Class Deployment

  extended by atg.deployment.server.Deployment
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Deployment
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Runnable

A stateful representation of a Deployment. This class contains the deployment process and is used to monitor and control that process.

Deployment objects are created by scheduling or queueuing a new deployment through a Target instance and are only ever associated with a single target. All deployments initially go into the specific target's schedule or queue and therefore cannot be started directly. The target's queue will eventually start the deployment.

The progression of a deployment can be monitored by calling getStatus(). Alternatively, a DeploymentEventListener could be written and registered with the DeploymentServer. Such a listener will begin receiving events for a deployment once begin() is called on the deployment by the target queue.

A scheduled or queued deployment can have its deploy time changed with a simple call to setDeployTime(). Alternatively, any scheduled or queued deployment can be moved to the head of the deployment queue by calling runNext(). This is the extent of queue and schedule manipulation allowed.

Once a deployment has started successfully, the entire process will run in a separate thread. If the deployment fails or the caller needs to interrupt the deployment, stop() can be called to stop and/or reset the deployment. Likewise, any stopped deployment or any deployment that is waiting in the queue or schedule can be deleted by calling delete().

If a deployment fails, rather than stopping the deployment, either resume() or rollback() can be called to resume the deployment or roll back the target to the data set that was active before the deployment began. For example, if an agent dies but is immediately rebooted during a deployment, the process is interrupted with a network error, most likely a returned Status.ERROR_TRANSPORT. In such a situation, the calling code could wait until the Target becomes fully accessible again and then call resume() on the deployment, as in the following example:

 // Monitors the deployment till it is finished or errored on a
 // non-network error.  In the case of a network error, the
 // deployment will be resumed as soon as the target is accessible.
 public void monitorDeployment (Target pTarget)
   throws DeploymentException
     // Get the current deployment and monitor it till either it
     // completes or encounters an error.
     Deployment deployment = pTarget.getCurrentDeployment();
     Status status = deployment.getStatus();
     while (status.isStateError() == false &&
            status.getState() != Status.DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE)
         // Sleep for a while using your favorite method
         // for making a thread take a nap.
         // Reaquire the deployment status to check it 
         // once again for completion or error.
         status = deployment.getStatus();
     // The monitoring loop has been broken.  Check to see if the
     // monitoring loop was broken by an error.
     if (status.isStateError())
         // Deployments do not exactly reflect that a network error
         // occurred but rather tell you in what phase of the
         // deployment an error occurred.  So although there is a
         // window where a network error could disappear, we'll look
         // to the target to find out if one caused our error.
         status = pTarget.getStatus();
         if (status.getState() == Status.ERROR_TRANSPORT ||
             status.getState() == Status.ERROR_TRANSPORT_UNINSTANTIATED)
             // Yup, network error occurred (or something).  Wait until
             // the target is accessible again and then try and resume
             // the deployment.
             while (pTarget.isAccessible() == false)
                 // Sleep for a while using your favorite method
                 // for making a thread take a nap.
             // Now that the target is reporting as accessible, try to
             // resume the deployment and continue to monitor it.
             // Hey look, uncontrolled recursion!  (That's bad.)
For special situations, if the target's deployment queue is halted Deployment.begin() can be called directly on a scheduled or queued deployment to run immediately. If there is alread a deployment occupying the role of current deployment, that deployment must be delt with before any other deployment can run, specifically it must either be allowed to finish or stopped and deleted. E.g.:
  // Halt the target's deployment queue.
  Target t = deploymentServer.getTarget("mySpecialTarget");
  // NOTE: If there is a running deployment we would have to decide
  // how we want to deal with it here.  (I.e. delete it or let it 
  // it complete.)
  if (t.isDeployable())
      String[] ids = { "projID-0001" };
      Deployment d = t.deployProjects(ids,
                                      false, // do not force a full deploy
                                      null,  // no schedule

See Also:
DeploymentServer, Target, DeploymentEventListener

Nested Class Summary
 class Deployment.ProjectMergeComparator
          Annoying to sort Projects for merge, so here is a Comparator.
 class Deployment.VersionContainerIncludeCheckerImpl
Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Method Summary
 void activateDeployment(boolean pRefreshAffectedRepositoryCaches)
          Tells each agent to activate the deployment.
 void agentException(int pNewCode, Status pStatus, AgentRef pAgent)
          Create an exception and update the deployment status based off the passed in agent information.
 void begin()
          Begins the deployment process.
 void delete(java.lang.String pDeleteInitiator)
          Deletes the this deployment from the target's list of pending deployments.
static java.util.Enumeration find(VirtualFile file, DevelopmentLine pLine)
          Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order.
static java.util.Enumeration find(VirtualFile file, VirtualFilenameFilter filter, DevelopmentLine pLine)
          Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order, which are accepted by the given filter.
 AgentRef[] getAccessibleAgents()
          The list of deployment agents that were last known to be accessible.
 long getBeginTimestamp()
          System milliseconds when the deployment began (or began again).
 java.lang.String getCreateInitiator()
          A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started this deployment.
 java.lang.String getDeploymentID()
          A generated identifier to distinguish this deployment from others.
 Snapshot getDeploymentSnapshot()
          Return the deployment snapshot.
 java.util.Calendar getDeployTime()
          The scheduled time this deployment should begin.
 AgentRef[] getInaccessibleAgents()
          The deployment agents in this target that are currently inaccessible.
 int getMode()
          The mode to be used when deploying this manifest, either MODE_ONLINE or MODE_SWITCH.
 java.lang.String[] getProjectIDs()
          The list of project IDs being deployed to the target.
 Status getStatus()
          The current status of the deployment.
 Status getStatusForUpdate()
          Returns the Deployment's reference to Status so that it can be updated outside of this class.
 java.lang.String getStopInitiator()
          A generic identifier for who or what stopped the deployment.
 Target getTarget()
          The target receiving the deployment.
 Snapshot getTargetSnapshot()
          Return the target snapshot.
 java.lang.String getTargetSnapshotID()
          Return the target snapshot ID.
 java.lang.String getTransferId()
          Returns the ID of the data transfer as used by the DataTransferAdapter.
 int getType()
          The deployment type represented by this manifest, either TYPE_FULL or TYPE_INCREMENTAL.
 atg.versionmanager.impl.VersionContainerIncludeChecker getVersionContainerIncludesChecker()
 boolean isForceFull()
          Whether or not this deployment will force a full deployment, rather than let the deployment go incrementally if possible.
 boolean isLoggingDebug()
 boolean isLoggingError()
 boolean isLoggingInfo()
 boolean isLoggingTrace()
 boolean isLoggingWarning()
 boolean isRemovable()
          Returns true if Target.removeDeployment() can be called for this deployment.
 boolean isResumable()
          Returns true if resume() can be called on this deployment.
 boolean isResume()
          Returns true if this is a resumed deployment.
 boolean isRevertDeployment()
          Whether or not this is a deployment reverting a project off of a target.
 boolean isRollbackable()
          Returns true if rollback() can be called on this deployment.
 boolean isStop()
          Returns the deployment stop flag.
 boolean isStoppable()
          Returns true if stop() can be called on this deployment.
 java.lang.Boolean isStrictFileOps()
 java.lang.Boolean isStrictRepoOps()
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage)
 void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logTrace(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
 void remove()
          Called when current deployment is being removed from the target.
 void resume()
          Attempts to resume/retry/restart the deployment, picking up where the deployment left off, for the most part.
 void rollback(java.lang.String pRollbackInitiator)
          Attempts to start a rollback deployment for this failed deployment.
 void run()
          Implementation of run() from the Runnable interface.
 void runNext()
          Moves this deployment to the head of the deployment queue.
 void setAgentStatus(java.util.Map pToStatus)
          Set the DeploymentAgent Status remotely from the Publishing server to the specified Status
 void setDeployTime(java.util.Calendar pDeployTime)
          The scheduled time this deployment should begin.
 void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
 void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
 void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
 void setLoggingTrace(boolean pLogging)
 void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
 void setStrictFileOps(java.lang.Boolean pStrictFileOps)
 void setStrictRepoOps(java.lang.Boolean pStrictRepoOps)
 boolean skipNonEssentialAgent(AgentRef pAgent, Status pAgentStatus)
          Checks to see if this agent can be skipped or not.
 void stop(java.lang.String pStopInitiator)
          Stops the running deployment.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Method Detail


public int getType()
The deployment type represented by this manifest, either TYPE_FULL or TYPE_INCREMENTAL.



public int getMode()
The mode to be used when deploying this manifest, either MODE_ONLINE or MODE_SWITCH.



public java.lang.String getDeploymentID()
A generated identifier to distinguish this deployment from others.



public Target getTarget()
The target receiving the deployment.



public java.lang.String[] getProjectIDs()
The list of project IDs being deployed to the target.



public boolean isForceFull()
Whether or not this deployment will force a full deployment, rather than let the deployment go incrementally if possible.



public void setDeployTime(java.util.Calendar pDeployTime)
                   throws DeploymentException
The scheduled time this deployment should begin. If this deployment was not scheduled for a specific time, NULL is returned.

pDeployTime - new value to set


public java.util.Calendar getDeployTime()
The scheduled time this deployment should begin. If this deployment was not scheduled for a specific time, NULL is returned.



public boolean isRevertDeployment()
Whether or not this is a deployment reverting a project off of a target. Revert deployments are created via Target.deployRevert().

boolean true if this is a revert deployment
false if this is not a revert deployment


public Status getStatus()
The current status of the deployment.



public Status getStatusForUpdate()
Returns the Deployment's reference to Status so that it can be updated outside of this class.


public long getBeginTimestamp()
System milliseconds when the deployment began (or began again).



public java.lang.String getCreateInitiator()
A generic identifier denoting who or what created/started this deployment.



public java.lang.String getStopInitiator()
A generic identifier for who or what stopped the deployment. Null if the deployment is not stopped.



public AgentRef[] getAccessibleAgents()
The list of deployment agents that were last known to be accessible.



public AgentRef[] getInaccessibleAgents()
The deployment agents in this target that are currently inaccessible. NOTE: An agent with deployment responsibilities is never allowed to be inaccessible.



public java.lang.String getTargetSnapshotID()
Return the target snapshot ID.


public Snapshot getTargetSnapshot()
Return the target snapshot.


public Snapshot getDeploymentSnapshot()
Return the deployment snapshot.


public java.lang.Boolean isStrictFileOps()


public void setStrictFileOps(java.lang.Boolean pStrictFileOps)


public java.lang.Boolean isStrictRepoOps()


public void setStrictRepoOps(java.lang.Boolean pStrictRepoOps)


public boolean isResume()
Returns true if this is a resumed deployment.


public boolean isStop()
Returns the deployment stop flag.


public boolean isStoppable()
Returns true if stop() can be called on this deployment.

This method is mainly for UIs that may or may not want to display buttons based on allowable functions due to the state of the deployment.


public boolean isResumable()
Returns true if resume() can be called on this deployment. This method is mainly for UIs that may or may not want to display buttons based on allowable functions due to the state of the deployment.


public boolean isRollbackable()
Returns true if rollback() can be called on this deployment.

This method is mainly for UIs that may or may not want to display buttons based on allowable functions due to the state of the deployment.


public boolean isRemovable()
Returns true if Target.removeDeployment() can be called for this deployment. This method is mainly for UIs that may or may not want to display buttons based on allowable functions due to the state of the deployment.


public void begin()
           throws DeploymentException
Begins the deployment process.

begin() does some basic checks such as parameter validation, making sure no other servers are deploying to the target and then backgrounds the deployment process to another thread. begin() returns as soon as this is done. If the target cannot be locked or deployment parameters are invalid, a DeploymentException is thrown.

After begin() returns successfully, callers can only know the status of the deployment by calling Deployment.getStatus() or by registering a DeploymentEventListener with the server and listening for events for this specific deployment.

NOTE: only the target's deployment queue can call begin() on a deployment, unless the queue is halted for a special situation. Deployment thread priority can be modifed by setting the server property 'deploymentThreadPriorityDelta'.

DeploymentException - if there is a problem starting the deployment


public void runNext()
             throws DeploymentException
Moves this deployment to the head of the deployment queue. This method can be called on any scheduled or queued deployment, i.e. any Deployment whose Status returns a state of Status.WAITING_SCHEDULED or Status.WAITING_QUEUED. After this method is called this deployment will be the one considered for deployment next by the server.

DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be moved in the queue


public void stop(java.lang.String pStopInitiator)
          throws DeploymentException
Stops the running deployment. A stop deployment message is sent to all agents freeing them from the deployment. Manifests are *not* deleted until delete() is called.

The stop might not be immediate, as a flag must be sent to the deploying thread which will be checked on the next operation, i.e. this is not like performing an OS interrupt.

pStopInitiator - an identifier for who or what is stopping the deployment
DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be stopped or an error is encountered stopping the deployment


public void resume()
            throws DeploymentException
Attempts to resume/retry/restart the deployment, picking up where the deployment left off, for the most part.

DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be resumed or an error is encountered restarting the deployment


public void rollback(java.lang.String pRollbackInitiator)
              throws DeploymentException
Attempts to start a rollback deployment for this failed deployment. Rollback is only applicable for incremental deployments that have committed deployment data. Before deployment data is committed, any deployment can merely be stopped (or fail) without affecting the integrity of the data on the target.

For incremental deployments that have committed deployment data, a rollback manifest is created and applied; the rollback manifest contains the operations needed to revert the target back to the pre-deployment data set.

Full deployments are too catastrophic for rollback, since all items in all data stores get deleted before data application begins. Rolling back a full deployment would essentially be doing a full deployment anyway.

pRollbackInitiator - an identifier for who or what is rolling back the deployment
DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be rolled back or an error is encountered starting the rollback deployment


public void delete(java.lang.String pDeleteInitiator)
            throws DeploymentException
Deletes the this deployment from the target's list of pending deployments. If this is the current deployment, it is deletable only if Deployment.isRemovable() is true.

pDeleteInitiator - an identifier for who or what is deleting the deployment
DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be deleted


public void remove()
            throws atg.deployment.common.DeploymentException
Called when current deployment is being removed from the target. Deployments that are currently running or are otherwise not safe for removal will cause a DeploymentException to be thrown.

DeploymentException - if the deployment cannot be removed


public void run()
Implementation of run() from the Runnable interface. Called when the Deployment thread is started for backgrounding the deployment process. This method should not be called directly. It should only be called internally by the deployment system.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
See Also:


public static java.util.Enumeration find(VirtualFile file,
                                         VirtualFilenameFilter filter,
                                         DevelopmentLine pLine)
Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order, which are accepted by the given filter. The filter does not "prune" directories: it can include children of an excluded directory.


public static java.util.Enumeration find(VirtualFile file,
                                         DevelopmentLine pLine)
Returns an Enumeration of all VirtualFiles at or below some file, in depth-first order.


public boolean skipNonEssentialAgent(AgentRef pAgent,
                                     Status pAgentStatus)
Checks to see if this agent can be skipped or not. That is, if this agent has no deployment responsibilities and encountered a transport error, it can be skipped. This method will also tell the Target to remove it from the accessible agent list.


public void agentException(int pNewCode,
                           Status pStatus,
                           AgentRef pAgent)
                    throws DeploymentException
Create an exception and update the deployment status based off the passed in agent information.



public void setAgentStatus(java.util.Map pToStatus)
                    throws DeploymentException
Set the DeploymentAgent Status remotely from the Publishing server to the specified Status



public void activateDeployment(boolean pRefreshAffectedRepositoryCaches)
                        throws DeploymentException
Tells each agent to activate the deployment. After activation each agent's state should be IDLE.

pRefreshAffectedRepositoryCaches - If this is set to true, then deployment will notify the DeploymentAgent to refresh the caches of all affected repositories on the agent server. Otherwise, the agent server repository caches will use the default cache invalidation algorithm.


public atg.versionmanager.impl.VersionContainerIncludeChecker getVersionContainerIncludesChecker()
                                                                                          throws DeploymentException


public java.lang.String getTransferId()
Returns the ID of the data transfer as used by the DataTransferAdapter. This is used in the Deployment UI to update the progress bar.

the ID used by the DataTransferAdapter


public boolean isLoggingDebug()


public boolean isLoggingError()


public boolean isLoggingInfo()


public boolean isLoggingWarning()


public void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)


public void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)


public void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage,
                    java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)


public void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage,
                       java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public boolean isLoggingTrace()


public void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage)


public void logTrace(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logTrace(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)


public void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)


public void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)


public void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)


public void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)


public void setLoggingTrace(boolean pLogging)