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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthenticationConfigurationSwitchingException
oracle.odi.setup Provides classes for ODI master and work repository related operations. 


Uses of AuthenticationConfigurationSwitchingException in oracle.odi.setup


Methods in oracle.odi.setup that throw AuthenticationConfigurationSwitchingException
 boolean SwitchAuthenticationService.isMasterAlreadyConfiguredWithExternalAuthentication()
          Return true if this master repository is already configured with External authentication.
 boolean SwitchToStandaloneAuthenticationService.isMasterAlreadyConfiguredWithStandaloneAuthentication()
          Return true if this master repository is already configured with standalone authentication.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.listMatchedSupervisorUsernames()
          This method allows to list the usernames for users with SUPERVISOR privileges and that have a match in the user population in the IdentityStore defined in the external authentication that would be used if the switchToExternal method is called.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.listMatchedUsernames()
          This method allows to list the usernames that have a match in the user population in the IdentityStore defined in the external authentication that would be used if the switchToExternal method is called.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.listUnmatchedUsernames()
          This method allows to list the usernames that does not have a match in the user population in the IdentityStore defined in the external authentication that would be used if the switchToExternal method is called.
 SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.SwitchStatistics SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.switchToExternal()
          This method will do the actual switch of the repository authentication configuration to external.
 void SwitchToStandaloneAuthenticationService.switchToStandalone(java.lang.String pNewSupervisorUsername, char[] pSupervisorPasword)
          This method will do the actual switch of the repository authentication configuration to standalone.
 void SwitchAuthenticationService.validateAuthenticationConfiguration()
          Validates that:


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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