Creating Analytic Model Definitions

This chapter provides overviews of the analytic model definition creation process and the conventions for naming analytic models and parts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Analytic Model Definition Creation Process

You create analytic model definitions to define the rules that are used to calculate application data in the Analytic Calculation Engine. This section provides a high-level discussion of the steps for creating a new analytic model definition assuming that you already have record structures on which to base your analytic model.

To create an analytic model:

  1. Create a new analytic model definition.

    See Creating a New Analytic Model Definition.

  2. Perform these tasks in whatever order is appropriate to your own development needs:

  3. Save the analytic model definition.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Conventions for Naming Analytic Models and Parts

You must adhere to these rules when naming analytic models and all analytic model parts:

See Also

Understanding Part Conversion Details

AnalyticModelDefn Class

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a New Analytic Model Definition

To open a new analytic model definition:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access Oracle's PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Select File, Open after signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    The New Definition dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Analytic Model option.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The new analytic model definition appears.

Click to jump to parent topicOpening an Analytic Model Definition

To open an analytic model definition:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Select File, Open after signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    The Open Definition dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Analytic Model option in the Definition drop-down list box.

  4. Provide selection criteria.

    Enter an analytic model definition name or description (or the beginning characters of either), or select a project.

  5. Click the Open button or press Enter to display analytic model definitions matching the selection criteria that you entered.

    To clear the current selection criteria and start over, click the New Search button. To change how the search list appears, perform one of these actions:

  6. Double-click the analytic model definition that you want to open in the definition workspace, or highlight the analytic model definition and click the Open button.

    You can also press Shift+Left Click to select more than one definition to open in a single action, or right-click to view a pop-up menu from which you can open, print, rename, or delete the selected analytic model definition.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Organizers

To create an organizer:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, in the analytic model, select the Organizers branch in the part browser.

  3. Select Part, New, Organizer.

    The Edit Part Name dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a name for the organizer.

  5. Click the OK button.

See Also

Cube Collections

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Notes for an Analytic Model Definition's Parts

Use the notes bar to create notes for the analytic model definition or its parts. To create a note:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, in the part browser, select the analytic model definition or the part for which you want to create a note.

  3. Click the notes bar.

  4. Enter the note.

    You can also:

  5. Click the Accept Changes button to accept the changes you made to the note.

Click to jump to parent topicFinding Parts

You can select one or more parts and find all of the locations in the analytic model where the parts are used.

Note. The Find Part feature does not operate on organizers.

To find a part:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, select one or more parts in the part browser.

  3. Select Tools, Analytic Model, Find Part.

    The locations of the parts are listed in the output window.

Click to jump to parent topicValidating Analytic Models

An important part of the analytic model creation process involves periodically validating the analytic model. The validate utility runs a series of tests on the analytic model and sends its results to the Validate tab in the output window. If errors are found, they are listed on this tab.

To validate an analytic model:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Select Tools, Analytic Model, Validate after signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer.