Class DeploymentServer

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.deployment.server.DeploymentServer
All Implemented Interfaces:
DeploymentEventSender, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class DeploymentServer
extends GenericService
implements DeploymentEventSender

The DeploymentServer is the starting point of the publishing deployment API and represents the core controller of all deployment operations. Access to the deployment topology via the current Target instances is obtained through the DeploymentServer. Additionally, all server-side options are configured through the DeploymentServer.

The following properties are fairly standard and most likely never need to be changed:

The following properties are customizable and affect various aspects of the deployment process. Their default values are most likely fine in most cases, but familiarization with these properties is suggested to see if any are of use. Essentially the DeploymentServer provides access to the deployment topology, i.e. the list of deployment targets and the agents that comprise those targets. Currently the only released means of configuring the deployment topology is through the deployment admin UI. Introspection of the topology begins with the list of known Targets returned from the getTargets() method. Each Target in turn provides access to the agents that make up the target via Target.getAgents() which returns a list of AgentRef objects. So the progression to run through the topology on a whole becomes:
  Target[] targets = server.getTargets();
  for (int tIdx = 0; targets != null && tIdx < targets.length; tIdx++)
      AgentRef[] agents = t.getAgents();
      for (int aIdx = 0; agents != null && aIdx < agents.length; aIdx++)
          AgentRef a = agents[aIdx];
A Deployment is specific to the Target it affects and so is only accessible from the Target class. See the Target class for how to access deployments.

The DeploymentServer is the server-side DeploymentEventSender though which custom event listeners can be registered and operate on running and completing deployments.

See Also:
Target, Deployment, DeploymentEventSender

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Empty Constructor.
Method Summary
 void addDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener pListener)
          Adds the listener.
 void addTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener pListener)
          Adds the listener.
 java.lang.String clusterName()
          Returns a unique identifier for this CA server or, if applicable, a uniquie identifier for the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
protected  javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
          Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
 void doStartService()
          Performs any necessary initializations to start up service.
 void doStopService()
          Performs tasks required to shut down service.
 void fireDeploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent pEvent)
          Fires the given deployment event to the configured listeners.
 void fireTopologyChangedEvent()
          Fires the given ToplogyChangeEvent to the configured listeners.
 java.lang.String generateManifest(java.lang.String pProjectID)
          Builds a full deployment manifest for the specified previously deployed Project.
 java.lang.String[] getActivateVFSOrder()
          An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase.
 boolean getAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents()
          Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.
 int getApplyTransactionBatchSize()
          The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.
 boolean getAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments()
          For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.
 atg.service.clustername.ClusterName getClusterName()
          The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
 int getCountOfPendingDeployments()
          Find the count of pending deployments for all the targets
 int getCountOfPendingDeploymentsForProjects(java.lang.String[] pProjectIDs)
          Returns the cound of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.
 int getCountOfQueuedDeployments()
          Find the count of queued deployments for all the targets
 int getCountOfScheduledDeployments()
          Find the count of scheduled deployments for all the targets
 int getCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize()
          Get property createManifestTransactionBatchSize. getDataDirectory()
          The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.
 Deployment getDeploymentByID(java.lang.String pDeploymentID)
          Returns the ID'd deployment.
 DeploymentEventListener[] getDeploymentEventListeners()
          Returns an array of the list of DeploymentEventListener.
 DeploymentFulfiller getDeploymentFulfiller()
          Get property deploymentFulfiller
 java.lang.String getDeploymentPercentageComplete(java.lang.String pPubDeploymentId)
          Convenience method to get the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.
 int getDeploymentPollSleepTime()
          Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.
 atg.deployment.server.DeploymentProgressMap getDeploymentProgress()
          A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.
 DeploymentQueueManager getDeploymentQueueManager()
          Get the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
 Deployment[] getDeploymentsForProject(Project pProject)
          Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Project in the list of project IDs being deployed.
 Deployment[] getDeploymentsForProjects(Project[] pProjects)
          Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Projects in the list of project IDs being deployed.
 int getDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta()
          A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.
 int getInstallBufferSize()
          Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.
 atg.deployment.manifest.ManifestManager getManifestManager()
          The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.
 Deployment[] getPendingDeployments(int pStartIndex, int pCount)
          Returns the list of pending Deployments as an array which contains queued deployments for each target first (since they cannot be ordered based on any criteria) followed by scheduled deployments for all targets ordered by schedule of execution.
 Deployment[] getPendingDeploymentsForProject(java.lang.String pProjectID)
          Returns an array of pending deployments for the project with specified project ID.
 Deployment[] getPendingDeploymentsForProjects(java.lang.String[] pProjectIDs)
          Returns an array of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.
 int getProgressUpdatePollSleepTime()
          Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.
static java.lang.String[] getProjectIDs(Project[] pProjects)
          conver array of projects to array of project IDs
 java.lang.String getPublishingRepositoryServiceName()
          The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.
 Deployment[] getQueuedDeployments(int pStartIndex, int pCount)
          Returns the list of QUEUED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution for all the targets know to this DeploymentServer.
 boolean getReuseFullDeploymentManifests()
          Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.
 atg.server.rmi.RmiServer getRmiServer()
          The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.
 Deployment[] getScheduledDeployments(int pStartIndex, int pCount)
          Returns the list of SCHEDULED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution.
 atg.service.ServerName getServerNameService()
          Service that provides a name for this server instance.
 Target getTargetByID(java.lang.String pTargetID)
          Returns the ID'd target.
 Target getTargetByName(java.lang.String pTargetName)
          Returns the named target.
 Target[] getTargets()
          Returns an array of the deployment targets defined in the deployment topology.
 TopologyChangeEventListener[] getTopologyChangeEventListeners()
          Returns an array of the list of TopologyChangeEventListener.
 atg.xml.XMLFile getTopologyDefinitionFile()
 TopologyManager getTopologyManager()
          TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.
 int getTopologyVersion()
          The version of the topology that this server last initialized with.
 javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
          Transaction manager to use for various operations.
 VersionManager getVersionManager()
          The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.
 void importTopologyFromXML( pDefinitionStream)
          Imports target definitons from the topology definition XML file given as an input stream Only "new" targets will be imported, that is if a target definition found in the XML file conflicts in name with a target definition found in the topology (surrogate or primary) then the definition is not imported.
 boolean isClearDefunctReferences()
          This is a flag which, if true indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment.
 boolean isDeleteManifests()
          Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal.
 boolean isExpertAdmin()
          Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.
 boolean isImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup()
          Get property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup
 boolean isSkipUndeployableRepositories()
          Test property skipUndeployableRepositories.
 boolean isUseDafDeployment()
 void reinitializeTopology()
          Recreates the "live" topology from the configured topology.
 void removeDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener pListener)
          Removes the listener.
 void removeTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener pListener)
          Removes the listener.
 void setActivateVFSOrder(java.lang.String[] pActivateVFSOrder)
          An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase.
 void setAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents(boolean pAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents)
          Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.
 void setApplyTransactionBatchSize(int pApplyTransactionBatchSize)
          The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.
 void setAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments(boolean pAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments)
          For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.
 void setClearDefunctReferences(boolean pClearDefunctReferences)
          This is a flag which, if true, indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment.
 void setClusterName(atg.service.clustername.ClusterName pClusterName)
          The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.
 void setCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize(int pCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize)
          Set property createManifestTransactionBatchSize.
 void setDataDirectory( pDataDirectory)
          The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.
 void setDeleteManifests(boolean pDeleteManifests)
          Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal.
 void setDeploymentFulfiller(DeploymentFulfiller pDeploymentFulfiller)
          Set property deploymentFulfiller
 void setDeploymentPercentageComplete(java.lang.String pPubDeploymentId, java.lang.String pPercentageComplete)
          Convenience method to set the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.
 void setDeploymentPollSleepTime(int pDeploymentPollSleepTime)
          Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.
 void setDeploymentProgress(atg.deployment.server.DeploymentProgressMap pDeploymentProgress)
          A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.
 void setDeploymentQueueManager(DeploymentQueueManager pDeploymentQueueManager)
          Set the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.
 void setDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta(int pDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta)
          A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.
 void setExpertAdmin(boolean pExpertAdmin)
          Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.
 void setImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup(boolean pImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup)
          Set property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup
 void setInstallBufferSize(int pInstallBufferSize)
          Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.
 void setManifestManager(atg.deployment.manifest.ManifestManager pManifestManager)
          The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.
 void setProgressUpdatePollSleepTime(int pProgressUpdatePollSleepTime)
          Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.
 void setPublishingRepositoryServiceName(java.lang.String pPublishingRepositoryServiceName)
          The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.
 void setReuseFullDeploymentManifests(boolean pReuseFullDeploymentManifests)
          Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.
 void setRmiServer(atg.server.rmi.RmiServer pRmiServer)
          The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.
 void setServerNameService(atg.service.ServerName pServerNameService)
          Service that provides a name for this server instance.
 void setSkipUndeployableRepositories(boolean pSkipUndeployableRepositories)
          Set property skipUndeployableRepositories.
 void setTopologyDefinitionFile(atg.xml.XMLFile pTopologyDefinitionFile)
 void setTopologyManager(TopologyManager pTopologyManager)
          TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.
 void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
          Transaction manager to use for various operations.
 void setUseDafDeployment(boolean pUseDafDeployment)
 void setVersionManager(VersionManager pVersionManager)
          The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.
 void updateDeploymentProgress(java.lang.String pDafDeploymentId, int pDeploymentMode, boolean pIsDeploymentFirstPass)
          Updates the DeploymentProgressMap, calculating an updated percentage complete for a given deployment.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Constructor Detail


public DeploymentServer()
Empty Constructor. Services tend to be configured via properties and then "started" via the NucleusService interface.

Method Detail


public boolean isUseDafDeployment()


public void setUseDafDeployment(boolean pUseDafDeployment)


public atg.deployment.server.DeploymentProgressMap getDeploymentProgress()
A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.


public void setDeploymentProgress(atg.deployment.server.DeploymentProgressMap pDeploymentProgress)
A property used to cache the percentage amount that a deployment has completed.


public int getProgressUpdatePollSleepTime()
Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.


public void setProgressUpdatePollSleepTime(int pProgressUpdatePollSleepTime)
Number of seconds bewteen deployment progress bar updates.


public void setServerNameService(atg.service.ServerName pServerNameService)
Service that provides a name for this server instance.
The server name is used to uniquely identify the server instance this deployment server is a part of.
This property is the Nucleus pathname of the service and not the service itself.


public atg.service.ServerName getServerNameService()
Service that provides a name for this server instance. The server name is used to uniquely identify the server instance this deployment server is a part of.
This property is the Nucleus pathname of the service and not the service itself.


public void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
Transaction manager to use for various operations.


public javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
Transaction manager to use for various operations.


public void setVersionManager(VersionManager pVersionManager)
The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.


public VersionManager getVersionManager()
The version manager that keeps all versions for all versioned data stores.


public void setRmiServer(atg.server.rmi.RmiServer pRmiServer)
The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.


public atg.server.rmi.RmiServer getRmiServer()
The RmiServer for this Dynamo that exports RMI accessible components.


public void setManifestManager(atg.deployment.manifest.ManifestManager pManifestManager)
The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.


public atg.deployment.manifest.ManifestManager getManifestManager()
The ManifestManager used to manage local manifest files.


public void setDataDirectory( pDataDirectory)
The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.


public getDataDirectory()
The directory where persistent status and other data is stored.


public void setPublishingRepositoryServiceName(java.lang.String pPublishingRepositoryServiceName)
The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.


public java.lang.String getPublishingRepositoryServiceName()
The Nucleus service name for the publishing repository where Editions are stored.


public void setTopologyManager(TopologyManager pTopologyManager)
TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.


public TopologyManager getTopologyManager()
TopologyManger to use for reading and managing topology definition.


public void setTopologyDefinitionFile(atg.xml.XMLFile pTopologyDefinitionFile)

The deployment topology XML definition file relative to the CONFIGPATH.

pTopologyDefinitionFile - new value to set


public atg.xml.XMLFile getTopologyDefinitionFile()

The deployment topology XML definition file relative to the CONFIGPATH.



public boolean isImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup()
Get property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup



public void setImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup(boolean pImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup)
Set property importAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup

pImportAndInitializeTopologyOnStartup - new value to set


public void setDeploymentQueueManager(DeploymentQueueManager pDeploymentQueueManager)
Set the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.


public DeploymentQueueManager getDeploymentQueueManager()
Get the DeploymentQueueManager used to ensure that only one instance of the service is running at any given time.


public DeploymentFulfiller getDeploymentFulfiller()
Get property deploymentFulfiller


public void setDeploymentFulfiller(DeploymentFulfiller pDeploymentFulfiller)
Set property deploymentFulfiller


public void setDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta(int pDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta)
A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.


public int getDeploymentThreadPriorityDelta()
A modifier to increase or decrease deployment thread priority.


public void setDeploymentPollSleepTime(int pDeploymentPollSleepTime)
Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.


public int getDeploymentPollSleepTime()
Number of seconds to sleep during agent manifest application poll phase.


public void setInstallBufferSize(int pInstallBufferSize)
Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.


public int getInstallBufferSize()
Size of the write buffer for remote manifest installs.


public void setApplyTransactionBatchSize(int pApplyTransactionBatchSize)
The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.

During the deployment application phase many operations are performed, e.g. each repository addItem(), udpateItem(), and removeItem() count as an operation. This could potentially cause an overly large transaction. The value of this property specifies the maximum number of operations to batch into a single transaction before committing and starting a new transaction. Setting this value to zero or less will make deployment application use a single transaction. The default value is 200.


public int getApplyTransactionBatchSize()
The number of asset operations to group into a transaction during manifest application on target agents.

During the deployment application phase many operations are performed, e.g. each repository addItem(), udpateItem(), and removeItem() count as an operation. This could potentially cause an overly large transaction. The value of this property specifies the maximum number of operations to batch into a single transaction before committing and starting a new transaction. Setting this value to zero or less will make deployment application use a single transaction. The default value is 200.


public void setCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize(int pCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize)
Set property createManifestTransactionBatchSize. This is the maximum number of repository items and VFS assets to read in a single transaction while creating a manifest. A value of 0 means perform all operations in a single transaction. The default is 1000.

pCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize - new value to set


public int getCreateManifestTransactionBatchSize()
Get property createManifestTransactionBatchSize. This is the maximum number of repository items and VFS assets to read in a single transaction while creating a manifest. A value of 0 means perform all operations in a single transaction. The default is 1000.



public void setAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents(boolean pAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents)
Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.

Non-essential agents are those agents in a target that do not have any deployment responsibilities. They are listed in the target so that they can be told to flush necessary caches or to perform data store switches to keep in sync with the responsible agents. But they do not write any data and so are considered non-essential. Setting this property to true allows a non-essential agent to be inaccessible and thus left out of a deployment. If configured for switch deployments, this could allow a non-essential agent to get out of sync, i.e. looking at the wrong data store for a live data store. The seriousness of such happening is questionable since both live and staging data stores are eventually populated in a deployment. Also, inaccessible agents are logged and so careful scrutiny and maintenance can bring them back into sync by hand. Additionally, out of sync agents will be reconciled during the next deployment thus the condition is not detrimental to other deployments.


public boolean getAllowMissingNonEssentialAgents()
Whether or not to allow non-essential agents to be inaccessible during a deployment.

Non-essential agents are those agents in a target that do not have any deployment responsibilities. They are listed in the target so that they can be told to flush necessary caches or to perform data store switches to keep in sync with the responsible agents. But they do not write any data and so are considered non-essential. Setting this property to true allows a non-essential agent to be inaccessible and thus left out of a deployment. If configured for switch deployments, this could allow a non-essential agent to get out of sync, i.e. looking at the wrong data store for a live data store. The seriousness of such happening is questionable since both live and staging data stores are eventually populated in a deployment. Also, inaccessible agents are logged and so careful scrutiny and maintenance can bring them back into sync by hand. Additionally, out of sync agents will be reconciled during the next deployment thus the condition is not detrimental to other deployments.


public void setActivateVFSOrder(java.lang.String[] pActivateVFSOrder)
An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase. Since some VFSs may rely on other VFSs, their order of update can be specified via this list.


public java.lang.String[] getActivateVFSOrder()
An array of VFS service names in the order that they should have update() called on them by responsible agents during the deployment activation phase. Since some VFSs may rely on other VFSs, their order of update can be specified via this list.


public void setReuseFullDeploymentManifests(boolean pReuseFullDeploymentManifests)
Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.

When set to true, the deployment server will *NOT* delete full deployment manifests on the publishing server (manifests will still be deleted on the agents). Likewise, when a full deployment is requested, the server will first check to see if a full deployment manifest for the given edition already exists and reuse the manifest accordingly.

When using this feature, users are responsible for deleting full deployment manifests that they do not want to preserve. (Until sometime in the future when the UI will have a flag indicating whether or not to keep a manifest for a given deployment, making this flag obsolete.)


public boolean getReuseFullDeploymentManifests()
Whether or not to preserve and reuse full deployment manifest files.

When set to true, the deployment server will *NOT* delete full deployment manifests on the publishing server (manifests will still be deleted on the agents). Likewise, when a full deployment is requested, the server will first check to see if a full deployment manifest for the given edition already exists and reuse the manifest accordingly.

When using this feature, users are responsible for deleting full deployment manifests that they do not want to preserve. (Until sometime in the future when the UI will have a flag indicating whether or not to keep a manifest for a given deployment, making this flag obsolete.)


public void setDeleteManifests(boolean pDeleteManifests)
Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal. (This property is for debugging.)


public boolean isDeleteManifests()
Whether or not manifests should be deleted on completed deployment removal. (This property is for debugging.)


public void setAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments(boolean pAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments)
For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.


public boolean getAutoUpgradeIncrementalDeployments()
For a target which is not incrementally deployable, should an incremental deployment be automatically upgraded to a full deployment.


public void setClearDefunctReferences(boolean pClearDefunctReferences)
This is a flag which, if true, indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment. A defunct refererence is a property value that refers to an item which will be removed in this deployment. In certain cases defunct references mustd be cleared to prevent DB constraint violations during deployments that involve deleting assets. The default is true.


public boolean isClearDefunctReferences()
This is a flag which, if true indicates that defunct references should be cleared during deployment. A defunct refererence is a property value that refers to an item which will be removed in this deployment. In certain cases defunct references mustd be cleared to prevent DB constraint violations during deployments that involve deleting assets. The default is true.


public void setExpertAdmin(boolean pExpertAdmin)
Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.


public boolean isExpertAdmin()
Whether or not to turn on "expert" features in the AdminServlet.


public void setSkipUndeployableRepositories(boolean pSkipUndeployableRepositories)
Set property skipUndeployableRepositories. This is a flag which, if true, indicates that full deployments should skip repositories that contain no deployable item descriptors. The default is true. This property should generally not be changed.

pSkipUndeployableRepositories - new value to set


public boolean isSkipUndeployableRepositories()
Test property skipUndeployableRepositories. This is a flag which, if true, indicates that full deployments should skip repositories that contain no deployable item descriptors. The default is true. This property should generally not be changed.



public void setClusterName(atg.service.clustername.ClusterName pClusterName)
The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.

pClusterName - The ClusterName component


public atg.service.clustername.ClusterName getClusterName()
The ClusterName component, which is responsible for maintaining a unique name for this CA server, and if applicable, the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.

The ClusterName component


public int getTopologyVersion()
The version of the topology that this server last initialized with.


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
Performs any necessary initializations to start up service.

This method should only be called by Nucleus.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public void doStopService()
                   throws ServiceException
Performs tasks required to shut down service.

This method should only be called by Nucleus.

doStopService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem shutting down


public DeploymentEventListener[] getDeploymentEventListeners()
Returns an array of the list of DeploymentEventListener.

Specified by:
getDeploymentEventListeners in interface DeploymentEventSender


public void addDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener pListener)
Adds the listener.

Specified by:
addDeploymentEventListener in interface DeploymentEventSender
pListener - the listener wanting to know of deployment events
See Also:


public void removeDeploymentEventListener(DeploymentEventListener pListener)
Removes the listener.

Specified by:
removeDeploymentEventListener in interface DeploymentEventSender
pListener - the listener wanting to know of deployment events
See Also:


public TopologyChangeEventListener[] getTopologyChangeEventListeners()
Returns an array of the list of TopologyChangeEventListener.


public void addTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener pListener)
Adds the listener.

pListener - the listener wanting to know of topology change event
See Also:


public void removeTopologyChangeEventListener(TopologyChangeEventListener pListener)
Removes the listener.

pListener - the listener wanting to know of topology change event
See Also:


public void fireTopologyChangedEvent()
Fires the given ToplogyChangeEvent to the configured listeners.

See Also:


public void fireDeploymentEvent(DeploymentEvent pEvent)
Fires the given deployment event to the configured listeners.

Specified by:
fireDeploymentEvent in interface DeploymentEventSender
See Also:


public void importTopologyFromXML( pDefinitionStream)
                           throws DeploymentException
Imports target definitons from the topology definition XML file given as an input stream Only "new" targets will be imported, that is if a target definition found in the XML file conflicts in name with a target definition found in the topology (surrogate or primary) then the definition is not imported.

Once imported, new definitions are made live through the deployment admin UI.



public void reinitializeTopology()
                          throws DeploymentException
Recreates the "live" topology from the configured topology.

Reinitialization of the topology is only allowed when there are no Deployment instances. Each Target should be checked and have any associated Deployment removed before reinitializeTopology() is called.

DeploymentException - on XML error or other initialization error


public Target[] getTargets()
Returns an array of the deployment targets defined in the deployment topology. Null is returned if the XML topology definition file did not load properly or if there are no targets defined.


public Target getTargetByName(java.lang.String pTargetName)
Returns the named target. Null is returned if the target does not exist.

pTargetName - the name of the target, specifically Target.getName()


public Target getTargetByID(java.lang.String pTargetID)
Returns the ID'd target. Null is returned if the target does not exist.

pTargetID - the ID of the target, specifically Target.getID()


public Deployment getDeploymentByID(java.lang.String pDeploymentID)
                             throws DeploymentException
Returns the ID'd deployment. To find the Target for the specific deployment, call Deployment.getTarget(). Null is returned if the deployment does not exist.

pDeploymentID - the ID of the deployment, specifically Deployment.getDeploymentID()


public Deployment[] getDeploymentsForProjects(Project[] pProjects)
                                       throws DeploymentException
Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Projects in the list of project IDs being deployed.



public Deployment[] getDeploymentsForProject(Project pProject)
                                      throws DeploymentException
Returns the list of all deployments, pending or currently running, that include the given Project in the list of project IDs being deployed.



public void updateDeploymentProgress(java.lang.String pDafDeploymentId,
                                     int pDeploymentMode,
                                     boolean pIsDeploymentFirstPass)
Updates the DeploymentProgressMap, calculating an updated percentage complete for a given deployment.

pDafDeploymentId - the DAF deployment ID
pDeploymentMode - online or switch
pIsDeploymentFirstPass -


public void setDeploymentPercentageComplete(java.lang.String pPubDeploymentId,
                                            java.lang.String pPercentageComplete)
Convenience method to set the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.

pPubDeploymentId - The publishing deployment ID
pPercentageComplete - The percentage complete


public java.lang.String getDeploymentPercentageComplete(java.lang.String pPubDeploymentId)
Convenience method to get the percentage completed for the specified deployment ID.

pPubDeploymentId - The publishing deployment ID
The percentage complete


public java.lang.String generateManifest(java.lang.String pProjectID)
                                  throws DeploymentException
Builds a full deployment manifest for the specified previously deployed Project. Only the manifest is built. No target is locked nor any deployment initiated.

pProjectID - the project ID (not display name) to create a manifest for
String the manifest ID if successful, null otherwise
DeploymentException - on manifest creation error


public java.lang.String clusterName()
Returns a unique identifier for this CA server or, if applicable, a uniquie identifier for the cluster of CA servers it is a part of.

A String representing a unique identifer


protected javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service. By default, this creates a ServiceAdminServlet, but subclasses may create their own servlets.

createAdminServlet in class GenericService


public int getCountOfPendingDeployments()
                                 throws DeploymentException
Find the count of pending deployments for all the targets

int, the count


public Deployment[] getPendingDeployments(int pStartIndex,
                                          int pCount)
                                   throws DeploymentException
Returns the list of pending Deployments as an array which contains queued deployments for each target first (since they cannot be ordered based on any criteria) followed by scheduled deployments for all targets ordered by schedule of execution.

The list of pending Deployments includes scheduled Deployments whose scheduled execution time has not yet come to term as well as all Deployments that are queued for immediate execution. Each Deployment's Status indicates whether the Deployment is scheduled or waiting to run.

The list of pending Deployments does *NOT* include the current running Deployment nor any completed Deployments.



public int getCountOfQueuedDeployments()
                                throws DeploymentException
Find the count of queued deployments for all the targets

int, the count


public Deployment[] getQueuedDeployments(int pStartIndex,
                                         int pCount)
                                  throws DeploymentException
Returns the list of QUEUED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution for all the targets know to this DeploymentServer. Queued deployments are ones that are waiting for their turn to be executed on a target. Their deployTime has already occurred and they are possibly waiting for a deployment to finish which is ahead of them or for the target to be freed from a failed deployment.

to get a list of all pending deployments use @link getPendingDeployments()

The list of queued (@see Status.WAITING_QUEUED) deployments does *NOT* include the current running Deployment nor any completed Deployments.



public int getCountOfScheduledDeployments()
                                   throws DeploymentException
Find the count of scheduled deployments for all the targets

int the count


public Deployment[] getScheduledDeployments(int pStartIndex,
                                            int pCount)
                                     throws DeploymentException
Returns the list of SCHEDULED Deployments as an array ordered by schedule of execution. Scheduled deployments are ones that are waiting for their turn to be executed on a target but their time of execution is in the future. Scheduled deployments become queued once the time for their execution arrives.

to get a list of all pending deployments use @link getPendingDeployments()




public Deployment[] getPendingDeploymentsForProjects(java.lang.String[] pProjectIDs)
                                              throws DeploymentException
Returns an array of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.

pProjectIDs -
array of atg.deployment.server.Deployment objects, null if nothing found or if security constraints so warrant.


public int getCountOfPendingDeploymentsForProjects(java.lang.String[] pProjectIDs)
                                            throws DeploymentException
Returns the cound of pending deployments for the projects corresponding to the given set of project IDs.

pProjectIDs -
array of atg.deployment.server.Deployment objects, null if nothing found or if security constraints so warrant.


public Deployment[] getPendingDeploymentsForProject(java.lang.String pProjectID)
                                             throws DeploymentException
Returns an array of pending deployments for the project with specified project ID.

pProjectID -
array of atg.deployment.server.Deployment objects, null if nothing found or if security constraints so warrant.


public static java.lang.String[] getProjectIDs(Project[] pProjects)
conver array of projects to array of project IDs
