Class TemplateEmailSender

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, atg.servlet.TemplateEmailConstants, java.util.EventListener

public class TemplateEmailSender
extends GenericService
implements atg.servlet.TemplateEmailConstants

The TemplateEmailSender service is responsible for sending template-based email. Given a TemplateEmailInfo and a list of recipient profiles, it renders the jhtml page specified via the TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL property for each of the profiles, uses that to create a Message, and sends each message to the corresponding user.

The template rendering functionality in TemplateEmailSender is implemented with the help of its templateRendererServlet. In the service's standard configuration, this property points to the head of Dynamo's servlet pipeline. Thus, the template page is rendered simply as if it were a jhtml page requested through a browser. However, one can configure the templateRendererServlet property to point to any custom Servlet, which might implement a different scheme for rendering the page.

It's also possible to change the rendering behavior more dramatically by subclassing this service and overriding some of its methods. Here is a detailed description of the rendering process corresponding to a single call to TemplateEmailSender's sendEmailMessage, together with pointers for how the default behavior might be overriden:

  1. Given a TemplateEmailInfo which points to a particular templateURL, we create a request/response pair (specifically, instances of DynamoHttpServletRequest and DynamoHttpServletResponse) which will be reused to render the template for each of the recipient profiles. The path info in the request is set to point to the templateURL. In addition, the request is serviced once using the requestSetupServlet (which, in the standard configuration, again points to the head of the servlet pipeline) - this associates the request with a session, sets it up for name resolution, and so on.
  2. For each recipient profile, we call the methods initializeRequest and initializeResponse to initialize request/response with any recipient-specific information. The default implementation associates the session-scoped Profile object in the request with the given profile object; this allows us to resolve any references to the profile attributes in the template page when the template is being rendered. Subclasses may override these methods to implement other schemes for associating the recipient's profile with the request, etc.
  3. For each recipient profile, we call the method renderTemplate, which takes the already initialized request/response pair and actually performs the rendering. The default implementation simply calls the templateRendererServlet's service method, and captures and returns the output in the response. If you are implementing your own Servlet to do the rendering, note that your servlet can access the template URL by calling getPathInfo on the request. Again, you can also override this method and implement a different scheme for rendering the template.
  4. The actual sending of the email is performed by an EmailMessageSender, pointed at by the service's emailMessageSender property.

    See Also:
    TemplateEmailInfo, EmailMessageSender

    Nested Class Summary
     class TemplateEmailSender.TemplateEmailSenderResReqInitter
              An implementation of a RequestResponseInitializer that calls through to initializeRequest and initializeResponse.
    Field Summary
    static java.lang.String ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME
              The name of the mailingId header.
    static java.lang.String ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME_TO_LOWER
              The name of the mailingId header.
    static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
              Class version string
    static java.lang.String[] INCOMPLETE_STATUSES
    Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
    Fields inherited from interface atg.servlet.TemplateEmailConstants
    Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
    Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
    Constructor Summary
    Method Summary
     void addTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener pListener)
              Adds a listener to the list of TemplateEmailListeners.
    protected  javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
              Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
     javax.mail.Message createMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object pRecipient)
              Given a TemplateEmailInfo and a specific recipient profile, renders the page specified by the TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL for that profile, and creates a Message with the resulting content.
     void doStartService()
              Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
     boolean getAlwaysPruneAfterRendering()
              Get prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.
     java.lang.String getApplicationPrefix()
              Returns the Dynamo application prefix.
     long getAppServerConnectRetryTime()
              Gets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property getBatchEmailPeriodicService()
              Get the batch email periodic service.
     java.lang.String getContextPathPrefix()
              Returns the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs.
     int getCreateMessagesBatchSize()
     java.lang.Float getDaysContactFatigue()
     java.lang.String getDynamoInitSessionURL()
              Get the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
     java.lang.String getEmailAddressPropertyName()
              Returns the property name of the email address in the profile.
     java.util.Properties getEmailEncodingMap()
              Gets the mEmailEncodingMap property
     EmailMessageSender getEmailMessageSender()
              Returns the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.
     java.lang.String getEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue()
              Returns the option value for invalid email status in the profile.
     java.lang.String getEmailStatusPropertyName()
              Returns the property name of the email status in the profile.
     java.lang.String getEmailStatusValidOptionValue()
              Returns the option value for valid email status in the profile.
     atg.servlet.pagecompile.PageEncodingTyper getEncodingTyper()
              The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.
     java.lang.Float getHoursContactFatigue()
     java.lang.String getInitSessionURL()
              Returns the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
     java.lang.String getLastEmailedPropertyName()
              Returns the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile.
     java.lang.String getLocalePropertyName()
              Returns the property name of the locale in the profile.
     boolean getLoopbackRequestsEnabled()
              Returns the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server. getNextBatchMailing(boolean pClaim)
              Return the next batch mailing to process.
     int getNumAppServerConnectAttempts()
              Gets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property
     java.lang.String getProfilePath()
              Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.
     java.lang.String getReceiveEmailPropertyName()
              Returns the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile.
     java.lang.String getRequestLocalePath()
              Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.
     HeadPipelineServlet getRequestSetupServlet()
              Returns the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
     boolean getRestartRequestThread()
              Gets the mRestartRequestThread property
     atg.servlet.sessiontracking.DynamoSessionManager getSessionManager()
              Returns the session manager.
     java.lang.String getSiteHttpServerName()
              Returns the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
     int getSiteHttpServerPort()
              Returns the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests. getTemplateEmailBatchPersister()
              Get the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data. getTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister()
              Set the template email batch server perisister...
     int getTemplateEmailListenerCount()
              Returns the number of TemplateEmailListeners.
     TemplateEmailListener[] getTemplateEmailListeners()
              Returns the array of TemplateEmailListener objects. getTemplateEmailPersister()
              Returns the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.
     TemplateInvoker getTemplateInvoker()
     javax.servlet.Servlet getTemplateRendererServlet()
              Returns the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
     java.lang.String getTemplateURL(java.lang.String pTemplateURL)
              Returns the given template URL prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.
     java.lang.String getTemplateURL(TemplateEmailInfo pTemplateEmailInfo)
              Returns the template URL of the given TemplateEmailInfo, prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.
     javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
              Returns the TransactionManager.
     int getUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages()
              When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database.
     int getUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages()
              How often to update the profile email statuses...
    protected  void initializeRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, java.lang.Object pRecipient)
              Initializes the request to contain any recipient-specific information.
    protected  void initializeResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse, java.lang.Object pRecipient)
              Initializes the response to contain any recipient-specific information.
     boolean isAddingDebuggingHeaders()
              Whether we are adding debugging headers identifying host and thread.
     boolean isAddingMailingIdHeader()
              Whether to add the mailing id header.
     boolean isBatchIfPossible()
              Get whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).
     boolean isBypassRecipientVerification()
              Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email.
     boolean isEnabledAsTemplateMailServer()
     boolean isSetValidEmailStatus()
              Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.
    protected  boolean recipientIsContactFatigued(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object pRecipient)
              Return whether the recipient is considered contact fatigued.
     void removeTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener pListener)
              Removes a listener from the list of TemplateEmailListeners.
     void sendBatch( pBatchInfo)
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.util.Collection pRecipients)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection.
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.util.Collection pRecipients, boolean pRunInSeparateThread, boolean pPersist)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection.
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.util.Enumeration pRecipients)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.util.Enumeration pRecipients, boolean pRunInSeparateThread, boolean pPersist)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object[] pRecipients)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
     void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object[] pRecipients, boolean pRunInSeparateThread, boolean pPersist)
              Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array.
    protected  void sendEmailNotSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object pRecipient, javax.mail.Message pMessage, java.lang.String pErrorMessage)
              Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message could not be sent to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.
    protected  void sendEmailSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo, java.lang.Object pRecipient, javax.mail.Message pMessage)
              Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message was sent successfully to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.
     void serviceNextBatchMailing()
              Service the next bath mailing, if any.
     void setAddingDebuggingHeaders(boolean pAddingDebuggingHeaders)
              Whether to add debugging headers identifying host and thread.
     void setAddingMailingIdHeader(boolean pAddingMailingIdHeader)
              Whether to add the mailing id header.
     void setAlwaysPruneAfterRendering(boolean pAlwaysPruneAfterRendering)
              Set prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.
     void setApplicationPrefix(java.lang.String pApplicationPrefix)
              Sets the Dynamo application prefix.
     void setAppServerConnectRetryTime(long pAppServerConnectRetryTime)
              Sets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property
     void setBatchEmailPeriodicService( pBatchEmailPeriodicService)
              Set the batch email periodic service.
     void setBatchIfPossible(boolean pBatchIfPossible)
              Set whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).
     void setBypassRecipientVerification(boolean pBypassRecipientVerification)
              Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email
     void setContextPathPrefix(java.lang.String pContextPathPrefix)
              Sets the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs.
     void setCreateMessagesBatchSize(int pCreateMessagesBatchSize)
              Sets the maximum number of messages created in one batch
     void setDaysContactFatigue(java.lang.Float pDaysContactFatigue)
     void setDynamoInitSessionURL(java.lang.String pDynamoInitSessionURL)
              Set the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.
     void setEmailAddressPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
              Sets the property name of the email address in the profile.
     void setEmailEncodingMap(java.util.Properties pProperties)
              Sets the mEmailEncodingMap property
     void setEmailMessageSender(EmailMessageSender pSender)
              Sets the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.
     void setEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue(java.lang.String pEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue)
              Sets the options value for invalid email status for a profile.
     void setEmailStatusPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
              Sets the property name of the email status in the profile.
     void setEmailStatusValidOptionValue(java.lang.String pEmailStatusValidOptionValue)
              Sets the options value for valid email status for a profile.
     void setEnabledAsTemplateMailServer(boolean pEnabledAsTemplateMailServer)
     void setEncodingTyper(atg.servlet.pagecompile.PageEncodingTyper pValue)
              The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.
     void setHoursContactFatigue(java.lang.Float pHoursContactFatigue)
     void setInitSessionURL(java.lang.String pInitSessionURL)
              Sets the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.
     void setLastEmailedPropertyName(java.lang.String pLastEmailedPropertyName)
              Sets the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile.
     void setLocalePropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
              Sets the property name of the locale in the profile.
     void setLoopbackRequestsEnabled(boolean pLoopbackRequestsEnabled)
              Sets the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.
     void setNumAppServerConnectAttempts(int pNumAppServerConnectAttempts)
              Sets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property
     void setProfilePath(java.lang.String pProfilePath)
              Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.
     void setReceiveEmailPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
              Sets the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile.
     void setRequestLocalePath(java.lang.String pRequestLocalePath)
              Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.
     void setRequestSetupServlet(HeadPipelineServlet pServlet)
              Sets the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.
     void setRestartRequestThread(boolean pRestartRequestThread)
              Sets the mRestartRequestThread property
     void setSessionManager(atg.servlet.sessiontracking.DynamoSessionManager pSessionManager)
              Sets the session manager.
     void setSetValidEmailStatus(boolean pSetValidEmailStatus)
              Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.
     void setSiteHttpServerName(java.lang.String pSiteHttpServerName)
              Sets the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
     void setSiteHttpServerPort(int port)
              Sets the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests.
     void setTemplateEmailBatchPersister( pTemplateEmailBatchPersister)
              Set the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data.
     void setTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister( pTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister)
              Set the template email batch server perisister...
     void setTemplateEmailPersister( pTemplateEmailPersister)
              Sets the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.
     void setTemplateInvoker(TemplateInvoker pTemplateInvoker)
     void setTemplateRendererServlet(javax.servlet.Servlet pServlet)
              Sets the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.
     void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
              Sets the TransactionManager.
     void setUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages(int pUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages)
              When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database.
     void setUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages(int pUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages)
              How often to update the profile email statuses...
    Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
    addLogListener, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
    Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
    vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Field Detail


    public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
    Class version string


    public static final ParameterName PARAM_MESSAGE_FILL_FROM_TEMPLATE


    public static final java.lang.String[] INCOMPLETE_STATUSES


    public static java.lang.String ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME
    The name of the mailingId header.


    public static java.lang.String ATG_MAILING_ID_HEADER_NAME_TO_LOWER
    The name of the mailingId header.

    Constructor Detail


    public TemplateEmailSender()
    Method Detail


    public void setAppServerConnectRetryTime(long pAppServerConnectRetryTime)
    Sets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property

    pAppServerConnectRetryTime - the length of time to wait in between connections to the underlying app server if we are unable to connect. In non-DAS environments, we need to call the init-session servlet to get a session to use when sending email. If we try to send email before the app server has started up, this service will keep trying to connect to the app server to see if it has started yet.


    public long getAppServerConnectRetryTime()
    Gets the AppServerConnectRetryTime property

    the length of time to wait in between connections to the underlying app server if we are unable to connect. In non-DAS environments, we need to call the init-session servlet to get a session to use when sending email. If we try to send email before the app server has started up, this service will keep trying to connect to the app server to see if it has started yet.


    public void setNumAppServerConnectAttempts(int pNumAppServerConnectAttempts)
    Sets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property

    pNumAppServerConnectAttempts - the number of attempts made to connect to the underlying app server if we are unable to hit the init-session servlet on the first try. In non-DAS environments, we need to call the init-session servlet to get a session to use when sending email. If we try to send email before the app server has started up, this service will keep trying to connect to the app server to see if it has started yet.


    public int getNumAppServerConnectAttempts()
    Gets the NumAppServerConnectAttempts property

    the number of attempts made to connect to the underlying app server if we are unable to hit the init-session servlet on the first try. In non-DAS environments, we need to call the init-session servlet to get a session to use when sending email. If we try to send email before the app server has started up, this service will keep trying to connect to the app server to see if it has started yet.


    public java.lang.String getSiteHttpServerName()
    Returns the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public void setSiteHttpServerName(java.lang.String pSiteHttpServerName)
    Sets the name of the server configured to serve HTTP requests. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public int getSiteHttpServerPort()
    Returns the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public void setSiteHttpServerPort(int port)
    Sets the port of the server configured to serve HTTP requests. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public java.lang.String getApplicationPrefix()
    Returns the Dynamo application prefix. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public void setApplicationPrefix(java.lang.String pApplicationPrefix)
    Sets the Dynamo application prefix. This is used for loopback requests when running in another app server.


    public java.lang.String getInitSessionURL()
    Returns the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.


    public void setInitSessionURL(java.lang.String pInitSessionURL)
    Sets the URL to use when creating a session via a loopback request, when running in another app server.


    public void setDynamoInitSessionURL(java.lang.String pDynamoInitSessionURL)
    Set the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.


    public java.lang.String getDynamoInitSessionURL()
    Get the URL for a page from which to obtain the initial session on DAS.


    public atg.servlet.sessiontracking.DynamoSessionManager getSessionManager()
    Returns the session manager.


    public void setSessionManager(atg.servlet.sessiontracking.DynamoSessionManager pSessionManager)
    Sets the session manager.


    public boolean getLoopbackRequestsEnabled()
    Returns the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.


    public void setLoopbackRequestsEnabled(boolean pLoopbackRequestsEnabled)
    Sets the flag indicating whether loopback requests should be performed when running in another app server.

    This value is true by default. It can be set to false if you are only using this TemplateEmailSender with DSP templates, rather than JSP templates, since DSP templates can always be rendered without making loopback requests.

    Note: if you set this property to false, you should also set the contextPathPrefix property to null, so that the template URLs are not prefixed with "/dyn/dyn," but left to be relative to the Dynamo docroot.


    public java.lang.String getContextPathPrefix()
    Returns the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs.


    public void setContextPathPrefix(java.lang.String pContextPathPrefix)
    Sets the string that this TemplateEmailSender should prepend to all template URLs. For example, if this is set to "/myapp", and an email template is passed in with template URL "/path/email.jhtml", then the template URL that will be rendered is "/myapp/path/email.jhtml." If null, nothing is prepended.


    public java.lang.String getTemplateURL(TemplateEmailInfo pTemplateEmailInfo)
    Returns the template URL of the given TemplateEmailInfo, prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.


    public java.lang.String getTemplateURL(java.lang.String pTemplateURL)
    Returns the given template URL prepended if contextPathPrefix, if any.


    public void setRestartRequestThread(boolean pRestartRequestThread)
    Sets the mRestartRequestThread property


    public boolean getRestartRequestThread()
    Gets the mRestartRequestThread property


    public void setEmailEncodingMap(java.util.Properties pProperties)
    Sets the mEmailEncodingMap property


    public java.util.Properties getEmailEncodingMap()
    Gets the mEmailEncodingMap property


    public void setBatchIfPossible(boolean pBatchIfPossible)
    Set whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).


    public boolean isBatchIfPossible()
    Get whether to batch email messages if possible (that is if there are no transient profiles).


    public void setEnabledAsTemplateMailServer(boolean pEnabledAsTemplateMailServer)


    public boolean isEnabledAsTemplateMailServer()


    public void setBatchEmailPeriodicService( pBatchEmailPeriodicService)
    Set the batch email periodic service.


    public getBatchEmailPeriodicService()
    Get the batch email periodic service.


    public void setTemplateInvoker(TemplateInvoker pTemplateInvoker)


    public TemplateInvoker getTemplateInvoker()


    public void setAlwaysPruneAfterRendering(boolean pAlwaysPruneAfterRendering)
    Set prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.


    public boolean getAlwaysPruneAfterRendering()
    Get prune after rendering, which does any alternative pruning after render, rather than using mime-type from the previous rendering.


    public void setAddingDebuggingHeaders(boolean pAddingDebuggingHeaders)
    Whether to add debugging headers identifying host and thread.


    public boolean isAddingDebuggingHeaders()
    Whether we are adding debugging headers identifying host and thread.


    public void setAddingMailingIdHeader(boolean pAddingMailingIdHeader)
    Whether to add the mailing id header.


    public boolean isAddingMailingIdHeader()
    Whether to add the mailing id header.


    public void setUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages(int pUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages)
    When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database. Values greater than one may increase performance, but also increase the chance of duplicate messages on failure or fail-over.


    public int getUpdateBatchCountsEveryNMessages()
    When doing batch processing, how often to update the counts in the database. Values greater than one may increase performance, but also increase the chance of duplicate messages on failure or fail-over.


    public void setUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages(int pUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages)
    How often to update the profile email statuses... a value greater than one should improve performance, but means that in case of failure, all email statuses may not be up to date.


    public int getUpdateProfileStatusesEveryNMessages()
    How often to update the profile email statuses... a value greater than one should improve performance, but means that in case of failure, all email statuses may not be up to date.


    public getTemplateEmailPersister()
    Returns the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.


    public void setTemplateEmailPersister( pTemplateEmailPersister)
    Sets the TemplateEmailPersister that will send out email messages.


    public void setTemplateEmailBatchPersister( pTemplateEmailBatchPersister)
    Set the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data.


    public getTemplateEmailBatchPersister()
    Get the TemplateEmailBatchPersister that will persist batch related data.


    public void setTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister( pTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister)
    Set the template email batch server perisister... used to get a list of the batched servers.


    public getTemplateEmailBatchServerPersister()
    Set the template email batch server perisister... used to get a list of the batch servers.


    public void setSetValidEmailStatus(boolean pSetValidEmailStatus)
    Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.


    public boolean isSetValidEmailStatus()
    Whether to set valid email status when an email is sent successfully.


    public void setBypassRecipientVerification(boolean pBypassRecipientVerification)
    Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email


    public boolean isBypassRecipientVerification()
    Whether to bypass recipient verification before attempting to send an email.


    public void setHoursContactFatigue(java.lang.Float pHoursContactFatigue)


    public java.lang.Float getHoursContactFatigue()


    public void setDaysContactFatigue(java.lang.Float pDaysContactFatigue)


    public java.lang.Float getDaysContactFatigue()


    public javax.transaction.TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
    Returns the TransactionManager.


    public void setTransactionManager(javax.transaction.TransactionManager pTransactionManager)
    Sets the TransactionManager.


    public EmailMessageSender getEmailMessageSender()
    Returns the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.


    public void setEmailMessageSender(EmailMessageSender pSender)
    Sets the EmailMessageSender that will send out email messages.


    public HeadPipelineServlet getRequestSetupServlet()
    Returns the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.


    public void setRequestSetupServlet(HeadPipelineServlet pServlet)
    Sets the HeadPipelineServlet that will be used to service each newly created request and thus setup the request for name resolution, associate it with a session, etc.


    public java.lang.String getProfilePath()
    Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.


    public void setProfilePath(java.lang.String pProfilePath)
    Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped Profile object.


    public java.lang.String getRequestLocalePath()
    Returns the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.


    public void setRequestLocalePath(java.lang.String pRequestLocalePath)
    Sets the Nucleus path of the session-scoped RequestLocale object.


    public java.lang.String getLastEmailedPropertyName()
    Returns the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile. This will be used to access the email last sent (expected to be a timestamp) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public void setLastEmailedPropertyName(java.lang.String pLastEmailedPropertyName)
    Sets the property name of the email last sent timestamp in the profile. This will be used to access the email last sent (expected to be a timestamp) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public java.lang.String getEmailStatusPropertyName()
    Returns the property name of the email status in the profile. This will be used to access the email status (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public void setEmailStatusPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
    Sets the property name of the email status in the profile. This will be used to access the email status (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public java.lang.String getEmailStatusValidOptionValue()
    Returns the option value for valid email status in the profile.


    public void setEmailStatusValidOptionValue(java.lang.String pEmailStatusValidOptionValue)
    Sets the options value for valid email status for a profile.


    public java.lang.String getEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue()
    Returns the option value for invalid email status in the profile.


    public void setEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue(java.lang.String pEmailStatusInvalidOptionValue)
    Sets the options value for invalid email status for a profile.


    public java.lang.String getReceiveEmailPropertyName()
    Returns the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile. This will be used to access the value of receiveEmail (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public void setReceiveEmailPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
    Sets the property name of the receiveEmail property in the profile. This will be used to access the value of receiveEmail (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public java.lang.String getEmailAddressPropertyName()
    Returns the property name of the email address in the profile. This will be used to extract the email address (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public void setEmailAddressPropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
    Sets the property name of the email address in the profile. This will be used to extract the email address (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public java.lang.String getLocalePropertyName()
    Returns the property name of the locale in the profile. This will be used to extract the locale (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public void setLocalePropertyName(java.lang.String pPropertyName)
    Sets the property name of the locale in the profile. This will be used to extract the locale (expected to be a String) from each of the recipient profile objects.


    public int getCreateMessagesBatchSize()


    public void setCreateMessagesBatchSize(int pCreateMessagesBatchSize)
    Sets the maximum number of messages created in one batch


    public javax.servlet.Servlet getTemplateRendererServlet()
    Returns the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.

    This servlet's service method will be invoked by the renderTemplate method. If you are implementing your own servlet to do the rendering, note that your servlet can access the template URL by calling getPathInfo on the request.


    public void setTemplateRendererServlet(javax.servlet.Servlet pServlet)
    Sets the Servlet responsible for rendering the template.

    This servlet's service method will be invoked by the renderTemplate method. If you are implementing your own servlet to do the rendering, note that your servlet can access the template URL by calling getPathInfo on the request.


    public void setEncodingTyper(atg.servlet.pagecompile.PageEncodingTyper pValue)
    The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.


    public atg.servlet.pagecompile.PageEncodingTyper getEncodingTyper()
    The EncodingTyper used by the pagecompiler rendering the email msg.


    public void addTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener pListener)
    Adds a listener to the list of TemplateEmailListeners.


    public void removeTemplateEmailListener(TemplateEmailListener pListener)
    Removes a listener from the list of TemplateEmailListeners.


    public TemplateEmailListener[] getTemplateEmailListeners()
    Returns the array of TemplateEmailListener objects.


    public int getTemplateEmailListenerCount()
    Returns the number of TemplateEmailListeners.


    protected void sendEmailSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                      java.lang.Object pRecipient,
                                      javax.mail.Message pMessage)
    Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message was sent successfully to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.


    protected void sendEmailNotSentEvent(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                         java.lang.Object pRecipient,
                                         javax.mail.Message pMessage,
                                         java.lang.String pErrorMessage)
    Sends a TemplateEmailEvent signifying that a message could not be sent to all the TemplateEmailListener objects.


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.util.Collection pRecipients)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection. The email is sent in the current thread, and is not persisted. Equivalent to calling sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, false, false).

    See Also:
    sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean)


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.util.Collection pRecipients,
                                 boolean pRunInSeparateThread,
                                 boolean pPersist)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the Collection. If pRunInSeparateThread is true, the email is sent in a separate worker thread (shared between all calls to sendEmailMessage); otherwise, the email is sent in the current thread.

    For each profile, this method renders the page specified by the TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL, and obtains a Message with the resulting content. For each recipient, if a message is sent successfully, a TargetedEmailEvent of type TYPE_EMAIL_SENT is fired; otherwise, a TargetedEmailEvent of type TYPE_EMAIL_NOT_SENT is fired.

    The recipient profiles in the Collection can be beans of any type, so long as they have an email address property (whose name is given by the service's emailAddressPropertyName property). However, if a profile is of type RepositoryItem, we also associate the RepositoryItem with the session-scoped Profile object in the request before rendering the template page, thus allowing the page to contain references to the recipient's profile.

    The rule of thumb for how error handling is performed in this method is as follows. TemplateEmailException is thrown in those cases when a problem is encountered which is likely to apply when sending email to each of the intended message recipients. However, if the problem is likely to be specific to a particular message recipient, no exception is thrown; instead, a TemplateEmailEvent of type TYPE_EMAIL_NOT_SENT is fired to notify the listeners that the email was not sent to that particular recipient. For example, if templateURL could not be rendered for one of the profiles, we assume that the problem is with the page rather than the profile, and throw an exception. If, on the other hand, a particular email address turns out to be invalid, a TYPE_EMAIL_NOT_SENT event is fired instead.

    If pPersist if true, the mailing will be persisted in the database before the email is actually sent. Thus, if the server goes down unexpectedly, the mailing will resume when the server is restarted.

    TemplateEmailException - if any problem was encountered while assembling or sending the message (but see above for an explanation of when an exception is not thrown)


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.lang.Object[] pRecipients)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array. The email is sent in the current thread, and is not persisted. Equivalent to calling sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Object[], false, false).

    See Also:
    sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Object[], boolean, boolean)


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.lang.Object[] pRecipients,
                                 boolean pRunInSeparateThread,
                                 boolean pPersist)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array. If pRunInSeparateThread is true, the email is sent in a separate worker thread (shared between all calls to sendEmailMessage); otherwise, the email is sent in the current thread. If pPersist if true, the mailing will be persisted in the database before the email is actually sent. Thus, if the server goes down unexpectedly, the mailing will resume when the server is restarted.

    Identical to sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean), except that the recipients are specified via an array rather than a Collection.

    See Also:
    sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean)


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.util.Enumeration pRecipients)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array. The email is sent in the current thread, and is not persisted. Equivalent to calling sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Enumeration, false, false).

    See Also:
    sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Enumeration, boolean, boolean)


    public void sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                 java.util.Enumeration pRecipients,
                                 boolean pRunInSeparateThread,
                                 boolean pPersist)
                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Sends an email message described by the TemplateEmailInfo to each of the recipient profile objects in the array. If pRunInSeparateThread is true, the email is sent in a separate worker thread (shared between all calls to sendEmailMessage); otherwise, the email is sent in the current thread. If pPersist if true, the mailing will be persisted in the database before the email is actually sent. Thus, if the server goes down unexpectedly, the mailing will resume when the server is restarted.

    Identical to sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean), except that the recipients are specified via an Enumeration rather than a Collection.

    See Also:
    sendEmailMessage(TemplateEmailInfo, Collection, boolean, boolean)


    public javax.mail.Message createMessage(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                            java.lang.Object pRecipient)
                                     throws TemplateEmailException
    Given a TemplateEmailInfo and a specific recipient profile, renders the page specified by the TemplateEmailInfo's templateURL for that profile, and creates a Message with the resulting content.

    The recipient can be a bean of any type, so long as it has an email address property (whose name is given by the service's emailAddressPropertyName property). However, if it is of type RepositoryItem, we also associate the RepositoryItem with the session-scoped Profile object in the request before rendering the template page, thus allowing the page to contain references to the recipient's profile.

    TemplateEmailException - if a problem is encountered while creating the Message


    protected boolean recipientIsContactFatigued(TemplateEmailInfo pEmailInfo,
                                                 java.lang.Object pRecipient)
                                          throws TemplateEmailException
    Return whether the recipient is considered contact fatigued. This is determined by the lastEmailed property on the profile, and by the msecContactFatigue property.



    protected void initializeRequest(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest,
                                     java.lang.Object pRecipient)
                              throws TemplateEmailException
    Initializes the request to contain any recipient-specific information.

    This default implementation checks to see if the recipient object is a RepositoryItem; if so, it associates the Profile object in the request with the given RepositoryItem. This allows us to resolve any references to the profile attributes in the template page when we're rendering the template.

    Subclasses may override this method to implement other schemes for associating the recipient's profile with the request, etc.

    Note that the same request will in general be initialized multiple times for different recipient objects.

    TemplateEmailException - if an error occurred while initializing the request


    protected void initializeResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse,
                                      java.lang.Object pRecipient)
                               throws TemplateEmailException
    Initializes the response to contain any recipient-specific information.

    This default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override this method to perform any desired initialization.

    Note that the same response will in general be initialized multiple times for different recipient objects.

    TemplateEmailException - if an error occurred while initializing the response


    public void doStartService()
                        throws ServiceException
    Called after the service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values. Makes sure all the required properties have been set in the .properties file.

    doStartService in class GenericService
    ServiceException - if the service had a problem starting up


    protected javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
    Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.

    createAdminServlet in class GenericService


    public getNextBatchMailing(boolean pClaim)
                                                                       throws TemplateEmailException
    Return the next batch mailing to process.

    pClaim - whether to claim the mailing for this server.


    public void sendBatch( pBatchInfo)
                   throws TemplateEmailException

    pEmailInfo - a TemplateEmailInfo value
    TemplateEmailException - if an error occurs


    public void serviceNextBatchMailing()
                                 throws TemplateEmailException
    Service the next bath mailing, if any. This should typically only be called in a BatchEmailRequestThread.
