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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan

Class Summary
OdiCaseElse This class represents the 'else' clause in a "case-when-else" step of an OdiLoadPlan.
OdiCaseWhen This class represents the 'when' clause in a "case-when-else" step of an OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlan An OdiLoadPlan is the root entity of the Load Plan aggregate.
OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition Abstract class representing the clauses available in a stepCase (Case-when-else).
OdiLoadPlanElement Abstract class representing an object in the OdiLoadPlan hierarchy of steps
OdiLoadPlanException An OdiLoadPlanException represents some action that can be executed when the OdiLoadPlan faces an error.
On each step, the OdiLoadPlan can define an OdiLoadPlanException to be executed in such a case.
The OdiLoadPlan manages a list of OdiLoadPlanException.
OdiLoadPlanSchedule OdiLoadPlanSchedule is an execution schedule attached to the concrete OdiLoadPlan, specified on the object construction.
OdiLoadPlanStep The OdiLoadPlanStep is an abstract class for the steps of the aggregate OdiLoadPlan.
The implementations are: OdiLoadPlanStepSerial OdiLoadPlanStepParallel OdiLoadPlanStepCase OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario
OdiLoadPlanStepCase An OdiLoadPlanStepCase is one of the OdiLoadPlanStepCase.
It represents an aggregate "case-when*-else" (* there can be multiple when clauses).
OdiLoadPlanStepContainer This abstract class represents the steps that serve as container for other steps.
OdiLoadPlanStepParallel Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep describing the execution of children step in parallel.
OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep defining the execution of an OdiScenario
OdiLoadPlanStepSerial Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep describing the execution of children steps in a given order.
OdiLoadPlanStepVariable This class represents the association between an OdiLoadPlanVariable and an OdiLoadPlanStep.
OdiLoadPlanValidator Validator for OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlanVariable The OdiLoadPlanVariable is the inclusion of an OdiVariable in the context of an OdiLoadPlan.


Enum Summary
OdiCaseWhen.ComparisonOperator Comparisons possible for the OdiLoadPlanVariable defined on the parent OdiLoadPlanStepCase.
OdiLoadPlan.SessionLogsBehavior Indicates how logs will be maintained by default for the session of each of the scenarios started by the Load Plan.
OdiLoadPlan.SessionStepLogsBehavior Indicates how logs will be maintained by default for the session steps of each of the scenarios started by the Load Plan.
OdiLoadPlanStep.ExceptionBehavior Behavior in case the OdiLoadPlanStep execution throws an exception.
OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode Defines the regeneration modes of a step
OdiLoadPlanStepParallel.RestartType Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario.RestartType Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
OdiLoadPlanStepSerial.RestartType Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
Values can be:
-From Failure: When restarting the Load Plan and this step is known to be in failure (i.e.


Exception Summary
OdiLoadPlanVariableUsedException Thrown when trying to remove a load plan variable currently used as a test variable in a step case.
OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException Thrown when trying to regenerate a scenario and the original object (package, procedure, etc...) doesn't exist anymore.
OdiVariableChangedDatatypeException Thrown when trying to remove a load plan variable currently used as a test variable in a step case.
OdiVariableNotExistException Thrown when trying to regenerate an OdiLoadPlanVariable and the original OdiVariable doesn't exist anymore.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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