Package atg.service.webappregistry

Interface Summary
WebAppListener Interface implemented by objects that want to be notified when a WebApp is registered.

Class Summary
FileSystemWebAppRegistry FileSystemWebAppRegistry is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
MergedWebAppRegistry This is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
ServletContextListenerWebAppRegistry This class recieves notifications about changes to the servlet context for the web apps that have registered this class as a listener.
ServletContextWebAppRegistry This is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
StaticWebAppRegistry StaticWebAppRegistry is an implementation of WebAppRegistry.
WebApp WebApp represent a web applicaiton.
WebAppRegistry WebAppRegistry is an abstract class that implements the basic properties and methods for a registry that contains deployed web applications.
WebAppRegistryAdminServlet Describe class 'WebAppRegistryAdminServlet' here.
WebAppUtil WebAppUtil is a utility class for WebAppRegistry.

Exception Summary
WebAppRegistryException Represents an exception that occurs while registering a WebApp.