5 Security Overview

Multiple layers of security are available, including roles, rights, security groups, and Access Control Lists. As with the standard Oracle WebCenter Content security model, the final determination of permissions and privileges is determined by the intersection of all security mechanisms in place.

Access Control Lists and supplemental markings are required for compliance with the DoD 5015.2 specification. Classification levels are required for compliance with Chapter 4 of DoD 5015.2. Custom security fields can be created and additional security added to individual fields. See Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings" for details.

You can also use the accounts security model in addition to the options provided by the system. For more information about the account security model, see the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server. For details about user roles, accounts, and permission considerations, see Section 3.2, "Fusion Middleware Security Considerations."

This section provides an overview of the available security. It covers the following topics:

5.1 Retention Management in an Organization

The figure below shows a typical retention management structure in an organization.

Figure 5-1 Typical Retention Management Organization

Text describes retention management.
Description of "Figure 5-1 Typical Retention Management Organization"

Most people in the various departments of an organization can file content or check in content items, search for items, and view them. These are basic Records Users.

A much smaller group of people is typically granted rights to perform some additional functions not allowed for basic users (for example, altering classifications or creating triggers or retention schedules). These are people with the Records Officer right.

A very limited number of people are administrators, who are typically responsible for setting up and maintaining the management infrastructure. Records Administrators have the widest range of rights to perform management tasks. For example, they can usually perform all and disposition actions, including those assigned to others. The administrators are often in the legal department of an organization, which can drive the efforts for effective and efficient management.

The software comes with predefined management roles called rma, rmalocalrecordsofficer, and rmaadmin, designated in the documentation as Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator. Each of these standard roles provides a default set of permissions and rights, which coincide with the typical responsibilities of basic users, privileged users, and administrators, respectively. These roles can easily be modified to suit specific management needs. New roles can be created with assigned management rights or different management rights can be given to existing roles.

Users without specific rights can still apply life cycles to content items.


Record management consists of more than just software. You also need to have the appropriate organizational structures and policies in place in your organization.

5.2 Roles

The system comes with predefined roles, as described below. For details about predefined security groups, see Section 5.6, "Security Groups."

  • rma (denoted as Records User in this documentation): This role is generally assigned to basic users and allows them to perform basic management tasks. Users with this role have read permission (R) to the Public security group, and read and write permission (RW) to the special Record Group security group.

  • rmalocalrecordsofficer (denoted by Records Officer in this documentation): This role is generally assigned to users who have all the permissions assigned to basic users (the rma role) but are also granted rights to perform additional functions (for example, creating triggers or folders, and modifying content attributes).

    Users with the this role have read permission (R) to the Public security group, and read and write permission (RW) to the special Records Group security group.

  • rmasdiscovery: This role is generally assigned to users who must perform duties associated with Federated searches. Users with this role have read permission (R) to the Records Group security group.

    rmacreatedisposition: This role is generally assigned to those users who will create custom dispositions and custom reports. Users with this role have read permission to the Records Group security group as well as the Customization right.

  • rmaadmin (denoted by Records Administrator in this documentation): This role is generally assigned to administrators who are responsible for setting up and maintaining the management infrastructure and environment.

    These users have the widest range of rights to perform management tasks (for example, defining users in this role to have read permission (R) to the Public security group, and read, write, delete, and write permission (RWDA) to the special Records Group security group). The Records Administrator can create variations to provide a fine level of granularity in security. In this documentation, only the default roles or Records Administrator, Records Officer, or Records User are discussed.

If Physical Content Management is enabled, the following roles are also available:

  • pcmrequestor (denoted by PCM Requestor in this documentation): This role is generally assigned to users who have all the permissions assigned to basic users without a PCM role but are also granted additional rights to perform some functions not allowed for basic users (for example, making reservations for physical items). Users with the pcmrequestor role have read and write permissions (RW) for the special RecordsGroup security group.

  • pcmadmin (denoted by PCM Administrator in this documentation): This role is generally assigned to administrators who are responsible for setting up and maintaining the physical content management infrastructure and environment. These users have the widest range of rights to perform physical content management tasks (for example, setting up the storage space, editing and deleting reservations, and printing user labels). Users with the pcmadmin role have read, write, delete, and admin permissions (RWDA) for the special RecordsGroup security group.

    The PCM Administrator can create variations to provide a fine level of granularity in security. In this documentation, only the default roles or PCM Administrator or PCM Requestor are discussed.

    If users have no PCM role assigned to them, they can still search for physical items.

  • chargebackadmin: This role is assigned to users who manage invoicing and other chargeback functions. Users with this role are granted external ECM rights as well as other rights appropriate to chargeback management.

Note that Physical Content Management is treated as an external source, just as an adapter is treated. Therefore, if Physical Content Management is enabled, additional roles are created. Those roles are not discussed in this documentation because the tasks associated with those roles are not discussed here but should be discussed in the appropriate adapter documentation.

  • ermrequestor: This role is generally assigned to users who can read, edit, or create content on the external source.

  • ermadmin: This role is generally assigned to administrators who can read, edit or delete content on the external source.

Most of these predefined roles comes with a default set of permissions and rights, but these can be modified to suit specific needs. New roles and management rights can be created. This functionality enables provides the opportunity for a very granular security model.

Role permissions are additive, just as in Oracle WebCenter Content. If your organization uses accounts, the accounts are a hierarchical overlay to your current security model.

Access to the majority of functions is controlled by rights assigned to user roles. The predefined management roles each have a default set of rights assigned to them, but the roles can easily be modified to restrict or expand their access to management functions. For details, see Section 5.11, "Assigning Rights to User Roles."

To see what roles are assigned to a user, click the user name in the top upper right corner of the screen. The roles assigned to the logged-in user are displayed at the top of the User Profile information.

To see rights assigned to the logged-in user, choose Records then Rights from the Top menu. The Assigned Rights Page opens. This screen shows the rights assigned to the current user for the enabled components. To view details about each component, click the Show link for that component.

To view details about all rights, click the Show All Rights link at the top of the screen. To hide rights again, click the Hide link in the component section or at the top of the screen.

For information about adding new roles and assigning roles to users, see the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

5.3 Tasks and Default Rights for Roles

The following sections give more detailed information about common tasks that can be performed and the rights required to perform each task. See each designated chapter for further details about the specific permissions required for individual tasks.

The ability to browse and view the retention schedule not only depends on assigned rights, but also on any other applied security features, such as supplemental markings and Access Control Lists (ACLs). See Chapter 10, "Setting Up a Retention Schedule" for details about retention schedules. For more details, see Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings" and Section 5.8, "Access Control Lists (ACLs)."

Note that if the Related Content component is enabled, the Record.CreateLink and Record.Unlink rights are set by default for users.

The information is presented in tabular form in Appendix B, "Summary of Security Rights and Roles."


This section describes the default configuration. The security model is highly customizable, which means it can be modified to suit the needs of your specific environment.

5.3.1 Trigger Tasks and Defaults for Predefined RM Roles

For more information about triggers, see Chapter 11, "Setting up Triggers."

  • To view information about triggers, the Admin.Triggers right or the Admin.RecordManager right is required. These rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create or edit a trigger, the Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform these tasks. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To delete a trigger, the Admin.Triggers right and Delete permission for the trigger's security group is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer (delete permission not granted by default) and Records Administrator roles.

5.3.2 Time Period Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Chapter 12, "Configuring Time Periods".

  • To view information about time periods, the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager is required. These rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create, edit, or delete a time period, the RM Admin.RecordManager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.3 Supplemental Markings Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more details, see Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings".

  • To view information about supplemental markings, the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required. These rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create, enable, disable, edit, or delete a supplemental marking, the Admin.RecordManager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.4 Security Classifications Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings".

The Admin.RecordManager and Admin.SecurityClassifications rights are required to perform the following tasks involving classification. These rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Enable security classification

  • Disable security classification

  • Create security classifications

  • Edit security classifications

  • Delete security classifications

  • Reorder security classifications

5.3.5 Classification Guides Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Section 6.3, "Classification Guides."

The Admin.ClassificationGuide right is required to perform these tasks involving classification guides. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • View information about classification guides

  • Create classification guides

  • Edit classification guides

  • Delete classification guides

  • View information about classification topics

  • Create classification topics

  • Edit classification topics

  • Delete classification topics

5.3.6 Custom Security Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings".

  • To view information about custom security fields, the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required. These rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create, enable, disable, edit, or delete a custom security field, the Admin.RecordManager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.7 Custom Category or Folder Metadata Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Chapter 13, "Creating Custom Metadata".

The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform these tasks involving custom category or folder metadata. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Create a custom category or folder metadata field

  • Edit a custom category or folder metadata field

  • Delete a custom category or folder metadata field

5.3.8 Freezes Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Chapter 15, "Setting Up Freezes".

The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform these tasks involving freezes. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • View information about freezes.

  • Create a freeze.

  • Edit freezes.

  • Send e-mail notifications about freezes.

  • To delete a freeze, the Admin.RecordManager right and Delete permission for the freeze's security group is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.9 Series Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Section 10.2, "Using a Series."

  • To browse/view information about series, the Series.Read right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create a series, the RM Series.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To edit a series, the RM Series.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To hide or unhide a series, the RM Series.Hide/Unhide right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To move a series, the RM Series.Move right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To delete a series, the RM Series.Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.10 Retention Category Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see Section 10.3, "Retention Categories."

  • To browse/view information about a category, the Category.Read right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create a category, the RM Category.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To edit a category, the RM Category.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To edit review information for a category, the RM Category.EditReview right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To move a category, the RM Category.Move right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To delete a category, the RM Category.Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To apply/reapply disposition rules to specific/all content in a retention category, the RM Category.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.11 Folder Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Folder.Read right is required to perform these tasks involving folders. These rights are assigned by default to all Records roles.

  • Browse and view information about record folders.

  • View the life cycle of a record folder.

  • View the review history of a record folder.

  • View the metadata history of a record folder.

The following tasks can be performed for record folders:

  • To create a folder, the Folder.Create right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To edit a folder (if the user is the author of that folder), the Folder.EditIfAuthor right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer role.

  • To edit the review information of a record folder, the Folder.EditReview right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To delete a record folder, the Folder.Delete right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To close/unclose a folder, the Folder.Open/Close right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To freeze/unfreeze a folder, the Folder.Freeze/Unfreeze right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To undo the cutoff of a folder, the Folder.UndoCutoff right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To review a folder, the Admin.PerformPendingReviews right is required.It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

The Folder.Edit right is required to perform these tasks involving folders. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Edit a folder (if the user is not the author of that folder).

  • Move a record folder

  • Cancel a record folder

  • Expire a record folder

  • Rescind a record folder

  • Make a record folder obsolete

  • Undo the obsolete status of a record folder

The Category.Edit right is required to perform these tasks involving folders. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Apply a disposition rule to a specific record folder

  • Apply a disposition rule to all record folders

5.3.12 Archive Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about archiving, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Admin.RetentionSchedulesArchive and other rights for specific items in the import or export are required to import or export an archive. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.13 Screening Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about screening, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Admin.Screening right is required to perform these tasks involving screening. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Enable/disable advanced screening

  • Screen retention categories

  • Screen record folders

  • Screen content

The Admin.RecordManager right is required to enable/disable user-friendly screening captions. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.14 Audit Trail Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about using the audit trail, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Admin.Audit right is required to perform these tasks involving audit trails. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Configure the audit trail

  • Generate and view an audit trail

  • Search with audit trails

  • Set default metadata for checking in audit trails

  • Check in and archive audit trails (with the addition of Admin.RecordManager right)

  • Search archived audit trails

The Admin.SelectMeta right is required to select what metadata fields to include in the audit trail. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.15 Disposition Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about disposition tasks, see Chapter 14, "Defining Disposition Instructions".

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To view disposition information, the Category.Read right is required.

  • To enable/disable user-friendly disposition captions, the Admin.RecordManager right is required.

  • To create disposition rules, the Category.Create right is required.

  • To edit disposition rules, the Category.Edit right is required.

  • To delete disposition rules, the Category.Delete right is required.

5.3.16 Link Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about linking and link types, see the Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Records.

The Admin.ConfigureLinkTypes right is required to perform these tasks involving links. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Add custom link types

  • Edit custom link types

  • Delete custom link types

To create or remove links between content items, the Record.CreateLink or Record.Unlink right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

5.3.17 Default Report Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about reports, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Admin.Reports right is required to perform these tasks. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Create a user/group report

  • Create a role report

  • Create a group report

5.3.18 Content Management Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about managing content, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The Record.Read right is required to perform these tasks. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • Download an item for viewing

  • Search for content items

  • View information about a content item

  • View the life cycle of a content item

  • View the review history of a content item

  • View the metadata history of a content item

  • View the classification history of a content item

The Record.Edit right is required to perform these tasks involving content. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • Review the classification of a content item

  • Cancel a content item

  • Expire a content item

  • Rescind a content item

  • Make a content item obsolete

  • Undo the obsolete status of a content item

  • Remove a supplemental marking from a content item

  • Move an item to another category or folder.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To edit metadata before a cutoff, the Record.UndoCutoff right is required. Users can edit metadata for content items after cutoff and before cutoff. It is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To upgrade or downgrade the security classification of an item, the Record.Upgrade/Downgrade right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To review a content item, the Admin.PerformPendingReviews right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer, Records User and Records Administrator roles.

  • To undo the cutoff of a content item, the Record.UndoCutoff right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To undo the status of a content item, the Record.UndoRecord right is required. It is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To edit the review information for a content item, the Record.EditReview right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer, Records User, and Records Administrator roles.

  • To delete the metadata history of a content item, the Record.DeleteHistoryFile right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • To create or check in a content item, the Record.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • To link or unlink content items, the Record.CreateLink or Record.Unlink right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • To delete a content item, the Record.Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • To freeze or unfreeze a content item, the Record.Freeze/Unfreeze right is required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

5.3.19 Customization Tasks

The Rma.Admin.Customization right is required to perform the following tasks. This right is not assigned by default to any role. A detailed knowledge of services and their uses is required to perform these tasks. See Appendix C, "Customizing Your System" for more details.

  • Define custom dispositions

  • Define custom barcode actions

  • Define custom reports

5.3.20 Other Common Tasks

The Admin.RecordManager right is required for these tasks. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Set the fiscal calendar

  • Perform disposition actions (processing events)

  • Specify the default recipient(s) for notifications

5.4 Common Physical Content Management Tasks and Roles

The two predefined physical content management roles (PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator) each have a default set of rights assigned to them, but the roles can easily be modified to restrict or expand their access to physical content management functions. New roles can be created with specific physical content management rights assigned to them.

5.4.1 Storage Space Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about storage, see Chapter 9, "Setting Up PCM Storage Space".

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To view information about storage locations, the PCM.Storage.Read right is required. It is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To create individual storage locations, the PCM.Storage.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To create storage locations in batches, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To edit storage locations, the PCM.Storage.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To delete storage locations, the PCM.Storage Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To reserve storage locations, the PCM.Storage.Reserve right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To block storage locations, the PCM.Storage.Block right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To print labels for storage locations, the PCM.Admin.PrintLabel right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To import batch-created storage hierarchy, the Admin.RetentionScheduleArchive right is required. This right is not assigned by default to any predefined role.

5.4.2 Reservation Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about reservations, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To view reservation information about physical items, the PCM.Reservation.Read right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To create a reservation request, the PCM.Reservation.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To edit a reservation request, the PCM.Reservation.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To delete a reservation request, the PCM.Reservation.Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To process a reservation request, the PCM.Reservation.Process right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To run request reports, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To configure default metadata for reservations, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

5.4.3 Physical Item Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about physical items, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To view information about physical items, the PCM.Physical.Read right and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To create (check in) physical items, the PCM.Physical.Create and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To edit physical items, the PCM.Physical.Edit and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To move physical items, the PCM.Physical.Edit, PCM.Physical.Move, and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To delete physical items, the PCM.Physical.Delete and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To search for physical items, the PCM.Physical.Read and PCM.Storage.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

  • To print labels for physical items, the PCM.Admin.PrintLabel right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To freeze or unfreeze physical items, the Record.Freeze/Unfreeze right is required. This right is not assigned by default to any role.

  • To manually override external freeze errors, the Admin.PerformActions right is required. This right is not assigned by default to any role.

  • To screen for physical items, the Admin.Screening right is required. This right is not assigned by default to any role.

5.4.4 Location, Object, and Media Types Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about locations, objects, and media, see Chapter 8, "Configuring Physical Content Management".

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To set up location types, the PCM.Admin.Manager and PCM.Admin.LocationTypes rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To set up object types, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To set up media types, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To set up custom metadata fields, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

5.4.5 Chargeback Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about chargebacks, see Chapter 8, "Configuring Physical Content Management" and the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To set up chargeback types, payment types, and customers, the PCM.Admin.Manager and CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To view information on chargeback-related items (transactions, invoices, and so on), the PCM.Admin.Manager, CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin, and CBC.ChargeBacks.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To create chargeback-related items (transactions, invoices, and so on), the PCM.Admin.Manager, CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin, and CBC.ChargeBacks.Read rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To edit chargeback-related items (transactions, invoices, and so on), the PCM.Admin.Manager, CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin, and CBC.ChargeBacks.Edit rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To delete chargeback-related items (transactions, invoices, and so on), the PCM.Admin.Manager, CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin, and CBC.ChargeBacks.Delete rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To screen for charges, the PCM.Admin.Manager and CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To browse invoices, the PCM.Admin.Manager and CBC.ChargeBacks.Admin rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To print invoices, the PCM.Admin.Manager and CBC.ChargeBacks.PrintInvoice rights are required. These rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To adjust invoices (for example, to manually change invoice amounts), the PCM.Admin.Manager and CBC.ChargeBacks.Adjust rights are required. These rights are not assigned by default to any role.

5.4.6 Barcode and Label Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about barcodes, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To process barcode files, the PCM.Barcode.Process right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To print labels for users, the PCM.Admin.PrintLabel right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To print storage location labels, the PCM.Admin.PrintLabel right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To print physical location labels, the PCM.Admin.PrintLabel right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

5.4.7 Additional PCM Administrative Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about PCM administration, see Chapter 8, "Configuring Physical Content Management".

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To configure the environment, including enabling or disabling the use of Offsite Storage, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

  • To run batch services, the PCM.Admin.Manager right is required. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role.

5.5 External Source Management Tasks and Roles

The following tasks and roles are used when managing external sources (adapters).

5.5.1 External Source Tasks and Defaults for Predefined Roles

For more information about adapters, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights are required to perform the following tasks:

  • To read external items, the ECM.External.Read right is required. This right is assigned by default to the ERM Requestor and ERM Administrator roles.

  • To create an external item, the ECM.External.Create right is required. This right is assigned by default to the ERM Requestor and ERM Administrator roles.

  • To edit an external item, the ECM.External.Edit right is required. This right is assigned by default to the ERM Administrator role.

  • To delete an external item, the ECM.External.Delete right is required. This right is assigned by default to the ERM Administrator role.

  • To perform administrative functions involving the external source, the ECM.External.Admin right is required. This right is assigned by default to the ERM Administrator role.

5.6 Security Groups

A security group defines security for a group of content. Oracle WebCenter Content: Records is shipped with a predefined security group called RecordsGroup. This group defines security for a group of content designated as that being tracked and/or retained.

Users with the predefined Records User, Records Officer, or Records Administrator roles have read and write permission (RW) to the RecordsGroup security group. Users with the Records Administrator role have read, write, delete, and admin permission (RWDA) to this security group.


Even though the default Records User and Records Officer roles appear to be identical, they are not. The default Records Officer role has subadministrator access to certain administrator functions that the default Records User role does not (for example, creating triggers and folders). For details about rights that can be assigned to roles, see Section 5.3, "Tasks and Default Rights for Roles."

5.7 Aliases

When the product software is enabled, several aliases are created to help administrators manage large groups of people. Although the aliases are created, no default users are added to those groups. An administrator should add users as needed to the following alias lists:

  • OffSiteRequestReviewGroup

  • ReservationGroup

  • RmaReviewersGroup

Several default aliases are also created if the FOIA/PA functionality is enabled. Default users are added to those alias lists but the users themselves are not created automatically. An administrator will need to create those users and assign appropriate permissions to them:

  • FOIAOfficers

  • FOIAProcessors

  • FOIASpecialists

  • JAG

5.8 Access Control Lists (ACLs)


Enabling or disabling ACLs affects existing ACL settings system-wide. For example, if ACLs are enabled in Oracle WebCenter Content and the Records system is configured to one of the DoD settings (which re-enables ACLs), the Oracle WebCenter Content ACLs are overridden. And if the Typical or Minimal Record settings are used, ACLs are disabled because ACL-based security is not enabled by default for those options. It is enabled by default for the DoD options.

ACLs control user and group access permissions for triggers, categories, and record folders. ACLs can be assigned for each category, folder, and trigger.

Be aware that searching for items takes more time when using ACLs as well as other security features, such as custom security fields and supplemental markings. When possible, use the default Oracle WebCenter Content security features and consider disabling ACLs for faster search retrieval performance.

Note that ACLs in the Records system behave differently than those in Oracle WebCenter Content in the following ways:

  • Oracle WebCenter Content administrative users or users with the RWDA rights assigned to them have no automatic rights in the Records system. All users must have rights defined for them when using ACLs in the Records system.

  • Oracle WebCenter Content: Records ACLs are hierarchical. If ACLs are enabled only in the Records system (and not in Oracle WebCenter Content), then ACLs are defined only on categories and folders, not directly on content. ACL rights are propagated down to content based on all rights assigned to the parent category or folder.

The UseEntitySecurity configuration variable is used to enable Oracle WebCenter Content ACL functionality. Set that variable to true to enable that feature.

The SpecialAuthGroups configuration variable is used to determine what security groups can be used with ACLs. For example, SpecialAuthGroups=Private, RecordsGroup enables those security groups to be used with ACLs. By default, RecordsGroup is set as the SpecialAuthGroup value when Oracle WebCenter Content: Records is enabled.

5.8.1 Setting ACLs During Software Use

ACLs for individual users and groups and aliases can be adjusted while setting up elements of the Records system. Not all procedures allow the setting of all three types of permissions. The following procedure can be followed to adjust ACLs regardless of which type of permission are being set (user, group, or alias).

  1. In the Group, User, or alias permission section of the Access Control Edit Section of the page in use, begin typing the user name of the person to add. A list appears and the user can be selected. Or type two asterisks (**) in the name field or group field. A list of users and groups appears.

  2. Scroll to the name to use and click Add User, Add Alias or Add.

  3. To the right of the name is a grouping of permissions. Click on a permission to add or remove it.

  4. To remove a user or group from the permissions box, click the X next to the name.

5.9 Security Matrix

The table below shows a matrix of content and retention schedule components, and the corresponding permissions for each predefined role. Supplemental markings have the most restrictive access capabilities. See Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings" for details.

Objects and Retention Schedule Components Subject to Additional Security of Type Records User (rma) Records Officer (recordsofficer) Records Administrator (rmaadmin)
Content Items Rights; supplemental markings; custom security field; ACLs RW RW RWDA
Folders Rights; supplemental markings; ACLs R RWD RWD
Categories Rights; supplemental markings; ACLs R R RWD
Series Rights; ACLs R R RWD
Triggers Rights; ACLs   RW

RWD permission required to delete triggers.


Only custom triggers can be deleted.

Periods Rights   R RWD

Only custom periods can be deleted.

Supplemental markings Rights     RWD
Classification guides Rights     RWD

5.10 Setting Security Preferences

Security preferences are set on the Configure Retention Settings Page. The security preferences set on that page are in addition to those provided with Oracle WebCenter Content. The available security depends on what type of installation was chosen (for example, Minimal or a DoD setting).


After your production environment is underway, it is recommended that you do not change the security settings for ACLs or the default security.

To configure security settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Settings.

    The Configure Retention Settings Page opens. If necessary, click the plus icon (+) to expand the Security section on the page.

  2. (Optional based on the security model): To make use of Access Control List Security, select ACL-based security. This is enabled by default when DoD Baseline or DoD Classified is enabled.

  3. (Recommended): To activate the default security inherent in Universal Content Management for extra security on categories, folders, and triggers, select Default Content Server security on Categories, Folders, and Triggers.

  4. (Required for DOD 5015.2 compliance): To use supplemental markings, select Supplemental Marking.

  5. (Optional based on the security model): To make users match all supplemental markings on a record folder, select User must match all Supplemental Markings. This is the most restrictive setting for supplemental markings. To allow a user to match only one supplemental marking to a folder to access its content or a content item (in the case of multiple supplemental markings), deselect the box. For more information, see Section 6.4.1, "Supplemental Markings Details."

  6. (Optional): To create custom security fields at the content field level to further restrict users, select Custom Security Fields.

  7. (Optional): To use classified security, select Classified Security. For more information, see Chapter 6, "Additional Security Settings."

  8. Click Submit Update. A message is displayed saying the settings have been configured successfully.

5.11 Assigning Rights to User Roles

The system is shipped with several predefined roles. Each of these roles has several default rights, which define what users with that role are allowed to do. For further details about roles and their default rights, see Section 5.3, "Tasks and Default Rights for Roles" and Section 5.4, "Common Physical Content Management Tasks and Roles."

5.11.1 Setting Rights for Roles

Rights define what actions users are allowed to perform. To assign rights to user roles, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Admin Applets from the Administration menu.

    The Administration Applets for the server are displayed.

  2. Click the User Admin icon.

    The User Admin utility starts.

  3. Choose Security then Permissions by Role from the menu.

  4. Select the role to review or modify. Click Edit RMA Rights or Edit ECM Rights for PCM.

    The appropriate Edit Rights Page opens.

  5. Set the rights by selecting checkboxes on the various tabs.

  6. Click OK when done.

  7. Click Close to exit the Permissions by Role screen.

5.12 Default Rights for Roles

This section describes the features of the Edit Rights screen, and the default rights for each of the predefined roles.

Some of the rights are interconnected. Enabling or disabling certain options automatically enables or disables other options. For example, if you disable the Record.Create option on the Record tab, some of the other options on that tab are disabled as well. Conversely, if you enable the Category.Create option on the Category tab and the Category.Read option is not yet enabled, it is enabled automatically.

Rights appear in the following locations:

5.12.1 The Series Tab

For more information, see Section 10.2, "Using a Series."

The following rights appear on the Series tab of the Edit Rights Page:

  • Read: Allows the user to view information about a series. It is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

  • Create: Allows the user to create a series.

  • Delete: Allows the user to delete a series.

  • Move: Allows the user to move a series.

  • Edit: Allows the user to edit a series.

  • Hide/Unhide: Allows the user hide and unhide a series.

5.12.2 The Category Tab

For more information, see Section 10.3, "Retention Categories."

The following rights appear on the Category tab of the Edit Rights Page.

  • Read: Allows the user to view information about a retention category. It is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role:

  • Create: Allows the user to create a retention category.

  • Delete: Allows a user to delete a retention category.

  • Move: Allows a user to move a retention category.

  • Edit: Allows a user to edit a retention category.

  • Edit Review: Allows a user to edit a retention category that is subject to review.

5.12.3 Folder Tab

For more information about folders, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records.

The following rights appear on the Folder tab of the Edit Rights Page:

  • Read: Allows the user to view information about a folder. It is assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles.

  • EditIfAuthor: Allows a user to edit a folder, but only if the user is the author of that folder. It is not assigned by default to any role.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles:

  • Create: Allows a user to create a folder.

  • Open/Close: Allows a user to open or close a folder.

  • Edit Review: Allows a user to edit a folder that is subject to review.

  • Move: Allows a user to move a folder.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role:

  • Edit: Allows a user to edit a folder, even if the user is not the author of that folder.

  • UndoCutoff: Allows a user to undo the cutoff of a folder.

  • Delete: Allows a user to delete a folder.

  • Freeze/Unfreeze: Allows a user to freeze and unfreeze a folder.

5.12.4 Record Tab

The following rights appear on the Record tab of the Edit Rights Page. These rights are assigned by default to the Records User, Records Officer, and Records Administrator roles:

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Officer, Records User, and Records Administrator roles:

  • Edit: Allows the user to edit content, including moving, canceling, expiring, rescinding, making obsolete, and reviewing.

  • EditReview: Allows a user to edit content that is subject to review.

  • DeleteHistoryFile: Allows a user to delete the metadata history file of content. This option is only available if the Classified Security option is enabled.

  • Upgrade/Downgrade: Allows a user to upgrade and downgrade the security classification of content. This option is only available if the Classified Security option has been enabled on the Configure Retention Settings Page.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role:

  • UndoCutoff: Allows a user to undo the cutoff of an item.

  • Delete: Allows a user to delete content within the retention schedule.

  • Freeze/Unfreeze: Allows a user to freeze and unfreeze content.

  • UndoRecord: Allows a user to undo the status of content.

5.12.5 Admin Tab

The following rights appear on the Admin tab of the Edit Rights Page.

  • PerformPendingReviews: Allows a user to perform pending reviews. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer, Records User, and Records Administrator roles. See the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records for more details.

  • PrivilegedEnvironment: Allows a user to set the de-classification time frame. For details, see Section, "Setting the Declassification Time Frame." This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles. This option is only available if the Classified Security option has been enabled on the Configure Retention Settings Page.

  • ClassificationGuide: Allows a user to work with classification guides. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • Triggers: Allows the user to work with global triggers, custom direct triggers, and indirect triggers. For details, see Chapter 11, "Setting up Triggers." To delete a trigger, Delete permission (D) for the trigger's security group is also required. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  • ShareFavorites: Allows users to share the contents of their Favorites list with other users. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

The following rights are assigned by default to the Records Administrator role:

  • RecordManager: Allows a user to configure several settings and also set up and administer periods, supplemental markings, security classifications, custom security fields, custom category and folder metadata fields, classification guides and freezes.

  • Screening: Allows a user to screen retention categories, folders, and content.

  • PerformActions: Allows a user to process content assignments.

  • SelectMeta: Allows a user to specify metadata fields to be audited.

  • Reports: Allows a user to generate user and group reports.

  • RetentionScheduleArchive: Allows a user to import and export a retention schedule archive.

  • SelectAuthor: Allows a user to select a different filer (author) for a category than him/herself.

  • Audit: Allows a user to work with audit trials.

  • ConfigureLinkTypes: Allows a user to manage custom content links.

  • AllowDispositionUpgrade/Downgrade: Allows a user to perform upgrade and downgrade classification actions.

See the Oracle WebCenter Content Administrator's Guide for Records for more details about screening, creating reports, audits, archives, and configuring link types.

The following rights are not assigned by default to any role.

  • NoPostFilterSearch: Allows users to unfilter search results. The results include content the user has no access to based on security classifications, supplemental markings, custom security fields, and ACLs. If the user has no access to a content item in the search results, clicking on it results in an access denied error. By enabling this option, search queries are executed much faster because no complex post-filtering must be performed.

    Users with this right can still only access content items they have been explicitly granted access privileges to based on security groups and accounts. They will see other results in the search results list, but cannot access them. They may also see some metadata information about the content item (for example, their title), which may interfere with an organization's security model.

  • NoSecurity: Allows users to become immune to security classifications, supplemental markings, custom security fields, and ACLs. Their access to content is unrestricted by these security features. In addition, this option turns off search post-filtering, so search results include content the user has not been explicitly granted access to. For example, a user would have access to content marked as Top Secret even if that security classification has not been assigned to the user. This right can be used to give sysadmins the privilege to access every content item in the system.

    Access to content items continues to be restricted by security groups and accounts.

  • Customization: Allows users to define custom disposition actions or to delete any disposition action. Also allows users to define custom reports. See Appendix C, "Customizing Your System" for details.

  • SecurityClassifications: new installs only. If enabled (with the Admin.RecordManager option), the user is allowed to set up security classification levels. This option is only available if the Classified Security option is enabled.

  • GetAllFilePlan: Allows a user to get all series, categories, and folders when the GET_FILE_PLAN_ALL service is called. Without this right, inaccessible objects are excluded. The service is typically used by adapters.


When a user has Admin permission to a security group but does not have the Admin.SelectAuthor right, the user is still able to select an author at checkin. The Admin.SelectAuthor right is used only to add that functionality to a user who does not have Admin permission to a group.

5.12.6 CBC Tab

Chargebacks are used with Physical Content Management, which is only available when that software is enabled.

The following rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role:

  • ChargeBacks.Read: Allows the user to view information about chargeback-related items (transactions, invoices, and so on).

  • ChargeBacks.Create: Allows a user to create chargeback-related items.

  • ChargeBacks.Edit: Allows a user to edit chargeback-related items.

  • ChargeBacks.Delete: Allows users to delete chargeback-related items.

  • ChargeBacks.PrintInvoices: Allows users to print invoices.

  • ChargeBacks.MarkPaid: Allows users to mark invoices as paid.

  • ChargeBacks.Adjust: Allows users to manually adjust invoices.

  • ChargeBacks.Admin: Allows users to perform administrative tasks such as define new payment types, define customers, and so on.

5.12.7 PCM Tab

The following rights are assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles:

  • Physical.Read: Allows the user to view information about physical items.

  • Physical.Create: Allows a user to create physical items.

  • Physical.Edit: Allows a user to edit physical items.

  • Storage.Read: Allows users to view information about a storage location.

  • Storage.Reserve: Allows users to reserve a storage location.

  • Reservation.Read: Allows users to view information about reservations.

  • Reservation.Create: Allows users to create reservations.

  • Reservation.Edit: Allows users to alter reservations.

The following rights are assigned by default to the PCM Administrator role only:

  • Physical.Move: Allows users to move a physical item (change the location)

  • Physical.Delete: Allows users to delete physical items.

  • Storage.Create: Allows users to create new storage.

  • Storage.Edit: Allows users to edit an existing storage location.

  • Storage.Delete: Allows users to delete a storage location.

  • Storage.Block: Allows users to block or unblock a storage location.

  • Reservation.Delete: Allows users to delete reservations.

  • Reservation.Process: Allows users to process reservations by modifying the status of request items.

  • Barcode.Process: Allows users to process barcode files.

  • Admin.Manager: Allows a user to access all PCM administrative functions.

  • Admin.Location.Types: Allows users to configure location types, providing the user also has the Admin.Manager right.

  • Admin.PrintLabel: Allows users to generate labels for users, locations, and physical items.

5.12.8 ECM Tab

The following rights are assigned by default to the ERM Requestor and ERM Administrator roles:

  • External.Read: Allows the user to view information about external items.

  • External.Create: allows a user to create external items.

  • External.Edit: allows a user to edit external items.

The following rights are assigned by default to the ERM Administrator role only:

  • External.Delete: allows users to delete external items.

  • External.Admin: allows users to perform administrative tasks.

5.13 Specifying PCM Barcode Values for Users

Barcodes are used with Physical Content Management, which is only available when that software is enabled.

By default, the barcode value for a user consists of a user's login name in all upper-case letters, for example 'JSMITH' or 'MJONES'. If you do not want to use the login name of a user as the barcode value, use the User Admin utility to specify a different value for the user.

This is especially useful for login names containing characters other than the basic letters (a-z, A-Z) or numbers (0-9) (for example, accented letters such as 'kmüller'). By default, the barcode values generated for such users include hexadecimal representations of the accented letters (for example, 'KMC39CLLER'). To avoid this behavior set specific barcode values for these users (for example, 'KMULLER'), which are then used rather than the (converted) user login names.

You can run the Update Users with no Barcode batch service to automatically set the barcode values for all users who currently do not have a barcode value. This is useful for users who are already in the system before Physical Content Management was enabled. The barcode values are set in accordance with the rules above.

To manually set a specific barcode value for a user, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration then click Admin Applets.

  3. Click the User Admin icon.

    The User Admin utility is started.

  4. On the Users tab, select the user whose barcode value should be set and click Edit.

    The Edit User dialog opens.

  5. In the Barcode field, specify a unique value for the user. This value is used in the barcode label for the user rather than the user's login name (in all upper-case letters) as specified in the Name field.

    The specified value must be unique for each user in the system. An error message is displayed if a value is used that is not unique.

    Do not use any accented letters in the barcode value (an error message is displayed if you try). Also, any lower-case letters are automatically converted to upper case after clicking OK.

  6. Click OK when finished.

  7. Close the User Admin utility.