Class ResourcePool

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePool
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolResourceKeys, java.util.EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
JDBCConnectionPool, JNDIInitialContextPool, MonitoredDataSource, SenderResourcePool

public class ResourcePool
extends GenericService
implements atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolResourceKeys

ResourcePool manages a pool of objects which can be checked in and out for reuse. Resources are wrapped in a ResourceObject which contains various information about the resource.

In its simplest form, the pooled object's class name can be specified via the resourceClassName property and the pool will create and destroy the objects. The class is designed for extending so more advanced uses may be implemented. A typical sub-class would override the methods createResource(), destroyResource(), and verifyResourceValidity(). The methods checkOut() and checkIn() can also be overridden if special operations on pooled resources are required.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The ResourceObject wrappers generated by this pool change with each checkout. The underlying resources will stay the same if not flagged invalid, but the wrapping ResourceObjects will not stay the same across checkouts. Do not depend on the actual instance of the ResourceObject wrapping the pooled resource.

Pool Size

The size of the pool is controlled through the properties max, min, and maxFree.

The property max sets the largest number of resources that can exist in the pool. As needed, the pool will create and pool new resources up to the maximum. Upon reaching the maximum the pool will either block or throw an exception indicating that the maximum has been reached.

The property min sets the minimum number of resources the pool should start out with. Since resource creation can be expensive, some applications will want a starting minimum number of resources already in the pool before the pool becomes active. This minimum is only a starting minimum and will not be maintained throughout the life of the pool. As invalid resources are checked back into the pool, the number of pooled resources can drop below the starting minimum. After startup, resource creation is driven by resource demand.

The maxFree property causes the pool to destroy any resources being checked in that would exceed the specified limit. Incoming resources will only be destroyed if doing so would not cause the total number of resources being managed by the pool to drop below the minimum. In this, the pool can be configured with a soft and hard limit, sometimes useful when resources are expensive to keep around.

Pool Death

Some pooled resources can be troublesome to create. ResourcePool offers to its children ways to detect that the pool has died, i.e. creation of new resources has halted. When a pool death has been detected the pool is disabled. Once disabled, the pool allows only one checkOut() call to attempt resource creation. All other calls throw a ResourcePoolException. Thus once a pool has been identified as unhealthy, at any given time only one call to checkOut() will be potentially hung. The pool is re-enabled when a successful resource creation is made. To tune the pool death detections, see the properties:

Pool Deadlock

When code is written that allows a thread to nest checkouts of resources, i.e. checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool, the potential for deadlock is created. The properties maxThreadsWithResourcesOut and maxResourcesPerThread can be used to control resource usage and prevent pool deadlocks. The property warnOnNestedCheckouts can be useful for identifying potential deadlock scenerios.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
 boolean mBlocking
          Whether or not the pool is to block on check outs.
 long mCheckoutBlockTime
          Maximum time in milli-seconds to block.
 atg.core.util.IntStack mCreatingResources
          List of slots currently being filled.
 long mCreationTimeLimit
          Resource creation time limit in milli-seconds for a healthy pool.
 atg.core.util.IntQueue mFreeResources
          The pool of free objects.
 boolean mHealthy
          Whether or not the pool is active.
 int mMax
          The maximum number of objects to pool.
 int mMaxFree
          The maximum number of free pooled objects at a time.
 int mMaxPendingCreations
          Concurrent creation attempts allowed for a healthy pool.
 int mMaxStartupAttempts
          Maximum startup attempts.
 int mMin
          The minimum number of objects to pool.
 ResourceObject[] mPool
          The pool of checked in objects.
 java.lang.String mResourceClassName
          The class name of the object being pooled.
 long mStartupSleepTime
          Time in millis to sleep between startup attempts.
 atg.core.util.IntStack mUnusedPoolSlots
          The list of unused spaces in the pool.
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolResourceKeys
RESOURCE_BUNDLE, RSRC_blockTimeout, RSRC_ciCreateFailure, RSRC_ciForeignResource, RSRC_ciWrongResource, RSRC_coNonRunning, RSRC_creationLimit, RSRC_creationTimeout, RSRC_failedInitialPopulation, RSRC_hitPoolMax, RSRC_maxResourcePerThread, RSRC_maxThreads, RSRC_misconfiguration, RSRC_nestedCheckout, RSRC_nonOwningThread, RSRC_poolDisabled, RSRC_startupFailure, RSRC_usingClosedConnection
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an uninitialized ResourcePool.
Method Summary
protected  void addAdminInfo(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse pResponse, javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream pOut)
          Adds to the HTML Admin response any information specific to the the ResourcePool subclass.
 void block(long pTimeout)
          Causes this thread to block.
 void checkIn(ResourceObject pResource)
          Checks a resource into the pool.
 ResourceObject checkOut(java.lang.String pCheckOutTag)
          Checks a resource out of the pool.
protected  javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
          Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service.
 java.lang.Object createResource()
          Creates an object for pooling.
 void destroyResource(java.lang.Object pResource)
          Destroys a resource object of this pool.
 void doStartService()
          This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured.
 void doStopService()
          This is called when the service is to be stopped.
 void finalize()
          Destroys all resources in the pool regardless of whether or not they are checked out and uninitializes the pool.
 long getAverageResourceCreationTime()
          Returns the average time in milli-seconds required to successfully create a resource for the pool.
 boolean getBlocking()
          Returns whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.
 long getCheckoutBlockTime()
          The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout.
 long getCreationTimeLimit()
          This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds.
protected  java.lang.String getCurrentStack()
          Get the current stack trace for debugging
 boolean getDebugConnections()
 java.lang.String getLastError()
 int getMax()
          Returns the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.
 int getMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread()
          Returns property maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread.
 int getMaxConcurrentThreads()
          Returns property maxConcurrentThreads.
 int getMaxFree()
          The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time.
 long getMaxIdleAge()
          Returns property maxIdleAge.
 int getMaxPendingCreations()
          This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool.
 long getMaxResourceAge()
          Sets property maxResourceAge.
 int getMaxResourcesPerThread()
          Returns property maxResourcesPerThread.
 int getMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut()
          Returns property maxSimultaneousResourcesOut.
 int getMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut()
          Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
 int getMin()
          Returns the minimum number of objects to have pooled at start-up.
 int getNumCheckedOutResources()
          Returns the number of resources checked out.
 int getNumFreeResources()
          Returns the number of free resources in the pool.
 int getNumTotalResources()
          Returns the number of total resources in the pool.
 java.lang.String getResourceClassName()
          Returns the class name of the pooled resource.
 int getStartupAttempts()
          The number of startup attempts to make.
 long getStartupFailureSleepTime()
          The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.
 void invalidateAllResources()
          Runs through the list of all resources (in or out of the pool) and flags them as invalid.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Whether or not this pool is still considered active.
 boolean isWarnOnNestedCheckouts()
          Returns property warnOnNestedCheckouts.
 void populateSlot(int pIndex)
          Populates the specified slot with a valid resource and appropriate meta-data.
 void pruneFreeResources()
          Runs through the list of free resources and destroys all of them.
protected  void reclaimResource(ResourceObject pRobj)
          A separate method for reclaiming resources incase sub-classes need to do this differently.
 void resetMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread()
          Resets the maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread property to zero.
 void resetMaxConcurrentThreads()
          Resets the maxConcurrentThreads property to zero.
 void resetMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut()
          Resets the maxSimultaneousResourcesOut property to zero.
 void setBlocking(boolean pBlocking)
          Sets whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.
 void setCheckoutBlockTime(long pBlockTime)
          The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout.
 void setCreationTimeLimit(long pCreateTime)
          This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds.
 void setDebugConnections(boolean pDebugConnections)
          Sets the property DebugConnections.
 void setLastError(java.lang.String pLastError)
          Sets the property LastError.
 void setMax(int pMax)
          Sets the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.
 void setMaxFree(int pMaxFree)
          The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time.
 void setMaxIdleAge(long pMaxIdleAge)
          Sets property maxIdleAge.
 void setMaxPendingCreations(int pCreateAttempts)
          This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool.
 void setMaxResourceAge(long pMaxResourceAge)
          Sets property maxResourceAge.
 void setMaxResourcesPerThread(int pMaxResourcesPerThread)
          Sets property maxResourcesPerThread.
 void setMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut(int pMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut)
          Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
 void setMin(int pMin)
          Sets the minimum number of objects to have pooled at startup.
 void setResourceClassName(java.lang.String pResourceClassName)
          Sets the class name of the resource to be pooled.
 void setStartupAttempts(int pValue)
          The number of startup attempts to make.
 void setStartupFailureSleepTime(long pSleepTime)
          The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.
 void setWarnOnNestedCheckouts(boolean pWarnOnNestedCheckouts)
          Sets property warnOnNestedCheckouts.
 void unblock()
          Unblocks associated blocked threads.
 boolean verifyResourceValidity(ResourceObject pResource)
          Returns whether or not the given resource is still suitable for use in the pool.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


public ResourceObject[] mPool
The pool of checked in objects.


public atg.core.util.IntQueue mFreeResources
The pool of free objects.


public atg.core.util.IntStack mUnusedPoolSlots
The list of unused spaces in the pool.


public atg.core.util.IntStack mCreatingResources
List of slots currently being filled.


public int mMin
The minimum number of objects to pool.


public int mMax
The maximum number of objects to pool.


public int mMaxFree
The maximum number of free pooled objects at a time.


public boolean mBlocking
Whether or not the pool is to block on check outs.


public long mCheckoutBlockTime
Maximum time in milli-seconds to block.


public long mCreationTimeLimit
Resource creation time limit in milli-seconds for a healthy pool.


public int mMaxPendingCreations
Concurrent creation attempts allowed for a healthy pool.


public int mMaxStartupAttempts
Maximum startup attempts.


public long mStartupSleepTime
Time in millis to sleep between startup attempts.


public java.lang.String mResourceClassName
The class name of the object being pooled.


public boolean mHealthy
Whether or not the pool is active.

Constructor Detail


public ResourcePool()
Constructs an uninitialized ResourcePool.

Method Detail


public void setMin(int pMin)
Sets the minimum number of objects to have pooled at startup.

pMin - the minimum


public int getMin()
Returns the minimum number of objects to have pooled at start-up.



public void setMax(int pMax)
Sets the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.

pMax - the maximum


public int getMax()
Returns the maximum number of objects to have pooled at any given time, free or checked out.



public void setMaxFree(int pMaxFree)
The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time. Use this if the pooled resources are expensive to keep around, setting it to an ideal number. Max free will not affect the minimum number of resources kept in the pool. For example, if the pooled minimum is 5 and max free is 3, only 3 free resource will be in the pool at any given time, as long as the total number of resources being managed by the pool doesn't drop below 5. Therefore, if no resources are checked out, then there will be 5 free resources in the pool. If destroying free objects is not desirable, then max free should be set to (-1), the default value and behaviour. There is no harm in having max free exceed the max objects in the pool, as this too will prevent the destruction of free objects.

pMaxFree - the maximum free


public int getMaxFree()
The maximum number of free objects to have pooled at any given time. Use this if the pooled resources are expensive to keep around, setting it to an ideal number. Max free will not affect the minimum number of resources kept in the pool. For example, if the pooled minimum is 5 and max free is 3, only 3 free resource will be in the pool at any given time, as long as the total number of resources being managed by the pool doesn't drop below 5. Therefore, if no resources are checked out, then there will be 5 free resources in the pool. If destroying free objects is not desirable, then max free should be set to (-1), the default value and behaviour. There is no harm in having max free exceed the max objects in the pool, as this too will prevent the destruction of free objects.



public void setBlocking(boolean pBlocking)
Sets whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.

pBlocking - flag for blocking


public boolean getBlocking()
Returns whether or not this pool is to block on check outs that cannot be fulfilled.

boolean true if pool blocks
false if pool will not block


public void setCheckoutBlockTime(long pBlockTime)
The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout. A value of zero (the default) indicates indefinite blocking.

pBlockTime - the checkout block timeout in milli-seconds


public long getCheckoutBlockTime()
The maximum time in milli-seconds to block waiting for a resource on checkout. A value of zero (the default) indicates indefinite blocking.

long the checkout block timeout in milli-seconds


public void setWarnOnNestedCheckouts(boolean pWarnOnNestedCheckouts)
Sets property warnOnNestedCheckouts.

Whether or not to warn on nested resource checkouts. A nested checkout is defined as checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool. This is sometimes masked by the second checkout being in a method call. The nested checkout warning message states how many resources a thread has out concurrently. Since nested checkouts potentially produce pool deadlocks, this warning message can be useful.

Note: this property is subordinate to the loggingWarning property. If loggingWarning is turned off and this property is turned on, no warning will be logged. If loggingWarning is turned on and this property is turned off, no warning will logged. Only when both properties are turned on will a warning be logged.

pWarnOnNestedCheckouts - new value to set


public boolean isWarnOnNestedCheckouts()
Returns property warnOnNestedCheckouts.

Whether or not to warn on nested resource checkouts. A nested checkout is defined as checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool. This is sometimes masked by the second checkout being in a method call. The nested checkout warning message states how many resources a thread has out concurrently. Since nested checkouts potentially produce pool deadlocks, this warning message can be useful.

Note: this property is subordinate to the loggingWarning property. If loggingWarning is turned off and this property is turned on, no warning will be logged. If loggingWarning is turned on and this property is turned off, no warning will logged. Only when both properties are turned on will a warning be logged.



public void setMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut(int pMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut)
Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
The maximum number of threads allowed to have resources out of the pool concurrently.

When code is written that allows a thread to nest checkouts of resources, i.e. checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool, the potential for deadlock is created. A simple solution to this problem is to make sure that there are enough resources in the pool for all threads and their nested checkouts. But in some cases resources are expensive and the pool must be kept small. In such a situation if the number of resources a thread will ever have concurrently out of the pool is known, then limiting the number of threads allowed to have resources out of the pool concurrently will prevent deadlocks. The limit of course would be maximum pool size divided by the maximum number of resources any given thread might have out of the pool concurrently.

The default value is 0. Setting this property to any value less than 1 will turn off this functionality.

The warning message controlled by the warnOnNestedCheckouts property is useful for finding out the maximum number of resources any given thread might have out of the pool concurrently.

The property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut can be used to limit the number of resources an thread can have out of the pool concurrently.

pMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut - new value to set


public int getMaxThreadsWithResourcesOut()
Sets property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut.
The maximum number of threads allowed to have resources out of the pool concurrently.

When code is written that allows a thread to nest checkouts of resources, i.e. checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool, the potential for deadlock is created. A simple solution to this problem is to make sure that there are enough resources in the pool for all threads and their nested checkouts. But in some cases resources are expensive and the pool must be kept small. In such a situation if the number of resources a thread will ever have concurrently out of the pool is known, then limiting the number of threads allowed to have resources out of the pool concurrently will prevent deadlocks. The limit of course would be maximum pool size divided by the maximum number of resources any given thread might have out of the pool concurrently.

The default value is 0. Setting this property to any value less than 1 will turn off this functionality.

The warning message controlled by the warnOnNestedCheckouts property is useful for finding out the maximum number of resources any given thread might have out of the pool concurrently.

The property maxThreadsWithResourcesOut can be used to limit the number of resources an thread can have out of the pool concurrently.



public void setMaxResourcesPerThread(int pMaxResourcesPerThread)
Sets property maxResourcesPerThread.
The maximum number of resources any thread can have out of the pool concurrently.

When code is written that allows a thread to nest checkouts of resources, i.e. checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool, the potential for deadlock is created. Since nested calls can happen inadvertently through method calls, this property can be used to throw an exception when a thread tries to exceed the specified number of nested checkouts. The default value is 0. Setting this property to any value less than 1 will turn off this functionality.

pMaxResourcesPerThread - new value to set


public int getMaxResourcesPerThread()
Returns property maxResourcesPerThread.
The maximum number of resources any thread can have out of the pool concurrently.

When code is written that allows a thread to nest checkouts of resources, i.e. checking out a second resource before a first resource is returned to the pool, the potential for deadlock is created. Since nested calls can happen inadvertently through method calls, this property can be used to throw an exception when a thread tries to exceed the specified number of nested checkouts. The default value is 0. Setting this property to any value less than 1 will turn off this functionality.



public void setCreationTimeLimit(long pCreateTime)
This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds. This property is used to detect a possible pool death. There are two behaviours associated with this property:

First behaviour: If a resource creation fails and the attempt exceeded the creation time limit (this property), then the pool will be disabled.

Second behaviour: Before a resource creation attempt is made, a check is done to see if there is a resource creation attempt already in progress that has exceeded the time limit. If such an attempt is found, then the pool will be disabled.

Note: the resource creation time limit will not cause resource creations to timeout.

A value of zero (the default) disables the resource creation time limit.

pCreateTime - resource creation time limit in milli-seconds


public long getCreationTimeLimit()
This is the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds. This property is used to detect a possible pool death. There are two behaviours associated with this property:

First behaviour: If a resource creation fails and the attempt exceeded the creation time limit (this property), then the pool will be disabled.

Second behaviour: Before a resource creation attempt is made, a check is done to see if there is a resource creation attempt already in progress that has exceeded the time limit. If such an attempt is found, then the pool will be disabled.

Note: the resource creation time limit will not cause resource creations to timeout.

A value of zero (the default) disables the resource creation time limit.

long the resource creation time limit in milli-seconds


public void setMaxPendingCreations(int pCreateAttempts)
This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool. This property is used to detect a possible pool death.

The pool will be disabled if the following criteria are met:

A value of zero (the default) disables this feature.


public int getMaxPendingCreations()
This is the maximum number of pending resource creation attempts to allow when there are no valid resources being managed by the pool. This property is used to detect a possible pool death.

The pool will be disabled if the following criteria are met:

A value of zero (the default) disables this feature.


public void setStartupAttempts(int pValue)
The number of startup attempts to make. When a minimum number of resources is specified for a pool, those resources are created at service start time. If the creation of the minimum number of resources fails, the pool will make repeat attempts to initialize the resource minimum.


public int getStartupAttempts()
The number of startup attempts to make. When a minimum number of resources is specified for a pool, those resources are created at service start time. If the creation of the minimum number of resources fails, the pool will make repeat attempts to initialize the resource minimum.


public void setStartupFailureSleepTime(long pSleepTime)
The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.

pSleepTime - time to sleep in milli-seconds


public long getStartupFailureSleepTime()
The time in milli-seconds to sleep between startup attempts.

long time to sleep in milli-seconds


public void setMaxIdleAge(long pMaxIdleAge)
Sets property maxIdleAge.

Maximum idle age for a resource in milli-seconds.

Free resources are queued allowing all of them to be cycled through over time, but in a rarely used pool, resources might be idle longer than is good for them. If idle resources (like a socket) are known to timeout after a certain amount of idle time, then setting this property to the appropriate value will prevent potentially bad resources from being checked out of the pool.

pMaxIdleAge - new value to set


public long getMaxIdleAge()
Returns property maxIdleAge.

Maximum idle age for a resource in milli-seconds.

Free resources are queued allowing all of them to be cycled through over time, but in a rarely used pool, resources might be idle longer than is good for them. If idle resources (like a socket) are known to timeout after a certain amount of idle time, then setting this property to the appropriate value will prevent potentially bad resources from being checked out of the pool. Resources that exceed this age limit will be destroyed and replaced with new resources.

A value of (-1) or 0 will disable this feature and no resources will be destroyed due to their idle age.



public void setMaxResourceAge(long pMaxResourceAge)
Sets property maxResourceAge.

Maximum age for a resource in milli-seconds.

Some resources may be time sensitive and have a limited life span whether idle or not. Setting this property will prevent resources that are potentially too old from being checked out of the pool. Resources that exceed this age limit will be destroyed and replaced with new resources.

A value of (-1) or 0 will disable this feature and no resources will be destroyed due to their age.

pMaxResourceAge - new value to set


public long getMaxResourceAge()
Sets property maxResourceAge.

Maximum age for a resource in milli-seconds.

Some resources may be time sensitive and have a limited life span whether idle or not. Setting this property will prevent resources that are potentially too old from being checked out of the pool. Resources that exceed this age limit will be destroyed and replaced with new resources.

A value of (-1) or 0 will disable this feature and no resources will be destroyed due to their age. Maximum age for a resource.



public void setResourceClassName(java.lang.String pResourceClassName)
Sets the class name of the resource to be pooled.

Setting this property on ResourcePool will cause the pool to create and destroy objects of this class automatically. The resource must be able to be instantiated with an empty constructor for the pool to operate in this manner.

pResourceClassName - the resource class name


public java.lang.String getResourceClassName()
Returns the class name of the pooled resource.

Setting this property on ResourcePool will cause the pool to create and destroy objects of this class automatically. The resource must be able to be instantiated with an empty constructor for the pool to operate in this manner.



public boolean isEnabled()
Whether or not this pool is still considered active. If there is trouble creating resources a pool can flag itself inactive so that threads requesting resources will not hang.


public int getNumFreeResources()
Returns the number of free resources in the pool. This number refers to actually created resources that are not currently checked out. It does not include how many more resource are allowed to be created as set by the maximum number of resources allowed in the pool.



public int getNumTotalResources()
Returns the number of total resources in the pool. This number refers to actually created resources and is not an indication of how many more resources may be created and used in the pool.



public int getNumCheckedOutResources()
Returns the number of resources checked out.


public void setLastError(java.lang.String pLastError)
Sets the property LastError.


public java.lang.String getLastError()
The value of the property LastError.


public long getAverageResourceCreationTime()
Returns the average time in milli-seconds required to successfully create a resource for the pool.


public int getMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut()
Returns property maxSimultaneousResourcesOut.
The most resources that were ever out of the pool at one time.



public int getMaxConcurrentThreads()
Returns property maxConcurrentThreads.
The maximum number of threads that had resources out of the pool concurrently.



public int getMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread()
Returns property maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread.
The maximum number of resources any thread had out of the pool concurrently.



public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
This is called after the service has been created, added to the Registry, and configured. This method should start any processes required to run the service.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if an error occurred during the operation


public void doStopService()
                   throws ServiceException
This is called when the service is to be stopped. The service should stop any processes that it started, basically performing the opposite function as startService(). The service should also release any resources it has. After this method is called, Nucleus may choose to discard the service. Note: this method sets the pool to NOT allow check outs. Checked out items are not harmed and are allowed to be checked in.

doStopService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if an error occurred during the operation


public void finalize()
Destroys all resources in the pool regardless of whether or not they are checked out and uninitializes the pool.

finalize in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.Object createResource()
                                throws ResourcePoolException
Creates an object for pooling. Note that the object is not wrapped in a ResourceObject, checked in, or associated with the pool in any way. NOTE: If this class is sub-classed to pool a specific object, this method should probably be over-loaded to create the object being pooled.

Object on success
ResourcePoolException - if there was a problem creating the resource


public void destroyResource(java.lang.Object pResource)
Destroys a resource object of this pool. Note that the pool is not modified in any way, the object alone is destroyed. NOTE: If this class is sub-classed to pool a specific object, this method should probably be over-loaded to destroy the object being pooled.

pResource - the Object to destroy


public boolean verifyResourceValidity(ResourceObject pResource)
Returns whether or not the given resource is still suitable for use in the pool. NOTE: If this class is sub-classed to pool a specific object, this method should probably be over-loaded to verify the object being pooled.

pResource - the ResourceObject to verify
boolean true if the resource is still usable
false if the resource is not usable


public ResourceObject checkOut(java.lang.String pCheckOutTag)
                        throws ResourcePoolException
Checks a resource out of the pool. If there are no free resources and the pool max has been reached, the pool will either block (if blocking has been turned on) or throw an exception. Null will never be returned.

The object or null if mConfig.mPoolMax has been reached
ResourcePoolException - if an error occurred during the operation


public void checkIn(ResourceObject pResource)
             throws ResourcePoolException
Checks a resource into the pool.

pResource - a resource checked out from this pool
ResourcePoolException - if an error occurred during the operation


public void block(long pTimeout)
Causes this thread to block.


public void unblock()
Unblocks associated blocked threads.


public void invalidateAllResources()
Runs through the list of all resources (in or out of the pool) and flags them as invalid. Upon checkin or checkout they will be destroyed. This is a way of invalidating all resources currently managed by the pool. Resources currently out of the pool will likely continue to be used but once returned to the pool they will be destroyed and eventually replaced.


public void pruneFreeResources()
Runs through the list of free resources and destroys all of them. This method used to destroy them down to the pool minimum, but since the intent of this method was to allow sites that needed to clean out their pool to do so, it makes little sense to leave any free resources hanging around.

Note that the introduction of maxIdleAge may make this method obsolete.

This method is only useful for pools that have very brief periods of activity and then are not used for extended periods of time. This method should not be called on an active pool, only on an idle pool.


public void resetMaxSimultaneousResourcesOut()
Resets the maxSimultaneousResourcesOut property to zero.


public void resetMaxConcurrentThreads()
Resets the maxConcurrentThreads property to zero.


public void resetMaxConcurrentResourcesPerThread()
Resets the maxConcurrentResourcesPerThread property to zero.


public void populateSlot(int pIndex)
                  throws ResourcePoolException
Populates the specified slot with a valid resource and appropriate meta-data. The slot is identified during resource creation as being in limbo so that pool death is easier to detect. If a resource fails to create and exceeds the creation time limit, the pool is set to inactive and all blocked threads are notified.



protected void reclaimResource(ResourceObject pRobj)
                        throws ResourcePoolException
A separate method for reclaiming resources incase sub-classes need to do this differently.



protected void addAdminInfo(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest,
                            javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse pResponse,
                            javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream pOut)
                     throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
Adds to the HTML Admin response any information specific to the the ResourcePool subclass. Yes, this is a hack.



protected javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
Creates and returns a new Servlet that will administer this service. By default, this creates a ServiceAdminServlet, but subclasses may create their own servlets.

createAdminServlet in class GenericService


public void setDebugConnections(boolean pDebugConnections)
Sets the property DebugConnections. This causes the stack trace of where each resource is checked out to be recorded so that you can view if from the component browser. Use this to find places that may be leaking connections.


public boolean getDebugConnections()
The value of the property DebugConnections.


protected java.lang.String getCurrentStack()
Get the current stack trace for debugging