Creating Page Definitions

Pages are the graphical interface between your users and your application database. As a system designer, you configure or build pages that meet the data requirements of the application and that are easy to use and understand. Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, you can create, modify, and delete page definitions in your PeopleSoft system.

This chapter provides an overview of page design and development and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Page Design and Development

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLevel-Based Controls

You determine your page design based on the type of data that you plan to access and maintain. In some cases, a page references a single record definition; in others, you may want to reference multiple records. To accommodate a variety of page designs, PeopleSoft Application Designer uses level-based controls. The three level-based controls are:

Level-based controls have four levels: Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. These levels are referenced as occurs levels on the Record tab of the page field properties for the level-based control that you are setting.

The first occurs level on a page is Level 0. In general, this level is reserved for the primary key fields that are used to search for pages. A page may not contain any level-based controls; all fields may be set to Level 0. This case is particularly true for secondary pages or subpages that contain few data entry fields, as shown in the following example. The second column, Lvl (level), of the Order tab indicates that all fields on the page are at Level 0:

When you add a level-based control, a scroll area or a grid, to your page, the default occurs level for that control is set to 1 in the properties dialog box. If you place a field in or below that scroll area, it is also set to Level 1 on the Order tab, even if it is another level-based control. If necessary, you can use the Set to Level 0 feature of the horizontal rule control to restart the occurs level on a page.

Note that you can have any number of level-based controls at the same level.

Nested Level-Based Controls

Nesting controls involve two or more level-based controls on a page, such as two scroll areas, when the second scroll area has an occurs level of 2. You nest controls when the new data that you want to add is a repeating set of data for each entry in your first level-based control. In doing so, you create a hierarchical, or parent and child, relationship between the controls and the processing of the record definitions. The Level 2 control is the child of and is subordinate to the Level 1 control.

For example, on the Compensation page, the Level 2 grid is nested in the Level 1 scroll area. On the Amounts tab of the grid, each compensation action in the Level 1 scroll area has two rate codes:

This example of the Additional Pay 1 page shows three levels of data, two of which are nesting scroll areas in the Earnings scroll area:

In this case, we want to maintain information about the compensation history for a single employee and, for each change or override in compensation status, enter details about that change. The first scroll area, Earnings, associates the earning code with the second, subordinate scroll area, Eff Date (effective date) and Default Job Data, which enables the user to enter the effective date for the status change. The third scroll area, Or Overrides to Job Data, which is subordinate to the second, enables the user to enter the overrides to the default job data that appears in the second scroll area.

For each of the three scroll areas, you can have several rows of data. While you do not see actual scroll bars on your page, the navigation buttons and links in the navigation bars for each scroll area enable you to navigate or scroll through the rows.

Nested Grids in Scrolls

As shown previously, you can nest a grid in a scroll or scroll area. The following example shows the Other Earnings grid at Level 3, which is nested in the Earnings scroll area at Level 2, which is nested in the Paysheet Details scroll area at Level 1. A nested grid serves the same function as a nested scroll area. It can offer a more compact way of viewing many fields of data, particularly if you use a tabbed grid.

Note. You can nest a grid in a scroll area, but you cannot nest a scroll area in a grid or a grid in another grid.

Levels and Runtime Processing

Levels play an important role in runtime processing. The component processor relies on the level at which you place a field on a page to determine how to process any PeopleCode attached to the field in the record definition.

Effective Dates and Level-Based Controls

EFFDT (effective date) must be the only key field that is controlled by level-based controls that you create to help users maintain multiple occurrences of data that is keyed by effective date. Otherwise, the effective date processing for update actions does not function correctly.

See Also

Referencing Data in the Component Buffer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicKeys for Accessing Pages

No matter how much time you spend defining and refining your page, your work is useless unless the user can access it. You must add it to a component, and then you must add that component to a menu. When you add a page to a component, you determine what actions the user must perform to access the page and the keys that are required to retrieve rows of information.

The search record that you define for a component determines the key list; that is, search keys for which users are prompted when they select a page and an action. A search record can be either a view that concatenates information stored in several tables or the underlying table itself. Select the search record that contains all of the key items for the primary record underlying the page.

The keys for which the search dialog box prompts should populate the high-level (Level 0 in the page definition) key controls on a page. These key controls always appear before any level-based control on the page and are typically display-only. A search record might differ from a primary record definition, but it must contain all of the Level 0 keys that you placed on the page.

Using Keys for Views

When you create a view that should use key values from a page, each key must be:

For example, suppose that a page has PERSON.PERSONID as a Level 0 field. PERSONID is the key of the PERSON record. A grid on the page uses the PERSON_ADDRESS_VW view to display addresses for the current person. The SQL statement for the view cannot only mention PERSON.PERSONID in the WHERE clause; PERSONID must be both an output column of the view and a key field of the view.

See Also

Creating Record Definitions

Creating Component Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMultiple Occurrences of Data

On some pages, you may want a few of the field controls to display multiple rows or occurrences of data. To do this, you can add a level-based control: a scroll area, a grid, or a scroll bar. Users can then add, edit, delete, find, and scroll through multiple occurrences of data in a page control or group of controls using action buttons, links, or the browser scroll bar, depending on how you set the occurs count. Using a scroll area or a grid, rather than a scroll bar, is the preferred page design to show multiple occurrences of data.

For example, this Checklist Table page contains the Assignment Checklist Item grid with an occurs count of 5. The Checklist Item scroll area in which it is nested must have an occurs count of 1 since we can see only one row of data in the scroll area:

To see the next set of five rows in the Assignment Checklist Item grid, a user can click the right arrow button. To see all rows of data at once, in either the grid or scroll area, the user can select the View All link in the navigation bar.

In PeopleSoft Application Designer, you set the occurs count for a level-based control on the General tab in the properties dialog box. You can set the occurs count to any number. You also have the option of selecting Unlimited Occurs Count so that the user sees all rows of data. If the page has more options than can be viewed in the window at runtime, the browser displays a scroll bar enabling the user to scroll to the bottom of the page.

Note. When an occurs count is set to a number other than 1, the grid displays the specified number of rows. However, when it is set to 1, the grid displays as many rows as possible within the given space allocated for the grid control at design time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrompt Fields

At runtime, you may want to enable your users to look up the valid values that they can enter in a field. For this, PeopleSoft Application Designer provides prompts, or lookup buttons. The three types of prompts are:

See Also

Using Drop-Down List Boxes

Specifying Date Field Attributes

Using the Translate Table

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDerived and Work Fields

You can use a field definition from a derived or work record to store a temporary value that PeopleCode uses to determine the values of other field controls on the page.

For example, for a budgeting transaction in PeopleSoft General Ledger, assume that you have an annual amount that you must spread to multiple accounting periods. You can create a page that includes both a field control from a derived record for the annual amount and an amount control for each accounting period. You then write PeopleCode to derive the amount per accounting period from the annual amount. When a user enters the annual amount in the derived field control, PeopleCode calculates the amount per accounting period and inserts it into each accounting period field control. The annual amount is not stored in the database, but the period amounts are.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSensitive Data

You can allocate sensitive data to a single page and limit access to that page to the users who need to update it. Alternatively, you can enter PeopleCode to hide certain fields on pages based on appropriate criteria. The page approach is simpler, however, and can be used in most situations. For secondary pages, this sort of security is more complex to manage.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHidden Pages

Hidden pages are work pages that are associated with derived or work records; they are often used in work groups. You can store all of your work field controls on hidden pages. Create these pages when you want PeopleCode calculations to be performed in the background so that the user does not see them. As a convention, PeopleSoft assigns work pages that are delivered with your application names that end with the suffix _WRK; you should follow the same naming convention. An example name is: MC_TYPE_WRK.

Hide a page by selecting the Hidden check box in the component grid as you set up the component definition.

See Also

Setting Page Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpgrade Considerations

If you adapt a PeopleSoft application, you might affect your use of future PeopleSoft releases. The closer your PeopleSoft system is to the standard product, the easier your upgrades will be. Avoid superfluous or cosmetic changes to data structures in the standard product. Document all of your changes in the comment area on the General tab in the Page Properties dialog box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnd-User Page Customization

End users of PeopleSoft applications can customize various settings on a page, including tab order, the display state of scroll areas and grids, and the state of collapsible sections. Users can also choose that the default page display for a component each time they open that component. In addition, users can choose to share their customization settings with or copy settings from another user.

The page customization option is set in the Component Properties dialog box, Internet tab. The Customize Page Link check box is selected by default to enable the Customize Page link in the pagebar at runtime for all pages.

See Also

Setting Internet Properties

Customizing Pages

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Page Development Tools

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Page Definition Menus

As you build pages, use the tools and options in these menus:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Page Definition Toolbars

The toolbars in PeopleSoft Application Designer change, depending on the active window. When a page window is active, you see the page definition toolbar and the page control toolbar.

Page Definition Toolbar


Click the Properties button to open the Page Properties dialog box (Alt+Enter).

Click the Project Workspace button to display or hide the project workspace (View, Project Workspace or Alt+0).

Click the Select Group button to select several controls at once (Edit, Select Group menu item or Ctrl+P).

Click the Default Ordering button to reorder all of the fields on the page based on their relative locations on the page (Layout, Default Ordering).

Click the Test Page button to test the tab order of your page design (Layout, Test Mode or Ctrl+T).

Click the View Page in Browser button frequently throughout the design process (Layout, View in Browser).

Click the Toggle Inspector button to display or hide the floating Definition Inspector window (View, Show Page Control Inspector).

Click the Auto Size button to size a subpage or secondary page to fit around page controls.

Click the Toggle Grid button to display or hide the page grid (View, Show Grid or Ctrl+G).

Click the Left Label Position button to place the page control label for the currently selected field immediately to the left (Layout, Left Label Position or Ctrl+D).

Click an Align (position) button to move the selected page controls so that the edges or center points of the selected page controls share a common axis (Layout, Align, (position).

See Aligning Page Controls and Page Control Labels.

Click an Align Label (position) button to move the selected labels so that the edges or center points of the selected labels share a common axis (Layout, Align, Label (position).

Click the Show Help button to view the page definition help.

Page Control Toolbar


The page control toolbar contains a button for each type of page control that you insert. The buttons display images that look like the controls that they insert. You can move this toolbar on your workspace independently of the system toolbar or the other half of the page definition toolbar.


Group box.

Horizontal rule.

Static text.

Static image.

Grid tab separator.

Check box.

Drop-down list box.

Edit box.

HTML area.


Long edit box.

Push button/hyperlink.

Radio button.



Scroll area.

Scroll bar.

Secondary page.



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Page Layout Grid

When you open a page definition, evenly spaced dots appear in the workspace. This is the page layout grid that you use to align controls. When you run applications, the grid does not appear on pages. It appears only as a design aid in the page definition. This example shows the Layout Grid dialog box:

Example of Layout Grid dialog box with default values

The default grid spacing is 4 × 4, which means that each row has one dot per 4 pixels and that the rows are 4 pixels apart on the vertical axis. Most pages in PeopleSoft applications are built using this grid. To change the spacing, open the Layout Grid dialog box by selecting Grid Settings from the Layout menu.

You can turn off the grid view of your page by clicking the Toggle Grid button in the page definition toolbar.

Changing Page Layout Grid Settings

To change grid spacing:

  1. Select Layout , Grid Settings.

  2. Enter values for the width and the height, which is the spacing of the dots in pixels.

    The smaller the value, the finer the grid. The finer the grid, the more difficult it is to align fields precisely without using the align functionality. Note that if either the width or height is set to one, then the grid will be slightly off.

    Select a Show Grid option to activate or deactivate the page grid.

    If you copy an existing page and save it by another name, you also copy the grid settings that were used to create the original page. For example, if the original page was built with a 5 × 5 grid, then your new page also will have a 5 × 5 grid, by default. You can change the grid settings anytime while working on a page. Doing so has no effect on the position of a field.

    The snap-to-grid functionality is only available when the layout grid is showing.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating New Page Definitions

To create a new page definition, either clone an existing page or begin with a blank page. Cloning is more efficient because you do not have to recreate controls that are common to all pages. You can also create a template that contains only the controls that you need.

This section discusses how to:

Note. When saving new definitions, always make sure to adhere to accepted naming conventions.

See Saving Definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning Page Definitions

To clone a page definition:

  1. Select File, Open.

    The Open Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Specify Page for the definition and locate the page that you want to clone.

  3. When the system retrieves the page definition, select File, Save As.

    If you save after you make modifications, you might accidentally overwrite the old page definition.

  4. Enter a new page name.

    To create a new page template, name the page so that it appears at the top of your page list.

  5. Click OK.

Note. Record definition names are restricted to a maximum of 15 characters; page names can have up to 18 characters.

See Also

Opening Definitions

Saving Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Blank Page

To create a new page without copying an existing page, select File, New, Page.

When saving the page, make sure that you adhere to the accepted naming conventions.

See Saving Definitions.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Page Controls

You can add page fields to a page i a number of ways. You can copy page fields from one page and paste them onto another, or you can drag-and-drop page fields from one page to another. In addition to these basic methods, this section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDragging Field Definitions From a Record Onto a Page

To drag field definitions from a record onto a page:

  1. Open an existing record definition by selecting File, Open, Record.

  2. Open a new page by selecting File, New, Page.

  3. Drag field definitions from the record to the page.

    The system selects the page definition control type based on the record field attributes. In the preceding page, the EMPLID (employee identification) field was defined as a prompt table edit in the record, so a Prompt button was added for EmplID when it was dragged onto the page.

  4. Double-click the new page field to set the properties.

    When you drag field definitions, the properties from the record definition are used to set page field default properties. You can alter the properties using the Properties dialog box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDragging Record Fields From the Project Workspace Onto a Page

To drag record fields from the project workspace onto a page:

  1. Open the project that you want to drag from an existing or new page.

  2. Drag record fields from the project workspace to the page.

  3. Double-click the new page field to set the properties.

Note. When you drag fields from the project workspace, use fields that are contained in records (as in record.fieldname), not field definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDragging Record Definitions Onto a Page

You can add an entire record definition to a page at once, which can save a great deal of time when generating pages. You can then arrange the fields as desired on the page.

Note. You can also drag an entire record definition into a grid control that you have placed on a page.

See Inserting and Manipulating Grid Columns.

To drag record definitions onto a page:

  1. Open the project that you want to drag from an existing or new page.

  2. Drag the record definition onto the page.

    PeopleSoft Application Designer positions the record fields on the page as page fields in a cascading manner. Fields are in the order that they appear in the record with the appropriate control value assigned to each one.

  3. Reposition the fields as necessary on your page.

  4. Double-click each new page field to set its properties.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Page Control Toolbar

You can insert page controls by using the page control toolbar. When you click one of the page control buttons, the cursor changes to a cross-shaped icon or hand, depending on which control type you select. You can then move the cursor to where you want to position the control and click once. If you select a control from the toolbar erroneously and want to cancel the selection, press the Esc key and then select the desired page control button.

If the control is a fixed size during insertion, the cursor changes to a cross-shaped icon. If the control type requires that you define the size of the control at the time of insertion, the cursor changes to the monogrammed hand icon. When a hand-shaped icon appears, press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the hand diagonally downward to where you want the lower, right-hand corner of the frame. Release the mouse button.

If the control is not correct the first time that you draw it, you can easily adjust it. The dotted box and black or blue handles surrounding the control indicate that it is selected. Use any of the four directional arrow keys on the keyboard to move the frame one page grid unit in the indicated direction. You can also use Shift+ the arrow key to resize the page control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Insert Menu

Select the control that you want to add to your page from the Insert menu. Your cursor changes to a cross-shaped icon or a hand, depending on which control type you select. Move the cursor to where you want to position the control and click once.

Click to jump to parent topicManipulating Page Controls

After you place a control on a page, you have several choices for manipulating it.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Controls

Before you manipulate a control, you must select it. You can do this by clicking the control or by using the Edit menu. A check mark beside the option in the menu indicates which of these modes you are in:

Select Field

Select one control on the page by clicking on it. To deselect a control, click once outside the dotted box. Deselected is the default mode.

Select Group

Select a group of controls by drawing a box around the controls that you want to select. You can also activate this option by clicking and dragging over the target fields.

Note. You are in Select Group mode when the cursor changes to a pointing finger. If the cursor does not change when you select Edit, Select Group, try first selecting an individual control on the page and then selecting Edit, Select Group again.

Select All

Select all of the controls on the active page. The result is the same as using the Select Group option to draw a box around the controls.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResizing Controls

You can adjust the size or shape of any page control that displays selection handles when it is selected:

Note. Some browsers do not support the resizing of certain control types. In these cases, changing the size in PeopleSoft Application Designer has no effect upon the runtime size of the field.

See "Troubleshooting Browser Limitations" on My Oracle Support.

To resize a control, use one of these methods:

Note. The position of the top, left corner of the frame does not change; resizing with the keyboard occurs by adjusting the position of the bottom, right corner.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Page Control Inspector

The Page Control Inspector provides location, size, type, and data source information for the selected page control on the page. The first six values, Left, Width, Right, Top, Height, and Bottom, display the exact bounding coordinates in pixels of the control on your page in PeopleSoft Application Designer. The remaining values help distinguish the selected control from others on the page.

Access the Page Control Inspector from the View menu or by clicking the Toggle Inspector button on the page definition toolbar. When you finish viewing the values for one control, click another control to view its values. You can check multiple controls on a page in quick succession.

Note. The HTML that is generated for your page uses table layout, rather than pixel layout. You should preview how your page might look in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture as you design it. Spacing of fields at runtime may not appear exactly the same as during design time.

While the Page Control Inspector displays values for a grid, no information is available for individual grid columns.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Controls

If you remove a control from a page, look for other controls that are related to it, such as display controls or invisible controls used by PeopleCode. You may need to delete them as well or alter their attributes so that they can be standalone fields.

Check for PeopleCode that references this control on the page by opening the field definition and selecting View, Find Definition References. If any references exist, modify or delete them because the control no longer exists on the page.

To delete controls from a page:

  1. Select the controls.

  2. Select Edit, Clear.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Controls on the Same Page

To move controls to another position on the same page, use one of these methods:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying and Moving Controls to Another Page

To copy a single control to another page, drag the control from one page to the other. For a group of controls, you also can select the controls and use the copy and paste functionality.

To move a group of controls to another page, cut and paste the group onto the new page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPositioning Page Control Labels

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to change the relative position of most page controls and their labels. This section discusses how to:

Moving Page Control Labels

To move page control labels, use one of these methods:

Note. Select the control itself when you want to move both the control and its label and retain their relative positioning.

Preventing Translation Buffer Overlap

Often, when you translate your own field labels, the label in the new language requires more space than the English label. When you create or modify pages, you need to accommodate this requirement by leaving additional space between the label and the field control. This space is called the translation buffer. If you do not account for the translation buffer during page design, labels and controls can overlap, which can interfere with readability after the translation.

PeopleSoft Application Designer automatically calculates the translation buffer size as 30 percent of the current label length + the length of 2 upper case'Ns. The calculation uses the number of characters, but it ignores the individual character itself. The combined character length and translation buffer length is limited to 60 characters for static text labels, 30 characters for RFT_LONG labels, and 15 for RFT_SHORT labels.

Based on the calculation, a page control label appears with dashed lines that surround and extend beyond the label, visually indicating the appropriate translation buffer. PeopleSoft Application Designer appropriately moves and adjusts the translation buffer indicators whether you align your labels to the left, right, or center. For most page controls, the translation buffer indicators envelope only the label. However, the translation buffer indicators for push buttons and links enclose the entire control because these labels are embedded in the controls themselves. By default, PeopleSoft Application Designer resizes push buttons and links automatically to accommodate the combined length of the label and the translation buffer.

Note. Group box, grid, and scroll area controls do not display translation buffer indicators.

When you save a page, PeopleSoft Application Designer warns you if the page control label translation buffer overlaps a control. When you dismiss the warning dialog box, PeopleSoft Application Designer brings focus to the problematic page control. If more than one label is inappropriately positioned, the first one receives the focus. When your page contains no translation buffer overlaps, the page saves without warning.

Note. Translation buffer indicators appear even if you do not translate your labels. Translation buffer overlap, however, is inconsequential to English language pages.

Example: Translation Buffer Indicators

In this example, you see the translation buffer indicators for seven page controls. The link and the push button demonstrate center label alignment. The Employee ID , Employment Status, and Flag for Review labels demonstrate left alignment. The Description and Option 1 labels demonstrate right alignment:

Example: Translation Buffer Overlap

In this example, the Effective Date label maintains the translation buffer, but the Short Description label does not maintain the translation buffer and overlaps the associated edit box page control:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Page Field Properties for Controls

For each page control that you add to a page you can control how it looks and functions in your application page by setting page field properties. In most cases, you access the property settings by double-clicking the control. Alternatively, you can highlight the control and select Page Field Properties from the Edit menu or the pop-up menu, which is activated by right-clicking the control.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Record Properties

For most controls, you must set record properties to assign the control to a specific field in a record definition. No distinct correlation exists between the field types in a record definition and the controls in a page definition.

Use this table to select the appropriate page control type to associate with the corresponding field in your record definition:

Record Definition Field Type

Page Definition Control Type


Edit box

Character (Yes or No Table Edit)

Check box

Edit box

Character (Translate Table Edit)

Radio button

Edit box

Drop-down list box

Long Character

Long edit box, HTML area

Note. Do not associate Long Character fields to edit box controls; use a long edit box control. Associating a Long Character field to an edit box control can produce unexpected behavior on the page.


Edit box

Signed Number

Edit box


Edit box


Edit box


Edit box


Not applicable

Note. A direct association to subrecords is not available.



To set the record properties for a page control, access the page field properties for the control and select the Record tab:

Note. This section applies to both edit boxes and long edit boxes. Other controls may contain only a few, if any, of the properties listed in the following tables. Refer to the discussion of the specific control for more information.

Record Name

Select the record name of the record definition where the field is located. If you already added a field to your page and associated it with a record definition, the system uses the last record definition name that you entered.

Field Name

Select the field name. If the field is a related display field that contains a long name or short name from the Translate Table, use PSXLATDEFN as the record definition name. The field name is either a long name (30 characters) or a short name (10 characters).



Set the font and color attributes of your control data. The default style class for an edit box is PSEDITBOX, which controls how the data portion of the edit box appears. Control the color, font, and other characteristics of an edit box by specifying a different style class.

Note. Certain browsers always display the background of an edit box as white.

See "Troubleshooting Browser Limitations" on Customer Connection.


After you link a control with a record name and field, the system automatically calculates the page control size. The size is based on the length of the field that is defined in your record definition, the font metrics of the field style, and any formatting options (currency symbol, 1000 separators, and so on) that apply. Because many fonts have variable width characters (for example, a W character is wider than a l character) three size options are available.

Note. Some browsers do not support custom sizing for edit boxes, long edit boxes, drop-down list boxes, and push buttons.

See "Troubleshooting Browser Limitations" on My Oracle Support.


Select to provide sufficient space to display the field control length in average-width characters.


Select to provide enough space to display the field control length in maximum-width characters.


Select to define a custom size for edit boxes that are not display-only. If you set a display-only edit box to Custom, it appears as its defined length. If your edit box is in a grid, this field wraps.


Alignment indicates the runtime alignment of data within a page field. These settings have no affect on the relative alignment of page fields.


Select to left-justify the content of character fields and right-justify the content of number and signed number fields. This value is the default.


Select to left-justify the content of a field.

Note. If the field is not display-only, the alignment is always left-justified. If the field is display-only, the system uses the alignment that you specify.


Select to right-justify the content of the field. Do not use this option in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture for fields that are not display-only.


Family Name

Displays the current family name, which was set when the field was created, if it is applicable to your control.

Display Name

Select an option to override the display format that is associated with a field.

Display Options

Display Zero

Select if the content of the page control are numeric and you want to display a zero value instead of a blank field. Sometimes, seeing a zero helps users remember that a page control is not blank. For example, in a tax table you might show the lowest tax bracket as starting at zero instead of leaving it blank.

Display Century

Select for date fields to enable users to enter a date with a four-digit century, as in 1999. Dates are always stored with the four-digit century in the database, but only the last two digits appear unless you select Display Century. If this option is not selected, the century is automatically set to the century of your system date.


Select to hide the value that is entered in a page control. This option causes characters in this control to appear online as asterisks (*). The component processor still sees the actual value. Use this option for pages that capture sensitive information, such as personal identification numbers (PINs).

Currency Symbol

Select to display a currency symbol in the field. This selection expands the display length of the field by the length of the currency symbol.

Show Prompt Button

Select to display a prompt button next to the edit box, which enables the user to look up valid values for that field.

1000 Separator

Select if the content of the page control is numeric and you want to insert thousand separators to make the numbers easier to read. The system automatically calculates the number of thousand separators to insert and determines where they should be positioned. This selection expands the display length of the edit box by one character for each separator.

Auto Fill

Select to have the system automatically populate the page control with the character specified in the Fill Character field. The direction in which it populates depends on the alignment that you select. If a field is left-aligned, then it populates from left to right. If a field is right-aligned, it populates from right to left.

For example, suppose that you define a six-character control as left-aligned, specify a fill character of 0, and activate Auto Fill. When you type 123 in the control online, the system displays 123000. Similarly, if you changed the alignment to right, the system would display 000123.

Note. Auto Fill can affect the actual value of the control, not just its visual representation.

Auto Decimal

Select to insert a decimal point automatically if none is provided in the data that is entered into the control. Where the system inserts the decimal point depends on how you define the control.

For example, in a record definition if you define a numeric field with a length of 4.2 (allowing four characters to the left of the decimal and two to the right) and activate Auto Decimal, the system inserts a decimal at the second digit from the right. This option applies only to numeric field controls and affects the actual value of the field control, not just its visual representation.

Display Time Zone

Select if you are setting the properties for a Time or a DateTime field and you want to display the related time zone. This setting helps users understand whether the time reflects the base time zone of the database or of some other time zone. This setting does not determine which time zone is actually used, only whether the time zone appears. The record field properties determine which time zone is used.

Enable Spell Check

For edit boxes and long edit boxes only, this option enables the user to check spelling on field content. This feature supports 17 languages using 36 dictionaries. Users have the option of selecting the appropriate dictionary to meet the language needs.

The behavior of this feature is as follows:

  • Design time behavior: The default setting is deselected. When theEnable Spell Check check box is selected, the Show Prompt Button option is deselected and disabled; a field can either be spell checked or validated, but not both. Like the Look-Up button, the spell check button appears to the right of the field and is not visible on the page definition. Be sure to leave extra space to accommodate it when placing other fields on the page.

  • Runtime behavior: The spell check button appears to the right of the edit box and at the upper right corner of a long edit box. Each click of the spell check button forces a transmission to the application server, opening the Spell Check page. The user then has the option to accept or reject the recommended spelling for the individual word or for all incidences of the term in the field. If no misspellings occur, a message box indicates so without leaving the current page. The Alt+5 hot key invokes spell check while cursor focus is on the spell check field.

    The spell check feature uses the current session language when applying a foreign language dictionary, unless the user changes it by means of Personalizations. The system uses PSLANGUAGES to provide the SCLANG default for each supported session language.

Fill Character

Enter a character to replace blank spaces in an edit box when the system displays the content of the field. For instance, if the length of a Net Pay field is 8.3 and you specify a fill character of *, then a value of $1,250 appears as:


You can use any character as a fill character.

Example: Auto Decimal

This table shows how the Auto Decimal option affects a numeric field control with a length of 4.2, depending on what you enter online:









Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Label Properties

The Label tab enables you to set the label that appears on a control. This label can be the long or short name that is specified in the record definition or in other text. Use this tab to verify the label ID that is used as the internal reference.

Access the page field properties for the control and select the Label tab.

Note. This section applies to the following controls: edit boxes, long edit boxes, check boxes, drop-down list boxes, group boxes, radio buttons, and static text.


Select the type of label. If you want the label to remain blank, you must first set up a blank label in the field definition that you are using. The blank label then appears as an option in the Label ID drop-down list box.


Select to display no control label on the page. Use this option for controls such as related displays.


Select to display text that you enter in the Text field. The default text is the long name for the field from the associated record definition.

For translation purposes, avoid using this option if possible.

RFT Short (record field table short)

Select to display the RFT short name for the field from the associated record definition.

RFT Long (record field table long)

Select to display the RFT long name for the field from the associated record definition. This value is the default.

Label Text


Enter the text exactly as it should appear on the page. The default is Dummy Name until you assign a record and field to the control. This field is only enabled if you selected Text as the type. Otherwise, the system displays the label text assigned to the field for the Label ID you select.

Label ID

Select from the drop-down list box the label you want to appear for the page field. The available choices are based on the Label ID column and the Long Name column for the selected field definition.

The default setting for this option is Use Default Label. This default is determined by the label you select as the default for the field definition.

Insert Line Feed

Click to split your control label into multiple lines at the position of the cursor in the Text field. A thick vertical bar character appears in the Text field. When you close the properties dialog box, the label is split into multiple lines. This option is only active when you select Text for the type.


Select an option to control the color, font, and other characteristics of a label. If you do not select a label style that is different than the default, Use Default Style, then the system uses the label style specified on the style sheet on the PeopleTools Options page.


The label alignment in the page field properties controls the alignment for both page fields placed on a page and page fields as grid columns. For a grid column, the label becomes the column heading and is aligned within the column boundaries as specified by this attribute, either left, centered, or right.


Select to align the label to the left-of-center horizontally. This value is the default.


Select to center the label horizontally.


Select to align the label to the right-of-center horizontally.

Note. Push buttons with images or text are automatically center aligned when in a grid. Push buttons with images or text are automatically left aligned when not in a grid.


These position options are available for edit boxes, long edit boxes, and drop-down list boxes only.


Positions label immediately adjacent to the left side of the field. Left is the default position of the label for fields newly added to the page. If you move the label on the page from the left position, PeopleSoft Application Designer changes the selection to Custom.


Positions label above the field. Selecting this option automatically moves the label to the top of the field. If you later move the label on the page from the top position, PeopleSoft Application Designer changes the selection to Custom.


Indicates that the label was manually moved on the page. Labels can be adjusted using the keyboard arrows. Selecting this option does not automatically move the label on the page.

See Positioning Page Control Labels.

To set labels to the left position for individual page fields:

  1. Select the control that you want to affect.

  2. Select Layout, Left Label Position.

    The Left Label Position option is only enabled if the label is set to the custom position. The system moves the label for the selected control to the left position. The position indicator in the page field properties does not change from Custom. Note that you may need to readjust the positioning of other fields and labels to accommodate this change.

Note. If you move a page field label manually on the page, the label position in the page field properties dialog box automatically updates to Custom.

Display Options

First occurs only

Select to display the label only with the first occurrence of a child page field in a scroll area.

No colon

Select this option if you do not want a colon to appear at the end of the label text. This option is selected by default for edit boxes, long edit boxes, and check boxes.

Special Label Considerations

If you add a related display page control with a label type of None, enter an information-only label that identifies the related field but that is not identical to the label on the control field. A little documentation now can save you time in the future if you modify this page again. For example:

Control Label

Related Field Label (Information-Only)


Department Description


Jobcode Description


Regular/Temporary XLAT (XLAT is from the Translate Table)

When defining labels for columnar controls in a multi-occurrence scroll, you can apply several techniques. The first technique is to select First occurs only. This selection limits the appearance of the label to the first scroll occurrence on the control, allowing the label to be used as a column heading. The second technique is to select No colon to omit the colon from the label (column headings typically do not need a colon).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Use Properties

The Use tab defines how a field functions on a page. Use this tab to disable or hide fields; to define the display and related control fields and the processing of the control; and to define a field as a mouse over pop-up field.

Access the page field properties for the page control and select the Use tab.

Note. These controls contain the same or similar use properties: edit boxes, drop-down list boxes, check boxes, images, long edit boxes, push button/hyperlinks, and radio buttons.

Field Use and Other Options

Note that long edit boxes have slightly different field use options.

Display Only

Select to prevent users from modifying the content of the control during application data entry. The system automatically selects Display Only when you select Related Field.


Select to make the control physically present on a page but invisible to users. Typically, you add an invisible control because it is required for a PeopleCode program that is associated with the page. An invisible control can also be used as a display control field.

When you select the Invisible check box, the Show Label, Modifiable by JavaScript, and Enable When Page is Display Only fields are enabled.

Show Label

Select to make the control label visible while the control itself is invisible. This option is useful if you add an invisible display control field to a page to show its related description. Show Label is enabled only if Invisible is selected.

Modifiable by JavaScript

This feature is security related and should always be deselected unless you are familiar with modifying an invisible field using JavaScript in an HTML area. If the Invisible check box is deselected, then Modifiable by JavaScript is deselected and unavailable for entry. If the Invisible check box is selected, then the Modifiable by JavaScript check box is deselected by default.

Enable When Page is Display Only

Select to enable hyperlink actions on read-only pages. This check box is active when the Invisible check box is selected. This check box is deselected by default.

Note. This property appears on Edit box, Long Edit box, and Image controls.

Expand Field when Page is Display Only

Select to automatically resize a disabled (display-only) long edit box so that all text within the field is visible at runtime. The field automatically enlarges to accommodate text. This check box is deselected by default. When selected, this option enables the Wrap Long Words option.

Multi-Currency Field

Select to identify the control as associated with multicurrency processing. This selection causes the field to appear at runtime only if Multi-Currency is selected on the PeopleTools Options page.

Display Control Field

Select to indicate that the field controls another field at the same page level. The controlled field is a related field. For example, on many pages Department ID is the display control field and Department Name is the related field. The system uses Department ID to retrieve Department Name from the Department table to display on the page.

Related Field

Select to specify that the content of this control is controlled by another field on the same page level, one that you selected as a display control field. When you select this check box, the system automatically selects the Display Only option. It also makes the Related Control Field drop-down list box available for you to select the related control field.

When you select Related Field, Display Only is automatically selected. If the related field is located on a record definition with multiple keys, relate the display field to the lowest order key field that both record definitions have in common, with the exception of EFFDT and EFFSEQ, in the control record definition. The system searches for the higher order keys by matching field control names on the current level and all higher levels for the other keys.

If the related display field contains a long name or short name from the Translate Table, use PSXLATDEFN as the record definition name.

Enable When Page is Display Only

Select this check box to enable the user to select radio buttons and check boxes on runtime pages to perform certain tasks and processes despite the entire page being in display-only mode.

Note. This property appears on Check Box and Radio Button controls only.

Wrap Long Words

Select to wrap long words that do not contain spaces, such as long URLs, in a page field at runtime for Microsoft Internet Explorer only. The word wraps to the length of the field set at design time. Other browsers automatically stretch the width of the page to accommodate the longer text. This option has no effect at runtime to applications running on browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. This setting is deselected by default.

The Wrap Long Words option is available for edit boxes, long edit boxes, and drop-down list boxes only. You can apply it to standalone page fields and grid columns. For edit boxes and drop-down list boxes, this option is disabled if Disabled Edit Control is selected. For long edit boxes, this option is available only if the Expand Field When Display Only option under Field Use Options is selected.

Note. The system does not restrict an edit box or drop-down list box that is configured as Display Only and Text Only to one line of height. The text is wrapped to the next line as necessary.

Also, the Wrap Long Words property does not affect the word wrapping behavior of shorter words that can be accommodated by the page field size at runtime. This text automatically wraps at word boundaries in accordance with the page field size, regardless of whether this option is set.

Persist Grid Column in Menu

Select to include the field as a list box item in the persistent search results grid. You must also select the Persist in Menu grid property for the grid that contains the field.

Note. This property applies only to fields that appear in grids on pages that are used as custom, application-specific search pages.

This property is disabled on check boxes and radio buttons.

You must enable recent search results caching at the system level in the web profile for this property to take effect.

Related Control Field

When you select Related Field, a list of all controls on the page that are marked as display control fields appears in this drop-down list box. Select the field to which this control is related. You must define the use of the initial control field before it appears as an option in the Related Control Field drop-down list box. For example, after the Pay Group field is designated as a display control field, it appears in the Related Control Field drop-down list box for the control that you set as the related field.

Note that the number that appears before each entry in the Related Control Field drop-down list box is the page field order number associated with that entry.

Display in Modal Window

Select to enable the Zoom icon on long edit boxes. When the application user clicks the Zoom icon, the long edit box appears in its own modal window in front of the browser page.

Note. If the long edit box is rich text enabled, the Zoom icon does not appear at runtime even if this property is selected.

Display-Only Appearance Option

The Display-Only Appearance option attributes, Text Only option, and Disabled Edit Control option apply only to edit boxes and drop-down list boxes. These properties, in conjunction with other attributes you apply to the field, such as Display Only on the Use tab, or the Gray function or the Enabled property in PeopleCode to disable the field, and whether or not the field is in a grid control the base style that the system uses to render these controls at runtime.

The default base style for a normal edit box, meaning editable and enabled (as opposed to display-only or disabled), is PSEDITBOX. The default base style for drop-down list boxes is PSDROPDOWNLIST. The base style then changes depending on the attributes that you select and where you place your field, as shown by the default base style examples in the following table.

If you choose a custom base style for the field on the Record tab of the control properties, then the system uses the associated display-only and disabled variants of the style as appropriate to create the additional looks. For example, if you select XYZ base style and set the field as display-only, then the related XYZ_DISPONLY style is used if it exists; otherwise, the base XYZ style is used.

Display-Only Appearance Option

Normal Edit Field

Display-Only Edit Field

Disabled Edit Field

Text Only







Disabled Edit Control







Note that for Text Only disabled edit boxes using the default PSEDITBOX base style, the system applies PSDISABLED to non-grid fields and PSEDITBOX_DISPONLY to fields in a grid. As a result, these fields render differently at runtime, as shown in the following example. If the field is outside of a grid, for example, selecting the Display Only field use option with the Text Only appearance option displays the field value as disabled text within a grayed border, whereas if the field is located in a grid with the same attributes, the field value renders as display only text without a border.

See Default Style Classes.

Note. Depending on the style sheet that your application uses, the appearance of your pages and fields might deviate slightly from the appearance of the page and fields in the previous example.

Mouse Over Popup Options

Select the Display Only check box to enable the Mouse Over Popup options. Select from these mouse over pop-up options:

No Popup

Select to have no pop-up page. This value is the default.

Page Popup

Select to associate the edit box with a pop-up page that you choose from the drop-down list box. Only pop-up pages appear in the Page Popup drop-down list box.

Message Catalog Popup

Select to associate this edit box with a pop-up page that displays a message from the message catalog. You can design and implement message catalog pop-up pages to be context sensitive.

See PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library,“Managing the PeopleSoft Online Library and PeopleBooks,” Integrating Context Sensitivity.

See Enabling Message Catalog Pop-up Pages.

See Message Catalog.

Message Set/Number

Enter the message set number and the message number of the message whose text you want to appear in the pop-up window.


This field displays the message of the message catalog entry that you enter in the message set/number fields.

Note. If you associate a mouse-over pop-up page to an edit box, then do not attempt to make the edit box editable at runtime, for example by using PeopleCode; the operation will fail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting General Properties

The General tab enables you to specify an optional internal page field name that is referenced by the page.

Access the page field properties for the control and select the General tab.

Note. For most controls, the General tab contains only the Page Field Name and Enable as Page Anchor settings. Grids and scroll areas have additional settings on the General tab that are described later. The Enable as Page Anchor check box is available for all controls that have a page field name.

Page Field Name

Enter a name for the page field that you are creating. This is a system-only setting. It does not appear as the label for the page field. The page field name enables you to refer to a particular field on a page using PeopleCode.

This setting is optional unless you select the Enable as Page Anchor check box.

Enable as Page Anchor

Select to apply an anchor tag to the current page field on the page. If you select this check box, you must add a page field name to identify this field when setting the related control for the link. This check box is deselected by default.

See Specifying Type Properties for Push Buttons or Links.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Options Properties

The Options tab enables you to add rich text editing capabilities to the long edit box.

Access the page field properties for the long edit box page control and select the Options tab.

Note. This section applies to long edit boxes only.

Note. At design time, standard long edit boxes and rich text-enabled long edit boxes look the same.

Enable Rich Text

Select to enable rich text editor functionality for the long edit box. Selecting this check box enables the remaining fields on this tab.

Note. When you select this option the Multi-Currency and Wrap Long Words properties on the Use tab are disabled; and the Allow Deferred Processing property on the Use tab is selected and disabled.

Configuration Settings Id

Select a value to use a custom configuration file that modifies the editor toolbar. By default, this field is blank and the system uses the default configuration file with the default toolbar settings.

HTML definitions that are prefixed with PT_RTE_CFG appear in this drop-down list box.

See Creating Custom Configuration Files.

Image Location URL Id

Select a value to indicate the storage location of any images inserted as part of the text in the long edit box. The default value for this field is the PT_RTE_IMG_DB_LOC URL.

URL IDs that are prefixed with PT_RTE_IMG appear in this drop-down list box. The URLs must be stored in the application by using the URL Maintenance page.

See URL Maintenance.

Note. The URL format for file attachments stored in the database is record://recordname, as in record://PTRTDB.

Plugin File Id

Select a value to enable plug ins for this instance of the rich text editor. By default, this field is blank.

HTML definitions that are prefixed with PT_RTE_PLUGIN appear in this drop-down list box.

Template File Id

Select a value to enable an alternative template definition for this instance of the rich text editor. By default, this field is blank.

HTML definitions that are prefixed with PT_RTE_TMPL appear in this drop-down list box.

Style File Id

Select a value to enable an alternative style sheet definition for this instance of the rich text editor. By default, this field is blank.

HTML definitions that are prefixed with PT_RTE_STYLE appear this drop-down list box.

Click to jump to parent topicModifying the Rich Text Editor User Interface

The rich text editor extends the capability of a long edit box so that, at runtime, it can display rich text as you see here:

The rich text editor enables you to add rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments such as lists; formatting treatments such as bold, underline, and italic text; drag-and-drop inclusion; paste-as-text; and sizing of images. The rich text editor toolbar is extensible by using a custom settings configuration file so that you can design and implement an interface that is specific to the needs of your users.

This section discusses how to:

Important! Use caution when modifying the rich text editor interface; it is recommended that you never include or enable the View Source button in the toolbar.

See Also

Working With the Rich Text Editor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Configuration Files

The default configuration filename is config.js. You can locate this file in the <PS_HOME>\webserv directory.

To create a custom configuration file:

  1. Copy the code in the config.js file.

  2. Open Application Designer and create a new HTML definition.

  3. Paste the code into the HTML definition.

  4. Save the HTML definition. Prefix the definition name with PT_RTE_CFG for example, PT_RTE_CFG_MYCONFIG.

    Note. Only HTML definitions with the PT_RTE_CFG prefix appear in the Configuration Settings Id drop-down list box.

  5. Modify the code in the HTML definition as necessary and save. The code might look like this example:

    CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.toolbar = [ ['Templates','Styles','Cut','Copy','Paste','Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike'], ]; };

    In this example, the Cut, Copy, Paste, Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strike buttons and the newly created custom templates and the styles appear in the toolbar at runtime.

  6. To use the file, select the new configuration file name in the Configuration Settings Iddrop-down list box on the Options tab of a long edit box page field control.

    See Setting Page Field Properties for Controls.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Template Files

The rich text editor delivers templates that help you format the text in predetermined ways. The default configuration file is default.js and is in the <PS_HOME>/webserv/.../templates folder.

To create a custom template file:

  1. In Application Designer, create an HTML definition and save it as PT_RTE_TMPL_TEMPLATE. The definition name should always be prefixed with PT_RTE_TMPL, for example:

    CKEDITOR.addTemplates('pt_rte_template',{imagesPath:CKEDITOR.getUrl⇒ (CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('templates')+'templates/images/'),templates:[{title:⇒ 'Image and Title',image:'template1.gif',description:'One main image with a title⇒ and text, which surrounds the image.',html:' <h3><img style="margin-right: 10px" height="100" alt="" width="100" align="left"⇒ />Type the title here</h3> <p>Type the text here</p>'}]});

    Note. In this template example, the name 'pt_rte_template' is the fixed name, which has to be set for any custom template that you create. The template name should be exactly the same as mentioned above.

    Save the HTML definition.

    Note. It is recommended that if you create a custom template file, that you create a custom configuration file for it to reference.

  2. Access the long edit box and select the new template in the Template File Id field.

    See Setting Page Field Properties for Controls.

  3. Click the OK button.

  4. Save the page definition.

Note. When associated to a long edit box, all templates in an HTML definition are available to all users. To limit the available templates for specific rich text enabled long edit boxes, create a new template HTML definition to contain only the templates that you would like for the application user to see and associate that definition to the field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Style Files

The rich text editor delivers styles to assist you in entering data using specific styles that combine color, font and format. The default configuration file is default.js and is in the <PS_HOME>/webserv/.../styles folder.

To create a custom style file

  1. In Application Designer, create an HTML definition and save it as PT_RTE_STYLE_MYSTYLE.

    The HTML Object name used for defining styles should always be prefixed by PT_RTE_STYLE.

    This is sample code for an HTML style definition:

    CKEDITOR.addStylesSet('pt_rte_style',[{name:'Blue Title',element:'h3',styles:⇒ {color:'Blue'}}]);

    Note. In this style example, the name 'pt_rte_style' is the fixed name, which has to be set for any custom style that you create. The style name should be exactly the same as mentioned above.

  2. Access the long edit box and select the new style in the Style File Id field

    See Setting Page Field Properties for Controls.

  3. Click the OK button.

  4. Save the page definition.

Note. When associated to a long edit box, all styles in an HTML definition are available to all users. To limit the available styles for specific rich text enabled long edit boxes, create a new style HTML definition to contain only the styles that you would like for the application user to see and associate that definition to the field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Plug-In Files

A plug-in enables you to create an application-specific toolbar button.

See Creating Custom Plug-In Files for the Rich Text Editor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Default Image Storage Location

By default, when you upload images the system stores them in the PTRTDB table. The default URL ID is PT_RTE_IMG_DB_LOC. To create a different storage location and URL ID, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new record definition.

  2. Insert the FILE_ATTDET_SBR subrecord.

  3. Save and then build the record definition.

  4. Clone these record definitions:

  5. Save the record definitions, name them like this: <myrecord>_BMP, <myrecord>_GIF, and <myrecord>_JPG.

  6. For each record, open the SQL Editor and change the FROM statement in the SQL to this:

    FROM PS_<your record name from step 3>

  7. Save and build each view.

Note. FTP storage is not supported.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Display Control and Related Fields

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Display Control and Related Fields

A related display field is for display purposes only—it always references a row that’s not being updated from the current page. The display control and related display fields must both be at the same level. In the Payroll page, the Pay Group, Employee Type, Tax Location Code, and Holiday Schedule fields all show related display fields to their right. Search level fields, such as those shown above the horizontal rule, are display-only fields.

Because of the nature of control fields and related fields, PeopleSoft recommends that you:

Note. The display control and related fields must be in the correct order on the order page. The display control field must be positioned before the associated related field; otherwise, a warning dialog box appears when you save the page. Also, fetching the related field after the control field is entered requires a transmission to the server at runtime.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Related Edit Fields

Related edit fields are slightly different from related display fields. Related edits enable users to enter descriptive values instead of code values and enable prompting on those descriptive values. Changing the value in the control field updates the related edit field, and changing the value in the related edit field updates the value in the control field. If appropriate, the control field can be display-only or even invisible to hide code values from the user.

At runtime, when a user edits a related edit field, it is treated as if the user changed the control field directly. Edits, including any assigned PeopleCode, are run on the control field. PeopleCode is not run for the related edit field.

The following partial screen shot is an example of a related edit field with a control field that is available for entry. When entering company information, the data-entry clerk may not have all company codes memorized, but instead knows just the name of the company. By entering the more descriptive company name in the Description field, (the related edit field) the company code (display control field) is automatically populated in the Company field.

If the user enters Payroll in the Description field and exits that field, the system searches for a match to this value and populates the field if only one is found. The field reads Payroll Services Technology. If more than one match is found, the field turns red, and an error message appears indicating that the user must use the lookup page to view all related values. Alternatively, the user could enter more detailed information in the field before clicking the prompt to further narrow the search.

Related edit field

At design time, you set up a related edit field in the same way that you create a related display field, except that you clear the Display Only check box in the Field Use Options group box so that the field is active at runtime. The control field's prompt table is used. You do not need to define a prompt table for the related edit field, just the control field. The related edit field must be a key or an alternate key in the prompt table. PeopleSoft recommends that the related values in your prompt table be unique so that there is a one-to-one mapping to the control values. This prevents the user from receiving a warning and having to access the prompt page to select the proper value.

In some instances, you may not want the control field to be apparent to the user. PeopleSoft Global Payroll, for example, relies heavily on PINs. While PINs are key values, and therefore very important for tracking and storing information in the database, you may not want to distract the user with such a number. However, you still want this data to be entered into the database with the transaction. Related edit fields are particularly helpful in these situations. You can associate the PIN field with a descriptive field and have only the descriptive, related edit field appear on your page. To do so, hide the control field using PeopleCode.

Note. If the hidden control field that you select is a required field, PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture changes the related edit field into a required field as well. At runtime, an asterisk appears next to the field label, marking the field as required. If the user does not enter information in the related edit field, the system displays an error message.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Invisible Control Fields

Your page design may require an invisible control field. For example, if users are interested only in the contents of the related display field, then make the control field invisible. Unlike visible control fields, you can overlap an invisible control field and its related display field.

Note. If you specify a field as invisible in PeopleSoft Application Designer, you cannot make it visible using the UnHide property in PeopleCode.

To add an invisible control field with a visible label:

  1. Access the properties dialog box for the invisible control for which you want the label to appear.

  2. Select the Use tab.

  3. Set the appropriate field use options:

    1. Select Display Only, Invisible, and Show Label to make the field invisible and its label visible.

    2. Select Display Control Field.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Add an edit box to your page.

    Place this edit box directly to the right of the display control field that you just set.

  6. Access the properties dialog box for the new edit box.

  7. Select the Use tab.

  8. Select Related Field.

  9. Select the appropriate control field from the Related Control Field drop-down list box.

  10. Select OK.

Click to jump to parent topicOrdering and Spacing Page Controls

This section provides an overview of page control order and spacing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Order Tab

Page definitions include an Order tab that enables you to quickly view all page controls and many critical properties associated with the controls. Properties listed on the Order tab include:

You can use this tab as a diagnostic tool, which can save time in addressing issues your page might have with page field processing order and page field tab order among other visual and logical page-processing properties. All fields on the Order tab are display-only. Some field, such as record and field names display text; other fields, such as Popup help appear as check boxes in which case, a check indicates that the property is applicable to the page control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Page Control Order and Spacing

The order of the controls that are on your new page is important to both how your users interact with the page and how the component processor interprets the underlying record and field relationships.

Two types of control order are important on pages:

As you add controls to a page, the system automatically builds a processing control order list that can be viewed on the Order tab of the page definition. Usually, you don't want to preserve this order for processing, so you can reorder your controls on the Order tab to indicate how the system should process your page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrdering Controls Visually

Organize fields from top left to bottom right in a page. Include most important information at top. Use group boxes to group related fields and indicate the hierarchy of information on a page. Guidelines for grouping information include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrdering Controls Logically

Tab ordering through a page at runtime is strictly defined by page field ordering. When you add a control to a page, PeopleSoft Application Designer automatically inserts it in the order list based on where you position it on the page. You can manipulate the ordering of fields on your page by moving them up or down on the Order tab in the page definition. In doing so, you also change the tab order that users follow as they move through fields on the page.

In general, field tab order should flow from top left to bottom right on a page. The flow should reflect the way that the eye naturally scans information. On a page with multiple scroll levels, the tab order should follow the scroll level order, from Level 0 to Level 1, and so on. In a noncolumnar page, the tab order should go from left to right on each line from top to bottom as depicted in this figure:

Example flow of noncolumnar page

In a columnar page, the tab order should go from the top to the bottom of the first column, then from the top to the bottom of the second column, and so on.

Example flow of columnar page

Fields that share the same label should follow consecutively in the tab order from left to right.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTesting Page Control Order

After you have placed all of the controls on your page, you should test the tab order. You can do this using either the test mode or by viewing the page in the browser. Using the View Page in Browser mode is more useful because you can also check the placement of controls and subfields that are on your page. In these testing modes, you can enter data into edit boxes and select radio buttons and check boxes. However, you cannot save data that you enter, and push buttons and links do not function.

Note. The tab order that you establish at design-time may not apply for all browsers.

See "Troubleshooting Browser Limitations" on My Oracle Support.

To test tab flow using View Page in Browser mode:

  1. Open the page in PeopleSoft Application Designer that you want to test.

  2. Select Layout, View in Browser.

  3. Select the appropriate browser from the drop-down list box.

  4. Press the Tab key to move from one field to the next.

    Press Shift+Tab to move to the previous field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying Control Order Rules

If you’re working with a complex page or you’re new to order lists, you might print out a page definition and work on the hard copy. The sequence number of each control is reflected in the Num column on the page report. You can easily mark where you need to move a control to make your page function properly, or you can look at the Lvl column on the Order tab of the page definition.

Use these rules to order your controls:

Radio Buttons

For radio buttons to function in a single group, they must be associated with the same record field and be listed together on the Order tab of the page definition. The only control that you can place between related radio buttons is the static text control to extend radio button labels. Put the text immediately after the radio button to which it relates.

Level-Based Controls

List level-based controls (scroll areas, grids, and scroll bars) immediately before the first control that they govern, followed by the controls that are directly governed by that control. Level-based controls directly govern all controls that are listed below them on the order list until they encounter another level-based control that is at the same or lower level (higher occurs level number).

Display Controls

Place display controls before related displays that they govern. The related display controls don't have to follow the display controls immediately, but they must be inside the same scroll area or scroll. However, if you have more than one related display control, placing each immediately following its display control makes the order page easier to read and understand.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Control Order Using the Order Tab

The Order tab of the page definition displays attributes about each of the page fields and their field order. The ID column represents the order in which the field was added to the page. If you modify the order of page fields on the page, note that the numbers assigned to each field remain constant. Thus the IDs may not always appear in sequential order. The field ID displays on the Compare report when a database compare is performed to assist you in identifying specific page fields.

Reorder page fields on the Order tab by dragging them in the same view. Changing the order list doesn't change the physical location of controls on the page. It changes only the logical order or tab order in which controls are processed. When you've added and arranged all of your controls, you may want to print your page definition to see how you might need to reorder your controls.

The Order tab also governs processing rules for scrolls and record or field relationships. Consider which controls are associated with which scroll area or scroll bar and which secondary relationships are important to page processing.

To change the order list:

  1. Open the page.

  2. Select the Order tab on the open page.

    The Order view appears. Use this view to change the logical processing order of fields on your page.

  3. To move a control to another position in the control order list, select the control that you want to move.

    Press the Shift key to select multiple controls.

  4. Drag the selected control to the new position on the Order view.

    The system moves the control to the new location in the list. The ID value remains static. The visual display of the page still looks the same—changing the order list doesn't move the control on the page, only the logical processing order of the control.

Important! When viewing your page in “Test Mode,” page fields cannot be accessed, moved, or modified from the Order tab if the page definition contains a sub page. Exit “Test Mode” to rearrange page fields in the order list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding a Field on a Page Definition

Use the Order view to locate a field on a page definition. Using this method of locating fields is useful when you are working with detailed page definitions that contain many fields.

To find a field on a page:

  1. Access the Order tab of your page definition.

  2. Select the field that you want to locate on the page.

  3. Select the Layout tab.

    The field that you selected on the Order tab is selected in the Layout view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Default Order

You can rearrange the order list on the Order tab so that the logical control order reflects the physical control order as shown on the Layout tab. Do so by selecting Layout, Default Page Field Ordering. You can use this tool in either the Layout or Order view for your page definition. The system creates the default order by reading the page as though it was on a pixel-by-pixel grid, from top to bottom and left to right.

Note. Use the default ordering option sparingly on existing pages. It may offset any previous order that was created. However, on new pages, you may find default ordering a useful starting point for your control order list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpacing Controls on Pages

Provide adequate space between controls on a page so that fields and their labels don't touch or overlap other controls or labels in PeopleSoft Application Designer. If they do, then when your page appears in the browser, the label is offset automatically and the overlapped control might shrink.

Overlapping Fields

You can layer or overlap fields only if the one that you are overlapping is set to Invisible on the Use tab of the properties dialog box for that control. When you move through the data entry controls on a page, the component processor recognizes only visible, unhidden fields as available for entry.

You can layer multiple invisible fields. However, you must set up your stacks of edit boxes so that all but one field in the stack are invisible or hidden at RowInit time.

Click to jump to parent topicDesigning Inquiry Pages

You can design pages for inquiry purposes only. Inquiry pages are usually based on search records that extract specific information from different tables to display different views of your database, such as a summary of expenses by department.

To create an effective inquiry page:

Click to jump to parent topicAligning Page Controls and Page Control Labels

When you are in page design mode, the Align and Align Label buttons on the page definition toolbar enable you to align your page controls and their labels relative to each other, both horizontally and vertically.

PeopleSoft Application Designer uses relative alignment; the last item that you select is the guide, or anchor. All selected page controls or page control labels align relative to the anchor. The anchor does not move when you select an alignment option.

You can align page controls and their labels together by using the Align buttons. Both the control and its label move when you use this option. You can also align labels by themselves without moving the associated controls by using the Align Label buttons. The Align and Align Label buttons are enabled when you select two or more page controls or page control labels.

In addition to using the Align buttons, from the menu you can also select Layout, Align and then the control or label alignment position.

Note. Align the page controls before you align their labels.

Aligning Page Controls

To align page controls:

  1. Select the controls that you want to align by pressing Ctrl and then clicking each page control.

    Note. You can also select multiple page fields by clicking and dragging the cursor around the controls. However, for relative alignment purposes, the Ctrl + click is the preferred method of selection, because it enables you to explicitly set the anchor control.

  2. Click the appropriate Align button in the toolbar: Align Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, or Bottom.

    When the page controls move, their labels move with them maintaining relative positioning to the associated controls.

    You can manually move page controls after relative alignment, though previous alignment is not preserved.

Aligning Page Control Labels

To align page control labels:

  1. Select the labels that you want to align by pressing Ctrl and then clicking each label or control.

  2. Click the appropriate relative alignment button in the toolbar: Align Label Left, Center, or Right.

    When the labels move, their controls remain stationary.

    You can manually move labels after relative alignment, though previous alignment is not preserved.

See Also

Selecting Controls

Click to jump to parent topicMaximizing Performance

Page definitions permit controlled access to application data. The system can validate the data, write it to the database, and then retrieve and display it upon request. Behind the scenes, the component processor—the PeopleTools runtime processor—builds SQL statements that are based on the actions that you perform on pages. The component processor:

As you design your pages, some features can adversely affect page performance. There's always a tradeoff between eliminating a useful feature and speeding up page processing. Guidelines for improving page performance include:

See Also

Designing Pages for Optimal Performance

PeopleCode and the Component Processor

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing PeopleCode in Page Definitions

Page fields are associated with a specific record field. You can access the PeopleCode for that record field from the page field in the page definition. You might add PeopleCode to a field to achieve a variety of tasks, ranging from real-time editing of fields to altering the appearance of fields on a page. You can also associate PeopleCode with a component, component record, and component record field.

To edit or add record field PeopleCode through a page definition:

  1. Select File, Open to open the page definition through which you want to access PeopleCode.

  2. Select the field on the page for which you want to view the associated PeopleCode.

  3. Select View, View Record PeopleCode.

    The PeopleCode editor appears, providing access to all of the PeopleCode for the record that owns that field.

  4. Select the PeopleCode event type from the drop-down list box in the PeopleCode editor.

    You can also select other fields in the primary record from that drop-down list box.

  5. Select File, Save to save your changes.

See Also

Accessing PeopleCode and Events

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Pages in the Browser

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking With the View in Browser Feature

During the page design process, you should periodically view how your page looks in the browser. How you design your page in PeopleSoft Application Designer may look different when viewed online, particularly if you are using subpages that contain multiple fields.

To do this, select Layout, View in Browser. This feature is helpful if you are changing any of the style characteristics of the page or aligning and spacing controls, such as scroll areas.

The View in Browser feature provides only a rough idea of how your page might look. For a more complete view of the page at runtime, including the navigation header, assign your page to a component and add it to the existing menu structure using the Registration Wizard. You can then access the page from the menu in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging the Default Browser

You can test your page in any browser by changing the default browser to one other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. After you set up a new browser, you can select in which browser you want to view your pages.

To change the default browser:

  1. Open a page in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Select Layout, View in Browser, Edit Browser List.

    The Browsers dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Click the Browse button to locate the browser to add.

    You must select the correct path and browser application for the new browser to function properly.

  5. Enter the name, type, and version of the browser.

    The name that you enter appears in the Layout, View in Browser menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating HTML

The PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture system automatically writes HTML forms or tags for all of the page controls that you add to a page. You do not need to know how to write HTML code to create pages in PeopleSoft Application Designer and then view them in the browser. The table shows this conversion:

Page Controls as HTML

Page Controls

HTML Forms

Static HTML Tags

Edit Box (editable)



Long Edit Box



Drop-down List Box



Radio Button



Check Box



Push Button or Link



Static Text


HTML text

Static Image






You can view the HTML that is created for your page by using the Generate HTML feature. The Generate HTML feature writes the HTML code to a file on the local drive. This feature is mainly used for debugging purposes and is not needed for the creation of pages.

To generate HTML for a page:

  1. Open the page for which you want to generate the HTML.

  2. Select Layout, Generate HTML.

  3. Select the browser type and version.

    PeopleSoft Application Designer generates the HTML to the c:\TEMP\pshtml directory. The file is named according to the page name and the browser that you select. For example, the Absence History page is named ABSENCE_HISTORY IE5.00.html.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the HTML for a Page

To view the HTML for your page:

  1. Open the generated HTML file.

    The selected browser appears, displaying how your page appears at runtime.

  2. Select View, Source in your browser window.

    Notepad or another text-based application appears with the HTML that was used to create your page.

    Note. Different browsers might have different methods for viewing the HTML for your page.

    To adjust the look or function of how your page looks in the browser, do so in PeopleSoft Application Designer. If you make changes directly to the HTML in Notepad, your changes are not saved to the system. Each time that you open the page in the browser, it reverts to the settings of the original page definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Page Definitions Online

In many cases, the page name online differs from the actual name of the page definition in PeopleSoft Application Designer. While viewing a page in the browser, locate the page definition name by pressing Crtl + J. A browser page appears revealing the name of the page, along with other system elements:

You can also right-click the page and selecting View Source from the drop-down menu. The HTML code appears for your page in a text application, such as Notepad. In most cases, the page name is in the sixth or so line of code after Page:. You can also identify the component and menu definitions for your page next to the page definition name.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Pages

This section provides an overview of page production and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Page Production

If you change pages or delete controls in the page definition, use the tools in the Edit and File menus. To avoid making changes that might adversely affect your application database, review your plans with your database administrator. Together, you can evaluate the effect that your actions might have on the system database as a whole.

Several additional steps in the page design process help make future editing of page definitions easier.

After you design a page, you must set the attributes for how the page should function and make sure that you have the proper documentation to assist you when performing upgrades. Access the Page Properties dialog box by selecting File, Definition Properties in page definition mode.

Use the General tab in the Page Properties dialog box to document the page. Enter both short and long descriptions of the page here. You can also document what changes have been made, or must be made, to a page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging General Page Information

Access the Page Properties dialog box and select the General tab. Enter a description and any comments about the page and assign an Owner ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Page Use Information

Access the Page Properties dialog box and select the Use tab.

Page Type

Select Standard page, Subpage, Secondary page, or Popup page from the drop-down list box.

See Understanding Subpages.

See Understanding Secondary Pages.

See Using Pop-up Pages.

Page Size

To accommodate different types of workstation monitors, you can adjust the page size.

800×600 page inside portal

This value is the standard option for viewing pages in the portal, providing room for the universal navigation header and the menu. It provides a default page size of 570×330 in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

800×600 page without portal

You should develop most pages using this option. It is the standard option for viewing pages, providing room for the navigation header and the menu. This option provides a default page size of 760×330 in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

1024×768 page inside portal

Selecting this option provides an optimal display for users with a 1024×768 resolution, showing the full transaction page and the menu. Users with an 800×600 display will see the full transaction page without the menu when the menu is enabled. This option provides a default page size of 760×498 in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

1024×768 page without portal

For the power user, this is a high-resolution option. It provides a default page size of 984×498 in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

240×Var portal home page comp. (240×variable portal home page component)

Use this setting only for creating pagelets for the portal. This size is most usable because it can be viewed in both the narrow area and the wide area of the portal. The system sets the width to 240, but you set the height.

490×Var portal home page comp. (490×variable portal home page component)

Use this setting only for creating pagelets for the portal. Pagelets that use this setting can appear only in the wide area of the portal. The system sets the width to 490, but you set the height.

640×480 Windows screen

This option is a deprecated feature used only for Windows client users. This option is designed for VGA resolution. The pages are actually less than 640×480 pixels in size in PeopleSoft Application Designer because they provide space for various windows items, such as the window title, menu bar, and toolbar.

800×600 Windows screen

This option is a deprecated feature used only for Windows client users. This option is designed for Super VGA resolution. These pages provide space for the window title, menu bar, toolbar, folder tabs, and status line, as well as space at the bottom for the taskbar.

Custom size

Select to set a specific page size other than those listed previously. Set the width and height manually.


Page Style Sheet

Select a different style sheet for a specific page to override the style sheet that is selected for the application. If you do not select a different page style sheet (keeping ***Use Default Style***), the system uses the style sheet that is specified on the PeopleTools Options page.

Page Background

Select a different page background style class to override the background style of the page style sheet specified above. If you keep the ***Use Default Style*** setting, the system uses the default background of the page style sheet.

Note. The style options that you select in the design time environment might look different at the runtime rendering of the page. For example, font and page control sizing metrics are different in the design time Windows environment and the runtime browser environment. As such, when developing pages, do not rely entirely on the rendering of the page in PeopleSoft Application Designer to gauge layout considerations, such as font size and the placement of controls. You should view all pages in the runtime browser environment and adjust them accordingly.

Additional Settings

Adjust Layout for Hidden Fields

Select to set the page to resize automatically when hidden fields are present.

Pop-Up Menu

See Defining Pop-up Menus.

Allow Deferred Processing

Deselect if you want the page and all of its fields to follow standard processing. Deferred processing is the default.

Modal Window

These options are available when you select Secondary page as the page type.


Select to have the secondary page appear in the target area of the browser, similar to standard transaction pages. This behavior is the default for the secondary page.

Display in Modal Window

Select to have the secondary page appear in its own window, hovering over the transaction page, which is grayed out until you dismiss the secondary page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSaving Pages

To save your work, select File, Save or File, Save As.

When you save your page, the system performs various edits and issues warning messages as appropriate. The warning explains any errors that are associated with each control. You can disregard these messages and save your work anyway, but you cannot view the page in the browser until all errors are corrected.

Access the explanation of an error message by clicking the Explain button in the warning message box. You can fix the problem immediately or save the page and return later to correct it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRenaming and Deleting Pages

If you rename a page, the change is reflected throughout the system, including in PeopleCode, so you do not have to change the page name anywhere else.

To delete a page, particularly a subpage or a secondary page, first use the Find Definition References option to determine which page, component, and menu definitions refer to or use the page you want to delete.

See Also

Renaming Definitions

Deleting Definitions

Finding Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Page Definitions

To keep track of your application definitions and refinements, print your page definitions and keep a log or binder with your new and revised pages as you reconfigure your applications. You may want a reference for each page that includes both the onscreen image and the page control information (the record definitions and special uses or edits that you applied), as well as the information for any subpages that are included in the page definition.

Printing page definitions also helps you debug during testing. Each report includes a unique identifier that the system automatically increments each time you change the page.

To print a page definition:

  1. Open the appropriate page.

  2. Select File, Print.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAltering Page Setup

Access the Print Setup dialog box by selecting File, Print Setup.


All print options are selected by default.


Select to print the list of fields on the page and all of the parameters that you set for each one.


Select if you used PeopleCode to design your page


Select to provide a snapshot of your page design. Graphics generally take longer to print than page descriptions or PeopleCode reports.



Select to print a header at the top of the report indicating the date and time that you printed the report and the database name, page name, version number, and page number. This option is selected by default.


Select to print a footer at the bottom of the report indicating the date and time that you printed the report and the database name, page name, version number, and page number. This option is deselected by default.


Select to print a border or box around a page report. This option is deselected by default.

Border Space (mm) (border space (in millimeters))

Select to insert a set amount of space between a graphical border around the page report and the margins of the report. Deselect this option to print in character mode (faster) rather than in graphics mode (slower). The default space is 3 mm, but you can change it.


Set the distance, in millimeters, from the edge of the page to the left, right, top, and bottom edges of the page image or report. The defaults are:

Note. The HP LaserJet printer is the default.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReading a Page Definition Report

This table lists the columns on the page definition report and describes their content:



Num (Number)

Sequential number that shows the relative position of the field in the field order list for the page.

Field Type

Field type, such as edit box.

Label Text

The label associated with the field, regardless of whether the label appears on the page.

Label Type

  • None: Label does not appear on the page.

  • Text: Text label.

  • RFT Long: Long name for the field (from the record definition).

  • RFT Short: Short name for the field (from the record definition).

  • XLAT Long: Long name for the value (from the Translate Table).

  • XLAT Short: Short name for the value (from the Translate Table).

  • Bitmap: Bitmap appears on button face.

Record Name

Record name where the field is located.

Field Name

Field name on the record definition with which the page field is associated.

Siz (size)

Field size (custom, minimum, or maximum).

Alg (alignment)

Alignment (left or right).


Value of the radio button or the on value of the check box (typically Y).


The value of the radio button or the off value of the check box (typically N).

DSP (display)

Yes indicates a display-only field.

INV (invisible)

Yes indicates an invisible field.

CTL (control)

Yes indicates a display control field.

REL (related)

Yes indicates a related display field.

RelNum (related number)

Number (Num column) of the display control field for this related display field.

CUR (currency)

Yes indicates a multicurrency field that does not appear unless the user is operating in multicurrency mode.

DER (derived)

Yes indicates a field from a derived or work record.

OccLvl (occurs level)

Occurs level of scroll bar that governs this field.

You may see additional reference lines following each field or at the end of the report:



Page Help Context: nnn

Indicates that the page was assigned a page help context number that links it to a help file that describes how the field is used wherever it appears in the database.

Field Help Context: nnn

Indicates that this field, as used on this page, was assigned a record field help context number that links it to a help file that describes how the field is used only as it appears in this record definition.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Pages in Foreign Languages

This section provides an overview of working with pages in a foreign language and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Working with Pages in a Foreign Language

Many organizations are multinational, operating their business in multiple countries and continents. For efficiency, these organizations typically deploy a single application in multiple languages. However, because internal application developers and administrators may not be familiar with each language in which applications are deployed, this can cause difficulty when updating or maintaining the applications. To assist developers at multinational organizations, PeopleSoft provides a Save As option and a Delete option when working with foreign language pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming a Save As Using Foreign Language Pages

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables developers to modify pages in their base language and save the page in another language. This capability decreases the time required to develop pages in other languages, and it relieves developers from having to modify pages in languages they do not understand. To open a page definition in your base language and save the changes to another language, use the Save As option.

The Language drop-down list box on the Save As dialog box is only available when you are signed onto the database in the base language. When performing the Save As, select the appropriate language from the Language drop-down list box.

If the page definition exists in the foreign language (in the nonbase language), the system prompts you to confirm an overwrite of the definition.

Note. You can save modifications to a nonbase language only if the base language definition already exists. If the base language page does not exist, then the system saves the page to the base language, regardless of the language selected.

Note. After doing a Save As to another language, the page will still appear in PeopleSoft Application Designer in the base language.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Foreign Language Pages

When you are signed onto the database in the base language, the Delete dialog box contains the Language drop-down list box. The Language drop-down list box enables you to delete multiple pages from multiple nonbase languages.

Note. Deleting the base language page automatically deletes all translated pages for the deleted base language page.