Package atg.b2bcommerce.order.purchase

Interface Summary
CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer The CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of CommerceIdentifiers [key] to CommerceIdentifierCostCenter Lists [value].
CostCenterMapContainer The CostCenterMapContainer interface is used to represent a container of a Map of payment names [key] to CostCenters [value].

Class Summary
CommerceIdentifierCostCenter Bean name: CommerceIdentifierCostCenter.
CostCenterContainerService The CostCenterContainerService is a convenient session scoped component which implements both the CostCenterMapContainer and the CommerceIdentifierCostCenterContainer interfaces.
CostCenterDroplet The CostCenterDroplet is a DynamoServlet that is used to initialize CostCenters and CommerceIdentifierCostCenter objects for use by the CostCenterFormHandler.
CostCenterFormHandler The CostCenterFormHandler is used to associate CostCenters with the various Order pieces.