Converting BAM 8.8 Models to Analytic Models

This chapter provides overviews of the conversion process and part conversion details and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Conversion Process

PeopleSoft Business Analysis Modeler (BAM) is a standalone application that enables developers to create multidimensional models for the purposes of reporting and analysis. BAM models are not integrated into the PeopleTools framework. Integrating BAM models with PeopleSoft applications takes many steps and a significant amount of time.

Analytic Calculation Engine analytic models are integrated into the PeopleTools framework and include much of the same functionality and many of the same parts as BAM models. You may want to convert existing BAM 8.8 models into Analytic Calculation Engine analytic models to reduce the extra steps and time needed to integrate these models with PeopleSoft applications. You use the PTAEACECONV Application Engine program for this purpose.

Because PTAEACECONV does not convert all BAM 8.8 model parts, you must manually complete the analytic model after conversion.

Note. The PTAEACECONV Application Engine program does not convert application data. Application developers are responsible for converting application data.

Converting BAM 8.8 models into analytic models involves these steps:

  1. Analyze the BAM 8.8 model.

    If the existing model contains rules that use the TEXT2MBR function, you must hard-code the function's second argument (Text) if the use of the function meets both of these conditions:

  2. Export the BAM 8.8 model.

    See Exporting BAM 8.8 Models.

  3. Run the PTAEACECONV Application Engine program.

    See Running the PTAEACECONV Application Engine Program.

  4. Examine the Application Engine log file.

    See Examining the PTAEACECONV Log File.

  5. Map the new analytic model to main and aggregate records that hold the application and aggregation data.

    See Mapping a Cube Collection to Main and Aggregate Records.

  6. Map data cubes and dimensions to fields in the main and aggregate records.

    See Mapping Data Cubes and Dimensions to Fields.

  7. Create PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages with analytic grids.

    See Creating Analytic Grids.

  8. View the new analytic model in PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture.

    See Viewing and Debugging Analytic Models.

The PTAEACECONV Application Engine program converts most parts and circular formula options into analytic models.

BAM 8.8 Parts That Can Be Converted

These BAM 8.8 parts can be converted into analytic models:

BAM 8.8 Parts That Cannot Be Converted

These BAM 8.8 parts cannot be converted into analytic models:

BAM 8.8 Circular Formula Options That Can Be Converted

These BAM 8.8 circular formula options can be converted into analytic models:

BAM 8.8 Circular Formula Options That Cannot Be Converted

The Only if iteration is not enabled BAM 8.8 circular formula option cannot be converted into an analytic model.

See Also

Understanding Part Conversion Details

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Part Conversion Details

This section provides more detailed information about the conversion of BAM 8.8 parts.

Part Names Conversion Method

PTAEACECONV Application Engine program converts the names for each part that will be included in the analytic model.

This table describes BAM 8.8 part name attributes and the changes that PTAEACECONV makes to these attributes:

BAM 8.8 Part Name Attribute

Attribute Change Upon Conversion

Lower case alphanumeric characters

All lower case alphanumeric characters are converted to upper case alphanumeric characters.

For example: Products converts to PRODUCTS.

White spaces

All white spaces are converted to underscores.

For example: Actual Sales converts to ACTUAL_SALES.


All hyphens are converted to underscore characters.

For example: Gross-Margin converts to GROSS_MARGIN.

Non alphanumeric characters

Non alphanumeric characters are removed from the part name.

For example: Cost$ of delivery converts to COST_OF_DELIVERY.

Part names with more than 27 characters

Characters exceeding the 27 character limit are truncated.

For example: Moving STD by Country and Group converts to MOVING_STD_BY_COUNTRY_AND_G

Duplicate part names

Numeric values are appended to duplicate part names.

For example, if the BAM 8.8 model contains the Actual Sales and Actual_Sales part names, PTAEACECONV creates two new part names: ACTUAL_SALES and ACTUAL_SALES1.

Note. Converted names of expression modifiers include the prefix EXP_.

Additionally, for each part that is converted, the original part name is converted into the new part's description.

Filter user functions that are referenced by dimensions that exist in table views are converted to user functions. The user function names include the prefix DR_ plus the converted dimension name.

Code in Data Cube Rules, User Functions, and Expression Modifiers

PTAEACECONV uses the following order of execution when converting code in data cube rules, user functions, and expression modifiers:

  1. Replace all references to part names with resolved part names.

    During conversion, PTAEACECONV searches through the code in data cube rules, user functions, and expression modifiers for all part names and replaces these part names with new, converted part names. For example, the EmployeeNetMonthlyIncome user function contains the following code:

    Monthly Salary - Monthly Deductions

    PTAEACECONV changes the user function's code to:


  2. Replace all references to option lists with a literal string.

    Because analytic models do not support option lists, PTAEACECONV converts references to option lists within the code of data cube rules, user functions, and expression modifiers. For example, the RevenueMethod option list exists in the following user function code:

    &RevenueMethod := GetRevenueMethod( ); CASE( &RevenueMethod = \Revenue Method\Data Entry\ : Do_Something; &RevenueMethod = \Revenue Method\Repeat Value\ : Do_Something_ELSE; )

    The PTAEACECONV Application Engine program converts the user function's code to:

    &RevenueMethod := GetRevenueMethod( ); CASE(&RevenueMethod = "Data Entry": Do_Something; &RevenueMethod = "Repeat Value": Do_Something_ELSE; )

  3. Replace all references to original dimension names with converted dimension names.

  4. Replace all references to original data cube names with converted data cube names.

    Note. If a dimension name and data cube name share the same name in the original model and one or both names contain more than 30 characters, the dimension name retains the original part name in the converted analytic model. If the BAM model contains rules or user functions that reference data cubes that share the same names as dimensions, the converted rules and user functions reference the dimensions instead. Developers must resolve these issues. The PTAEACECONV conversion log file indicates all data cubes and dimensions that fall into this category.

  5. Replace all references to the original user function names with converted user function names.

Data Cubes

The PTAEACECONV Application Engine program converts all data cubes and most data cube attributes.

Note. Data cube values are not converted. Application developers are responsible for converting data cube values.

The following data cube attributes are unaffected by the conversion:

The following data cube attributes are changed during conversion:

These data cube attributes are not converted:


PTAEACECONV converts all dimensions and most dimension attributes.

The conversion does not change the notes for dimensions.

These dimension attributes are converted but are changed during the conversion process:

These dimension attributes are not converted:

User Functions

PTAEACECONV converts all user functions.

These user function attributes are unaffected by conversion:

These user function attributes are changed during the conversion process:

PTAEACECONV does not convert these user function categories:

Expression Modifiers

PTAEACECONV converts all expression modifiers. Converted expression modifiers exist as user functions in the analytic model.

PTAEACECONV does not affect rules that are defined for expression modifiers.

These expression modifier attributes are converted but are changed during the conversion process.

PTAEACECONV does not convert references to the original expression modifiers.

Table Views

PTAEACECONV converts all table views into cube collections. Note that BAM 8.8 table views lack important information needed to complete cube collections, including:

For this reason, you must provide this information in the converted analytic model.

These table view attributes are unaffected by conversion:

PTAEACECONV changes table view names in the following manner:

These table view attributes are not converted:

Import Maps

PTAEACECONV converts all import maps into cube collections. Note that BAM 8.8 import maps lack important information needed to complete cube collections, including:

For this reason, it is necessary for application developers to provide this information in the converted analytic model.

These import map attributes are unaffected by conversion:

PTAEACECONV converts import map names but changes the names in the following manner:

PTAEACECONV does not convert all table view-related properties, including:


PTAEACECONV converts all organizers.

These organizer attributes are unaffected by conversion:

PTAEACECONV converts organizer names but changes them in the following manner:

PTAEACECONV does not convert organizer references to these parts:

Click to jump to parent topicExporting BAM 8.8 Models

When you export a BAM 8.8 model, you create an XML file of the model. To export the BAM 8.8 model:

  1. Launch PeopleSoft 9.1 Business Analysis Modeler.

  2. Select File, Open to open an analytic model.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  3. Select the model that you want to convert.

  4. Click the Open button.

    The model appears in the Model Designer.

  5. Select File, XML, Export Schema.

    The Export XML dialog box appears.

  6. Select the location to which you want to export the model schema.

  7. Enter a filename for the schema.

  8. Click the Save button.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the PTAEACECONV Application Engine Program

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Using the Command Line to Invoke Application Engine Programs

Starting Programs with the Application Engine Process Request Page

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning PTAEACECONV from PeopleSoft Application Designer

Before running PTAEACECONV from PeopleSoft Application Designer, you must customize the program to find the location and file name of the correct XML file. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, open the PTAEACECONV Application Engine program definition and view the PeopleCode in Step01. Scroll down to the following PeopleCode:

If (&modelName = "") Then &modelName = "TEST"; End-If; If (&xmlFilePath = "") Then &xmlFilePath = "C:\PeopleSoft\text.xml"; End-If;

Replace the TEST variable with the XML filename of the exported BAM 8.8 model.

Replace the C:\PeopleSoft\text.xml variable with the full path to the XML file of the exported BAM 8.8 model.

Note. The path must include the full name and extension of the XML file, for example: C:\User\employment\employment.xml.

When completing the run request, select to output a log to a file. Either use the default pathc:\temp\PTAEACECONV.logor create your own path.

See Also

Using PeopleCode to Invoke Application Engine Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning PTAEACECONV from a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Page

You use PeopleSoft Application Designer to create a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture page that can run the PTAEACECONV Application Engine program. This page must contain the following PeopleCode event:

Local Record &staterec = CreateRecord(Record.PTACECONV_AET); &staterec.ACEXMLFILEPATH.Value = <ACEXMLFILEPATH>; &staterec.ACEMODELID.Value = <model_name>; CallAppEngine("PTAEACECONV", &staterec);

Both the <ACEXMLFILEPATH> and <model_name> variables should be replaced by user input.

For example, you would enter C:\User\employment\employment.xml for the <ACEXMLFILEPATH> variable, and Employment for the <model_name> variable.

Click to jump to parent topicExamining the PTAEACECONV Log File

Use the log file to determine whether the BAM model successfully converted to an analytic model, or whether there are conversion errors that you must resolve.

If the BAM model converted successfully to an analytic model, the message Application Engine program PTAEACECONV ended normally appears at the bottom of the PTAEACECONV log file.

The PTAEACECONV log file contains detailed information about:

This example shows the PTAEACECONV log file: