Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Configuration Manager and discusses how to:

Note. PeopleSoft supports a number of versions of UNIX and Linux in addition to Microsoft Windows. Throughout this chapter, we make reference to operating system configuration requirements. Where necessary, this chapter refers to specific operating systems by name ( Solaris, HP/UX, Linux, and so forth). However, for simplicity the word UNIX refers to all UNIX-like operating systems, including Linux.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

PeopleSoft Configuration Manager simplifies Windows workstation administration by enabling you to adjust PeopleSoft registry settings from one central location. It contains a variety of controls that let you set up Windows workstations. You can set up one workstation to reflect the environment at your site, and then export the configuration file, which can be shared among all the workstations at your site. You can also define separate profiles for connecting to different PeopleSoft databases. PeopleSoft configuration parameters are grouped on the Configuration Manager tabs according to the function, feature, or tool that they control.

Note. The changes you make within PeopleSoft Configuration Manager do not take effect until the next time a user signs on to PeopleSoft.

See Also

Setting Up the PeopleTools Development Environment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager


Saves your settings and exits PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.


Closes PeopleSoft Configuration Manager without saving any changes that you have made.


Saves your changes without exiting.

Click to jump to parent topicStarting PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLaunching Configuration Manager

You can start PeopleSoft Configuration Manager by one of two methods:

Important! Due to changes in the registry structure beginning with PeopleTools 8.50, if you intend to run PeopleTools 8.50 and later versions of Configuration Manager and previous versions of Configuration Manager (PeopleTools 8.49, 8.48, and so on), on the same development workstation, pre-PeopleTools 8.50 values stored in the registry will be deleted.

Important! Certain PeopleSoft utilities require setting an environment variable, PS_SERVER_CFG, to run properly. However, PeopleSoft Configuration Manager isn't compatible with PS_SERVER_CFG being set. Before you start Configuration Manager, you must ensure that PS_SERVER_CFG is not set. You can make this convenient by using a DOS batch file to unset PS_SERVER_CFG, launch Configuration Manager, then after Configuration Manager exits, reset PS_SERVER_CFG to its previous value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging PeopleTools 8.4x and PeopleTools 8.5x Configuration Manager Settings

PeopleTools 8.4x and PeopleTools 8.5x releases manage registry settings differently. This is due, in part, so that PeopleTools complies with security policies introduced with Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7.

PeopleTools 8.4x Configuration Manager uses both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to store various settings. PeopleTools 8.5x Configuration Manager stores all settings under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. For example, in PeopleTools 8.4x, profile settings are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, whereas, in PeopleTools 8.5x profile settings are stored in HKEY_CURENT_USER.

Due to these changes in the registry structure, the first run of the PeopleTools 8.5x Configuration Manager will delete any PeopleTools 8.4x configuration settings stored in the registry in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. PeopleTools 8.4x and PeopleTools 8.5x registry settings can coexist, but the PeopleTools 8.4x settings must be preserved prior to the first run of the PeopleTools 8.5x Configuration Manager so that they can be restored afterwards.

To preserve PeopleTools 8.4x registry settings:

  1. Use the Registry Editor to export and save the contents of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PeopleSoft\PeopleTools\Release8.40.

  2. Run PeopleTools 8.5x Configuration Manager, and modify settings as needed.

  3. Import the .reg file containing the PeopleTools 8.4x exported registry contents.

    After completing these steps, PeopleTools 8.4x and PeopleTools 8.5x will then use the same registry values with the exception of the Profiles registry settings. PeopleTools 8.4x versions will use the Profiles settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. PeopleTools 8.5x versions will use the Profiles settings under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Note. If the 8.4x settings are not saved or they are deleted when the 8.5x Configuration Manager runs, you can recreate the 8.4x settings by running the 8.4x Configuration Manager and reentering the required settings.

Click to jump to parent topic Specifying Startup Settings

Select the Startup tab.

Use the Startup tab to customize the default values that appear on the signon screen.

Signon Defaults

Database Type

Select the database type to appear as a default on the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box. Select Application Server to sign in to an application server instead of a database. To enable users to change their database type selection in the signon dialog box, you must select the Database Type option in the User Can Override group.

Note. When you select Application Server from the Database Type drop-down list, the Server Name and Database Namefields are disabled. The system obtains these values from the application server.

Application Server Name

If you selected Application Server from the Database Type drop-down list, specify the application server's name in this field. You must have already configured your application server and registered it on the Profile tab.

Server Name

Enter the name of the default database server. This parameter is only enabled for Informix, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server, and refers to the instance to which the user connects.

For Informix, enter the server name in lowercase.

Database Name

Enter a default database name. You can choose any valid PeopleSoft database name. As with the database type, you must select the appropriate option in the User Can Override group to enable users to override the default database name selection when they sign in.

User ID

Specify the default user ID to sign in to PeopleSoft.

You can use the user ID in conjunction with a PSUSER module containing a user-defined sign-in process. The PSUSER code, if present, can evaluate and modify the user ID value before you attempt to sign in to the selected database.


Connect ID and Connect Password

PeopleSoft uses the connect ID for the initial connection to the database. Use the Connect Password field to define a default connect ID password.

Note. The connect ID edit box must contain a value, or the user can't sign in to the system in a two-tier environment.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Security.

See PeopleTools Installation Guide for Your Database Platform.

Numeric Keypad - Enter Key Tabs to Next Field

In Microsoft Windows applications, pressing the Enter key in a dialog box selects the default action button. For example, in the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box, pressing Enter is the same as clicking the OK button. Selecting the Numeric keypad check box overrides this default behavior for the Enter key on the numeric keypad; instead of selecting the action button, pressing the Enter key moves the cursor to the next field in the dialog box.

Note. This check box affects the Enter key on the numeric keypad, but not the Enter key on the main keyboard.

User Can Override

Some PeopleSoft sites use multiple database types and names. Using the check boxes in the User Can Override group box, you can enable users to enter a database type, database name, or user ID other than the default provided at sign-in. In most cases, you use these controls to prevent users from attempting to sign in onto any database other than the default.

Database Type

When selected, users can choose a database other than the default. Selecting this check box selects the Database Name and User ID options automatically. You cannot clear Database Name or User ID without first clearing Database Type. When configuring a workstation to connect in both two-tier and three-tier, you must select this box. The user needs to specify a two-tier or three-tier connection from the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Database Name

When selected, the User ID check box is automatically selected, although you can clear it. To clear Database Name, you must clear the Database Type check box.

User ID

Select to enable users to users override only the user ID submitted at when they sign in. You cannot clear User ID if Database Type is selected.

Cache Files

Enter the parent directory that holds your cache file directories. For example, enter C:\PS\CACHE.

Note. Cache files store database object information locally and are automatically downloaded the first time you open a PeopleSoft database object. They are also downloaded automatically if the master copy of the object on the database server is changed. One cache file directory stores the cache files for each PeopleSoft database that you use.

Clicking Purge Cache Directories brings up a dialog box with your existing cache file directories.

You can select a single directory and click Delete, or you can click Delete All to remove all directories. If a cache file directory is missing (after you delete it), the system automatically rebuilds it the next time that cache files are downloaded. After you delete the appropriate cache directory, click Close to return to the Startup tab.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Display Settings

Select the Display tab.

Use the Display tab to configure the appearance of the PeopleSoft graphical user interface. For instance, you can adjust page width and height to fit in with the other elements on your desktop.


In the Language drop-down list box, specify which language you want to display on your PeopleSoft pages. The default setting is US English.

Note. You select from the languages that PeopleSoft delivers. Although you can implement applications to appear in other languages, you cannot switch to custom languages using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. Switch to these languages by manually changing the registry setting.

Page Display

You can adjust page display size or the page height and width.

Display Size, Width, and Height

Specify display size in pixels. This setting affects the default size of the PeopleSoft window as displayed in the corresponding Width and Height fields. Select from:

  • 640 X 480: The default window size is 640 pixels by 448 pixels.

  • 800 X 600: The default window size is 800 pixels by 576 pixels.

  • 1024 X 768: The default window size is 1024 pixels by 744 pixels.

  • Custom: You can manually set the default window size by specifying width and height values.

Note. Changing these parameters does not affect open windows. If either value is either blank or zero, the values are reset to 640 by 480 pixel resolution.

Page Sizing

Use this field to specify how pages that were designed for a different-size window should be displayed. Select from:

  • CLIP:Page controls are always displayed in their normal size. If a page is too large for the window, the page information is clipped along the right and bottom edges of the window. Use scroll bars to view the remainder of the page.

  • SCALE: Pages are scaled to fit the window as necessary. For example, if your display size is set to 640 by 480 pixels, and you open a page designed to display in an 800 by 600 pixel window, the page controls are scaled down so that all page information appears. Conversely, if you open a page designed for 640 by 480 pixel resolution in a larger window, the page controls are scaled to fill the window completely.

Show Page in Navigator

Select to see the navigator tree view and the page view at the same time.

Highlight Popup Menu Fields

Select to highlight fields with associated pop-up menus. The box is clear by default. In most cases, it's a good idea to indicate which fields contain pop-up menus. Pop-up menus are indicated by a black rectangle surrounding the perimeter of a page control.

Show Database Name

Select to display the name of current database in the status bar at the bottom of a PeopleSoft page, in addition to the current page name and the activity. For example, the status bar might read PTDMO, Job Data 1, Add. This feature is useful if you are running multiple instances of PeopleTools.

Note. The database name may be abbreviated to fit on the screen.


Use the Font options to configure the way that text appears on the screen in PeopleSoft applications.

Click the Font button to bring up a standard font selection pop-up menu, as shown in the following example:

Business Process Display

Select from:

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Crystal Report, Business Interlink, and JDeveloper Settings

Select the Crystal/Bus.Interlink/JDeveloper tab.

Crystal Options

If you have Crystal Reports installed on a workstation, the Crystal executables path is populated automatically. If Crystal Reports is installed on a network drive, use this field to reflect the location of the Crystal Reports executables. For example, you might enter n:\hr900\bin\client\winx86\crystal.

Use the Default Crystal Reports field to specify the default location of reports. If this setting does not apply to your site's Crystal Reports implementation, leave this field blank.

When you select Use Trace during execution, Crystal Reports writes the trace statements to a log file that you specify in the Trace File field.

Business Interlink Driver Options

In the Business Interlink Directory box, enter the complete path to the directory that contains the drivers that PeopleSoft Business Interlinks uses to communicate with external systems.

Note. PeopleSoft Business Interlink is a deprecated product. These options currently exist for upgrade compatibility and transition.

JDeveloper Home Directory

Oracle JDeveloper is used when developing transformations using Oracle XSL Mapper. You need to specify the high-level installation directory as well as the appropriate Classpath string. These settings are discussed in detail in the Integration Broker documentation.

See Also

Configuring Crystal Reports 2008

Developing Transforms Using Oracle XSL Mapper

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Trace Settings

Select the Trace tab.

Use the Trace tab to select tracing options for various parts of the PeopleTools system, such as SQL statements, PeopleCode, and Application Engine. If you work on tuning your PeopleSoft system and improving online performance, familiarize yourself with this tab. When you update the Trace tab, the new settings take effect the next time you launch PeopleTools.

Note. The Trace tab in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager traces only Microsoft Windows client (two-tier) interactions. Use these settings only when you require tracing on the client.

You can override some of the trace options on this tab from the Trace SQL and Trace PeopleCode pages in PIA.

See Configuring SQL Trace, Configuring PeopleCode Trace.

SQL Informational Trace

Select this check box to trace information messages from the Runstats command in DB2 UDB for z/OS executed as a result of an %UpdateStats meta-SQL command.

PeopleTools Trace File

The default filename for the PeopleTools trace file is DBG1.TMP. The system writes the file to the following directories:

Important! The PeopleTools trace file stores elapsed times for PeopleCode and SQL events to a precision of one microsecond (six decimal places). However, due to limitations of the operating system, Windows precision is actually in milliseconds (three decimal places), so the last three digits in a Windows trace will always be zero. Elapsed times in UNIX are accurate to one microsecond.

To specify a different PeopleTools trace file:

  1. Click the button on the right side of the PeopleTools Trace File edit box.

    A standard Open dialog box appears.

  2. Navigate to and select the new trace file.

  3. Click Open.

    The PeopleTools Trace File field displays the path and filename.

See Also

Setting Options in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Workflow Settings

Select the Workflow tab.

Use the Workflow tab to specify the options and locations related to the PeopleSoft Workflow implementation at your site.

Maximum Worklist Instances

Enter a number to limit the number of worklist instances or entries that appear when viewing worklists. The default value is 250. If you do not want any rows returned, leave the field blank.

SMTP Server

Specify the SMTP settings for email routings.

See Also

Defining Worklist Records

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Remote Call/AE Settings

Select the Remote Call/AE tab.

Some PeopleSoft applications use the Tuxedo Remote Call feature, which invokes data-intensive transactions, such as COBOL processes, on a remote server.


Enter the amount of time after which Remote Call terminates the child COBOL process. The default is 50 seconds.


Redirect Output

Select to specify whether the standard out or standard error of the child COBOL process is directed to a file. This check box is clear by default.

Support COBOL Animation

Select to save the COBOL input file so that you can reuse it with COBOL animator. This check box is clear by default.


Normal, Minimized, and Hidden

Specify how the window state of the child COBOL process appears on the desktop.

  • Select Normal to have the window state appear like a DOS window on the desktop.

  • Select Minimized to have the window state appear as an icon on the task bar.

  • Select Hidden to have the window state run unseen in the background.


Disable DB Stats (disable database statistics)

Select to turn off the %UpdateStats meta SQL construct. This setting applies to Application Engine programs.

See Using Meta-SQL and PeopleCode.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Developer Workstations

Select the Client Setup tab.

As part of the PeopleSoft installation process, you need to configure developer workstations (also called the PeopleTools development environment) to run successfully with your PeopleSoft system. You use developer workstations for development and administrative tasks that require the use of a Windows workstation. Such tasks include, updating record definitions with Application Designer and running scripts using Data Mover. Development workstations can access the PeopleSoft system using both two-tier and three-tier connections.

Use the Client Setup tab to configure developer workstations and invoke the Client Setup process. Although this tab is specifically for developer settings, all of the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager settings may affect developers, especially the Startup tab and the Process Scheduler tab for the default profile.

See PeopleTools Hardware and Software Requirements

Shortcut Links

Here are the various shortcut links:

Application Designer

Adds a shortcut for the main PeopleTools development environment.


Configuration Manager

Adds a shortcut for PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, which enables you to edit registry settings relevant to PeopleSoft.


Data Mover

Adds a shortcut to launch PeopleSoft Data Mover.


Uninstall Workstation

Adds a shortcut for Uninstall Workstation, which uninstalls the most recent client setup.


PeopleTools RPT Converter

Adds a shortcut to a standalone program that converts RPT files from the format PeopleSoft used in previous releases to the currently supported Crystal format. You only need to run this program if you are upgrading from previous versions of PeopleTools.



Adds a menu item for PS/nVision to the PeopleSoft 8 menu group in the Microsoft Windows Start menu.

Note. Back up RPT files before you run the converter program, which significantly alters them.

Install Workstation

Select the Install Workstation check box to run the Client Setup process. Only select the check box after specifying all the appropriate selections on all PeopleSoft Configuration Manager tabs. If you do not select this box, the Client Setup process will not run.

After you select this check box, click either OK or Apply.

Enable Dirty-Read for 2Tier Query

(Applies only to DB2 systems.) Select this option if you need to run "dirty read" queries, through PeopleSoft Query during a two-tier connection.

See Creating and Running Simple Queries.

See Also

Setting Up the PeopleTools Development Environment

Click to jump to parent topicImporting and Exporting Environment Settings

Select the Import/Export tab.

Use this tab to export, or save to file, the specified environment settings, and to import previously exported settings. This feature is useful when you plan to configure multiple workstations with similar settings.

Export to a File

Click to write current configuration settings to a file. A Save dialog box appears. Note the file name that you give the configuration file.

Note. Click Apply before you export a file. This ensures that the exported configuration file reflects the current settings.

Import from a File

Click to import previously saved configurations on another workstation. Importing a configuration file overrides all the current environment settings on the machine that you import to.

When you click this button, an Open dialog box appears. Navigate to the directory containing the appropriate configuration file, select the file, and click Open.

Warning! In addition to overwriting environment settings, this function also overwrites all existing settings made in Application Designer.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring User Profiles

This section discusses how to:

Note. The term "user profiles" is used here to refer to user configurations for a workstation. These profiles are not to be confused with PeopleSoft security user profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Profile

Select the Profile tab.

Use this tab to define one or more user profiles, each of which specifies connection parameters and file location information for a PeopleSoft installation.

Many PeopleSoft installations include multiple databases. For example, there may be one database for tracking financial information, such as expense reports, and another database for human resources processes, such as benefits enrollment. Each of these databases has its own set of supporting files, SQR reports, COBOL processes, and so on. PeopleTools locates these files by referring to the Microsoft Windows registry. By defining multiple profiles, you can tell PeopleTools to use different directory paths depending on the database.

When you first open PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, the Profile tab displays a single profile named Default. To set the parameters for this profile, make sure that it's selected, and click the Edit button. The Edit Profile dialog box appears.

Each workstation must have a default profile, which is used when the user signs in to a database or application server that isn't listed in any profile. If the workstation requires only one set of profile settings, you can use the default profile. You can also set up multiple PeopleSoft Configuration Manager profiles. The profiles are set for Microsoft Windows workstations and are specific to each user and not shared by all workstation users.

Note. You can use profiles to easily switch between applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Databases and Application Servers

From the Edit Profile dialog box, select the Database/Application Servers tab.

Use this tab to specify the configured databases and application servers associated with this profile. When a user enters one of these databases or application servers in the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box, PeopleTools uses the registry settings associated with this profile.

Note. You can assign multiple databases and application servers to a single profile. However, each database and application server must be assigned to only one profile. If you try to add a database to a second profile, PeopleSoft Configuration Manager asks you if you want to remove it from the previous profile and add it to the current one.

Note. Before you enter a database or application server on this tab, you should have already installed and configured it as documented in the PeopleSoft installation documentation for your database platform.

Application Server Name

Enter a name for an application server that you have configured. This name will appear in the drop-down list box on the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box. Choose a name that's intuitive for your site.

Note. Application server names cannot exceed 24 characters.

Machine Name or IP Address

Enter the IP address or the resolvable server name of the application server you specified in the Application Server Name field. You specified the IP address in the [Workstation Listener] section of your PSAPPSRV.CFG file when you installed your PeopleSoft application server. For example, you could enter or sp-hp32.

Port Number

Enter the port number for the application server that you specified in the Application Server Name field. You specified the port number when you installed and configured the application server using PSADMIN. A port number is an arbitrary number between 0 and 9999 that is determined by site specifications.

TUXEDO Connect String

Use this field to support dynamic load balancing. You can specify a free-form connect string that allows a client to connect to another application server in case another is either down or being used to full capacity.

Note. The Tuxedo connect string cannot exceed 1000 characters.

When configuring load balancing, you might choose from the following approaches:

Domain Connection Password

Specify for the password for establishing a connection to the domain. The domain configuration contains the DomainConnectionPwd parameter, which provides an additional layer of security for the domain by preventing connections from any unauthorized clients. Three-tier workstation connections must submit the same password as the specified DomainConnectionPwd value.

For a three-tier Windows workstation connection, you enter the password in the Domain Connection Password field.

See DomainConnectionPwd.

See Domain Connection Password.

Set and Delete Buttons

When you click Set, your application server information is displayed in the grid at the top of the dialog box. You can enter a new application server name and set up a different server if you like.

Note. The settings in the grid are not saved until you click Apply or OK. If you click Cancel without first clicking Apply or OK, you lose all the information in the grid.

To remove an application server configuration, select its application server name in the grid and click Delete.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Process Scheduler

Access the Process Scheduler tab.

Use this tab to specify the directories that are associated with PeopleSoft Process Scheduler jobs, such as SQR and COBOL directories.


PeopleSoft Home Directory

Enter your high-level PeopleSoft directory, such as N:\HR910.

Crystal Reports

Enter the file path to \CRWRTPATH, where Crystal Reports sends your reports.

Output Directory

(Optional) Enter the directory used with the Output Destination field when scheduling a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler request.

Log Directory

Enter the directory for SQR, COBOL, and PeopleSoft Process Scheduler log files.

Temp Directory

Enter the path to your temporary directory, for example, C:\TEMP. This directory stores log files and other output files.

Database Drivers

Enter the path to the directory where your database drivers reside.

Word Executables Directory

Enter the directory containing Microsoft Word executables; for example, N:\Apps\Office200x\Office.

Redirect Output

Select to redirect onscreen COBOL Display statements to a log file. (If this check box is clear, you see the onscreen messages only.) Sending the messages to a log file is useful for debugging purposes. The log file is created in the %TEMP%\PS_HOME\DBNAME directory. In addition to the output generated by COBOL Display statements, the log file contains errors generated by the COBOL runtime system.

Note. To use the Application Engine debug feature, clear Redirect Output.

Application Engine


Select to enable the Application Engine command-line debugger.

Warning! Select the Debug check box only when you are testing and troubleshooting client-side processes. If you select Debug and submit a process request to the server, the process hangs, waiting for a user command.

Disable Restart

Select to disable the Application Engine restart feature, which lets you restart an abnormally terminated Application Engine program. When selected, Application Engine programs start from the beginning. This option is useful during debugging. Do not select it in a production environment.


SQR Executables

Enter the path to the directory where SQR executables reside.

SQR Flags

Enter the SQR parameters that PeopleSoft Process Scheduler should pass on the command line to the SQR executables. The following SQR flags are required for launching SQR reports:

  • -i: Specifies the path to SQC files.

  • -m: Specifies the path to the ALLMAXES.MAX file.

  • -f: Specifies the output path.

  • -o: Directs log messages to the specified file.

  • -ZIF: Sets full path to the and name of the SQR initialization file, SQR.INI.

SQR Report Search 1 , SQR Report Search 2 , SQR Report Search 3 , and SQR Report Search 4

Enter the directory paths that the SQR executable should use to locate SQR reports. SQR Report Search 1 is searched first, followed by SQR Report Search 2, and so on.


COBOL Executables

Enter the path to \CBLBIN, where COBOL executables reside.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring nVision

Access the nVision tab.

Use this tab to specify where PS/nVision should look for files and how it should operate. PeopleSoft Query Link, the feature that enables you to send PeopleSoft Query output to a spreadsheet, also uses these settings.

Space between Query Columns

This parameter sets the number of blank Microsoft Excel characters that PeopleSoft Query Link places between query output columns. To eliminate column spacing, set Space between Query Columns to zero.

Directory Paths

Specify the locations of directories associated with PS/nVision jobs.

Customization Macros

Enter the directory containing macros for PS/nVision and PeopleSoft Query Link. It is usually PS_HOME\excel.

Report Layouts

Enter the location of PS/nVision layout fields.

Drilldown Layouts

Enter the location of PS/nVision drilldown files, for example, c:\user\nvision\layout\drilldn.

Report Instance

Enter the directory in which PS/nVision places report instances; for example, c:\user\nvision\instance.

Query Templates

Enter the directory to look for the QUERY.XLT file, which defines the Microsoft Excel styles used to format output. The default is PS_HOME\excel.

Style Sheets

Enter the directory where the NVSUSER style wizard locates nPlosion style sheets.

Trace Level

Indicate whether you want PS/nVision to generate independent trace log files of two-tier activity, and at what level, for each nVision process. Select one of the following values:

  • 0: Disable tracing. This is the default value.

  • 1: Generate basic high level information.

    This setting can be used to check whether nVision has successfully launched and is able to connect to Excel and process the request. Some of the key entries in a level 1 trace log are:

    • Command Line Arguments.

    • Trace Level.

    • Excel Pid.

    • Run Control Name.

    • Report Id.

    • Business Unit.

    • Drill Layout.

    • Report Id.

    • Instance Name.

  • 2: Generate level 1 tracing plus high level code flow.

  • 3: Generate level 2 tracing plus runtime SQL statements.

  • 4: Generate level 3 tracing plus most function calls and output values.

    Use this setting to identify problems that are intermittent and hard to predict.

The trace log files are generated in the c:\temp directory, named with the format psnvs_process_id.nvt, for example, psnvs_1024.nvt. You can view these log files in a text editor.

See Viewing Process Detail Actions.

Note. Extensive tracing will affect PS/nVision performance. Two-tier log files aren't automatically purged by PS/nVision. Users must manually delete them from the temp directory to save disk space.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.51 PeopleBook: PS/nVision

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Common Settings

Select the Common tab.

Sybase Packet Size

Specify a TCP packet size. The minimum value is 512 and the maximum value is 65538. The default packet size is 512. If you change the packet size, make sure to make the corresponding changes to the Sybase server. See the material on Sybase administration and tuning on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website, as well as your Sybase documentation.

See Your Sybase reference manuals.

Application Designer Image Conversion

When you upgrade to newer version of PeopleTools, you'll need to convert images to a new format, which may require more storage space. If the images exceed the record size limit of your platform, you can shrink the images to conform to this limit.

Convert and Shrink Images to Platform Limit

Select to convert and shrink images to fit your selected database platform limit, as shown in the Image Size Limit field.


Convert and Shrink Images to Image Size Limit

If you are upgrading to a different database platform, select this option and specify the correct value in the Image Size Limit field.


Don't Convert, but Shrink Images to Image Size Limit

Select for images that have already been converted, but need to be converted so they meet the platform size limits.

Data Mover Directories

You can control several PeopleSoft Data Mover environment variables through PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

Input Directory

Enter the directory where PeopleSoft Data Mover should search for its input data files. If no path is specified for SET INPUT in the Data Mover script, Data Mover searches directories for the database file in the following order.

  1. Specified output directory.

  2. C:\TEMP.


Output Directory

Enter the directory where PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts and .DAT files will be created. Data Mover must have write access to the location.

The default is PS_CFG_HOME\data.

Log Directory

Enter the location of PeopleSoft Data Mover log files. This location must allow Data Mover write access in the case of a read-only PS_HOME configuration.

The default is C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp.

See Also

Using PeopleSoft Data Mover

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Command Line Options

In addition to its GUI interface, PeopleSoft Configuration Manager offers command line options. Syntax for PeopleSoft Configuration Manager command line options is as follows:

pscfg -command

For example:

pscfg -import:n:\config\hr900.cfg

Import File

To import configuration settings from a named file, enter -import: filename.

Export File

To export the current configuration settings, enter -export: filename.

Run Client Setup

To run the Client Setup process, enter -setup.

Note. You must use the -setup command in conjunction with the -import command if you are setting up a new workstation.

Run Client Setup Without Displaying Messages

To run the Client Setup process without displaying messages or dialog boxes, enter -quiet.

Note. Output messages are written to a log file called %temp%\PSINSTAL.LOG.

Install MSS DSN

To install MSS DSN, enter -dsn.

Note. For Microsoft SQL Server, the server name value is used to automatically create your ODBC data source name.

Uninstall Workstation

To clear the PeopleSoft settings from the registry or uninstall the PeopleSoft workstation, enter -clean.

The -clean command removes the following items from the workstation:

Make sure that removing all of these items is acceptable before issuing the -clean command.


To view PeopleSoft Configuration Manager command-line options online, enter -help or a question mark (?).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the PeopleTools Development Environment

This section provides overviews of the PeopleTools development environment and the client setup process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PeopleTools Development Environment

Most user workstations are equipped with supported web browsers, but with no special PeopleSoft software installed. The traditional Microsoft Windows client is supported for application developer and administrator use. The PeopleTools development environment runs on a supported version of Windows.

This chapter describes how to configure these Windows-based clients using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. As before, such clients can connect to the PeopleSoft database directly using client connectivity software (a two-tier connection), or through a PeopleSoft application server (a three-tier connection).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Client Setup Process

Before running the Client Setup process, create all the profiles you need.

The Client Setup process installs a PeopleSoft program group on the workstation.

If the Install Workstation check box on the Client Setup tab is selected, these Client Setup functions are performed when you click OK or Apply from PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

See Configuring Developer Workstations.

Note. Any files installed by the Client Setup process on the workstation from the file server use the paths specified in the default profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying PS_HOME Access

To use the PeopleTools development environment, each workstation must have access to the file server PS_HOME directory (the high-level directory where PeopleSoft executables were installed) and have a drive mapped to the directory. Workstation users must have read access to the PS_HOME directory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Connectivity

Database connectivity is required on all Microsoft Windows-based clients that make two-tier connections to the database. A two-tier connection is required if any of the following is true:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerify Supporting Applications

Supporting applications must be installed on any Microsoft Windows-based client on which batch processes are run locally.


On Microsoft Windows-based clients, you can install SQR locally, or you can map to a copy installed on the file server. Because SQR does not require local registry settings, you can execute SQR from any Windows-based client once SQR has been installed to a shared directory. Installing SQR locally results in improved performance; over a slow network connection, the improvement is significant.

Crystal Reports

Optionally install Crystal Reports on Microsoft Windows-based two-tier clients. As with SQR, you can install Crystal Reports locally, or you can map to a copy installed on the file server. Because Crystal Reports does not require local registry settings, you can run Crystal Reports from any two-tier client once it has been installed to a shared directory. Installing Crystal Reports locally results in improved performance; over a slow network connection, the improvement is significant.

Crystal Reports requires that you install the PeopleSoft ODBC driver on the workstation where Crystal Reports processes run.

Microsoft Office

Install Microsoft Office on any two-tier client that runs PS/nVision or Microsoft Word batch processes. Microsoft Office must be installed locally, because it requires registry settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Configuration Manager

PeopleSoft Configuration Manager enables you to manage registry settings on a Windows workstation that control a variety of interface options, such as signon defaults, display settings, and environment profiles.

See Also

Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Client Setup Process

To run the Client Setup process:

  1. In Configuration Manager, select the Client Setup tab.

  2. In the Group Title text box, enter the name of the program group for the icons you want on the client workstation.

  3. Select check boxes to create shortcut links for PeopleSoft applications that you want to access from the workstation.

    When you run the Client Setup process, it removes existing shortcuts in the PeopleSoft 8 program group and installs shortcuts for the applications that you have selected. If you later want to install or uninstall shortcuts, you can always run Client Setup again.

  4. Select the Install Workstation check box.

    Client Setup runs when you click Apply or OK in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. If this check box is not selected, the Client Setup process creates or updates settings in the registry, but it doesn't set up the PeopleSoft 8 program group or install local DLLs.

  5. Click Apply to run the Client Setup process and apply other PeopleSoft Configuration Manager settings.

  6. To view a list of the files installed and actions taken by the Client Setup process, open the psinstal.log file in your Temp directory.

See Also

Configuring Developer Workstations