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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OdiCaseElse

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement
              extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition
                  extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiCaseElse

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, IRepositoryEntity

public class OdiCaseElse
extends OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition

This class represents the 'else' clause in a "case-when-else" step of an OdiLoadPlan.

It's part of an aggregate managed by OdiLoadPlanStepCase. Its life cycle is managed by the OdiLoadPlanStepCase class, which in turn is managed by the OdiLoadPlan class.

An OdiCaseElse life cycle begins when the user creates a OdiLoadPlanStepCase in an OdiLoadPlan.
A default OdiCaseElse is always created.
It's then typically stored in the runtime repository when the OdiLoadPlan is persisted.
The users can modify the OdiCaseElse to fit their needs.
The life cycle ends when the OdiLoadPlanStepCase is removed from the OdiLoadPlan

The OdiCaseElse defines a root OdiLoadPlanStep that will describe the action to execute in case the result of the OdiLoadPlanStepCase is 'else'.
By Default the root step is null.
If no root step is defined then if this OdiCaseElse is the result of the parent OdiLoadPlanStepCase, then no action will be executed.

See Also:
OdiLoadPlan, OdiLoadPlanStepCase, Serialized Form

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement


Method Summary getInternalId()
          Provides a common getter for the persistence layer to obtain an identity, irrespective of the actual type of identity used.


Methods inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition
copy, duplicate, duplicate, getParentElement, getRootStep, isEnabled, setEnabled


Methods inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement
getName, getSecurityContainer, getStepId, hasDisabledParent, setName, toString


Methods inherited from class


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public getInternalId()
Description copied from interface: IRepositoryEntity
Provides a common getter for the persistence layer to obtain an identity, irrespective of the actual type of identity used.

Typically a subclass will delegate to a public SomePrimitiveWrapper getId() method. The necessity for the getInternalId() abstract method is solely because the persistence layer needs a way of obtaining the identity irrespective of the actual identity implementation choice.

Returning null from this method will indicate the object has never been saved. This will likely be relied on by some DAO implementations.

Specified by:
getInternalId in interface IRepositoryEntity
getInternalId in class OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition
the persistence identity of this instance

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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