullPasswordHasher
NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
NUM_OF_ORDERS - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
numActions() - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Returns the number of actions
NumberTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
Performs conversion to and from Number objects in jhtml tags.
NumberTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.NumberTagConverter
numHrefs() - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Returns the number of hrefs
NUMORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
NUMORDERS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
NUMORDERS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates the number (count) of orders that need to be returned.


ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
Persistent, obfuscated id generator that keeps track of ids given out using an SQL DB table.
ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Construct a generator
OBJ1 - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
OBJ2 - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Compare
OBJECT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
OBJECT_BEFORE_GET_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the request attribute for the vector of beforeGet objects that implement ObjectFormHandler
OBJECT_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
OBJECT_PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The request attribute used to hold object parameteryres
ObjectCreationException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when the construction of a commerce object fails.
ObjectCreationException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectCreationException
Constructs a new ObjectCreationException
ObjectCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectCreationException
Constructs a new ObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
ObjectCreationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectCreationException
Constructs a new ObjectCreationException.
ObjectCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectCreationException
Constructs a new ObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
ObjectRemovalException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when the removal of a commerce object fails.
ObjectRemovalException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectRemovalException
Constructs a new ObjectRemovalException
ObjectRemovalException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectRemovalException
Constructs a new ObjectRemovalException with the given explanation.
ObjectRemovalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectRemovalException
Constructs a new ObjectRemovalException.
ObjectRemovalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ObjectRemovalException
Constructs a new ObjectRemovalException with the given explanation.
ObjectStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This is the base class for any class representing the possible states for an object.
ObjectStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
ObjectTypeInfo - Class in atg.droplet
This is an abstract class that is used to store various ways of representing "type" information for a bean or property.
ObjectTypeInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
OLDPASSWORD_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Name of the old password form parameter
OLDPASSWORD_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Name of the old password form parameter
OLDPASSWORD_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Name of the old password form parameter
ONE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ONE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
onSale(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Returns true if the commerce item to be priced is on sale
onSale(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
Returns true if the commerce item to be priced is on sale
OP_COMMIT - Static variable in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
OP_HAS_LASTMARKER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
OP_HAS_LASTMARKER - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
OP_HAS_LASTMARKER_WITHKEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
OP_HAS_LASTMARKER_WITHKEY - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
OP_HAS_MARKER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
Scenario operators handled by the evaluate methods
OP_HAS_MARKER - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ItemHasMarker
Scenario operators handled by the evaluate methods
OP_NO_REPRICE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Do not perform a pricing operation.
OP_REPRICE_ITEMS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to price the CommerceItems
OP_REPRICE_ORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to price the Order (not items, taxes, or shipping)
OP_REPRICE_ORDER_SUBTOTAL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate the order subtotal, including all items
OP_REPRICE_ORDER_SUBTOTAL_SHIPPING - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate the order subtotal, including all items and shipping, but not taxes
OP_REPRICE_ORDER_SUBTOTAL_TAX - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate the order subtotal, including all items and taxes, but not shipping
OP_REPRICE_ORDER_TOTAL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate the complete order total, including all items, shipping and taxes
OP_REPRICE_SHIPPING - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate shipping costs
OP_REPRICE_TAX - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Pricing operation keyword to calculate taxes
OP_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
OP_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
open() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Opens the log media for writing to (if applicable).
open() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Opens the log media for writing to (if applicable).
open() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Opens the log media for writing to (if applicable).
openAllConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Open all the socket connections to every remote server
openConnection() - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailMessageSender
Opens a connection to the mail server.
openConnection() - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Opens a connection to the mail server using a separate thread.
openConnections() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
If no connections are open, they are initialized and established.
openFileForReading(File, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.distributor.IOTools
Attempt to open a FileInputStream based on the supplied file.
openFileForWriting(File, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.distributor.IOTools
Attempt to open a FileOutputStream based on the supplied file.
openOrCloseTaxWare(boolean) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Called to open or close taxware.
OPENSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The optional input parameter that indicates which are the states that correspond to open states.
openTaxWare() - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
Open taxware.
operandsEquals(ExpressionFilter) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Returns true if the given ExpressionFilter has the same operands as this ExpressionFilter.
operandsEquals(ExpressionFilter) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Returns true if the given ExpressionFilter has the same operands as this ExpressionFilter.
operationForItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Convenience method checking if an item is already in the DeploymentDatat
operationForItemByPath(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method checking if an item is already in the DeploymentDatat
operationForItemByURI(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Convenience method checking if an item is already in the DeploymentDatat
OPERATOR_ADD - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_ADD - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND_ALL - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND_ALL - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND_ONCE - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_APPEND_ONCE - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface atg.process.expression.MutableExpression
OPERATOR_SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface atg.scenario.expression.MutableExpression
OPTIMA - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
optimize() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Optimizes the ACL.
OPTIONS_KEY - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
OracleDBCopier - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A DB copier for Oracle databases.
OracleDBCopier() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
ORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
Order - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that represents an order.
ORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
ORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelType
ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
order(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Compares two objects as Dynamic Beans, based on the sorting directives contained in this object.
ORDER_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_CREDIT_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_DISCOUNT_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_ID_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_IS_DONE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_LOAD_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_MANUAL_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_MARKER_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerConstants
the resource bundle name for user resources
ORDER_NO_AUDIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
ORDER_NO_PENDING_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_NOT_PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
ORDER_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the order object out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
ORDER_PENDING_REMOVE_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_PREFULFILLMENT_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerConstants
Event's order property name
ORDER_REMOVED_STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_REPOSITORY_PATH - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
ORDER_SAVE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_SHIPPING_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
ORDER_SHIPPING_ITEMS_SUBTOTAL_DISCOUNT_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_SHIPPING_ITEMS_SUBTOTAL_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_STATE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_INCOMPLETE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_NO_MODIFY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_NO_PENDING_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_PROCESSING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_QUOTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_STATE_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
ORDER_SUBTOTAL_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
ORDER_SUBTOTAL_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_TAX_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
ORDER_TAXABLE_SHIPPING_ITEMS_SUBTOTAL_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ORDER_TOTAL_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
ORDER_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ORDER_WAS_CREDITED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
OrderAbandoned - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This class is used to create each of the types of order abandonment messages: OrderAbandoned, OrderReanimated, OrderConverted, and OrderLost.
OrderAbandoned() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
ORDERAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
ORDERAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
ORDERAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
ORDERAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
OrderBasedProcessConfiguration - Class in atg.commerce.markers.bp
Business Process configuration class for a process based on orders.
OrderBasedProcessConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
OrderCanceller - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
Deprecated. Use the atg.commerce.order.CancelOrderService instead
OrderCanceller() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
OrderCanceller - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
Deprecated. Use the atg.commerce.order.CancelOrderService instead
OrderCanceller() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
OrderChangeHandler - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This component will be one of the destination of the ModifyOrderNotification message.
OrderChangeHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to order promotions.
OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator
OrderDiscountCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Calculates OrderPriceInfos for Orders which the calculator is given.
OrderDiscountCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
orderExists(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Checks to see if an order id exists in the OrderRepository.
OrderFulfiller - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class handles the start of the fulfillment process and is responsible for the routing of various requests made to the fulfillment subsystem.
OrderFulfiller() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
ORDERFULFILLER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
OrderFulfillerModificationHandler - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
The OrderFulfillerModificationHandler deals with the ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotifications messages received by the OrderFulfiller.
OrderFulfillerModificationHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
OrderFulfillmentTools - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This class contains convenience methods for various tasks that occur frequently during the order fulfillment process.
OrderFulfillmentTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
orderHasBusinessProcessStage(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to test for a business process marker on an order.
OrderHasLastMarker - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet tests the last marker of an order for match based on the provided key, value, data and extendedProperties.
OrderHasLastMarker() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarker
OrderHasLastMarkerWithKey - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet tests the order's last marker with a specific key, for match based on the value, data and extendedProperties.
OrderHasLastMarkerWithKey() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasLastMarkerWithKey
OrderHasMarker - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet tests for a matching marker using the key, value and extendedProperties.
OrderHasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderHasMarker
OrderHasMarker - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
This class can be used to create marker test expressions for an order.
OrderHasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderHasMarker
OrderHolder - Class in atg.commerce.order
This component, typically session-scope, keeps track of the Order objects that are associated with a user.
OrderHolder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Constructs an instanceof OrderHolder
ORDERID - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ORDERID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates which order to get
ORDERID - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
OrderImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
An implementation of the Order interface which represents an Order.
OrderImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
OrderLookup - Class in atg.commerce.order
This servlet renders one or more order objects based on the input params.
OrderLookup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
OrderManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Orders.
OrderManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Constructs an OrderManager object.
ORDERMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
OrderMarkerConfiguration - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
Configuration class used by order scenario marker actions and expressions.
OrderMarkerConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
OrderMarkerConstants - Interface in atg.commerce.markers
Constants file for the order marker feature implementation.
OrderMarkerDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This is the base class for order marker droplets.
OrderMarkerDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
OrderMarkerManager - Class in atg.commerce.markers
Order based repository marker manager implementation.
OrderMarkerManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
OrderMarkerServices - Class in atg.commerce.markers
OrderMarkerServices contains the methods that implement Marker WebServices for Orders.
OrderMarkerServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
OrderMergeEvent - Class in atg.commerce.order
A Java event indicating that one order was merged into another.
OrderMergeEvent(Order, Order, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Construct a new OrderMergeEvent for a given source and destination order and delete-source mode.
OrderMergeListener - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An EventListener interface for components that wish to be notified when information is merged from one order into another.
OrderMergeListenerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A trivial Nucleus component implementation of the EventListener interface that does nothing but emit debugging messages.
OrderMergeListenerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListenerImpl
OrderModified - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
OrderModified.java Created: Thu Mar 29 11:07:18 2000
OrderModified() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
OrderModifierFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order
This abstract class defines the FormHandling functionality necessary in order to manager Order modifications for existing or new orders.
OrderModifierFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof OrderModifierFormHandler
ORDEROWNERPROFILE - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
OrderPaymentInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo whose CommerceIdentifier is an Order.
OrderPaymentInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.OrderPaymentInfo
Creates a new OrderPaymentInfo instance.
ORDERPENDINGSHIPMAP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
OrderPriceInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Contains the following information about the price of an Order: taxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos is a map of shipping group IDs to OrderPriceInfos that describe the prices of the totals of the taxable items in the order's shippinggroups.
OrderPriceInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
OrderPricingCalculator - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
An OrderPricingCalculator modifies the price of an Order.
OrderPricingEngine - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for Order objects.
OrderPricingEngineImpl - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
An OrderPricingEngine implementation which computes the price for an order.
OrderPricingEngineImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
OrderQueries - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class contains methods for executing various types of order queries.
OrderQueries() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Constructs an OrderQueries object.
OrderRelationship - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is an Order.
OrderRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages OrderRelationship objects.
OrderRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of OrderRelationship objects.
OrderRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a OrderRelationshipContainerImpl object.
ORDERREPOSITORY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ORDERREPOSITORYITEM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
OrderRepositoryUtils - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This class contains utility methods which the load and save processors use to access the OrderRepository.
OrderRepositoryUtils() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
OrderServices - Class in atg.commerce.order
OrderServices contains the methods that implement conversational order management web services.
OrderServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
ordersMerged(OrderMergeEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
When orders are merged, this method copies the markers from the source order to the destination order.
ordersMerged(OrderMergeEvent) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListener
This method is called with an instance of @link{OrderMergeEvent} to indicate that two orders are in the process of being merged.
ordersMerged(OrderMergeEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListenerImpl
This method is called with an instance of @link{OrderMergeEvent} to indicate that two orders are in the process of being merged.
OrderStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This class specifies all the states that an order may be in.
OrderStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
ORDERSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
OrderStatusFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus
This formHandler is used in the full view of the Order Status gear.
OrderStatusFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
OrderSubtotalCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Computes the rawSubtotal and amount of an OrderPriceInfo that corresponds to the input Order.
OrderSubtotalCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
OrderTools - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is a low level business layer class.
OrderTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Constructs an OrderTools object.
OrderTypePropertyEditor - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
OrderTypePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderTypePropertyEditor
OrderUserMessage - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class encapsulates messages, configurable string constants and message formatting conventions.
OrderUserMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
ORDERWAITINGSHIPMAP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
orFilters(Filter, Filter) - Static method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns a filter which is obtained by ORing the two given filters.
orFilters(Filter[]) - Static method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Returns a filter which is obtained by ORing the filters in the given array.
orFilters(Filter, Filter) - Static method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns a filter which is obtained by ORing the two given filters.
orFilters(Filter[]) - Static method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Returns a filter which is obtained by ORing the filters in the given array.
Organization - Interface in atg.userdirectory
An Organization is a Principal representing an organization in the organizational graph of a user directory.
ORGANIZATION_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
ORGANIZATION_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
OrganizationalEntity - Interface in atg.userdirectory
An OrganizationalEntity is a Principal that can belong to an organization, in other words an Organization or a User.
OTHER_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
OUT_DOC_NAME_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the default document parameter
OUT_OF_STOCK - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
OUT_OF_STOCK - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
OutcomeDescriptor - Class in atg.workflow
Description of an outcome for some task as specified in a workflow.
OutcomeDescriptor(TaskDescriptor, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Constructs an OutcomeDescriptor with the given task, outcome element id, and name.
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
The open parameter that indicates that there is a result
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The open parameter that indicates that there is a result
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.For
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Parameter used to hold output of the servlet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
OUTPUT - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
OUTPUT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
OUTPUT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
OUTPUT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
OUTPUT_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
OUTPUT_IS_XML - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Flat used by dsp jsp to set whether our output is XML.
OUTPUT_ITEMS - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
OUTPUT_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the output output parameter.
OUTPUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the output open parameter
OUTPUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the output open parameter
OUTPUT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the output paramameter
OUTPUT_ROW_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
OUTPUT_ROW_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
OUTPUT_ROW_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
OUTPUT_ROW_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
OUTPUT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
OUTPUT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
OUTPUT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
OUTPUT_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
outputAndSubmitDocument(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Create the XHTML file for the Context's OutputDocumentContent and submit it using the DocumentSubmitterSession.
OverrideContextPathMode - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet overrides the encodeContextPathMode for the course of rendering its output parmater.
OverrideContextPathMode() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
OWNERSHIP - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
OWNERSHIP_ANY - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Accept all tasks, regardless of ownership.
OWNERSHIP_SELF - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Accept only tasks owned by the user associated with this view.
OWNERSHIP_SELF_OR_UNOWNED - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Accept only tasks which are either unowned or owned by the user associated with this view.
OWNERSHIP_UNOWNED - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Accept only tasks which are unowned.


Page - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Pages are components which allow for the arrangment of multiple gears.
PAGE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the page attribute.
PAGE_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Flag indicating that page-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
PAGE_FILTER_CHAIN_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PAGE_FILTER_ENABLED - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PAGE_FRAGMENT_SUBSTITUTER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This attribute contains the PageFragmentSubstituter.
PAGE_LEVEL_PERSONALIZATION - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Identifier for page level personalization
PAGE_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Prefix for event topic heirarchy.
PAGE_PREFIX_NO_SLASH - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Variant prefix for event topic heirarchy.
PAGE_VIEWED_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
PAGE_WIZARD_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
PageColorFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This form handler provides convenient methods for updating a community page's color palette.
PageColorFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
PageEvent - Class in atg.userprofiling
PageEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Constructs a page event.
PageEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
Constructs a page event of the given type.
PageEventTrigger - Class in atg.userprofiling
This class is used to fire events/messages when pages are viewed, or certain links are clicked
PageEventTrigger() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Constructs an instanceof PageEventTrigger
PageEventTriggerDroplet - Class in atg.userprofiling
A droplet which can be used to fire off page viewed events.
PageEventTriggerDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PageEventTriggerDroplet
PageFilterUtil - Class in atg.servlet.pagefilter
PageFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for operating on a Portal Application Framework community page.
PageFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
PageGearsFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This form handler provides convenient methods for adding or removing gears from a community page.
PageGearsFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
PageLayoutFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This form handler provides convenient methods for updating a community page's layout
PageLayoutFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
PageTemplate - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a page templates
PageTemplateFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for registering new page templates in the portal framework.
PageTemplateFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof PageTemplateFormHandler
PageVisitMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
PageVisitMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Constructs a blank PageVisitMessage
PageVisitMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Constructs a Page Visit message.
PARAM_DATA - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for data
PARAM_DEFER_FORWARD_OR_REDIRECT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
The name of a parameter that represents whether to defer the execution of forwards and redirects until after all form handling has been completed.
PARAM_DESCRIPTORS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.DropletBeanInfo
PARAM_DUPMODE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for duplicationMode
PARAM_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for extendedProperties
PARAM_FILTER - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
PARAM_ITEM - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
PARAM_ITEM_ID - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for itemId
PARAM_KEY - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for key
PARAM_KEY - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
PARAM_MARKED_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for markedItemType
PARAM_MARKER_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for markerItemType
PARAM_MARKER_MANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for markerManager
PARAM_MARKER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for markerPropertyName
PARAM_MARSHAL_KEY - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
PARAM_MARSHAL_OBJECT - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
PARAM_MESSAGE_FILL_FROM_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
PARAM_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
parameter: orderId
PARAM_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
parameter: orderId
PARAM_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
parameter: orderId
PARAM_ORDER_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
parameter: orderId
PARAM_ORDER_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
PARAM_PROMOTIONS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
parameter: template
PARAM_PROMOTIONS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
parameter: template
PARAM_SLOT - Static variable in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterSlot
PARAM_TRANSACTION_CREATED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
PARAM_TRANSACTION_CREATED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
PARAM_USE_FORWARDS - Static variable in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
The name of a parameter that represents whether to use forwards.
PARAM_USE_FORWARDS - Variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
The name of a parameter that represents whether to use forwards.
PARAM_VALUE - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
parameter name for value
PARAM_VALUE_TRUE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
PARAM_VALUE_TRUE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
ParamDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
BeanDescriptor subclass for droplets, permitting retrieval of parameter descriptions.
ParamDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
ParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean, ParamDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
ParamDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
ParamDescriptor(String, String, Class) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
ParamDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
ParamDescriptorResolver - Interface in atg.droplet
This interface is implemented by various nodes in the SGML tree.
PARAMETER_NOT_SET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ParameterName - Class in atg.nucleus.naming
A ParameterName object can represent any parameter name used in Dynamo.
ParameterServlet - Interface in atg.servlet
This is an interface implemented by Servlets that have parameters.
ParameterSupportQueryBuilder - Interface in atg.repository
Provides support for parameter QueryExpressions.
ParameterSupportView - Interface in atg.repository
This interface provides one variation of executeQuery(..) for every existing variation in atg.repository.RepositoryView with the addition of an Object[] argument representing the values of any parameter QueryExpression objects present in the provided Query argument.
parameterToStringArray(DynamoHttpServletRequest, ParameterName) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Given a paramter name, it converts the parameter's value into a string array separated by SEPARATOR
PARENT_SESSION_ID_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PARENT_SKU_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
parse(String, SecurityContext) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Parses a list of access control entry elements into a string.
parse(String, SecurityContext, boolean) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
Parses a list of access control entry elements into a string.
parse(String, UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
parse(String, SecurityConfiguration) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Converts a string describing an ACL into an actual ACL, validating personae, ACE types, and access rights.
parse(String, SecurityConfiguration, boolean) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
An ACL parsing variant that will ignore inconsistencies if pBestEffort is true.
parse(String) - Static method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Parses a list of access rights.
parse(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Parses a CalendarSchedule from the specified String, adding all the elements specified by that String.
parse(String, Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Parses a CalendarSchedule from the specified String, adding all the elements specified by that String.
parseAllFiles() - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Parse all the mapping files that are pointed to by this component.
parseCertificate(String) - Method in interface atg.security.CertificateParser
Parse a certificate from a String
parseCertificate(InputStream) - Method in interface atg.security.CertificateParser
Parse a certificate from an InputStream
parseDayField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the date property of a Timestamp value.
parseDefinitionFile(InputStream) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Parses a DefinitionFile from the given input stream
parseDefinitionFile(File) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Parses a DefinitionFile from the given File
parseDEHourField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the hour property of a Timestamp value when the user's locale is de_DE.
parseExpression(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
This method parses an expression and generates a Rule tree.
parseField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses a Timestamp value.
parseHourField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the hour property of a Timestamp value.
parseInt(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Return the integer value of the string parameter or -1 if the string does not contain an valid integer string .
parseInt(String, int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Return the integer value of the string parameter or the specified default value if the string does not contain an valid integer string
parseInt(String, int) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Parse an string int value
parseMinuteField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the minute property of a Timestamp value.
parseMonthField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the month property of a Timestamp value.
parseNucleusClassPath() - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns an array of strings representing the parsed Nucleus class path.
parseNullField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses a null Timestamp value in case that the user does not have a date property value.
parseOtherHourField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the hour property of a Timestamp value when the user's locale is other than en_US and de_DE.
parsePostData(int, InputStream) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Parses posted data sent from the client to the server, and builds a HashTable object with key-value pairs.
parsePropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
Parse the supplied string into a FormatField
parsePropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
Parse the supplied string into a SQLColumnMapping
parsePropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
Parse the supplied string into a SQLColumnMapping
parsePropertyValue(String, Class) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
parsePropertyValue(String, Class, Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
Parses the specified value into and object of the specified class.
parseQuery(char[]) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Parses a query string passed from the client to the server and builds a HashTable object with key-value pairs.
parseQueryString(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Parses a query string passed from the client to the server and builds a HashTable object with key-value pairs.
parseRFC822String(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Utility method to turn a String representing a date into an actual java.util.Date object, using the syntax specifications from dates in rcf822.
parseRqlStatement(InputStream) - Static method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Parses an RqlStatement from the specified input stream.
parseRqlStatement(Reader) - Static method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Parses an RqlStatement from the specified Reader.
parseRqlStatement(String) - Static method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Parses an RqlStatement from the given String.
parseRqlStatement(String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Parses an RqlStatement from the given String.
parseSecondField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the second property of a Timestamp value.
parseSessionVariables(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
parseString(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Parse a String which is delimited by "|" into a collection of strings.
parseTransAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Returns the transaction attribute code for the given trans attribute string.
parseUSHourField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the hour property of a Timestamp value when the user's locale is en_US.
parseX509Certificates(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
parse the X509 certificates contained in the auth-cert header.
parseXMLDefinitionFile(InputStream) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Parses a DefinitionFile from the given XML-formatted file
parseXMLDefinitionFile(File) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Parses a DefinitionFile from the given XML-formatted file
parseYearField(Timestamp, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method parses the year property of a Timestamp value.
PARTIALSHIPMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
PartsFilterFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This form handler uses form input to generate an SGML targeting rule that targets parts in a repository.
PartsFilterFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
PASS_ALL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
PASS_LOCAL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
PASS_NONE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
PASS_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the args paramameter
PASS_POST - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
PASS_QUERY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
PASSIVE_GENERATION - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
passRequest(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Passes the specified request on to the next servlet in the pipeline
passRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Passes the specified request on to the next servlet in the pipeline
passRequest(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet
Passes the specified request on to the next servlet in the pipeline
passRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Passes the specified request on to the next servlet in the pipeline
passRequest(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Passes the specified request on to the next servlet in the pipeline
PasswordHasher - Interface in atg.security
This interface defines a hash function to be used to encrypt passwords.
PasswordHasher2 - Interface in atg.security
A password hasher that supplies the login along with the password, which is often useful for salting.
PasswordHasher2Adapter - Class in atg.security
An adapter that implements the base PasswordHasher interface for PasswordHasher2 implementations.
PasswordHasher2Adapter() - Constructor for class atg.security.PasswordHasher2Adapter
PATH - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
PATH_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Attribute names
PATH_TRANSLATOR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The name of the attribute to use for translating paths.
pathForId(String, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ResultList
Returns the path of the file from which the specified item was derived.
PathSecurityDomain - Class in atg.servlet.security
PathSecurityDomain() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
PathTranslator - Interface in atg.servlet
This interface is implemented by objects that perform translation from a URL (PathInfo) to a translated path (PathTranslated).
PAYMENT_CREDIT_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_AUTHORIZE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_AUTHORIZED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_SETTLE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_STATE_SETTLED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_GROUP_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
PAYMENT_GROUP_UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is the modification type update.
PAYMENT_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
PAYMENT_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
PAYMENT_INFO_OBJECT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PAYMENT_MANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PAYMENT_PROC_ACTION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PAYMENT_SETTLE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_SETTLED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
PAYMENT_STATUS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PaymentAddressContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that will have a billingAddress property
PAYMENTAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
PAYMENTAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
PAYMENTAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
PAYMENTAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
PaymentException - Exception in atg.commerce.payment
This exception indicates that an error occured while performing a PaymentManagewr operation.
PaymentException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException.
PaymentException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException with the given explanation.
PaymentException(String, List) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException with the given explanation.
PaymentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException.
PaymentException(Throwable, List) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException.
PaymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException with the given explanation.
PaymentException(String, Throwable, List) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Constructs a new PaymentException.
PaymentGroup - Interface in atg.commerce.order
This interface represents all the information which designates a payment medium.
PAYMENTGROUP - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between a CommerceItem and a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
PaymentGroupContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages PaymentGroup objects.
PaymentGroupContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of PaymentGroup objects.
PaymentGroupContainerImpl(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Constructs a PaymentGroupContainerImpl object.
PaymentGroupContainerService - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The PaymentGroupContainerService is convenient designed for a session scoped component.
PaymentGroupContainerService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Creates a new PaymentGroupContainerService instance.
PaymentGroupDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The PaymentGroupDroplet is a DynamoServlet that is used to initialize payment methods and CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects for use by the PaymentGroupFormHandler.
PaymentGroupDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Creates a new PaymentGroupDroplet instance.
PaymentGroupFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The PaymentGroupFormHandler is used to associate PaymentGroups with the various Order pieces.
PaymentGroupFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Creates a new PaymentGroupFormHandler instance.
PaymentGroupImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
paymentGroupIsModifiable(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
This method determines whether the payment group is in a condusive to editing state
PaymentGroupManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating PaymentGroups.
PaymentGroupManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Constructs a PaymentGroupManager object.
PAYMENTGROUPMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PaymentGroupMapContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The PaymentGroupMapContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of payment names [key] to PaymentGroups [value].
PaymentGroupModified - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
PaymentGroupModified.java Created: Thu Mar 29 11:07:18 2000
PaymentGroupModified() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
PaymentGroupNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a PaymentGroup cannot be found in a get or remove call.
PaymentGroupNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new PaymentGroupNotFoundException
PaymentGroupNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new PaymentGroupNotFoundException with the given explanation.
PaymentGroupNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new PaymentGroupNotFoundException.
PaymentGroupNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new PaymentGroupNotFoundException with the given explanation.
PaymentGroupOrderRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between an Order and a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupOrderRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
PaymentGroupRelationship - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages PaymentGroupRelationship objects.
PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class manages the containment of PaymentGroupRelationship objects.
PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl object.
PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between a PaymentGroup and a ShippingGroup.
PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
PaymentGroupStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This class specifies all the states that a PaymentGroup may be in.
PaymentGroupStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
PAYMENTGROUPSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
PaymentGroupTypePropertyEditor - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
PaymentGroupTypePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupTypePropertyEditor
PaymentGroupUpdate - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This modification is sent as part of a ModifyOrderNotification to the OrderFulfiller to indicate that the payment groups with these ids have been changed in some manner and as such need to be forwarded on to the fulfillers that are responsible for them.
PaymentGroupUpdate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
PaymentManager - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class provides a set of methods for dealing with operations on PaymentGroups.
PaymentManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
PaymentManagerAction - Class in atg.commerce.payment
Enumerated type representing the actions that can be taken by the PaymentManager with respect to a PaymentGroup.
PaymentManagerPipelineArgs - Class in atg.commerce.payment
Argument dictionary for pipeline chains and processors invoked by the PaymentManager.
PaymentManagerPipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
PaymentManagerPipelineArgs(int) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
PaymentManagerPipelineArgs(int, float) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
PaymentStatus - Interface in atg.payment
This interface defines a payment transaction status.
PaymentStatusImpl - Class in atg.payment
This class implements a payment transaction status.
PaymentStatusImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
PaymentStatusImpl(String, double, boolean, String, Date) - Constructor for class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when user payment type authorization fails.
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
Constructs a new PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
Constructs a new PaymentTypeAuthorizationException with the given explanation.
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
Constructs a new PaymentTypeAuthorizationException.
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.PaymentTypeAuthorizationException
Constructs a new PaymentTypeAuthorizationException with the given explanation.
PCT_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
PCT_MORE_THAN - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
PCT_OF - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
PENDING_APPROVAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PENDING_CUSTOMER_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PENDING_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
PENDING_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
PENDING_SHIPMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
PENDING_SUBITEM_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
PendingDeployment - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class PendingDeployment ("Pending deployment")
PendingDeploymentHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
PERCENT_OFF - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
PERCENT_OFF_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Integer representation of a Percent Off discount
PercentageComparisonFilter - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario
A filter class for scenario conditions of the form
PercentageComparisonFilter() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
PERFOP_DOFILTERCHAIN - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
PERFOP_FILTERREQUEST - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
PERFOP_FILTERRESPONSE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
performAction() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Implements the PostStartupAction interface.
PerformanceData - Class in atg.service.perfmonitor
This object contains the values for minimum, maximum, total executions, and total execution time for an operation.
PerformanceData() - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Constructs a PerformanceData object.
PerformanceHashtable - Class in atg.service.perfmonitor
This class stores the performance objects for operations.
PerformanceHashtable() - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Constructs a PerformanceStack object.
PerformanceHashtable(int) - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Constructs a PerformanceStack object.
PerformanceHashtable(int, float) - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Constructs a PerformanceStack object.
PerformanceMonitor - Class in atg.service.perfmonitor
The Performance Monitor servlet is responsible for gathering two types of performance data from different operations which occur in the server.
PerformanceMonitor() - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Constructs a null Template.
PerformancePool - Class in atg.service.perfmonitor
This class manages pools of objects.
PerformancePool(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
Constructs a PerformancePool object and populates it with objects of a given type
PerformanceStackData - Class in atg.service.perfmonitor
This class represents an operation, possibly parameterized, during runtime.
PerformanceStackData() - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Constructs a PerformanceStackData object with the given operation.
PerformanceStackData(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Constructs a PerformanceStackData object with the given operation.
performAuthORCredit(CreditCardInfo, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Implements the functionality to CreditCardProcessor Interface This wraps a call to sendCommand with an authorize or credit command.
performAuthORCredit(CreditCardInfo, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
This either authorizes an amount on a credit card which is a required operation before billing or credits an amount on a card as a new order (no record of a previous billing) The following list of properties of the CreditCardInfo are required.
performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Implements the functionality to CreditCardProcessor Interface This wraps a call to sendCommand with a capture or return.
performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo, String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
Deprecated. Please use performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo ccinfo, String pTransId, String pRequestToken, String pCommand) instead.
performDebitORCredit(CreditCardInfo, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
This performs either billing following an authorize, actually charging a credit card or credit a card following an already issued billing operation
performExitTracking(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns an encoded URL that can be decoded by the exit tracking handler
performExitTracking(ExitTrackingEvent) - Method in interface atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingListener
This is called to notify the listener that exit tracking was invoked.
PERFORMHARDGOODIDTARGETMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
performIdTargetModification(ModifyOrder, Order, IdTargetModification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
PERFORMIDTARGETMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
performItemModification(ModifyOrder, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
performMaintenance() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance in this order (the last step only happens if performInfoVerification is true.
performMaintenance(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance in this order (the last step only happens if performInfoVerification is true.
performMaintenance(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance on the given catalogs in this order (the last step only happens if performInfoVerification is true.
performMaintenance(Collection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance on the given catalogs in the following order.
performMaintenance(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance on the given catalogs within the given repository.
performMaintenance(Repository, Collection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance on the given catalogs within the given repository.
performMaintenance(boolean, Repository, Collection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Perform the maintenance on the given catalogs within the given repository.
performMonitorTask() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets called on every monitor poll interval.
performOrderModification(ModifyOrder, Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
performOrderModification(ModifyOrder, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
performPostStartupActions() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Perform any post start-up actions previously added.
performPostStartupActions(PostStartupAction[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Perform the specified startup actions.
performPricing(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Return the object (CommerceItem or List of CommerceItems) that has been priced
performPricing(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Returns the list of CommerceItems which have been priced.
performPricing(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
Returns the CommerceItem which has been priced.
performPricing(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Return true if we should price the shipping group
performPricingOperation(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Dispatch off of the Pricing Operation constant supplied to determine what type of pricing should be performed.
performRelationshipModification(ModifyOrder, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
performRQLCountQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Performs an RQL query using the given query statement against the given repository and item descriptor
performRQLQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Performs an RQL query using the given query statement against the given repository and item descriptor
performRQLQuery(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Performs an RQL query using the given query statement against the given repository and item descriptor
performSamplingTask() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Gets called on every sampling poll interval.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
The method that gets called at the given schedule.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Reload the global promotions
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Perform the scheduled task for this service.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Flushes the avaliable queue entries
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Performs the log rotation
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
This is called once for the minimum timeout specified by save requestScope.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Called by the scheduler when it is time for this service to perform its function.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Called by the scheduler when it is time for this service to perform its function.
performScheduledTask() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Perform our scheduled task.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Removes enough entries to get the memory size back within allowed limits
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
Called by the scheduler when it is time for this service to perform its function.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Called when either a monitor job or a sampling job occurs, according to the corresponding schedule.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Callback method for the scheduler.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Callback method for the scheduler.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Callback method for the scheduler.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Callback method for the scheduler.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Callback method for the scheduler.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Called when a scheduled job tied to this object occurs.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
This is called when a scheduled job tied to this object occurs.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedulable
This is called when a scheduled job tied to this object occurs.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Called by the scheduler when it is time for this service to perform its function.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
The method will be called by the scheduler according to its schedule.
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Obtains a sample and sends it to the listeners
performScheduledTask(Scheduler, ScheduledJob) - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Reload the global promotions
performService(Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Performs this services functions
performService(Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Performs this services functions
performService() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
performService(Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Performs this services functions.
performService(Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Performs this services functions
PERFORMSHIPGROUPUPDATEMODIFICATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
performShippingGroupModification(ModifyOrder, Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
performSwitch() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Perform the second and final phase of the switch process.
performTax(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Makes a call to cybersource for each shipping destination
PerfStackMismatchException - Exception in atg.service.perfmonitor
Represents an exception that occurs when calling endOperation in the PerfMonitor if the operation which is ending is not the one on the top of the stack
PerfStackMismatchException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.perfmonitor.PerfStackMismatchException
Constructs a new ConfigurationException
PerfStackMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.perfmonitor.PerfStackMismatchException
Constructs a new ConfigurationException
PerfStackMismatchException(PerformanceStackData, PerformanceStackData) - Constructor for exception atg.service.perfmonitor.PerfStackMismatchException
Constructs a new ConfigurationException with the given string
PERIOD_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
A list of possible values that the property PERIOD_TYPE can take
PeriodicSchedule - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This implementation of Schedule represents a Schedule for an job that repeats at regular intervals.
PeriodicSchedule(String, Locale) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Creates a new PeriodicSchedule instance from the string pValue passed in.
PeriodicSchedule(long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Constructs a new PeriodicSchedule for a job that will occur at regular intervals.
PeriodicSchedule(long) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Constructs a new PeriodicSchedule for a job that will occur at regular intervals.
PeriodicScheduleProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class represents the schedule property in the scheduledOrder repository.
PeriodicScheduleProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
PermissionDeniedException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when an attempt was made to access a resource without appropriate permission.
PermissionDeniedException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.PermissionDeniedException
PermissionDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.PermissionDeniedException
permissions() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
persist(MutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.deployment.DeploymentData
This method is called by the Deployment class in its persist phase.
persist(MutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
Writes the deploymentData item to the repository.
persist(MutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
Writes the deploymentData item to the repository.
PersistentCacheManager - Class in atg.adapter.integrations
This class implements a few common functions for remembering information about the local copies of integration data.
PersistentCacheManager() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
PersistentIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
An IdGenerator that gives out ids suitable for use with persistent objects.
PersistentIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
persistOrderIfNeeded(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
If the order is transient and not empty then make it persistent through the Order Manager.
persistShoppingCarts(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method will persist the current and any "saved" shopping carts.
persistShoppingCartsWithLock(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method will persist the current and any "saved" shopping carts.
persistTransientClaimableItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
This method calls the claimable tools component to persist the claimable item into the repository.
persistTransientClaimableItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
This method persist the claimable item into the repository.
Persona - Interface in atg.security
An identity, either of a user or of a user's role.
PersonaAdapter - Class in atg.security
An adapter class useful for creating implementations of the Persona interface.
PersonaAdapter(String, UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Creates a new persona with a given name and user authority.
PersonalizedPage - Interface in atg.portal.framework
A page that has been customized or created by a portal community visitor
personaToString(Persona) - Static method in class atg.security.SecurityUtils
Converts a Persona object to a standardized string representation.
PipelineableServlet - Interface in atg.servlet.pipeline
A PipelineableServlet is a Servlet that knows how to operate in a PipelineServlet.
PipelineableServletImpl - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
A PipelineableServletImpl is an implementation of a PipelineableServlet that also implements Servlet.
PipelineableServletImpl() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
PipelineChain - Class in atg.service.pipeline
This class is responsible for maintaining the list of processors to be executed in series.
PipelineConstants - Interface in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This interface contains the Pipeline parameter constants.
PipelineConstants - Interface in atg.commerce.order
This interface contains the Pipeline parameter constants.
PipelineInitializationException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating and or initializing a pipeline chain.
PipelineInitializationException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineInitializationException
Constructs a new PipelineInitializationException.
PipelineInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineInitializationException
Constructs a new PipelineInitializationException with the given explanation.
PipelineInitializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineInitializationException
Constructs a new PipelineInitializationException.
PipelineInitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineInitializationException
Constructs a new PipelineInitializationException with the given explanation.
PipelineLink - Class in atg.service.pipeline
This class contains a reference to a PipelineProcessor and a mapping of return values to next processors.
PipelineManager - Class in atg.service.pipeline
This is the class responsible for the creation, registration and removal of pipeline chains.
PipelineManager() - Constructor for class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
PipelineManagerException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception is the base exception for all pipeline exceptions
PipelineManagerException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManagerException
Constructs a new PipelineManagerException.
PipelineManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManagerException
Constructs a new PipelineManagerException with the given explanation.
PipelineManagerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManagerException
Constructs a new PipelineManagerException.
PipelineManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManagerException
Constructs a new PipelineManagerException with the given explanation.
PipelineProcessor - Interface in atg.service.pipeline
An interface which the components that the PipelineChain executes implement.
PipelineResult - Interface in atg.service.pipeline
An interface which provides access to the error data for a pipeline execution.
PipelineResultImpl - Class in atg.service.pipeline
An object which implements the PipelineResult interface.
PlaceList - Class in atg.commerce.util
This class represents a list of places, each of which has a code and an associated display name.
PlaceList() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
PlaceList.Place - Class in atg.commerce.util
Inner class used to associate a code with a display name to define a single place.
PlaceList.Place(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList.Place
placeScheduledOrder(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method places the Scheduled Order by first retrieving the template order for this Scheduled Order, then cloning it and repricing the cloned order.
pollForNewOrders() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method polls the Schedule Order Repository based on the defined query and returns an array of found scheduled orders which should be run.
popBody(PageContext, boolean[], int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Do a popBody, and record at pIndex of pBodyContentsPushed that that body was popped.
popBodyContents(PageContext, JspWriter, boolean[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Run through the pBodyContentsPushed boolean array, and pop any body contents that are marked as pushed.
popBodyContents(PageContext, JspWriter, boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Run through a specific range of the the pBodyContentsPushed boolean array, and pop any body contents that are marked as pushed.
popContext() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Pop the context
popDefaultParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Pops the first dictionary for this frame off the stack.
popDevelopmentLine() - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.WorkingContext
Remove the current line from the stack, make the previous line current, and return the line that was removed.
popFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
When the frame is complete, this pops the parameter stack back to the state before the pushFrame.
popParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Pops the dictionary of parameters on top of the stack.
popParent() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Pop off a parent.
populateAddMarkerKeyValueChoices(Map, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Populate the key-value choice construct for the add marker action rule.
populateCategoryInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Populate the given category info object.
populateException(Map, List, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Internal to populate the DetailedRemoveException exception.
populateGiftListFields() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Since the purchase list feature relies on the atg.commerce.gifts package in its implementation, this method is used to populate the individual fields of a giftlist that are needed for manipulating giftlists, but which do not have any direct relevance to the purchase list paradigm.
populateHasLastMarkerKeyValueChoices(Map, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Populates a key-value choice construct for has last marker expression rule.
populateHasLastMarkerWithKeyKeyValueChoices(Map, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Populates a key-value choice construct for hasLastMarkerWithKey expression rule.
populateHasMarkerKeyValueChoices(Map, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Populates a key-value choice construct for has marker expression rule.
populateItemMappingProperties(ItemMappingElement, Element, RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method populates the ItemMappingElement object passed to it with two properties the repository defined on the pElement the item-descriptor defined on the pElement If the repository or item-descriptor is not defined on the pElement passed to this method then the values will be set to null.
populateProductInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Populate the given product info object.
populatePropertyMappingProperties(PropertyMappingElement, Element) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
This method populates the PropertyMappingElement object passed to it with three properties the include information from the pElement That is, whether or not the property associated with this object should be included in the externalized data-model the property name as it should appear in the item-descriptor (name) the property name as it should appear in the target datamodel

Any values not specified in the xml mapping file will be set to null.

populateRemoveMarkerKeyValueChoices(Map, XclContext, ProcessExpressionGrammar) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
Populate the key-value choice construct for the marker remove action rule.
populateSkuInfoItem(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Populate the given sku info object.
populateSlot(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Populates the specified slot with a valid resource and appropriate meta-data.
POPUP - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
Popup Display Mode
PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalConstants
PORT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
PORTABLE_VALUE_KEY - Static variable in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Portal - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Base-level object that describes a portal.
PORTAL - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal attribute.
PortalContext - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
An interface used to store portal context data.
PortalContextImpl - Class in atg.portal.servlet
Simple implementation of a PortalContext
PortalContextImpl(PortalContext) - Constructor for class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Constructs an instanceof PortalContextImpl
PortalContextImpl(Portal, Community, Page, DisplayMode) - Constructor for class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Constructs an instanceof PortalContextImpl
PORTALCONTEXTPATH - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal context path attribute is request scoped.
PortalException - Exception in atg.portal.framework
This is the base exception class for all portal exceptions.
PortalException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Constructs an instanceof PortalException
PortalException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Constructs an instanceof PortalException
PortalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Constructs an instanceof PortalException
PortalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Constructs an instanceof PortalException
PortalGenericFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This is the portal extension of the Generic Form Handler.
PortalGenericFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
PortalManager - Class in atg.portal.framework
Root-level access methods for the Portal API.
PortalManager() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
PortalMessage - Class in atg.portal.alert
This class is the base class for all PAF message beans.
PortalMessage() - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
PortalMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
PortalMessage(String, Date, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
PortalObjectCreationException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while creating a portal repository object.
PortalObjectCreationException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectCreationException
Constructs a new PortalObjectCreationException
PortalObjectCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectCreationException
Constructs a new PortalObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectCreationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectCreationException
Constructs a new PortalObjectCreationException.
PortalObjectCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectCreationException
Constructs a new PortalObjectCreationException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectDeleteException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while deleting a portal repository object.
PortalObjectDeleteException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectDeleteException
Constructs a new PortalObjectDeleteException
PortalObjectDeleteException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectDeleteException
Constructs a new PortalObjectDeleteException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectDeleteException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectDeleteException
Constructs a new PortalObjectDeleteException.
PortalObjectDeleteException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectDeleteException
Constructs a new PortalObjectDeleteException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectNotFoundException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered with a referenced portal repository object not being found.
PortalObjectNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new PortalObjectNotFoundException
PortalObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new PortalObjectNotFoundException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new PortalObjectNotFoundException.
PortalObjectNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new PortalObjectNotFoundException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectResolver - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Interface that must be implemented to create a new portal object resolver.
PortalObjects - Class in atg.portal.framework
A set of objects that define a portal dispatch environment.
PortalObjects() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
PortalObjects(PortalObjects) - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
PortalObjects(Portal, Community, Page) - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
PortalObjectUpdateException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while updating a portal repository object.
PortalObjectUpdateException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectUpdateException
Constructs a new PortalObjectUpdateException
PortalObjectUpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectUpdateException
Constructs a new PortalObjectUpdateException with the given explanation.
PortalObjectUpdateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectUpdateException
Constructs a new PortalObjectUpdateException.
PortalObjectUpdateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.PortalObjectUpdateException
Constructs a new PortalObjectUpdateException with the given explanation.
PORTALPATHINFO - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal path info path attribute is request scoped.
PortalProfileAdminFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin.userprofiling
This class provided a form handler for the Portal Profile Administration.
PortalProfileAdminFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof ProfileAdminFormHandler
PORTALQUERYSTRING - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal query string attribute is request scoped.
PORTALSERVLETPATH - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal servlet path attribute is request scoped.
PORTALSERVLETREQUEST - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal servlet request attribute.
PortalServletRequest - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
The portal request object encapsulates all information from a portal client
PORTALSERVLETRESPONSE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.servlet.Attribute
The name of the portal servlet response attribute.
PortalServletResponse - Interface in atg.portal.servlet
The portal response object encapsulates all information destined to a portal client
PortalUserDirectoryTools - Class in atg.portal.admin.userdirectory
Provides specific Portal user directory methods.
PortalUserDirectoryTools() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Constructs an instanceof PortalUserDirectoryTools
PortletFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Base form handler class for creating Portlet form handlers within the Portals framework.
PortletFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
PORTLETREQUEST - Static variable in interface atg.websphere.wps.portlet.Attribute
The name of the portal request attribute.
PORTLETRESPONSE - Static variable in interface atg.websphere.wps.portlet.Attribute
The name of the portal response attribute.
PossibleValues - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This servlet queries a repository and returns all tag values or repository items for a given itemDescriptorName and propertyName depending on the type of the property identified by propertyName.
PossibleValues() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
POST_FORWARD_URI_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
POST_REQUEST_JOB_IDS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
POST_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_OWNER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
POST_REQUEST_PROCESSORS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
postAddAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleAddAssets is called.
postAddGiftItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
postAddItemToGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after an item has been added to a giftlist
postAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called after all work is done by the handleAddItemToOrder method.
postAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all work is done by the handleAddItemToOrder method.
postAddMulti(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after addMulti()
postAddMultipleItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called after all work is done by the handleAddMultipleItemsToOrder method.
postAddNote(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleAddNote is called.
postAddProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after adding a product to the list.
postAddProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after adding all skus for a product to the list.
postAddProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after adding a set of products to the list.
postAddProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after adding a set of skus to the list.
postAddSoftGoodToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
postAddToCompareList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method provides an easy way for users to extend the functionality of the handleAddToCompareList method.
postApplyCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
postApplyCostCenters is for work that must happen after the CostCenters are applied.
postApplyPaymentGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
postApplyPaymentGroups is for work that must happen after the PaymentGroups are applied to the Order.
postApplyShippingGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
postApplyShippingGroups is for work that must happen after the ShippingGroups are applied.
postApproveDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postApproveMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postApproveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
postAssignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postAssignTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleAssignTask is called.
postCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just after the cancel process is finished.
postCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
postCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
postCancelOrder is used for work that must happen after the Order is cancelled.
postChainTransaction() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain after calling runProcess() to cleanup any transaction data as a result of the execution of the pipeline.
postChangePassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user's password is changed
postClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleClaimTask is called.
postClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleClaimTask just after the task is claimed.
postClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just after the clear process is finished.
postClearList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after clearing the product comparison list.
postCloneShippingGroup(ShippingGroup, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method is called just before cloneShippingGroup returns a newly created shipping group.
postCollectValues(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Override this method to do any post-processing.
postCommitOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleCommitOrder method.
postCompareSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method provides an easy way for users to extend the functionality of the handleCompareSkus method.
postConfirm(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Override this method to do any post-processing.
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method is called just after the creation process is finished.
postCreateAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called right after any processing is done by the handleCreateAddress method.
postCreateCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreateCreditCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
postCreateCreditCard is for work that must happen after a new CreditCard is created.
postCreateFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just giftlist creation is finished
postCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleCreate method.
postCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just after a new repository item has been created to add the new item to some property of the update item.
postCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just after the item creation process is finished.
postCreateOrganization(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This is called after all work is done by the handleCreateOrganization method.
postCreatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postCreatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just after the component creation is finished
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
After registration, any transient orders are made persistent through the persistShoppingCarts method of the CommerceProfileTools component
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
After registration, any transient orders are made persistent through the persistShoppingCarts method of the CommerceProfileTools component
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, RepositoryItem, OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
After registration, any transient orders are made persistent through the persistShoppingCarts method of the CommerceProfileTools component
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Set the registration date to 'now'.
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method is called just after an individual user is created.
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user creation process is finished
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Profile Cookies are rebroadcast as necessary and a Profile Event is fired to indicate a user was created.
postCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after a new user is created.
postDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Operation called just after component deleting is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Operation called just after component deleting is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just after component deleting is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just after component deleting is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Operation called just after component deleting is finished
postDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just after the removal process is finished.
postDeleteCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postDeleteFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postDeleteGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after a giftlist is deleted
postDeleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleRestore method.
postDeleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just after the item is deleted from the repository.
postDeletePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just after component deletion is finished
postDeletePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just after component deletion is finished
postDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just after a user is deleted.
postDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user is removed from the Profile Repository
postDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after a user is succesfully deleted.
postDiscardAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleAddNote is called.
postEditItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
postExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
postExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
postExpressCheckout is for work that must happen after expressCheckout.
postFireOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleFireOutcome just after the task outcome is fired.
postFireWorkflowOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleFireWorkflowOutcome is called.
postForgotPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Operation called just after the forgot password logic is executed
postFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
This method should be called by any AlertHandler implementation after formatting and delivery of the alert message.
postFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
This method should be called by any AlertHandler implementation after formatting and delivery of the alert message.
postFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
This method should be called by any AlertHandler implementation after formatting and delivery of the alert message.
postFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
This method should be called by any AlertHandler implementation after formatting and delivery of the alert message.
postGenerateLongId(String, long) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Hook for subclasses to change the generated id if desired.
postGenerateStringId(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Hook for subclasses to change the generated id if desired.
postHandleProcessAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after processing an action request.
postHandleRender(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after servicing the render request.
postLinkTransaction(PipelineLink) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain after calling runProcess() to cleanup any transaction data as a result of the execution of the pipeline.
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
After logging in the user's session cached promotions are reloaded into the PricingModelHolder.
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
After logging in the user's session cached promotions are reloaded into the PricingModelHolder.
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, PricingModelHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
After logging in the user's session cached promotions are reloaded into the PricingModelHolder.
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user is found to be logged in
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Profile Cookies are rebroadcast as necessary and a Profile Event is fired to indicate a user was logged in.
postLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after a user is successfully logged in.
postLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user is logged out
postLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Called after a user successfully logs out.
postLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after a user is logged out.
postMoveAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleMoveAssets is called.
postMoveItemsFromCart(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after an item has been moved from shopping cart
postMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method will check to see if the user entered a new credit card and additionally see if there were any errors.
postMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleMoveToConfirmation method.
postMoveToNewShippingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after any processing is done by the handleMoveToNewShippingAddress method.
postMoveToOrderCommit(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleMoveToOrderCommit method.
postMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the moveToPurchaseInfo method.
postMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the moveToPurchaseInfo method.
postMoveToURL(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the processMoveToURL method.
postProcessAuthorize(PaymentGroup, PaymentStatus, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes post processing after an authorize() call to a payment processor.
postProcessCredit(PaymentGroup, PaymentStatus, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes post processing after a credit() call to a payment processor.
postProcessDebit(PaymentGroup, PaymentStatus, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes post processing after a debit() call to a payment processor.
postProcessDecreaseAuthorization(PaymentGroup, PaymentStatus, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes post processing after an decreateAuthorize() call to a payment processor.
postRefreshInventoryData(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after refreshing inventory data in the product comparison list.
postRejectOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
postReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleReleaseTask is called.
postReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleReleaseTask just after the task is released.
postRemove(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleRemove method.
postRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder method.
postRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder method.
postRemoveCategory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after removing all entries for a category from the list.
postRemoveEntries(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after removing a set of named entries from the list.
postRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the removeItemFromOrder method.
postRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after all processing is done by the removeItemFromOrder method.
postRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is currently empty.
postRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is currently empty.
postRemoveProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called justa after removing a product from the list.
postRemoveProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after removing all skus for a product from the list.
postRepositoryId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the processRepositoryId method.
postRepriceOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method gets called after all repricing is done to the order.
postReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the resetFormValue method.
postRestore(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleRestore method.
postRevertAsset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality after handleAddNote is called.
postSaveGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after a giftlist is saved
postSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
postSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
postSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Called after a search.
postService(boolean, Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Method called after maintenance completed.
postSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called after all processing is done by the handleSetOrder method.
postSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This is called after all processing is done by the handleSetOrder method.
postSetOrderByCommerceId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called after all processing is done by the handleSetOrderByCommerceId method.
postSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called after all processing is done by the handleSetOrderByRelationshipId method.
postSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This is called after all processing is done by the handleSetOrderByRelationshipId method.
postSetPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after the current user's password is setd.
postSetProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after setting the product list in handleSetProductList.
postSetProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just after setting the product list in handleSetProductListAllSkus.
postSetTaskOwner(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskOwner just after the task's owner is set.
postSetTaskPriority(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskPriority just after the task's priority is set.
postShipToDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after any processing is done by the handleShipToDone method.
postShipToMultiple(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after processing has been done by the handleShipToMultiple method.
postShipToMultipleDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called after processing by the handleShipToMultipleDone method.
postSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
postSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup is for work that must happen after the default PaymentGroup is set.
postSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
postSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup is for work that must happen after the default ShippingGroup is set.
postSplitCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
postSplitCostCenters is for work that must happen after the CommerceIdentifierCostCenters are split.
postSplitPaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
postSplitPaymentInfos is for work that must happen after the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos are split.
postSplitShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
postSplitShippingInfos is for work that must happen after the ShippingGroups are split.
postUnassignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just after the update process is finished.
postUpdateColorAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateColorUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateGearDefinitionFolders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just component creation is finished
postUpdateGearsAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateGearsUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after a giftlist is updated
postUpdateGiftlistItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just after items in giftlist are updated
postUpdateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the handleUpdate method.
postUpdateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just after the item is updated.
postUpdateItemProperties(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just after the updateItemProperties is completed.
postUpdateLayoutAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateLayoutUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just after component update is finished
postUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Operation called just after the user's profile is updated
postUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after the user's profile is updated
postUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Operation called just after the user's profile is updated
postUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called after a user is updated.
postValueDictionaryByParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just after handleValueDictionaryParameters
postVerify(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Called after all processing is done by the verifyUserInputFields method.
POTENTIAL_PAYMENT_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
PRE_FORWARD_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PRE_FORWARD_URI_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PRE_FORWARD_URI_WITH_QUERY_STRING_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
PRE_ORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
PRE_ORDERED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
preAddAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleAddAssets is called.
preAddGiftItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
preAddItemToGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before an item is added to a giftlist
preAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called before any work is done by the handleAddItemToOrder method.
preAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any work is done by the handleAddItemToOrder method.
preAddMulti(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before addMulti
preAddMultipleItemsToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called before any work is done by the handleAddMultipleItemsToOrder method.
preAddNote(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleAddNote is called.
preAddProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before adding a product to the list.
preAddProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before adding all skus for a product to the list.
preAddProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before adding a set of products to the list.
preAddProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before adding a set of skus to the list.
preAddSoftGoodToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
preAddToCompareList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method provides an easy way for users to extend the functionality of the handleAddToCompareList method.
preApplyCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
preApplyCostCenters is for work that must happen before the CostCenters are applied.
preApplyPaymentGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
preApplyPaymentGroups is for work that must happen before the PaymentGroups are applied to the Order.
preApplyShippingGroups(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
preApplyShippingGroups is for work that must happen before the ShippingGroups are applied.
preApproveDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preApproveMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preApproveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
preAssignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preAssignTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleAssignTask is called.
preCancel(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just before the cancel process is started.
preCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
preCancelOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
preCancelOrder is used for work that must happen before the Order is cancelled.
preChainTransaction() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain before calling runProcess() to setup any transaction data or structures for the execution of the processor.
preChangePassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user's password is changed
preClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleClaimTask is called.
preClaimTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleClaimTask just before the task is claimed.
preClear(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just before the clear process is started.
preClearList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before clearing the product comparison list.
preCollectValues(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Override this method to do any pre-processing or verification of form input.
preCommitOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleCommitOrder method.
preCompareSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method provides an easy way for users to extend the functionality of the handleCompareSkus method.
preConfirm(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Override this method to do any pre-processing or verification of form input.
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method is called at the beginning of the creation process prior to creating the individual users.
preCreateAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called right before any processing is done by the handleCreateAddress method.
preCreateCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started.
preCreateCreditCard(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
preCreateCreditCard is for work that must happen before a new CreditCard is created.
preCreateFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started.
preCreateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before giftlist creation is started
preCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleCreate method is dealt with.
preCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before the item creation process is started to verify that all required properties have been specified in the form.
preCreateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before the item creation process is started.
preCreateOrganization(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Called before any work is done by the handleCreateOrganization method.
preCreatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component deletion is started
preCreatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Before creating the user, this method: Copies the first, middle, and last names to the billing address.
preCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
This method is called just before an individual user is created.
preCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user creation process is started
preCreateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called before a user is created.
preDeclineMembershipRequests(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Operation called just before component deleting is initialized
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Operation called just before component deleting is initialized
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just before component deleting is initialized
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Operation called just before component deleting is initialized
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Operation called just before component deleting is initialized
preDelete(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just before the removal process is started.
preDeleteCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preDeleteFolder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preDeleteGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before giftlist is deleted
preDeleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
preDeleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before a repository item is deleted to remove the item from some property of the update item.
preDeleteItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before the item is deleted from the repository.
preDeletePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component deletion is started
preDeletePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component deletion is started
preDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just before a user is deleted.
preDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Removes the user from his/her organization in addition to deleting them
preDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user is removed from the Profile Repository
preDeleteUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called before a user is deleted.
preDiscardAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleDiscardAssets is called.
preEditItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
preEnsureContainers() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Method which is called by ensureContainers to allow subclasses to do any initialization when the order is reconstructed.
preEnsureContainers() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Method which is called by ensureContainers to allow subclasses to do any initialization when the order is reconstructed.
preExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
preExpressCheckout(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
preExpressCheckout is for work that must happen before expressCheckout.
preFireOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleFireOutcome just before the task outcome is fired.
preFireWorkflowOutcome(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleFireWorkflowOutcome is called.
prefixPropertyNames(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Iterates through the property updates and modifies the propertyName property to be prefixed by the pPropertyNamePrefix.
preForgotPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Operation called just before the forgot password logic is executed
preFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
Dynamically retrieve the CommunityName and GearName in a locale sensitive manner prior to the format and delivery of the alert message.
preFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
Dynamically retrieve the CommunityName and GearName in a locale sensitive manner prior to the format and delivery of the alert message.
preFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Dynamically retrieve the CommunityName and GearName in a locale sensitive manner prior to the format and delivery of the alert message.
preFormatMessage(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
This method should be called by any AlertHandler implementation prior to the formatting and delivery of the alert message.
preHandleProcessAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service before processing an action request
preHandleRender(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service before servicing the render request.
preLinkTransaction(PipelineLink) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Called by the PipelineChain before calling runProcess() to setup any transaction data or structures for the execution of the processor.
preLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user is found to be logged in
preLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Operation called just before the user is found to be logged in
preLoginUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called before a login actually takes place.
preLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user is logged out
preLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
A Profile Event is fired to indicate a user logged out.
preLogoutUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called before a user is logged out.
preMoveAssets(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleMoveAssets is called.
preMoveItemsFromCart(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before an item is is moved from shopping cart
preMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Override superclass preMoveToConfirmation to support purchasing by invoice.
preMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Provide ability to interact with credit cards in user's profile and to handle multiple forms of payment.
preMoveToConfirmation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleMoveToConfirmation method is dealt with.
preMoveToNewShippingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleMoveToNewShippingAddress method.
preMoveToOrderCommit(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleMoveToOrderCommit method.
preMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the moveToPurchaseInfo method.
preMoveToPurchaseInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the moveToPurchaseInfo method.
preMoveToURL(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleMoveToURL method is dealt with.
preMoveToVerify(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies the name, schedule mode and template order of the Schedule Order input screen.
preNotifyAddedObject(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Notifies pElement that it is about to be added to this name context.
preNotifyRemovedObject(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Notifies pElement that it is about to be removed from this name context.
preorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Preorder an item.
preorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Preorder an item.
preorder(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Preorder an item.
preorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Preorder an item.
preorder(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
preorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
decrement the item's preorder count, If the item is a bundle preorderBundle is called.
preorderBundle(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Preorders a bundle.
prepare(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Prepare search properties.
prepare(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Prepare search properties.
prepare(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Prepare search properties.
prepareCall(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to prepareCall
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to prepareCall
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
prepareClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Called during handleSearch, sets the parser/parsing and constraints/documentSets values into the request object.
prepareClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
This method is overriden to translate the search config name to the XML request
prepareClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
This method is overridden to translate the relQuestSettings and responseNumberSettings map values into the encoded values used in the XML request.
prepareClientRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Overrides method in parent class, first calls parent method to set common request attributes/properties, then sets request specific weightedProperties and statments values into request.
prepareForFiring() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Prepares the event for firing.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareInstanceForWrite() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
This must be called if the application intends to both read and write the instance in the same transaction, and it intends to do a read before doing a write.
prepareNextDataSource(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Prepare to use the named data source at the next switch.
prepareRepository(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Set the catalog key and the repository to search based on the repository key that has been stored in pRequest, but only if the value of the key has changed since the last time prepareRepository was called.
prepareSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Prepare for special asset type searches.
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to prepareStatement
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to prepareStatement
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability.
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a default PreparedStatement object that has the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys.
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array.
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array.
prepareSwitch() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Performs whatever preparations are necessary for an impending data store switch.
prepareToRemoveHandlingInstruction(Order, String, String, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Register with the transaction.
prependSchemeAndHost(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Prepend the scheme and the host (and possibly port) as appropriate.
prependSchemeAndHost(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Prepend the scheme and the host (and possibly port) as appropriate.
preProcessAuthorize(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes pre processing before an authorize() call to a payment processor.
preProcessCredit(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes pre processing before a credit() call to a payment processor.
preProcessDebit(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes pre processing before a debit() call to a payment processor.
preProcessDecreaseAuthorization(Order, PaymentGroup, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
This method executes pre processing before an decreaseAuthorization() call to a payment processor.
preRefreshInventoryData(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before refreshing inventory data in the product comparison list.
preRejectOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
preReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleReleaseTask is called.
preReleaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleReleaseTask just before the task is released.
preRemove(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleRemove method is dealt with.
preRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder method.
preRemoveAndAddItemToOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleRemoveAndAddItemToOrder method.
preRemoveCategory(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before removing all entries for a category from the list.
preRemoveEntries(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before removing a set of named entries from the list.
preRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the removeItemFromOrder method.
preRemoveItemFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the removeItemFromOrder method.
preRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This method is currently empty.
preRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is currently empty.
preRemoveProduct(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before removing a product from the list.
preRemoveProductAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before removing all skus for a product from the list.
preRepositoryId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleRepositoryId method is dealt with.
preRepriceOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method gets called before an order is repriced.
preReset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleReset method is dealt with.
preRestore(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleRestore method is dealt with.
preRevertAsset(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
No-op method meant for subclassing to add user specific functionality before handleDiscardAssets is called.
preSaveGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before giftlist is saved
preSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
preSaveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Empty method that can be overriden to provide additional functionality if desired.
preSearch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Called prior to the search taking place.
preserveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is not used anymore, See CancelOrderService
preService(Repository, Collection, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Method called prior to start of maintenance.
preSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called before any processing is done by the handleSetOrder method.
preSetOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This is called before any processing is done by the handleSetOrder method.
preSetOrderByCommerceId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called before any processing is done by the handleSetOrderByCommerceId method.
preSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This is called before any processing is done by the handleSetOrderByRelationshipId method.
preSetOrderByRelationshipId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This is called before any processing is done by the handleSetOrderByRelationshipId method.
preSetPassword(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Called before the current user's password is changed.
preSetProductList(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before setting the product list in handleSetProductList.
preSetProductListAllSkus(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
This method is called just before setting the product list in handleSetProductListAllSkus.
preSetTaskOwner(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskOwner just before the task's owner is set.
preSetTaskPriority(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskPriority just before the task's priority is set.
preShipToDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleShipToDone method.
preShipToMultiple(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing has been done by the handleShipToMultiple method.
preShipToMultipleDone(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Called before any processing is done by the handleShipToMultipleDone method.
preSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
preSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroup is for work that must happen before the default PaymentGroup is set.
preSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
preSpecifyDefaultShippingGroup is for work that must happen before the default ShippingGroup is set.
preSplitCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
preSplitCostCenters is for work that must happen before the CommerceIdentifierCostCenters are split.
preSplitPaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
preSplitPaymentInfos is for work that must happen before the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos are split.
preSplitShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
preSplitShippingInfos is for work that must happen before the ShippingGroups are split.
preUnassignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preUpdate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
This method is called just before the update process is started.
preUpdateColorAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateColorUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateGearDefinitionFolders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Operation called just before component creation is started
preUpdateGearsAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateGearsUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateGiftlist(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before giftlist is updated
preUpdateGiftlistItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Operation called just before items in giftlist are updated
preUpdateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleUpdate method is dealt with.
preUpdateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before the an item is updated to verify that all required properties have been specified in the form.
preUpdateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
This method is called just before the item is updated.
preUpdateLayoutAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateLayoutUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Operation called just before component update is started
preUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Operation called just before the user's profile is updated which will do the following: Create a new ProfileUpdateEvent object stored in mProfileUpdateEvent property Collect the old values from the current repository before update occurs Collect the new values from the form submitted Go through each property and if value changed, save old/new values for use in ProfileUpdateEvent
preUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before the user's profile is updated
preUpdateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Operation called just before the user's profile is updated which will do the following: Create a new ProfileUpdateEvent object stored in mProfileUpdateEvent property Collect the old values from the current repository before update occurs Collect the new values from the form submitted Go through each property and if value changed, save old/new values for use in ProfileUpdateEvent
PREV_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
PREV_END - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
PREV_HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
PREV_HOW_MANY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
PREV_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
PREV_START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
preValueDictionaryByParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Operation called just before handleValueDictionaryParameters
preVerify(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method is called before any processing is done on the handleVerify method is dealt with.
PREVIEW - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
Preview Gear Mode
PREVIOUSINDEX - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that indicates the first index of the previous batch
PRFSRC_BASICAUTH - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Profile request came from HTTP Basic Authentication.
PRFSRC_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Profile request came from a X.509 Certificate.
PRFSRC_COOKIE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Profile request came from a cookie.
PRFSRC_NONE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
No source in the request for a profile.
PRFSRC_URL - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Profile request came from a URL parameter, including form submissions.
PRFSTATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
There was some error during the request for the profile.
PRFSTATUS_NEW - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
The profile is new.
PRFSTATUS_OLD - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
The profile is old.
PRFSTATUS_REFUSED - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
A ProfileRequestFilter denied the creation of a new profile.
PRFSTATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
The profile status is unknown.
PRICE_ALL - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
PRICE_CATEGORY - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
PRICE_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
PRICE_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_LEVEL_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_LIST_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_LIST_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_LIST_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRICE_PROPERTY_NOT_NUMBER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
PRICE_PROPERTY_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
PRICE_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PriceAndStateFilter - Class in atg.commerce.collections.filter
This filter demonstrates how someone might implement a filter based on profile attributes.
PriceAndStateFilter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
PriceCacheAdapter - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
PriceCacheAdapter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
PriceCacheKey - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
PriceCacheKey(String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
PriceCacheKey(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
PriceChanged - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This event gets generated everytime an order is repriced and the price changed.
PriceChanged() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
priceDetailedItemPriceInfo(DetailedItemPriceInfo, QualifiedItem, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Deprecated. This method is deprecated. Call updateDetailedItemPriceInfos instead.
PriceDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
Given a productId, a skuId, and a price list, returns the given price.
PriceDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PriceDroplet
priceEachItem(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
give each item the configured discount, if it qualifies
priceEachItem(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Price each of a List of items in a context
priceEachItem(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingCalculator
Price each of a List of items in a context
priceEachItem(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngine
Price each of a List of items in a context
priceEachItem(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Price each of a List of items in a context
priceEachItem(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Price each of a List of items in a context
priceEachItem(List, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceEachItem(List, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceEachItem(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceEachItem(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
PriceEachItemDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to price a collection of items.
PriceEachItemDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PriceEachItemDroplet
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets the list price or sale price with the given price in addition to the sum of the sub sku prices.
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
give a single item the configured discount, if it is eligible.
priceItem(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
Sets the list price with the given determined price
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Set the price info given the determined price
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingCalculator
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(CommerceItem, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngine
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(CommerceItem, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(double, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
Sets the sale price with the given determined price
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
If the item should be priced as a sales item (method onSale return true) then go ahead an price it
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Price a single item in a context.
priceItem(RepositoryItem, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
Sets the list price with the given determined price
priceItem(ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Price a single item in a context.
priceItem(RepositoryItem, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
Sets the sales price with the given determined price
priceItem(RepositoryItem, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
Sets the tiered price with the given determined price
priceItem(RepositoryItem, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSchemePriceCalculator
Price a single item in a context
priceItem(RepositoryItem, ItemPriceInfo, CommerceItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
Sets the tiered price with the given determined price
priceItem(CommerceItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the single item, and set it's priceInfo to the result.
priceItem(CommerceItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the single item, and set it's priceInfo to the result.
priceItem(CommerceItem, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the single item, and set it's priceInfo to the result.
priceItem(CommerceItem, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the single item, and set it's priceInfo to the result.
PriceItemDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to price a single item.
PriceItemDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PriceItemDroplet
priceItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Price a List of items together in a context when it comes right down to it, we're only discounting single items : the only reason we need to price items in a context is to allow complex qualification statements.
priceItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Price a List of items together in a context
priceItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingCalculator
Price a List of items together in a context
priceItems(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngine
Price a List of items together in a context
priceItems(List, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Price a List of items together in a context
priceItems(List, List, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Price a List of items together in a context
priceItemsForOrderTotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceItemsForOrderTotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceItemsForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
priceItemsForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price all the items, and set each of their priceInfo to the result.
PriceListException - Exception in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
Represents an exception thrown during price list processing.
PriceListException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListException
Constructs a new PriceListException.
PriceListException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListException
Constructs a new PriceListException with the given explanation.
PriceListException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListException
Constructs a new PriceListException.
PriceListException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListException
Constructs a new PriceListException with the given explanation.
PriceListManager - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists
Helper class to ease creation and manipulation of PriceLists.
PriceListManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
priceOrder(OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
Price a single order within a context defined by the input parameters.
priceOrder(OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingCalculator
Price a single order within a context
priceOrder(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngine
Price an order within a context.
priceOrder(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Price an order within a context
priceOrder(OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
Price a single order within a context.
priceOrderForOrderTotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the sub total and any order level discounts.
priceOrderForOrderTotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the sub total and any order level discounts.
priceOrderForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the sub total and any order level discounts.
priceOrderForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the sub total and any order level discounts.
priceOrderSubtotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, but not shipping and taxes.
priceOrderSubtotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, but not shipping and taxes.
priceOrderSubtotal(Order, Collection, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, but not shipping and taxes.
priceOrderSubtotalShipping(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all shipping costs, but not taxes.
priceOrderSubtotalShipping(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all shipping costs, but not taxes.
priceOrderSubtotalShipping(Order, Collection, Collection, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all shipping costs, but not taxes.
priceOrderSubtotalTax(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all taxes, but not shipping.
priceOrderSubtotalTax(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all taxes, but not shipping.
priceOrderSubtotalTax(Order, Collection, Collection, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order subtotal, including each item, and all taxes, but not shipping.
priceOrderTotal(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order total, including each item, all shipping groups and taxes.
priceOrderTotal(Order, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order total, including each item, all shipping groups and taxes.
priceOrderTotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order total, including each item, all shipping groups and taxes.
priceOrderTotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order total, including each item, all shipping groups and taxes.
priceOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Collection, Collection, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Computes the order total, including each item, all shipping groups and taxes.
PriceOrderTotal - Class in atg.commerce.pricing.processor
A pipeline processor which is used to reprice an order.
PriceOrderTotal() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Constructs an instanceof PriceOrderTotal
priceQualifyingItem(QualifiedItem, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Determines and sets the amount of the ItemPriceInfo in pPriceQuotes at the index corresponding to the CommerceItem in pItems that is contained in pQualifiedItem.
priceQualifyingItems(Collection, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Loops through each QualifiedItem object in pQualifyingItems, determining and setting the price for each QualifiedItem's CommerceItem'sItemPriceInfo.
PriceRangeShippingCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on the subtotal of all the items in the shipping group.
PriceRangeShippingCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceRangeShippingCalculator
Constructs an instanceof PriceRangeShippingCalculator
priceShippingForOrderTotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price each shipping group, and set their priceInfo's to the result.
priceShippingForOrderTotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price each shipping group, and set their priceInfo's to the result.
priceShippingForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price each shipping group, and set their priceInfo's to the result This method will regenerate order ranges if necessary
priceShippingForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price each shipping group, and set their priceInfo's to the result
priceShippingGroup(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Price a shipment within a context
priceShippingGroup(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
Price a shipment within a context
priceShippingGroup(Order, ShippingPriceInfo, ShippingGroup, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingCalculator
Price a shipment within a context
priceShippingGroup(Order, ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngine
Price a shipment within a context
priceShippingGroup(Order, ShippingGroup, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Price a shipment within a context.
priceShippingPriceInfo(double, ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Set the amount that is given into the price quote.
priceTax(TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.NoTaxCalculator
Tax an order within a context
priceTax(TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
Tax an order within a context.
priceTax(TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingCalculator
Tax an order within a context
priceTax(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in interface atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngine
Tax an order within a context
priceTax(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Tax an order within a context.
priceTax(TaxPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Tax an order within a context.
priceTaxForOrderTotal(Order, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the taxes for the entire order.
priceTaxForOrderTotal(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the taxes for the entire order.
priceTaxForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the taxes for the entire order This method will regenerate order ranges if necessary
priceTaxForOrderTotal(Order, Collection, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Price the taxes for the entire order
PRICING_MODELS_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the session-scoped PricingModelHolder out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
PRICING_OPERATION_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the pricing operation command out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
PRICING_SCHEME_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PricingAdjustment - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents an element of a price's audit trail.
PricingAdjustment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
PricingAdjustment(String, RepositoryItem, double, long) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
PricingAdjustment(String, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, double, long) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
PricingCommerceItem - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A simple CommerceItem that is used just as a placeholder while pricing items.
PricingCommerceItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Constructs an instanceof PricingCommerceItem
PricingConstants - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
Constants which are currently used in pricing orders from within a pipeline chain.
PricingEngine - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
A PricingEngine is the main interface for interaction with the atg.commerce.pricing package.
PricingEngineService - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A GenericService version of a PricingEngine.
PricingEngineService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
PricingException - Exception in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents an exception thrown from inside the atg.commerce.pricing package.
PricingException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException
Constructs a new PricingException.
PricingException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException
Constructs a new PricingException with the given explanation.
PricingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException
Constructs a new PricingException.
PricingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.pricing.PricingException
Constructs a new PricingException with the given explanation.
PricingModelComparator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A comparator used for sorting pricing models by priority.
PricingModelComparator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
PricingModelHolder - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A session-scoped component which is intended to hold all the active promotions (aka pricing models) of a user while they are using the web application.
PricingModelHolder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Constructs an instanceof PricingModelHolder
PricingModelProperties - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Stores names of pricing model properties, so that they pricing model property names may be internationalized or otherwise changed to suit a particular installation.
PricingModelProperties() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
PricingModelType - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
interface for storing static values that the PricingModel 'type' property may have
PricingServices - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Exposes pricing functionality for use in web services.
PricingServices() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
Constructs an instanceof PricingServices
PricingTools - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A class which can perform a variety of pricing functions across different types of PricingEngine.
PricingTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Constructs an instanceof PricingTools
PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
PRINCIPAL_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
PRINCIPALS - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
PRINCIPALS - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
PrincipalUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
An extension to the UserAuthority interface that provides a mapping between the security system Persona objects and any object that implements java.security.Principal.
printAdmin(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the administrative information specific to this service.
printAdmin(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
Describe 'printAdmin' method here.
printBodyTag(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the opening body tag.
printDefinitionFile(DefinitionFile, PrintStream) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Prints the specified DefinitionFile to the specified PrintStream in text form.
printDirectory(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints a directory listing of the elements in the context, if the service is a NameContext.
printEventSet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints an event set
printEventSets(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints a listing of all the service's event sets
printHeaderTitle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the title of the page's header.
printItem() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Returns the String representation of this object.
printMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
printMethodInvocation(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the formatted information of a method invocation on a service
printMethodInvocationResult(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Print out the invocation method result.
printMethodInvocationVerification(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the formatted information for a verification screen before invoking a method
printMethods(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints a listing of all the service's properties and values.
printNode(Node, String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
printOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
For debugging purposes, print out all the order information for the given order to standard out
printOtherWebApps(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
printParts(Part) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
printProperty(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the formatted information for a service, including the name, directory listing, and properties.
printPropertyMap(Map) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Prints a map with the key as the PropertyDescriptor and the value as the property value
printPropertyValues(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints a listing of all the service's properties and values.
printPropertyValues(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream, String, Object, PropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints a listing of all the service's properties and values.
printRequest(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Prints all the elements of the request
printService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the formatted information for a service, including the name, directory listing, and properties.
printServiceInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the serviceInfo property of the service.
printStackTrace(boolean) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Print our stack trace and optionally that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Print our stack trace and optionally that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter, boolean) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Print our stack trace and optionally that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(Throwable, ServletOutputStream) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Prints the stack trace of an exception with the given ServletOutputStream.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Print our stack trace and that of the source exception if there is one.
printStartedWebApps(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
printStoppedWebApps(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
PrintStreamLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This log listener writes the logged events directly to the configured print stream.
PrintStreamLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Constructs a PrintStreamLogger.
printStringValue(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the string value (toString) of the service.
printTitle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Prints the title of the page.
printUsage() - Static method in class atg.rview.Jdbc2rview
printWebApps(String, String, Map, ServletOutputStream, String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
printWebApps(Map, String) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
printWebApps Prints out the Map to the debug log
printXMLDefinitionFile(DefinitionFile, PrintStream) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Prints the specified DefinitionFile to the specified PrintStream in text form using the XML format.
PRIORITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
PRIORITY_RANDOM_ORDERING - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
PRIORITY_SEQUENTIAL_ORDERING - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Privilege - Class in atg.security
An access right indicating an access privilege.
Privilege() - Constructor for class atg.security.Privilege
PRIVILEGE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
An access control right where holding the identification allows access to the resource.
PRIVILEGE_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface atg.security.AccountTypes
Account type that matches privilege accounts when performing a query operation.
ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor adds the error messages in the PipelineResult object to the approverMessages property in the Order object.
ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
Creates a new ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder instance.
ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor adds the list of valid approver ids to the approverIds property of the order.
ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Creates a new ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder instance.
ProcAddApproverIdToOrder - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor adds an approver's profile id to the order being approved.
ProcAddApproverIdToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
Creates a new ProcAddApproverIdToOrder instance.
ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor adds an approver's messages to the order being approved.
ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
Creates a new ProcAddApproverIdToOrder instance.
ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor adds the error message from the param map property ApprovalConstants.MESSAGE_MAPPER_ERROR to the order property approvalSystemMessages.
ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
Creates a new ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder instance.
ProcAddOrderToRepository - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor calls updateOrder() on the supplied Order and then checks to see if it is transient.
ProcAddOrderToRepository() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
ProcAllocateElectronicGood - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates softgood shipping group by allocating all its item relationships
ProcAllocateElectronicGood() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
ProcAllocateItemRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates all hardgood itemRelationships in the shipping group
ProcAllocateItemRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
ProcAllocateShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates the hardgood shipping group by calling the corresponding chain
ProcAllocateShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
ProcAuthorizePayment - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor authorizes payment for an Order in the form of a PaymentGroup.
ProcAuthorizePayment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
ProcCancelRemoveOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor cancels removing an order because of one or more its shipping groups `* or other components could not be removed
ProcCancelRemoveOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCancelRemoveOrder
ProcChangeOrderState - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor changes the state of the order to the state in the newOrderState property.
ProcChangeOrderState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Creates a new ProcChangeOrderState instance.
ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor verifies that none of the products in the CommerceItems within the order are not discontinued.
ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
ProcCheckForErrors - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor simply checks whether the PipelineResult has any errors.
ProcCheckForErrors() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor checks whether any expired promotions are being used or were used during the pricing of any part of the order.
ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
ProcCheckOrderState - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor returns the value in successReturnValue if the order state is in the statesList property.
ProcCheckOrderState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.approval
This pipeline processor returns one of two values, depending on whether or not an order contains any payment group with an associated requisition number.
ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
ProcCreateCreditCardInfo - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to create generic CreditCardInfo objects from instances of the CreditCard payment group.
ProcCreateCreditCardInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
ProcCreateElectronicGood - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates an electronic item by calling the ClaimableManager
ProcCreateElectronicGood() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreateElectronicGood
ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to create generic GiftCertificateInfo objects from instances of the GiftCertificate payment group.
ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
ProcCreateImplicitRelationships - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor creates relationships in an Order which has one ShippingGroup and/or one PaymentGroup.
ProcCreateImplicitRelationships() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to create generic InvoiceRequestInfo objects from instances of the InvoiceRequest payment group.
ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to create generic StoreCreditInfo objects from instances of the StoreCredit payment group.
ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
ProcCreditCardModCheck - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor does a mod check on credit card numbers to see if they are valid.
ProcCreditCardModCheck() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
ProcCreditOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will credit the order
ProcCreditOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreditOrder
ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor delivers an electronic item by the email Listener action
ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor delivers an electronic item by the email template
ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
ProcDispatchOnOrderState - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Dispatch to the next processor element based on the string value of the order state.
ProcDispatchOnOrderState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
ProcDispatchOnProperty - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Dispatch to the next processor element based on the value of some named property of some designated object in the pipeline arguments map.
ProcDispatchOnProperty() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Process - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class Process
PROCESS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
PROCESS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
processAbandonedOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method gets the orders identified as abandoned, iterates through the results, calling the methods to update each order, and send an AbandonedOrderMessage.
processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to process an action request.
processCategory(RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method processes each category for migration.
processConnection(Socket, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Handle processing a connection from a client.
processDueScheduledOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method processes each individual Scheduled Order and if sucessfully processing it, set the next Schedule time for the Scheduled Order.
processDueScheduledOrders() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method finds the due Scheduled Orders and processes each one individually.
PROCESSELECTRONICSHIPPINGGROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ProcessElementInfo - Class in atg.process
Points to a single process element.
ProcessElementInfo() - Constructor for class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Creates a new ProcessElementInfo.
ProcessElementInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Creates a new ProcessElementInfo with the given element id and status.
ProcessEnumStatus - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the Process.status property.
ProcessEnumStatus(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
ProcessEnumStatus() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
processError(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. This method is called by this form handler whenever an error is found.
processError(String, Exception, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
If an error occurs, this method will obtain the correct Msg resource string based upon the users locale from the getUserLocale method.
processError(String, String, double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
processError(String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
processError(String, String, double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
processException(Exception, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add a user error message to the form exceptions, and then display the exception in the logs
ProcessException - Exception in atg.process
An exception that occurs when operating on processes.
ProcessException() - Constructor for exception atg.process.ProcessException
Constructs a new ProcessException.
ProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.process.ProcessException
Constructs a new ProcessException with the given explanation.
ProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.process.ProcessException
Constructs a new ProcessException with the given root exception.
ProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.process.ProcessException
Constructs a new ProcessException with the given explanation and root exception.
ProcessExecutionContext - Interface in atg.process
Represents the context in which a process segment is being executed.
processFaults(Response) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
This provides a simple implementation.
processFileCheckCommand(DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
processGiftAddition(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Perform giftlist related processing for an item being ordered from a giftlist.
PROCESSHARDGOODSHIPPINGGROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ProcessHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
PROCESSING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
PROCESSING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
ProcessInstanceInfo - Class in atg.process
Contains information about a process instance currently going through a process.
ProcessInstanceInfo(String, String, boolean, String, String, String, ProcessElementInfo[]) - Constructor for class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Creates a new ProcessInstanceInfo with the given properties.
processItem(Context, RepositoryItem, OutputItemSpecifier) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Process the specified item.
processJHTMLTemplate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Document, String, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
Process a JHTML template.
processLostOrders() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method gets the orders identified as lost, then iterates through the results, calling the methods to update each order, and send an AbandonedOrderMessage.
ProcessManager - Interface in atg.process
A process manager manages processes of a certain type (such as scenarios).
processManifest(File, Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Processes the files specified in the provided "manifest" file, adding, updating or deleting as directed.
processManifest(File, TypeMapper, Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Processes the files specified in the provided "manifest" file, adding, updating or deleting as directed.
processMessage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Process a repository item update or add.
processMoveToURL(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies all the form values before moving to the next input screen.
processMultipleShippingGroups(Order, String[], List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method will process each shipping group in the given array.
processMultipleShippingGroups(Order, String[], List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method will process each shipping group in the given array.
ProcessorConstants - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
This file contains the constants to be used in ProcChangeCatalogRefOfProfile class.
ProcessorConstants() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
processOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Begins processing the order.
processOrder(Order, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Begins processing the order.
processOrder(Order, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Begins processing the order.
processOrder(Order, String, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Begins processing the order.
PROCESSORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
processOrderWithReprice(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Submits the given order by calling processOrder with the chain: PipelineConstants.PROCESSORDERWITHREPRICE The locale that is used is determined in the following order: pLocale - If not null OrderManager.defaultLocale - if not null ServletUtil.getUserLocale
processOrderWithReprice(Order, String, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Submits the given order by calling processOrder with the chain: PipelineConstants.PROCESSORDERWITHREPRICE The locale that is used is determined in the following order: pLocale - If not null OrderManager.defaultLocale - if not null ServletUtil.getUserLocale
PROCESSORDERWITHREPRICE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
processParentProperties(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Process any of the properties of containing items on the the context's stack.
processPipelineErrors(PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method processes the pipeline result error messages.
processPipelineErrors(PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Examine the pipeline result looking for any error messages, creates DropletExceptions and adds them as form exceptions
processPipelineErrors(PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Examine the pipeline result looking for any error messages, creates DropletExceptions and adds them as form exceptions
processPipelineErrors(PipelineResult, PipelineErrorHandler) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Examine the pipeline result looking for any error messages, creates DropletFormExceptions and adds them as form exceptions
processPipelineErrors(PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Examine the pipeline result looking for any error messages, creates DropletFormExceptions and adds them as form exceptions
processPostRequestProcessors(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Executes the post request processors.
processProduct(RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method processes each product for migration.
processProperties(Context, RepositoryItem, OutputItemSpecifier, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Process any properties: that is collect any property values.
processProperties(Context, RepositoryItem, OutputItemSpecifier, OutputProperty[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Process any properties: that is collect any property values.
processPutCommand(DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Reads from the input stream the PUT protocol and creates a file in the local cache directory.
processQueuedChangesForConfig(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
Process the queued changes for the specified configuration.
processQueuedIncrementalUpdates() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Process any queued incremental updates
processQueuedIncrementalUpdates(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
process queued incremental updates
processQueueEntry() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Gets a log event out of the queue and writes it to the listener.
processRedirectURL(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Handles the path processing required of Servlet 2.3's rendition of sendRedirect().
processRepositoryId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method provides the main functionality for the handleRepositoryId method.
processResponse(Response) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
This method processes the Response object from the invoke method on a call object.
processResults(Command, CommandResult) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
Convert the command results into repository items
processResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Processes the specified ResultSet and returns an array of the resulting objects.
processResultSet(ResultSet, int, int) - Method in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Processes the specified ResultSet and returns an array of the resulting objects.
processResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Processes the specified ResultSet and returns an array of the resulting objects.
processResultSet(ResultSet, int, int) - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Processes the specified ResultSet and returns an array of the resulting objects.
processResultSetRow(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Processes one ResultSet row.
processResultSetRow(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Processes one ResultSet row by filling in the values of the specified object, as opposed to creating a new object to hold the values.
processResultSetRow(ResultSet, Object[]) - Method in class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Processes one ResultSet row by filling in the values of the specified objects, as opposed to creating new objects to hold the values.
processResultSetRow(ResultSet) - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Processes one ResultSet row.
processResultSetRow(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
Processes one ResultSet row by filling in the values of the specified object, as opposed to creating a new object to hold the values.
processReturnValue(Response) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
This method is just an adapter method.
processScheduledOrder(RepositoryItem, Order, Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
This method processes the Scheduled Order via executing the processOrder pipeline chain.
processShippingGroup(Order, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
processShippingGroup(Order, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
processSku(RepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method processes each sku for migration.
processSuccess(String, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add an information message to the formMessages to be displayed by the form and sets formInfo to true.
processSuccess(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add an information message to the formMessages to be displayed by the form and sets formInfo to true.
processSuccess(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Add an information message to the formMessages to be displayed by the form and sets formInfo to true.
ProcessTaskInfo - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class ProcessTaskInfo ("Process task information")
ProcessTaskInfoHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
ProcessWaitState - Class in atg.process
Describes a (possibly partial) wait state of a process instance.
ProcessWaitState() - Constructor for class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Creates a new ProcessWaitState.
ProcessWaitState(String, String, ProcessElementInfo[]) - Constructor for class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Creates a new ProcessWaitState with the given process name, segment name, and element infos.
processXSLTemplate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Document, Document, boolean, Map, ErrorListener) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
Process an XSL template from a DOM document.
processXSLTemplate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Document, Object, boolean, Map, ErrorListener) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
Process an XSL template with a pre-compiled template.
processXSLTemplate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Document, boolean, Map, ErrorListener) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
Process with any embedded XSL template.
ProcExecuteChain - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor executes a chain from within a processor of another chain.
ProcExecuteChain() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will execute the chain to delegate the FulfillOrderFragment messages to the fulfiller systems.
ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
ProcExtractOrderId - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor uses the ClientLockManager to guarrantee that only one thread dealing with a message for a given key is running through the system at any moment in time.
ProcExtractOrderId() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractOrderId
ProcExtractShippingGroupIds - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor extracts shipping groups ids from the modification object
ProcExtractShippingGroupIds() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractShippingGroupIds
ProcFailOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will fail the order
ProcFailOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFailOrder
ProcFinishOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will finish the order processing
ProcFinishOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishOrder
ProcFinishRemoveOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will finish removing the order
ProcFinishRemoveOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishRemoveOrder
ProcFinishShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will "ship" the shipping group by setting its states to completion
ProcFinishShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishShippingGroup
ProcHandleElectronicSenderType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor routes the electronic item delivery procedure
ProcHandleElectronicSenderType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleElectronicSenderType
ProcHandleItemRelationshipState - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor routes the item allocation procedure based on the relationship's state
ProcHandleItemRelationshipState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleItemRelationshipState
ProcHandleMessageType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor determines the message type received by the Fulfiller router and calls to multiple chains to process the message
ProcHandleMessageType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleMessageType
ProcHandleModificationClassType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will route the modification execution based on the modification class type Works for both ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotification JMS messages
ProcHandleModificationClassType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
ProcHandleModificationTargetType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor routes the execution of the id target modification.
ProcHandleModificationTargetType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationTargetType
ProcHandleModificationType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will route the modification execution based on the modification `* operation type like add, remove, update
ProcHandleModificationType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationType
ProcHandleNewType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This method is called to handle all messages other than the other handle methods.
ProcHandleNewType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleNewType
ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor iterates through the Hashmap object with orders whose shipping groups are ready to ship.
ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor handles the HashMap object that contains the orders with shipping groups whose items could not be allocated from the repository in the former allocation procedures.
ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
ProcHandleRelationshipState - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will route the execution resulted in a change of a relationship's state
ProcHandleRelationshipState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRelationshipState
ProcHandleRetrievingOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor loads the order by the id.
ProcHandleRetrievingOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRetrievingOrder
ProcHandleShippingGroupState - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor routes the execution resulted in an update of a shipping group based on the shipping group's new state value.
ProcHandleShippingGroupState() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupState
ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor executes the shipping group update modification sent in the modify order notification message to the OrderFulfiller.
ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification
ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the CommerceItem objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
ProcLoadCostCenterObjects - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
This processor loads the CostCenter objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadCostCenterObjects() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This method loads the HandlingInstruction objects from the OrderRepository into a ShippingGroup in the Order object.
ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
ProcLoadOrderObject - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the Order object from the OrderRepository.
ProcLoadOrderObject() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
ProcLoadOrderRepository - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor loads the order by the id.
ProcLoadOrderRepository() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadOrderRepository
ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the PaymentGroup objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the PaymentStatus objects from the OrderRepository into the PaymentGroups of the Order object.
ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the PriceInfo objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
ProcLoadRelationshipObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the Relationship objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadRelationshipObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor loads the order by the id.
ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository
ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor loads the ShippingGroup objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
ProcLockMessage - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor uses the ClientLockManager to guarrantee that only one thread dealing with a message for a given key is running through the system at any moment in time.
ProcLockMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLockMessage
ProcModificationUnsupported - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor simply fails the modification due its unsupported reasons.
ProcModificationUnsupported() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
ProcMoveUsedPromotions - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor moves any used promotions in the user's profile from the activePromotions list to the usedPromotions list.
ProcMoveUsedPromotions() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
ProcPerformRelationshipModification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor executes the relationship id target modification passed to the OrderFulfiller in the modifyOrder message.
ProcPerformRelationshipModification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformRelationshipModification
ProcPerformShippingGroupModification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor executes the shipping group modification passed in the modifyOrder message to the OrderFufiller
ProcPerformShippingGroupModification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformShippingGroupModification
ProcPopulatePipelineParams - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor extracts properties from a JMS message object and populates them into the pParam parameter.
ProcPopulatePipelineParams() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Creates a new ProcPopulatePipelineParams instance.
ProcProcessCreditCard - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to authorize, debit, and credit CreditCard payment groups.
ProcProcessCreditCard() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessCreditCard
ProcProcessGiftCertificate - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to authorize, debit, and credit GiftCertificate payment groups.
ProcProcessGiftCertificate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessGiftCertificate
ProcProcessInvoiceRequest - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to authorize, debit, and credit InvoiceRequest payment groups.
ProcProcessInvoiceRequest() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
ProcProcessPaymentGroup - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This is the base class which processors that would like to perform auth/debit/credit actions on a particular payment group can extend from.
ProcProcessPaymentGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
Empty Constructor.
ProcProcessShippingGroups - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor processes (fulfills) shipping groups for both hardgood and softgood fulfillers It will call to the corresponding fulfillers' chains to actually process the groups.
ProcProcessShippingGroups() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
ProcProcessStoreCredit - Class in atg.commerce.payment.processor
This pipeline processor element is called to authorize, debit, and credit StoreCredit payment groups.
ProcProcessStoreCredit() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessStoreCredit
ProcPropertyRestriction - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This processor returns the value in the returnValueForTrueEvaluation or returnValueForFalseEvaluation based on whether or not a restriction on the user's rule passed or failed.
ProcPropertyRestriction() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
ProcPurchaseBackOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates a backordered item from the inventory
ProcPurchaseBackOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseBackOrder
ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
Handles allocating the items from inventory for a configurable commerce item.
ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
ProcPurchaseItem - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates in stock item
ProcPurchaseItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseItem
ProcPurchasePreOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor allocates a preordered item from the inventory
ProcPurchasePreOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchasePreOrder
ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor removes empty PaymentGroups from an Order.
ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor removes empty ShippingGroups from an Order.
ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor is responsible for the removal of CommerceItems whose sku or product have been removed from the database from Orders whose states are specified in the @see OpenOrderStates.
ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
ProcRemoveOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will execute the chain to remove an order
ProcRemoveOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor removes the item relationship from the shipping group by reallocating its quantity in the inventory.
ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship
ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will remove the relationship's quantity from the CommerceItem's quantity
ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem
ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor removes item Relationships from the shipping group.
ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor gets the itemRelationship's quantity to allocate it from the inventory
ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity
ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor is executed as part of the HardgoodShipper to ship shipping groups that are in a PENDING_SHIPMENT state.
ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap
ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor is called on a reception of a UpdateInventory JMS Message.
ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor finds all shipping groups in an order that need to be split across multiple fulfillers (shipping groups that are to be fulfilled by more than one fulfiller)
ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit
ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the CommerceItem objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
ProcSaveCostCenterObjects - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
This processor saves the CostCenter objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSaveCostCenterObjects() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the HandlingInstruction objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
ProcSaveOrderObject - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the Order object into the OrderRepository.
ProcSaveOrderObject() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the PaymentGroup objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the PaymentStatus objects into the OrderRepository from the PaymentGroup object.
ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
ProcSavePriceInfoObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the PriceInfo objects into the OrderRepository from the Order, CommerceItem and ShippingGroup objects.
ProcSavePriceInfoObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
ProcSaveRelationshipObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the Relationship objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSaveRelationshipObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor saves the ShippingGroup objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor instantiates an ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
Creates a new ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage instance.
ProcSendApprovalMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor instantiates an ApprovalMessage object and populates it.
ProcSendApprovalMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalMessage
Creates a new ProcSendApprovalMessage instance.
ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This processor creates and sends an ApprovalRequiredMessage to the messaging system.
ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage
Creates a new ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage instance.
ProcSendFulfillmentMessage - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sends a message to the fulfillment engine when an order has been processed.
ProcSendFulfillmentMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor sends the FulfillOrderFragment messages to the fulfillers.
ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sends an event to the scenario engine when a gift has been purchased.
ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor executes removing of an order by setting the order's and its components states to PENDING_REMOVE and sending the modifyOrder message to the fulfiller
ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval
ProcSendModifyOrderNotification - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor sends the ModifyOrderNotification message with the changes that have been done to the order.
ProcSendModifyOrderNotification() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderNotification
ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sends an event to the scenario engine when an promotion is used in an order.
ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
ProcSendScenarioEvent - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sends scenario action events to the scenario server.
ProcSendScenarioEvent() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
sends scheduled order submit messages
ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
Constructs an empty ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
ProcSetCatalogRefs - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sets the catalog references into the CommerceItems in the order.
ProcSetCatalogRefs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
ProcSetCostCenterAmount - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
This processor determines the values that need to be set into the amount field of a CostCenter.
ProcSetCostCenterAmount() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
ProcSetLastModifiedTime - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sets the catalog references into the CommerceItems in the order.
ProcSetLastModifiedTime() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor determines the values that need to be set into the amount field of a PaymentGroup.
ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
ProcSetProductRefs - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor sets the product references into the CommerceItems in the order.
ProcSetProductRefs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
ProcSettleOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will settle the order by calling the PaymentManager for each PaymentGroup
ProcSettleOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSettleOrder
ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
Check with the special instructions of the shipping group to see what the behavior should be if only part of the group has been allocated.
ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable
ProcShippingGroupHasShipped - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will call to the chain to ship a shipping group that is in a PENDING_SHIPMENT state
ProcShippingGroupHasShipped() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor splits the shipping group into two shipping groups, one with items PENDING_DELIVERY and one with items that aren't PENDING_DELIVERY
ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems
ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor splits the shipping groups passed in the order if the shipping groups are to be fulfilled by more than one fulfiller
ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment
ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor returns 1 if the given CommerceItem is not a ConfigurableCommerceItem, 2 if it is.
ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType
ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
This processor is called in the final stages of processOrder chain.
ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
ProcUpdateGiftRepository - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Check the shipping groups of an order for Handlers.
ProcUpdateGiftRepository() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
ProcUpdateOrderRepository - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor saves the order back to the repository after it has been processed.
ProcUpdateOrderRepository() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcUpdateOrderRepository
ProcValidateCostCenter - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
Validate a single Cost Center at checkout time.
ProcValidateCostCenter() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
This processor validates CostCenters before checking an Order out.
ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
ProcValidateCreditCard - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of the CreditCard payment group at checkout time.
ProcValidateCreditCard() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
ProcValidateCurrencyCodes - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validates that all the PriceInfo objects in the Order have been priced using the same currency code.
ProcValidateCurrencyCodes() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of ElectronicShippingGroup at checkout time.
ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
ProcValidateGiftCertificate - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of the GiftCertificate payment group at checkout time.
ProcValidateGiftCertificate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates that the total quantities in the HandlingInstructions do not exceed the amount assigned to the ShippingGroup.
ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of HardgoodShippingGroup at checkout time.
ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
ProcValidateInvoiceRequest - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of the InvoiceRequest payment group at checkout time.
ProcValidateInvoiceRequest() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates that all order costs are accounted for by a PaymentGroup.
ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
ProcValidateOrderForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates that all there is at least one CommerceItem, one ShippingGroup, and one PaymentGroup in the Order.
ProcValidateOrderForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates PaymentGroups before checking an Order out.
ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates that all shipping costs are accounted for by a PaymentGroup.
ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This processor validates ShippingGroups before checking an Order out.
ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
ProcValidateStoreCredit - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
Validate a single instance of the StoreCredit payment group at checkout time.
ProcValidateStoreCredit() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
ProcVerifyApproval - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor
This class returns the value in the alreadyApprovedReturnValue property if the state or the order is the same as the state in thge approvedOrderState property of this class.
ProcVerifyApproval() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor verifies if the item relatioship is in a state that allows it to be removed
ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval
ProcVerifyOrderAddresses - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This class verifies addresses for ShippingGroups and PaymentGroups.
ProcVerifyOrderAddresses() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor verifies that the order to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment
ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor verifies if the order is in a state that allows it to be removed
ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor verifies if the shipping group is in a state that allows it to be shipped (PENDING_SHIPMENT)
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This method verifies that the shipping group to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor verifies if the shipping group is in a state that allows it to be removed
ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval
ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor
This processor will verify if the shipping groups passed in the order can be handled by their fulfillers.
ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers
PRODUCT_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
PRODUCT_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PRODUCT_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
PRODUCT_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
PRODUCT_LINK_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
PRODUCT_LIST - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
PRODUCT_MIGRATION_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
PRODUCT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Parameter for product id information
ProductComparisonList - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
ProductComparisonList extends ComparisonList and manages list elements that are specifically designed for comparing catalog-based category/product/sku tuples rather than simple Java objects.
ProductComparisonList() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
ProductComparisonList.Entry - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
Inner class representing the data stored in the product comparison list.
ProductComparisonList.Entry() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Create a new Entry and store its id in the hashtable so that entry.id works from jhtml pages.
ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
Inner class to capture and hold inventory data; returns the same readable properties as atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo, but is serializable so it can participate in session failover.
ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Construct an empty InventoryData object
ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData(InventoryInfo) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData
Construct an InventoryData, copying values from an InventoryInfo object.
productContainsSku(Object, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Verify that a specified sku ID is an ID of a child sku of the specified product.
productContainsSku(String, String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Verify that a specified sku is actually a child sku of the specified product during creation of a commerce item.
PRODUCTDISCONTINUED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
PRODUCTINFO_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
ProductListContains - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
A droplet that queries whether a ProductComparisonList contains a specified product, category, and sku.
ProductListContains() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
ProductListHandler - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.comparison
A form handler that manages the contents of a ProductComparisonList.
ProductListHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
PROFILE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
PROFILE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
Profile - Class in atg.userprofiling
Profile() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Constructs an instanceof Profile
PROFILE_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
PROFILE_CATALOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
PROFILE_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Flag indicating that profile-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
PROFILE_HAS_LASTMARKER - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Scenario profileHasLastMarker condition name
PROFILE_HAS_LASTMARKER_WITHKEY - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Scenario profileHasLastMarkerWithKey condition name
PROFILE_HAS_MARKER - Static variable in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
Scenario profileHasMarker condition name
PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
PROFILE_ID_TRACKING_DATA_KEY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
The key used to store the profileId in the outgoing email tracking data
PROFILE_MARKER_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
default marker item type profile business process markers
PROFILE_MARKER_MANAGER_PATH - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
default path to the profile marker manager
PROFILE_MARKER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
default property name to use for profile business process markers
PROFILE_PARAM - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingConstants
Keyword to extract the profile out of the parameters supplied to the execution of a pipeline chain.
PROFILE_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestConstants
value: DYN_USER_ID
The default name for the parameter that stores the user id.
PROFILE_PRICE_LIST_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
PROFILE_TOOLS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent.ProfileToolsSingleton
Path of the component to retrieve ProfileTools Component.
PROFILE_VERFICATION_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestConstants
The default name for the parameter that stores an encoded user id which we use to check that no one screwed with the DYN_USER_ID cookie.
ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration - Class in atg.markers.bp
Business Process configuration for business processes based on a profile.
ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.ProfileBasedProcessConfiguration
ProfileEventTrigger - Class in atg.userprofiling
Contains methods for firing off various profile related session events.
ProfileEventTrigger() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
ProfileForm - Class in atg.userprofiling
This class is a base class used to handle actions involving Profiles.
ProfileForm() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constructs a new ProfileForm.
ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper - Class in atg.userprofiling
ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper(Dictionary) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
ProfileFormHandler - Class in atg.userprofiling
This class provides a convenient form handler for operating on the current user's profile.
ProfileFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Constructs a new ProfileFormHandler.
ProfileHasLastMarker - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
Use this droplet to determine if a profile item's last marker has a matching key, value, data and extendedProperties.
ProfileHasLastMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarker
ProfileHasLastMarkerWithKey - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
This droplet determines if a profile item's last marker with a specific key, has a matching value, data and extendedProperties.
ProfileHasLastMarkerWithKey() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasLastMarkerWithKey
ProfileHasMarker - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
Use this droplet to determine if a profile item has a marker that matches the key, value and extendedProperties.
ProfileHasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.ProfileHasMarker
ProfileHasMarker - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
The scenario hasMarker expression class for profiles This expression class returns the profile repository item in method getItemToUse.
ProfileHasMarker() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileHasMarker
ProfileMarkerManager - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
This class is the RepositoryMarkerManager extension for managing profile markers.
ProfileMarkerManager() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
ProfileMarkerServices - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
ProfileMarkerServices contains the methods that can be used to implement marker WebServices for profiles.
ProfileMarkerServices() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
This JMS Message will be sent by DPS when a user changes one of his profile traits, like maritalStatus for example.
ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage(String, Object, Object, int, double, double, Object[], Object[], String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Constructs an instance of ProfileUpdateMessage
ProfileRepositoryItem - Interface in atg.userprofiling
NOTE: This interface is now empty because the transient property was moved into the super-interface atg.repository.RepositoryItem.
ProfileRequest - Class in atg.userprofiling
This represents Profile information associated with a request in an HTTP-specific usage of profiles.
ProfileRequest() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Constructs an instanceof ProfileRequest
ProfileRequestConstants - Interface in atg.userprofiling
This interface defines constants which are used during handling profile requests.
ProfileRequestServlet - Class in atg.userprofiling
ProfileRequestServlet() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Constructs an instanceof ProfileRequestServlet
ProfileServices - Class in atg.userprofiling
A collection of web services that duplicate common userprofiling functionality provided via form handlers and repository functions
ProfileServices() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
ProfileSessionFailService - Class in atg.userprofiling
This service is used to preserve a user's active profile in the event of a session failover to another Dynamo server.
ProfileSessionFailService() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Constructs an instanceof ProfileSessionFailService
ProfileTools - Class in atg.userprofiling
A general set of tools which help manipulate profiles.
ProfileTools() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Constructs an instanceof ProfileTools
ProfileUpdateMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
This JMS Message will be sent by DPS when a user changes one of his profile traits, like maritalStatus for example.
ProfileUpdateMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
ProfileUpdateMessage(List, Map, Map, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Constructs an instance of ProfileUpdateMessage
Project - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class Project
PROJECT_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
PROJECT_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
ProjectConstants - Class in atg.epub.project
This class contains constant variables that are used throughout EPublishing.
ProjectConstants() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
ProjectEnumStatus - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the Project.status property.
ProjectEnumStatus(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
ProjectEnumStatus() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
ProjectFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Form Handler for adding or deleting an asset to/from a project.
ProjectFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
ProjectHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
ProjectPropertyAccessor - Class in atg.epub.search.indexing
A DAF.Search.Indexing PropertyAccessor class that provides publishing project related properties.
ProjectPropertyAccessor() - Constructor for class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
ProjectSearchFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
ProjectSearchFormHandler Subclass of SearchFormHandler for searching, wrapping our starting with and contains helpers.
ProjectSearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
PROMOID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
PROMOTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
PROMOTION_TOOLS_PATH - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Location of the PromotionTools component.
PROMOTION_TOOLS_PATH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionConverter
Component path for promotion tools
PromotionAction - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
PromotionAction() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionAction
PromotionClosenessMessage - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class is the base for two types of JMS messages: - A PromotionClosenessQualificationEvent indicates that an order has met a closenessQualification of a given promotion.
PromotionClosenessMessage() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
PromotionConverter - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
Converts promotion id's into promotion names for Xref items
PromotionConverter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionConverter
PromotionConverter(String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionConverter
Constructs an instanceof PromotionConverter
PromotionDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
Associates required param "promotion" with optional param "profile".
PromotionDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
PromotionServlet - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
The PromotionServlet allows a promotion to be added to a users profile via a URL.
PromotionServlet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
PromotionTools - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
PromotionTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
PromotionUpsellProductTargeter - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This targeter returns all upsellProducts in the upsellAction repository items associated with the closenessQualifiers contained in the session's current order.
PromotionUpsellProductTargeter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
PromotionUpsellTargeter - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This targeter returns all closenessQualifiers associated with the current session's order.
PromotionUpsellTargeter() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
PromotionUpsellTools - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This tools class is used by the ClosenessQualifierDroplet and the PromotionUpsell targeter to compile lists of closenessQualifiers.
PromotionUpsellTools() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
PromotionUsed - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
This message will be sent when an order is processed and contains promotions which were used.
PromotionUsed() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
PromotionXrefParser - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
Parses out xrefs for promotions
PromotionXrefParser() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionXrefParser
prop - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef
PROP_ACL - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Boolean value for an ES enumeration.
PROP_TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Date value for an ES enumeration.
PROP_TYPE_ENUM - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Enumeration value for an ES enumeration.
PROP_TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Enumeration value for an ES enumeration.
PROP_TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Enumeration value for an ES number.
PROP_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Enumeration value for an ES string.
PROP_TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Enumeration value for an ES text.
PROP_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
Unknown value for an ES enumeration.
propagateLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Propagate any change in the locale property to the RequestLocale component.
propagateLocale(Profile, RequestLocale, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Tests to see if the locale of the profile and the locale of the current request are different, and if so, whether or not the caller should change the locale to that of the profile's
PROPERTIES_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
PROPERTIES_SUFFIX_LEN - Static variable in interface atg.nucleus.ConfigurationFinder
propertiesChanged(PropertiesChangedEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Listen for changes to price items
propertiesChanged(PropertiesChangedEvent) - Method in interface atg.repository.PropertiesChangedListener
PropertiesChangedEvent - Class in atg.repository
This event gets fired by an ItemDescriptor when a set of properties on that item descriptor have been modified.
PropertiesChangedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
PropertiesChangedEvent(Object, RepositoryChangedItem, int, Map) - Constructor for class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Construct a PropertiesChangedEvent from an item
PropertiesChangedEvent(Object, String, String, int, Map) - Constructor for class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Construct a PropertiesChangedEvent from an item's id and item-descriptor name.
PropertiesChangedListener - Interface in atg.repository
Classes implement this interface when they want to be notified of a PropertiesChangedEvent when a set of properties in an item descriptor have been updated.
Property - Class in atg.cortex
This represents a single property of a particular class.
Property(Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.Property
Constructs a new Property
PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
PROPERTY_NOT_SET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
PROPERTY_TAG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Identifier for the property tag that appears in a mapping file
PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
PROPERTY_TYPE format fields refer to property names
PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
PROPERTY_TYPE format fields refer to property names
propertyExists(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method checks whether a property exists in the value Dictionary
PropertyFormatter - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
Property value formatter.
PropertyFormatterImpl - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter
A minimal implementation of a PropertyFormatter.
PropertyFormatterImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.formatter.PropertyFormatterImpl
PropertyList - Class in atg.cortex
This represents an ordered list of Property objects.
PropertyList() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.PropertyList
Constructs a new PropertyList
PropertyManager - Class in atg.userprofiling
A service which keeps track of information about important properties for the Dynamo Personalization System.
PropertyManager() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Constructs an instanceof PropertyManager
PropertyName - Class in atg.droplet
PropertyNotFoundException - Exception in atg.beans
Represents an exception thrown by a property mapper when it does not support the requested property.
PropertyNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException
Constructs a new blank ServiceException
PropertyNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException
Constructs a new PropertyNotFoundException with the given explanation
PropertyNotFoundException(Exception) - Constructor for exception atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException
Constructs a new PropertyNotFoundException with the given nested exception.
PropertyNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException
Constructs a new PropertyNotFoundException with the given nested exception.
PropertyRangeShippingCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on the summing the values of a specific property of all the items in the shipping group.
PropertyRangeShippingCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Constructs an instanceof PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
PropertyTools - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice
Utility methods for copying properties between objects and repository items in a generic way.
PropertyTools() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.PropertyTools
PropertyTypeEnum - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier
A enum class (pre-JDK 1.5) which represents a meta-data property type.
PropertyTypeEnum.LocalePropertyTypeEditor - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier
Provide a LocalePropertyTypeEditor for editing PropertyTypeEnum.
PropertyTypeEnum.LocalePropertyTypeEditor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.LocalePropertyTypeEditor
PropertyTypeEnum.PropertyTypeEditor - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier
The PropertyTypeEditor for this enum class.
PropertyTypeEnum.PropertyTypeEditor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum.PropertyTypeEditor
PropertyValueFormatter - Interface in atg.nucleus
This interface defines an object that can format a String from a value.
PropertyValueFormatters - Class in atg.nucleus
This class can find the PropertyValueFormatter for a specified object.
PropertyValueFormatters() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.PropertyValueFormatters
Constructs a new PropertyValueFormatters with the default list of formatters.
PropertyValuesFilter - Interface in atg.repository.search.indexing
The filter interface.
PROTOCOL_CHANGE_DROPLET - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Cache
PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
ProtocolChange - Class in atg.droplet
The ChangeProtocol droplet takes in a url and outputs a full url to that location for both secure and insecure protocols.
ProtocolChange() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
ProtocolChangeBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the ProtocolChange droplet.
ProtocolChangeBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ProtocolChangeBeanInfo
ProxyUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
A user authority that acts as a proxy for another user authority.
pruneAlternatives(Object, List, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Prune the list of alternative types by modifying pUrlAndLastMimeTypeList.
pruneFreeResources() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Runs through the list of free resources and destroys all of them.
PublishingConfiguration - Class in atg.epub
This class is for defining generic configuration properties, such as property names, item descriptor names, repository references, nucleus components, etc.
PublishingConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
PublishingException - Exception in atg.epub
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a publishing operation.
PublishingException() - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException.
PublishingException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException with the given explanation.
PublishingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException.
PublishingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException with the given explanation and source exception.
PublishingException(String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException with the given resource information.
PublishingException(String, String, Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Constructs a new PublishingException with the given exception and appropriate resource information.
PublishingMessage - Class in atg.epub.messaging
This class represents a base JMS message class for Publishing messages.
PublishingMessage() - Constructor for class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Constructs an empty JMS message.
PublishingMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Constructs a JMS message with a project id
PublishingMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Constructs a JMS message with process and project ids
PublishingPortletFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Base form handler class for creating Publishing form handlers within the Portals framework.
PublishingPortletFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
purchase(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Actually purchases a product.
purchase(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchase(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchase(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchase(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
purchase(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchase(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Check the availability status (queryAvailabilityStatus).
purchaseBundle(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Purchases a bundle by purchase each of its bundle items.
purchaseBundleOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Purchases the bundle then increments the backorderLevel of each item in the bundle.
purchaseBundleOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Purchases the bundle and increments the preorderLevel of each item in the bundle.
PurchaselistFormHandler - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists
This class provides convenient form handling methods for operating on the current customer's purchase lists.
PurchaselistFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists
Bean name: PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper.
PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
PurchaselistItemDroplet - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists
PurchaselistItemDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistItemDroplet
PurchaselistManager - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists
Deprecated. use GiftlistManager
PurchaselistManager() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistManager
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
purchaseOffBackorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Check the availability status (queryAvailabilityStatus).
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Actually purchases a product.
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
purchaseOffPreorder(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Check the availability status (queryAvailabilityStatus).
PurchaseProcessFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This abstract class defines the very general FormHandling functionality that the purchase process formhandlers require, including Transaction management, PipelineChain execution, central configuration, and error processing.
PurchaseProcessFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
PURCHASER_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Name of template email parameter containing the profile bean of the purchaser
purge(long, boolean, Collection) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Branch
Permanently remove versions which are older than the time specified from this branch or simulate such removal if pDryRun is true.
purge(Branch, long) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Permanently remove versions which were checked in on or before the given date from the given branch.
purge(Branch, long, boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Permanently remove versions which were checked in on or before the given date from the given branch.
purge(Branch, long, boolean, Collection) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Permanently remove versions which were checked in on or before the given date from the given branch.
purgeDataForCompletedDeployments() - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method removes the deployment data and the markers for all completed deployments.
purgeDeploymentData(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method removes the deployment data and the markers for the completed deployment.
pushBody(PageContext, boolean[], int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Do a pushBody, and record at pIndex of pBodyContentsPushed that that body was pushed.
pushContext() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Push the context
pushDefaultParameters(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This sets a new dictionary of parameters at the top of the current frame.
pushDevelopmentLine(DevelopmentLine) - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.WorkingContext
Add the given development line to the stack of lines, and make it current in this thread.
pushFrame() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
A frame is defined for each droplet invocation.
pushParameters(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Adds a dictionary to the list of parameters to check.
pushParent(RepositoryItem, OutputItemSpecifier) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Push a parent item.
pushParent(ItemAndSpecifier) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Push a parent item.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
put(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
put(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Associate an object with specified key, return previously associated object.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Puts an entry into the cache, placing that entry at the front of the LRU list.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
put(DocumentCacheKey, DocumentCacheValue) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCache
Put a document in the cache
PUT_CMD - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
putAll(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
putCurrentProperty(GSAItem, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Put the specified property directly into the specifed item's current properties.
putElement(String, Object) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Binds the specified element to the specified name.
putElement(String, Object) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Binds the specified element to the specified name.
putElement(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Binds the specified element to the specified name.
putElement(ComponentName, Object) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameContext
Binds the specified element to the specified name.
putFile(String, byte[]) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Send the specified file to all of the servers.
putFile(File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Send the specified file to all of the servers.
putFile(ContentRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Send the content of the default rendition of the given ContentRepositoryItem to the remote servers.
putFile(ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Send the content of the specified rendition of the given ContentRepositoryItem to the remote servers.
putNullItemInCache(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
putParameter(String, DropletInvocation.Parameter) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Sets the value of a parameter.
putPendingElement(ComponentName, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Put a pending element in this registry.


QualifiedItem - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Holds information about a CommerceItem that has qualified for a discount.
QualifiedItem(CommerceItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
Qualifier - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A Helper class for discount calculators.
Qualifier() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
QUALIFIER_SERVICE_NOT_SET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
QUANTITY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
QUANTITY_AS_QUALIFIER_DETAILS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
QUANTITY_NOT_VALID - Variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
QUANTITY_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Parameter for quantity information
QUANTITY_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
QUANTITY_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
QUANTITY_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
QUANTITY_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
QUANTITYREMAINING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Query - Class in atg.cortex
A Query is a subclass of ResultSetProcessor that can help construct SQL select statements.
Query() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.Query
Constructs a new Query
Query - Interface in atg.repository
A non-specific definition of a particular query syntax.
QUERY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Parameter used to hold the query
QUERY_FAILURE - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
droplet exception code: query failed during execution
QUERY_RQL - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
queryAvailability(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, long, List, String, ConfigurableCommerceItem, SubSkuCommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
queryAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return the availability date of an item.
queryAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return the availability date of an item.
queryAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return the availability date of an item.
queryAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return the availability date of an item.
queryAvailabilityDate(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
query the availability date of an item.
queryAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return the availability status of a given item.
queryAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return the availability status of a given item.
queryAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return the availability status of a given item.
queryAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return the availability status of a given item.
queryAvailabilityStatus(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryAvailabilityStatus(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
queryBackorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return how many of a given item are available for preorder.
queryBackorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item are available for backorder.
queryBackorderLevel(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return how many of a given item can be backorder.
queryBackorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item can be backorder.
queryBackorderLevel(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryBackorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
query the number of items available for backorder.
queryBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return the threshold associated with backorderLevel
queryBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with backorderLevel
queryBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with backorderLevel
queryBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with backorderLevel
queryBackorderThreshold(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with backorderLevel
QueryBuilder - Interface in atg.repository
This object is used to build Query objects that can be passed to the Repository.
queryBundleAvailabilityDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Cycles through each item in a bundle and calls queryAvailabilityDate on each.
queryBundleBackorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Cycles through the items in a bundle and returns the greatest quantity of bundles that could be allocated given each items backorder level.
queryBundleBackorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Currently all bundles have thresholds of 0.
queryBundlePreorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Cycles through the items in a bundle and returns the greatest quantity of bundles that could be preordered given each items backorder level.
queryBundlePreorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Currently all bundles have thresholds of 0.
queryBundleStockLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Cycles through the items in a bundle and returns the greatest quantity of bundles that could be allocated given each items stock level.
queryBundleStockThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Currently all bundles have thresholds of 0.
QUERYENDINDEX - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Parameter used to hold the endingindex
QueryExpression - Interface in atg.repository
A non-specific definition of a subpiece of a query.
QueryFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <search> tag This component provides properties for setting some common attributes of the <search> tag.
QueryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
QUERYITEMS - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Parameter used to hold the resultant items
QueryMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
A message corresponding to a <query> request/response
QueryMessage(ClientQueryRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.QueryMessage
Create a message from the client request object
QueryOptions - Class in atg.repository
A bean class to holding properties that specify ways that a query may be modified: startingIndex - the index of the first element of a query result set that should actually be returned endingIndex - the index of the last element of a query result set that should actually be returned sortDirectives - specifies the sort order of the a query's result set.
QueryOptions(int, int, SortDirectives, String[]) - Constructor for class atg.repository.QueryOptions
queryPreorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return how many of a given item are available for backorder.
queryPreorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item are available for preorder.
queryPreorderLevel(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return how many of a given item can be preorder.
queryPreorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item can be preorder.
queryPreorderLevel(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryPreorderLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
query the number of items in available in preorder.
queryPreorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return the threshold associated with preorderLevel
queryPreorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with preorderLevel
queryPreorderThreshold(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with preorderLevel
queryPreorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with preorderLevel
queryPreorderThreshold(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryPreorderThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with preorderLevel
QUERYSORT - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Parameter used to hold the sortdirective
QUERYSTARTINDEX - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Parameter used to hold the startindex
queryStockLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return how many of a given item are in the system.
queryStockLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item are in the system.
queryStockLevel(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return how many of a given item are in the system.
queryStockLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return how many of a given item are in the system.
queryStockLevel(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryStockLevel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
query the number of items in stock.
queryStockThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Return the threshold associated with stockLevel.
queryStockThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with stockLevel.
queryStockThreshold(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with stockLevel.
queryStockThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with stockLevel.
queryStockThreshold(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
queryStockThreshold(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Return the threshold associated with stockLevel.
QUERYTOTAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates whether a count of orders should be returned in the totalCount and total_count output parameters.
QUERYTOTALONLY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates that only a count of orders should be returned in the totalCount and total_count output parameters, and that the orders themselves should not be returned
queueActions(Object) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Queues the configured actions to be performed later.
QueueingLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
The QueueingLogger is made to sit on top of a single LogListener, queueing log events so they don't actually get written out to the LogListener until a more convenient time.
QueueingLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Constructs an uninitialized QueueingLogger.
queueLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Adds the given log event to the queue.
queueUpdateActivity(LoaderImpl.UpdateActivityInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Queue an last activity time update change request.
QuickVerifyZip(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
A wrapper used for testing.
QUOTE_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
character that begins and ends Strings
QUOTE_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldPropertyValueParser
character that begins and ends Strings
QUOTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
QUOTIENT_IS_NAN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants


Range - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet renders its output parameter for a subset of elements in its array parameter.
Range() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Range
RANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
RANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
RangeBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Range droplet.
RangeBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.RangeBeanInfo
rawService(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Handles the request by serving the file.
rawToReal(Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
This is the multi-object version of the rawToReal function.
rawToReal(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Translate a raw property value to a real value.
read(ObjectInputStream) - Static method in class atg.security.SerializedUserAuthority
Returns the actual user authority given this substitute, if possible.
READ - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to read (access) an object.
READ_ACL - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to read the access control list of an object.
READ_OWNER - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to determine the owner of an object.
readFileBytes(VirtualFile) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.JavaConfigurationClassLoader
Reads the contents of the specified file into a byte array.
readId() - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
ReadOnlyProject - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class ReadOnlyProject ("Readonly Project")
ReadOnlyProjectHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
readProperties(Order, Object, String[], MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItemDescriptor, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads a List of properties from a repository item into an object.
readPropertyValue(Object) - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Reads and returns the value of the property from the given object.
readResolve() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
This override is necessary to work around what appears to be a JRockit bug--the static initializers for an Enum subclass first referenced on the client via RMI were not being called prior to invoking the superclass readResolve method; i.e., Enum.readResolve.
readResolve() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
This allows us to read serialized Enum objects without creating new instances.
readValue(Hashtable, String, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
When unserializing a value you may need to revert it to its original type.
REAL_PATH - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
realToRaw(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Translate a property value to a raw value.
reanimateAbandonedOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method checks first to see if the given order has an abandonmentInfo item associated it.
ReanimateAbandonedOrder - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This action checks to see if the current order is abandoned.
ReanimateAbandonedOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This droplet takes one paramter, "orderId", and checks to see if that order is abandoned.
ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
Constructs an instanceof ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
rearrangeGears(Page, Layout) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Create a map of gears list keyed on gear definition ids for the given page using the layout associated with the given pNewLayout.
rebuild(Query, TranslationContext) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Rebuild the specified query using the specified query builder.
RECALCCOSTCENTERAMOUNTS - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BPipelineConstants
RECALCPAYMENTGROUPAMOUNTS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
recalculateCostCenterAmounts(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Recalculates the amounts for each CostCenter supplied in pCostCenterList.
recalculatePaymentGroupAmounts(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
recalculatePaymentGroupAmounts(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Recalculates the amounts for each PaymentGroup supplied in pPaymentGroupList.
receiveAcknowledgement(RemoteConnection) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Using the remote connection, attempt to read the message from the remote server that acknowledges that the data was received and successfully written to the remote file system.
receiveDocument(Element) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
This is the main method that is exposed to the SOAP server.
receiveEvent(WebAppEvent) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
receiveEvent(WebAppEvent) - Method in interface atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppListener
Called when a WebApp has been added.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
This method is called when an ApprovalUpdateMessage is sent to it.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.SimpleInvoiceMessageSink
Implements the MessageSink interface by examining the type of the message and verifying that it is a JMS ObjectMessage, then retrieving the underlying object data and verifying that it is of type InvoiceMessage before calling handleMessage on it.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.
RECEIVEMESSAGE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
Takes a message, and if it is configured to forward it, sends it on to other message sinks.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
This method checks to see if the message is an ItemRemovedFromOrder.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSink
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.
receiveMessage(String, Message) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Called by DMS when a Message arrives through the given input port.
receiveSwapEvent(ProfileSwapEvent) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Accepts and processes a ProfileSwapEvent generated by the ProfileForm.
RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
RECIPIENT_EMAIL_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Name of template email parameter containing the quantity
recipientIsContactFatigued(TemplateEmailInfo, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Return whether the recipient is considered contact fatigued.
reclaimResource(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Reclaims a resource that is most likely out of the pool.
reclaimResource(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
A separate method for reclaiming resources incase sub-classes need to do this differently.
recordAndClearIncludeAttributes(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Record and clear (if needed) any servlet include attributes on the request.
recordItems(Object[]) - Method in interface atg.service.filter.ItemHistory
record (add) items into history buffer
recordResult(TaxResult[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Adds up the taxresults' tax properties
recordResultByShipping(TaxResult[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Returns an array of taxStatus objects at the shipping level
recoverAgent(String, Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Recover the agent for the deployment.
RecurringDeploymentService - Class in atg.deployment.server.queue
This service is responsible for initiating a deployment of all pending projects at a user defined interval.
RecurringDeploymentService() - Constructor for class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Redirect - Class in atg.droplet
This servlet takes a single parameter which is the url parameter and redirects the page that called this servlet to the defined URL.
Redirect() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Redirect
RedirectBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Redirect droplet.
RedirectBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.RedirectBeanInfo
redirectOrForward(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Forward or redirect, as required.
redirectOrForward(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Forward or redirect, as required.
REDUNDANT_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
refresh() - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Refreshes locally cached values if necessary.
refresh() - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Refreshes the list of active handlers, starts any handlers not already started and registers them with the distributor on thier specified default channels.
refreshInventoryData() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Update the inventory information associated with each product in the product comparison list to obtain the latest inventory levels and status.
REFRESHORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
Region - Interface in atg.portal.framework
A context in which gears are rendered.
RegionDefinition - Interface in atg.portal.framework
Represents a region definition
RegionHeightEnum - Class in atg.portal.framework
Enumerations for region heights
RegionHeightEnum.RegionHeightEnumEditor - Class in atg.portal.framework
RegionHeightEnum.RegionHeightEnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum.RegionHeightEnumEditor
RegionWidthEnum - Class in atg.portal.framework
Enumeration for region widths
RegionWidthEnum.RegionWidthEnumEditor - Class in atg.portal.framework
RegionWidthEnum.RegionWidthEnumEditor() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum.RegionWidthEnumEditor
register(File) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
It is assumed that this is a list of directories, that each contain a single web application or they are ear/war files.
register(ServletContext) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
Notification that the web application is ready to process requests.
register(Object) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
registerBeanTyper(Class, DynamicBeanTyper) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Adds a new property beanTyper.
registerCacheInvalidationListener(String, CacheInvalidationListener) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Registers a local CacheInvalidationListener (probably a RelationalViewManager) with the given name.
registerContentShown(NameResolver, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Register the fact that some repository item was shown in this session.
registerCortex(Class, Cortex) - Method in interface atg.cortex.CortexIntrospector
Registers the specified Cortex for the specified class.
registerCortex(Class, Cortex) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorImpl
Registers the specified Cortex for the specified class.
registerCortex(Class, Cortex) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexIntrospectorService
Registers the specified Cortex for the specified class.
RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy - Class in atg.security
A security policy that allows full access to registered users and denies access to anonymous users.
RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy() - Constructor for class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
registerHandler(String, EventChannelListener) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Registers an EventChannelListener to listen to events on the specified event channel.
registerIncomingClient(InvalidationRelayRequestHandler) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
Notifies the relay that an incoming client has attached
registerLayer(Object, DevelopmentLine) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Associate a particular session key with a layer.
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to registerOutParameter
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to registerOutParameter
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to registerOutParameter
registerOutParameter(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Registers the OUT parameter named parameterName to the JDBC type sqlType.
registerOutParameter(String, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Registers the parameter named parameterName to be of JDBC type sqlType.
registerOutParameter(String, int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Registers the designated output parameter.
registerPropertyDescriptorClass(String, Class) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Adds a new type of PropertyDescriptor to repositories which support user-defined property descriptors.
registerPropertyMapper(Class, DynamicPropertyMapper) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Adds a new property mapping definition.
registerSchedule(ScheduleFactory) - Static method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
We would very much like to take advantage of the prexisting schedule object within dynamo, but also allow users to register and create there own.
registerServerSession(Object, User) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Associate a particular session key with a user.
registerSynchronization(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Registers the given order as a synchronization on the current transaction.
registerTagConverter(TagConverter) - Static method in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
Adds a new TagConverter to the global list of converters.
registerValidateableService(Validateable) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Registers the specified service with the list of services to be validated periodically.
RegistrationException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while registering a portal repository item through the portal admin pages.
RegistrationException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RegistrationException
Constructs a new RegistrationException
RegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RegistrationException
Constructs a new RegistrationException with the given explanation.
RegistrationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RegistrationException
Constructs a new RegistrationException.
RegistrationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RegistrationException
Constructs a new RegistrationException with the given explanation.
REGISTRY_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
reinitialize() - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Rereads the XML configuration file and reconstructs the chains
reinitializeTopology() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Recreates the "live" topology from the configured topology.
reinitializeTransport() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Destroys the current transport and initializes a new one.
reinitializeTransport(Status) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Destroys the current transport and initializes a new one.
REJECTED - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
RelationalView - Class in atg.rview
A RelationalView comprises two parts: An ordered set of rows from a table, or joined set of tables A mapping from the columns of one such row to the properties of a Java bean
RelationalView() - Constructor for class atg.rview.RelationalView
RelationalViewDefinition - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RelationalViewDefinition.
RelationalViewDefinition() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
RelationalViewDefinition(String, RowmapDefinition, SubviewDefinition[], FunctionDefinition[]) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
RelationalViewDroplet - Class in atg.rview
The RelationalViewDroplet will perform one of the select operations on a RelationalView, place the result into the result parameter, then render the output parameter.
RelationalViewDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
RelationalViewException - Exception in atg.rview
Represents an exception encountered when trying to process a RelationalView's specification into working RelationalView objects.
RelationalViewException() - Constructor for exception atg.rview.RelationalViewException
RelationalViewException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.rview.RelationalViewException
RelationalViewManager - Class in atg.rview
This represents the central service that controls all of the RelationalViews for an application.
RelationalViewManager() - Constructor for class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
RelationalViewManagerImpl - Class in atg.rview
This is an implementation of RelationalViewManager, implemented as a Nucleus service.
RelationalViewManagerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Relationship - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which represents a relationship type.
RelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages Relationship objects.
RelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of Relationship objects.
RelationshipContainerImpl(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a RelationshipContainerImpl object.
RelationshipNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a Relationship cannot be found in a get or remove call.
RelationshipNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.RelationshipNotFoundException
Constructs a new RelationshipNotFoundException
RelationshipNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.RelationshipNotFoundException
Constructs a new RelationshipNotFoundException with the given explanation.
RelationshipNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.RelationshipNotFoundException
Constructs a new RelationshipNotFoundException.
RelationshipNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.RelationshipNotFoundException
Constructs a new RelationshipNotFoundException with the given explanation.
RELATIONSHIPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
RelationshipTypes - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class contains the Relationship type constants for all the different types of relationships.
RelationshipTypes() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
RelativeRole - Interface in atg.userdirectory
A RelativeRole is an role that represents the fullfillment of some function relative to a specific principal.
RelativeSchedule - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This implementation of Schedule represents a Schedule for an job that occurs once, after a specified delay from the current time.
RelativeSchedule(String, Locale) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.RelativeSchedule
Creates a new RelativeSchedule instance from the String PValue passed in
RelativeSchedule(long) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.RelativeSchedule
Constructs a new RelativeSchedule for a job that will occur after the specified delay (in msec) from the current time.
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Releases the tag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
release() - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
releaseAllConfigurations() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Release all configurations claimed by this server.
releaseAssetLocks() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
If the project has any locked assets and is in a state where those asset locks are no longer necessary, then this method will release those asset locks.
releaseContext(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Release any resources claimed by the specified context.
releaseGeneration(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Release the specified generation.
releaseInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Release locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
releaseInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Release locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
releaseInventoryLocks(List) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Release locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
releaseInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Release locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
releaseInventoryLocks(List, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
releaseInventoryLocks(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Release locks for the inventory items that apply to the given ids.
releaseLock() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
This method will release the lock, using the ClientLockManager
releaseReadLock(Serializable, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseReadLock(Serializable, Object, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseReadLock(Serializable, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseReadLock(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Removes the given Savepoint object from the current transaction.
releaseTag(Tag[], int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Call release on the tag at pIndex of pTags.
releaseTask(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleReleaseTask to actually release the task.
releaseTask(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Clears the ownership of a workflow instance's task by setting the owner to null.
releaseTimedOutConfigurations() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Release all configurations claimed by this server.
releaseTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Attempt to release the local lock that was acquired before creating a transaction that may have modified the order, but only if useLocksAroundTransactions is set to true.
releaseTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. please use releaseTransactionLock(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest) instead
releaseTransactionLock(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Attempt to release the local lock that was acquired before creating a transaction that may have modified the order, but only if useLocksAroundTransactions is set to true.
releaseTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Attempt to release a local lock
releaseTransactionLock() - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Release the lock named lockName from clientLockManager
releaseTransactionLock(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Release the lock with the given name from clientLockManager
releaseWriteLock(Serializable, Object) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseWriteLock(Serializable, Object, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseWriteLock(Serializable, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
releaseWriteLock(Serializable) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Releases the lock that is passed in.
reload() - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
reload call for the interface
reload(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
reload call for the interface
remapDaysOfTheWeekToUserInput(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method maps to the daysOfTheWeek user input field from the schedule object.
remapNullScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method maps to the user inputs when no schedule exists.
remapNullScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method maps to the user inputs when no schedule exists.
remapNullScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method maps to the user inputs when no schedule exists.
remapOccuranceInMonthToUserInput(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
Deprecated. because of misspelling
remapOccurrenceInMonthToUserInput(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method maps to the occurrenceInMonth user input field from the schedule object.
remapPeriodicMonthScheduleToUserInputFields(PeriodicMonthSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method maps the PeriodicMonthSchedule to the user inputs
remapPeriodicScheduleToUserInputFields(PeriodicSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method maps the PeriodicSchedule to the user inputs
remapScheduledOrderPropertiesFromUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method remaps all the complex properties from the user inputs to its repository.
remapScheduleModeToUserInput(CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method maps to the scheduleMode user field from the schedule object.
remapScheduleStringToUserInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, CalendarSchedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method remaps the human-readable schedule string to the user input
remapScheduleStringToUserInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method remaps the human-readable schedule string to the user input
remapScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method maps the Calendar Schedule Object to the user inputs.
remapScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method maps the Schedule Object to the user inputs.
remapScheduleToUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Schedule) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method maps the Schedule Object to the user inputs.
remapUserInputFieldsFromScheduledOrderProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method remaps all the complex properties from its repository to the corresponding user interface.
remapValueFromScheduledOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
This method maps the property that this class represents in the repository to the user inputs.
remapValueFromScheduledOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method maps the date property that this class represents in the scheduleOrder repository to the user inputs.
remapValueFromScheduledOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method maps the schedule property in the repository to the user inputs.
remapValueFromScheduledOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method maps the templateOrder property in the repository to the User Interface.
remapValueFromUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
This method maps the user inputs to the property that this class represents in the repository.
remapValueFromUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method maps the user inputs to the date property that this class represents in the scheduledOrder repository.
remapValueFromUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
This method maps the user inputs to the schedule property in the repository.
remapValueFromUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method maps the user inputs to the templateOrder property in the repository.
REMOTE_RMI_SERVICE_HOST - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
REMOTE_RMI_SERVICE_PORT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
RemoteAccount - Interface in atg.security
An object used to expose the Account interface via RMI.
RemoteAccountImpl - Class in atg.security
An object that wraps an Account object and makes it RMI-accessible.
RemoteAccountManager - Interface in atg.security
An interface to expose the AccountManager interface via RMI.
RemoteAccountManagerImpl - Class in atg.security
An object that wraps an AccountManager object in order to expose it via RMI.
remotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, String, String, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return true if the file has been distributed to the remote servers
remotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, String, String, ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return true if the file has been distributed to the remote servers
remotelyDistributed(RemoteConnection, String, String, String, long, long) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Return true if the file has been distributed to the remote servers
RemoteUserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
Minimal interface that must be implemented by user authorities whose personae can be serialized.
RemoteUserAuthorityImpl - Class in atg.security
Implementation of a remote user authority that wraps a normal user authority so that persona lookups can be accomplished.
remove(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove the list entry containing the given product id, category id, and sku id.
remove(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove the list entry with the specified uid.
remove(int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove the list entries with the specified uids.
remove(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove the list entries with the specified uids.
REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is the modification type remove, this means remove an existing object.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
remove() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Called when current deployment is being removed from the target.
remove() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Remove the Membership request
remove(File[], TypeMapping[], int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Removes repository items corresponding to the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
remove(File[], TypeMapper, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Removes repository items corresponding to the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
remove(File[], TypeMapping[], Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Removes repository items corresponding to the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
remove(File[], TypeMapper, Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Removes repository items corresponding to the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
remove(File[], TypeMapper, Properties, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Removes repository items corresponding to the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Remove an item from this slot.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Remove an item from this slot.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Remove value associated with specified key, return that value or null if no current value exists.
remove(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Removes a given ACE from the ACL.
remove(Persona, AccessRight, int) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Removes an access right if it exists.
remove(AccessControlEntry[], AccessControlEntry) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Removes an access control entry from an access control list, returning the resulting list.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Invalidates the entry with the given key.
remove() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Role
Remove this role from the user directory, from its parent RoleFolder if any, and from any principals to which it is assigned.
remove() - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Remove this folder and all of its descendant folders and roles from the user directory, and from its parent folder.
remove(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
remove(DocumentCacheKey) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCache
Remove a document from the cache
REMOVE_FROM_COLLECTION_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
REMOVE_FROM_MAP_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
REMOVE_ITEM_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
REMOVE_MARKER_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
the ruleid used between key and value parameters in the sceneario u for remove marker actions
REMOVE_ORDER_CANCELLED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_ORDER_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_ORDER_FINISHED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_ORDER_REQUESTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_SERVICE_OP_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
REMOVE_SHIPPING_GROUP_CANCELLED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_SHIPPING_GROUP_FINISHED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
REMOVE_STAGE_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the remove business process marker action
REMOVE_STAGE_VALUE_INTRO_RULE_ID - Static variable in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
the rule name that will be dynamically constructed for the token that preceeds the stage name in remove stage actions
removeAbandonedOrderFromProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method subtracts one from the abandonedOrderCount of the given profile.
removeAccessAllowedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Removes a listener for access allowed events.
removeAccessAllowedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Removes a listener for access allowed events.
removeAccessAllowedListener(AccessAllowedListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Removes a listener from the list of "access allowed" listeners.
removeAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Removes an access control entry from this resource.
removeAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Removes an access control entry from this resource.
removeAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Removes an access control entry from this resource.
removeAccessDeniedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Removes a listener for access denied events.
removeAccessDeniedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.SecurityDomain
Removes a listener for access denied events.
removeAccessDeniedListener(AccessDeniedListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Removes a listener from the list of "access denied" listeners.
removeAccessRight(AccessRight) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Removes an existing access right from the security domain.
removeAccount(String) - Method in interface atg.security.AccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountManagerImpl
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
Overrides the standard removeAccount() method with one that will save the modification.
removeAccount(String) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Removes an account with the indicated name, if possible.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletCustomizer
Removes an action listener.
removeActiveContext(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Remove a Context from the list of active contexts.
removeAddedNickNameEntries() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
removeAffectedItemTypes(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
removeAll(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove all list entries for the specified product, regardless of the entry's category or sku.
removeAll(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove all list entries for the specified product and category, regardless of the entry's sku.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Remove a collection of items from this slot.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Remove a collection of items from this slot.
removeAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The removeAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method clears the Map.
removeAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The removeAllCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method clears the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap.
removeAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The removeAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method clears the Map.
removeAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The removeAllCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method clears the Map.
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships in the container.
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships.
removeAllCommerceItemRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes all the CommerceItemRelationships
removeAllCommerceItems() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Removes all the CommerceItems in the container.
removeAllCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Removes all the CommerceItems
removeAllCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Removes all the CommerceItems
removeAllCommerceItems() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes all the CommerceItems
removeAllCommerceItemsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes all the CommerceItems and their Relationships from an Order.
removeAllCommerceItemsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeAllCommerceItemShippingInfos() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Remove all the CommerceItemInfos from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
removeAllCommerceItemShippingInfos() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Remove all the CommerceItemInfos from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships in the container.
removeAllCostCenterRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the CostCenterRelationships
removeAllCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Removes all the CostCenters
removeAllCostCenters() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Removes all the CostCenters in the container.
removeAllCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Removes all the CostCenters
removeAllCostCenters() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The removeAllCostCenters method removes all CostCenters in this container.
removeAllCostCenters() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The removeAllCostCenters method clears the Map.
removeAllCostCenters(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Removes all cost center entries from the users Profile.
removeAllCostCentersFromOrder(B2BOrder) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Removes all the CostCenters and their Relationships from an Order.
removeAllHandlingInstructions() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Removes all the HandlingInstructions in the container.
removeAllHandlingInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Removes all the HandlingInstructions
removeAllHandlingInstructions() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes all the HandlingInstructions in the container.
removeAllHandlingInstructionsFromShippingGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Removes all the HandlingInstructions and from a ShippingGroup.
removeAllHandlingInstructionsFromShippingGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
removeAllIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Remove all id spaces from the id generator.
removeAllIdSpaces() - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Remove all id spaces from the id generator.
removeAllIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Remove all id spaces from the id generator.
RemoveAllMarkersFromItem - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will remove all marker items from a repository item.
RemoveAllMarkersFromItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
removeAllMarkersFromItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the marked item.
removeAllMarkersFromItem(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the marked item.
removeAllMarkersFromItem(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the marked item.
removeAllMarkersFromItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the marked item.
RemoveAllMarkersFromItem - Class in atg.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for removing all the markers from a repository item.
RemoveAllMarkersFromItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromItem
RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet will remove all marker items from an an order.
RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
removeAllMarkersFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the Order.
removeAllMarkersFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Removes all markers from the order.
removeAllMarkersFromOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
Removes all markers from the order.
RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for removing all markers from an Order.
RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveAllMarkersFromOrder
RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will remove all marker items from a profile repository item.
RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
removeAllMarkersFromProfile(String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
Removes all markers from the profile.
RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
Scenario action class for removing all markers from a profile.
RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveAllMarkersFromProfile
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships in the container.
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Removes all the PaymentGroupRelationships
removeAllPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroups
removeAllPaymentGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Removes all the PaymentGroups in the container.
removeAllPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Removes all the PaymentGroups
removeAllPaymentGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The removeAllPaymentGroups method clears the Map.
removeAllPaymentGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The removeAllPaymentGroups method clears the Map.
removeAllPaymentGroupsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
removeAllPaymentGroupsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Removes all the PaymentGroups and their Relationships from an Order.
removeAllPaymentGroupsFromOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Removes PaymentGroups and their Relationships from an Order, retaining the PaymentGroups passed in via the exclusion list parameter.
removeAllRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes all the Relationships
removeAllRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Removes all the Relationships in the container.
removeAllRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the Relationships
removeAllRelationshipsFromCommerceItem(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes all the relationships from the CommerceItem with the given id in the given order.
removeAllRelationshipsFromCommerceItem(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeAllRelationshipsFromCostCenter(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Removes all the relationships from the CostCenter with the given id in the given order.
removeAllRelationshipsFromPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
removeAllRelationshipsFromPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Removes all the relationships from the PaymentGroup with the given id in the given order.
removeAllRelationshipsFromShippingGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeAllRelationshipsFromShippingGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes all the relationships from the ShippingGroup with the given id in the given order.
removeAllRolesFromUser(Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method removes all assigned roles from a user specified by a given user id.
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes all ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships.
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships.
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes all ShippingGroupRelationships in the container.
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroupRelationships() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Removes all the ShippingGroupRelationships
removeAllShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroups
removeAllShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Remove all the user's ShippingGroups from the ShippingGroupMap
removeAllShippingGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Remove all the user's ShippingGroups from the ShippingGroupMap
removeAllShippingGroups() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Removes all ShippingGroups in the container.
removeAllShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Removes all the ShippingGroups
removeAllShippingGroupsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeAllShippingGroupsFromOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes all the ShippingGroups and their Relationships from an Order.
removeAllShippingGroupsFromOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes ShippingGroups and their Relationships from an Order, retaining the ShippingGroups passed in via the exclusion list parameter.
removeAllSubItemsFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes all the SubItems from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.
removeArrayPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from an array property
removeArrayPropertyValueAtIndex(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from an array property
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Removes the attribute with the given name from the servlet context.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Remove an attribute by name.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Removes an attribute from this request.
removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.
removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.
removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.
removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.
removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
removeBranch(Branch) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Remove a branch and all versions owned by that branch.
removeBranch(Branch, boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Remove a branch and all versions owned by that branch.
removeBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to remove markers for a business process.
removeBusinessProcessStage(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to remove business process markers.
removeBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to remove business process markers.
removeBusinessProcessStage(String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Use this method to remove business process markers.
RemoveBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.droplet
This droplet can be used to remove business process markers that match the business process name and stage.
RemoveBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.droplet.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
RemoveBusinessProcessStage - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
This action can be used to remove business process markers that match the business process name and stage.
RemoveBusinessProcessStage() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.RemoveBusinessProcessStage
removeBusinessProcessStageFromItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Use this method to remove business process markers.
removeBusinessProcessStageFromOrder(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
Use this method to remove markers for a business process.
removeCachedElement(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
removeCacheElement(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
This method is called by the synchronized method Cache.remove to allow the adapter to do any related clean up, if necessary, when an element is removed from the cache.
removeCacheElement(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
removeCacheElement(Object, Object) - Method in interface atg.service.cache.CacheAdapter
This method is called by the synchronized method Cache.remove to allow the adapter to do any related clean up, if necessary, when an element is removed from the cache.
removeCatalogFromCatalog(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to removing a catalog from another catalog's rootSubCatalogs.
removeCatalogFromCategory(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to removing a catalog from a category's subCatalogs.
removeCategory(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Remove all list entries for the specified category, regardless of the entry's product or sku.
removeCategoryFromCatalog(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to removing a category from a catalog's rootCategories.
removeCategoryFromCategory(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
This method performs the operations related to removing a category from another category's fixedChildCategories.
removeChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Removes the given chain from the PipelineManager.
RemoveChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at removing a pipeline chain.
RemoveChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RemoveChainException
Constructs a new RemoveChainException.
RemoveChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RemoveChainException
Constructs a new RemoveChainException with the given explanation.
RemoveChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RemoveChainException
Constructs a new RemoveChainException.
RemoveChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RemoveChainException
Constructs a new RemoveChainException with the given explanation.
removeChild(SecuredResource) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
removeChild(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
removeChild(OrganizationalEntity) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.Organization
Remove an organizational entity from this organization as a child.
removeCollectionPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from a collection property i.e.
removeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer
The removeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method removes the CommerceIdentifierCostCenters corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
removeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The removeCommerceIdentifierCostCenters method removes the CommerceIdentifierCostCenters corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
removeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer
The removeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method removes the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
removeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The removeCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos method removes the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo corresponding to the supplied CommerceIdentifierId.
removeCommerceItem(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainer
Removes an CommerceItem whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemContainerImpl
Removes a CommerceItem whose id is passed as a parameter.
removeCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Removes a CommerceItem whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes a CommerceItem whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainer
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes a CommerceItemRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCommerceItemShippingInfos(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer
Remove all the CommerceItemInfos whose key is the input CommerceItemId from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
removeCommerceItemShippingInfos(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Remove all the CommerceItemInfos whose key is the input CommerceItemId from the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap.
removeComponentListener(ComponentListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
remove a ComponentListener
removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
remove a ConfigurationListener
removeConnectionPoolShutdownListener(ConnectionPoolShutdownListener) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Removes a shutdown event listener.
removeContext(Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Removes the request context object stored for the key specified
removeCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Removes a CostCenter whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenter(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainer
Removes a CostCenter whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterContainerImpl
Removes a CostCenter whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
The removeCostCenter method removes the CostCenter corresponding to the supplied name.
removeCostCenter(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The removeCostCenter method removes the CostCenter corresponding to the supplied name.
removeCostCenter(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileTools
Removes the cost center entry from the users Profile.
removeCostCenterFromOrder(B2BOrder, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Removes the given CostCenter from the given order.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemImpl
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BHardgoodShippingGroup
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupImpl
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainer
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCostCenterRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a CostCenterRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeCreditCardFromOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Remove the credit card with the given number from the order.
removeCreditCardPaymentGroupsFromOrder() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This function removes all the credit card paymentgroups from the order.
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
REMOVED_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
removeDataListener(DataCollector) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataListenerQueue
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Removes a listener from the list of data listeners
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Removes a listener from the list of user event data listeners
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Removes a listener from the list of data listeners
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Removes a listener from the list of data listeners
removeDataListener(DataListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Removes a listener from the list of data listeners
removeDataSourceShutdownListener(DataSourceShutdownListener) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Removes the given listener from the shutdown sender's list of shutdown listeners.
removedCachedValueForConfig(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Remove cached information for the specified configuration path, so that it will be fetched anew next time it is needed.
removeDeletedShippingGroups() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Looks through the shipping groups in the container and removes any that have a backing repository item that has been removed from the repository.
removeDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener) - Method in interface atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEventSender
Removes the listener.
removeDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Removes the listener.
removeDeploymentListener(DeploymentListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Removes a DeploymentListener from the deployment listener notification collection
removeDirective(int) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Removes the sort directive at the specified index.
removedRemoteItem(String, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Update the time for the remove command.
removeDuplicateEntries(ItemDescToPropertyNameInfo[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method walks through the list passed to it and removes any entries within it that are equal.
removeElement(String) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContext
Removes the binding for the specified name.
removeElement(String) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Removes the binding for the specified name.
removeElement(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Removes the binding for the specified name.
removeElement(ComponentName) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameContext
Removes the binding for the specified name.
removeEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Removes the email listener from the list of listeners that will attempt to deliver the electronic good on.
removeEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Removes a listener from the list of email listeners
removeEmailListener(EmailListener) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
removeEmptyPaymentGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
removeEmptyPaymentGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Removes all the PaymentGroups which are not being used.
removeEmptyShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeEmptyShippingGroups(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes all the ShippingGroups which have no CommerceItems.
removeEntry(Principal, AclEntry) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
removeError(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult
Removes the error object mapped to pKey from the PipelineResultable.
removeError(Object) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResultImpl
Removes the error object mapped to aKey from the PipelineResult.
removeEventReceiver(EventReceiver) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
RemoveException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
Exception used to indicate errors while removing items from a repository.
RemoveException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.RemoveException
Default constructor.
RemoveException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.RemoveException
Constructor which takes String input.
RemoveException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.RemoveException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
RemoveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.RemoveException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
removeForm(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Remove the form specified by its id.
removeFromCollection(RepositoryItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method removes a specified repository item from a specified collection.
removeFromMap(RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
This method removes a specified repository item from a specified map.
removeGear(Gear) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Remove the gear(pGear) from the this community.
removeGiftlist(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Deletes the giftlist from the profileId and from the profile repository.
removeGiftlistFromOtherProfiles(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Removes a person's giftlist from the profiles of those shopping for the person.
removeGiftlistFromProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Removes a giftlist from a person's profile.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Removes a group from the set of groups that this account is a member of.
removeHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainer
Removes a HandlingInstruction whose id is passed in.
removeHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionContainerImpl
Removes a HandlingInstruction whose id is passed as a parameter.
removeHandlingInstruction(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Remove the given handling instruction from the order.
removeHandlingInstruction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes a HandlingInstruction whose id is passed in.
removeHandlingInstructionFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Removes the HandlingInstruction with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id in the Order.
removeHandlingInstructionFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
removeHandlingInstructionsFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Removes the HandlingInstructions from the ShippingGroup in the given Order which belong to the CommerceItem with the given id.
removeHandlingInstructionsFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the HandlingInstructionManager
removeIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Remove an id space from the id generator.
removeIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Remove an id space from the id generator.
removeIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Remove an id space from the id generator.
removeInfoMapEntry(Map, String, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Remove the given key from the map.
removeInvoice(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Remove the specified invoice repository item and execute a pipeline chain.
removeInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Remove the specified invoice repository item and execute a pipeline chain.
removeInvoice(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Remove the specified invoice repository item from the repository.
removeInvoice(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Remove the specified invoice repository item from the repository.
removeItem(GSAId, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the item from the permanent repository data store.
removeItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Removes an item from the Repository permantly
removeItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Removes an item from the Repository permantly
removeItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
removeItem(String, String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Removes an item from the Repository permanently.
removeItem(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Remove an item from the comparison list if it was present in the list to begin with.
removeItem(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Remove an item from the comparison list if it was present in the list to begin with.
removeItem(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Deprecated. this method is replaced by MutableRepository.removeItem(String,String). If the second argument, i.e. the descriptor name is unknown, then use removeItem(String,Repository.getDefaultViewName()).
removeItem(String, String) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Removes an item from the Repository permanently.
removeItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the given amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeItemFromCache(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the specified item from all repository caches.
removeItemFromCache(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the specified item from all repository caches.
removeItemFromCache(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the specified item from all repository caches.
removeItemFromCache(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Removes the specified item from any repository caches.
removeItemFromCache(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Removes the specified item from any repository caches.
removeItemFromCache(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Removes the specified item from any repository caches.
removeItemFromGiftlist(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Removes the given giftlistItem from the given giftlist.
removeItemFromGiftlist(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Remove the given giftlistItem from the giftlist
removeItemFromGiftlist(MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Remove the given giftlistItem from the giftlist
removeItemFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the given item from the given order.
removeItemFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeItemFromOrder(Order, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
This simply calls OrderManager's removeItemFromOrder method with the given order and item ID
removeItemFromOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Removes the given item from the order.
removeItemFromPaymentGroupInternal(Order, PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeItemFromProperty(RepositoryItem, Object) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Based on whether the argument is of type Map or Collection, this method calls removeFromMap or removeFromCollection respectively.
removeItemFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method removes an item from the order and shippingGroup.
removeItemFromShippingGroup(Order, CommerceItem, ShippingGroup, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
This method removes an item from the order and shippingGroup.
removeItemQuantityFromCostCenter(B2BOrder, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Removes the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the CostCenter with the given id.
removeItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the given quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.
removeItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(String, String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Remove the quantity of the given item from the shipping group.
removeItems(Reader, String[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(InputStream, String[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(InputSource, String[], boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(Reader, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(InputStream, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(String, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeItems(InputSource, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Parses the XML Instance document to retrive the RepositoryItems and removes them from the repository.
removeListener(WebAppListener) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
removeListPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from a List property
removeListPropertyValueAtIndex(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from a List property
removeLiveComponent(Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Remove a live component from the Nucleus, stopping it as cleanly as possible and removing it from its parent context.
removeLockOwnershipListener(LockOwnershipListener) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Removes a listener for lock ownership events.
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogListenerQueue
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
removeLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Removes a listener from the list of log listeners
removeMapPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from a Map property
RemoveMarkersFromItem - Class in atg.markers.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will remove marker items from a repository item.
RemoveMarkersFromItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromItem
removeMarkersFromItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the item that match the values provided.
removeMarkersFromItem(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the item that match the values provided.
removeMarkersFromItem(String, String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the item that match the values provided.
removeMarkersFromItem(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the item that match the values provided.
RemoveMarkersFromItem - Class in atg.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for removing markers from a repository item
RemoveMarkersFromItem() - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromItem
removeMarkersFromItemsCollection(MutableRepositoryItem, Collection, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Removes a collection of markers from a item's collection of markers.
RemoveMarkersFromOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.droplet
This droplet will remove a marker item from an an order.
RemoveMarkersFromOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
removeMarkersFromOrder(Order, String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the Order that match the values provided.
removeMarkersFromOrder(Order, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
This method removes the markers from the Order that match the values provided.
removeMarkersFromOrder(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
This method removes the markers from the order that match the values provided.
RemoveMarkersFromOrder - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
Scenario action class for removing markers from an Order.
RemoveMarkersFromOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.RemoveMarkersFromOrder
RemoveMarkersFromProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet
This implementation of a marker droplet will remove marker items from a profile item.
RemoveMarkersFromProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.droplet.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
removeMarkersFromProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
This method removes the markers from the profile that match the values provided.
RemoveMarkersFromProfile - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
Scenario action class for removing markers from a profile.
RemoveMarkersFromProfile() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.RemoveMarkersFromProfile
removeMarkerValidator(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Remove a marker validator.
removeMarkerValidator(String) - Method in interface atg.markers.MarkerValidatorContainer
Removes a marker validator.
removeMarkerValidator(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Remove a marker validator.
removeNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameContextBindingEventSource
Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
removeNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in class atg.naming.NameContextImpl
Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
removeNameContextBindingListener(NameContextBindingListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
removeNameContextPreBindingListener(NameContextPreBindingListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners that will be notified whenever an element is bound into or unbound from this NameContext.
removeNamedQuery(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Removes an entry from the named query map
removeNullItem(GSAId) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
removeOrder(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Removes the Order with the given id from the repository.
removeOrder(Order, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
REMOVEORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
removeOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the Order with the given id from the repository.
removeOrderAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the given amount of the Order's cost from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeOrderFromPaymentGroupInternal(Order, PaymentGroupOrderRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the PaymentGroupOrderRelationship from the Order.
removeOrderMergeListener(OrderMergeListener) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Remove a listener from the set of event listeners that are notified when orders are merged.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainer
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainer
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOrderRelationship() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Removes a OrderRelationship.
removeOtherGiftlistFromProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Deletes other giftlist from the profileId and from the profile repository.
removeOtherGiftlistFromProfile(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Removes a giftlist from a customer's otherGiftlist property.
removeParameter(String) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Removes a parameter from the invocation.
removeParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Removes the definition of the parameter specified.
removePaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes a PaymentGroup whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainer
Removes a PaymentGroup whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupContainerImpl
Removes a PaymentGroup whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
The removePaymentGroup method removes the PaymentGroup corresponding to the supplied payment name.
removePaymentGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The removePaymentGroup method removes the PaymentGroup corresponding to the supplied payment name.
removePaymentGroupFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the PaymentGroupManager
removePaymentGroupFromOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Remove the given payment group from the order.
removePaymentGroupFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Removes the given PaymentGroup from the given order.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Removes a PaymentGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removePaymentGroupsFromOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Removes all payment groups from the order.
removePendingElement(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Removes the pending element for the specified name.
removePermission(Permission) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
removePersistentIdSpaces() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Remove all id spaces from the id generator.
removePersistentQueryParameter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Removes a persistent query parameter, which will no longer be encoded in any subsequent calls to encodeURL.
removePersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.User
Removes a persona that has been granted to the user.
removePortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Removes a portal from the collection of active portals.
removeProfileRepositoryAddress(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Removes the named address entry from the users Profile.
removeProfileUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Removes a listener from the list of "profile update" listeners.
removeProfileUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Removes a listener from the list of "profile update" listeners.
removePromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Removes the passed in promotion pPromotion from the pProfile's list of active promotions.
RemovePromotionAction - Class in atg.commerce.promotion
RemovePromotionAction() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.promotion.RemovePromotionAction
removePropertiesChangedListener(PropertiesChangedListener) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
removePropertiesChangedListener(PropertiesChangedListener) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Removes a properties changed event listener from this item descriptor.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Remove a listener for the PropertyChange event.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletInvocation
Stop listening for parameter changes
removePropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the given property descriptor from the internal table of known descriptors
removePropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Removes the given property descriptor from the internal table of known descriptors
removePropertyDescriptor(String) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Removes a property descriptor from the repository
removePropertyValue(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method removes a property from the value Dictionary.
removePropertyValueFromCache(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
This method is called from user defined property types when they want to store a value in the cache for this particular property.
removeQueryDependency(QueryDependency) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
When a query cache entry is invalidated, we need to remove all cache entries that depend on the same set of properties, the QueryDependency.
removeQueryListener(QueryListener) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Removes a query event listener from this view.
removeReferencedItems(GSAId, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Loops through all properties that have "cascade=delete" set and removes the referenced items.
removeReferencedItems(RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes the items in the array of references.
removeReferencesToItem(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
Removes any references to a given from others items in its repository.
removeRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes a Relationship whose id is passed in.
removeRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainer
Removes a Relationship whose id is passed in.
removeRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a Relationship whose id is passed in.
removeRelativePaths(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Takes the an absolute URI that may have "../" in it and removes the "../" entries (by removing it and the directory above it in the path as well).
removeRemainingItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the "remaining" amount of the CommerceItem with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeRemainingItemAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeRemainingItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the "remaining" quantity of the CommerceItem with the given id from the ShippingGroup with the given id.
removeRemainingItemQuantityFromShippingGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
removeRemainingOrderAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the "remaining" amount of the Order's cost from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeRemainingShippingCostFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeRemainingShippingCostFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes the "remaining" amount of the ShippingGroup with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeRemainingTaxAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the "remaining" amount of the Order's tax from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeRepositoryItem(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes an item from a repository.
removeRequestEntry(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
The removeRequestEntry method removes any request entry that exists with the supplied name.
removeRole(Role) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.OrganizationalEntity
Remove an existing assignable role from this OrganizationalEntity.
removeRoleFolder(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
removeRoleFolder searches the user directory repository for the role with the name passed in.
removeRoleFromCommunity(String, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
removeRoleFromCommunity removes the role from the community.
removeRolesFromUser(Object[], Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method removes roles associated with the given role ids from a user specified by a given user id.
removeRolesFromUser(Collection, Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method removes roles associated with the given role ids from a user specified by a given user id.
removeSampleListener(SampleListener) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Removes a listener from the list of listeners to be notified when a new sample is taken.
removeSavedOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
This method removes the order with the given id from the collection of saved orders.
removeScheduledJob(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Removes the ScheduledJob with the given id.
removeSelfFromAncestors(RepositoryItem, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Remove pCategory from each of the lists mapped to in pAncestors
RemoveService - Class in atg.repository.xml
This service is used to remove items from a repository.
RemoveService() - Constructor for class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
removeSessionFromRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
removeSetPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Removes a value from a Set property
RemoveSharedGearException - Exception in atg.portal.admin.exceptions
This class represents an exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while removing a shared gear instance from a community.
RemoveSharedGearException() - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RemoveSharedGearException
Constructs a new RemoveSharedGearException
RemoveSharedGearException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RemoveSharedGearException
Constructs a new RemoveSharedGearException with the given explanation.
RemoveSharedGearException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RemoveSharedGearException
Constructs a new RemoveSharedGearException.
RemoveSharedGearException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.portal.admin.exceptions.RemoveSharedGearException
Constructs a new RemoveSharedGearException with the given explanation.
removeShippingCostAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeShippingCostAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes the given amount of the ShippingGroup's cost with the given id from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeShippingCostFromPaymentGroupInternal(Order, PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Removes a ShippingGroup whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Remove a ShippingGroup from the ShippingGroupMap based on its ShippingGroupName
removeShippingGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Remove a ShippingGroup from the ShippingGroupMap based on its ShippingGroupName
removeShippingGroup(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainer
Removes a ShippingGroup whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroup(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Removes a ShippingGroup whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupFromMap(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Removes a shipping group from the shipping group map container
removeShippingGroupFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
removeShippingGroupFromOrder(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Remove the given shipping group from the order.
removeShippingGroupFromOrder(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Removes the given ShippingGroup from the given order.
REMOVESHIPPINGGROUPITEMREL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
removeShippingGroupItemRelationship(HardgoodFulfiller, Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
Deprecated. use the version of this method that takes a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship and an Object as the only two arguments
removeShippingGroupItemRelationship(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
Remove the given shipping group by setting its state to REMOVED If the group cannot be removed, then fail the Modification Assume the group is not PENDING_SHIPMENT This method adds the given relationship to the given pParam object and executes the chainToRun pipeline chain.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeShippingGroupRelationship(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Removes a ShippingGroupRelationship whose id is passed in.
removeSnapshot(Snapshot) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Remove a snapshot.
removeSourceMapping(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Removes the mapping associated with the given source name.
removeSpecialPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Removes the indicated persona from the special persona list.
removeSpecialPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Removes the indicated persona from the special persona list.
removeSubItemFromConfigurableItem(ConfigurableCommerceItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Removes the SubItem with the given id from the ConfigurableCommerceItem.
removeSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Removes a sub-persona.
removeSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Removes a sub-persona.
removeSubPersona(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Removes a sub-persona.
removeSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Removes a sub-persona.
removeSubPersona(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Removes a sub-persona.
removeSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Removes a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
removeSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Removes a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
removeSwapEventListener(ProfileSwapEventListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Removes a ProfileSwapEventListener to the list of listeners that care about ProfileSwapEvents
removeSwitchingDataSourceEventListener(SwitchingDataSourceEventListener) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
remove a listener
removeTableInvalidationListeners() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes any table event listeners that are registered
removeTaxAmountFromPaymentGroup(Order, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Removes the given amount of the Order's tax from the PaymentGroup with the given id.
removeTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Removes a listener from the list of TemplateEmailListeners.
removeTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Removes the listener.
removeTransientItem(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
removeTransition(PipelineLink, int) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Removes the transition in aFromLink with the return code aRetCode.
removeTransition(PipelineLink, PipelineLink) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Remove the transition from aFromLink to aToLink.
removeUpdateListener(ProfileUpdateListener) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Removes the given update listener from the list of listeners we already know about
removeUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Removes the user with the given profile id as defined by the repositoryId property.
removeUserFromCommunity(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Revokes a community membership level from a user.
removeUserFromOrganization(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method removes a user specified by a given user id from an organization specified by a given organization id
removeUserFromParentOrganization(Object) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
This method removes a user from its associated parent organization
removeVersionListener(VersionListener) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
removeWebApp(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
RENAME - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to rename an object (usually a sub-object).
renameTo(VirtualFile) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Renames the file specified by this File object to have the pathname given by the File argument.
render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the content of the response based on its current state.
renderTemplate(String, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Render the specified template.
renounce(Target, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Flags the project as renounced for the specified deployment target.
renounce(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Flags the project as renounced for all known deployment targets.
reopen() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method is only valid for Projects that are not checked-in, thus only valid in the late check-in work-flow model.
RepeatingRequestMonitor - Class in atg.commerce.util

The class RepeatingRequestMonitor is designed for use as a session scoped component.
RepeatingRequestMonitor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
REPLACE_DUPLICATES - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The duplication mode for replacing duplicate markers when a new marker is added
replaceBeanInfo(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
When serializing a DynamicBeanInfo, it may need to be replaced with some portable representation.
replaceChain(PipelineChain) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Replaces the chain in the PipelineManager with the given chain of the same name.
ReplaceChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at replacing an existing pipeline chain with another chain.
ReplaceChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ReplaceChainException
Constructs a new ReplaceChainException.
ReplaceChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ReplaceChainException
Constructs a new ReplaceChainException with the given explanation.
ReplaceChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ReplaceChainException
Constructs a new ReplaceChainException.
ReplaceChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.ReplaceChainException
Constructs a new ReplaceChainException with the given explanation.
replaceEURO(String, String) - Static method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Returns a string with the Euro character replaced with the supplied string.
reportCachePerformance() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
reportInternalIntegrity() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
This checks the integrity of the cache manager's internal structures, especially the LRU list of entries.
Repository - Interface in atg.repository
Represents a collection of RepositoryItems.
REPOSITORY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
REPOSITORY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Parameter used to hold the name of a repository
REPOSITORY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
returned if query failed with a RepositoryException
REPOSITORY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
returned if query failed with a RepositoryException
REPOSITORY_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
REPOSITORY_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
The property name of the repository id
REPOSITORY_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
REPOSITORY_ITEM_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
REPOSITORY_ITEM_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
REPOSITORY_ITEM_ID - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
REPOSITORY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
REPOSITORY_PATH - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Name of the attribute property that points to the path of a repository
REPOSITORY_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
REPOSITORY_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
REPOSITORY_VIRTUAL_FILE - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
RepositoryAccount - Class in atg.security
An Account object that is persisted by a repository.
RepositoryAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager and user authority that works against a Dynamo repository.
RepositoryAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
RepositoryAccountManager(String) - Constructor for class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
RepositoryAddress - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which represents an address.
RepositoryAddress() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
RepositoryAddress(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
RepositoryApplicationPersona - Class in atg.security
This is the Persona implementation that is produced by the RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority.
RepositoryApplicationPersona(RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority, String, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
This LoginUserAuthority implements the bare minimum required to do logins and determine role memberships.
RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
RepositoryAssetFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
RepositoryAssetFormHandler (Moved from EPubAssetFormHandler, file upload functionality removed) Subclass of atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler for creating, saving, deleting assets and projects in publishing.
RepositoryAssetFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
RepositoryContactInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which represents an address.
RepositoryContactInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
RepositoryContactInfo(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
RepositoryDeploymentData - Class in atg.deployment.repository
RepositoryDeploymentData is used to generate a list of repository items for deployment.
RepositoryDeploymentData(Repository, MutableRepository) - Constructor for class atg.deployment.repository.RepositoryDeploymentData
RepositoryException - Exception in atg.repository
This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a Repository task.
RepositoryException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Constructs a new RepositoryException.
RepositoryException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Constructs a new RepositoryException with the given id and descriptor.
RepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Constructs a new RepositoryException with the given explanation.
RepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Constructs a new RepositoryException.
RepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Constructs a new RepositoryException with the given explanation.
RepositoryFormConstants - Interface in atg.repository.servlet
Constants used by various RepositoryForm* classes
RepositoryFormData - Interface in atg.repository.servlet
This interface defines the methods that must be implemented by classes which will use the
RepositoryFormDataImpl - Class in atg.repository.servlet
A minimal, stand-alone implementation of RepositoryFormData.
RepositoryFormDataImpl(RepositoryItem, ApplicationLogging, RepositoryEditorErrorHandler) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
RepositoryFormDataImpl(MutableRepository, RepositoryItemDescriptor, String, ApplicationLogging, RepositoryEditorErrorHandler) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Create a RepositoryFormDataImpl, without having a pre-existing repository item.
RepositoryFormHandler - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This is a form handler for operating on repository items.
RepositoryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
RepositoryFormHashtable - Class in atg.repository.servlet
Defines a hashtable with a property mapper which is case insensitive and does not give hard errors for properties that are not currently defined.
RepositoryFormHashtable(RepositoryFormData) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
RepositoryFormHashtable(RepositoryFormData, RepositoryItemDescriptor, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
RepositoryFormList - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This class is used by the RepositoryFormHandler.
RepositoryFormList(RepositoryFormData, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
RepositoryFormMap - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This class is used by the RepositoryFormHandler.
RepositoryFormMap(RepositoryFormData, RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
RepositoryImpl - Class in atg.repository
This is a base class which you can use to start your implementation of a repository.
RepositoryImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
RepositoryInventoryManager - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
This is a repository based implementation of InventoryManager.
RepositoryInventoryManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
RepositoryItem - Interface in atg.repository
RepositoryItemDescriptor - Interface in atg.repository
repositoryItemForOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Gets the mutable repository item from the provided order object.
RepositoryItemGroup - Interface in atg.repository
This interface defines a logical grouping of RepositoryItems.
RepositoryItemImpl - Class in atg.repository
RepositoryItemImpl(ItemDescriptorImpl) - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
The item descriptor for this item
RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter - Class in atg.search.query.filters
An abstract base class for search result collection filtering with support for repository items associated with the search result.
RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
RepositoryItemSlot - Class in atg.scenario.targeting
A RepositoryItemSlot is a Slot which contains only entries for RepositoryItems, and which declares the repository name and item type of the items that it can contain.
RepositoryItemSlot() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder - Class in atg.userprofiling
An extension of RepositoryProfileItemFinder which finds the profile items by querying the linked repository instead of, or in addition to, the regular profile repository.
RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository.linked
A property descriptor which describes a property of a RepositoryItem which points to another RepsositoryItem in another Repository.
RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor.
RepositoryLookup - Class in atg.targeting
This servlet looks for a RepositoryItem by its id from within a Repository or by its url.
RepositoryLookup() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
RepositoryMarkerManager - Class in atg.markers
This is the base implementation class for a Repository Marker Manager.
RepositoryMarkerManager() - Constructor for class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
RepositoryProfileItemFinder - Class in atg.userprofiling
Finds profile repository items by querying the profile repository.
RepositoryProfileItemFinder() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
RepositoryPropertyDescriptor - Class in atg.repository
RepositoryPropertyDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new RepositoryPropertyDescriptor.
RepositoryPropertyDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new RepositoryPropertyDescriptor.
RepositoryPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new RepositoryPropertyDescriptor with the given property name, property type, and short description.
RepositoryPropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
RepositoryQuery() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Constructs an instanceof RepositoryQuery
RepositoryQueryServlet - Class in atg.repository.servlet
Servlet used to execute a repository query
RepositoryQueryServlet() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters - Class in atg.repository.servlet
Class used to store repository query params
RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Constructs an instanceof QueryParameters
RepositoryRange - Class in atg.commerce.order
A subclass of range that is stored within the repository item
RepositoryRange(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
RepositoryRange(MutableRepositoryItem, long, long) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
RepositoryServices - Class in atg.repository
A collection of web service methods pertaining to repositories
RepositoryServices() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
RepositoryServlet - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This class serves as a base class for servlet interaction with a Repository.
RepositoryServlet() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Constructs an instanceof RepositoryServlet
RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters - Class in atg.repository.servlet
A class used to hold parameters sent to a RepositoryServlet
RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters
Constructs an instanceof RepositoryParameters
RepositorySorter - Class in atg.repository
A RepositorySorter performs sorting on an array of RepositoryItem objects, returned as a result of a targeting operation.
RepositorySorter() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositorySorter
RepositoryUpdateEvent - Interface in atg.userprofiling
Concerning events used with the default action handlers, some configurations want several updates to the same property (a RepositoryItem) to be done at the same time, instead of individually.
RepositoryUserDirectory - Interface in atg.userdirectory.repository
A RepositoryUserDirectory is a UserDirectory which is backed by a data store in an ATG repository.
RepositoryUtils - Class in atg.repository
This utility class is home to methods that can be used to operate against repositories, repository items and properties.
RepositoryUtils() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryUtils
RepositoryView - Interface in atg.repository
The RepositoryView defines a constrained representation of the entire Repository.
RepositoryViewContainer - Interface in atg.repository
Declares an interface where objects may contain RepositoryViews.
RepositoryViewImpl - Class in atg.repository
This is a basic implementation for the RepositoryView class.
RepositoryViewImpl() - Constructor for class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
RepositoryXMLTools - Class in atg.repository.xml
Utils class to encode/decode item-descriptors, property names and mapping files into XML compatible namespaces and identifiers.
RepositoryXMLTools() - Constructor for class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
representState(String, ConfigurationState, Properties) - Method in class atg.nucleus.BeanConfigurator
Represents the specified ConfigurationState as a set of Properties.
repriceOrder(Order, RepositoryItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Reprice a single given order, this calls into the PricingTools.performPricingOperation method.
REPRICEORDERFORINVALIDATION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
repriceRestoredShoppingCart(Order, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Fetch the request and response objects through JNDI (e.g.
repriceRestoredShoppingCarts(Collection, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Reprice the collection of orders by calling repriceRestoredShoppingCart on each one.
repriceScheduledOrder(Order, RepositoryItem, Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
This method reprices the Schedule Order
repriceScheduledOrder(Order, RepositoryItem, Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Reprice the scheduled order
repriceShoppingCarts(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Reprice all of the orders in the OrderHolder component.
repriceShoppingCarts(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, PricingModelHolder, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Reprice all of the orders in the OrderHolder component
repriceShoppingCarts(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, PricingModelHolder, Locale, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Reprice all of the orders in the OrderHolder component
repriceShoppingCartsWithLock(RepositoryItem, OrderHolder, PricingModelHolder, Locale, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Reprice all of the orders in the OrderHolder component
REQUEST - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
REQUEST_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo request thread, and that both request-specific and session-specific objects may be resolved via JNDI.
REQUEST_CONTEXT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The name of the request in the request scope tree.
REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Name of the query parameter to use to store the request id on redirects
REQUEST_ID_ATTRIBUTE_KEY - Static variable in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
REQUEST_SCOPE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
RequestLogEntry - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
An object which represents a "request" - e.g.
RequestLogEntry(Long, long, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Constructs a RequestLogEntry
RequestLogEntry(Long, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Constructs a RequestLogEntry
RequestLogging - Interface in atg.reporting.datacollection
Defines methods that perform logging methods about a user's requests through the system
RequestLoggingService - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
RequestLoggingService() - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Constructs an instanceof RequestLoggingService
requestMatchesDynamoPrefixes(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
RequestScope - Interface in atg.nucleus
This interface is a "marker" for Java configuration files that are to be request-scoped.
RequestScopeManager - Class in atg.nucleus
A RequestScopeManager manages a set of hierarchies that are meant to hold "request-scoped" objects.
RequestScopeManager() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Constructs a new blank RequestScopeManager
RequestServer - Class in atg.server.tcp
This is the base class for Nucleus services that handle TCP requests.
RequestServer() - Constructor for class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Constructs a new RequestServer
RequestServerHandler - Class in atg.server.tcp
This is the base class for objects that handle individual requests.
RequestServerHandler(ThreadGroup, String, RequestServer, Socket) - Constructor for class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Constructs a new RequestServerHandler that belongs to the specified RequestServer.
RequestServerMonitor - Class in atg.server.tcp
RequestServerMonitor() - Constructor for class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
RequestUtilities - Class in atg.portal.framework
A set of utilities for extracting portal objects out of a request.
RequestUtilities() - Constructor for class atg.portal.framework.RequestUtilities
REQUIRED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
REQUIRED_DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The list of output properties required for documents.
REQUIRED_EVERY_ITEM_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The list of output properties required for every repository item.
RequiredTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
Verifies that all converted values have values that are not all "whitespace".
RequiredTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.RequiredTagConverter
REQUIRES_NEW - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
reserveSeeds(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Reserve a batch of seeds for the specified id space from the persistent store.
reserveSeeds(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Reserve a batch of seeds for the specified id space.
reserveSeeds(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Reserve a batch of seeds for the specified id space and update the id space itself with the new seed information.
reserveSeeds(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Reserve a batch of seeds for the specified id space.
reset() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Resets the properties of this object back to their defaults
reset() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Resets the properties of all the PerformanceData objects contained within the hashtable.
reset() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Resets the properties of this object back to their defaults
reset() - Method in interface atg.service.perfmonitor.Resetable
Resets the members of the object back to a default value.
reset() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Resets all of the members that contain check-out data to their default values at object instantiation.
reset() - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Clear the entire list of sort criteria.
reset() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Clears any data that exists in the buffer as well as the status code and headers.
reset() - Static method in class atg.versionmanager.WorkingContext
Clears the state.
Resetable - Interface in atg.service.perfmonitor
This interface is used for allowing objects which are stored in a pool to be reset back to a default state.
resetBean() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Reset this bean set properties to null
resetBean() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
Reset this bean.
resetBean() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Reset this bean set properties to null
resetBean() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
Reset this bean set properties to null
resetBuffer() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Clears the content of the underlying buffer in the response without clearing headers or status code.
resetCachedValues(Context) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Clear the cache of project property values.
resetCategorysCatalog(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
This method will be called if pCategory.catalog refers to a catalog that is not pCatalog.
resetComplexProperties() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method clears and initializes the complex properties
resetContextAfterDocument(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Reset the Context after a generating a document.
resetFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method clears all the form exceptions.
resetFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Clears out all form exceptions
resetFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Clears out all form exceptions
resetFormExceptions() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Clears out all form exceptions
resetFormMessages() - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
resetFormValue() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method clears all form values.
resetHistory() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
this method erases all navHistory
resetMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Resets the maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread property to zero.
resetMaxConcurrentThreads() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Resets the maxConcurrentThreads property to zero.
resetMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Resets the maxSimultaneousResourcesOut property to zero.
resetMemoryData() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceData
Resets the properties of this object back to their defaults
resetMemoryData() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceHashtable
Resets the memory properties of all the PerformanceData objects contained within the hashtable.
resetOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
This method takes an order and resets it to a state where it can be resubmitted for checkout.
resetOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
This method takes an order and resets it to a state where it can be resubmitted for checkout.
resetOrderProfileId(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
When a session recovers from failover, if the user is anonymous, then typically they will get a new profile object, and as such a new profile id.
resetParentVersion() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Reset a working version's parent version to the current head-of-branch version.
resetParentVersionForAll() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Reset all working versions' predecessor version to the current head-of-branch version.
resetPerformanceData() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Resets all the time performance data back to 0
resetProductsParent(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
This method is not implemented.
resetShippingPriceInfo(ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Reset the price quote back to zero
resetStatistics() - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Resets all statistics
resetValueDictionary() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method clears the value Dictionary
RESOLVE - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
resolveBeanInfo(Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
When deserializing a DynamicBeanInfo, the read object may need to be resolved from some portable representation.
resolveGlobalName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.
resolveGlobalName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Follows the naming system's conventions for resolving the specified name, and returns the Object that is the result of the resolution.
resolveName(String) - Method in interface atg.naming.NameResolver
Follows the naming system's conventions for resolving the specified name, and returns the Object that is the result of the resolution.
resolveName() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Resolves the configured component path.
resolveName(ComponentName, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(ComponentName, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(ComponentName) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameResolver
Follows the naming system's conventions for resolving the specified name, and returns the Object that is the result of the resolution.
resolveName(ComponentName, NameContext, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Resolves the specified name in the specified context.
resolveName(String, NameContext, boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Resolves the specified name in the specified context.
resolveName(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Resolves the specified name, relative to this context's parent.
resolveName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes.
resolveName(ComponentName, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes.
resolveName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes.
resolveName(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes.
resolvePathFromRelativeURL(String, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Takes a relative URL (i.e.
resolvePortalObjects(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PortalObjectResolver
Takes an HTTP request and uses it to resolve the portal objects to which it refers.
resolvePureRelativePath(String, String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Resolves a pure relative path against a working directory, handling ".." references.
resolvePureRelativePath(StringBuffer, String, String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Resolves a pure relative path against a working directory, handling ".." references.
resolveRequestName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.
resolveRequestName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.
resolveSessionName(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.
resolveSessionName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.
resolveTranslatedPathFromURI(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Takes a URI and a request it is associated with.
resolveWorkspace() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
A convenience method for resolving the Workspace named in getWorkspace().
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Resource bundle that holds messages to dispay to the end user
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Resource bundle that holds messages to dispay to the end user
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistUserMessage
Name of the resource
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Resource bundle that holds messages to dispay to the end user
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderUserMessage
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Resource bundle that holds messages to dispay to the end user
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
RESOURCE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
resource bundle name
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Resource_Name - Static variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
RESOURCE_PATHS - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
ResourceObject - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
Wraps around a pooled resource keeping vital information on the pooling state of the resource.
ResourceObject() - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
ResourcePool - Class in atg.service.resourcepool
ResourcePool manages a pool of objects which can be checked in and out for reuse.
ResourcePool() - Constructor for class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Constructs an uninitialized ResourcePool.
ResourcePoolException - Exception in atg.service.resourcepool
Errors with the Resource Pool
ResourcePoolException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException
ResourcePoolException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException
RESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderTypePropertyEditor
RESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupTypePropertyEditor
RESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupTypePropertyEditor
RESOURCES - Static variable in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
ResourceUtils - Class in atg.core.util
Utilities for using resource bundles.
ResourceUtils() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Empty constructor.
restart(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method is used to restart a previously failed or cancelled deployment.
RESTART_STATUS - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
RestorableOrders - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class represents the set of orders which can be restored through session backup.
RestorableOrders(OrderHolder, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Constructs an instanceof RestorableOrders
RESULT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that includes the order object or list of order objects that were found in response to the input parameters.
RESULT - Static variable in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Result - Interface in atg.repository.loader
A JavaBean interface that describes a successful file/repository item operation.
RESULT_TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.BatchElement
ResultList - Interface in atg.repository.loader
A JavaBean interface that represents an aggregation of the Job's known Results, collected from each completed Batch.
ResultSetProcessor - Class in atg.cortex
This subclass of PropertyList is able to process ResultSets into Java Objects.
ResultSetProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.ResultSetProcessor
Constructs a new ResultSetProcessor
ResultSetProcessor - Class in atg.rview
A ResultSetProcessor will read rows from a ResultSet and convert those rows into objects by assigning column values to property values.
ResultSetProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.rview.ResultSetProcessor
ResultSetProcessorDefinition - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: ResultSetProcessorDefinition.
ResultSetProcessorDefinition() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
ResultSetProcessorDefinition(String, Class, boolean, ResultSetProperty[], ResultSetSwitch) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
ResultSetProcessorDefinition(String, Class, ResultSetProperty[], ResultSetSwitch) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
ResultSetProperty - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: ResultSetProperty.
ResultSetProperty() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
ResultSetProperty(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
ResultSetSwitch - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: ResultSetSwitch.
ResultSetSwitch() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
ResultSetSwitch(String, SwitchCase[]) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
ResultsFetchingProxy - Interface in atg.search.query.formhandlers
The interface implemented by classes that wish to customize how search results are fetched from the search server.
resume(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This method is used to resume a previously failed or cancelled deployment.
resume() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Attempts to resume/retry/restart the deployment, picking up where the deployment left off, for the most part.
resumeProjectContext() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
resumeQueue() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Resumes handling of pending deployments on this target.
RETCODES - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
RETCODES - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
RETCODES - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
retrieveDeletedProductItem(CatalogTools, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
This method will return the RepositoryItem that represents all deleted products.
retrieveDeletedSkuItem(CatalogTools, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
This method will return the RepositoryItem that represents all deleted skus.
retrieveEventObject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
This method is responsible for retrieving or constructing the event message that needs to be sent.
retrieveItemDescriptor(ItemMappingElement, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Retrives the correct ItemDescriptor to use.
retrieveOrderPendingShipMap() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
Returns a HashMap whose ids are the order ids of orders that contain shipping groups and the values are the shipping group ids that are ready for shipment.
retrieveOrderPendingShipMap(HardgoodFulfiller, HardgoodShipper) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap
Returns a HashMap whose ids are the order ids of orders that contain shipping groups and the values are the shipping group ids that are ready for shipment.
retrieveShipMap(HardgoodFulfiller, String[], String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
This method will return a HashMap where the Order ids are the keys and the values are a Set of shipping group ids whose shipItemRel state is equal to one of the pState passed in and contain the items listed in pCatalogRefIds.
retrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
retrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit(OrderFulfiller, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit
This method will take an order and return a List of the shipping groups that need to be split up into multiple shipping groups.
retrieveWaitingShipMap(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Returns a HashMap where the keys are the order ids and the values are a Set of shipping group ids of the shipping groups who have items that were on preorder and are contained in the pCatalogRefIds that are passed in.
retrieveWaitingShipMap(HardgoodFulfiller, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
Returns a HashMap where the keys are the order ids and the values are a Set of shipping group ids of the shipping groups who have items that were on preorder and are contained in the pCatalogRefIds that are passed in.
RETURN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
returnCommerceItem(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Marks a CommerceItem as returned in an Order.
returnCommerceItem(Order, String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the CommerceItemManager
RETURNED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
RETURNERRORS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
returnObject(Object) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
Returns an object back into the pool for later use.
REUSED_THREAD - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
REVERSE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
revert(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Prepares the target to revert the prior deployment of an open Project.
revert() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Discard a checked-out working version and revert the content of the workspace to the original unmodified value.
revert(Collection) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Revert given working versions
revert(WorkingVersion) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Revert changes to the asset that have been made in this workspace.
REVERT_ASSET_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
revertAll() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Discard all the working versions in the workspace without saving any changes.
revertAsset(VersionManagerURI, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Reverts an asset in the project to the version which was originally checked out.
revertDeployment(Target, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method is only valid for Projects that are not checked-in, thus only valid in the late check-in work-flow model.
revertDeployment(Target, String, boolean, Calendar) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method is only valid for Projects that are not checked-in, thus only valid in the late check-in work-flow model.
revertDeployments(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method is only valid for Projects that are not checked-in, thus only valid in the late check-in work-flow model.
revertDeployments(String, boolean, Calendar) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This method is only valid for Projects that are not checked-in, thus only valid in the late check-in work-flow model.
revertPrepareSwitch() - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Reverts the preparations done by a call to prepareSwitch().
revertToWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Branch
Generate a workspace that will undo changes from another, already checked-in, workspace.
REVOKED_DURING_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
revokeDeploymentApproval(Target) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Revokes approval of the Project for deployment to the specified deployment Target.
revokePromotion(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Removes the passed in promotion pPromotion from the pProfile's list of active promotions.
revokePromotion(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Removes the passed in promotion pPromotion from the pProfile's list of active promotions.
revokeRole(DirectoryPrincipal, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Revokes a community relative role from the principal.
revokeSecurityIdentity() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Revokes the identity(ies) of the current user.
revokeSecurityIdentity(IdentityManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Takes the given IdentityManager and revokes the managed User's persona(s) i.e.
Role - Interface in atg.userdirectory
A Role is a DirectoryPrincipal representing a role that may be played by one or more OrganizationalEntity.
ROLE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
ROLE_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
ROLE_UPDATE_APPEND - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
ROLE_UPDATE_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
ROLE_UPDATE_REPLACE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
RoleFolder - Interface in atg.userdirectory
A RoleFolder is a collection of child Roles and RoleFolders that serves as a organizing element for the space of global roles.
RoleNotAssignableException - Exception in atg.userdirectory
An exception representing an attempt to treat a dynamic role as if it were assignable.
RoleNotAssignableException() - Constructor for exception atg.userdirectory.RoleNotAssignableException
Constructs a new RoleNotAssignableException.
rollback() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Mark the current transaction to be rolled back.
rollback(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Attempts to start a rollback deployment for this failed deployment.
rollback() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManager
Cancels any operations performed by this Thread since the last commit or rollback, releasing any Connection resources.
rollback() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Cancels any operations performed by this Thread since the last commit or rollback, releasing any Connection resources.
rollback() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to rollback
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Undoes all changes made after the given Savepoint object was set.
ROLLBACK_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
ROOT - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
The root component name, which is always absolute
rotate() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Flush the current entries into the file.
rotate() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Flush the current entries into the file.
rotateCompressedLogs() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Rotates the compressed log files
rotateLogs() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Rotates the log files
rotateUncompressedLogs() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Rotates the uncompressed log files
ROTATING_RETRIEVAL - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
RotatingFileLogger - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
This subclass of FileLogger will "rotate" logs according to a schedule.
RotatingFileLogger() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Constructs a new RotatingFileLogger
round(double, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Rounds the input number to the number of decimal places specified by the roundingDecimalPlaces argument.
round(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Rounds the input number to the number of decimal places specified by the roundingDecimalPlaces property.
round(double, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Rounds the input number to the number of decimal places specified by the pRoundingDecimalPlaces argument.
roundDown(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Rounds the input number to the number of decimal places specified by the roundingDecimalPlaces property.
RoutingSearchService - Class in atg.search.routing
Processes all search requests.
RoutingSearchService() - Constructor for class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
ROW_INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
ROW_INDEX - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
RowmapDefinition - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapDefinition.
RowmapDefinition() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
RowmapDefinition(RowmapTable[], RowmapJoin[], Class, boolean, RowmapProperty[], RowmapRelationship[], RowmapSwitch) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
RowmapDefinition(RowmapTable[], RowmapJoin[], Class, RowmapProperty[], RowmapRelationship[], RowmapSwitch) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
RowmapJoin - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapJoin.
RowmapJoin() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
RowmapJoin(ColumnName[], ColumnName[], int) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
RowmapProperty - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapProperty.
RowmapProperty() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
RowmapProperty(String, ColumnName, int, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
RowmapRelationship - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapRelationship.
RowmapRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
RowmapRelationship(String, String, String, String[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
RowmapSwitch - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapSwitch.
RowmapSwitch() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
RowmapSwitch(ColumnName, SwitchCase[], boolean) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
RowmapTable - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: RowmapTable.
RowmapTable() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
RowmapTable(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
RPC_ROUTER_ID - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
RqlExpression - Class in atg.repository.rql
This is the base class for RQL expressions - expressions that are part of a query but cannot themselves be a query (because they do not necessarily evaluate to a boolean value).
RqlExpression() - Constructor for class atg.repository.rql.RqlExpression
RQLQueryForEach - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This servlet executes a RQL query and renders its output parameter for each element returned by the query.
RQLQueryForEach() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
RQLQueryForEach.RQLQueryReturnData - Class in atg.repository.servlet
RQLQueryForEach.RQLQueryReturnData(RepositoryItem[], int) - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach.RQLQueryReturnData
RQLQueryRange - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This servlet executes a RQL query and renders its output parameter for a selected subset of the elements returned by the query.
RQLQueryRange() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
RqlStatement - Class in atg.repository.rql
This represents a single RqlStatement, which contains a query, an order by clause, a range clause, and a property hints clause.
RqlStatement(RqlQuery, OrderByClause, RangeClause, PropertyHintsClause) - Constructor for class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Rule - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This class represents a rule.
Rule() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
RuleAccessController - Class in atg.userprofiling
This implementation of AccessController performs access control based on an arbitrary set of rules, specified via the service's ruleSetService property, which defines the rules.
RuleAccessController() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter - Class in atg.targeting
A Servlet that, given a RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup object and an array or List of RepositoryItem objects, produces as output a subset of the input list that matches the RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup rules.
RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
RuleEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This class evaluates a Rule object by walking the tree and returns a value of either true or false.
RuleEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
RuleExpression - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This class represents a rule expression.
RuleExpression() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
RuleExpression(String) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
RuleNode - Class in atg.commerce.expression
This class represents a generic rule node and is a base class for classes like Rule.
RuleNode() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
RuleSetEvaluator - Class in atg.targeting
This service can be used to evaluate an arbitrary set of rules against different target objects.
RuleSetEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
run() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Implementation of run() from the Runnable interface.
run() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Handle processing connections from clients
run() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LoggingQueue
Asynchronous thread that collects log entries and writes them.
run() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus.ValidationRunner
run() - Method in interface atg.security.Action
Method called to perform the action provided by the class.
run() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Runs this handler.
run() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
runFinalization() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Calls Runtime.runFinalization().
runMigration() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
This method runs the migration process for the entire repository.
runNext() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Moves this deployment to the head of the deployment queue.
RUNNING - Static variable in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
RUNNING status
runPipelineChain(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Run the named pipeline chain, passing this invoice manager and the specified repository item to each pipeline processor.
runPipelineChain(String, RepositoryItem, InvoiceRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Run the named pipeline chain, passing this invoice manager, the specified repository item, and the specified invoice request info object (which may be omitted) to each pipeline processor.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
This method puts all the approval error messages into the approvalSystemMessages property of an order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
This method adds the list of valid approver ids to the approverIds property of the order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
This method actually runs the process.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
This method actually runs the process.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
This method adds the error message from the param map property ApprovalConstants.MESSAGE_MAPPER_ERROR to the order property approvalSystemMessages.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
This method returns the value in the alreadyApprovedReturnValue property if the state or the order is the same as the state in thge approvedOrderState property of this class.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
Copy properties from an InvoiceRequestInfo object into the corresponding Invoice repository item, where both objects are obtained from the invoice pipeline arguments supplied to this pipeline processor.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Generate and send a JMS ObjectMessage for the invoice that appears in the pipeline arguments.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Copy properties from an InvoiceRequestInfo object into the corresponding Invoice repository item, where both objects are obtained from the invoice pipeline arguments supplied to this pipeline processor.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
This method loads the Relationship objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
This method loads the CostCenter objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
This method saves the CostCenter objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
This method determines the amount that needs to be set into the amount field of a CostCenter.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
Dummy Verifier of CostCenters.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
When costCenterRequired is true, this method checks to see if all the CommerceItems, shipping costs, and tax in the Order are assigned to CostCenters.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Verify that all required properties are provided in an instance of InvoiceRequest.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Generate an InvoiceRequestInfo object of the class specified by invoiceRequestInfoClass, populate it with data from an InvoiceRequest payment group by calling addDataToInvoiceRequestInfo, and add it to the pipeline argument dictionary so that downstream pipeline processors can access it.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Evaluates the ruleExpression and if true, will add the string in the errorMessage property to the PipelineResult object keyed by the string in the pipelineResultErrorMessageKey property.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
Allocates electronic shipping group by allocating all its item relationships This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
Allocates all hardgood items Relationships in the shipping group This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
Allocates the hargood shipping group by calling the corresponding pipeline chain This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCancelRemoveOrder
Cancels removing the order after one of its components could not be removed.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreateElectronicGood
Allocates an electronic item by calling the ClaimableManager This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcCreditOrder
Credits the order by calling the PaymentManager for each PaymentGroup This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByListener
Delivers an electronic item by the email Listener.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcDeliverElectronicGoodByTemplate
This processor delivers an electronic item by the email template This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
This processor will execute the chain to delegate the FulfillOrderFragment messages to the fulfillers responsible for different parts of the order (shipping groups) This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractOrderId
This method gets a message received by a Fulfiller router and locks it by calling the getKeyForMessage routine.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExtractShippingGroupIds
Extracts shipping group ids from the modification object This method requires that a Modification object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFailOrder
Fails the order by setting its state to PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishOrder
Finishes the order by setting its state to NO_PENDING_ACTION This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishRemoveOrder
Finishes removing the order This method requires that a JMS message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishShippingGroup
Ships the shipping group by setting its states to completion This method requires that a JMS message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleElectronicSenderType
Routes the electronic delivery procedure This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleItemRelationshipState
Gets the relationship's state to purchase in stock, pre-ordered or back-ordered items This method requires that a OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleMessageType
This method calls updateOrder() on the supplied Order and then checks to see if it is transient.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
This processor will route the order modification execution based on the modification class type Works for both ModifyOrder and ModifyOrderNotification JMS messages This method requires that a Commerce message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationTargetType
Routes the modification execution based on the modification target type.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationType
This processor will route the modification execution based on the modification operation type like add, remove, update This method requires that a Modification object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleNewType
This method is called to handle all messages other than the other handle methods.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
Ships the shipping group by calling the corresponding chain.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
This processor handles the HashMap object that contains the orders with shipping groups whose items could not be allocated from the repository in the former allocation procedures.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRelationshipState
Route the execution based on a new relationship's state This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleRetrievingOrder
Determines a mode an order should be retrieved from the db.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupState
Executes an operation on an order after the shipping group's state has been changed This method requires that an Order and Modification object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification
Processes the shipping group update modification.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadOrderRepository
Loads the order from the repository.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLoadSaveOrderRepository
Loads the order from the repository and saves the order if it does not exist (a new order) This method requires that a JMS message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcLockMessage
This method gets a message received by a Fulfiller router and locks it by calling the getKeyForMessage routine.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
Fails the modification since it is not supported This method requires that a Commerce message, Modification and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformRelationshipModification
This processor executes the relationship id target modification passed to the OrderFulfiller in the modifyOrder message.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPerformShippingGroupModification
Executes the shipping group modification passed in the modifyOrder message This call simply forwards the message down to the fulfiller system This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
Calls to the chains to process shipping groups both for hardgood and softgood fulfillers.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseBackOrder
Allocates a backordered item from the inventory This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Send the ModifyOrderNotification message to the system.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseItem
Allocate an in stock item This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchasePreOrder
Allocates a pre ordered item from the inventory This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
Executes a chain to remove an order This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelationship
This processor removes the item relationship from the shipping group by reallocating its quantity in the inventory.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelFromItem
Removes the relationship's quantity from its commerce item's quantity This method requires that a JMS message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
Removes all item relationships from the shipping group, the call is made to the chain that is responsible for removing.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveItemRelQuantity
Gets the itemRelationship's quantity to call the inventory for allocation This method requires that a OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderPendingShipMap
Returns a HashMap object with orders whose shipping groups are ready to ship This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveOrderWaitingShipMap
Returns a HashMap where the keys are the order ids and the values are a Set of shipping group ids of the shipping groups who have items that could not be previously allocated from the inventory.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRetrieveShippingGroupsToBeSplit
This processor finds all shipping groups in an order that need to be split across multiple fulfillers (shipping groups that are to be fulfilled by more than one fulfiller) This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
Send the FulfillOrderFragment messages with the shipping groups to be processed to the fulfillers by calling the sendOrderToFulfiller method.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderForRemoval
This processor executes removing of an order by setting the order's and its components states to PENDING_REMOVE and sending the modifyOrder message to the fulfiller This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendModifyOrderNotification
Send the ModifyOrderNotification message to the system.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSettleOrder
Settles the order by calling the PaymentManager for all PaymentGroups This method requires that a JMS message and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShipAsItemsAreAvailable
Check with the special instructions of the shipping group to see what the behavior should be if only part of the group has been allocated.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
Ships the shipping group that is in a PENDING_SHIPMENT state This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems
Split the shipping group into two shipping groups, one with items PENDING_DELIVERY and one with items that aren't PENDING_DELIVERY
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment
This processor splits the shipping groups passed in the order if the shipping groups are to be fulfilled by more than one fulfiller This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSwitchOnCommerceItemType
Determine if the CommerceItem is a ConfigurableCommerceItem or not.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcUpdateOrderRepository
Save the order using the order manager.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyItemRelationshipForRemoval
This processor verifies if the item relatioship is in a state that allows it to be removed This method requires that an OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForFulfillment
This method verifies that the order to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyOrderForRemoval
Verifies if the order is in a state that allows it to be removed This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForCompletion
This processor verifies if the shipping group is in a state that allows it to be shipped This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment
This method verifies that the shipping group to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForRemoval
Verifies if the shipping group is in a state that allows it to be removed This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupsForFulfillers
Verifies if the shipping groups are handled by their fulfillers This method requires that an Order and OrderFulfiller object be supplied in pParam in a HashMap.
runProcess(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
runProcess(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
runProcess(String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This method will call @see #createEventToSend which will return the event object to be sent.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
This method calls updateOrder() on the supplied Order and then checks to see if it is transient.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
This method authorizes payment for an Order in the form of a PaymentGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
This method attempts to get the necessary arguments to change an order state.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
This method iterates through the items in the order and first checks to see if the productId exists in the product catalog.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
This processor simply checks whether the PipelineResult has any errors.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
This method throws an exception if any of the AmountInfos contain any expired promotions.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
This method returns the value in successReturnValue if the order state is in the statesList property.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
This method creates relationships in an Order which has one ShippingGroup and/or one PaymentGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
This method executes simple credit card validation.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Look up the order in the pipeline arguments map, retrieve its order state as a string, and return a value based on that string.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Look up the object identified by pipelineKey in the arguments map, retrieve the property named by propertyName, and return a value based on that property's value.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
This method executes a chain from within a processor of another chain.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
This method loads the CommerceItem objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
This method loads the HandlingInstruction objects from the OrderRepository into a ShippingGroup in the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
This method loads the Order object from the OrderRepository.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
This method loads the PaymentGroup objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
This method loads the PaymentStatus objects from the OrderRepository into the PaymentGroups of the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
This method loads the PriceInfo objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
This method loads the Relationship objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
This method loads the ShippingGroup objects from the OrderRepository into the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
This method moves the used promotions in an order to the usedPromotions list in their profile.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
Removes the empty PaymentGroups from the Order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
Removes the empty ShippingGroups from the Order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
This method saves the CommerceItem objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
This method saves the HandlingInstruction objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
This method saves the Order object into the OrderRepository.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
This method saves the PaymentGroup objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
This method saves the PaymentStatus objects into the OrderRepository from the PaymentGroup object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves the PriceInfo objects into the OrderRepository from the Order, CommerceItem, and ShippingGroup objects.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
This method saves the Relationship objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
This method saves the ShippingGroup objects into the OrderRepository from the Order object.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
This method will loop through all the items in the order calling @see #createEventToSend which will return the event object to be sent.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
This method will loop through all the promotions calling @see #createEventToSend which will return the event object to be sent.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
This method sets the catalog references into the CommerceItems in the order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
This method determines the amount that needs to be set into the amount field of a PaymentGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
This method sets the product references into the CommerceItems in the order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
This method runs the actual processor and does the work.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
Verify that all required billing adddress properties are provided in an instance of CreditCard.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
Validates that all the PriceInfo objects in the Order have been priced using the same currency code.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Verify that all required properties are present in an instance of ElectronicShippingGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Verify that a StoreCredit object has a non-empty store credit number, and that this number is recognized as valid by the claimable manager.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
This method iterates over all the HandlingInstructions validating the quanities of all the HandlingInstructions in the current ShippingGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
Verify that all required shipping adddress properties are provided in a HardgoodShippingGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
This processor validates that all order costs are accounted for by a PaymentGroup.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
This method validates that at least one CommerceItem, ShippingGroup, and PaymentGroup exist in the Order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
This method performs two checks on all the PaymentGroups in the given Order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
This method validates that all ShippingGroup costs are accounted for.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
This method performs two checks on all the ShippingGroups in the given Order.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Verify that a StoreCredit object has a non-empty store credit number, and that this number is recognized as valid by the claimable manager.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
This method executes the address verification.
runProcess(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
runProcess(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
runProcess(String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
Generate a CreditCardInfo object of the class specified by creditCardInfoClass, populate it with data from a CreditCard payment group by calling addDataToCreditCardInfo, and add it to the pipeline argument dictionary so that downstream pipeline processors can access it.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
Generate a GiftCertificateInfo object of the class specified by giftCertificateInfoClass, populate it with data from a GiftCertificate payment group by calling addDataToGiftCertificateInfo, and add it to the pipeline argument dictionary so that downstream pipeline processors can access it.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
Generate a StoreCreditInfo object of the class specified by storeCreditInfoClass, populate it with data from a StoreCredit payment group by calling addDataToStoreCreditInfo, and add it to the pipeline argument dictionary so that downstream pipeline processors can access it.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
This method is the one called by the pipelin chain.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Reprice the order by extracting out the necessary parameters from the Map which should be supplied as the param pParam.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Iterate over payment groups in an order, returning requisitionUsedValue if any payment group in the order specifies a requisition number, and returning requisitionNotUsedValue and optionally adding an error to the pipeline result otherwise.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
This method is executed by the pipeline manager to execute this process.
runProcess(Object) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
This method runs the chain.
runProcess(String, Object) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
This method runs the chain aChainId in the PipelineManager.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
This method runs the actual processor and does the work.
runProcess(Object, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
Do nothing, and return the value specified by returnValue.
runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. Use runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) instead
runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleAddItemToOrder method is invoked This method will add pCommerceItem to pExtraParameters unless the key PipelineConstants.COMMERCEITEM is already in the map
runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Deprecated. Use runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) instead
runProcessAddItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleAddItemToOrder method is invoked This method will add pCommerceItem to pExtraParameters unless the key PipelineConstants.COMMERCEITEM is already in the map
RunProcessException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at running a pipeline chain.
RunProcessException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RunProcessException
Constructs a new RunProcessException.
RunProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RunProcessException
Constructs a new RunProcessException with the given explanation.
RunProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RunProcessException
Constructs a new RunProcessException.
RunProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.RunProcessException
Constructs a new RunProcessException with the given explanation.
runProcessMoveToConfirmation(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleMoveToConfirmation method is invoked
runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleMoveToPurchaseInfo method is invoked
runProcessMoveToPurchaseInfo(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleMoveToPurchaseInfo method is invoked
runProcessorChain(String, PaymentManagerPipelineArgs) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Utility method to run a pipeline chain.
runProcessRepriceOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the order needs to be repriced.
runProcessRepriceOrder(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the order needs to be repriced
runProcessRepriceOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the order needs to be repriced.
runProcessRepriceOrder(String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the order needs to be repriced
runProcessSendScenarioEvent(Order, CommerceItem, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
The runProcessSendScenarioEvent method sends a scenario event.
runProcessSendScenarioEvent(Order, CommerceItem, String, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
The runProcessSendScenarioEvent method sends a scenario event .
runProcessSendScenarioEvent(Order, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
The runProcessSendScenarioEvent method sends a scenario event.
runProcessSendScenarioEvent(Order, CommerceItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This method is here to preserve backward compatibility.
runProcessSendScenarioEvent(Order, CommerceItem, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
runProcessSetOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleSetOrder method is invoked
runProcessSetOrder(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleSetOrder method is invoked
runProcessValidateCostCenters(B2BOrder, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
runProcessValidateCostCenters runs a configurable Pipeline chain to validate CostCenters or prepare for the next checkout phase.
runProcessValidatePaymentGroups(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
runProcessValidatePaymentGroups runs a configurable Pipeline chain to validate PaymentGroups or to prepare for the next checkout phase.
runProcessValidateShippingGroups(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Run the pipeline which should be executed when the handleMoveToPurchaseInfo method is invoked
runProcessValidateShippingGroups(Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
runProcessValidateShippingGroups runs a configurable Pipeline chain to validate ShippingGroups or prepare for the next checkout phase.
runRepricingProcess(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
This reprices the Order.
runRepricingProcess(String, String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
runRepricingProcess(String, String, Order, PricingModelHolder, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Executes a Pipeline Chain and places the supplies method parameters into a HashMap which is supplied to the chain to execute.
RuntimeSecurityException - Exception in atg.security
A security exception that can be thrown from within a method without a "throws SecurityException" in its signature.
RuntimeSecurityException(SecurityException) - Constructor for exception atg.security.RuntimeSecurityException
Wraps a security exception in another exception that can be thrown from within a method without a "throws SecurityException" in its signature.


SALE_COMPLEX_PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
SALE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SALE_PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
SALE_PRICE_PROPERTY_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SalesTaxCaller - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
SalesTaxCaller provides a higher level interface to TaxWare's sales calculation software.
SalesTaxCaller() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller
SalesTaxCaller.InputHeaderRecordDef - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
Output header
SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxCaller.OutputHeader
SalesTaxService - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
SalesTaxService provides a simpler interface for creating TaxRequest objects for domestic requests.
SalesTaxService() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
SaltedDigestPasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
A password hasher that utilizes the java.security.MessageDigest mechanism for hashing passwords.
SaltedDigestPasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Creates a SaltedDigestPasswordHasher with a random hash key.
SaltedDigestPasswordHasher(Long) - Constructor for class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Creates a SaltedDigestPasswordHasher using a pre-existing hash key.
SaltedMD5PasswordHasher - Class in atg.security
An implementation of a password hasher using the MD5 digest algorithm with the user login being used as a salt.
SaltedMD5PasswordHasher() - Constructor for class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Construct a new SaltedMD5PasswordHasher with a randomized initial state.
SaltedMD5PasswordHasher(Long) - Constructor for class atg.security.SaltedMD5PasswordHasher
Construct a new SaltedMD5PasswordHasher with the given initial state.
SaltFetcher - Interface in atg.security
An object used to fetch a salt for a given login.
sameOrder(Order, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Return true if two orders are considered to be the same, meaning either they are both null or they are both non-null and have the same order id.
Sample - Class in atg.service.statistics
Represents a single sample taken of a service's property.
Sample(long, String, String, Object, Sample) - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Constructs a new Sample
sample(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Performs a sample on all of the sources in the sample list and returns the result.
sample() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Performs a sample on all of the sources in the sample list and returns the result without notifying the listeners.
SampleEvent - Class in atg.service.statistics
A SampleEvent represents a set of Samples from different properties all taken at about the same time.
SampleEvent(Object, Sample[]) - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.SampleEvent
Constructs a new SampleEvent
SampleListener - Interface in atg.service.statistics
This is the interface implemented by services that wish to receive Samples broadcast by a Sampler.
SampleLogEvent - Class in atg.service.statistics
A log event which represents a SampleEvent
SampleLogEvent(Sample) - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Constructs an SampleLogEvent with the given SampleEvent
SampleLogEvent(Sample, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.SampleLogEvent
Constructs an SampleLogEvent with the given Sample and originator
Sampler - Class in atg.service.statistics
A Sampler is the base class for services that wish to keep a list of statistics about other services.
Sampler() - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Constructs a blank new Sampler
SampleRepositoryItemCollectionFilter - Class in atg.search.query.filters
A sample RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter which rejects any search Result object which does not refer to a valid repository item.
SampleRepositoryItemCollectionFilter() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.filters.SampleRepositoryItemCollectionFilter
SampleToLogEvent - Class in atg.service.statistics
This provides a facility to direct SampleEvents to Log Listeners.
SampleToLogEvent() - Constructor for class atg.service.statistics.SampleToLogEvent
sanitizeFormatFields() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Filter out and log (if appropriate) any invalid format fields we have.
sanitizeSQLColumnMappings() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Filter out invalid column mappings
sanitizeSQLColumnMappings() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Filter out invalid column mappings
save() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
save(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
saveCommerceItems(Order, List, OrderManager, OrderTools, MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
This method iterates across each of the given commerce items and updates the repository.
saveContext(AssetFormContext) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Save current context to pContext
saveDetailedItemPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a List of DetailedItemPriceInfo objects in an ItemPriceInfo.
saveDetailedRange(Order, DetailedItemPriceInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Save the range property in a detailed item price info See the detailsRangeProperties for a list of properties that are copied
SavedPersona - Class in atg.security
An object that saves the naming information needed to recreate a persona instance.
SavedPersona(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.security.SavedPersona
Creates a new saved persona.
SavedProperties - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This abstract class stores a list of properties to be saved for a bean.
SavedProperties() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
saveItemPriceInfo(Order, CommerceItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves an ItemPriceInfo object.
saveNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the saveSubtotalPriceInfos method.
saveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
This method sets the current Order's description and saves it.
saveOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
SaveOrderFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The SaveOrderFormHandler is used to save the user's current Order based on a descriptive name that the user specifies.
SaveOrderFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Creates a new SaveOrderFormHandler instance.
saveOrderPriceInfo(Order, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves the OrderPriceInfo object in the Order class.
savePriceInfo(Order, CommerceIdentifier, MutableRepositoryItem, String, AmountInfo, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves an individual PriceInfo object.
savePricingAdjustments(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a List of PricingAdjustment objects in an AmountInfo.
savePropertyFilesToDir(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
saveRegistryPropFile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
saveRepositoryItem(MutableRepository, MutableRepositoryItem, String, Object, OrderTools) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Saves the given value to the given repository property.
saveRequestScope(Object, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Save a request scope, returning an integer id with which this request scope can later be reclaimed.
saveShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the saveSubtotalPriceInfos method.
saveShippingItemsTaxPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a Map of ShippingItemsTaxPriceInfos objects into the repository See the savedProperties for a list of properties that are copied
saveShippingPriceInfo(Order, ShippingGroup, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a ShippingPriceInfo object.
saveStatusProperties(Order, Object, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager, OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
saveSubSkuPriceInfo(Order, CommerceItem, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves ItemPriceInfo objects for skus of a configurable sku.
saveSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a Map of (shipping group -> price info) objects into the repository See the savedProperties for a list of properties that are copied
saveTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Order, AmountInfo, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method is a pass through to the saveSubtotalPriceInfos method.
saveTaxPriceInfo(Order, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves the TaxPriceInfo object in the Order class.
saveTransientItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Save a transient repository item, return the persistent result or null
sB2BResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
sBundleName - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
sBusinessProcessResourceBundle - Static variable in interface atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConstants
The resource bundle for user resources
scanForIncrementalUpdates() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Look for configurations to claim.
scanForIncrementalUpdates(IncrementalLoader) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
SCENARIO_PATH_INFO_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
The separator for the scenario path info
scenarioAddedItemToOrder(Order, CommerceItem, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
This method is called by the AddItemToOrder scenario action.
ScenarioEvent - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
ScenarioEvent.java Created: Thu Mar 02 11:07:18 2000
ScenarioEvent() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Initializes the profileId, profile, sessionId and parentSessionId properties of this message when this message is fired in context of HTTP request.
ScenarioEvent.ProfileToolsSingleton - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
Static inner class useful to retrieve ProfileTools component from the global nucleus only once.
ScenarioEvent.ProfileToolsSingleton() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent.ProfileToolsSingleton
ScenarioException - Exception in atg.scenario
An exception that occurs when operating on scenarios.
ScenarioException() - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.ScenarioException
Constructs a new ScenarioException.
ScenarioException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.ScenarioException
Constructs a new ScenarioException with the given explanation.
ScenarioException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.ScenarioException
Constructs a new ScenarioException with the given root exception.
ScenarioException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.scenario.ScenarioException
Constructs a new ScenarioException with the given explanation and root exception.
ScenarioExecutionContext - Interface in atg.scenario
Deprecated. This interface has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext
ScenarioProfileFormHandler - Class in atg.scenario.userprofiling
This form handler subclasses the DPS ProfileFormHandler and performs operations that are specific to the DSS layer.
ScenarioProfileFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
ScenarioPropertyManager - Class in atg.scenario.userprofiling
An extension of PropertyManager which can be used to configure DSS-specific property names.
ScenarioPropertyManager() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Schedulable - Interface in atg.service.scheduler
This is the interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified of scheduled jobs.
SchedulableDate - Class in atg.service.util
This service is an extension of the CurrentDate service, but adds the capability of having it's time fixed on a periodic basis through the scheduler.
SchedulableDate() - Constructor for class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Constructs an instanceof SchedulableDate
SchedulableService - Class in atg.service.scheduler
A convenience base class for generic services that are schedulable.
SchedulableService() - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Schedule - Interface in atg.service.scheduler
A Schedule is used to specify when a scheduled job is to take place.
ScheduledJob - Class in atg.service.scheduler
A ScheduledJob represents all the information about a job in the scheduler.
ScheduledJob(String, String, String, Schedule, Schedulable, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Constructs a new ScheduledJobImpl
ScheduledJob(String, String, String, Schedule, Schedulable, int) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Constructs a new ScheduledJobImpl
ScheduledJob(String, String, String, Schedule, Schedulable, int, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Constructs a new ScheduledJobImpl
ScheduledOrderAction - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class represents the enumerated object for ScheduledOrder action.
ScheduledOrderAction.LocaleScheduledOrderActionEditor - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
ScheduledOrderAction.LocaleScheduledOrderActionEditor() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.LocaleScheduledOrderActionEditor
ScheduledOrderAction.ScheduledOrderActionEditor - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
ScheduledOrderAction.ScheduledOrderActionEditor() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction.ScheduledOrderActionEditor
scheduledOrderAdded(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Send the messahe that the Scheduled Order is Added
scheduledOrderDeleted(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Send the message that the Scheduled Order is Deleted
ScheduledOrderHandler - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This is a form handler for operating on schedule order repository item.
ScheduledOrderHandler() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Constructs a null ScheduledOrderHandler
ScheduledOrderMessage - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class represents a scheduled order event
ScheduledOrderMessage(ScheduledOrderAction, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
scheduledOrderProcessed(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Send the message that the Scheduled Order is Processed
ScheduledOrderService - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class is the back-end service responsible for processsing scheduled orders, on periodic intervals defined by the property pollSchedule.
ScheduledOrderService() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Constructs an empty ScheduledOrderService
ScheduledOrderTools - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This class is a low level business layer class.
ScheduledOrderTools() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Constructs an empty ScheduleOrderTools
scheduledOrderUpdated(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Send the message that the Scheduled Order is Updateded
ScheduleProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This abstract class represents the schedule property in the scheduledOrder item descriptor.
ScheduleProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
SchedulePropertyValueParser - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This parser will turn a String into one of the implementations of Schedule.
SchedulePropertyValueParser() - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
SchedulePropertyValueParser.ScheduleFactoryImpl - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This is a generic implementation of the schedulefactory that just checks the first work of the schedule string and if it is what is expected, returns true.
Scheduler - Class in atg.service.scheduler
A Scheduler keeps track of ScheduledJobs and executes those jobs according to their Schedules.
Scheduler() - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
Constructs a blank new Scheduler
SCHEDULER_NOT_SET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SCHEDULER_THREAD - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
scheduleString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
scheduleString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns a Parseable representation of this Schedule.
scheduleString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
scheduleString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns a Parseable representation of this Schedule.
scheduleString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
scheduleString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns a Parseable representation of this Schedule.
scheduleString() - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
Returns a Parseable representation of this Schedule.
scheduleString(Locale) - Method in interface atg.service.scheduler.Schedule
Returns a Parseable representation of this Schedule based on the locale.
SCHEMA_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
file extension of schema file.
sCommerceBusinessProcessResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.CommerceBusinessProcessManager
The resource bundle gor user resources
sConfiguration - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
sContentRepositories - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
ContentRepositories component.
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.SimpleInvoiceMessageSink
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.PropertyTools
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
sDefaultResources - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.scenario.PercentageComparisonFilter
sDynamoAppServer - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
sDynamoAppServerSet - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
SEARCH - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
search(ClientRequest, String) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Submits the request to the specified search environment.
search(QueryRequest) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
Entrypoint for query request.
SEARCH_PROPERTY_NAMES_NOT_CONFIGURED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
searchArray(Object[], Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Performs the search operation for array objects
SearchByCostCenterId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
SearchByOrderId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Deprecated. Use OrderLookup.searchByOrderId(DynamoHttpServletRequest,DynamoHttpServletResponse,String) instead
searchByOrderId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
This method loads the order with the given id using the OrderManager.
SearchByUserId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Deprecated. Use OrderLookup.searchByUserId(DynamoHttpServletRequest,DynamoHttpServletResponse,String) instead
searchByUserId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
This method uses the OrderLookupService to find the orders for the states corresponding to the request parameter "state" that are owned by the given user (userId).
searchCollection(Collection, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for Collection objects
SearchContext - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This component provides a place to store session data for use by search form handlers.
SearchContext() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
searchDictionary(Dictionary, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for Dictionary objects
searchEnumeration(Enumeration, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for Enumeration objects
SearchEventSender - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
This component sends an atg.projects.b2cstore.search message when its fireSearchEvent() method is called.
SearchEventSender() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
Constructs an instanceof SearchFormHandler
searchFolder(VirtualFile, RegexVirtualFilenameFilter, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
SearchFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.catalog
This form handler is used to search the catalog repository for products and categories.
SearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof SearchFormHandler
SearchFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.gifts
This search form handler is used to support giftlist searches.
SearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof SearchFormHandler
SearchFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
This form handler can be used to search repositories with any combination of several search types: Keyword, Text, Hierarchical, Advanced.
SearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
SearchFormHandler - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This form handler can be used to search repositories with any combination of several search types: Keyword, Text, Hierarchical, Advanced.
SearchFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
searchIterator(Iterator, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for Iterator objects
searchList(List, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for List objects
searchMap(Map, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Renders the search operation for Map objects
searchMapArray(Map.Entry[], Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Performs the search operation for map array objects
SearchMessage - Class in atg.projects.b2cstore
Message sent in response to a catalog search within the bikestore.
SearchMessage() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchMessage
Constructs a User Search message.
SearchMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
SearchMessage(ClientRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Create a search message
SearchMessageSource - Class in atg.search.query.messages
A MessageSource responsible for sending Search messages.
SearchMessageSource() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessageSource
searchPrimitiveArray(Object, Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
Performs the search operation for primitive array objects using the reflection methods to access values in the array.
SECOND_APPLY_STAGE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
SECONDARY_ADDRESS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
SECURE_URL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
SecuredContainer - Interface in atg.security
An interface to be implemented by any object that wants to supply inherited security information to a SecuredObject.
SecuredMutableRepository - Interface in atg.repository
An extension of the Repository interface that adds security features.
SecuredMutableRepositoryItem - Interface in atg.repository
A mutable repository item that has security features.
SecuredObject - Interface in atg.security
An object with associated security information.
SecuredPathAccessController - Class in atg.servlet.security
SecuredPathAccessController() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
SecuredRepository - Interface in atg.repository
An extension of the Repository interface that adds security features.
SecuredRepositoryItem - Interface in atg.repository
A repository item that has security features.
SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor - Interface in atg.repository
SecuredRepositoryObject - Class in atg.adapter.secure
Base class used to build secured repository components.
SecuredRepositoryObject(GenericSecuredRepository, SecuredRepositoryObjectDescriptor, RepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Creates a new repository-backed secured object.
SecuredRepositoryView - Interface in atg.repository
A repository view within a secured repository.
SecuredResource - Interface in atg.security
An interface used to work with a resource that has associated access control entries.
SecurityAccessor - Class in atg.servlet.security
The SecurityAccessor conditionally renders its oparameter based on the value of allowGroup, denyGroup parameter.
SecurityAccessor() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
SecurityConfiguration - Class in atg.security
Configuration information that defines all of the elements needed to create and manage access control lists for an object.
SecurityConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Creates a new, unconfigured, security configuration object.
SecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Copies a security configuration.
SecurityConfiguration(SecurityPolicy, UserAuthority, AccessRight[], Map) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Creates a new security configuration object using the indicated list of access rights and associated map.
SecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration, AccessRight[], Map) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Creates a new security configuration object out of an existing security configuration, replacing its access rights and map with the specified rights and map.
SecurityContext - Class in atg.security
This object is used to specify the context in which an access control request is being made.
SecurityContext(SecurityConfiguration, Object) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityContext
Creates a new security context out of a security domain's configuration and the secured object that is the subject of the access control request.
SecurityContext(SecurityConfiguration, AccessRight[], Map, Object) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityContext
Creates a new security context out of a security domain's configuration, replacing the access rights with specified access rights.
SecurityContext(SecurityPolicy, UserAuthority, AccessRight[], Map, Object) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityContext
Creates a new security context.
SecurityDomain - Interface in atg.security
A security domain manages the authorization policy for some part of an application.
SecurityDomainEvent - Class in atg.security
Base class for all security domain-related events.
SecurityDomainEvent(SecurityDomain) - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityDomainEvent
SecurityDomainServlet - Class in atg.servlet.security
SecurityDomainServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
SecurityException - Exception in atg.security
Base class for all atg.security package exceptions.
SecurityException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.SecurityException
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.SecurityException
SecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.security.SecurityException
SecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.security.SecurityException
SecurityPolicy - Interface in atg.security
An object that provides the following policy decisions:
SecurityProviderService - Class in atg.security
The SecurityProviderService is a GenericService that provides a centralized location where java security providers may be specified in an orderly manner without any confusion as to which providers have higher priority.
SecurityProviderService() - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityProviderService
Constructs an instanceof SecurityProviderService
SecurityUtils - Class in atg.security
Utility methods useful for security system operations.
SecurityUtils() - Constructor for class atg.security.SecurityUtils
SEGMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
SEGMENT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
select(Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Selects all rows from this Cortex's table.
select(Object, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Searches for the specified row in the database.
select(Object[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Searches for the specified rows in the database, where each row is selected by the corresponding object in the specified array.
select(Dictionary, boolean, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Searches for the rows in the database that match the specified selector.
select() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns an array of all the rows in the RelationalView, in order, where each row has been converted into a bean according to the RelationalView's row-to-bean mapping.
select(int) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the row specified by the given index (the first row has index 0).
select(int, int) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns up to the specified number of rows starting with the given index (the first row has index 0).
SELECT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
The name of the select input parameter
selectCount() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the number of rows in the RelationalView.
selectExists() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns true if there are any rows in the RelationalView, false if not.
selectFirst() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Returns the first row in the RelationalView.
selectRepositoryItemById(Document, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
This method will select a repository item from the repository represented by top-level element appearing in the pDocument parameter.
selectRepositoryItems(RepositoryItemDescriptor, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Constructs the RQL query from pPropMap and executes against the RepositoryItemDescriptor .
SellerRegistration - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
SEND_COOKIE_FLAG - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
value: SendCookie
The default name used to access the SendCookie flag.
sendAccessAllowedEvent(AccessAllowedEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sends an "access allowed" event to all the "access allowed" listeners.
sendAccessDeniedEvent(AccessDeniedEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sends an "access denied" event to all the "access denied" listeners.
sendAdminRegisterEvent(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sends off an event indicating that the given user profile was registered by the given administrator profile.
sendAlertMessage(PortalMessage) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Send an an alert message using the Publisher
sendBatch(TemplateEmailBatchInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
sendBusinessProcessEvent(BusinessProcessEventMessage, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Creates a BusinessProcessEventSynchronization object and attaches it to the current transaction.
sendBusinessProcessStageReachedEvent(RepositoryItem, Timestamp, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Creates and sends the business process stage reached JMS event message.
sendCancelOrder(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Assemble and send a message to cancel the order
sendCancelOrder(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Assemble and send a message to cancel the order
sendClickThroughEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a click through event using the parameters defined in pRequest.
sendClickThroughEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
This sends a ClickThroughMessage using the current request and the value of the source parameter.
sendClickThroughEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage using the method arguments.
sendClickThroughEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage using the method arguments.
sendClickThroughEvent(String, String, String[], String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage
sendClickThroughEvent(String, String, String, String, String[], String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage
sendClickThroughEvent(String, String, String, String, String[], RepositoryItem, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage
sendClickThroughEvent(String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sends a ClickThroughMessage
sendCommand(Map) - Method in interface atg.deployment.server.AgentTransport
Sends a deployment command packet to the deployment agent.
sendCommand(String, Dictionary, double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
This is the primary interface to CyberCash CashRegister.
sendCommerceMessage(CommerceMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
Uses the SourceSinkTemplate to send a commerce message over portName
sendCommerceMessage(CommerceMessage, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This is a convenience method which wraps the CommerceMessage to be sent into an ObjectMessage and sends it along the port that is specified.
sendDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataSource
Sends a data item to all of the listeners
sendDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericDataListenerService
Send a data item to a group of listeners
sendDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sends a data item to all of the listeners
sendDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sends a data item to all of the listeners
sendDataItem(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sends a data item to all of the listeners
sendDeadEmail() - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sends all of the email currently in the dead letter queue.
sendEmailEvent(EmailEvent) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Adds the given email event to the internal batch queue.
sendEmailEvent(EmailEvent) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailListener
Takes the given event and sends if off as an email message
sendEmailEvent(EmailEvent) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
sendEmailEvent(EmailEvent) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Takes the given event and sends if off as an email message
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String[], Map) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String[], Map) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailListenerQueue
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(Message, Transport) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailMessageSender
Sends an email message.
sendEmailMessage(Message) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailMessageSender
Sends an email message.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String[]) - Method in interface atg.service.email.EmailSender
Sends a message with the given parameters
sendEmailMessage(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given body, and using the default properties for the From, Recipients, and Subject fields.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String, String, String, String[], Map) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(String, String[], String, String, String[], Map) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends a message via SMTP with the given parameters.
sendEmailMessage(Message, Transport) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends an email message.
sendEmailMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sends an email message.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Object[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Enumeration) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Enumeration, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
sendEmailNotSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo, Object, Message, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message could not be sent to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.
sendEmailSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo, Object, Message) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message was sent successfully to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.
sendEmailToUser(MutableRepositoryItem, boolean, boolean, TemplateEmailSender, TemplateEmailInfo, Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sends email to the user using the provided email template and parameters.
SenderResourcePool - Class in atg.distributor
SenderResourcePool() - Constructor for class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Constructs an instanceof SenderResourcePool
sendError(int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sends an error response to the client using the specified status code and descriptive message.
sendError(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sends an error response to the client using the specified status code and a default message.
sendEvent(Object) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Submits an event for handling.
sendEvent(Object) - Method in interface atg.service.event.EventChannelListener
Submits an event for handling.
sendEvent(Object) - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Submits an event for handling.
sendEvents(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Looks up the handler for the any possible Droplet events in this request and delivers them.
sendGSAEvent(GSAEvent) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
/** Sends an event to the subscribers for this item-descriptor.
sendLocalRedirect(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sends a redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL.
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
sendLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sends a LogEvent to all of the listeners
sendLoginEvent(RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sends off a SessionEvent of type login for the given profile.
sendLogoutEvent(RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sends off a SessionEvent of type logout for the given profile.
sendLogoutEvent(String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sends off a SessionEvent of type logout for the given profile.
sendMail(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Customizes the send operation.
sendMail(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Perform the actual send operation.
SendmailEmailExaminer - Class in atg.service.email.examiner
This is a service that determines properties of a bounced message created by a sendmail MTA.
SendmailEmailExaminer() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
sendMarkerEventMessage(MarkerEventMessage, String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
Sends a marker event message.
sendMarkerMessage(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
Sends the message, using the port name and jms type provided
sendMessage(IntegrationRepository, IntegrationRepositoryMessage) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Sends an object message out on messagePort
sendMessage(int, String, String) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
sendMessage(int, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
sendMessage(int, String, String[]) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
sendMessage(int, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
sendMessage(int, String, String[], String[], String, String) - Static method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
sendMessage(String, Message) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
This sends a Message through the given output port and returns when the Message has been successfully sent (although, depending on the JMS provider, it may not have yet been delivered).
sendMessage(Message) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext
This sends a Message through the "DEFAULT" output port and returns when the Message has been successfully sent (although, depending on the JMS provider, it may not have yet been delivered).
sendModifyOrder(String, List, SourceSinkTemplate, String, ModifyOrder) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method will send an ModifyOrder message
sendModifyOrderNotification(String, List, ModifyOrder, SourceSinkTemplate, String, ModifyOrderNotification) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method will send an ModifyOrderNotification message
SendObjectAsXML - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.soap
This action is used to send objects out via a SOAP RPC call.
SendObjectAsXML() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
sendObjectMessage(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
Sends an object message of type pType, out on port pPortName.
sendObjectMessage(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Sends an object message of type pType, out on port pPortName.
sendObjectMessage(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
Sends an object message of type pType, out on port pPortName.
sendOrderMergeEvent(Order, Order, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Send an order merged event to the current set of event listeners.
sendOrderToFulfiller(Order, String, List, SubmitOrder, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This method will set the states of the shipping groups to processing, send a ModifyOrderNotification using OrderFulfillmentTools.sendModifyOrderNotification and will send a FulfillOrderFragment for the port of the fulfiller name passed in.
sendPageViewedEvent(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Send a page viewed event.
sendPageViewedEvent(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Send a page viewed event with out attached request, session, or profile properties
sendPageViewedEvent(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Send a page viewed event.
sendPageViewedEvent(String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, HttpSession, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Send a page viewed event with the given information.
sendPriceChangedEvent(PriceChanged) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
This method will send the given PriceChanged event on the scenarioEventPort port.
sendProfileCookies(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sends the specified profile id as a cookie.
sendProfileCookies(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sends any cookies associated with the given profile
sendProfileSwapEvent(ProfileSwapEvent) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
Sends a ProfileSwapEvent to the swap event listeners This method is called by receiveSwapEvent to pass along the swap event to other listeners so, if need be, those listeners can perform additional processing after the ProfileMarkerManager.
sendProfileSwapEvent(int, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sends a ProfileSwapEvent using the given arguments
sendProfileSwapEvent(int, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Sends a ProfileSwapEvent using the given arguments
sendProfileUpdateEvent(ProfileUpdateEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Sends a Profile Update event to each of the current listeners passing the pEvent.
sendProfileUpdateEvent(ProfileUpdateEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sends a Profile Update event to each of the current listeners passing the pEvent.
sendPromotionClosenessQualificationMessage(PromotionClosenessMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sends the given PromotionClosenessMessage.
sendPromotionGrantedEvent(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sends an PromotionGranted Event through the PromotionGrantedMessageSender if FirePromotionGrantedEvent is set to true.
sendPromotionGrantedEvent(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sends an PromotionGranted Event through the PromotionGrantedMessageSender if FirePromotionGrantedEvent is set to true.
sendPromotionRevokedEvent(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sends a PromotionRevoked Event through the PromotionRevokedMessageSender if FirePromotionRevokedEvent is set to true.
sendPromotionRevokedEvent(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sends a PromotionRevoked Event through the PromotionRevokedMessageSender if FirePromotionRevokedEvent is set to true.
sendPropertiesChangedEvent(RepositoryChangedItem, int, Map) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
We cannot be synchronized on the item-descriptor when this method is called or we'll deadlock due to the TableInvalidationListener logic which gets called synchronously from one of these listeners.
sendPropertiesChangedEvent(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
We cannot be synchronized on the item-descriptor when this method is called or we'll deadlock due to the TableInvalidationListener logic which gets called synchronously from one of these listeners.
sendPropertiesChangedEvent(RepositoryChangedItem, int, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sends a propertiesChangedEvent given the item itself that changed
sendPropertiesChangedEvent(String, int, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sends a propertiesChangedEvent given the id of the item that changed
sendPutCommand(RemoteConnection, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Using the remote connection, attempt to send the supplied byte array to the server.
sendPutCommand(RemoteConnection, String, String, File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Using the remote connection, attempt to send the contents of the local file to the remote server.
sendPutCommand(RemoteConnection, String, String, ContentRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
sendQueryEvent(Query, QueryOptions, RepositoryItem[]) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Sends a QueryEvent
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sends a redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL.
sendRegisterEvent(RepositoryItem, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sends off a SessionEvent of type register for the given profile.
sendScenarioEvent(ScenarioEvent) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
This method sets the id of the event and sends it to the scenario engine.
sendScenarioEvent(Order, CommerceItem, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Send a message to the Dynamo Scenario Server.
sendScenarioEvent(CommerceMessage) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Send the scenario event with the message passed.
SENDSCENARIOEVENT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
sendScheduledOrderMessage(CommerceMessage) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Send the Scheduled Order Message
sendSearchMessage(ClientRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Send a JMS Search message via configured SearchMessageSource.
sendShippingGroupUpdateModification(Order, List, SourceSinkTemplate, ModifyOrderNotification) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method takes a list of shipping groups, and sends a ShippingGroupUpdate modification to the appropriate fulfillers.
sendSwitchOrderMessage(Order, Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
sendUpdateEvent(ProfileUpdateEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Sends the given update event to all of the registered update listeners
SEPARATE_THREAD - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
separator() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystem
Get the directory separator for this filesystem
SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
separates the name from the column name
SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
separates the name from the column name
SERIAL_COMPATIBLE_V2 - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
SerializableFeatureDescriptor - Class in atg.beans
Subclass of java.beans.FeatureDescriptor with Serialization support.
SerializableFeatureDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
SerializedAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager whose persistence is accomplished via serialization to a file.
SerializedAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
SerializedProxyUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
A serializable version of a proxy user authority.
SerializedProxyUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
SerializedProxyUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
SerializedUserAuthority - Class in atg.security
This utility class manages the serialization and de-serialization of user authority objects.
SerializedUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.security.SerializedUserAuthority
serializeKey(Key) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.KeyGenerator
This returns the specified key, serialized and converted to a hexadecimal string.
ServerConnectionException - Exception in atg.distributor
ServerConnectionException() - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException.
ServerConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException with the given explanation.
ServerConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException.
ServerConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException with the given explanation.
ServerConnectionException(Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException.
ServerConnectionException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception atg.distributor.ServerConnectionException
Constructs a new ServerConnectionException with the given explanation.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Looks up all the orders that are pending approval for the approver with the passed in parameter: approverId.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Looks up all the orders that are have been approved by the approver with the passed in parameter: approverId.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
service the request
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
The service method is used to initialize CostCenters and CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogItemLookupDroplet
Look for the RepositoryItem and if found render the output oparam by binding the item as a parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
This method is responsible for determining the concatenation of a group of strings from a particular Sku object.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Looks for a giftitem in a giftlist and if found, either removes it from the giftlist or moves it to the current default shopping cart.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Adds or removes giftlist from current profile.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupDroplet
Tests if a shipping group contains a gift.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
Gets list of shipping groups from an order and determines if any of them have gift handling instructions.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Replacement service method.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
This is the abstract service method that the droplets will implement.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
This method executes the action by calling the convertAbandonedOrder method of AbandonedOrderTools.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
This method executes the action by calling the reanimateAbandonedOrder method of AbandonedOrderTools.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdatedDroplet
This method executes the action by calling the setLastUpdated method of AbandonedOrderTools.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
DynamoServlet service method.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
service the request
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
This service method is used to initialize PaymentGroups and CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
This service method is used to initialize ShippingGroups and CommerceItemShippingInfo objects.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
Takes the formatted currency String and sets a request parameter named detailedState, then services the output parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
Performs the getting of available shipping methods within a Request scope.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Fetch the objects returned from performPricing and bind them to the set element name and render the output oparam.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
Compiles the closenessQualifiers requested, and renders the appropriate open parameters.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
The service method first obtains the promotion object.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
The service method that looks for the PROMO parameter and adds it to the profile, before pass the request to the next servlet in the pipeline.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
This method calls @see #retrieveEventObject and attempts to send it using #see sendObjectMessage if the returned value was not null.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Renders the tag and its content
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
Service the servlets request.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
Deprecated. Service the servlets request.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Determine whether we have a valid cached entry.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Compare
Render the Compare
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Renders the tag and its content
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
Render the ComponentExists switch
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
Take the repository and id parameters and try to find the repository item.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentFolderView
Take the repository and id parameters and try to find the repository item.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Takes the formatted currency String and sets a request parameter named formattedCurrency, then services the output parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Takes the formatted currency String and sets a request parameter named formattedCurrency, then services the output parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.For
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Format
Evaluate the droplet.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Renders the tag and its content.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Renders this input tag
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Invoke
Service thre request
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
Render the IsEmpty switch
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.IsNull
Render the isNull switch
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
Render the droplet.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
Service the request
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Called when a request needs to be processed.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Redirect
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEach
Renders the list of items retrieved by the query
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRange
Renders the list of items retrieved by the query
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Switch
Render the switch
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Called when a request needs to be processed.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Called when a request needs to be processed.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Vector off service requests to the dynamo specific routine.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Renders the tag for the given request.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The service() method for this droplet.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
Parse an XML document
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The service method for this droplet.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
Service method
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
Service method
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Executes the Command with the given input parameters and renders the output paramter, setting result paramter to the CommandResult from Command execution.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
This method first calls the validateInput method, followed by the doService method.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Handles requests
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Handles http requests
Service - Interface in atg.nucleus
A Service is an object that can be notified of events that occur within Nucleus.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Handles requests
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.HttpServletService
Services a single request from the client.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.HttpServletService
Services a single http request from the client.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Services a single request from the client.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistItemDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Examine the current request to see if the URL matches the criteria for detecting expired sessions and if the session has actually expired, and redirect to a specified URL if necessary.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Examine the current request URL and set the current location property to the corresponding virtual location within the store.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
Deprecated. service the request
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Look for the RepositoryItem and if found render the output oparam by binding the item as a parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
Look for the RepositoryItem and if found render the output oparam by binding the item as a parameter.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Service routine
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet
Service the RepositoryServlet servlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
Renders the list of items retrieved by the query
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryRange
Renders the list of items retrieved by the query
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
Service method
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Runs through all the BrowserTypes and informs the user what features they support
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
The service method - go directly from a Servlet to a DynamoHttpServlet for efficiency.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
The service method
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
This method provides the default implementation of service, by dispatching to conventionally named methods which begin with "do".
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Handles the request by serving the file specified by the PathTranslated value.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the web container to indicate that a servlet should service a request/response
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.CookiePipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Services an HttpServletRequest/Response pair.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
If the request is an instanceof HttpServletRequest, then the service method is passed onto the service handler for the HttpServletRequest object.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Services an HttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.URLArgumentPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Render Top Level Personae associated with the current User in the current Session
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Render the Security Accessor
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.ThreadUserBinderServlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Take the repository and id parameters and try to find the repository item.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
The service method will perform the work of this droplet.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
Gets the userId and roleName request parameters and does the following: 1) Gets the relative roles associated with the user 2) Gets the target principal of each role (organization) and returns them in the principals parameter
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
This service method will attempt to get the user list for the organizationId parameter of the passed in request.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
This method services the request and returns the desired principles.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Services a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Decodes the necessary information out of the request and fills the appropriate properties
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Attaches the profile to the request/session, sends any profile cookies, then passes the request onto the next servlet
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Method called by the pipline to service the request.
service(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet container to indicate that a portlet should service a request/response
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Called when a request needs to be processed.
service(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Called when a request needs to be processed.
SERVICE_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Should be used as a key to retrieve the serviceInfo property from ResourceBundles
SERVICE_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Should be used as a key to retrieve the serviceInfo property from ResourceBundles
SERVICE_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Should be used as a key to retrieve the serviceInfo property from ResourceBundles
SERVICE_REQUEST - Static variable in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
The Performance Monitor operation string
ServiceAdminServlet - Class in atg.nucleus
A ServiceAdminServlet is the base class for services that wish to provide an HTTP interface.
ServiceAdminServlet(Object, Nucleus) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Constructs a new ServiceAdminServlet
serviceArray(Object[], String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for array objects
serviceArray(Object, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for array objects
serviceArray(Object, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Class) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for array objects
serviceArray(Object, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for array objects
serviceAttributes(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Renders the attributes defined for this tag.
serviceCatch(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Throwable) - Method in class atg.droplet.Invoke
Services the CATCH oparam if there's an exception
serviceCollection(Collection, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for Collection objects
serviceCollection(Collection, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for Collection objects
serviceCollection(Collection, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for Collection objects
serviceCollection(Collection, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for Collection objects
serviceContent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
This method just renders the content.
serviceDictionary(Dictionary, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for Dictionary objects
serviceDictionary(Dictionary, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for Dictionary objects
serviceDictionary(Dictionary, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for Dictionary objects
serviceDictionary(Dictionary, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for Dictionary objects
serviceEnumeration(Enumeration, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for Enumeration objects
serviceEnumeration(Enumeration, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for Enumeration objects
serviceEnumeration(Enumeration, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for Enumeration objects
serviceEnumeration(Enumeration, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for enumeration objects
ServiceEvent - Class in atg.nucleus
A ServiceEvent encapsulates information related to a ServiceListener's environment on startup and shutdown.
ServiceEvent(Object, Object, Nucleus, Configuration) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent
Constructs a new ServiceEvent
ServiceException - Exception in atg.nucleus
Represents an exception thrown by a Service attempting to start or stop.
ServiceException() - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Constructs a new blank ServiceException
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Constructs a new ServiceException with the given explanation
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Constructs a new ServiceException with the given explanation and root exception.
ServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ServiceException
Constructs a new ServiceException with the given explanation and root exception.
serviceFinally(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Invoke
Services the FINALLY oparam if there's an exception
serviceGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
Handles a request to get a property
serviceGet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
Deprecated. Handles a request to get a property
serviceInclude(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
serviceIndexedList(List, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for indexed List objects, i.e.
serviceInvoke(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.Invoke
Handles the Invoke call
serviceIterator(Iterator, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for Iterator objects
serviceIterator(Iterator, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for Interator objects
serviceIterator(Iterator, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for Iterator objects
serviceIterator(Iterator, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for array objects
serviceList(List, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for List objects
serviceList(List, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for List objects
serviceList(List, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for List objects
ServiceListener - Interface in atg.nucleus
A ServiceListener understands events that occur during the lifetime of a Service.
serviceLocalParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
serviceLocalParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
serviceMap(Map, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for Map objects
serviceMap(Map, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.Range
Renders the range operation for Map objects
serviceMap(Map, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableForEach
Renders the range operation for Map objects
serviceMap(Map, int, int, int, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.TableRange
Renders the range operation for Map objects
ServiceMap - Class in atg.nucleus
A ServiceMap is a subclass of Hashtable in which a string is mapped to a Nucleus service.
ServiceMap() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.ServiceMap
Constructs a new ServiceMap
serviceMapArray(Map.Entry[], String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for array objects
serviceNextBatchMailing() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Service the next bath mailing, if any.
serviceParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
serviceParameter(ParameterName, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
serviceParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
serviceParameter(String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
servicePrimitiveArray(Object, String, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
Renders the foreach operation for primitive array objects using the reflection methods to access values in the array.
serviceProfilingRequest(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Builds and places the profile into the Nucleus namespace for later retrieval.
serviceSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
handles a request to set a property
serviceSet(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
Deprecated. handles a request to set a property
serviceWithoutIncludeAttributes(Servlet, DynamoHttpServletRequest, ServletResponse, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Invoke service ont he specified servlet without any include attributes...
SERVLET_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Should be used as a key to retrieve the servletInfo property from ResourceBundles
SERVLET_MODE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.OverrideContextPathMode
ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
This class recieves notifications about changes to the servlet context for the web apps that have registered this class as a listener.
ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry
ServletContextWebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
This is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
ServletContextWebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This will redirect a request to one of several servlets based on the servlet path of the request.
ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
Constructs a new ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
ServletPathPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This pipeline servlet will split a pathInfo into a servletPath/pathInfo combination.
ServletPathPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Constructs a new ServletPathPipelineServlet
ServletSecurityUtils - Class in atg.servlet.security
UserResolver is a collection of static methods to help Security Servlets and droplets to resolve the User instance from the current HttpSession as well as to see if a an element from a list of Personae is represented within User
ServletSecurityUtils() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
ServletService - Class in atg.nucleus.servlet
A base class implementation of the Nucleus Service and the Java Servlet interfaces.
ServletService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
ServletUtil - Class in atg.servlet
This class file implements some static utilities that are useful wrappers for those implementing servlets.
ServletUtil() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
SESSION_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface atg.dms.registry.MessageType
Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo session context, and that session-specific objects including the user profile may be resolved via JNDI.
SESSION_EVENT_MASK - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Flag indicating that session-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
SESSION_INVALIDATED - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
bug 72198, workaround weblogic session backup problem.
SESSION_NAME_CONTEXT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
SESSION_NEEDS_RESTORE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
SESSION_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Prefix for event topic heirarchy.
SESSION_RESTORED_MARKER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
SESSION_SCOPE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
SessionEvent - Class in atg.userprofiling
A simple session event.
SessionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Constructs a session event.
SessionEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Constructs a session event of the given type.
SessionEventTrigger - Class in atg.userprofiling
This class fires off SessionEvents for new sessions and expired sessions.
SessionEventTrigger() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Empty constructor.
SessionPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
This adds an attribute factory for the HttpSessionRequest object that contains session information about this request's session.
SessionPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Constructs a new SessionPipelineServlet
sessionRestored() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
This method is invoked during the recovery phase of a session backup.
sessionRestored() - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
The restoring method which will load the activePromotions into the profile.
sessionRestored() - Method in class atg.security.UserFailService
Restored the state of the session User object by adding the failed over Personae to the User object.
sessionRestored() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
This restoring method takes the mUidForFailover member variable and attempts to load the profile with the given id.
SessionScope - Interface in atg.nucleus
This interface is a "marker" for Java configuration files that are to be session-scoped.
SessionScopedLogEntry - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
A log entry that is associated with a particular session
SessionScopedLogEntry(Long, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Constucts a SessionScopedLogEntry
SessionScopedLogEntry(Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Constucts a SessionScopedLogEntry and time stamps it with the current time.
SET - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
SET_AGENT_STATUS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
SET_AS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
SET_CLUSTER_DESTINATIONS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
SET_COLUMN_TAG - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
tag that indicates set columns for doing updates.
SET_COLUMN_TAG - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
tag that indicates set columns for doing updates.
SET_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
SET_METHOD columns replace existing data when doing updates
SET_PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
setAbandonableOrderStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The possible order states an order must be for the AbandonedOrderService to identify the order as abandoned or lost.
setAbandonedOrderItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the abandonedOrder item descriptor in the profile repository.
setAbandonedOrderLogRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The AbandonedOrderLogRepository component
setAbandonedOrderOrderIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonedOrder repository item that holds the ID of the order.
setAbandonedOrderProfileIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonedOrder repository item that holds the ID of the profile that owns the order.
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
AbandonedOrderTools contains property/item names and helper methods.
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
AbandonedOrderTools contains property/item names and helper methods that manipulate abandonment data.
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentActionConfiguration
The AbandonedOrderTools component
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
AbandonedOrderTools contains property/item names and helper methods.
setAbandonedOrderTools(AbandonedOrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The AbandonedOrderTools component
setAbandonmentCountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that indicates the number of times the order has been abandoned.
setAbandonmentDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that holds the date/time when the order was most recently identified as abandoned.
setAbandonmentInfoItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the abandonmentInfo item descriptor in the order repository.
setAbandonmentInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the order property that refers to its abandonmentInfo item
setAbandonmentInfoQueryForAbandonedOrders(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the abandoned order query that deals with what abandonment states an order can have for it to be considered newly abandoned.
setAbandonmentInfoQueryForLostOrders(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the lost order query that deals with what abandonment states an order can have for it to be considered newly lost.
setAbandonmentState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
setAbandonmentState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The abandonment state of the order.
setAbandonmentStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the abandonmentInfo property that holds the abandonment state of the order.
setAcceptAllValues(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Sets the boolean property for determining if all marker values are valid.
setAcceptorPriorityDelta(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the acceptor thread priority delta.
setAccessBeforeStart(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
setAccessControllers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets the AccessControllers used to control access to paths.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Changes the access control list associated with this object.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Changes the access control list associated with this object.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
Changes access control list associated with this resource.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
Changes access control list associated with this resource.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Changes the access control list associated with this object.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredResource
Changes the access control list associated with this resource.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Sets the default access control list which specifies who is permitted to act on this task.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Sets the access control list which specifies who is permitted to act on this workflow.
setAccessLevel(Integer) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Access
setAccessLevel(Integer) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property AccessLevel
setAccessLevel(int) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the community's Access Level
setAccessLevel(int) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Sets the access level of this gear
setAccessLevel(int) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Set the accesss level for this page
setAccessRights(AccessRight[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Changes the set of access rights available in the security domain.
setAccessRights(AccessRight[]) - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Changes the list of access rights that are appropriate for the object.
setAccessRightsMap(Map) - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Returns a mapping of access rights by name.
setAccessRightsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setAccessSessionImmediately(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Sets the flag indicating if the session should be accessed immediately when the request runs through this pipeline element.
setAccessType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setAccount(Account) - Method in class atg.security.GenericPersona
Changes the account that is associated with this persona.
setAccountFile(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Sets or changes the name of the XML file from which to obtain user information.
setAccountInitializer(AccountInitializer) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the account initializer that will set up our standard accounts, if any.
setAccountInitializer(AccountInitializer) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the account initializer that will set up our standard accounts, if any.
setAccountManager(AccountManager) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountSaltFetcher
Sets the AccountManager.
setAccountManager(LDAPRepositoryAccountManager) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPAuthenticationProxy
Sets proxying to this guy
setAccountMatchFields(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the set of attribute fields that are searched by listMatchingAccounts().
setAccountNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the name of the repository item property used to store the name of the account.
setAccountQueryLimit(int) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the maximum number of accounts that will be returned by listAccounts() or listMatchingAccounts() before throwing TooManyAccountsException.
setAccountTypeProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the account type information.
setAccumulateServletPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Sets the property AccumulateServletPath.
setAcl(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property acl ("Runtime access control list").
setAcquireAssetLocksOnCheckin(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setAction(ScheduledOrderAction) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
Set property Action
setAction(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property action.
setAction(PaymentManagerAction) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the action being performed to the argument dictionary.
setAction(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setAction(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
setAction(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property action ("Action").
setAction(int) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property Action
setActionMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the action to servlet map for Commerce commands.
setActionNote(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
setActionParams(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property actionParams ("Action parameters").
setActionQueue(QueuedActionListener) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The event queue to pass actions into.
setActions(ConfigurableAction[]) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The set of actions to perform on an event.
setActionType(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property actionType ("Action type").
setActionType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the action type for the submit method
setActionURL(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the action URL for all possible actions to prevent redirection
setActivateVFSOrder(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Set the active flag, indicating this component can send messages.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Whether or not the listener should send email notifications.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets a flag indicating whether or not to return active tasks, default is true.
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
setActive(boolean) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the flag indicating whether this task is currently active.
setActivePromotionPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
setActivePromotions(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFailService
setActivePromotionsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setActiveQuery(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setActivity(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property activity ("Activity").
setActor(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property actor ("Actor").
setActualShipDate(Date) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the actualShipDate
setActualShipDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets property actualShipDate
setAddAmount(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Sets property AddAmount
setAddCostCenterDescription(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property AddCostCenterDescription
setAddCostCenterErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property AddCostCenterErrorURL.
setAddCostCenterIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property AddCostCenterIdentifier
setAddCostCenterSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property AddCostCenterSuccessURL.
setAddedMarkerEvents(List) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Sets the list of MarkerEventMessages for markers that have been added
setAddErrorToResultOnTrueEval(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property AddErrorToResultOnTrueEval
setAddGiftItemToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property AddGiftItemToOrderErrorURL
setAddGiftItemToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property AddGiftItemToOrderSuccessURL
setAddHandlerPool(ModifyHandlerResourcePool) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
Set the AddHandlerPool property.
setAddingDebuggingHeaders(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to add debugging headers identifying host and thread.
setAddingMailingIdHeader(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to add the mailing id header.
setAddInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when a new invoice is added to the repository.
setAddItemCount(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets the number of elements to allocate in the items array and allocates the array
setAddItemEventPipeline(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setAddItemInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets the name of the class to be used for elements in the items array
setAddItemToGiftlistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToGiftlistErrorURL
setAddItemToGiftlistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToGiftlistSuccessURL
setAddItemToOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderChainId
setAddItemToOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderChainId
setAddItemToOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property AddItemToOrderChainId
setAddItemToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderErrorURL
setAddItemToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderErrorURL
setAddItemToOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is added to the order.
setAddItemToOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is added to the order.
setAddItemToOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is added to the order.
setAddItemToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderSuccessURL
setAddItemToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property AddItemToOrderSuccessURL
setAddItemToPurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property addItemToPurchaselistErrorURL
setAddItemToPurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setAddItemToPurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property addItemToPurchaselistSuccessURL
setAddItemToPurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setAddItemTypeToPropertyNames(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Sets the addItemTypeToPropertyNames.
setAdditionalConnectionProperties(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property additionalConnectionProperties.
setAdditionalConnectionProperties(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Set of properties that should be used to create new connections.
setAdditionalOptionSets(String[]) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Set list of non-default option sets that should be available in the session.
setAdditionalProjectAcls(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setAddMessageJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
property AddMessageJMSType Sets the JMS Message type used when sending marked added messages.
setAddMultipleItemsToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property AddMultipleItemsToOrderErrorURL
setAddMultipleItemsToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property AddMultipleItemsToOrderSuccessURL
setAddProductErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL if errors occur while adding products to the list.
setAddProductSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL for successfully adding products to the list.
setAddProfileToMessageBean(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Specify whether to automatically try to add the user profile to the dynamo message bean.
setAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets an address bean to be used when modifying an address for a shipping or a billing group
setAddress1(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the address1
setAddress1(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the address1
setAddress1(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the address1
setAddress1(Address) - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Sets the address1
setAddress2(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the address2
setAddress2(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the address2
setAddress2(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the address2
setAddress2(Address) - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Sets the address2
setAddress3(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the address3
setAddress3(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the address3
setAddress3(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the address3
setAddressCityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressCityPropertyName property.
setAddressCompanyNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Sets the addressCompanyNamePropertyName
setAddressCountryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressCountryPropertyName property.
setAddressCountyPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressCountyPropertyName property.
setAddressesToCopy(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the addresses that need to be copied from the ShippingGroup objects to the Profile "secondary addresses" map.
setAddressFaxNumberPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressFaxNumberPropertyName property.
setAddressFirstNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressFirstNamePropertyName property.
setAddressJobTitlePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressJobTitlePropertyName property.
setAddressLastNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressLastNamePropertyName property.
setAddressLineOnePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressLineOnePropertyName property.
setAddressLineThreePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressLineThreePropertyName property.
setAddressLineTwoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressLineTwoPropertyName property.
setAddressMiddleNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressMiddleNamePropertyName property.
setAddressOwnerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressownerIdPropertyName property.
setAddressPhoneNumberPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressPhoneNumberPropertyName property.
setAddressPostalCodePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressPostalCodePropertyName property.
setAddressPrefixPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressPrefixPropertyName property.
setAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property addressProperties, naming the properties in a secondary address record.
setAddressPropertyList(List) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets the Address property list, which is a list that mirrors the original design of the AddressProperties property with the property names defined in a configuration file.
setAddressStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressStatePropertyName property.
setAddressSuffixPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the addressSuffixPropertyName property.
setAddressVerificationItems(AddressVerificationItem[]) - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Sets the addressVerificationItems
setAddressVerificationProcessor(AddressVerificationProcessor) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Sets the addressVerificationProcessor
setAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
setAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
setAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Sets Properties to match in item descriptor
setAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Sets the addService.
setAddSoftGoodToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Set the addSoftGoodToOrderErrorURL property.
setAddSoftGoodToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Set the addSoftGoodToOrderSuccessURL property.
setAddToCompareListErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets property AddToCompareListErrorURL.
setAddToCompareListSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the property AddToCompareListSuccessURL.
setAddToContainer(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the AddToContainer property.
setAddToDefaultShippingGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setAddWhenNoMatchedItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Sets the addWhenNoMatchedItems.
setAdjuster(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Adjuster
setAdjustment(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
setAdjustmentDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Set property AdjustmentDescription
setAdjustmentsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the adjustmentsProperty
setAdjustmentsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the adjustmentsProperty
setAdminPipeline(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Set flag to denote whether this component is part of the admin pipeline or not.
setAdminServerPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property AdminServerPrefix.
setAdvancedSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
setAdvancedSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
setAdvancedSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
setAdvancedSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyNames
setAdvancedSearchPropertyRanges(HashMap) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyRanges
setAdvancedSearchPropertyRanges(HashMap) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyRanges
setAdvancedSearchPropertyValues(HashMap) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyValues
setAdvancedSearchPropertyValues(HashMap) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AdvancedSearchPropertyValues
setAffectedItemTypes(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
setAffectedItemTypes(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A Map with a key of affected repository path to a Set value of affected item types
setAfterGetsClaimed(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Flag indicating if someone in the request has taken responsibility for calling the afterGets methods.
setAgents(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property agents ("Agent Definitions").
setAgentStatus(String, Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Sets the agent's Status remotely from the Publishing server to the specified Status
setAgentStatus(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Set the DeploymentAgent Status remotely from the Publishing server to the specified Status
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Changes the name of the digestifying algorithm used by this password hasher.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Changes the name of the digestifying algorithm used by this password hasher.
setAlign(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the align attribute
setAllFileTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
setAllowApplet(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Set the allowApplet property
setAllowChangeHeadersDuringInclude(boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Method to allow/disallow changing headers on the response during an include.
setAllowCheckoutIfApproversNotDefined(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Sets the allowCheckoutIfApproversNotDefined
setAllowDuplicates(boolean) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets flag controlling whether duplicates are allowed or not
setAllowed(String) - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Changes the list of allowed identities.
setAllowedClassNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The list of class names allowed to be used as Nucleus Services.
setAllowedClassNamesSignature(byte[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setAllowedConnection(String) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets a regular expression against which connecting hosts are matched to see if they are allowed to connect.
setAllowEmptyOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Set the allowEmptyOrders property.
setAllowEmptySearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AllowEmptySearch.
setAllowEncryptedPasswords(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property AllowEncryptedPasswords DEFAULT: true
setAllowFileRepositoryItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Instructs the tag to set the repositoryItem property in the results object, even when the virtualFile property is also set.
setAllowGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Sets the array of "allow" group names.
setAllowGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets the array of "allow" group names.
setAllowingMultipleSubmitsPerURL(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Whether to allow multiple submits per document URL.
setAllowLayoutChanges(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
setAllowMembershipRequest(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets if the community allows membership request
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
setAllowMessageSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
setAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.
setAllowMultiple(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property AllowMultiple
setAllowMultipleProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setAllowPartialShipmentDefault(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setAllowPartialShipmentDefault(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setAllowPaymentGroupsWithZeroAmount(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
This Flag is added to support backward compatibiity.
setAllowPersonalizedCommunities(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets whether the community should allow personalized communities
setAllowPersonalizedPages(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets whether the community should allow personalized pages
setAllowRefine(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AllowRefine.
setAllowReloadableComponents(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Configures if Nucleus will respect the $reloadable attribute in .properties files.
setAllowRemoveOrderWithPendingShipment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
setAllowWildcards(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AllowWildcards.
setAllowWildcards(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AllowWildcards.
setAllPromotions(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property AllPromotions
setAllRootCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setAlreadyApprovedReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Sets property alreadyApprovedReturnValue
setAlternateCatalogs(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property AlternateCatalogs
setAlternateFormParams(Object, Object, ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Sets the actual objects that will be used as arguments when invoking form handler methods such as handleXXX,beforeGet,afterGet,beforeSet,afterSet
setAlternateFormParamTypes(Class, Class, ServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Sets the alternate parameter types for form handling.
setAlternateRepositories(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property AlternateRepositories
setAlternateUserPricingModelHolderPaths(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property AlternateUserPricingModelHolderPaths
setAltTemplateURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Set the alternative text template URL.
setAlwaysAcquireWriteLock(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Whether to always acquire a write lock from the lock manager.
setAlwaysPruneAfterRendering(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.
setAlwaysTranslate(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the flag indicating if this should always translate files, even if the request comes in with a pathTranslated.
setAlwaysValidate(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the boolean property for determining if markers must always be validated.
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationship
Sets the amount
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the amount that this Relationship represents.
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Sets the description
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
sets the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationship
Sets the amount that this Relationship represents.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the Amount property.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The monetary value of the order.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
The monetary value of the order.
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the amount that this Relationship represents.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationship
Sets the amount
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
sets the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
sets the amount associated with this PaymentGroup.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationship
Sets the amount that this Relationship represents.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the amount that this relationship represents
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the Amount property.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is not used for this relationship class and therefore should not be called.
setAmount(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the amount that this Relationship represents.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property Amount
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the payment amount to the argument dictionary.
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
the raw number about which this AmountInfo stores interpretive information
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FixedPriceShippingCalculator
The fixed price that every ShippingGroup processes by this calculator receives
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Sets the amount
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Sets the amount
setAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Set property Amount
setAmountAuthorized(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the amountAuthorized
setAmountAuthorized(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets property amountAuthorized
setAmountCredited(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the amountCredited
setAmountCredited(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets property amountCredited
setAmountDebited(double) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the amountDebited
setAmountDebited(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets property amountDebited
setAmountIsFinal(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
If true, this amountInfo will not be recalculated If you want a PricingAdjustment to be created that reflects this change, then use markAsFinal instead.
setAmPm(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets whether the time is AM or PM.
setAncestorCatalogsAndSelfPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setAncestorCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
setAncestorCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Sets property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
setAncestorCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ancestorCategoriesPropertyName
setAncestorId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AncestorId.
setAncestorId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property AncestorId.
setAncestorOrganizationsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setAncestorPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ancestorPropertyName
setAncestorPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ancestorPropertyName
setAncestorsForCategory(RepositoryItem, Collection, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to set the ancestorCategories property for a category
setAncestorsForProduct(RepositoryItem, Collection, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Helper method to set the ancestorCategories property for a product
setAnonymousUserName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the name of the user to use for anonymous searches.
setAnyFrame(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
setAppendedText(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Sets text to add to end of truncated string
setAppendRelativeSchemaLocation(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets the mAppendRelativeSchemaLocation.
setAppendXMLTypeAttributes(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets the mAppendXMLTypeAttributes.
setApplicationLogging(ApplicationLogging) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.ErrorPolicy
Sets the optional component handling logging functions
setApplicationNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setApplicationPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the Dynamo application prefix.
setApplicationPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the Dynamo application prefix.
setApplicationURLs(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setApplyCostCentersErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the ApplyCostCentersErrorURL property.
setApplyCostCentersSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the ApplyCostCentersSuccessURL property.
setApplyDefaultPaymentGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyDefaultPaymentGroup property.
setApplyDefaultShippingGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyDefaultShippingGroup property.
setApplyGlobalPricingModels(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ApplyGlobalPricingModels
setApplyPaymentGroupsErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyPaymentGroupsErrorURL property.
setApplyPaymentGroupsSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyPaymentGroupsSuccessURL property.
setApplyShippingGroupsErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyShippingGroupsErrorURL property.
setApplyShippingGroupsSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ApplyShippingGroupsSuccessURL property.
setApplyTransactionBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.
setApplyUserPricingModels(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ApplyUserPricingModels
setApprovalCheckRequiredPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
Set the approvalCheckRequiredPropertyName property.
setApprovalPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Sets property approvalPipelineManager
setApprovalPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Sets property approvalPipelineManager
setApprovalStatus(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Sets property approvalStatus
setApprovalStatus(ApprovalMessage, String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
This method sets the approvalStatus property in the ApprovalMessage object.
setApprovalSystemMessages(List) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Sets the approvalSystemMessages
setApprovalSystemMessages(List) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Sets property approvalSystemMessages
setApproveDeclineFlags(int, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setApproveDeclinePrincipalIds(int, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setApprovedOrderState(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the approvedOrderState property.
setApprovedOrderState(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Sets property approvedOrderState
setApprovedStatus(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcApprovalCompleteAnalyzer
Sets property approvedStatus
setApproveOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the approveOrderErrorURL property.
setApproveOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the approveOrderSuccessURL property.
setApprovePrincipalIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setApproverIds(List) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Sets the approverIds
setApproverIds(List) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Sets property approverIds
setApproverIdsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets the approverIdsPropertyName
setApproverMessage(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Sets property approverMessage
setApproverMessages(List) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Sets the approverMessages
setApproverMessages(List) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Sets property approverMessages
setApproversPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Sets property approversPropertyName
setAppServerConnectRetryTime(long) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property
setArchiveCompressed(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Sets the flag indicating if the archive files are compressed when rotated.
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setArray
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setArray
setArrayParamName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayElementParamDescriptor
Sets the property ArrayParamName.
setArrayValue(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property arrayValue
setAscendingOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property AscendingOrder
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setAsciiStream
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setAsciiStream
setAsset(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setAssetAction(int) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setAssetDestinations(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Set the list of repository/VFS paths affected by this deployment
setAssetFactory(AssetFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setAssetInfo(AssetInfo) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the AssetInfo for this form handler.
setAssetInfoPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
This method is called on form submits to set the assetInfo via that component's nucleus path
setAssetPlaceholder(String, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
Set the placeholder value (workflow.contextItems or contextFiles entry) with a specific asset
setAssetResolver(AssetResolver) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setAssets(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setAssetURI(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the asset URI.
setAssetVersionFactory(AssetVersionFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setAssignable(boolean) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Sets the flag indicating whether this task can be assigned and/or claimed.
setAssignableFunctionNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the assignableFunctionNames property.
setAssignCatalogInCommerceItem(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
setAssignee(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
The assignee which takes the form of user.primaryKey:user.userDirectory.userDirectoryName
setAssignNewCreditCardAsDefault(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
setAssignRelativeRoles(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the assignRelativeRoles property.
setAssociativeFakeXA(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property associativeFakeXA.
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
Set the property value by parsing a given String.
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.EnumEditor
Set the current value using the Enum subclass object's name.
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum.LocaleEnumEditor
Set the current value using the Enum subclass object's name.
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatFieldEditor
Parse the supplied string into a FormatField
setAsText(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
Set the value of the SQLColumnMapping Set the property value by parsing a given String.
setAttemptToPopulateNewInfoItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Sets the value of a specific attribute in the Attributes dictionary.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Gives an attribute a name in this servlet context.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Get an attribute by name.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Adds a new attribute to the attribute map.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Changes the value of a given attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets an attribute with the given name and value.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Set an attribute of this file system
setAttributeDictionary(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Set the attributes of this file system as a dictionary
setAttributeFactory(String, AttributeFactory) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets an attribute factory that will only be called if someone asks for the specified attribute.
setAttributeResourceBundle(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the resource bundle used for translating attribute names to resource names.
setAttributeResourceBundle(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the resource bundle used for translating attribute names to resource names.
setAttributes(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
This sets the "Attributes" property for the Tag.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setAttributes(Map) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Sets the entire collection of attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Changes the values of a set of account attributes.
setAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Sets the authenticator used to verify id/password combinations
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set the author of the color palette
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the author property
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the author of the layout
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the author of the page template
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the author of the style
setAuthorizationExpiration(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setAuthorizationExpiration(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setAuthorizationExpiration(Date) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
setAuthorizationExpiration(Date) - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GiftCertificateStatusImpl
Sets the authorization expiration date
setAuthorizationExpiration(Date) - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatusImpl
Sets the authorization expiration date
setAuthorizationStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Sets the authorizationStatusProperty name.
setAuthorizationStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the authorizationStatusProperty
setAuthorizedApproverIds(List) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrder
Sets the authorizedApproverIds
setAuthorizedApproverIds(List) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Sets property authorizedApproverIds
setAuthorizedApproverIdsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property authorizedApproverIdsPropertyName
setAuthorizedPaymentTypes(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Set the AuthorizedPaymentTypes property.
setAuthType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the AuthType
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the flag indicating if the created Connections will be set with autoCommit on.
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to setAutoCommit
setAutoCommitInitialization(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property AutoCommitInitialization
setAutoCreate(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Set property autoCreate
setAutoCreate(boolean) - Method in interface atg.service.idgen.IdGenerator
Set property autoCreate
setAutoDeploy(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property autoDeploy ("Auto-deploy").
setAutoInitListeners(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Whether to automatically initialize the log listeners with the list from the Global Nucleus.
setAutoLoginPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property AutoLoginPropertyName
setAutoLoginSecurityStatus(Profile, ProfileRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the security status property of the profile.
setAutoLookup(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property AutoLookup.
setAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
Sets property Automatic.
setAutomaticallyUseDefaultPriceList(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setAutoMembershipRequest(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets if membership requests is automatic
setAutoRedirect(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
If set to true then the form handler will check the search results for a redirect URL and if found redirect to it.
setAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's availability date.
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's availability date.
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's availability date.
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's availability date.
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setAvailabilityDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Set an item's availability date.
setAvailabilityDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property AvailabilityDatePropertyName
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's availability status.
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's availability status.
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's availability status.
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's availability status.
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatus(String, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Set an item's availability status.
setAvailabilityStatusBackorderableValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusDerivedValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusDiscontinuedValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusInStockValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusOutOfStockValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusPreorderableValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setAvailabilityStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property AvailabilityStatusPropertyName
setAvsCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setAvsCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setAvsCode(String) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
Sets the avsCode
setAvsDescriptiveResult(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setAvsDescriptiveResult(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setAvsDescriptiveResult(String) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardStatusImpl
Sets the avsDescriptiveResult
setB2BCommerceItem(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CommerceItem reference.
setB2BCommerceItem(B2BCommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CommerceItem reference.
setBacklog(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the backlog that will be set to the server socket.
setBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's backorder level to the specified number.
setBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level to the specified number.
setBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level to the specified number.
setBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level to the specified number.
setBackorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setBackorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
set the item's backorder level to pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
setBackorderLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property BackorderLevelPropertyName
setBackorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's backorder level threshold.
setBackorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level threshold.
setBackorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level threshold.
setBackorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level threshold.
setBackorderThreshold(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setBackorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Set an item's backorder level threshold.
setBackorderThresholdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property BackorderThresholdPropertyName
setBadPasswordDelay(long) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Set property BadPasswordDelay
setBadPasswordDelay(long) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property badPasswordDelay DEFAULT: 1000 (1 second)
setBalanceDue(Double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setBalanceDue(Double) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the balance due on this invoice request.
setBalanceDuePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's balance due.
setBaseBusinessProcessEventProperties(BusinessProcessEventMessage, RepositoryItem, Timestamp, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the base property values of the business process event message.
setBaseCatalogItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Sets property BaseCatalogItemType
setBaseCatalogItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Sets property BaseCatalogItemType
setBaseCategoryItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property BaseCategoryItemType
setBaseCategoryItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property BaseCategoryItemType
setBaseCNs(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Sets Base CN for where the users live
setBaseDirectory(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the base directory.
setBaseMarkerData(RepositoryItem, MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the base properties of the MarkerData object based on the marker item.
setBaseMarkerEventProperties(String, String, RepositoryItem, String, MarkerEventMessage) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the base property values of the marker event message.
setBaseMediaItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
setBasePriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setBaseProductItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property BaseProductItemType
setBaseProductItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property BaseProductItemType
setBasePromotionItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property BasePromotionItemType
setBaseSKUItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property BaseSKUItemType
setBaseSKUItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property BaseSKUItemType
setBatched(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets the flag indicating whether this email should be batched/distributed across multiple Dynamo instances.
setBatchEmailPeriodicService(BatchEmailPeriodicService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set the batch email periodic service.
setBatchExecutionId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Set the batch execution ID.
setBatchIfPossible(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).
setBatchNumber(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set property BatchSize
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Set the size of each batch...
setBatchSizeColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property BatchSizeColumn
setBcc(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the sender (Bcc:) field.
setBcc(Message, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Adds the Bcc field of the message to the InternetAddress obtained from the given string.
setBeanClass(Class) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
setBeanClass(Class) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setBeanDescriptor(DynamicBeanDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sets property BeanDescriptor
setBeanInfo(DynamicBeanInfo) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
setBeanNameToItemDescriptorMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the beanNameToItemDescriptorMap
setBeanPath(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanPathParamDescriptor
Sets the property BeanPath.
setBeanTyperParamName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ArrayOfBeanTyperParamDescriptor
Sets the property BeanTyper.
setBeanTyperParamName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.BeanTyperParamDescriptor
Sets the property BeanTyper.
setBeginTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property beginTime ("Deployment begin").
setBeginUsable(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property BeginUsable
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setBigDecimal
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setBigDecimal
setBillInfoFromZipResult(ZipResult) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Attempts to set whatever information is possible from the specified zip result.
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the billingAddress
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentAddressContainer
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the billing address to which this invoice should be sent
setBillingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Set property BillingAddress
setBillingAddressId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the repository id of the repository item that specifies which billing address to use when paying by invoice.
setBillingAddressItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setBillingAddressMapProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets an array of profile map properties that contain addresses.
setBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Sets the billingAddressPropertyName
setBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the billingAddressPropertyName property.
setBillingAddressValidator(BillingAddrValidator) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
setBillingAddressValidator(BillingAddrValidator) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
setBilllingAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
This method sets the list of all properties for billing address.
setBillZipOptionChoice(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Sets the index for the currently chosen zip option.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setBinaryStream
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setBinaryStream
setBindingResources(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the bindingResources
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setBlob
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setBlob
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set property Blocking
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set property Blocking
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.
setBody(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the message body.
setBody(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property body, the content of the email.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setBoolean
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setBoolean
setBooleanRequestAttribute(String, Boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Convince method to set a request attribute using a Boolean value
setBooleanValue(Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property booleanValue
setBounced(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the bounced property
setBouncedEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the BouncedEmailAddress property
setBouncedErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the BouncedErrorMessage property
setBouncedReplyCode(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the BouncedReplyCode property
setBouncedStatusCode(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the BouncedStatusCode property
setBranchFactory(BranchFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setBranchName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property branchName ("Versioning branch Name").
setBroadcastAdminRegisterEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastAdminRegisterEvents
setBroadcastExpiredSessionEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Sets property BroadcastExpiredSessionEvents
setBroadcastExpiredSessionEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastExpiredSessionEvents
setBroadcastLoginEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastLoginEvents
setBroadcastLogoutEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastLogoutEvents
setBroadcastNewSessionEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastNewSessionEvents
setBroadcastPageViewedEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Sets property BroadcastPageViewedEvents
setBroadcastReferrerEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastReferrerEvents
setBroadcastRegisterEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sets property BroadcastRegisterEvents
setBrowserTyper(BrowserTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the BrowserTyper
setBrowserTyper(BrowserTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the BrowserTyper property
setBrowserTypes(BrowserType[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserTyper
Sets the list of BrowserTypes for this component
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set property BufferSize, which may cause the buffer to be flushed and reconstructed.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set property BufferSize, which may cause the buffer to be flushed and reconstructed.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the preferred buffer size for the body of the response.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property BufferSize.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Sets the number of items to target for in each iteration.
setBuildProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property BuildProfile
setBulkLoad(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Whether we are currently doing a full/bulk load.
setBulkLoader(BulkLoader) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the bulk loader used to bulk (full) index.
setBulkLoadWithRetryMinutes(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the number of minutes to keep trying bulkLoadWithRetry.
setBulkSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property bulkSchedule.
setBulkScheduleConsiderIndexedMinutes(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the number of minutes to consider content already indexed for a bulk load.
setBulkScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property bulkScheduler.
setBundleLinksPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setBusinessProcessConfigurations(BusinessProcessConfiguration[]) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
setBusinessProcessEvent(BusinessProcessEventMessage) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Sets the BusinessProcessEvent that will be sent.
setBusinessProcessEventType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
property BusinessProcessEventType Sets the JMS Message type used when sending the event message
setBusinessProcessManager(BusinessProcessManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventSynchronization
Sets the instance of BusinessProcessManager that created the instance of this object.
setBusinessProcessManager(BusinessProcessManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessServices
Sets the Business Process Manager used for all business process functions.
setBusinessProcessManager(BusinessProcessManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Sets the Business Process Manager used for all business process api calls.
setBusinessProcessManager(BusinessProcessManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessScenarioConfiguration
setBusinessProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the name of the business process
setBusinessProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
The business process name associated with the event.
setBusinessProcessStage(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Sets the business process stage that was reached
setBusinessProcessStageSequence(int) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Sets the sequence number of the business process stage that was reached
setBypassRecipientVerification(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setByte
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setByte
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setBytes
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setBytes
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Sets the flag indicating whether the result of evaluating this filter should be cached.
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets property Cacheable.
setCacheAdapter(CacheAdapter) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
The Adapter used to create entries in the cache
setCacheAdapter(DocumentCacheAdapter) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Set the CacheAdapter property.
setCachedContent(DynamoHttpServletRequest, char[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Sets the cached content for the given request.
setCacheGlobalComponents(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets if the Nucleus is caching global components
setCacheKey(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Set a key to use as the cache key
setCacheKeyProperties(String[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the CacheKeyProperties property
setCacheLifetime(int) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Changes the lifetime of cached persona information.
setCacheLocally(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property CacheLocally
setCacheLocally(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property CacheLocally
setCacheMode(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets property CacheMode
setCacheMode(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property CacheMode.
setCacheNullItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property CacheNullItems.
setCacheReferencesById(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property CacheReferencesById.
setCacheReloadFrequency(long) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Sets How frequently the cahce should be reloaded (in minutes)
setCacheResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Sets whether to cache results when looking up SecuredResources.
setCacheResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets whether to cache results when looking up AccessControllers.
setCacheScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Sets the scheduler for cache reload
setCacheService(CacheService) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.Format
Set the number of format strings to cache.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setCacheSwitchLoadQueries(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property cacheSwitchLoadQueries
setCacheTimeout(long) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the cacheTimeout property
setCacheTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccountManager
Changes the length of time an account object remains valid in the cache.
setCachingInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Sets property CachingInventoryManager
setCalculateTaxByShipping(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should calculate tax on a per-shippingGroup basis.
setCancelOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the cancelOrderErrorURL property.
setCancelOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the CancelOrderErrorURL property.
setCancelOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertycancelOrderErrorURL
setCancelOrderService(CancelOrderService) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
The Nucleus service used to cancel orders
setCancelOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the cancelOrderSuccessURL property.
setCancelOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the CancelOrderSuccessURL property.
setCancelOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertycancelOrderSuccessURL
setCancelURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property CancelURL.
setCancelUrl(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setCardCodesMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
setCardLengthsMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
setCardPrefixesMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
setCardProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property cardProperties, naming the properties in a credit card entry.
setCardPropertyList(List) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets the Card property list, which is a list that mirrors the original design of the AddressProperties property with the proeprty names defined in a configuration file.
setCardTypesMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
setCardVerficationNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the card verification number for this credit card.
setCascadeDelete(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
setCascadeDelete(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property CascadeDelete.
setCascadeDeleteOrder(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property cascadeDeleteOrder
setCascadeInsert(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
setCascadeInsert(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property CascadeInsert.
setCascadesDelete(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setCascadesSelect(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setCascadeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
setCascadeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property CascadeUpdate.
setCaseClass(Class) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
setCases(SwitchCase[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
setCases(SwitchCase[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
setCaseValue(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
setCatalog(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property Catalog
setCatalog(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to setCatalog
setCatalogCreationDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCatalogDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCatalogFolderDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCatalogFolderDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCatalogFolderItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the catalogId
setCatalogId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the catalogId
setCatalogId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogId
setCatalogId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogId
setCatalogIdsToUpdate(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
setCatalogItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogItemsCatalogProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
setCatalogItemsCatalogProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
setCatalogItemsCatalogProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
setCatalogItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Set property CatalogItemTypes
setCatalogItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTypeInfo
Sets property CatalogItemTypes
setCatalogKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property CatalogKey
setCatalogKey(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the catalogKey
setCatalogKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the catalogKey
setCatalogKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogKey
setCatalogKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogKey
setCatalogLastModifiedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogMaintenanceService(CatalogMaintenanceService) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
Sets property catalogMaintenanceService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setCatalogProperties(CatalogProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
setCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the Catalog property name.
setCatalogRef(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Sets the catalogRef
setCatalogRef(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setCatalogRef(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setCatalogRef(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setCatalogRefDisplayNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
setCatalogRefDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the catalogRefId
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the catalogRefId
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogRefId
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property CatalogRefId
setCatalogRefId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Set property CatalogRefId
setCatalogRefIdMatchQuery(RqlStatement) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property CatalogRefIdMatchQuery
setCatalogRefIdParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCatalogRefIdProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the catalogRefIdProperty
setCatalogRefIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property CatalogRefIdPropertyName
setCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property catalogRefIds.
setCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property CatalogRefIds
setCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property CatalogRefIds
setCatalogRefItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property CatalogRefItemType
setCatalogRefRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property CatalogRefRepository
setCatalogRepositories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property catalogRepositories
setCatalogRepositories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Sets property catalogRepositories
setCatalogRepositories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Sets property catalogRepositories
setCatalogRepositories(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Sets property catalogRepositories
setCatalogRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Sets the GSA repository instance to modify.
setCatalogRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
Sets property catalogRepository
setCatalogRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setCatalogs(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property catalogs
setCatalogServiceLockName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
setCatalogServiceLockTimeOut(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Set the maximum time we wait for a lock, in milliseconds.
setCatalogServices(CatalogServices) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Sets the CatalogServices
setCatalogServices(CatalogServices) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the CatalogServices
setCatalogsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
setCatalogsRelatedProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogsReplacementProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogNavHistory
Sets the property catalogTools which is a reference to a DCS component that takes care of many common catalog related tasks.
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets Catalog Tools to access Product Catalog
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Set the CatalogTools object to use when looking up products, categories and skus.
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Sets the instance of CatalogTools to be used
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
Sets property catalogTools.
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CustomCatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Sets property catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property catalogTools.
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Sets the CatalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Sets the CatalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the CatalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property catalogTools.
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets property catalogTools.
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property CatalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the catalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property CatalogTools
setCatalogTools(CatalogTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setCatalogViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCategory(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the category for this comparison list entry.
setCategoryID(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
setCategoryInfoItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCategoryInfoItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCategoryInfoPropertiesToCopy(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setCategoryInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCategoryItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property categoryItemName
setCategoryItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Sets property categoryItemName
setCategoryItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCategoryItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property CategoryItemTypes
setCategoryItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property CategoryItemTypes
setCategoryLink(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the HTML that links to the category page for this comparison list entry.
setCategoryLinkFormat(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Set the format of the HTML generated for a link to a category page.
setCategoryMigratableProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCategoryMigrationItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCategoryMigrationItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setCategorysCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCategorysInfoMapProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setCategorysSubCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setCategoryStack(Stack) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property categoryStack
setCategoryViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCatInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setCc(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the sender (Cc:) field.
setCc(Message, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Adds the Cc field of the message to the InternetAddress obtained from the given string.
setCc3ConfigFile(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
Sets configuration file name.
setChainLockWaitTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateElectronicGood
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateItemRelationship
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcAllocateShippingGroup
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcExecuteFulfillOrderFragment
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderPendingShipMap
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleOrderWaitingShipMap
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcProcessShippingGroups
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveOrder
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcRemoveShipItemRelsFromShippingGroup
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
setChainToRun(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Sets the chainToRun
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
setChainToRunMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
setChangeAddressNicknameErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property changeAddressNicknameErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error updating an address nickname.
setChangeAddressNicknameSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property changeAddressNicknameSuccessURL, used to redirect user when an address nickname is successfully updated.
setChangeAmount(double) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the changeAmount property
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Marks this object as changed
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Marks this object as changed
setChangedAssetURIs(Set) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
setChangedProperties(List) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Sets the changedProperties property
setChangedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setChangePasswordErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property ChangePasswordErrorURL.
setChangePasswordSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property ChangePasswordSuccessURL.
setChangePercentage(double) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the changePercentage property
setChangeSign(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the changeSign property
setChannels(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
List of channels this handler listens to at startup.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Overrides the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setCharacterStream
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object, which is the given number of characters long.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setCharacterStream
setCharSet(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the character set.
setCharSet(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default charSet.
setCharValue(Character) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property charValue
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the checked attribute
setCheckedIn(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property checkedIn ("Checked in").
setCheckFileNameCase(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not we check the case of property file names against the canonical case used by the OS.
setCheckForChangedQuantity(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the checkForChangedQuantity property.
setCheckForChangedQuantity(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the checkForChangedQuantity property.
setCheckForDeadlocks(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property CheckForDeadlocks.
setCheckForFault(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the checkForFault property.
setCheckForReadOnlyProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Sets whether or this form handler should throw an exception when updating item properties and read only properties are in the value dictionary.
setCheckForReadOnlyProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets whether or this form handler should throw an exception when updating item properties and read only properties are in the value dictionary.
setCheckForRequiredParameters(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets property CheckForRequiredParameters.
setCheckForRequiredProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Sets whether or not the form handler should check that all the required properties are present during the create/update operations.
setCheckForRequiredProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets whether or not the form handler should check that all the required properties are present during the create/update operations.
setCheckForRequiredProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property CheckForRequiredProperties.
setCheckForRequiredPropertiesAfterUpdate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property CheckForRequiredPropertiesAfterUpdate.
setCheckForReturnValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the checkForReturnValue property.
setCheckForSerFiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setCheckForUnreferencedCategories(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setCheckForValidSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property CheckForValidSession.
setCheckForValidSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Sets the property CheckForValidSession.
setCheckinDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property checkinDate ("Checkin date").
setCheckoutBlockTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout.
setCheckoutCount(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets property checkoutCount.
setCheckOutTag(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets the tag passed in upon check-out to identify who has checked out this object.
setCheckZip(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
setChildCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property childCategoriesPropertyName
setChildCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Sets property childCategoriesPropertyName
setChildFolders(ArrayList) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property ChildFolders
setChildItemsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setChildProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property childProductsPropertyName
setChildProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Sets property childProductsPropertyName
setChildSkusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setChildSKUsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ChildSKUsPropertyName
setChosenIndex(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipResult
Set the chosen index.
setCity(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setCity(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the city
setCity(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
setCityName(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setCityTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property CityTax
setCityTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Set the city tax
setCityTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setCityTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setClaimableItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the claimableItemDescriptorName property.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Set the ClaimableManager property.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the ClaimableManager property.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Sets the claimableManager which is used to validate repository existance of any claimable item existing as a PaymentGroup in the order.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Sets the claimableManager which is used to validate repository existance of any claimable item existing as a PaymentGroup in the order.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Specifies the ClaimableManager to use in determining the user's GiftCertificates.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property ClaimableManager
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Set the ClaimableManager that will be used to claim the gift certificats.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Set the ClaimableManager that will be used to claim the store credits.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Set the ClaimableManager property.
setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the ClaimableManager property.
setClaimableRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the claimableRepository property.
setClaimableTools(ClaimableTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Set the claimableTools property.
setClaimableTools(ClaimableTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the ClaimableTools property.
setClaimableTools(ClaimableTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property ClaimableTools
setClaimableTools(ClaimableTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the ClaimableTools property.
setClaimCouponErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the claimCouponErrorURL property.
setClaimCouponSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the claimCouponSuccessURL property.
setClaimedGeneration(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the change generation claimed by the current indexing update task.
setClaimedGenerationPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Set the claimed generation property name.
setClaimPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets property ClaimPropertyName
setClaimTaskErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task was not claimed successfully.
setClaimTaskSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task was claimed successfully.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the global class loader for this nucleus.
setCleanupDirectory(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property cleanupDirectory
setClearAll(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the ClearAll property.
setClearAll(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the ClearAll property.
setClearAll(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ClearAll property.
setClearCostCenterContainer(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the ClearCostCenterContainer property.
setClearCostCenterMap(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the ClearCostCenterMap property.
setClearDeadEmailSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sets the Schedule for clearing the Dead Email Queue.
setClearDefunctReferences(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
This is a flag which, if true, indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment.
setClearListErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL if errors occur while clearing the comparison list.
setClearListSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL for successfully clearing the comparison list.
setClearOldMessages(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
Sets property clearOldMessages
setClearPaymentGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the ClearPaymentGroups property.
setClearPaymentInfos(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the ClearPaymentInfos property.
setClearQueryURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ClearQueryURL.
setClearQueryURL(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the optional URL to go to when handleClearQuery() is invoked.
setClearShippingGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ClearShippingGroups property.
setClearShippingInfos(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ClearShippingInfos property.
setClearTransactionOnEnd(boolean) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Tells this TransactionDemarcation object to not clear the associated transaction when end() is called.
setClearValueOnSet(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the clearValueOnSet property
setClearValuesOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the property clearValuesOnCreate.
setClearValuesOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
setClearValuesOnDelete(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Sets the property clearValuesOnDelete.
setClearValuesOnLogin(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
setClearValuesOnUpdate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Sets the property clearValuesOnUpdate.
setClearValuesOnUpdate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets the property clearValuesOnUpdate
setClickedFolder(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property ClickedFolder
setClickThroughProfileIdParameter(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
setClickThroughReferrerParameter(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets the name of the request parameter that is used to identify the source path of the referring page.
setClickThroughSourceParameter(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets the name of the source parameter that will be used to generate ClickThroughMessages
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets property clientLockManager
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Deprecated. locks are no longer used
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The client lock manager...
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Set the ClientLockManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
setClientLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Sets the property ClientLockManager.
setClientReconnectTime(long) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
setClientRequest(ClientRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the client request object.
setClientRequest(ClientRequest) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Set the client request.
setClientSession(Object) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Set the session key associated with this client VM.
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setClob
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setClob
setClock(CurrentDate) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Set the "clock" component used to generate timestamps
setClosedStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
sets the property closedStates.
setClosenessQualificationMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets the component that fires PromotionClosenessQualification and PromotionClosenessDisqualification events
setClosenessQualifier(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
Sets the closeness condition that the order qualifies under (or fails to qualify under).
setClosenessQualifierEvaluator(ClosenessQualifierEvaluator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Component that evaluates if an order or item meets the closenessQualifiers for relevant promotions
setClosenessQualifierItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
setClosenessQualifiers(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
A list of closenessQualifiers that this order/item satisfies.
setClosenessQualifiers(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property ClosenessQualifiers
setCloseOrphanedConnections(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Whether to close orphaned connections at the end of a transaction.
setCloseSocketWhenStopped(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Close the listener socket when this server is stopped?
setClusterDestination(Set) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
setClusterID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
setClusterID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
setClusterName(ClusterName) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
setClusterNameService(ClusterName) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setClusterStatus(ClusterStatus) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setCode(String) - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property errorCode
setCollator(Collator) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Set property collator
setCollectDeadEmail(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
setCollectionElement(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property collectionElement
setCollectionValue(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property collectionValue
setColor(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set a color property
setColorPalette(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property colorPalette
setColorPalette(ColorPalette) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the color palette of this page
setColumn(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
setColumn(ColumnName) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setColumn(ColumnName) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
setColumnHeadings(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Define a mapping from column names in the columns dictionary to localized display names for each column.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Sets property ColumnName
setColumnNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property ColumnNames
setColumns(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the value of the columns property.
setColumns(OrderedProperties) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set the list of column names and the corresponding sort properties for a table.
setCommand(Command) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Sets Command to Execute.
setCommandHandler(CommandHandler) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
Set the CommandHandler property.
setComment(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
setComment(String) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Set the comment describing what this workspace is changing.
setComments(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property comments.
setCommentsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the comments property
setCommerceCommandParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
setCommerceIdentifier(CommerceIdentifier) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the CommerceIdentifier property.
setCommerceIdentifier(CommerceIdentifier) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the CommerceIdentifier property.
setCommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer(CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer property.
setCommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer(CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer property.
setCommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap(Map) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Set the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterMap property.
setCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer property.
setCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer property.
setCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Set the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoMap property.
setCommerceIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets the CommerceIds property which is a list of the CommerceItems to be operated on.
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CommerceItem reference.
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CommerceItem reference.
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the CommerceItem property.
setCommerceItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CommerceItem reference.
setCommerceItemCatalogRefIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setCommerceItemClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the commerceItemClassType
setCommerceItemClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the commerceItemClassType
setCommerceItemClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets the commerceItemClassType
setCommerceItemClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets the commerceItemClassType
setCommerceItemId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCommerceItemId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Sets the commerceItemId
setCommerceItemId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the commerceItemId
setCommerceItemIdParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCommerceItemIdToEdit(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property CommerceItemIdToEdit.
setCommerceItemItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the commerceItemItemDescriptorName
setCommerceItemManager(CommerceItemManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCommerceItemManager(CommerceItemManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property commerceItemManager
setCommerceItemManager(CommerceItemManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the CommerceItemManager property.
setCommerceItemManager(CommerceItemManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Sets property commerceItemManager
setCommerceItemManager(CommerceItemManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setCommerceItemOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the commerceItemOrderPropertyName
setCommerceItemProperties(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCommerceItemProperties(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Fill in "extra" commerce item properties.
setCommerceItemProperties(CommerceItem, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Called to fill in "extra" commerce item properties.
setCommerceItemProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the commerceItemProperty name.
setCommerceItemProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the commerceItemProperty name.
setCommerceItemPropertyMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setCommerceItemShippingInfoContainer(CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer property.
setCommerceItemShippingInfoContainer(CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer property.
setCommerceItemShippingInfoMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Set the CommerceItemShippingInfoMap property.
setCommerceItemSku(CommerceItem, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Change the SKU to which the commerce item refers.
setCommerceItemsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Sets the commerceItemsProperty name.
setCommerceItemsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the commerceItemsProperty
setCommerceItemStates(CommerceItemStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setCommerceItemStates(CommerceItemStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setCommerceItemStates(CommerceItemStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setCommerceItemStates(CommerceItemStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setCommerceItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets the default item type for added commerce items
setCommerceItemTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for Items.
setCommerceProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Set property CommerceProfileTools
setCommerceProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the CommerceProfileTools property.
setCommerceProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the CommerceProfileTools property.
setCommerceProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property CommerceProfileTools
setCommercePropertyManager(CommercePropertyManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the CommercePropertyManager property.
setCommitOnPrepare(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property commitOnPrepare.
setCommitOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the CommitOrder property.
setCommitOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Sets property CommitOrderErrorURL
setCommitOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Sets property CommitOrderSuccessURL
setCommodityCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
setCommodityServiceCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setCommunity(Community) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Community
setCommunity(Community) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Community
setCommunity(Community) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
setCommunity(Community) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Set property community
setCommunityId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Id
setCommunityId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Sets property communityId
setCommunityId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Set the community item id
setCommunityIdRequestParameter(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setCommunityName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Sets the transient community name property.
setCompany(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setCompanyId(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Set CompanyId for whom the taxes will be calculated.
setCompanyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the companyName
setCompanyName(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Sets the companyName
setCompareAddressPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets the CompareAddressPropertyNames
setCompareSkusErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets property CompareSkusErrorURL.
setCompareSkusSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets property CompareSkusSuccessURL.
setCompareValueInCopyPropertiesOnLogin(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the CompareValueInCopyPropertiesOnLogin property
setCompatibilityMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets the compatibility Mode property.
setCompletedCatalogs(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Sets the catalogs that have been used as a starting point for a catalog tree walk
setCompletedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the completedDate
setCompletedTime(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the completedDate as a long.
setCompletedTime(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property completedTime
setCompletionDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property completionDate ("Completion date").
setCompletionDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property completionDate ("Completion date").
setComplexPriceItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setComplexPriceLevelsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setComplexPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the ComplexPrice
setComplexPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setComplexScheduledOrderProperties(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property ComplexScheduledOrderProperties
setComponentItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
setComponentItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
setComponentItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property ComponentItemDescriptor.
setComponentLockManager(ComponentLockManager) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Set the component lock manager.
setComponentName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
setComponentPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
setComponentPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property ComponentPath
setComponentPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setComponentPath(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Sets property ComponentPath
setComponentPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property ComponentPropertyType.
setComponentPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property ComponentPropertyType.
setComponentPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
setComponentPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
setComponentResourceBundleName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Set property componentResourceBundleName
setComponentResourceBundleName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Set property componentResourceBundleName
setComponents(String[]) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
Set an array of components and property names, in the format: "/path/Component.propertyName,/path/Component2.propertyName"
setComputedCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setComputedCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setComputeSubCatalogs(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Sets boolean property indicating whether to compute the catalogs' subCatalogs property.
setComputeSubCatalogs(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Sets boolean indicating if the subCatalogs property of the catalog item should be computed.
setComputeSubCatalogs(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Sets property computeSubCatalogs
setConfigPath(File[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The current configpath as configured by nucleus.
setConfigPathPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setConfigStatePersister(ConfigStatePersister) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Set the configuration state persister.
setConfigStatePersister(ConfigStatePersister) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set the configuration state persister.
setConfigurableItemTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets the configurableItemTypeName
setConfigurableItemTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets the configurableItemTypeName
setConfigurableProperties(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setConfigurablePropertiesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property ConfigurablePropertiesPropertyName
setConfigurablePropertyParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setConfigurableSkuItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setConfiguration(B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property Configuration, and in the process configures the following properties: GiftlistManager UserPricingModels ShoppingCart PipelineManager AddItemToOrderChainId MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId MoveToConfirmationChainId SetOrderChainId RepriceOrderChainId Profile OrderManager CostCenterManager CatalogTools
setConfiguration(ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property Configuration, and in the process configures the following properties: ClaimableManager ClaimableTools PropertyManager CommerceProfileTools Plus the properties in the super-class.
setConfiguration(PurchaseProcessConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Sets property Configuration
setConfiguration(PurchaseProcessConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property Configuration
setConfiguration(PurchaseProcessConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Sets property Configuration
setConfiguration(ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property Configuration, and in the process configures the following properties: GiftlistManager UserPricingModels ShoppingCart PipelineManager AddItemToOrderChainId MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId MoveToConfirmationChainId SetOrderChainId RepriceOrderChainId Profile OrderManager CatalogTools LocalLockManager
setConfiguration(ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Sets property Configuration, and in the process configures the following properties: SoftGoodShippingGroupName Plus the properties in the super-class.
setConfiguration(PublishingConfiguration) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Sets the configuration
setConfigurationCheckMilliseconds(long) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setConfigurationCompileCommand(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the command used to compile java configurations
setConfigurationFile(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Changes the configuration template used to configure the repository.
setConfigurationFileSystem(VirtualFileSystem) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the configurationFileSystem
setConfigurationListeners(ConfigurationListener[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Set the list of configuration listeners as an array property.
setConfigurationOptionSkuPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property ConfigurationOptionSkuPropertyName
setConfigurationOptionsPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property configurationOptionsPricePropertyName
setConfigurationOptionsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property ConfigurationOptionsPropertyName
setConfirmationMessage(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setConfirmOldPassword(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Sets property ConfirmPassword
setConfirmOldPassword(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets property ConfirmPassword
setConfirmPassword(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Sets property ConfirmPassword
setConfirmPassword(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets property ConfirmPassword
setConnectionAcceptor(ConnectionAcceptor) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Changes the connection acceptor used to acquire connected clients for the handler threads.
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
Set the connectionFactoryName
setConnectionPool(JDBCConnectionPool) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setConnectionTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Set the time in milliseconds to wait for a socket when attempting to connect to its remote target.
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property ConnectionURL.
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the property ConnectionURL.
setConnectRetryInterval(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set property ConnectRetryInterval
setConnectRetryInterval(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set property ConnectRetryInterval
setConnectTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property ConnectTimeout.
setConsolidateShippingInfosBeforeApply(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Sets the consolidateShippingInfosBeforeApply property.
setConstraints(SubviewConstraint[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setContactInfo(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Changes the contact info property for a user.
setContactInfoItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the contactInfoItemDescriptorName property.
setContactInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Set property ContactInfoPropertyName
setContainer(PaymentGroupMapContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the Container property.
setContainerId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
setContainerType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdContainerModification
setContainerValue(Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
setContainsCCOrderRel(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the ContainsCCOrderRel property.
setContantInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setContent(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property Content.
setContent(Vector) - Method in class atg.droplet.ComplexTag
Sets the Content Vector.
setContent(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the item's content.
setContent(Object) - Method in class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Sets the content.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[]) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts.
setContent(Message, Object, String, File, boolean) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with a file attachment.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], File, boolean) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts and a file attachment.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], File, boolean, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts and a file attachment.
setContent(Message, Object, String, File[], boolean) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple file attachments.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], File[], boolean) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts and multiple file attachments.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], File[], boolean, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts and multiple file attachments.
setContent(Message, ContentPart[], boolean, DataHandler[], String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the message content of a message with multiple content parts and multiple file attachments.
setContentChecksumProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ContentChecksumProperty.
setContentGroupItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the ContentGroupItemType property
setContentHistoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the component path of the object used to record what content items have been displayed from each repository.
setContentId(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Sets property ContentId
setContentItemNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property ContentItemNameProperty
setContentItemNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property ContentItemNameProperty
setContentLength(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the content length for this response.
setContentLength(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the ContentLength
setContentLengthProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ContentLengthProperty.
setContentNameProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ContentNameProperty.
setContentNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
set the contentNameProperty
setContentParagraphTagName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the name of the XML/HTML tag in which the content's paragraphs should be enclosed.
setContentPathProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ContentPathProperty.
setContentPathProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
set the contentPathProperty
setContentProcessor(MessageContentProcessor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the MessageContentProcessor object used to process the message text and set the content of the email message.
setContentProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ContentProperty.
setContentPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the property name of the item's "content" property.
setContentRootPathProvider(ContentRootPathProvider) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableContentRepository
Sets the ContentRootPathProvider component that determines the base path of content items living on the filesystem.
setContentRootPathProvider(ContentRootPathProvider) - Method in interface atg.repository.content.ContentRepository
Sets the ContentRootPathProvider component that determines the base path of content items living on the filesystem.
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Sets property ContentType
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.ContentPart
Sets the MIME type of the content.
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the content type for this response.
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the ContentType
setContentType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
Sets the MIME type that should be assigned to the message content.
setContentTypeSet(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the property ContentTypeSet.
setContext(Map) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommand
Set the Conext property.
setContext(Map) - Method in class atg.integrations.CommandResult
Sets hook for extra parameters
setContext(Context) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property Context
setContextOp(int) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setContextPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
setContextPathPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs.
setContextRootMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
Sets the mContextRootMap property In prop file it should look like: contextRootMap=\ QuincyFunds J2EE Demo=QuincyFunds,\ MotorpriseJSP=Motorprise
setConversionDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that holds the date/time when the order was converted.
setConvertedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The ConvertedDate property name
setConvertedOrderAmountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The amount property name of the convertedOrder item
setConvertedOrderItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The ConvertedOrder item descriptor name
setConverter(TagConverter) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setConverterArgs(Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setCookieHashKey(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property CookieHashKey
setCookieManager(CookieManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property CookieManager
setCookieManager(CookieManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property CookieManager
setCopyBillingAddrToShippingAddr(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
setCopyToProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the CopyToProfile property.
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property CostCenter
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the CostCenter reference.
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the CostCenter reference.
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterRelationship
Sets the CostCenter reference.
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the CostCenter
setCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs
Set the cost center being validated.
setCostCenterClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Sets the CostCenterClassType
setCostCenterClassType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets the CostCenterClassType
setCostCenterId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CostCenterId property.
setCostCenterItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Sets the costCenterItemDescriptorName
setCostCenterManager(CostCenterManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
Sets the property costCenterManager which points to the DCS cost center manager nucleus component.
setCostCenterManager(CostCenterManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property CostCenterManager
setCostCenterManager(CostCenterManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property CostCenterManager
setCostCenterManager(CostCenterManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the CostCenterManager property.
setCostCenterManager(CostCenterManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CostCenterManager property.
setCostCenterMap(Map) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Set the CostCenterMap property.
setCostCenterMapContainer(CostCenterMapContainer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the CostCenterMapContainer property.
setCostCenterMapContainer(CostCenterMapContainer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CostCenterMapContainer property.
setCostCenterName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the CostCenterName property.
setCostCenterOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Sets the costCenterOrderPropertyName
setCostCenterProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the costCenterProperty name.
setCostCenterProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the costCenterProperty name.
setCostCenterRequired(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Specify whether all items must be assigned a cost center, or whether cost centers are optional.
setCostCentersProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Sets the CostCentersProperty name.
setCostCentersPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the CostCentersPropertyName property.
setCostCenterTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for CostCenters.
setCount(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Validates and Sets the count of users being created by this form handler.
setCountriesWithStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Specify the set of countries for which a state or province name is required in order to have a valid shipping address.
setCountriesWithStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Specify the set of countries for which a state or province name is required in order to have a valid shipping address.
setCountry(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setCountry(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the country
setCountry(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
setCountryTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property CountryTax
setCountryTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Set the country tax
setCountryTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setCountryTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setCounty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setCounty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the county
setCounty(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
setCountyCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setCountyName(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setCountyTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property CountyTax
setCountyTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Set the county tax
setCountyTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setCountyTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setCouponClaimCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the couponClaimCode property.
setCouponItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the CouponItemDescriptorName property.
setCREATE_PARAMS(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
setCreateAddressErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property CreateAddressErrorURL.
setCreateAddressSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property CreateAddressSuccessURL.
setCreateAllPaymentInfos(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
setCreateCacheDirectories(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property CreateCacheDirectories
setCreateCacheDirectories(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property CreateCacheDirectories
setCreateCardErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property createCardErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error adding a new credit card.
setCreateCardSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property createCardSuccessURL, used to redirect user if a new credit card was successfully added.
setCreateDate(Timestamp) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker creation date
setCreatedByOrderId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the createdByOrderId
setCreatedByOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property createdByOrderId
setCreateDefaultCostCenter(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Sets property createDefaultCostCenter
setCreateDefaultPaymentGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property createDefaultPaymentGroup
setCreateDefaultShippingGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property createDefaultShippingGroup
setCreateDirContexts(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Sets whether the resource pool objects should be of type InitialDirContext (true) or InitialContext (false).
setCreateErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a failed item creation.
setCreateErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property CreateErrorURL.
setCreateGiftlistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property CreateGiftlistErrorURL
setCreateGiftlistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property CreateGiftlistSuccessURL
setCreateIndexesLast(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Set property createIndexesLast
setCreateInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is created.
setCreateLocalProfiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets property createLocalProfiles.
setCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Set property createManifestTransactionBatchSize.
setCreateMessagesBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the maximum number of messages created in one batch
setCreateMonitoredContexts(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Sets whether the resource pool InitialContext (or InitialDirContext) objects should be wrapped in MonitoredContext (or MonitoredDirContext) objects.
setCreateNewUser(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets property CreateNewUser.
setCreateOneInfoPerUnit(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
This property controls if one CommerceItemShippingInfo is created for each item unit.
setCreateOrganizationErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the createOrganizationErrorURL property.
setCreateOrganizationSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the createOrganizationSuccessURL property.
setCreateProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property CreateProfileType.
setCreateProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property createProfileType DEFAULT: user
setCreatePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property createPurchaselistErrorURL
setCreatePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setCreatePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property createPurchaselistSuccessURL
setCreatePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setCreateRelativeRoles(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the createRelativeRoles property.
setCreateSGRelationshipsOnMerge(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Set the createSGRelationshipsOnMerge property.
setCreateSourceTemplates(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setCreateSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a successful item creation.
setCreateSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property CreateSuccessURL.
setCreateTransientItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Sets property CreateTransientItems.
setCreateTransientItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets property CreateTransientItems.
setCreationAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Changes the access control list fragment that may be added to any child of this container when it is created or inserted.
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the creationDate
setCreationDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property CreationDate
setCreationDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property creationDate ("Creation date").
setCreationDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property creationDate ("Creation date").
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the time the alert was created
setCreationFilter(ConfigCreationFilter) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Get the creation filter used, if any.
setCreationOwnerAccessControlListTemplate(AccessControlListTemplate) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Changes the template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to the owner of a new object.
setCreationRightsAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Changes the name of the attribute that is used to determine the default access rights to assign to a resource for a given persona when createResource() is called.
setCreationStackTrace(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setCreationSubPersonaAccessControlListTemplate(AccessControlListTemplate) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Changes the template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to any applicable sub-personae of the owner of a new object.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the creationDate as a long.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property creationTime
setCreationTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property creationTime ("Creation time").
setCreationTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property creationTime ("Creation time").
setCreationTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property creationTime ("Creation time").
setCreationTimeLimit(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds.
setCreator(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property creator ("Creator").
setCreator(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property creator ("Creator").
setCreator(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property creator ("Creator").
setCreditCard(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets credit card bean to use for modifying of billing groups
setCreditCard(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets credit card bean to use for modifying of billing groups
setCreditCard(CreditCard) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the CreditCard property.
setCreditCardAuthorizedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserCreditCardAuthorizer
Set the CreditCardAuthorizedProperty property.
setCreditCardBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardBillingAddressPropertyName property.
setCreditCardExpirationMonthPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardExpirationMonthPropertyName property.
setCreditCardExpirationYearPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardExpirationYearPropertyName property.
setCreditCardInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
Specify the class to instantiate when creating a new CreditCardInfo object.
setCreditCardItemDescriptorBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardItemDescriptorBillingAddressPropertyName property.
setCreditCardItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the creditCardItemDescriptorName property.
setCreditCardItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setCreditCardName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the CreditCardName property.
setCreditCardNicknamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardNicknamePropertyName property.
setCreditCardNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the creditCardNumber
setCreditCardNumberPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardNumberPropertyName property.
setCreditCardPaymentGroups(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the CreditCardPaymentGroups property.
setCreditCardPaymentTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the CreditCardPaymentTypeName property.
setCreditCardProcessor(CreditCardProcessor) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Sets the creditCardProcessor
setCreditCardProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the creditCardProperties property.
setCreditCardProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Set the creditCardProperties property.
setCreditCardPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setCreditCardPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the creditCardPropertyName property.
setCreditCardStatusDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the creditCardStatusDescName
setCreditCardTools(CreditCardTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Sets property creditCardTools
setCreditCardType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the creditCardType
setCreditCardType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the credit card payment group type.
setCreditCardType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the CreditCardType property.
setCreditCardTypePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the CreditCardTypePropertyName property.
setCreditCardVerificationNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Sets the creditCardVerificationNumber Many credit cards have a card verification number printed, not embossed, on the card.
setCreditStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Sets the creditStatusProperty name.
setCreditStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the creditStatusProperty
setCreditTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setCropOwnerString(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets property CropOwnerString, default is true
setCropStackTrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Sets property CropStackTrace, default is true
setCsCon(CyberSourceConnection) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
setCsCon(CyberSourceConnection) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
setCsCon(CyberSourceConnection) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
setCsConfigFile(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Specify the path to the ICSClient.props file that contains name=value client & server pair info to communicate with CyberSource payment system.
setCSSURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the cssURL of the style
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The currency code for the monetary value of the order.
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
The currency code for the monetary value of the order.
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the currencyCode
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the currencyCode
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
the currency code for the price that this AmountInfo represents
setCurrencyCode(String) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Set property CurrencyCode
setCurrent(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property Current
setCurrent(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Sets property Current
setCurrentBaseURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The current base URL.
setCurrentCostCenter(CostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CurrentCostCenter property.
setCurrentDocumentLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the locale for the current document.
setCurrentFile(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property CurrentFile
setCurrentList(List) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the CurrentList property.
setCurrentList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the CurrentList property.
setCurrentList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the CurrentList property.
SetCurrentLocation - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet
This servlet is inserted in request pipeline after DynamoServlet.
SetCurrentLocation() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
setCurrentPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the CurrentPaymentGroup property.
setCurrentPriceDetails(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setCurrentPriceDetailsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the currentPriceDetailsProperty
setCurrentPriceDetailsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the currentPriceDetailsProperty
setCurrentRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the current response object associated with this request.
setCurrentRequestStartTime(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the time at which the request began processing
setCurrentResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the current response object associated with this request.
setCurrentResultPageNum(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets the property currentResultPageNum.
setCurrentShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the CurrentShippingGroup property.
setCurrentTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property currentTransaction
setCurrentTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property CurrentTransaction
setCurrentURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the URL for the current document being generated.
setCurrentUser(UserListItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the object representing the user currently being added
setCurrentUserProfile(RepositoryItem) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the current user profile
setCurrentValue(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setCursorName(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setCursorName
setCursorName(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setCursorName
setCursorName(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setCursorName
setCustomerServiceEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Sets property customerServiceEmailAddress, the fixed recipient of feedback email messages from registered users of the PioneerCycling store.
setCustomLogicTree(CustomLogicTree) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Sets custom logic tree xml string
setCvtType(Class, String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
Sets the cvtMethod member variable that we use to convert a string value to an object of the right parameter type
setData(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker data
setDATA_TYPE(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
setDATA_TYPE(int) - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
setDatabase(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property database.
setDatabase(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the db name.
setDatabaseProductName(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfoMap
Sets the property DatabaseProductName.
setDataContentHandlerMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.email.DataContentHandlerRegistry
Sets the mapping between MIME types and class names of javax.activation.DataContentHandler implementations.
setDataDirectory(File) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.
setDataFile(File) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.FileIdGenerator
Set property dataFile.
setDataFileSuffix(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property dataFileSuffix
setDataItemThreshold(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property DataItemThreshold
setDataItemThreshold(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property DataItemThreshold
setDataItemThreshold(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property DataItemThreshold
setDataListeners(DataCollector[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorQueue
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the DataSource
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the DataSource
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property DataSource
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property DataSource
setDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets the property dataSource.
setDataSource(XADataSource) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets the property dataSource.
setDataSource(XADataSource) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets the property dataSource.
setDataSource(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets property DataSource
setDataSourceJNDIEnvironment(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
setDataSourceJNDIEnvironment(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
setDataSourceJNDIEnvironment(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIEnvironment.
setDataSourceJNDIName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIName.
setDataSourceJNDIName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIName.
setDataSourceJNDIName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property dataSourceJNDIName.
setDataSourceLocal(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets property DataSource
setDataSources(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Set property dataSources, which is map of data source names to DataSource services.
setDataTypes(int[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property DataTypes.
setDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property date.
setDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
setDate(Date) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Date.
setDate(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setDate
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setDate
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value.
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setDate
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setDate
setDateFormat(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the pagecompile date format attribute on the request.
setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and date-valued field.
setDatePropertyPathName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property DatePropertyPathName.
setDateQueryForAbandonedOrders(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the abandoned order query that relates to how long the order has been idle.
setDateQueryForLostOrders(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the lost order query that relates to how long the order has been idle.
setDateQueryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The name of the property in the order item descriptor that is to be used as the basis for the "idle time" part of the abandoned/lost queries Note: changing this property during runtime after this service has already run will not change the query - the queries are generated on the first run of this service.
setDates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Sets property dates
setDay(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Day.
setDayField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the day property for a Calendar date.
setDaysContactFatigue(Float) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
setDb2SQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property DB2SQL.
setDBCopier(DBCopier) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setDBErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property DBErrorURL.
setDBErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the property DBErrorURL.
setDBWriteMethod(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
Sets property DBWriteMethod
setDBWriteMethod(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
Deprecated. Sets property DBWriteMethod
setDebitStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Sets the debitStatusProperty name.
setDebitStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the debitStatusProperty
setDebugActiveQuery(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property debugActiveQuery.
setDebugComponentLocking(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether to attempt to debug component locking.
setDebugConnections(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets the property DebugConnections.
setDebugLevel(int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Set property debugLevel
setDebugOrderRepositoryItemUpdateTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
This method returns whether or not an warning debug stack trace will be generated when order repoisoty item is updated but OrderManager.updateOrder is not be called in the same transaction.
setDebugSearchConfigName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
setDeclinePrincipalIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setDefaultAbandonedState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The abandonment state that will be assigned to orders identified as abandoned.
setDefaultAddressType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the defaultAddressType
setDefaultBackorderLevel(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setDefaultBcc(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default sender (Bcc:) field.
setDefaultBillingAddress(String, ContactInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Sets the user's billingAddressPropertyName to the given address
setDefaultBillingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the DefaultBillingAddressPropertyName property.
setDefaultBillingAddrName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the defaultBillingAddrName property.
setDefaultBody(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the default message body, that should be prepended to all emails
setDefaultBody(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default message body, that should be prepended to all emails
setDefaultBusinessProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Sets the default business process name for the droplet.
setDefaultCacheCheckSeconds(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
This property specifies the default time interval for invalidating cached content if the droplet does not receive the request parameter cacheCheckSeconds.
setDefaultCarrier(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
setDefaultCc(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default sender (Cc:) field.
setDefaultCommerceItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultCommerceItemType
setDefaultConfigurableItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setDefaultContentType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Set the default content type (probably "text/html").
setDefaultConvertedState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The abandonment state that should be assigned to orders identified as converted.
setDefaultCostCenter(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property DefaultCostCenter
setDefaultCostCenterName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterContainerService
Set the DefaultCostCenterName property.
setDefaultCostCenterName(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterMapContainer
The setDefaultCostCenterName method marks the name of the default CostCenter.
setDefaultCostCenterPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the DefaultCostCenterPropertyName property.
setDefaultCostCenterType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderTools
Sets the defaultCostCenterType
setDefaultCreditCard(String, BasicCreditCardInfoImpl) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Sets the user's creditCardPropertyName to the given address
setDefaultCreditCardID(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
setDefaultCreditCardPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the DefaultCreditCardPropertyName property.
setDefaultCreditCardPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the defaultCreditCardPropertyName property.
setDefaultDestination(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Sets A Default Destination URI to redirect people to when they submit a form and there is no current login session.
setDefaultDestinations(LogListener[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Sets the list of destinations to which log events should be sent if they do not match any of the specified classes.
setDefaultDirection(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set the default sort direction for items when a sort direction is not specified explicitly.
setDefaultDuplicationMode(String) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the default duplication mode.
setDefaultDuplicationMode(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default duplication mode.
setDefaultDuplicationMode(String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the default duplication mode.
setDefaultExtraHeaders(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the default list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
setDefaultExtraHeaders(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
setDefaultFileExtension(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Set property defaultFileExtension
setDefaultFormatter(PropertyFormatter) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the default formatter used to format property values.
setDefaultFrom(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the default sender (From:) field.
setDefaultFrom(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default sender (From:) field.
setDefaultFromAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Set the DefaultFromAddress property.
setDefaultFulfiller(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setDefaultGiftlistItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the defaultGiftlistItemType
setDefaultGiftlistType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the defaultGiftlistType.
setDefaultGroupAttributes(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the default attributes that are assigned to login accounts when they are created.
setDefaultHandlingInstructionType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultHandlingInstructionType
setDefaultIdSpace(IdSpace) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Set property DefaultIdSpace.
setDefaultIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Set property DefaultIdSpaceName.
setDefaultInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Sets property InventoryManager
setDefaultInvoiceMessageClass(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the class that createInvoiceMessage will use as the default "Dynamo message bean" type.
setDefaultInvoiceMessageMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the mapping of properties from repository item to Dynamo message bean that createInvoiceMessage will use by default.
setDefaultItemPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultItemPriceInfoClass
setDefaultLanguage(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property DefaultLanguage.
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
the default locale for which inventory should be retrieved
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the default locale for commerce operations.
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the default locale for which available shipping methods should be retrieved
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property DefaultLocale for localizing user messages
setDefaultLocaleKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Sets property mDefaultLocalKey
setDefaultLoginAttributes(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the default attributes that are assigned to login accounts when they are created.
setDefaultLoginGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the set of groups that are assigned to a new login account.
setDefaultLoginGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the set of groups that are assigned to a new login account.
setDefaultLostState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The abandonment state that will be assigned to orders identified as lost.
setDefaultMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id
setDefaultMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id.
setDefaultMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the default marked item type used when referencing a marked item by id
setDefaultMarkerDuplicateComparator(MarkerDuplicateComparator) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default marker duplicate comparator.
setDefaultMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the default marker item type used when creating new markers
setDefaultMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default marker item type used when creating new markers.
setDefaultMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the default marker item type used when creating new markers
setDefaultMarkerProperties(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Set the default property values of a marker.
setDefaultMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the default property name for storing markers on an item
setDefaultMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default property name for storing markers.
setDefaultMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the default property name for storing markers on an item
setDefaultMarkerSortPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default property name for sorting markers.
setDefaultMergeBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setDefaultMessageBody(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Set the DefaultMessageBody property.
setDefaultNonSecurePort(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setDefaultNumOrders(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
setDefaultNumOrders(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
setDefaultNumOrders(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
setDefaultOrderByDirection(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the defaultOrderByDirection
setDefaultOrderByProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the defaultOrderByProperty
setDefaultOrderPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultOrderPriceInfoClass
setDefaultOrderType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultOrderType
setDefaultPage(Page) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Make the given page the default page of this community
setDefaultPassword(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the property defaultPassword.
setDefaultPaymentGroupAddressType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultPaymentGroupAddressType
setDefaultPaymentGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Set the DefaultPaymentGroupName property.
setDefaultPaymentGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the DefaultPaymentGroupName property.
setDefaultPaymentGroupName(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupMapContainer
The setDefaultPaymentGroupName method marks the name of the default PaymentGroup.
setDefaultPaymentGroupType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultPaymentGroupType
setDefaultPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Changes the default portal instance.
setDefaultPreorderLevel(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setDefaultPriceListId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setDefaultPrivilegeAttributes(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the default attributes that are assigned to privilege accounts when they are created.
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the defaultProfileType.
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultProfileType
setDefaultProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property DefaultProfileType
setDefaultProperties(GSAPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property defaultProperties.
setDefaultPropertyAccessor(PropertyAccessor) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Get the default property accessor.
setDefaultPublicId(String) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Default PublicId to use in log messages.
setDefaultReanimatedState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The abandonment state that should be assigned to orders identified as reanimated.
setDefaultRecipients(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the default list of Recipients that should receive email
setDefaultRecipients(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default list of Recipients that should receive email
setDefaultRegion(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property DefaultRegion.
setDefaultRequestTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.RepeatingRequestMonitor
Specifies the default timeout for a request entry in milliseconds.
setDefaultReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Set the default value to return if the order's state is not found in the lookup table.
setDefaultReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Set the default value to return if propertyName's value is not found in the lookup table.
setDefaultSaveMode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
The saveMode to be used for orders that do not have a corresponding entry in orderStateSaveModes
setDefaultSecurePort(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setDefaultShippingAddress(String, ContactInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
Sets the user's shippingAddressPropertyName to the given address
setDefaultShippingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the DefaultShippingAddressPropertyName property.
setDefaultShippingAddrName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the defaultShippingAddrName property.
setDefaultShippingGroupAddressType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultShippingGroupAddressType
setDefaultShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Set a default ShippingGroupName for the user's default ShippingGroup
setDefaultShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the DefaultShippingGroupName property.
setDefaultShippingGroupName(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupMapContainer
Set a default ShippingGroupName for the user's default ShippingGroup
setDefaultShippingGroupType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the defaultShippingGroupType
setDefaultShippingMethodPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the DefaultShippingMethodPropertyName property.
setDefaultShippingMethodPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the defaultShippingMethodPropertyName property.
setDefaultShippingPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultShippingPriceInfoClass
setDefaultSortString(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set a default sort string for this table.
setDefaultSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property DefaultSQL.
setDefaultStockLevel(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setDefaultStyleIndex(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property LicenseFailureException.
setDefaultSubject(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
Set the DefaultSubject property.
setDefaultSubject(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the default subject field.
setDefaultSubject(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the default subject field.
setDefaultSystemId(String) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
The default SystemId to use in log messages.
setDefaultTaxPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property defaultTaxPriceInfoClass
setDefaultTemplateEmailInfo(TemplateEmailInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setDefaultTextSearchProperties(GSAPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property defaultTextSearchProperties
setDefaultUncachedItemQueries(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property DefaultUncachedItemQueries.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
Sets the default value of the parameter
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets property DefaultValue
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Set the default value to return from buildXML()
setDefaultValues(String[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
setDefaultValues(Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
setDefaultValueString(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property DefaultValueString.
setDefaultViewName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Sets the property DefaultViewName.
setDeferForwardsAndRedirects(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Set whether to defer forwards and redirects until after form handling has completed, or to execute forwards and redirects imediately.
setDeferForwardsAndRedirects(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Set whether to defer forwards and redirects until after form handling has completed, or to execute forwards and redirects imediately.
setDefinitionFile(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Sets the property definitionFile.
setDefinitionFile(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Sets the definitionFile
setDEHourField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the hour property for a Calendar date, when the user's locale is de_DE It is a helper method for createDate method.
setDelayOnSendRetry(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
Mark this resource as deleted.
setDeleteDataFileName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property deleteDataFileName
setDeletedSkus(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Deleted skus is a list that maintains which items were removed by the deleteItems call and is consulted in the addItemToOrder call to determine whether a quantity of 0 is being added or whether it is simply an artifact of a design that calls handleAddItemToOrder in the handleRemoveAndAddItem.
setDeletedSkus(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Deleted skus is a list that maintains which items were removed by the deleteItems call and is consulted in the addItemToOrder call to determine whether a quantity of 0 is being added or whether it is simply an artifact of a design that calls handleAddItemToOrder in the handleRemoveAndAddItem.
setDeleteErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property DeleteErrorURL.
setDeleteErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a failed item deletion.
setDeleteErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property DeleteErrorURL
setDeleteGiftlistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property DeleteGiftlistErrorURL
setDeleteGiftlistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property DeleteGiftlistSuccessURL
setDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is deleted from the order.
setDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is deleted from the order.
setDeleteItemsFromOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when an item is deleted from the order.
setDeleteLostOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if orders identified as lost should be removed from the order repository.
setDeleteManifests(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal.
setDeletePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property deletePurchaselistErrorURL
setDeletePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setDeletePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property deletePurchaselistSuccessURL
setDeletePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setDeleteStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the DeleteStates property.
setDeleteSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property DeleteSuccessURL.
setDeleteSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a successful item deletion.
setDeleteSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property DeleteSuccessURL
setDeleteUnreferencedInfoItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setDelimitedProjectIds(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property delimitedProjectIds ("Delimited project IDs").
setDelimiter(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property delimiter ("Delimiter").
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MultiPropertyConcatenator
Set the delimiter to use when concatenating component property values.
setDeliveryInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's delivery information.
setDenied(String) - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Changes the list of allowed identities.
setDeniedAccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets the default URL to redirect to if access is denied.
setDeniedAccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets the URL to go to when access is denied.
setDeniedAccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Sets the URL to go to when access is denied.
setDenyAnonymousUsers(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets whether or not anonymous users are denied access
setDenyAnonymousUsers(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Sets the denyAnonymousUsers property
setDenyGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Sets the array of "deny" group names.
setDenyGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets the array of "deny" group names.
setDeployedApps(File[]) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
It is assumed that this is a list of directories, that each contain a single web application or they are ear/war files.
setDeploymentAgentInactiveDataStore(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The name of the inative datastore if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
setDeploymentAgentLocalPort(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The local port used in the FileDeploymentServer for DAF file deployments.
setDeploymentApprovalTimes(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property deploymentApprovalTimes ("Deployment approval times").
setDeploymentBeginTimestamp(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the deployment was first started.
setDeploymentBeginTimestamp(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
System milliseconds when the deployment was first started.
setDeploymentCommitted(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not this deployment has proceeded past the committed point of no return.
setDeploymentCreateInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started the deployment.
setDeploymentCreateInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started the deployment.
setDeploymentCurrentDataStore(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The current data store if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
setDeploymentDeleteInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what deleted the deployment.
setDeploymentDeleteInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what deleted the deployment.
setDeploymentFirstPass(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Identifier indicating whether the currently running deployment is on its first or second pass in a switch configured deployment.
setDeploymentFulfiller(DeploymentFulfiller) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Set property deploymentFulfiller
setDeploymentID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The ID of the current deployment, if there is a current deployment.
setDeploymentID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Current deployment identifier.
setDeploymentId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property deploymentId ("Deployment Id").
setDeploymentLastBeginTimestamp(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the deployment was last started.
setDeploymentLastBeginTimestamp(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
System milliseconds when the deployment was last started.
setDeploymentLastExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running since it was last started.
setDeploymentLastExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running since it was last started.
setDeploymentListeners(Collection) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setDeploymentLiveDataStore(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The live data store at the beginning of this deployment if the agent is configured for switch deployments.
setDeploymentManifestID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Manifest ID of the manifest currently being deployed.
setDeploymentMode(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The deployment mode, either Constants.MODE_ONLINE or Constants.MODE_SWITCH.
setDeploymentMode(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The deployment mode, either Constants.MODE_ONLINE or Constants.MODE_SWITCH.
setDeploymentMode(DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property deploymentMode .
setDeploymentPercentageComplete(String, String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Convenience method to set the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.
setDeploymentPollSleepTime(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.
setDeploymentProgress(DeploymentProgressMap) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.
setDeploymentProjectIDs(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The project IDs being deployed to the target or agent.
setDeploymentQueueManager(DeploymentQueueManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Set the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
setDeploymentRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setDeploymentRevert(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Sets property deploymentRevert.
setDeploymentRevert(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Sets property deploymentRevert.
setDeploymentRollback(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not the deployment has been flagged for rollback.
setDeploymentRollback(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the deployment has been flagged for rollback.
setDeploymentRollbackInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier for who or what called rollback on the deployment.
setDeploymentRollbackManifestID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Manifest ID of the rollback manifest for this deployment.
setDeploymentScheduled(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not this deployment was kicked off automatically from a schedule.
setDeploymentServer(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Name of the deployment server performing the current deployment.
setDeploymentServer(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Name of the deployment server performing the current deployment.
setDeploymentServer(DeploymentServer) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setDeploymentServer(DeploymentServer) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the DeploymentServer
setDeploymentServerName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setDeploymentSnapshotCreationTimes(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property deploymentSnapshotCreationTimes ("Deployment target snapshot creation times").
setDeploymentSnapshots(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property deploymentSnapshots ("Deployment target snapshots").
setDeploymentStatuses(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property deploymentStatuses ("Deployment target statuses").
setDeploymentStopInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
A generic identifier denoting who or what stopped/interrupted the deployment.
setDeploymentStopInitiator(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A generic identifier denoting who or what stopped/interrupted the deployment.
setDeploymentStrictFileOps(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
setDeploymentStrictFileOps(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setDeploymentStrictRepoOps(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
setDeploymentStrictRepoOps(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setDeploymentSwitched(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not this deployment has switched yet, if it is a switch deployment.
setDeploymentTargetSwitched(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the target deployment datasources have been switched yet, if this is a switch configured deployment.
setDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.
setDeploymentTotalExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running.
setDeploymentTotalExecutionTime(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The time in milliseconds the deployment has spent running.
setDeploymentType(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The deployment type, either Constants.TYPE_INCREMENTAL or Constants.TYPE_FULL.
setDeploymentType(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The deployment type, either Constants.TYPE_INCREMENTAL or Constants.TYPE_FULL.
setDeploymentType(DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property deploymentType ("Deployment Type").
setDeploymentWorkspaces(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property deploymentWorkspaces ("deploymentTargetWorkspaces").
setDeployTime(Calendar) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
The scheduled time this deployment should begin.
setDeployTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property deployTime ("Deploy time").
setDerived(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Set property derived
setDerivedCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property description.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Set the Description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the Description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Description
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property description ("Description").
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property description ("Description").
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property description ("Description").
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property description ("Description").
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property description ("Description").
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Description
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set the description of the color
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Sets the description for the given locale
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the description of the community
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the description of the community for the given locale
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Sets the description of the gear for the given locale.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the description property
setDescription(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
Sets the description of the parameter
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the description of the layout
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the description of the page for the given locale.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the description of the page template
setDescription(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
setDescription(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the description of the style
setDescription(String) - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set this targeter's description
setDescription(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Sets the default short description.
setDescriptionAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the name of the attribute used for determining the description of a group or privilege account.
setDescriptionFiles(File[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setDescriptionProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the description property
setDescriptionProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the description of a group or privilege.
setDescriptionResourceFiles(String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setDestination(DBConnectionInfo) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property destination
setDestination(FileDeploymentDestination) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
setDestination(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Sets The destination URI which caused this form login session to take place
setDestinationMap(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property destinationMap .
setDestinationPassword(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setDestinationPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Sets the destinationPath for this Message.
setDestinations(Map) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property destinations ("Destination repositories and VFSs for this Target server").
setDestinationScenarioPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Set property DestinationScenarioPathInfo
setDestinationServer(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setDestinationUser(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setDetailedItemPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setDetailedItemPriceInfoDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the detailedItemPriceInfoDescName
setDetailedItemPriceInfoProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties
setDetailedItemPriceInfoProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties
setDetailsItemPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the detailedItemPriceInfoProperties
setDetailsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
setDetailsRangeProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
setDetailsRangeProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
setDevelopmentLineFactory(DevelopmentLineFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setDevelopmentLineItems(Map) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
setDevLineIndexInfo(DevLineIndexInfo) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
setDictionaryValue(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property DictionaryValue
setDirectAncestorCatalogsAndSelfPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setDirectory(File) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property directory
setDisableExitTracking(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
If true, forces exit tracking to not be performed on this request.
setDiscount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
setDiscounted(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
Flag that states whether or not this AmountInfo has been discounted
setDiscountPrice(long) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDiscountType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property DiscountType
setDispatcherServiceMap(ServiceMap) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineableServlet
Sets the map from one item to another destination servlet.
setDispatcherServiceMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Sets the map from dispatching attribute to destination servlet.
setDispatcherServiceMapNames(Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
Sets the property DispatcherServiceMapNames.
setDisplayableSkuAttributesProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
Set the property in the product that contains a list of properties to extract from the sku.
setDisplayMode(DisplayMode) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Set property display mode
setDisplayModes(DisplayMode) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the display modes property
setDisplayModes(DisplayMode) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the display modes property
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property DisplayName
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property displayName ("Name").
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property displayName ("Name").
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property displayName ("Name").
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property displayName ("Name").
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property displayName
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property displayName
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Sets the property DisplayName.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Sets property DisplayName
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Sets the default display name.
setDisplayNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the displayNameProperty
setDisplayNameResource(String) - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Sets the property DisplayNameResource.
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setDistinctSpecified(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentFolderView
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The event distributor.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistributor(EventDistributor) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The EventDistributor to send fired events to.
setDistrictTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property DistrictTax
setDistrictTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Sets the district/territory tax
setDistrictTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setDistrictTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setDoAdvancedSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoAdvancedSearch
setDoAdvancedSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoAdvancedSearch
setDoAdvancedSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoAdvancedSearch
setDocContextId(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the <viewInContext><docContextID> tag body
setDocProps(String[]) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set a set of values for the docProps attribute.
setDocRootServicePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
setDocRootServicePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the property that specifies the path to find services in the nucleus component hierarchy that are in the doc root.
setDocument(Object) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Set the Document property.
setDocumentBuilderPool(DocumentBuilderPool) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Sets Pool of DocumentBuilder resource to parse the XML document.
setDocumentCache(DocumentCache) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The DocumentCache used by this component
setDocumentCache(DocumentCache) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The DocumentCache used by this component
setDocumentInDevLine(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
setDocumentLevelOutputProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the list of output properties that will be added to the document-level item.
setDocumentNumber(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
setDocumentRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the repository id of the repository item that corresponds to the document.
setDocumentRoot(File) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property DocumentRoot
setDocumentRoot(File) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property DocumentRoot
setDocumentRoot(File) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Sets the document root
setDocumentRoot(File) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Override the implementation of the setDocumentRoot to update the doc root for the docroot config path entry
setDocumentRoot(File) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
For convenience, users can also set the DocumentRoot property as a single file if documentRootPath has not already been set.
setDocumentRootCachePath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property DocumentRootCachePath
setDocumentRootCachePath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property DocumentRootCachePath
setDocumentRootContextPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Set the context path to prepend to generated URI's that refer to files in the document root specified by documentRoot.
setDocumentRootContextPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Set the context path to prepend to generated URI's that refer to files in the document root specified by documentRoot.
setDocumentRootPath(File[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the document root from which path references will be resolved.
setDocumentSetsBuilder(XMLBuilder) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set an optional XMLBuilder object.
setDocumentsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set the number of documents per transaction.
setDocumentSubmitter(DocumentSubmitter) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the document submitter, used to submit documents to the indexing engine.
setDocumentSubmitterSession(DocumentSubmitterSession) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the document submitter session.
setDoExitTracking(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the property doExitTracking.
setDoHierarchicalSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoHierarchicalSearch
setDoHierarchicalSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoHierarchicalSearch
setDoKeywordSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoKeywordSearch
setDoKeywordSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoKeywordSearch
setDoNameSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoNameSearch
setDoNotCacheQuery(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets the property DoNotCacheQuery.
setDoPublishedSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoPublishedSearch
setDoTextSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoTextSearch
setDoTextSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property DoTextSearch
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setDouble
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setDouble
setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property doubleValue
setDPSMessageSource(DPSMessageSource) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
setDriver(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property driver.
setDriver(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the class name of the JDBC driver to load.
setDSSProfilePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Set the name of the JMS message property where Dynamo Scenario Server expects to find a reference to the user profile.
setDstCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDstCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDstGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDstProvince(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDstZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setDummyMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets this component in dummy mode, i.e.
setDumpFileName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Set property DumpFileName
setDuplicationMode(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the duplication mode used for adding new business process markers.
setDynamicContentHeaders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method calls setNoCacheHeaders on pResponse if it determines that pRequest comes from a proxy server, or a user-agent that is known to be a bad-cacher (i.e.
setDynamoHandlerPrefixes(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
setDynamoInitSessionURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
setDynamoInitSessionURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
setDynamoPipeline(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property dynamoPipeline.
setDynamoPipeline(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property dynamoPipeline.
setEarliestAcceptableDate(Date) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property EarliestAcceptableDate
setEchoDocumentsToStdout(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to echo documents to stdout.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property editable ("Editable").
setEditAddress(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property editAddress, naming the address to be edited in the edit_secondary_address.jhtml page.
setEditCostCenterDescription(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property EditCostCenterDescription
setEditCostCenterErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property EditCostCenterErrorURL.
setEditCostCenterIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property EditCostCenterIdentifier
setEditCostCenterSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property EditCostCenterSuccessURL.
setEditItem(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property EditItem.
setEditItemErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property EditItemErrorURL.
setEditItemSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property EditItemSuccessURL.
setEditMapsAsLists(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Sets the property EditMapsAsLists.
setEditMapsAsLists(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the property EditMapsAsLists.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setElementId(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Sets the element id as it appears in the process definition.
setElementInfos(ProcessElementInfo[]) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the array of ProcessElementInfo objects, which together indicate the instance's location in the process.
setElementInfos(ProcessElementInfo[]) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Sets the array of ProcessElementInfo objects, which together indicate the instance's location in the process.
setElementParameter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
In this method, we extract the message and propertyName values that we want to render in the request first mapping them through the tables provided.
setElementParameter(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String, Object) - Method in class atg.droplet.ForEach
This method can be overridden by sub-classes to customize how the element parmeter is set.
setElementsAdded(Object[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the elements Added property
setElementsRemoved(Object[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the elements Removed property
setElementStatus(int) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Sets the element status, one of WAITING or COMPLETED.
setEmail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the email
setEmail(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Sets the email
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ElectronicShippingGroup
Sets the emailAddress
setEmailAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the property name of the email address in the profile.
setEmailAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property EmailAddressPropertyName
setEmailEncodingMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the mEmailEncodingMap property
setEmailer(EmailSender) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setEmailHandlerHostName(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the SMTP host used to send email.
setEmailHandlerPort(int) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the SMTP port used to send email.
setEmailInfo(TemplateEmailInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Sets the TemplateEmailInfo describing the email message.
setEmailLinkedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the email property in the linked repository.
setEmailMessageSender(EmailMessageSender) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sets the EmailMessageSender used to send email.
setEmailMessageSender(EmailMessageSender) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.
setEmailSenderAddress(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setEmailSenderService(SMTPEmailSender) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property emailSenderService, wich will be used to send the email.
setEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the options value for invalid email status for a profile.
setEmailStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the property name of the email status in the profile.
setEmailStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property EmailStatusPropertyName
setEmailStatusValidOptionValue(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the options value for valid email status for a profile.
setEmptyAddressPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets the emptyAddressPropertyNames
setEmptyProcessor(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcModificationUnsupported
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
If this is true then the secureUrl and nonSecureUrl output parameters will be fully qualified urls to the appropriate secure or non secure server.
setEnableContentNameTruncation(boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Sets property EnableContentNameTruncation
setEnableContentNameTruncation(boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Sets property EnableContentNameTruncation
setEnableCountQuery(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets the property enableCountQuery.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Set the enabled flag, which has to be set along with the active flag for this component to send messages.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Enable or disable sending messages from this pipeline processor.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Set the flag that allows applications to enable or disable this pipeline processor without having to reconfigure the invoice pipeline.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
Sets boolean indicating if this service should compute any properties
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
boolean indicating if this component should do anything.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceCommandServlet
Sets property Enabled
setEnabled(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Sets property Enabled
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Sets the property Enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the boolean flag for optionally disabling a business process
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the active status of the community
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Set whether this service is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
If set to true, the initializer is enabled and will attempt to copy accounts on startup.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the Enabled flag.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the property Enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Returns the enabled flag for authentication.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Sets Is this servlet enabled inside of the pipline?
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Sets whether or not access control is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Sets Is this servlet enabled inside of the pipline?
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets whether or not access control is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets whether or not access control is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Sets whether or not access control is enabled.
setEnabledAsTemplateMailServer(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
setEnableDefaultDestination(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Enables the use of a the default destination URI for the case when there is no current login session.
setEnableIncrementalLoading(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to enabled incremental loading.
setEnableLinks(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property EnableLinks.
setEnablePerformanceMonitor(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Allows performance monitoring for ClientLockManager to be disabled on a component basis.
setEnableProtectivePurge(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setEnablePurge(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setEnableReportData(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
setEnableScheduledBulkLoading(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether scheduled bulk loading is enabled.
setEnableSecurity(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property enableSecurity
setEnableSecurity(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property enableSecurity
setEnableSecurity(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
sets the property enableSecurity.
setEnableSecurity(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertyenableSecurity
setEnableSecurityStatus(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
setEnableSending(boolean) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
setEnableSQLbatch(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property EnableSQLbatch
setEnableTruncation(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property EnableTruncation
setEnableWorkspaceDependencyCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set property m_enableWorkspaceDependencyCache
setEncodeContextPathMode(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the EncodeContextPathMode property.
setEncodeContextPathMode(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the EncodeContextPathMode property.
setEncodedPathAndItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the repository path and item descriptor name as one encoded value.
setEncodedPathAndItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Set a single repository component path and item descriptor name in an encoded string in which the repository component path and item descriptor name are seperated by a colon: /repository/path/name:itemDescriptorName Used in forms to make it easy to specify these values in a choice box.
setEncodeLinkURLs(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Specify whether or not to call DynamoHttpServletRequest.encodeURL on links to products and categories built using productLinkFormat and categoryLinkFormat.
setEncodeParameters(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the EncodeParameters
setEncodeRepositoryIdAsAttr(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Sets the encodeRepositoryIdAsAttr.
setEncodeServletPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the EncodeServletPath property.
setEncodeServletPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the EncodeServletPath property.
setEncodeURL(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Enables or disables the rewriting of subsequent URLs that are processed by this request.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.security.DigestPasswordHasher
Changes the encoding scheme used to convert the encrypted password into a string.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.security.SaltedDigestPasswordHasher
Changes the encoding scheme used to convert the encrypted password into a string.
setEncodingStyleURI(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the encodingStyleURI property.
setEncodingTyper(PageEncodingTyper) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
Sets the property EncodingTyper.
setEncodingTyper(PageEncodingTyper) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.
setEncryptPasswords(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
If true, source account passwords should be encrypted using the destination account manager's password hasher.
setEncType(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
setEndDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property EndDate
setEndDate(Date) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the time the alert should stop being published
setEndIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Set the endIndex to a particular value.
setEndingIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets property EndingIndex.
setEndingIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Sets property EndingIndex
setEndRequestThreadPriority() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Called at the end of the request.
setEndTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property endTime ("Deployment end").
setEndUsable(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property EndUsable
setEnforceMemoryAsynchronously(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setEnforceMemoryMaximumRemove(int) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setEnforceMemorySchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setEnforceProductSkuRelationship(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Specify whether the createCommerceItem methods should verify that the product (if any) and sku being used to construct the commerce item are related -- i.e., that the sku is one of the product's child skus.
setEnforceSessionConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Whether to enforce session confirmation number matching.
setEnlistBeforeGet(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property enlistBeforeGet.
setEnlistBeforeGet(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property enlistBeforeGet.
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEnsureTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Sets property EnsureTransaction
setEntryIds(int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the list of entry id's that specify which entries are to be removed from the product comparison list when calling handleRemoveEntries.
setEnvironment(Properties) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The classpath entries that are configured in the Nucleus.properties file.
setErrorActiveHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the property ErrorActiveHandlerCount.
setErrorAndGetReturnValue(String, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Sets the error message and returns the TaxStatus object
setErrorAndGetReturnValue(String, String, ZipRequest) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Sets the zip error string associated with the order, and returns the status for processOrder.
setErrorCausedByException(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The Exception that caused the error state, if an Exception did so.
setErrorCausedByException(Throwable) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The Exception that caused the error state, if an Exception did so.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableException
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Sets the property ErrorCode.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception atg.epub.PublishingException
Set property errorCode.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Sets property errorCode.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
Set a SAX ErrorHandler to handle parsing errors produced for this key.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property errorMessage
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property ErrorMessage
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Deprecated. This method is not thread safe. Inspect the AddressVerificationInfo for error messages
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Sets the error message generated while trying to send the email.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Resource string arguments used to fill in and create the error message.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Resource string arguments used to fill in and create the error message.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A convenience method for setting/creating the error message resource arguments array.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A convenience method for setting/creating the error message resource arguments array.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A convenience method for setting/creating the error message resource arguments array.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A convenience method for setting/creating the error message resource arguments array.
setErrorMsgResourceArguments(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
A convenience method for setting/creating the error message resource arguments array.
setErrorMsgResourceKey(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The resource look-up key for the error message.
setErrorMsgResourceKey(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The resource look-up key for the error message.
setErrorOnNullProductRef(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Sets property ErrorOnNullProductRef
setErrorPage(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the errorPage
setErrorParams(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property errorParams ("Error parameters").
setErrorRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Sets URL to which the user will be re-directed if an error has occured
setErrorResourcesCheckedOutCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the property ErrorResourcesCheckedOutCount.
setErrorResponse(int) - Method in exception atg.process.action.ActionException
Sets the error response.
setErrorResponse(int) - Method in exception atg.scenario.action.ActionException
Deprecated. Sets the error response.
setErrorsMap(Map) - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Sets Map of error messages to the exception messages.
setErrorURI(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Sets The URI of the error page to handle errors with the form authorization
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ErrorURL.
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the optional url to redirect to when an error is encountered in handleSearch()
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the property ErrorURL.
setErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
A URL to redirect the request to if the session limit has been exceeded
setErrorZombieHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the property ErrorZombieHandlerCount.
setEscapedText(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Sets the escaped text
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setEscapeProcessing
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setEscapeProcessing
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setEscapeProcessing
setEscapeURI(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property EscapeURI
setEscapeURI(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property EscapeURI
setEventClass(Class) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The event class that this handler should listen for.
setEventDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets eventDate property.
setEventDate(Timestamp) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The Date associated with the event.
setEventDateProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the eventDate property
setEventFlags(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Change the set of JMS events that are enabled for firing with respect to this request.
setEventName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets the eventName.
setEventNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the eventName property
setEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets eventType property.
setEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
setEventType(String) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
setEventType(Integer) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Sets property EventType
setEventType(int) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
The type of the event class that this handler should listen for.
setEventTypeProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the eventTypeProperty
setEveryItemOutputProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the list of output properties that will be added to every repository item.
setExactlyPromotionLoopThrough(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
setExchangeRates(Map) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionFormatter
Sets property exchangeRates
setExchangeRates(Map) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyConversionTagConverter
Sets property exchangeRates
setExcludeAssetDestinations(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property excludeAssetDestinations ("Exclude Asset Destinations").
setExcludedItemDescriptors(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
setExcludedItemDescriptors(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
setExcludedOrderProperties(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ExcludedOrderProperties
setExcludedProperties(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the ContextRoot
setExcludedThreads(Thread[]) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property excludedThreads
setExcludeServers(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property excludeServers
setExitTrackingHandler(ExitTrackingHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the exit tracking handler
setExitTrackingHandler(ExitTrackingHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the exit tracking handler
setExpandByDefault(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Sets property expandByDefault
setExpertAdmin(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.
setExpiration(long) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Set the Expiration property
setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the Date the alert should be removed from the repository.
setExpirationDayOfMonth(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the expirationDayOfMonth
setExpirationMonth(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the expirationMonth
setExpirationURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
Sets Expiration URl
setExpirationYear(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CreditCard
Sets the expirationYear
setExpiredPasswordService(ExpiredPasswordService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets the ExpiredPasswordService component
setExpireProfileCookiesOnLogout(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ExpireProfileCookiesOnLogout
setExpirePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the ExpirePropertyName property.
setExpireSessionOnLogout(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property ExpireSessionOnLogout.
setExpireSessionOnLogout(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property expireSessionOnLogout DEFAULT: true
setExplicitlySaved(boolean) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Marks the order as one that has been explicitly saved.
setExplicitlySaved(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Marks the order as one that has been explicitly saved.
setExportCommand(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property exportCommand
setExposedRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Sets the exposed repository.
setExpressCheckoutErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
setExpressCheckoutErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the ExpressCheckoutErrorURL property.
setExpressCheckoutSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
setExpressCheckoutSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the ExpressCheckoutSuccessURL property.
setExpression(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property expression
setExpressionParser(ExpressionParser) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property ExpressionParser
setExpressionType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property expressionType
setExtendedMarkerData(RepositoryItem, MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by the createAddedMarkerData, createReplacedMarkerData and createRemovedMarkerData methods to set the extended properties of the MarkerData object.
setExtendedMarkerProperties(MutableRepositoryItem, String, String, String, Map) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the extended properties of a marker.
setExternalIdProperty(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set the name of the externalIdProperty.
setExtractDefaultValuesFromItem(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Sets whether or not property values should be extracted from a repository item if they do not have values specified in the form.
setExtractDefaultValuesFromItem(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets whether or not property values should be extracted from a repository item if they do not have values specified in the form.
setExtractDefaultValuesFromProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets property ExtractDefaultValuesFromProfile
setExtractProfileFromBasicAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property ExtractProfileFromBasicAuthentication
setExtractProfileFromCookieParameter(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property ExtractProfileFromCookieParameter
setExtractProfileFromPostParameter(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property ExtractProfileFromPostParameter
setExtractProfileFromQueryParameter(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property ExtractProfileFromQueryParameter
setExtractProfileFromURLParameter(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property ExtractProfileFromURLParameter
setExtraDispatcherServiceMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DispatcherPipelineServletImpl
Sets the map from dispatching attribute to destination servlet.
setExtraHeaders(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the list of extra headers that should be used in the email (e.g.
setFacetSearchService(FacetSearchService) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
The FacetSearchService that can be used to convert the search results into a FacetSearchResponse object.
setFailedIds(List) - Method in exception atg.commerce.payment.PaymentException
Sets the failedIds
setFailedOverSecurityStatus(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
After a profile is failed over, the security status of the re-established profile will be set to this value.
setFailoverRecoveryPricingOperation(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property FailoverRecoveryPricingOperation
setFailureMessageProcessor(I18nMessageProcessor) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Changes the form message processor used for notifying the user about failures.
setFailureMessages(Collection) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setFailureRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets URL to which the user will be re-directed if the Login or Logout commands failed
setFailureReturnCode(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcShippingGroupHasShipped
setFailureReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Sets property failureReturnValue
setFailureReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Sets property failureReturnValue
setFailureReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Sets property failureReturnValue
setFailureTime(Date) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setFailureURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property FailureURL
setFailureURL(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Sets property FailureURL
setFailureUrl(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setFallbackEncoding(String) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pagecompile.Converter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
setFallbackEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.GenericConverter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
setFallbackEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pagecompile.JapaneseConverter
The encoding type to use when the actual encoding type of data to convert could not be discerned.
setFaxNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the faxNumber
setFaxNumber(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Sets the faxNumber
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchDirection
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchDirection
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchDirection
setFetchFactor(double) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
When using paging, the page size is is multiplied by this value in order to request more results than are required by the page size, since it is expected that some items will be filtered out.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchSize
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchSize
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setFetchSize
setFieldDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Sets property FieldDelimiter
setFileAttributesCache(FileAttributesCache) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Set the file attributes cache
setFileCache(FileCache) - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
Sets the FileCache that will be used by this
setFileEncodingTyper(FileEncodingTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.FileServlet
setFileId(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setFileName(String) - Method in class atg.security.SerializedAccountManager
Changes the name of the file into which the account information will be serialized.
setFilename(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Sets the file name of the uploaded file.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setFillFromTemplate(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets the flag indicating whether we should try to extract email information from the <meta> tags in the template.
setFilter(CachedCollectionFilter) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Set the cached collection filter
setFilterConfig(FilterConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property FilterConfig
setFilterForQualifierDiscountedByAnyDiscountId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the qualifier's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
setFilterForQualifierDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the qualifier's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
setFilterForQualifierNegativePrices(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items whose price is negative
setFilterForQualifierOnSale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items that were on sale
setFilterForQualifierZeroPrices(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the qualifier rule's pricing environment items whose price is zero
setFilterForTargetActedAsQualifierForAnyDiscount(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items who have acted as a target for any promotion
setFilterForTargetDiscountedByAnyDiscountId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the target's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
setFilterForTargetDiscountedByCurrentDiscountId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
filter from the target's pricing environment those items already discounted by the current discount Id
setFilterForTargetNegativePrices(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is negative
setFilterForTargetOnSale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items that were on sale
setFilterForTargetPricesLessThanOrEqualToPromotionPrice(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is already less or equal to the price it will be given by a "fixed price" promotion
setFilterForTargetZeroPrices(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
remove from the target rule's pricing environment items whose price is zero
setFilterMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the filter map.
setFilterOutDollarOutputPropertyNames(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to filter out properties containing "$" from the various "outputPropertyName" properties.
setFilterQuery(Clause) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property filterQuery
setFinalGearArrangement(int, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setFinalLogListener(LogListener) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Sets the underlying LogListener to which queued log events will be written to.
setFinalRegionOrder(int, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setFireOutcome(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called prior to handleFireOutcome when the form is submitted.
setFireOutcomeErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task outcome was not fired successfully.
setFireOutcomeSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task outcome was fired successfully.
setFirePromotionGrantedEvent(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property FirePromotionGrantedEvent
setFirePromotionRevokedEvent(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property FirePromotionRevokedEvent
setFireWorkflowOutcome(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
setFirstName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the firstName
setFirstName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the firstName
setFirstName(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the firstName
setFirstNameAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the name of the attribute used for determining the first name of a login account owner.
setFirstNameLinkedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the first name property in the linked repository.
setFirstNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the first name of a login account holder.
setFirstNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property FirstNamePropertyName
setFixed(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
setFixed(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Set if the page should allow customization
setFixedRelatedCatsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setFixedRelatedPrdsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setFixRequestURI(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property FixRequestURI.
setFixServletPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property FixServletPath.
setFixTrailingSlashes(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property FixTrailingSlashes.
setFlagAgents(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property flagAgents ("If the agents should be simply flagged on target initialization ?").
setFlatten(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property Flatten
setFlatten(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property Flatten
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setFloat
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setFloat
setFloatValue(Float) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property floatValue
setFolder(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The folder path that includes the item, if it is a content repository
setFolderIdProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property FolderIdProperty.
setFolderIdProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
set the folderIdProperty
setFolderItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Sets property FolderItemDescriptor
setFolderName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Sets property folderName
setFolderPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property FolderPath
setFolderURL(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Sets property folderURL
setForceCreation(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
If set to true, all accounts will be created if they do not exist even if there are accounts already in the account manager.
setForceFull(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setForceFull(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property forceFull ("Force full deployment").
setForgotPasswordErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets the property ForgotPasswordErrorURL.
setForgotPasswordSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets the property ForgotPasswordSuccessURL.
setFormat(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Sets property Format
setFormatFields(FormatField[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Sets property FormatFields
setFormatMap(Map) - Static method in class atg.droplet.EuroTagConverter
Sets property formatMap
setFormatterMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the formatter map.
setFormEventsSent(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property FormEventsSent.
setFormHandler(ScheduledOrderHandler) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
set the property FormHandler
setFormHandler(WorkflowTaskFormHandler) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
Sets the parent WorkflowTaskFormHandler.
setFormLoginSessionPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Sets The name in the nucleus hierarchy to look for a FormLoginSession
setFormName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property formName.
setFormName(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Sets the formName property
setFormSecurity(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
setFormURI(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Sets The URI of the login form
setFormURI(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Sets the URI of a form which can be used in the UI to solicit outcome-specific data, prior to firing this outcome.
setFormURI(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Sets the URI of a form which can be used in the UI to solicit workflow-specific data, prior to creating this workflow.
setFrameType(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
setFreight(long) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setFrom(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the sender (Cc:) field.
setFrom(Message, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the From field of the message to the InternetAddress obtained from the given string.
setFromAddress(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The email address deployment notifications should claim to be from.
setFromManager(AccountManager) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountInitializer
Changes the account manager that will be used as the source of the account data.
setFulfillerName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setFulfillerPortNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setFulfillerPortNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setFulfillerShippingGroupClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setFulfillerShippingGroupClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setFulfillmentPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setFulfillmentPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setFullNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets the fullNamePropertyName property
setFullURI(int, String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Fills in a VersionManagerURI by taking a complete URI including the method.
setFunctionDefinitions(FunctionDefinition[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
setFunctionNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the FunctionNames property.
setGCAfterStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the flag indicating if Nucleus should perform a GC after starting up.
setGcOnSample(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets whether a gc should be performed during each sampling interval, before the memory information is displayed.
setGear(Gear) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Sets property Gear
setGearAlertParameter(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the gear alert parameter
setGearAlertParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the default value of the gear instance parameter
setGearAlertParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the default value of the gear alert parameter
setGearAlertParameters(AlertParameter[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the alert parameters property
setGearAlertPref(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
setGearArrangementListSeperator(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setGearDefIdRequestParameter(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setGearDefinition(GearDefinition) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Sets the gearDefinition of this gear
setGearDefinitionFolderIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property GearDefinitionFolderIds
setGearDefinitionFolders(GearDefinitionFolder[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property GearDefinitionFolders
setGearDefinitionFolders(GearDefinitionFolder[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the community's allowed gear definition folders
setGearId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Sets the gear item id
setGearIdRequestParameter(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setGearInstanceDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Sets the default value of the named gear instance parameter
setGearInstanceParameter(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the gear instance parameter
setGearInstanceParameter(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Set the value of the gear instance parameter with the supplied name
setGearInstanceParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the default value of the gear instance parameter
setGearInstanceParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the default value of the gear instance parameter
setGearInstanceParameters(GearParameter[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the gear instance parameters property
setGearMode(GearMode) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the gear mode property
setGearMode(GearMode) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.GearContextImpl
Sets property GearMode
setGearName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Sets the transient gear name property.
setGears(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Gears
setGears(Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Set the Gears for this page
setGears(Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Region
Set the given array of gears to this region
setGearTitleTemplate(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property GearTitleTemplate
setGearTitleTemplate(GearTitleTemplate) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the community's Gear Title Template
setGearUserDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Sets the default value of the named gear user parameter
setGearUserParameter(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the gear instance parameter
setGearUserParameter(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearEnvironment
Set the value of the gear user parameter with the supplied name
setGearUserParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set the default value of the gear instance parameter
setGearUserParameterDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the default value of the gear user parameter
setGearUserParameterDefaultValues(String, Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
setGearUserParameters(GearParameter[]) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the gear user parameters property
setGearUserParameterValues(String, Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
setGeneralFailureURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property generalFailureURL
setGeneralFailureURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets A Generic bean to store a failure URL into
setGeneralSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property generalSuccessURL.
setGeneralSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets A Geneneric bean to store a success URL into
setGenerateClass(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
setGenerateClass(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setGeneratedPasswordPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Set the generated password property name.
setGenerateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events for this business process
setGenerateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events.
setGenerateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the boolean flag for optionally generating JMS events
setGenerateLoginEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property GenerateLoginEvents DEFAULT: true
setGenerateLogoutEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property GenerateLogoutEvents DEFAULT: true
setGenerateNickname(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
setGeneratePassword(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the password generator used by this form handler.
setGeneratePriceChangedEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setGenerateProfileUpdateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Set property GenerateProfileUpdateEvents
setGenerateProfileUpdateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Set property GenerateProfileUpdateEvents
setGenerateRegisterEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Set property GenerateRegisterEvents
setGenerateRegisterEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property GenerateRegisterEvents DEFAULT: true
setGenerateRequestLocales(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
setGenerateRequestLocales(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
setGenerateUpdateEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property GenerateUpdateEvents DEFAULT: true
setGeneratingMonitoredConnections(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the flag indicating whether or not this is generating monitored connections.
setGeneration(int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets content generation mode
setGenerationPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setGenericSessionManager(GenericSessionManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property genericSessionManager.
setGetDefaultItem(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property GetDefaultItem
setGetOrderFromId(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the GetOrderFromId property.
setGetOrderFromId(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the GetOrderFromId property.
setGetRepositoryIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property GetRepositoryIdErrorURL
setGetRepositoryIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property GetRepositoryIdSuccessURL
setGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets GetService component to render XML data from Repository Items.
setGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
setGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
setGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
setGiftActionBuyProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property giftActionBuyProperty
setGiftActionRemoveProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property giftActionRemoveProperty.
setGiftCertificate(GiftCertificate) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets gift certificate bean to use for modifying of billing grps
setGiftCertificate(GiftCertificate) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets gift certificate bean to use for modifying of billing grps
setGiftCertificateAmountAuthorizedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property giftCertificateAmountAuthorizedPropertyName
setGiftCertificateAmountProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setGiftCertificateAmountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificateAmountPropertyName property.
setGiftCertificateAmountRemainingPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificateAmountRemainingPropertyName property.
setGiftCertificateAuthorizedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer
Set the GiftCertificateAuthorizedProperty property.
setGiftCertificateClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setGiftCertificateEmailTemplate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setGiftCertificateInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
Specify the class to instantiate when creating a new GiftCertificateInfo object.
setGiftCertificateItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificateItemDescriptorName property.
setGiftCertificateLastUsedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificateLastUsedPropertyName property.
setGiftCertificateNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
Sets the giftCertificateNumber
setGiftCertificateNumber(String) - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Sets the GiftCertificateNumber
setGiftCertificateNumbers(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the giftCertificateNumbers property.
setGiftCertificateParamName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setGiftCertificatePaymentGroups(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the giftCertificatePaymentGroups property.
setGiftCertificatePaymentTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the giftCertificatePaymentTypeName property.
setGiftCertificateProcessor(GiftCertificateProcessor) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Sets the GiftCertificateProcessor
setGiftCertificateProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the giftCertificateProperties property.
setGiftCertificatePurchaseDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificatePurchaseDatePropertyName property.
setGiftCertificatePurchaserIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the giftCertificatePurchaserIdPropertyName property.
setGiftCertificateStatusDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the giftCertificateStatusDescName
setGiftItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the giftItemDescriptor
setGiftlistActionAddProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Sets property giftlistActionAddProperty
setGiftlistActionRemoveProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Sets property giftlistActionRemoveProperty
setGiftlistAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the giftlistAddressPropertyName property.
setGiftlistComments(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the comments of the giftlist
setGiftlistDescription(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the description of the giftlist
setGiftlistEventDate(String, Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the eventDate of the giftlist
setGiftlistEventName(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the eventName of the giftlist
setGiftlistEventType(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the eventType of the giftlist
setGiftlistId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property giftlistId.
setGiftlistId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
Sets property giftlistId
setGiftlistId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Specifies the id of the Giftlist.
setGiftlistId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
setGiftlistItemCatalogRefId(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the catalogRefId of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemDescription(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the description of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the giftlistItemDescriptor
setGiftlistItemDisplayName(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the displayName of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistHandlingInstruction
Sets property giftlistItemId
setGiftlistItemId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Specifies the id of the Giftlist Item
setGiftlistItemId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
setGiftlistItemProductId(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the productId of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemQuantityDesired(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the quantityDesired of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemQuantityPurchased(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the quantityPurchased of the giftlist item
setGiftlistItemsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the giftlistItemsProperty.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property giftlistManager.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Sets property giftlistManager.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property giftlistManager.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the giftlistManager
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Specifies the GiftlistManager.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the GiftlistManager property.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Specifies the GiftlistManager.
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
setGiftlistManager(GiftlistManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
setGiftlistOwner(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the owner of the giftlist
setGiftlistOwner(String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the owner of the giftlist
setGiftlistPublic(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the public property of this giftlist
setGiftlistPublished(String, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the published property of the giftlist.
setGiftlistRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property giftlistRepository.
setGiftlistRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Sets property giftlistRepository.
setGiftlistRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property GiftlistRepository
setGiftlistRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets property giftlistRepository.
setGiftlistRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property giftlistRepository
setGiftlistShippingAddress(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Set the ShippingAddress of the giftlist
setGiftlistTools(GiftlistTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Sets property giftlistTools.
setGiveToAnonymousProfiles(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property GiveToAnonymousProfiles
setGiveToAnonymousProfilesProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setGlobal(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Sets property Global
setGlobalAssetEditLockName(String) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setGlobalAssetEditLockTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set the maximum time we wait for a global checkin write lock, in milliseconds.
setGlobalAuthorization(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Set the GlobalAuthorization property.
setGlobalPromotionsQuery(RqlStatement) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property GlobalPromotionsQuery
setGlobalPromotionsSchedulableDate(CurrentDate) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property GlobalPromotionsSchedulableDate
setGroup(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property Group.
setGroupBy(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property GroupBy
setGroupContainer(RepositoryGroupContainer) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Sets the group registry.
setGroupContainer(RepositoryGroupContainer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property GroupContainer
setGroupDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the name of the repository item descriptor used for managing group and privilege accounts.
setGroupingSize(Integer) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
setGroupProperties(GSAPropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property GroupProperties.
setGroupProperties(GroupProperties) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Set the group properties for this repository.
setGroupPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the list of all of the property names allowed to group/privilege accounts by the account manager.
setGroupRegistry(RepositoryGroupContainer) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.GroupAccessController
Sets the RepositoryGroupContainer used to resolve group names.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in interface atg.security.Account
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.ClientAccount
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in interface atg.security.RemoteAccount
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RemoteAccountImpl
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccount
Makes this account a member of a set of groups.
setGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the set of groups that an account is a member of.
setHalted(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property halted ("If this target is not accepting deployment jobs ?").
setHandleColumn(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property handleColumn
setHandleForm(boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean
setHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the number of handlers that will be used to listen for requests.
setHandlerOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property HandlerOrderId
setHandlerParameterName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
setHandlerPath(String) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
The Nucleus (or property path) where handlers are configured.
setHandlerTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Sets the array of parameter types that should be accepted for handleXXX methods in FormHandler.
setHandlerURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingEvent
setHandlingInstructionClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Sets the handlingInstructionClassType
setHandlingInstructionClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the handlingInstructionClassType
setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Sets property handlingInstructionManager
setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property handlingInstructionManager
setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Specifies the HandlingInstructionManager.
setHandlingInstructionManager(HandlingInstructionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Sets property handlingInstructionManager
setHandlingInstructionsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Sets the handlingInstructionsProperty name.
setHandlingMethod(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Sets the handlingMethod
setHandlingMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets property handlingMethod
setHandlingRequest(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the flag indicating if this is currently handling a request
setHandlingTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for HandlingInstructions.
setHardgoodFulfiller(HardgoodFulfiller) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfillerModificationHandler
setHardgoodFulfiller(HardgoodFulfiller) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setHardgoodFulfiller(HardgoodFulfiller) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingDroplet
setHardgoodShipper(HardgoodShipper) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setHardgoodShipper(HardgoodShipper) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setHardgoodShippingGroup(HardgoodShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets hardgood shipping group bean
setHardgoodShippingGroup(HardgoodShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets hardgood shipping group bean
setHasAutoDeploy(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property autoDeploy is set to null.
setHasCacheReferencesById(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
setHasCheckedIn(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property checkedIn is set to null.
setHasEditable(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property editable is set to null.
setHasFlagAgents(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property flagAgents is set to null.
setHasFolders(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property HasFolders
setHasForceFull(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property forceFull is set to null.
setHasHalted(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property halted is set to null.
setHasMarkerOperatorMap(Map) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
setHasPrimary(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property primary is set to null.
setHasPriority(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property priority is set to null.
setHasStatus(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property status is set to null.
setHasStrictFileOps(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property strictFileOps is set to null.
setHasStrictFileOps(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property strictFileOps is set to null.
setHasStrictRepoOps(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property strictRepoOps is set to null.
setHasStrictRepoOps(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
If this is set to false, then the underlying value of property strictRepoOps is set to null.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and value.
setHeadLink(String, PipelineProcessor, ProcessorConfiguration) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Sets the first link in the PipelineChain to aLink.
setHelper(PurchaseProcessHelper) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the purchase process helper.
setHexEncode(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Set property hexEncode
setHiddenWebApps(String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Set the value of HiddenWebApps.
setHide(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the hide property
setHierarchicalCategoryId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property HierarchicalCategoryId
setHigh(FunctionReturnRangeElement) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
setHighBound(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
the high end of the range
setHighWaterMark(String, long) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Set the high water mark for the specified id space.
setHighWaterMark(String, long) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set the high water mark for the specified id space.
setHistory(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property history ("History").
setHistory(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property history ("History").
setHistoryResources(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the historyResources
setHoldability(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Changes the holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object to the given holdability.
setHomePage(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the homePage
setHostAddr(InetAddress) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
IP of the destination address
setHostAddr(InetAddress) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the host address of the server
setHostName(String) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the host name explicitly.
setHourField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the hour property for a Calendar date, depending on the current user's locale It is a helper method for createDate method.
setHours(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Hours.
setHoursContactFatigue(Float) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
setHrChar(char) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the char used by the HTML to text converter when constructing a horizontal rule (an <hr> tag).
setHref(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
setId(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property Id
setId(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property Id
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Set the id of this message.
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Set the id of this message.
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceIdentifierImpl
Sets the commerce id.
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property Id
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property id ("Agent ID").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property id ("Log id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property id ("History id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property id ("Deployment Id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property id ("Process id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property id ("Task information id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property id ("Project id").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property id ("Target ID").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Setter for property id ("Topology ID").
setId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Setter for property id ("Transport ID").
setId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Id
setId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property id
setId(String) - Method in exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Set property id
setId(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setIdConfirmedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set the name of the property that validates the external ID
setIdentifier(String) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenter
Sets the identifier
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets the identifier
setIdentityManagerPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Changes the identity manager used for authentication and user identity lookup.
setIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Set property idGenerator
setIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the id generated used to generate unique invoice numbers.
setIdleDaysUntilAbandoned(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The number of days which an order needs to be idle before it is considered abandoned.
setIdleDaysUntilLost(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The number of days which an order needs to be idle before it is considered lost.
setIdPartIndices(int[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property IdPartIndices
setIdProperty(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property IdProperty.
setIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
setIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setIdSeparator(char) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property IdSeparator
setIdSpaceNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property idSpaceNames
setIdsPerBatch(int) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set property idsPerBatch
setIdsPerBatchColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.ObfuscatedSQLIdGenerator
Set property idsPerBatchColumn
setIgnorableContentTags(List) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the list of tags which should have their content ignored
setIgnoreAVS(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Specify whether or not to add the ignore_avs field in the ICSClientRequest.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Set to true to use IGNORECASE in queries.
setIgnoreCaseInPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets the flag indicating whether case should be ignored when the path info is compared to an access controlled path.
setIgnoreContactFatigue(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Whether when sending this mailing we should ignore contact fatigue
setIgnoreEmptyShippingGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
setIgnoreItemsNotInInventory(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Sets property IgnoreItemsNotInInventory
setIgnoreNullValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets property IgnoreNullValue, indicating whether NULL value will be ignore for this property.
setIgnoreProductFirst(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setIgnoreShippingMethod(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Sets property IgnoreShippingMethod
setIgnoreStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the IgnoreStates property.
setIgnoreTransactionsWithZeroAmount(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Sets property ignoreTransactionsWithZeroAmount
setIllegalIdCharacters(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setImage(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set a color image
setImage(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set an image property
setImage(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the image property passed of the layout
setImage(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the image property passed of the page template
setImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Set property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup
setImportCommand(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property importCommand
setImpressionLimit(int) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item
setImpressionLimitPerTargeter(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Specify whether impression limits are per-targeter, or global.
setIncludeAccUsers(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
Sets the includeAccUsers flag to indicate whether or not to include the ACC users in the assignable users
setIncludeAssetDestinations(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property includeAssetDestinations ("Include Asset Destinations").
setIncludeEmailInErrors(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Set the includeEmailInErrors property .
setIncludeInventoryStates(Integer[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
setIncludeNestedOperations(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property includeNestedOperations
setIncludeSubFolders(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property IncludeSubFolders
setIncludeSubFolders(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property IncludeSubFolders
setIncrementalItemQueue(IncrementalItemQueue) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Set the incremental item queue component, needed here to clear out incremental updates after a bulkLoad.
setIncrementalLoader(IncrementalLoader) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether to enable to incremental loader at startup.
setIncrementalLoader(IncrementalLoader) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
Set the incremental loader to use.
setIncrementalLoaders(List) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingPeriodicService
setIncrementalUpdateMinutes(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The number of minutes between incremental updates.
setIndent(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the IsIndent property.
setIndent(int) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Set the indentation level
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the indentation width used by the HTML to text converter.
setIndentXMLOutput(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets Indicates whether to indent the xml instance document or not.
setIndexFiles(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the list of files to be searched in order when a request is sent referring to a directory.
setIndexingOutputConfig(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the indexing output config for which this context was create.
setIndexingSynchronizations(IndexingSynchronization[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the array of indexing synchronizations.
setIndirectAncestorCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setIndividual(boolean) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the individual flag.
setIndividualQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
Sets property individualQuantity
setInformixSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property InformixSQL.
setInheritableAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Changes the access control list fragment that may be added to any child of this container when access checking is performed on an object.
setInherited(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property Inherited.
setInitBasedOnOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitBasedOnOrder property.
setInitBasedOnOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the InitBasedOnOrder property.
setInitBranchName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property initBranchName ("The name of versioning branch from which to initialize this target").
setInitCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the InitCostCenters property.
setInitialAcl(User, SecuredResource, AccessControlEntry[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Sets the initial ACL for a resource.
setInitialCapacity(int) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Sets the initial capacity of the queue as expressed as the number of elements.
setInitialContextPool(JNDIInitialContextPool) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
Set the JNDI initial context pool.
setInitialContextPool(JNDIInitialContextPool) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
setInitialDataSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Set property initialDataSourceName
setInitialIdSpaces(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Set property initialIdSpaces
setInitialized(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property Initialized.
setInitializeDefaultValues(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setInitializeInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when initializing an invoice repository item from an InvoiceRequestInfo object.
setInitializingSQL(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property initializingSQL.
setInitializingSQL(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property initializingSQL.
setInitializingSQL(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the array of SQL commands that are executed upon a Connection being created
setInitialPerformanceDataPoolSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property initialPerformanceDataPoolSize
setInitialServiceName(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the name of the initial service
setInitialServices(Object[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.InitialService
Sets the list of initial services
setInitialStackDataPoolSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property initialStackDataPoolSize
setInitialStackPoolSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property initialStackPoolSize
setInitItemCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the InitItemCostCenters property.
setInitItemPayment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitItemPayment property.
setInitKeyColumnMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property InitKeyColumnMap.
setInitOrderCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the InitOrderCostCenters property.
setInitOrderPayment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitOrderPayment property.
setInitPaymentGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitPaymentGroups property.
setInitProperties(Servlet, ServletConfig, NameResolver) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
setInitSessionURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
setInitSessionURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
setInitShippingCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the InitShippingCostCenters property.
setInitShippingGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the InitShippingGroups property.
setInitShippingInfos(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the InitShippingInfos property.
setInitShippingPayment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitShippingPayment property.
setInitTaxCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the InitTaxCostCenters property.
setInitTaxPayment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the InitTaxPayment property.
setInput(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Set the <input> tag's body
setInput(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CategorizeFormHandler
Set the input tag's value
setInput(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
Set the <input> tag's value
setInput(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the <viewInContext><input> tag's value
setInputParameters(Properties) - Method in class atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet
Sets input parameters
setInputStream(ServletInputStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the InputStream
setInsertableServlets(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Set the string array of insertable pipeline servlets.
setInsertAfterServlet(PipelineableServlet) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServlet
Sets the Servlet after which this servlet should appear in the pipeline.
setInsertAfterServlet(PipelineableServlet) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl
Sets the Servlet after which this servlet should appear in the pipeline.
setInsertAllowed(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setInsertErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property InsertErrorURL.
setInsertSql(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setInsertSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property InsertSuccessURL.
setInstallBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.
setInstructions(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property instructions.
setInstructionsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the instructions property
setInt(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setInt
setInt(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setInt
setIntegrationData(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
setInTemplatePage(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property InTemplatePage.
setInterceptErrors(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the interceptErrors property
setInternallyWritable(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property InternallyWritable.
setInterruptable(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not the new state causing this event can be interrupted.
setInterruptCaller(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Who is interrupting this event, if it is interrupted.
setInterrupted(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Whether or not this event has been interrupted.
setInterruptReason(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Why this event is being interrupted, if it is being interrupted.
setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Adds a field to the response header with a given name and integer value.
setIntValue(Integer) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property intValue
setInvalidateAllOnConnect(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
setInvalidationRelay(InvalidationRelay) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setInvalidQuantityCancelsAdd(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the invalidQuantityCancelsAdd property.
setInvalidSenderExceptionTags(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
setInventoryCache(Cache) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Sets property InventoryCache
setInventoryEventPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setInventoryFrom(InventoryInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the InventoryData object for this comparison list entry using an InventoryInfo object as an exemplar.
setInventoryId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
setInventoryId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
setInventoryId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setInventoryInfo(ProductComparisonList.Entry.InventoryData) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the InventoryData object for this comparison list entry.
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Set the InventoryManager object to use when fetching inventory availability information for items in the product comparison list.
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
Sets the InventoryManager
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Set the InventoryManger that is going to be used to query the availability of a item.
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Sets property InventoryManager
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
Sets InventoryManager component to query against
setInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the InventoryManager
setInventoryManagers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Sets property InventoryManagers
setInventoryName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
setInventoryName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setInventoryRowLockProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setInventoryRowLockSQL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setInventoryStatus(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Set the inventory status that is going to be checked for.
setInvocation(DropletInvocation) - Method in interface atg.droplet.DropletCustomizer
Sets the DropletInvocation to be customized.
setInvoiceItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the repository item descriptor name for the invoice item type.
setInvoiceManager(InvoiceManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl
Set the InvoiceManager to use when generating invoices
setInvoiceNumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setInvoiceNumberIdSpace(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the id generator namespace used to generate unique invoice numbers.
setInvoiceNumberPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's invoice number.
setInvoiceRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify which invoice repository to use.
setInvoiceRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setInvoiceRequestAuthorizedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer
Set the InvoiceRequestAuthorizedProperty property.
setInvoiceRequestInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Specify the class to instantiate when creating a new InvoiceRequestInfo object.
setInvoiceRequestProcessor(InvoiceRequestProcessor) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcProcessInvoiceRequest
Set the invoice request processor that will actually be used to authorize, debit, and credit invoice request payment groups.
setInvoiceRequestPropertyMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the association between properties of an InvoiceRequestInfo object and properties of an invoice repository item.
setInvoiceRequestValidationMode(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Specifies the mode to use for validating an invoice request.
setInvoiceTools(InvoiceTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the invoice tools component this InvoiceManager uses to access the invoice repository.
setInvoiceTools(InvoiceTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Set the InvoiceTools component used to generate message objects.
setIsCheckedOut(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets whether or not this object is still checked out.
setIsDynamoAppserver(boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
setIsNewAddress(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property isNewAddress
setIsolationLevel(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property IsolationLevel.
setIsPublic(Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property isPublic
setIsPublished(Boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets the isPublished flag
setIsReverseDeployment(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
setIsValid(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets whether or not this object is still valid to use.
setItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
This property is the CommerceItem of the Gift
setItem(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
Set the CommerceItem which qualfied.
setItem(Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setItem(RepositoryChangedItem) - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Sets the property Item.
setItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The repository item that was viewed.
setItemAddedToOrderEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ItemAddedToOrderEventType
setItemCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ItemCacheSize.
setItemCacheTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ItemCacheTimeout.
setItemDesc(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
This method should only be used by adapter implementations, not by clients of the repository api.
setItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Set property ItemDescriptor.
setItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Sets the property ItemDescriptor.
setItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property ItemDescriptor
setItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Sets the view name
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Sets property ItemDescriptorName
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the itemDescriptor portion of the URI.
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sets property ItemDescriptorName
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Sets the property ItemDescriptorName.
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in exception atg.repository.RepositoryException
Set property itemDescriptorName
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the name of the repository item descriptor used by this form handler (e.g., to create/add items to the repository).
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Sets Name of the ItemDescriptor of the item to be removed.
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Set the name of the item descriptor from which to select items
setItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Set the value of itemDescriptorName.
setItemDescriptorToBeanNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Set the map that maps item descriptor names to the corresponding bean implementation classes.
setItemDescriptorType(GSAId, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set the item descriptor type to a GSAId based on the given value of the type column
setItemDisplayNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sets the property ItemDisplayNameProperty.
setItemExpireTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property ItemExpireTimeout.
setItemExtension(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the item's file extension and, consequently, updates the repositoryId property to the repository id corresponding to the item's name, folder, and extension.
setItemFolder(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the item's folder in the repository and, consequently, updates the repositoryId property to the repository id corresponding to the item's name, folder, and extension.
setItemId(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setItemId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the itemId portion of the URI.
setItemIds(String[]) - Method in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventory
The list of inventory item ids that have increased inventory
setItemIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
The list of inventory item ids that have increased inventory
setItemIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property itemIds.
setItemListIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Set the property that contains a list of RepositoryItems that will be checked for availability.
setItemName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the item's name and, consequently, updates the repositoryId property to the corresponding repository id.
setItemNameIsAccountName(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
If set to true the account name can be used to retrieve items from the repository directly.
setItemPathWordSeparator(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the string to replace spaces with in the item's path.
setItemPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
the ItemPriceInfo to which this detailed info belongs
setItemPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the itemPriceInfoProperty
setItemPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the itemPriceInfoProperty
setItemPricingEngine(ItemPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property ItemPricingEngine
setItemPricingEngine(ItemPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property ItemPricingEngine
setItemPricingEngineService(PricingEngineService) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ItemPricingEngineService
setItemPricingModels(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property ItemPricingModels
setItemPropertyToAddress(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String, Map, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
setItemPropertyToAddress(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, String, Map, Map, boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
If desired (based on the performCloning flag), Clones the address item and changes the item's property to reference the clone.
setItemQuantity(String, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the item quantity for the given commerce item in the given shipping group.
setItemRelationshipState(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the item relationship.
setItemRemovedFromOrderEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Set the JMS message name for the item removed from order message
setItemRemovedFromOrderEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ItemRemovedFromOrderEventType
setItems(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Set the list of items being compared.
setItemsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the itemsProperty
setItemState(CommerceItem, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the item.
setItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property ItemType
setItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property ItemType
setItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the item descriptor name
setItemType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The repository item type of the repository item that is passed.
setItemTypeParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ItemTypes
setItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ItemTypes
setIterationProducer(IterationProducer) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the iteration producer.
setIterationUniqueParams(Map) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the iteration unique parameters...
setJaxbUnmarshaller(JaxbInvoker) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
The jaxb unmarshaller used by IndexingOutputConfigs.
setJDBCColumnLengths(int[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property JDBCColumnLengths
setJDBCColumnLengthsKnown(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
setJDBCConnection(Connection) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setJDBCConnectionPool(JDBCConnectionPool) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property JDBCConnectionPool
setJDBCPrimaryKey(boolean[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property JDBCPrimaryKey
setJDBCPrimaryKeyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property JDBCPrimaryKeyNames
setJDBCPrimaryKeyNamesKnown(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
setJdbcType(int) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
setJdbcType(int) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setJDBCTypes(int[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property JDBCTypes
setJDBCTypesByName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the list of JDBC types via a String with "," separated values if there is more than one.
setJDBCTypesKnown(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property JDBCTypesKnown
setJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
The JMS type of PromotionClosenessDisqualification messages.
setJNDIEnvironment(Hashtable) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JNDIInitialContextPool
Sets the JNDI environment copies of which will be used to construct instances of InitialContext (or InitialDirContext).
setJndiName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Setter for property jndiName ("JNDI Name").
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property jobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property JobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property JobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property JobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property JobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property JobDescription
setJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Set property jobDescription
setJobId(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob
Sets the id of the job.
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property jobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property JobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property JobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property JobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property JobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property JobName
setJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Set property jobName
setJobTitle(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the jobTitle
setJobTitle(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the jobTitle
setJobTitle(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Sets the jobTitle
setJoins(RowmapJoin[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setJoinStyle(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setJoinType(int) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
setKeepingResponseXml(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setKeepingStatistics(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Sets the flag indicating whether this should be keeping statistics or not.
setKey(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker key
setKeyColumns(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the keyColumns property
setKeys(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
Sets the property Keys.
setKeysAndRepositoryIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
Sets the property KeysAndRepositoryIds.
setKeysAndValues(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormMap
Sets the property KeysAndValues.
setKeywordInput(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordInput
setKeywordInput(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordInput
setKeywordInputSeparator(char) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordInputSeparator
setKeywords(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property Keywords
setKeywords(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property Keywords
setKeywordSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordSearchPropertyNames
setKeywordSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordSearchPropertyNames
setKeywordsPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property KeywordSearchPropertyNames
setLargeImageURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the large image URL property
setLast(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property Last
setLastActionDate(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property lastActionDate ("Last action date").
setLastActionDate(Timestamp) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the Timestamp date of the last action upon this task.
setLastActivityPersistedTime(long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the time at which lastActivity time was persisted.
setLastActivityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setLastActorName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property lastActorName ("Last actor").
setLastActorName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the unique atg.security.Persona name of the last user to act upon this task.
setLastCompletedStage(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setLastDates(int[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Sets property lastDates
setLastDelayAmount(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setLastDelayEndTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setLastDelayStartTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setLastDeployedClusterID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setLastEmailedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile.
setLastEmailedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Set the last email property name.
setLastError(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets the property LastError.
setLastFullIndexPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setLastIncrementalIndexPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setLastModified(long) - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Set the time that the file represented by this File object was last modified.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Set the LastModified property
setLastModifiedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the lastModifiedDate
setLastModifiedDateProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the lastModifiedDateProperty
setLastModifiedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Sets property lastModifiedDatePropertyName
setLastModifiedDateRepositoryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Sets property lastModifiedDateRepositoryPropertyName
setLastModifiedProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property LastModifiedProperty.
setLastModifiedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's last modified date and time.
setLastModifiedTime(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the lastModifiedDate as a long.
setLastModifiedTime(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property lastModifiedTime
setLastModifiedUpdateProperty(GSAPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property LastModifiedUpdateProperty.
setLastName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the lastName
setLastName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the lastName
setLastName(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the lastName
setLastNameAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the name of the attribute used for determining the last name of a login account owner.
setLastNameLinkedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the last name property in the linked repository.
setLastNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the last name of a login account holder.
setLastNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property LastNamePropertyName
setLastOutcomeElementId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property lastOutcomeElementId ("Last outcome").
setLastOutcomeElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the process element id of the last outcome for this task.
setLastPasswordUpdatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Sets the name of the repository item property name used for storing the last password update date.
setLastPasswordUpdatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Set the last password update property name.
setLastScanned(long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Assigns the value of the lastScanned property representing the time that the instance last executed.
setLastSeed(long) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Internal setter for lastSeed
setLastUpdated(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
This method sets the lastUpdated property of the abandonmentInfo repository item associated with the given order to the current system time.
SetLastUpdated - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This action sets the lastUpdated property of the order to the current system time.
SetLastUpdated() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
SetLastUpdatedDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This droplet will set the lastUpdated property of a given order's abandonmentInfo, creating a new abandonmentInfo if necessary.
SetLastUpdatedDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdatedDroplet
Constructs an instanceof SetLastUpdatedDroplet
setLastUpdatedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property to be updated by the SetLastUpdated scenario action and droplet.
setLatestAcceptableDate(Date) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property LatestAcceptableDate.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the layout of this page
setLayoutTemplate(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property layoutTemplate
setLeaveAbandonmentInfoForDeletedOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if we should leave an orphan abandonmentInfo item in the repository after we delete a lost order.
setLeftColumns(ColumnName[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
setLeftSide(RuleExpression) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
Sets property leftSide
setLength(long) - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheValue
Set the Length property
setLevelPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setLevelsPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
setLevelsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
setLicenseChecklist(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Set the license checklist.
setLicenseFailureException(Throwable) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property LicenseFailureException.
setLiChar(char) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Returns the char used by the HTML to text converter when displaying list elements inside a <ul> tag.
setLineTerminator(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Sets property LineTerminator
setLineWidth(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the line width used by the HTML to text converter.
setLinkedItemProperty(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the property in the profile repository which points to the item in the linked repository.
setLinkedProfileTypeMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the mapping between profile repository's profile types and the corresponding linked repository's profile types.
setLinkedRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the linked repository.
setLinkEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property LinkEncoding.
setLinkPropertyLocal(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the property used as the link property in the profile repository.
setLinkPropertyRemote(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the property used as the link property in the linked repository.
setLinksDictionary(Properties) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the set of properties/dictionary of HTTP links which correspond to some content.
setListId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the ListId property.
setListId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the ListId property.
setListId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ListId property.
setListName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property listName
setListName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setListPrice(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setListPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the property name used to store the list price on the sku
setListPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
the name of the property for the ListPrice
setListPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the ListPrice
setListPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setLiveDatastores(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Live datastore name of each switchable datastore defined in mSwitchablePaths.
setLoadCostCenters(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the LoadCostCenters property.
setLoader(LoaderImpl) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The loader that created this Context.
setLoadInitialIdSpacesAtStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Set property loadInitialIdSpacesAtStartup.
setLoadInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is loaded from the repository.
setLoadItemBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property loadItemBatchSize
setLoadOrdersOnAutoLogin(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileRequestServlet
Sets property loadOrdersOnAutoLogin
setLoadProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Sets the loadProperties
setLocal(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Sets property Local
setLocalAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LocalAddress.
setLocalDeploymentPhaseCompletePollingInterval(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Set the locale to use for user-visible error messages.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the Locale property.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the locale of the response, setting the headers (including the Content-Type's charset) as appropriate.
setLocale(String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Changes the locale property for a user.
setLocaleMappedAltTemplateURLs(Properties) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets a Dictionary of URLs of a jhtml files which should serve as templates for generating the alternative message text.
setLocaleMappedTemplateURLs(Properties) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets a Dictionary of URLs of a jhtml files which should serve as templates for generating the message text.
setLocalePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the property name of the locale in the profile.
setLocalePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setLocaleService(LocaleService) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property LocaleService
setLocaleService(LocaleService) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property localeService
setLocaleToCharsetMapper(LocaleToCharsetMapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the LocaleToCharsetMapper property
setLocaleToCharsetMapper(LocaleToCharsetMapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the LocaleToCharsetMapper property
setLocalizingInventoryManager(LocalizingInventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
Set the LocalizingInventoryManager property.
setLocalLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
setLocalLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
setLocalLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Specify the lock manager to use if useLocksAroundTransactions is true in OrderModifierFormHandler and its subclasses.
setLocalLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Specify the lock manager to use if useLocksAroundTransactions is true.
setLocalPort(int) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LocalPort.
setLocation(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Sets property location.
setLocation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
This method checks the path name of the file accessed against the locationMap and sets the value of path name in Profile
setLocationMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
Sets Location Map.
setLocationProperty(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
Sets name of the location property
setLockManager(ClientLockManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLockName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLockName(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Set the name of the global write lock that identifies this service.
setLockServerAddress(InetAddress[]) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LockServerAddress.
setLockServerPort(int[]) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LockServerPort.
setLockTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LockTimeout.
setLockTimeOut(long) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
Set the maximum time we wait for a lock, in milliseconds.
setLog(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
setLog(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
setLog(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setLog(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the Log property
setLogArchivePath(File) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Sets the path used to store rotated log archives
setLogDebugStacktrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property logDebugStacktrace.
setLogDestinations(LogListener[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Sets the list of log listeners to dispatch log events to.
setLogEvents(String[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DispatchLogger
Sets the list of log event class names to sort by.
setLogEventThreshold(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Sets the number of LogEvents that should be queued before an email is sent
setLogFailedAuthentications(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
If true, informational log messages will be emitted whenever authentication for the request fails.
setLogFileDir(File) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property LogFileDir
setLogFileDir(File) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property LogFileDir
setLogFileExtension(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property LogFileExtension
setLogFileExtension(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property LogFileExtension
setLogFileName(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Sets the name of the log file.
setLogFileName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property LogFileName
setLogFileName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property LogFileName
setLogFilePath(File) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.FileLogger
Sets the complete path to the log file (filename not included).
setLogger(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLogger(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Set the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
setLogger(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
setLogging(ApplicationLogging) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Sets the logging
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Are we debugging this item type specifically? Returns true if logging debug is set on the repository or the item-descriptor.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingDebug
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sets the property LoggingDebug.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Log operations using this property descriptor.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property LoggingDebug
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Sets property LoggingDebug
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingDebug
setLoggingDebugOnProcessors(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Turns on logging debug for all the processors in this PipelineManager
setLoggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Sets the property LoggingEnabled.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingError
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property LoggingError
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Sets property LoggingError
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
setLoggingError(boolean) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingError
setLoggingFileDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCostCenterObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCenter
Set the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Set the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcPurchaseConfigurableItem
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAddOrderToRepository
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForDiscontinuedProducts
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForErrors
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreateImplicitRelationships
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCreditCardModCheck
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadCommerceItemObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyPaymentGroups
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveEmptyShippingGroups
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveHandlingInstructionObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveOrderObject
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetLastModifiedTime
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
Set the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCurrencyCodes
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHandlingInstructionsForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
Set the LoggingIdentifier used in log messages.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier.
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingCostsForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
the ID that this class uses to identify itself in logs
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
the ID that this class uses to identify itself in logs
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Set the property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Sets property LoggingIdentifier
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingInfo
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property LoggingInfo
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Sets property LoggingInfo
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
setLoggingInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingInfo
setLoggingInfoStatusCount(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set how often to print out count/progress status information.
setLoggingItemDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLoggingPropertyDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLoggingSQLDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLError(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets whether or not error log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets whether or not info log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingSQLWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged for MonitoredConnections.
setLoggingThreadDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setLoggingTrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setLoggingTrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets whether or not trace log events should be logged.
setLoggingTrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sets whether or not trace log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingWarning
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool.SQLLogging
Deprecated. Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property LoggingWarning
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Sets property LoggingWarning
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
setLoggingWarning(boolean) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Sets property LoggingWarning
setLoginContext(JNDIEnvironment) - Method in class atg.security.ActiveDirectoryAccountManager
Sets The environment to use when logging in a user
setLoginDecoder(PropertyValueDecoder) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets the Decoder to be used to decode the user and password values before connecting to the database
setLoginDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the name of the repository item descriptor used for managing login accounts.
setLoginErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LoginErrorURL.
setLoginLinkedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the login property in the linked repository.
setLoginLoggingEventTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property LoginLoggingEventTypeName
setLoginProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LoginProfileType.
setLoginProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property loginProfileType DEFAULT: user
setLoginPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property LoginPropertyName
setLoginPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the list of all of the property names allowed to login accounts by the account manager.
setLoginRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets URL to which the user gets re-directed upon successfull authentication
setLoginSecurityStatus(Profile, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the security status property of the profile.
setLoginSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LoginSuccessURL.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is not used.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets property loginTimeout.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets property loginTimeout.
setLoginUserAuthority(LoginUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Sets The login User Authority to be used when handling this form login
setLoginUserAuthority(UserDirectoryLoginUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property UserAuthority
setLogMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Set the logMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError property.
setLogMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryInfo
Set the logMissingInventoryExceptionsAsError property.
setLogoutErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LogoutErrorURL.
setLogoutLoggingEventTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property LogoutLoggingEventTypeName
setLogoutProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LogoutProfileType.
setLogoutProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property logoutProfileType DEFAULT: user
setLogoutRedirect(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets URL to which the user gets re-directed upon successful Logout
setLogoutSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property LogoutSuccessURL.
setLogResourceNames(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property LogResourceNames.
setLogStream(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setLogSuccessfulAuthentications(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
If set to true, informational log messages will be emitted whenever a user is authenticated.
setLogTime(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property logTime ("Deployment log time").
setLogWarningWhenUnavailable(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property LogWarningWhenUnavailable.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Get the log writer for this data source.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
This property from the DataSource interface is ignored.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setLong
setLong(String, long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setLong
setLongValue(Long) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property longValue
setLookupErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property LookupErrorURL.
setLookUpOrderIdFromMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setLookUpOrderIdFromOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setLookupSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property LookupSuccessURL.
setLoopbackRequestsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.
setLoopbackRequestsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.
setLostAbandonmentStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
All the possible abandonment states that an order can have for it to be considered lost.
setLostDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that holds the date/time when the order was most recently identified as lost.
setLostRequestScopeSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Sets the property LostRequestScopeSchedule.
setLostThreadTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before failing the deployment after the main Deployment has found that there are no more worker threads, but there are still assets remaining to be deployed.
setLow(FunctionReturnRangeElement) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
setLowBound(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
the low end of the range
setLowerBound(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setMailingId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets the id for this mailing.
setMailingName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the MailingName field for the email.
setMakeDefault(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
setManageThreadPriorities(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Enables thread priority management.
setManifestFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Sets property manifestFile
setManifestFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property manifestFile
setManifestFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Sets property manifestFile
setManifestFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Sets property manifestFile
setManifestFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Sets property manifestFile
setManifestFileParser(ManifestFileParser) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Sets property ManifestFileParser
setManifestFileParser(ManifestFileParser) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property ManifestFileParser
setManifestFileParser(ManifestFileParser) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Sets property ManifestFileParser
setManifestFileParser(ManifestFileParser) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Sets property ManifestFileParser
setManifestFileParser(ManifestFileParser) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Sets property ManifestFileParser
setManifestManager(ManifestManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.
setManualAdjustments(List) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
setManualAdjustments(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the list of manual adjustment repository items
setManualAdjustmentTotal(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
setManualPricingAdjustment(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
setManufacturers(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
setManyToOneIdProperty(GSAPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property ManyToOneIdProperty.
setManyToOneMultiProperty(GSAPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property ManyToOneMultiProperty.
setMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Sets property map
setMapKeyValueSeparator(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the property MapKeyValueSeparator.
setMappingFile(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
setMappingFileDirectories(File[]) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Sets property MappingFileDirectories
setMappingFileDirectory(File) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Set the mappingFileDirectory property.
setMappingFileExtension(String) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Sets the mappingFileExtension.
setMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setMappingManager(ItemDescriptorMappingManager) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property MappingManager
setMappingManager(ItemDescriptorMappingManager) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Set property MappingManager
setMappingManager(ItemDescriptorMappingManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property mappingManager DEFAULT: null
setMapValue(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property mapValue
setMarginOfError(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSetCostCenterAmount
Sets the marginOfError.
setMarginOfError(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
Sets the marginOfError.
setMarginOfError(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateOrderCostsForCheckout
Sets the marginOfError.
setMarkedItemId(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The repository id of the marked item.
setMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the marked item type.
setMarkedItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The repository item type of the marked item.
setMarkerAddedData(MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerAddedEventMessage
The MarkerData object representing the added marker
setMarkerAddedData(MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
The MarkerData object representing the added marker
setMarkerConfiguration(Object) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessExpressionFilter
setMarkerConfiguration(Object) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.scenario.BusinessProcessStageAction
setMarkerConfiguration(Object) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerAction
setMarkerConfiguration(Object) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerExpressionFilter
setMarkerDuplicateComparators(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the map of MarkerDuplicateComparator components.
setMarkerItemId(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker item id
setMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the marker item type used when creating new business process markers.
setMarkerItemType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Sets the marker item type
setMarkerMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
setMarkerMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
setMarkerMessageSource(MarkerMessageSource) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the message source that sends marker JMS messages.
setMarkerMessageSource(MarkerMessageSource) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the message source that sends marker JMS messages.
setMarkerPollingInterval(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the marker property name where the business process markers are maintained on the containing object.
setMarkerPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The property name on the marked item that references the marker
setMarkerPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
setMarkerRemovedData(MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerRemovedEventMessage
The MarkerData object representing the removed marker
setMarkerReplacedData(MarkerData) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerReplacedEventMessage
The MarkerData object representing the replaced marker
setMarkerValidatorContainer(MarkerValidatorContainer) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the MarkerValidatorContainer associated with this Business Process.
setMarkerValidators(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
setMarshalService(ObjectMarshallerDispatcher) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
Set the MarshalService property.
setMaskChar(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
setMatchingObject(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
Set property MatchingObject
setMatchProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set the name of the matchProperties.
setMatchProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Sets Properties to match in item descriptor
setMax(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.
setMaxAuthenticationWait(long) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property maxAuthenticationWait DEFAULT: 30000 (30 seconds)
setMaxBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sets the maximum number of EmailEvents that will be batched before a send is performed.
setMaxCount(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the maximum count of users that can be created by this form handler.
setMaxFailureCount(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setMaxFailuresAllowedForCommitting(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The maximum number of failures allowed when committing a document submitter session.
setMaxFieldSize(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
setMaxFieldSize(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
setMaxFieldSize(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the size of the data that can be returned for any column.
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxFieldSize
setMaxFieldSize(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxFieldSize
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxFieldSize
setMaxFree(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time.
setMaxIdleAge(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxIdleAge.
setMaximumArchiveCount(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Sets the maximum number of archived files that will be kept for this file.
setMaximumCacheEntries(int) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Sets the maximum number of elements in the cache.
setMaximumCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Sets the maximum memory size of the cache.
setMaximumEntryLifetime(long) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setMaximumEntryLifetime(long) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Sets the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
setMaximumEntrySize(int) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
Sets the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
setMaximumRetriesPerRowLock(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setMaxIncrementalChangesPerGeneration(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
The maximum number of repository item changes to queue up in a single generation.
setMaxItemsPerEvent(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Sets the property MaxItemsPerEvent.
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
Sets the maximum number of repository items that will be handled within a single transaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxItemsPerTransaction(int) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets property maxItemsPerTransaction
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the maxlength attribute
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Sets length for truncating string if necessary
setMaxLengthContentName(int) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLoggingService
Sets property MaxLengthContentName
setMaxLengthContentName(int) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Sets property MaxLengthContentName
setMaxLinesInStackTrace(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setMaxPendingCreations(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool.
setMaxRenderSize(int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets maximum render size: the maximum number of items that will be returned at one time in a single rendering call through the Targeter interface.
setMaxResourceAge(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxResourceAge.
setMaxResourcesPerThread(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxResourcesPerThread.
setMaxResultsPerPage(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets the property maxResultsPerPage.
setMaxRowCount(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets the property maxRowCount.
setMaxRows(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
setMaxRows(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
setMaxRows(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned for any query.
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxRows
setMaxRows(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxRows
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setMaxRows
setMaxSelectedItems(int) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Sets Maximum number of items that can be removed with the given search criteria from the repository
setMaxTextOrImageSize(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Set property maxTextOrImageSize
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
Sets the maximum number of worker threads.
setMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
setMaxUncachedRequestDurationMs(long) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a search request can take before it will be cached.
setMaxZombieHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the maximum number of handlers that can be in a killed state.
setMayHaveSubmitValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setMedia(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Media
setMember(boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Sets property Member
setMember(boolean) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Sets property Member
setMemberOfCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
sets flag denoting whether the cache is enabled or not
setMembershipRequest(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property MembershipRequest
setMerchantIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
Specify the name of the property from the ICSClient.props file that specifies the MerchantId to use.
setMergeOptimizationThresholdCount(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Threshold number of assets in the source workspace when a merge operation starts using the optimized version of the operation.
setMergeOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Set the mergeOrders property.
setMessage(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setMessage(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
setMessage(String) - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
Returns property errorMessage
setMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the Message to be sent.
setMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the message property
setMessage(Message) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Sets the Message constructed to send the email.
setMessageAttachments(File[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets any files that should be attached to the email.
setMessageBcc(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the Bcc field for the email.
setMessageBeanClass(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Specify the class to use for the dynamo message bean carrying the ObjectMessage data.
setMessageBeanPropertyMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Set the mapping table that controls mapping of property values from repository items to dynamo message beans whose class is specified by messageBeanClass.
setMessageCc(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageCc property
setMessageCc(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the CC field for the email.
setMessageCode(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property messageCode ("Message code").
setMessageContent(Message, String, String, File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Processes the email message content (assumed to be HTML) and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContent(Message, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Processes the email message content and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContent(Message, String, File, boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Processes the email message content and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContent(Message, String, String, File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Processes the email message content and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContent(Message, String, File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
Stuffs the given content into the Message, using the contentType property to specify the content's MIME type.
setMessageContent(Message, String, String, File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
Processes the email message content and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContents(Message, String[], String[], File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Processes the email message content (assumed to be HTML) and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageContents(Message, String[], String[], File[], boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Processes the email message content and stuffs the resulting content into the Message.
setMessageFactory(AbandonedOrderMessageFactory) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The component that builds abandonment-related JMS messages: OrderAbandoned, OrderReanimated, OrderConverted, and OrderLost
setMessageFrom(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageFrom property
setMessageFrom(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the From field for the email.
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
setMessageIdGenerator(IdGenerator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
setMessageIdSpaceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setMessagePort(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
setMessagePort(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Set the JMS port for which messages will be generated.
setMessagePort(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property messagePort.
setMessageRecipients(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageRecipients property
setMessageReplyTo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageReplyTo property
setMessageReplyTo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the ReplyTo field for the email.
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
The component that sends abandonment-related JMS messages.
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The component that sends abandonment-related JMS messages.
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets Message Sender to send scenario Events
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the MessageSender property.
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
The component that will send the PromotionClosenessDisqualification messages.
setMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set the sender
setMessageSource(DASMessageSource) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property messageSource.
setMessageSource(PublishingMessageSource) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the MessageSource for Publishing
setMessageSource(DASMessageSource) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setMessageSource(DPSMessageSource) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The class responsible for publishing messages.
setMessageSource(DPSMessageSource) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets property messageSource
setMessageSource(DPSMessageSource) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileEventTrigger
Sets property messageSource
setMessageSource(DPSMessageSource) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
Sets property messageSource
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
MessageSource interface method to set the MessageSourceContext for this MessageSource.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Set the message source context for this source.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
This notifies the MessageSource as to what its MessageSourceContext should be.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
Set the message source context for this source.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
Set the message source context for this source.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
Set the message source context for this source.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSource
This notifies the MessageSource as to what its MessageSourceContext should be.
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
property messageSourceContext
setMessageSourceContext(MessageSourceContext) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalCompleteMessage
Set the messageSourceName property.
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalMessage
Set the messageSourceName property.
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcSendApprovalRequiredMessage
Set the messageSourceName property.
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Sets the name used by this class when it acts as a message source so that it's messages can be identified.
setMessageSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Sets the name used by this class when it acts as a message source so that it's messages can be identified.
setMessageSourcePath(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets the nucleus path to the DSS Message Source
setMessageSubject(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageSubject property
setMessageSubject(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the Subject field for the email.
setMessageTable(Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
Sets the property MessageTable.
setMessageTo(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the messageTo property
setMessageTo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the To field for the email.
setMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Set the JMS message type string to apply to generated messages.
setMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property messageType.
setMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the JMS message type of this message bean.
setMessageTypes(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
setMessageTypeToChainNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Set the MessageTypeToChainNameMap property.
setMessageTypeToErrorChainNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Set the MessageTypeToErrorChainNameMap property.
setMessagingSource(DeploymentMessagingSource) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setMetaDataCatalogName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
The name of a catalog, used internally only for a DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() call.
setMetaDataCatalogName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
The name of a catalog
setMetaDataCatalogName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. The name of a catalog
setMetaDataSchemaPattern(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Set a string representing a schema name pattern, used internally only for a DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() call.
setMetaDataSchemaPattern(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set the schema name
setMetaDataSchemaPattern(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set the schema name
setMethod(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
setMethod(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the Method
setMethodName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the methodName property.
setMethods(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the methods property.
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the middleName
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the middleName
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the middleName
setMiddleNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property MiddleNamePropertyName
setMigrateIndexPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setMigrateStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setMigrationRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
The product catalog repository that contains the catalog to be migrated
setMillisecondDelayBeforeLockRetry(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setMimeType(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the mime type in the request.
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
Setter for property mMimeTyper.
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Sets the mime type mapping object
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Sets property MimeTyper
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the MimeTyper property
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the MimeTyper property
setMimeTyper(MimeTyper) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.MimeTyperPipelineServlet
Sets the MimeTyper used to determine the mime type of a request.
setMin(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets the minimum number of objects to have pooled at startup.
setMinCount(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the minumum count of users that can be created by this form handler.
setMineOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setMinimizeDateConstruction(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Sets property MinimizeDateConstruction
setMinimumAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Sets the minimum amount an order can be valued for it to be logged.
setMinimumAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The minimum amount of an order for it to be considered abandoned or lost.
setMinimumAmountQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the abandoned/lost order query that deals with the minimum total amount an order can have.
setMinimumErrorReportInterval(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set property MinimumErrorReportInterval
setMinimumErrorReportInterval(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set property MinimumErrorReportInterval
setMinReconnectInterval(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property MinReconnectInterval, the minimum interval between connect retries in msec
setMinReconnectInterval(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property MinReconnectInterval, the minimum interval between connect retries in msec
setMinScore(Integer) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property MinScore.
setMinScore(Integer) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property MinScore.
setMinuteField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the minute property for a Calendar date.
setMinutes(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Minutes.
setMode(int) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property mode
setModificationHandler(ModificationHandler) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setModificationHandler(ModificationHandler) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
setModificationId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
Sets the id of this modification.
setModifications(Modification[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
setModifications(Modification[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method sets the array of completed modifications.
setModificationStatus(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
Sets the status of this modification.
setModificationStatusText(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
Additional text that may qualify the status code.
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericRemove
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
This is a read-only property in this implementation.
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This method sets the modification type.
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
setModificationType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
setModifyOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
The id of the message this is a response to, null if this is not a response.
setModifyOrderNotificationPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setModifyOrderNotificationPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setModifyOrderPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setModifyOrderPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setModifyOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when the order is updated without adding or removing an item (e.g.
setModifyOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when the order is updated without adding or removing an item (e.g.
setModifyOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when the order is updated without adding or removing an item (e.g.
setModifyOrderSource(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
The source of the message this is a response to, null if this is not a response.
setModifyPort(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Sets Port name for sending modify order messages
setModifyPort(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.OrderCanceller
Deprecated. Sets Port name for sending modify order messages
setMonitoredBounceReplyCodes(String[]) - Method in interface atg.service.email.examiner.EmailExaminer
Sets the reply codes that indicate an email is bounced This can be any number of standard SMTP codes defined in RFC 821.
setMonitoredBounceReplyCodes(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.EximEmailExaminer
Sets the MonitoredBounceReplyCodes property
setMonitoredBounceReplyCodes(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.examiner.SendmailEmailExaminer
Sets the MonitoredBounceReplyCodes property
setMonitoredConnection(MonitoredConnection) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
setMonitoredConnection(MonitoredConnection) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
setMonitorSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the Schedule used to check for invalid sessions
setMonitorThreadMethod(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the Thread Method for the ServerMonitor's scheduled task.
setMonth(Integer) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property month.
setMonth(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Month.
setMonthField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the month property for a Calendar date.
setMonthNames() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
setMonths(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Sets property months
setMoveAssetsProjectId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setMoveItemsFromCartErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property MoveItemsFromCartErrorURL
setMoveItemsFromCartSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property MoveItemsFromCartSuccessURL
setMoveToConfirmationChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToConfirmationChainId
setMoveToConfirmationChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property MoveToConfirmationChainId
setMoveToConfirmationErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToConfirmationErrorURL
setMoveToConfirmationSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToConfirmationSuccessURL
setMoveToErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property MoveToErrorURL
setMoveToMode(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property MoveToMode
setMoveToNewShippingAddressErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToNewShippingAddressErrorURL.
setMoveToNewShippingAddressSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToNewShippingAddressSuccessURL.
setMoveToOrderCommitErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToOrderCommitErrorURL
setMoveToOrderCommitSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToOrderCommitSuccessURL
setMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL property.
setMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdErrorURL property.
setMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL property.
setMoveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the moveToPurchaseInfoByRelIdSuccessURL property.
setMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
setMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
setMoveToPurchaseInfoChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoChainId
setMoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL
setMoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoErrorURL
setMoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL
setMoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property MoveToPurchaseInfoSuccessURL
setMoveToSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property MoveToSuccessURL
setMssqlSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property MssqlSQL.
setName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
setName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Sets the name of the palette for the given locale
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Set the name of the community
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the url of the community
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Sets the name of the gear for the given locale.
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the name property
setName(String, String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the name of the layout
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the name of the page for the given locale.
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the name of the page template
setName(String, Locale) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the name of the style
setName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
setName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setName(Principal, String) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
setName(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResource
setName(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredResourceService
setName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Sets the name of this browser type.
setName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Rename the RoleFolder
setName(String) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Sets property Name
setName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Sets the logical name of this element.
setNameColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property NameColumn
setNameRequestThreads(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the property NameRequestThreads.
setNameSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property NameSearchPropertyNames
setNameSearchType(int) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Set name search type to either NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_CONTAINS, NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_BEGINS_WITH, or NAME_SEARCH_TYPE_NONE to disable this type of search.
setNavCount(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
setNavHistory(LinkedList) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
setNavHistoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryCollector
Sets property NavHistoryPath
setNeedsEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Makes this form handle events
setNeedsSeparateUserInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property needsSeparateUserInfo.
setNeedsSeparateUserInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the flag that indicates whether this driver needs to use the special getConnection(url, user, password) form of the connection call.
setNegativeAmountException(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
setNegativePermissions() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
setNewAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property newAddress.
setNewAddressErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property newAddressErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error creating an address.
setNewAddressName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property NewAddressName.
setNewAddressSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property newAddressSuccessURL, used to redirect user after successfully creating an address.
setNewCreditCardErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the NewCreditCardErrorURL property.
setNewCreditCardSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
Set the NewCreditCardSuccessURL property.
setNewOrderState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Set the newOrderState property.
setNewOwnerName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the unique Persona name of the new task owner which should be set.
setNewPasswordParam(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets the property NewPasswordParam
setNewPrice(AmountInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setNewPriority(int) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the new task priority which should be set.
setNewProfileType(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property NewProfileType
setNewQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setNewSessionLoggingEventTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property NewSessionLoggingEventTypeName
setNewShippingAddressName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property which contains the Shipping Address name where Commerce Items should be shipped to.
setNewShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
setNewState(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The new state that caused this event to fire.
setNewStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Sets property newStateDetail
setNewStateTimestamp(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
System milliseconds when the new state was set.
setNewValue(Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
setNewValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setNewValue(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the newValue property
setNewValues(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Sets the newValues property
setNext(PendingDeployment) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property next ("Next deplolyment job in line").
setNextCommandHandler(CommandHandler) - Method in class atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler
Sets Next CommandHandler in the command invocation chain to invoke
setNextDataSource(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
setNextIncrementalGenerationPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setNextServlet(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The next servlet to render if we don't find a component for the specified URL.
setNextServlet(Servlet) - Method in interface atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServlet
Sets the next Servlet in the pipeline, null if this is the end of the pipeline.
setNextServlet(Servlet) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Sets the next Servlet in the pipeline, null if this is the end of the pipeline.
setNoCacheHeaders(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method sets the HTTP headers Pragma: no-cache, and Expires: in an attempt to prevent a browser or proxy from caching a response.
setNoIncludedPages(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
setNoNexus(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
setNonFatalCompletionCodes(long[]) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Set the list of non-fatal general completion codes.
setNonModifiablePaymentGroupStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Sets array of payment group states that indicate that a payment group is not modifiable
setNonModifiableShippingGroupStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Sets array of shipping group states that indicate that a shipping group is not modifiable
setNonNullPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method Sets the value of a property into the value Dictionary.
setNonSecureHost(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setNonSecurePort(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setNonSecureProtocol(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
Sets the property nonSecureProtocol.
Note, changing this property will NOT change the protocol used for non secure requests.
http:// will always be used as the non secure protocol.
setNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the non-taxable items that appear in that shipping group
setNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets property NonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setNonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property NonTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setNoOfMembershipRequests(int) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setNoPageEventMimeTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets property noPageEventMimeTypes
setNoPriceIsError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
If this is true, and the price list is null or there is not price in the price list, then an error is thrown.
setNoPriceIsError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
If this is true, and the price list is null or there is not price in the price list, then an error is thrown.
setNoRedirectedPages(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
setNote(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AddNoteFormHandler
setNotes(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Sets property notes
setNotYetApprovedReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcVerifyApproval
Sets property notYetApprovedReturnValue
setNucleus(Nucleus) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets the Nucleus managing this Service
setNucleus(Nucleus) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the Nucleus
setNucleusComponentParamMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Sets property nucleusComponentParamMap
setNull(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setNull
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setNull
setNull(String, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setNull
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setNull
setNullCatalogMeansNoResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogPossibleValues
setNullCatalogMeansNoResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogSearchFormHandler
setNullCatalogMeansNoResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.FilteringCatalogPossibleValues
setNullObjectReplacement(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Sets property NullObjectReplacement
setNullValueValid(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
Sets the boolean property for determining if the marker value is allowed to be null.
setNumAppServerConnectAttempts(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property
setNumCharsUnmasked(Integer) - Method in class atg.droplet.CreditCardTagConverter
setNumCompressedEventsSent(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Sets the property NumCompressedEventsSent.
setNumEventsSent(int) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Sets the property NumEventsSent.
setNumNewValues(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets the property NumNewValues.
setObject(Object) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the object to create the URI for, no other properties need to be supplied if this property is set
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setObject
setObjectMsgToPipelineParamMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Set the ObjectMsgToPipelineParamMap property.
setObjectValue(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property objectValue
setOldParamBehavior(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setOldPrice(AmountInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setOldQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setOldState(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The old state before this event was fired.
setOldValue(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the oldValue property
setOldValues(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Sets the oldValues property
setOmitNullProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets the omitNullProperties.
setOneStepSearch(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Sets property oneStepSearch
setOneUsePerOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
the name of the pricingModel's 'oneUsePerOrder' property (Shipping discounts only)
setOnlyNonDocumentItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the onlyNonDocumentItems property.
setOnPubServer(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
set OnPubServer
setOnSale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setOnSalePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property OnSalePropertyName
setOnSalePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
Sets property OnSalePropertyName
setOpenOrderStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
setOpenStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
sets the property openStates.
setOperands(Expression[]) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Sets the operands.
setOperands(Expression[]) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Sets the operands.
setOperation(String) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Sets property operation
setOperationMode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
setOperator(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
Sets property operator
setOperator(String) - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Sets the operator.
setOperator(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Sets the operator.
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Sets property Optional
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
Sets property Optional
setOptionSet(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the option set in use for this request.
setOptionSetName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the option set name to use for this query.
setOptionSetName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Set the option set name used in the search
setOracleSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property OracleSQL.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Sets property order
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
Sets property order
setOrder(B2BOrder) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderRelationship
Sets the B2BOrder reference.
setOrder(B2BOrder) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the order
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the Order property.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the Order property.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This property is the Order that should be fulfilled.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
This property is the Order that should be fulfilled.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
Sets the property of the order.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Sets property Order
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property Order
setOrder(Order) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.OrderRelationship
Sets the Order reference.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the order
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Set the order whose payment or shipping group is being validated.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the Order property.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the Order property.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the Order property.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the current Order to the argument dictionary.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
Sets the order that is close to qualifying for the promotion (or that is no longer close to qualifying).
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
This property is the Order that the promotion was used in.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.payment.creditcard.GenericCreditCardInfo
Sets property order
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the order being paid for with this invoice
setOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Set an Order object
setOrderAbandonedMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
The JMS type of the OrderAbandoned message.
setOrderAmountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The amount property name of the priceInfo item
setOrderAmountToPaymentGroup(String, String, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Assigns the given amount to the given payment group.
setOrderApprovedChainId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Sets property orderApprovedChainId
setOrderAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
setOrderAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
setOrderAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
setOrderAsXML(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
setOrderBy(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setOrderByProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property orderByProperty
setOrderByProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property orderByProperty
setOrderCanceller(OrderCanceller) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
setOrderCanceller(OrderCanceller) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
setOrderClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the orderClassType
setOrderClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the orderClassType
setOrderCommerceItemsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the orderCommerceItemsPropertyName
setOrderConvertedMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
The JMS type of the OrderConverted message.
setOrderCostCentersPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Sets the orderCostCentersPropertyName
setOrderDiscountShare(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
setOrderDiscountShare(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setOrderFixedAmountAdjustmentType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the OrderFixedAmountAdjustmentType
setOrderFulfiller(OrderFulfiller) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
setOrderFulfillmentTools(OrderFulfillmentTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setOrderFulfillmentTools(OrderFulfillmentTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setOrderFulfillmentTools(OrderFulfillmentTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setOrderFulfillmentTools(OrderFulfillmentTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setOrderHolderPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the Nucleus path of the OrderHolder (shopping cart) component.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the orderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the OrderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the OrderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method set the id of the Order that this message pertains to.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
Set the order id of the order that should be fulfilled.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The ID of the order associated with the event.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
The ID of the order associated with the event.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommitOrderFormHandler
Set the OrderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the OrderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the OrderId property.
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Set property OrderId
setOrderId(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertyorderId
setOrderIdList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
setOrderIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's order id.
setOrderIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that holds the ID of the order associated with it.
setOrderIdString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderFormHandler
setOrderIdToCancel(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the orderIdToCancel property.
setOrderIdToCancel(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CancelOrderFormHandler
Set the OrderIdToCancel property.
setOrdering(int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets content ordering mode
setOrderItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Sets property OrderItemDescriptor
setOrderItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property OrderItemDescriptorName
setOrderItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the OrderItemDescriptorName
setOrderItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadOrderObject
Sets the orderItemDescriptorName name.
setOrderItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Set the orderItemDescriptorName property.
setOrderItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the order item descriptor in the order repository.
setOrderLimitPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
Set the orderLimitPropertyName property.
setOrderLookupService(OrderLookupService) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The service that is actually used to find the desired orders
setOrderLookupService(OrderLookupService) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
The service that is actually used to find the desired orders
setOrderLostMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
The JMS type of the OrderLost message.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the orderManager property.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Sets the OrderManager
setOrderManager(SimpleOrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the OrderManager property.
setOrderManager(B2BOrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(B2BOrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(B2BOrderManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property orderManager.
setOrderManager(SimpleOrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Sets property OrderManager.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Sets the Order Manager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
OrderManager is used to delete lost orders if the service is configured to do so.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Sets the property orderManager which points to the DCS order manager nucleus component.
setOrderManager(SimpleOrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Sets property orderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Set the order manager that invoked the current pipeline chain.
setOrderManager(SimpleOrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the OrderManager property.
setOrderManager(SimpleOrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Sets the orderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
order manager to consult for various order-related functions
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Set the OrderManager property.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Set property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Set the OrderManager property.
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property OrderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property orderManager
setOrderManager(OrderManager) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertyorderManager
setOrderMarkerManager(OrderMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
The OrderMarkerManager to use for this business process
setOrderMarkerManager(OrderMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
setOrderMarkerManager(OrderMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
setOrderMarkerManager(OrderMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
setOrderOwnerProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Sets the orderOwnerProfile
setOrderPaymentGroupsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the orderPaymentGroupsPropertyName
setOrderPriceInfoDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property orderPriceInfoDescName
setOrderPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the orderPriceInfoProperty
setOrderPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the orderPriceInfoProperty
setOrderPriceInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the order repository item that holds the order's price info.
setOrderPricingEngine(OrderPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property OrderPricingEngine
setOrderPricingEngine(OrderPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property OrderPricingEngine
setOrderPricingEngineService(PricingEngineService) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property OrderPricingEngineService
setOrderPricingModels(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property OrderPricingModels
setOrderProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the orderProperty name.
setOrderProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the orderProperty name.
setOrderPropertyDescName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCostCenterObjects
Sets property orderPropertyDescName
setOrderPropertyDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects
Sets property orderPropertyDescName
setOrderPropertyDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentGroupObjects
Sets property orderPropertyDescName
setOrderPropertyDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveRelationshipObjects
Sets property orderPropertyDescName
setOrderPropertyDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSaveShippingGroupObjects
Sets property orderPropertyDescName
setOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that refers back to the order reposiory item associated with it.
setOrderQueries(OrderQueries) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property orderQueries
setOrderReanimatedMessageType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderMessageFactory
The JMS type of the OrderReanimated message.
setOrderRejectedChainId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Sets property orderRejectedChainId
setOrderRelationshipsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the orderRelationshipsPropertyName
setOrderRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Sets property orderRepository
setOrderRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property orderRepository
setOrderRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property orderRepository
setOrderRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Sets property OrderRepository
setOrderRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setOrderRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The order repository in which to look for abandoned orders.
setOrderRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the orderRepository
setOrderRepositoryItemName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property OrderRepositoryItemName
setOrderRepositoryItemName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property OrderRepositoryItemName
setOrderRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerManager
Sets the Repository Marker Manager for orders
setOrderSavedEventType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property OrderSavedEventType
setOrderServices(OrderServices) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
setOrderShippingGroupsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the orderShippingGroupsPropertyName
setOrderState(Order, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the order.
setOrderStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property orderStatePropertyName
setOrderStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setOrderStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setOrderStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The name of the order property that indicates the state of the order.
setOrderStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Set the orderStatePropertyName property.
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the orderStates property.
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setOrderStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property OrderStates
setOrderStates(OrderStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
Set the orderStates property.
setOrderStateSaveModes(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Mapping of order states to the "saveMode" that indicates the level of pricing information that should be saved for an order in that state.
setOrderStatesQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The part of the abandoned/lost order query that deals with what order states are considered possible for abandonment.
setOrderStatesRequiringApproval(String[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property orderStatesRequiringApproval
setOrderTools(B2BOrderTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Sets the OrderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Sets property orderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Sets property orderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the OrderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Sets property orderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Sets property orderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Sets property orderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property OrderTools
setOrderTools(OrderTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setOrderType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property OrderType
setOrderTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for Orders.
setOrderVersionPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property orderVersionPropertyName
setOrganization(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Sets property organization
setOrganization(Organization) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the organization property.
setOrganizationDescription(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the OrganizationDescription property.
setOrganizationId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Sets the organizationId property
setOrganizationId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Sets the organizationId property
setOrganizationIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
setOrganizationName(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the OrganizationName property.
setOrganizationNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
setOrganizationPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setOrganizations(Collection) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Sets property organizations
setOrgDescriptionRequired(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the orgDescriptionRequired property.
setOrgNameRequired(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the orgNameRequired property.
setOrgnCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setOrgnCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setOrgnGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setOrgnProvince(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setOrgnZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setOriginalId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
setOriginalShippingAddressName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property OriginalShippingAddressName.
setOriginalSource(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
setOriginalSubject(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the original subject of the email
setOriginalUserId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
setOriginalValue(Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
setOriginatingRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property OriginatingRequest
setOriginCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set OriginCity used for tax calculations.
setOriginCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set OriginCity used for tax calculations.
setOriginCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set 2 character OriginCountry used for tax calculations.
setOriginCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set 2 character OriginCountry used for tax calculations.
setOriginGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set Origin GeoCode used for tax calculations.
setOriginOfOrder(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the originOfOrder property.
setOriginOfOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the originOfOrder
setOriginState(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set OriginState/Province used for tax calculations.
setOriginState(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set OriginState/Province used for tax calculations.
setOriginZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set OriginZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
setOriginZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set OriginZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
setOtherGiftlistsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the otherGiftlistsProperty
setOtherHourField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the hour property for a Calendar date, when the user's locale is other than en_US and de_DE It is a helper method for createDate method.
setOutboundOrderMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
setOutcomeElementId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
setOutcomeElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Sets the process element id of the outcome element in the workflow.
setOutcomeElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the id of the workflow element corresponding to the outcome which should be fired.
setOutOfMemoryDetected(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Was an out of memory exception detected?
setOutOfStockIsError(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setOutputBufferSize(int) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets Size of the Output Stream Buffer
setOutputDocumentContent(OutputDocumentContent) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the output document content object.
setOutputMethod(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the OutputMethod property.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the OutputStream property.
setOutputStream(ServletOutputStream) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the output stream property.
setOverloadedMaxHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the overloadedMaxHandlerCount property.
setOverloadedMinHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the overloadedMinHandlerCount property.
setOverloadedStopMilliseconds(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the overloadedStopMilliseconds property.
setOverrideFormHandlerRedirect(boolean) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Sets the OverrideFormHandlerRedirect property
setOwner(Persona) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Changes the owner of the object, if any.
setOwner(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Changes the owner of the object, if any.
setOwner(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Changes the owner of the secured container.
setOwner(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Changes the owner of the object, if any.
setOwnerId(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the ownerId
setOwnerName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property ownerName ("Owner").
setOwnerName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the unique atg.security.Persona name of the owner of this task.
setOwnerProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the ownerProperty
setOwningThread(Thread) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets property owningThread.
setPage(Page) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Page
setPage(Page) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
setPage(Page) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Set property page
setPageCache(Cache) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property PageCache
setPagedQuerySize(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Set query page size for the top-level query, if any.
setPageEventTrigger(PageEventTrigger) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTriggerDroplet
Sets property PageEventTrigger
setPageId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Id
setPageMode(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
The PageMode that will be passed to FacetSearchService.convertResults when converting the Results to a FacetSearchResponse
setPageTemplate(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property PageTemplate
setPageTemplate(PageTemplate) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the community's Page Template
setParamClass(Class) - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Sets property ParamClass
setParameter(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
setParameter(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
setParameter(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
setParameter(String) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceStackData
Sets property parameter
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the value of a request parameter.
setParameter(String, Object, TagConverter, Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the value of a request parameter.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoServlet
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface atg.servlet.ParameterServlet
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Set/update a parameter.
setParameterDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the parameterDelimiter property
setParameterHandler(ParameterHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the parameter handler
setParameterHandler(ParameterHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the ParameterHandler property
setParameterHandler(ParameterHandler) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the ParameterHandler property
setParameterName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
setParameterProcessors(ParameterProcessor[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
setParameters(FunctionParameter[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setParameters(SubviewParameter[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setParamName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.IdentityParamDescriptor
Sets the property ParamName.
setParamNames(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
Sets a space delimited list of the names of the gear params that will be set in this form
setParamType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
choices are instance (default) or user
setParent(HashMapMap) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Set the parent map
setParentCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setParentCategoriesForCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setParentCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setParentCategoryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Set the parentCategoryPropertyName property.
setParentCategoryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setParentCategoryPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setParentCommunity(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property ParentCommunity
setParentCommunity(Community) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
set the parent community of this gear
setParentCommunity(Community) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the parent community for this page
setParentDescriptor(GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property ParentDescriptor
setParentFolder(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolder
setParentFolder(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolder
setParentFolder(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolder
setParentFolder(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolder
setParentFolder(CommunityFolder) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's parent folder
setParentFolder(PageFolder) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Sets the parent page folder for this page
setParentFolder(RoleFolder) - Method in interface atg.userdirectory.RoleFolder
Make this RoleFolder the child of another RoleFolder.
setParentFolders(ArrayList) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolders
setParentFolders(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property ParentFolders
setParentName(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets the parent resource pool's name.
setParentOrganizationId(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the ParentOrganizationId property.
setParentOrganizationPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
setParentOrgRequired(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the parentOrgRequired property.
setParentProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setParentSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Sets the parent session id.
setParentSessionId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Sets the parent session id.
setParentSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Sets the parent session id.
setParentSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The parentSessionId associated with the event.
setParentSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Set property ParentSessionId
setParentSkuIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setParseMappingsOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Set the parseMappingsOnStartup property.
setParserOptionsBuilder(XMLBuilder) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set an optional parser options builder object.
setParsingCertificates(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This property controls whether or not this servlet will attempt to parse X509 certificates.
setPartialShipPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setPartialShipPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setPassword(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the password used to authenticate on the SMTP server.
setPassword(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the password associated with the user name.
setPassword(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets Password passed through from the HTML form
setPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Allows a user to set their own password.
setPasswordAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the name of the attribute used for determining the password for a login account.
setPasswordGenerator(PasswordGenerator) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the property PasswordGenerator
setPasswordHasher(PasswordHasher) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the password hasher used for obfuscating passwords.
setPasswordHasher(PasswordHasher) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the password hasher used to encrypt passwords.
setPasswordHasher(PasswordHasher) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
Sets the password hasher object used to encrypt password text to whatever format is required by login().
setPasswordHasher(PasswordHasher) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Changes the password hasher used by this user authority.
setPasswordHasher(PasswordHasher) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Changes the password hasher used for encrypting passwords.
setPasswordLinkedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryLinkProfileItemFinder
Sets the name of the password property in the linked repository.
setPasswordProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository item property used for storing the password for a login account.
setPasswordPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property PasswordPropertyName
setPasswordRuleChecker(PasswordRuleChecker) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the property PasswordRuleChecker
setPasswords(Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Sets the mapping from user id to password
setPath(String) - Method in class atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Sets property Path
setPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
setPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The name of the page that contains this item.
setPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
setPath(String) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.DispatchPortlet
Sets property Path
setPathAuthenticatorMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Sets the path authenticator map.
setPathDims(int[][]) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Sets the list of dimensions.
setPathDims(int[][]) - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Sets the dimensions for each entry of the path (could be null if no path entries have dimensions).
setPathDims(int[][]) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Sets the list of dimensions.
setPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the PathInfo
setPathNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Sets the list of path names.
setPathNames(String[]) - Method in interface atg.droplet.EventReceiver
Sets the list of path names
setPathNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Sets the list of path names.
setPathTranslated(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the PathTranslated
setPatterns(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Sets the patterns of "user-agent" that match this browser type.
setPaymentDiscountDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPaymentDiscountDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the "discount days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentDiscountDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the "discount days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentDiscountPercent(Double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPaymentDiscountPercent(Double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the "discount percentage" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentDiscountPercent(Double) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the "discount percentage" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentDueDate(Date) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
SetPaymentDueDate - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline
Pipeline processor that computes the due date for an invoice from the payment terms in an InvoiceRequestInfo object.
SetPaymentDueDate() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
setPaymentDueDate(Date) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the date on which payment is nominally due.
setPaymentDueDate(Date) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the date on which payment is nominally due.
setPaymentDueDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment due date.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets payment group bean to use for modifiing payment groups
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the PaymentGroup reference.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the PaymentGroup reference.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupRelationship
Sets the PaymentGroup reference.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the paymentGroup
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs
Set the payment group being validated.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets payment group bean to use for modifying payment groups
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Sets payment group bean to use for modifiing payment groups
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property PaymentGroup
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the current PaymentGroup to the argument dictionary.
setPaymentGroup(PaymentGroup) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Remember the payment group from which this InvoiceRequestInfo was created
setPaymentGroupBillingAddressClassNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property paymentGroupBillingAddressClassNameMap
setPaymentGroupClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the paymentGroupClassType
setPaymentGroupClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the paymentGroupClassType
setPaymentGroupCreditStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setPaymentGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPaymentGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the PaymentGroupId property.
setPaymentGroupIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment group id.
setPaymentGroupIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
setPaymentGroupInitializers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the PaymentGroupInitializers property.
setPaymentGroupItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the paymentGroupItemDescriptorName
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Sets property PaymentGroupManager
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Sets property paymentGroupManager
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property paymentGroupManager
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the PaymentGroupManager property.
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the PaymentGroupManager property.
setPaymentGroupManager(PaymentGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Sets property paymentGroupManager
setPaymentGroupMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupContainerService
Set the PaymentGroupMap property.
setPaymentGroupMapContainer(PaymentGroupMapContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the PaymentGroupMapContainer property.
setPaymentGroupMapContainer(PaymentGroupMapContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the PaymentGroupMapContainer property.
setPaymentGroupNeeded(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the PaymentGroupNeeded property.
setPaymentGroupOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the paymentGroupOrderPropertyName
setPaymentGroupProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the paymentGroupProperty name.
setPaymentGroupProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the paymentGroupProperty name.
setPaymentGroups(PaymentGroup[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
setPaymentGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentGroupObjects
Sets the paymentGroupsProperty name.
setPaymentGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPaymentStatusObjects
Sets the paymentGroupsProperty name.
setPaymentGroupState(PaymentGroup, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the payment group.
setPaymentGroupStates(PaymentGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setPaymentGroupStates(PaymentGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setPaymentGroupStates(PaymentGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setPaymentGroupStates(PaymentGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setPaymentGroupToChainNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Set the PaymentGroupToChainNameMap property.
setPaymentGroupTypes(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the PaymentGroupTypes property.
setPaymentId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.avs.GenericAddressVerificationInfo
Sets the paymentId
setPaymentInfo(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add a generic payment information object to the argument dictionary.
setPaymentManager(PaymentManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setPaymentManager(PaymentManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcAuthorizePayment
Sets the paymentManager
setPaymentManager(PaymentManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the current PaymentManager to the argument dictionary.
setPaymentMethod(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the paymentMethod
setPaymentMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the paymentMethod
setPaymentMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the PaymentMethod property.
setPaymentMethodsInOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Method that deals with setting the payment methods that are to be used in an order.
setPaymentNetDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPaymentNetDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the "net days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentNetDays(Integer) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the "net days" component of this invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentStatus(PaymentStatus) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManagerPipelineArgs
Add the result status of the current operation to the argument dictionary.
setPaymentStatusDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets property paymentStatusDescName
setPaymentTermsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's payment terms.
setPaymentTypeAuthorizers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Set the PaymentTypeAuthorizers property.
setPaymentTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for PaymentGroups.
setPercentage(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is not used for this relationship class and therefore should not be called.
setPerformanceMonitorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setPerformanceMonitorOpName(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setPerformCategoryVerification(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
setPerformDefaultSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setPerformInfoVerification(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
setPersistAfterLogout(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets the property PersistAfterLogout.
setPersistEmails(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setPersistEmails(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets boolean indicating whether the email is persisted before it is sent.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Set property persistent.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Set the flag indicating whether or not to store this component in the Repository.
setPersistentAnonymousProfiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets the property PersistentAnonymousProfiles.
setPersistOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property PersistOrders
setPersistOrdersForAnonymousUsers(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets the persistOrdersForAnonymousUsers
setPersonae(UserAuthority, Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.User
Changes the set of personae assigned by a user authority.
setPersonaeFor(User, String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Populates a User object with appropriate personae for the user with the indicated ID.
setPersonaeFor(User, String) - Method in interface atg.security.IdUserAuthority
Populates a User object with appropriate personae for the user with the indicated ID.
setPersonaeFor(User, String) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Populates a user object with the persona information for the given user ID.
setPersonalGiftlistsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the personalGiftlistsProperty
setPersonalization(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Personalization
setPersonaPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setPhaseCompletePollingInterval(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the phoneNumber
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.ContactInfo
Sets the phoneNumber
setPipeDelimitedAssetURIList(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setPipelineKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Set the lookup key that will identify the target object in the pipeline arguments map.
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the pipeline manager this InvoiceManager uses to run pipeline chains.
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Set the pipeline manager used to generate ItemRemovedFromOrder messages
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property PipelineManager
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the pipelineManager
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Sets the PipelineManager
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property PipelineManager
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property PipelineManager
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Set the PipelineManager property.
setPipelineManager(PipelineManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPipelineResult(PipelineResult) - Method in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoicePipelineException
Set the PipelineResult object whose errors triggered this exception.
setPipelineResultErrorMessageKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property pipelineResultErrorMessageKey
setPlaceholderName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setPm(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets the time to PM if pPM is true, otherwise sets the time to AM.
setPMDLCache(Cache) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
Set property PMDLCache
setPMDLRule(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property PMDLRule
setPOACity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPOACountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPOAGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPOAProvince(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPOAZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPointOfTitlePassage(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPollQuery(RqlStatement) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Sets property PollQuery
setPONumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPONumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the purchase order number associated with payment for the current order.
setPONumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the purchase order number for this invoice.
setPONumber(String) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the purchase order number associated with this invoice
setPONumberPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Specify the name of the property used to store an invoice's purchase order number.
setPoolLocation(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets the location of this resource in the pool.
setPort(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
port of the destination address
setPort(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the port this uses to listen for connections.
setPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
The portal object to use for retrieval and manipulation of portal assets.
setPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
The portal object to use for retrieval and manipulation of portal assets.
setPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalObjects
setPortal(Portal) - Method in class atg.portal.servlet.PortalContextImpl
Set property portal
setPortalInstances(Portal[]) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Changes the list of portal instances managed by this portal manager.
setPortalObjectResolver(PortalObjectResolver) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.PortalManager
Changes the portal object resolver that is used to translate an HTTP request into the portal objects it refers to.
setPortalRepositoryTools(PortalRepositoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Sets property portalRepositoryTools
setPortalRepositoryTools(PortalRepositoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property portalRepositoryTools
setPortalRepositoryTools(PortalRepositoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Sets property portalRepositoryTools
setPortalRepositoryTools(PortalRepositoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Sets property portalRepositoryTools
setPortalRepositoryTools(PortalRepositoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Sets property portalRepositoryTools
setPortName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
setPortName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
setPortName(String) - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
setPortName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
setPortRegistry(PortRegistry) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the PortRegistry to whom this will report which port this is using.
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Position
setPossibleValues(String[]) - Method in class atg.markers.ConfigurableMarkerValidator
Sets the array of possible marker values.
setPostAcceptedMessage(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the postalCode
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setPostCalculators(ItemPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Sets property PostCalculators
setPostCalculators(OrderPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Sets property PostCalculators
setPostCalculators(ShippingPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Sets the PricingCalculators which are run after any discounts are applied
setPostCalculators(TaxPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Sets the PricingCalculators which are run after any discounts are applied
setPostDeclinedMessage(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setPotentialPaymentTypes(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet
Set the PotentialPaymentTypes property.
setPrdInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setPre61(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property mPre61
setPre61(boolean) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property pre61
setPrecachedPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets property PrecachedPropertyNames.
setPreCalculators(ItemPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingEngineImpl
Sets property PreCalculators
setPreCalculators(OrderPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPricingEngineImpl
Sets property PreCalculators
setPreCalculators(ShippingPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
Sets the PricingCalculators which are run before any discounts are applied
setPreCalculators(TaxPricingCalculator[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
Sets the PricingCalculators which are run before any discounts are applied
setPreConfiguredWebApps(WebApp[]) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
setPrefAnswerConstrBuilder(XMLBuilder) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set an XMLBuilder for the the <prefAnswerConstr> tag.
setPreferredDeliveryMode(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPreferredDeliveryMode(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the preferred delivery mode (email, postal mail, fax, etc) for this invoice.
setPreferredDeliveryMode(String) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the preferred delivery mode (email, postal mail, fax, etc) for this invoice.
setPreferredFormat(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setPreferredFormat(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.InvoiceRequest
Set the preferred delivery format (text, HTML, XML DTD specification, etc.) for this invoice.
setPreferredFormat(String) - Method in class atg.payment.invoicerequest.GenericInvoiceRequestInfo
Set the preferred delivery format (text, HTML, XML DTD specification, etc.) for this invoice.
setPreferredHeight(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the preferredHeight property
setPreferredWidth(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the preferredWidth property
setPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the prefix
setPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the prefix
setPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the prefix
setPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set property Prefix
setPrefixColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property PrefixColumn
setPrefixEachLine(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setPrefixEachMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setPrefixLogStream(LogPrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setPreloadInventoryData(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Specifies whether to load inventory data for each entry in the product comparison list when that entry is created, or to leave the inventory information empty until a call is made to refreshInventoryData.
setPreMessage(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setPreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's preorder level to the specified number.
setPreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level to the specified number.
setPreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level to the specified number.
setPreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level to the specified number.
setPreorderLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setPreorderLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
set the item's preorder level to pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
setPreorderLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property PreorderLevelPropertyName
setPreorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's preorder level threshold.
setPreorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level threshold.
setPreorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level threshold.
setPreorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level threshold.
setPreorderThreshold(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setPreorderThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Set an item's preorder level threshold.
setPreorderThresholdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property PreorderThresholdPropertyName
setPrepared(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property Prepared.
setPresentationOrdinal(int) - Method in class atg.workflow.ElementDescriptor
Sets an integer that can be used to sort ElementDescriptors for presentation.
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set whether the XHTML should be pretty printed (that is, indented).
setPreviewGearArrangement(Map) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setPreviewLayout(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setPreviewProjectParameter(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the previewProjectParameter
setPreviewRegDefSize(int) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
setPrevious(PendingDeployment) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property previous ("Previous deployment in line").
setPreviousNPasswordArrayPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Sets the name of the repository item property name used for storing the previous N password array
setPreviousNPasswordManager(PreviousNPasswordManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the property PreviousNPasswordManager
setPreviousPasswordsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Set the previous passwords property name.
setPreviousProjectIds(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property previousProjectIds ("Previous project ids").
setPrevNextParameters(int, int, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class atg.droplet.Range
Sets the HAS_PREV/NEXT, PREV/NEXT_START, PREV/NEXT_END, PREV/NEXT_HOW_MANY, SIZE, and END parameters based on the input parameter values and the length of the array.
setPrevProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setPrice(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property Price
setPrice(Double) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the threshold price
setPrice(long) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setPriceCache(Cache) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceCategory(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
Price category from product catalog
setPriceChangeType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setPriceFromCatalogRef(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Sets property PriceFromCatalogRef
setPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the ItemPriceInfo object for this comparison list entry.
setPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
sets the ItemPriceInfo object.
setPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
sets the ItemPriceInfo object.
setPriceInfo(OrderPriceInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the OrderPriceInfo for the order
setPriceInfo(OrderPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the OrderPriceInfo for the order
setPriceInfo(ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
sets the ShippingPriceInfo object.
setPriceInfo(ShippingPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
sets the ShippingPriceInfo object.
setPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property PriceInfo
setPriceInfo(ItemPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property PriceInfo
setPriceInfoAmountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the orderPriceInfo repository item that holds the order's monetary value.
setPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property PriceInfoClass
setPriceInfoCurrencyCodePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the orderPriceInfo repository item that holds the currency code for the order's monetary value.
setPriceInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The name of the property of the order repository item that refers to its priceInfo item.
setPriceInfoPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The priceInfo property name of the order item
setPriceInfoRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the priceInfoRepositoryItem
setPriceInfoRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the priceInfoRepositoryItem
setPriceInfoRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the priceInfoRepositoryItem
setPriceItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceLevelItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PriceLevel
setPriceLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PriceLevel
setPriceList(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setPriceListId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property PriceListId
setPriceListIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceListItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets the Price List Manager
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
Sets property priceListManager
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
Sets property PriceListManager which handles the operations of the PriceList
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheAdapter
setPriceListManager(PriceListManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
setPriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the price list property name.
setPriceListRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPriceListViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PricePropertyName
setPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Returns the name of the property of the catalogRef property of CommerceItem which contains the price
setPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the price of each price level
setPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the price of each price level
setPriceRelation(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PriceRelation
setPriceSelectionType(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
setPriceViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPricingAdjustmentDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the pricingAdjustmentDescName
setPricingAdjustmentProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the pricingAdjustmentProperties
setPricingAdjustmentProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the pricingAdjustmentProperties
setPricingCalculatorService(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property PricingCalculatorService
setPricingModel(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
setPricingModelComparator(Comparator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Sets the component that sorts the closenessQualifiers based on their priority
setPricingModelComparator(Comparator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property PricingModelComparator
setPricingModelHolderPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the Nucleus path of the PricingModelHolder component.
setPricingModelPriorityProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelComparator
Set property PricingModelPriorityProperty
setPricingModelProperties(PricingModelProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Sets the component that holds the names of the properties in the pricingModel item descriptor
setPricingModelProperties(PricingModelProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Set property PricingModelProperties
setPricingModelProperties(PricingModelProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
setPricingModelProperties(PricingModelProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
setPricingModelProperties(PricingModelProperties) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPricingModelRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
setPricingOperation(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the PricingOperation property.
setPricingQualifierService(Qualifier) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceItemDroplet
setPricingSchemeNames(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
the key/Value pair for the allowed scheme names and its corresponding Calculator
setPricingSchemePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the PricingScheme
setPricingSchemePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property PricingTools
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Set the PricingTools object to use when fetching the ItemPriceInfo for each item in the product comparison list.
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetPaymentGroupAmount
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with price generation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemListPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property PricingTools
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemSalePriceCalculator
pricing tools for help in generating prices
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with calculating prices
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderSubtotalCalculator
the PricingTools service to consult for pricing help
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemListPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
pricing tools to help with price calculation
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingServices
the PricingTools object that performs the pricing operations
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.processor.PriceOrderTotal
Sets property PricingTools
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
pricing tools to help in calculating prices
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with generating prices
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
pricing tools to help with generating prices
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the PricingTools object which helps this calculator calculate tax
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property pricingTools
setPricingTools(PricingTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Setter for property primary ("Is primary topology ?").
setPrimarySortColumn(TableInfo.Column) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Make the specified column become the primary sort column.
setPrimaryTable(Table) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property primaryTable.
setPrincipal(Principal) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
setPrincipalAssets(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property principalAssets ("Principal Assets").
setPrincipalIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setPrincipalType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setPrintStackTrace(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Sets the property PrintStackTrace.
setPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Sets PrintStream to write log events to.
setPriorInput(int, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set the prior input String at the specified index.
setPriority(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Priority
setPriority(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setPriority(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property priority ("Priority").
setPriority(int) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Sets the default priority for this task.
setPriority(int) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets this task's priority.
setProcess(Process) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property process ("Process id").
setProcessData(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This method will set process data for a process in the right context.
setProcessDataRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the ProcessDataRepository
setProcessId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Set the process id of this message.
setProcessId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets the processId to get the tasks for
setProcessId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetUnsuppliedAssetsTag
Sets the process id to return the unsupplied assets for
setProcessId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
Sets the process id to return the workflow descriptor for
setProcessId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
setProcessIndexFiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Should we try to process index files on already translated paths? This option should be used for servers that translate the paths, but do not do index file translating (such as the Java Web Server).
setProcessInstanceId(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the repository id of the process instance.
setProcessManager(ProcessManager) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Sets the ProcessManager which will be used to find workflow instances.
setProcessName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property processName ("Process name").
setProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the process name.
setProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Sets the process name.
setProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the name of the workflow process that the task belongs to.
setProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Sets the name of the workflow process for which task information should be returned.
setProcessName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Sets the name of the workflow process.
setProcessOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ProcessOrderChainId
setProcessResources(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the processResources
setProcessStartTime(Timestamp) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Sets the time the process was started.
setProduct(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the product for this comparison list entry.
setProduct(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setProduct(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
setProduct(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setProductCompareList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the list of Products the user wants to compare against.
setProductDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Specify the name of the product property that holds the display name for the product.
setProductID(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property productId.
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Sets the productId
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property ProductId
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property ProductId
setProductId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Set property ProductId
setProductIDList(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository ids of the products to add to the comparison list when calling addProductList or addProductListAllSkus
setProductIdParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setProductIdProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the productIdProperty
setProductIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setProductIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets productIds
setProductInfoItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setProductInfoItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setProductInfoPropertiesToCopy(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setProductInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setProductItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property productItemName
setProductItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
Sets property productItemName
setProductItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setProductItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Set property ProductItemTypes
setProductItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property ProductItemTypes
setProductLink(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the HTML that links to the product page for this comparison list entry.
setProductLinkFormat(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Set the format of the HTML generated for a link to a product page.
setProductList(ProductComparisonList) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Set the default ProductComparisonList examined by this droplet.
setProductList(ProductComparisonList) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the default ProductComparisonList managed by this form handler.
setProductMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets Name of the mapping file to be used to generate Product XML
setProductMigratableProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setProductMigrationItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setProductRef(Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
Sets the productRef
setProductsInfoMapProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setProductSKUPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets property name of the SKU items in product item-descriptor
setProductSkusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Specify the name of the product property that holds the list of skus associated with that product.
setProductToCompare(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the productId of the Product to add to the Compare Lists.
setProductViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
Sets property profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
Sets property profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the Profile property.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
Set property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Sets the profile property.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property profile.
setProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDroplet
Sets property profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property profile.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
Sets the profile of the recipient
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
The profile associated with the event.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property Profile
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet
Set the Profile property.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the Profile property.
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the Profile property.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
Sets the profile of the owner of the order
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the Profile property.
setProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
setProfile(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Sets the profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property profile ("User").
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CEmailFormHandler
Sets property profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Sets the profile associated with the session.
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Sets the property Profile.
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets the property Profile.
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Sets property Profile
setProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
setProfileCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setProfileCookieComment(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ProfileCookieComment
setProfileCookieDomain(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ProfileCookieDomain
setProfileCookieMaxAge(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ProfileCookieMaxAge
setProfileCookiePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ProfileCookiePath
setProfileCookieSecure(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property ProfileCookieSecure
setProfileDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
Sets the profile display name
setProfileDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
Sets the profile display name
setProfileDisplayName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Sets the profile display name
setProfileEventTrigger(ProfileEventTrigger) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property ProfileEventTrigger
setProfileGroupItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the profileGroupItemType property
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Sets the profile id.
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The profile ID of the owner of the order.
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.GiftCertificate
Sets the profileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the RepositoryId of the profile which this Order belongs to.
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the RepositoryId of the profile which this Order belongs to.
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
Sets property ProfileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
Sets the profileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The profile id associated with the event.
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.giftcertificate.GenericGiftCertificateInfo
Sets the profileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Sets the profileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.AdministrationMessage
Sets the profile item id
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.FrameworkMessage
Sets the profile item id
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessage
Sets the profile item id
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Sets property ProfileId
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
setProfileId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the profile id associated with the email.
setProfileIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the order repository item that holds the ID of the profile that owns the order.
setProfileIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Set the ProfileIdPropertyName property.
setProfileItemDescName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Set the profileItemDescName property.
setProfileItemFinder(RepositoryProfileItemFinder) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property ProfileItemFinder
setProfileItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Sets the name of the user item descriptor in the profile repository.
setProfileItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the user item descriptor in the profile repository.
setProfileItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setProfileItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Sets the Nucleus path of the Profile component.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the user's profile in the nucleus namespace
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ContentDroplet
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the profilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
Deprecated. set the propertyprofilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Sets the Nucleus path of the Profile object.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property ProfilePath
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property profilePath DEFAULT: /atg/userprofiling/Profile
setProfilePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The full name of the Profile component for every request.
setProfilePriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
The name of the property in the profile that stores the price list.
setProfilePriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
The name of the property in the profile that stores the price list.
setProfilePriceListPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
setProfileProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
setProfilePropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerManager
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets property profileRepository.
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Sets the repository in which user profiles are stored
setProfileRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The profile repository in which to edit the "abandonedOrderCount" property of profiles.
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the profileRepository
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the ProfileRepository property.
setProfileRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setProfileRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setProfileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the profileRepository
setProfileRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property ProfileRepository
setProfileRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Sets the profile repository.
setProfileRequestPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property ProfileRequestPath
setProfileRequestProcessors(ProfileRequestProcessor[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property profileRequestProcessors
setProfileRequestTools(ProfileRequestTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property ProfileRequestTools
setProfilesCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.ForEachItemInCatalog
setProfilesCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
Set the ProfileTools property.
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property profileTools
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Sets property profileTools.
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property ProfileTools
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets the profileTools
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendFulfillmentMessage
Sets property ProfileTools
setProfileTools(CommerceProfileTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendGiftPurchasedMessage
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the profileTools
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Sets the property ProfileTools.
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets property ProfileTools
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property ProfileTools.
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property ProfileTools
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property profileTools DEFAULT: null
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Sets property ProfileTools
setProfileTools(ProfileTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Sets the profile tools.
setProfileUpdateEvent(ProfileUpdateEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Sets the property ProfileUpdateEvent.
setProfileUpdateEvent(ProfileUpdateEvent) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets the property ProfileUpdateEvent.
setProfileUpdateTrigger(ProfileUpdateTrigger) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Set the ProfileUpdateTrigger property
setProfileUpdateTrigger(ProfileUpdateTrigger) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Set the ProfileUpdateTrigger property
setProgressUpdatePollSleepTime(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.
setProject(Project) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property project ("Current project").
setProjectAccessRights(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.search.indexing.ProjectPropertyAccessor
Set the array of access right names required by a given role for access to project data.
setProjectCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectContext(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectContext(String, RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectContext(String, String, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectHistorySize(int) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the ProjectHistorySize
setProjectId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
Set the project id of this message.
setProjectId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectTag
Sets the project id to return the project for
setProjectId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
setProjectIDs(String[]) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property projectIDs ("Project IDs").
setProjectIds(Object) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Sets the project ids to return the projects for
setProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setProjectResources(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the projectResources
setPromoStatusDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPromoStatusExpirationDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set the PromoStatusExpirationDate property
setPromoStatusNumUsesProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPromoStatusProfileIdProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPromoStatusPromoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setPromotion(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
Sets the promotion
setPromotionClosenessDisqualificationJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets the JMS type of the PromotionClosenessDisqualification message
setPromotionClosenessQualificationJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets the JMS type of the PromotionClosenessQualification message
setPromotionCountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The PromotionCount property name
setPromotionGrantedMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property PromotionGrantedMessageSender.
setPromotionItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
setPromotionItemDescriptorNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setPromotionItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property PromotionItemTypes
setPromotionParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setPromotionPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the PromotionPropertyName property.
setPromotionRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
setPromotionRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setPromotionRevokedMessageSender(MessageSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property PromotionRevokedMessageSender.
setPromotions(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property Promotions
setPromotionsRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Set the PromotionTools property.
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The PromotionTools component
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckForExpiredPromotions
Sets the promotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcMoveUsedPromotions
Sets the promotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSendPromotionUsedMessage
Sets the promotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property PromotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property PromotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property PromotionTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponDroplet
Set the PromotionTools property.
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the PromotionTools property.
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionDroplet
setPromotionTools(PromotionTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionServlet
setPromotionUpsellTools(PromotionUpsellTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
The tools component for closenessQualifiers
setPromotionUpsellTools(PromotionUpsellTools) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
The tools component for closenessQualifiers
setPromotionValuePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfoConfiguration
The PromotionValue property name
setPropagateFlush(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.DataCollectorService
Set property PropagateFlush
setProperties(Map) - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Sets the property Properties.
setProperties(ResultSetProperty[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
setProperties(RowmapProperty[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
setPropertiesOnContentHandler(AddHandler, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.AddService
This method will set properties on the contentHandler that control how the contentHandler will process a given instance document.
setPropertiesOnContentHandler(UpdateHandler, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will set properties on the contentHandler that control how the contentHandler will process a given instance document.
setPropertiesOnItem(GSAItem, Map) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the properties found in the propertyToValueMap on the given item.
setPropertiesToAddOnLogin(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Set property PropertiesToAddOnLogin
setPropertiesToAddOnLogin(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property propertiesToAddOnLogin DEFAULT: null
setPropertiesToCompare(String[]) - Method in class atg.markers.CompareByProperties
Sets the property names to compare
setPropertiesToCopyOnLogin(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Set property PropertiesToCopyOnLogin
setPropertiesToCopyOnLogin(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property propertiesToCopyOnLogin DEFAULT: null
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Sets the property attribute for this tag.
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
setProperty(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the <viewInContext><property> tag's body
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
setPropertyAccessControlList(String, AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Changes the item-specific access control list for the indicated property.
setPropertyAccessControlList(String, AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Changes the item-specific access control list for the indicated property.
setPropertyAccessControlList(String, AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.repository.SecuredRepositoryItemDescriptor
Changes the access control list for a property in this repository item.
setPropertyAccessorMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set propertyAccessorMap...
setPropertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.LoadProperties
Sets the propertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap
setPropertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Sets the propertyDescriptorToBeanPropertyMap list
setPropertyEditorClass(Class) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets property PropertyEditorClass: the optional class of this property's PropertyEditor implementation.
setPropertyElementNameSeparator(char) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Sets Separator Character to use in XML Schema & instance document to separate property name from itemDescriptor name
setPropertyExpression(QueryExpression) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Set property propertyExpression
setPropertyItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
setPropertyItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
setPropertyItemDescriptor(RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property PropertyItemDescriptor.
setPropertyLoggingDebug(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to turn on logging debug for invidual property values.
setPropertyManager(B2BCommercePropertyManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the PropertyManager property.
setPropertyManager(CommercePropertyManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the PropertyManager property.
setPropertyManager(CommercePropertyManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property PropertyManager
setPropertyManager(PropertyManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets property PropertyManager
setPropertyManager(PropertyManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RepositoryProfileItemFinder
Sets the property manager.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Set the name of the property whose value will determine the next processor invoked.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Sets property PropertyName
setPropertyNameTable(Properties) - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
Sets the property PropertyNameTable.
setPropertyParameterPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setPropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Sets the complete path to find the property
setPropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
Sets the path name of the property that this Input/Select etc.
setPropertyPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Sets the propertyPath property
setPropertyTools(PropertyTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
setPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets property PropertyType: the class which this property can be expected to have at runtime.
setPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
Perform type checking.
setPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Perform type checking.
setPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Perform type checking.
setPropertyType(Class) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
setPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property of this type for the item descriptor provided.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Sets the property of the given name with the supplied object
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method Sets the value of a property into the value Dictionary.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.BeanPropertyMapper
Sets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Sets the dynamic property value for the specified object using the list of registered DynamicPropertyMapper objects.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
Changes a property value of this state, recording it as a changed property.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanStateMapper
Sets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface atg.beans.DynamicPropertyMapper
Sets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AuxiliaryData
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Sets a propertyValue
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(Order, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.OrderRepositoryUtils
Uses introspection on the given object to set the given property value.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryRange
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets a property value
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Just in case the filtered commerce item has properties we don't explicitly provide here, this method can be used.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper
Sets the value of the dynamic property from the specified object.
setPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
This method sets the property value specified by the pPropertyPath parameter to the value specified by the pValue parameter.
setPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, Object, TagConverter, Properties) - Static method in class atg.droplet.DropletDescriptor
This method sets the property value specified by the pPropertyPath parameter to the value specified by the pValue parameter.
setPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property of this type for the item descriptor provided.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepositoryItem
Sets the property of the given name with the supplied object
setPropertyValue(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Sets the given property for a particular property descriptor.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Sets the property of the given name with the supplied object.
setPropertyValue(RepositoryItemImpl, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property of this type for the item descriptor provided.
setPropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Sets pPropertyName to pPropertyValue on the item specified by pRepositoryId found in the given repository
setPropertyValue(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method sets the property value specified by the pPropertyPath parameter to the value specified by the pValue parameter.
setPropertyValue(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This method sets the property value specified by the pPropertyPath parameter to the value specified by the pValue parameter.
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Sets the property of the given name, to the specified value
setPropertyValueFromString(Object, String, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Sets the dynamic property value for the specified object.
setPropertyValueInCache(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
This method is called from user defined property types when they want to store a value in the cache for this particular property.
setPropertyValues(HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PropertyValues
setPropertyValues(Hashtable) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PropertyValues
setPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
init with all possible values of each property
setPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PropertyValuesByType.
setPropertyValuesByType() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PropertyValuesByType.
setPropertyValueUnChecked(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Sets the property of the given name with the supplied object.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the Protocol
setProxyUserAuthorities(ProxyUserAuthority[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Sets this user authority up as the real authority for the given set of proxies.
setPruneInvalidInfoReferences(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
setPublicProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the publicProperty
setPublishedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the publishedProperty
setPublishedSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property PublishedSearchPropertyNames
setPublisher(GearMessagePublisher) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
setPublishingFileRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the publishingFileRepository
setPublishingFileSystem(VirtualFileSystem) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the publishingFileSystem
setPublishingRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the publishingRepository
setPublishingRepositoryServiceName(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.
setPurchaseListId(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property purchaseListId
setPurchaseListId(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setPurchaseProcessHelper(PurchaseProcessHelper) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property purchaseProcessHelper
setPurchaserParamName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setPurgeCacheSeconds(long) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
This property specifies the default time interval for purging the entire collection of cached content.
setPurgeDeploymentData(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setQualifierService(Qualifier) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Sets a component that does the pricing model qualification
setQualifierService(Qualifier) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DiscountCalculatorService
Set property QualifierService
setQualifyingDetailsMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
a map of DetailedItemPriceInfo objects to the number of times that details qualified
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the quantity that this Relationship represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the Quantity property.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet.ConfigurableProperty
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setQuantity(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
sets the number of CommerceItems which this CommerceItem object represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
sets the number of CommerceItems which this CommerceItem object represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the quantity that this Relationship represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Sets the quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the quantity that this Relationship represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the Quantity property.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the Quantity property.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the quantity that this Relationship represents.
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
Set property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
how many of a commerceitem this object represents
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property Quantity
setQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Set property Quantity
setQuantityAdjusted(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Set property QuantityAdjusted
setQuantityAsQualifier(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
the portion of this DetailedItemPriceInfo that has acted as a qualifier.
setQuantityAsQualifier(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setQuantityDesiredProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the quantityDesiredProperty
setQuantityDiscounted(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setQuantityParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setQuantityParamName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setQuantityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ComplexPriceDroplet
setQuantityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the quantity of each price level
setQuantityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the quantity of each price level
setQuantityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setQuantityPurchasedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the quantityPurchasedProperty
setQuantityString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setQuantityToMove(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property QuantityToMove.
setQuery(Query) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Sets property Query
setQuery(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setQueryable(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets property Queryable
setQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
setQueryCacheSize(int) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Sets the property queryCacheSize.
setQueryExpireTimeout(long) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Sets the property query expire timeout.
setQueryOptions(QueryOptions) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property QueryOptions
setQueryString(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the QueryString
setQueryTimeout(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
Sets the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
setQueryTimeout(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Sets the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
setQueryTimeout(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the maximum number of seconds that the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setQueryTimeout
setQueryTimeout(Integer) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setQueryTimeout
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
Wraps the call to setQueryTimeout
setQueryTotal(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets the queryTotal
setQueryTotal(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets the queryTotal
setQueryTotal(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
True if the total order count should be retrieved when any order lookup is done.
setQuestion(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set the value of the <query><question> tag
setQueueActions(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.event.ConfigurableActionHandler
Whether or not to queue event actions or do them immediately.
setQueueing(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Turn queueing on or off.
setQueueMaxNormalSize(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Sets the queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to run at its normal priority and becomes active.
setQueueMinActiveSize(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.QueueingLogger
Sets the queue size threshold at which the thread ceases to be active.
setRange(Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
setRange(Range) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
setRangeClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
setRangeClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setRangeComparator(RangeComparator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
setRangeComparator(RangeComparator) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setRangePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
setRanges(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
Price ranges and shipping costs associated with those ranges.
setRawShipping(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPriceInfo
sets the raw shipping price
setRawSubtotal(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
setRawTotalPrice(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setReadable(boolean) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets property Readable -- indicates whether this dynamic property is readable.
setReadOnly(Boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearParameter
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
If set to true, this ACL becomes immutable.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
If set to true, this Persona becomes immutable.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property readOnly.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the flag indicating if the created Connections will be set with readOnly on.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to setReadOnly
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Sets property ReadOnly
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property ReadTimeout
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property ReadTimeout
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the maximum number of seconds (not millis) to block when reading input.
setRealm(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Sets the realm that will be displayed to the user in the authentication request.
setRealm(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticator
Sets the name of the realm to be displayed to the user for this authenticator.
setReanimateableAbandonmentStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The possible abandonment states of abandoned and lost orders.
setReanimatedAbandonmentStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The possible abandonment states that an order can have for it no longer to be considered abandoned.
setReanimationDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
The name of the property in the abandonmentInfo repository item that holds the date/time when the order was most recently reanimated.
setReceivedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the receivedDate property
setReceiveEmailPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile.
setReceiveEmailPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
Sets property ReceiveEmailPropertyName
setRecipient(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the recipient that should receive email
setRecipient(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property recipient, used as the To: tag of the email.
setRecipient(Message, Message.RecipientType, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the recipient of the message (either To, Cc, or Bcc field) to the InternetAddress obtained from the given string.
setRecipient(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Sets the recipient profile object.
setRecipientEmailParamName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setRecipientList(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the list of recipients that should receive email
setRecipients(Message, Message.RecipientType, String[]) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the recipients of the message (either To, Cc, or Bcc field) to the InternetAddress array obtained from the given string array.
setRecipients(Message, Message.RecipientType, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Describe setRecipients method here.
setReconfigurationData(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Sets property reconfigurationData
setRecordResultsForJob(boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Sets whether jobs will record information about successfully processed files as well as errors.
setRedirectURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Sets URL to which the user will be redirected if the user isn't authenticated yet
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setRef
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setRef
setReferenceCount(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the property ReferenceCount.
setReferencedAssetURIs(Set) - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
setRefreshCurrentGenerationMsecs(long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The number of seconds before cached information about the current generation for a configuration is considered stale.
setRefreshInventoryData(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
"set" method to make the refreshInventoryData functionality available from jhtml.
setRefreshInventoryErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the destination URL if an error occurs refreshing inventory data in the comparison list.
setRefreshInventorySuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the destination URL for successfully refreshing inventory data in the comparison list.
setRegionDefinitions(Collection) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the region definition property
setRegions(String[]) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Regions
setRegisterAtStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.event.GenericHandler
Sets property RegisterAtStartup
setRegisterNucleusShutdownHook(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the flag indicating if Nucleus should register a shutdown during startup
setRegisterRequestComponents(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Will the Nucleus NameUnresolver register request scoped components?
setRegisterSessionComponents(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Will the Nucleus NameUnresolver register session scoped components?
setRegistrationDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setRegistrationLoggingEventTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property RegistrationLoggingEventTypeName
setRegistryService(RegistryService) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the registryService
setReinitializeOnChainExec(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Sets property reinitializeOnChainExec
setReinitializeTime(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
setRejectedOrderState(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the rejectedOrderState property.
setRejectOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the rejectOrderErrorURL property.
setRejectOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the rejectOrderSuccessURL property.
setRelatedCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setRelatedCatGroupPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setRelatedPrdGroupPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setRelatedProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setRelationalView(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setRelationalViewDefinitions(RelationalViewDefinition[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
setRelationalViewManager(RelationalViewManager) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewDroplet
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Relationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the relationshipClassType
setRelationshipCount(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the RelationshipCount property.
setRelationshipItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the relationshipItemDescriptorName
setRelationshipOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the relationshipOrderPropertyName
setRelationships(RowmapRelationship[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setRelationshipsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the relationshipsProperty name.
setRelationshipsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the relationshipsProperty name.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the RelationshipType property.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the RelationshipType property.
setRelationshipType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the RelationshipType property.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Relationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a String.
setRelationshipTypeAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Set the Relationship type as a string.
setRelationshipTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for Relationships.
setRelativeExpiration(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set the relativeExpiration property
setRelativeExpirationPath(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Specify the root, relative to the web application's context path, of the URL's that should be checked for session expiration.
setRelativeExpirationURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Specify the URL, relative to the web application's context path, that we should redirect to if an expired session is seen.
setRelativePathMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Specify the mapping from URL's to virtual locations within the store, using URL's relative to the web app's context root.
setRelativePathPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
The path name prepended onto relative paths that do not have an explicit "./" in front of them.
setRelayRegisterName(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setReleaseTaskErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task was not released successfully.
setReleaseTaskSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task was released successfully.
setRelQuestSettings(ResolvingMap) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set the relQuestSettings map.
setRemoteAddr(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the RemoteAddr
setRemoteHost(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the RemoteHost
setRemoteHosts(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setRemotePorts(int[]) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setRemoteRelayHosts(InetAddress[]) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
setRemoteRelayPorts(int[]) - Method in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
setRemoteRMIPorts(int[]) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setRemoteServerCache(RemoteServerCache) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property RemoteServerCache
setRemoteServerCache(RemoteServerCache) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property RemoteServerCache
setRemoteUser(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the RemoteUser
setRemovalCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemovalCatalogRefIds
setRemovalCatalogRefIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemovalCatalogRefIds
setRemovalCommerceIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemovalCommerceIds
setRemovalCommerceIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemovalCommerceIds
setRemovalRelationshipIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the removalRelationshipIds property.
setRemovalRelationshipIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the removalRelationshipIds property.
setRemoveAddress(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property removeAddress, naming the address to be removed by handleRemoveAddress().
setRemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL
setRemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderErrorURL
setRemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL
setRemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemoveAndAddItemToOrderSuccessURL
setRemoveCard(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property removeCard, naming the address to be removed by handleRemoveCard().
setRemoveCardErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property removeCardErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error removing a credit card.
setRemoveCardSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property removeCardSuccessURL, used to redirect user when a credit card is successfully removed.
setRemoveCategoryErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL if errors occur while removing categories from the list.
setRemoveCategorySuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL for successfully removing categories from the list.
setRemoveClickThroughURIArguments(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
setRemoveCostCenterErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property RemoveCostCenterErrorURL.
setRemoveCostCenterIdentifier(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property RemoveCostCenterIdentifier
setRemoveCostCenterSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.profile.B2BCommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property RemoveCostCenterSuccessURL.
setRemoved(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Called from the readObject method when we try to restore a reference to an item which has been removed.
setRemovedItemIds(String[]) - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Sets Ids of the items that have been removed
setRemovedMarkerEvents(List) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Sets the list of MarkerEventMessages for items that have been removed
setRemovedProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
setRemovedSkuId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
setRemoveErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property RemoveErrorURL
setRemoveGiftitemIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property RemoveGiftitemIds.
setRemoveInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is removed from the repository.
setRemoveItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Sets property removeItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart.
setRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
setRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
setRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
setRemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the RemoveItemFromOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
setRemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL
setRemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemoveItemFromOrderErrorURL
setRemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property RemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL
setRemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RemoveItemFromOrderSuccessURL
setRemoveItemFromPurchaseListOnMoveToCart(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistManager
Deprecated. use GiftlistManager.setRemoveItemFromGiftlistOnMoveToCart
setRemoveItemsWithDeletedProducts(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
setRemoveMessageJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
property RemoveMessageJMSType Sets the JMS Message type used when sending marked removed messages Remove messages are sent whenever a marker is removed from a marked item.
setRemoveMessagesFromPipelineResult(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
Sets property removeMessagesFromPipelineResult
setRemoveNullValues(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property RemoveNullValues.
setRemoveProductErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL if errors occur while removing products from the list.
setRemoveProductSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL for successfully removing products from the list.
setRemoveReferencesToDeletedItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the property RemoveReferencesToDeletedItems.
setRemoveSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property RemoveSuccessURL
setRemoveURIArguments(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets property RemoveURIArguments
setRenderAsynchronously(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the renderAsynchronously property
setRenderingTimeout(long) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the renderingTimeout property
setRenderParamDescriptors(ParamDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
Sets property RenderParamDescriptors
setRepeatingRequestMonitor(RepeatingRequestMonitor) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the RepeatingRequestMonitor property.
setReplaceATagWithHrefAttribute(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets mReplaceATagWithHrefAttribute
setReplacedMarkerEvents(List) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Sets the list of MarkerEventMessages for items that have been replaced
setReplacementPrdsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setReplacementProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setReplaceMessageJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
property ReplaceMessageJMSType Sets the JMS Message type used when sending marked replaced messages Replace messages are sent whenever a marker is replaced by a new marker.
setReplyTo(Message, String) - Static method in class atg.service.email.MimeMessageUtils
Sets the ReplyTo field of the message to the InternetAddress obtained from the given string.
setReportDropletExceptions(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
setReportFileNotFound(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Should we report file not found errors?
setReportingBouncedEmailAddressDomain(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the ReportingBouncedEmailAddressDomain property
setRepositories(Repository[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property: repositories
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Makes a copy of the repository reference as a mutable repository.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Changes the repository that we're wrapping.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the Repository the Products/SKUs are in.
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property Repository
setRepository(IntegrationRepository) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Sets property Repository
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the repository used by the marker manager.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
Sets Order Repository
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Sets the property Repository.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Set property Repository
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
The repository to store items.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Optional override of definition file repository specification.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property Repository
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
Set the repository
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the repository this form handler should operate over.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters
Sets property Repository
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Sets property Repository
setRepository(GSARepository) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the repository that this account manager is to use for persistance.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Set property repository
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Set the repository for which a group is being defined
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the repository from which to select items
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Sets the Repository
setRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set the metadata repository
setRepositoryDisplayNameResource(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Set property repositoryDisplayNameResource
setRepositoryDisplayNameResource(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Set property repositoryDisplayNameResource
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in exception atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.ItemWasModifiedException
Specify the repository id of the item that was modified unexpectedly.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Sets the repository id of the item to be manipulated.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Sets the property RepositoryId.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
If a user changes the id of an "id property", you need to implement this method.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the repository id of the item to be manipulated.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The id of the repository.
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property RepositoryId description: the RepositoryId of the Profile to manipulate
setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
With the given id find the associated user and set the Profile's datasource to that person.
setRepositoryIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets the property RepositoryIds.
setRepositoryIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Sets the list of repository id's being updated
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ConfigurableCommerceItem
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the repositoryItem and calls updateVersion()
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the repositoryItem
setRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the repository item to create the URI for, no other properties need to be supplied if this property is set
setRepositoryItemEditor(RepositoryItemEditor) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Set the repository item editor
setRepositoryItemGroup(RepositoryItemGroup) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Optional override for definition file repository-item-group component setting.
setRepositoryItemGroup(RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroup) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Sets the RepositoryItemGroup
setRepositoryKey(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository lookup key that is used to select an alternate catalog repository.
setRepositoryKeyParamName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property repositoryKeyParamName
setRepositoryMappings(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setRepositoryMappings(Map) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
Sets the repository mappings
setRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Sets the RepositoryMarkerManager to use for this business process
setRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the marker manager used by the droplet
setRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventSynchronization
Sets the instance of RepositoryMarkerManager that created the instance of this object.
setRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the repository marker manager
setRepositoryMarkerManager(RepositoryMarkerManager) - Method in class atg.markers.userprofiling.ProfileMarkerServices
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Changes the name of the repository.
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The name of the repository where the marker and marked item reside
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Sets the property RepositoryName.
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in exception atg.repository.xml.DetailedRemoveException
Sets Repository name of the item
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Set the repository name from which to select items
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The name of the repository that contains this item.
setRepositoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Set the nucleus path of the repository from which to select items
setRepositoryPathName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the property RepositoryPathName.
setRepositoryRegistryService(RepositoryRegistryService) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Sets property RepositoryRegistryService
setRepositoryUserDirectory(RepositoryUserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the RepositoryUserDirectory property.
setRepositoryView(RepositoryView) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Set property RepositoryView
setRepositoryViewName(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Set the name of the repository view for which a group is being defined
setRepositoryViewName(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the name of the repository view from which to select items
setRepositoryXMLTools(RepositoryXMLTools) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
setRepositoryXMLTools(RepositoryXMLTools) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets Tools class
setRepositoryXMLTools(RepositoryXMLTools) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Sets RepositoryXMLTools
setRepriceAfterFailoverRecovery(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property RepriceAfterFailoverRecovery
setRepricedObject(CommerceIdentifier) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setRepriceOnClone(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property RepriceOnClone
setRepriceOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Corresponds to the handle reprice order method.
setRepriceOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Corresponds to the handle reprice order method.
setRepriceOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property RepriceOrderChainId
setRepriceOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the RepriceOrderChainId property.
setRepriceOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RepriceOrderChainId
setRepriceOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property RepriceOrderChainId
setRepriceOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the RepriceOrderErrorURL property.
setRepriceOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RepriceOrderErrorURL
setRepriceOrderOnLogin(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property RepriceOrderOnLogin
setRepriceOrderPricingOp(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This property should be set to the type of pricing operation that should be executed when the order(s) is repriced after login.
setRepriceOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the RepriceOrderSuccessURL property.
setRepriceOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property RepriceOrderSuccessURL
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the HttpServletRequest embedded by this
setRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the servlet request corresponding to the response for this method.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the embedded request to be the given request.
setRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
setRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
setRequestAttribute(String, String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set a request attribute into the request attribute map.
setRequestAttributes(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set request attribute map.
setRequestClass(Class) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property RequestClass.
setRequestEmailSubject(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setRequestId(Long) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Sets property RequestId
setRequestId(Long, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogging
Stores the request id associated with this request.
setRequestId(Long, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLoggingService
Stores the request id associated with this request.
setRequestInvalid(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
Sets property RequestInvalid
setRequestLastActivityTime(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the last time activity occurred on this request
setRequestLocale(RequestLocale) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the request locale
setRequestLocale(RequestLocale) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
setRequestLocalePath(ComponentName) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
setRequestLocalePath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
setRequestLocalePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.
setRequestLocalePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property RequestLocalePath DEFAULT: /atg/dynamo/servlet/RequestLocale
setRequestLogging(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the loggingEnabled property of the ClientRequest object
setRequestScope(NameContext) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property RequestScope.
setRequestScopeExpirationMilliseconds(int) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Sets the property RequestScopeExpirationMilliseconds.
setRequestScopeManager(RequestScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the RequestScopeManager
setRequestScopeManager(RequestScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the RequestScopeManager
setRequestServers(RequestServer[]) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the list of request servers that are being monitored
setRequestSetupServlet(HeadPipelineServlet) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
setRequestSetupServlet(HeadPipelineServlet) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
setRequestToken(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setRequestType(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Set the requestType of the membership request
setRequestURI(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the RequestURI
setRequestURIHasQueryString(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The servlet specification requires that the requestURI not contain query args.
setRequestURIHasQueryString(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
The servlet specification requires that the requestURI not contain query args.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets property Required, indicating whether this dynamic property is required to be non-null in a valid object.
setRequiredAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property requiredAddressProperties, naming the properties considered mandatory when creating a secondary address record.
setRequiredBillingAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the properties of a billing address which are required to not be null
setRequiredExtendedProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the default array of extended property names that are required when creating a new marker.
setRequiredFields(String[]) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Specify a list of property names that must be set by the form using this form handler.
setRequiredShippingAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
the properties of a shipping address which are required to not be null
setRequireIdOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets whether a repository id must be specified when new items are created.
setRequireMapKeys(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Set a flag that indicates if the form should require keys for all entries in Map properties.
setRequireMapKeys(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Set a flag that indicates if the form should require keys for all entries in Map properties.
setRequirePriceValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceCalculator
Sets property RequirePriceValue
setRequiresSessionConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
Whether this form requires session confirmation.
setRequiresSessionConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Whether this form requires session confirmation.
setRequisitionNotUsedValue(int) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Set the value to return if an order does not contain requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
setRequisitionNumber(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
setRequisitionNumber(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Set the requisition info associated with this payment group
setRequisitionNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Set the requisition info associated with this payment group
setRequisitionUsedAddsPipelineError(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Specify whether to add an error object to the pipeline result if an order contains requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
setRequisitionUsedPipelineMessage(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Ste the string to use as the error object if requisitionUsedAddsPipelineError is true and the order contains requisition numbers in any of its payment groups.
setRequisitionUsedValue(int) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.approval.ProcCheckRequisitionNumbers
Set the value to return if an order does contain requisition numbers associated with any of its payment groups.
setReset(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Allow reset to be called from JHTML using
<setvalue bean="TableColumns.reset">
setResetErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property ResetErrorURL
setResetSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property ResetSuccessURL
setResolvedService(Object) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Sets the service component as resolved by Nucleus.
setResource(Object) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets the resource.
setResourceBundleName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the bundle name used for this resource bundle.
setResourceClassName(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets the class name of the resource to be pooled.
setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
setResourceName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ErrorMessageForEach
Sets the property ResourceName.
setResourceObject(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setResourcePoolPaths(String[]) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the property ResourcePoolPaths.
setResourcePools(ResourcePool[]) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the list of resource pools.
setResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the property Response.
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the HttpServletResponse property
setResponseClass(Class) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property ResponseClass.
setResponseNumberSettings(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set a map of values for responseNumberSettings
setRestartRequestThread(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the mRestartRequestThread property
setRestorableForm(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property RestorableForm.
setRestorableForm(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Sets the property RestorableForm.
setRestorableOrders(RestorableOrders) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Sets property RestorableOrders
setRestorableSessionIdFromURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID indicates the need to restore a session.
setRestoreErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property RestoreErrorURL
setRestoreSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property RestoreSuccessURL
setResult(Object) - Method in class atg.integrations.CommandResult
Sets the Resulting value
setResults(Results) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the Results object returned from the search server.
setResults(Results) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Set the most recent Results object
setResults(Results) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Set the search results object
setResultSetProcessorDefinitions(ResultSetProcessorDefinition[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
setResultSetSize(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
setResultsFetcher(ResultsFetchingProxy) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set a results fetching proxy.
setRetrieval(int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets content retrieval mode
setRetryConnectionCount(int) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
setReturn(FunctionReturn) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setReturn(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the ClientVicRequest's returnType property, corresponds to the query's return request attribute.
setReturnedQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
setReturnedQuantity(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the returnedQuantity
setReturnedQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
setReturnedQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the returnedQuantity
setReturnedQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets the returnedQuantity
setReturnEmptyResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
Specify whether findCategories, findProducts, and findSkus should return empty results if none of the target ids appears in the user's catalog, or whether they should return the complete set of products or categories for the id's in question.
setReturnFailureOnPropertyNotFound(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Sets property ReturnFailureOnPropertyNotFound
setReturnRange(FunctionReturnRange) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
setReturnsRowmap(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
setReturnTypes(Class[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
setReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.processor.EmptyProcessor
Set the return value that this processor always returns.
setReturnValueForFalseEvaluation(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property returnValueForFalseEvaluation
setReturnValueForTrueEvaluation(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property returnValueForTrueEvaluation
setReturnValues(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Specify the mapping between string values of the order state and return values from runProcess.
setReturnValues(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Specify the mapping between values of propertyName and return values from runProcess.
setReuseFullDeploymentManifests(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.
setReuseThread(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setRevertOptimizationThresholdCount(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Threshold number of assets in the source workspace when a Branch.revertToWorkspace() operation starts using the optimized version of the operation.
setRightColumns(ColumnName[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
setRightSide(RuleExpression) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
Sets property rightSide
setRmiServer(RmiServer) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.
setRmiServer(RmiServer) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
set RmiServer
setRmiURI(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Setter for property rmiURI ("RMI URI").
setRoleDescription(String, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
Sets the "description" field of a role.
setRoleIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
Sets the roleIds property
setRoleIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Sets the roleIds property
setRoles(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginSession
Sets The roles that the user must be in for the specified user authority for the form login to have been successful
setRolesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setRoleUpdateMethod(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Sets the roleUpdateMethod property
setRoleViewRoleNameProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setRollbackOnError(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
Specify whether or failure in this processor is considered fatal error.
setRollbackOnError(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
Specify whether or failure to deliver a message is considered a fatal error.
setRollbackOnError(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
Specify whether or failure in this processor is considered fatal error.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
This method will call the setRollbackTransaction method on the superclass.
setRollbackTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Sets property RollbackTransaction
setRollbackTransaction(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Sets property RollbackTransaction
setRollbackTransactionOnUnhandledException(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Sets the value of the isRollbackTransactionOnUnhandledException property.
setRootCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setRootCatsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setRootFolderName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.AssetSearchFormHandler
Sets property RootFolderName
setRootPath(File) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemMonitor
Assigns the file object of the root of the path that should be monitored.
setRootPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setRootPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setRootSubCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setRoundingDecimalPlaces(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
number of decimal places to which prices should be rounded
setRoutingSystemService(RoutingSystemService) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setRowmapDefinition(RowmapDefinition) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
setRPCRouterServlet(DynamoRPCRouterServlet) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the RPCRouterServlet property.
setRqlFilterParameters(Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property rqlFilterParameters
setRqlFilterString(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property rqlFilterString.
setRule(Rule) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property rule
setRuleEvaluator(RuleEvaluator) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property RuleEvaluator
setRuleExpression(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.ProcPropertyRestriction
Sets property ruleExpression
setRuleRepresentation(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.FilterFormHandler
Sets the SGML rule param pRuleRepresentation the SGML targeting rule
setRules(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Set the rules used to define this group.
setRulesets(StringList) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter
setRuleSetService(RuleSetService) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Sets the RuleSetService containing the rules to be evaluated.
setRuleSetService(RuleSetService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Sets the RuleSetService containing access control rules.
setRuleStrings(StringList) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Set the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
setRuleStrings(StringList) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
setRuntimeAclString(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the String representation of this task's runtime access control list.
setSaleComplexPrice(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This method should not be used anymore. See the docs for instructions on implementing sales pricing
setSaleComplexPrice(MutableRepositoryItem, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This method should not be used anymore. See the docs for instructions on implementing sales pricing
setSaleComplexPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
setSaleListPrice(MutableRepositoryItem, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This method should not be used anymore. See the docs for instructions on implementing sales pricing
setSalePrice(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
setSalePricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator
Sets property salePricePropertyName
setSalePricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This property is not used anymore
setSalesComplexPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesTieredPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the SalesComplexPrice
setSalesPricePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemSalesPriceCalculator
the name of the property for the SalesPrice
setSaleSubSkuPrice(MutableRepositoryItem, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
Deprecated. This method should not be used anymore. See the docs for instructions on implementing sales pricing
setSaltFetcher(SaltFetcher) - Method in class atg.security.iPlanetSSHAAccountPasswordHasher
Sets the SaltFetcher.
setSampleListSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.MemorySampler
Sets the maximum number of samples that will be stored
setSampleSources(String[]) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Sets the list of {service}.{property} values to be included in every sample.
setSamplingSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the Schedule used to sample request/session/memory/JDBC connection information.
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ChangedProperties
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveAllProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the saveAllProperties
setSaveChangedPropertiesOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Sets the saveChangedPropertiesOnly flag
setSaved(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
setSaved(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
setSaveDetailsOrderDiscountShare(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
setSavedPersonae(SavedPersona[]) - Method in class atg.security.UserFailService
Sets the list of saved personae so we can reconstitute them on failover.
setSavedProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
Sets the savedProperties list
setSaveEmptyOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
setSaveGiftlistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property SaveGiftlistErrorURL
setSaveGiftlistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property SaveGiftlistSuccessURL
setSaveItemsOrderDiscountShare(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
setSaveOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Set the SaveOrderErrorURL property.
setSaveOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the SaveOrderErrorURL property.
setSaveOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.SaveOrderFormHandler
Set the SaveOrderSuccessURL property.
setSaveOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the SaveOrderSuccessURL property.
setSavepoint() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.
setSavePriceInfosInIncompleteOrders(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Deprecated. Use orderStateSaveModes instead
setSavePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property savePurchaselistErrorURL
setSavePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setSavePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property savePurchaselistSuccessURL
setSavePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setSaveRequestScopeOnRedirect(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Sets the property SaveRequestScopeOnRedirect.
setScenarioEventPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setScenarioEventPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setScenarioInstancesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Sets the name of the profile's "scenarioInstances" property.
setScenarioItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the ScenarioItemType property
setScenarioManager(ScenarioManagerService) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioProfileFormHandler
Sets the ScenarioManagerService.
setScenarioPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Set property ScenarioPathInfo
setScenarioPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Set property ScenarioPathInfo
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Sets the Schedule that is used to schedule rotations
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property Schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property Schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property Schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property Schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property Schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Sets the schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Set property schedule
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Sets the Schedule on which this sampler will run.
setScheduledOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
Set property ScheduledOrder
setScheduledOrderItemDescriptor(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Sets property ScheduledOrderItemDescriptor
setScheduledOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
set the property ScheduledOrderPropertyName
setScheduledOrderRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Sets property ScheduledOrderRepository
setScheduledOrderTools(ScheduledOrderTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
set the propertyscheduledOrderTools
setScheduledOrderTools(ScheduledOrderTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property ScheduledOrderTools
setScheduledOrderTools(ScheduledOrderTools) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Sets property ScheduledOrderTools
setScheduleOrderPort(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ScheduleOrderPort
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Set property scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.RotatingFileLogger
Sets the Scheduler that is used to schedule rotations
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.nucleus.RequestScopeManager
Sets the Scheduler used to run the expiration and swapping checks.
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property scheduler.
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the Scheduler used to run the expiration and swapping checks.
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property Scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sets the Scheduler responsible for scheduling batch sends.
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Sets the scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Set property scheduler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sampler
Sets the Scheduler that will run this sampler
setScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Sets property Scheduler
setSchemaManager(XMLSchemaManager) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Sets Schema Manager
setScheme(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the Scheme
setScrambleKey(byte[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the Scramble Key property
setScrambleKey(byte[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the Scramble Key property, used for the "secret key" to weakly encrypt the Dynamo URL Arguments
setSearchAllManufacturers(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.PartsFilterFormHandler
setSearchByCostCenterId(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderLookup
sets the property searchByCostCenterId.
setSearchByOrderId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
sets the property searchByOrderId.
setSearchByUserId(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
sets the property searchByUserId.
setSearchConfigAttributeName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Set search config attribute name.
setSearchConfigAttributeName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set search config attribute name.
setSearchConfigNameService(SearchConfigNameService) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BrowseFormHandler
Set nucleus service.
setSearchConfigNameService(SearchConfigNameService) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set nucleus service.
setSearchContext(SearchContext) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the session scoped search context object
setSearchErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
setSearchEventSender(SearchEventSender) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CSearchFormHandler
Sets property searchEventSender
setSearchFor(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setSearchInput(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SearchInput
setSearchInput(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SearchInput
setSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets Names of the properties to search for getProductXMLByDescription
setSearchService(ESSearchService) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the ESSearchService instance, this is the connection to the search server
setSearchSession(SearchSession) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SearchContext
Set the search session used to track user in ATG Search
setSearchStrategyService(SearchStrategy) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setSearchString(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchMessage
Set property searchString, containing the user-entered string used to search on the bikestore product catalog.
setSearchStringFormat(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SearchStringFormat
setSearchStringFormat(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SearchStringFormat used by Text search.
setSearchStringFormat(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SearchStringFormat used by Text search.
setSearchSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
setSecondaryAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the secondaryAddressPropertyName property.
setSecondaryOrganizationsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecondField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the second property for a Calendar date.
setSeconds(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Seconds.
setSecondsUntilExpiration(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.GiftCertificateProcessorImpl
Sets property secondsUntilExpiration
setSecondsUntilExpiration(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
Sets property secondsUntilExpiration
setSecuredPublishingRepository(SecuredRepository) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the securedPublishingRepository
setSecuredResources(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.PathSecurityDomain
Sets A list of resources protected by this SecurityDomain
setSecureHost(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setSecurePort(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
setSecureProtocol(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.ProtocolChange
Sets the property secureProtocol.
Note, changing this property will NOT change the protocol used for secure requests.
https:// will always be used as the secure protocol.
setSecureProtocolName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Changes the security configuration for the repository, which affects the production of access control lists.
setSecurityContext(SecurityContext) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Changes the security system context information appropriate to this object.
setSecurityDomainDescription(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Changes the description of the security domain.
setSecurityDomainName(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Changes the name of the security domain.
setSecurityDomains(SecurityDomain[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Sets List of security domains with which this servlet must authenticated
setSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy) - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Changes the security policy that is in effect in this configuration.
setSecurityProviders(String[]) - Method in class atg.security.SecurityProviderService
set SecurityProviders
setSecurityStatus(Profile, int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the security status property of the profile.
setSecurityStatusAnonymous(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusBasicAuth(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusCertificate(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusCookie(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusLogin(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusSecureLogin(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSecurityStatusUrl(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PropertyManager
setSeed(long) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Internal setter for seed.
setSeedColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property SeedColumn
setSegmentItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the SegmentItemType property
setSegmentName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property segmentName ("Segment name").
setSegmentName(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the segment name.
setSegmentName(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Sets the segment name.
setSegmentName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the name of the workflow process segment that the task belongs to.
setSegmentName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Sets the name of the workflow process segment for which task information should be returned.
setSegmentName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Sets the name of the workflow process segment.
setSelectAllowed(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setSelectedCreditCardName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the SelectedCreditCardName property.
setSelectedIndex1(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the index of the first item the user wants to compare.
setSelectedIndex2(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the index of the second item the user wants to compare.
setSelectLastModifiedOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
If set to true will return the order that was last modified in the list of open orders for the user.
setSellerRegistrationNumber(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
setSellerRegNumber(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
setSendAsHtml(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the property indicating whether message content should be sent as HTML.
setSendAsText(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
Sets the property indicating whether message content should be sent as plain text.
setSendCheckinEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Sets whether JMS messages should be sent for checkin events.
setSendCheckoutEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Sets whether JMS messages should be sent for checkout events.
setSendD4StyleEvents(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
setSendEmailInSeparateThread(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets boolean indicating whether the email is sent in a separate thread.
setSender(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property sender, used as the From: tag of the email.
setSendErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property sendErrorURL, identifying the page this method will redirect to if there is an error sending the email.
setSendEventOnAddItem(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setSendEventsWithNoProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setSendEventsWithNoProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setSendItemRemovedMessages(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Specify whether to send ItemRemovedFromOrder messages when moving items from the shopping cart to a gift list or wish list.
setSendLoginEventForNewPersistentAnonymousProfiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets the property sendLoginEventForNewPersistentAnonymousProfiles.
setSendMessages(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Sets the property sendMessages to indicate if messages are to be sent.
setSendOrderAbandonedMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if OrderAbandoned messages should be sent when the service identifies an abandoned order.
setSendOrderConvertedMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if an OrderConverted message should be sent when an abandoned order is converted.
setSendOrderLostMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if OrderLost messages should be sent when the service identifies a lost order.
setSendOrderReanimatedMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Boolean indicating if an OrderReanimated message should be sent when an abandoned order is reanimated.
setSendProfileCookies(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.CookieManager
Sets property SendProfileCookies
setSendPromotionClosenessMessages(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
boolean indicating if the promotion-closeness JMS messages should be sent.
setSendSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.email.BatchEmailListener
Sets the Schedule for perfoming batch sends.
setSendSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property sendSuccessURL, identifying the page this method will redirect to if the email is successfully sent.
setSendUserEmail(boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
setSeparateEmailThread(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setServer(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property server.
setServer(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the db server name.
setServerAliveMessageResponseWaitTime(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setServerDownIterationDetectionCount(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setServerList(String[]) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property ServerList, the list of host:port combinations that this client should connect to.
setServerList(String[]) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property ServerList, the list of host:port combinations that this client should connect to.
setServerName(ServerName) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
Sets the property ServerName.
setServerName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the ServerName
setServerNameService(ServerName) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setServerNameService(ServerName) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Service that provides a name for this server instance.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the ServerPort
setServerSocketFactory(ServerSocketFactory) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets property ServerSocketFactory
setServiceId(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Set the ServiceId property.
setServiceInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Sets the a descriptive string about this service
setServiceInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Sets the a descriptive string about this service
setServiceInfo(String) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Sets the a descriptive string about this service
setServiceMap(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.GeographicValidator
Sets property serviceMap
setServletContext(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set the servletContext of the color palette
setServletContext(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the servletContext property
setServletContext(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the servlet context of the page template
setServletContext(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the servlet context of the page template
setServletContext(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the servletContext of the style
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Sets property ServletContext
setServletInfo(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.servlet.ServletService
Sets the information string for this servlet
setServletInfo(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Sets the information string for this servlet
setServletPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Sets the ServletPath
setServletPathPrefix(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathDispatcherPipelineServlet
Sets the property ServletPathPrefix.
setServletPaths(String[]) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.ServletPathPipelineServlet
Sets the list of possible servlet paths
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
setSessionBasedSearchRequest(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set to true to save search request in the SearchContext component, false otherwise.
setSessionBasedSearchResults(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set to true to save search Results object in SearchContext object, false otherwise.
setSessionConfigLanguage(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the language value used when creating the search session.
setSessionExpirationLoggingEventTypeName(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property SessionExpirationLoggingEventTypeName
setSessionExpirationPath(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.CheckSessionExpiration
Sets Path of directory to check for session expiration
setSessionExpirationURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the SessionExpirationURL property.
setSessionExpirationURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
setSessionExpiredRedirectURL(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Sets URL to which the user will be redirected if the session has expired
setSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent
Sets the session id
setSessionId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
setSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Sets the session id
setSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerEventMessage
The session id associated with the event
setSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.SessionScopedLogEntry
Sets property SessionId
setSessionId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Sets the SessionId property
setSessionIdAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Sets the IP address that will be stamped into generated session id's
setSessionIdPort(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Sets the IP address that will be stamped into generated session id's
setSessionLocale(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Sets the locale of the current session by changing the session-scoped RequestLocale component.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the SessionManager, used to determine the number of sessions during sampling.
setSessionManager(SessionManagerService) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.SessionPipelineServlet
Sets the SessionManager
setSessionManager(DynamoSessionManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the session manager.
setSessionManager(DynamoSessionManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the session manager.
setSessionManagerPath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEventTrigger
The component name and path for the SessionManager.
setSessionRequest(HttpSessionRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
setSessionURLName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.Cache
The name for the session id.
setSessionVariables(HttpSession, Map) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setSetAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property SetAutoCommit
setSetCurrentRequest(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the property SetCurrentRequest.
setSetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the SetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
setSetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the SetOrderByRelationshipIdErrorURL property.
setSetOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Set the setOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
setSetOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the setOrderByRelationshipIdSuccessURL property.
setSetOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderChainId
setSetOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderChainId
setSetOrderChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property SetOrderChainId
setSetOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderErrorURL
setSetOrderErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderErrorURL
setSetOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderSuccessURL
setSetOrderSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property SetOrderSuccessURL
setSetProductListErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL when errors occur calling setProductList or setProductListAllSkus.
setSetProductListSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set destination URL when successfully calling setProductList or setProductListAllSkus.
setSetTaskOwnerErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task owner was not set successfully.
setSetTaskOwnerSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task owner was set successfully.
setSetTaskPriorityErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task priority was not set successfully.
setSetTaskPrioritySuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to if the task priority was set successfully.
setSettingDefaultValues(boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
set property to true to set default values of the gear definition parameters
setSettleOnFirstShipment(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
setSetType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setSetupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequests(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets the flag indicating if we should look for/setup loopback requests made by the template email system.
setSetValidEmailStatus(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.
setSeverity(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setShallowCreditCardPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the shallowCreditCardPropertyNames property.
setShared(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Set if the gear should be shared across communities
setSharedViewStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property sharedViewStates
setShipFromCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set ShipFromCity used for tax calculations.
setShipFromCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set ShipFromCity used for tax calculations.
setShipFromCity(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setShipFromCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set ShipFromCountry used for tax calculations.
setShipFromCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setShipFromCountry(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
Set 2 character ShipFromCountry used for tax calculations.
setShipFromGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set ShipFrom GeoCode used for tax calculations.
setShipFromGeoCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setShipFromProvince(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setShipFromState(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set ShipFromState/Province used for tax calculations.
setShipFromState(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set ShipFromState/Province used for tax calculations.
setShipFromZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
Set ShipFromZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
setShipFromZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
Set ShipFromZip/PostalCode used for tax calculations.
setShipFromZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
setShipItemRelationshipStates(ShipItemRelationshipStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setShipItemRelationshipStates(ShipItemRelationshipStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setShipItemRelationshipStates(ShipItemRelationshipStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setShipItemRelationshipStates(ShipItemRelationshipStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setShipItemRelCommerceItemPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShipItemRelOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShipItemRels(ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
setShipItemRelShippingGroupPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShipItemRelStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShipItemRelViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShipOnDate(Date) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the shipOnDate
setShipOnDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the shipOnDate
setShippedDate(ShippingGroup, Date, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method sets the date when the shipping group shipped to the given time.
setShippedDate(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroup, Date, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcFinishShippingGroup
This method sets the date when the shipping group shipped to the given time.
setShipping(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
setShippingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
Sets the shippingAddress
setShippingAddress(Address) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingAddressContainer
setShippingAddress(Address) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Set property ShippingAddress
setShippingAddressId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property shippingAddressId.
setShippingAddressItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setShippingAddressMapProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets an array of profile map properties that contain addresses.
setShippingAddressProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
This method sets the list of all properties for shipping address.
setShippingAddressProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the shippingAddressProperty
setShippingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setShippingAddressPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommercePropertyManager
Set the shippingAddressPropertyName property.
setShippingAddressValidator(ShippingAddrValidator) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
setShippingAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Set property ShippingAmount
setShippingDestinations(ShippingDestination[]) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Sets property ShippingDestinations
setShippingGroup(B2BShippingGroup) - Method in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the ShippingGroup reference.
setShippingGroup(B2BShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the ShippingGroup reference.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property ShippingGroup.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets shipping group bean to use for modifying the shipping groups
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the ShippingGroup reference.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs
Set the shipping group being validated.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Sets shipping group bean to use for modifying the shipping groups
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Sets shipping group bean to use for modifying the shipping groups
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the ShippingGroup reference.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationship
Sets the ShippingGroup reference.
setShippingGroup(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShippingGroup.
setShippingGroupClassType(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the ShippingGroupClassType
setShippingGroupClassType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the ShippingGroupClassType
setShippingGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setShippingGroupId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstruction
Sets the shippingGroupId
setShippingGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
Sets the shippingGroupId
setShippingGroupId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ShippingGroupId property.
setShippingGroupIdList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setShippingGroupIdParameter(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setShippingGroupIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
setShippingGroupIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
setShippingGroupIdString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
setShippingGroupInitializers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ShippingGroupInitializers property.
setShippingGroupInitializers(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ShippingGroupInitializers property.
setShippingGroupItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the shippingGroupItemDescriptorName
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Sets property shippingGroupManager
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Sets property shippingGroupManager
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property shippingGroupManager
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the ShippingGroupManager property.
setShippingGroupManager(ShippingGroupManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ShippingGroupManager property.
setShippingGroupMap(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Set the ShippingGroupMap property.
setShippingGroupMapContainer(ShippingGroupMapContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the ShippingGroupMapContainer property.
setShippingGroupMapContainer(ShippingGroupMapContainer) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ShippingGroupMapContainer property.
setShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the ShippingGroupName property.
setShippingGroupNeeded(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ExpressCheckoutFormHandler
Set the ShippingGroupNeeded property.
setShippingGroupOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setShippingGroupOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingGroupOrderPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets the shippingGroupOrderPropertyName
setShippingGroupProperty(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.B2BProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the shippingGroupProperty name.
setShippingGroupProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadRelationshipObjects
Sets the shippingGroupProperty name.
setShippingGroupShipOnDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setShippingGroupShipOnDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingGroupShippingAddressClassNameMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
Sets property shippingGroupShippingAddressClassNameMap
setShippingGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadHandlingInstructionObjects
Sets the shippingGroupsProperty name.
setShippingGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the shippingGroupsProperty
setShippingGroupsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadShippingGroupObjects
Sets the shippingGroupsProperty name.
setShippingGroupState(ShippingGroup, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the shipping group.
setShippingGroupStateProcessing(Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
setShippingGroupStateProcessing(OrderFulfiller, Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
Set the shipping group states to processing and add the Modification objects created to the ModificationList that is passed.
setShippingGroupStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setShippingGroupStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingGroupStates(ShippingGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setShippingGroupStates(ShippingGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillerSystem
setShippingGroupStates(ShippingGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderChangeHandler
setShippingGroupStates(ShippingGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
setShippingGroupStates(ShippingGroupStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingGroupSubmittedDate(ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
setShippingGroupSubmittedDate(OrderFulfiller, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleShippingGroupUpdateModification
This method sets the submitted date of the shipping group to the current time.
setShippingGroupSubmittedDate(OrderFulfiller, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSendFulfillOrderFragment
This method sets the submitted date of the shipping group to the current time.
setShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
setShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setShippingGroupSubmittedDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingGroupTypes(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Set the ShippingGroupTypes property.
setShippingGroupViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
setShippingGroupViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
setShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the items that appear in that shipping group
setShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets property shippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property ShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setShippingItemsTaxPriceInfos(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains the tax price information for only the items that appear in that shipping group
setShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets property shippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty
setShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property ShippingItemsTaxPriceInfosProperty
setShippingMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the ShippingMethod property.
setShippingMethod(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the shippingMethod
setShippingMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the shippingMethod
setShippingMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Sets property ShippingMethod
setShippingPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the shippingPriceInfoProperty
setShippingPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the shippingPriceInfoProperty
setShippingPricingEngine(ShippingPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the shipping pricing engine to consult for available shipping methods
setShippingPricingEngine(ShippingPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property ShippingPricingEngine
setShippingPricingEngine(ShippingPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property ShippingPricingEngine
setShippingPricingEngineService(PricingEngineService) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property ShippingPricingEngineService
setShippingPricingModels(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property ShippingPricingModels
setShippingSubtotalUsesAverageItemPrice(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setShippingTypeClassMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
sets a java.util.Properties object to contain the type to classname map for ShippingGroups.
setShipToAddressName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the nickname of the address from the secondary address map that will be used to ship the goods to.
setShipToBillingAddress(boolean) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property shipToBillingAddress, indicating that the billing address should be copied to the shipping address.
setShipToDoneErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToDoneErrorURL
setShipToDoneSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToDoneSuccessURL.
setShipToInfoFromZipResult(ZipResult) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Attempts to set whatever information is possible from the specified zip result.
setShipToMultipleDoneErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToMultipleDoneErrorURL.
setShipToMultipleDoneSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToMultipleDoneSuccessURL.
setShipToMultipleErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToMultipleErrorURL.
setShipToMultipleSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShipToMultipleSuccessURL.
setShipToZipOptionChoice(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Sets the index for the currently chosen ship-to zip option.
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftitemDroplet
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCart(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property ShoppingCart
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
Sets property ShoppingCartPath
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Sets property ShoppingCartPath
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Sets property ShoppingCartPath
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.OrderMarkerConfiguration
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
The full name of the ShoppingCart component for every request.
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property ShoppingCartPath
setShoppingCartPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTools
The path to the component that holds the current shopping cart
setShort(int, short) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setShort
setShort(String, short) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setShort
setShortDescriptionResource(String) - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Sets the property ShortDescription.
setShortValue(Short) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property shortValue
setShouldCache(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the shouldCache property
setShouldCoverErrorsWithCache(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the shouldCoverErrorsWithCache property
setShouldListDirectory(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the flag indicating whether a directory should be listed in response to a directory reference in which no index files can be found.
setShuttingDown(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the flag indicating if this is currently shutting down
setSimpleSOAPClient(SimpleSOAPClient) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SendObjectAsXML
Set the SimpleSOAPClient property.
setSingleCostCenter(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the SingleCostCenter property.
setSiteHttpServerName(String) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
Sets the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
setSiteHttpServerName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
setSiteHttpServerName(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
setSiteHttpServerPort(int) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
setSiteHttpServerPort(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
setSiteHttpServerPort(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
setSiteName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the siteName to be used in the SessionConfig
setSiteName(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Set the siteName value
setSize(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the size attribute
setSkip(boolean[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets the property Skip.
setSkip(int, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets a single element after resizing the array if necessary
setSkipDynamoFormHandlerParam(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
setSkipNullObject(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingLogger
Sets property SkipNullObject
setSkipTargetIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Set SkipTargetIds.
setSkipUndeployableRepositories(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Set property skipUndeployableRepositories.
setSku(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Set the SKU for this comparison list entry.
setSku(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property Sku
setSKU(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setSkuCompareList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CompareSkusFormHandler
Deprecated. Sets the list of SKUs the user wants to compare against.
setSkuDisplayNamePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Specify the name of the sku property that holds the display name for the sku.
setSkuID(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the repository id of the product to add to or remove from the comparison list.
setSkuIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setSkuInfoItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setSkuInfoItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSkuInfoPropertiesToCopy(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
setSkuInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSkuInfosPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setSkuItemName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setSkuItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSKUItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property SKUItemTypes
setSKUItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTypeInfo
Sets property SKUItemTypes
setSkuLinkItemPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setSkuLinkQuantityPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setSKUMappingFileName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets Name of the mapping file to be used to generate SKU XML
setSkuMigratableProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSkuMigrationItemType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSkusInfoMapProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setSkuViewName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setSlotInstancesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.userprofiling.ScenarioPropertyManager
Sets the name of the profile's "slotInstances" property.
setSlotItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the slotItemType property
setSlotName(String) - Method in class atg.scenario.dms.SlotItemRequestMessage
Set name of slot requesting content.
setSmallImageURL(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the small image URL property
setSMTPEmailSender(SMTPEmailSender) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The SMTPEmailSender service to send emails through.
setSnapshotFactory(SnapshotFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setSnapshotName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property snapshotName ("Initial snapshot name").
setSOAPActionURI(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the SOAPActionURI property.
setSOAPServerURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the SOAPServerURL property.
setSocketReadTimeout(Socket) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Attempt to set the read timeout for the specified socket.
setSoftBounced(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the softBounced property
setSoftGoodRecipientEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Set the SoftGoodRecipientEmailAddress property.
setSoftGoodShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property SoftGoodShippingGroupName
setSoftGoodShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Set the softGoodShippingGroupName property.
setSolidSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property SolidSQL.
setSortAscending(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property sortAscending
setSortAscending(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property sortAscending
setSortAscending(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property SortAscending
setSortBy(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property SortBy
setSortBy(String) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Set the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.
setSortCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Sets whether the sort is case sensitive or not.
setSortDirection(int) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Sets the sort direction.
setSortDirection(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Set the direction for this entry.
setSortDirectives(SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets property SortDirectives
setSortDirectives(SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Sets property SortDirectives
setSorter(Comparator) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Sets the Comparator to use when sorting tasks.
setSortOrdersByProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property SortOrdersByProperty
setSortProperties(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Sets a comma separated list of Project properties to sort the return collection by
setSortProperty(String) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Sets the name of the property to sort by.
setSortRepositoryItemSets(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Set a flag that indicates if the form should display Sets of RepositoryItems sorted according to their display names.
setSortRepositoryItemSets(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Set a flag that indicates if the form should display Sets of RepositoryItems sorted according to their display names.
setSource(DBConnectionInfo) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property source
setSource(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Set the source of this message.
setSource(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Set the source of this message.
setSource(Throwable) - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Sets property Source
setSourceException(Throwable) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Sets property SourceException
setSourceException(Throwable) - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Sets property SourceException
setSourceHostName(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the hostname from which the email is coming from
setSourceId(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the source id for this message bean.
setSourceMap(TargetingSourceMap) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Sets the TargetingSourceMap to use when evaluating rules.
setSourceMap(TargetingSourceMap) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Sets the source map used by the targeter.
setSourceMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
Sets the map of source names to their Nucleus paths.
setSourceMap(TargetingSourceMap) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.RuleAccessController
Sets the TargetingSourceMap used to resolve component names in rules.
setSourceNameDelimiter(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
setSourceNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Sets the sourceNames for this Message
setSourcePassword(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setSourcePath(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
This sets the sourcePath for this Message.
setSourceScenarioPathInfo(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Set property SourceScenarioPathInfo
setSourceServer(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setSourceType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the source type for this message bean.
setSourceUser(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setSpecialInstructions(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property specialInstructions.
setSpecialInstructions(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the specialInstructions
setSpecialInstructions(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the specialInstructions
setSpecialInstructions(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the specialInstructions
setSpecialInstructionsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the specialInstructions property
setSpecialPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Changes the set of special personae supported by this user authority.
setSpecialPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Changes the set of special personae supported by this user authority.
setSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the SpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupErrorURL property.
setSpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the SpecifyDefaultPaymentGroupSuccessURL property.
setSpecifyDefaultShippingGroupErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the SpecifyDefaultShippingGroupErrorURL property.
setSpecifyDefaultShippingGroupSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the SpecifyDefaultShippingGroupSuccessURL property.
setSpellCheckActive(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the spellCheckActive
setSpellCheckEnableLearn(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the spellCheckEnableLearn
setSpellCheckPropEditHtmlEdit(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the spellCheckPropEditHtmlEdit
setSpellCheckPropEditStringEdit(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the spellCheckPropEditStringEdit
setSplitAmount(double) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the SplitAmount property.
setSplitAmount(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the SplitAmount property.
setSplitCostCenterName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the SplitCostCenterName property.
setSplitCostCentersErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the SplitCostCentersErrorURL property.
setSplitCostCentersSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the SplitCostCentersSuccessURL property.
setSplitPaymentInfosErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the SplitPaymentInfosErrorURL property.
setSplitPaymentInfosSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the SplitPaymentInfosSuccessURL property.
setSplitPaymentMethod(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the SplitPaymentMethod property.
setSplitQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
Set the SplitQuantity property.
setSplitQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Set the SplitQuantity property.
setSplitQuantity(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the SplitQuantity property.
setSplitQueries(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property splitQueries
setSplitShippingGroupName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Set the SplitShippingGroupName property.
setSplitShippingInfosErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the SplitShippingInfosErrorURL property.
setSplitShippingInfosSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the SplitShippingInfosSuccessURL property.
setSplitValueIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
The split value index.
setSql(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setSQLColumnMappings(SQLColumnMapping[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property SQLColumnMappings
setSQLColumnMappings(SQLColumnMapping[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property SQLColumnMappings
setSQLColumnSizes(int[]) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property SQLColumnSizes
setSqlCommand(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property sqlCommand
setStackTrace(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
setStageNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Sets the array of possible business process stage names.
setStageReachedJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the JMS Message type used when sending stage reached messages
setStartDate(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property StartDate
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.PortalMessage
Sets the Date the alert should start being published
setStartIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Set the startIndex to a particular value.
setStartingIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets property StartingIndex
setStartingIndex(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryQueryServlet.QueryParameters
Sets property StartingIndex
setStartingWith(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setStartRequestThreadPriority() - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Attempts to keep request handling thread priority higher while it's actually serving a page.
setStartupAttempts(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The number of startup attempts to make.
setStartupFailureSleepTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
setState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method will set the status for all the existing catalogs.
setState(Collection, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method will set the status for the specified catalogs.
setState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the home state that applies to this filter
setState(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the state
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
sets the CommerceItem state.
setState(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the state
setState(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the order state.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
sets the Order state.
setState(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
sets the PaymentGroup state.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
sets the PaymentGroup state.
setState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
setState(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the state
setState(int) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
sets the ShippingGroup state.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
sets the ShippingGroupRelationship state.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
sets the ShippingGroup state.
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property State
setState(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property State
setState(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
setState(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The numeric state code indicating the status.
setStateAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
sets the CommerceItem state using a String
setStateAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
sets the Order state using a string.
setStateAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
sets the PaymentGroup state as a String.
setStateAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the state as a String.
setStateAsString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
sets the ShippingGroup state as a string.
setStateCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setStateDescriptionMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the stateDetail
setStateDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItem
Sets the stateDetail
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
sets the CommerceItem state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemRelationship
Sets the stateDetail
setStateDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the order state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
sets the Order state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
sets the PaymentGroup state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is required by the interface but not used for this class
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
sets the PaymentGroup state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
sets the ShippingGroup state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
Sets the stateDetail
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
sets the ShippingGroup state details.
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Sets property StateDetail
setStateDetail(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingCommerceItem
Sets property StateDetail
setStateId(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the id of the process state machine state this process instance is currently in.
setStatement(int, StructuredStatement) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Set a StructuredStatement a specified index.
setStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
Sets the property name used to get the user's home state
setStatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property statePropertyName
setStates(ObjectStates) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
Sets the universe of states in question
setStatesList(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Sets property StatesList
setStateStringMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
setStateTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property StateTax
setStateTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
Set the state/province tax
setStateTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setStateTax(double) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setStateValueMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.commerce.states.ObjectStates
setStats(ConnectionStats) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setStatus(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
Set the status of this message.
setStatus(DeploymentLogEnumStatus) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property status ("Status").
setStatus(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property status ("Status").
setStatus(ProcessEnumStatus) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property status ("Status").
setStatus(ProjectEnumStatus) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property status ("Status").
setStatus(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetProjectsTag
Sets the status of the projects to query for
setStatus(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setStatus(int) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Sets property status.
setStatus(ContextStatusEnum) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
Set the status for this context.
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
setStatus(int) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the status code and a default message for this response.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequest
A "property setter" for the status property which is only available by other profiler classes.
setStatusDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property statusDetail ("Status detail").
setStatusDetail(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property statusDetail ("Status detail").
setStatusPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the statusPropertyName property.
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's stock level to the specified number.
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's stock level to the specified number.
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's stock level to the specified number.
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
This method will update the stock level for the given sku.
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's stock level to the specified number.
setStockLevel(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setStockLevel(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
set the item's stock level to pNumber, If the item is a bundle, this method does nothing and returns INVENTORY_STATUS_SUCCEED.
setStockLevelPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property StockLevelPropertyName
setStockLevels(String[], long[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryServices
This method will update each of the given sku ids with the new given stock level.
setStockThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.AbstractInventoryManagerImpl
Set an item's stock level threshold.
setStockThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Set an item's stock level threshold.
setStockThreshold(String, long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryManager
Set an item's stock level threshold.
setStockThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Set an item's stock level threshold.
setStockThreshold(String, long, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
setStockThreshold(String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Set an item's stock level threshold.
setStockThresholdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Sets property StockThresholdPropertyName
setStopHandlingMilliseconds(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the stopHandlingMilliseconds property.
setStopProcessingOnError(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Set whether processOrder will return false if an exception occurs
setStoreCreditAmountAuthorizedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditAmountAuthorizedPropertyName
setStoreCreditAmountPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditAmountPropertyName
setStoreCreditAmountRemainingPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditAmountRemainingPropertyName
setStoreCreditAuthorizedProperty(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserStoreCreditAuthorizer
Set the StoreCreditAuthorizedProperty property.
setStoreCreditExpirationDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditExpirationDatePropertyName
setStoreCreditInfoClass(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
Specify the class to instantiate when creating a new StoreCreditInfo object.
setStoreCreditIssueDatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditIssueDatePropertyName
setStoreCreditItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditItemDescriptorName
setStoreCreditLastUsedPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditLastUsedPropertyName
setStoreCreditNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
Sets the storeCreditNumber.
setStoreCreditNumber(String) - Method in class atg.payment.storecredit.GenericStoreCreditInfo
Sets the StoreCreditNumber
setStoreCreditOwnerIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property storeCreditOwnerIdPropertyName
setStoreCreditProcessor(StoreCreditProcessor) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.PaymentManager
Sets property StoreCreditProcessor
setStoreCreditStatusDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePaymentStatusObjects
Sets the storeCreditStatusDescName
setStoreTransientItemsOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
setStrategyType(SearchStrategy.StrategyType) - Method in class atg.search.routing.RoutingSearchService
setStrictAuthorization(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Sets property strictAuthorization
setStrictFileOperations(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setStrictFileOps(Boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setStrictFileOps(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property strictFileOps ("Strict repository update operations").
setStrictFileOps(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property strictFileOps ("Strict repository update operations").
setStrictOutputAccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
StrictOutputAccess controls whether the Servlet 2.2 behavior of restricting access to PrintWriters and OuputStreams is imposed.
setStrictRepoOps(Boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
setStrictRepoOps(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property strictRepoOps ("Strict file update operations").
setStrictRepoOps(int) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property strictRepoOps ("Strict file update operations").
setStrictRepositoryOperations(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setString(int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setString
setString(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setString(int, String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setString
setStringAt(String, int) - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Set a String by its index.
setStrings(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.PlaceList
Specify the list of places, alternating codes and display names.
setStrings(String[]) - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Set the array of Strings.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleExpression
Sets property stringValue
setStyle(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Style
setStyle(Style) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the style for the community
setStylesheetCache(DocumentCache) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The StylesheetCache used by this component
setSubCatalogsChildCategoriesPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setSubCatalogsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogProperties
setSubject(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the subject field.
setSubject(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property subject, used as the Subject: tag of the email.
setSubject(AssetDescriptor) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Sets the AssetDescriptor object which describes this task's subject.
setSubjectClassName(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the name of the class to use when instantiating the object to be returned by the subject property.
setSubjectId(String) - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Sets the subject id.
setSubjectId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the repository id of the workflow subject corresponding to the task instance.
setSubjectId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the repository id of the workflow subject associated with this task.
setSubjectRepository(MutableRepository) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the MutableRepository used to store workflow subjects.
setSubjectType(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the name of the item descriptor describing workflow subjects.
setSubmitOrderJMSType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderEventListener
Sets the JMS type of the SubmitOrder event
setSubmitShipping(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Set whether shipping cost from the order will be submitted to taxware as freight
setSubmitted(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
A "0" value indicates the order was not submitted.
setSubmittedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the submittedDate
setSubmittedDate(Date) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroup
Sets the submittedDate
setSubmittedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Sets the submittedDate
setSubmittedDate(Date) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroup
Sets the submittedDate.
setSubmittedDate(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
Sets the submittedDate
setSubmittedTime(long) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the submittedDate as a long.
setSubmittedTime(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property submittedTime
setSubPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Changes the list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
setSubPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Changes the list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
setSubPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in interface atg.security.Persona
Changes the list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
setSubPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
Changes the list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
setSubPersonae(Persona[]) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationPersona
Changes the list of sub-personae that compose this persona.
setSubPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Like setPropertyValue, but takes a hierarchy property name of the form propertyName1.subPropertyName2.subSubPropertyName3... If any of the intermediate property values is null, a NullPointerException is thrown.
setSubPropertyValueFromString(Object, String, String) - Static method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeans
Like setPropertyValueFromString, but takes a hierarchy property name of the form propertyName1.subPropertyName2.subSubPropertyName3... If any of the intermediate property values is null, a NullPointerException is thrown.
setSubSkuItemState(SubSkuCommerceItem, ShippingGroup, int, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Set the state of the item relationship.
setSubSkuPrice(CommerceItem, double, PricingAdjustment, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Create and set the priceinfo object for a subsku.
setSubSkuPriceInfoClass(Class) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property SubSkuPriceInfoClass
setSubSkuSalePrice(CommerceItem, double, PricingAdjustment, RepositoryItem, Locale, RepositoryItem, Map, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Update the priceinfo object for a subsku with a sale price.
setSubstituteDeletedProductId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
setSubstituteDeletedSkuId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
setSubstituteRemovedProduct(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetProductRefs
setSubstituteRemovedSku(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSetCatalogRefs
setSubtotalPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
The name of the subtotal property of the priceInfo to compare the minimum amount against.
setSubType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
setSubType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
setSubType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
setSubTypeProperty(GSAPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property SubTypeProperty.
setSubTypeValue(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property SubTypeValue.
setSubTypeValueString(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property SubTypeValueString.
setSubview(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setSubviewDefinitions(SubviewDefinition[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
setSubviewParameters(String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
setSubviews(SubviewDefinition[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setSuccessfulServerStartup(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
set SuccessfulServerStartup
setSuccessMessageProcessor(I18nMessageProcessor) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Changes the form message processor used for notifying the user about successes.
setSuccessReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
Sets property successReturnValue
setSuccessReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcCheckOrderState
Sets property successReturnValue
setSuccessReturnValue(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain
Sets property successReturnValue
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gears.orderstatus.OrderStatusFormHandler
Sets property SuccessURL
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.DBCopyFormHandler
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Sets property SuccessURL
setSuccessUrl(String) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property SuccessURL.
setSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the optional url to redirect to on a successful search (a search which throws no exceptions)
setSuffix(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryAddress
Sets the suffix
setSuffix(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RepositoryContactInfo
Sets the suffix
setSuffix(String) - Method in class atg.core.util.Address
Sets the suffix
setSuffix(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set property Suffix
setSuffixColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property SuffixColumn
setSummaryFromTimeMillis(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Sets property SummaryFromTimeMillis
setSummaryToTimeMillis(long) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Sets property SummaryToTimeMillis
setSuperAdminRole(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the SuperAdminRole
setSuperTypeDescriptor(GSAItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property SuperTypeDescriptor.
setSupportsEveryone(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
If set to true, this adds the "EVERYONE" special persona to the list of special personae supported by this user authority.
setSupportsEveryone(boolean) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
If set to true, this adds the "EVERYONE" special persona to the list of special personae supported by this user authority.
setSuppressTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
setSurrogateFor(AgentDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property surrogateFor ("Agent for which this agent acts as a surrogate").
setSurrogateFor(TargetDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Setter for property surrogateFor ("Target for which this target acts as a surrogate").
setSuspendedProjectInSession(DynamoHttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
setSwitch(ResultSetSwitch) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
setSwitch(RowmapSwitch) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setSwitchable(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Whether or not the target or agent is configured for switch deployments.
setSwitchablePaths(String[]) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Array of Nucleus component paths on this agent that implement Switchable.
setSwitchingDataSource(SwitchingDataSource) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
setSwitchingDataSourceName(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Set property switchingDataSourceName
setSybaseSQL(File) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property SybaseSQL.
setSynchronized(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Sets the path name of the component used to synchronize this form.
setTable(Table) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property Table.
setTable(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
setTableInfo(TableInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
setTableName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the value of the tableName property.
setTableName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
Sets the property TableName.
setTableName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property TableName
setTableName(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property TableName
setTableName(String) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property TableName
setTablePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets a String to be prepended as-is to the table name (tableName).
setTablePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property TablePrefix
setTablePrefix(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Sets property TablePrefix
setTables(String[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DBCopier
Set property tables
setTables(SQLTableConfig[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the property Tables.
setTables(RowmapTable[]) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
setTableVariable(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
setTagName(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.Tag
Sets the name of this tag.
setTagNameEncoderService(TagNameEncoderService) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Sets the TagNameEncoderService.
setTarget(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
The logical target associated with the event, either a deployment target or an individual target agent.
setTarget(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
The logical target of the status, either a deployment target or a local agent.
setTargeter(Targeter) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
Sets the targeter to use for the targeting operation.
setTargeter(Targeter) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
The targeter that was used to view the event.
setTargeterItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the TargeterItemType property
setTargetId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
setTargetId(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
Set the target id of this message.
setTargetID(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property targetID ("Target ID").
setTargetingSourceMap(TargetingSourceMap) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Set property TargetingSourceMap
setTargetName(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Setter for property targetName .
setTargetName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
set TargetName
setTargetObjectURI(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
Set the TargetObjectURI property.
setTargets(List) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Setter for property targets ("Definition of Targets associated with this topology").
setTargetSnapshotID(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
setTargetType(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.IdTargetModification
setTargetValue(Serializable) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
setTaskAccessControlList(String, String, String, String, AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Sets the given task's access control list for an existing workflow instance.
setTaskDescriptor(TaskDescriptor) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssignableUsersTag
Sets the task descriptor of the task which the user list will be created.
setTaskDescriptor(TaskDescriptor) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Sets the TaskDescriptor for this task.
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Setter for property taskElementId ("Task element id").
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets the task element ID to get a specific taskInfo
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the id of the workflow element corresponding to the task.
setTaskElementId(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Sets the process element id of the task element in the workflow.
setTaskElementIds(String[]) - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Sets the process element ids of the task elements in the workflow for which task information should be returned.
setTaskInfos(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property taskInfos ("Task information").
setTaskOwner(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskOwner to actually set the task's owner.
setTaskOwner(String, String, String, String, DirectoryPrincipal) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Sets the owner of a workflow instance's task to the given DirectoryPrincipal, or to null if ownership of the task it to be cleared.
setTaskPriority(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by handleSetTaskPriority to actually set the task's priority.
setTaskPriority(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Sets the given task's priority for an existing workflow instance.
setTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
setTax(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
setTaxableItemAmount(double) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Set property TaxableItemAmount
setTaxableItems(TaxableItem[]) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Set property TaxableItems
setTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos(Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderPriceInfo
maps a shipping group ID to a PriceInfo that contains a subtotal for only the taxable items that appear in that shipping group
setTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets property TaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setTaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property TaxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfosProperty
setTaxCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
setTaxPriceInfo(TaxPriceInfo) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the taxPriceInfo
setTaxPriceInfo(TaxPriceInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the taxPriceInfo
setTaxPriceInfoDescName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets property taxPriceInfoDescName
setTaxPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcLoadPriceInfoObjects
Sets the taxPriceInfoProperty
setTaxPriceInfoProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Sets the taxPriceInfoProperty
setTaxPriceInfoRepositoryItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets the taxPriceInfoRepositoryItem
setTaxPricingEngine(TaxPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property TaxPricingEngine
setTaxPricingEngine(TaxPricingEngine) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
Sets property TaxPricingEngine
setTaxPricingEngineService(PricingEngineService) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
set the property TaxPricingEngineService
setTaxPricingModels(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelHolder
Sets property TaxPricingModels
setTaxProcessor(TaxProcessor) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Set property TaxProcessor
setTaxSelParm(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.SalesTaxService
setTaxService(TaxService) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Set the TaxService used to generate the TaxRequest.
setTaxStatus(String) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
Sets property TaxStatus
setTaxStatusProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
Sets property TaxStatusProperty
setTemplateEmailBatchPersister(TemplateEmailBatchPersister) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data.
setTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister(TemplateEmailBatchServerPersister) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Set the template email batch server perisister...
setTemplateEmailInfo(TemplateEmailInfoImpl) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets the property TemplateEmailInfo
setTemplateEmailPersister(TemplateEmailPersister) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.
setTemplateEmailSender(TemplateEmailSender) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setTemplateEmailSender(TemplateEmailSender) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ForgotPasswordHandler
Sets the property TemplateEmailSender
setTemplateInvoker(TemplateInvoker) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
setTemplateParameters(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets the Map of parameter names and values to set when rendering the jhtml template.
setTemplateRendererServlet(Servlet) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
setTemplateRendererServlet(Servlet) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Sets the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
setTemplateURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Sets the URL of a jhtml file which should serve as the template for generating the message text.
setTerse(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.PrintStreamLogger
Whether to use a terse TersePrintStreamLogger.
setTestMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets this component in test mode, i.e.
setTestPassword(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
setText(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Sets the text to escape or truncate
setTextIndexTable(Table) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Set property textIndexTable
setTextInput(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property TextInput used for Text searches.
setTextInput(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property TextInput used for Text searches.
setTextSearchPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setTextSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.SearchFormHandler
Sets property TextSearchPropertyNames
setTextSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property TextSearchPropertyNames
setTextSearchPropertyNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property TextSearchPropertyNames
setThreadBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
This parameter determines the maximum number of items a single thread is expected to process.
setThreadCount(int) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
Sets the number Threads that will be reading and dispatching from the queue.
setThreadMethod(int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set property threadMethod
setThreadMethod(int) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Set property threadMethod
setThreadSpawnInterval(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setThreadUser(User) - Static method in class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
Binds a new User object to the current thread.
setThresholdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setThresholdValue(long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
setThrowExceptionOnError(boolean) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Set whether to throw exceptions on errors.
setThrowExceptionOnInventoryException(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Set the throwExceptionOnInventoryException property.
setThrowVerificationException(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should throw a descriptive exception upon address verification failure.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setTime
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setTime
setTime(String, Time) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value, using the given Calendar object.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setTime
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setTime
setTime(long) - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Sets the properties to reflect the specified time.
setTimeAsDate(Date) - Method in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
Sets the properties to reflect the specified date.
setTimeCheckedOut(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets the time in milliseconds this object was checked out of the resource pool.
setTimeCreated(long) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourceObject
Sets property timeCreated.
setTimeoutLockIntervalSecs(int) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property TimeoutLockIntervalSecs.
setTimeOutMsecs(long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Set the number of milliseconds of inactivity before a claimed index is considered timed out.
setTimestamp(Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Setter for property timestamp ("Timestamp").
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setTimestamp
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setTimestamp
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setTimestamp
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setTimestamp
setTimestampDateFormat(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property TimestampDateFormat
setTimestampDateFormat(String) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property TimestampDateFormat
setTimestampLogFileName(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingFileLogger
Sets property TimestampLogFileName
setTimestampLogFileName(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormattingSummaryFileLogger
Sets property TimestampLogFileName
setTimeUntilExpire(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set the TimeUntilExpire property
SETTLE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
SETTLED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.PaymentGroupStates
settleOrder(Order, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
setToAddress(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
The email address to send deployment notifications to.
setTokenSeperator(String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Sets property TokenSeperator
setToLowerCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToLowerCaseKeywords
setToLowerCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToLowerCaseKeywords
setToLowerCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToLowerCaseKeywords
setTopicName(String) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
Set the topicName
setTopologyDefinitionFile(XMLFile) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
setTopologyManager(TopologyManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.
setTopologyManager(TopologyManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Set TopologyManager.
setTotalAdjustment(double) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
setTotalItemCount(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.GenericSummarizer
Sets property TotalItemCount
setTotalWork(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
setToUpperCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToUpperCaseKeywords
setToUpperCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToUpperCaseKeywords
setToUpperCaseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property ToUpperCaseKeywords
setTrackingData(Map) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailEvent
Sets the NV pair data to associate with the out-bound email.
setTrackingData(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Sets the TrackingData property
setTrackingData(Map) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Sets the tracking data to associate with the email.
setTrackingNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HardgoodShippingGroup
Sets the trackingNumber
setTrackState(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Sets property Transactional
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
Sets property Transactional
setTransactionBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
The maximum number of items to process before commiting a transaction batch.
setTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
setTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
setTransactionDemarcation(TransactionDemarcation) - Method in class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Sets property TransactionDemarcation Previously, this method stored the TransactionDemarcation object as a member variable.
setTransactionDemarcation(TransactionDemarcation) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Sets property TransactionDemarcation Since this component can be session scoped, multiple requests using the same session scoped form handler can collide with their use of the form handler.
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property TransactionId
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to setTransactionIsolation
setTransactionLockFactory(TransactionLockFactory) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
The transactionLockFactory is used to get the locks if useLocksArountTransactions is true
setTransactionLockFactory(TransactionLockFactory) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Changes the transaction manager to use for repository interaction.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the TransactionManager property.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the transaction manager used by this InvoiceManager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogCompletionService
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigrationService
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.InfoGeneratorService
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Set the TransactionManager property.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerServices
Sets the Transaction Manager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Sets property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Sets the Transaction Manager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
The beginning and ending of transactions are handled by the transaction manager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Set the TransactionManager property.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderTools
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the TransactionManager property.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Transaction manager to use for various operations.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.dtm.EndTransactionDroplet
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessManager
Sets the transaction manager used for all transactional processing
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Sets the transaction manager used by the droplet
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
Sets the Transaction Manager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.markers.scenario.MarkerConfiguration
Sets the transaction manager used by the scenario element
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl
Set property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Set the transaction manager used to manager transactions.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Sets Transaction Manger
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Set the TransactionManager member variable used to persist RepositoryItemSlots.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Changes the transaction manager that should be used for managing repository transactions.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Set property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.targeting.RepositoryLookup
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryItemGroupFilter
Sets property TransactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
Sets the TransactionManager.
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Set property transactionManager
setTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property transactionManager DEFAULT: null
setTransactionMode(int) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Sets the default transaction mode of the chain.
setTransactionMode(int) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineLink
Sets the transaction mode for the link.
setTransactionPerDocument(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to wrap all repository calls within a document in a transaction.
setTransactionsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.queue.EventQueue
setTransactionsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
setTransactionSize(int) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
The number of transactions to batch together during the agent's apply phase.
setTransactionSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
Set property TransactionSize
setTransactionSize(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Set property TransactionSize
setTransactionSuccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property TransactionSuccess
setTransactionSuccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setTransactionSuccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setTransactionSuccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setTransactionSuccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
setTransactionTimestamp(Date) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyTaxStatus
Set property TransactionTimestamp
setTransactionTimestamp(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
setTransactionTimestamp(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
setTransactionTimestamp(Date) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
setTransactionTimestamp(Date) - Method in class atg.payment.PaymentStatusImpl
setTransactionToRollbackOnly() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets the transaction to rollback
setTransactionToRollbackOnly() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets the transaction to rollback
setTransactionType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
Set the TransactionType property.
setTransactionType(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
setTransAttribute(String) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler
The transaction attribute that should be used on every job - must be one of "required", "requiresNew", "supports", "notSupported", "mandatory", "never".
setTransient(boolean) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.Order
Sets the transient flag.
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Deprecated. this method no longer does anything
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessEventMessage
Sets the transient state of the user profile when the event was created.
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Called from the readObject method to make this item transient
setTransientCacheData(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
setTransientItem(Object) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
setTransitoryInfo(TemplateEmailTransitoryInfo) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
Set the transitory info.
setTransport(TransportDef) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Setter for property transport ("Transport Definition").
setTransportType(TransportDefEnumTransportType) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Setter for property transportType ("Transport Type").
setTreatNullOrderStateAsModifiable(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Specify whether orders whose order state is null should be considered modifiable or non-modifiable.
setTrimmed(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.EscapeHTMLTextTag
Sets flag indicating whether or not string was truncated
setTrimProperties(Set) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormDataImpl
Set the Set of the names of properties to trim.
setTrimProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets property trimProperties.
setTrimProperties(String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets property TrimProperties.
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
The JMS message TYPE of the message.
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
The JMS message TYPE of the message.
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Type
setType(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
Sets the JMS type of this message
setType(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormEventReceiver
setType(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the type attribute
setType(atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentType) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property type ("Deployment Type").
setType(int) - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Sets the property Type.
setType(Class) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
setType(Class) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
setType(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Sets property Type
setType(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Sets property Type
setTYPE_NAME(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
setTYPE_NAME(String) - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
setTypeDescriptorMap(Map) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property TypeDescriptorMap.
setTypeMap(Map) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
Wraps the call to setTypeMap
setTypePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Set the typePropertyName property.
setTypes(GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.ResultType[]) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetVersionedAssetTypesTag.Result
setUidForFailover(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileSessionFailService
Stores the uidForFailover parameter in the member variable mUidForFailover
setUnauthorizedMessage(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet
Sets the HTML message that will be displayed to the user if authentication fails.
setUncachedInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
Sets property UncachedInventoryManager
setUncachedInventoryManager(InventoryManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryCacheAdapter
Set property UncachedInventoryManager
setUncachedItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
Sets the property UncachedItems.
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to setUnicodeStream
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Wraps the call to setUnicodeStream
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setUniqueIdPropertyLocal(String) - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property to use as the local unique id.
setUniqueIdPropertyRemote(String) - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property to use as the remote unique id.
setUniqueNicknameSeparator(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
setUniqueServerIdPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
setUnlimited(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
setUnlockAllAssetsOptimizationThresholdCount(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Number of asset locks in a workspace when optimized SQL should be used for better performance to release asset locks.
setUnowned(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets a flag indicating whether or not to return unowned tasks.
setUnversionedRepositoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
set UnversionedRepositoryPath
setUpcaseGetAndPut(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHashtable
setupContextForNewDocument(Context, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set up our context for a new document representing pItem.
setUpdateActivityTimeMillis(long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Set the number of milliseconds to wait between updates to lastActivity time.
setUpdateAddressErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property updateAddressErrorURL, used to redirect user in case of an error updating an address.
setUpdateAddressSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Sets property updateAddressSuccessURL, used to redirect user when an address is successfully updated.
setUpdateAllowed(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database.
setUpdateCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Set the updateCache property
setUpdatedItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
setUpdatedItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
setUpdatedItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
setUpdatedItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.userprofiling.RepositoryUpdateEvent
The item whose updates should be commited after all the updates have been added to the item.
setUpdatedItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
setUpdatedItemIdList(List) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setUpdatedItemIdString(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setUpdateErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property UpdateErrorURL.
setUpdateErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a failed item update.
setUpdateErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property UpdateErrorURL.
setUpdateEventListeners(ProfileUpdateListener[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property UpdateEventListeners DEFAULT: null
setUpdateGiftlistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property UpdateGiftlistErrorURL
setUpdateGiftlistItemsErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property UpdateGiftlistItemsErrorURL
setUpdateGiftlistItemsSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property UpdateGiftlistItemsSuccessURL
setUpdateGiftlistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property UpdateGiftlistSuccessURL
setUpdateHandlerPool(ModifyHandlerResourcePool) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
Set the UpdateHandlerPool property.
setUpdateInventoryOnCancelOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Configuration
setUpdateInventoryOnCancelOrder(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcHandleModificationClassType
setUpdateInventoryPort(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
setUpdateInvoiceChainName(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run when an invoice is saved to the repository.
setUpdateItemDescriptorName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Set the item descriptor name for the item specified by updateRepositoryId.
setUpdateJobDescription(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Sets property UpdateJobDescription
setUpdateJobName(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Sets property UpdateJobName
setUpdateKey(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Set the key that identifies the map entry to modify, in cases where updatePropertyName specifies a map-valued property.
setUpdateLastActivityTimeInSeparateThread(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Whether to update last activity time in a separate thread.
setUpdateMethod(int) - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
Sets property UpdateMethod
setUpdateMode(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets the property UpdateMode.
setUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages(int) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
How often to update the profile email statuses...
setUpdatePropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Set the property of the update item to modify when this form handler creates or deletes a repository item.
setUpdatePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property setUpdatePurchaselistErrorURL
setUpdatePurchaselistErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setUpdatePurchaselistItemsErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property updatePurchaselistItemsErrorURL
setUpdatePurchaselistItemsErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setUpdatePurchaselistItemsSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property updatePurchaselistItemsSuccessURL
setUpdatePurchaselistItemsSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setUpdatePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Sets property updatePurchaselistSuccessURL
setUpdatePurchaselistSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
setUpdateRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Set the repository id of a "container" or "parent" item that may be updated automatically whenever a repository item is created or deleted by this form handler.
setUpdateRepositoryId(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
Sets the property UpdateRepositoryId.
setUpdateSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Sets property UpdateSchedule
setUpdateSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingEngineService
Sets property UpdateSchedule
setUpdateSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class atg.service.util.SchedulableDate
Sets property UpdateSchedule
setUpdateService(UpdateService) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
setUpdateSql(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
setUpdateSubjectOnSubmit(boolean) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the flag indicating whether the workflow subject should be updated when submit methods are executed.
setUpdateSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property UpdateSuccessURL.
setUpdateSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the URL to redirect to upon a successful item update.
setUpdateSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property UpdateSuccessURL.
setUpdateTransactionWarningForNotMethodCalled(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property updateTransactionWarningForNotMethodCalled
setupExcludeServers() - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
This method takes the mExcludeServers list and adds all the threads from that component to the mExcludedThreads list.
setupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequest() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Determines if this request is a loopback request made by the template email system, and if so, alters its state appropriately.
setUpperBound(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
setUpsell(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Upsell
setUpsellActionPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
The name of the upsellAction property in the closenessQualifier item descriptor
setUpsellProductsPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
The name of the upsellProducts property in the upsellAction item descriptor
setURI(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Setter for property URI .
seturi(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Sets the asset uri string or version manager URI string to return an asset for
setUrl(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property Url
setUrl(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
Sets property Url
setUrl(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
setUrl(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the <viewInContext><url> tag's body
setURL(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property URL.
setURL(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the JDBC URL to use for opening connections.
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL value.
setURL(String, URL) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL object.
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL value.
setURLName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Sets the url of the community
setURLName(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
Set the url name for this page
setURLSessionIdSpecifier(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the URL Session ID Specifier
setUseAgentErrorMsgResourceKey(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Set this to true during an agent exception and the CA server will use the agent error message resource key and resource arguments when reporting the deployment error.
setUseAmount(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Set the useAmount property.
setUseBasePriceList(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setUseBundlePrefix(boolean) - Static method in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
Should we display messages using the bundle name and resource key as a prefix or just display the messages?
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
Sets property UseCache
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.CollectionFilterFetchingProxy
Set useCache property
setUseCacheForDelete(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property useCacheForDelete
setUseCallableStatement(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
setUseCallableStatement(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseCascadeConstraints(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Set property useCascadeConstraints
setUseCatalogRef(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PropertyRangeShippingCalculator
Sets property UseCatalogRef
setUseContextPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessControlServlet
Set property UseContextPath
setUseDafDeployment(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
setUseDataSource(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
Sets the property UseDataSource
setUseDataSource(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
Sets the property UseDataSource
setUseDataSource(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseDefaultCatalog(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogTools
Sets property useDefaultCatalog.
setUseDefaultInventoryManager(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryManager
Sets property useDefaultInventoryManager.
setUseDefaultLocaleIfNotSpecified(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingTools
setUseDefaultMappings(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property UseDefaultMappings
setUseDefaultMappings(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Set property UseDefaultMappings DEFAULT: true
setUseDefaultMappings(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property UseDefaultMappings DEFAULT: true
setUseDefaultPriceList(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ConfigurableItemPriceListCalculator
If true and the profiles ProfilePriceListPropertyName is null, then the default price list from the PriceListManager is used.
setUseDefaultPriceList(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.ItemPriceCalculator
If true and the profiles ProfilePriceListPropertyName is null, then the default price list from the PriceListManager is used.
setUseDefaultPriceList(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceDroplet
setUseDefaultRepository(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property UseDefaultRepository
setUseDirectPathForExport(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Set property useDirectPathForExport
setUseDistributedDeployment(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setUsedLongIds(Set) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Set property usedLongIds
setUsedPromotionsProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
setUseExternalTransactionManager(boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the flag to indicate if we are to use the external app servers transaction manager to avoid starting dynamo's transaction manager
setUseForwards(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
Set whether to use forwards rather then redirects.
setUseForwards(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
Set whether to use forwards rather then redirects.
setUseIdForPath(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property UseIdForPath.
setUseIncludesForKeywordQueryOnMultiProperties(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Whether or not to perform an INCLUDES ANY query v/s a LIKE query for keyword search on multi properties
setUseJavaConfigurationFinder(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Whether or not we use the JavaConfigurationFinder.
setUseLocalizedResourceStrings(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryDroplet
setUseLocksAroundTransactions(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
setUseLocksAroundTransactions(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
setUseLocksAroundTransactions(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
Specify whether to use a local lock manager to obtain a lock before starting transactions and to release the lock after committing transacations.
setUseLockServer(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property UseLockServer.
setUseNativeMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Set property useNativeMode
setUseOptimizedReplicationForMerge(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set property useOptimizedReplicationForMerge
setUseOptimizedReplicationForRevert(boolean) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
Set property useOptimizedReplicationForRevert
setUseParams(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.ItemLookupDroplet
Sets property UseParams
setUsePathInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl
Sets the kind of path getting
setUsePathInfo(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Sets the property UsePathInfo.
setUseProductCode(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
setUser(User) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
Set the user of the membership request
setUser(User) - Method in class atg.security.UserFailService
Sets the User object for this session
setUser(String) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.FakeXADataSource
Sets property user.
setUser(String) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Sets the user name to log into the db server as.
setUserAuthenticator(UserAuthenticator) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF
setUserAuthenticator(UserAuthenticator) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.DynamoPipelineServlet
Sets A user authenticator to be used when running in DAF
setUserAuthority(UserDirectoryUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
Sets the UserAuthority
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.EveryonePersona
Changes the authority that manages this persona.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccount
Changes the user authority used for creating Persona objects for this account.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Changes the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecurityDomain
Changes the user authority used to manage roles for this security domain.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.IdentitySecurityPolicy
Changes the user authority for identities that are valid for registered users.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in interface atg.security.ProxyUserAuthority
Changes the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.RegisteredUsersSecurityPolicy
Changes the user authority for identities that are valid for registered users.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.SecurityConfiguration
Changes the user authority for converting an account name to a persona that may be used in an access control list.
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.security.SerializedProxyUserAuthority
Changes the real user authority that this proxy is a substitute for, if possible.
setUserAuthority(LoginUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets UserAuthority that authenticates the user
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Sets User Authority with which the user must be authenticated
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecuredPathAccessController
Sets UserAuthority with which the resolved User variable should be resolved
setUserAuthority(UserAuthority) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Sets User Authority that consults the validity of the user
setUserAuthorityName(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericAccountManager
Changes the name reported for the user authority.
setUserAuthorityName(String) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Changes the name of the user authority.
setUserAuthorityName(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Changes the name of this authority.
setUserCatalogPropertyName(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.CatalogServices
Sets Name of catalog property name in Profile repository item
setUserComponentName(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.ThreadUserBinderServlet
Changes the name of the User object in the request session.
setUserData(Object) - Method in class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
Set a userData object
setUserDirectories(ServiceMap) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Changes the set of user directories that this user authority works with.
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the userDirectory
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
Sets the userDirectory property
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
Sets the userDirectory property
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
Sets the userDirectory property
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
Sets the userDirectory property
setUserDirectory(UserDirectory) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
Sets the userDirectory property
setUserDirectoryTools(PortalUserDirectoryTools) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Sets property portalUserDirectoryTools
setUserDirectoryTools(UserDirectoryTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserAddFormHandler
setUserDirectoryTools(UserDirectoryTools) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Sets the userDirectoryTools property
setUserDirectoryUserAuthority(UserDirectoryUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the userDirectoryUserAuthority
setUserDirectoryUserAuthority(UserDirectoryUserAuthority) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Sets the UserDirectoryUserAuthority which will be used to resolve directory principals.
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
Set the useRequestLocale property.
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.LocalizingInventoryDroplet
flag to determine whether to ask for inventory using the locale in the Request object before falling back on the default locale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
When set, allows the RequestLocale to be used by getLocale().
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
flag to determine whether to ask for available shipping methods using the locale in the Request object before falling back on the default locale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyFormatter
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.CurrencyTagConverter
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the useRequestLocale property.
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PortalGenericFormHandler
Sets property UseRequestLocale
setUseRequestLocale(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Sets property UseRequestLocale which determines whether to use the requestLocale for localizing user messages
setUseRequestNameResolver(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericReference
Sets property useRequestNameResolver
setUseRequiredTransactionMode(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Set property useRequiredTransactionMode.
setUseResourcedStateDescriptions(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
setUserEventTypes(UserEventTypes) - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Sets property UserEventTypes
setUserId(String) - Method in interface atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessage
Set the user id.
setUserId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.CommerceMessageImpl
Set the user id.
setUserId(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the userId property.
setUserInputField(String, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
Set the user input into the UserInputPropertyNames property
setUserInputFieldNames(String[]) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
set the property UserInputFieldNames
setUserInputFields(Map) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
set the property UserInputFields
setUserListItemClass(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the list of user profiles being created
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
Set the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages.
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListHandler
Set the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages.
setUserLocale(Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Set the UserLocale property.
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandler
Set the userLocale property.
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.repository.B2BRepositoryFormHandler
Set the preferred Locale for user-vislble error messages.
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Set the locale used to retreive user-visible error messages.
setUserLocale(String) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.CreateOrganizationFormHandler
Set the userLocale property.
setUserLocation(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
This method sets the value passed in Profile.currentLocation property.
setUserLoginManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.FormLoginPipelineServlet
Sets A UserLoginManager
setUserLoginManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the property UserLoginManager, used to manage authentication.
setUserLoginManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Sets the property LoginUserAuthority.
setUserManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets Manages the login in process
setUserManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Sets User Manager to get the top level Persona from
setUserManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityAccessor
Sets User Manager to get the top level Persona from
setUserManager(UserLoginManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.SecurityDomainServlet
Sets authentication manager
setUsername(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setUsername(String) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Sets the user name used to authenticate on the SMTP server.
setUsername(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.AdminLoginFormHandler
Sets Username passed through from the HTML form
setUsername(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
Sets The login name to render
setUserOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets the userOnly flag which indicates that only the tasks for the current user should be returned
setUserOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDefinitionsTag
Sets userOnly flag which will cause the workflows which are returned to include only those which the calling user can start
setUserPath(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
Sets The path in the Nucleus hierarchy which stores the User object
setUserPricingModelHolderPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets property UserPricingModelHolderPath
setUserPricingModels(PricingModelHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Sets property UserPricingModels
setUserPricingModels(PricingModelHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Sets property UserPricingModels
setUserPricingModels(PricingModelHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Sets property UserPricingModels
setUserPricingModels(PricingModelHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileFormHandler
Sets property UserPricingModels
setUserPricingModelsPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
the path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
setUserPricingModelsPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
the path to the PricingModelHolder in Nucleus which holds the user's pricing models
setUserPricingModelsPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPricingDroplet
Sets property UserPricingModelsPath
setUserPricingModelsPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileServices
setUserPricingModelsPath(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Sets property UserPricingModelsPath
setUserProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.BaseSearchFormHandler
Set the user user profile for the user executing the search
setUserProfile(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.messages.SearchMessage
Set the user profile for the user issuing this query
setUsers(List) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Sets the list of user profiles being created
setUserTransactionURL(String) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Sets the JNDI URL for use in retrieving the UserTransaction object.
setUserType(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userprofiling.PortalProfileAdminFormHandler
Sets property userType
setUserView(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setUserViewLoginProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setUserViewPasswordProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setUserViewRolesProperty(String) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority
setUses(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Uses
setUseServerSocketFactory(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets property UseServerSocketFactory
setUseSetAsciiStream(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseSetBinaryStream(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseSetCharacterStream(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseSetObject(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseSetUnicodeStream(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setUseShortMessage(boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEmailer
Whether to send a short, pager-sized message or a longer, more verbose message.
setUseSkuOnly(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
setUseSmartProjectDependencyCheck(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setUsesProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionTools
Sets the usesProperty
setUseTemplateEmailSender(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
setUseTruncateTable(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.BcpDBCopier
Set property useTruncateTable
setUseTruncateTable(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.OracleDBCopier
Set property useTruncateTable
setUseUnixStyleDir(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.DB2DBCopier
the directory that LOBS are exported to is ended with a slash which is platform dependent
setUseVerazip(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Set whether or not to attempt to use VeraZip.
setUseWorkspaceInSession(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Instructs the tag to use the workspace in the session as the context.
setUSHourField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the hour property for a Calendar date, when the user's locale is en_US It is a helper method for createDate method.
setUsingAmPm(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property UsingAmPm.
setUsingLdapProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Sets the UsingLdapProfile property
setUsingLDAPProfile(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property usingLDAPProfile DEFAULT: false
setUsingZeroBasedMonth(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property UsingZeroBasedMonth.
setUtilityItemType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the utilityItemType property
setValidateAddress1(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateAddress1
setValidateAddress1(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateAddress1
setValidateCity(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateCity
setValidateCity(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateCity
setValidateCostCenterChain(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual cost center.
setValidateCostCentersChainId(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
Set the ValidateCostCentersChainId property.
setValidateCountry(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateCountry flag.
setValidateCountry(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateCountry flag.
setValidateCounty(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateCounty
setValidateCounty(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateCounty
setValidateCreditCard(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
setValidateEmail(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateEmail flag.
setValidateEmail(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Specify whether or not to validate email addresses.
setValidateEmail(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateEmail flag.
setValidateFaxNumber(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateFaxNumber flag.
setValidateFaxNumber(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validateFaxNumber flag.
setValidateFirstName(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateFirstName
setValidateFirstName(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateFirstName
setValidateLastName(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateLastName
setValidateLastName(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateLastName
setValidateOrderXMLOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
setValidatePaymentGroupChain(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidatePaymentGroupsForCheckout
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual payment group.
setValidatePaymentGroupsChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
Set the ValidatePaymentGroupsChainId property.
setValidatePhoneNumber(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validatePhoneNumber flag.
setValidatePhoneNumber(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets the validatePhoneNumber flag.
setValidatePostalCode(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validatePostalCode
setValidatePostalCode(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validatePostalCode
setValidateShippingGroupChain(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateShippingGroupsForCheckout
Set the name of the pipeline chain to run to validate each individual shipping group.
setValidateShippingGroups(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Sets property ValidateShippingGroups
setValidateShippingGroupsChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
Set the validateShippingGroupsChainId property.
setValidateShippingGroupsChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Set the ValidateShippingGroupsChainId property.
setValidateShippingGroupsChainId(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Set the validateShippingGroupsChainId property.
setValidateState(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateState
setValidateState(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Sets property validateState
setValidCouponItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
setValidCouponItemTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.CouponFormHandler
setValidOrderProcessingStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property validOrderProcessingStates
setValidProcessOrderErrorStates(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Sets property validProcessOrderErrorStates
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Associate a named attribute with this feature.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogAlias
Catch the attribute values that we care about and store them in member variables.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryAvailabilityPropertyDescriptor
Looks for an attribute named either inventoryManagerPath or itemListIdentifier and set the property.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorPropertyDescriptor
Catch the attribute values that we care about and store them in member variables.
setValue(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.InputTag
Sets the value of the value attribute
setValue(String) - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerData
Gets the marker value
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
Catch the attribute values that we care about and store them in member variables.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.GroupMembersPropertyDescriptor
Looks for an attribute named identifier.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Associate an attribute value with a name for this descriptor.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.linked.RepositoryLinkPropertyDescriptor
Catches the attribute values that we care about and stores them in member variables.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.MimeTyperPropertyDescriptor
Looks for an attribute named identifier.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Looks for an attribute named merge.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Associate a named attribute with this feature.
setValue(int) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
setValue(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
Set the <viewInContext><value> tag's body
setValueDictionaryByParameters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Goes through each pRequests Parameters looking for parameters named after profile attributes and sets the values of these parameters in the value dictionary.
setValueProperty(String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Sets the value of a property into the value Dictionary.
setValueProperty(String, Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Set the value of a property into the values Dictionary.
setValues(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Sets property values.
setValues(ICSReply) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
Sets property values.
setValues(Map) - Method in class atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler
setValues(Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Sets the property Values.
setValueType(Class) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sets the type of values contained by the slot.
setVariable(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
setVariantProducers(VariantProducer[]) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Set the array of variant producers.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Sets property verbose
setVerifyAddresses(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator will attempt to verify addresses
setVerifyBasicAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Sets property VerifyBasicAuthentication
setVerifyBillingAddress(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should verify the billing address before asking the taxprocessor to tax it.
setVerifyCachedItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager
Sets if true, after retrieving items from cache will verify against the repository.
setVerifyCategoryInfos(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
setVerifyDefinitionFiles(boolean) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
setVerifyErrorURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property VerifyErrorURL
setVerifyPasswordSuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileFormHandler
setVerifyShippingAddress(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
flag that determines whether this calculator should verify the shipping address before asking the taxprocessor to tax it.
setVerifySuccessURL(String) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Sets property VerifySuccessURL
setVerifyZipInfo(TaxWareVerifyZipInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
setVersion(int) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Sets property version
setVersion(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelProperties
Set property Version
setVersion(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectFormHandler
setVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.ColorPalette
Set the version of the color palette
setVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.GearDefinition
Set the version property
setVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Layout
Set the version of the layout
setVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.PageTemplate
Set the version of the page template
setVersion(String) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Style
Set the version of the style
setVersionable(boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Sets the property Versionable.
setVersionDescriptorWrapper(VersionItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Set property versionDescriptorWrapper
setVersionedRepositories(Map) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setVersionedRepositoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
set VersionedRepositoryPath
setVersionedVirtualFileSystems(Map) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setVersioningLayerTools(VersioningLayerTools) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentManager
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.queue.RecurringDeploymentService
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the versionManager
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Sets the versionManager
setVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setVersionManagerName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
setVersionManagerName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the version manager name portion of the URI.
setVersionProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property VersionProperty.
setVersionService(VersionService) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
setVFSContextRoot(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the VfsContextRoot
setView(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set the current asset view
setViewName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryViewImpl
Set property ViewName
setViewName(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet.RepositoryParameters
Sets property ViewName
setVirtualDirectoryMap(Properties) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.FileFinderPipelineServlet
Sets the virtual directory map.
setVirtualFile(VirtualFile) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the virtual file to create the URI for, no other properties need to be supplied if this property is set
setVirtualFilePath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.CreateVersionManagerURITag
Sets the virtual file path portion of the URI.
setVirtualFileSystems(VirtualFileSystem[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property VirtualFileSystems
setVirtualFileSystemSearch(boolean) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Sets property VirtualFileSystemSearch
setWaiterAndGetValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class atg.service.cache.Cache
this method just gets an object from a cacheadapter, but in addition sets waiter semaphores to prevent the duplication of cache adapter work.
setWaitForConnectionMillis(int) - Method in class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
setWaitForRequestHandlersToStop(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait until all request handlers have completed, during doStopService()
setWaitingForClient(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the flag indicating if this is currently waiting for the client.
setWarnActiveHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the number of active handler threads that when exceeded generate a warning.
setWarnHandlingMilliseconds(long) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the number of milliseconds for which a handler thread has been idle that should generate a warning.
setWarningAboutImproperScopeAccess(boolean) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Sets the flag which enables or disables the warning.
setWarnIntervalSecs(int) - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Sets the property WarnIntervalSecs.
setWarnMemoryPercentage(double) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the warnMemoryPercentage property.
setWarnOnDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnOrderState
Specify whether or not to log a warning when returning defaultReturnValue for an order state that was not found in the lookup table.
setWarnOnDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcDispatchOnProperty
Specify whether or not to log a warning when returning defaultReturnValue for a property value that was not found in the lookup table.
setWarnOnInvalidRelatedItems(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
setWarnOnNestedCheckouts(boolean) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Sets property warnOnNestedCheckouts.
setWarnOnNullOrderState(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Specify whether to issue a warning if asked to operate on an order whose order state is null.
setWarnOnSessionConfirmationFailure(boolean) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Whether to warn on session confirmation failure.
setWarnZombieHandlerCount(int) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerMonitor
Sets the number of zombie handler threads that when exceeded generate a warning.
setWebApp(WebApp) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppEvent
setWebApplication(WebApplicationInterface) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Set the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request.
setWebApplicationName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Specify the name by this web applicaiton is known to the web application registry.
setWebApplicationName(String) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Specify the name by this web applicaiton is known to the web application registry.
setWebAppRegistries(WebAppRegistry[]) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.MergedWebAppRegistry
Set the value of WebAppRegistries.
setWebAppRegistry(WebAppRegistry) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
Specify the Dynamo Web Application Registry that knows about the web application whose URL's we are checking for session expiration.
setWebAppRegistry(WebAppRegistry) - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
Specify the Dynamo Web Application Registry that knows about the web application whose URL's we are mapping to locations.
setWebAppRegistry(WebAppRegistry) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.PageEventTrigger
Set property WebAppRegistry
setWebApps(Map) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.FileSystemWebAppRegistry
setWebApps(Map) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
setWebFileSystem(VirtualFileSystem) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the webFileSystem
setWebPools(WebPools) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Set the WebPools object associated with this request.
setWebPools(WebPools) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
The WebPools object holds object pools needed by compiled pages at runtime.
setWeekdayNames() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
setWeightedPropsXMLBuilder(XMLBuilder) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.QueryFormHandler
Set an optional constraints builder object for the <weightedProps> tag.
setWeightedPropsXMLBuilder(XMLBuilder) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
Set an optional <weightedProps> XMLBuilder object.
setWeightProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
Set the weightProperty property.
setWhere(String) - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
setWindowScopeManager(WindowScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the WindowScopeManager
setWindowScopeManager(WindowScopeManager) - Method in class atg.servlet.pipeline.HeadPipelineServlet
Sets the WindowScopeManager
setWirelessEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
setWirelessEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Page
setWirelessPage(String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
Sets property wirelessPage
setWirelessPage(Page) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Community
Access the community's Wireless Enabled Page
setWishlistProperty(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Sets the wishlistProperty
setWorkCompleted(long) - Method in class atg.deployment.DeploymentProgress
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property workflowId ("Workflow id").
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property workflowId ("Workflow id").
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetTasksTag
Sets the workflow ID to get tasks for a specific workflow in the process
setWorkflowId(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetWorkflowDescriptorTag
Sets the workflow ID to get
setWorkflowInstances(Set) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Setter for property workflowInstances ("Workflow instances").
setWorkflowManager(WorkflowManager) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
Sets the WorkflowManager which provides access to workflow information.
setWorkflowManager(WorkflowManager) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the WorkflowManager which provides access to the workflow system.
setWorkflowManager(WorkflowManager) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Sets the WorkflowManager which will be used to find tasks.
setWorkflowManagerPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the workflowManagerPath
setWorkflowProcessManagerPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the workflowProcessManagerPath
setWorkflowSubjectAccessPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the workflowSubjectAccessPath
setWorkflowType(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.ProjectSearchFormHandler
setWorkflowView(WorkflowView) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
setWorkflowView(WorkflowView) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
Sets the WorkflowView on behalf of which the task is to be manipulated.
setWorkflowViewPath(String) - Method in class atg.epub.PublishingConfiguration
Sets the WorkflowViewPath
setWorkflowViewPath(String) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
Sets the Nucleus path of the WorkflowView which will be used to find tasks accessible to the current user.
setWorkspace(String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Setter for property workspace ("Workspace").
setWorkspaceFactory(WorkspaceFactory) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
setWorkspaceMergeTransactionBatchSize(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
For large merges this is the batch size refferred to when performing batched merges.
setWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class atg.epub.pws.taglib.GetAssetTag
Sets the optional workspaceName of the workspace to get the working version for
setWorkspaceOptimizationThresholdAssetCount(int) - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
When to kick the optimized version of operations to prevent aggressive memory usage or large iterations on repository items when doing those operations.
setWrapped(CallableStatement) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
setWrapped(Connection) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredConnection
setWrapped(PreparedStatement) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredPreparedStatement
setWrapped(Statement) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredStatement
setWrappedItem(RepositoryItemImpl) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
Sets the property WrappedItem.
setWrapper(ServletRequestWrapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Sets the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request.
setWrapper(ServletResponseWrapper) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the ServletResponseWrapper wrapping this request.
setWrappingXML(String) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.MapXMLBuilder
Set the wrapping XML.
setWritable(boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the property Writable.
setWritable(boolean) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicPropertyDescriptor
Sets property Writable, indicating whether this dynamic property can be written.
setWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse
Sets the writer for use by subsequent requests.
setWriteTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
Sets property WriteTimeout
setWriteTimeout(int) - Method in class atg.distributor.SenderResourcePool
Sets property WriteTimeout
setWritingAudit(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Set whether to write this transaction to the TaxWare audit file.
setXmlAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property XmlAddService
setXmlAddService(AddService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property XmlAddService DEFAULT: null
setXmlEncoding(String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Sets the name of the encoding type to be used for the actual XML file.
setXmlGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property XmlGetService
setXmlGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
Set property XmlGetService
setXmlGetService(GetService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property xmlGetService DEFAULT: null
setXmlMimeTypes(String[]) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Sets the array of Strings of XML mime types.
setXMLSchemaManager(XMLSchemaManager) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
Sets XML Schema Manager
setXMLSchemaNSURI(String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Set the XMLSchemaNSURI property.
setXmlTemplateMap(XMLTemplateMap) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The XMLTemplateMap used by this component
setXMLToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Sets the tools factory that will be used to create an XML parser for this user authority.
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeForEach
Set the XMLToolsFactory to be used by this component.
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The XMLToolsFactory used by this component.
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The XMLToolsFactory used by this component.
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Sets property XmlToolsFactory
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Sets property XmlToolsFactory
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Sets property XmlToolsFactory
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Sets property XmlToolsFactory
setXmlToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Sets property XmlToolsFactory
setXMLToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
Sets the tools factory that will be used to create an XML parser for this user authority.
setXMLToolsFactory(XMLToolsFactory) - Method in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
Set property XMLToolsFactory
setXmlUpdateService(UpdateService) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Set property XmlUpdateService
setXmlUpdateService(UpdateService) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Set property xmlUpdateService DEFAULT: null
setYear(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Sets property year.
setYear(int) - Method in class atg.droplet.DateEditor
Sets property Year.
setYearField(Calendar, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method sets the year property for a Calendar date.
setYears(String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistDateUtil
Sets property years
setZipCode(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
setZipError(boolean) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Set whether a zip error exists.
setZipError(boolean) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Sets a zip error -- probably not a good idea to use.
setZipErrorString(String) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Set the zip error string -- the error string associated with the zip code.
setZipErrorString(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Sets the current zip error string.
setZipResultAt(int, ZipResult) - Method in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Set the ZipResult for a specified address.
setZipResultAt(int, ZipResult) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
Set the ZipResult object at the specified index.
setZombie(boolean) - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServerHandler
Sets the flag indicating if this thread has been killed.
SG - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
SGCIRQUANTITY - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
shallowCopy() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
SHARED - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.DisplayMode
Shared Display Mode
sHexDigits - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Hexadecimal digits
SHIP_CALL_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_CALL_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_NOT_MODIFIABLE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_INITIAL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_NO_PENDING_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_PENDING_REMOVE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_PENDING_SHIPMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_PROCESSING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_GROUP_STATE_REMOVED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIP_TO_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipable
Ship to address name.
shipAsItemsAreAvailable(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
ShipFromCity - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
ShipFromCountry - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
ShipFromState - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
ShipFromZip - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
ShipItemRelationshipStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This class specifies all the states that a ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
ShipItemRelationshipStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.ShipItemRelationshipStates
SHIPITEMRELATIONSHIPSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
ShipItemRelPriceDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Given a shipping group commerce item relationship, return the amount.
ShipItemRelPriceDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShipItemRelPriceDroplet
Constructs an instanceof PriceDroplet
shipItemRelWasRemoved(Order, ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillerModificationHandler
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
ShippableGroupsDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This droplet finds all the orders with shipping groups in a pending shipment state.
ShippableGroupsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippableGroupsDroplet
SHIPPED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
SHIPPING - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelType
SHIPPING_ADDRESS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SHIPPING_ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_PROBLEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SHIPPING_DISCOUNT_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SHIPPING_GROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
SHIPPING_GROUP_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SHIPPING_GROUP_CHANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
SHIPPING_GROUP_NOT_IN_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIPPING_GROUP_NOT_PENDING_SHIPMENT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIPPING_GROUP_REMOVE_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
SHIPPING_GROUP_TYPES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
SHIPPING_GROUP_UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is the modification type update.
SHIPPING_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
SHIPPING_GROUPS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
SHIPPING_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
SHIPPING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ShippingAddressContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that will have a ShippingAddress property
ShippingAddrValidator - Interface in atg.commerce.order.processor
Object that implement this interface know how to validate a shipping address of type atg.core.util.Address or any of its subclasses.
ShippingAddrValidatorImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
This class provides a default implementation of ShippingAddrValidator.
ShippingAddrValidatorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
SHIPPINGAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
ShippingCalculatorImpl - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This abstract class is a starting point for some general functionality on calculating pricing for shipping groups.
ShippingCalculatorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingCalculatorImpl
Constructs an instanceof ShippingCalculatorImpl
ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to shipping promotions.
ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator
ShippingDestination - Interface in atg.payment.tax
An object which represents the address to which items are being shipped
ShippingDestinationImpl - Class in atg.payment.tax
ShippingDestinationImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.tax.ShippingDestinationImpl
Constructs an instanceof ShippingDestinationImpl
ShippingDiscountCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Calculates ShippingPriceInfos for ShippingGroups which the calculator is given.
ShippingDiscountCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingDiscountCalculator
ShippingDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This droplet is used to inform the fulfillment system that a given shipping group has shipped.
ShippingDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingDroplet
SHIPPINGGROUP - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ShippingGroup - Interface in atg.commerce.order
This interface represents all the information which designates a shipment.
SHIPPINGGROUPCOMMERCEITEMREL - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship - Class in atg.commerce.order
An object which represents a relationship between an Item and a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
ShippingGroupContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages ShippingGroup objects.
ShippingGroupContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of ShippingGroup objects.
ShippingGroupContainerImpl(MutableRepositoryItem) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupContainerImpl
Constructs a ShippingGroupContainerImpl object.
ShippingGroupContainerService - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The ShippingGroupContainerService is a convenient session scoped component which implements both the ShippingGroupMapContainer and the CommerceItemShippingInfoContainer interfaces.
ShippingGroupContainerService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupContainerService
Creates a new ShippingGroupContainerService instance.
ShippingGroupDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The ShippingGroupDroplet is a DynamoServlet that is used to initialize ShippingGroups and CommerceItemShippingInfo objects for use by the ShippingGroupFormHandler.
ShippingGroupDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupDroplet
Creates a new ShippingGroupDroplet instance.
ShippingGroupFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The ShippingGroupFormHandler is used to associate ShippingGroups with the various Order pieces.
ShippingGroupFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
Creates a new ShippingGroupFormHandler instance.
shippingGroupHasShipped(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method can be called in three ways.
shippingGroupHasShipped(Order, String, Modification, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method updates the states of all the items and the shipping group itself to reflect that the shipping group has shipped.
SHIPPINGGROUPHASSHIPPED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
SHIPPINGGROUPID - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
SHIPPINGGROUPIDS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
ShippingGroupImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
shippingGroupIsModifiable(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method determines whether the shipping group is in a condusive to editing state
SHIPPINGGROUPMANAGER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ShippingGroupManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating ShippingGroups.
ShippingGroupManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Constructs a ShippingGroupManager object.
ShippingGroupMapContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order.purchase
The ShippingGroupMapContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of ShippingGroup names [key] to ShippingGroups [value].
ShippingGroupModified - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
ShippingGroupModified.java Created: Thu Mar 29 11:07:18 2000
ShippingGroupModified() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
ShippingGroupNotFoundException - Exception in atg.commerce.order
This class represents an exception that is thrown when a ShippingGroup cannot be found in a get or remove call.
ShippingGroupNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new ShippingGroupNotFoundException
ShippingGroupNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new ShippingGroupNotFoundException with the given explanation.
ShippingGroupNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new ShippingGroupNotFoundException.
ShippingGroupNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupNotFoundException
Constructs a new ShippingGroupNotFoundException with the given explanation.
ShippingGroupPaymentInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo whose CommerceIdentifier is a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupPaymentInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupPaymentInfo
Creates a new ShippingGroupPaymentInfo instance.
ShippingGroupRelationship - Interface in atg.commerce.order
An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
Implemented by a class that contains and manages ShippingGroupRelationship objects.
ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl - Class in atg.commerce.order
A class which manages the containment of ShippingGroupRelationship objects.
ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl
Constructs a ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl object.
ShippingGroupStates - Class in atg.commerce.states
This class specifies all the states that a ShippingGroup can be in.
ShippingGroupStates() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.ShippingGroupStates
SHIPPINGGROUPSTATES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
ShippingGroupSubtotal - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
This servlet takes Shipping Group as an input parameter and returns the total price of all the commerce items in the Shipping Group according to the quantity.
ShippingGroupSubtotal() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
ShippingGroupTypePropertyEditor - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario
ShippingGroupTypePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupTypePropertyEditor
ShippingGroupUpdate - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This modification is sent as part of a ModifyOrderNotification to the OrderFulfiller to indicate that the shipping groups with these ids have been changed in some manner and as such need to be forwarded on to the fulfillers that are responsible for them.
ShippingGroupUpdate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This form handler is used to send a ShippingGroupUpdate modification to the fulfillment system.
ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdateFormHandler
ShippingPriceInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Contains information about the price of shipping the input ShippingGroup.
ShippingPriceInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPriceInfo
ShippingPricingCalculator - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
A ShippingPricingCalculator modifies the price of the shipping for an Order.
ShippingPricingEngine - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for ShippingGroup objects.
ShippingPricingEngineImpl - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A ShippingPricingEngine implementation which computes the shipping price for an order.
ShippingPricingEngineImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPricingEngineImpl
SHIPPINGQUANTITY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGQUANTITY_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
SHIPPINGQUANTITYREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
shipShippingGroup(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodShipper
This method is called when the shipping group pShipGroupId is ready for shipment and is in a PENDING_SHIPMENT state.
SHIPSHIPPINGGROUPS - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.PipelineConstants
SHOPPINGCART_PATH - Variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Location of the OrderHolder component, called the shopping cart.
ShoppingCartFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order
This form handler is used to control many aspects of the user purchase process.
ShoppingCartFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartFormHandler
Empty Constructor.
ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is designed to be configured as a session scoped component which stores configuration parameters for the ShoppingCartFormHandler.
ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
Constructs an instanceof ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration
SHORT - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
SHORT - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum
Short Gear Height
SHORT - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum
Short region height
SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
SHORT_MONTH_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
SHORT_WEEKDAY_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
shouldApplyFilter(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.ExcludeItemsInCartFilter
shouldApplyFilter(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.InventoryFilter
shouldApplyFilter(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.collections.filter.PriceAndStateFilter
If the filter is executed for a user that is not registered in the same home state as the filter's configured home state, then this method will return false.
shouldApplyFilter(Collection, String, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.search.query.filters.RepositoryItemResultCollectionFilter
This method is called by filterCollection prior to looking up the filtered collection in the cache or generating a new filtered collection.
shouldCommitSession(Context, boolean) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether the current session should be committed or continued.
shouldExitTrack(String) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns true if the supplied URL should be exit tracked
shouldGenerate(Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Return true if the preprocessor has set the "__generate" key to to "true" or if it is not present.
shouldInclude(RepositoryVersionContainer) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment.VersionContainerIncludeCheckerImpl
If assets from the container are of interest for the deployment this checker was created for.
shouldIncludeItem(Context, OutputItemSpecifier, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Whether the specific repository item should be included in the index.
shouldItemBeRemoved(CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
Determines whether the CommerceItem that is being passed in should be removed based on whether the product or sku have been removed from the database.
shouldLoadShoppingCarts(OrderHolder) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
Returns whether shopping carts should be loaded.
shouldMergeItems(Order, CommerceItem, CommerceItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Determine whether or not should merge the quantity in one commerce item into the quantity in an already existing item, rather than adding the new item to the order as a separate line item.
shouldOrderBeModified(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcRemoveExpiredCommerceItems
This method is used to determine whether the order that is passed in is in a state that allows it to be modified.
shouldOutputDocument(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Return true to output document, false to discard it.
shouldReverify(ZipRequest, ZipResult) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
Returns whether or not we need to reverify shipTo info.
shouldSaveOnSwitch(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Return true if we should save the specified order when doing a switch order operation, false otherwise.
shouldSendProfileCookies(Profile) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Determines if profile cookies should be sent to the given profile's web client
shouldUseWriteLock() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.IndexingReadLockedTransactionAction
shouldUseWriteLock() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.IndexingWriteLockedTransactionAction
showMessages() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
showMessages() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMaintenanceService
dumps out all current messages to the dynamo log
SimilarDocsFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <similardocs> tag, which also corresponds to the ClientSimilarDocsRequest of the searchclient API.
SimilarDocsFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.SimilarDocsFormHandler
SimilarDocsMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
JMS message used as notification of a similar docs type search execution
SimilarDocsMessage(ClientSimilarDocsRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.SimilarDocsMessage
SimpleContentProcessor - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
A MessageContentProcessor which doesn't do any processing on the passed in content, but simply uses it as is to set the Message content.
SimpleContentProcessor() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.SimpleContentProcessor
SimpleDynamicBeanInfo - Class in atg.beans
Simple template implementation of DynamicBeanInfo providing no-op values for most of its properties.
SimpleDynamicBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.beans.SimpleDynamicBeanInfo
SimpleInvoiceMessageSink - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging
MessageSink implementation that knows how to decode an ObjectMessage generated by the InvoiceManager and retrieve the underlying message bean, which is assumed to be of type InvoiceMessage.
SimpleInvoiceMessageSink() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.SimpleInvoiceMessageSink
SimpleOrderManager - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is the business layer object for Order manipulation.
SimpleOrderManager() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.SimpleOrderManager
Constructs a SimpleOrderManager object.
SimpleRepository - Class in atg.adapter.html
HTML Repository implementation.
SimpleRepository() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Constructs a SimpleRepository
SimpleSOAPClient - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.soap
This service can be used to send a series of objects via a SOAP request.
SimpleSOAPClient() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SimpleSOAPClient
SimpleSQLFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This form handler implements a common base class for inserting, updating, and deleting objects in a specified SQL table.
SimpleSQLFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This class implements a property editor which does normal double parsing, but also check for 'true' treating it as 1.0 and 'false" as 0.0.
SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleDoublePropertyEditor
SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This class implements a property editor which does normal integer parsing, but also check for 'true' treating it as 1 and 'false" as 0.
SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler.FlexibleIntegerPropertyEditor
SingletonSchedulableService - Class in atg.service.scheduler
This class extends SchedulableService to allow multiple Dynamo servers to run the same scheduled service, while guaranteeing that only one instance of the service will perform the scheduled task at any given time.
SingletonSchedulableService() - Constructor for class atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService
size() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ComparisonList
Return the number of items in the comparison list.
size() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
size() - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Get the number of strings in the StringList.
SIZE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
SIZE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
size() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
size() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
sJobRegistry - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
skipNonEssentialAgent(AgentRef, Status) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Checks to see if this agent can be skipped or not.
SKU - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
SKU_ID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
SKU_ID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
SKU_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
SKU_KEY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
SKU_MIGRATION_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
SKU_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.AddItemToOrder
Parameter for sku id information
SKUINFO_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
SkuLinkComparator - Class in atg.commerce.inventory
Used to compare sku links.
SkuLinkComparator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.inventory.SkuLinkComparator
skuList(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
Get the list of skus for a given product.
SKULIST_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList
SKUVIEW - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryFormHandler
SLASH_EXTENSION - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
sLicenseResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
Slot - Class in atg.scenario.targeting
A Slot is a container for a set of displayable dynamic beans.
Slot() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Slot.SlotEntry - Class in atg.scenario.targeting
SlotEntry class: holds priority alongside item.
SlotItemRequestMessage - Class in atg.scenario.dms
This message is sent by a Slot whose generation mode is active, when items are to be rendered from the slot and it has insufficient items to satisfy the renderer.
SlotItemRequestMessage() - Constructor for class atg.scenario.dms.SlotItemRequestMessage
smResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
SMTPEmailSender - Class in atg.service.email
This service can be used to send an email message with the SMTP protocol
SMTPEmailSender() - Constructor for class atg.service.email.SMTPEmailSender
Constructs a SMTPEmailSender
Snapshot - Interface in atg.versionmanager
A development line holding a fixed set of versions.
SNAPSHOT_INITIALIZE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
SnapshotDiff - Interface in atg.versionmanager
SOAP_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
SOAPConstants - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.soap
All Constant messages that are to be used for server level messages.
SOAPConstants() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.SOAPConstants
SoftGoodFormHandler - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class layers additional functionality on top of the FullShoppingCartFormHandler by allowing another type of good to be added to the shopping cart, soft goods.
SoftGoodFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.SoftGoodFormHandler
Empty Constructor
SolidDBCopier - Class in atg.adapter.gsa
A DB Copier Solid databases.
SolidDBCopier() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.gsa.SolidDBCopier
SOMETHING_SHIPPED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
sort(List, SortDirectives) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sort the specified list of repository items according to the sort directives and collator specified.
sort(RepositoryItem[], SortDirectives) - Static method in class atg.repository.RepositorySorter
Sorts the specified array of RepositoryItem objects according to sorting directives specified by pSortDirectives.
SORT_ASCENDING - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
SORT_DESCENDING - Static variable in interface atg.userdirectory.UserDirectory
SORT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ForEach
SORT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
SORTASCENDING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates the sorting order - it is true for ascending.
SORTBY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates the column that should be used to sorting.
SORTBY_TAG - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
sortby: SortBy tag name
SORTBYVALUE_TAG - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
sortbyvalue: SortByValue tag name
SortDirective - Class in atg.repository
A structure representing a single sorting directive in a SortDirectives object.
SortDirective() - Constructor for class atg.repository.SortDirective
Constructs a new SortDirective.
SortDirective(String) - Constructor for class atg.repository.SortDirective
Constructs a new SortDirective with the specified property to sort by.
SortDirective(String, int) - Constructor for class atg.repository.SortDirective
Constructs a new SortDirective with the specified property to sort by and sort direction, which should be one of DIR_ASCENDING or DIR_DESCENDING.
SortDirective(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.repository.SortDirective
Constructs a new SortDirective with the specified property to sort by and sort direction and sort case sensitivity.
SortDirectives - Class in atg.repository
A structure representing a set of sorting directives.
SortDirectives() - Constructor for class atg.repository.SortDirectives
SORTER - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
sortEventSetDescriptors(EventSetDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Sorts the list of eventSet descriptors by eventSet name and returns a new list of the sorted descriptors.
SortingConstants - Interface in atg.repository
Constants used by the SortDirectives.
sortItems() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Sort the collection of items according to our mode.
sortLocationMap() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.SetCurrentLocation
This method sorts the path names in locationMap in descending order and populates SortedNameList with these values.
sortMethodDescriptors(MethodDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Sorts the list of method descriptors by method name and returns a new list of the sorted descriptors.
sortPropertyDescriptors(PropertyDescriptor[]) - Method in class atg.nucleus.ServiceAdminServlet
Sorts the list of property descriptors by property name and returns a new list of the sorted descriptors.
SOURCEORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
SOURCEREMOVED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
SourceSinkTemplate - Class in atg.commerce.messaging
This class handles the sending and receiving of CommerceMessage.
SourceSinkTemplate() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
SPACE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
spawnNucleus(ClassLoader, String, String) - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Spawns a new Nucleus using the given class loader and the given configpath
specifyDefaultPaymentGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
specifyDefaultPaymentGroup sets the defaultPaymentGroupName in the PaymentGroupMapContainer.
specifyDefaultShippingGroup(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
specifyDefaultShippingGroup sets the defaultShippingGroupName in the ShippingGroupMapContainer.
SPLIT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
split(String) - Method in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.KeyValueSplitter
Split the key and value pair and return them in a two element array.
splitCommerceIdentifierCostCenter(CommerceIdentifierCostCenter) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
splitCommerceIdentifierCostCenter determines which CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects need to be split, and in what manner.
splitCommerceIdentifierCostCenterByQuantity(CommerceIdentifierCostCenter, long) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
splitCommerceIdentifierCostCenterByQuantity splits a CommerceIdentifierCenter by quantity.
splitCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
splitCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo determines which CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects need to be split, and in what manner.
splitCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoByAmount(CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, double) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
splitCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoByAmount splits a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo by amount.
splitCommerceItemShippingInfoByQuantity(CommerceItemShippingInfo, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
splitCommerceItemShippingInfoByQuantity splits a CommerceItemShippingInfo by quantity.
splitCostCenters(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterFormHandler
splitCostCenters invokes the splitCommerceIdentifierCostCenter method on each CommerceIdentifierCostCenter.
splitDetailsAccordingToRanges(DetailedItemPriceInfo, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceTools
Create a detail with the same information as the given detail, 1 for each range.
SPLITFORFULFILLER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
SPLITFORSHIPPING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
splitPaymentInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupFormHandler
splitPaymentInfos gets CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos ready for split.
splitPropertyNames(String[], String[], HashMap, String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Split property names into type and name from type.name
splitPropertyNames(String[], String[], HashMap, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
Split property names into type and name from type.name
splitPropertyValue(OutputProperty, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Split the property value into multiple values, if appropriate.
splitShippingGroup(Order, String, String[], long[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
splitShippingGroup(Order, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
splitShippingGroup(Order, String, String[], long[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Moves a set of Items from a ShippingGroup to a new ShippingGroup.
splitShippingGroup(Order, String, String[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Moves a set of Items from a ShippingGroup to a new ShippingGroup.
splitShippingGroups(Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
splitShippingGroups(OrderFulfiller, Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupsForFulfillment
This method will split the shipping groups specified by whatever business logic is required.
splitShippingGroupsByFulfiller(Order, List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method will split the shipping groups such that none of the shipping groups will contain items from multiple shipping groups.
splitShippingGroupWithAvailableItems(HardgoodFulfiller, Order, ShippingGroup, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcSplitShippingGroupForAvailableItems
Split the shipping group into two shipping groups, one with items PENDING_DELIVERY and one with items that aren't PENDING_DELIVERY
splitShippingGroupWithImplicitRelationships(Order, ShippingGroup, String[], long[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Deprecated. this method has been moved to the ShippingGroupManager
splitShippingGroupWithImplicitRelationships(Order, ShippingGroup, String[], long[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
This method is called by splitShippingGroup().
splitShippingInfos(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.ShippingGroupFormHandler
splitShippingInfos is used to split the quantities for the CommerceItems into different CommerceItemShippingInfos
sProcessHome - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
sProcessTaskInfoHome - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
sProfileTools - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ScenarioEvent.ProfileToolsSingleton
Property containing the reference to ProfileTools component.
sProjectHome - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PublishingPortletFormHandler
sPromotionResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Promotion Resource Bundle Used in claimCoupon for backwards compatibility
SQLColumnMapping - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A mapping of a name to a column name.
SQLColumnMapping() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
SQLColumnMappingEditor - Class in atg.service.datacollection
PropertyEditor for SQLColumnMapping
SQLColumnMappingEditor() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
Construct an empty parser
SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser - Class in atg.service.datacollection
PropertyValueParser for SQLColumnMapping
SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
Construct an empty parser
SQLIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
Persistent, sequential id generator that keeps track of ids given out using an SQL DB table.
SQLIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.SQLIdGenerator
Construct a generator
SQLQueryForEach - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This servlet executes a SQL query and renders its output parameter for each element returned by the query.
SQLQueryForEach() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEach
SQLQueryForEachBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.sql
BeanInfo for the SQLQueryForEach droplet.
SQLQueryForEachBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryForEachBeanInfo
SQLQueryRange - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This servlet executes a SQL query and renders its output parameter for each element returned by the query.
SQLQueryRange() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRange
SQLQueryRangeBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.sql
BeanInfo for the SQLQueryRange droplet.
SQLQueryRangeBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLQueryRangeBeanInfo
SQLTableConfig - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This class stores the information needed to manage a table's schema automatically.
SQLTableConfig() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableConfig
SQLTableLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Deprecated. replaced by JTSQLTableLogger
SQLTableLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. Construct an SQLTableLogger
SQLTableManager - Class in atg.droplet.sql
A form handler/bean that provides functionality for creating, dropping, and providing information about the state of a set of tables.
SQLTableManager() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SQLTableManager
SQLTableSummaryLogger - Class in atg.service.datacollection
Deprecated. replaced by JTSQLTableSummaryLogger
SQLTableSummaryLogger() - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableSummaryLogger
sRegisteredScheduleTypes - Static variable in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulePropertyValueParser
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.MessagePipelineMapper
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderImpl
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BOrderManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BShoppingCartFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CostCenterDroplet
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderService
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduleProperty
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.claimable.ClaimableTools
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.ExpressionParser
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleEvaluator
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.markers.OrderMarkerConstants
the resource bundle for user resources
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderTools
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonmentDroplet
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ConvertAbandonedOrder
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.LogPromotionInfo
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.ReanimateAbandonedOrder
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.SetLastUpdated
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderQueries
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupManager
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceEachItemDroplet
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.distributor.DistributorProcess
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
sResourceBundle - Static variable in interface atg.markers.MarkerConstants
The resource bundle gor user resources
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.ColorPaletteFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.FolderFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.GearDefinitionFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.GearTemplateFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.PageTemplateFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Resource Bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcUpdateCatalogRefOfProfile
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
resource bundle
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
sResourceBundle - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
sResourceBundleName - Static variable in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
sResources - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
The resource bundle and errors
StandardAccessRights - Interface in atg.security
A set of typical access rights.
StandardAccessRightsMap - Class in atg.security
A map of all the standard access rights.
StandardSecurityPolicy - Class in atg.security
A security policy that walks an access control list composed of access rights and/or deny rights to determine whether a particular access request should be allowed or denied.
StandardSecurityPolicy() - Constructor for class atg.security.StandardSecurityPolicy
START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Range
START - Static variable in class atg.droplet.TableRange
start() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Prepare this group for use.
start() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Prepare this targeter for use.
startConcreteService(PortletSettings) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the concrete portlet after it has been initialzed.
STARTINDEX - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredDroplet
STARTINDEX - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovedDroplet
STARTINDEX - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates the index of the first order to return.
startLoading(IndexingOutputConfig) - Method in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IncrementalLoader
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
MessageSource interface method to signal this MessageSource that it is now legal to emit messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSource
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it may begin sending messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
Instructs this message source to begin distributing messages.
startMessageSource() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
startNucleus(String[]) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Creates a Nucleus initialized from a set of command line args, then returns it.
startNucleusCheckLicense(String[]) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Creates a Nucleus initialized from a set of command line args, then returns it.
startOperation(String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the beginning of an operation in the code
startOperation(String, String) - Static method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
Marks the beginning of an operation in the code and supplies a parameter
startOperationInternal(String, String) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
The startOperation which does the work for the performance monitor.
STARTRANGE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The output parameter that indicates the start value of the current batch
STARTS_WITH - Static variable in interface atg.repository.QueryBuilder
Pattern matching operation STARTS_WITH.
startScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Starts the EmailLogger's job which flushes the queue entries periodically
startScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Just block the startScheduledJob if the bulk scheduler isn't set.
startScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
If we have a schedule, start scheduled job
startScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLTableLogger
Deprecated. If we have a schedule, start scheduled job
startScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
If we have a scheduler and a schedule and we are not already running start our scheduled job.
startServer() - Method in class atg.server.tcp.RequestServer
This will start the server running, and create the minimum number of handlers.
startService(ServiceEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericContext
Overrides the implementation in GenericService.
startService(ServiceEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Starts the service running.
startService(ServiceEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Starts the service running.
startService(ServiceEvent) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ServiceListener
Starts the service running.
startService(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after it has been initialzed.
startService(ServiceEvent) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Starts the service running.
startService(FilterConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the filter service after it has been initialzed.
startService(ServletConfig) - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the servlet after it has been initialzed.
startService(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet after it has been initialzed.
startWorkflow(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface atg.workflow.WorkflowView
Starts a workflow instance for the given subject on behalf of this view's user.
STAT_DUPLICATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Retrying an command that has already succeded.
STAT_FAIL - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed, no retry is possible.
STAT_FAIL_BANK - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed, bank reported an error.
STAT_FAIL_RETRY - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed, retry is possible.
STAT_FAIL_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command failed, version incompatible.
STAT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
The command was a complete success in all possible ways.
STAT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
Unknown status, if this occurs there is a bug.
state - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.ItemRefList
STATE - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter to indicate how to further narrow the result set when we searh for a user's orders.
STATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
STATE_CONFIG_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
STATE_DB_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
STATE_DOES_NOT_ALLOW_ALLOCATION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
STATE_INITIALIZING - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
STATE_INVALID - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
STATE_NEW - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
STATE_NOTSET - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
The constants that define the different states the form handler can be in
STATE_RUNNING - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
STATE_VALID - Static variable in class atg.droplet.sql.SimpleSQLFormHandler
StateDefinitions - Class in atg.commerce.states
StateDefinitions() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.states.StateDefinitions
StateDetailDroplet - Class in atg.commerce.order
This droplet is used to format a state of an order or its comonent in a humanly readable way.
StateDetailDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.StateDetailDroplet
stateToString(int) - Static method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Returns a string form of the state code, useful for listeners who may want to turn the event into a customized, readable format.
stateToString(int) - Static method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns a string form of the state code.
stateToString(int, Locale) - Static method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns a string form of the state code for the given locale.
STATIC_RETRIEVAL - Static variable in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
StaticWebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
StaticWebAppRegistry is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
StaticWebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.StaticWebAppRegistry
Status - Class in atg.deployment.common
A collection of useful information for targets, agents, and deployments.
Status.FailureMessage - Class in atg.deployment.common
Inner class used to store failure data from a failed deployment.
STATUS_ADDED - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
STATUS_ADDED_CODE - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.WorkingVersion
STATUS_CATALOG_MIGRATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_CATEGORY_MIGRATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_CREATED_TRANSACTION_COMMITTED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
STATUS_DELETED - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
STATUS_DELETED_CODE - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
STATUS_ERROR_REDIRECT - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Constant used to indicate that the form has errors, and that the form should perform a redirect.
STATUS_ERROR_REDIRECT - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Constant to indicate that the state of the form errors, but that the form should perform a redirect.
STATUS_ERROR_REDIRECT - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant to indicate that the state of the form errors, but that the form should perform a redirect.
STATUS_ERROR_STAY - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Constant used to indicate that the form has errors, and that the form should not perform a redirect.
STATUS_ERROR_STAY - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Constant to indicate that the state of the form errors, but that the form should not perform a redirect.
STATUS_ERROR_STAY - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant to indicate that the state of the form errors, but that the form should not perform a redirect.
STATUS_FAILED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This modification failed, there may be more detail in the text.
STATUS_MIGRATE_FINISH - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
STATUS_MODIFIED_CODE - Static variable in interface atg.versionmanager.AssetVersion
STATUS_OTHER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_PENDING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This modification has not been processed yet.
STATUS_PRODUCT_MIGRATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_SKU_MIGRATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogMigration
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This modification was complete successfuly, there may still be more detail in the text.
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Constant used to indicate that the form has no errors
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.AdminFormHandler
Constant to indicate that the state of the form has no errors.
STATUS_SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Constant to indicate that the state of the form has no errors.
STATUS_SUSPENDED_TRANSACTION_RESUMED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
STATUS_TRANSACTION_CREATED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
STATUS_TRANSACTION_ENDED_IN_CODE - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
stop(String) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Deployment
Stops the running deployment.
stop() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Mark this group inactive and clear its internal group object.
stop() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Mark this targeter inactive and clear its internal list of sub-targeters.
STOP_CHAIN_EXECUTION - Static variable in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
STOP_CHAIN_EXECUTION_AND_COMMIT - Static variable in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
This constant is a reserved return value which notifies the PipelineManager to stop chain execution.
STOP_CHAIN_EXECUTION_AND_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
This constant is a reserved return value which notifies the PipelineManager to stop chain execution and cause the transaction to be rolled back.
stopConcreteService(PortletSettings) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after it has been destroyed.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.invalidator.GSAInvalidatorService
MessageSource interface method to signal this MessageSource that it is no longer legal to emit messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.NoInventoryManager
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageForwardFilter
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.MessageSender
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.messaging.SourceSinkTemplate
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.dms.patchbay.EventSenderDroplet
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in interface atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSource
This is called to tell the MessageSource that it should stop sending messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.markers.MarkerMessageSource
Instructs this message source to begin distributing messages.
stopMessageSource() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchEventSender
stopScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.EmailLogger
Stops the EmailLogger's job which flushes the queue entries periodically
stopScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
If we have a job running, stop it.
stopScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.SchedulableService
If we have a job running, stop it.
stopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericRMIService
Stops the service.
stopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Stops the service.
stopService() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Stops the service.
stopService() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.ServiceListener
Stops the service.
stopService() - Method in class atg.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after it has been destroyed.
stopService() - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalViewManagerImpl
Stops the service.
stopService() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericFilterService
Called by the filter service after it has been destroyed.
stopService() - Method in class atg.servlet.GenericServletService
Called by the servlet service after it has been destroyed.
stopService(PortletConfig) - Method in class atg.websphere.wps.portlet.GenericPortletService
Called by the portlet service after it has been destroyed.
stopVM() - Method in class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
Calls exit(0) to stop the VM.
StoreCredit - Class in atg.commerce.order
This class is an implementation of StoreCredit payment information.
StoreCredit() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.StoreCredit
StoreCreditInfo - Interface in atg.payment.storecredit
This class is an interface of StoreCredit payment information.
STORECREDITNUMBERCLAIMEXCEPTION - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
STORECREDITNUMBERNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
StoreCreditProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.storecredit
This class defines an interface for store credit processing.
StoreCreditProcessorImpl - Class in atg.commerce.payment
This class performs the actual functions of authorizing, debiting and crediting a store credit.
StoreCreditProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.payment.StoreCreditProcessorImpl
StoreCreditStatus - Interface in atg.payment.storecredit
This interface defines a store credit payment transaction status.
StoreCreditStatusImpl - Class in atg.payment.storecredit
This class defines a store credit payment transaction status.
StoreCreditStatusImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatusImpl
StoreCreditStatusImpl(String, double, boolean, String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class atg.payment.storecredit.StoreCreditStatusImpl
storeOptionalParameter(Map, String, Class) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Extracts an Expression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeOptionalParameter(Map, String, Class) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Extracts an Expression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeRequiredMutableParameter(Map, String) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Extracts a MutableExpression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeRequiredMutableParameter(Map, String) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Extracts a MutableExpression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeRequiredParameter(Map, String, Class) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Extracts an Expression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeRequiredParameter(Map, String, Class) - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Extracts an Expression with the given parameter name from the given parameter Map, and stores it for later retrieval.
storeTransientItem(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Store the transient item in a RAM (commited items/transactions only).
sTransactionManager - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.PortletFormHandler
STRING - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Values for the DataType property
STRING - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"string", ordinal 5
STRING_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
STRING_TYPE format fields refer to strings
stringArrayToPersonaArray(String[], Persona[], UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
Takes an array of Personae names which should be contained in a given UserAuthority, and converts them into an array of Personae instances returns true if convertions was successful.
stringAt(int) - Method in class atg.core.util.StringList
Get a String by its index.
stringIt(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
stringIt(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.AncestorGeneratorService
stringIt(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
stringIt(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
stringIt(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
stringIt(Object[]) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
stringIt(Map) - Static method in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
utility method for stringIzing collections for logging messages(or whatever)
stringIt(Collection) - Static method in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
stringIt(Object[]) - Static method in class atg.markers.MarkerUtils
StringList - Class in atg.core.util
Abstraction of a list of strings that can be cleanly loaded/saved as a stringifiable property in a .properties file.
StringList() - Constructor for class atg.core.util.StringList
StringList(String[]) - Constructor for class atg.core.util.StringList
stringToRawId(String) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Convert a String repository id to a raw repository id
stringToState(String) - Static method in class atg.deployment.common.event.DeploymentEvent
Returns a int form of the state string, useful for listeners who may want to take a string input instead of an integer which can be easily misconfigured.
stringToTransactionMode(String) - Static method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Given a String representation of a transaction mode, returns the corresponding transaction mode
stringToType(String) - Static method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
Given a RelationshipType String, this method will return the corresponding integer for that type
stringToType(String) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
Given a RelationshipType String, this method will return the corresponding integer for that type
stripURIArgs(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Strip off any arguments etc found in the URI.
StructuredQueryFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <structquery> tag
StructuredQueryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.StructuredQueryFormHandler
StructuredQueryMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
A message corresponding to a <query> request/response
StructuredQueryMessage(ClientStructuredRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.StructuredQueryMessage
Create a instance of this class
Style - Interface in atg.portal.framework
An interface used to describe a theme.
StyleFormHandler - Class in atg.portal.admin
This class provides convenient form handling methods for registering new colors in the portal framework.
StyleFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.portal.admin.StyleFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof StyleFormHandler
sTypeToXMLIdentifierMap - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
A mapping of basic Java types to XML schema type names.
SubCatalogsGeneratorService - Class in atg.commerce.catalog.custom
This class will update each catalogs "subCatalogs" property with a list of all the sub catalogs (and their sub catalogs, etc.) The following properties will be updated by this service:
catalog.allRootCategories catalog.allRootCategoryIds catalog.subCatalogs catalog.subCatalogsIds category.subCatalogsChildCategories
SubCatalogsGeneratorService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
SUBITEM_PENDING_DELIVERY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.CommerceItemStates
SUBJECT_ID - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
SUBJECT_ID - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
SUBMIT - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
SUBMIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The submit tag has a different default priority to get it to run last
SUBMIT_VALUE_IS_NULL - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Is the submit value null?
SubmitOrder - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This message will start the order fulfillment process for the order that it contains.
SubmitOrder() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
submitOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Calls processOrder but converts the result from a PipelineResult to a SubmitOrderResult
submitOrderWithReprice(String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderServices
Calls processOrderWithReprice but converts the result from a PipelineResult to a SubmitOrderResult
SUBMITTED - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
subscribe() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Adds an entry for this item descriptor to the table of subscribers
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
SubSkuCommerceItem - Class in atg.commerce.order
An implementation of a class which represents a SubSku of a ConfigurableCommerceItem.
SubSkuCommerceItem() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.SubSkuCommerceItem
SUBTOTAL - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ShippingGroupSubtotal
SubviewConstraint - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: SubviewConstraint.
SubviewConstraint() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
SubviewConstraint(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
SubviewDefinition - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: SubviewDefinition.
SubviewDefinition() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
SubviewDefinition(String, SubviewParameter[], String, String, SubviewConstraint[], SubviewDefinition[]) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
SubviewDefinition(String, SubviewParameter[], String, String, boolean, boolean, SubviewConstraint[], SubviewDefinition[]) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
SubviewParameter - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: SubviewParameter.
SubviewParameter() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
SubviewParameter(Class, String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApprovalSystemMessagesToOrder
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdsToOrder
SUCCESS - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverIdToOrder
code for successful process
SUCCESS - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddApproverMessagesToOrder
code for successful process
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcAddMessageMapperErrorToOrder
SUCCESS - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.processor.ProcPopulatePipelineParams
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.CopyInvoiceRequestProperties
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.GenerateInvoiceMessage
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.pipeline.SetPaymentDueDate
SUCCESS - Variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcSendScheduledOrderMessage
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.payment.invoicerequest.processor.ProcCreateInvoiceRequestInfo
Return values for this processor.
SUCCESS - Variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.EventSender
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcChangeOrderState
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateCreditCardInfo
The possible return value for this processor.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateGiftCertificateInfo
The possible return value for this processor.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcCreateStoreCreditInfo
The possible return value for this processor.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.commerce.payment.processor.ProcProcessPaymentGroup
The possible return value for this processor.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.CancelOrder
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ProcessorConstants
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService
Code to return if we were able to serialize the DOM/Element object to the output stream.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2cstore.CancelOrder
SUCCESS_FLAG - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
SummaryItem - Class in atg.service.datacollection
A data item that holds summary information.
SummaryItem(Object, String[]) - Constructor for class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Construct a summary event that will summarize the given "type" of data item.
superStartScheduledJob() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
If we have a scheduler and a schedule and we are not already running start our scheduled job.
SUPPORTED_QUERIES - Static variable in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView
SUPPORTS - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
supportsAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Returns true if this object supports an access control list.
supportsAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns true if this object supports an access control list.
supportsAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Returns true if this object supports an access control list.
supportsMultipleContents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.HtmlContentProcessor
We do support multiple contents.
supportsMultipleContents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor
Whether or not we support multiple contents.
supportsMultipleContents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Whether or not we support creating a message with multiple contents passed in.
supportsMultipleContents() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
supportsOwner() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Returns true if this object supports an owner.
supportsOwner() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns true if this object supports an owner.
supportsOwner() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Returns true if this object supports an owner.
suspendProjectContext() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
swapRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Swaps in a new wrapped request objet without reseting this request.
swapRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
Swaps in a new underlying request object without doing a reset().
Switch - Class in atg.droplet
The Switch conditionally servlet renders one of its parameters based on the value of its value parameter.
Switch() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Switch
SWITCH_DATASTORES - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
SwitchBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Switch droplet.
SwitchBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.SwitchBeanInfo
SwitchCase - Class in atg.rview.definitionfile
Bean name: SwitchCase.
SwitchCase() - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
SwitchCase(String, Class) - Constructor for class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
switchCurrentOrder(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Switch the current order to the order with the given id, move the old current order into the saved orders
SwitchDataSourceFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet.sql
This form handler allows a SwitchingDataSource to be switch through jhtml.
SwitchDataSourceFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.sql.SwitchDataSourceFormHandler
switchDatastores(List) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.AgentRef
Requests a switch of the specified datastores on this agent server.
SWITCHED_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
SwitchingDataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
A DataSource which can switch between two or more underlying DataSources.
SwitchingDataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.SwitchingDataSource
Empty constructor
sWorkingInitialContext - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the UserTransaction object for use by dynamo applications.


TableDeclaration - Class in atg.cortex
This represents the declaration of a table, comprised of ColumnDeclaration objects.
TableDeclaration(String) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.TableDeclaration
Constructs a new TableDeclaration
TableDeclaration - Class in atg.rview
This represents the declaration of a table, comprising ColumnDeclaration objects.
TableDeclaration(String) - Constructor for class atg.rview.TableDeclaration
Constructs a new TableDeclaration
TableForEach - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet extends the functionality of ForEach by allowing the output to be rendered in a table-like format.
TableForEach() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TableForEach
TableForEachBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the TableForEach droplet.
TableForEachBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TableForEachBeanInfo
TableInfo - Class in atg.service.util
This class maintains a collection of information useful when building sortable tables in JHTML where each column in the table displays some property of an object, and where the user interface wishes to allow the user to sort the table on one or more columns.
TableInfo() - Constructor for class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Default constructor.
TableInfo.Column - Class in atg.service.util
Inner class that represents all the information about a table column -- its name, column heading, the corresponding sort property, the current sort direction, and the position of this column's property relative to others when doing multi-column sorting.
TableRange - Class in atg.droplet
This droplet extends the functionality of Range by allowing the output to be rendered in a table-like format.
TableRange() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TableRange
TableRangeBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet
BeanInfo for the Range droplet.
TableRangeBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TableRangeBeanInfo
Tag - Class in atg.droplet
This class implements a simple generic HTML tag.
Tag() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.Tag
TAG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.AnchorTag
TAG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.FormTag
TAG_NAME - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TagAttributeDescriptor - Class in atg.droplet
This class describes an attribute which is used as an argument to a TagConverter.
TagAttributeDescriptor() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
TagAttributeDescriptor(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
TagBuilder - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This class is a base class for things that iterate the HashMapMap objects
TagBuilder() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Create a builder with an initially empty buffer and a zero indentation value.
TagBuilder(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Create a builder which will use an existing string buffer
TagBuilder(StringBuffer, int, String) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
Create a builder which will use an existing string buffer and which also uses the specified indentation level
TagConversionException - Exception in atg.droplet
This exception is thrown by TagConverters when they encounter an error during the conversion process.
TagConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Constructs a new TagConversionException with the given explanation.
TagConversionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Constructs a new TagConversionException with the given explanation and error code.
TagConversionException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception atg.droplet.TagConversionException
Constructs a new TagConversionException with the given explanation and root exception.
TagConverter - Interface in atg.droplet
This interface is implemented by objects that perform String to Object and Object to String conversion using attributes in JHTML tags (valueof, input, etc.).
TagConverterManager - Class in atg.droplet
This class contains a set of static methods which you can use to register and use TagConverters.
TagConverterManager() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TagConverterManager
TaggedPropertyEditor - Class in atg.beans
A PropertyEditor implementation that wraps an existing PropertyEditor but adds the ability to map text values to/from a set of allowed tag values.
TaggedPropertyEditor(String[], Object) - Constructor for class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
Construct a TaggedPropertyEditor that maps between the given set of tags and underlying property values, assuming that there is already a non-tagged editor.
TaggedPropertyEditor(String[]) - Constructor for class atg.beans.TaggedPropertyEditor
Construct a TaggedPropertyEditor that edits Strings accepts a given set of tags that *are* the underlying property values.
TAGNAME_KEY - Static variable in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
TALL - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearHeightEnum
Tall Gear Height
TALL - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum
Tall region height
tamperedURLParameters() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Returns true if the special Dynamo URL parameters could not be properly decoded.
target(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellProductTargeter
Returns all upsellProducts in the upsellAction repository items associated with the closenessQualifiers contained in the session's current order.
target(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
returns all closenessQualifiers associated with the current session's order.
target(NameResolver, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
returns all closenessQualifiers associated with the current session's order, with a maximum of pMaxNumber closenesQualifiers returned.
target(NameResolver, int, int) - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUpsellTargeter
returns a subset of closenessQualifiers associated with the current session's order.
Target - Class in atg.deployment.server
A simple interface for managing a deployment target and deployments to that target.
target(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects.
target(NameResolver, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
target(NameResolver, int, int) - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects, beginning at the starting index of the entire result set, and containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
target(NameResolver) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects.
target(NameResolver, int) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects containing at most pMaxNumber entries.
target(NameResolver, int, int) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects, beginning at the starting index of the entire result set, and containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
target(NameResolver) - Method in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects.
target(NameResolver, int) - Method in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
target(NameResolver, int, int) - Method in interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects, beginning at the starting index of the entire result set, and containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
TARGET_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.Target
TARGET_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is used to identify the target of a modification as an item.
TARGET_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
The attribute property that indicates the property for the remote data model.
TARGET_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is used to identify the target of a modification as an order.
TARGET_PAYMENT_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is used to identify the target of a modification as a payment group.
TARGET_RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is used to identify the target of a modification as a Relationship
TARGET_SHIP_GROUP_ITEM_REL_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
TARGET_SHIP_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
TARGET_SHIPPING_GROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is used to identify the target of a modification as a shipping group.
TargetDef - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class TargetDef ("Deployment Target Definition")
TargetDefHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
Targeter - Interface in atg.targeting
Represents an object that can perform targeting operations based on some criteria.
TargeterUtils - Class in atg.targeting
Various random utilities useful to targeter classes.
TargeterUtils() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
TargetingResults - Class in atg.targeting
A service which can be used to perform a targeting operation and produce an Enumeration of targeting results.
TargetingResults() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.TargetingResults
TargetingServices - Class in atg.targeting
A collection of services that execute targeters and return Repo2XML items
TargetingServices() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.TargetingServices
TargetingSourceMap - Class in atg.targeting
Represents a mapping between source names used in a targeting operation and their Nucleus paths.
TargetingSourceMap() - Constructor for class atg.targeting.TargetingSourceMap
TargetPrincipalsDroplet - Class in atg.userdirectory.droplet
This Droplet extends the PrincipalsDroplet to retrieve a list of Targeted Principals for a specific Principal associated with the user.
TargetPrincipalsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
TASK_ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
TASK_ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
TASK_ELEMENT_IDS - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
TASK_ELEMENT_IDS - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
TASK_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
TASK_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
TASK_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
TaskAccessRights - Interface in atg.workflow
Access rights associated with a workflow task.
TaskActionFormHandler - Class in atg.epub.servlet
Form Handler for firing an outcome on a task in a workflow.
TaskActionFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.TaskActionFormHandler
TaskDescriptor - Class in atg.workflow
Description of a task as specified in a workflow.
TaskDescriptor(WorkflowDescriptor, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Constructs a TaskDescriptor with the given workflow, task element id, and name.
TaskInfo - Class in atg.workflow
Description of the runtime state of an identified task relative to some workflow instance.
TaskInfo(TaskDescriptor) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Constructs a new TaskInfo with the given TaskDescriptor.
TaskQueryOptions - Class in atg.workflow
A bean which holds filtering and sorting criteria to be used when querying for tasks.
TaskQueryOptions(Comparator) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given sorter.
TaskQueryOptions(String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name.
TaskQueryOptions(String, Comparator) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name and sorter.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name and segment name.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String, Comparator) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name, segment name, and sorter.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name, segment name, and task element id.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String, String, Comparator) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name, segment name, task element id, and sorter.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name, segment name, and task element ids.
TaskQueryOptions(String, String, String[], Comparator) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Constructs a new TaskQueryOptions object with the given process name, segment name, task element ids, and sorter.
TASKS - Static variable in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
TAX - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.pricing.PricingModelType
TAX_DISCOUNT_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
TAX_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
TaxableItem - Interface in atg.payment.tax
This class is an interface of Tax payment information.
TaxableItemImpl - Class in atg.payment.tax
Implementation of TaxableItem for use with all TaxProcessors
TaxableItemImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.tax.TaxableItemImpl
TAXAMOUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
TAXAMOUNT_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
TAXAMOUNTREMAINING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
TAXAMOUNTREMAINING_STR - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to tax promotions.
TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator
TaxDiscountCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Calculates TaxPriceInfos for Orders which the calculator is given.
TaxDiscountCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxDiscountCalculator
TaxPaymentInfo - Class in atg.commerce.order.purchase
This is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo whose CommerceIdentifier is an Order.
TaxPaymentInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.purchase.TaxPaymentInfo
Creates a new TaxPaymentInfo instance.
TaxPriceInfo - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Represents tax price information.
TaxPriceInfo() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPriceInfo
TaxPricingCalculator - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
A TaxPricingCalculator modifies the price of the tax for an Order.
TaxPricingEngine - Interface in atg.commerce.pricing
This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for ShippingGroup objects.
TaxPricingEngineImpl - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
A TaxPricingEngine implementation which computes the tax for an order.
TaxPricingEngineImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxPricingEngineImpl
TaxProcessor - Interface in atg.payment.tax
This class defines an interface for tax calculation processing over different tax payment systems such as CyberCash, CyberSource, Taxware.
TaxProcessorTaxCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
Uses the atg.payment.tax package to calculate tax for an order.
TaxProcessorTaxCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.TaxProcessorTaxCalculator
TaxProductCodeSetting(TaxableItem) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
This function simply checks the taxStatus property in the taxableItem
TaxRequest - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
The TaxRequest class defines a request for tax information.
TaxRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long, long, long, Date, String) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
Create a tax request setting the commonly used fields.
TaxRequestInfo - Interface in atg.payment.tax
This class is an interface of Tax payment information.
TaxRequestInfoImpl - Class in atg.payment.tax
Impelemetaion of atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfo.
TaxRequestInfoImpl() - Constructor for class atg.payment.tax.TaxRequestInfoImpl
TaxResult - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
The TaxResult class represents the result of a request for tax information.
TaxService - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
TaxService provides a simpler interface for creating TaxRequest objects.
TaxService() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxService
TaxStatus - Interface in atg.payment.tax
This class defines a tax calculation transaction status.
TaxWareCalculateTax - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
Using the associated TaxService, this class calculates the sales/world tax for the items.
TaxWareCalculateTax() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
Constructor for the service.
TaxwareCriticalException - Exception in atg.integrations.taxware
A TaxWare critical exception is thrown by the taxware classes and represents some sort of major (install, most likely) problem.
TaxwareCriticalException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareCriticalException
Create a new taxware critical exception.
TaxwareException - Exception in atg.integrations.taxware
A TaxWare exception is thrown by the taxware classes and represents a taxware specific problem.
TaxwareException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareException
TaxwareMinorException - Exception in atg.integrations.taxware
A TaxWare minor exception is thrown by the taxware classes and represents some sort of semi-expected problem.
TaxwareMinorException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.integrations.taxware.TaxwareMinorException
Create a new taxware minor exception.
TaxWareStatus - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
This class encapsulates a standard TaxWare system response
TaxWareStatus(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
TaxWareStatus(String) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareStatus
TaxWareVerifyZipInfo - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
This orderprocessing object verifies zipcode.
TaxWareVerifyZipInfo() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.states.OrderStates
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The context path of the target template page (only applies to JSP).
TEMPLATE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the template paramameter
TemplateEmailEvent - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
An event that is used to notify the TemplateEmailListener objects of sent/unsent email messages.
TemplateEmailEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Constructs a new TemplateEmailEvent.
TemplateEmailEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Constructs a new TemplateEmailEvent of the given type.
TemplateEmailException - Exception in atg.userprofiling.email
Represents an exception that occurs while composing or sending a piece of template-based email.
TemplateEmailException() - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Constructs a new TemplateEmailException.
TemplateEmailException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Constructs a new TemplateEmailException with the given explanation.
TemplateEmailException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Constructs a new TemplateEmailException with the given root exception.
TemplateEmailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailException
Constructs a new TemplateEmailException with the given explanation and root exception.
TemplateEmailInfo - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
An abstract class representing an object which contains all the information pertaining to a particular piece of email to be sent out, and uses that information to create and fill in the corresponding javax.mail.Message objects.
TemplateEmailInfo() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
TemplateEmailInfoImpl - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
A concrete extension of the TemplateEmailInfo class that contains the standard email message attributes as properties (messageFrom, messageSubject, etc.) and uses them to construct Message objects.
TemplateEmailInfoImpl() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfoImpl
TemplateEmailListener - Interface in atg.userprofiling.email
A listener that is notified of TemplateEmailEvents.
TemplateEmailSender - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
The TemplateEmailSender service is responsible for sending template-based email.
TemplateEmailSender() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender
TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
An implementation of a RequestResponseInitializer that calls through to initializeRequest and initializeResponse.
TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter
TemplateInvoker - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
A class for invoking rendering a specified JSP/JHTML template.
TemplateInvoker() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
No-arg constructor for Nucleus.
TemplateInvoker(TemplateEmailSender) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Constructor for initializing from TemplateEmailSender, which is used for backwards compatability.
TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession - Class in atg.userprofiling.email
Represents a template rendering session.
TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession(Map, RequestResponseInitializer) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker.TemplateSession
Create a TemplateSession...
TemplateOrderProperty - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled
This abstract class represents the schedule property in the scheduledOrder repositoryItem.
TemplateOrderProperty() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
test(ProcessExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Calls evaluate on this filter, and returns one of the following values: Filter.TRUE - if evaluate returned Filter.TRUE Filter.FALSE - if evaluate returned Filter.FALSE or null this or another, simplified, Filter - in all other cases
test(ScenarioExecutionContext) - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Calls evaluate on this filter, and returns one of the following values: Filter.TRUE - if evaluate returned Filter.TRUE Filter.FALSE - if evaluate returned Filter.FALSE or null this or another, simplified, Filter - in all other cases
testPropertyAttribute(DynamicPropertyDescriptor, String, String) - Static method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Test named attribute of specified property descriptor to see if it is equal to the value specified in pTest
testTarget(Object) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Evaluates the rules specified via the ruleSetService property against the target object.
testTarget(Object, NameResolver) - Method in class atg.targeting.RuleSetEvaluator
Evaluates the rules specified via the ruleSetService property against the target object.
TEXT - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"text", ordinal 6
THIS - Static variable in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
ThreadSecurityManager - Class in atg.security
Class used to manage the User object that is associated with the current thread.
ThreadSecurityManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.ThreadSecurityManager
ThreadUserBinderServlet - Class in atg.servlet.security
A pipeline servlet that associates the current session's User object with the current request thread.
ThreadUserBinderServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.ThreadUserBinderServlet
thresholdHasBeenReached(String, String, String, long, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
This gets called when some level sinks below the threshold.
THROWABLE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Invoke
throwPipelineException(String, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Throw an InvoicePipelineException with an appropriate error message for the given pipeline chain and pipeline result object.
TIERED_PRICE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
TIERED_PRICE_STRING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceListManager
TIME - Static variable in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformanceMonitor
TIME mode runs the performance monitor with stack tracking and operation timestamping on
TimedOperationService - Class in atg.nucleus
A TimedOperationService is a subclass of GenericService that generally performs a single function or request.
TimedOperationService() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.TimedOperationService
Constructs a blank new TimedOperationService
TimeExceededException - Exception in atg.service.lockmanager
An exception indicating that we waited longer than the specified timeout value for this lock.
TimeExceededException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.TimeExceededException
TimeExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.lockmanager.TimeExceededException
TimeoutException - Exception in atg.core.exception
Indicates that an operation timed out.
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.TimeoutException
Constructs a blank TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.TimeoutException
Constructs a TimeoutException with the specified detail message
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.TimeoutException
Constructs a TimeoutException with the specified detail message and cause
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.core.exception.TimeoutException
Constructs a TimeoutException with the specified cause
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
TO_SNAPSHOT_ID - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
toByteArray() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
This is a convenience method that calls getInputStream() then reads all of the data from the input stream into a byte array that is returned.
toExternalForm() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Return a URL to the external form of this file system.
TOGGLE - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
toggle(int) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return the direction code that results from toggling pDirection.
TOGGLE_IF_PRIMARY - Static variable in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
toGSAId(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Convert the value to a GSAId using the correct descriptor
TOKEN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.DoubleRangeShippingCalculator
The separator token which delineates values within the ranges property
TOKENIZER_CHARACTER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.DisplaySkuProperties
TOO_MUCH_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
TooManyAccountsException - Exception in atg.security
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to list more accounts than the account manager is willing to provide.
TooManyAccountsException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.TooManyAccountsException
Creates an exception indicating that too many accounts were requested.
TooManyAccountsException(int, int) - Constructor for exception atg.security.TooManyAccountsException
Creates an exception indicating that too many accounts were requested, including the number of accounts which would have been returned had the query succeeded and how many the server would let us have.
topLevelGenerateAncestorsForCategory(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate the set of all ancestor categories for a given category, using the recursive method generateAncestorsForCategory
TopologyDef - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class TopologyDef ("Deployment Topology Definition")
TopologyDefHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
toString() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
Return a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.query.Builder
Get a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.messaging.InvoiceMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
returns a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierCostCenter
toString() - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
A String representation of the message
toString() - Method in class atg.beans.SerializableFeatureDescriptor
Return this FeatureDescriptor as a String
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductComparisonList.Entry
Return a string representation of this Entry for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.Rule
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.expression.RuleNode
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericAdd
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericRemove
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.GenericUpdate
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.PaymentGroupUpdate
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.OrderModified
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.PaymentGroupModified
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ShippingGroupUpdate
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachedInventoryInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.OrderAbandoned
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
Method that renders the general information in a readable string format
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Method that renders the general order information in a readable string format
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeEvent
Return a human readable representation of this event.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
Method that renders the general information in a readable string format
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo
Method that renders the general order information in a readable string format
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CommerceItemShippingInfo
Method that renders the general order information in a readable string format
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.RestorableOrders
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
returns a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AmountInfo
Produces a String representation for this AmountInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.definition.MatchingObject
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.DetailedItemPriceInfo
produces a String representation of the DetailedItemPriceInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
Generate a nice string.
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemPriceInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PriceChanged
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.priceLists.PriceCacheKey
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PricingAdjustment
Object override
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.PromotionClosenessMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.QualifiedItem
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ShippingPriceInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
This method returns a readable string representing the contents of this message.
toString() - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Display information about this exception and that of the source exception if there is one.
toString(boolean) - Method in exception atg.core.exception.ContainerException
Display information about this exception and optionally that of the source exception if there is one.
toString() - Method in class atg.core.util.ArrayDictionary
Returns a string representation of this hashtable.
toString() - Method in class atg.core.util.Enum
toString() - Method in class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status.FailureMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.common.Status
Returns this Status as a String.
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentDestination
string representation
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.deployment.server.Target
Returns this Target as a String.
toString() - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
toString() - Method in exception atg.droplet.DropletException
Returns a description of this DropletException object.
toString() - Method in exception atg.droplet.DropletFormException
toString() - Method in class atg.droplet.ObjectTypeInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.droplet.ParamDescriptor
String representation
toString() - Method in class atg.droplet.PropertyName
toString() - Method in class atg.droplet.TagAttributeDescriptor
String representation
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.messaging.PublishingMessage
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentMode
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumDeploymentType
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogEnumStatus
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.ProcessEnumStatus
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.ProjectEnumStatus
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.epub.project.TransportDefEnumTransportType
Returns the String value represented by this instance
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashStatus
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceConnection
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceCreditCard
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceStatus
A String representation of the class
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceTax
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxRequest
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxResult
toString() - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
toString() - Method in class atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessage
Returns the String representation of this message.
toString() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns the log event as a String in the following format:
toString() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName
toString() - Method in class atg.nucleus.naming.ParameterName
toString() - Method in exception atg.portal.framework.PortalException
Display information about this exception
toString() - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Returns the String representation of the Action.
toString(String) - Method in class atg.process.action.ActionImpl
Returns the String representation of the Action.
toString() - Method in class atg.process.filter.ExpressionFilter
Returns the String representation of the filter.
toString() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Returns a String representation of this ProcessElementInfo.
toString() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo
Returns a String representation of this ProcessInstanceInfo.
toString() - Method in class atg.process.ProcessWaitState
Returns a String representation of this ProcessWaitState.
toString() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.purchaselists.PurchaselistFormHandlerSuper
toString() - Method in class atg.projects.b2bstore.userprofiling.B2BPropertyManager
toString() - Method in exception atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileException
toString() - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.SearchMessage
Returns the String representation of the SearchMessage.
toString() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.ContentViewedLogEntry
Returns String representation of the log entry
toString() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.RequestLogEntry
Returns String representation of the log entry
toString() - Method in class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Returns String representation of the log entry
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
Returns the event in a string form
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.QueryOptions
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryItemImpl
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryPropertyDescriptor
Return a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement
Returns a String representation of this
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister.ConfigState
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ItemAndSpecifierStack
Add a debugging toString method.
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistory
For debugging purposes, this method can be used to print the contents of the navHistory property.
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.NavHistoryItem
toString(String) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirective
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString(String) - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns the string representation of the object, indenting the text using the specified pIndent string.
toString() - Method in class atg.repository.SortDirectives
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ColumnName
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.DefinitionFile
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionDefinition
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionParameter
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturn
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRange
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.FunctionReturnRangeElement
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RelationalViewDefinition
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProcessorDefinition
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetProperty
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.ResultSetSwitch
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapDefinition
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapJoin
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapProperty
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapRelationship
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapSwitch
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.RowmapTable
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewConstraint
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewDefinition
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SubviewParameter
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.definitionfile.SwitchCase
toString() - Method in class atg.rview.TypeInfo
toString() - Method in class atg.scenario.action.ActionImpl
Deprecated. Returns the String representation of the Action.
toString() - Method in class atg.scenario.dms.SlotItemRequestMessage
Returns the String representation of the SlotItemRequestMessage.
toString() - Method in class atg.scenario.filter.ExpressionFilter
Deprecated. Returns the String representation of the filter.
toString() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot.SlotEntry
toString() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Render slot as a string, marking current item.
toString() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.FakeDocumentSetConstraint
toString() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMap
Don't display as "{}" when empty so empty input fields on the page are actually empty.
toString() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlEntry
toString() - Method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Returns a string representation of an ACL.
toString(AccessControlEntry[]) - Static method in class atg.security.AccessControlList
Converts an access control list into a string.
toString() - Method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
toString(AccessRight[]) - Static method in class atg.security.GenericAccessRight
Converts a list of access rights into a parseable string.
toString() - Method in exception atg.security.ImplementationSecurityException
toString() - Method in class atg.security.PersonaAdapter
toString() - Method in class atg.security.User
toString() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.JTSQLTableLogger
toString() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
toString() Object override
toString() - Method in class atg.service.datacollection.SummaryItem
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
toString() - Method in exception atg.service.event.EventException
Returns the exception in String form.
toString() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator
Get a string representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.service.idgen.IdSpace
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
Returns a String value of this
toString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.AbsoluteSchedule
toString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
toString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule
Returns a String representation of this
toString() - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
Returns a String value of this
toString(Locale) - Method in class atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule
toString() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.Sample
Returns a String representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.service.statistics.SampleEvent
Returns a String representation of this object
toString() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
toString() - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
toString() - Method in class atg.servlet.BrowserType
Returns the String representation consisting of a list of the patterns
toString() - Method in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
Return the string representation.
toString(Object) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
Returns the specified value as a string like String.valueOf, except if the value is null, an empty string is returned instead.
toString(char[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(char) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(int) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(long) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(float) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString(double) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
toString() - Method in class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Returns a String representation of this, which is just the client's filename.
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessAllowedEvent
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.AccessDeniedEvent
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.MessageContentProcessor.UrlAndMimeType
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailInfo
Override the toString() method for debugging.
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.Profile
Returns the String representation of this profile
toString() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
toString() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
toString() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionID
toString() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
Returns the URI as a String
toString() - Method in interface atg.vfs.VirtualFile
Return a descriptive string for this file.
toString() - Method in class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
Return a user readable string -- the display name, that is
toString() - Method in exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Display information about this exception
toString() - Method in class atg.workflow.OutcomeDescriptor
Returns a String representation of this OutcomeDescriptor.
toString() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskDescriptor
Returns a String representation of this TaskDescriptor.
toString() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskInfo
Returns a String representation of this TaskInfo.
toString() - Method in class atg.workflow.TaskQueryOptions
Returns a String representation of this TaskQueryOptions object.
toString() - Method in class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Returns a String representation of this WorkflowDescriptor.
toString() - Method in class atg.xml.service.DocumentCacheKey
DocumentCacheKey override of the toString() method.
toStringBuffer() - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Returns the log event as a StringBuffer in the following format:
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.nucleus.dms.DASMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.nucleus.dms.FormSubmissionMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ClickThroughMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.DPSMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.EndSessionMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfilePropertyUpdateMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ProfileUpdateMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
toStringProperties() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Returns the String representation of all the public properties of this message.
TOTAL_COUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The total number of orders that match the criteria, this is unset if queryTotal is set to false
TOTALCOUNT - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The total number of orders that match the criteria, this is unset if queryTotal is set to false
toXml() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.FakeDocumentSetConstraint
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_MANDATORY - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NEVER - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRES_NEW - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORTS - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TRANSACTION_CAPTURE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
A value for KEY_TRANS_TYPE.
TRANSACTION_MANAGER - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RQLQueryForEach
TRANSACTION_MARKED - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
A value for KEY_TRANS_TYPE; for terminal capture
TRANSACTION_MARKRET - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
A value for KEY_TRANS_TYPE; for terminal capture
TRANSACTION_RETURN - Static variable in class atg.integrations.cybercash.CyberCashConnection
A value for KEY_TRANS_TYPE; for host capture
TransactionalFormHandler - Class in atg.droplet
This form handler adds transaction management capabilities while processing form input.
TransactionalFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
Constructs an instanceof TransactionalFormHandler
TransactionDemarcation - Class in atg.dtm
This is used by applications to demarcate transactions "by hand" around a section of code.
TransactionDemarcation() - Constructor for class atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation
Constructs a new TransactionDemarcation
TransactionDemarcationException - Exception in atg.dtm
This is thrown to represent an error that occurred during a TransactionDemarcation.
TransactionDemarcationException() - Constructor for exception atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException
TransactionDemarcationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException
TransactionDemarcationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException
TransactionDemarcationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException
TransactionDroplet - Class in atg.dtm
The TransactionDroplet is used in a page to enclose an area of a page within its own transaction context behavior.
TransactionDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.dtm.TransactionDroplet
TransactionLockFactory - Class in atg.commerce.util
The transaction lock factory is used to grab locks before beginning and ending a transaction.
TransactionLockFactory() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockFactory
transactionLockName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
Generate the lock name to use when acquiring and releasing locks in acquireTransactionLock and releaseTransactionLock.
transactionLockName() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
Deprecated. Use the TransactionLockFactory instead
TransactionLockService - Class in atg.commerce.util
This class is used to acquire and release locks that are used before and after creating new transactions.
TransactionLockService() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Create a new empty lock service.
TransactionLockService(ClientLockManager, String, ApplicationLogging) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.util.TransactionLockService
Create a new lock service that uses the default key and provides no logging
transactionModeToString(int) - Static method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
Given a transaction mode, returns a String representation of it
transformKeywords(String[]) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
With the supplied keywords perform any modifications that are required to allow it to be used within a keyword query.
transformKeywords(String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
With the supplied keywords perform any modifications that are required to allow it to be used within a keyword query.
TransientIdGenerator - Class in atg.service.idgen
Service that generates sequential ids as either Strings or longs.
TransientIdGenerator() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.TransientIdGenerator
TransientOrderEvent - Class in atg.commerce.order.abandoned
This class is used to create transient order messages that indicate when an order has been either abandoned or submitted by a transient user
TransientOrderEvent() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
TransientOrderEvent(RepositoryItem, String, double, String, int) - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
TransitionException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at transitioning from one link to the next.
TransitionException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.TransitionException
Constructs a new TransitionException.
TransitionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.TransitionException
Constructs a new TransitionException with the given explanation.
TransitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.TransitionException
Constructs a new TransitionException.
TransitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.TransitionException
Constructs a new TransitionException with the given explanation.
translatePropertyValue(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Translates the given property value depending on the class of the given property.
transmitFailureStatusCode(DataOutputStream) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Sends the failure status code to the remote client
transmitSuccessStatusCode(DataOutputStream) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Sends the success status code to the remote client
TransportDef - Interface in atg.epub.project
Class TransportDef ("Deployment Transport Definition")
TransportDefEnumTransportType - Class in atg.epub.project
This class holds the value of the TransportDef.transportType property.
TransportDefEnumTransportType(String, Object) - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.TransportDefEnumTransportType
TransportDefEnumTransportType() - Constructor for class atg.epub.project.TransportDefEnumTransportType
TransportDefHome - Interface in atg.epub.project
Finder Summaries
TRAVERSE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to access a sub-object of a compound object.
trimCity(String) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TrimData
Trim the city-length down to LOCNAMESIZE.
trimConsumedItems() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.Slot
Trim off any inactive portion of the list.
TrimData - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
Routines to silently trim field lengths down to something VeraZip and TaxWare can handle
TrimData() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.TrimData
trimFileName(String, char) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
Describe trimFileName method here.
trimPostal(String) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TrimData
Trim the canadian postalcode down to 6 digits...
trimZip(String) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
Checks if the zip code is less than 5 digits
trimZip(String) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TrimData
Trim the zipcode down to 5 digits...
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.catalog.comparison.ProductListContains
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.IsHardGoodsDroplet
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ComponentExists
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsNull
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.process.filter.Filter
Filter which represents true
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.scenario.filter.Filter
Deprecated. Filter which represents true
TRUE - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
TRUE_OPARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the name for the true output parameter.
TWO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
TX_MANDATORY - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_MANDATORY_STR - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_NOT_SUPPORTED_STR - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_REQUIRED - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_REQUIRED_STR - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_REQUIRES_NEW - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_REQUIRES_NEW_STR - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_SUPPORTS - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TX_SUPPORTS_STR - Static variable in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineChain
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalMessage
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalRequiredMessage
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderMessage
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.FulfillOrderFragment
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrder
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ModifyOrderNotification
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.SubmitOrder
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventory
This is the JMS message type for the message that this interface represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftPurchased
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.InventoryThresholdReached
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.TransientOrderEvent
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemAddedToOrder
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemQuantityChanged
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.ItemRemovedFromOrder
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.ClosenessQualifierDroplet
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.promotion.PromotionUsed
This is the JMS message type for the message that this class represents.
TYPE - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.ItemsSplitbyType
TYPE_BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_BYTE - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_EMAIL_NOT_SENT - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Event type corresponding to a failure to send
TYPE_EMAIL_SENT - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateEmailEvent
Event type corresponding to a successful email send
TYPE_EXPIRE_SESSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Expire event type, i.e.
TYPE_FILE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_HIDDEN - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
TYPE_LOGIN - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Login event type.
TYPE_LOGOUT - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Logout event type.
TYPE_LONG - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.deployment.server.messaging.DeploymentStatusMessage
TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.FilePropertyDescriptor
TYPE_NEW_SESSION - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
New event type, i.e.
TYPE_NULL - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_ORDER - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
TYPE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.SavedProperties
TYPE_RADIO - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_REGISTER - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.SessionEvent
Register event type.
TYPE_RESET - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_SHIPPING - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.ClosenessQualifierEvaluator
TYPE_SHORT - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_SUBMIT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class atg.droplet.InputTag
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class atg.rview.InvalidationRelay
TYPE_VANILLA - Static variable in class atg.service.event.GenericEvent
A generic event type.
TYPE_VIEW - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.PageEvent
View event type.
TypeInfo - Class in atg.cortex
Represents some properties from the database TypeInfo metadata.
TypeInfo() - Constructor for class atg.cortex.TypeInfo
TypeInfo - Class in atg.rview
Represents some properties from the database TypeInfo metadata.
TypeInfo() - Constructor for class atg.rview.TypeInfo
TypeInfoMap - Class in atg.cortex
A TypeInfoMap maps JDBC types to database-specific type information, including the database-specific type name, and creation parameters.
TypeInfoMap(Connection) - Constructor for class atg.cortex.TypeInfoMap
Creates and returns a new TypeInfoMap with the map determined using the database metadata obtained from the given connection.
TypeInfoMap - Class in atg.rview
A TypeInfoMap maps JDBC types to database-specific type information, including the database-specific type name, and creation parameters.
TypeInfoMap(Connection) - Constructor for class atg.rview.TypeInfoMap
Creates and returns a new TypeInfoMap with the map determined using the database metadata obtained from the given connection.
typeToString(int) - Static method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BRelationshipTypes
Given a RelationshipType state, this method will return a textual String name for that type.
typeToString(int) - Static method in class atg.commerce.order.RelationshipTypes
Given a RelationshipType state, this method will return a textual String name for that type.


UNABLE_TO_CREATE_GOOD - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Constants
unalias(Persona) - Static method in class atg.security.AliasedPersona
Returns the root (unaliased) persona for the given persona.
unassignPrincipals(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityPrincipalFormHandler
unassignPrincipal is called by the handlers to revoke access to a community from a pricipals.
unblock() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Unblocks associated blocked threads.
UNCACHED_INVENTORY_MANAGER_NOT_SET - Static variable in class atg.commerce.inventory.CachingInventoryManager
return code when uncachedInventoryManger is not set
UNCHECKED_DROPLET_EXCEPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface atg.droplet.DropletConstants
The name of the request attribute for the Vector of unchecked exceptions that occurred trying to deliver the events for this request.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionHeightEnum
Undefined region height
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum
Undefined region width
UNEQUAL_GC_SIZE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
unescapeUrl(char[]) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Utility wrapper.
unescapeUrl(char[], int) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Utility method for converting from a MIME format called x-www-form-urlencoded.
unescapeUrlString(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Utility method for converting from a MIME format called x-www-form-urlencoded to a String.
unindent() - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.TagBuilder
unindent one level
UniqueFilter - Class in atg.repository.search.indexing.filter
Implement a filter that removes any duplicate values.
UniqueFilter() - Constructor for class atg.repository.search.indexing.filter.UniqueFilter
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.scenario.ShippingGroupModified
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"unknown", ordinal -1
unLocalizeDirectoryPath(String) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorSender
unlock(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Release the lock for the given id.
unlockAllAssets() - Method in interface atg.versionmanager.Workspace
Unlock all assets in this workspace
unlockChain(String) - Method in class atg.service.pipeline.PipelineManager
Unlocks the given chain.
UnlockChainException - Exception in atg.service.pipeline
This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at unlocking a pipeline chain.
UnlockChainException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.UnlockChainException
Constructs a new UnlockChainException.
UnlockChainException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.UnlockChainException
Constructs a new UnlockChainException with the given explanation.
UnlockChainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.UnlockChainException
Constructs a new UnlockChainException.
UnlockChainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.pipeline.UnlockChainException
Constructs a new UnlockChainException with the given explanation.
UNMATCHED_QUOTES - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.SearchFormHandler
logical operator search string parse failed because quotes didn't match
UNMATCHED_QUOTES - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.SearchFormHandler
logical operator search string parse failed because quotes didn't match
unregister(ServletContext) - Static method in class atg.service.webappregistry.ServletContextWebAppRegistry
Notification that the web application is ready to process requests.
unregister(Object) - Method in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
UNREGISTERED - Static variable in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
unregisterHandler(String, EventChannelListener) - Method in class atg.service.event.EventHandlerRegistry
Unregisters an EventChannelListener from listening to events on the specified event channel.
unregisterLayer(Object) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Remove a session key, unregistering its layer.
unregisterServerSession(Object) - Static method in class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
Remove a session key, unregistering its user.
unresolveComponentName(Object) - Method in interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameUnresolver
Follows the naming system's conventions for resolving the specified name, and returns the Object that is the result of the resolution.
unsecuredGetAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Retrieves the access control list associated with this object without performing access control.
unsecuredGetAccessControlList() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns the access control list stored in this secured object.
unsecuredGetAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Retrieves the access control list associated with this object without performing access control.
unsecuredGetContainers() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Returns the set of containers (parents) that contain or may contain access control information that should be effective when this object is being manipulated.
unsecuredGetContainers() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns the set of containers (parents) that contain or may contain access control information that should be effective when this object is being manipulated.
unsecuredGetContainers() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Returns the set of containers (parents) that contain or may contain access control information that should be effective when this object is being manipulated.
unsecuredGetCreationAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the access control list to use when creating a new object without performing access control checking.
unsecuredGetCreationOwnerAccessControlListTemplate() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns a template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to the owner of a new object.
unsecuredGetCreationSubPersonaAccessControlListTemplate() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns a template access control list to use in constructing the portion of the default access control list that applies to any applicable sub-personae of the owner of a new object.
unsecuredGetInheritableAccessControlList() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the access control list that should be inherited on creation of an object by a new child.
unsecuredGetOwner() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Retrieves the owner of this object without performing access control.
unsecuredGetOwner() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns the persona that has been specified as the owner of the object, or null if none has been specified.
unsecuredGetOwner() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredContainer
Returns the owner of the container without performing access control checking.
unsecuredGetOwner() - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Retrieves the owner of this object without performing access control.
unsecuredGetSecuredContainers() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Returns the set of containers (parents) that contain or may contain access control information that should be effective when this object is being manipulated.
unsecuredSetAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Changes the access control list associated with this object without performing access control.
unsecuredSetAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Changes the access control list stored in this object.
unsecuredSetAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Changes the access control list associated with this object without performing access control.
unsecuredSetCreationSecurity() - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepositoryItem
Sets the object's security to the creation defaults, also invokes this method on all SecuredRepositoryProperty objects for this item.
unsecuredSetCreationSecurity() - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Sets the object's security to the creation defaults.
unsecuredSetOwner(Persona) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.SecuredRepositoryObject
Changes the owner of this object without performing access control.
unsecuredSetOwner(Persona) - Method in class atg.security.GenericSecuredObject
Changes the persona that is considered to be the owner of the object.
unsecuredSetOwner(Persona) - Method in interface atg.security.SecuredObject
Changes the owner of this object without performing access control.
UNSET - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Switch
UNSET_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.NodeMatch
The name of the unset open parameter
UNSET_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the unset open parameter
UNSET_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the unset paramameter
unsetProjectContext() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
unsetTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderModifierFormHandler
unsetTransactionCreated(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.PurchaseProcessFormHandler
unshare() - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Gear
Unshare a shared gear so that its unavailable to all the other communities but its parent community using
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class atg.repository.search.indexing.specifier.PropertyTypeEnum
"unspecified", ordinal 8
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in interface atg.security.SecurityPolicy
Returned by getAccess() access is neither explicitly allowed nor denied by the access control list.
unsubscribe() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Removes any entries for this item descriptor from the table of subscribers
UNSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.MembershipRequest
UNSUPPORTED_PAYMENTGROUP - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
UnsupportedFeatureException - Exception in atg.repository
A subclass of RepositoryException which indicates that a feature is not supported by an implementation of the Repository.
UnsupportedFeatureException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.UnsupportedFeatureException
Constructs a new UnsupportedFeatureException.
UnsupportedFeatureException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.UnsupportedFeatureException
Constructs a new UnsupportedFeatureException with the given explanation.
UnsupportedFeatureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.UnsupportedFeatureException
Constructs a new UnsupportedFeatureException.
UnsupportedFeatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.UnsupportedFeatureException
Constructs a new UnsupportedFeatureException with the given explanation.
UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException - Exception in atg.security
A security exception that is to be thrown by an implementation of the security APIs when an attempt to use an unsupported feature is made.
UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException() - Constructor for exception atg.security.UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException
UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.security.UnsupportedFeatureSecurityException
unwrapArray(Object[]) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Takes an array and removes the secured wrappers around its contents.
unwrapList(List) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Takes a List and removes the secured wrappers around its contents.
unwrapMap(Map) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Takes a Map and removes the secured wrappers around its contents.
unwrapSet(Set) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Takes a Set and removes the secured wrappers around its contents.
unwrapValue(Object) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredRepository
Takes a secured repository property value and turns it into an unsecured repository property value so we can store it in the underlying repository.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterOrderRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderAction
UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.Modification
This constant is the modification type update, this means modify the value of one or more properties of an object.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.CommerceItemImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.HandlingInstructionImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupOrderRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.ShippingGroupImpl
This method is called whenever a property in a contained object changes and the containing object needs to be notified.
update(Object, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Updates all rows in the class' tables whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified object.
update(Object[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Updates all rows in the class' tables whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified objects.
update(Object, String[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Updates all rows in the class' tables whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified object.
update(Object[], String[], Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Updates all rows in the class' tables whose primary key matches the primary key of the specified objects.
update(Dictionary, boolean, Dictionary, Connection) - Method in class atg.cortex.Cortex
Updates all rows from the class' tables whose values match the specified selector.
UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set operationMode to this to do an Update
update(File, boolean, long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the current value of the monitoredPath property and the specifed lastUpdated value.
update(File, boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the current values of the lastUpdated and monitoredPath properties.
update(File[], boolean[], long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the specified list of paths and the specifed lastUpdated value.
update(File[], boolean[]) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the current value of the lastUpdated and the specified list of paths.
update(boolean, long) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the current value of the monitoredPath property and the specifed lastUpdated value.
update(boolean) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.FileSystemManager
Convenience method that triggers an execution using the current value of the lastUpdated and the current monitored path.
update(File[], TypeMapping[], int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Updates the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
update(File[], TypeMapping[], Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Updates the provided Files using data from the matching TypeMappings as needed.
update(File[], TypeMapper, int) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Updates the provided Files using data from the provided TypeMapper which must know how to return an appropriate TypeMapping from getMapping() given a File object.
update(File[], TypeMapper, Properties) - Method in interface atg.repository.loader.LoaderManager
Updates the provided Files using data from the provided TypeMapper which must know how to return an appropriate TypeMapping from getMapping() given a File object.
UPDATE - Static variable in class atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
update(Object) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Updates all of the rows in the RelationalView, setting their columns from the properties of the specified bean.
update(Object, String[]) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Updates all of the rows in the RelationalView, setting their columns from the properties of the specified bean.
update(Dictionary) - Method in class atg.rview.RelationalView
Updates all of the rows in the RelationalView.
UPDATE_APPEND - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
UPDATE_ITEM_METHOD - Static variable in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
UPDATE_KEY - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
UPDATE_OP - Static variable in interface atg.repository.loader.Job
UPDATE_PREPEND - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
UPDATE_REMOVE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
UPDATE_REPLACE - Static variable in interface atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormConstants
updateAbandonedOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method updates an order identified as abandoned.
updateActivity() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
updateActivity(Context) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.LoaderImpl
Update our last activity time.
updateAllProcesses() - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Updates all processes.
updateAncestorsForProduct(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.AncestorGeneratorService
Generate the set of ancestor categories for a given product and set its ancestorCategories property to that set
updateAssetInfo(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
updateAssetInfo() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Set this form handler as the current form handler in the asset info object.
updateCacheEntries(String, String) - Method in class atg.security.LDAPRepositoryAccountManager.SecurityCache
updates a cache entry of a give key with the values defined by the attr in the ldap directory
updateCatalog(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogUpdateService
The main method iterates through all the catalogs, sets the "directAncestorCatalogsAndSelf" property of the catalog to itself, calls the recursive "catalogTreeStep" method, which starts a walk up the catalog tree, and then adds the catalog to the "completed" list
updateChildItemProperty(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor, Object, String, MutableRepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Update single value property that is repository item
updateColorAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
updateColor is called by the handlers to update the color palette of the page.
updateColorPalette(ColorPalette, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a color palette with the configuration item passed.
updateColorUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageColorFormHandler
updateColor is called by the handlers to update the color palette of the page.
updateCommunity(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
updateCommunity is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to update a community.
updateContentItemValues(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Update folder item properties such as path
updateContextInformation(AssetFormContext) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
Called before context push.
updateDataStructures() - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Updates the internal data structures which perform property name-<property descriptor mapping, building the arrays of property names and DynamicPropertyDescriptors.
updateDeploymentProgress(String, int, boolean) - Method in class atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
Updates the DeploymentProgressMap, calculating an updated percentage complete for a given deployment.
updateDeploymentSnapshots(String, String, Timestamp) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Updates the deploymentSnapshots and deploymentSnapshotCreationTimes Map properties with the given value.
updateDeploymentStatuses(String, Integer) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Updates the deploymentStatuses Map property with the given value.
updateDeploymentWorkspaces(String, String) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Updates the deploymentWorkspaces Map property with the given value.
updateDetailedPriceInfos(DetailedItemPriceInfo, QualifiedItem, List, List, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Locale, Order, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator
Maintains the Amount, Adjustments, and HasBeenDiscounted properties of pDetailedItemPriceInfo
updatedRemoteItem(RepositoryItem, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, Command) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.PersistentCacheManager
Update the time for the update command.
UpdateException - Exception in atg.repository.xml
General exception indicating an error occured while trying to update an item in the repository.
UpdateException() - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.UpdateException
Default constructor.
UpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.UpdateException
Constructor which takes String input.
UpdateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.UpdateException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it.
UpdateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.repository.xml.UpdateException
Constructor that takes another exception to wrap it, and also String.
updateExternalId(IntegrationRepository, MutableRepositoryItem, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryTools
Update the given repository item with the given external id.
updateGearDefinition(GearDefinition, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a gear definition with the configuration item passed.
updateGearDefinitionFolders(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.CommunityFormHandler
updateGearDefinitionFolders is called by the handlers to update the gear definition folders available to a community
updateGearsAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
updateGears is called by the handlers to update the list of gears available to a page.
updateGearsUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageGearsFormHandler
updateGears is called by the handlers to update the list of gears available to a page.
updateGearTemplate(GearTitleTemplate, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a gear title template with the configuration item passed.
updateGiftlist(String, String, boolean, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistManager
Updates the giftlist with the values passed in.
updateGiftlist(String, MutableRepositoryItem, boolean, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistTools
Update the given giftlist with the given parameters.
updateGiftlistItem(Order, String, String, CommerceItem, long, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
updateGiftlistItem(Order, String, String, String, String, CommerceItem, long, ResourceBundle, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcUpdateGiftRepository
This method increments the quantityPurchased property for the given item in the given Giftlist by some quantity.
updateGiftlistItems(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
This method is used to update items in a giftlist by either changing its quantity or removing it altogether.
updateGroup(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Rebuild the internal group object.
UpdateInventory - Interface in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This interface coresponds to the UpdateInventory message
UpdateInventoryImpl - Class in atg.commerce.fulfillment
This an implementation of the interface.
UpdateInventoryImpl() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.fulfillment.UpdateInventoryImpl
updateInvoice(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceManager
Update invoice properties in the invoice repository, setting the repository item's last-modified-time to the current time and date, then execute the pipeline chain specified by updateInvoiceChainName.
updateInvoice(MutableRepositoryItem, boolean) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Update invoice properties in the invoice repository, optionally updating the repository item's last-modified-time automatically.
updateInvoice(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Update invoice properties in the invoice repository and set the repository item's last-modified-time to the current date and time.
updateItem(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Updates the item in the repository
updateItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.html.SimpleRepository
Updates the item's values into the Repository
updateItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.secure.GenericSecuredMutableRepository
Updates the item's values into the Repository.
updateItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.inventory.RepositoryInventoryManager
Update the item in the inventory
updateItem(RepositoryItem, String) - Method in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Updates a local repository item according to the input message.
updateItem(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.repository.MutableRepository
Updates the item's values into the Repository
updateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Updates the repository item given by the current repository id.
updateItem(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
Updates the repository item given by the current repository id.
updateItem(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(String, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(InputStream, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(InputStream, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(Reader, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(Reader, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(InputStream, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(Reader, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
updateItem(String, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
updateItem(InputStream, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
updateItem(Reader, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
updateItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
updateItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[], String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
updateItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Map) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
updateItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Map, String) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
updateItem(InputSource, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
All method expected to be called by the user will eventually call this method to actually perform the work of adding a repository item to the repository.
updateItemDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
This method gets called when the parsing of the template has been completed.
updateItemProperties() - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.RepositoryAssetFormHandler
updateItemProperties(MutableRepositoryItem, Dictionary, String) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Takes the current values of the value property and sticks them into the repository item given.
updateItemProperties(int) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormList
Updates the properties for the given item
updateItemsDiscountShare(Order, double, double, double, String, long) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
This method will set the orderDiscountShare property of each CommerceItem's priceInfo.
updateItemType(GSAItem) - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor
Sets the item type to a dynamic type based on the subTypeProperty's current value.
updateLastActivityTime(String, int) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Update the activity time for the specified generation.
updateLastActivityTime(String, int, long) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.ConfigStatePersister
Update the activity time for the specified generation.
updateLastActivityTime() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.Context
updateLastModifiedTime(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.invoice.InvoiceTools
Set an invoice's last modified date and time to the current date and time.
updateLayoutAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
updateLayout is called by the handlers to update the layout of the page.
updateLayoutTemplate(Layout, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a layout template with the configuration item passed.
updateLayoutUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageLayoutFormHandler
updateLayout is called by the handlers to update the layout of the page.
updateLDAPProfileAttributes(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Updates profile attributes pertaining to LDAP.
updateLDAPProfileAttributes(MutableRepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Updates profile attributes pertaining to LDAP.
updateListProperty(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryFormList) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Goes through the set, array, or list property represented by the data we've collected from the RepositoryFormList object.
updateLostOrder(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.abandoned.AbandonedOrderService
This method updates an order identified as lost.
updateMapProperty(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryFormMap) - Method in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler
Goes through the map property represented by the data we've collected from the RepositoryFormList object.
updateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.approval.ApprovalFormHandler
updateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.ElectronicFulfiller
This method will save the order passed in to the repository that is being used.
updateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
This method will save the order passed in to the repository that is being used.
updateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
updateOrder(CommerceItem, long, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
updateOrder will update the quantity of the commerceItem passed in.
updateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Updates (saves) the data in the order to the repository.
UPDATEORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
updateOrder(Order, String, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Utility method to update an order and process any exception that happens during the update.
updateOrderProfileId(Order, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
This method makes sure the profile id of the order is the same as the current user.
updatePageAdminMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
updatePage is called by the handlers to make calls to the management layer class to update a page.
updatePageTemplate(PageTemplate, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a page template with the configuration item passed.
updatePageUserMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.PageFormHandler
updateUserPage is called by the handlers to update a page.
updatePasswordValue(String, RepositoryFormHandler, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileForm
Takes the value of the form inputed password attribute confirms it if nescessary and finally generates a new encrypted password as a function of the PropertyManager.generatePassword() method.
updatePasswordValue(Object, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Takes the value of the form inputed password attribute confirms it if nescessary and finally generates a new password as a function of the PropertyManager.generatePassword() method.
updateProcess(String) - Method in interface atg.process.ProcessManager
Updates the given process, based on the information from a trusted source.
updateProfileAttributes(MutableRepositoryItem, Dictionary, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Takes the current values of the 'value' property and sticks them into the repository item given.
updateProfileAttributes(MutableRepositoryItem, Dictionary, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Takes the current values of the 'value' property and sticks them into the repository item given.
updateProfileRepositoryAddress(RepositoryItem, Address) - Method in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
updates a repository address item with values in address object passed in.
updateProjectHistoryInUserProfile(String) - Method in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
updateProperties(Dictionary, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Attempts to update the profile with the given set of changed property values.
updateProperty(String, Object, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileTools
Attempts to update the named property for the profile.
updatePropertyDescriptor() - Method in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAPropertyDescriptor
This method gets called when all of the property descriptor's properties have been set.
updatePropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.ItemDescriptorImpl
Throws RepositoryException because this is an unsupported feature in this implementation
updatePropertyDescriptor(RepositoryPropertyDescriptor) - Method in interface atg.repository.RepositoryItemDescriptor
Updates the property descriptor in the repository
updateRepositoryItem(String) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Updates a repository item
updateRepositoryItem(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.repository.RepositoryServices
Updates a repository item
updateRoleFolderName(String, String) - Method in class atg.portal.admin.userdirectory.PortalUserDirectoryTools
update all the roles which have name as pOldName to have a name of pNewName
updateScheduledOrder(MutableRepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderTools
Update the Scheduled Order in the schedule order Repository
updateScheduleOrderState(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method changes the state of a schedule order among active, inactive or error.
updateSequenceNum() - Method in class atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
Updates the SequenceNum.
UpdateService - Class in atg.repository.xml
Service class used by applications to update an item in a given repository.
UpdateService() - Constructor for class atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
updateShippingAddress(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.FullShoppingCartFormHandler
This method does two things: checks to see if a new address has been input by the user and else copies an existing profile address to the shippingGroup.
updateShippingItemsSubtotalMaps(double, double, MatchingObject, double, String, OrderPriceInfo, Order, RepositoryItem, Map) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.OrderDiscountCalculator
These method will iterate through each of the maps in the OrderPriceInfo that contain shipping group subtotal information.
updateSlotProfile() - Method in class atg.scenario.targeting.RepositoryItemSlot
Updates the Profile which owns this slot.
updatesPrimarySortColumn(String) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo
Return true if the specified direction type is one of the transition types that may update the primary sort column (i.e., is one of toggle_if_primary, cycle_up_if_primary, or cycle_down_if_primary)
updateStyle(Style, PortalObjectConfiguration) - Method in interface atg.portal.framework.Portal
Updates a style with the configuration item passed.
updateSubCatalogInformation() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
This is the main method of this class.
updateSubCatalogInformation(Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
This method will call generateSubCatalogs and generateCategorysSubCategories with the given repository.
updateSubCatalogInformation(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
This is the main method of this class.
updateSubCatalogInformation(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.SubCatalogsGeneratorService
This method will call generateSubCatalogs and generateCategorysSubCategories with the given repository.
updateSubject(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
This method is called by all the pre methods if the updateSubjectOnSubmit property is set to true.
updateTagOrder(String) - Method in class atg.droplet.FormTag
Called when we change the Droplet handler list.
updateTargeters(boolean) - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Rebuild all targeters.
updateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileUpdateFormHandler
Updates the current user.
updateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiUserUpdateFormHandler
Overrides updateUser to assign a user roles and/or add a user to an organization based on the values of the roleIds and organizationId properties
updateUser(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Updates the user based on the current profile id.
updateUser(String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Updates a persistent user using the profile values given in pProfileAsXML.
updateUser(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Updates a persistent user using the profile values given in pProfileAsXML.
updateVersion() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl
Method for updating the local copy of the version stored in this class
updateXMLItem(String, String[]) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileServices
Updates a Repo2Xml item
UploadedFile - Class in atg.servlet
This represents a single uploaded file extracted from a multipart form.
UploadedFile(String, String, int, File) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Constructs a new UploadedFile whose contents are stored in the specified temporary file.
UploadedFile(String, String, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class atg.servlet.UploadedFile
Constructs a new UploadedFile whose contents are stored in the specified byte array.
UPSERT - Static variable in class atg.integrations.ExternalRepositoryUpdate
Set operationMode to this to do an Upsert
URI_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.deployment.file.FileDeploymentData
URIDirectory(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Returns the directory part of a URI (everything up to the filename), which will begin and end with the "/" character.
URIFilename(String) - Static method in class atg.core.net.URLUtils
Returns the filename part of a URI
uriMapFromAssetVersions(Set) - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.BulkLoaderImpl
Return a set of version manager, versionless asset URIs corresponding to the specified AssetVersion objects.
URL_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingConstants
The output property name which corresponds to the url of the document.
URL_PARAMETER_ARGNAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The constant used to identify the Scrambled parameter in the URL string
URL_PARAMETER_SPECIFIER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
URLArgumentPipelineServlet - Class in atg.servlet.pipeline
A URL may carry arguments in the pathInfo part of the URI, which are separate from the query arguments.
URLArgumentPipelineServlet() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.pipeline.URLArgumentPipelineServlet
Constructs a new URLArgumentPipelineServlet
URLUtils - Class in atg.core.net
Utility class of static methods of useful URL related utilities.
Supersedes java.net.URLDecoder and java.net.URLEncoder.
URLUtils() - Constructor for class atg.core.net.URLUtils
USE_CODE_FOR_VALUE - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
USE_DISTRIBUTED_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
USE_XML_PARAM_DELIMITER - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This can be set from the dsp:page and the dsp:isxml tags.
useArray(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
useBundlePrefix - Static variable in class atg.core.util.ResourceUtils
useCollection(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
useDirection(int) - Method in class atg.service.util.TableInfo.Column
Set the direction code for this entry, but in a way that is not accessible as a Java bean setter since only the enclosing class should ever be dealing with integer direction codes.
useList(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
useLocalRequests() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Whether to use local requests.
useMap(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
useObject(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Returns true if the object supplied is not "empty"
User - Class in atg.security
The User object holds a collection of Personae that have been collected by one or more user authorities.
User() - Constructor for class atg.security.User
User - Interface in atg.userdirectory
An Organization is a Principal representing an individual user.
USER_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.HasFunction
USER_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.TargetPrincipalsDroplet
USER_ID - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
USER_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.security.CurrentUser
USER_NUCLEUS_PATH - Static variable in class atg.security.UserFailService
USER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.AverageOrderAction
userAlreadyExists(Repository, RepositoryFormHandler, int, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.MultiProfileAddFormHandler
Returns true if a user already exists with the given login name
userAlreadyExists(String, Repository, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns true if a user already exists with the given login name
UserAuthenticator - Interface in atg.security
UserAuthority - Interface in atg.security
This interface is used for authenticating a user.
UserAuthority2 - Interface in atg.security
An extension of the UserAuthority interface that supports special personae tokens.
UserAuthorityEvent - Class in atg.security
Base class used for any event generated by a user authority.
UserAuthorityEvent(UserAuthority) - Constructor for class atg.security.UserAuthorityEvent
Creates a user authority event for a particular user authority.
USERCONFIG - Static variable in interface atg.portal.framework.GearMode
User Configuration Gear Mode
UserCreditCardAuthorizer - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
The UserCreditCardAuthorizer authorizes a credit card payment type for a particular user.
UserCreditCardAuthorizer() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserCreditCardAuthorizer
Creates a new UserCreditCardAuthorizer instance.
userDestroyed(User) - Method in class atg.security.GenericProxyUserAuthority
Called by a User object when it is destroyed.
userDestroyed(User) - Method in class atg.security.GenericUserAuthority
Called by a User object when it is destroyed.
userDestroyed(User) - Method in class atg.security.RepositoryAccountManager
Called by a User object when it is destroyed.
userDestroyed(User) - Method in interface atg.security.UserAuthority
Called by a User object when it is destroyed.
userDestroyed(User) - Method in class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
Called by a User object when it is destroyed.
UserDirectory - Interface in atg.userdirectory
A UserDirectory represents an abstraction of an persistent organizational tree containing Users and Organizations.
UserDirectoryTools - Class in atg.userdirectory
A set of useful methods that act upon a set user directory instance.
UserDirectoryTools() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryTools
UserDirectoryUserAuthority - Class in atg.userdirectory
A user authority appropriate for working with one or more user directories.
UserDirectoryUserAuthority() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryUserAuthority
UserEventLogEntry - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
UserEventLogEntry(Long, long, String, boolean, Integer, String) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Constructs a UserEventLogEntry
UserEventLogEntry(Long, String, boolean, Integer, String) - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLogEntry
Constructs a UserEventLogEntry and time stamps it with the current time.
UserEventLogging - Interface in atg.reporting.datacollection
Defines methods that perform logging methods about a user's life cycle through the system.
UserEventLoggingService - Class in atg.reporting.datacollection
UserEventLoggingService() - Constructor for class atg.reporting.datacollection.UserEventLoggingService
Constructs an instanceof UserEventLoggingService
UserFailService - Class in atg.security
UserFailService() - Constructor for class atg.security.UserFailService
UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
The UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer authorizes a gift certificate payment type for a particular user.
UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer
Creates a new UserGiftCertificateAuthorizer instance.
userHasPersona(User, UserAuthority, Persona[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
Checks to see if pUser has a Persona in the given array of Personae It is up to the caller to insure the integrity of the arguments provided to this function call.
userHasPersona(User, UserAuthority, String[]) - Static method in class atg.servlet.security.ServletSecurityUtils
Checks to see if pUser has a Persona in the given array of Personae It is up to the caller to insure the integrity of the arguments provided to this function call.
USERID - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.OrderLookup
The input parameter that indicates whose list of orders to get
UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
The UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer authorizes an invoice request payment type for a particular user.
UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer
Creates a new UserInvoiceRequestAuthorizer instance.
UserListDroplet - Class in atg.userdirectory.droplet
This Droplet is used to retrieve a list of User Principals for a particular Organization whose organizationId is passed in as an input parameter.
UserListDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
UserLoginManager - Class in atg.servlet.security
The UserLoginManager class maintains two separate objects: The User object, which acts as a wallet of Personae for security purposes.
UserLoginManager() - Constructor for class atg.servlet.security.UserLoginManager
UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer - Interface in atg.commerce.order
The UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer authorizes a payment type for a particular user.
USERS - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.UserListDroplet
The param representing the users for the passed in org id
UserSessionProxy - Class in atg.security.proxy
UserSessionProxy() - Constructor for class atg.security.proxy.UserSessionProxy
UserStoreCreditAuthorizer - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.order
The UserStoreCreditAuthorizer authorizes a store credit payment type for a particular user.
UserStoreCreditAuthorizer() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.order.UserStoreCreditAuthorizer
Creates a new UserStoreCreditAuthorizer instance.
useSet(Object) - Method in class atg.repository.NotEmptyChooserPropertyDescriptor
Util - Class in atg.service.idgen
Utility classes related to id generation.
Util() - Constructor for class atg.service.idgen.Util


VALID_MESSAGE - Static variable in class atg.userprofiling.dms.InboundEmailMessage
VALID_PRINCIPALS - Static variable in class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
VALID_SAVE_MODES - Static variable in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
validActiveShoppingCart(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Return true if the order can be used for a shopping cart.
validate() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapDerivation
Validate the derivation.
validate() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.CatalogMapPropertyDerivation
Validate the derivation.
validate() - Method in class atg.commerce.dp.InventoryLevelDerivation
Validate the derivation.
VALIDATE - Static variable in class atg.deployment.DeploymentOptions
validate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.service.email.EmailFormHandler
Validate the email's fields for correctness.
VALIDATE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
The name of the validate input parameter
VALIDATE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
The name of the validate paramameter
Validateable - Interface in atg.nucleus
By implementing this interface, a service indicates that it is to be validated periodically.
validateBillingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, Locale) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidator
Verify that all required properties are present in a billing address.
validateBillingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidator
Verify that all required properties are present in a billing address.
validateBillingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Verify that all required properties are present in a billing address.
validateBillingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
This method validates the CreditCard properties.
validateBillingAddressFields(InvoiceRequest, PipelineResult, Locale) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Validate the billing address in an invoice request.
validateCheckDigit(String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
Validate a credit card number's checksum.
VALIDATECOMMERCEITEMINORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
validateComponent(ComponentTreeObject) - Method in class atg.service.collections.filter.scenario.FilterComponentChoiceExpression
Ensure that a ComponentTreeObject is an appropriate choice.
validateConfiguration() - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.bp.OrderBasedProcessConfiguration
Validates the property settings for the configuration component
validateConfiguration() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.BusinessProcessConfiguration
Validates the property settings for the configuration component
validateConfiguration() - Method in class atg.markers.bp.ItemBasedProcessConfiguration
Validates the property settings for the configuration component
ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs - Class in atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor
ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs provides a dictionary for storing arguments to the pipeline processors that validate cost centers, and includes convenience methods for looking up well-known names within that dictionary.
ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ValidateCostCenterPipelineArgs
validateCostCenters(B2BOrder, OrderManager, Locale, PipelineResult) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCostCentersForCheckout
Run the optional cost center validation chain, if one exists, for each non-empty cost center.
VALIDATECOSTCENTERSFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.b2bcommerce.order.B2BPipelineConstants
validateCreditCard(CreditCard, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CreateCreditCardFormHandler
This method validates the credit card and if there is any errors adds the form exceptions.
validateCreditCard(HashMap, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.projects.b2cstore.B2CProfileFormHandler
Validate the credit card number entered and the expiration date (must be later than today).
validateCreditCardFields(CreditCard, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateCreditCard
This method validates the CreditCard properties.
ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension - Class in atg.markers.bp.scenario
Scenario editor grammar extension for Business Process actions and expressions.
ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension() - Constructor for class atg.markers.bp.scenario.ValidatedBusinessProcessGrammarExtension
ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar - Class in atg.markers.scenario
Scenario Editor grammar extension that dynamically creates key/value selections for marker actions and expressions using the predefined keys and values.
ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar(String) - Constructor for class atg.markers.scenario.ValidatedMarkerExpressionGrammar
ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension - Class in atg.commerce.markers.scenario
Scenario Editor grammar extension for OrderMarnerManager actions and expressions.
ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.markers.scenario.ValidatedOrderMarkerGrammarExtension
ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension - Class in atg.markers.userprofiling
Scenario Editor grammar extension for ProfileMarkerManager actions and expressions.
ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension() - Constructor for class atg.markers.userprofiling.ValidatedProfileMarkerGrammarExtension
validateElectronicShippingGroupFields(ElectronicShippingGroup, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
This method validates the ElectronicShippingGroup properties.
validateEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Validates an email address for correctness.
validateEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateElectronicShippingGroup
Validates an email address for correctness.
validateEmailAddress(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Validates an email address for correctness.
VALIDATEFORCHECKOUT - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
VALIDATEFORUPDATE - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
validateGiftCertificateFields(GiftCertificate, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
This method validates the GiftCertificate properties.
validateGiftlistId(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.gifts.GiftlistFormHandler
Make sure giftlistId is valid, i.e., such a giftlist exists.
validateHardgoodShippingGroupFields(HardgoodShippingGroup, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateHardgoodShippingGroup
This method validates the HardgoodShippingGroup properties.
validateInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.markers.droplet.OrderMarkerDroplet
Validates input parameters.
validateInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.bp.droplet.BusinessProcessDroplet
Validates the input parameters.
- verifies that there's a business process name
- verifies that there's a business process stage
validateInput(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
Validates the input parameters.
- verifies that there's an item or itemid.
- verifies that there's a repository marker manager.
validateInvoiceRequestFields(InvoiceRequest, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.processor.ProcValidateInvoiceRequest
Validate the properties specific to an invoice request based on the InvoiceRequestValidationMode property.
validateMarker(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.markers.RepositoryMarkerManager
This method is called by addMarkerItemToItem to validate a new marker.
ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue - Class in atg.markers
This abstraction defines a marker validator that valdiates by ensuring the new marker's value is valid with the new marker's key.
ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue() - Constructor for class atg.markers.ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue
validateObjectType(Object) - Method in class atg.service.perfmonitor.PerformancePool
Validates that an object is of a certain type.
validateOrder(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Validates an order.
validateOrder(Order, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Validates an order.
validateOrder(Order, HashMap) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderManager
Validates an order.
validateParameters() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.AddItemToCartServlet
VALIDATEPAYMENTGROUPINORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
ValidatPaymentGroupPipelineArgs provides a dictionary for storing arguments to the pipeline processors that validate payment groups, and includes convenience methods for looking up well-known names within that dictionary.
ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidatePaymentGroupPipelineArgs
VALIDATEPAYMENTGROUPSFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
validatePhoneNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.BillingAddrValidatorImpl
Validates a phone number for correctness.
validatePhoneNumber(String) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Validates a phone number for correctness.
validateProperties(Object, String[], byte[], PublicKey, String) - Static method in class atg.nucleus.Validator
This tests to see if the the currently serialized values of the given properties match the values signed by the given key's corresponding private key.
validateService() - Method in interface atg.nucleus.Validateable
Nucleus periodically calls this method to give the service a chance to make sure that it is in a valid state.
validateSessionConfirmationNumber(DynamoHttpServletRequest) - Method in class atg.droplet.DropletEventServlet
Validate the session confirmation number.
validateShippingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, Locale) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidator
Verify that all required properties are present in a shipping address.
validateShippingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in interface atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidator
Verify that all required properties are present in a shipping address.
validateShippingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, Locale) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Verify that all required properties are present in a shipping address.
validateShippingAddress(Address, String, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ShippingAddrValidatorImpl
Verify that all required properties are present in a shipping address.
VALIDATESHIPPINGCOSTSFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
validateShippingGroupForAdd(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.purchase.CartModifierFormHandler
Validate shipping information for add operations.
VALIDATESHIPPINGGROUPINORDER - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs provides a dictionary for storing arguments to the pipeline processors that validate shipping groups, and includes convenience methods for looking up well-known names within that dictionary.
ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidateShippingGroupPipelineArgs
VALIDATESHIPPINGGROUPSFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
validateStoreCreditFields(StoreCredit, PipelineResult, ResourceBundle) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateStoreCredit
This method validates the CreditCard properties.
VALIDATETAXCOSTFAILED - Static variable in interface atg.commerce.order.PipelineConstants
ValidationException - Exception in atg.nucleus
This exception is thrown by services implementing Validateable that fail validation.
ValidationException() - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ValidationException
Constructs a new ValidationException
ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ValidationException
Constructs a new ValidationException
ValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ValidationException
Constructs a new ValidationException
ValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.nucleus.ValidationException
Constructs a new ValidationException
ValidationPipelineArgs - Class in atg.commerce.order.processor
ValidationPipelineArgs provides a dictionary for storing arguments to the pipeline processors that validate shipping groups and payment groups, and includes convenience methods for looking up well-known names within that dictionary.
ValidationPipelineArgs() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.order.processor.ValidationPipelineArgs
Validator - Class in atg.nucleus
This class contains utility methods for validating the property values of a service against a DSA signature.
Validator() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.Validator
validRestoredShoppingCart(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.OrderHolder
Returns true if the order is still valid after a session has been restored.
value - Variable in class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.PropIdRef
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.ArrayIncludesValue
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanProperty
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.BeanPropertyServlet
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsEmpty
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.IsNull
VALUE - Static variable in class atg.droplet.Switch
VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface atg.repository.SortingConstants
value: Value attribute name of SortByValue tag
VALUE_PARAM - Static variable in class atg.markers.droplet.MarkerDroplet
the input parameter name for the value parameter
ValueFormatter - Interface in atg.nucleus
Objects that implement this interface are recognized by the property value printer in the admin UI.
valueIsEmpty(Object) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm
Returns true if the supplied value is empty.
ValueIsHTMLTagConverter - Class in atg.droplet
This is a dummy converter which passes through values without any conversion.
ValueIsHTMLTagConverter() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.ValueIsHTMLTagConverter
VALUES - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.PossibleValues
values() - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileForm.ProfileFormHashtableWrapper
valuesForMultiValuedHeader(String, String, Vector) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
valuesMatch(Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
This returns true if the first argument matches the second argument.
valuesMatchIgnoreCase(Object, Object) - Static method in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
VARIABLE_INTRODUCER_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingEditor
character that introduces variables
VARIABLE_INTRODUCER_CHAR - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMappingPropertyValueParser
character that introduces variables
VARIABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.FormatField
VARIABLE_TYPE format fields refer to predefined format variables
VARIABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.service.datacollection.SQLColumnMapping
VARIABLE_TYPE format fields refer to predefined format variables
VeraZip - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
This class implements the code to call into the jverazip library.
VeraZip() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZip
VeraZipable - Interface in atg.integrations.taxware
This inteface exists to support storing verazip information on the order.
VeraZipAccess - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
A class that provides simplified access for getting the correct order item off of an order.
VeraZipAccess() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipAccess
VeraZipCaller - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
VeraZipCaller provides an higher level interface to TaxWare's zipcode verification software.
VeraZipCaller() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipCaller
VeraZipOrderImpl - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
This class exists to enable easily adding verazip support to OrderImpl.
VeraZipOrderImpl(ApplicationLogging) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZipOrderImpl
verification(AddressVerificationInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
verifyAddress(String, Address, Address, PipelineResult, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcVerifyOrderAddresses
This method verifies the addresses by going against the address verification system.
verifyAddress(AddressVerificationInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.payment.DummyAddressVerificationProcessor
Perform address verification on the information specified in AddressVerificationInfo
verifyAddress(AddressVerificationInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.cybersource.CyberSourceAddressVerification
verifyAddress(AddressVerificationInfo) - Method in interface atg.payment.avs.AddressVerificationProcessor
Perform address verification on the information specified in pAvsInfo
verifyBasicAuthentication(Profile, ProfileRequest, DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.ProfileRequestServlet
Checks to make sure the login name for the given profile matches the currently required login for Basic Authentication.
verifyBillingAddress(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
verifies that the billing address is not null, and that no crucial properties of the billing address are null.
verifyCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify a catalog object Things verified/validated 1.
verifyCatalog(RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method returns true if the given catalog appears in the given items "catalogs" list.
verifyCatalog(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CustomCatalogTools
This method returns true if the given catalog appears in the given items "catalogs" list.
verifyCatalogObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
verfies catalog items in the catalog repository Things verified/validated 1.
verifyCatalogObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
verfies catalog items in the catalog repository Things verified/validated 1.
verifyCatalogObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
verfies catalog items in the catalog repository Things verified/validated 1.
verifyCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify the catalogs, categories, products, and skus repository items for each of the catalogs specified.
verifyCatalogs(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify the catalogs, categories, products, and skus repository items for each of the catalogs specified.
verifyCatalogs(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify the catalogs, categories, products, and skus repository items for each of the catalogs specified.
verifyCatalogsAllRootCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that verifies the catalog's allRootCategories property allRootCategories is all of this catalog's rootCategories plus the "allRootCategories" of each catalog in "rootSubCatalogs".
verifyCatalogsAncestorCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verifies a catalogs ancestorCategories property ancestorCategoriesancestorCategories has already been generated for all categories
verifyCatalogsDirectAncestorCatalogsAndSelf(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that verifies the catalog's directAncestorCatalogsAndSelf property this method assumes that allRootCategories have already been successfully verified directAncestorCatalogsAndSelf reflects all the catalogs who treat this catalog's "allRootCategories" as their root categories.
verifyCatalogsIndirectAncestorCatalogs(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that verifies the catalog's inDirectAncestorCatalogs property this method assumes that catalogs have been successfully generated by the AncestorGeneratorService inDirectAncestorCatalogs are all the ancestor catalogs who do not use "allRootCategories" as their root categories.
verifyCatalogsSubCatalogs(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
verifies/validates a catalogs subCatalogs property
verifyCategories() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in all catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifyCategories(boolean) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in all catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifyCategories(boolean, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects the given catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifyCategories(boolean, Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in the given catalogs in the given catalog repository
verifyCategory(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify that category.catalog is pCatalog
verifyCategory(boolean, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify the category.
verifyCategoryCatalogs() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects' catalog property
verifyCategoryInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
This doesn't actually do anything.
verifyCategoryInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects
verifyCategoryInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects
verifyCategoryInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects
verifyCategoryInOneCatalog(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify a category is only in one catalog To perform this validation the immediate parent categories are checked for different catalogs.
verifyCategoryObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in all catalogs
verifyCategoryObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in each of the given catalogs
verifyCategoryObjects(boolean, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in each of the given catalogs
verifyCategoryObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in each of the given catalogs within the given repository
verifyCategoryObjects(boolean, Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the category objects in each of the given catalogs within the given repository The following things are verified for each category: Verifies the category is only in one catalog.
verifyCategorysParentCategory(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that verifies a category's parent category Verifies the following : 1.
verifyCategorysRelatedCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
given a category, check that each fixedRelatedCategories contains the category's catalogs in its own catalogs
verifyComplexScheduledProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies all the complex properties.
verifyCreditCard(CreditCardInfo) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
This method does basic credit card verification, such as comparing the expiration date to the current date and verifying that the credit card number conforms to simple algorithm.
verifyCreditCard(CreditCardInfo, String, String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
verifyCreditCardDate(CreditCardInfo, String, String, String) - Static method in class atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTools
verifyDailyMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input when the schedule mode is daily schedule mode.
verifyDayInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the day input field.
verifyDefinitionFile(DefinitionFile) - Static method in class atg.rview.DefinitionFileHandler
Checks a definition file for semantic problems, and returns an array of the problems that it finds, where each element of the array is a separate problem.
verifyHourInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the hour input field.
verifyInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects, verifyProductObjects, verifySkuObjects
verifyInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects, verifyProductObjects, verifySkuObjects
verifyInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - see verifyCategoryObjects, verifyProductObjects, verifySkuObjects
verifyInfosForCategory(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that checks for valid category info objects an info object is considered invalid if it maps to a catalog that the category is not in.
verifyInfosForProduct(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that checks for valid product info objects an info object is considered invalid if it maps to a catalog that the product is not in.
verifyInfosForSku(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that checks for valid sku info objects an info object is considered invalid if it maps to a catalog that the sku is not in.
verifyMinuteInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the minute input field.
verifyModeInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the mode of the date property.
verifyMonthInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the month input field.
verifyMonthlyMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input when the schedule mode is Monthly schedule mode.
verifyNonComplexScheduledProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies all the non-complex properties.
verifyOrderFulfillment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfiller
This method verifies that the order to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
verifyOrderFulfillment(Order) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
This method verifies that the order to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
verifyOtherRelatedProperties(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies all the related properties.
verifyPeriod(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method verifies the period user input value.
verifyPeriodType(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method verifies the period type user input value.
verifyProduct(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify a product object Verifies info objects.
verifyProductInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
This is a placeholder for extending the product info verification logic.
verifyProductInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - used verifyProductObjects which also verifies product infos
verifyProductInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - used verifyProductObjects which also verifies product infos
verifyProductInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - used verifyProductObjects which also verifies product infos
verifyProductInfosRelatedProducts(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
validates the related products for each productinfo by verifying each related product's catalogs property contains the productinfo's catalog if PruneInvalidInfoReferences is set to true, the invalid related products are removed
verifyProductObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects in all catalogs
verifyProductObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects in each of the given catalogs
verifyProductObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects in each of the given catalogs within the given repository Verifies info objects.
verifyProductParentCategories(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
method that checks for valid parent category mappings and parent categories mappings are invalid if they map to a catalog not contained in the products ancestor catalogs a parent category is considered invalid if it does not contain the product as a child or does not contain the catalog in it's ancestor catalogs("catalogs" property)
verifyProductRelatedProducts(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
given a product, check that each fixedRelatedProduct contains the product's catalogs in its own catalogs
verifyProducts() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects in all catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifyProducts(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects the given catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifyProducts(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the product objects in the given catalogs in the given catalog repository
verifyProperties(String[], RepositoryItemDescriptor) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RemoveService
Verifies whether the matched properties passed are simple type properties or not as defined in the Repository.
verifyResourceValidity(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource
In the non-J2EE world, connections were verified by seeing if they had been closed by someone.
verifyResourceValidity(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.JDBCConnectionPool
Deprecated. Checks to make sure that the in-coming JDBC Connection has not been closed.
verifyResourceValidity(ResourceObject) - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
Returns whether or not the given resource is still suitable for use in the pool.
verifyResponseStatus(String, int, String) - Method in class atg.userprofiling.email.TemplateInvoker
Verifies that the response came back with no errors.
verifySaveModes() - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
Verify that each of the saveModes in orderStateSaveModes, and defaultSaveMode, are valid saveModes
verifySecondInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the second input field.
verifyShippingAddress(TaxRequestInfo) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator
verifies that each shipping address is not null, and that no crucial properties of any shipping address are null.
verifyShippingGroupFulfillment(ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.HardgoodFulfiller
Deprecated. Replaced by the pipeline processor
verifyShippingGroupFulfillment(HardgoodFulfiller, ShippingGroup) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.processor.ProcVerifyShippingGroupForFulfillment
This method verifies that the shipping group to be fulfilled is in a state which allows it to be fulfilled.
verifyShippingGroupsForFulfiller(Order, String, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.fulfillment.OrderFulfillmentTools
Using the fulfillerShippingGroupClassMap, this method will verify that each shipping group is of a type that the fulfiller can handle.
verifySku(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify a sku object.
verifySkuInfo(RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
this method is called as part of the verify sku processing when info objects are verified.
verifySkuInfoObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - use verifySkuObjects which includes sku info verification
verifySkuInfoObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - use verifySkuObjects which includes sku info verification
verifySkuInfoObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Deprecated. - use verifySkuObjects which includes sku info verification
verifySkuInfosReplacementProducts(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
validates the replacement products for each skuinfo by verifying each replacement product's catalogs contains the skuinfo's catalog if PruneInvalidInfoReferences is set to true, the invalid replacement products are removed
verifySkuObjects() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects in all catalogs Verifies the info objects.
verifySkuObjects(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects in each of the given catalogs Verifies the info objects.
verifySkuObjects(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects in each of the given catalogs within the given repository Verifies the info objects.
verifySkuReplacementProducts(RepositoryItem, Repository) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
given a sku, check that each fixReplacementProduct's catalogs contains the sku's catalogs
verifySkus() - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects in all catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifySkus(Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects the given catalogs in each catalog repository listed in catalogRepositories
verifySkus(Repository, Collection) - Method in class atg.commerce.catalog.custom.CatalogVerificationService
Verify each of the sku objects in the given catalogs in the given catalog repository
verifyStartAndEndDate(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method verifies whether the startDate is less than the endDate.
verifyTemplateOrder(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method verifies that the template order id is set and checks the validity of each input field value.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty
This method verifies all the values of the user inputs.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler
This method provides the main functionality for the handleVerify method.
verifyUserInputFields(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.TemplateOrderProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input.
verifyWeeklyMode(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty
This method verifies the values of the user input when the schedule mode is weekly schedule mode.
verifyYearInputField(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse) - Method in class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.DateProperty
This method verifies the year input field.
verifyZip(AddressVerificationInfo) - Method in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareVerifyZipInfo
This method gets the shipping cost from the ShippingMethod class.
VerifyZip(String, StringBuffer) - Static method in class atg.integrations.taxware.VeraZip
Verify the zip code information in inbuff, write the result to outbuffer.
VERMAN_NAME - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VERSION_MANAGER - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VersionEvent - Class in atg.versionmanager.event
A versioning event, with various optional data members.
VersionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, DevelopmentLine) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, AssetVersion) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, AssetVersion, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, DevelopmentLine, AssetVersion) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, DevelopmentLine, AssetVersion, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, DevelopmentLine, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, DevelopmentLine, VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, String, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionEvent(int, VersionManager, String, VersionManagerURI, VersionManagerURI) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
VersionException - Exception in atg.versionmanager.exceptions
A versioning exception.
VersionException() - Constructor for exception atg.versionmanager.exceptions.VersionException
Empty constructor
VersionException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.versionmanager.exceptions.VersionException
Construct a versioning exception with the specified message string.
VersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.versionmanager.exceptions.VersionException
Construct a versioning exception with the specified message string and root cause.
VersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.versionmanager.exceptions.VersionException
Construct a versioning exception with the specified root cause.
VersionID - Class in atg.versionmanager
VersionID(Object) - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.VersionID
VersioningLayerTools - Class in atg.epub.servlet
VersioningLayerTools() - Constructor for class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
VersionListener - Interface in atg.versionmanager.event
VersionManager - Class in atg.versionmanager
Services for managing a collection of resources under version control.
VersionManager() - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.VersionManager
VersionManagerURI - Class in atg.versionmanager
URIs used by the version manager are of the form DEV_LINE = atgvm://versionmanager/development-line-name REPOSITORY_ITEM = atgvm://versionmanager/versioned-repository-name/item-descriptor-name/item-id#version-id VIRTUAL_FILE = atgvm://versionmanager/versioned-virtual-filesystem-name/virtual-file-path#version NOTE: A version manager URI is not thread-safe.
VersionManagerURI() - Constructor for class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VIEW_SEPARATOR_TOKEN - Static variable in class atg.targeting.TargeterUtils
The character used to tokenize a RepositoryView hierarchy
ViewInContextFormHandler - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This form handler issues requests using the <viewInContext> tag, which also corresponds to the ClientVicRequest of the searchclient API.
ViewInContextFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.ViewInContextFormHandler
ViewInContextMessage - Class in atg.search.query.messages
This class is a notification of the result of a <viewInContext> query
ViewInContextMessage(ClientVicRequest) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.messages.ViewInContextMessage
Create a view in context JMS message
ViewItemMessage - Class in atg.userprofiling.dms
ViewItemMessage is a class which encapsulates the information regarding a repository item that is "viewed" by the end user.
ViewItemMessage() - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Constructs a blank ViewItemMessage
ViewItemMessage(String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Constructs a View Item message.
ViewItemMessage(String, String, String, String, String, RepositoryItem, Targeter) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Constructs a View Item message.
ViewItemMessage(String, String, String, String, String, RepositoryItem, Targeter, String) - Constructor for class atg.userprofiling.dms.ViewItemMessage
Constructs a View Item message.
VIEWNAME - Static variable in class atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryServlet
Parameter used to hold the name of a view in a repository
ViewPrincipalsDroplet - Class in atg.userdirectory.droplet
This Droplet is used to retrieve a list of Principals for a particular user whose userId is passed in as one of the input parameters.
ViewPrincipalsDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.userdirectory.droplet.ViewPrincipalsDroplet
VIRTUAL_FILE - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VIRTUAL_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VIRTUAL_FILE_VERSION - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI
VirtualFile - Interface in atg.vfs
Abstraction of an entry in some VirtualFileSystem.
VirtualFilenameFilter - Interface in atg.vfs
VirtualFileSystem - Interface in atg.vfs
Describes a virtual container in which a set of file-like entities are organized in a tree.
VirtualFileSystemDescriptor - Class in atg.vfs
Describes a VirtualFileSystem.
VirtualFileSystemDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemDescriptor
VirtualFileSystemException - Exception in atg.vfs
This is the base exception class for all virtual file system exceptions.
VirtualFileSystemException() - Constructor for exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Constructs an instanceof VirtualFileSystemException
VirtualFileSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Constructs an instanceof VirtualFileSystemException
VirtualFileSystemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Constructs an instanceof VirtualFileSystemException
VirtualFileSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.vfs.VirtualFileSystemException
Constructs an instanceof VirtualFileSystemException
VISA - Static variable in interface atg.payment.creditcard.CreditCardTypes
visit(Object, Map) - Method in interface atg.search.query.formhandlers.HashMapMapVisitor
Visit a map in a nested map.
visit(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Visit a HashMap and generate some XML
visit(Object, Map) - Method in class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Visit a HashMap and possibly generate some XML
VMSystem - Class in atg.nucleus
Contains an admin interface for doing VM System-level operations: GC, finalization, listing Threads, etc.
VMSystem() - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.VMSystem
VVFS_NAME - Static variable in class atg.versionmanager.VersionManagerURI


WACheckSessionExpiration - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet
A subclass of the CheckSessionExpiration servlet that is aware of web applications and context root issues.
WACheckSessionExpiration() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WACheckSessionExpiration
WAIT_FOR_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETION_TASK - Static variable in class atg.epub.project.ProjectConstants
waitForInitialization() - Method in class atg.nucleus.Nucleus
Returns after this Nucleus has completely initialized itself.
WAITING - Static variable in class atg.process.ProcessElementInfo
Waiting status
WAITING_QUEUED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
WAITING_SCHEDULED - Static variable in class atg.deployment.common.Status
WARN_PICKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator
warnIfMisconfiguredForSearchAdmin() - Method in class atg.repository.search.indexing.IndexingOutputConfig
Warn if this configuration is misconfigured for SearchAdmin.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.databinding.MappingManager
Register this class to handle parse exceptions during a mapping file.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.repository.xml.RepositoryXMLTools
Implementation of the SAX ErrorHandler interface method.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a SAX warning.
warning(TransformerException) - Method in class atg.xml.tools.DefaultErrorHandler
Receive notification of a TrAX warning.
WARNING_PREFIX - Static variable in interface atg.distributor.DistributorConstants
WarningLogEvent - Class in atg.nucleus.logging
An warning log event that can take a message, a Throwable, or both.
WarningLogEvent(String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Constructs a WarningLogEvent with the given message.
WarningLogEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Constructs a WarningLogEvent with the given message and originator
WarningLogEvent(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Constructs a WarningLogEvent with the given message and throwable
WarningLogEvent(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class atg.nucleus.logging.WarningLogEvent
Constructs a WarningLogEvent with the given message, originator and throwable
wasCheckin() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
wasCheckout() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
WASetCurrentLocation - Class in atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet
A subclass of the SetCurrentLocation servlet that is aware of web applications.
WASetCurrentLocation() - Constructor for class atg.projects.b2bstore.servlet.WASetCurrentLocation
wasNewAsset() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
wasNull() - Method in class atg.service.resourcepool.MonitoredCallableStatement
Wraps the call to wasNull
wasResolve() - Method in class atg.versionmanager.event.VersionEvent
WEB_URI - Static variable in class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebApp - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
WebApp represent a web applicaiton.
WebApp() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebApp(WebApp) - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebApp(String) - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebApp(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebApp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebApp
WebAppEvent - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
WebAppListener - Interface in atg.service.webappregistry
Interface implemented by objects that want to be notified when a WebApp is registered.
WebAppRegistry - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
WebAppRegistry is an abstract class that implements the basic properties and methods for a registry that contains deployed web applications.
WebAppRegistry() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistry
WebAppRegistryAdminServlet - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
Describe class 'WebAppRegistryAdminServlet' here.
WebAppRegistryAdminServlet(Object, Nucleus) - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryAdminServlet
WebAppRegistryException - Exception in atg.service.webappregistry
Represents an exception that occurs while registering a WebApp.
WebAppRegistryException() - Constructor for exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Constructs a new WebAppRegistryException.
WebAppRegistryException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Constructs a new WebAppRegistryException with the given explanation.
WebAppRegistryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Constructs a new WebAppRegistryException with the given root exception.
WebAppRegistryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppRegistryException
Constructs a new WebAppRegistryException with the given explanation and root exception.
WebAppUtil - Class in atg.service.webappregistry
WebAppUtil is a utility class for WebAppRegistry.
WebAppUtil() - Constructor for class atg.service.webappregistry.WebAppUtil
WEEKDAY_NAMES - Static variable in class atg.service.util.CurrentDate
WeightRangeShippingCalculator - Class in atg.commerce.pricing
This calculator will calculate shipping costs based upon the total weight of an order.
WeightRangeShippingCalculator() - Constructor for class atg.commerce.pricing.WeightRangeShippingCalculator
WIDE - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.GearWidthEnum
Wide Gear Width
WIDE - Static variable in class atg.portal.framework.RegionWidthEnum
Wide region width
WINDOW_CONTEXT_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
The name of the window in the window scope tree.
WINDOW_ID_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
WINDOW_SCOPE - Static variable in class atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
WINDOW_SESSION_NAME - Static variable in class atg.servlet.ServletUtil
withAdditionalConstraints(String) - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Adds any other additional constraints to the column that are passed directly to the CREATE TABLE statement.
withAdditionalConstraints(String) - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Adds any other additional constraints to the column that are passed directly to the CREATE TABLE statement.
withNotNull() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the NOT NULL constraint to the column.
withNotNull() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the NOT NULL constraint to the column.
withNull() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the NULL constraint to the column.
withNull() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the NULL constraint to the column.
withPrimaryKey() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the PRIMARY KEY constraint to the column.
withPrimaryKey() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the PRIMARY KEY constraint to the column.
withSize(int) - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Sets the size of the column.
withSize(int) - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Sets the size of the column.
withUnique() - Method in class atg.cortex.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the UNIQUE constraint to the column.
withUnique() - Method in class atg.rview.ColumnDeclaration
Adds the UNIQUE constraint to the column.
WORKFLOW_PARAMETER - Static variable in class atg.epub.servlet.VersioningLayerTools
WorkflowAccessRights - Interface in atg.workflow
Access rights associated with a workflow.
WorkflowConstants - Interface in atg.workflow
Assorted constants used by this package.
WorkflowDescriptor - Class in atg.workflow
Description of a workflow including all of its tasks.
WorkflowDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class atg.workflow.WorkflowDescriptor
Constructs a WorkflowDescriptor with the given process and segment names.
WorkflowException - Exception in atg.workflow
An exception that occurs when operating on workflows.
WorkflowException() - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.WorkflowException
Constructs a new WorkflowException.
WorkflowException(String) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.WorkflowException
Constructs a new WorkflowException with the given message.
WorkflowException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.WorkflowException
Constructs a new WorkflowException with the given root exception.
WorkflowException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception atg.workflow.WorkflowException
Constructs a new WorkflowException with the given message and root exception.
WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet - Class in atg.workflow.servlet
A droplet used to perform workflow instance queries.
WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet
WorkflowManager - Interface in atg.workflow
The primary interface exposing features of the workflow system.
WorkflowTaskFormHandler - Class in atg.workflow.servlet
A form handler for operating on workflow tasks.
WorkflowTaskFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormHandler
WorkflowTaskFormSubject - Class in atg.workflow.servlet
A subclass of RepositoryFormHandler which is used by WorkflowTaskFormHandler to access and update workflow subject properties.
WorkflowTaskFormSubject() - Constructor for class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskFormSubject
WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet - Class in atg.workflow.servlet
A droplet used to perform workflow task queries.
WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet() - Constructor for class atg.workflow.servlet.WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet
WorkflowView - Interface in atg.workflow
An interface exposing workflow features to a notional user of the workflow system.
WorkingContext - Class in atg.versionmanager
WorkingVersion - Interface in atg.versionmanager
An editable resource created by checking out an asset version in a workspace.
Workspace - Interface in atg.versionmanager
A DevelopmentLine that controls changes to versioned resources.
WorldTaxService - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
WorldTaxService provides a simpler interface for creating TaxRequest objects for international requests.
WorldTaxService() - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.WorldTaxService
wrapCommerceItems(List, List) - Method in class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier
produce a list of FilteredCommerceItems from a list of CommerceItems
WRAPPED_ITEM - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.FilteredCommerceItem
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDefHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.HistoryHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDefHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
wrapRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDefHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDefHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLogHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.HistoryHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeploymentHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfoHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProjectHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProjectHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDefHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDefHome
wrapRepositoryItems(Collection) - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDefHome
write(ObjectOutputStream, UserAuthority) - Static method in class atg.security.SerializedUserAuthority
Writes out a serialized substitute object for a user authority.
WRITE - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to write (change) an object.
WRITE - Static variable in interface atg.workflow.TaskAccessRights
The ability to change various attributes of a task, such as its priority, owner, and access control list.
WRITE_ACL - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to change the access control list of an object.
WRITE_OWNER - Static variable in interface atg.security.StandardAccessRights
The ability to change the owner of an object.
writeClassComment(PrintStream, String) - Method in class atg.cortex.CortexGenerator
Writes the initial class comments
writeFile(File, long, DataInputStream) - Method in class atg.distributor.DistributorReader
Reads the data from the supplied input stream and writes the data to the given file
writeFile(File, long, DataInputStream, ApplicationLogging) - Static method in class atg.distributor.IOTools
Reads the data from the supplied input stream and writes the data to the given file
writeFile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.pagefilter.PageFilterUtil
This method will write a file to the response supplied.
writeHTMLFile(DynamoHttpServletRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class atg.servlet.pagefilter.PageFilterUtil
Takes the name of an HTML file and writes its content to the response supplied.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeInstance() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
This must be called after modifying an instance with a persistent implementation to guarantee that all changes are made persistent and visible to queries.
writeLogEvent(LogEvent) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.DisplayLogger
Writes the given log event out to the log stream.
writeLogLinePrefix(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Writes the prefix that will be used at the beginning of each line in the log message.
writeLogMessage(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Writes the log message to the specified print stream.
writeMessage(GearMessage) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
writeMessage(PortalMessage) - Method in class atg.portal.alert.GearMessagePublisher
Publish the message object
writeOriginatorPrefix(PrintStream) - Method in class atg.nucleus.logging.LogEvent
Writes the log message to the specified print stream.
writeProperties(Order, String[], Object, MutableRepositoryItem, MutableRepository, OrderManager) - Method in class atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcSavePriceInfoObjects
This method saves a List of properties to a repository item.
writePropertyValue(Object, Object) - Method in class atg.cortex.Property
Writes the value of the property of the given object with the specified value.
writeValue(Hashtable, String, Object) - Method in class atg.beans.DynamicBeanState
When serializing a value you may need to convert it to a serializable type.
WRONG_PRICING_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants


XAOnlyDataSource - Class in atg.service.jdbc
An application server tier DataSource that sits on top of an XADataSource and registers/unregisters XAConnections with the TransactionManager.
XAOnlyDataSource() - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource
Constructs an uninitialized XAOnlyDataSource.
XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging - Class in atg.service.jdbc
A utility class which builds a separate logging interface for SQL logging to have access to.
XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging(XAOnlyDataSource) - Constructor for class atg.service.jdbc.XAOnlyDataSource.SQLLogging
XML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService
XML_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class atg.adapter.xml.XMLRepositoryService
XmlAccountManager - Class in atg.security
An account manager/user authority that loads user account information from an XML file.
XmlAccountManager() - Constructor for class atg.security.XmlAccountManager
XMLBuilder - Interface in atg.search.query.formhandlers
Interface to be implemented by objects capable of building the contents of various query request's XML tags.
XMLPreProcessorVisitor - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This class provides a first pass over constraints to simplify tag output.
XMLPreProcessorVisitor() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLPreProcessorVisitor
Create an XMLPreProcessorVisitor
XMLRepositoryFormHandler - Class in atg.repository.servlet
This class is an extension of RepositoryFormHandler that has a few additional features.
XMLRepositoryFormHandler() - Constructor for class atg.repository.servlet.XMLRepositoryFormHandler
XMLRepositoryService - Class in atg.adapter.xml
XML Repository implementation.
XMLRepositoryService() - Constructor for class atg.adapter.xml.XMLRepositoryService
Constructs an instanceof XMLRepositoryService
XMLTagBuilderVisitor - Class in atg.search.query.formhandlers
This class recursively visits a map that may contain other maps and from the HashMap data builds one or more XML tags.
XMLTagBuilderVisitor() - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Create a builder with an initially empty buffer and a zero indent value.
XMLTagBuilderVisitor(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Create a builder which will use an existing string buffer
XMLTagBuilderVisitor(StringBuffer, int, String) - Constructor for class atg.search.query.formhandlers.XMLTagBuilderVisitor
Create a builder which will use an existing string buffer and which also uses the specified indentation level
XMLToDOM - Class in atg.droplet.xml
This droplet parses an XML document which is specified by the input parameter.
XMLToDOM() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOM
XMLToDOMBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.xml
BeanInfo for the XMLToDOM droplet.
XMLToDOMBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.XMLToDOMBeanInfo
XMLTransform - Class in atg.droplet.xml
Transform XML documents using a template.
XMLTransform() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransform
XMLTransformBeanInfo - Class in atg.droplet.xml
BeanInfo for the XMLTransform droplet.
XMLTransformBeanInfo() - Constructor for class atg.droplet.xml.XMLTransformBeanInfo
XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION - Static variable in class atg.repository.xml.GetService


zapGroup() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentGroup
Zap the internal group object to indicate that this object needs to be reinitialized.
zapTargeters() - Method in class atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
Zap all targeters to indicate that this object needs to be reinitialized.
ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.pricing.Constants
ZERO - Static variable in class atg.commerce.profile.CommerceProfileTools
zipInfo - Variable in class atg.integrations.taxware.TaxWareCalculateTax
ZipInRecDef - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
Defined the record def for the individual verazip input record.
ZipOutRecDef - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
Defined the record def for the individual verazip output record.
ZipRequest - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
The ZipRequest class defines a request for zip verification information.
ZipRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class atg.integrations.taxware.ZipRequest
Create a tax request setting the commonly used fields.
ZipResult - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
The ZipResult class represents the result of a request for zip verification information.
ZipResultItem - Class in atg.integrations.taxware
The ZipResultItem class represents the result of a request for zip verification information.


_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.AgentDef
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.DeploymentLog
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.History
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.PendingDeployment
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Process
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ProcessTaskInfo
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.Project
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.ReadOnlyProject
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TargetDef
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TopologyDef
Returns true if the item is mutable.
_isMutable() - Method in interface atg.epub.project.TransportDef
Returns true if the item is mutable.

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