Creating Analytic Grids

This chapter provides an overview of analytic grid design and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Analytic Grid Design

The analytic grid retrieves data from the analytic server and displays it in a grid format on a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture page. This grid is the centerpiece for the Analytic Calculation Engine user interface, enabling end users to view, edit, and drag and drop data from an analytic model's cube collection.

Note. Within an application, a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture page that contains an analytic grid may be referred to as an interactive report. Interactive reports are typically read only, but in some cases may also be editable.

Constructing a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages that contain an analytic grid consists of these basic steps:

  1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, create an analytic model.

    See Understanding the Analytic Model Definition Creation Process.

  2. Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to design the page that contains the analytic grid.

    See Developing and Customizing PeopleSoft Applications.

  3. Insert the analytic grid into the page and associate the grid with the analytic model by using the Analytics tab in the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box.

    See Setting Analytic Grid Analytic Properties.

  4. Define the initial layout and characteristics of the analytic grid.

    Producing an analytic grid involves many of the same tasks as generating a regular grid. These include inserting and resizing grid controls, inserting and manipulating grid columns, and setting column properties. In addition, you set certain analytic grid properties by using the Analytics tab, Use tab, Label tab, and General tab in the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box.

    See Setting Column Properties for Analytic Grids.

    See Setting Analytic Grid Label Properties.

    See Setting Analytic Grid Use Properties.

    See Setting Analytic Grid General Properties.

    You can also control the analytic grid layout programmatically using analytic grid APIs.

    See SetLayout.

You can populate the grid with data in two ways: use the PeopleCode analytic grid classes or have the system populate the analytic grid with data automatically.

See Analytic Grid Classes.

To populate the analytic grid data automatically:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, create or open a page definition.

  3. Insert into the page any control from which you can obtain analytic instance values—for example, an edit box.

  4. Set this control's properties to the analytic instance (select the appropriate record and field name on the Record tab).

    This will be the analytic instance field you select in the Analytics tab of the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box.

  5. Drag the appropriate record onto the grid.

Although the developer determines the initial layout of the analytic grid using PeopleSoft Application Designer, one of the primary advantages of the analytic grid is that end users can also modify the layout of the grid at runtime. Among other things, end users can use the analytic grid to:

See Working with Analytic Grids.

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You design analytic grids using PeopleSoft Application Designer. In addition, you may need to work with analytic grids in the runtime environment.

You use these PeopleSoft Application Designer areas to create analytic grids:

Analytic Grid button

Select and then drag to insert an analytic grid into the page.

Analytic grid

Contains the grid itself. You can modify the grid's properties by double-clicking to display the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box. (Click anywhere except the column headings.) You can also double-click a grid column to display the properties box for modifying the column. In addition, you can change the order of columns on either the Layout or Order tab.

See Inserting and Manipulating Analytic Grid Columns.

You use these areas to modify analytic grids in runtime:

Navigation Bar

Enables end users to navigate through the displayed data set. Also contains a link to drag and drop instructional text.

Slice Bar

Enables end users to view selected portions, or slices, of the data, for instance, the sales of one category of product or the sales from a single region.

Column Axis

Displays the designated cubes or dimensions across the top of the analytic grid. Also contains icons for expanding or collapsing items.

Note. Dimension on Column Axis can be expanded up to only four levels.

Row Axis

Displays the designated cubes or dimensions along the left-hand side of the analytic grid.

Data Set

Displays the data from the loaded analytic instance.

See Understanding Analytic Grids.

Click to jump to parent topicInserting and Resizing Analytic Grid Controls

To insert an analytic grid on a page:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select Insert, Analytic Grid.

  4. Drag to place the grid on the page.

  5. If you need to adjust the grid width, drag the horizontal or vertical control handles.

    The grid width should be roughly equivalent to the columns that you insert into the grid. Otherwise, the grid might appear too wide or narrow at runtime.

    Note. The grid height depends on the data contained in the grid.

Note. These steps insert an analytic grid control on the page, but so far you have not associated this analytic grid with the relevant model or record definition. You establish this association by means of the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Analytic Grid Analytic Properties

To set analytic grid Analytic properties:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select Insert, Analytic Grid to add a analytic grid.

  4. Access the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box by double-clicking anywhere on the analytic grid other than on the column headings.

  5. Use the Analytics tab to set analytic model association and axis display properties.

This is an example of the Analytic Grid Properties - Analytics tab in PeopleSoft Application Designer:

Freeze Column Mode

Select this check box if you want to freeze the columns of the grid when it's displayed to the end user. If you select this check box, the only enabled field in the dialog box is the Record Namefield.

Model Name

Select the analytic model that you want to associate with the current analytic grid. You can select from any of the analytic models in the database.

Cube Collection Name

Select a cube collection from the analytic model.

Note. This drop-down list box only displays presentation cube collections, which have work/derived records associated with them. Any other cube collections do not appear.

See Presentation Cube Collections.

Record Name

Select either a main record or an aggregate record from the cube collection. The aggregate record is selected by default, if applicable. If there's no aggregate record, this field is populated with the main record. If you've selected the Freeze Column Mode check box, only work/derived records are displayed.

Analytic Instance

Specify the page field containing the analytic instance ID—that is, the instance of the analytic model that is displayed in this analytic grid.

Non-Dimensional Fields

Select Slicer Axis to set the non-dimensional fields axis to the slicer axis.

Select Column Axis to set the non-dimensional fields axis to the column axis.

Select Row Axis to set the non-dimensional fields axis to the row axis.

Warning! All fields that are mapped to dimensions are considered dimensional fields. All fields that are mapped to data cubes are considered non-dimensional fields. The non-dimensional fields referred to within this dialog box are mapped to data cubes. However, any field that is not mapped to anything is also considered a non-dimensional field. If the application developer wants to include such non-dimensional fields (those not mapped to anything) with the analytic grid, he or she must populate them using the RowInit method or their value will be zero.

Note. If a field is designated as invisible, that property is sometimes honored and sometimes not honored within the analytic grid. If the field is a dimension on the slicer axis, the property is honored. If the field is a dimension on the row or column axis, the invisible property is not honored. If the field is a cube, the invisible property is honored on the column but not the row axis.

Dimensional Fields

Use the Slicer Axis option to set which dimensional fields are used for the slice bar.

Dimensions that have filter functions applied will behave differently depending on whether they reside on the column axis/row axis or the slice bar. See the following for details.

See Filter User Functions.

Use the Column Axis option to set which dimensional fields are used for the column axis.

Use the Row Axis option to set which dimensional fields are used for the row axis.

You can select any dimensional field and move it from one list box to another by using the appropriate arrow keys. (The arrow keys are grayed out if you do not have a field selected.) The order of the fields on any particular axis—as end users will see it—is determined by the order in which their columns appear in the analytic grid, not by their order in the analytic model. You can change the column order by using drag and drop. By default, all but the last dimension appear on the slice bar axis; the last dimension appears on the row axis, and the data cubes appear on the column axis.

See Inserting and Manipulating Analytic Grid Columns.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Analytic Grid Label Properties

To set analytic grid label properties:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select Insert, Analytic Grid to add an analytic grid.

  4. Access the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box by double-clicking anywhere on the analytic grid other than on the column headings.

  5. From the Analytic Grid Properties - Analytics tab, select the Label tab.

This is an example of the Analytic Grid Properties - Label tab:

Display Header

Select if you want to display preferences and the link to download to Excel to the end user in the header.


Enter a title that displays in the upper-left corner of the analytic grid.

Note. You can also modify this title at runtime by using the AnalyticGrid classes.

Display Navigation Bar

Select if you want to display navigational elements for the grid in the header, such as First, Last, View All, and so on. Preferences and the link to download to Excel still display to the end user.

Display Slice Bar

Select for the slice bar to appear in the analytic grid. By default, this check box is selected. This item is not available if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab.

Default Initial View to Expanded State

Select to have the slice bar appear expanded to the end user initially. Clear to have the slice bar initially appear collapsed to the end user. This item is not available if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab.

Note. The slice bar is expanded by default.

Show Grid Lines

Select to display grid lines to the end user.

Display Footer

Select if you want to display preferences and the link to download to Excel to the end user in the footer. No navigational elements are displayed in the footer.


Enables you to provide a brief description of the functionality and content of the grid area. This property is pertinent for users who access the application by using screen readers.

Analytic grid label properties such as the label text, grid lines, slicer, and summary text can also be set through PeopleCode.

See AnalyticGrid Class Properties.

Setting Analytic Grid Label Properties

Access the Summary Properties dialog box (click the Properties button on the Analytic Grid Properties - Label dialog box).

Default to Title

Select this option to have the summary property the same as the grid title.

Clear this option to activate the Text and Message Catalog options.


Select this option to enter up to 254 characters in the Summary Text field. Selecting this option disables all Message Catalog option related fields.

Message Catalog

Select this option to choose a message stored in the Message Catalog. Selecting this option disables all Text option related fields. Select one of these two options:

  • Text: Select this option to use only the message text from the message catalog.

  • Explanation: Select this option to use only the message explanation from the message catalog.

Summary Text

The default summary text value is the same as the Title of the grid area. You can also enter static text or use the Message Catalog to store the summary information.

To change the summary properties:

  1. Open the grid area.

  2. Access the Label tab.

  3. Click the Properties button located in the Summary group box.

    The Summary Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Clear the Default to Title option to activate the other Summary options.

  5. Enter static text or enter a Message Set and Number to retrieve information from the Message Catalog.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Analytic Grid Use Properties

To set analytic grid Use properties:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select Insert, Analytic Grid to add a analytic grid.

  4. Access the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box by double-clicking anywhere on the analytic grid other than on the column headings.

  5. Select the Use tab.

    The Analytic Grid Properties - Use tab appears.

This is an example of the Analytic Grid Properties - Use tab:

No Auto Select

Select to suppress the system from automatically retrieving data from the analytic calculation engine. If you select the No Auto Select check box, you must use the LoadData method to load the analytic grid with data.

See LoadData.

This item is not available if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab.

No Auto Load/Unload Analytic Instance

Determines whether and how you load the analytic instance for the analytic grid.

  • If you do not select this option, you can supply an analytic instance ID on the Analytics tab to have the analytic grid automatically load that analytic instance. If the analytic grid auto loads the analytic instance, it uses the default timeout setting and also recalculates the model. The analytic instance is unloaded when the user navigates out of the component.

    Another option for supplying the analytic instance ID is to use the Analytic Grid Class SetAnalyticInstance method.

    See SetAnalyticInstance.

  • If you select this option, the analytic instance is not loaded automatically. In this case, use the PeopleCode analytic instance classes to load the analytic instance into the grid. If you do not use a PeopleCode program to load the data, no analytic instance is loaded.

This item is not available if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab.

Sort Order

This check box is enabled only if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab. Selecting this option enables the end user to sort the data in the frozen columns.

Display Only

In some cases, you might design grids that enable end users to view but not change information. Select this check box if you do not want the end user to enter data into the fields in any of the rows. End users can still manipulate the grid to display a new view of their data, but they cannot update the actual data displayed in the analytic grid.

If the grid is display only, obviously all the fields within the grid are display only. However, if the grid is not display only, there are several possibilities:

  • If fields are display only, the analytic grid honors that.

  • If fields are not display only, they are editable as long as they are nonaggregate values.

  • If fields are dimensions, they are display only unless the dimension is on the slicer axis.


The analytic grid does not display to end users and no data is loaded into the analytic grid data, thus no data is available to the application developer using PeopleCode.

Wrap Column Label

Select whether column labels wrap if they are too long to fit within the column at its current width. If you do not select this option, columns widen as needed to accommodate long column labels.

Collapsible Data Area

Select this option so that the data area for your analytic grid can be collapsed into a header bar with an icon that the end user must click to expand it. Selecting the Collapsible Data Area option activates the Default Initial View to Expanded State check box.

Default Initial View to Expanded State

Select whether the initial view of the grid is expanded or collapsed. It is expanded by default.

Note. This check box is available only if the Collapsible Data Area option is selected.

No Drag and Drop

Specify whether the end user can drag and drop cubes, dimensions, and so on at runtime. This item is not available if the Freeze Column Mode check box is selected in the Analytics tab.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Analytic Grid General Properties

To set analytic grid General properties:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select Insert, Analytic Grid to add a analytic grid.

  4. Access the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box by double-clicking anywhere on the analytic grid other than on the column headings.

  5. Select the General tab.

    The Analytic Grid Properties - General tab appears.

This is an example of the Analytic Grid Properties - General tab:

Page Field Name

Specify a grid name consisting of any combination of uppercase letters, digits, and the symbols #, $, @, and _. The default is the name of the main record for the analytic grid; however, you can rename the grid as long as you use a unique name for the page or component. This name is used by the PeopleCode GetAnalyticGrid function to create a grid definition.

See GetAnalyticGrid.

Occurs Count (rows)

Determines the vertical page size—that is, how many rows of data are displayed initially at runtime. The occurs count is set to 1 by default. If you set the occurs count to 30 rows, for example, the end user sees 30 rows of data at a time.

Max Visible Row Count (maximum visible row count)

Specify the maximum number of visible rows. This item is only available if the Freeze Column Mode option is selected in the Analytics tab.

Unlimited Occurs Count (rows)

Sets the occurs count to unlimited, which means that the end user sees all rows of data. Selecting this check box disables the Occurs Count option because it is no longer applicable.

In addition to setting an occurs count, the developer can set a threshold by using ACEGRDROWS in PeopleSoft Personalizations to limit how many rows of data are displayed in the grid. (The analytic grid supports a minimum of 2 rows: one for column axis and one for data; and it supports a maximum of 101 rows: one for column axis and 100 for data.) This threshold works with the View All link in the grid. If the number of rows of data returned is less than the threshold, this link reads View All and, when the end user clicks it, all records appear. However, if the number of rows of data returned is more than the threshold, the View All link changes to View X, where X is the value of the threshold. (This link is a toggle: clicking it switches between displaying the occurs count specified in the properties dialog box and the threshold specified in user personalizations.) If the occurs count is greater than or equal to the threshold, the threshold takes precedence.

See Working with Personalization Options.

Enable as Page Anchor

Select to apply an anchor tag to serve as a jump destination on the page.

See Specifying Type Properties for Push Buttons or Links.

See Setting General Properties.

Click to jump to parent topicInserting and Manipulating Analytic Grid Columns

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Analytic Grid Columns

Use one of the following methods to insert an analytic grid column:

The Analytic grid columns should all be bound to the same record definition to which the underlying cube collection is attached; the only exception is the columns used for related display/related edit. All the fields in the record definition that are mapped to either a dimension or a field should have a representative column in the analytic grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Analytic Grid Columns

To delete an analytic grid column:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition.

  3. Select a column by clicking the column heading of the analytic grid.

    Be sure that you select only the column and not the analytic grid as a whole; otherwise, you might delete the entire grid instead of just the column. The column is selected when it turns black. The whole analytic grid is selected when control boxes appear around the edges of the grid.

  4. Press the Delete key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Analytic Grid Columns on the Layout Tab

To move analytic grid columns on the Layout tab:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition and access the Layout tab.

  3. Click to select a column heading of the analytic grid.

  4. Drag the column to its new location.

  5. Release the mouse button over the column that is to the left of the new location.

Note. The order of columns here determines the order in which they display to end users. However, to determine the axis on which fields appear, you use the Analytics tab in the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box. All non-dimensional fields can appear on one axis only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Analytic Grid Columns on the Order Tab

To move analytic grid columns on the Order tab:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. After signing in to the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open a page definition and access the Order tab.

  3. Select the column row by clicking the row number.

    The analytic grid is identified as such in the Type column and appears in green. All columns in the analytic grid are directly below this analytic grid row and appear in a lighter green.

  4. Drag the row to the new position in the grid.

    A red line indicates the new position of the column before you release it.

    Note. You cannot move a column outside of the grid when working on the Order tab. Similarly, you cannot move an existing page control from elsewhere on the page into the grid. You can perform both of these operations on the Layout tab.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResizing Analytic Grids

You can resize analytic grids in PeopleSoft Application Designer by dragging the right border of the grid. The size of individual columns is determined by the data they contain. The height of the analytic grid is determined by the number of rows it contains. If the number of columns extends beyond the maximum width of the page, a scroll bar is introduced to enable end users to scroll through the columns.

Note. When designing analytic grids, keep in mind that the row header, which you do not see in PeopleSoft Application Designer, takes up some of the width of the analytic grid that is displayed to end users.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Column Properties for Analytic Grids

After you insert the page control or field into your grid, you can set the properties for that field as you would set properties for any other page control. Access the field properties by double-clicking the column heading. This properties dialog box behaves much as it does for ordinary grids.

See Setting Page Field Properties for Controls.

Note. Settings that you select in the properties dialog, which comes up when you click an individual column in the analytic grid, override the settings that you select in the Analytic Grid Properties dialog box.

In addition, related display fields and related edit fields behave the same for analytic grids as they do for ordinary grids.

See Creating Display Control and Related Fields.

Click to jump to parent topicManipulating the Analytic Grid at Runtime

Your job as an application developer is not finished at design time. You can perform several tasks at runtime to ensure that the analytic grid works as desired: